The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, August 05, 1892, Image 2
T..- .?.. 7??f. ? ir Go*- rnor 'i lilwan 1
la n-s!ected "with a L*g V-etuie to en t i
fciui," which lie demand* the |o r | o >j In ,
of this coun-iy n?ay lind that they Hra h*e i
1?J into a cruel trap.
The Governor hi a ehourii Hid aj o'?cit iii
pur|o*C!?. 'iliey me flslii/
If he coi.tro s tlie I.i gialt'iirc the c >tiu(>
goverumatit hill prop anl ia*<d debute in
the l?at legist'a lure, w II t e pared.
'/he goMrwr will il.oi Intra control of tho |
legia'aturc, of the couttn, of the county gov
eminent*. lie will hnva the it; j?oir.tmenI |
t>f oil il<? uouiuis.vom r*, woo
will innltc the coui.tjr govcrninen's mid c n- I
trol ail ci nIntel" of the couim eni-nera of ilio >
?t ih?? i 111 v' c<-iiimife>ioiiorft mid trnl |
juH'iim. Willi this jowir -ti ii n IisU'Jh nn'l !
ibc uppoiutincnt of clei'ix'ii c liiininiuiioi * .
mill ooi frol of llto | any u n -biliary be wi'l I
to .trol llio election of uioinl d? of ili? con- |
stitiitionnl cony nth n
Wlir.t doe* lie want Ibat c invention t > J t I
Make a iluos dollar |>'<ll ti*.
Fix it ho lliul un'CHd a inn has n certain 1
nmouiit of pr pony o linn a ciilna ilrj; ec
of educa ion lie ."lullI not v shall have t o
toicc in the olioici < f 1-i-? jrovi riimei I.
Tlie poor wlilie pc<>p ft ur i Ii i'ig let into j
a t r ii |> by t lie loud talk of I It u farmers g>verninciit
anJ popilir nil . I hoy a-ft I.ting
put in u ju hi ion where tiny wi 1 lit help
less sla i n, denied o ii | , subject In the wil1
of tJ e rii ii or c lucnlcd, 'It, r.vel of nil |>i ivi
leges tin 1 piying tri1 n o ! ilir < on litis n
year for tin* hcIiooIh anil being hired to to i
trnc or* eight dsy* in every ye r I'm work on
the public reads
Tliore is a cm iiit4 claim llml the whole ,
thing is iigninst lli>> mgr 'i'nou-mid < if <
negro farm hau ls wmkng at c'.' a niiiitli I
would iother stay in jail twuily ''ays an t
lie foil aii'l Iodize I than n.iv lie 5>d 11 at.
Abolish I lie eight l? x niv and li.\ mi eilitcniional
or properly <|ini'ilioiin u. ilien ."he j
wlii'e man who nniuiol toniu up In (lie a an- I
dnrd hiukt jiay J.'J it 3ear f 1 lie p flic son* ol'
colored pa 1 cnls 1 o go i<> m-Ii ol a-i l loirn
enough 11 vole, while 1I10 while 111111 .1 1
turned fiotn (lie Imll I box mi'! It'll Willi ml I
voice or power.
Wo rue doing ?cry we I lis i< i" Kvrry |
winio ninn ha* li m vole ui.d the Stale is |
securely dennicrnlio nude" I he light lux liw.
Do you tvM111 wliile 111?i, dciil tends In
bo denied the r glti in vote h cause 111 cy aie
pO'r. or hiivc In en unable In find a utile
time or minus* o ,c:en I 1 rial and iviiie,
while negroes who hoc gathered pro, erly
or a; cured a Minuteting "l edticxlson under |
I It v g'>v? rn 1110111 the while men hi.vo (night j
and have pni ! for. walk I'rui ly I he t> . 1 >;
D 1 Von waul llie h.hui iug; n.en of I his o ale 1
to I e Mihjeeti d in a l h 1 e d llnr? po I 'a ? V |
l)i 31 11 want lit c while men mil Snilh
Carolinians m l it given into slavery r ghi j
days a 3 ear at lifly eenia a ila.v whila their
we ill liiel" neighbn. s lakuheir case by paying i
$ I .fill Oi in 11111 :it inn tax '.'
Il you wan I a!! there 1I1 ngs nn I Wai
agniii' t ni'iiiey 11 lid eorj.or ;lin??, In keep and j
drive both oat ol the S a'e. Vole lit rlh I! |
'l'lllloan for governor, (inrutillr X->r. .
- 'I'll
l; (ioV Kli.Nnll H S A I. A l> V. ?TI.Ol 0 lijl I e-ll :
much talk in ihis Stale of ledu ai >11 of salaries
Governor 'I il 1111 ti in his campaign
speech at Aii'lersi n livn years r.go hail much
to 8>y of icdnciiig iho mhirics of the e'etka
in the State house ollic s who, he raid, went
to work nt 11. in. nn 1 quit til d p. in., nn I
Hlrnttcil about in kid gloves And belonged to
the Columbia club.
A number of Govern r 'filliiian's friends 1
were inn ie State house ebuks. '!'!? ir sa'a- j
rics have not been reduce I, ilie'r limits of
YVUI K ii iv 111*1 lieUU mriT I'v'i (111 1 UlCy till |
str 111 about iu kill gloves ju .5 as the I rnicr
clerks iliil.
It is ii noticcnblc fact thai tiovcrnor I ill
man saiil nothing tlu'ii ni??l lias caul nulling
into of a rcdueti 'it of the (lovernor's salary,
which is *' '!,f?(K> a year, with the use of a
fill If luvl house and il full'I ot !j*-i')M l?r
Iiomsi iio'il equipments uii'l expenses.
The tinvcriior'a ialury is one of tlio l'o*v in
this Sta'o ivliioh o?u ami should he reduced.
A |i or mail elected (lovernor could do well
tin .>L,,(Kf(t a year and li miso rent lYeo. To a
rich man it would make no sj eo a' dilferencc
whether h:s salary paid his expenses or not.
He would he pi id to m il e up any deficiency
for tlio honor of holding tin- inice. The
people might not, h mover, ami, tf common
souse prevails, will not care whether the
? governor is rich or poor. All 'hey ask is a
y !" i'1 in sympathy with llieni, who has
a 1 i11h-ToPYjf^ho heart, to understand their
O lirr Stan* i llieei"s"W>\.l!lin^ ,0 lClllko
tium the tiovcrnor are paid front
<j*J,l"Oa year. We are sure every ("iinTi
date on l ie conserva'ivo ticket woiihl favor
a rednctuia of the governor < pay to nay,
000 a year with tin* u -e of the executive
inati"ii>ii ami the *MM f,r keeping up the
buildings ami the ground- .
(lovernor Tillman i as i icli a uiau as
Hovorn .r Sheppai *1. i- he w illing to agr-y
with hheppard, not only to uige an 1 sign a
bid to reduec the salaries ol oilier governors
to S'J.OOlt. but to surrender $ l..rUJH of his
salary eicli year, in rase in* is elected, to the
jiuiuic school Inn 1? S1.;MIIi uouid rii-t three
country schools six uuxitiis, and pivo If>0
hoys ami girls of the State that much teach
iug.? (?/' 'ui'ith Xiii'n.
. ? .
Cm.t'M in a , July 'J 7.?Seer luy Hell'iuger,
of the r'Ptuocratio executive ruitnittcc. this
t foniii!; pave out the fall iwiny; cointuunication:
"Mr.inurAiiiP.Ks \
I'cmocii \tii" r.xtaf 11\ t: Comstiri r.r. i
"Hon. Samuel DiblJe mnJ 'Jtlirrs :
"(Ictitleiuen --lloply mp to \ > ur c mi'mnii
cation of Mie \'?>i!i instant, we hog bure i?>
refer you m u reply to your iii|Uirtos to u
full report of the action of tins committee on
tlte pom's involved its pub'sslied i t litis
morning s daily papers.
He-pertlul \.
(J. IM'.ncan lit, Seel v
il ka t'vii'a it l etts 1
' To tlio Chuiriueu of lite respective I'ouit'y
Executive CoiDini lees :
"Your attention is respect fully culled to
on amendment of tho rtfoi this day adopted
lor the government of the primaries, viz., j
no person shall volo nl any primary election ,
tiiiless he lies enrolled on a club list tit least f
live days before said primary election. '1 he
club list shall be inspected by and certified
io by the secretary and President of the club
and turned over to the manages to be used
u? the regi-try list. \ on wilt therefore cud
your t.Necut've eoinmitlee tojj.ther as eaily
us possible, and sett t > it that ovety tlciui c at
;u your county i< properly enrolled. I,. M. 1 itnv, Cliaitintn
(.1. lit M\s Pki.i.isuku, Secretary."
The liibblc committee appeals lobe pet
leolly satisfied with the answers to I'littii
fttun nibble s letter. ? fir'.uill Aries.
? *
>11 II.UIIS t.'nNM Mi l |uN I I HI - I 11 i - I
Y ... .. I
ijvj ohm ?ji.iMlOII 1110 iii j' i ; n f. -:ui i illgli
Medicine wo have over - >M. A low doses '
invariably euro I Si j worst eu-os ? i t'ongli. i
Croup and ISroiichiti.s, wiii'o its wonderful
succcjs in 1)10 euro of t.'oiisiiiiip(i.iu i- without
ti | hi in lol in (lie i i tory of iiiedicino.
Since its li rat discovery ii has hceu a dd on .1
guarantee, a teat which no other nioJiciiie
Can a'and. It you ba?e a eolith wo ear- I
needy ask you to try it l'rico Jt'c otic and
$1. Jf your ltiuga arc .sure, clic-r, or hack i
laiuc, u?c Sliiloh s I'oroUs l'lasltr Sold hy j
11. K. Suiilh & Cu.
Have you ii"t noticed h >iv suddenly the
Tillman forces at the campaign meetings
have become order y a nco Uov?rn>r Tillman
discovered that his "howling d wii '
prograiinne was hurling him Who eau j
douot, Willi litis evidence bci'oic Ilial !
tbo rowdyism at the earlier meetiir^s had I
his c>Qui*noce? I
Me Myilnicii Uiitu's 1
n. M. STOKER, * - Kdltor
' _ i'
iiHIiiy, AiiKiiHt s. IhD'i. n,
S UllSCKH'VIOX, *1 GO t'EH A A'A' I'M i "
I 1^0
Tltc I'. O. will lie opened for liuniiiesf '
from K A. M. I? 0.00 I'. M.
The Money Order iMmrimi-ni " '! Vc , ''
vptuol I >r from ' > A. M. to ! I'. M * '
lite Foulh li iiri l ma 1 arrive! ?t li.itO,
V M.
Tne Noillt Fon:i ! m*>il trrivc' it' l.i't,
I*. M.
H rcct Ix.jioi n|ll I e cmp id every day
> 1 1.20. P. XI. tli
Any inattention or irrcgnlnrilicH elioiiM
rc reported promptly lo ilie P. M.
J. 0, UUNTEK. P. M. ""
... ........ > ui
'l lii' following liit <il < uinlMuti'i for III" varn.irromily
ollli fit will lit'inl<|ii| to ii.. m * in,no nr.- *
aiiiioninI'll In tin' "iimlitliili'i tfinirlom." j |,
i oit riii i.i.'ii-i a i i hi;
C |t Ibtlio, Oortfrey It F?.w|.-,
|; \V Hull. U Wllllllioi, Hi
.1 i'iii W MH'raijf J It .fall-lit-*. M
i ?>i: >III.I:ii i . (
\ I'oli1 I y|r? ' Oi'lroli I."II-', | '
I.iiik- II l!.illl< ?. . Si
ton Ai nnoit. ' .|
I' I it : II. 'I' II I'11 I
.1 I Oil-. 1 I I: 111' V.
Null I. M'Hi'.i i, ivyioo It l.'iw |
.1 l: liliiiiimi
i ui: i in;.\sri:i,i:
Kiiiliinl VVjlliiirii, .1 II "I Soil ( t
.1 11 i I'iiii*', JoIIII I* 'I Ii'IIIIJI ,
\V I JrllT.
nut I'llf.VIV < UM U|SS|i|.M:itS.
.1 \V Niiiii'i*, I! s Tlmiiiiii, .1 r '
I M .Mollify, .1 A (JIiiimiImk, f,
IV M ()iillniiiii ilim .1 I.nIi'S (y
NO .M S licninxlar
.1 I. Witlki-r.
I'olt co HON Sit. , ?
I: I' t.r.|i?.?ry. .I;i?|mt Ayrm k, M
l olt CI.SUK OS COI'ltT. in
.1 |>li II Mi l< i?
Now AilvciiisononiH. pi:
No I'uliliui. Vomg.V IIiiii(.* *. in
\\ lliT"f I I 'ullfoi'. |l|
Wiulliolp Normal College u <
liitlicc'ic ill Oilil.s. Oill am \ l.'iw.sou. I.
Hail fin* in .1 ?! ? > v il I*: on I Ii e JJIlOi. sia
I'I'lii' p rni'i I lint Ii urine I the la'lilor ^
ho a i ln? Kpi>v>p:il Iter I iy iv 11 i please it ,|(1
1111 li il III oi.rc. Ill
- ill
W'. I., (iol'oi I ii, of llit> lii'.n i.rOriiioiiii pi
aiiliiifo III. cmlraclrir-i o i llii? IiimiicIi of
die C's roid. .Ii. .1 ui Oi oeiiville la?t Suntlny ..
11' llir tips fur paying tlio poll tax
Mil extrude I to 00 yinr.i, the number of J.(,
vol r< now nd voc ding h poll tax would
lie greatly rcducud. do
- ? VI"
The doiiioi int c hxecutivo < nnunil- R)
lee ie.|iie*ls cnndidn'c-i for Supervisor of wi
It I'gixtr.'ition an<I Jury Commissioner lu iin- on
tiouuco themselves next week, s> iliiit I licit* I
ii tines in iy In* |ii i:ilc<l on lliolickil.
l)i A . Ktderly well t, lo gentlemen ean yj
ufi'nnl lo advocate a | oil tax, but poor
young mi*ii m Ii > run iIn in living by luird vj
wm*k i" m t iiit'inl t i vole n lux on tlnon
selves. ,
It* l\ . I? >ii I In* mi-taken. Signing a 'I illiiuiii
or ('uni-rv ilivo t'lub will not entitle '
3011 lo vote. Your name must go on 11
regular I ?oilioci.ii ic < .lib I ~-t. <1 .3 1 before s'
the ?l:iy of e'ee ion I 1- 11 it 11- you t" V' to at
tin* | i iiu'H x election. '
Sxj)' tlcor.i ihvciio I'M', id" i liis town '
will give a (Irani Lxi' to A**!iv*vi!11* on
.Monday, the I'uli, and return 'lo" uino day.
I'iire IVoiii t' irlVe I. "? *iirti.\ * I ;
I'uioii, S I .lotif-x ilo. 5>l.l". for tin: |
round trip. .
- "
piiii,,, llev. \V I! ii. 11 n in ii?-? wi I own i?
tr.enee a protruded meeting io-iiiorroiv.
Saturday, at I'uiiiiao idiuridi. 1'
Mr. 1111 in |>li 1 ios closed I i-t Siturdiy a
| u'i \ inlere-iiing i!??; right 1,1 d
; vrrM..*. church. which ?' ultcl in mo con .1
j nii.l mH-'.vi.l 'ml.riYvAp. vvo"'
I day S,m fc
j W lion \oii hoar i man iiilvnoniing a
I - 1>"H lax. in nine ca < s out ion you vv ill 1
l ii'I "is iiiijii'rv tliat oillior lie i; hcyond liic
P|' in ]< ?y a j>oll 11>, i lio i < ono of those
"hip; i i.-li fellows llial got all Ins pr.,;;i;ty 1
' by inli?iiUnce or in sonu oilier way with 1
out working lor it. and has no feeling in !l
oonnuoii w illi I lie poor man. I'.xamiue Iho I
J "IiHii'l primaries' on I he C?.*I jull lax. '
ftiY* As we promised. I lit; meeting yesterday
pn-scd oil :n |iii??(lv a-> any inocling
11?riHi* I lie campaign. Only eoine close |
i|ne?l iotiing n| I Ii o spe ikers oroaloil any in- j ^
! lorrnpi inn. |
I here wi'id Iro n I I > k'.'Mt) inesoni .
^ mi'I ilie speaking las'e I from 1?>V \ M to i
al'ier p. m., vvliieli was lain lo i.rcrsiic V
* 1
; llie proceeding- lor puh'icat inn lliis we<k.
I in1 iil*I:t! i'lMivi n llii- Tilinri'ittr-. dim
i i iiiniicri'ii ilio Slippi'sieditcs eon* ..lerahl v.
. We would ili ii :i pledge to j
Toll- lor the nominee* nl tin* State and |
; a
I National li.'ktlt at the p-nernl cloeti >n i< |
I \rrv indefinite. It inieht lot iiirin a plo lj?o ] r'
to vote she l>('|'iil>liiM:i <>f Hit* I hil l I'arty j
i ticket. l>itt it certainly Joes nut pledge him |
| to viito the democrat id ticket. At any rale 1
it I paves a tempting Imlp lor apolitical sneak F
to crawl into any party that |>roui isus Iriu
ne>s| for his voir.
? i t'
CrVi , At the 1 n>I <iit:irtfi'I\ meeting '
I iiioii Lodge No I O. ( T , the follow ; ,
inp olllccis were elected to >erve the next
jnarter : I
1. 1,. Hailpv, I1
1 ai
Mis* t'nine <fowl. \ I
' on
T. W. Hrootii. I . S.
Mis* Carrie Fooler, I rea*
Willie Wilkius, See y
John U e, Marshal'
J . I II oi vis. (luaril
J J. Kison. sentinel.
lUv. W. II Millc", Cli ijilniti.
W*K- Of the pr>peity o?nuit ate I
ii favor of taking oil the mi 1 tax on ilicir j,.
I ropcrly anil substituting a p.? poll tix. I!
would rave money t-y tlio change; hut the
ipofr man, the tnechanie, the lnh ror and the jv
tenant who litis no property and depends t >
upon his daily labor for l?rc:i I f i his family- w
would have t" pay -fiJ. or ho linldc t > iiii" I J!
piisonuient, and subject his wife and fanvlv )Ji
to great hardships. '
Don't the people know that whe on
negro w ul I "sc itlle round" to ra >o ipl to '
piyhis pi)| tax, twen'y woti'd leave the c
Comity and S'a e. la'her than prv >' or |,
i<- iuj-ni ten days, at a f_ i?si<I i i 1 >1 v uior i I
than ? .! c<'st to the County ? | ''
e f anitary Condition of the Town
IVc t lie ro!lo?in2 fr< in * highly ap
pro'Nl l?: <'i ;ttn of the '"Wn, mi l publUb ou
I r liit- id) i m )ti ii i f ti e pul'lic We do ini
i where n anytliing ec miyiit ?ny p?
dl'l n-1 I in Ii- free of il.c appeal for w?
mhiiied ri li m on tlie | art of the Town f?i
iinvil. llic K it'll of lleu'lli aud the citizen* J.
ncra I* lo jnrify the innila>y Condition Cu
i he (<.? .. . l v ^.v.uu ion-* iirnni>t au
ikniiM a
In that rnutler the peop'o c - per?t?j ex
ilti In- mil If rili< a lor the pi-neml aii'l no
I; vi iiu! ?e1 fun; of the criiiuiunity.
Ue I a?e more caeca of fiver in town eg
hi for year# tcfore, but cimi in prnport'ort f?
the mini1 cr of inlmb l<ti la, nothing like
ui.nyu ?a acriou* came -n in liwna and ei
lei iiiound ti<. We can o oi'C *ii;'<- 1"
-a by inn ling the aUir aplicro with iuipure
li'jili ii* Ir m decaying v* jtelaii-'ii or ;u
l!i of any kit <1. " *i
V. e w ii! I ct I ilio al'vntii'n of till author- j
I'M In iliu uilc.Ml'U o iota (ii Main
(I. IV in '!?< .ivinwnlerme'oit rimls nl
iimwii a ion ii >1 ili?.' wnlerinc'oit wigous. 'I
in.*-11ii*?i it i< i'"// oH'tns! ve, and some w
tai. should h.inlnjlcl lo jncvenl it. .Sucli
.rtcri- a grml bleeder of sickness, uti<I it
c cnll i.p' ii all | iiitien ml In allow il In '
re ii in ii 1 lo uti ii nl I heir |-it-Hi" m-s. if limy (j
.iu>' ilfir i wo lit- til ii or the health of
,. I<i\v II '>1
Ma. I!;>11 iii H lille rending your |>a|cr ''
-l nc !? I -truck wiih ilio i|iic*tion
i i:i 'lie ol your rorr?-?|>"ii'lciiia?"Oh )
litre i;- iIto I.iiiihI of health ?" :iii I cill-il
c ail iilion ?f ii uiciiber of the board lo i . ftl
IIo inf rni'il me lint (lie beard met last "
it.tli, i'iim'1 i im Iniiniia and sevvd I hem
I lie Town Council, suggesting thnt Hie
ar-li il nl I he li.wn lie also npj ointcil .Sanity
lii'|n"t r a*i I wear a suitable badge In i"
-liiigutsh Iil(ii ns Mitch, ninl tn eiii|inwer ,,|
I |ii i-?s Iii n In imped nil ilouhtfiil
ices weekly, abate u'l nuisancer in (lie
ivii, e-|ii . i.ii'y privies uti'l | ig | cm, :in<i
Ii in-all parties refusing or neglecting to
to|.ly w tli lli- I i\v. Ami if the Marshal ''
il to |. Conn Iih duty, then a certain' nf hi' wipes he ilnckvil f>t- eich ami <(
ory failure.
'Ihehott'il nf health war H|iroinle<l hy !l'
e pretenl Town t'ouneil. The h ar t have
lie their iluly, iitnl ii is now in ordsr for
e citi/. ns I > see that Ilio ('ininri/. .I.. (heir I'1
|ly. The |il'?sent hull I'd of he.'l'lli iln nnl
ii|in-e lii answirl'ir the shortcomings nf
e Tmyn (Vnnei!. "
I have heen iiiliirme 1 thai uftui* a Town K'
illtii-il appoints a hoard of Itra'lh, they ate
>orid to net on the suggestions nf tint Cl
itrd, and failing lo do so, lliey can he held
sf nnsib'e.
l!ii? Ii.iini.i'litn I ltd I'lU'OP W Wlir(Mll)ill(f I ll<?
>ctor* ami the j;rnvo tiny icu|i n full liar <l
bolero lItv com I convenes ; ami wc
iiilil nsk 'where M'c (lie ciI zoiih'.' who 1,1
'I conic to ili?* 11 I "I I lie boa pi of health
I try and in luce llio CmiiioU tosi'.t irilhoiit
il/i r ilrhn/ in Ilie iiilcrtsl of the lici tli "
our |ii*n|ilt*. J'
laitova at tlio Sanctum
Mr. II. li. Fviins, of IVodl-ton |?.ii I us a 1
-ii M iliy.a'i'l dropped a'l ai rears
i I "in" y -i-1 ini'ii into lit-! I! lit ?ri il s'nt
' the Ti *n
Mrs. I!.iin-'. no Mi"*i Nannie liarlaii, tin 1 ''
irri" .*'i?I in n (\vc vi? ; it ri^ht tliis IiiucI .
ii- visiting her iiinlli'm. Mrs. .1. I*. Mrlvi--- n
irk. e
iinr v ic. iik' i ji'iiii;; fi*.?*ti i. miij i.. i*.
li Ki -irk 11:ii i i "ii n'l vi il to nur sanctum (
isl Mninliy. Tlio Major's visit to I nioii i
iin |' i'ii "ii | ! ? i in' i he i ni< ii! iiii iin.iiici ? j *
i... ih'i'ii iji.if.t .niirrii mi snine itiys.
()nr ymin^ fi n* nl i!. ;> aitli, i'li'iiiorly
it ii Mr !i. I i i i'c , im! now with Floyd i. I ^
i'c-, al Sparl uihnr.j;. called 111 m u:i Moil
i\ \\ ? nr.' |. 1 i I i" hear t'barley is flour
hiiij; Our ln"l wis'u'i a'tcnl jniii ("barbs. ^
O - - - !i
own Improvements.
Mr. N. I". I'unli .i i-> hn Ming a licit j ,
wiMing mi S.i.illi sin* I hot wren the resi- | ,
cim'im <if I. A F.iii! i I Mi- McNallv. : i
Mi. (ivsii^e tie.Iti.-: i- nov comfortably
clth'.l in ii - pretty new . pn^c next i > tin* , '
' .ytij lev is ii M:: lii'o.
'llaihi l ii -'.* t v. --tory iron
r *nt l.uiidut*^. ' , .
" tsNj; n:n!i i i la.iK'* a lian l
me appearance NVhd ~.uu!l.(ud it wi,l U
lie largest ami iu?it ivenicm storo in the
own. Mr. IJiih-y intends to fit- ;t ,.hock
niiwi all s 'tis an I i|ii I'itivM of furniture,
mil sell at Niiii, j.r.003 as will stop the
)resent custom of"seii ling ,lt ' f,.r nnyibmg
n his lino.
Mr. t'lilfoiil in pu i.ujj add.ii his to the 1
'liftoid SjiJiniutry building, for the comfort '
n I convenient:.! of sSipupils of tlio school
t apt. A II I'ostet Ii:*. i jut a windmill to
is well, which u'.'t as p>oo.| as the most 1
xtousivo ci'y water \v rk> in forcing water
> the house, kitchen an I li lot. It is a
onveuiont labor-saving alt ichnieiit to a '
o 11 * c.
All About Town i
liY iHMt Si' I t.\ lalt' V I. f. >. I AM'.
The Kooky Creek colorcl bn*e ha 11 nine
ml I'nion ool'ifl nine j>'nye?l a malcli
anil- here last I'.ilty evening which rc:?! *
I in a score of 4I > 1 in fav.?r of I'nion.
flic I'nion t oys went to Samite 1 a ?t !-'riay
i i j?'ay the .^ iniuo |>io:"essin!mls" a
iin o of hall. At "> o'clock the gitno was
iHetl ami tiio ('tiit>u hoys c iiiiuonco'l tlie ^
>tnl wotk an I -lint Santnc entirely out ^
o fit*' li innings. 1 lien nti nee 'lint of tlie
iiiic being one m 1 1 'lie I'ninn boys let j
em make tw ruii- to tncutiraue liiem.
ft or i tie nino n 111 ni; was |?l*i vo?l tlie seore
is "JS to 1 in favor of Cni n. fownsentl
i?l ii"S<, the I'nion hattery. >rncU the hoys
it as fis' as they g t,( (no 1 ,it. ti ?. ainl
itllacv were the champion hitters of the
iv. making several tionic r:*i:?.
Mrs. T. M. Whitesiilo opene I Mlw Mnnro x
i<t Krown llon-e, hotter known as the
ix II ui-e last Moml.iy, Augmt l-t a' a
at linj? house, with nine hearty homier*.
Stitkni.rii \mi III miii. It yon are not |
ehng .strong a'nl healthy, try lllectrio
ittere. It "l.a (irippe has !e!t yoti v.v.ik
11 iff fi.. .. ... ??:. ..
ly ini< u rccilv mi IjivtT. Si <n?r?t!i mi l
uluey-, gently aiding those oij5?iis^ I.) j*fi mi
their fundi hi*. Ifymt arc nlllntml
it It sick Head irlie, v a will t>:il sjmo I v ^
i I ) erinaiiriit relet hy taking HU ?. it i. '?
it lei.*. Unc trial will f<>ii\im-r jott that '
i- is ilie remedy you i.i'i'il. I.atge I ??!r 1- ?
i! [>' o ' 15 I'. i'.-r-y\s iMu^ Si n\ v
* ' Is
XV t ! ive il s j'ledy aid |i lliu1 I i |
ilt: i li. 'Ii|'iil lu l l i. i inker 111*>111' i .i. i 1 j
. I.iclii' i.i Slit; "!! t\\ i lillill 1:11,Mi J .
V. A nasal ii?i?-<-i i life w i li i u-li ! : f. i \
' .1 11 tin 'I I'M IT lit all ii all I - will I I . ,in. I ,
:ia i'Uv fcvl'l Ly 11 K Smith O. I 0
ftirlA7?* day* igjlwo conmnoi atiuii
[xirtl la ?be C Iufm<i? Rrguter wlii-h, t
r tnin?, contain*-1 tbe n?o?t Acurriloui no
lulUnJ l-'.ngnn-'- w.? have *a?n in a r?i
?tab'? |j< iiirnn! fur many } !?. Tin
>ra ovdr tfie nguilnre of W. C. Wolfe, i
'OMr K|U >r of the ('/Horn Plant. aaiailia]
O, IMmipliit', Kdilor of the Next an
urier ami Solicitor ** ' oervej
I waa ?M?d npun in .-uMMiotcd lupo't <
Mr. I), ?? Sander*. that a Utter hvl bee
bibiteiURSr Mr. IIcji['bi I nod Mr. Jerrej
it very ajbtajdlinrutury to Mr. Wolfe.
Mr. Je|taj* womptty culled for an ripo
\r, ab?c-Mi,,.wti're?,bjr Mr. Wol'c fit tli
I owing icriiit:
At ttic intwfc'cw Mr. Wolfe iittemplod I
iler in'o ?rt7?il' iumll?i?. but Mr. Jorvc
ompily cuUlnuJ ?li rt, Hinting that he In
'me line lor quite a different thing II
id conic for ? lull, unc ii.diiional up >1 >g
m1 tlml t>'id Miami tel lor Mr. Wolfe
glinturo s'fJfaf of t'ie ivstrilmcn' he r
aired. Al*. Wolfe re?|U.sled tli.l lie I
rriui'ltdfct'put tli*? slire in his nvn 1st
Jervey I ho mignt try, an
rit^MPhillng 111 | voduce wl at was i"
lirM^BPn Wolff penned the fjllowiu}
iiirli^^Wiir*<-> v meiileil t accept :
^^VtUKiiiitii, S. July 111, Ih'.i'J.
Mr. Jolien Jervey -Sir: Ftvi
ifoimotion 1 l av.j invo l I tolievc I hnv
nc yiftl Tum/ injustice in wr.ling such
tier us 1 dfd to the l.'o umhii licjItter o
ie l&tli inJinnt? u letter that cowl I on 1
n.matc uncor gr? u utci'eincnt and sires
f circiini 'iAtocs iloit 1 labored under k
1-? limu?lilfr wl'icli I iiii' 11 j>e.loj?i3
i<l 11U0 iJRrac the language used again
011 in sa'd let e .
llcc igniziog n w (hit the charges nial
( ilust you aio ir t true, I am moro ths
tiling to tnakc nny amends in my power.
Ifcspecl fully,
Win. C. Wolfe.
Tlio following la crs received at the AVn
at Courier oilier gives Mr. Sanders' versio
' the mat tor, mid leaves Mr. Wolfe in
jry unenviable position .
II ARM N t'lTV. S. July 20, 1H02
Major J. C. Hemphill, tihsriestou, S.
Sir : The statement <f Mr. W. (!. Woll
1 the Columb'a l!-ji trr in reference to
jriaiu letter on lile in the New* anil Court
lice is incorrect and does Solicitor Jervc
id yourself injustice.
I distinctly said that I was in tlio city 1
nincss, and I saw a letter and read it i
resence of Solicit"!- Jervey, an 1 that t/i
rrr not the porty f/mt .-thowrd tne the lettr
icpenled Itliat 1 di I not get niv inform
<m from you. 1 ili 1 not state tliut 1 h?
jtie down in answer to ti telegram.
1 have aeon Mr. Wolfe ami he promises
>rreot it. Yours very respectfully,
D. C. Sanders.
MB. II KM I'll 11.I.*M tUfl.V.
The following loiter was rec.'ivoJ at tli
ip? uwl Courier olfi o on Mou'lay alio
ooii .*
Oranqkiiuru, S. C.,.luly 111 '.'2.
Mr. J. 0. Hemphill. I'M it or of the AV;
,(/ Courier?Dorr S r : Understanding tIt
on have a D'ter in your po' oesion, writu
y Win. Wolfe, of Or v geburg, S. C
liich rcllects on him m one wli i profcssi
i lie a supporter of Ihivoruor Tillman, v
espectfuhy request the publication of tl
nine. 15cq?co> fully,
Win C. Wolfe.
D. C. Sanders.
Mr. Wolfe having staled in his letter, pu
she I below, that "nothing in this is i
ended f r puhlieatioa, hut is simply
livnto suggesti ui," the saitl '.otter w
i 't | ill lisl.e I. hut Ins request for iho j uli
iti >u of th; letter, coup el with 1
'jeii u'. in the Columbii Hrjixter yes'crd
a truing of having wiilen tiio same, cut;
is to piorluce the letter and steps lis tri
uokiiijr anjr cuumanil, us the public C:l
(lltl 1110 IIIUlo of IllU JO
iriefy <?f our conduct ami that of Mr. Woli
lie letter is as follow* :
linAXOt.ui tui, S. V., Aug o, y<>.
la-or .1 no. C. Ileuipliill:
Dear Major:?1 am list >uisho I that
illle ellwt is ho'.iig male to delYa'. "Ti
ii >iii- in.*' 1 ho llaskc I Convention, tl
'eiitral t' are d iug line work, t?
ro ellcctiiig no 9 > I- A glance will sho
h it tliu negro vo!o until bo ti ed ami ill
and hiifthi)j ii needed tn i!o lit
ii v idea of catiipa un 1= this? an a-hlrt
rerv aggressive ill ti- id-as and puiuted
is charges must he i-ltiel without delu
I'liiM O in 11 st he a c 'iii|aS."i committee of li
t;>|oiutel in oich ( >|y unl the cliniriii
i>f tl is committee toast, l opt esettl Ii'm conn
in tho State I'sin,-:ii|rn Committee. T
I'niiiiiii'.ti e must is.ue |In* ad Iress ami nia
ili.' lust I .a mailt ihi'c f?'i with the ne^
(eiders for tho n? gro I v.te. Thou, tliron
these balers, o.guyc tho negroes it
elnhs an I sen 1 delegates to the cmui
conventions t> elelt delegates 1
State nominating (-invention on 1(
jirox. We must at all hazards control t
convention an I nomiinto a candidate,
rhi? it miv b'liin.] h time the Tillmani!
em do ii. 1 v id 1 *u west tint you are
a position t > select 5 tood men in ca
county for this eoiiiinittlu and let them j
In work i'iij/ii oj'\ If you do trot act at oi
in this matter. 1 am afriid your paper w
lose some iutlucuc.n Ii\> at think \vh
it ?'oiin's to a light lutwota a bitter radii
[Tillman) i. i 1 the c^gio, we should hesitt
to schcl which ride io with. The int
ligenee of the country i) with you, and
believe that every one' is willing to c<
irihuto to the light. St lot US gc-i at it.
tm willing to serve and work in my conn
not can name 1 otlt> r good men. Nothi
i this is intended for publication, but
?imply a pr.vato suggc*tion.
1 rin yours very truly,
Wm. Wolfe.
We utigaMantly ntfclocted last v\c
<j call attention to tlie very interesting a
difvittg communication under the lieail.
Historic ami Prophetic," from our talent
in?l lair corresp uidoip, School tin.
'cliool tlirl's graphic description of pin
iv? customs, surprises and wonders of t
as', is familiar to tunny of us old foil
t take-* us hack to the time when iiipl
; Ward 1 old u monopoly of all tl.e travel!)
onvcynnees and mail contracts thr.ugho
lie npi ?" part of this State, when it to
wo nights and two days to jolt in tb<
i .ge coarlu > from (.ircenville to C'olunibi
hen l*ai n-'ll told us about his nvjhti/ lit
alii as he drove the line Irtys into (iree
ihe and Wetren proudly drew the "ti
oi;s , a the four fancy greys that took t
i ige hit j and out of ilio city of Coltttubl
l'iii-:e i? superior literary talent heltii
chord tiirl's j hi an I :t is not of the "yclh
ac'.. novel kind, lutt a< und, instruct;
ol j ttre'y moral. If site coutiuuos to wr
lie w i'l lo goo I
11 Snot 11> r.i ix I v Jlot'si:.?.1.
ii - ti. hTI t'i-iy St.. Sluirr a litrg, Pi., si
e w. I not l e without I>r. King's New H
ivety for t'i ns'imptioo, t'oiitrhs ami Colt
lint ti cure I his wife wlio was threaten
,i!i I'luinnonia niter an atlack of "
?i i| i?o, wn-nvar: us other remedies ai
< vi 1 al | !i\<i> i mi In I done her no goc
in erf I'.u'' r. it* in k-j>->r', I\?., t'nii
?r !. .h v.iv I' .0 cry 'i? liiai more 5
I an anything he everusixl lor Luu^ ll'Oill)
ioihing like ;t. Try i;. Free (rial boltl
1 I'.. 1" I'ii-*-* -i 1 1 * 1 S-(.rc. Largo t y.tli
'.?v ?tid *
<* J MC* In t?3uqu?nr? of no rtctiring tbc
0 prncocvliog* of I it v <*>n'iu.uu of ''lite lied
form Wing' of 'be P> mociatlo p*iw" ft"
- ' I'ubi Count/ until lit*, wa ctn on'/ pm \
y I *b the nomas of (lis de'eg in e')ot?? nod
a ha resolutions adftpfei.
1 The dvlogole* (i? ih? 6tat? nomioetin?
d ennven'-on will ba * ?#!
f, | the Tilman fashion.
>f i The fo lowiug delegates ware e'ecttd:
n Jason M. Greir, IV. H. Gault,
r, |f. K. i'nli/er,
JVff? Tate, P. W. Oregory,
j J ?. Welch. JIV. F. Bo bo.
The following ru*a'ulioni were ?d >pto?l:
Htaolvtd, That this boJ/ resolve itself iut;
. a permanent org iniz iti->n fir otmpCgn p ir?
j | oses with (lie prevent 1're-iicnt and Secre
' tary (V. 8. Bobo I'rotidenf; Dr Geo Doug
e lass, fcecielar/) and that it be subject to tb?
y j call of the President; that a campaign com,
initiec be appointed by the chair, c insisting
,2 , of oue fr:ni crcli townrliip, with J. V?
i- Gregory as c!t lir.nan. Tint ib.a C' liitni tec
I take ato:-s to organise tlie friend? of Tillotaii
, and reform clubs, and see a'l hare
a'l have their natnes on detn< erotic roils I' t
; ilic purposes of the ensuing primary idection.
11 I ItrBulrfil, 'Mini a'l candidates Mucking
;i | public cttii!! by t'.o vu e? of tlio people it
n j ('a on Cattily .*'> / " express their viewy
J whether llicy arc in fav r of the l-'anucrr
\ ; Movement and the rcclec'iou of l?. It I illil
,e man on I iliv Slut Ticket, an I will v.'to I'm
?t tlie '1 illrnan el- ctors at tlie primary elve ion
to l?o licit! oa rlie "> >i'i August, 1HH2. That
^ oioh ennd ! itc fit-Cher pledges h'lnsclf t>
abide (lie result of the prim-iry electi
<u airJ v l'..r ilie nominee* of the Sta'e
j aii'l Nation il t o .ets i<t the genera' e'oc'nn.
II*/*'/ < <?.?, 'Ill* lion. J. I.. McLutr ii !u*^
11 entered lli-i co:it<- t f.r Congress IVom the
1 'ith Congtos-imril ilislr el, utnl it is l:ko',v
that there will In? a tacaney in the ollicc t
__ Attorney Qeti' ral.
fo /iV.To/rei/, Tlia' w i entl irsc Maj I'. A
a Tmviiseml. the present A-dstnnt Att-irm-j
rr Iienera1, nn<l ea tie'tly insist on Irs enter
y .
ina tlie canvass at. <-nce fir tliit puspion.
in - **?*
a Uf' S rai', who is the Alliance can
,u d.dato opposing Hon J. J. Hemphill for i
* sent in Congres', from the 5th district, sail
id in a public spctch at Mr. J. C. Dye's ii
Chester county, last week, "I do not fear tb
lo Force Bill."
The Force Bill is the strong pet part,
measure of the ItopuMicins. Every othe
fnr'y is directly and unrquivocably oppose<
10 to il, because they see in it the prostitutior
of tlie constitutional guarantee of a tie
ballot to cvevy vo or, p'aces the ballot bo:
<' >' under the 1 of the military, to pcrpet
ul uato the rule of the dominant political party
| au l is an insult to the intelligent manhood
i ui I'vvry nuiui ivjii.i v-nn.uii.
vc | 'fhe caudiJu'o for C> tigress who an
',il 1 nounocs tha' he "i'uci nut fear the Forc<
Hill," gives a t ec to the people that, i
elected, lie will not interpose' nay objet
t on so its passag*, and is more of a Kc
"" publican than a Uoiuoerat.
li. Personals.
Junes M. F ur went to Salu la. N. <5
^ \ Fri Jay and return d -alurday.
| U. 8. Coiiinii-s'oaer 15. Butler went <
in. | tivcfiiville Sun'lay to attend U. S. Court,
i Mis A. n. Jeter atnl A W. Thomson
j Fs<(., have gone 'o Saluda, N\ C., to rnjoj
I the mountain brvczet.
Mr. \V. \V. I!r?wn. of Laurens, is visit
s" ! ing Mr. lb Wilkin.snnd family.
J('(i ' Mr. S. M. lliee, .lr . Principal of the Ke!
ut | inn (Jrnded seh -ill. spoilt Sun lay in town.
w | Mr. F. II. (' nuts went to (Irceuvillc Sun
. . ilay to a't?*?? I I'. S. t'ourl as a Juror,
is. '
^ i Mis-rs Utile Moore an 1 Jene tc lhivi-l-oi
io went to Siiuny Side Monday on a visit,
ly. There was a party of six from Winnsbor
vo ea.nped here hut Fi i lay u'ght oa their wnv
iJy from Ashcvillc, N\
iu, Mr. W. S. Mel.ur a left on the up train
ke Friday f'V Bahimne. Md., where ho goe:
I'J' to prepare for the road, as traveling sales
^ , nun for a dry goods house at that place,
ily Mrs. L. P. Murphy an I Miss Tlettio Mur
he phy left last Friday for the "Oil Nortl
',th State" to visit frieu Is and relatives.
po Mr. James U. W'harey after spending
!cs somo time with James M. Fair left foi
in Saluda, N. C-, last Friday.
c|[ Mrs. Alston and Miss Alston, of Oaorgc
ill? is not surprising (lint a inun win la beyond
pull lux ago should favor llie $;l poll, nor
ihut large proporly n'.viin* should favor
i ul> '.idling the 'J-inill school lax on property
15. ' an I pulling il on the lieu Is of the people,
ys i lull for lhe people n( l uge, unil especially
i?- for the jo rer people, the poll tux would
l<, ' pr>vc it decided hardship.?Xftibtrri/ Obit,o
I i nr.
La ?
ud Av-.irn Ti?:o *}> r-rnx. ? Why do mi man y
ul. 1 people we see urrtM'f! seem in prefer In
114 .until r an I he iiiode mi-erahle by indigestion,
o 1 i t'oi.s lpuii ii. I'lz/aiiS''. Loss of Nppilile,
lo. , < linn Up ? 1 'hi- d. \elIow Skin, wlnii
los I o i To eents v \ i ! s* 1- I lien SI jl.,li - \ <:
f.?, j Hat. gnuraiiluvd to cure t lie 01 s !| by
I 11. lv. Smith Oi, Cv.
*c~ town, wife nu'i sist?r of Rev. lien Alston,
ill are visiting tlio family of the Infer, on theii
en way to the mountains.
Misses Virgie and Mollie l.'tilejohn, o
to w ... , t
,j (i >wilev*\ille, are visiting Mrs. Katie Mc
I j Na'iy an ' fann y.
ni- i M<*? ! -(tie Km has gene to Ashcfille. N
' i t'.. n a visii.
ly, ]
ng | "
is Correspondence of lite Times.
Death, Religion. Alliance and Politics
Kki.ion, August 1.?Mrs. Jane McGowai
died jestci day morning. .She was the
widow of the late l>r. John McGowan and t
sister of Mrs. Kate McXally, ot Union.
; llev. \V. K. ?. Humphries close 1 n series
nl ' of mectingr yostord.iy at Ml. Joy. There
0r ! wero ten received into lull fellowship an<l
. | iite application alter the Laptising, who
ei will bo immerse 1 the see n 1 Sunday of
August in the nftetnoon,
ui- The Township Union ?i 1 meet with Kidl,e
ton Alliance on the second Saturday ol
Augu t, at o'e'ock A. M.
Mr. Klitor i am nit surprised at the
cy people h. ing so proud of 15. It. Tillman,
ig when he e?n rule the price of cotton an I
,,t all the morcy powi.r of <he Uni cd Str.lcs
^ and Ma gland comhinetl, si* it is said by some
'' 1 of the subordinate straigbtou's. I huve no
Ml' objection to a man w. iking for his faction
i i. fo long as ho does s? houedly, hat when lie
//, goes 11 lieing an 1 using every etlort in his
power to beat bis opponents, honed or disII
iiones', 1 disdain, ye* 1 scorn Inn: Such
has been the case with same men that 1
lio coul I mention. Mr. UJitor, 1 am a full
blooded lillmanite. but do not blame any
1 mat: for being a Slicnpnrdito.
r i / 1 o;; ?> i?eel.
iW vc
How rnuS3 Pui.i. Tax Worn. \v?.i.u- _-ii
i C'orrrs| ondeuc? of Iho Union Tim s.
at r liatcn to th# T?l<Pboa?
' \Mfu-tl ?The hot d-jr >ep?l
- ? * broken Itoi tight br gent c ebowei
I ?>i4 tO-d ?/ it la e >iae-co<ilcr with ti?i>_p*D-:
occ'wof inoie rein. Thie shower just f too,"
ia tLia pick of tiiio, for crops were obptt (<
^ fall under i? ?? ?auu, ?!>!< * a
i | week'e drouth. I
1 lie iiieetirgitt ilie Pre*bjrleri?n cJf
wheb Comroii ced lust Fr da/ night, e>V
t?d>JT. UtT. N.J. Holme', of (jreenei
?.i- here ami preached four sermon* oo
of these sormoos w?s the de iiaeiorjr sermon
on reeteiduy, at 11 A. M., fioni the teit?
"IV U art I'eii-r, and upon this roc* will I
build my cliurch anil (be gates i f he'd slial
i n-,t prcvailngiint it."
Mr Hulines i? on* these mugneio divine
who draw inco <o liiu wherever he goes
lie is riot a strickbr about doctrine, bu
says, give b in a true chri-tian, and as t
the d"c'riue that is a unmil tral'er. a changi
of li'art is worth more than all the d< ct ina
p nils in religious clrr dies. 1 any amcu i<
' tliis The closing exercises to day devel?pet
a deep tcl'pi us led ng an I henty Itain
. I -Iiuk i g by pr d'e'std christians of al dj
r.oiii nations, lhi.s was by invitation of ih
Itev Mr. Holmes. A prayer meting \va
! organized an I several ot the brellnon of tin
clinrcli |-riiiiived to engage in this wark o
the prayer mett lig.
Such a meeting is we had l.o e to-day i
wor'li more to douesville than a dus-ii
' camj aigti meetings.
s Mr. ?f'wson. father "f Mrs. J. II. Itmut,
, who is vi-iting the family if Mr. IS rant
went out to'he Forest fishing Inst Fr.dij
and whi'e sitting on the bink of the crick i
large limbic ! from a tree upon liiui rim
I raised and wounded hioi so much tliit he
hud lobe Inu'ed home. AT hough sutferioj
coiivideTah'y he is doing well and wiil re
I'.nrnest, the little <S year ol 1 ton of .1. I.
McWh rter, fc'l fioiu a fetico last Satuidrj
and broke his right arm. lie is doing well
There lias been a heavy mortality anion;
the C"l >rnl pcojdc of Jotiesvil'e in the lawctk.
Some of them, hiwevcr. hid bee*
ab?cut letup orarily. Nine deaths ucctiriei
I during lh>: week. Olio of tlinn wis l.oui
f ei miuuvs, " on* i gone iu .uuiiru, i>. v
as a baj tist preacher. Two others hail go in
to Spartanburg to work : the other six live
, in Jmicsville and vie nity.
Mrs. Jimic Mcduiviin. wife of the Into I>r
J dm .Motion tut died at Iter nome t.etr Skill
Shoals yesterday. She had been atllietei
for a long time with dyspepsia.
Mrs. .). I*. McWhirter wilh her brothc
and three sisters, has several suits itt the I'
S. Court of claims for land and cotton conti:
' t cited and destroyed by the Federal (Jut
a eminent during the 1 itc war. Two of th
c cases have Intlcly been decided in favor o
the plaintitf-s, amounting to about tlire
thousand dollais. The other cases will b
y decided by the court next winter, whicl
r amouii's to a'out seven thousand dollars
1 and the plaintiff* will very likely gain thes
cases, as they did the two tir.-t ones. Th
property for which tiiese claims were mad
e was in Beaufort county and belonged I
i ('apt. Fripp, the father of Mrs. McWhiithi
Mr. 1>. W. Whitlock, of Rocky Creek
started to mill yes or day with Ins we
' and team, and in going down Hockey
' hill the breast lre? cotuc unhooked
the wagon run on he mules ?n t aiva
went w Hi nil mule speed. Mr. Wlr.
jumped out with hut little injury, but
^ trying to hold the wagon l ack which h
" caught with his hand, lie was badly wrenel
ed and twi-tc I round and a so got his ban
bally bruised. One of his sons jump*
fiotn the wagon and tnc wheels rati over h,
log, but did not break it, sj the boy is doit'
very well. A negro man that was in tl
wag >n jumped oil and his thigh bone wn
broki'ti The wagon was pretty badly dot
up and the wheal an 1 s ine melon* on th
wagon were scattered t-? the four wind;
? The wounded are all doing well to-day
livery wagon ought to have u brake to if.
! Mr. Ja>ues 1 In lull is in Joaesville, ge
ting up a writing school. Mr. Ilarre
' tiught a writing sclu>oll here about tlirc
years ago mi l give general satisfaction.
Correspondence ef the Timk?.
News From North Pacolct
Rita .1 vne. July t?0.---The good peop'e ?
Messopolan.ia have had an outpouring of th
1 word this week. Revs. Waddcll and TilU
were on hand to assist Rev. Mr. Clarksou i
(( die di-chargc of his ministerial duties. \V
are not prepared to report the number i
' conversions ye', as tli<> meeting; will in
clo?e until tomorrow night.
Misses lles'sio and Mutlic Carter, wit
their brothers Jauiine and Joe Carter. <
Santne, are vi-iting friends in this ncighboi
hood. Mi-* l'.essie wi 1 hegm teach in
school ttl Timber liidge next week.
The county Sunday school Convention wi
l( he 110!el wi;h Santnc I'resbyteriun churc
August 2-iih and 25th.
( rops are suffering for want of rnin. Col
; ton is firing and so is corn and gardens.
All the parties accused of raiding Mi
Hichard Harris have been bound over fu
preliminary hearing before S. S. Stoke:
Esq., trial justice, on the 7th Septcuibe
I*cv. A. A. James v'11 preach at Salet
Saturday loth of August at 11 A. M. Chil
dians iluy will he obsorved there Satuida
' ' August 20;h.
- I tiur thanks arc due Mr. W. C. Kirby fo
I a lot "f hue melon:; When Coleman fai's i
. this crop it is a bad time f-r other folks.
Oui Alliance peop'e are fixing for a hi;
[ time e n August loth, flic meeting will b
i ;ii Wilkiiisvi !o AeiUcmy.
As yet. no time ii is been set by the W. I
and 1> Soci". ty, for the public debate. It wi!
in a 1 probability, not Come olVutit'l late ii
1 j August or tir?t days in Sep'embor.
Wf called on Miss Sal'ie lligham's solo i
1 i last Friday and heard the recitation*
j speeches etc., of I lie .-cliolars.
i We hil l a pleasant call from Mr M'k
| Seders ia't Frday. Mike i; a jolly gooi
fellow , and always lias good witty thing
, to say.
We have just returned from a trip to L'nim
to-day. We find crops a'ong the rea l suffer
ing badly for want of rain. Should the dr;
spell r i'linue !' r a fe?> days, serious daiu
age to flips, es; eci illy corn, wdl be the re
ii t. We are sorry that wo did not Inv
time to call at the "1'imi.* office, a id pa;
i ur respects io its vou'ruble editor and tin
1 young ii|Ot: wi'h him. We hrvc a nocia
en c at on f i tin- liv.tvaicl hink siiouh
' ( visit every luune ia the county rogtilariy.
We founded McKissiek in goal spirits
lie lo ks us if (lie clock of time Ii id rol ei
back do ye u s of his li'V. and he could spi-iiq
in'ii the ?a Idle wi'h the ogili'y of a txventj
year u! I buy in case his eountry slioub
need bis mi itary services. Notwithstuud
: ing he is not a member of the "noble ord V
, ye t the XMiancc men would support liim
almost t ? a in in f ,r the Iegi-1 nure. lb
grew up between the plough handles am
has given tl.c best days of tiis life to his
W c are asked how it is that christianize',
people support a blasphemer for governor,
W't can only siy religion and politic:
| don i v.'ei fit a cent days. 'J'hi
: inure we hive of oiio-the lots we have of the
i other.
At the McKisMek graveyard. Id miles frun
I'ni mi, on tin* Skull stioa's roid, is a verita
l ie long leaf piuo. W'e hear ii was planter
ilo re ahmit the tune of the war.
i .(HUM'S H'U'IICI' I|t)s Aorkt 'l lli'
pen tiel I out I ke !i gill- len. lie is n f.uiiici
1 wli st- c.vimplc is worthy of iiuiiHlioii.
I\ rli:?{ * our ne\t leHcr will iic written
! f .mii (ireeiivi.lo, where we expect to he t"?i
- iiir IV s . ;i i :.;<licr of I lie I niuu St ?t ?
i i i nr
1 \ v.\.
For (be Timu,
A?bury Hewj Notes- " r><?SS
I AsuOftY, August (.? After the cndu>aic*
r ef several v?rjr i-ot day* we were glad (a
the refreshing (Lowers which fell 1st t o^kia
Tb?y were h?u< Go; a! 10 cotton sad earn,
s Juuesville (wo ytar*
he high school, is exptc'ed'
t suo:>. 1'rof. I. * 1? j iliii is a manwho^j^^ase^
> greatly missed in a neiglibjihood where lie
? o-.ce resided, and we feel . ale in saying (bat
1 (he people of Ashn y will bs greatly rt.i
juiced when he moves back t> iiis old lioa.c.
1 Mrs. I.. I'. Hp ton. of Spartanburg, is
I visiting (he family of Air. 8. L. I'ryor.
- ] Mr. J A. 1..Hlcjoliu .*.iid wife ore visiting
' ic'utivvs ?l <.'1131 lv -y.t. - 1
? Mr. t.'liurles M. Ltttlcj ? ?n luij g >ne tj t to
? ! Ualluey (' iv .Sctnitiiry o lake a coi rae i i
f j bookkeeping. (
Tne celeb' a(i >n of cbii-lreu a dty will take 4
p'ace at Anbury ('lapel August 25lli, an I
1 j iinniu liately af'er, a series of meetings will
I be lie <1. Landman.
i | '>
. I
1 j
1 !
I {
(,s I Ors U ity "Honest of
f" I Ua.Je lM '.'-bnV *'print to <1 .y au
'0 J ,,p,,,. j..iei"iio:a him do fun tig his altitude
is on (lie questions ot the day.
'c This pure statesman ami matchless waris
rior is not n candidate, ile is net nskiug
s. votes. He siuiply asks a fair hearing
'. from the Mtate of Mouth Carolina to which
lie has given the best years ail I labors of
his illustrious lit'..'.
II Ueii. Ilninptou is gettuig old. In a few
ic yesrk his form will lie laid to rest in (ho soil
where alee/ fair generations of patiiotic
ancestors. Toe stuall tongue of uialice and
prejudice cannot blacken Llamjtou now.
; His name is a hoiiseh d I woid in the
United tSlatcs. Whenever a Mouth Cavolij
ni in goes absold s'range s think more of
. | In in because he came from the St tie that
'' gate hirtli to Wade Hampton.
e Future historians will placj his name by
the si lo of llutlcdgc. begare. Laurens, shun"
tor, .Marion and Calhoun
c, Vou can bury a in :n with votes, but you
can t bury the remembrance of hcvoio
'' dc.ds and a patriotic liean. A temporary
cyclone of ingratitude may drive a man into
retiieuient, but unbiased history will place
him v:i the vantage iiill of truth.
May (?od I less itie declining yeav.i of
8 Wade Hampton and may the rising generat;on
be taught at least to respect the memory
of Iiic man who redeemed South Carolina in v
1 187b.?Hi.xmbr.rQ Herald ^
L- " ? ?
Vr^Dir n I* wotmvo IY*,? U -..1.?h.
Hk)| IIU IIUJIU Hllt'U llio
r. ciudidntes for logisluiva honors in litis
r county t'aco the people a IVw questions
i. besides lliaso prepared at t'ae Tillmm meetr
ing on Monday will be submitted to litem,
such as?
n 11) "Do you lay or a throe do'laro p >11
? 1 r . ?
I- tax '
y (2) "Do von favor ihe prop sed counly
government bill, by which the c 'Unly g *vv
eri.nteuts wiii bo placed in the governor a
n bands and men will l-o hired o it to road cutI-rs
for lifiy crtits a ?1 ?.v "
3 ! :> 11 "Do you lavor the iianie li ite a' olii on
e J of tho lieu law
(!i 'Do you fivor I thing lit: right lo
vote fr >m ill men who have not a c riain
11 I :11ii'>11i11 of property, or education, or both'.' '
n 1 (*m "Do you fav .r tlio removal of lite
I present circuit judges and the election i f
>1 g. veriior Ttllntuu's ft icudn in their pi icei V
(<">) "D> you favor giving the governor
power to remove shciiifs?
0 (71 "If you oppose legisln'lon favored
1 and demanded by Tillman, how can you
s support htm; n?el if elecle 1 won't you be
iittj ly more 'driftwood and 'lizards' mt*
a | b e 'o do anything. unfit to elect anybody '
11 * Hons
Nkeh On ass.?Never forg'l that the
| hog is ;i grass-oiling animal, and tint cniseL.
I queiit'y. if you want to grow goo ! |oik and
. i do it econoiiticnry, you tn'i.-i let hint f?11->w
? his nalural iocl nation? to some extent.?
1 When beuig fed win ly oa corn the 1 g is
I undt r unn>tii, conditions, which rro
agiinst bis iioililt and ur prosperity. (let
hint iitt > goo I j.asturc is early a* you can,
1 and keep t.i n tin re as long as possible, and
, I you will bo a? !< to produce po k at a profit
y even when the nink<t is at its word. Whe t
1 fed with judgment we believe tit it n mo of our
. : domestic animals will g \e a hjitcr rctura
i f r tlic f o I consumed, bu? wo l.ive known
i ' men to feed out corn by the liuii'lrctl bushels
. : an l not get back one-half of i's va'tte in
I J increasetl weight of the li g?. ? Tr-n Lire.
I *lock , 'ounu.l
' | Tlio Sumter Fitemun, an Ailiatico piper.
says the lloformora in South (Jiroldia would
* all be in the peoples party now, if they dii
5 net have nil tho "D?mcci; !i< ' party nia
' cbiuery in their lir.uds and Into so mortally
to surrender it. We cannot approvo snob
' t mothods. In the Join; run tliev don't nnv
. . * rv?
j oilier.
* r,r. KM ss Aiisir\ b. t .-a! vo
r in t!ic world for I'nH. liruirey. .S -r?v'. I'lcf r.M,
s.i'.t IUioihii, refer sore , Toller, ('happed
li:iik>l~>, I'.iilM i ii . a <1 n-1 f-Kin onijili
niu. find j> >-i iv'.v rue- l'iit , ? v no pay
' ! ii'iuirod. It ih if i-?n't-?? ! f* / ve i erf""'
.( '.i.'i ii.-t.iy ir hi lei I'ucci.v
Ki' l?o.\. V'.i -alo hy ii F. 1'oMY.