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Committee, a' a meeting held at Union C. II , August 16, Itnolvril, Thut no ballot be counted for member* to tbe Legislature and County Comra'saionrrs unless three tnen arc vote! for for each office, who are known candida'e? for said effices. rsrjnm .-/sr - zzz. . ilR.. 3IU?P? fiiiifa l.:!: KuivM \L UlltO R. M. STOKES, - . Editor rritlay, AiikhnI HI, INII2. sunsciurriox, *i r?o run axmjm CANDIDATES IN THE FIELD. I III' IOIIOW INK I IM l/l ' IHIIMilll'n l"f HI." mi county olflce/i will lie ail'lcil to a? hi w name* arc 11 iiiiinilie iil III llio "niul|ilat?n Quarter*." Hilt Tin; I.K'ilSI ATl'Ki;. Tim* ('flu ma ii 'I lux ii finrr < ;lt llolio, limlfri'y It Fowler, U \V ll.ii ii<> < Walton Whitman, John W Mel'ravy J It .Irll.-i ic->. I OKSIII.KII I . A C'oli! I.ylo, .1 <i|i|i'<>ii laiii^ .lame II Itarllo*, I OK AL'IM IOlt. I' Ionian, Natl Ii Moi^.iii, J fOll*. .11 llailey, .1 It lllantoii I Hit Tltl.ASCItl.l:. Ha 11 fun I Willt.ii ii, .1 I!'I' Soil .1 lilioltix, .l??liii I' IImiiii.iv \V T .li ter. FOlt roi'NTV fOM MISSION KISS. .1 \V Nance, It S 'I Imiua*. ,lr I M Moliloy, ,1 A {;li.uuin r?. W M I iillinan 'I loo .1 I -l" FOlt SKIIOOI, fO.M MISSIONKi:. N't '.Itllejollll, M I, la lil.i-lei .1 I. Walker. Foil <OltoNKIt. II F t ir '(jory .la-|? r Ay? m k FOlt ("I.KItK OF CHI |ST. A ^jU>enil II !' nr. / >. FOTt'sFFKItVISOl! OF It KOISTIt VI'lov. T J II Sinilit Xl.-,)'" The coiniuuuicirioii from Itiekw imh Parmer is crowd <1 out. Ii will up pear next week. O Neil Thursday, the ~-'>th , is the last day for enrolling voters on the e|ul? lists, lion I neglect ? . Kemrinher, you cannot vole ul the primary election if your name is not on the dotno trade club liet of your township, Jut dai/i hefore the election W8u Mr Peyton It I.ove requests us t< Main that for reasons satisfactory to himself he has withdrawn from the canva?fl for Ainlitor of fho County of Union. ? IV? arc niilhori/c<l to plain that the Kxeeulivr Commit.en Inivc decided not le reijufro ctinif(<fates for the otlicc of .fury Commissioner to ho voteil for at the primary election. m ' J. T. Johns in, l'!i>|., candid-tlo for t'ongiess frjat this Congressional District, will K'l<lrt<s the people of West's Spring ami vie nity, on Monday morning. inst., at 1 tl o clock . . ? J*lY" Don't forget to have your name enrolleil on the Democratic t'lnh list of your ItNttStSSHMKMaJCCMlH^HMifil township on or before the "J ?lIt ?.> days hefore the primary election. If you neglect that duty, you cannot vote at the election. Brft . We are rcuiieste i to s'ato that all names left with 'l' .1 us I ice S. S. Mokes, Tor en roll ra on ( on I lot Democratic Club list .< ,1.1., wn iisnip, will I'O }'?0|.i?rly J. I flood oil ?Iio list, it'ifiren in proper lime. 4? BWA.. W lion not cinvenieul to call on Mr. II. F Tuwnacml. Secretary of the democratic club of this (I'nioni Township, who has the club lis', or in hi* absence from the town, persons wishing to enroll their names can ilo so bv calling on S. S. .Mokes, fcirj. ? IJev. S. I\ Hope pni I In* last visit to I'nion iin I his ininy frieiols therein, last Friday, before sailing for his missionary station in Japan, on or about the loth of next month. The prayers of every christian heart in this conn.unity will atteml him in his high ami lio'y mission "/ ' ir tirnl ami keep Ilia comtumamlments," is a >1 ivino c mininml ami is a's>> tlie cardinal doe'rtno of the christian religion, of every ileiiominalion It was improsse I n] on our hearts in our earliest childhood. ami time cannot efface it or weaken our faith in the terrible rebuke that may follow a defiance of that command. Wheat lev Tillman ' ' i neither tear tlod or iegai 1 man. lie tittered defiance to the jus'ieej and power of tiod. ami we have -erioiis light to ^appr< hen I tliai <i > ( will iviMiKo iimi. ?iriin' pe j iviiii im nlv endorse l>i-? deliancehv e'eciing liim to tire over ihem. We are in t a religi?u? funatir 8Sa>* There is no truth in the j ub'ished report that < I or 1 ill in 'in fnvors W. 1'. Henet for the I'tliee it Alivi n> y Crucial, over j Assistant Attorney Caneiul, I>. A 1'own! send. We thought there could l># no truth in ihe report ; 1 >111 If there was truth in it it wouM he a piece of iitipardcnahle ingratitude anil injustice on Ihe part of lite tiovcruei I 1'y right, Maj. Townscnd should hare succeeded V. J. l'opoto that oilier. hut he w?not aulhcien; ly ao'iuai.-ito I with wire j nil intr, to convince the Legislature of the j justice "f his claims, since then he has j hoen one of the most assiduous workers atul '[ ahle othcuvs of the ndministriitiou, nnd has j fully earn* 1 tho prom )ti >n. Mis name will | certainly be found on the ticket. - m | Death of Mrs. W. T. Bcaty. Again are we tailed up?n to announce the ' tleath of nnother of Cnioti s most estimable I I.a lies, Mrs. William f. Lenty. /!? Miss Neely Culp. which occulted at the old j family residence last Thursday night, ?t | 10 o clock. ' Mrs. lWuty was the youngest and ouly | surviving daughter of the lamentcl Mr. IV i I'. Culp, anil the last female member of one I of the best families of tiiis County. Her life was ?|>ent iu L'nion, and by her gcntlcocsi of maoncr and christian walk. ' she in early lite endeared herself to nil i i.iiv-,5 ?->Uu ivixiuv 11 nin IU KIIUW IIP!', UD'I | who will lie greitly missed by her inaov j friends l Hie leaves a devote I husban I, two clnl ' dren and live bro'lier*- 11 mourn ltd bn-. ! who have I!ie sympathy "f the entiro roiumunity in their ?al bereavement. The Political Tendency. Tho poll'iea' tendency in tIiim couolrjr, im t? tli cent ralixat ion of the government in tli? hai ds of the Hepubli<?n party. Kmci (lie nib treasury scheme m-l givi the government mortgages on the farmers crops, ati?I tliv farmers | l*c?* themselves under mortgage in the hand- ?' of the putty in power. (Jive the government coiilr >1 (?) of the railroads, telegraph and express corporations, rmJ immediately tboae, corporations get control of the government, or the political party in power. Tliey become political machines, in conjnticlion with the post office depot tini nt, to be run in the interest of the dominant political party, or for tiny party iliht promises them most liberal advantages. Whether the government buys or merely undo takes to control their privileges by legislative enactments, the same political powr will tie exercised by tliern. Kvery Kngiieer, Conductor, Agent, Operator, ci...i, i .... i . ..... . .i ... .r . i _ ' It*' R , <111 ilHIIIIMII.1l 111 I J VII llt'l VI HUT htiit< 1 r<-<Jh of ihouiauds of employes will t o cmbaries traveling through every part o i lie e>u?iry <1 i.^sem i nn t i u|^ tb? politioul dogmas mnl working fur (lie advancement >f the political party lunl favors their inlore*ls most. Ami w Ii it floater strong'h could any parly wont in pi-rpeliinto ila power ilian lo hold morlgige* over flie farmers ami have lite enormous vote ami influence of the postiilliei'M, ilie railroad, express nml telegraph emu| miiv.s ? Nearly every prominent man who pioiniilgcd mi l first advocated tlio sub-trettsury M(,??* government ownot ship or o iitrnl of riulroii'ls, express ami telegraph companies, was nml it an out anil out republican politician, ami some of tlicm have recently been elect el In Congress, while nearly every <' ngressiotinl distiict in tlio South has u eandululc for Congress on the < >ca!a plat firm of which tliose two planks ate ]iiniiiiiii'iil nml distinctive plunks. A Rare Treat ftr the People of Union \nangeii.t"its have been completed for an cut -i I siniiieiit by "KlflSIIN'8 MVSTKIWol.'S I'llOMHiltAl'll, on Tuesday night, \ueusL *JM, in the Opera House, under fhe atfp.ces of the M. K. Church. NO LAIl TL'lilvS t'SED. A largo audience enter taile d til one time, as if in the presence <>f (ho performers. Tho program consists of selections from I'mi oils hinds, Mitch us (i iltnuro's of New York, Marine of Washington, C'ttdttl of l!oston, and others. Noted orchestra and quartetlo relecliotts besides, Cornel, I'iccolo. Xylophone. Trombone, Flute, etc., rolos niid focal so'os with piano accompaniment. An opportunity will ho given for tiny one to speak or sing into tho phonograph which will ha immediately reproduced to the audience. Come and hear the world lac.ed wonder. Admission 'Jo ccuts ; reserved seats <lo cents, Chi droit 10 cents. Tickets oil stile at I'osry M Drug Store. . ? Due West Femnlo College We call uttcnliou to (lie advertibcmont of this oil and admirable institmim. It litis stood 111o test of yours and to-day stands the equal of nuv Female College in the country. Located in one of the most attractive and healthy rural towns in the South, with a v. or innciivr.s interior to none, in piint of ability, cllieiency und christian character, it jcet lainly otFer? the h'ghogt advantsgos for the thorough intellectual education and moral training of cur ytttt.g ladies. We have a wry warm attachment for the Duo West Female t'.illege of utany yearn etanding, formed hy an iiitiuinto ocquaintanco with its noble christian Founder, Kev. W. 1. Itonuer, when he tvat a young man. Woffoia College This nob!< institution ,f learning now occupies a c uispicuous p siiion ir? tho front rank of the best and most popular colleges ii the counlrjr, after surmounting almost insurmountable trials ami discoiiragetnents of every kind. From its own inherent worth and the long line of polished Ashlars it has sent inte almost every section and honorable employment c: the world, as specimens of the good work it hat dene and is doing, in the cause of that "higher education" which elevates and purifies society and dignifies true manhood of life, if has won its wav to the hearts of the people of every class in tho land, and wo are pleased to know is now reap ng an abundant I reward foi its faithfulness and efficiency. I tfH. The County camp tgn i. in full blast ? hot urn! lively -and wo regret to learn, |iiitst acrimonious between some of the candidates for legisla' ive honors. Truly shall we bo glad when tho election is over. It ha- been a campaign of nbiije. vituperation, and false charges, la all those demoralizing topics, the 'people have had line upon line ?::d precept upon precept poured into Ihem. and no tho lints arc drawn, taut and di-tinct between toun'ry and town, capital ami labor, vocations agains* vocations, and class sgninst rl.a-s And all these unhappy divisions have boon created by appeals of politicians t >t!ie prejudices of the people. Virtue lias tied to brutish And men have lost their reason." h Joes seem to us that political deinag 'gates hive taken full p >sscssiyn (if the woiuing i asits vi u ii j.nypte. aim arouse i tlielli almost I" IV st'll > of fl OU. v l,; cr^"'ing in their minds the int( re<?ion that !I. ? ?^.>\eminent. society, capital. i tin: and citic?, ( ii|n>r:ilioii? itud cntcrpri?i nil kinds, ai ? orgnn/o I to oj -press 111o11:. nii'l nm-t lie special bjoets of their opposition itu l do* strucii iii, if iltt'y expect or \\i?!i to lc hnppy an I crmi*. and rich themselves. Such teaching li?ii implanted mhIi a spi, ; o.*' discontent in the hearts of the vv, rhiug cliHsi.v. ilia', (lie i.nly I'vundatiou of mutual interest, confidence l>et wccu ul! classes. c 'inploto'y dcstroye I cousenucntly .1 general stagnation bordering on bail kill) toy murks lu ->11 in the face. Legislation! A change of govern uient ! are tho only remedies pointel out by (hepoliticiaiis for the wrongs that exist. In oilier an I plainer words, they sty, to pe >plo turn others out an i put u- into th olliu We Inive u eptcdy and positive euro for catarrh, diphtheria, . j-nk'-r mouth and hoaduche. in Sllli.OII'S CA'J'aKI'II MKMK I>'i . A nasal injector free with cacti luetic I ii il tun di'-irc liealih an I sweet hreitili fiicc "'Oc. Sold Ly II k tMinth & Co. A Til)ma^ffc??p*rd Handshaking At *b*Vjlpftign meeting at YValhella last Thurtdif tfc? following very interesting Ml, timt MtPC time, ludicrous scene created lensiderable laughter at ihc expeoee of Gov&lllman an<i Mr. lieuet. Ei-Ob. Bheppard was spenkinsr. and "hi!: numan a ncntme to gel Consti'lAonal conven> ion and ad >pt a law limiting |uffr?ge. Governor Tillman inter ruptel bL 04 v? ral times with protestations that tha mople would b? lha ones to say whether \icli a qualifica'iou should be passed. \ This la akwgisvii upon which the two sides havt/Betr Arguing from diametrically opposite rtawa at t?e last dozen meetings? the Tillmaifwptak V-1 sajing there could be no qualiftcailyi oo Noting without the people passing up^u the Conservative! declaring thai \he ^invention would pass such a law withbit submitting it back tc tbe people to be tmtiled. After several k.magss with Governor Slieppard, Governy Tillmau filial y eiclaimcd : "If a new constitution is to be sub milted back to the Vople, and we have u majority of 40,000 Negroes, how in Cot's name are you goinglo get it ratified ?" Goveruor Hheppxn clapped bis hands a this admission, siyiib; "1 told you so. lit deniss your power lotindct stand your owt minds. I have beeu\trying to draw thi Governor out on tils quesion for twe months." \ Governor Shsppardthen made a ten strike with this reuiai 1^ during which hi naully "took off" the gentleman referred to Now lieoet will never again have tbi power, with his isaguitie basso profundi voice, to sav a law limiting suffrage can't b passed without submitting it to the people [Great laughter from everybody ensued.] Itsnet applauded with voice and bands Governor Tillman caught Governor Sliep null's -?.i? .i* " *T- 1 - n f*j advanced to<o tho same thing The remari literally brought down the house, an 1 then was nothing to do hut silently to aequitsci in its truth. When ha fiuishe J, Coverno Tillman got up and raid Shoppard ha l inadt the beat speech ho hud user intule, and hi was ho eager to counteract it that he took i hand primary, hut it was not Tory success fill. Personals. Mrs. It. F. Stokes and daughtar, of Char lotto, are visiting relatives and friends it Union. Mr. Herbert, wife and family, o Laurent, are visiting the family of W. L> Wilkins. Miss Sadie Gjbbos, of Columbia, who wa graluated with distinc'iou two years ago from a New York Institution, as a Traine Nurse, is visiting frieads and relatives here Mi<s Uibbos is earning for herself an entitle reputation in her chosen profession. I'rof. A. V MoKisstck, of Ala., apant t few days with Ins parents the past week. Miss Cbarlc'to Al ston has gone to Ashe vi le, N. (j, Miss Kiirsbetli (1 rim hal I Ims gone to Ha H<>ck., N, C. "sick brother" nt Wiikastnro, N.C. Mrs. A. II. Corrie, accompanied by Mi? May Duncan, has gone to Cokcsbury, aftei pending flisw tjiuf with Mrs. T. C. Dun can. Mrs. T. C. Duncan ?ud her two daughteu hare gone to Seneca on a visit. Messrs. Den D. Culp end C. C. Culp hart gone to Glenn Springs to drink that famous water. Mr. W. L. Culp h?s returned to Charles ton. Miss Kiltie Itice has returned from Ashe villo, N. C., and ij_ joend?"? <* wi'h hor sister, Mrs. G. C. Perrin. Mr. L. P. Murphy has returned from his visit to tho old North State. Mr. (J, P. Garrett, of Spartanburg, is in town. Misses Katio lilshop n* <1 M:nnio Gregory are visiting Mrs. 15. G. Clill r 1. Gist Duncau has gone to Spartanburg, to visit relativos. Mr. J. T. Hose, of the N. V. Racket start has gone homo to recuperate. Mnj. D. A. Townseud returned to t'olum bia Tuesday. Mr. J. E. Hunter has gone to Columbia S. P., on "important business.' Mr. W. I). Arthur, and Mr. 1! P. Marry, have returned from N C. BMA? The principals of the Uaft'ucy City Male and Female Seminary have conclude'! that hereafter they will ike a Summer out ing, like other fo'lis an 1 devote the winter months to the School room, like cthci Teachers lu other words, they have deci ded to return to the Winter sessions of I lit Seminary ins ead of the Summer. No doubl they liuvo fomul that neither Teachers nor pupils like to work in (ho hot Summer dayi when every hotly else, in the mountains as well as the lowl unls, are soaking cool place*, r;si and recreation Well, the (?iff.iey i,ein;narv is a sp'endid institution and we havo no douht the change will attract an increase of patronage. There is no healthier place than Oaffney City, and no community has a more cnterpritung and whole settled people. [ vin ritrisr.MKK i . | To the Voters of Onion County. Mr. Kimtok : Dear Sir : Allow me epaci in yo?r columns to state to the voters ol tin County that there hits Teen a report in pov lions of the County tha J. had withdrawn fioui the race for County Treasure;:. Thi' report was circulated from a statement mad* by myself thai it my health did uot improvt > it would be impossible for me to mako (lit j County canriss. A'so, from a report thai the tloreriuir had sail if I wero elected he woiil I not appoint inc. With tliese obstacle^ in my way I did at ono time think of with drawing, and so state! in a speech at Wilk' it sville. Dot I am thankful to state that the e is - insiderahlc improvement in my health, and 1 cm it posso-sicn of written informal on from Uvvert or Tllluicr. Tint, it tie is elected ho will appoint the man wh > gets a majority of the v<res of the County at the primary election: besides, 1 ! have loan urged by quite a number of the goo 1 people of the County not to withdraw ! In! to go on to the end, which i intend it, I d Do I bsing my lielper: and those of my ; friend* v.U le? re to vote for nic will find } my name upon tne tictie. T'.urswitli respect, J. 15. T. Soon. * Suinuis Co\>i mition Ci tit:.?-This i> ! beyond 1)11011011 I lie most successful Cough ! Mo i.ui,c wo have ever sold. A few doses inwiriuUy cure n o w-jisi cases of Cough, Cioii|> and IHonchi'is, v ti'c ' s ' on lerfitl success in I lie cure of Consumption is will out ti jmr.i'lel in 'he hi-iory of iut-dicim Since its lirst discovciy it has liecu * >h! on a ginuaii ee, a lest which no other me Heine can si an,l. |f yon ha*e a eolith we earnestly a-lv you lo try it I'rice li'o oOo and ! Ifvntir Itiuos ;,ro s ,re. client, or ha'-k j 1 i n us. idii.'vh I" o.iiis l'laslcr. Sold hy I JI h Jjui.'th \ <j Cormputiltnci of the Time* News From North Paovlet Ktte Jane. Aug. 16.?W? Hot# got bock on our old stamping ground once more, and ore ready to report for duty. In Greenville we wore glad to meet hobo of tlie Union b^ye. among whom was Hon. J. I ' M. C;; .a<i T. i?. i-uuer, K*q., both of whom had caaoa in the V. 8. Court. J. C. Jefferivs Kt'|., formerly of Union county, is located at Greenville, and has an eatensivc law prac- j lice, lie a a rising young man TheTiiliuan-Sheppard meeting there last i urs'iuj Yinn u snair, jvt mi? wo? v? order prevailed, considering tbe immense 1 throng assembled. en<l taking the heat into consideration, too. The U. F. Urtn<i Juries were discharged 1 on Saturday morning nfter 12 days of bard woik, dining which time they ac'ed on 201 1 cases, fiuding 104 "true bills" and 47 "no 1 bills," Judge S:monton complimented theui 1 upon their work, and said many kind thingi which won for him the warmed friendship of the entire body. Our people have reason to (congralu ate themselves that eo pure, ' learned and noble u man us Judge Simoulou 1 is to sit hi judgment upon the mailers be1 (ween lliem and lite national government; for "whou the wicked rule tbe laud mourn1 etb." 1 Tbo death of Mr. W. L. Goforth, which 1 ocourred in the city of Greenville on tbe diet, Ultimo, lias cast a mailt e of gloom over our ' people. He was universally beloved and respected by tli- se who knew him. From a poor fatherless boy lie worked himself up to the first rank of business men, and carried (o the grave au unimpeachable (christian 8 character. He was "llie noblest work of 0 (Jod ?an lit,? { man," Crops are generally good, though we need ' rain now. A low days will put us into the foddering season. Some farmers are wisely gathering hay while they have sunshine. Kev. A. A. James preached at Salem yesr '?l"?".l mit't itl | lioroie. i? foigC l.i,iigriig?L lion was present yesterday. He preached 9 there in nult htllum times. ^yn ep slave ?aid 1 it made her think of old times to hear him. r Mr. Jnmev is a great favorite with all our J people. Mr; Jonathan Huico anil Masters To ramie and NVade. have goac to Shcltonvilla, Ga., to see their grandfather, Mr. Abe Huico. Mies J rants: to Ihividson, of Yorkville, is vfsiiing Mrs. ('apt. Walker's family. l'rof. W F. McArthur, of Onffney City, will address the children at Snlom next Sat9nih iiut I'liiiilrpti'g f]?iv . J ~"J A protracted meeting is 111 progress at Wilson's Chupel. It will perhaps ctcse tof dny. The North I'nculet Alliances formed a Union at Will.insvil'.e last Wednesday 10th inst.. find perfected an organisation hy the * installation of its officers. The occasion , brought t get her n largo crowd, and, of (> course, the candidal >s were out in full force, looking after and talking np the interest of l- the dear pcoi le everything went ott like i a marriage bell, except, perhaps, come of them, (not the candidates,) got a little too x much hard oidor Some people can t understand now it is that we. being an alii met man, cm recommend a non-alliancc man for the legis'nture or any other ottice. That is easy enough, my 1'uegds The alliance is not a political organization, (properly speaking.) auu any honest man who cm bo relied upon to work for tlio ijftitrnl trtlf'ur< of the country uud * without discrimination ..gainst any class of citizens following a legitimate calling, is f entitled to *u,1Pwr'' We belie*? in the tnajotily ruling, although majorities _T? "ot always right, yet they have the power to correct c#ii as well as to create it. Vox. Correspondence of the Union Time*. The Hews el Progressive Jonesvill# JoNEavii.Lt:, August 16 ?Some pieces in the country arc very dry, while those sections that had showers last week are needing more rain, eo a general rain is what is needed now, to put a good season in the ground before farmers commence pulling fodder. t My friend Vox govc me away in hie communication last week in saying I was at Greenville at the U. S. Court. The court is a big thing, though Union County did not have as many cases and witnesses there as I llsnnl. 'I'llno wore nvi>r turn luin,irr>,l I en the docket and over eight hundred witnesses rogi-iere I. TI.e crponeo of the court is about $3,0<K) a day. The new U. 8. Court house is a line substantial building, well fur, nished, but the Court room is entirely too small. That is the only objection I could find to the arrangement of tho grand struct lure. The l'ost otlioo has tho entire lower or ground tloor, and the l*. M., is the custodian of the huil ling. Last Saturday was our county campaign i day. The crowd was large and orderly. 1 did not attend tho meeting myself os 1 did not get home from Greeuville till 3 o'clock, p. in. I understand all the candidates were there, and most of them spoke. There were some sharp words between Messrs. T. 11. Gore and U. IV. Whitman, bdh candidates for the Legislature upon the administration ticket, livery good conservative man in the county will certainly be glad when this boiling, seething Mitgirg, howling, abusive campaign is over. The church will have a ! great deal to do after the .'50th. Some of the preachers, 1 understand, are hurrahiug and taking great interest in the campaign, and not for prolub (ion, either. 1 am really sorry that those things aro so. j 1 was sorry to hear of the death of Mr. John C. Murrey, which occurred in Savannah, tin., the ldih. iust. Mr. Murray did business for several ytare at Grindalt, and has many friouls about Jonesville. Mrs. lid Thomas died at h?r homo near Paci.'.et iaat Friday. She was a daughter of the 'ate l?r. Thou:is Littleiol.n. I Uov. \V. 1?. Bcwley, of Union, hiled the ( appointment of Kev. \V. 11. Miller at the Metholnt church here yesterday. Mr. Bowley is a very earnest spciker, and will no doubt attain to a high position as a faithful, , earnest and i tlective minister. Uov B. G Clifford, of Union, filled the ? I I'roiby lerian pulpit in the afternoon. Mr. - | James w:e attending a meeting at Saletu IV , ???# ? t ItVViVt. .Ml VilllUI J I"* ? U I I and favorably known throughout the c uin'y. I'lle col rod people have ju?? e'esei a mcri' ir.g i t. a f clout two weeks duration lhcy 1 quit work and business of e'.uy kird, end ' run their mooting day and night. 1 i.aren't 1 hea d of any of than, selling their poese*sioiih an I turning the proceeds into the j treasury i t" the Lord. Mr. < a?on, who was hurt wlnlo fishing ' some two weeks tinea is improving slowly. | Mrs. Andrew Thomson, who has been quite siik f r some time, is some bolter. Mi?s Lillic Foster is at Sunshine. N. C.f ' r.f ending a normal music school M . J.nies Far c!'. : uj u writing srhool , of over f>rt7 scholars at our Acnuen.y. Mr'. I wler. of t'obmibi.i i? ?i? i tin ? tlm 1 1 family of Mr. 1> W. Fowlur I Micso-t Aifa Puke* nii'l Carrie Baxter, of 1 Or uigel'urj, are visi ing the family of Rev. I I). Tiller. .Mi-s Florence McGowan, of Skull Skoa's, and Mi*s Mwtuio Il-uley, of Union. are Tint- : , in > r?lo'i ven in town. < Mre J \j '!'?i cl. rm'*011 of Gainesville, 1 F.e . liave been visiting the lumj.y of Br I' I M. I/.tCcjolin. M *r Susie ilrutiRoii, of Spartanburg, liui i ( been on a visit to Mr. J. ('. Farrar'a family I at Pinckney. The 15. At I> K 15., will have a force of ' wo.kmen I eie ;i> n fa w day* to hui ?i u new i c t; >n liUtfojH Mr. 1\ II IVjpp malt a \ !sit to .Jcnes ville i:ist week, lie Inn t een out t > Co! >ra<to ami the W'e<t generally Mr*. I! McKi??ick. of Union, ami Mr j | .1 I' While ami family, of Gnfuey. havj ' Il'ccu i is.ting in u tow u 'j'Kiri'HONK. I For the Tim* laurelling LetUr From Texas., Tex a*. Au;uit 10. ? i imaj one of ihi happiest mimtnis of i man's is thai in which lie takes upon himself name of busbsnd. then I suppose lorat the happier mDm>"'- ;f ? !if; 2. mectiog of long absent friends at least has been 017 experience in a measuremuch so that 1 was convinced last >n< while in South Carolina, meeting 017 frit that it was a great, pleasure. Inde enjoyed my visit vtry much, and 1 ehi have been p'eated to remain another nn in Union County among my best frie who are as good men and women as you tin 1 I am proud of the people of U County and of South Carolina. 1 ~ ~ ? '1 e?ma bavera oriliridnX native carolioinns, of tbe people of Ui County and of the State, which, under all circumstanced, are uncalled for. I have u-ordt of ee mure for in y people. If hare made mietakea I am eorry for tbein, why blame tliciu more than the peopl other elates? Doubtless somo mistakes 1 been made, but do you not have reaso believe that nil true Carolinians atris hard and persistently to correct error: any people iu the United States ? Are our people ns genteel, at generous, as ol table as intell'gcn', as kind and obli as the folks of auy state iu the uniou'.' 'I why abuse? Sir, 1 atu glad to say tint faith is unshaken in the honesty, the I ness of character, the purity of puipose unflinching and devotion to right princ and the high sense of honor and iniegri the citizenship of Union County. 1 < say that I endorse all the political inauei ing in tho county and state, for the three or four years, nor do I believe the rank and Jile of the more infelli men and women of Carolina endorse it. My trip, or visit, to Union was i pleasant nod gratifying than I can ext io word*. I sliouid have been gla' remain longer, but there was a somet called duty, whispering: "fako the 1 gill and g> westward bs fast as the wl of locimo'ion will ca*ry you, to your ones far away, where a wife's fond lov mother's anxious thoughts, tho smiles o-oiuge of a charuL await you " <ibe the bidding of that something, the b journey was commenced at Jonesville , 2Gth. The run to Paint Rock was made evening, arriving there at about b o!cl P.M., Eastern time, one Ipur earliei central, where the ntght had to be spen lh? hink? nf llio rinnlinir Kranch Broad. "" ------ "- ri O On the morning of the 127th, ut 7 25, tral time, the journey iB resumed, and i S liours ride Knoxviile wns reached, w a delay of 5 hours was passed. At 4.2 M., the vestibuleu train through from W ton came a'ong which carried us at a rate of speed to Cleveland, where our c was attached to another fast train bounc Se'ins, Ala., which took us at breaki speed, via Dalton and Home, Qa., Annit Talladega, to Calera, Ala., wtiura a ohi and short delay are made. We arrival this point about 1 o'clock on the tuornir l'8th, snd at 4-53 the I . A* N. train c along and plcko l us up. We breakf?? Montgomery. During the day Green and Mobile. A'a., 1>iloxi and Beair Miss., and other towns are pissed, and a 5 P. M., we arrlvo ir. tlic "Orescent Ci On this liuc of travel it was supp that tho liomc of Mrs Jefferson Davis, the gu]f could be seen, but the former too tar to the right and tuc latter too fa the left to bo seen. At Itiloxi one is uear the home of Mrs. Davis, still it is , . ; " - u M 'i'u* Mlaslss in sight from tu? sound and the great lake Pontchartrain passed over, but tlie gu'f was not bel Immediately on reaching New Orleaua were transferred through that big city It T. & I', depot, where we did not havi remain many hours watchiug tho "Got boro,' Mr. Gould's transfer boat, carry back and forth, until the train for Mar: Texas was ready to leave. Boarding traiu at about '.lo'oluok, P. M.. oi? ill? ' we came to Marshall, making close con tion thorc then at Toxnrkana, arrivinj Bonlian at 7 o'clock P. M., on the2'.Uh, i ing the trip from New Orleans to Bon in 22 hours, a distance'of 5G5 miles, and entire trip from Jonesville, S. C., in a 1 more than ff days. The total mileage I Union to Bonham over the route travelc 1 ,4'Jll miles. I find the weather dry and warm 1 vtith rnlilird rntAl rn 1 llir* nounln indier iii a pretty good humor hII around. J.S.i For the Tijik Letter from North Georgia IIickurt, Ga., Aug. 16?Mr. tok :?I liavo boon thinking of writinj tho Timits for some time, but linve 1 too busy, and embrace the first opportu to writo a short letter to your paper for benefit of its many rer. iers. 1 left S< Carolina last November f>r the healt aud prosperous country of North Geor where 1 am now engaged in teaching. I have been studying the school eyt of Georgia, and find it in the hands of cated and enterprising men. Tho sys offers tho children of the State an eJuca if they will make a little etFort to secure The Siate pays out oi 11 o pullio fund each child of school age. from 1 to 5 cts day for one hundred days any time lit she may choose to aiteu l school. tieorga oilers much greater adrant for the education of the masses than S< Carolina 1 cannot see why that is. \ cannot south Carolina do more for the g cnuse of education? It scorns to mo best wny to ruin the happiness and p periiy of any country is to fail to elu its people. 1 am 7 miles from Canton, on tho M N Ga., If. It., teaching. 1 find the pe much interested ii ed tvion, ni l ti e v is progressing nicely. My school avert about To out of a roll of hi?. The teachers of the State hold umu institute* while the public term lasts, an weekly institute during tho summer, w IQ r?t*rri*Oo# JuinnrG to iKn ianwh <???_? ?< uv iiv ii? ?u i*?v i vnvnoi While 1 am "0110 of the South Care boys," and I wi?di her all (he success p< ble, I do not hesitate to say that she in loing for the ri-dtnr generation what neighbor Stales are doing. North Georgia is rough and hilly, c deep streams of water high and dry. productive so>l The farmers r:;ise hut ht.le coitor. abundance of corn, fruits, vegetables, gr, and potatoes for which they find a re sale at the government distilleries. the people are industrious and cuter} ing and seem to be the happiest I have < mc. If any of my friends wish to know wl I am and what 1 am doing they e\n find by addressing mo at Hickory Flat, Cia Yours very truly ) . h Bo;, ? I ttiB in Sra a i AM't in..? Sp irtanbi Auitust 1 f?.?J. \V. (Jariolt ,lr s , residi on II?st Main street was totally destroyed fire yesterday morning. No one was in house at the time, and the origin of the is supposed to have bean a comhiualiji rats and matches, ilia insurance on house and furniture was Sl.vtto which n II,an cno. a the k . <? \m? III vi lli. li you :>te feeling strong and healthy, try lllec littlets. If l.a tirippc ha? left y>ot w and we try, use lilcstrio Hitter*. This t edv acts direct y "ti I. vet. Stomach t idney , t. t tly "'diiig mean* to | fertn their fund; ). It a e : ! i with sick lleinl tche, ymi w !1 lit.) -pc ti|. I put inat|ei|l i idle I by taking II v< Hit lets. <>.)? I I I wot i,.in a. i. \i I a l* 11 I n I clllt iy y "It lie- i I. ! ge li t only ode. at U. F . 1'osey s Ding Si ore. i. Program for Ttukiri AiuAttfTa- ^ The Uoion County Teachers Association ?i?e held their regular meeting August 6lh, but llfe on account of hot weather the attendance lb0 was not as large as usual. , 0f In (he absence of the presidont, the meetW*.!I CwitCU Ave v* v?jr H. 15. VI. Lllf* I hat fo'?l. y? The program was carried out as usual, >oth ?n^ Krcat intcreit was manifested bj all in ;nds "ie rrho'e meeting. e,j | The following is the program for the next ?uld meeting to be held Sept 3d : inth Music?Mies Ssliie Muoro. ode. Word method of teaching Reading. (* ^ ~*jl can practical lesson.? Miss Ancabelle Johnsni. Wt j nioti >'rs Uiodcr, Mr. McKown. Exercise from Dio Lewif. Method of t,v Calisthenics?Miss Annabelle Johnson. uion Kest method of Teaching Arithmetic, the "< paper>?Mr. Robt. Morrisn. Music?Mrs Dr. Orr. tliey Recitation or Reading.?Miss Minnie but Wist. 1 0 0f Music.?Miss Josie Garner, fiaee reading ef newspapers beneficial in n t0 schoo's? (Question). ? Mr. Ed. Aycosk. -ess Alternates.?Mrs. M. E. Britton, Mr. J. L j ?s Walker. not * ?? tiri- For the Times. ging Meeting of Baptist Association "lon T lie next session of the Union County Association of Baptists will convene with the 0 J1" West Spring Baptist church, at 11, A. M., : Aug. 30. The clerks of the churches n"o ipies | to uiakc full reports of ail church ty Uhii.Iav wni*li 1tlnr.l:4 fur .iipli rnnnrla :ftn 1 if not iu the hauls of the clerks, can be lxor" ch ained of brother l>. N. Wilburn, at Cioos P**1 Keys. Wc hope to see a full attendance of ,ht delegates. m gent 11. C Kami-ley, * 1). N. WiLitt'RN. Molerator. ,norc Clerk. tress ' t0 mr MayAeld Don't Like Got- Tillman it'tle WilliAMSTo.f, S. C., Aug. 10, 1892. leels To (he Editor of the Greenville New* : Ji\ dear 11 convention recently at Helton, in the e a presence of ih? Rev. F. Au!d, Q. W. MoQee aa,l and the proprietor of the hotel there, between ying I'rof. John G. Cilnksoiles and myself, I louie ' Professor Clinksca'es why W. D. Mayj(1)y field was uot canvassing the State wi'h tlio that other candidates, and he replied that he ock, ''"1 ?ot like Govern-r Tillwatt, and gave tho . hy fallowing as his reus jus. That trover nor , on Tillman went into Mr. May field's office and asked liira to al'ow him (Tidman) to name oen. all the appointors that he (Maytield) had tho ifter right to appoint a'l over the State; that Mr. here May field told him it was asking too much; 5 1> that the people had e'ected him to discharge ''1C dul'es oi Superin,cndont of education niaij and he expected to do it. oucl, That Tillmau replied ho was "nothiog but 1 far a d?d coa'.-lnil swingor" anyway, and aeck I ought never to havo been put on the ticket. itou. Professor Clinkrcales was assisting Mr- May. ingo in ''is office at the time. Professor J at Clinkscalc9 stated the saroo thing to otl^er ,g 0f parties in Williatnston, and if called upon will tame substantiate the matter, t jn Here Is the governor of the State wanting, ville in addition to other powers, the right to aproir, point partisan men to control the education bout !'IC children of the State, in orJir to " keep himself in office 1 Why not tnAko hiffi osed dictator and do away with the courts, tho and legislature and all Suite and county offices" was Power! Power! Power' give it all to roe, is r t0 his cry ! How long will tree people ataud very this thing ' Geo. W. Sullivan. uot * ? lippi .. ASU?jt*ou Ho.nori Murray.?AudcrsDti, a. C., Aug. 10.?Major Murray's arrival '|r.e home from Chester to-day was the signal for a great demonstration. The merchant! T6 c'.ossd their stores and hundreds of our ' " citizens, including many ladies, ga'hered at , 0 tut depot. The band played "Dixie" and 8" cheers and the waving of handkorohief$ d all f?r#et?d Major Murray's appearance. tJ t He was taken on the shoulders of strong , . . men and carried to tha hotel Chicane'a, from neo ^i?ony ?f which he told bis fellow _ | ,citizens of the Cedar Grove outrage. Ito nak- c'lftrKe,l '',c violence of the mob to tlio ham ct^ect ?f Tibmanite leeching and pleaded I the ^or so^er nQ0 peaco among the it t ie Pe?Plefrom ,, ' * * ,j js lhk I UOTItACrKD DllOUUUT in Texas Raoken at Labt.?San Antonio, Texas, Anicre !' ?Heavy general rains have cona jj, tinned for several days over Southwestern Texas, covering the drought region on the (j lower Rio Grande and extending iu'i. Northern Mexico, where it has not rained s for three years, and where much sutlcring existed. The Rio Grande is on a boom for the first time for several years. Washouts UI" on the railroads are numerous, but the ? ,0 downpour is in valuable, breaking an cx'cii?!cu ded drought and ending much misery, nity ? ! IrStioi'i i) iik IN RVKKY House.?J. 1>. )UtlJ Wilson, o"M Clay St., Sliar.-burg, Pi., says . he will not l>e without Dr. King s New Dis?'a' covery for Consumption, Coughs ami Colils, thai it cured his wilo who was ilircatcnc t ll?m with I'neuinonia after an attack of "La u* Grippe," when various other remedies and ".em several physici ins li id done her no good. tlou Cohort Harbor, of Cooksport, Pa., c.aims ! 1<- Dr. King's New Discovery did him more g od ' j than anything he ever used for Lung trouble. ^ei Nothing like it. Try it. i-rec Dial bottle., ' 01 at 15. ! ' l'osey's Drug Store. Large boGle.-, Vic. ami S| .00. *8" ... mill iVliv Not Parai.t.kl Cask*.?The contemptible rear TtUrotlgtrtter excuses the Tillmsnite attempt the :? kill Maj. Murray at the Cedar (Drove ,ro,_ ineo'ing, hy citing tho McGowan-Henett undent,, dent at Abbeville and the Orr-Tillman incident at Union. There is n > possible parallel. \ i Mr. lienet accused Mr. McGowan of endors f ople , "ig a lie, an I lie rosente I it by striking orh t him. Governor Til man insinuated that Col. j Orr v is a liar and he made him dodge oi,t | of it. In each esse the Tillmanite gave tho (lily | provocation by iusu't. lint Maj. Murray, ,1 ? i as candidate, merely tried to.speak at a regithich | lar meeting for candidates, and was mibhed, i beaten, and barely escaped with his life lie dina ! RRVC 1,0 provocation, offered no insul'. ? Tht >Asiher lit * ki.kxs Arxu v Sai.vk.?The hist su've in the world fm Cuts, Cruises. S ovs, Ulcers, Icar Salt lllieuni, Cover Sores. Tetter, (Tapped hut hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin crupti'ins and nospivclv cures Piles, or i>o pay Uu; | piijcd. t i< gi.iv.titeii to r'\c perfn I Ci i >att^facliiia, oi iiioiu.y rctun lcl;*; iady j coins per l?o.\. l ot sale by P, P. Posey. . I ver I <'ai i nky to tiik Frost.-The ' Secretary ol? Suite on the 11th inst , granted >ere ! a charter In the (lutliioy Wagon an 1 FurniuU( tore Company of Spartauburg. Fifty per cent of the capital Ins been paid in. I Directors? A. N. Wood, 11 S. Lipscomb, ( ! ,1. DC. leloch, It A Jonc, I", D. 1 utle! jOhn I., n Jcnt- iS4 piesnjciit. sme'ii'; u and treasurer nue * I by ) An Oniki'i I.ksson is lint Sn.vr.u.? the ( London. Aug. lu?A special dspa'ch to tire I Do Tunes fr?oi Calcutta rays that lead ng i of | upers there, in view of the a'nnning all in the the rite of excholige, urge t lie g.veruncnt to ,,,:e immediately e'?->o the mints to tho free coinage of silver. I hey coin; Isi i ihat the , u virnni'-rt . doii <tj it Ling to freer. gian' n crrn? t rtc t ? - - -. 1 ,,v List of Letters Itcinuiiiiiig in tlie lVslnilieo at I nioii. for ''" the tverk ending August l'Jili, Is'.rj. 1(i Mr .1 W 11 a in pt on ilelsv J.uies ,, ly Mi .L. Mi lie., ii, | l'ei"?i?ns t illing for lite above letters will tlni' pie i?e ?av it ad vei t i*ed ail I will lie re-pi ire I i', - ' l * pn v one i i lit fiu the i deliv. i \ . | J. C. IIL.N'l 1,'t;. I' M