The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, July 08, 1892, Image 3

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V ' V m r ^ Dilnati IIaiiii. or Ujus.?Our d.lj-r;.? .crv mucii at era. The oily per- , fectlj de'.nito ilia of tho^ituatl 'n t*y had ( wm " tiiTltiinj to beU Cleveland." Wh?o i tbej were elected the n sjoriejr were for H'll. i on? or two ti|Msing themselves as "in- < fP elin.d :o Botes." Mr. Jtrvej alone was for i Clevdsad. In the b-l ot ng the vote stood : < Boi?s 14 ; Kill 3; Cleve and 1. Dilejcit Mar.-.s, of Uuion, just before the bel ot. in- I ?lic? e<i a ?Uli to vo e for C evolend. Tbr i other delegates reminded b in ?f hi* iottructi ini eu l of the State lonvention aotiCeveliud resolutions, and warned him hit proposed course. He then ipSou.1." 1 TTtntwa-i ca led Governor Tillman announced the y He n? above. Mr. Hsrris tushod up the nis'e to the president's chair anil asked that bis Yule bs change 1 from 11 >ioi to Clevel tad. The president's reply was: "1 don't know y >u." Mr. Donaldson, of tho list eivil enntni iee, was sitting near and ouched for Mr. Harris, and the change was made. Mr. Hsrr's' conduct was pretty sjy-iroty comment j 1 on by other Smth Ctrolina delegates. He w?s charge 1 wi'h "?eilitig out," and h;s ptrtim became so unpie want and embarrassing that ho quit the delegation end came on home ahead of the others. 1 know nothing about Mr. Harris, having inet It ins only casually ; but he appeared to ino to bo a pretty good tort of a fellow. Jl? tins never beon in public life until recently, and was likely carried away with tho whirlwind of enthusiasm for Cleveland. At ilic time lie made the change it was a foregone conclusion that Cleveland would be uoiuina'ed, and Mr. Harris tit ?y have wauled to be o*t the tviouiug side. However that may I e, the 'i'i'lmanito delegates are down on him and declare that he ? ?has ' dug hie political grare ?IF. II. " 1 'i ' . Da. Ckum Appointed Posthastes.?President Harrison has nom nated Dr. W. D. i rum 10 D* postmaster of Charleston. His _ nam* was gent to the Un ted States Senate yesterday afternoon. It is probable that his confirmation will be vigoromly couloetei in ths Senate, not on account of his color but on account of his incompetency. It is said that a strong showing can be made against Dr. Crutn ou this grcuud, and if action can be delayed for a few days euoh a statement will he preeented t > the Senate as will make even the most offensive of the Republican part saus in that body hoiita'e t> approve of the I'resi lent's choice for one of the mos1 important p.'S offices in the South. We have been informed that the President d d not wish to appoint Dr. Crum, is a cjlo.ed man, and ws know that it bus been tlie wish of Postmaster Qencral Waiiiiaraaker to havo a white Republican place 1 in this office; bit' when the National Republican Convention met at iMiuuotpolis and votes wore needed it i< said that the p'noe waa jleiged to Dr. Ciu<n if lie would vote lor Hsrriaou and exort l? s influence in behalf of the officeholder's candidate for IYea den'. Ho\ve?cr, tlm muy be, it is known that Dr. Crum, who ha t t ecu kept out of the appointment for mouths and mouths, voted for Harrison and new the P resident curies oip his part of tho bargain bv giving Crum the appointment.. r If the Senate will look into the case, without regard to tho color of Dr. Crutn's skin or the complexion of his po'iiics, and s apply the most simple and pracicil businoss ru'es to the case it will decline to approve of the President's action.?Xrwa ami Courier, r> i'harfsks for CoLLKCriXO Dsi.inqukst Taxk.s.?For some tirao thcrs nas been conaidcrablc oinplioationi about Ihc fees tr which khetiffe wcro entitled in the collocti?n of delinquent taxes, a question involving quite a large amount. In order to bOt.le it Secretary of State Tinial and Comptroller Gcnorol I3:i?rbe obtoiued the following opinion from As-istun Attorney' General Townsend, and the special attention of the sheriffs is called to the fact that they must be governed by it in making charges for land sold for taxes ' In complying with your request for an opiuion iu regard to the fees allowed sheriffs in lite collec ion of delinquent taxed, I have the honot to submit the fo lowing as the legal ui ovunces in such eases : Serving each wart ant 5 l 00 Mileago, 5 conts each way Advertising sale, 'Jo Advertising sale, lurking dsid and putting in possess i n J GO 6 per cent upon amount of tax. and penalty levied Printer's f t. tea'estate bo " Personal " 2b Probating, nothing; nulla bona nothing; and the sheriff is prohibited from making any greater charge. D. A. Tow.nsrnd, Ass'*. Attorney General. :? Vkry Dm brunt Now.?Two years ago the opposition to Hen Tillman had no recognition. ai d lie ran roughshod over tho State, and was elected by big odds. Hut this time he titnls a lion in his pa'h, full Hedged, well urinod with teeth, claws, i-nd courageous and determined. He is not going to reach his goal this time. From every county in the Slate the glad tidings aro coming in that the conservatives arc gritting fast; whore there is so much stnoko there is obliged to * ^ ho some fire. We know whereof we speak, !?/ when we slate that there aro three townships in this conntv that linw ho** n maim*. i'.v against Tiilmnii, nnil changes arc taking place in the others. Hurrah for Sheppard a'i'l Cleveland. ? H-txley Democrat. . a . tiI Vit VN f KKI> Cl'IlK I'OR LaORtlTE.? We nuthoii/.e our adveitiscd druggist to sell you Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consuniplion, Coughs and Colds, upon iliis condition. If you are Atllicied with I uGrippe and will ^ije this remedy accoidiug tc d'roct ous, giving it a fair triii', mil experience no bunelit, you iniy return the liotile and have your money refunded. We make tins oiler, because of the wonderful mccess of Dr. King s New L'i-covery during last season's epidemic. Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial hot les free at 15. F. l'oley's Drug Store. Large size oOc and ?1.UU. M'Bpk Stot'Er.ns Donsox.?Yeston lay morning Superintendent Dodson of the Columbia mil (ireenville and South Carolina d.visions of 111o Richmond an 1 Danville road tu.ncd over hit ollice to Ueneral Supern to ulciit V. I', tie lire, who succeeds him and tikes charge if the Western North Carolina Division as well. Col Mclice dropped into business at once an I e*p-cts to accomplish much. He assures nil lite present employes that they will keep tinir pj-itions and will inako no cbangos in i lie present arrangements.? Stair ,?uli/ 11. ? I'l l' IV, or. tint'T Un !"?Memphis, June I'd. ?A. W. Billings, of Chicago. who owns all of ;he etrrct railway Lues in Meuijgr phis, has ottered to wager S>-0,0OU tint Cleveland will be clecied, an I that bo will cirry New York, 1 1 nois and Wise usiu by large pluralities Mr. Idlings hat heard that Senator (J isy made tSio remaik after hear sng the icsull of the Cuicago convention. Ilia' lio wool I wager $10.00'.) that Harrison would bo re-olvct.d. lie has telegraphed the Pennsylvania Senator to put up. Amtru Tins Qi rstion.?Why do so mtnv people we sec around u? seem to prefer to suir r and be in tide miserable by indigestion, Cons'iputi n, 1 >i/./.ilitshost of Appetite, C luing up of ttic Ibid. Veliow .Skin, when foe 7o cents we wid sell them Shibih's Vllnu/'T, gii'irniitecu io cure them, Soil by 11. K. Sui.tU & Co. 1 * Ivi un'tijn, >. t'., luue 24.?A: r. xa et ng h?ld here of the friends of th*1 l:>.e L. L. P^'k, PresiJent of ihe Notional A1 innce. the Polk Betnora* and reliefers c'atioi wat organised with a bond jf tru?tr?!>. <f which Marion Butler, pren- ^ Jont of th? Sla e alliance is chairman. An # ixccuttTe c^nnrttee was chosen, and Hal \V. ^ou Polk's Seentary, was mate iB ^ecrrtaejr an 1 treasurer. Tho trustee will c illeet funds with which to erect a monument ver Po k's grave here, and for the relief of t'is family as far ms they think beat. ? j m ? didi - - ft-- w.-SJL., ?T,w "on LTia-'eM n. ?. June V3.?William B. Ihe Smi r. !i* ?icU<st man in the Sta'e, dioJ e'e< here i - ?r, a;ed 77 years. Ha was born in thi* ci y anl wss engaged in the cotton j busiti* s? nearly ?I1 t.f hie life. Hie faculty for for making g od nt d lucky inTcstmeute an J , turning oter tu.ncy was extraordinary. His es ate is estimated to be worth from two an i oiio-hatt to three million dol ars. lie lent** thtcc daughter* and ihhtten grandc'd dr?-n.? Qrttnvillt Nettt. [ Sf.uro Lynch ki> nv Negroes.?Little ?uh R^ck, A k., July 1.? i lire# hundred negroes Cot r rrounde I the cx aboose at llaynos, & em.11 ? station on the I on M ninain rail road, in Leo county, 'as! night and took a nogro by ^ the n?me of Donnelly from his cell and l\v lynched hint to a tree. Tues lay Donce'ly ( 01 outraged a colore 1 girl age 1 12 years, living nu on tho Camp-on p an a i-n. The mob wa* composed tn i cly of colored pooplc. ? ? Prof. Foster, of St. Josopli, in his weather forecasts, rays.- "From the 20th of June until the 25th of Augur, the excess of heat ' '' above the storage of the season will be ? great. The fine half of August will be much '.** ,un i... t.* -< T.,;, nec List of Letters Remaining in the PostoHice at Union, for tlie week ending July 8ih, 18'J2. Miss8?)!ty Botes Mr US livid, Miss Fannie Chalmer. Mr 11 L Thomas, 1 Miss Edy Farr, J W Vinscnt. j Miss Mary Ellen Pay, 0 C Woods >n, dati Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. C. HUNTER, P. M. ? 1ST E "W BOOKS.? c m ,ii ... .... BlOl Judith, - - Mar:oit llarland. 8j0| 'lite O'Connors of Daliuihi icli. Tho Dutchess. Women Must Weep, - Edgar Saltus. Bcnavetituro, - - (Jen. Cable. 1 Plain Talcs ftotn the Hills, - Kipling. for Scrapis, - Geo. Ebers. mis Bow of Orange Kibb-n - Amelia Barr. of t Beads of Tassmer, - Amelia llarr. For ealoby II. F. SCAIFK & SON. July :i 28 tf ? CHEAP MONEY. i the REPRESENTING one of the largest Com- t panics in the United States, 1 offer to kaa money to the people of Union County, at 2 per cent, discount, to he paid in ten years, an 1 in easy installments. For full particulars, call on T P. M. COHEN, resi I'uion, S. C. for June 21 20 2ui ject Notice of Final Discharge. N OTICE is hereby given that by permls- I ; ion of lion. James M. Gee, Probitc 'loti Judge i' r I'n on County, I will, on tho 30th tub day of July, 1802, make my final rciurn, elrc and apply for Letters Distnissary, as Executor of the estate of Amanda S. Love, de- ? ceased. All persons It wing demands against s\id I estate must present them to mo on or before >"?-* that date, and all persons indebted must sioti make i> iviiient. U1*1' G. \V. WEBSTER, ' V Ex'r Amanda S. Bote. July 1 27 i;* in tl fina CIIICAP INSURANCE will( prol IN A STOCK COMPANY, will MEANS that for a present reduction of 20 per cent of your premium, you rolimpiielt .-^claims on the profits to be made . on your rfi">.n?y, nnd thus help to enrich tho , stockholders. In the Jya< Mutual Life Insurance Company of clA. New York Til EKE ARE NO STOCK-HOLDERS and the insured get all the prowls- If ? agent of a stoek company tries to bolittle our profits write us for THE PROOF, and A we will fuinieh it. Ron Thousands cf the heit people in South of 1 Carolina know that we nerer make a state- the inent which wo cannot prove. Do not let an agent of another so tailed ? "cheap" company "twist" your mutual po icy. An insurance contract is not a thing 1 if a day or a year. It is a lifetime invest didi msnt, aud you ought to be careful how you C'ui make sucn an investment. Cheap insurance Pl'iu it like a cheap p'ow or Cotton G:n : It may work fa-rly wc'l for a very little while, and then you know how it is yourself. CERNAND & vlYATT, .-1 Get tral Agen's, [,jr Columbia, S. 0. ^oU Ili'lDV U I'Allrv "' ' im w iv a ,?i . ,u " Special Representative for Union Co. I'01' July 8 28 lm A NEW PLOW, i for FOH CHEAP TERRACING. iAM now completing a plow for terracing, ami will he glad io rcpeiye orders from -p any ouo wishing lorraoing done. I guarantee ju|| satisfaction. .My price for terracing is ^cri reasonable. o(lic Having made surveying a special study 1 ((J ^ will be giau to do any work in that line. ejec All orders left at Messrs. Graham & Sparks' store will receive immediate attention I NS J KANOE AGENT. I am also agent for the Equitublo Life t|,0 Insurance Company, at tlite place, ami j,.ct solic t a liberal vhare of the fulronago in p,.jn that line of business. C. C. WHITESIDE. April 20 18 dui* I The Candidates Quarters. When vou sec n man's name in these 'ion quar'crs jon may feci aura that Five Dollar* has been paid f >r the privilege of appetring in such good company. Volt tiu: LwaailTCuE: Au,i ? etidi f. II. HOIK). At the earnest so'icitntim of friends, i announce myself ? candidate Sw represent tho p* oplw of Union County in the State 1 Lcgishituio ; subject to the decision of the date primary election. to tl C. H. BO BO. the GODFREY H. FOWLER. 1 icsp ctl'udy announce to the voters of I'l.ioti County that I am a Candidate for tlio I l.egisldure; subject to the decision of (lie did piini iry election. Con GODFREY H. FCW LKII. the U. WALTON WHITMAN. Allow uic. through the columns of your I a per, to announce myself a candidate lor a I si a' in the House of Representatives. sub I 'oh ju t to end rscment by the democratic vctere Ami at the next 1'iimary Election. voir U. WALTON WHITMAN. K ^ Candidates, A1 FOB SHERIFF. A. COLE TV LK?. ' * t the solicitation of friends, I announce ,elf as a candidato f r Sheriff of Union otjr ; subject to the decision of the i oa?y election . A. COLE LTLE3. ? Cle i J. GIDEON LONG, respectfully announoa myself as a canst# for re-election to the office of Sheriff, jriiSn OMMj. Sulje-.t to the decision of . dent cratic voters at the ensain* primary <<r ition. J. O.LONG. JAMBS II. BAUTLKf. respectfully announce myself a candidate the Sheriff s Office, subject to the decision fib be primary election. of J. II. UARTLES, FOR I OilOXEllT ?. F. GREGORY, respectfully announce myse'f a candi- Jn e for re-election to the office of Coroner ; jret to the decision of the primary elec H. F. GREGORY. _ JASPKlt AYGOCIL ? | respectful.y announce tujself a caudie for the office of Coroner for Union inty, subject t > the decision of the Priry election. ta J ASP Fit AYCOCK. FOIl CLERK OF COURT. T JOSEPH II- McKISSICK. X respectfully annotinco myself as a cicate for re-c.oction to the office of Clerk Court of Cottiin >n Pleas and Geurral Pf ions tor Union U'ouu?y ; subject to th ision of tlie democratic voter* at the eniig primary t-lcotiou. v JOSEPH H. McKlSSlCK. * FOR SUM 00L COMMISSIONER NEWTON O- LITl'LKJOHN. be many frieiuli of Newt n G. Li'tle- * 11 re?pectfulty announce him as a catidi worthy of tho office of School Commit- ^ ler for Union C unty ; subject to the J ion of the democratic primary election. ? "Mast Fkibsus." M. LTLEMASTER ~ hereby respectfully aiiuouuco myself a didate for the otllco of School Commieler for Union County; subject 10 the dec 1 of the people at ihe Prima*y election. M. L. LEMASrEE. Q J. L. WALKER. lieroby announce myself as a candidate re-election to the oflice of School Com-ioner, respectful y ab ding by decision * * he primary e ec'iou J. L. WALKER. * FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Q J. W. NANCE. U, hereby announce myself a candidate for office of County Cotnmiss oner. Subject he decisiou of ihc voters of the piiuiaty :tion. * J. W. NANCE. iv. o. 1 iiimiw j ii. he many friencs of II. S. Thomas, Jr., lectin ly announce him as a candid ale the office of County Commissioner : subto the decision ot the primary election. Many I'kiknds. * t 1. M. mobley." "* respectfully announce mjsclf a candii for the office of County Commissioner; -y ject to the decision of tlie primary * ition. 1. M. MOB LEA. * J. A. CHAMBERS. f hereby anncuucc myself a candidate for v. lection to the office of County Comniister; subject to lite decision of the priy election. I'liilc I feel that It, hate dme my duty hfully tlve past two years, iny experience lie otlico has ma lo uic familiar with the ncial affairs of the County, and 1 thiuk enable uie to till the position more to the lit of the County hereafter, than 1 could lout that experience. J. A. CHAMBERS. |J THOMAS J . EST ICS. respectfully announce myself as a canite for County Couim ssiouer of Union nty. subject to '.lie decision of the demoic voters of the primary election. 1UOMAS J. ESTES. FOR TREASURER. 8ANFOUD WILBURN. l the earnest solicitation of friends 1 ounce myself a candidate for the office Treasurer of Uuion County; subject to decision of the primary election. SAN fori) WILBUllN. * J. B. T. SCOTT, re-pectl'ully aunouueo myself as a cnuit? for ihe office of County Treasurer for on County, subject to the decision of the nary election. j. b. t. scorr. JAMES 1). GOING. " hereby announce myself as u candidate the office of County Treasurer for Union nty. eubjcct to the decision of I ho people ie primary election. 1 solicit the sup. of the Democratic party. JAMES I). DOING. * JOHN K THOMAS, hcrohy announce myself a candidate tho office of Treasurer of Unim County. JOHN 1'. Tllo.\lA?. .* W, T. JETER, lie friends of William T. Jeter, having confidence in his aid ity and integrity, sby announce him as a candidate for tho o of Treasurer of Union County ; subject lie derision of the people at the primary lion. Fill un lis. * & FOR AUDITOR. ^ thomas j. HARRIS w horoby announce myseif a onndtdnto for offivO of Auditor of Union County ; nibto the decision of the voters at the iinry elect ion. THOMAS JEFFERSON HARRIS. 11 iv m a v. i * hereby announce myself a candidal# I lie office of Auditor for Union County; eel lo tlie dce sinn of lie juiinary e'ocyANlEl. IN MAN. J. c. 01TS. hereby announce myself a candidate for liior of Union County, subject to lite arscment of the Primary E'eclion. J. C. OTl'4J. J r. BAILEY, respectfully aunouocc myself as t\ candif-r Auditor of Union County; subject is dicsiou of the democratic yoters of nrinnry election J. F. BAILEY. * NATT P. MORGAN. T respectfully announce myself as a canite for ihe oflice of Auditor for the nty of Union, subject to the decision of primary election NATT B. MORGAN. * PEYTON B. LOVE, hereby p'acc iny<clf be*ue die people of ^ * ot. CVuuty in a candidate for tlie ofiiee of litor ; subject to the decis oh of the m rs at the piiuiary election. PEYTON B. LOVE. * IE YOU -ytlNG BY'* Yi y witi vicfroR The most pra^fccal invention for sh; an and level. J??cs. to *no The heat of Sitnto^r is upon us, and MaHL. wg o^wW^them from Straw Hats at 50 per cent off! T1 We have a few sizes in Ziegler 11 ?, which wc will sell you at LO) * your inspection. a A II 7 Fi TIN extra sizes, fur fat men, is someth Lawns, Muslius, Ginghams, Pine * DRESS 11 be sohl at veil need prices FOl Iking to the ladies now. *)R A SILY: You can paint your buggy, and ma lint ready prepared. Apply it to-di Now is the time topaiiiL your, imui in linc at iflcTo' ficst pine*. P. S. We have buggy umbre FOSTER, WE Ian 2 LBS SODA F( JTUK X-tLHi IN Hi A.T 3 LOSE OUT THE BAL/ F CANNED GOODS UCED PRICES. Ill Cm Bosibd Batsi f I Potted ai dam and T< ..OBSTERS, horned Beef, r?-yBakrii -AdTVI> TO]\ rrahap and regardless of: ONE OR TWO OF OUR GOOD TRADES BY NC -PJLY (j HIGH WERE BOUGHT Ar ARE SOLD ON BUY RED C. OIL IF YOU WANT A PER OBTAINED ON Youb fch 4 1 Sfm, A. Niclu BANK HAVE ADDED TO TIIE11 V Savings 1 >fl i, J|U 111 . k I: N Tfl liiBP S ^mmmm EXCHANGES BOUGHT AND SOLI ('< i SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS, IIE IT LA YOU FAIR AND COUR ALL AND EXAMINE 22 1 00 K COTTON ANI) CORN SWEEP," allow plowing. Leaves your rows hes wide. '1 ry one. 1 you feel like doning a com for table ight Coat, J liey must co ! We need the space ! ros., hand sewed low cut shoes, for V CUT prices. These arc worthy T\ 1 1 TA 1 f r 1-1 4 T\ D K K VV tt A K, ing hard to find, hut wo have it. Vpple Tissues, in fact all Summer GOODS [{ CASH, to close out. We are ER DOLLAR, kc it look as well as a now one. \y anil drive out to-morrow. ?. Wo . cau supply your wants in lias for tho candidates. LKINS & CO i ir m 25 CENTS. iO DAYS WE WILL INCEOF OUR STOCK AT GREATLY RE 1 Bean, IScts. 1 ci Tripe, I5cts. nd Devilled ongue. SARDINES, lg Powders IATOEK Rye Flour, former prices. FRIENDS ARE MISSING >T INSPECTING OUR OODS, r A BIG DISCOUNT, AND SAME BASIS ? COX RED OIL. FECI' EIGHT. TO BE LY FROM ig & Hunter. 10 tf )lson & Son, E R S . II GENERAL RANKING Depa rtment. ), >I,MOTIONS MADE, INSURANCE, ROE OK SMALL. AM' WlI.T. 1>R'?M!HK fKOUS TKBAT.M FNT. ! OUR BANK SAFES. [ Gm. i 11 ? NEW RAC We are ottering this w< Straw Ilats, Men and Lu pers, etc. Men's ^trnw J all of them in one pile, lot Jit 50c. worth from 87 that we have determine! regardless of what they the best one's have all I ladies Oxfords going the for new goods, and mns! The good trade we an chants are complaining < us that our customers ap have given them, and em Our Shoe /took has 1 every department as it h than ever. Can sell you 75c. Then our prices i hand made shoe for $4.5 Ladies slippers at 48 very line ones. Nice Lawn for 2ic. Calico, 4 cents. Tobacco, Snulf, Soaj things cheaper than you Come and let us show 3 HAi April 10 MID-SUMP Wo arc offering all Summer g White and Black haw 11, Challies, ards, Prints, Oinglmms, etc Men's Summer clothing, Black 1 ford Ties, at a great sacrifice. Mci These goods must go, as w FALL Our trade continues good, thtys pi'ofits is npjfreei IN MIL We are beating the town, both as J McU 20 1H > O ASH BIG- SrI SPRING CHEAPEE THAI COME AM) SEE FOR Y0U1 Ladies see our line of Dr< OUR NEW Our notion stock is DRY GOODS In staple and fancy dry g< Outings, Percals, Lawns, and Our prices are guaranteed ag; lina who carries first class g UN SHOES Union, notwithstanding the Ji them so the prices are light d MILLINERY! Our stock of Hats, Bonnets lines. We can suit any face A lull line of Butte ricks Pa Graharr Jan 2'2 Goods 5 T-p Tmn TTTQ* XX J W IX VV OUJ Boots, Shoe Clothing* che as we are g-o our Business RODGKER S?p ft mt' KET. ? . ,y V % T p* i?ek special inducements in dies Oxfords, Ladies Sliplat s worth from 48 to 87c, and go nt Hoc. Another c. to $l.2f>. These are lots I to close out, so they go cost. Come early belore ieen sold. Some men and same way. We need room I ll O XfM\ 1 t I' lll?< V ll? i having while other mcr*P1 of "hard times," proven ^to predate the low prices xfQ ^ courage us to greater efforts. icver heen so complete in i now, and prices are lower a Man's high cut shoe for ange right on up to a line 0. , 08, 70, 85, and on up to >, and hundreds of other ever bought them, foil through our stock. U KSPECTFULLV, UTJV A>. 13171 Ill V X VV liiJiJiLt 15 lyf 1ER SALE. / / ? . . . f oods jit si great reduction, including Clivorons, Bedford Cords, Silk FoulUpacus, Seersuckers etc. Ladies Oxi's straw Ilats at your own prices, e need the money to lay ii^ our STOCK. illustrating that good .goods for short iated by our patrons, LINERY i to styles and prices. r. W. McLTJRE, Ag't. 12 D I, UUYKlt w, 'OOK OF V GOODS. \ ! EYES BEFORE; >> EtSELF AND BE CONVINCED. ess Goods and Trimmings, also ' MILLINERY. complete in all lines. AND SHOES. jods, such as Ginghams, Prints, Domestics, we are headquarters, ainst any house ill South Carooods. we can show you one of the largest stocks ever brought to lard times, and we have bought lown to hard pan. MILLINERY! . > and Trimmings are full in al. and size, up to any pocket book items just received. i & Sparks. r> if ii:st go i at Dry Goods If s, Hats, ancL Jj ap, call on ns J ling to change / -1 & PURCELL^ J 86 . * f tf.