University of South Carolina Libraries
For the Tisks. A Mu'i Fall Hay be Ocd'S Call. Dr. Ilu^isi itf!ut wesks ' Ti hrs" struck tbo key n^i ia every christian heart whrn ho said * lhc ciuee of Clyivt would tuffer no bsck-d f.otn the fell of a Minister of this oounfy." vi vastly more influence end int-lli* I gence have before this had a do ?nfell witbr out hiudraoce to the cause which all chri? tiaas bn*e so much el heart. Did Beecher'e ero k'dnMj injure the Presbyterian Church ? It ec :ou almost a travesty t> ci'e this as a oowpari*when ?e consider the groat diffe'saow ia the men, ia|tf|aatuaUy. ' ? Pome people eaanot stand prosperity, end adHlaiion. It was notably so with this man. liis downfall ctmr, to some, like a clap of thunder from a e'esr sky. It may be, God gives woman a keener intuiti.u than man, for truth compels uie to own I was not at all surprised ; nor am I cast down. I have no fears that God's purpom^ will be frustrated or His plan of re leinpt o-? chang.d I rarucMly hope this will be a lesson to all churches, of whatsoever denomination, lo ntiL Ihftir Irnet in ft'wt nn.l nnt in man I - " ? I honor the noblo calling ol a'l ministers, regardle-8 of sect i-r ereei ; but bis life must conform to his preaching. What is a preaohcr but a tnan? Thej are no an;?ls. They, n> doubt, have the same trial*, strugbles and many of the temptations that we have. 1 have much more confidence in the sincerity of any man's religion, wbo will frankly own be lias a hard time to keep Aimer// straight. Let us draw a veil of chaity over the errors of this obco seemingly prosperous minister. If his call tu preach was from Qod,audhcis made of the right kind of materitl, he will rise from these troubles a better man. Ha will ren'ise bis own weak* Bess and that it is possible at times for even ? prcaohcr to sin, and will go right to the foot of the cross for help, comfort and guidance. There he w>ll hod sure help, which nevtrfail*! To his former adorers I cay. take heart of grace, you wiiL find this (to you) heavy stroke of fate, a Xieising in disguise. Your k church was getting olf the right track, and j I consider your miniver largely, but 1101 altogether, responsible f ?r it. My heir' goes out in sympathy for his ajed Father, a good, truo christiau, 1 believe. Wrong is wrong, 1 don't believe in that weak, silly sentimentality wlncu tries to tnako wrong seem right. To sustain a man in his badness, even though ho be your own Hesh and blood, is not a viituc but a weakness. This applies wiih just hs much lorce even though he be or may have been your pastor. I suppose sometimes it is quite possible for evon a minister to be n prodigal. 1 am sorry to say there is a kind of superstitious halo thrown around the heads of most prodigals, doub'less originating from tho divmo parab e or the human corruption of it; only people forget how that prodigal son, after saying 'I will arise," did really aritt, leaving behind him his riotous living, his husks and swine. He goes to liis father, humb'od and poor; his fathor welcomes, loves and forgives him. But most prodigal sons bring thoir husks and their swine with them, nor ever condescend to eay "1 have sinned." Thry appear neithor hungry nor naked, but quite cheerful and comfortable. It never I occurs to some of them to forsake their sins, nor feel any more penitence than is picturesque or convenient to show. Let us hope this ministerial prod;gal will be ns honest in his professions as the prodigul of whom the .Master tells. L. C. J. For the Times. jMh. Editor: I inteudod to let my pen rest awhile and devote more lime to my little farm, but the stir in political circles, _ Couuty meetings, and a big convention at Ithe S ate capital, all iu March, loo, have brought on auothcr spe.l of that old disease, caecclhfn scribtndi. llow is it, two years ago it was cousidered by some, u serious olfensc t? hold a poliiical convention in March. ' Mars, Iroiu which our third mouth derives its name, was tho Romau G id of war; hence, as thcro is a warfare beiug waged against Gov. Tillman, it is supposed 10 bo legitimate to hold conventions, iuvokc the aid of the Rom in deity, or do any thing else that will contribute to his overthrow. Two yctrs ago the convention in Columbia was the result of a popular uprising of the fanners and other laboring classes, to consult ns to the matter of reform in the I State government. We claimed then and still claim the right to assemble peaceably to consult upon nutters pertaining to our interest mid welfare. The only error poramitied w is the nomination of Governor and Lieu't. Governor, which you know 1 opposed and voted agiinst. Now it would be inconsistent in me not to grant the suae right to those composing the late couvention. Is this not auco for the gander, friend Stokes? Rut, Alas, I have just been informed that (lie r te.tiug in Columbia bas nominated a full / /ate ticke?, thereby committing a more grievous error than that of two years ago. Rut an Tidman is the fly in the ointment just now, I want to say something about liini and his adminisiration. 1 wisli to sta'c iu the outset, (lest 1 be charged with beiog prejudiced in his favor) tluit I had no peculiar attachment for Ti liitan, I voted for him because lie was the representative of principles iltaiJI chorishc I. 1 would have as freely totod for Knrlo ha I lie been in Tilltnau's place. Again, 1 voted for him because he tfaij the choice of a majority of the people, f *ujs?*^ge no o. c wilt deny our Governor to the benefit of the old adage. "Gtje the devil his due," \ Tjllman did wrong in urging the nomination of state officers in the convention. Rut . o more criminal than those who voted for State officers in the late convention. Ho has p nimiRcd errors, no doubt, during his aduiinis:riitioii. Rut 1 ask, who could fill me governor s oincc iwo years witnoui doing something wrong, confronted by the press of the State, charged with madcc aforethought, and in his rear a thousand bloodhounds thirsting for his blooi. In fnct would it not have been moie manly and magnanimous in his political enemies, after he was duly elected by the people ? to have extended to him their aid atid sympathy, than to have combined to make his administration ?. fa lure. Ail the governors South Carolina ever had combined, never had to carry such a load of abuse, ridicule and misrepresentation as lie bns borne. II Nothing has beon left uudone that a mali{ gaunt spirit, prejudice and hatred could I jflirut to accomplish this purpose. His I have been magnified, bis language I nMvonstrucd, and bis motive* impugned. 1 The beautiful mautlc of cbari'y has not been I cost about his shoulders, but is trailing in | the dust at the feet of bis enemies. | C. 13. Hobo. I Now Thy This.?It will cost you nothing ianil will surely do vou good, if you have a Gough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is guaranteed to give relief, or money will bo pa;d back. Sufferers from LaQrippe feund it just the thing, and under its use had r speedy nnd perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yoursc'l just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle; Irec at B. F. l'osey's P?ug Store. Lirgi size 50c and J>l.OO. Tub Govkunok s Sic k O.nks.?Governot Tillman is prevented from going to his offic< by the il'.cCJi o? ecvcrul members of hii feu-sty, The condition of Mrs. Tillman anc Mivfc&na was roported to be unchangcc yesterday, but the little child prows to havi only a alight attack of intermittent fever am is uot regarded as in any d inger. Wit! Miss Lona last night was the critical period ?Tht Stat? 2'Jtli. Titz Co*imj Caxpaiqx ?It i? the fnhiw 1 iwt now f r Tiduan i pj? rt?n to dee'are thmt iews tpcri i ppwJ t> bin ere making Hie election orrtaa by ebuee ?nd TiUilcatian. Thie raying bus J a-swl correal for sow* liat, but wc fail to see whit f ?J**'-; 1. *-? .? Lm?-. !?. m ai surd for nj one to 007 tbat Oorernor TIHtnin should not be crittotrad for his ne e. He is supposed to stud on hie recor 1, a';d there nr# ntiy wbo thnk thet rrand defect ire. Pointing out hie 0' orlcomings dope cot denote ebuee. It w ul t indeed be n strange state of nSritn flhr lbe IN era of Sooth Carolina to muni* itself for f?ar tbat 1 it nan would bo re clratud With a high duty bef ire theia and the good name c.f ilie State to be preferred, their cours is '-'ear. If a majority of the white rotors wish Mr. Tllmtn's election the uiiooriiy wi>1 acd'i'eroe. If on the contrary amajriyuilit tb it he retire to private life, Tilinienitce. as good Democrats, will giTe their allegiance to the new administration. Let the outest, then, be free from persodfi'ilirs mul rancor, for it is not a c'ass fight nor nn A1 iance tight?for there are numbers of goo I Alluncemen who are r opposed to Til'nun;?but it is a fight for the honor and goo i go? crnmcut cf the State, a fight agn n<t broken promises and arbitrary rulings, hrnco a fight in which erery good citizen is iot re-ted?.1/Aeti Jonrnal and Hevietc. ? Answer This Qi kstiox.?Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizzints , Loss of Appetite, C 'living up of the food. Yellow Skin, whrn for 70 cen's we will sell tbeni Shiloh's Vitalizer, fuarau ecd to cure thorn. Sold by H. K. Smith & Co. List of Letters Remaining in the Postoffice nt Union, for the week cuiling April Is', 18TJ. Mr B F Dewley, Mr Harrison Jo'er, Mrs L D Duncan, Mr J?hn 1'. Kelly, Mr John Gilber', Lucso Smith, Mr 11 J Johnson, Mr B F Smith, Persons calling for tlie above letters will please say if advertised and will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. i J. C. HUNTER, r. M. KAFFIR CORN, FOR 8ALK, AT John K. Young's uud Drs. Smith & Mcador's Drug Store. Kallir corn is (lis best green forage for stock ever grown. Stands a drought, and is green and growing when all ctlur grasses fail. Its eeed arc the best for chicken feci. It makes hens lay when nil elso f>ils. April 1 14 It. Notary Public Notice. [WOULD respectfully inform the public that! am now prepared wit.h b'anks' , forms, etc., to execute Notarial wo-k in all 1 its departments, and will serve those in need of such work either at my office or at their homes, nt "live and let live prices." Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. JAMES L. STRAIN, Notary Public, E ta Jane, Union Co. S. C. April 1 14 lui $5 REWARD. Dog- Lost. ABOUT three weeks ago, a white and black spot!c 1 Hound Dog, that answers to the name of Jerry, gnawed himself loose from a wagon, in the streets of Union, nt.d escaped. When he left he had a leather strap round his neck. _ Jerry is white and black spotted on the body, with one ear nearly black, or lighter than the other ; carries his tail down, and "opens" with a chopping month. j a reward of $5 will be paid to any one ( leaving sai I dog with J. (i. Long, or the , subscriber. C. E. WATERS, Shclton. Apr 1 14 li* Thc^State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. By JAMES M. GEE, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS. J. H. McKissick, as Cleik of Court, has made suit to me to grout him letters of Administration on the Estate of an I effects of Mary Smith, de 'Jhesoaro thorofore to cite ami adnnnish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mary Smith, deceased, that I hey be aud appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Union C. II., South Carolina, on the ID li day of May, next, after publication here >f, at 11 o'clock in tlio forcuoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 20fk day of March, Auno Domini, 1882. JAMES M. GEE, -^skal|^ Judge Pro'ate. Published on the 1st day of April, 1822. in the weekly Union Tims*. April 1 14 til/* Administrator's Sale. AT the late rcsideuce of George McAbee, deceased, iu Draytonvi'le Township, on p?colet River, above Grindall Shoals, on Friday, the 8th of April, next, I will sell the Personalty of the said deceased. At suid sale, besides Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Implements, etc., there will be sold a i.a imp tot op noon pnnnpit A LARGE QUANTITY" OF CORN, Quito a number of FINE HOGS anil c?U'e. and a mule. TERMS OF SALE CASH. W. S. LIPSCOMBE. Adm'r. Est. G. McAbre. Mch 25 13 2t CARD. C. T. COLEMAN, M. D., Specialist. Restores Opium and Morphine habitues inside of six or eight days, according to complications or condition. No foe expected till patient - is fully satisfied as to his or her emancipation. Can furnish proof, if required, by reliable parties cured in this co.iuiy. Correspondence strictly confidential. Address C. T. COLEMAN, S.antuc, Mar 16 i2 iai. ^^^j^^^ScIenllllo Amerloai 1 PlVr1 COPYRIGHTS* ?to. r For Information an l s-a; Handbook wruo to ? ML'SK <i co.. ;<ri Hhoahway, Ntw York. a Oldest bureau for securing patent* In Am arte*. ' Krory patent takon out by ua la brought bafor* 1 the public by a notice glron free of cbargu In the | Jltnmtaii Largest clreolatlon of any clentlflc paper in the 1 world. Scier.didlr illustrated. No ir.t?lllg?ut man should to w'.tboat it. $Ve,?kly. 83,UO a 11 , To Township Democratic Clubs. TI1E Chairmen of ths Township Dcsccraiie Club* of Union C uttj are k?r>by -*?r* .>??.- n MtiiKg of (Mk club to bo hold on Sstordaj tbo Oth ilor of April for tbo purpose of reorganising tbo club4, and sleeting delegates to tbo County Convention to be held at Union, on Monday, May 2, next, in accordauoe with the following Articles in tlieCnnetitun n of the Dcmrcetio party of South Carolina, adopted in Stato Coneontion, 8optembor40, I8W: Abiicu 1. There shall bo oao or atore Democratic clubs organised in each township or ward, each of which clubs shall hare a distinct title, "The Democratic I Club," and shall rlrct a President, one or , more Vice Presidents, a Recording end a Corresponding Secretary; and a Treasurer, and shall hare the following working com- j mi<toe, of not less than three members each, . ix : A committee ou rrgieti atioo. an execulire committee, and such other committees ' as to cscb club may seem oxpedient. Aiiticlk V. County Democratic Contentions shall be composed of delegates elected by tlie several local clubs, one delegate for every twenty-five members, and one dele- 4 g?'e for a major.ty fraction thereof, with the 1 right to each county convention to enlarge or diminish the representation according to circumstances. llie Coun'y Conventions shall be called t .grllier by the Chairman of tlto rncviAi'l ivn K.ypriitSvP Pomntillaas ntiilar such rules, not inconsistent with this Constitution, as etch entity may adopt, and when assembled shall be called to order by the Chairman of the Executive Committee. f and the Convention shall proceed to nominate and (lcct from among its members a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Seeretnry and a Treasurer. The cubs recognized by the respective County Conventions which sent delrgites to the 8tate Convention which met on August 13, shall be rccoguizcd as the on'y legal clubs; { provided, however, lit ?t any County Convention may permit the forma-ion of a new club or clubs by a two-thirds vote of its members; provided further, that in ail cititi with a population of five thousind and over there mav be two clubs in each ward ; they shall be organized in oho lience to this Constint- | lion as are the cluts elsewhere >n this State, and in orgaoizing mi l c'ubs they shall have representation iu the County Conventions, respectively, as said Conventions shall declare iu accordance with the provisions of this Coost'tutiou. A. C. LYLES, Chairman Dcmocrut-c Party, Union Co. I Joiin W. Grkuohy, Secretary. Mareli 23 13 3t h. k. sum & uu.: (Succkssohs to J. M. Gums & Son.) Respectfully inform the people of Union that tlicy are receiving n complete STOCK OF NEW 'DRUGS ?AND? I All Kinds of Fancy Articles Usually kept in a completely cipiipfcd anil well conducted Drug Store, such as TOI LET SOAl'S, TOOTII AND II.VIll BRUSHES, POWDERS OF THE BEST QUALITIES, ANI> ALL OTIIKB AKT1CLKS roll TUB TOII.ET. Prescriptions Compounded Carefully by an experienced Physician. We intend to keep a complete stock of fresh goods in each department, an I invite the publio to try the ipiality of our goods and our prices. H. K. SMITH & CO. Jan 29 "? if * i* it* I C3HJ ANO ?MANUFACTURKD BY? The Vilcoi & Gibbs Guano Go. CHARLESTON. ?. C., isfcud iAs6kj*C V?L^ CeJyis&jurfc ^vifeT 1\b+$J<S Not 27 -la 4m RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD CO. Columbia and Division. Condensed Schedule, in effeot Jan. SI, 1892. Trains run by 7f)th Meridian Time. Between Columbia, Allstou and Hparluoburg. Daily I " Rfti|y No. 13. I STATIONS. I.N'o. 14. | 11 lOanilLv Columbia Ar 3 5(ip in 12 05 n ni' " Allxtmi " " f>"> " 12 02 " i ' Carlisle " 2 02 " 1 0-1 " J " Sunt uc " I 52 " 1 14 "| " ... . Union " 1 15 " 2 05 " I ? l'acolet " 12 51 " 2 45 p ro]Ar Spartanburg Lv 12 05pin between Columbia anil (irecnville via Helton. Ex. Sun.| iKx. Sun No. 11 I STATIONS. | No. 12. 11 10am Lt Columbia Ar. y 50pm 12 05pm Alston.. . " 3 00 " 12 25 " Pommia....... '* 2 40 " 12 45 " " Prosperity.... ". 2 17 " 1 05 " " Newberry " 1 57 " 1 1 10 " ' Helena " 1 52 " 2 02 " | " Chnppe!! a.... ' i 07 ' 2 45 " " Ninety-Six... " 12 40 " ' 3 06 " " Greenwood... " 11 57am 1 3 28 " " Hodges " 11 32 " 3 48 " " Donalds " 11 10 " 4 01 " " Ilonea Path.. " 10 56 " 4 20 " ' Bcllon " 1U 35 " 4 45 " " Wi^liamaion.. " 10 16 " 4 52 " " Poller 10 00 " 5 07 " " Piedmont ' 0 55 ? 5 45 p in Ar Greenville.... Lvt 9 15atn ARE *01 HAVE YOIHP H. U. GRIMBALL HAS SOLD U DRY W G Bit a big discount, below Sc^TVbrk cost and these twxls mast be disixwcd of in tfa vtr % ' ? ? i we propose to sell at ana a little ncio for you and ourseires. If you do not o good bargains are being picked up evci ffoolens aid L \rc not going to be carried over to next smoke on it for awhile.) French Gingham's 10 cents. Checked Nainsook and Cross-barred 1 Satin Ribbon, 3 inches wide, 15 cents. Velvet Ribbon, 2 inches wide, lo cent Surrah Silk, 25 to 50 cents. Hamburg-Embroidery, 1 to 10 cents. rABLE LINEN AT A PRICE WITH OIL Ladies Shoes at ftAtflftprfoTi rrii i few sizes left.) Pnssamentrie, all shades, 65 to 30 cen Best Spool Silk, 5 cents. Button bole Twist, 1 cent.v GofFs Skirt Braid 5 cents. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES h THAN ANY JOBBER EVER C NEEDLES I CKN WE ALSO CARRY Crockery and AND A COMPLETE Staple aid Fane Best California Peaches, 25 cents. French Sardines $2.00 per dozen. Green Peas 12 cents. Pickles, Olives, Olive Oil and other sin SUGAR, COFFEE, HAMS, RICE, M LARD, AND 1 At Prices to [F YOU WANT A GOOD LIGHT "THE FINEST IN T NO GO 0 08 WILL Call and sec the barj Young March 4 10 CONSULT YOUR INTERE DRY GOODS, M ILIJIN HATS, SMS Al FR01V J. W. MeLl Where you are sure to get value We have just opened \ SPRING GINGHAMS, LAWNS, WOOL FAI We have some unparalleled 1 goods, sue CASSIMERES. KERSEYS JEANS, DEI BOOTS A NI which we are closing out regar genuine FIRST CLASS goods, from the shoddy auction room. 1 not be complete 'til you puff & c Just opened up in the latest Spr ALL GOODS SOLD HTM SPRING IS A. TV WINTER MUST Wo will clo>se out all Winter prices, for the next 30 days. 1 bargains Boots, Heavy Jeans, ( BLANKETS, and a groat irtany other goods, want to raise money and olose oul CALL AX ONCE A1*I> 81 RESI Graham < J?a22 -> $ I / } I IN IT v ) THE MS? S HIS ENTIRE STOCK 01 PODS Money is scarce, times tough >e next sikty days, w Jobbers cost, and make mono; ome quick you will be sorry, foi y day. allies Hoods ; year, (put that in your pipe an< Muslin, 5 to 8 cents, s. THAT WILL DO AWA1 CLOTH. 1.50 to $3.75 for same shoe; (onL ts. IANDKERCHIEFS LOWEf OFFERED ANYWHERE. T A. PAPER. -V* A STOCK OF Glassware LINE OF :y Groceries jltf goods; at similar low prices OLASSES, GRISTS, FLOUR BACON. suit you, BUY THE RED "C." OIL HE WORLD." be charged: ;ains avc offer. $ & Hunter. ir. ST AND BUY YOUR NOTIONS "IhI IB CLOTHING I JRE, Ag't. i received for your 11101103 ip a lovely line of CHALLIES AND LIGH' IRICS. bargains on heavy wintc ;h as " h iSS GOODS, RINTS. GINGHAula ) SHOES dless of value. These ar bought straight, and no iToung man, your outfit wil have one of our lo^el 3 A R F ? s ing shades, I^'rLY FOR CAHIl 7. McLURE, Ag't. "COMING I> r\ r\ t\ c GO Goods at greatly reduce Wc will offer you some bi in r Shos, I^assimeres FLANNELS FOR THE CASH, as w t all Winter Goods. SCUUK A 11AHGAIIN >ECTFULLY, & Sparks. tf ' new RAC It r r Our buyer is in New Y II* 1 1 A A ) JODumg nou808 una auci il energy and shrewdness, h as don't otlen find their a a week or so to have loaded with the best sele< { dry good: cl01 no1 EVER SEEN IN * It is a true saying thn half sold." By buying from first h selections the market aflo saving the middle man's " and it is no wonder that trade, while our compe "hard times." A NEW LOT OF SEED THIS YV i. ha] April 10 Wm. A. Nici B AN1 HAVE ADDED TO Till A Savings dki'osits f EXCHANGES BOUGHT AND 8C r WE 80LIC1T VOUll BUSINESS, BE IT ] YOU FA I It AND COU CALL AND EXAMIN Jan 22 : Goods e t i y If you wai Boots, Shoei m ^v? ^' ^XUUXXXXXg C-IXtJs , as we are g*o our Business * RODGER Sep C r n o ir :ARR, For a change i ' we will, until 1 our Stock at ] for CASH ONL FOSTER, W] 1 _ ' 1 YORK 1 KET. J ork City visiting the Largo ion rcoins, whore with his ** ?11 <??\4 aIi Lit M/vn i n V Will lt? MIVIl UUI^dlllO vay South. Wc expect in our shelves and counters ction of S, NIING, ?:| TIONS, ETC. UNION COUNTY, it "Goods well bought are amis, wo got the very best rds, and at first prices, thus profit for our customers, we always have a good titors are complaining of ' 1 CENT GARDEN rEEK. Call early. RESPECTFULLY, RRY & BELK. 16 _ ly Lolson & Son, X E R 8 . C1R GENERAL RANKING Department. >LI>, . contributed to bit ?"P* COLLECTIONS MALE. **l?G? Keenly. INSURANCE. ar,n3f,gui6cci u? woLARUE OR SMALL. AND WILL l'ROMIftlT* "'-KM. ItTEOUS TREATMENT. E OUR BANK SAFES. 4 0m. IUST GO. it Dry Goods, s, Hats, and ap, call on ns ing- to change i & PURCELL. 30 1 j. D Fit T O A X (i F n our Business Marcli 1st, sell Reduced Rates, Y. [LKINS & CO 1 \( ?