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THE CAMPAIGN MEETING KKl'Oim;i> lOll Tllg ILjilKg 11V M It. ilA/.EL L. SOAIFi; ?^ Th? St lit o candidate* addraared Hit people of Uiron Oun y in Kiev's Oro?e. ue?r the Epiaoopat chinch. lsi-t Thursday, Angust (lie fourth. It is raid that the Un on iw??#iti?j? has !? one of the lmge?t attended outside of < Inr'estoo. With the exception of the hoislerouknee* o^A.ibw intpxicilo I men who took it upon ~ fliemsclvifs to cio-;?-examiiie the peakcrJ, the meeting was nn orderly oue, and, as it was pred o e I, therJ was no 'howliugdowu ' I? i? claimed that the men who made the. moat nofWs hail front adjoining counties. Let ua liopelhnl this it the cJ*e, and let us hope that Union people will neear (I sgrnce themselves as eonir of these men did. Peroral times chair man Lylos found it necesrnty to appeal to the audience, hut rncli time the crowd gnre car t > liis cull, mid became quiet. Moat of the sneakers atriscd on Wedncs day's trains, ami a Inrg >? iinnihcr of ciiizcns wei e r.t tho depot I? witness ihoir arrivals th.vornor Tillman we < enlei I lined l-y Mr. Will. A. Nicii- Noil, tlie o'lr-r administration cnnui-tutcs going to tl: hotel. Ail llio iMiiservftiivca wore tlie gnosis of pr v.ilo families, I'x-ll'.v. Slirpparii tiling entertained ty Jtidgo Wallace, Cnl. Or rami Col. Yoiimnns were the guests of the lion. Win, Munro. tiib maik'II to tiii: ii vrri.i;nnoi nii Tliui'tolay morning the process oil of carriages containing llic speakers, hen hot by iho Mi Talnr I'.rass Hau l. forine<l in front of the Union Hotel, ami moved toward Kice * grove, the ground select el for the fray. When the carriage* lencbed the grove probably 'J,<>00 i>eople had collected to listen to the speaking. tiib nATTf.K iik0i.v9. At HI 'id, A. M., the meeting was ealleil to order hy chnirmaii A. C. I.yles, who requested the Itev. IS <'. J.amplev I > open tlie meeting with p.ayer. After prayer hail heen offered. Mr. I.yle* sta'od thai lie wanted a good inuctioff, and tin howling downs, lor he had given I tin* speakers a guarantee i.f a respectable hearing. He ilmn introduced .Mr. Ma) liel-l, lint >itlmiiiti1ration ( u'nliliilu I- r Superintendent <>l' IMueal ioa. Mil, .M A VI I HI.IIS HT-Ki'II. Mr. Mnylield hcgmi his speech by saying i It >i t (lining I lie uumpaigii Hv ? year- ago I'tiion was about. ilie only meeting lie missed, mi l lio did nut Imvo mi opportunity of coining here I lien oil account of duties wliicli coulined liiui to lii? olliee. His interests were J^utly'."PCtkcrs who were lit* aniioiiiiceil tlnit hi. speech would lie una of (ni l fuel* ami figures, ami therefore lie con Id uol be eloquent. Speaking of the factional .strife, he t ihl his fn'lowers that their neighbors had as iniieli right to their respect as iliey to theirs. lie defended the three charges preferred ngainst the adiiiiiiistratiuii iiicoiiipeleuey, ex Irnviiguiicc, oppression of the banks and driving capital from the Stale, lie sai l lie noi intend to discuss the three dollar poll lax, for it was only cue of Uov. Tillman s ideas. lie asked Uovernor Sheppar I if he was in favor of a one dollar poll tax. (iov. Sheppard replied dial lie had rather see ii stricken from the celt-dilution than to have a three dollar poll lux provision nisei led. Mr. Maytield use l an olliuiul record and t'rmil 11 llkCMll itilioil o 'Vnrul ,1.11,11 - _ - I' " ' "O 1 wherein the adniinhr ration laid saved money, and then handed it t'? t'ol. Urr, defying hint In prove ilieiu false. When lie ended hi4speech he received a good deal of applause. i II . J AS. i.. oitll. t.'i.l. Oil* was thu next speaker introduced, lie proved hy the records which Mr. Mny4 lot. Mrr "stith fnid Mr. May field's figures changed nothing. The ifiicsiion to be determined is, what tax was levied during Tillman's administration'{ J ii l8S,s-8tl the total tux levied was ?7t?.'!.titMi; in ISN'.i-'.'O. J7'.?t?.0iMi; IS'MIUI, S71''.?p0<>0: showing an increase the first year of ttllutau's term of $27,000, nud '.<M it I additional the second term. Mr. May held : The actual expenditures and not appropriation lull- is the test of the miller. I lie administration lias not spent that much extra. t.'ol. Orr The only menu is, you did n?.t get ? . an.l it you levied moie than enough taxes these hard lime-, ii \v:i Ii ?r lly right in the lax-payers. air. Mnylield : 1 v?a< going hy the roeord. t'ol. i M r : Then y<-ii dun t nil lerslan 1 the record, and you ai. to Miu:u for it. Mr. Maylield had ;iid in his figures that the lactone- uturned property iu the Stale ai a mitlii ii and a <piai ler dollars, and had allowed \ udcr-ui ruiiiily. under lliis heal S'.t'.'u ?'"1. t?rr raid lie returned ihe 1'ielinniit t'unipiMiy's Audeisoii Mill l.y itself, at alS2,l7*f llo lul l ilie audience that Mr. Mil I lei.I " . .. I I .1 ' >T i .! Hi-* l i iiii-in, ;i:i I ir showed how iniirli rc'iuticc could lie )>lii?.*eri on liim. ('<>1. Oit said lie would not take up timt* dtscu*ai?g every little dog tux Mi*. Mnyfiold Imd rcferre 1 to. ( ol. Orr <|j?(^icd tlic J'iof rtir I |>n*t two yeats. not)tillo<i >'o ins tied ot'ii ti"Y. liitiv.'.ii started hi> 1 "movement six years :? ?<?. lie claimed he was not working lor olliee. Inn for the limner.* alone. lie then told how (iov. Tillman had virtually not'.muted himself lie chimed timl the ; resent aduiini.-tration hud acted illegal y when they went to court t'hief .It' nee I'npejoiued in saying ihut their iict'iiu was ;? rotig. Speaking of tin* huii!:* he tuid. they ,-ltotl! I pay their share of the ie.\ct> a* well us nnyhody e.Ne. t'ol. Orr vii I thai he Could prove ;o any tinbiuuc I niiiu tlmt 'lilhitun wax the worst enemy the poor man hud t VI, t'ir was in lav r of education, hut li I not think it was i got i put a - i poll '.i\ nil a 1 j efM.i;* regiialless ?d' what they were worth, iml ii was unjust an I uni'iir ; to lax tie* jmatt thi* way. 1 he ' man e ail 1 send his children to school all tint time, while the ? * limit could -pare hit children from the field lor only a .*h at 'itne and would thu* get liilio advantage i:t the-; poll t.ix, while the rich :.iun W'Uil I alwa) he getting it. lie wa> in I a Vol- of a two mill in\. and s'aled thai in :lie legi- aliire uu anti I'ill ; o> >!i man nia?!e .inietnimtnt to a certain j hill *'o a- to put in the two mil * tax and j that the lillinati men voted it down. lie 1 continued: "no man could tell me thai the ! poor in in -hold 1 pay us much tax fa cdu canon ?s tlie rich 111:111/ Tillman ha- j claimed ojcn 1111 1 above board llial \ < 11 I -linuhl l.e able to read ami write and own -t> much j r pcrty in order 10 be nl.owed to vote, lie has reiterated this an 1 will not deny it when he gets up to speak." A voice : I don't bel'cve Tillman* that way. t'ol. Oir: What is the result? It puts all in the hands of the rich, A voice: I don't he icve Tillman will do it. t'ol. ttir: It is taking the inherent right of! the detooeiatic jieo|>le away from them A voice: We sue willing to take anything Tillman |??ts on us. Jol Orr: li'lir.ati has valued a man's i labor at Is and 1'* ten'-. 1 day. Is he a 1 friend of the poor loan. What lifts t,eon the rcsuh of the tei.uin.i tration '* iiiisinauugetnent . The <>f ' t |,e St lie j.ave gone down and the 1 red it > I ' the State hfcS down \\ lieu an juhi > vtd ml breaks 11 m.'-s no utWa the Sire ! but when the bonds ef <L'" t1 g" down i* c'treis everybody 111 ti.o -rite .Money is liko any thing else When ihe?e j-: ; Is ? f if you can get it cheap. Therefore, you should keep it hero instead of driving it way. What has been the conduct of the chief executive towards flic law ? 1 huvc heard him su/ (hit he woti'd leal a lynching petty. A voice : Would not you'.' Col. On: Not if I win bound by cath In support the law. Coy. Tillman ha* shown hie appreciation of lyhch law by aonointin" 10 ouivu C'ii. Cough man, who openly how's tImt ho 1c 1 a lynching puny, How can you expect the people to reaped the law. when the chief executive of tha State bring* it into dierepulr? Cot. Tillman baa criticised add made fun of the judge*. What haa been bi* declaration in regard to religion ? He has arood before men and women and aaid that he had rather go to hell with on* crowd of turn than to heaven with another. Under excitement you might try to excuae lhc*e s*nti menta, but the christian people of South Carolina will not cudorHe such conduct. A< a rule the ladies arc opposed to Til I in an. Col. Orr concluded his speech by enymg | that lie bcli vr I in npiai mid exact justice to ill', Mi l appealed to thu people I > vo'e m freeman, and for '-(lod anil the light." Iil>v. TII.I..MAN. (Jov. Tillman x *i I they were present t..? Kclio'ilnins'VH ati'l had come to give an a" ( iiuit ill" their sluwar Isliip. A voice: Wc tiro sii'islied with it. Tiliman : Vim. I knew lint 1 eoiil'l have hecn elected wi'houf. coming eul of my i Hire, lint lh<* constitution of the democratic party ro<|iiirrs tlio candidates tor the Hlnte oilicei to ml'lrcm tiie people. 'I'llit wiis dontt in oiil'T to free the people from the paper-! which could not tell the truth. Ami now whet <io those iiicii promise you ? Nothing lr)ok at their Ai-gtimontH. They are all personal nhu?e of mo. They have not advanced a new idea that line not pusivd through (ionz ilea' rpectncloK. Col. Orr is whipped and ho allows it in his countenance. I think tii it I have the courage to criticise any officer whom I hc'icve t-i be wrong. When my tongue fails to do this it will lie stilled in dent It. There is a !'>t. of people who wotil-l like to get o-i the hand wagon if they wcro not al'iai I ofheing charged with being cout-lail hW'inget h. fit.v. Tiilinaii sinl that he con'd under stand Kngiish and the li.v as well as any!.) dy in Smith Carolina. and he then charged I he courts wit h I.niiig behind an I wrong. Continuing lie said . With the Connot va lives it is as plain as the picture in the hack of the old spelling hook of the little boy who wetil up tlis I lee after apples and -..a.lutraajo tly\vn until the old man throw locks n?. him. r r?... rocks at them now and t make Hipioal. The burden of their song is: 'Oh, how sad it makes mo feel to sen how Tillman steals the II^IIIUM lilt: |H?UI I urijr mijr mail (o |>iil his li:ti.<1 on miy pledge I hut L have mil Irif' 1 to carry out. A voice: What ulioiit ilio free pass. Tilliiiiiu : I took ili** pass n11 I used it anil (loii I cure ti snap lor it. I (U N I T (Id v nit N >11.NT. We wiinf a change of county gnveriuucnit. We wiml bridges and school*. My idea of a county government is this: The people should e'ect lliroo ollice.r*. give litem a good salary and then make I.ipiii look after the eounly yroporly. Von are in your po'dionl babyhood. \oil were only lioru in IH'.m and you have got iueoinpelotil luea at the heail of your county government. A voice: Hen, tell I hem ahoiit the poll tax Tillman I am lid going ti (lodge that. I iloii I belong lo the artful family id' dodger.! u hiclt confronts me. tiov. Tilliuan continued to discuss tin county government and afterwards touch ed on the poll tax. During his arguments lie said South Carolina lias the "ilrjp Hannah.-' iio took a timid primary and a large number voted with tlov. Tillman. the Conservatives took no part in the voting. an uxciriMi sckni:. Gov. Tillman said I hat he was glad Col. Orr was there, for lie wished to ask him the name of the preacher ho referred to when ho spoke as fdlows at Abbeville: "Nearly all preacher* and indies are oppoted to liitn ('IT 11 in n ii i. tine preacher sail to me: "1 am no poliiicitu, hni i will not support any . ..II" II.1.III.-. 11 i ~ | > i IU1IIIII y ill J'l: III Iil|i| I boasts of im?I l?? church (iov. Tillinau turned to l* 'I. Ore and tiskud tin* ii :i in o 11 tin' j'roach it. Col. Orrarose and said : 'I <li? not rare t.i brill;', thr preacher s name into tlii* ilisi u?-ii>n, 1 in i you hi iv apm al in the j>i cacltors nr cl"? here an<l they will tin .Inula Mi itniii thr t iti111 of I In* statement. Tillman ' 11 lie ilnr iin| ;:ive the name In? i? l*?'<J|ii||y|l.|0 J'nf tll0 Hlntcmcllt. Orr Vo.t. I am Tillman I do eur.-o sometimes. but lliore is no liypocrilo in inc. I tlcny I hat I Haunt my profanity in public. Whenever an oath comet it just slips out. <!ov. Tillman appealed to the Indies to know if ho had ."ai l anything lo offend them. 'Ihey loado no response. n'fflTkn, turning t) t'ol. Orr ?niJ : ' \nv preacher or anybody else that says I Vhastcd nf not Roiug to church, litis." 'ovli.'lJVithe i^Tnt and toward (iov. Tillman and .sail : tlovernor Tilltngu are you trying to rai a a personal dilhculiy with me'.' '1 illnian : I am not. Orr: I uii eanuot intimate that I have lied without Imviug it thrown hark in your Ii. I Sai.i \ on boa-.led of your unmoral it v. an I you iis.-ci led on the stand that you w ere a tin.l Ahnioliii o n?nii..n.... I ? t J ' v*" ? litlimui I uin a (in! Almighty * gentleman. Orr: I'licn lie 'liil not >lo Himself ere lit when Ho in i>lo y on. 11 you hi tempt i> raise a personal 'Mlicu ty w.tli 1110 yon cm tlo it. Von emmet throw an insult in my in 'c Till man You have cimi hero ami in wle nu assertion ? On . I .ii.l in.t make that abortion. 1 illiiuin I'hoi. yon are mt oa lo.l a liar; but the itittu who uuulo t'.o fsssertioti i< a lint'. The 111*111itu Jo <1 iuviror- chwe'l in on the <taml ami it It'ukcl as it there w>>uhl bo bJoO'Mul. Orr l>o Voii 11111 innr that I am a Inn * lillnifin | .miniate thai the man who > Mii 1 ilia' Hit S.ti i what 1 suiil yen had i ? I atedly cm v I i?m llie s'iiuii, I'll I in ta I will 'cave it 11 Uov Sheppatd if lie ever heard in - curse on the s':m I once, aii-l tin:! at I I irencc t>rr: Do you deny tliit you ml you had ra'lier go to liell Willi one -ct ? ' mm than to llV.ivcn with an'tin-: lfit iii vi'itr i n I en linn to toaiie a personal ditlicully out of lliii matter I want to know it. Tillman: I dvu't waut to fight, but I doit t allow any man to repaat a I me. Orr. l'lncing his hunt on tiov. Tillman arm, as if t > turn him Around. If you day I repeated a lie on you, you tell one. Here the excitement rcachcil the climax. Men Attempted to climb tip on tin- Han I, which rocked under its iildinuiul weight. .Screral of the speakers went to tlie front t > | prevent a diftimlly. Col. VoutniiiM was uutor.g the number and ho re?juesti"l Col. Orr not to strike t?ov. Till- i man. Hie rep it that Col. Youmatis left , 'lie glint I dmin<j the a (fair i- not true, ami iha-s lii-i :it iniu-liee. ti'iv. Tillmni w a heni"' 'o say nb >v liuOrvW'l if he .??ii ' - iy- lie 1 n t - v it lhai?eil!es it, uii-l tliit ends i '! bi-u'i h ' ;n i iiiiii-iii i iiiy of ('hail I lit :i ' l.'.lcs. \| ijor ''"WJ'tVMd an 1 1)1 hel ? on the -tind the vr- w J finally" -jUirl, find J ' wlr?t might li .v been a veiy serious difficulty Iwns averted. (Jov 'lil'tnau resumed h:s speech ami went I t > ruy that he wanted to g> to Heaven, and tiiil he stood a* good a chance as some of those who sat in tlie Amen corner and then went out to drink and gamble |l? c'aitned tha' Orr liad said that he was espcnsible for lynch law in tlie State, but \vit It Orr, he raid, it was: '"I am damned if I i'<> :'! " ! '!',! ii ii?n uov. lillmm finished speaking he took his seat ami I a good deal of applause. xx-oov. surer a ki>. Governor Shoppard said that he had martied a Union laty, and had been visiting Uoi n off at d on for the last thirteen years and he felt if then was one place where th< petplc would give Lim u hearing, it would be in Union, fie spoke of the railroad laws, and raid that he wanted laws passed to put a check on corporations. Then he took up the thivc- lolhr poll tax and selecting an individual in the nii/icnce, heastuuiod that tlie mm had no property. lie applied the three-dollar | oil lux to him on I showed bin; how a rich man would be petting the benefn of it whi e he would not. fie sud that wli'ti (i'jv. 'Ii 11 ii ii ii aitempti-d to pin hit handcuff! i.ii the ii'-gro majority hy re'|inriug a quali ticatio.i ol the voters lie would cmry manj j our white men down with the negio.-s. Il? said if Tillman's constitutional convention was even held many win favored the turns iiri! now ni l en t their lust voio at the next election, lie siid tliat when it was too latt many wou'd my Hint they were sorry they had not t.iken It:h !i'Jvice. He then iliuwu why iiiniy people would be deprive 1 of tu! iuj? if ilit*re wns iiii edticutiunal unl a prop crty i|itiililieiili >n .Someb ely ia the Audience nskod liirn i ?|iivstion which referred to Iiii being jresi lent f a back. 'Inr MheppnriJ rethat it fiil'mer i bank win organized in IMgefudd ntu began to lend it* money at It) pei cent. The bonk of which he war president hud been lending innncy to thi fanner.* at a h.w? i utte ail tiie time. W hen lli'y heard the farmers bunk were lending money at In per colli, the directors of hi. bank held a meeting and against hi* will, raihi d tit* is* iirmcy t > 1" per cent nlso. (U\. Sheppard -tai l that in the state <>l Msissitchti-ella llie factories requited UU'.t. (IIJO horse power, while in Smith t'aroliui they me nly lie cl nine 1 that than mm tin better wn'vr power anywhere thai in the I'icdmont legion, which only neede capita'. t? ho developed. A v ice* Itieli men don I pay iio taxes. Slteppird : (Jnv Tilliuan did not tell yet that Mr. Mayliel I told you so. The bun I of Kdgoliidd pay tax for every cent it i worth. (iov. Sheppat d hiiid that capitalists wil not spend nor invest money here where th 1 of the government can't ho reliei I upon. i Speaking of t itration, lie said Hint wliil in oflico lie recommended n plan which if i i had h'-en carried out woilld have saved ill ttinio lis recent lawsuits. i >v. Slicppard ended 1iis speech hy say that during li s ten years of consccutiv public service nothing couM be hrotigh against liiin. lie look bis scat amid a larg share of applause. lioN. w. c. liESIli. 1 ii llie opening of Mr. I'enet s speech, In spent part of his time eulogizing (lie officer: of the lolmiiiistration, saying that Maylieh hu'l made a I iter Siij erinleioJont of eduea lion than any man since 187b. Somebody iu-piirril after his record, lie ileplie I lliat he had been a candidal for olliev twice. Once lie had been eleotoi and once lie had been defeated, lie though iInn was a pretty good record, i Speaking of tlov, Tillman s criticism o the judges he claimed that Judges were met who had to be locked after as well as any body else. lie considered the poll ta question so plain that a blind man could se il and a deaf injq^coql',1 5\lpwoM hear it. Cel. Voiiinaus was the last speaker. II ' said he would alack o.'uSe to tlio records an ' especially to that pai l lus fiioud (llenet had skipped, lie believed that the demo cratio p>rty ought to bo and woul I ho sup ported al'ier the primary and that was t! reason In: vnied lor'l illmuu in tire last cam paign. llo loferted lira conversation wit! (low Tilinian several years ago wheroin h (tlov. Tiilmaul virtually acknowledged tlit Toiiiiiins was the letter farmer of the two the tJov. siring in ihe conversation tiiat 01 lus farm he had nothing but grapes am jet ey cows. Col. Voitiuans, coining buck to his direc argument, said Your Sint? bonds are be low par. Can you expect people to placi their money here'.' A gentleman in Nev York has recently said that he has tin money to invest, bin < uiH not put it lion where the people iii'i' on tJio verge ..I' eivi wur under tin' present :nlinini-irttion. Heleniug to tSov. Tillman's charges am ul-? to his pledges ho sunl : 1 will leave linn to he tlie 1 by li's own standard. Hi has denounced ttie fanners n.s fools uud said the riugstirs would wine nnd dint tlicni, ami when they got to Columbia tliej would soon fovg?t their poor follow farmeri at homey ? Lie had called them greet [ goui^l%;"^vhich lotted before they were ripe I.''"Speaking of the free pass, t'ol, Yoiuuanj continued. With tiov. 'i'i 11 man it was the batt.c of the f t bidden fruit. The free paswas the tempter and when it was oll'cved tc tiov. Tillman he fell. Cue time Oov. Till uiitit sni 1 Shopp'itd (\.is relinud go'd and the ! painted lily, now he says lie is a Wolf in J sheep s clothing, lie say- he met the boys j iti lS'.iOnnd that he maw lias litem in his I hreei-bes pykel. I hen he come to the poll tax . 1 understand that there are !>'. delinquents in I'nioii t'ounty wltoeouM m>t pay their !fl p. 1 How man_v would there l? if we had a f ! p?'ll tax Oov sivs any m in : who ran not pay a If.! | oil !s\ ought to be placed in a cliaiti gang with negroes. When the time came to pay your last ta\e-> the tunes were hard and the tleneral Assembly i passed a bill to extend I lit time to pay them ! sixty days. Hid Tillman remember you j then '.' No ' he said if the laws were iiot | paid the penalty wntthl beat'aehed t'ol. \ iMititi.tis said that if the educational and property qtialifuati n was ever made a i I iv il V\ .till.I .? !* - * ' ..... vii in in* Miiiic po.?p:p inn.i vii.ii,Again referring to tiov. Tilli man s ahn-ii of tin- j<" >| 'o on bis own' lie continue I lloV Ti'.ini'i:. ^:i6 tv:.l 'lie lcgi-lator* who were eleete I i n llu pruui ticket with him-elf were trading p.ditie'aiis 1 ii'ilii to idee: anybody. He only excepts eight. an I in that nutakee includes himself. He tells you In pen.I men there who will I ptaml I yiin llo claims that ho lia- the | t'li'ineik in his breeclie- pne'.it anil imiv | he want- \ vii to eleet a legi litiire ilia' lie 1 can put in hia breeches ah-o lie i ha- heen |i;?htin/ the jit licit ry 1. .'eau-o tin y , 11 < 1 not Imiv he lore him. lie 'ho judiciary uftho State by say itig in tnc p.o l pV"tiicy, the .1 mlj?e?. kn w oil which m le ! their bread i- buttered. ! t'nl. Vouiiiins predicted thtt the i a -an i Tillman united his own legist itu1 e now w.i I because he was laying bis plans for the I'nitcd States Senate, i Throughout the entire time of Co'. Yon man .s-p-eeli lie received a ;t 'oil licit-lug. When IV. Yniiiirins cloJid, it w i- n'lcr live o cloe'i, an I Chairman i.y let inline I its lv a Ijout ne I the nieeting. The I ii'on campaign Hireling has fnsiol nil plei- iii'ly. Most >f 111o enter of L'ni ut I'miiiiy have m'-'ii .ant heard th" .speakers on I.nth - i ll's, lace to lace, and the time for Iheni to tn'il.e I licit'ill"ieo t- ne it at hand ' "ig'.i' to i- one <>f the gran le?' btslw r.'..s .,1 A' e.ienti lii city I 'he ctioo-ing t nlhcei who >i...ii ; i sid -withe lestiities ! out l.tud >s one r' the uio^t W ( fclj: responsible dut * ol r ??ensbip; there- The for#, let us not be governed by prejudice, | but let us vote M ooe of lb? apeakrra s<J- . vised, for what ws believes "for Go 1 and ,e the rigb'." m II. L, 8. bt? ifn' JUcc^fg Union limes It I R. M. STOKE* - - Editor >Frlday, Aug tint IS, 1892. j** si;/{SCi;{Pr/o\^\ 00 PER ANNUM in DIRECTORY. ?1 The 1*. O.wHJsL *,> opened for business , froui 8 A. M,Ao ti.?4> I*. M. P?1 > The Money Order Report meut will he bel I opened for busin#** from A. M. to 4 I'. M. The {South b and mail or rivet at 3 .*25, k P. M. Cfcl i The North botiud mnil :nTivcf at 1.45, r. M. ? ,l , pr 1 .Street boxer will be emptied every day ? at 1.25, 1*. M. f0I i Any inattention or irregularities should t i e reported promptly to the 1'. M. i J.C. IIUNTOK. 1?. M. "J, i CANDIDATES IN THE FIELD. ,m 'I'lii! following list ?( candidates for tin' various nullity offices will In: mlilixl to tut n?i\ nanu s arc up announced in tin; "andldatcs Quarters." FoU TIli; LKOLSTATUHE ,1|( Thus t Intncau Thoi? 11 Gore ' .1! Ilolio, l iodfrey It Fowler, ,, II VV Harris, ti Walton Wliilinan, ''C Joint \V ili.t'ravy J K J cileries. Ca 1 OKHIIFIttlF. I?i A t olc I.vies. J (iiJculi Loon Ft .l.iioi s || Itartlcs, (]j FOKAVDITUIt. ||, It Ionian. T Jell Harris, ,]i Jl 'i ill.. J F llailcy, ., Natl l? Morgan, , lVyton It l/tvr, 1' 4 J It ltlaiilon Sc I. FOR X'-EAUUUEU. lot Stanford ft ilhuru, J It T Scott Wf J IMiolii|{, .lolin 1'Thomas, \V T .fetor. s FOK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. jj? J \V Nance, It S Thomas, .lr. nrt I M Mohlcy, J A Chaiultcrs, 1,0 W M (inlluian Tfio.s J Kstca FOK SCHOOL (OMMI8SIONKK. N ' f.ittlejohu, M I. I.cmastcr J I. Walker. "C FOK COKONEK. 77 I I Gregory. Jas|n, Ayruck i FOK CLKKK OF COL'KT. Joseph II McKissick. 1 FOK SI TKKVISoK OF KKGISTHATION. T J II Smith M till U??X. We ure pleased to Plate tluit Mrs. 1. Ilt 1 0. McK issick, who has been ?|Uitc s'ck for p, s two weeks, 1m now luttvh belter. l(11 ? ? * (|| 1 Our lit ic friend Jamie Kodger c Mauds head in the "big Tomato" class.' llo ^ ! brought na one that weighed lib 7oz. ^ 0 Kf/a,. In this vicinity the crops bcglu to ,U suller lor ru?tn. Gardens tire sufi'crfug, aud cr vegetables ure getting bcarcc, m e Don't forget llio (Jrand Excursion ' ' t in ntixiiia .... ii<> ir.ii. M....... V- ../Hi. ...WOS.J. uitv.iv Iu c Bros. have mailo every proparation tor u se liiiet, orderly and delightful trip. 'I' 0 Kemeuiber, your inline on a Tillman or 'll 1 Ik I Conservative list will uot entd.c you lo vole at the primary c'oction, if it is not also, on cu a regular Democratic Club list. tli . Tl e Rtj)" The Sodulia Base Bad nine, and the ' Union Second nine p.ayed a match game of 11 ^ bull last Friday, which resulted iu a if score of I I to 7 ill favor of Sedalia. i? a ? Mr. Thad. Foster has just tiuished ni 1 holing a wall on Mr. J. 11. Uudgcr's preui- T e iscs. Thcrsnib' -" ^substantial terra coita ?' i . ,jus sav^^S , tr c securing a poriuoueut supply of good water. ^ Don't forget tr put your name on a Demo- ^ cratio Club list of your township, ou or tj| before ilie 120 lb?liv# days before the pri- rn mary election. If you neglect lo do so you ( wi l uot be allowed t> vote. fi'i t' bdiA- M e call the attetitioii of our readers ''' to the favorable exhibit of the financial coni ditioa of the County, made by the Com- A 1 misstouers. ll will be seen that in lM<i> the debt of the County was $>18,704.NO, , which has boou reduced lo about lb,HOD, ? s with ^5,000 to uieti it, thereby showing a 1 reduction of some ^7,000. L, . 0. . so p llCriC- We arc requested to unuounce that I ' Mr. Ji>s. T. Johnson, candidate lor Congress m I from this district, will address tho citizens , of the following places, ou the days aud > hours named. Wc ask for an attentive and tli ' lespectful hearing for Mr. Johnson, who is | f ' an nblc wpoirircr niTfjt pure gentleman : ? Cross Keys. Thursday, Aug. 18, I a.m. 1 Sautuc, Friday. " 10, 0 n. m. 01 ( Hughes. " " -\ p. in. . Kelt on, Saturday. ' 'JO. a. in. "" > .loaesvil'.e, ' " :i p. in. l>r ' liocky ('reek. " " S.:>0 p. m. ftn ? i | bxjf A Conservative club was organized 1 1 ui h iiiIue. on the btli, ivitli l)r. T. 11. llu'es i.-,. i i 1 ' for rresideni S. Johns,vice-president; 1'. I'?. I hitler, Secretary. Notwithstanding Snutuc was considered ^ one of the sirongliolds of Tillman ism in this \vj Countv, tii'h/ /ui' i>were enrolled at that . ' ' . he meeting mid many have been added since. eoi Not a month ago a gentleman living in that ^ township lol i u- that ho did not believe go | there were ion Sheppard and Orr men in ii ! ^ We have heard of similar ehunges in other parts of the County. ..?.J | me lt|0>V Mhilo we think the violont treat- gol luent el' Maj. li. It, Murray at the Cedar pie Crave uncling in Anderson County last eh? Monday was a great outrage and disgrace, tea we cannot help i'.linking, n'so, that the . of i pi-opiicty id Maj. Murray's voliinlecr pros- j n'm i i net* at the 1 :lhrrn nieciing is very doubtful, i in I li d< es nut appear ilnu die Tillii.iin speak ! ers niteiiipicd t > impose thenmdve* on die I 1 Sheppard and Orr meeting, while it is evident I lull the two meetings were under ?r ' separate and distinct calls. It is ?|iiite legiti , 1 I nine lor two political factions <o eali meet- j I Mi' s at ddViven? places in the same neigh- | ' ' bo,'hood ut ;lic nine a,. 1 i,ny irrer- : 1'aI I'erenee, "in' with ilie other, gcncia'ly re' ?ull> in trouble. Wti * * . .1r?fjS" llit) Advocates ot the in,11 tax 1 1 I now say it is r.ot intended to repeal the "J mill t ix on ^property. lVoll, we don't see | " how that wilf relieve ii?. pTOv mini who has I ' " ( no property- the tenant and the laboring I ( 1 That, to our mind, makes it more con- I Will elusive that the increase i t llie poll tax was . apt a lirect blow at the lab irinj class of the pro j ph . We ate heyond the poll tax age .and 1 ^ have no ehildren to educate, but think thvte I w ould be more justice and equity i'', merein ' the tax on our propeny than in p ic .ig a he.'utur bur.len 'j\i the employe* ] i on >t1ui i ?n^Ja borer that does i.m- i 'u_ j -raid-1 ?i:g j | t'ot i People Should Think Before Voting t is being industriously c rculated am people that if a Stale Conv.-ntiur d under (lie call of a Tillman l.e;?islat I a new oonalituiion is alopted, in wl 5 poll tux is substitute! for the pre tax, it will be coani tied t> the people r vu or rejectsn. Judging I i record of the list legislature, wo lined to think the people will have no the matter, and the scheme ie misleai a trsu to catch too confiding adminii n voters. Let's to the record, and let ople think and rote agaioet the dang fore it is too late : On (lie 11th of last December, 1891, ' id's pel scheme of a new Cousti'u me up in the house Mr. Abuey of It id (Conservative) offered the follov ovixo ? "Provided, however, that no Constilu med, or which may be firmed, by s nveiition, shall he bindu'g or go into el til it shall have been submitted to wplc of the State for ratification, and s ve been la'ified hy the votes of a majo the >|ii Pitied voters of the State, vo ion such question." This was vole 1 down by Governor in's friends. Ilcre are their names : Speaker Jones, Alderman, Dleise, Bov iwden, Breeze lis, Brice, Browning. Bi rjientei", Curwile, Chandler, Connor, < ikes, J. 11. Dupro Carle, Bldcr, ilv uley, Folk, Fex. fuller, F. B. Gary, T ahain, Gregory, Hardy, Ilarl liar A man, Jelferies, Ivinard, McCill, Mel ii, Molntyre, McWhite, Mosiley, Nor ittereou, Bast, Kiley, Rowland, Bus ott, Shunklin, Stackhouse, Staulaul, 'J r, Todd, To a nes: Tray tor, Wolfe, Wc ird, YeMell, Youmans, Zimmerman. T ., !,? .. n./,..:.. ?ir?... nator Smythe, of Charleston, (Conse e? was voted down, '2-1 to 11. Wc 1 t this rote in detail. Now, how cnti the ?3 poll tax he set a "direct vote of the people" when ' iu's friends won t allow the new Consl in providing for it to go to the people ic Stat'. lluian the Only Issue We have been taught to believe that rat moving doctriito of the Fanners , ice and Fat met s Moveincnt?not ha lir a breadth difference?was "princi| it men," hit tite leaders of the Tillmv irmers' Movct out party hive gone mj ick on their professions, and demand c candidates ignore principles ake tho man they will support paruuic te Greenville AVtrs thus aptly csj e arbitrary, undeiuocratic and unm uuind of the Tillman fac'ion of the d atic parly upon candidates for office, c supposed to ho free men actuate* 'inciplo and not b sse 1 hy any man or t Men who ask for office in this county rt to be asked wh it piiuciples they re nt. what they can do or will try to do people, or as to their lituess or ehi r. Old Thomas Jefferson gave as the t icstions to he asked of a candidate for : office, "Is he honest'.' Is he capable ! faithful n> the constitution?*' Green ittnly deiuocrnts aie now instructed ey must overlook all such matters as te important ptvsttous are : "Have you heon an expressed and rowed Til'manitc from March, 1 *'.?<) to resent time?"' L>i?l you vote tor Shell or Duuoan iu i a primary ? "Will you vote for tlie.t \elvc men n atcil the 1st of August by a coufereiu illtn&n men to represent this county ii eptember convention?'" Ave you in favor of ) ?<? vo-olection of inn ami other Slate officers?'' Do you belong to a Tillman or nn illinun club ?" Now we submit that it is just this kit ling against which the conservative n cut is direct ail. It will be observed that there is no i on of farmers' movement or democrat ly of tlio serious i-sucs now before the e. Loyalty and obedience to Tillma e only test, the one issue. Cleveland and Stevenson -Sheppard Orr Club Formed A meeting of tha Conservative dcmoi this town was held lit the Courthouse onlay evening at 0 o'clock, for the >se of organizing a Cleveland and fcjte n, Sheppard and Orr club. It. T (.ice was niado temporary cl an, and W. D. Humphries umpo icreiary. X'". William Mnnro stated the objei ? meeting. One hundred and twenty-seven nn ere enrolled, and it is expected the n irship will increase to -100 iu the next three weeks. Mr. W. 11. Thomson was elected incut presideut, L. P. Murphy, \ esider.t; W. D. Humphries, Secrc d Treasurer. The following is the Hxecutive Com mi William Munro, A. I! Foster, Joh nt. Dr. M. w ?'nip. K. T. (ice tat Accident (Ireon lliee. -lr>.I 14 *? >> > ing en C I. T. C. Duocau s plaiitat is accidentally ?hot and killed Tucsda; i Cousin Anton Humphries Anion me 1<> utile to see Green. and Green sta tnc from sclio 1 to cntortnin liim. I t n shot gun aod went out to kill cr< lulc they \. ete watching for the "< stroyers," they -a' down to enjoy awn ilon. After devouring the melon. Gr 1 up and said Jet's go to the house, n kid up the gun, when the load was trgod, lodging in Green s lul't shouh line tlie shoulder > !? !; clean oft: |l the load entering in his lungs lie li >u' *> hours, bretrhin/ through the wot his si le. . . ? tue;valive J>ele?jato* I'lie toll, v, ii:-r were noiiiiiiate'l by the I' vative co'ivetiii >n list Monday as t e/ates to be voted for at tlic prim ci u lo repretcui the Conservative i\ lite democratic party in the State no :iig convention , 1'. Iticl niJi" I', li. Miller, ii. .lellei ies, I. C. i>ai ! n. IJpliill. I'. I. Names, . tinnier, , 1'. M. I.ittlejoliu. leery man h ft farmer, straight, ami i (believe u belief or Irucr set of democ. iM be seloc.o'l in the County. o )ii. Wiiai vCi?i ?.ii. \N 11' you heed riling. Tlic signal j erh:?]>s el' the > >i oaeli of I Ii ii im-re terrible di*ea?w. I' ujiilon. Ask youv?olvcs If you email I lie > >ko of ?ivitr; lb', to run ihe r l ilo tiotliiiifC for it. We knrnf from ionce ih it Miiadi - ( sir will cure \ :_5.. it ncvei fai's lhi< explains w re I hail ft Aid in t.-rles Aveie <<>'.| i year. Ii relieve eioiiji md vvli o|i Igll *1 oln- ?. A| liher* In.I be w.tli I' .r liUIti' ' ftCK, able i I'll - u - Sail u>? I'.a-tel. tj-'llbyll. 1\ Siiii''i .\ T. J. Harn? Withdraws. iong We are requested by Mr. T. Jiff. Harris i is (9 aucouoce to the rclers of Union County Am ure, ibat as bis son. II. W. Harris, is before the *bat liich peop'e aa a candidate f>r a s?at ia the Legsent islature, lie bai withdrawn from the can predic (for ra?s for the office of An litor rc ?r: roin Mr. Harris returns bis lhauks to the Howe , . . if we are numerous voters who promised to eupport ,j.| vote him f'rthe position. here, ling We cau safely say that no man iu the labor itra- County ia bet'er qualified for the sit-sfactory r? the performance of the duties of Auditor th in ;ors, Mr. Harris, and we are satisfied that his high u,0re sense of propriety in withdrawing from the Mr. rill- eontest, under the circums'ance*, will be Misse tion appreciated by the people of Union. drfvin ring * a C3"" The County campaign opened las of the tion Tuesday at Kelton. All but one or two of !,e'n II *?ll I I f j ti I o j. the candidates for County offices wero pros- I Mis3 i ,l(e eni. and some good spoechfs were made. { faces hall Notwithstanding Tillman claimed a majority with fi'y iii tho-hatid primary on tiie t?3 poll tax, at (iiitr * ft i v ^ i h the meeting on the Ith, we learn, as tt sig- ingr< [ill, nificant fact, that no candidate for the lrgisla. glad i turc dares to openly a Ivocalc that increase mtpro v*"> before the people, but, on the contrary, one "yi'ji V^' or two at least dircct'y oppose it. We also gone ana. l*arn that the t'onnty government law of A | . A. last session, which wouldj-ut poor men not Rt *cy. able to pay a road tax into the chain gang, ' er' meets with no favor among the people. All sell K?'nS to show that the "hand pritnaty" vole L'ay- at campaign niectings did not express the ,0'l* sentiments of the peopio?not oven of those Mn i i.. who voted. iiouih l'7 " ? ^ whiel rva- j(o iave Personals. lluck Mr. J. 1>. Arthur has returned to his hank Ditie 1 i . , , . , . in' rill- t*u,,e'' af'ft' tws weeks rest in tue luonntains. 5>- C., titu- Joseph without the Hank might get along. year 1 i? but the Hank without Joseph would he a his l'o lame concern. aby, ' Mr. II. 1,. Goss and his son, Harry, have when the gone to HutlTlo l.ithia Spring for the benefit *).'^ ! m. . | . , | | , 1 A Hi- of Mr. Goss s health. I,r ,ll* a Mf- W. II. Goss and his sister, Miss lithe- grega pics, lind Goss, are now enjoying the bracing b?r ? ii or atmosphere of Saluda. r t-troet uare Wo had a call last Tuesday front J. H. j[e w that Tench, son of our old fiiend and correspon- State and dent, Maj. J. W. Tench, who is now iiving it1 (unt. ? Gainesville, Fla. Wc arc glad to hear ,er? ! sccki toscs that the Major is enjoying life, with a good c|,, iS| anly appetite, plenty to eat, and is still wielding citizc omo- a" aggressive pen. a tru who Col. E. 1*. McKissick paid a pop visit to 1 by t'nion last Monday. pv neD. Hr. W. Milliard, of Ashevil'e, >uc of the ley is arc most popular and successful physicians in so!di< pre- Western North Carolina, gave us n very f?r pleasant rail last Monday. Wc kuew the prose hree " w'UMl he W,,,J a 11 \v- and his father. I>r. l)n p(,b- Hil'iard. before him. howe ? 1? Rev. W. 11. Miller. Robt. Miller and Miss ... , and r v,lle Nell Mil'??r left Tue?tlay forTcnnesee. Miss \y ,u.j .V,al Nell will remain and attend school. Rev. of all that. ,. W. II. Mi.ler and Robt. will return to Union 'her 1 an in a few weeks. peopl .. Ue l"* Mi?s Virgie I.iulcjohti, after spetiding says 1 jy?, awhile with her many friends and relatives man, here, returned te her home in Gowdeysville ticket omi- hist Wednesday. o?!,'1. (l Mr- J - R. Mathis, the hustling Insurance 3Ubje ageui, is in town. In Till- Judge James M. Gee and Col. l>avid ?nsw Johnson have gone to Greeux illo. , an'1" Ren D. Culp has returned to Glenn jn (|, id of Springs. lax ? love- W. P. Thomson, formerly with Farr N <,e Thomson, now with the Pacolct Man f. Co., iiios- . lavor 1 was in towu this week. u0 :v or n'peo Mr- Gus Cliilds and family, Miss Jennie his o' n i- Gibbos and Mr. Robert Gibbes, of Columbia, i'0113 aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gibbes. Jitast ? . list, 1 and *'r- " ^ Smith is visiting I?r. M. T. cents Smith and family. An crnis Miss l'hoebc TowiioCtid is visiting Mrs. show: last hawkins. 11,0 >' the pur- Mie>es Jennie and Marion Oibbcs, of desor ivon- Colombia, arc visiting Mrs. W. M. Gihhcs. In Cap*. Clin*. C. Culp is out again, after n 'lc| 1,0 lia r- spell of bilious fever. trious 1 the ci rarv Mr. Mat Gi>t, who came home from tilcun <;0, Springs with fevcr, i* much better, Tiudn ft of sttrpr how 1 For the Times. prope 1"'e,' Vox Iu the U S Court and a Greenville S S 'eJ 1Cia Greenville, S. C., Aug. 0.?The U. S. tliol|ii ,no Court is making considerable headway with the business before it. The Grand Jury have j ' j per" passed on about 125 bills during this week, |axc.s jce. and there are about S5 yet to go before it. The Union delegates hero all kept up, and ,aT at their posts. So far as we know, none of litem have been appointed to investigate the 1 . , 11 ? man t Itee: guurd bouse. *| to (i ^ Mr. II. S. Port or has taken in the city of x|t,cll. Greenville, and thinks it a larger place than | p,",.,.1' Kelton. Ho has found a crane that weighs 1 ,|(|! (, j about 152 lbs, and is nearly G lectin height. , ' I | Ho would be glad for Mr. Frank Humes to ' ' 111,1 ? ' ' | soc it. Hilly" Smith is here, away from ' l0n' ; home, and has set to-morrow to call on some ^ f by 1 ladies?bis kill foiks. though. f ' had The Telephone' was with us a lew days . 1 J , last week, but being out of orJer lias return- u Wl ivod . , . , ii rover', , cd to Joiicsviilc lor repairs / ',e-v ! As usual, Jonesville has its /'ro rata share " >w>. of cases iu the court at this term yu, | Mr. t'lias. MeGurkin, formerly of Union; ,n' but now of Chester, is If re on the jury. lie !! \cl,l Iris ait eye on the Chester post ollice also. .J'' een \ goud rain fell here this evening, greatly | . r ^,v 1 ml refreshing vegetation and dispelling the j ,, .. I intense heat. Great improvements have been made in lor, | 1 otto, ai the management of the l'. S. Court. Instead of calling all ibo witnesses and suitors here TC'' the first day, to remain until their cases are ^ >M1 iind 1 disposo l of. certain cases are called on car- v '\ "' tain days: and when disposed of the parties | . K' are dismissed. This keeps some coming in , "n"'' .. II . I . ?i i - mi- iniiv, viiiio oinura arc g ung t tit. ' '' "I' ' '<" '(011 nil mi fi'1. the V. S. Uourt is :i >?:p; ' "n ! thing. We will get wed: v, e : ! !'C ihinK. ary j Ai?. 7. Wo attended (lie Washington 1 j?? j street Presbyterian church mid Sunday ' " ' ? ' school this morning. oclio'.tii s were in ( "V"' "" their places, nn 1 reported tor duty to day r 1'lte music was supcib, and tiie recitations ! 1 exie lent. Jt all the Presbyterian churches ; s \ and u'hrs 'to int:he hind had such go-ahead I j teachers and pastors as Washington street .s vai ] eliurch has. the institution would bo worthy !"t' h >xe ! (he name of Sunday school. family I'.ctity of old men and women ate in the , I?tien i classes. They arc neither too old nor too i die 1 s wise t > learn, as many of our rural church ' lion, it members fccut to think they arc. had bc? the A new hatch of Union men came ia 'hi, ! tire evening, an I aie quartered at the ll?ese ' Sim on II use Yi>x. ! |Yvlmg 'd ! _ i i'h j J and we ex- I iii hi ia- An mux Sun.?The hi-I -a vr edy nei ..i in the win I fur t'iii?, I'ruises. Soivs, I'loci*. j Kidn?v hy Salt llheuni. i'ever Sore*. Teller, (iiappnl fuiiu il the hau l-, t'liil'da n-. i'iuiis, m.) ;i'| >kin ertip- with -i tig ; tins, and p -i ively run - Pile-, or iu> | ay ! nnd f c III required. It i* final alitei'd I i \ c p u lect liillelat i- tart it..i. i money reliiiilet> thi-is o. | Cents pet ho\. I t *ale l.y p. | iWy. | oii'y Correspondence of tlio Times. Nevi Notes from Asbory il'kt, A Hi. 8.?Ua asking a darkey he thought of the prospect for rain, he idc 1 ihat it would rain a* soon as the tti started their "big meetin," bat his :tien has fails 1 up to the pressnt. and : turivuuuru <y iiapint tug mectins." rer, wo hope fo get a shower soon, but do not the cotton crop will be injurid. i numerous meetings of the negroes as usual, made many of thani unfit for and they will doubtless cmtitiue to tt of the month. re the campa gn meeting at -Union jal affairs bare been discussed wbh zeal tban ever. Jos. Byars end two of his daughters, s Carrie and Nannie met with quite ious accident yesterday. Thoy jWere g a mule which became frightened at that jumped up suddenly on the side road, and upset tbe buggy, throwing out upon very rough grouud. Mr. face oud shoulders were badly bruised. Carrie's shoulder was broken and her lightly truised. Miss Nannie escaped very slight injuries. t Weduesday Mr. J. It. Liltlejohn was to the bedside of his wife, who is in North Carolina, but we are x to flute that her cuuditioii is so much ived as to enable him to ieturn 8aturtses Fsunie and Mary Liitiejohn hare on a pleasutc trip to Asheville. i.retracted meeting is being conducted llotbel this week. The pastor, Mr. llopis assisted by Uev. F. C. Hickton. Landman. . ? For the Times. Death of Dr D. F. Huok&by . Editor: ? It is my sad du'y to an;e the death of Ltr. D. F. Huckaby, i occurred on the 20th d?v of July, at the residence of his only son, A. U. aby, at Hanger. Yell Co., Ark. Hucknby was horu in Union County, in the year 181G, and was in his 79th it the time f his death, lie leaves a one son and five daughters to mourn ss. lie had a brother, Thomas Huckwho redded in Spartanburg County, lust heard from, and a sister, Maltaly, )f t lie old man Thomas l'ri I more, who iu Union County many years ago. a Huckaby was a member of the Coo* 8 tionnl Methodist church ; also a memf llcllviUc bolgc, F. and A. Masons, cinains were interred in the Spring cemetery, with full Masonic honors, as a vuluab'e representative in the legislature from Yell county, lie was lelligent well posted man on all inattti cresting tiud edifying to any one ng sound information. He was it lian gentleman, a good and useful n, a kind father, a loving husband, and e Democrat. \V. C. Scon. irlnii nloase ennv. _ ? .? asa Tax Doikjer.?General Furi u Spartanburg man. Me was a gallant >r in the war: lie worked for the suc>f Democracy in 187G. Si far as we lie lias performed the duties of his nt office acceptably. ring the progress of the campaign vcr he has gone back ou his former is who stood by him in trying times lonored him with office, lie has rapid generated into one of the m>st abusive [ the campaigners, lie has gone farIhan any in endeavoring to e.\c te the e along the line of prejudice, n. Farley is running for office. He lie stands squarely by Governor Tilland is a part and parcel of the Tillman I. As one of the men to be honored office if Tillman delegates form the convention, his views and record are cts for legitimate criticism, his speech at Winnsboro Gen. Farley ered "yes" to the questions . re you iu favor of the $3.00 poll tax ?" re you in favor of putting whito men e chain gang for not paying the poll u. Farley did not dodge these qucsbut emphatically expressed himself able to theui both. w:u charged with having tailed t > pay ivn poll tax in this county until exeeuwcre issued, lie explained that the arer failed t?> enter the poll tax uii the uid then wanted him to pay $I.Go, GO of which he refusol to pay. examination of ttie auditor's books s that Gen. Farley is mistaken. For ears ISGO-SO-yj-ST-SO he paid neither 1 nor the GO cents, nor any tax of any ipliou. five years out of twelve, under the law w seeks to put in operation, the iltusi General would himself have been en ia'ii gang ! icrnor Tilluinn, Kilerhee, Hates and 1 are a'l rich men, and we arc not iscd that they should have forget ten .<?. v? it 11 ?i.i i7i ?t |'uur man Willi 110 rty to pay his taxei, but OcdoiuI F:tv13 once been poor himself, sanitizing Unit this ui.iu who says tint an who toted for Tillniun when ho sed reform aud low taxes nnd refuses e for bini now, rinco he lias given high and prom'scs still higher "is a coward traitor," should so soon imbibe the of his b >ss and forget how it was lie was poor. It is amazing that a vho found it too inconvenient to pay public schools I ho year before he was 1 to a if 1 .fiOtt job, should two years favor making other pour men pay times aa much and work them on the g:Vng if they are too poor to raise the '.? SjinrhniliUty 11 r; <?/</. Iiiot i n nr. in I'.vruv Hot sr..?J. 15. i,J?TI Clay St.. Slmrt'sburg, l'i., says * 1 not tic without l)r. King's New Dis' for Consumption, Coughs and C'oids, 1 cured his wife who was threatened I'neiiinonia after an attack of "La e," when various other remedies and I physicians had done her no good t LJarber of Cooksporf, l'u , c'ain.s ng's New Discovery did lain more a od nything hi' overused for Lung trouhle. ig like it. Try it. Free trial bottles K l'osev s Ding S'o>*e. Large bo.ties, ad - I .it". loll s CiiN-rMfi'lnN I t III .?'i ilis ii 'I'tcstion the nu>*i successful t'oiigh ne we have ever * dd. A few d ?cs ?hly cure the Wor*d ea?e- i f t'oiuli, and lironchitis, wlii e ii* ivoiideriul iu the cure of Coii-iimj ti m i with* 11re h i in the lii-tory of m<di?::iie. Hiirst i -coiery it hi- Lien.* hi on a oo, u iom wliic'.i no other mo Heine j* wid. IT you Lave a we ear- ff a-k y Jti I u I r\ it Price |;i-Vi a it Pyoui* lungs arc fire, ciie.-l. or buck i-e Siiiloli - Pnrm.-. Pia-i'r. Sold by Sn.ii li \ (kj. o i t'nohf:i? villi Ca:-.i: tiis:.? |.--?xi?i??iy., August 7. - J. II, Milutirof, of four an.I the co'uu: I cook, of Vista, ale cabbage l'ur dinner stud liortly uflcr wards. I" j? >*i invosiigawns found tint a poisonous simkc n cooked wiili tlie c:iM>iiuo n.,111 wo II r 11,i ii. If j'liii me not si roup a*iil besil'by. try KKvlrc I f I,a I Sriii|>o Iiii- c'.i y.ui weak iry, ion I'.le. tri P-itSer*. lliis reml-s dirccPy on l.ivev Slunteb and ?, gently aiding three oi'.oin* to pericir fundi ill*. If you me dilated rU Ilea l i lie, you vi II tin I pee ly r 111' 1110111 i rl'l'l by l M!; i li ; lileeiri line hiil will eonviii'. J on Ilia', ilie remedy y. u i , .j l.irge b ?i le* U It, I . i'<> ny iM'Ug ft VC. *>