The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, July 08, 1892, Image 2

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^ Til L? AHXTKS PRE fA* I HO FOX A CLIA1 SWXK7 OF III J0D0B9. Columbia, July 1.?Six Circuit aud osi 811promt Court Judge ara t > bt elected bj tb? Legislature to b? chosen in November The all-absorbing interest m the <lubern?to rial oonteat baa to a great degree oeersbed owed a moat impcr'xni question. It would it tmmmm V? 'rjU?biat v? 'bo irien'JS O there several judges that they interest tbem selves in the select'on of the leg slaters. The hister/ of the Administration airmen haa shown that it is di?tinetire1y one e Jncka^n'nn Democracy, aod the victor Lave generally taken ho d of the spoils. I ia a reasonable presumption that the imiui rule will he worked far ell it is wonli wit) ? ihn eoming Legislature, with apeoial refer anoe to tha judiciary. The Circuit Judge ships nraa'l dee'rable positions, on account oftho honor and having a paying sslarj attached. Anyway; thoy are cose'ed place for the leaders of the Administration party and should tho dominant ihminl bo success fill in the eomieg contest it will he seen thn tlieie wil be it live'y race f >r more (lion on< of (lie Judgeships. Tli* records which 1 examined to-d*j show the following dalia of election : W. II. Wallace. November 'Jtf, 1H8'J. Jaa. Aid rich, Deoember 1H, 18811. J. II. Kershaw, December ll', 1888. Jas. F. Iilar, Deceynbcr 18 188'.'. ij. II, Hudson, DecetVjer 18, 18K'J. J. J. Norton, DccembdV&> 18110. T. B. Frsstr, Decentber3SjK',<). 8. MoGowsn, November 18*7, sit years. It will be seen that tho terms of all tin Circuit Judges given will expire before the end of the terms of the next legislators, with Kbw.tfie exception of Judg<e Nor on and Fraaer. tone, or * only elect'on this fall wil ho for the to iwrmi't' ?' circuit, now he d bjr Judge wwMHHplisv, and at the Anil sa<sit>n of the next ^lB5isl*'ur* *!? success rs of Judgov Izler, 'tlOlidson, IVJlherepoon, /%Ititicb, Wellaee and Asa?oiate Juaiioa'McUowiu will he elected. The chatters are that oil of (he Judges who hate so faithfully and rfliciontly served the State will b? re-elected, yot t irro is already ta k of their being deposed. H?uie any that the Administrat on is after cortuin apecinl judicial soaip*. Ni h the c>nsrrT&tive tone which ia expect id of the next l.egir lature. it isger.n allv th Might that the Innd hours of U Iilinilirr i f Admin Ml rat inn inon will t o dieappoit tc I. I' i\ h-wever, eery certain tlml the?o tiu-ii will I n>k ? ftor their own iutoios's, mni it is etprctcl of t|i?< frienda o! tlio Ju-lgct that they j.ry * t?i? ol ttenlion to tlio l.cgis'utme. It wou'd he considered rather prepho i? to even suggest tlio opposing candidal-s ol the Judge* to he elected by Ihe next II tine litre ie tin oil hand lis', which may have it* inaccuracies and additiotia : Now Molding. Administration. Judge J. II, Kershaw, Ktnest Gary, Judge Within.spoon, lit It June", Judge lltidaon, J-diti I, Mcl.iiiriti Judge Wallace, I!. Watt*. Judgo Ix'uf, (Moment S. Itiaaell Judge Aldricli, Mobt. Ad rich and John 11. Evans. It is, <>f course. very prohnhlo that I ho oaudidntus will ho reinforced It in Haled that Judgo J ainct Aldricli ia nliout the am est of re-election, tlull is, if the A litiiuistrali m forcos a'e in control, on ncconnt < f his pus: tion in the (l-iosaw case. Mr. W. (1. lionet is euggoeted as the duel opponent of A*.mcia'v Justice McGowan Mr. Mitli*, of Lexington, ie hardly "in it" juet now. It might be interesting to compuro the err trice of the two lisle at the bar. 'Hie cou>p? tency of the men mav iu u lucaattre M"judged thereby ; it usuilly dore in most/other pro tee?iau4^Tiio rooorilenhoyuVliat they wer< ^/lllinilted toVis* follows: Judge Mc . Uowan. 18-15; Judge Kershaw, 1843; Judge liter, 1858 (about); Judge Wallace, 185'.'; Judgo Witherepoon, 18GU. J'he Caudidetee?Ernest Gary, 1880; 11. C. Watte, 1878; C. S. Hissell, 1880; Ire 11. Jones, 187'J; J'>^,.L. MoLsuiiu, 188'2; Johu Gary Evans, 188%, It will perhaps il-licutous to coneider some of the tuen epoken of ua poeml-le rn? it.? i. ?-- ? ? iv* >?v VUU^V.l UWU I'll I IIO DUUU/J, but curious tiling* happen these days. Eugene B. Gary, nho vras uduiittod lo the Bar in 1879, limy liavo the pmieuco to opposo Judge Norton, although there is tnlk of hif being a candidate against Associate Justice McUotrnn. Wa'ch tho bonvd! Governor Tillman proposes it' ro elected to liavo a sympathetic judiciary. Incidentally it may be remarked that he is not over pleased with tho latest accession to the Supreme Court bench.? News a ml Courier. FEOPLK8 PAUTY PRINCIPLES Omaha, July !{.?The sub-committee on resolutions of the People's party late last night reported the following demands is the platform : We demand free an 1 unlitniiel coinage ol silver and gold, at the present legal rate ol Iti to 1. We demand that the amount ol circuiting medium he speedi y increased t> not le*s than foO per cipi'n. We druitod ? graduated iucome tax. We bclicro iliat the money of 'lie country " ?' should oe k*pt as much a* possible iu the hands of the people, and hence we deuun I that all State and National revenue shall he limited to the necessary e\pen?es of the government economically and honestly a IininistercJ. We demand that postal savings ban'.is hi establiehel by the governmcn', for the tufa depoeit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. On the force bill a resolution war adopted providing for purity i f elections, hut pro bouncing against federal iuterl'rtvnoo. It frill read : "Wo are in favor i f a free ballot ?nU fur count in all section*. nnd w? pledge ourselves to secure it 10 every voter, through the intervention of the Suite--, by m*ans of the or secret balV ayecm." The following plauk ou land was adopted : "The lend, including all the Datura) resources of wealth, i? the beritago of all the people, and should not he monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should he prohibited. All land now held by raiitoads and other ct v(?ratione in txcea* of their actual uctis, and all lands now owned by aliens, should bo rcclaimo I by the government and hold for actual set tiers only." The transportation planks will be us fj1 lows: "Transportation being a menus of ex change and a pub ic necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the inlet est of the people. % "Telegraph and telephone, like the postal system, being a necessity for the trutietnis ion of news, should be owned and operated 'he government in the interest of the people. "If llontrrsns ?linlt v:-? o - - ? ? ' "V ragua cnuulor any natinal waterway noct.eary, the same should l>? coaati uctsd. owned and o| crated by the government, and we oppose any subsidy or national aid to any private corporations for any purpose The sub committee on preamble report?d that it had not yet prepared the preamble to the platform, and wai granted until Monday morning to complete its labors. - ?. ? Goon Looks?Good looks are more than skid deep, depen ting upon a healthy condition of all the viral organs. If the Liver be inactive you have a Billio <s look, if your stomaoh be disordered you have a Dyspeptic look and if your Kidneys bo affected you have a Pinched l?>ok. Secure go<d health and you will h*.vc ^ood iuoks. Electric It.tiers ie the great alterative an i I onic?set; direotly on those vital organs, t'u'vi Pimples, Blotches. Boils andgiv.s a goo I complexion. Sold at It. F. Posey's Drug Ht ore * ^mr \ / \ gjni # Jlu* JUcefify 'Union fimcs r R. M. STOKER, - . Editor rridsi)-, July n, 1^02. f SUiiZCiiii-1 iu/\, ?1 60 PER ANNUM POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. ' The I'. O. will ho opened for business 1 from 8 A. M. to 0.00 I'. M. " The Money Order Deportment will he opened for busine** from 0 A. M. to 4 I*. M. * The South hound until arrives ut o.'Pt, 1 P. M. The North bound mail arrives at ' P. M. Sircct boxes will he emptied every day ' at 1.25, P. M. ' Any inattention or irregularities should ' tc reported promptly to the P. M. J. C. II(JNTKIt, P. M. b W*)_ llenry A. May will serve it No. I r llarhccuc, in this town, on llio day < f the ('ampau/ti meeting, Ihu -ItIt of Attgurl. . On the ? I Sunday in ilea mou<h. lie v. II. O. Clifford will proach at the at h od home near Joe. Sanders: services to commeiice at II A.M. a* ? - t We hope route one wiil give us a dttnilrd account of the damegu done to laud ' and cropn on thecrteks and rivers in the , upper part of the county, hy the leriific storm last Monday night. ho cole.ed luon, Fharner and Kd Thomas, woia a?Trste 1 last Menday and are now i a jail, for burning John XT, Ktofiardi' dwelling burn 'tables ami other buildings, I -Kt Fa I. It is said they confessed tlio crime. Wl livti. Jns.Jt. Wtitrtr, of lown, was i '11 11111<* I on the ballot, at the Oiutthn t'on veuth'ii, nS the candidate of 'I lie People's I'.uty. for President, and (Jen. J. (J. Field, of Virginia, for Vice President of tho Piiiud Ststea. At th? campaign unsung n Orange, burg, last Tuesday. ni-Gtiv. John F. Shep | iir?l nun "honied dawn" by the Tilluiauitre nod not allowed to .speak. Is that a specimen of tho democratic ftee ipeech and education campaign the people were promised by the leadrra rfthe Farmers Movement? ? - ? B^. IV# think it but Just ,to Mr. Whitman, who wits oon?icled of "carrying a coucealed deadly weapon,'' to stnte that he is not in tho luihit of carrying such weapons, but in do'tig so, in that special case, he informs us, his lifo had been threatened, and, in fnct, he lind been, us he bclioved, murderously assaulted. - - ? - , Bt^u lion. Samuel Dibble, Chairman of [ v?vii i < 'n n f I'OUi'itiiirnrTJriTl LXCOIHIVP Commi't??e, httJ-Nsued nil nillioillCttltieill tlial_ J)*-\toiiM lie at <!eeoii wood, July 7: . ^Laurens Jtt'y B, (to day) anil ('heifer July 'J, to-morrow, anil wi-lies to meet nt these I places conservalive rsndidUce. inenahers of Sl?to anil county (executive commit toes, etc., of a ii it in I of the II ]>|>or counties of the i Btnte. including I'nion, but a* the call was ttol publiaho'l until list Monday. its pttbiicatiuiiin the 'I'mas tii iuv canbe of little benefit anil we only reproduce it to place it on record in this county. 4c 1 ? Tlaofhs in tho C'of nty. Wjfi iuiun-e Borrow we announce the death of Mrs. K. 1"'. Vaughn, mr Miss Catlie Hughes, which occurred last Sunday. She leiiros a devoted husband to mourn the loss of a faithful wife, and a babe two weeks old, who will never know the love and care of an nfloctiuiiato mother. Truly do we sympathize with our friend, W. I. iMi-Uis ick, tit ti.libs', in tbe Imi of bis estimable wife, who died last Suiiilay, loavi ig a kind husband and two small chililren in deep sorrow at the lose of a faithful wifii and mother. Proceedings of Ceurt 'I he Court of tienetal Sessions for this t ounty began Tuesday morning. His Hon. r J unes Alilrich presiding. The (Jrand Jury having been previously t charged, His lion, made no specific charge. Ilis Honor look occasion to any to the jurors and witnesses tluit thoy must stay in the Court Hogse. foiis to be present when wanted Tit* <Siand Jury acted upon .'be following c is 's. The .'-'tale \s. I\ M. Alvcrson. Ansaoti of a high and aggravated nature, with intent kill. - i'ruc I'ull. Tlia SI ji t ft us ti \\ nil.oi \Y 11111 ii *i ii - ('ar* ryiug |>istol coucea'ed ?True 11.11. l'lead guilty. Sentenced I > pay a lino 5-6, or it wo months in jail. The State vs. Oscar Hunty House breakin1'. True Hill. i The Si tie vs. \ irgie llicliarls. ? Assault in,) Hat'cry wiili intent <o kill. True lull T? ieil and a verdict of guilty rpiurnrd. The State vs. James .Volvos ck. ?Rape.? No ltd'. '1 lio Sta'e vs. Tlins. I>. Fiitcber.? Disposing of l'roperty under I,ion.?Truo Hill. The State vs Win. Chick.? Ma'icioim Trespass to Heal l'roperty.?True Hill. Tiio Sinto v?. Thomas Davis.? Jlurg'firy.? True Hill. Tlie Slate vs (icorgo T Sims and Charles 1'. Sims ?Sel'ing Liquor without e License -True Hill. The Stsip vs. Dave Flow.?Murder. Tiied, and convicted of mam-laughter. Solicitor SUuinpcrt wis at bis post wiili a handful of indictments ready to discharge j In* duty, with Uis ii it it a'<i iiy, and un I'll 111'tl IIJ . Solicitor Slnimpert i* one of the ablest Solicitors in (lie Siato, nn I stan It for rc election, Mid in our opinion tli ? of this t'ircuit cannot i>tr.?r?l to let such nn eluieni officer go unrewarded. Inn will e'ect liiin to ? second t?i m. which lie richly deserves. I lln.r Nmiiui is Muinni'ii - Yicksbnrg, I M. June 2'.'. ? A district ten miles broad mi I Iltiriy or forty loDg, in Cnlauoula and j t'oncordia c >unli?s lit) been inundated for weeks, nod a large number of the cumin i ! lively dense population it in pre it want. : famous who hare visited the tect'on ti i scafcr iho scanty contributions to the suffering | cople hive returned and say Iht desii in ion iliera can not be exaggerated. V ery little relief has so fir been a# rde I the suit'feroi? m \ * Which tel!s tho I rath 1 Wo Invo n?v?r been more troubled to find he t uili in public affaire than we are in getting tie f'Ulh ab >ut tin campaign meeting*, through tbe daily newspaper reports The report* published in tK? A?!t? ; ler, s> llntly contradict the reports in all tbe other j opera that wt cat. not help eiclaitn irig in the language of a Tiliuianite at out eids, "There' * lie out somewhere." On reading the Register's report one would 'hirik that at every meeting at leaei four-fifths r.f the crowd were unlismaye<] und unlcrified Tillrnanites ; that Til'nisn McLaurin, Farley, Tiodnl, and occasionally Ellerhe, had tetotslly unnihilalo 1 Sheppard You mans, Murphy and M)rr, and made one or two of lliens feel like ''sheep-killing dogs,' or like crawling through a small knot holt in the platform on wh ch they stood ; Ilia the crowds and arguments were all wiih ami | for the Administration ptrty. Now take t?j> the Stair ml the A Viet nn< f 'oina rc( resenting the conserve'ivt parly and both represented a' every meeting 1 by ab'e reporters, and read the proceeding' I of thu meeting, and you will be auiu/.od j to find tluit the /iVji'lif1.' four-fif'lis for '1 i 1 ' man is Iran tf .rroed iuio a innjority f i j .Slieppaid and Orr; thut Youmans and Murphy ? > coni| I'.-te'y "used up" Tiiluian thai ! he ran ??ay and lr?| himself, nil except bi? hoots, ij the hotel, from whence he had h be drawn, like a badger from a ba> rel; while Shrppard's dignity e'oqncnce ttnd logic g<l)i*i?d enlivens lo hint onl lile parly by lU? M'W r *h~t rnrt-j'0 rafcOU-fool ttpoeCll nii'l M<l?aui ins pungent thrusti fell tint em] cold upun !h# crowd*. We, ho-aoer, rire not ft l ll'c a irprised to finil ill .ne pip?ri getting no clove together mi i ti? nuns her ami paily complex ion of the (' lumbia meeting, which oTerjbulv outni Ic of dint city expected lo bo over, wli< liiiiiulj c >nv rvativc. but evidently, from the lecture of Th* Stale ti tlie conservatives for not turning < lit, mid ill npologioe; the open bo'st of the Jtryisttr that "llio citadel ol the tint i r< surrenders. which, in llio iniodi of nruiy, ; c inovulated by tin rough way the roiiMeiv.itiur speakers wen uee-1 ind h-Mf'.ed down," it was tjuite a Ti'.uuan gathering and ttio prestige of that meeting will to worth liund'idi of votes to Tillman The Jfryixter't it ?ry that a lsrg# majority of thoao fr-un otlnr eouutici wire ooniervative, or brought there by the eoiiurvaiivee, won't h' Id water, 1 f that was tin cans, now cnuie it lit it, in a community overwhelmingly conservative bi fore an influx of conHOVtalives gave a majovity ;f Tillrnaiiitee ! The honsl of \liU. a#tilX i uforcing theiusel vci and !^n surrendering Ihe citadel, stands very mueh 11k iheer/ of tho Now \ ork newaboy to excite I lie until inking; passer lo I uy Irs papers? "The iMHcli have taken Holland." No ii iifit TUt Suir telle the true story ol (list meeting in the folWwing plain editorial of lite day following : 'lhe ctuitpa gn meeting yesterday mis not creditable to Itichlaii I, partly from die fault id'the t'.iiisci vn'ivos of <*olurut>i i, and partly from tii? (mi l of the Tillinanites ioipoi led to Columbia. The lau't of tho Conservatives was in not attending tho meeting in the numbers they could tiave done. Our people ere peculiar. Tlu-y voIh right, but they will not attend campaign mretuiga. Their miuds ere made up, luit I hoy neglot the demonstrations which contribute to mnkn tin tho minde <>/ oitiers. Wo apprehended tins result, and urged our pcple t ( attend the mealing aa a duty nud uq v xample. UpouTbote who did not need this apt eat must real lha responsibility for what ever of encouragement Tillman, personally unl lliiough organ, inay ha able to give to his auppoitois elsewhere. We havo .t least I ,"00 Cots Tvaiivcs ift this city, hut they allow their uppononts to elami that their strength was ftil y represented at a pothering of i.ttO people, all lold. The fault of III.- lillmauiics was ohvioun and eudih'c t>f th s, ho. we gave warning, Shooters i.ut.e from various neighboring eountica, cluclly fioni Lexington and Fair field, lo maka demon-(rations fir T'llmnr nhieh could not have Urea made by a Itioh land audience, und to givo such approval ol attacks upon Walo Hampton as disgraced tho meeting. These men, who will he r'pre scaled by Tillman as c l /en if this county made plain their p opose to prevvnt t'ol Voumaus I'r.nn making himseif heard W'< are glad, however, (hit tiiey went to such an extreme as u> n vral a 'howling ilowu" conspiracy. The eonlrasl betwion t licit ....I f it iu^HV.IIUM 50 mirk Ait tliwt il Mill aul (lio cauie of fail play anil good grseminuit. The Closing Exercises of the Graded Sohool. The closing exorc ses of the I'ni >n (Ira led school t>ok place Tnurilay ove ting, the , 'Jlili nit., in ttao Hall. 1 l'rv* Morrison raid his rapnt \vh ch was torv sfttis'.actrry. showing an average attendance of seventy n,ne Two pupils, Miss Maggie Viuugaui Mr. Nathaniel 0. Goo, having cunpleed the prescribed course of ttmlier were prosenta I with certificates hy M !. J. W. McLure Chairman of iho Hoard of Trust o<w Dr. Carlisle, piosidcnt of U'offord College who was to address iho nmiuMy. was pre rented through the press of another engvgoment, to the great dissppoin'mcnt of the entire community. J.nto Tuesday *fi.;rnnnn, the trustoosealle 1 on C'apt. C. C. Culp, and lo^ue.sto.; 1 tm to reproduce an address which lie delivered three weeks age before the '"dehors" lust lute on the teacher and his cause, which he kindly did 11 the gratifie iti in of the a i licnce. and we n.;ly regret that till win a'e interested in lueni on wore not present t > hear it. as it wis a tine 'hut vm! e l great credit on the author I lie -cli'i)' is 1 n ' a "Til' i\ i u in 11.e Coinidiinitv, m l nlio'il I inoef with the cncoursgeinefrt of the po pi ? I'rof Morrison and hi* n-? ( nn have ln?on I'm*! till in the discharge of their duties, and w e are gl ? ! to fay, the !! > ?r-1 of Trustees lirevc re elected them. I'or the 11 *11*Maobeth Monument! AI! who desiic to c ntributetr this nor illv object, can d > eo by putting their names I on tins Jut, with the amount tliey profos* I to give, and ihey wi> 1 not bo called ori for the motioy untit < hi a tVli. The gtnve of Col Robert Miouoii, In uuin/iiUt<), as ti e yearn roll ronti t tho sarrclepot wtil become oblteratol by the bllll'l ( f line I'nio-i t' dinty r ever ha 1 a 1 c'ter inm s moss hbei ii hantfac or. one who never <l?* nieil a friend o\e fioin whom the po r never in.n? i away empty-l?tnd?l Mis gotiato-ity in lite left hint penniless at diatlt. Tno ab.ivc iii-niiono I hat can be ?'en at my ollicf. AH an earnestly s die ted to *nb erihe Respectfully, .'v> P his'.f. Kqm*) W. " 'f""" .. ^ ?l Ilia Ulilgh UDtTiMljr, r p at boot* f<r 'llv VH uadat K B. nom9 <uit? 1 1 aick f'?m the 8tat?|flP ^ Academy, week before laat ; but tb^F*?U' 'r ,c,,Jg ' Bos- ^ ' phere of Uplojg m lhr?"gl> all j Our mtu Qo%$ U l,0U1?' ! ' """! "'V M> "ach J 1 iiuprofaiU(,ji: 1 h?e""o becoming a gravt Orator.' t r Wo fi ?<| /i very pleasant vis t last week ' from ou? much eatrouil I friend, II. W. * ' Shun l, K*(j , < f ( olumliia, who vieit? ] Union on prafcNionuI business., * 1 l'ro'. A F. McKi-.s;ck, 1'rincij ftl of the 1 1 Klectrie dep-r mem of the Auburn, Al?.? ' Farina'* an I Mechanic! College, lionored our SAirtum by a v tit last weak, lie in ' on ?i tour of ill-poetic n to examioe ttio c 5 electric plants in ihc Iowih ftii'l cities of ? South Carolina find <i?>rj;in. ' Mr. Nit (?i-t is in town visiting rela'ivts. Miss lilin Jones, of Coliiinb'a. is visiting . Mrs P. K. Km ? I'nniel ii. IVii luce Ins roiumud from Mc- t Unbo'.H Sckool. I'.-ti rs'.ur,!. Vh., for tho Sum mar Tucan 9. !' 1 A. Wallace Tli'unaou Jr , returned from , ' Columbia last Friday, havi-.g cuuplctcd his I courso in the liw department of the Scuih J Carolina College, ttu l b?*n t\*1 mil led to ^ Tiftv'rdnrncd Horn J j Mra. Kelly's School lit <'harlcvlon. r I'rof. B. P. Bailey, of Columbia, puiJ a J visit to Mr. II. I.. ~ Coss a:.d family lust week. ( Miss Agnes It-'cc an<l Willie Coleman, of * Scdalin, came ii;> I-'iidny to alten 1 the reception given by Mia. and Col. T. C. Duncan. ( (.'apt. and Mrs. F. !.l. I'nrr have gone to i Menders onvilte, N. ' 1 Mrs. T. 1-3. .Nott returned to opnrlnnburg . Saturday, after spending some time with , 1 Ju'ge Wallace nn-l funily. ' Mi>s Anuab-lie J dinsou returned fioai I Manning Friday. Mi-s Annie Sims, of Goshen llill, is visit- | ing Mr. .1. C. Hunter ami family. Mr. Willio Gibhis, of Columbia, is on a 1 visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gibbs. Misses Carrie C^iIjtiml Susie Guyrqatd. i of Oilutpbift, aro visiting Mr^ .voir Airs. W. I M, tt^il.s. V j 1'. W. Mcl.ure, "the Wsv broker," l as gone to Saluda, N. to summer it. I I'. Samlets. Ks.j., of Spattunburg. is in ' town attending ioui t. Mr W. Intvrnuco Walker, of Cedar , Springs, Mas in town this week on "iuiportvnt business" ' ... . .. ... ... i i>11*nop >?. ?>. uuucati ami who are visit- 1 inp; (heir eon, 1. T. 0. Duncan uud family. , Misa Helen P. itemhort, after spending .some tiiue with Mr'. T. 0. Duncan, lift ' 1 Tuesday for Spartanburg Miss Susie Seolicld ba> gone to Davidson , N. (\, In vjsit i datives. Mrs. A. II. Corrie is on a risil to Mrs. T. 1 ''. Duncan j M?j. D. 15. Duncan, of Spartanburg, is t attending court. i Mrs. I'arrott uini Iter two daughters, nrs^ ' > ( All About Town- < ),t ait a"hh!ii ri.> i or a i. r. ianf. i tint in ilie Streets' was rendered before a large audience Wcdiiesilay evening of list I week. The Amatucra ncle l well, especially Mrs. 1 >ni(lford'' and "Pete." i I'ol and Mrs. T. Duncan gave a roeepi lion in hom r of Mi-s Helen lleinbert, of Sumter, and Miss l.'atrie Duncan, of Union, [ on last Friday evening. Not withstanding it ( was a stormy evening tliero w >s quite a number present, and it proved to Vie the r J reception ot reception*. Mi-s llet'ie Murphy gave an elegant tea , to a few frien Is >u Thins lay evening. ! For tho Times. ! i 1 A Cloud-burst at Joneeville I Mu. KmroR: On Monday night tho most destructive nin^'li within the kuowl- ' edge of ti n o'dcstxifvwney rw?pf Jnne.vfcria and iho surrounding country. Ton inches 1 i?l iiiraam U t ^(i|iU*MJLIII U1 UU1" HUUUKI fill t?f ruin i foil within the space of (wo hours. i lio creel;* mil branches hoc tine 1 roniing torrrtiiii. leaped forth from their hoiimlaii-s and dettr<>yid the crops fr? in hill to liiil, and riv sheets of wator swept over the uplands, le-.ving this morning the gloomy spect ic t ?f cotton and corn, in many places swept far awav or cotered beneath tlio dritird sau I To d?.y. NVo Ineid ty, it is still raining. Pacolct1!m or is o -or the largest portion of I her bottoms at, I l.or muddy waters have destroyed the l.i-t ell i ts ihet car. be m .dc to raise corn w n.i i her rcaoli this year. Such a c->11 Jit .on >f affair*, Mr. Kditor, from ? niiman Mandpoiut, is indeed div c imaging, yet are i ol there mysterious work ngs of an uncoring l'rotidence sent 11 try ii.ei. s souls, by testing our faith tha? "He doeth a 1 tlung< wel'." I was impressed yesta day by iho contrast of tho conduct of two men?the one calmly and it'iromp lain, and even cheetfully, sue toyed his broad acres of beautiful earn. I ! !' - ; h: h ' c J. I 'oiled long and hard, hi I- [ den betioa'li. an?{ dc;iltltsc dealt eyed, by litis f:eshet of waters ; the other was .'//;< j ' h s Maker f r sond ng the rain that ha* j 1 robbc I hiai of the j roapeets of a li untifu! ' harvest. 'Hit t'n si is n ehiid of Mini who sty-*. i r.i?i MI i:ic i.oi 'i ina an g??i. unit | ver.'y ili m ?<!i ill bo fol, the ntjor ir a j I i ?oa <>f Kc.U 'I'hero arc in wry nays by * : vi. >L : he on frolic farmer may Mill avert i ' he teeming 1 preach of want. V. t? I.iui.I .ions. 1 1 I ........ .. .... I | t' irrfeiioti ilence of 1111> I'imis . , News From I5u?y Clifton t't.irms July 4llt.? Nearly every < ihi< |> nee i"> ill j? the ' Fturlh in 1 > ; e maimer. Mult of the young ! ' i'e a tending picnics :,t various pares. 1 1 t 'j !;!? a .a go iitti'iher hav* gone t i Cheickec < j >|. inil. I Farmer* i:t tl i-t neighborhood are well up J I with their w.ik. nnil crnj ( pvciully . corn) look w;.l. Mr. SuinlrF J Moore, an o il i ni hi hoy * ' and h prime fivorite with all who know . ; I, in h .s accepted the position wi'li the ! t !ii< >n Mii.,tiVctmiiig Cotnjany, foriner'y ' j held by M,- \Y. >J Sm.ij, M.. Vi,'.' ,ai YViigiit, an CutX-ilcn! . 1' 1 ' wr ght wli? is w.?'| known in Union, hs. i been d .n-,; ?ome tine work Alibi* place. .lintiie Ko?* rind Minnie t'nnll, two \er_\ | .pillar young ludes of Latlncy 1 !i , ' m v nil." Miis Lena J hitroii. Mi" Lei l.'ollings'vortli, of Liitreii* t'oiiity. In?- at. exuellci.t private ?ele?d lit thi- p'uee Jir.Alo.V. Corrtarondtuce if (ht Tivtv Users From North Paovlet F-tta Jahs, July 4 ?Wo have boon ca lad o taak for if potting l'J8 Sabbath seh mis a* prcsantad at Arar t. oh ih# Wll. ;t i0 r:.v? tor amen the printer is responsible t should have ' ten 11 chools onlj. The garblei manner in which tha MasonIdianef-political tooe ;ng, and the North 'acolet Sunday s:.<ool c uvemion appaarj ia uxtapoaition iiaa causal considerable conusion among our readers, many if whom bink, no doubt, that all war# hold at the ame place on 1 time. >V? pi QTigipg it, pait of our V overlooked, and beoea such a oincatonaion of conglomerate 1 events ap iter av tood o disgust fh? ordinary reader with fhe di?iroportionsbleocfa cf rural journalism. It baa a re'.dy been aogge-ted that we end down our fighting lieuteuant to traighteu cut tilings, or rather the man, in bo TiMse oilier. S?, giutlainen, you must einatnber I lint wh Is you have a fiRbt to dix your own drinks yuii muan t mix our s. Last w?ek tic ha 1 a number of cotton dooms s?lit us. 1 ?ut 111.iic were in ti>ii f-r ur letter to (lie Time*, a-id our friends will ileaiio accept this as our npology for no iHTing mnde m< ntion of tliem. Mr. Alec's (Mailman was the first man to cod us a colt ii Id om. His was 27th Our colore I firoicr friend, Henry B, Jeferiev, who lives on Mr. it. M. l'atriek * ilnce. i ear Wilkinsville, sent us a biomi ou he UO'li, uli. lu a note accompanying, he aye: I have JJiJ acres of very tine cottoa, uid 4o mores of the finest corn I bare ever tad, aim a fins crop of pets. My nhoat is 'rry good. 1 have ihe best cr .p I've ever lad. 1 ?Ji I n t uie n sack of guano this car." How many colored oion. or white ncn either cm make a better showing than :Ieniy JefTeiies? IU is a regular subscriber laid up. too. II is with pleasuic that we lote the thrift of our olored peep'o nnd lommend thwin f-r their honest etforts in rying to iiupr-ive their condition. Wo have hat some Hue wheat and oat stops reported us. Dr. M. J. Walker mado >00 bushels of o its on about 11 acres. Mr. ?Til iam i'.wler made O'J buahcln of wheat >n 2J acres of lmd: and ot iters are auflinendy g< o 1 f?r us io conclude thai tve can -aise our wheat and oi'i too, if we will only ry to do a We had n fine rain lust night. Old com a beginning to silk aud tas?el now, and if air readers who are shut up in t -won and rillages c mi I only visit our rural hotnes aud fat ins, and see the hi on 1 acrt s of luxuriant ;orn?almost as bl ick as a clou 1?and hear its i netting blades join in the choius of the plowtnan'a merry soag while he drives the re'intlcss share through the generous soil, they would no doulu envy their country neighbors the pleasure that a properly pent country life secures. The city, with its giauiie walls end maguifioent buildings, inj buautiful architecture, is nothing compared with the boautics that nature h#s preal out to teach the leaiona it would liave us learn. Bov. A. A. Ja os w ll preach at Salem die second Sabbath in August, ant Saturday Before. Mr. Jauie-'isa great favorite with iur people and his visit wilt no doubt bring ogelher the lar^eu congregation that has net there for years. o - -...I Mt-# Pliai.|ii tti.avli .il* PAriiist Mills. visi'ed relatives m.d fiends at this [Mare las' weak. Mr. John F. Ksles is sick. Hois threatmod with typhoid fetor. Mi-s Annv Mi.lwoo'l is Mill alive, hut ive iring out gradual y. Our people. bo'h uh to an 1 cloved, are Imgusud at ilie atrocious crime commuted xt (ialfney last week, in the murder of Mr. t'arponter's child. Wi 1 II bs and Boh Jregnry, (both colored meu) say that the ?irl who administered the poism ought to tavo had lite reutsrnder of it poured down tor throat, that she might feel the honors f tho crituo felt by the child. l?r. Walker lays he can thnik^of nothing that would .. )f\y un>l auiY?ving ?3 jarbolic acid ndtnn^ 4rod in that way. Malted lead," lie says, "would he nothing :oinparc 1 with i'." Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter have the sympathies of our people it their h#i < avetr.ctil. 'I'lto snluai for debate before the \V. L. & [?. S. no-i Saituday night is: /,' .-oh ii, Tnai anger has more power than love. All. ?M. C. I'ormau, A on/o llaiu-; inctt. and M. 1!. Mucamsoti. Neg.?J. C. It'tlei it's, Wtl ie Wo d and 1). J. Hammed. Declaimera: Krae*t INe'er mi I Albert llauunct . ll< ader. --J . 11 Service. Vox. .?. For tlia Tim id. Kcforination Weeded. M it. Ktu rot:. Where i* re format ion badly necde 1 than iu the finances of our county ? W e ?re a year behind, and the conscjuencos arc cur ta.xts arc a higher Ihan they ought to be. If a hridgo is to be ttuilt the contractor, knowing thai his claim lor service cm only bo inct ?t a big discount will a-<k $*J,'l(h) to erect a bridge tiiat $ltUO') yif.'i would easi y Inii d. Kvea school claims l;3iinoi now of o.sieu tor i_.t per cent. utscount, which is 'Jo per ceni per annum. There are ni'j two examples of CYeiy I art of our county expenditures. What are we t> noMust tve go on with this terrihlc burden th d one join's nrreur is continually heaping upon us '.' No sir ' l,et us sdft I uoii elm t'uree of the lies'. men for our County Commissioners. That is ihe most important uflico in our county. It in the cilice whore tho must rei n-in is needed. Wo sh'ttM let this ollice iml her men. Men onlj wlio cut manage their own ludurss iucct*s/nlly, should be cntnui ,'d its our County Commissioners. Can't we get your townsman. IT. .1. A't. ,'.('/ > to 1 t-'n us out of our troubles? Wi n d n -l torn .rue and tr ad f >n and successful fnrnrr // (V>w?/? consent to become a County Commissioner. Come, g?.od men, we nerd you; Let some good ntuii name another who will help i ttr county to pay when the utark is Jour. l'tto 1'oxo IT'iilico. For the Times. ftotee From Fair roiosi. Mk. Kmroa : As your regular Jonesv.l o correspondent *el Inn says anything ab >ut nor section, I will endeavor in a feeb.e way :* g;?e , > t! ? j ttb i* some of tho passing svont. of our s utewhsl isolated l;u* p'oii arms pail of Jonesvilie township The agricultural rrsourcoe, though ott'v I>aii y developed, at* n it surpassed in Hie : tinty. Al?out o .0 lixlf of tha l* id is corsir I vvitli Jure-' limber, which furniah ft'i mlimiied supply of fuel mid bailMing mite i in'. I ho Croud alluvial 'nuts wnieli skirl our ta-jk'. I'.nd I ranches reward ilio sturdy farmer rtiil. ? gor.'rti s r; rp'y <>f hog a*>d hominy. (?ur fanner* have gono lo work in earne-t litis year, de'ernnned that th. jr will not HitTfrr under king col ton * uilo any longer, if raising meal an l brotd at honio will 'lo any good. Crops are very p: naming :i( presant Fxe-lines in ilie Fair Foie.-l Academy * ei e i d?uuied lust .Mondiy. tlia 4th. The young men's diluting society meets >rery Katurlay night at the Actdsiny, Mrs J. A Thiiiuaon, who hR9 he?n very sick, is convalescent If you publish this m igniticut prod tic t ion, I nil try to do l>t-tt?r r.cii iime. J . C. Law son . Fit lion . ?. \. v it if Hi mi i'v. \ marvelous Hire ! >r CuCii rh. Liphilit t,ia. C?n!.o mouth, iiit'l 11 e ul tt in-. N nil on 11 li illic l here iv at; in/ciii'i'is injector lur the mere mi rcvstul iri- tiint*111 ili" r i tiiiip uiiili wi h out t \iri charge. I'nco "-(Jo. d by II. K Smith A Co 4 Correspondence of the Union Times. Deferred Htwj from Jouuvill#. JoMraviLLS, July.?Mrs. F.anne f-.ttST ums 01 iisr s >o, Mr. J. H. F st?r, in S( artanburg Thura fay, L'ddi sf Jans, from an attack sf dy^enter*. Mri. Foster's maiden name wa* K* J jr. 8he waa ths *f< 'f Mr. This. J. Fo?:tr Wter known by the name of "Peter !l swk." She was s |jo I woman, and u > doubt rcaly to meet hsr God in peace. She was buried ths nszi day si Fist Kook church by ths aids of hsr huslong ssd Serious illness, lis first had ? stroke of paralysis and afterwards He went* io the National Surgica1 Institute of Atlanta, but he found no cur* at that great institution, but reurned hone to die. Mr. Fowler was a brother cf Mr. Godfroy B. Fowler, of our town. 'J'he annual exereiaea of Prof. Littlejohn's High School here closed Monday, June '27th. lie*. B. G. Clifford, of Union, prsacheJ the baccalaureate sermon at tho Metbo list church, Sunday tn irning. from the toxt, 'She bath done what she could." Ihe preacher illustrated in a ?ery forcible mannrr the ilul* of lua liearrr* to imi'ate this (Coo 1 woman and dual thut they could in tlio tight direction, in thin short life. Hsv. N 1$. (' arks n, of tho S. C. conference preached in tho Methodist ohutch Sunday night. His subject was one vary familiar to eveiy Sunday school aoholnr in the land?the sot ion of the tbr?e Hebrew children in refusing to rat of tho food from the king's table or to bow to tho image he had set up. lie hel l up the decision of character, tiie firm unc ?mprjniicing principles of Shadrach, Meahnck and Ahednego, as a rule and gui le f?r every chri-tian, and not only MMIP"11 **? * '?era This suute speaker delivered the literary address to tho school on Monday, and on Monday night the exhibition of the school concluded tho exercises of tho occ&s on. Tho address tttt well prepare I ntul delivered in plain english language, so that the smallest pupil m glit undent md it. The exhibition showed thorough training and preparation by tho teacher ami pupil*. There were seven ininistors in atieudince on Monday a* follows : Hove. It. G, Clifford, N. It. ClarUeou, A. A. James. T. E. Morris, Dove Tillor, M. It. Kelly, and W. II. Miller, as well as a large, made up of visitors >fr?m Columbia to Spartanburg and from Cross Key* to Rutherford, N. C. Mr. Littlejohn, the Principal of the school, will now ret re, for a time, at least, ftotu the schorl room to his pleasant home on his fsrm uerr Ashtuy. He will leave many friends in Jonesviile and vicinity as well a* a good influence, the result of his teaching here, not ouly by precept, but by nn upright christian example aim. Refresh went* were furnished by Messrs. It <yd and I.anly Ilamt-a. We still have an abundance of rain ami the gross is beginmng show its troublesome pvesence, ns much as to say, "I mean to bother you fir i ers, even at tlrs lute sens >n of the year. I.ast tfntur.lav evening there was a cloud burst over the plantation of Mr. T. I>. I llamas. about four miles from Jonesville. j Tin wind, hail ami sheets of water, as it was described b_v an rye witness, were very destructive to land, crops, timber and fruit treov and a lew out houses yore demolished. Largo trees wets twisted oils ml snapped in two, like ho tuany pipe stems. Wheal and oats in the sheaf were scaUerod to the four winds. There was another storm cloud on the other side of l'acolet iwer, in the neghborkord of Mr. W. A. MeWhirtcr, which also did considerable d uiiage. Up to this date there has not been a fairer prospect f r crops, all t ound, in mutty years, and I heir condition is comparatively good. Too litany visitors in town for porsouals this week. Mr. ttobi. Lee tiibson, of Jouesvillc, and Miss Jane Worthy, of Trough Shoals, were married las' Sunday. TlLEI'HONK. Correspondence of the Timks. Deferred Letter from Santuo. Sanitc, June 30?Last Tuesday night witnessed the closing exorcises ot" Mi*s Nellie Drown s school at this place. Tiro occasion was a decided success in every pat Ocular. The tchotars acquitted themselves admirably in all of their speeches, dialogues and recitations, which spoke volutes tor the g>od training, for wbtch the teacher lu\9 such a reputation. I,a?t Wednesday evening one of the harden raini for many years fell in this vicinity. It was limited in time and extent, but soon had the water courses out of their banks. Terraces ami ditches were basly wrecked and caused much damage to crops aud latnl. Hut w'th all the wet weather the farmers are I worrying lite gross thnt is beginning to grow witli astomeiiiog rapidity. 'Vitli tins, and the harvest of small grain upon litem, it is hard f t- them to koep abreast. July 4.?There is hut little news here, to L cut tell but'e Titers is too much r?in for ili* good of any orou here, it it thought tirass in growing rapidly while plows nro stoppc I at least one-hall' the tune. Cotton iu places it growing to considerable weed, and i s ion* can !> ?een on top of the ground, while in souio p aces the plant is quite small, on account of being I >o we'. Ivuly co'ton, whe?e it has bees well worko 1 and manure I, ha* been b'ooming for ah ut two weeks. Corn, as a general tiling, is looking freeh and a beautiful color, but it low with string stalk*, tin lowlands ihore is sumo I lint cannot he Worked as yet and is very yrllow and small too. There is a large quantity of field peas I planted with the corn and they are looking 1 tino, Thero it also a qiiau'tty planted in l the unhide lands and more wilt he planted, if tho weather permits. The farmers are trying hard to subdue the gra?s ami put their crops in shape so they cat work more at leisure a little Inter, as much of the old corn is It id by, and there is not as large an acreage in coiton on ln-t yes r, A goodly iiutuhur of young people of this place ntletide 1 tho school picnic at Carlis'c sia ion, and report n very nice timo, and aome go >d educational addresses. i i.. o..i v1. . i-.. . .,i.? .1 . :n ? I li OUTVIIl OUTiinj T<IIV. 'I * III UU0UIYO Biblo, 1 y lliir I Sunday in ilii" month. Tlie negro women seem to be (tying to i iheniolves t!?is wet wea'her, on Sunday. by |u arreting nit-1 lighting. and three oriuo-e run often he heard of in one place. Biting nul pulling hair i.? tiio r chief m 'do of bat'ling. and then threatening to tell one nimlhcr-T -Mealing. I Mi** Irene I'.int ha* returned from her visit t.< v?'k I Mi. end Mi <"l,as. lidt, rf I uion, spent i Sunday in SrinMic with relative* M. W. J Pionio al Santuo I On llis 2'.Mh, in*t. wo anticipate hiving a gr ind picnic at this pine*. I'liero wdl ho a stand erected for the ofiieo seekers. Ladies, please tiring your basket*. Com? one, Come a l; com? out old Bichelor*, tliere may bo a chance tor y in yol, as* lei - year. C.-mc litli a a ml? on yonr ficc and leave with * grin. Com mitt a a. i Hi i ki i.n- A i:ni< i S m.v i . The h sl sa'vc ' in lint worid for Cut*. Br.ii*r?. S ue-. t'!c r*. I Sail I IVvcr Sosv*, 'l't Iter, Chapped | liat"|-- t 'ii ! ! i r-> Corn-1, and all >\in crupi i i > - and p j Ivi!. lire I I -, n> in pay j reijnii -it. Ii i- giiurmiici d 10 g *0 per to*.I r iii>t.iciinii. or money refoii leu. 1'i'ice 'J"> I cciits pu bo\. tor sale hy 1; J-', I\>s?y. k V, ^ FcT th? Times. Next Meeting of Teaohers Association. n? til* in mealing it was dacidtd by the exreutire committee to meet again Saturday August 6th,ai<d it is urged (bat all I la promptly a? 10 o'o'ock A. M., and ad-n^ journ at 1.30 p. ra. Tlie following it tho p'ogramrue : I "What is ilia bo?t plan (or teachers to awaken an educational inters* t in tli?i>communities T" Mrs. M. K. Britton and Miss Sue Jeter. 11. Music.?Mis'Snllie Munroa. tna goTcrnthCu'l nr^choo'H Hawkins and R. F. McRown. V. Mus'c.?Miss Josie Garner. VI. Recitation.?Mies Maggie Young. VII. "Ito teachers npprecitte their pr'si* leges?" J. I). I.nucnstcr n*iil J. C. Yourg. VIII. Music.?MissSallic Munr>e. IX. Rccita'ion.?15. F. Townsend. 11. F. MiKow.n, Sec'y. For the Times. The Man for the Ofhoe Jf Mu. Kihtor : Sumo of us Farmers of Union County bcliere that the oflioc should a>ways seek the man, and nut ihc man the ('ffice; therefore wo suggest to tho volors of - " Uaioa County the name of Col. I. 0. McKissick, for llie Legis'nture. He is and always lias been a friend lo too farmers. lie has been a faithful public servant, in bo'h ponco and war, and we can do no better than lo cloct hiin to represent our county in the Legislature, in case he will accept that ltouor at our hau ls. Fakmkr. Competitive Kxaminatios .Ju&.<Av'iw-'rtrer scholarsfiTps in *Tio Wintlirop Training School will behold in each oun'y courthouse in the Slate on Friday, August 6th, and will ineludo arithmetic, grammar, geography, United S'aies history, composition, reading, writing and spelling. V ; Tin re are two vnlunblo scholarships for each county. The firs: is ?1'>0 agessou an I the second entitles the winner to free tuition, and they offer a great cducational oppor.uniiy to tHe young women if ? the State. lu order to become a competitor Ar a scholarship the applicant must be not less than 17 years of ago, of irreproacli ib'e moral character, in good hea th, with no phys'dl defects, habits or eccentricities which would interfere with her success in teaching; mil they ntuai purpose to follow teaching as a vocatio n The college is open (o all young Indies who have the required qualifications for admission, its aim is strictly professioni 1, and only those students a t o wanted <vho h ive a good academic training, and are pre- . pared to receive instruction iu the science ? and art of to telling. In six years the college has sent out 1 111 trained teichers, who are teaching sucocs-fully in important positions, Its gra Unites are in great demand as teacheis. The coarse of study has been cxten led to two years, unci consists cf a junior and senior dais. Those preparod to enter the senior class will bo a lowed to d > so, and compico mo course in ono year. The next scssi.u will begin September 2d. l'or any information write to J. L. Walker, School Commissioner of Union County. Two P.KBsi.8 WeabikuGhav.?On a lonely hill hide iu the Virgiuia mountains there rises a solitary marble shaft, folic, d ia with an iron railing. On the monument ore engraved these words : "Lieutenant Colonel I>. A. Ledbotter, of Orr's South Carolina Kitlcs. Killed at the sec md batt'o of Manassas, August 29th, 1862," eic. The story of this monument is a tnost unusual and interesting one. Orr's South Carolina Hi ties won the uniau? Uiuiuction of having lost more men in the war for the number ou the rooster than any regiment engaged on either side in the great struggle, the deaths amounting to 32-1 actually ki led in battle. More than this, tho "Harry ]! fspur" sacrificed more men than any oihc State in ratio, which is no less than 2Y p r cent of her entire military j opulati< u as it stood in 1861, while Pennsylvania, which led the North, lost only 7 j er cent ?f hers. Orr's Kitles wss commanded by the celebrated James L. Orr, with Licutenaot Colonel L>. A. Ledbottor second in coounntid. Colonel Ledhetter was a giant, be ng in height 6 feet and 7 inches, and a shin ug mark for Yankee sharpshooters, n fact lie fully appreciated, but reckoned rot when duly called. On the ensanguined field of second Manassas South Carolina gave seven col ?nels, as galllr.nt gentlemen as evor drew the t-woid co tho cause she cherished so fondly. This fact will account in a Urge measure for tho taunt aotno havo dared to cast ai lior that "he furnished so few distinguished geuorn's in the war sho had inaugurated. Tliey forgot the brilliant possibilities who died at tlie beginning of the struggle in this bloody fight At eecond Manassas, Orr'a Kitlcs defended the rai'road cut, which was ."ft newail Jackson's key to the fight, an l i' wis (lu re that Colonel beuoetier ten. Captain Norton of the earn? regiment wan also killed.?.t (tanfa Sun. ('i.biuiYMk.s Api"> To.?Tho following appeal lias been ssnt out from prohibition headquarters to every clergyman in South Carolina. Key. and l>eir Sir: Trusting ilint toil wul not consider a layman presumptuous in making an appeal in the iiitorei-t of morality, to one of your high and Italy calling, 1 venture to cell ypur spec nl Mtcnioti to iho sir,|gg o now going on in the State to se.'urp a law for (lie pr hibition of tlio m'e of in toxicating liquors. It is needless for me to diveli upon that of wliioh your oxpcrunce as a pastor has nlteady o mvinced you tho boundless evii of this iniquitous trallic. Kettor tlinn any ait she, from your position, you aio acquainted wiili its baleful etfects, bow it degrades character, blights homes and destroys souls. | There nro doubtless within tlio rang: of your pastoral or personal inlluenoe men who are witii us in piiiu ipls, bet who vet ore out. impressed with tho iinpeitance of giving theintclves to act've work to secu e its success, and arc only waiting the stimulus of your inllueucc u. oii iheiu to imkc ii ?ui our most valuable auxiliaries. I therefore feel that it it only lie e eary to beg that you wdl give our wo U y.uir immediate, active end zes.ous co o, civron i.i whatever way vour inlrrmoni ti.uv ,ins mi I either through your pulpit or by pui-co* ul cfT it. Of youi hearty sympathy I c*u ?Vo4 tiu doiiht : 1 confidently ask for ymr e iUor.-cment. your counsel, your ni l. uuJ above till, your prayers. A fav .Tub's reply w 11 ho greatly approci iled. I,. I), ('itii.os, Ch hi iiian. S. 1'. Executive t' iiiinitt-c. Siin.oii's CoNsoii'iion Ci ?(i..?'i llis i-t beyond "piestion the uio-t hiivc's-d'ul t' >ugu Me ticiuo w? hare over s ml. A It w <1 >ses invariably cure III.* worst climes of Cou^li, Croup and Itroiioliit s, wlii e it* wonderful success in the cure of Oui-uiinpti >n is without a para1 lei in the history of imditMiC. ^incr its first discovery it Ins been s Id on i | gtiarnu c.1, a test which no oilier iuc licine can s!iiii?I. If you I uve n c uigli we car* i nc?t'v ask you to try it Hie AOc uid *1 Jl yoi;i iunga ftie - ,-p (.hi t I.- i ,;U Initio. Use Shiloh s I'o) oils I'luslir. Sold '>y 11. lv. Smith & Co.