th s tiiWi'e to the da*d Pr?iilo'?#! * ; To ih* B I t >r or the State : In ?evo al papers of the Stat* icferenc>s arc moke ?? Mr. Ilaye* as tlie "fraudulent Pr-aiilni'," a t I as having committed a grave crime , An P!!ito'i?l of the (ir*ei?vi le A'ws d-e* justic-* to t'ie dea l Pri'siden', nn I I take , I lensurc >11 saying that >11 my opinion n'y jus-ire has been il >iie lii;r in it. Why should , lie ba denounced f >r committing 'a crime?' Tlia Peinocui* propped tlie tiiburnl to which lie question of the pr?8id?ney w that a majo-ity of tlie b-ard appointed wou'd drc'do in their t:ir'-r. Tho Hepuhli- , an-*, l*y their sh.vp prnrt c-* to which Ihcv are familiar, del" n'ed this espectaii n and the tonrd ap- ohued to adjudicate this vexed rpies-ion divided that Mr. Ilnycs wa* e'ec cd I'rcMdent. lie hid nothing to do with this dcterndiiaiio">, and there was no opt;on left 10 him hut to accept tho office adju Ige l 'o him by a trihun-il acc p ed by the Demo- | crai?. nau ne rciu-cM which we can n-1 ret nr. for hut for his consi-icnti uisnsrs we should never haro rega'nvd control of the Slate. , To him we ?we. in great pnrt. the redemption of Santh ' nr litf. and he was to us the best*friend the St dc ever knew. Knowing what he did f. r our people, and knowing ' how much he did for us. I feel ili.t I am only di'rharcing a debt of grit'.tu !c when I pay tnv hotunge In the dw.d Pr. siden1. i I rrgirdid him as my fri -nd. because he ha?l been 'lie trie d my mopl*, an I wlit'cker may lie ,-ai i ol him, his a I in nisiration ( was clenn, honest, aod without one I'ur upon his memory. 'I concur with wrl at :s siid about lw'in by I 111* (irecnville Xnrx, f ir wh Ic lie was not a ( great tmn, he was a conscientious true hi I honest o ?c ; one 11 whom wo of the i-'outa ' owe more than we ran ever repay. ''W.\nr. II a nit ?x." ^ I ? Meinpi.:a. Tenn.. J ?nT^T^Thenex^Tffa^^WW" Xational Kconumixl will c ntsiin a n an'fes-o fr>tn a f> cioti of tiic camics Alliinee appealing to uieiii'H is in 1 rdef to rej u li i'e the a-is ot the lute Mer.iplrs contention, by terming a new o gini/.i'ion on :i hlr o Iv n n-pa-tisan beratic party and contributed a'ike to the defeat of the ltepublican and Third parties, 1 have no doubt, and freely admit?in fact, such weie my desires, bees use the Third party in my State and ether Southern States was allying with the Hepublicans ia its efforts to defeat Democratic principles." A call will be issued in a few days for a convention of the seceding faction, which will raeot in Memphis or Atlanta some time during April. Hkavy on Larry.?The Atlanta Conalitut?m is a grew friend of T. L' Arioso Uaott, and we therefor* feel sure that the following p rsonal intelligence of our lute lamented. given in the Conatilutioii a Washington c rrespnndcuce, is fully a? veracious as its c inplimeiits to lnu a few months ago: ' harry (Juntt has been here for several days wiili t lie South Carolina electoral rote. Larry was in town some time before he delivered the rote, because he claims he could not regale himself properly in Columbia for the great occasion, lie thought he could draw his in lenge before delivering the vote, and improve his pers mal appearance by a new outfit. He was m stakeu in this, bin upon giving a proper mortgage upon his claim lie was enabled to secure a new t>i k hat and a clem c d'nr. Thu-\ when La-ry delivered the vote of S >uth ( arolina to the president pro tern., Man lersou of the Senate. he actuary wore a brand new silk hat and a white celluloid collar. His liair was tiled for the occasion, and Larry made a great speech in delivering the vote. With iiia $120 mileage, Larry is now seeing Washington. He has a return ticket.We do not understand why I.'Arioio "could not resale himself properly in Columbia," as his Dispensary scheme has not yet gone into operation, hut we are] truly glad that he has indulged himself in a clean collar. That oiling of the bair was a mader-stroke. It eoeveyed to the dazzled Senate nu out ward and visible sign of his inward and spiritual "slickaees." But why was L'Arioso impecunious ? Are the wages of sin not payable on demand * ? The State. A Mississippi Traukdv.?CairoLtoa, Miss., January 19. ? Robert George, a nephew of Uaited States Senator J. T. George, committed suicide at It'ahcna, Miss., lost night while on the way to Carrollten jail in charge of asberilTa posaee. Young George was charged with the murder of Capu W. B. 1'iiuce, one of the in st prominent and wealthy planters in the Hate. The story of the tragedy is one of the meet sensational in the history of Mississippi; A few nights ago Capt. Prince was assaulted wint he ^wanted to write to his bed girl mi home. So he bongftt a copy book and ia three weeks wrote bar froui the battle fields of Virginia. I M?a the war ended he got that girl j ikl POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. 1 The P. O. will be opened for buidnos? ' Vom 8 A. M. to 0.00 P. M. c The Money Or.ler Department will be j, ipencil for business from 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. Mail going youth will clo?e pr-m.-t y it 11 A. SI. 5 Mail going North will clAso promptly a< c > 80 P. M. n The mail will be taken from the street b x la minutes before closing e?ch nisii. Any inattention or irregularities should 1 re reported promptly to the P. M. J. C. HUNTER. P. M. T a ritorosiTiox ? A Farm and Stork Paper Free. ( To any subscriber to the Times who I will pay all arrears and oue year in ii advance, and any new subscriber pay- ti in^ oue year in advance, we will send 1 fur one year, . ' A pricticil Seini-aontbly Stuck r Farm Juuroal. t Nuw is the time to subscribe and renew your subscription to the Timks. r . ... i , o Two trunk keya tied together. Iiav* a been 'cfi ut iliis office, awaiting an owner. F ? ? <> b Cxtf" It i?. Hi 1, of Anderson, who was n tppoiutcd Fine liquor Dispenser by Gov. |, 1'.Ilium, without his bring a Candida'c, las Icj iticd ttic p sit on. j UraY" The Coun'y Auditor has comp'eted ' us round in the c?un'y and can now be * ' mil in li?s offie reu ly to neeivc re urns fall taxable proj e ty. j, ' We lira requested to annoutiec that f tcv. 1$. C. Lamp ley will preach at Lower " btr Forest Church next Sunday at .1 a'cb ckj(1 ^ 'P.'M. " TliU *11.' s *rnion ?t this appoiuituent a- d lie glad to seo as tunny of his friends as can po?!.l- t - tl ' i. ii. v. ciiiiiu nm-< pi?u sum ll nutiiccr of line hordes ami mule*. lie ia at the W. K. ltay p'.ihle. Hir Wc Ii f-e every person in Union who I can po's'bly do so will tak-s st -ok in (lie I'i.ion Co ton Mill. If you think you ean'i lake more than one share, take that one. and n? many more n.? your mcins will warrant. Kfcry individual shau'd, iu that practical way, identify himself with this great f ioneer enterprise of the town. Pair Wc had a pleasant visit last Wed- I nesday, from our old friend, I*. T. I.(master, a splendid mechanic and an excellent citizen, who left here mine years ag > to assist In buildiJg one of Ilia Spartanburg fsc'ories. Mr. Lemnster is attract-d, as hundreds of others will he, hy the as urance that Cotton Factories will be built here, at Lockhnrl Shoa's and Murphy's Mill. ? - ? Wc take eery 1 ttla interest in matters or persons connected with the prize ring, but as J. J. Cotbe t has become the head matter of the American ring, his present and futuie movements have a kind of national interest nnd importance. The last heard from bin Is a sweeping challenge to ' tight any one," Jackson, the negro, or Mitchell, preferred, next fall. Meeting of Pension leard The Pension H< ard for Union county will meet on Monday, February 6th, next. All persons having business with the Hoard will please take notice and meet wiih the Hoard at that time. ? .*. - ? Theatrical Haws Notwithstanding that nearly eight inches of snow covered the ground, a very large audieuce greeted the ftmous McOibeny Family at the Opera House last Thursday night. The McQibeuy Family is composed of 16 persons, and is on* of the larecaf musical troupes in this country. The people of Union know a good thing when ihey act it, and it can safely be said that no "ne wan disappointed in the performance. Of the entertainment gircn by these clover people tjomuch cannot be said. It was one of the brightest musical enterta:nments ever presented here, and th ee who failed to attend ruissed a rare treat. The "Clemencean Case" will he presented at the Opera House on February lid. This is one ef the best shows on the road, having been played in all the large cities in this .State to crowded houses. This company should draw a large audience hers. There art several more companies booked to play here this season whieh will be announced lster. McNALLY?BEEVES?Cevs Springs, Ga., Jan. 20.?An eld familiar saying is: ' Always go away from horns when you want te gei the news," so the Tribunt proposes this morning to give the people of Cave Spring a genuine surprise by publishing this notice : "Maantki>, in tbs Baptist church at Oednrtown, Ga., by Ktv. William H. Cooper, on Tuesday, December, 27, 1802, Mr. Drayton W. Koevos, of Cave Spring, to Miss Lizzie I\ McNally, of Unieo, 8. C." This young seuple took an ordinary pleasure ride over to Cedartown, which is considered quite the thing to do ameng the young people, buttkey saw proper te vary the usual program by getting marrtsd, thereby stealing a march on their friends. They have kept the matter secret, and this nuHlirBtinn will Km ll*m *rsi n.?klU J ? a: tion of tbe occurrence. Their host of fHeade will rejoice with them ell the seme, end bid Ge I speed on tbeir matrimonii! journey?for they are, by common ceaeent, eeasidered well meted. ?Rome (Oe) Tribunt. Rucki.kns Arnica Sai.vk.?The best selre in tbe world for CuU. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bends, Cbilblatae, Corao, end ell Skin erup lions, end positively cures Files, or no pay required. It !e guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe '2b cents per bos. For eale by It. F. Posey. by don't the fir'.nera of I! is county raise ic:r own mules? Tliey cm he rased helper than. $15,000. That is about (lie um expend* J for mules every yen*. You can see bonr a crop of inulcs worth 115,000 can be readily sod cv- ry year in this ounty.nnd every farmer knows that it would ot cost SCO t > raise a niu'e worth fr_ua_ 100 to $150, which arc about tlic pric s hey bring. I Wotil I it not tie hotter f.-r the farmers t > ( a:se the'r own 1'arm auiina s nn lint. Hit c >Uon crop was almo-t clear irofit. Try it, farmers, and see if you won't ic mo e independent, and have !c s to pay , the < nd of the ye>r, and nt the snme time 1 ivo more r? a ly cash. It is iionst'iisi f >r farmers! o talk about beng impi std on t v other chases, or looking t o'itics or politicians to better thcii condition ^ > It tig n? they continue to depend upon (lie ingle c op t" .r evcything ami exchange tli t rop for tli i. farm stock and supplies. It is c ike sw pping dollars, only worse f r the j irmers, for one-half the time they don't ge: s 5 cents in exchange for their dollar a ? ? letter TS\inftw. . , c him our young fiicnd, J. K. these two worthy geut'emeu innkc a strong and pofttlar tcn*u in the fa i i'y and plants* ti n grocery line of business. Mr. Mil'liii is a good typo, and wo think he will make n splenJd merchant. We can not tco highly recommend this firm to the people of Union. They arc honest, hard working in n, and always enry a fine slock of fresh groceiies. SCOTT IIIIOTII COS. This is a new firm, with an old, faini iar name at the head?J. II. T. Scott, our former County Treasurer. They bought out Hov. W. I). Ilewley's hardware stock in the red front toi?, and baic tc^'etiished the s-ock with everything y.u could expect to find in a well stocked, first cla-s bariware tti re. Cal' and see tlicm. We know no men in this town who will treat y u better, and we are certain there ere none more deserving y ur patrrirgo. A. II. nisTKR A tu. This is the "Old llcliablo" estab'i-limeut w th nrw rtliablr additions and improvements to it. Kverybody knows Capt Foster, the oldest and mist highly respected merchant in Union, and we all know that through his strict and liouomb'e business methods the old firm of l-'.Btor, Wi'kins & Co. maintained as high a badness standing as any firm in the countiy. ile is still at the lie id, with two of the most complete business young men in tlio State, tlco. II. Oetzel and It. Finnk Arthur, t > assist ltiiu and give new life to the establishment. It is a firm of honest and courteous geti'leinen who already have lite confidence of the people and deserve every encouragement. The Faotery Moving. President Duncan, of the Union Cotlou M! to ... Ill I... n An Ilia ......O, ?>. .J a ..-.r. "... w ... ft".. ?.. ..... .spur or the railroad Unit is to run from the 8. U. & C. Railroad to tlio f.ic'.ory silo in a very short while. He is now only waiting on Sup't McDee, of the ka. D., to send a surveyor and men t > locite the line. Sup't McBee lias kindly consented to build the road. All the cotton mill company has to do is to grade the road. This will be a greet saving for the cottm mill men. The railroad will run from about the present witch noir the giianj house, across President Duncan's field, and the torniinus will be at the factory si e. _ One Tear Ago We call to mind tod n. Roth are now in the spirit land; and we are thinking of the sweet greeting of the pupil when the spirit of his beloved teacher entered the portals of heaven and joined him in singing angelic praises to the great "I am" around the Great Whiie Throne. Personals. Messrs. D. B. Hydrick and Howard Carlisle, of the Spartanburg Har, wero in tewn (his week on professional business. Mr D. Mcharly, of Monroe, N. C., wos in town this week on attentive business. Mr. A. G. Means, of Greenville, was in 1 ~ _ i LI . tunii iiiii n?CN. Hies loo Sarreit. of forth l'acolct, is spending some time with WtriMffi'tiriKl} M. Rice, Jr., K. U. Mr. A. Jeter llutler has accepted it good positie* in the Sup't's office of the Hast Tenn. Ve. k Ga., It. It., at Knozville, Teen. Mise Amelia A. McGomb, of Hickory, N C., is risiting here relative, Mrs. Warren D Arthur. The correspondent of the Greonville \eu>? from Jonesvlle, says : "Hon. Godfrey it. Fowler left today for New York, presumeahly to see Presidentelect Cleveland in regard to the Federal patronage in litis State. We wonder ! Mr. J. C. Wallace leaves today f-t\l?*y is ro * f>$ w nibs, wi.ic'i is higher th:ii it has been at any time ri ci 187y which tiny can t> J< feat (lie aims of the law, which tnki'B * heir business from thcin and turns out so ^ many from empiyincnt. It is said they ? it ill cmpl y four of the ablest lawyers in he Siaio, two from Chulrston, e'dhrr '< Messrs. A. 'C. Smythennd Q. Lamb ]>u st. s< 11* Mitchell n:.d Smith, and Judge Samuel * iV. Melton, of Columbia and 0 ?u'l Jas. It. Jnrle, of Greenville. c< ? ? ? - oi Our next term of court, which conTcnrs S i:i Otli March, with Judge Norton prcsi ling, u' >romises to bo qui e interesting. There are al onie vo-y imp >rtaut c.sos for tiial that wi I 0| ttract more than local attention ; and if ci uiscreauts continue ti break the laws and J1 j^U^j^ht^o jail at tho present rate, the (] crnl tjcfsione willlia^^^^r^^Tcn"^^8^^ ' ? 1,1 "ealhcr. \ june iuo?eand blb sV ifcWRVJ is offered to nny one who wtl! j in Hie mil of the comet down to the ground and sco what it is made or. The Factorj* fever is on and it coutiuuis to tiso. I'retwlml Duncan ?f Union Cotton Mill*, has token off his coil for earnest, active work, pnd is pushing things with a vim Ho liu hail Mr. W. It. Smith Whul?y, of Ckvle-ton, one of tiie largest stockholders, ind Mr. O. E. Shnnd, one of Unioti'N own sons, surveying the location firasitc for aha fic'ory. 'iliese splendid engineers nurf architects have about completed their hbors. ami the factory will be Incited on Uijbn's stream of water, Tosh's Itranch, in th? rear of the present colored 15aj tift chunk. Tho brick Machine will be set to work as soon ?s the wniher will permit, nnd the work on the M kildingwill be pushed forward rapidly^ Th4titiP^ir^re nl ,ll# now, kceptfytu thco nnd push on. - -J - * ? ^3 's wc'l Itiown, the railroad taxes of tlua Sta'e nrdltied up in litigation in the United SlatrflCourt. On last Satuidsy the Sheriff of A/hevilc county levied en the trains of the l'ort R'-yal & Wrstern R. R., at Grccnwooji. After some little changing around at.d 'switching about*' the train pul'ed out fir Augus'a, leaving Sheriff Nance, who held the tax execulioo near the railr ad, with the laugh agaiost L If. Jl I 11 L. ? # ? mill. 11 v mihi ihiii uuuiy lie nut it'll and threaten!*'! aril premised to Arrest the next euginc Hint cieuo along. In the meantime the a'torncys ^]>jp?olcd to the U. S. Couit mid Judge Simonttn usued an order requiring Sheriff Nancela show enure why he should not be c< nimidcd to jail for contempt, and enjoinee him (rem levying on the railroads until the lax mailer was finally adjudicated. The Town Council, recognizing the splendid effort of tl|* enterprising business men of the town to build a c.dlou factory and wishing to stimulate them as much as possible, at its last moeting exempted tho Union Cotton Mills from taxation for ten years frotu that dale. Enterprises of this kind should bo encouraged, and every help should be extended to make Ilia factory the graud success it i romises to be. With the Union Mill we beleive will soon come Union Mill No. 2, and so on, with other enterprises, smvll and lirge, until | Union will be known everywhere as on# of the most progressive factory towns in the flout It. And we can't see why, with cancentra* ion of capital and unison of purposo, ..Lluiun rtnukLmak lie mil to attv iiiiniifiui. I NHlAllfi^hBS^srolieik lUiety Am, a enterprise, in town and county, eoflfnue in year good work, nod Inc ik of indifference which has so [ ei-i.-tfl/ly hold Union dofmant for such a lougf time. Rise up and shake off all indifr?rtQa| and lukewarmnesi, and lot it be known Jpat Union intends to forgo fo the tronuJKuy. _ We hflo n epeedy and positive core for citiirrh.fldipbtlieria, canker mouth and lu.iU.hfl in SIllLOU'S CATARRH RKMKf>V. /^Kohal injector free wi'h each bottlo. Uie it iflyou desire health and sweet breath l*i ice Hold by H. K. Smith A Co. , ' a .r'n - jr ohTff iOtW^of- M?Wbh. We nnmit ihnl 8 is no O mtuon >pell of had weather and it artisc'y few ever saw eueli. The ) in ll-.oad Hirer is h pcifict Might to B. Il in equal to, if not worse, than the rexcof January 1880. One thing, h w. cr, deserve; sprc *1 mention in this concli-n : our fir nets wevo ne?er in bettor ndi ion for n long bad Hpell of weather an they no c when th'8 cam*. Not n boll cottou was in the field; not a seed of lieat unsown ; at d with few exceptions < } have noth ng to do but inaffo fires and t by them, mid ye: they a c not satisfied. We are cc; tninly a nation of grtimb ers ; i much eo that we might th-uk that erm rovid**i:co cin't satisfy us. The only th ni ft for us to do is to get ready to go t wo. k i soon in the ground gets in condition f r i? plow and stir every Toot or land we excel 10 ttiUivnlo litis year?not try to ctibi nte loe much, hut wmk it well nod the 'essings ? f this snow ami freeze will be ealizeil next full a', gathering t:mo. Several dure ago our frieud, Mr. James urner rut ins l< g severely with a btond . . . ii_t. .i t,. i? ivbout wi It it, but we tuk hair n? bn-w people in this ceuttty *?e snscious of the f.ct that tliey owe a dol t r gritiludo t > Mr. Geo W. Garner, of Skull hoals, for his having tcniovcd what they light term a nuisance, ia the form of a fruit *ec agent, 'i'lic uiatter in qttesti in runs bout this way : Several years ago a vender f scions culled up >u .Mr. Garner with his italogue nniec, of Dia) tenvillc, killed a nog ui? i itii <1 January 1893. one year mid three weeks eld, (hat weighed 4-V2 lbs. r. Si niul neltet 4M8 lbs. At eight mouthi jld it weighe I ift/i lbs. It was then tlirei feet one anil a half inches high, fire feei even inches fr>m its nose 11 the rojt 01 its tail It"i'?>V?'.'1* ' '* 8 ',08 WlM fed raos ijr on poke mi a'I nnil puling soil:i"iuTSait'iuKlS1t' "citing v?iy 1 tile corn dining thai lime; Mrs. Sin rice an ceding t> ii then. Take uotice low much the hog grew in lergtli und height and how in my p .uiids it gained per day. Makt yeur own calcula'i n. Mr. Rates has caught '29 rabbits sine; the snow Mi last Wednesday. The ilea< lisof Gordon handling and Datsoi: Huilecks, rep tried i*i our la?t week's letter, were nucli hs t? justify the coroner to maki inquiry into, we think. While there is ni doubt ihtt Mr. Suid ing died from hi: wounds, li s death was not witnessed by any one, as wc understand, Mr. Bullocks' whs i ca-c of heart disease, no doubt. Vox. , Correspondence of the Trying to Barn JoneevilleJuxesvtLi.R, S. C., Jan. '21.?Some tw m ntbs ago an incendiary tiro was started a tbc store house of It. A. Whiilook which we discovered in lime and extinguished. Again about two weeks since, another one ot ili inccndi iry fins was started iu a shed at th 11. li 1). depot, wh'ch was alio diseoverei in lime and a disastrous conflagration avert d. About the aims tins* of tnle fire a bo ear on the siding nt the depet was brokei open and come sinu'l ariicles of merehandisi taken therefrem. The cit xmis of the town made up a pure of money and employed a night Wa chimin Mr. T. S- Gamer. who has becu keepinj vigilant watch during this cold snowy weath er, anil night before last, between 1*2 and o'clock, he cnight Butler Jelferies, mliat Dul ler Morgan, a colored boy about 14 yesr old, putting tire beiweon the depot and warehouse, ouly about 1*2 inches spsrl Mr. Garner saw hi in place the fuel, whici Wiiu HGtiiP lint fnllnn nnil llrrlil wAtwl anlinlArc ami apply a mutch. Mr. Uaroer made rush tor him, bill slipped on the ice on th plniform, led off of the platform to tb ground, and the buy made his eeonpe. Mi On-nerknew the bay and went early yes tcrd?y morning and arrested him licsoo confessed that bis father, Abe Jefferiee, alio Abe Morgan, was the one that broke ope the c>r, and told where the goods were, an they were soon found and brought in. Afc was also nrrested and he and his son Butl? were carried to Union by Mr. Uaroer. wher warrants were sworn out before Trial Juttic S. 8. Stokes and they were committed lojal The boy said he knew who set Are to tb depot, and siid it was done for the purpoa of robbery. No doubt there are several persons cot cerned iu this plot to burn the town, tbi they might have a chance to s>eul. There no trouble between tho white and colore pcop'e or even aoy individual troubles. 1 is all for tho sole purpore, on (he part < some mean, trifliog colored people, te get chance to plunder the town. No doubt no the whole thing will come out and that w will have no more incendiary torches i Jonesville. A FATAL AOCIDBXT. Lnst Thursday, Lee L ttle, a son of Mr Amnnda Little, was out hunting with a co ored boy aud Lee's gun was accidental! discharged, tho load entering his bowel fVom which wound he died the raine nigh He was about 12 years of age ; wasconsciot up to his death, and said the colored be was not to b'ame. Mrs, Little has the eyn patby of key many friends in litis comrot nlty in this laleij^ad affliction. The poop! ot thie county A nil acquainted with tt long list of troubles through whioh this go< woman has passed. A gun is a source great pleasure and dolight to a bey, but often sends them to n premature grave. The wea'her has moderated oonsiderab1 and there seems a good prospect of gettii rid of the aoow. The first quarterl/ conference for Jone Title and Ketton circuits was bald bare la Saturday. The Presiding Elder was praaei also the preachers in charge of the two ei cuits, with a fair representation of the li brhthrcn. All the butinets of the con fa encc was attended to. Tgwtttoaiu ^ J^^TlHCK. fAMWlWl ^kw n0l'U'\ -b^r^t ^Wk ibo ma Icr of getting up * H, 4hnn tli?.meoi)b?ta-*^4i_ ? r* time VI the prm&inat ic?Nwou??l be /iJi , lo colect tlio nt>?ks. Some of she took* subscribed are nl ready in hand, and ethers will no doubt be ready by or brf?re that time. Let us make the Teachers' Asaocia^ lion nnd Libra- y a permanent Cxtnr* in euT county. Miss Onie Klw?rd?, age I 14 yoirs, while on her way In school one morning list week, was a-k*d by her teach*r to stop until he made a (ire in tho school house She refused to d<> so upon the ground that her father told her n?t lo stop al<>ng the road. How n-.anr ch-ldren in the cuuty of that age will obey the'r parents ae implicitly ne eho did? Ttir. Schools.?The schools are in session now in turn nnd o-untry and a rust army of children are spo-id ng ths dnjrs, there. How ma-iy parents liars visited these schools and made the acquaintance of the teacher T How many fathers would rend their young stock, cslves, colts, etc., to bo looked after and fed by a stranger anil | ae?er go to tH how they wer# prospering * Ilow many mothers wotjdd girt a part of elc., into the hands ef a stranger an i never g> to-e; how it was bring done T Strang** as it senna thise same f {hers ami tne'here will send their children to schoel and a it once during an entire Irriu step inside the school h..use to see for themselves whet intellectual progress thtir children are tn iking. er what moral influences are surrounding them. One farent says : "I know all ihut is g--i'ig on at rch *ol The children tell me ad ab ut it." Are you sure that y. They will be enooursged le do tlie:r be-t if parents express pleisuro when thry have dene well and s rrow when th?j havo done ill. It is only when they come home with ffult-flaling ta'ea that they ^ImJt >iiit?? sswinwsl 1/ with (hen, much mischief may be done te I the teachers influence and authority, t Visit the school of en, make yourself aci quainted with the teacher and if you arc T then convinced that rhe is unjus', speak to , her privately, never let the children stls. p et it. and in rank ng up your nrad he i *ery charitable. Itemember, she.hns thirty or forty children to deal with, an I can he i only imperfectly acquaiuted with (heir diei positions; and are there not times when even a mother punishes urjustlyT Jlowever , faithful and caroest a teacher in:iy be, she t cannot work to the best advantage if she > does not have the support an i co-operation of the parents. Ofleu, in a few minutes t talk with a parent, a teacher gets an insight into a child's character and disposition which she could net have sained in werk* hy observation, and whieli will bate incalI culaMe influence on ihc school lift of the 1 child. Maida McL. i Thk Teach sr.?The teacher of the prin ?ry ecjnol, he she of high birth or low, , di'every ?>lmninJ 'ho rtspcttful admiration Hers it no stnali nor idrasant ta-k, and in many oases she is a mat tyr upon tha a t?r I of her country. "L'ft your hat reverently," , tays a writer in Calman'a llural World, "when you pass the leacher of the primary , tehool. She la the great angel of the republic. She takes the bantling fresh from { the home nret, full ef peuta and (assions? an ungovernable little wrotch whoso own B mother honestly admits that she rends h m y to school to get rid of him. The lady who , knows her busine-s, takos a wh ilo carload p of tlioro aoarohists, one of whom, slnglex handed and alone, is more than a match foi h s parents, and at once putt them in a way of being useful and upright citlstnt. At what expense of tol'; patitnee and soul weariness! Lift your hat to her." . ? ... 0 t Small Son?Mamma, there's a hoy's slul a beiug formed. (Jan I join 7 Mamma (bor rifled) ? Indeed you shan't. Small Sou? 1 I'm glad. The minister is getlia' it up. 1 Schoolmistress?Ome here. Charlie, and let me hear you recite your lesson. Why, x what is the mafer? What are you crylij n for 7 Charlie?Some of the big boye nidi t me kiss a li'tle girl out in the sohoolyarJ Boo hoo! "Why, that is outrageous. Why s did you not come right to me 7" "I-I didn' i, know that you would let me kiss you." I ' ' I dou't know what ia tha matter witl my aon. Sine* he went to the Univeraitjr hi ' hasn't written to me once." "Why don' you do as I did f When I didn't beer fron ! my Emll I wrote as followe: -'My dear boy h" how are you 7 Ine'esed please find a $21 , bill. The result was that he wrote by th< ^ next mat1, complaining that the money h u c not reached him." r. Willie?Mamma, I dreamed last nigh i- that I had a fight with a grizzly hear as bij as a bouse, and he tore me 'most all ti ' p eces. Does it mean anything when yoi n dream like that? His Mamma (taking hio d tenderly but firmly across her knee)?Yes >e my son, it does It means that I know nos >r exactly what beoame of that plate of col< e chickerrthat woe left after supper last night e (Whack ! whack ! whack I) That's what i ' means. ie , ie " ** Correspondence of the Times, i- Ashnry Metes and Mews. it Ma. Editoi 1 base nothing new t< is write from Atbury. The weather is so coli d that the farmers can do nothing but rnak It fires and sit by them. We are afraid th of fall oats are injured by this eold spell. 1 a the farmers sow all the see I oats they hav w on band king eott'y Mr. M. C. Bryant is just ge'tiag up frot i- a severe attack of rheumatism. J- Dr. J. u, tmr ma wit Trough nnoa'a an l? ia praJfting at ftTa ujjl. boaaaa OvaadaU'a. an ' BMaa OlaXIpaooab fa loathing tbn iakar Ml school. of Mar W. P. Mabry ?u bairlhd ?( At bur It oh lla? 8th iaiat, Ska joiuad tht Baptii church whan young and Hvad a ahriotia !y Ufa. Two yaara ago, * bar 64th ja%r, afa ag joiaod the Maihodiot ebqreb. liar daiightei uarrie, died only a faw daya bafbra. Ha a- other ataaaghier, will of Mr. II. 0. Mabrj ?i died near here aa the 4th laai. Ma waa it, true nad loving wife, and a faithful aabauba ir- of lha Mothodjat ehnpob. ay Mian Duffle and Mr. Ctoogh Jf. Mabry hat r- baaa risking ralatiraa hero. The latter bt rotauraad to Trough Sboaie. Hmu. r a . ' ^ Watch Labbyw?Wo find ib? following *?ry prohjafde o'utiou of ibo cliango of . base by the In'o editor of the Colurubit . Nfjfiittr. It is wlint may bd expected. Congressman Ph-*ll must giro way for one who hns done much unclean work fir domi' nam mm or the .lotninaH parly. Shell is net^ibe kiml ? f dern crat ilioy want in C-nTdttftmer, Strili. McLaurlnend uroy. one y is an honest man and cannot be led by I ho nose by political tricWMcre anil extremists and made ?o wa?h th?ir dirty linen, lie is w?rlh to the State a doien such men se . As to wits n in Judge Wallace 3 place, it would be a wo-so i>wap, In every respect, tl>an Gantt for Shell, but in keeping wiih ?ther ehanges in tho S'ft'e. But how tlmt move sot on tho stomachs of a dozen oilier as; irants tint we could name, who Iiito the Circuit Judge's bee buzzlug in their bonnets 1 To tho Elitir of the Xttes and Courier: It. appears rather tdrnngs thai Mr. Gantt would quit the Negitler, where ho was getting good pay, for Snm'or Wilson's new I weekly, where his pay will necewa-ily be smaller. My explanation of it is tb*t Mr. Gantt has the Congressional bre in his bonnet, and that he wl I ho a candidate for Mr. Shell's rat in 1801. !ftr. UUIH, j..U ??? I - iiti r-vii]|r?rri(mal a-pirations in Georgia, and intended to make the race la?t fall, nit i his plans were upset l>y the Alliance going into tho Third l'ar.y over there. 1 suspect "Gideon's band" Inn a good deal to do with the n?w muee, and that it means Stinyaine Wilson forjudge Wal'nes'e place arid Larry Gantt for G. W. Shell's. So watch Larry. Ki.kctor?Not Prpsiiikstml. TttouRbk in Orakokhuku.?Orangeburg, S. C., Jan. 19 ?Trouble is brewing between two of tho most prominent men tf this county, growing out of what >s raid to be the very unjust oppmli tti sliowu by Senator Biron, of Orangeburg, io tlu cmdiJacy of Capt. K. K. Wa ter for fa ir ad commissioner. It is reported that on last Friday, after the adjournment of tho county alliance meeting, Mr. IV* ter vwho is president of that body) pub ioiy charged Senator Uarto i with ha?ing circulated filse s a'eineuis couI err.ting the political action of Copt. Walter, and denounced the Scna'or in unmfcwjured ? "TlUl bUlluuui ui-wsvv-iwsv^e*"-Tuts occurre!^^^ in the presenco of Dr. J. W. Stokes, who is a nephew or Senator Barton, who repliei hat 0?pt. Walker would be called upon to substantiate tbe charges, ijLTbe difficulty is net endtd, it is sauLaod some interesting development may grow out ?>f the si'nation. The parties are alt prominent alliaaoenien, which makes the controversy of g.nernl intcivsr. 1 ho difficulty is iu no sense an Allinnoe affair, but is purely a matter between Capt. Walter and Seuator Barton. Whi'o gentlemen are Tillmanitrs, Br. Barton is regarded as an extremist aud Capt. Walter is linked upou in a conservative member of that fact oa'?Shite. _ t Gideon's Bash Secrets Junto a?,ly Told. ?Raleigh, N. 0., Jan. 19.?In the Wake Superior courttodaj the bi 1 of indictment found by the grand jury against 8. Otho Wilson, charging him wiih connection with Gideon's Band, was formal)* fiU.I. j? *} ? ten pages of eioseiy wri ten paper, and contains a verbatim c ?py of tho oath of ih? f order aa it w?< a >niiaittor?l to J,. If, .. bill charges Wilson with joitrmg iuw i>r3?r himself, of initiating others into it, and of $ using it for two-fold purposes, to control nominations nude in tho Democratic Stat* Convention hero last May ?f delegate* to tho ?. Chicags Convention, an 1 of ths canJi Intsa for State officers ; also to further the political ends of the People's party an 1 the toealitd ' reform moremett " It charges that scent signs, grips and passwords were used, t 1 and that the rigos consisted of putting ?ut ' ths toaguo fr m the raomh, and drawing right ban 1 acrosi the mouth, and that the password was "thros-hundre I." Wil-on ' wid be arraigned for trial at tbe n*xt term . of the Wake Snpaator court in March. He talked defiantly when he was nrroste I, and sold hi would see the tbiag out and fight it to the bitter end- He says there is a mam ( an the grand jury which indioc I him, who is as guilty as he is.?Richmond Timet ? s~ CHEAP llATMl TO TltH 1Nauqu tl ATION.? Qrover Cleveland, fir the socond time will stand in the portico of the beautiful National Copilot?on March 4tli, 18911?and be Innu>* gurnted rresiJent of the United Stats". I What a great eventlhat will he, and what 1 a oountless multitude will be there ! A vast number will eotna fr^m the South ' and Southwest, and most of theie wi*l take 1 the Rlohmond A Danville U. 11.?the greatest Southern system. Its rrgu'er scrv ce of three dady trains, running a did, betwem j the South and Washington, including the t only vestibuled limited, oimp>scd exclusively ly of Pullman l'aiaee drawing rvom and ii" dining car*, will, on this occasion, b? grea ly augaented by the most complete arrangc3 meat of oztra service ever offered by tfii^^ , model system. > ; Excursion tickets st the ra*e of a fare and a third for ialividuels. and one fare for party of military, twenty-fire or rao-'e, will he sold on Maroli 1,2, 3, and far train to 1 srrive Washingt in by noon of March 4. K Valid, returning, until March 8tb, 1803. 9 Purther information obtainable from any J agent of this system or of its connections. 9 8. ii. hasdwick,'. * Asst. Geo. Peas. Agent, ' Allan's, Ga. Do Von Wasj A Pcsuo ?>r?ioa ?There f 1 are 180,000 offices within the giff of tne weir ? Ad mi nir rat ion, and now is the time for those seeking pub ic employment to take proper steps to secure one of these luo.-ativa > positions. All who are interests! sliju'.U at ones send for a copy of the United States 0 Blue Book. It is a register of all Federal ' 1 offices and employments in each Sta'o an 1 e Territory, the District of Columbia and * abroad, with their eateries, emoluments and f duties; shows who is eligible for appoint* meat, ipiestieos asked et examinations, how k to make an applioatiou and how to push it m 0 to euecesr, and gives oesides a east amount of important and valuable informal.on rsla* tive to Government positions never before Iiublished. Handsomely bound in cloth. Mo*, 76 cents, p>st paid. Address, with n ca*h, Editor Union l'msa, Union, 8- U. Jam 27-4 4!. n - -? i- Fsom Danes to Dkath. ? Providence R. 1., Jan. 18-?A dreadful accident oeoarred n at the croreing near Lonsdale on the Providencp and Worocrter .Ba'lnrad d at 140 this morning. A*. Aleigbtag party (rot% l'avri?*h*ti returning from A m .t.M.I. ?.! ...M >..? >1 I* jp? vmuvv hhu w|i|rva ^ ^ wwwv??i) n i w o?ihv? by the loeonotire of a.freight train. ? ght J peraoos were instantly killed an I aitteen ;. * were iiy*ired. Of the injured it la feared a that eight or too will die. Seren of (he 10 latter have slope 4lf r, _ . . ? . ft C&ossiso r?a JiflMisairti on loo.?St. r, Loul?, Me.r Jan. 18?Teem* aid wagons are ' a now crossing the Mississippi River on the it lee bridge. Tie lee to ao tbiok that U will fvoporf team and wagon of eevfral loaa in weight. This W the (Trot time hi several ># m yeare that tee we could cross th? river en w. . b* *' J .