University of South Carolina Libraries
' ' A Sea* Otr run Dtn.LU. The death of ! tifco. Uwomin K. Uui|?r, of M:>s?aehusctia. j vSjBv ieoio?*T^ man w'ujia no section of tb? ' country will mourn :iu4 whom no party wi 1 cat# le eluim. No other Malo will soh to devri?e New Hampshire of the honor of . being I i? Lirthphtcc, >?tsd u 1 will gki-ilj lmea u Miv-eachuseiia such funic us oniy accrue to h r froui hio l?ng raaidrne* in her ; borders. i'bui'itj can fiml in most public ( n><n t jiio'li'.og to n-Jinirc aud ptni-e In 0>o- I llutlcr a career, opart froui kla unSnr?>'oi>abv tali's, it can <J>?fo*er liltlo of ? kind, lie uad^Tiicuds ?ud eulogists who were nV.a to r?? j c i in hiia. but they had a keener and more cbaviti\Mo lisiaw than moat men. He clever y und tersely described himself when ho said, "whatever *!?e tuy eneojic* way say of me. they cannot ??y that I ant > fool. ' That was all. lie was net a fool in the scuso i:i winch that wort is genoiutlv unlnst od. lie uau brai.s end lie prided himself ou tbcui, but that was almc.M Ji-o ally h-a own endown:?? I, act Le McuieJ to c-tre for u?? ether Ilii liaiit. '(tiiek. f?Uile in intellectual rerotrcis, "auinrt ' iu the sense of ability to ore*retcii uu opponent, bo l oVed at life front the etand point of the political charlatan. fhemu. t unblushing demagogue yet piodored in u country unusually prolific of thai oef of weeds, ho openly defied pnbl'O reti iinent. ilia cil'mnUry was pheoointnal. even in un ago of nuiacty, and so tar freun objecting to being found oul, he gloried in what other met) would hate considered thtir rhatrr. He would rather have hem thought nuitrt than have lecn elected president. A Ka'etalVin war, ? tyrniu in ptdiiotis of auth'U'i'v, an open and iinh'u.-diiug turticoal in parly matters, he combined all the worst /! mo at teature. of the New KugUnJ charac ter without tiny of its sturdy and npletiojj tihuvV i'alto him for all in oil, let its lu p? *'* that vc shall not look upou his like ~ngfftn. ? ?Jiulii-.ior' St>ii. Ttir Statu Wins tut; I'vilituto Ca*i;s.? AYoshiugtou. I>. . Jau. 1'2. |>uri>-g the nrgnuitnt of the South i'ar<?iua cases ,u !ite sup reiiio uotiri to-day riiief Justice Ful'et* tstoj p>-J the counsel lor the rails'.nds villi he .lanouneemeut that the Court has no jurl-Jh'tiea ;:i s'.ir c: e. This w is a great surprue to the arrav of counsel present xcpicseutiug the r.iUrouds and the State sunt critics, and llie deeiiiou of tltc court win promt".y cause mo j n.manors i t rejoice. for it is u justification to a corlain extern of I heir methods of taxation. . The t iiiof Justice stated, however, 'the court wa.i uoi prepared to go into the iu?tits"f tlie case, but tva* convinced that the '-.juri lias no jurisdiction, uud there:*nr? further argument v.onM be unnecessary. Tiio sudden termination of the argument, .after ttic counted had been detained here sioio hie I Fridov, occasioned cousiderabls disappointment. especially among iho rail* ros.i men. - ?. - l'y?t'?!i,v \.- a fc'oci.ti.lsr.?Washington, L). C\, Jan. III. ?A Philadelphia special dispatch from Seranton. Pa., says: General Master Workman L'owdcrly yesterday emerged froui a retirement of some weeks t9 address a gathering of union carpenters iu this city During ihc course of his re. marks ho -aid : "T am a socialist, and I say ii without Mushing, if the avowal brings c-ndetnoatinn i am willing to take it I am one of fi&.t.?.-eciaiisls in this country. * I believe tlie railroads arc public highway an 1 should bo nationalised an l that the relegraphtc system should be ov. ued and operated by the go.crnuicut. 'J'bo people own the eloetric system, streets, pull'io schools, and arc afraid 10 go a slept lur; her and own the railroads and tele graphs, which are more essential to the pnblic. ' - ? ?? A Million Iiuim'S.?A lrieud in need is u tiiend indeed, and not less than one million people havo fouud just tuch afr.end in Dr. King's New Discovery fcr Coniuniptij^S, ogliannd Colds.?If jsb hue bjssr juSed this g-eit cough medicine, one trAml wilt powers m all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. F.ucb bottle is guaranteed to do all the. is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at li. I', Pcsoy's Drug Flore. Large bo!ilea 00 ami ~'1.00. i??.M:ticrs?i Fit.nan. We desire io tell our c'tuene. that for years ive have t>een selling Lir. King's New Discovery l'or Consumption, Dr. King s New Life Pills, Hucklen'ti Arnica iialra an l Illretrie Fitters. and have nc*er handled reiuedies that sell as well, ar that have given tucli universal satiefaction, >Ve do not hesitate to gunrnnlce tlicm c*evy tnno, and we stand ready to refund the part-base price, if satisfactory results do not follow ttieir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. B. F. l'ysfy Druggist. _ -??_____ p.# do cot know who wrote it, hut that if a powerful, comprehende nnd accurate iodictmeiit of Tillmanisro contained in the address of the Industrial and M'ugc Earners' Democratic Lcaguo' Wo 'ienounce tho inconsistency of the so-callod reform party which, proclaiming saUries too large omit? to reduce them ; declaiing taxes too high, increases them ; professiug opposition to monopoly, conspires to make the State a monopoly; preaching prohibition, legislates <lie State itself into a rum seller. I'bcrc is not a possible opeuiog for a pica of "net guily" to any of these counts. All are from the records.?fjr*utvillc Xtict < 'ot Mr.v Ni wsrivrna.?Although country editors are nearly always poor, tb<ne arc plenty of porsvus who belioTe that half the paragraphs iu a country newspaper ore paid lor with enormous bribot. There are always two sides to every question, and whichever side au editor fells on, the partisans of the other accuse him of being "bought." It is little wonder, therefore, that the editor is seldom a popular tuau : I never knew one who was, and I ucver knew occ who wa? not oiien accused unjustly. Probably the peuplo believe iu bribes to v-siit/sa i/vbauso iv is u KI j lan ?nv d 'e." not accuse his opponent of being a bribe faker. creating a prejudice against thointuives and their calling. Lazy and i iicompetcut editor* nearly always explain tbo success of tbeir more rigorous opponents by declaring that they carry on a system of black-mail. I once visited a large city, the newspapers of which I had long admired almost with reverence, and 1 was turprised to hear a citizen say that what the city roilly needed was better papers; they weuld bring "eustsru capital." Every citizen of a couutry town wants his locality "boomed," to (be end that he may sell his fifty dollar lot for the hundrcl; he can appreciate bow a really gosd paper might aid him in this, and because his lot docs uot advance in value as he thinks it should, lie has a grievance against the editor, lie longs for an editor with some "soap" in him. I don't know what "snap ' means.but I koow this is the quality usually thought to be Jacking. There are more great men in every country town than really exist in the nation, and if they are net recognized, the local papers arc of no account, I was once bctb? csd u good deal by a certain man who said he could clsan more chickens in an hour iiicd uoy otntr cnicxsncitsuer to tue world, and bo nanttd the fact msuiioneJ. Man r bo ore oorer suspected of grsatucss by oibcr people a^oysc theuiaeltcs of it to lbs editors, and when tbey refuse to mention this greatness, thsj arc told tbnt tboiv columns coutaiu a gVcat deal of stuff not balf eo interesting. It bas occurred to ins tbnt when a citizen of a country tot?u becomes drunk, tbe first tbing Ue docs is to bunt up itib editor to tell iiirn is t^e uuiter w itU tonnuoiiy*??CTw^ iVt'efcr. Ek.ii ? : > Ki A Hfie ll]cefify Union Htnics R. M. STOKER, - - Editor rridni'i inautirjr SO, inik*. SUliSCRimOS, *1 60 PER A SX UM POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Tli* r. O. *111 be opened for business , from 3 A. M. to 0.00 P. M. ! Tho Money Order Department will be t opened lor business front 9 A. M. to 4-l*. M. going iSouth will close prompt'y j at 11 A. M. > Mail foing North will eb'St promptly a' : 6.110 P. XI. ' Tho mail will be taken from the street box t 16 minutes b<sf?rfc closing oach mail. ? i ?? ? i i /lUjr iiiiiuciiiiuu ur irrc^uiuituva iuvui? | tc reported promptly to too 1\ M. J.C. HUNTER. 1*. M. - - A PROPOSITIONI A Farru and Stock Paper Freo ' To asy subscriber to tbc Times who j will pay all arrears and ope year it) | advance, uud auy new subscriber pay I itijj ooe year iti advaucc; wc will acud I lor out year. j THE FARMER'S GUIDE, j AND ROME COMPANION, i A pricticil Semi-monthly Stuck | Inirtu Jouroal. .\ovy is the lime to subscribe and ; renow your sub&riptioo to the 'Jjmes. ItayEx-Prosidciit, Rutherford 13. Hayes, j died last Tuesday night, froui rheumatism of ; the hea?t. t-^T A w^uian was cleclc 1 {sergcant-aN | a rail of thu Arkansas House of Representatives ou the -li'i. Jb#jT Don't this weather uiakc the woodj pi ei aud coal-heaps suffer? And don't the totvu folks' pockets suffer also ? ?S*- tiov. Ti'Iinau says ths Cicmson Col* ivgt. nnt us "pviicu, at lannes', ry me inoi July. The buildings will accommodate GOO students. 1x?~ Dishop Lymnn, of the North Oaroliut Diocese, preached in the Church of the Na'ivity last Sunday, and administered the solemn rite of coufinuatiou to one candidates' Wo call special attention to the business chauges in the firms of A. II. Foster & Co.. Scott lire*, and l'urter k Mntbis. Special notices of all of them will appear next week. ? ?- - ? t(K& At the time of writing this, Thursday, 12 A. M.. we ave haviug the fifth eoow storm this winter. It commenced yesterday morning about ten.u'clock and the ground is uow cororcd from G to S inches deep. It is the heaviest snow here for over 20 years. ftaJT Congressman Shell requests us to inform the citizens of Union county ttau' seeds given by tho Agricultural Department for distribution, can now be had by wr ttcn application to hiu;. Wo hope Mr. Shell will accept thour npplicat:on. ftoer Ml-. W. K. Thomas, of t 'urlislc, had the inieforinnc to lote two fine mules one uigiu in si week by the G. C. it N. It. It. The mules were W.inuicd iu a u?rrow cut near Mr. Thomas' house and were killed by the train. This is a heavy loss to Mr. Thoina-. f the new liquor law goes into effect it wid close 887 retail and II wholesale liquor eMab'islunenis. There are 30 grain distilleries and 03 udng fruit. The calculation is that it will throw 6,000 men out of employment an?l clove 8?X? places of business. ? - - ? tor i t e Kd wards heirs are requested to i meet, in person or by proxy, with the S. C. j Associations, at Columbia, on lite -"-id dsy j of February, 1?.? a. m.. f?r the purpose o t considering eorao prompt action for tlic recovery of the Kdwurds estate in New York, now under investigation. tor The new Hoard of County Commissioner:; met lust Tuesday, and di-l what has not becu done before, BWICC rn<r war?-pouT the debts of the county and made all the county croditors happy, then went home "lmppy s-a larks" themselves, leaving a e can balance sheet behind them. tfST Vfc acknowledge receipt of ConI gressional favors from our Representative, 0. W. Shell. It is the first favor we have received sinco Mr. Shell was first elected, and we began to think that our Congressmen had adopted tho same discriminating practice that governed the .State Legislators, ?. r , "no favors or quarters to uuii-Tillman or Conservative democrats," and we submitted to the will of 'the powers that be" without comp'uiuing. tor Nee the following new advertise. MUU'U, UI1X4 ?\J ?viii /uuioviTwa acwi uiu^ijr, New Yesr'0 Greetings, J. \V. McLuce. Preparatory to Taking Stock, Young k Hunter. x A. H. Poster ft Co. Your Money Save J, Kaokot Store. Uuauo, Guano, W. B. Thomson, Pres't. Big Auction, S. M. IUce, Jr., B. U. Notice of Final Ditchargo, 8. M Rice, Jr. Ilousc and Lot for Sale, G. P. Garrett. Dissolution of Partnership, A. II. Foster k Co. Dissolution of Partnership, Boyd & Mollis. Coroucr's Notice, Jasper Aycock. Sheriff's Salos. Master's Sale. The Union Mill Organised. At a meeting of the eteokholders of the I nion Cotton Mill, held last Monday, the I following admirable Beard of efficors were 1 unanimously elected : T. C. Duncan, President and Treasurer. W. F.. Thomson, Vice President. J. A. Pant, B. F. Foster, A. II. Footer, Win. Munre, of Union, nnd W. B. H. Wbawy, of Charleston. Director*. Most liberal offers of lnnd have been made, as cites for the mill, bat nojocation lias been decided en, as jet. Fanuio Kemble Butler, tbc world renowned actress, who married Pierce Butler, of Philadelphia, a wealthy member of tbe Butler family of ibi-< Biate, died in London, on tbb ICtb. lt> btr 8let yei**. + . 4 -5... ? Ji All Alpat TbwnUni n has always been proud of the convenient and respectable 1< option of her law oQIctf. bill ws must sty It is a uiegraoe to Law llsngn and thii portion of the to^*o fjr tho ewnrr of (ho corner buildi^g~'uoar the C.iunL ust to reut it to ? d'eroputable Wutuan. Can't it be put to tlk er use than to Jisgraco our main s'.reit ?1 Brothers, Thoa. B. |l2t't>r 'hot tl^yro wm jKntiiai assets toitS amount of $^19(hi02. ' Nominal as-esls, $8,189.24. Liabilities. $10,100.00. Crelltoro Mil meet ag*:n on the 27?h ins'., to decide what shall be done. The etreet lamps arc during these dark nights, quite coueeniencie* to those who travel the streets ; but it is wry hard for Bon Ne*l, the aplmde-l lamp lighter, to keep ih*rn all lit. when some trifling, thieving rascal cornea along and s'eala them. Why * few nigli'a ago, the iatnp right here, in fropt of the Tjmkh office was rtolon. The Town Council wilt give a chrotno to the first prrnn re| ortiug such rascals, anil will see that the miscreant boards awhile with Sher!* lr*Z w,M9U( lights. About seven o'clock Saturday evening i*?t, the pent depot and telegraph office here wns d:?corered ou fire, and in a short while tho building was burned to the ground, with nil 'ho telegraphic instruments, nni the tickets be'onging to tho office. The bag??ge roern alsv burned, but the b'iggago was eaved. Mr. W. S. Smith, the clever and efficient o; crator, soon had tho wires connected and messuges of the fire wore in at head<-|uait?ia within two hours uftor the fire. The bu ldiug was covered by insurance. Tho fire is supposed to have originated in a defective pipe of the stove. The telegraph office is now in the dinner house temporarily. But for tho sprinkling of the freight depot with tiio fire engine and most favorable winds, it might have proved a very . destructive fire to the entire town. There was about 50if bales of colfop within J00 yards of the fire, but uot a bale was scorchi cd. Hut there was livelv work imioti<* the buyer* to remove It. j The weather for the past two weeks hue bem decidedly the coldest sinco Ib-i". Brood river was reported this week as being fmzon from bank to bar.k, the ice being thick onougli to hold the we'ght of a man. Union has several shops already run by colore 1 men and is going to have another "tobacco and candy*' store in the old Urinibnll building. . Two colorod nten, suspected of setting fire to Mr. Winter's bnra and stables last week are now jail. >?s The Lnoky Numbers The following are tho numbers and names of those ttho drew the prizes at Mr. T. R. llailcy'e distribution, two weeks ago: No. 202, S. S. Smith, Sewing Machine " 217, Joe Crawford, Uicliuing Chair. " 4, W. A. Nicholson. I'hito Cleopatra's Onllev. " 2Qfl, Charley Bai'cy, Parlor L imp. " 127, llcv. 11. Alston, Ktiglish Oleograph. 02, .1, A. Brown, Lady's Plush K'okcr. " 10, Lucy !u< soy, Toilet Set. " J'5, O. S. Iticc, Ti i Cliambcr Sit. ' 43, Mrs. J. L. Voting, Oil Paiutiug. ? ' " " Chromo. Miss Mamie O.dzel was the lucky winner of the "Handsome sst of Autque Furniture 'on the fir-.t fifty numbered receipts. Personals. ) We clip the following from the Spartan" | burg Pail a lit raid of January 14th : Mrs. : Gov. Jeter came up from Union l?st Friday to hear Mr. Nelson Page real, and remained over for a week as the guest of Mrs. Dr. Means. Her presence in our city has been the occasion of several |dea?nnt evcuis in social circles. Mrs. Nutt had a five o'clock tea on Tuesday : Mrs. 11. F. Wilson a dining at her beuuliful home, camplimentury to Mrs Jo cr on Wcdnosday; Mrs. Dr. Moore complimenied her with a dinuer on Thursday, and Mis. Petty gave her a lovely Ilmch on Friday. She returns to Union _ u lf,rgutm nr.miner W'uS in towo tliia week, visiting his dstiglner, who is at the Clifford Femalo Seminar. Cupt. Charles 0. Culp aud Mr 11. F. McI'hcrson went down to Columbia on Wednesday to hear Dr. Taluiadge lecture. Mr. W. Perrin Thoni!- ?n came uown last Sunday from Facolct to seo bis many friends. Mr. Willie Wilkins bos returned from Columbia. Dr. S. S. Liuder, formerly of this county, has boeu elected W.\ M.-. of Ridgeway Lodge, A- F. M. M rs. Allan, of Charleston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Nicholson. Miss Carrie Duncan has gone on a visit to friends at Ricbburg in Chester County, and also will visit relatives at Kidge Springs, in frlgctield couuty. Mrs. W. S. Smith has returned from Clover, York County, where she bus been visiting relativos. Miss Corrie Whiteside bas gone to Dorrob, Laurens County, to visit relatives and friends. Mr. E. C. Faul, formerly of this place, now of Spartanburg, was in town this week greetiog his many friends. Mr. J. H, Barnes has been appointed Jeputy Coronor by Coroner Aycock. Under Whieh Law 1 What's the matter with Comptroller Gen 1 Ellerbe's construction of (he liquor law ? Here it is: "The dispensary law did not go into cffeet until after the 12tli of January, 189:!, I Up to and iocluding that date the old law wae in force and you could accept only the $100 as required by Section 17o2. Sioto that dote (12th January) the new law is of force and you can accept $60 under this law." I Tudor this othcinl the law, which we beUeeo te 4l.? i< 1- ? I i.n, vuuuij iicMurur HM<I WIID1D the law in giving a roceipt for f 100, which vai under the ''old law," At the rame time our Town Council granted license* for one year, each paying |800. This was on the 2nd January, 1883, therefore under tho "old law," and we cau l nee how it can be a vitiation of a law which went into effect tea days af'*r. The lova| M?a day Johu jft" proiuiacit to a cotton tf? porate limits of Its- two tiic those-who nation, i^^H^^^oottfldcnoe and ere^WP enthusiasm ain >ng the jeofle, uud everybody fe't that something for the general gjod or the town was about to bo done, and otcli one fait it to be a duty a< well as a pleasure to contribute hij or ber sbaro to the good work. There was no doubting or cavel'ing about 'he ;nnt'er, and the canvasse s in* with nothing but cordial "Godspeed" whtre ever tliey weut. The hoarts" of the people, ohl and young, are ia it, and we are proud to know that a'.l classes nu^ parliei in the town of Union, have cart aside all fa.tional feeling and are as one man entitled for the good of all. Whilo ouly $oO,000 have, or ye', boon subscribed, a m?l: c sling not less than J125.000 or $lo0,000 will be built. We can safely make tha' pvnilso upon (he character and ability of toe men in whote charge he strckh >idoiS hfcvr | laced the whole matter. rtwt^alwr nMB*''! **fCln P"8 ident ann to preside over the afl'iivs of the Uni ?ii mill, wo do hot think wo co il i h vo chose i a man more peculiarly li to 1 for tre presi lency thin on' young friend, ?. C. Duncan. A young man in the prime of' active b Hinott life, with ample moans, sipo 'or bus ue s qiaitcs, full of pluck, encgy and parseveianc , and, withal, of sound mom chine or. In is (lie very man of all in this t >wa to push the enterprise to a speedy an 1 aucccs-ful com I' Ami he will be support id by a board of directors in pcpfecMiannoiy with h:m, o >nsis'iiig of sonjo of (lie host ami most substantial young business incn in the cotnmuni'j, with a spti ik ing of oil holds as a bdance wheel to keap the machinery running smojth'y ami safely The town of Union cm now bo classed among the progressing towns of the Stale. Tin jiniii|l iiiwil.^i fttltNM^MjbuliM we told them sotro yenrf ago they should do, broken away from ibe leadiug striugs of tue oil timorous, wait-awhile foiks, ami put their shoulders to ihe stallc I wheels, determined to pull this gndly town out of the mire and place her on high and soli I ground of progress. We a o del glitod nt 'he splendid move they have already made, anil earnestly eay to them, "gen.lemon, go forward ; you are on the right road, and your roward is but a sbort disnncr nluad. You have already uiide the skies look bright and hopeful all around us, even through I he snow stoiius, and you'eanuot uow afford to faher, entertain a doubt, or stand at'11. You must press forward aud show to the world that the young buslncs* men of Lnion are not timid sluggirds, but have the s'ertiness of character and indunliable energy that de' sc ves alii will w i^a^ue-ess. Our energetic School Coiniuissioncr, J. L. I vr. I.-.. ... 1. - i? - i . it _ 1,-1. ..., r nil ncr, wiiu u mn?/3 on mc loua-uui lor nujthiug that will promote ftiul increase the Ideational advantage* of tl>e County, handed us the following circular, with a request t'tat we pub ish it for the information of all in this county who may wish to avail them solves of the liberal offer made, througu ;t, by "sevetal business and professional men j of Spartanburg" : I Several of the business nud profcs-ionul men of Spartanburg hive kindly put it in the power of the Woffotd Fitting School to offer to each county in tho Stato a scholarship for the Spring Session, beginning February "ih. This scholarship will reduce the school expenses ?.f (he successful applicant to the payment of Board and Foes for Fuel and Lights and Medic d attention?amounting in all to For y eight (#U?.00i l>oll >rs for tbe - Session. J. "** I be.i .V,?^^rie|toit8^215a*l act and ci^Pffted by the SchoO^H^H sioncr, oygent etneu app >in<cd by hint The ejCHtitination will be o; sued to nil boys over tlif age of fourteen, und of good moral standing. It will cousut of ten questions on eowli of the following branches : 1. j English Grammar?1'a' ta of Speech, F?rtus, and a sit n story retd for reproduction, ns a test f expression and spelling. IF. Arithmetic, embracing Fiactions, Common and Decimal, and Compound Qusnti ticy. ill. U. S. llittory. V. Geography. he exaiuination for this County will be held at Union C. II., on Saturday, January so; The successful opplicnut is requited to i mini (ciuuuiic 11 uiii ddiiviII ijumnmsionor, together with his own Dine and age. the name of parent and P. 0. address, on or before Friday, February 3. Further iufornuuion may ba had by writing to A. G. Rt.MBBRT, Head Master, Spartanburg, 8. C. The following tlio Beard gUgxumincri have been nppoiuted by the School ComtnUsioner : L. W. Uick, C. H. Peake, J. L. Walker. Thr Brutality or Monopoly.?Cincinnati, January 10.?Coal dealers bate taken advantage of the existing chapter of acpi* dents to river coal transportation, tho-frthiiug up of the river, then the-breaking ?/ the ice gorge wiilp-grtat loss of coal barges, followed by aofither freeze and very cold weather, and have raised the ^uice of coal to six dojlars per ten. The prospeot is that it will go te seven or eight dollars before it falls. The prioe wae two and a half dollars per ton before the flrecso began. ? *. Ships for Port Rotal.?Augusta, Ga., Jan. 1?.?Tht Port Royal company has received a letter from Krnest Rigland at London, staling thet he line given orders for two steamers to be delivered to that corporation c?)ly in July and August, and that (he first would sail from 1'ort lb?yal ia September for Lon<i< n and Ar twerp. Twe oilier shipn will he built at an early day. JwKed^ease, Consumption. AsIc 3 ouvstdfla if you oan afford for the snke of saving Mtjfo run (lie risk and do nothing for i?Wft know from experience that Shi>oh'?um will cure youi Cough. It never fniw 'litis explains why l moro than a Willi-n I Milks were sold the post year. It relicveJorokp and wboopine Cough at once. MoiUtrt fib not be without it. For lane buck, side or Chest use Stub h's I'orous Piaster. Sold hwjjf, K. Smith A Co :h I' 1 f L/ ^i Tim as. winters ave/agd os him lbs then a d-plh m nre some y the IPrVill^^^flftk Lonifn Pba^blllM^^l^wto i^'^ti3P^o#l^il Springs to<4ew 5ag-oiirtoild" winte's. A few morning last week rieer at Jeter's MIU, was a sight 10 behold. The mill pond has been frozen over for a week, and just at the lnad of the shoals (Neil's Shon s) is ti wboio the wuter runs eery slow, aul it wis frozeu entirely from tank to bank, n distance of nearly a mile, i wrn or ilirt?n m.irn'in. E..fuKA.I.. r..? -??- J J .V. I oral uniles around here and in Chester county ?*ili know the plass, when I call it the "Deep ll> le." A negv crossing In a batteau Sat lrday m uning, was over two hour * cu' his way to tho mid tie of the stream. In the shoals where the spray dadmd nguinst the rocks and h ozr, it nude hundreds of ioetnouuds, wi icir gh-tened with sparkling iafiance in tha l-iiglit sunshine, nud wti* indeed bea u i'ul. There was a sale?a general clcarauec ale, it seem ~r--if old stock here Saturday, when a l atch of hor*cs and mules was sold, b'inging 'uncy prices, from one dollar to seventy-five dollar*. Mr. ?. II. Jeter liar had a lot of fine mules here the past week, in which there aro sizes t-> t-uit all purposes. Messrs. Wolch and Home, of Carlisle, come up Sa urday with a lot uf fine mul s, to suit nnjrono. All of these gentlemen s?y thai they have them to sell cheap, quality considered. There is qu-te a demand fjr farm slo> k this yeur, around here. It is my opinion th -.t it pays bet er to est goad young stock, for any work, than to gef old broken down ones. A 1 1 -f -1 - l ? n iu'^u uuiuuia ui clearing 13 t?iog ueue don litre, and the axe can be heard in almost every direct on. Bui it i? to be hoped that there wid not be an increase in the act cage of co ton, to the on of home supplies. As soon tys I lie 1'reojc ia ovor many farmers will bcgui to sow rather heavily to oale. A cheaper stock feed cannot be raised. E. W. J. C? rrespnudoicc*tf the Timks. The N?ws at Jonesville Jonksviilk January 17.?It is not necessary for die to hnuj un the co'd weather, as eve-ybody knows that this ia the coldest spell for scerij yea a, I will say, however, as most people think the preseni always the .v rente, tint it is nut ?pijfe as cold as it was ia January 1H80. fito thermometer then went down to d? below zeio, while lest Saturday morning it was 3? above zero. Mr. Dave F?rr bus been wanting a freexfc and a snow for the benefit of the land and ilia wheat crop, lie is satisfied, and will now take a thaw in lii?. The people have done but li'tte since Christmas but get wood and make fires. Mr. II. C .Smith ni>vedfiom Jonesvi'le to Union a f>-w days ago. but Mr. D. B. Freo has moved h s fain ly t > Jonesville, eo, when one good family leaves us another comes in and takes their p'aco Our High School is moving on in a flourishing coii l lion, l'rof. Aycock and Mrs. Britton liavo oeen at iheir ports of duty all this cold weather, miking things warm and lively in the school loom. Mrs. Dr. Orr has moved back to her home near Ast-U'y. Mr. SaniiK-1 T. Heed, who has been with Mr, J F. Aim in the past year, lias gone to Hpmtanburg and takon a,posii n with Mr. 1>. Baxter M oo t. Fntn is a good boy aud wid make his mark in tho worll. Miss Carrie Kis >n is on a visit to relatives about lloiue J". U., rsorth l'ac-det. Mrs. Mattie William* ii on a visit to her mother nt Walhaila. Mr. P. Ii. Fri|>p, "f Terrell. N. C., is on a i8it to his sister, Mrs. J. L. McWhivter. The firs' quarterly conference for 1803 ol the Jonesville and Kolton circuits will be held nt Jonesvi'.le next Saurday. It will he nti untisun ly interesting occasion as the former Jonesville circuit has been divided and businsss p< rtniniug to the Jivis:on wi 1 ome up at this inciting. The pt oplc of our town are exceedingly hea thy at thiHiimc. Mr. .h W. Crawford ran over to Atlanta last week and brought in a fine bunch ol mules. He is out with them now and proposes to sell them, cold or hot. Two ycurs aioto l*y Ijhad a Le'Conte peat tree in tdoo.n No sign of blooms about that tree tod?y. Telephonic. ? I '* ngram of Middle Beetion Broad Hirer Bap |BBPR,A9soc!nSmwulI^iee^?iU^^^^^ "Bethel churoh, on Saturday beforo the 6th Sunday in January, 1803, at 10 o'clock a. tn. 1st Question.?"Can a person attend Sunday School regulaily and not he benefited ?" Speakers, C. C. Roberts and J A. Hume*. 2nd Question ?"What would be the condition of the country without any Sunday schools?" Speakers, W, Sana Lipscomb ami John C'ocker 3rd Qucs'ion.?"What is lost by neglected stilly of the Bible ; and what is gained, by attention to it?" Speakers. T. M. Little jehn and Snm'l Haniaiett. 4th Questiou.?"Do ministers give at much attention to Sunday scboele as they hIiouIi! ?" Speakers, T. G. Chalk and P. 8 Webber. SDNDAV SIBTICBfl. Mais meeting at 10 o'clock, conducted by me prosiuent. Trenching at 11 o'clock, by Rev J. D. Bailey. Subject, "Modern Misstone." L. D. Bonsrr, Seo'y. Lock iiart Mills.?A meeting of the subscribers to tbe capital Manufacturing C?wPW^m held today (January li, MerehonSS Hotel, Sp >rt*nbiwy^7c. ^oi^Joseph Walker was calleJ lo the ?Jl?fr and Dr. C. E. Hemmg was requested - -To net as eecreiary. A majority of the stock was reported present. It was voted 10 change the name from "Lrekhart Manufacturing Company" le "Lockhart Mills." A board of eeven directors was elected, consisting of C. D. Farrar, C. K. Fleming, Joseph Walker, J. C. Farrar, J. II. Montgomery, Al*a Gage and Stepbsn Gage, and authority was given to 'he board to iocreasa tho number te nine if they deemed it advisable, D. R. Duncan, J. II. Montgomery and C. E. Fleming were appeinted a committee to draft a conatuution and by-laws for the government of the oompany, and to report at the next meeting Authority was given to the directors to provide for the build in* of a r*lir??A? tm n> ?- k Snarianburg nm! Cuien railroad. Meeting adjourned. C. E. Fiumimo, Sao'y. DfrtWlTri&'tt aud elected C. D. Farrar, pretldenland treasurer; and Dr. C. E. Flaming, vioe-pre8i<l?nt. It was voted that 20 par cant, of stork bo sailed for to ba paid on or before tka 10th of February, 1803. C. K. Flrminq, Sec'jr. We have a rpeedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth ami headache, in SIIILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free wi'h each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath Price 60c. Sold bj If. K. 8ai0i 4 <*>. TEACHERS' COLUMN. [J. I.. Strain Kdlt-.r. Mr?. n. O. ChlTonl ami L. W. Dirk Auiotant KJilor*.) A Taaohar'a Viaw of Praf Robert Morriioa a* a Teaohar, ateIRON RKAL LICK, lie was a quiet, unselfish man, with r-o wanl-h or genius. Satcral years liod posted in hi*rokool work, when ha sickeued and died. Meu, women and ahildron wept whau iliay heard the good teach*?- hafi gone.Many hcnedUiioOK were uitn e l on hn a> >1 u>on*y oc^d nat'liaadShfl IB > lu many naVna fli'o prowariul formed "1 will try to trroiyr 1 known auch ft cliri-tlan."" ' ! Who was he, and what was his aama r That n*ad not bo wriiton here. Ill* noma will bo reinonihetcd for a few years in the neighborhood of his church nod school house. When his youngest pupils nre become old inon And women, thav mav omn simially cull the then uufamil'ar name to those around thorn. And then his name will fade from earthly remembrance. lint it i< registered on high, and ono day will decline the results of his lile-vrork. Ohristtnn lotcher, are you tempt* I to thiok your work a little thing ? Nothing is little Hint touches and fashions and enriches hutrun hearts and lives. Br Faithful. Report of Book* Crook Aoademy. Doc- 1898. by Mtss Jos ie WoodItrd C'las*, 1st Honor, Cora Gusset', liud " 1st Honor, Luis Little. 1st ' 1st II nor, Ilenry Miller. We might learn something if wo will listen to lougrcllow, who soys : ' I.ivcs 01 great men all remind us, W* cm masc our ltvos sublime ; And depurti?g, leave behind us, Footpiut* on the sands of time." That wo shall leave footprints whether wo try to make our lives sublime or not, is a fact we cannot deny. It matters not whether they bo plauud with the hot*y treid of lit; wanior ndvauoitig in liuc of baitle or t:ie gnitte siopptng of the fond mother who keeps vigd over the form of her darting babe asleep in its era lie, they arc practically ouc and the stiue li it not ieisouabto to suppose that such a poat as Longfellow meant to encourage any die ip sort of effort that seeks lame and on en misses it. II* meant to point out the lessan of great men's d*-da as an inspiratiou to the heroes of private life. No greud *r lite ever rol cd a mighty name across the pages of history than one who has exemp-itied its desiies in the sohoo* room to buiid character and prepare the young aud rising genoratiou for usefulness iu life aid happine.-s ia eternity. The potentially g eat, whom circumstances nave Duriuu m ouseuruj instead o| lining into proiiiiuouoe, have beau legion. Th. political heroes wl\> have bfootae had,, dca pcrate chnnytcis, for lack of proper training in early life, who can eount them? Let lives of gicat men remind the teAcber of the sub iuiity he may put into his pupil's lives. Let his'ory be taught so that us influence may be felt iu every soul capable ot receiving it. Make the children acquainted with the great, not merely by telling the dates of the r births ajd deaths, but by fetching their greatness. The story < f little George's hatchet will never become threadbare to chidren. A c'ass of tittle six-year old boys will start with a thrill of noble sympathy as the ourage of the tiu'h-telliug boy couvoyed to Item in words inspire ! by the te ichor's owu moral earnestness, li will depcl a readable resolution in the childish face to tnako its life a fac xiiuile of the il usurious Wa-liiugton, Th nigh it may not last long, yet an impression wilt be made upon the young hesrt that o'd age will venerate, 1'ost thoughts will recur under fresh circuoistanc? s to be modified atul (o modify. What else makes up the sum and current ofourlivis? The little ch ldrcn wi 1 experience a vivid moral bought which will tuuiy times return to associate i'self with some pas.-ing circum-tuuees iutlucocing its conduct, l.ct us iu his'ory bui'd character mid c iliivate brains. As fur back as 1882, Abmlum Lincoln said : "The subject of Mducauon is the moat 1 important one which we as a people can be engaged in. Tho following linos contain every letter in the I'lngiisb alphabet: viim JJI*C3 me ux "in uicm ; II quickly heats the sheep's low cry, But man, who take* his fiucst wheut, Should lift His jeyftil praises high." 1 People who four Uod most are least afraid of nit, ... _ ?o? r The subject of uing the rod in our " schools is one upon whicit the teachers will ne?er fully agree. Those teachers who suffer no breach ef 4he-r rules, either by themselves or their pupils, are those who i 1 man* cecaslou to resort to the rod. is the psnaoea for this trouble. > Divisiulk hy 0.?There is an uowritten law am?ug figures which we would be glad for some of our readers to explain. It is this: If we write down any number, as 786642. then revorse the order of the figures making auotber number (240587), then subtract the less Irom the greatrr the number , ' remaining will be exactly divisible by 9. I This is geuorally understood, but why is it that the figures constituting the remainder I will form a number exactly divisible by 9, ' transpose them as you may ? Example : write 786012 ; reverse the order, of the figures, making 240587; Subtrur > and we bnvo 539055 remaining' Thesmfj ures can be transposed so as to r 720 different numbers, aue of whigd^?,8. ? divisible by 9. W,U ** Correspondence Mr. lit the Timxh. Ma. SditoiSS*^1 IUBe' soroo time h*T* b?*n DOtlcin* for ---ij^^rhat very little news makes ite M^pBRuigh to yetir va'uable paper, from Cross Keys, so I thought 1 would give yeu an item. We are having the eoldest weather that we have had in more lhao eix years,and it looks as if it was going to stay so, for every dey it seeme to get colder. Sploudld time to make leg fires and ait by thein. The venerable Mr. Win. Stewart, who was 82 years ni<i ? i.i. ?? . - . , , .<? < nvuia in ntdUlft M 81st alt. lie ?m buried in Vadgcti's Creek Cemetery. Although the wetther wis very unfavorable, there were many frieuds et the burial. Hit funeral was preached by Her. L. C. Ezell. Mist .Mollis Davie, one of Greet Keys' fair 1 daughters, wet married to Mr. W. H. Kmitb, of Union, in Padgett's Creek Baptist Church on Wednetduy evening, Dee. 21st, by Her. L. C. Eziell. Many friends were preseot to wimets the marriage. Mr. II. B. Murphy and son with bit mother, M s. J. W. Murpby, h?s just returned from a*visit to relatives in Hrphzibub, Us .rg a. Mr. T. U. Wa'drip has j-ift returned fiom [ III i he Cnifsrjjij at UreeavilMrvnd has taiftn I id# i'aUgrUs Creek #ohool, which op?A(l with abem 40 pupilsI tell you, Mr. Kilitor, Crop# K*y# I* en ? t ooin now. W# have three Klovep. Pill END. ? ?CONCESSION TO THK SAI.OON MM.-CILVN' ia, 8. C., Jeu. 10.?Comptroller General Kllerhe be# ruled thet after the 12th of thi# month e?uiity treasurer# may accept 960 from applicant# for liquor license# for the first half of the year until the dispensary law goes into 1 ' ... # Cerrespm i? bo ef Ihe iuw. Kiwi frem Horth Pace let- sbl . Err* Jans. S. f\, Jan. 16.?The weather for the post two weeke ku two m celd that thw mejefUy of our peepie haw* been keeping in doom. Mr. dandling, who was accidentally tint ?>n CliristRi.'ia day, died one day last wtek. & II s case sh uld be a lessou to those who i think ilia' oairymg a pUt>l make* a' miy* '2 It fre<|dontly makes a deed one. * "... Mr. Jmtaoo IfctHocks died suddenly 'iotas weeks ugdtii ilia upper/part o? ihis oouotJJP Hl^Wtie battle of Fraa*r's Farm, "do the seven days fight iu front of Rioh ooad, bis thigh was brokeu by a minoie bell. He was a soldier by oreaiion, but in m -st ether depattniouts of life lie was or lis* a failure. Those of our people who are fend of skatlug have ? fine time now fir that sport. Tho health of our county was never better |than It ie bow. v : . > Rev. J. It. Swsnn prcacheJ at 3alem y titer! ?y. UU text was, II Kings, 6:14? ' Then went he down, and dippel himself seven tiuies in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of Coil, ami l> id flesh came agnii like unto the flesh of a litt o oliild, niul ho was oleao." The Noith I'aculot Allisnco Union wil meit at Dawkius* Mill next Saturday, 21st. Some important business initt-rs are to be ^ transacted, an 1 it is requests I tlmt those interested will turn out that <lny. Most of eur schools are iu operation now, and the attendance is generally good. The emigrution fever still continues. Several parties from western York have goua We'l; somo to stay and others to loek for ^ homes. ? Our fr ond, Mr. W. II. King, who has becu identified our people in York and Uui.rn cunties for severut years, eiiber as a tesober or o mmerciat man, caded 'tut week to bid its adieu, ou his way to Texas, where ho was c diet last year to take charge of a flouri-hing reboot; but his busuioss engagements nt that time provented him'r im going, lie is a young man of flit intellectual and mornl a:tn mucms, and we most cordial y rccemiuond him to the people with whom be makes his future home. It is a sad commsutary on our beloved ^B S>ate to see so many of her cnterprisiug, ^ young rueu seeking homo* t lewhere. Whiter ' it is true much of ihe business and professions are crowded, there wdl ui ways lie rooat at the top of the ladder for men of enterprise an i iniral character. Wc nrc gad thai "Inquiring Teacher'* has taken the editor of the Teachers' Column iu hand and given hun'a few hmta as to his sins of omission end commission. That U exactly wbst be needs. We find he has set hts lie a I to make the teaohers .t%lk now er "forever hereafter hold their peace and he Is going to ds so. Tliey might as well uvgui dow. ii o?ery maner pe: Mining t? the Work of educating our people he fully and thoroughly discuss# 1. Our people Wlia . buvo been asleep for lo ! these many years^ ? will wake up and put on new lite. The WilkinsTille Litomry and Debiting Society will meet at YVilkinseille next Saturday night. The subject, to be dioouteed ie : Ruolved, Hut the colonization ot the colored people would be bencflciel to the United Stu.cs. We hope to report the result of the discussion iu our uext week's letter. Vox. ? . . 0 A Littlr Girl's ExrsitiKNUK in a Lioutiiol'sk.?Mr. and Mrs. Loreu Treeooit are keepers ef the Government Lighthouse til l<each, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter, four yews old. Last April she was taken down with Mess es, followed with a drcHdful Cough and turning into a fever! , Doctors at heme aud at Detroit treat oil her. but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until \ she was s mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King s New ^Diioovery and "S, after the use i f two and a half bottles wen / completely cured. Tliey suy Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight iu gem,, yet you uiiy get a trial bottle free at B. F. Posey's Drug Store. Siiiloh's Cossumiwion Cprc This Is boyoud i|uestion the most successful Cough Medicine we have ovor s >ld. A few doses invariably cure the worst coses of (lough, Croup and HronchiCs, while its wonderful i success iu the oure of Consumption is with- jr out a para'lel in the history of niediome. ' Since its first discovery it has been s.>ld on a guaran'cc, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough wo -earnestly ask you lo try it Price 10c 50c and $1. If your lungs are sore, chest, or baok lame, use Siiiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by II. K. Smith u Co. MARKIEB. ~ UHAVES?KENDIIICK. Married, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Frank Ifomtlinlr ?>l lunu I I? ?? '? ^WV. ? ( ?UW4.f UJ UCT . J), u Lampley, Mr U M. Reaves, of Mecca, Qa.? mad Miss N. C._ Kenlriek, of Uaiou C'juotjr^^^ F.DWARDS?EDWARDS. tb? residence of Mm. M. V mother it the bride, DeoJlfajooM I B,C. 7<i.X"Z - Mwrried, ?t the resident# oa Wi*? fathor of the brido, Deo. r:VJJ&2, Mr. M. W. Boboand Mis* T. M. 7; IU?. R. C. Ltmpley officiating. /GREGORY-NANCE. Married, in th# Helton BeptUl Churoh, Jen. 12, 1898, byRev. W. I. 0. Humphries, Mr. W. T. Urego-y and Miss Betsy Ann N'anoe, both ef Un on County. List Of Letters Remaining in th# Postoffice at Union, for the week ending Jen. 20th, 1808. Davis Bleuberg Mr Willi# Criers' T M Dunoan Miss Diokie Kirbj Miss Merjanus Poster Mr. W S Le# ? Mr 8. A dtrauss. Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. 0. HUNTER. P. M. Dissolution of Partnerships rpllE Ann of Both & Hollis, hvretoftrr X existing at Cross Ksys, Union Co., 8. 0., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, all olaisss having bosa settled. Signet this, the 28th day of December, 1892. CLAUDE T.BOYD, M W. D. MOLLIS. n- if a rt ?vivsa nvjrif O. ly? J ah 20-8*4k CORONER^ NOTICE. Cosoxsr'q Orrtec. ) Union, 8.C., Jon. 19, 1896./ To mil to whom it mmy concern: inks notioe the* oil pnnies hiring business with the Corouer mast call eame?J^^ my irsilsuee, user k?ito?, Deputy, Jlr. Jsutrs If.' Bwi|?naTlBi??r <1 H. * JUSfHtTPAYCOCK, ? * Coroner Union Coautjr. Jeu 204.21 ? dank Stock for 8ok>, XTUVB slures of the MeraHnuts en J L'lenU : era Netionol Bene ofUuiou, no ouging to the estate of Mrs. Alary Una te'ook, ileoe*sed, will be ottered for seU before tbs Courthouse door ut Union, on Mendey, -?! t.Sslrsdey) the 6ih dsr of t eOni.ry, nest. 'it* W. I. tlOUDKUCCK, Kx'r. Jhu b * I