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* *3p(r r ??i? ' ? The &iai<i oi' 3emh (Jai'owlia. UNION COUNTY. WiiMiU Mckuo, rt at, v#. S. M. Kioa ft at. IN oboditnco to an <rd?r marie in the JL above atatcd rate. 1 will aell, on Salosday in February, 1893, at Union C.- II , during tho ltgal nouta of a?le, a'l thai lot ol laud in tho Town of Uoion, on which J???e Pari* now reeidea, containing ouo and a \ half aeif?, H*r* crjeaf. *' L * TKKMS OF 8*1,1?: i llto balancer in gae jw j Tho nnntlinaia* ta| [j|fi I nee i he pur tb CHI. PBAKJi, il?i|tr for Ihiiou County. M?kt> r'a Office, Jan. 14, 189a. Jew. 20 8 3t. " NOTICE ~ milK partnership heretofore existing unJL der the firm name of E08TER, WILKINS ft CO., was ?l Molved by niuuia' consent on tbe . 81st day of Dmalnr. 1802, Mr. William \ Wi.kluei TUebu-iht-. b > continue 1 hcroafter by A. II. FniTKit, (ibo. II. (hnti. and A. F. Aetmi'r. under the firm name of A. H. F08TER ft CO., wh* will endiaror to maintain the renutefio i ef tbie old houee in anpp'yiug the nruitsof the people wi h FIRST-CLASS GOODS ?AT? GREATLYREDUCED PRICES We lake this oppirtunlty to noiify all peisons indeblel to the firm of Pvatcr, IVilkins & Ce., that payments mil l he made *t onoo in order tint (he old business may be settled up. ^ Jan 20-3-4t. ' WAR DECLARED AT LA8T! l'bt first t-liot wns fired on the 1st day ?T January,1893, at t he Cheap Cash lted llardnnre More of St'UTT MHOS. No blood ?o be shed, no lists to be lost. We make war upon r.o uian to take bis life But we have declared war upon higlt prices aad long profits on utl goods dd by us. We hate ho a'ed oar banner and will show no quarters. Wc t'rnr no ' competition for we have res deed nni are determined to ne 1 our goods, such as Carpenter an t Blacksmith Tools, l'iowt and 1'lowstocks, Axes, bliote's, Hoes, Nails, Hone bin es, l'ocket and Cutlery, Cook and llesting Stoves, Wagon and Muggy Materia1, Wagon and / Moggy Harness, baddies, Buggies and all kinds of goods found in a first clavs Hardware store, at the very lowest liveand-let-U*e prices. We mean ull we say. If yen deubt, march lo the He I Front aud walk r ght iu and let us convince you by giving you prices. Ws are setting a lot o( the best Pittsburg steel plows at 8) cents. Cook idtsve-, with everything complete, for f 10.00: nice open Muggy for $40.00; top Buggy for $60.00. All other goods at like reductions. Cotne and give us a trial aud be tnado happy, And si sba'l be happy, too. Very l<e?peci fully, 8G0TT BR0THER8. y SHERIFF'S SALES FOK 'lRUAK t", 1893. BY virtue of sundry executions to me dircoted, 1 will sell before Ihe Court llouie door, in the Town of Uoiun, on Monday, the sixth day of February ncxl, dining the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, Ihe follow- I inedaicribed nronenv. t-J-wlt: One tract of laod belonging to ilie estate of J. II. Colrmau, deceased, Vtnate, lying / aud being in Jonosvillc Township, Union I County, containing one hundred and six \ Acres, more or less, hounded by lands of W. T. llttlejohn, Mrs. Ann Eicon. Knight Footer, W. II. Wallaoo ond Homestead exemption, cot off to the widow and olildreu of , J. II. Coleman, deceased. Levied on aud to behold as i ho property of J. ||. Coleman, deoeasod, at tho suds of W. T. Litihyohn and W. F. Bryant, pl'ffs, against J. II' McKissick as ndin'r or J. II. Coleman, dtf't. -- ALSO, One tract of land belonging lo Obadiah Tote, situate, lying and being in Mian Ceumy, containing one hundred tores, moro ' er loss, boundet by lauds of Mrs. Maid* Shell, Benjamin Persor, Miss Martha Ann ^^yiillips and the estate of Zicharish Phillips, 5 rWyLLevlsd ou and to ba sold as tie ( * th? otJ\ * ' Oorry as adrn'rV^ D' W- f*1*' Pl ff- ?**>n?t i Obadish Tale, d*rwt^() Four tracts of lAndSjid?"8*,DtI to W, 6. Gregory, situate, lying *a Cross Keys Township, Union Couuty.^^. Home tract?coutaioiog Seventy-ffOj tores, sore or less, biuuded by lands ofVO. 8. Gregory, other lauds of W. 8. Gregor^^d Homestead exemption of W. S. Gregory. _ Purser trsnt?conttimng one hundred ninity acres, more or lees, bounded by lends V f J. T. Layton, Q. J. Gregory and Wiley 1 Leasee. T?ger River tract?containing three bun . drtd and six acres, more or less, bounded by lauds of Wesley Holds, James I'. Layton. ' Mary Howard, Lydia Sheldon, end waters of Tygsr River. One tract of lead known as a portion of ( Green Hilt tract, oonUiuiug ftfty-iwo acres, snore er leee, bounded by lande ef the estate ' ? A. of William lUy, dcce<s*d. ef. al. Levied on and to be sold ae the property of W. 8. Gregory, at the salt of James T. Layton, ' ..VST .Lu.1 W M flmrorv. daft. J. G. LONG, 8. U. C. Skariff'a Office, January 14, 1803. JanKMf-ft Notice of Finel Discharge. "M OTICfi ia hereby given that by pertnisli a.on af Hon. Jamea M. On, Probata Judge for Cmon county, 1 will, on iba 7th day of February, 1808, make jay final return and apply for Lotiera Pismleeory, m Admimutrator of tha aataia of Salina 8*rtor, daaaaaad. All paraen- baring alaima againat tha aaU aetata, moat present thent, properly atiaatad, and all paraaua indebted muat make payment la ma m or batora that cay. 8. M. KICK, JH., Adn'r Salina 8?rtar. Jan. 18 4 , 41. ? *^9lMH)! GUANO! A* LL wrtont dMiring to t>urch??* <lo?too A- wVda by Us* UoU* CM ?od Mwiufrc- > i W. *. MiHIOWOW * (IOS, i.SSML,?' f ' / T, (J. DUNCAN, MT. II. 8AETOK, ' r. t. ar.K. P. M. COHHN. |PrMt 151U All i ION' ! NEXT RAtlSSDAY, FEB. Ctli. 1898. Of C'eck.?. Si-wing Machine*, and all kinds of Chr.rtmns O-ods, such as T.jra, Plush (I nods, Cbiuawnre, nice (Jla-aw> re, Fius Metal ili-que an*l China lamps, D lis, &c. Offer tho largest Doll e?er seen in 'gjui'iu fer sale at auction. [" ?"hls will ko a- rare chance Jo aaa<tijfachine. pr ether ealoflWss, fof liti^ LaJi'-s are especially invited ; they are cordial y aske-l to come inside of ihe Store. S. M. IUCB. JR., E. U. Jan 18-2-11 nuucsiii AINU JL.OT FOR SALE IOFFEK lb* If u'O and lot on Mountain atieet known ts ilie II1X HOUSE, f >r sale. I, t rout tiiiH two acres. Terms easy. Apply to G. P. OA ERE IT, Spartanburg, S. C. Jan 13-2 tr. 150 Cords of Wood Wanted Omen or C?'i!srv Com mission mis, 1 Union Cofstt. ( SEA LRU BIDS for I ho furnishing of 60 cords of Oik aud Hickory, and 1<HJ cor-Js of l'ino wo id; n's? 100 Cedar posts, | measuring 71 feet long and >l inches nt atna'l end; to deiivi-red to the County Poor House, will he received unt I Saiurd ?v the 21st d*y of January, lSGSt. it d< cm be made in whole or in pari. I'll lit EES BOUT, Clerk Boar 1 Co. Corns. Jan G 1 3t Notice of Final Discharge. NOTICE is hereby rriven tied by pormissl'-n of Hon. J im s M. (lee, I'rohnte Judge tor Union county, 1 will, on the Gist day of January, 1803, make my final return and apply for Letters Disuiissorv. as Adroinistr it- r of the eole uf Asa Smith. dmp*??.i All persons hftr ng claims against the ioi<l estate. mils' piescnt tlr-m, properly attested, itnd nil persons indebted most uinke payment to me <>n or hefore that day. WILLIAM SMITH, A lin'r Est. Asa Smith. J?n 0 1 It The State of South Carolina. UNION COUNTY. By JA MES M. GEE, ESQ., Piobnte Judge Vr HERE As. J. II. McKissick. as Clerk of the Court of General Sva?i?ns and Contrren Pleas, has mn'e suit *o me to grant him letters of Admiuistratien on the Ertate and trffeo of John II. Fuwior. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami cingulur the kindred mid creditors of the eai-l John II. Fowler, deceased, that they he und appear, bef-re me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Un on 0. II', South Carolina, oa the 17th day of F.bruary, next, after pub ica;ton hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any thoy have, why the said Administration should uol be granted. Given uuder my hand ictl this 3rd day of Jauuary, Anuo Domini, 18'J3. JAMES M. GEE, Judge Prolate. Published on the Gt'i day of Jauinry, I8U3. in the Wkkki.t Uxio.v Timr'. J.m G 1 (It.* ~ PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. fnilE undersigned rvspectfu'ly nnnounce J. to the public tint tli-y have formed a co-pariiictshtp, in the Fancy nod Staple Grocery business, under the lirm iihiiic < f Porteu ft Maihis, in ihe town of Union. S. C., and will he happy to wait on all who mnv favor ua with their patr?n>ge. james b. porter. J0I1N R. MAT111S. MONEY WANTED.?By the alnve it will be seen that 1 have made a change in my busineea ? fT its, which makes it absolutely necessiry for ire to settle up my oil bu iness ns quick as possible. I therefor* give not oe to nil p.-rsons inlebtol tame in auy way. thm I am greilly in nee I ot the money they owe tuc, nnd shall he compelled to force aeulemeuts, if they <1> not come an l sMafnutoiily arrange their indebtedness at an early dav. JaMES b. porter. Jan G jl 3i TO BUILDERS. A Lot of eec >nd-lwind 10xlt2 win low s<sh in good condition, for aile. Also 8 1'iazza Pillars. nilhiCaps and b iseJ, perfectly new and aouud. I 11. M. S10KES. Dissolution kf Copartnership. r Mitn t.opar'ncrelup lieutoforc oxi'liog J..* tttweea J, R. MJn er abd. M. W. Bobo, under the firm oayoa of Mluler^PWHWPi I Sedatia, lias this day bam dissolved by mutual consent. All persons iudebte>i 10 tho 3rm are requeu ed lo setilo at cnce. The business wrl be continued at ilio old stand hy the junier partner, M. W. Ibibo. J. R. MINTER, M. W. BOUO. Deo. 12 61 4t The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. By JAMES M. GEE, ESQ., l'rebntc Judge. WHEREAS, Joseph II. McKissick, ps Clerk of Court Cotnmou Pleas, has Wdc suit to me to grant him Lettos of AtON^n'sti-ation on the Estate of and effects )fThdiL.J'Orr, deceased. TheseTbPN memore, to eite ana aimouisb *11 ami kWi*' kindred and crcliterAof the said Thosdeceased, Unit they be end appear, befor^V ^ in 'ha Court of Probate, to he held Wh^nion C. H., South Carolina, on the 2?th daJSii^Janunry. next, after public?tion hereof, at li&si^k " 'he forenoon, to alio* cause, if any why the said Admiuistratcou should reWf Jl# {ranted. Given under my hand and seal this 8tl> day of December, Anno Domini, 1802. JAMES \l. GEE. Judge Probate. | "'Published on the 9th day of December 189*2, in the Wkkkly Union Times. Dec. 9 60 Ct. MIL LIN 1e?\ ,~ JUST received from ihe Northern Mar. ket*, aoh tice selectirn of Millinery. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Always pleased to show goods and give satisfaction to customers. MRS. J AS. GRANT. Oct 14 42 If. [~~ ^ 8o*ftltfjSSSSl| IJuMJ^ TRAM MARKS* I OMIOM PATKMTS* OOPVRNMTt, rmJ i?gg8S? Solid^^H i Prices -Al. rJ? REUBEN T. GEE'S. I N" nrilor In vnil lino in tf a I nob n*t#1 1 ? ? . ? - ?? ? ?W vuvtvv UIJ OIWA 1IUU effect some change in uiy business, I have decided in offer goods at the very lowest living prices. Joans at 25cts, sold for 33o Joans at 33 1-3, sold for 40cis. . Clothing suits at $15.00 priced 18.00 Clothing suits at $11 50 pricod $15. 01 (thing suits ut $9.00 priced $10, OVERCOATS MUST BE SOLD. Tr> order to close out srmio lines of | shoos 1 have decided to sell them at aud ; BKL.OW COST A LOT OF BOOTS AT GREATLY j ' REDUCED PRICES. ^ I call especial attention to uiy CIIAS. IIK1SKR $3 SHOE. As also hij hand Sewed r.nd Hand Welt*, the very best goods for the price. TO THE LADIES: I offer the prettiest litic of custom mado shoes in the town and guarantee every pair, You will find upon my counters Prints at 5 ceuts, formerly sold at 8 l-3c. Examine and he convinced that my line of DRY GOODS, "V"T /"A m-T- % -V Sttntue, Saturday 14th. In my office, Monday ICih. Mount Tabor, Tuesday 17th. Kelten, Wednesday 18th. Kendriek's Store,Thursday forenoon, 10th. Oowdeyaville, Thursday 19ib, afttrooon. \\ ilkinseille, 20th. Draytonvitle, Saturday 21?t. Timber Bidge, Mooday 2td, forenoon. Anbury, Monday 28, afternoon. J ones vile, Tuesday 24th. books close, aad a penalty of CO per erht. will be added to the taxes on ail property not returned within the time prescribed by law. All male persons between the ages of 21 and CO are liable to poll tax. except such as ars exempt by law. Office of County Auditor, Deo. 1. 1802. J. R. BLANTON, Auditor. | Dec 0 02 60 Cl I ^mew year le^xtngs! XXTE wish you all n happy New Year. Have just finished ? taking Stock, and find that although we have done the largest business in the history of our career, we still have too many Winter Goods on hand. I To those who are in need of such goods as Blankets, Overcoats, Jeans, Shawls, . ?*Qassi meres. Flannels, Heavy Dress Deeds, Outings. Etc., Now is your time to get them, as we arc not holding them at their real value; but you can get what you wish at almost your own price. Thanking you for past favors, and with best wishes for a prosperous New Year, we remain, Respectfully. I J. W. McLTJRE. Ag't. > 4 I V !_> - ? * f r Preparatory to takingstock, January 30th, we will close out any of our goods at very low figures. ] Some of Grimball stock still w on hand will be sold for any " reasonable offer anyone may V make regardless of what it i' JL y I YOUNG & HUNTER. t V'?v '/* $ i t 8 n A. H. FOSTER & CO. ! ATAKE your preparations for the New Year _ JjX by laying in your plantation hardware eafrly*_ 1 Wo are prepared to make you close figures for SPOT CASH on the following supplies: AXES, BRIDLES, BELLOWS, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, COLLARS, FORKS, GRINDSTONES AND FIXTURES, IIAMES, IIORSE AND MULE SHOES, NAILS, ;\ 4. i PLOtVS OF THE PEST AND MOST DESIRABLE SHAPES HONEST HODS! HONEST FH1GES!! i HONEST TREATMENT 111 A ^ % * ;x. t ' \\ 4 i-?i .. JNUTHJJNS HOSIERY AND GLOVES Aro equal iu quality and price to the very best and honest. All-wool undershirts and Drawers to match of the very best quality. Ifats of the very latest styles and prices as low as can he bought anywhere Lidics Cloaks, just from the fact< ry of the very latest style*, which must be fold. A lot of Ladies Jackets ^last season's) at cost Shawls, Blankets anil Comforts. Stationery, Paper and Kuvclopes for tho Ladle* Pencils l'ods, 5cts and upwards. j3ga! and PouJscjp paper. Pens, Pou Holders and Ink. BLANK B00K8 CHEAPER i Come and sec my immense stock and I rift Oftrivinnnd that I can m?ll von almost I anything you want, and 1 a mi determined that 1 ?M not bo uodersold. I MEAN BUHINES8 , REUBEN T. GEE. . Not. lo 47 tf NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. ACCORDING to law, the annual amassment of properly cotnmenos on January 2nd, 189.1, and closes on February 20ib". 1893. For the consenienee of the tax payers, I will attend the following places and times : In n>y office at the conitheuse from Jatm. ory2ndtw-tha Jth. West d^Mp^Jft'>u%ry Oth. Monday forenoon. "N Colerain, January flth, nfterniteft, Oibb", Tuesday 10th, forenoon. ^ Ceiar Bluff, Tuesday afternoon, 10th. Cross Keys, Wednesday 11th. Minter's Store, Thursday 12th. forenoon. Rlack Rock, Thursday 12th, afternoon. Fish Dam, Friday 13th, - * x<' 4-1^^8 ' ' * ' t . i;,~ f i_ " ' _ ?" < . ' i gjBj ">! THE NEW YORK Jto i**\~ ' . . - RACKET. YOUR MONEY SAVED. WE have been in Union not quite two years, but in that short time we have saved the people hundreds of dollars dmii _ v/i. I..VII W1W, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, &c., and this year with our increased facilities, we propose to save von more than we have in the past. The year 1892 brought us a tremendous big trade. But we expect 1893 to bring double as much, for the people are fast finding out that they cannot afford to pay the time merchants long one hundred per cent, on goods when they can be bought at close cash prices at the NEW YORK RACKET. Broken lots of'Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Jeans, Blankets, Dress Goods, &c, to he closed out in the next few weeks. There will he some rare plums for somebody. No trouble to show our goods, so come in and look through, whether you waut to buy or not Y KUY UlterECTlTLlA, HARRY & BELK. April 10 15 ly MEW FALL GOODS; NOW OPEXFOll INSPECTION. Our buyers have just returned from the Northern markets 'here they bought a large and well assorted stork of goods 3 suit all the trade. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. First, we will say that our stock of shoes is immense, and re are prepared to make you some prices that Avill catch the losest buyer. We have some specialties to offer you in this ine. Call and see them. liess Goods Staple Goods Etc., In Dress Goods we are prepared to offer you some beauties, nd at very reasonable prices, too. In Staple Goods, such as Prints, Ginghams, and all he new tilings in Cotton Goods, we have a very large stock. M I JL L, T N E R Y . ^ WORD TO THE LADIES: Our Millinery Department seems to be the centre of attracion, because the ladies always find the novelties of the sea011 there. We can show you all the new shapes in Hats and 13onicts, and Trimmings of every kind to match. Call early and ;et first choice. You will always find us with a full stock of first class ;oods. and the very lowest prices. ,, ' ? YOURS VERY" RESPE TFULLY,* GRAHAM & SPARKS. Jan 22 5 If Improved Poultry, For Sale. David Johnson, Jr. Thos. B. Butler. r HAVE a f?w pure brre I Wyaadotle and _ L Langshan chicken9 for *mle. ,| 0 II A S 0 A CC D U L L E R REN J. ALSTON. ' N#T 2> - f Attorneys and Counselors, I'JflON, S . CJ . PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL LEGAL WE WANT YOU ,,u~ :o net a* our agent. We furnish an expensive "cl *2 bin mint ami all you need fret-. 11 costs nothing to . - ? ry the business. IV? will treat you well, and DDA7iniS A nT7I lelp you to earn ten times ordinary wage*. Itoth ri tvv J IV hi K A It Hi. ear* of ull ages cun live at home and work in pare time, or all the time. Anv one any where an earn a great deal of inonev. fit any hare made ' rwo Hundred ISollnrs a Month. No claa* of wopJe in the world are making ?o much money PAUL W. MftL.IT I*. 1<* eltfTont eapHul as tlm?e at work for n*. Business ^ ^ ^ ** * ^ -'-** -* >|easant, strictly honornlde, and pay* better than tnr other offered to agents. You have a clear MERCHANDISE BROKER lefd, with no competition Wo coulp you with m attest An inn*. imtiikfiti. veeything, and supply printed direction* for jcffinner* which, If obeyed faithfully. will bring nrALrn it nore money than will anv other business. I in * wove vonr prospect*! W'hv not? You can do so >n*ily'and snrelv at work for u*. Hva?onabie FLOUR, GRAIN, IIAY, MEAT, J !< . ndustrv only necessary for altaolute success. i'amplilet circular gh leg every particular is sent Agenl f-.r tha celebrated UNION Ml I.s Yeetoali. Delay not In sending for It. . 1 e .11 flkoittik NT1NMON ft CO.. FLOUR. 10,000 hMTota of tbit Itos No. MM, I'ortlann, Ma. Flour sold in 0 roonlha. Orders proti pt y attended to. Reitpeeifully, PAUL W. MoMJJK r * Deo ft'02 00 jtu "\v ^ H 't V* ' ^ <n- % "V