pr Immmrnmmm n TwiMdUfi of tho Demoeratio Peaoo and ra?U Uni'.y Ceuventlun. Iho ! IllLD III CoiUMSIA, Mabcb 24tii, 1892. "Vu 1)1 In reeponte to tbe call issued by the oorn- r -j, niUM of thirteen, a convcmiou, comprised wM(| of delegates from ihirty-tbroo of tho thirty- ??0{ In counties of tho State, assembled in om( Colombia yesterday. \\ Some Unit before tbe hoar set for tbs BUC| ik. It - -? ?-- l? .0 U..... . . - - --- ? ? - r- - auu tentative* was filled to nearly lis full capa- ,j0II city, Iho galleries and all tbe spars space on eif) tbe floor beinp occupied by interested spec- uiai (store, including tnnny ladies coa It was the general verdict that never hod yy0 a fleer boJy of men, or one more thoroughly to . represeotative of Bouib Carolina end ber me( beet eltisens of every w4 k in life, bscn our Mthered wltbio four wells. IC? The members of the gathering who ??.- llcr demly in thai slate kn>-wn us "ready for t)( basinets," and as soon as tlio hour nirivel \ for tbe opening of the convention, showed ,|u signs of impatienco to get to work. Ull A few minutes after 6 o'clock don. Ivl- bc,' ward MoCrady, Jr., of Charleston, as the UM representative of the coinoiittee of thirteen j,,, 0tiled the convention to order. flc Mr. Aaron Cannon, of Laurens, rising in \\ hie place, spoke as fol'ows: '*We hivo (j: came litre to join hands with the low conn- Ul try to work for the bctt interest of the State ,| aui the unit/ of the Dcmocra'ie party. I leke pleasure in nominating us temporary (l chairmen of this convention a man who has \ been honored by Ids constituents with their (f sutfrsge for a high and honorable position until lit <piietly, of his own rccok!, withdrew ., and declined re-election. I nominate for (l temporary obsirman tlie Hon. Samuel Lib- ? ble, of Orangeburg." [Applause.J f The notnioation was seconded by Mr. 0 of Sumter. rinuK m? Mr. Dibble on ascending the sncnkit'b \ atftnil pokens.folloeci:? ?" * 8 info rr Democrats of 8 uli Carolina : I I t - ? ~ have conferred upou mo of prodding over j the temporary organisation of this distin- , guiahed body of ropieaeiiintive C irolinians. j It in the proud privilege of the Democracy | in any time of emergency to avMcmblu to take counoil for the good of tlm llcpublic. | In the sixteenth year of I lie redemption of , our beloved Stato ere come together impelled by a common mid patriotic purpose, lo 'king back upon the days of * 7'i ivbon the I tornocracy of South Carolina, standing s d d, united, brother to brottier, baud in bund, achieved tlio redemption of our State, from ndsrulo and onrrtipti ?n. How was that acc >lt)plislic 1 ? It was by union, because in union thoro is Mtrength. Since tliat time dissensions unhappily linvc marred tlio unity of the Democracy of Soit'h (Carolina. A chasm has intervened between brothei?. May it bo the duty of Ibis convention, acting calmly mid deliticrutcly, to form n bridge over that cliasm [applause] ?o tbat brothers on either bund may meet in the miibile and join binds once more [Applause. J We are lirre rather for action than for apeech-mnking, and therefore it becomes my dutv to njinnnncn ibis e invention is now I will be in order. Is it tlio plcusuro of tlio convcntii.ii io nominnte a secretary or .secretaries for the temporary organ hut iou of the couvent'on V ... A. T. Woodward, of Barnwell, ami W. ?. Bill, of Laurens, wore elected Secret in ex. After tho delegate* woro enrolled the temporary officers of lit" t'uiivein inn were declared the po'iiiauent ollicors. A committee on rcsidu ions of one member from oat h delegation wax ?t|.p outed. The committee on resolutions was ctiixti luted the ooinntillee ou platform also. Afier a longthy discussion upon nominating State ticket aud whether tho nominv tiooe ehould be inado by a committee or from the floor, it was decided that the convention nominate a ticket, through a committee of one from each county. A recess was taken by the convention, during which eloquent specohei were made by some of the delegates. Qen. JJauipion, Chairman of tho Committee on the Platform, made the following -? <- ? ^? -.-'i/cntic party of Sit u T DOnr 0rgilUizo'1- Wo ''cclure our In n ii ? Ct"1YU t,0,, all conflicts among Democrats must be con.I,.clod inside the SUIT '' tl,al ",0 1>0,,,(,3r",'? voters of whlel w.C?"n,UU,e "'0 oul>' to Mil demn.7 l.,,'.eMU.1 0Ur grievances llll.l To thauri " HVSl"g V''"" llus? Kri?vunces. lo that tribunal wo do now address ihetc dec arni.niis nn.l appeals. Wo |,.ivo a j?si in our State. ||er |lis,ory is ,)l0 h7life ofQ.|b0St|rH?'1 'T Klo,ioUH V"1* the life of tins Union : her soil is cuiaceru ted with blood shed in defence of liberty nml "*I.'tl. !!,. ,PC01'le h#ve Jeu.lor.vl heroes. mill Statesmen, lliul have responded to every demand upon patriotism, courage and energy. A new emergenry is now here and roust be met. We must adopt new methods and rely 011 new sources of wealth and bases of commerce. We must accept the plain lessons of present fuels. Wo are a borrowing people, and our interests demand that capital be invited here fir investment, that competition in lending may be developed and money chcapene I. Our one hope for becoming an independent people with stir- | pins money is to encourage the coining of 1 sew population and investments in iud tstr en , whicn will develops our natural resources , and give homo markets for the productions of * our farui9. We must do this or sea our \ young men and out farmers confronted wi It |, the hard choice between leaving their native f State forever or remaining here in hopeless (, poverty. c To ucdrrtakc this great an I necessity | work with any hope of success our pe >pie a must be united in feeling and purpose: our party must be solidified so there wilt he 110 passible fear of its failure t<> control our affairs: we must have a s;lfo and conserva ti tivo government and safe an I conservative pi methods of government. We iiibmi: ttmt |,\ the course-of the head of our present State ? | Administration, both before and since his ,,,, election, has been in many respects unwise t-o and unjust. We believe the tendency of his no methods and policy is ti destroy the credit s,, of the State, to the injury of the people, by making it impossible to refund our S ate g;v debt at a reasonable rate of interest, such entasis given our sister Stu'cs of tho Scut h ; (o ti.e involve us in long and expensive lav.?ui's, C0l, without nrr?r,?r V....OC, viMlllg trie MtbsliltlC .> ,1 4fthe taxpayers for the enrichment of at- (j0i torneys mid Court ofhoials: to keep alive of n discord and strife, which mi longer the hoi party, on which the sa'cty ot the Suite, her this \ inao, women and cliildren depend, by en- nuu \itantlj adding to ilie iiuniher of tlio di?nf- L'n fectcd ; to uiake it servile Legislature ami n t an intimidated judiciary ?ud thereby to per- po'i T?rt what should be the responsible and pro- belli tecting Government of a free people into an /.en* absolute dictatorship, with all p>wor in the back bands of one man to nuke the Governor the the master aud king of the poop e instoad ol who their set-taut. patr Wo present to ottr fellow Democrats for won nomination for Slate ollicea by the next ers. Democratic Slate Convention, or by a direct sensi primary, meu who represent no factious, but did i all the Democrats of the State, conservative ootid oaen, who will insp ro abroad ontidcncc in what ^ , the stability and moderation of ottr State State Government while guarding at home the man rights of the people, and holding a just the j ba'ance between capital and labor for the Br good of both, bomuso the two mii-t woi k Uy i" iogcther ;t' wo uro to j r sper a id make Lawr progress. Geuei We favor the speoly a ijuettnea' of tne Up k ' / / *rs now pending in the Courts between ' thi *Lite and various corpora'ion* on a com- cc' sense anil business-like basis, ao tint Day bear a just ahare of taxation, a'l ?>i ta may be clearly understood, a'l lolcr- ao may be guarded and eoterpr *e for the toi 1 of the Mute and people may bo en- pe raged wihout injuttloe to aoy. W ft detain*! of the next General Assembly Ih i legielation na will glee ns a rewsonable lb vquaenie system ot assessment for (axa- W iao that all ru ay pay honest shares of the (J< anses of the Government. We w II dc- ril id u*so the continuation of the work of K ipleting and opening of Cleuison College. 8 pledge ourselves, if entruated with power. 11 protect the credit of the Htate by sacredly \\ sting every just obligation, we pledge () solves to take no stop backward and P peel and obey the will of tho people as \\ etofore expressed concerning the policy I, our Htalo (lovcrnuicnt. V IVe denounce the proposition to increase ) poll tux to a year, because it would t justly put n burden on people not able ti / ir it. Wo pledge ourselves, however, to f c cvory just means to further develop and ? prove our public school system, the de- i iencies of which cannot he overlooked. e pledge ourselves to ine mom b.-? ny in the administration of the (iovern ent, inivie more ilion every noccs'ury by 10 inisf -rliinea of the | eopl*. *??<1 the imi Iindeficiency in our treasury, resu ling oiu the unwise management of the present dminislration, threatening un increase of iintioii next yeir. We oppose and will labor to change the resent system of mmisgtiiieut of the l'oniiiitiary, by which convict labor is used to lako cotton in competition with holiest inner* mid agricultural laborers, li is not uly unjust to the farmers and laborers, but 'ihflse of lost to tlie Htvc and her loxp.ayirs. The c in viets can be best and most irofi'abiy used in public works, especially in t^i public roads. Wbilanm.4d1.wcn1 arc icciiisu it is cldined that our populat'oa has ulgfown the capacity of cotton to support t, it ii not ligli' that the Siato should uso icr cheap labor to add to the supply. We accept and respect Iho will of the people as expressed in the eleetimof IHU ), us meaning more d'rect influeiico of our population in the control and management of our public affairs. | We charge that llv present constitution of I the N'u'e Democratic parly it unfair and undemocratic and constructed iu the interest of machine politics ami boss sin, destructive of iudividu il rights and loeil self-government and evasive of the clearly expressed demands of the people for a direct primary for the nomination of State officers. Nevoril.? t,lvl tllcllMH, W II lO It |1 III OKIHICIICI! li 11 v..? mi'i shmtM he obeyed, nn I wo cil' upon the pi opic to recent ill" flagnuit violation of the parly constitution by the present exccii'ive comiiii'tec, chosen to represent and net fir t'no entire pnrty in tlie interest of the present AJiiiini-ilintion by the crcution of unfair uilcs which deny Democrats the right to express their sentiments by their voles. Wc disclaim any hostility or ill feeling to any Wnwcutnv faction of our party. Wo rccog est differences of opinion mil c'aiin tin same right f >r ourselves. ! tie report of the cotnmiFcs was uaauiuioii-ly adopted. When the committee on nominations re turned to I lie h ill there was c insiduruMc ex peelancy and ('huirimin Henderson prefnee his iiiitimiiiccineiit hy slying that n I one o the nominees sought the pisition* That the selections had heen made with Ih greatest piiiiistinl eveiy man laid n cbu and clear rrc >r l. 'I he men had all cui-enl ed t' ni.cept tlie places or u guarantee t that ell".el had I given, lie then rca the following report : TIIK STATK TICK i.r. For (Joveriior?John Nlieppard, < IMgellehl. Lieutenant t lover nor?James I.. Orr, c I I rooti v I .vv or sl?c-i.?,o..o. I I'pon mnlion of Mr. Tapper, I lie nominee I were culled t<> address Ihc Convention. liovcitnon .niikitvi:u'tt srr.Kcii. In accepting the nomination (.overnot Sheppard said, alter the applause had subsi.led : Mr. President an<l lleiitleincu of the Convenliutt: I em lay my hand np->n ?ny heart ami say that I hi. is cue time in the history ol e inventions when the party .sought the man. I liail not the slightest idea that the highest honor in the gift of (his eonventi >u wouM fall upon me. livery feeling of gratitude that rises in my heart at this honor that you give is suppressed by a sense of the responsibility that I am about to assume To be (lie choice of such a body of men* to be the successor of Wale Hampton, of Hugh S. Thomson. of Johnson llagood, of John I'cter ltichardsoii ami such men |applause] in the service of South Carolina is an honor of which any man might justly bo proud. In accepting the honor with which you have entrusted inc. I irive mv nVili** ? (lie ides of November shall dawn und tlint tlsg lie fin-It (I (here shall he no st ain upon it. You a ay go home to your people an I give (hem ny n?surancothat in (iio canvass (hn( is now iboul lo lie ent?reil uj-o-i hy the people of huilh Carolina I will m ike no eluirge tlint 1 vill not pr ive ami no promise thai I "ill no! Loop; it sh-ill ho tny t:-peeml pleasure loenvc ur ihe ereilii of South Carol'iia. w hieli i"! dear 0 the people of S oil h < ar.dina: as ileal- lo (lie oininoiiest as well as (o the richest c tizcu. '.very man, rich ami poor, lofty ami humble, re personally interested ;tl the maintenance f lite ere lit of South ('iio'.inn in the marels of the worhl. (ientleiiien, being associa'cd upon this eket (ho gonileuun whom you have need In-siile me, an 1 upon Leing inspireil 'lie worts of wis.I an ami conservatism 1 liich has been road fr in tlii* desk. I do 1 n believe. 1 cannot believe, I will not 'ieve until the result is known that it will t receive the approha'ion of the people of i nth C irolina. f thanking you for this gieit In nor, and ci tig yen my pledge that 1 mil perform Jduties which have devolved upon me to ii l> 'si of my ability, I bid y >u gratefully in luigli'. c' allies I.. Orr, the nominee for l.ieutennnl s. ernor. was receive ! with the wildest kind in pp'au?c. Col. Orr - ml it: accepting that cs hank. 1 Cue convention I' his heart for m , and declared that he appreciated it ti.s pi h as if ii were the Presidency of the be ted St ite-. 1 ecnusc he fe i that ii Was not th ickol whieh had been made up by tieians, ami hrcau-O lie knew that he had ind him true, earnest and patrm ic citii from the mountains to the sea lo bring 'J1 i I he nresiii?e -i* 1 ' .....v.. im'i neon lis! hy present Administration. The people had supported Tdlnuiti honestly and ' ioticnlly lull to be uudecehc I. and they Id l>e allowed to try him and his followlie had faith in the honesty .and good cc ' j of the people of South Carolina, and lot think thai this campaign was to In* .v ucted upon t c ground of promises of Ma would not be done. The people of the livi I would redeem it from the hands of the Am who ha I tried to usurp the functions of t > f udiciary and the legis'atite. gat iff and inspiring speeches were mule fur 10 nominees !or Secret iry of State, wcr eneo Vouatfttis, lliott. an 1 Comptroller win m', Humbert. v*"'1 oa moti ? ' { Mr, lieu lemon, of Aiken, jlue ) fdowing executive committee wus ccie t : W. C. Mclovin. Abbeville; b. 8. Henderi?, Aiken; E. B. Murray, Anderson; Jobnn Hsg>??l, Barnwell; K. 8. Weeks, Collen; J. I*. Br ck, Clarendon; Kirby H. Tupr, Charleston; Jubn L. Agcrs, Chester; . F. 8tevens, Chesterfield; E. T. Cokor, vrlingfon; W 8. Allen, Edgefield; U. W. szsda e. Falrfle'd, J. T. Kershaw. Plnr??iM. L. Mm liii, Ureenville; 8 M. Wa?d, eoigetown; John Lawlon. Hampton; W. N. lanti n, Kershaw; It. E. Wylie, Lancaster; . Norton, llorry; Aaron Cannon, Laurens; . I'. Wiugard, Lexington: Boht. Mac Parmd, Marion; J. N. Weailietly, Marlboro; f. 11. Hunt, Jr., Newberry; W. A. Lowry, cone#; 8. Dibble, Orangeburg; J. E. Hoggs, ickcncs; J. Q. Marshall, Hichlsnd; John f. WofTord, Hpartanbnrg; H 1*. Lee. 8umter; i J Browning, I'nion; I?r. D. C. Hco:t, tilliawiborg, 'I his. F. McDow, York. The fir't outlook of debate occuned neu h" cl so of iho session, when u delegate froir tbtn-vilio, who hod been iii-triictcl to nsl ?r a primary, arose and offered a rcsolirioi iskiiig Ilia' the Convention demon 1 a pri nary of ibo May Convention. Mr. Cuiiiioii of Laurens, intro bleed as i siihstitiile'thnt the demand be made of lh September Convention und not the May Lx tioverii'.r Mauldm favored the demon I Mr. WiMiaiiis, of Greenville, raid lie cam to Colombia a rod-hot primary denisndei liut law the risk of unking for ii. If ii wa conceded (Ii it the May Convention had right to grant a primary und change ilscn Hiitiilion in that respect, it c >uld on ihosiu grounds change the constitution and noni niitu a ticket in May. Mr. W. ('. McGowan, of Abbcvillo, s.vd I came here fivoring a duuianl, but saw would lea l to a (rap and be wanted to mat the fight strictly in the party lines. (io'cni'ir llompion asked if the reeol -i ........ ?f or,i^r_ not having be1 IMIIIV ??Viw v .. -- ivCut' dJj? Jlutf.covuiuUee. ~~j?...... Mr. Wil'iiins, thinking thore was a d* gcr of Home ill feeling, introduced the f lo wing compromise : Itcolved, That this conference urges ni mi I n'l opponents of its nominees to mi thorn in ? Hipine, fair, direct primary to provided for hy the September Convention Itesolved, That in case this proposition declined or refuse I wc will make our c< le*t before the Coiiventi on, so confident this jute : of our c uiso and in the syuipai of the p opln th it wo are willing to meet < opponents before any tribunal which tl mny s-dect. llotli the lesoliuioii nnd substitu e w tabled, and no demand for primary will mini", and So nor Irhy had no opportun of givim.' the answer it i? undeeftod he I prepared in adviinco. Ity speci ?1 resolution the executive c mitt' e goes out of ollice at the asscmblm the ScpTiubor Convention. Tliis is don keep Ili<j tigli' s r etly wnhin party line. Speci d t batiks wers offered Chairman I bio and the other uflicers for tiie oIfic services rendered Thanks were relur to Secretiny Tindil for uso of the hall. At I ..'SO i lie c invention adjourned, e j sioii and satisfied wd'lw the Conventi work. Tin: I! \ \n Taxes.?Julgc Sii ton's decision in the railroad tax cas I Saturday i* claimed as an Aduiinistri f victory. It is no'liiug of the s>rt. The radrouds tendered their taxes ir c under ilia old as<cssiuent mid the Adni a traiion refused to receive them. It ..I.,.-a,I 11,> ii must have all or notliin. Tli" Administration In* .. '.I,,,,* - ??" M r'""".'.r.c'?|,.^ r \ i-ii,I ,%i\ sHlinC. COilHSll 1, it I*' ltdj- | i.iaviiiir tin? i.v tin; ri.n I**, nu<l r? fusel, Icuvmg "w , f .i.,? oxc "t tuxes 'ft .Ulf ?ri( ..l^'f-iliii it is to bo paid into tlio U States Court for future disbursement ti % county tipasuiors. Hid Statu, throng) .Vliuini.slralioii's folly. Ims lost the ion on it s nee its original littulrr and incurred largo ex; enon for tuldilionnl e sel. The main ipic lion -whether (lie r'nds are to pay on the extra asbcssin or not?is yet to lie deeided. and adcci is far in the future. ?The Statu. .?. Tiik UAII.RO\l?s Mtsr Pay TO TUB (\ TitK OituiiN vI. ? Charleston, S, March 'Jo. It will In* remembered that railroads made tender tit the proper for payment of their taxes, which refused by order ot the r\niplroller Cent Shortly after thit the c 'uniy iremit were instructed to issue executions aga the roads, and the sherills were iiistrtu to levy on their property. The Un States Court granted un injunction etraining the officers from no doing, the decree quoted below applies to all eases. It is ordered, adjudged /in I decreed t the complainant (riilroali dopes t with I clerk of ttiis court, within ten days from i date id'this ov.i.??- > ' . ...v>i <? eneeK lira upon a solvent bank, payable l<> each com treasurer defendant herein the check such treasurer being for I lie same sum money heretofore tctidercl to hint by c> plaiuaut as the sum admitted to be <li That the said clerk del i ver t.> each of s defendants, or lo li s attorney in tins ca' (lie check so drawn. Tint u; on delivery such check. iheb'.nk upon which it is ilrav remaining solvent, it shall be receive I at accept el as of the day of the original teiule with iho seme force, effect ami operatic to every inieiii, piApiv ami inferem whatsoever, as if the niotw.y v..,s aciuall receive I on that ila#v. All jii> s:ioiis as I the costs t,f jjjjs receipt and ilc ivery at reserved. - . . Sr.tMr t'iM Ri.tNi} M u ms i n?The I'ost nnsier (iencral has approved a contract foi uriiishing the department with H>i* slain| vnceling machines at an annual rent il of 10(1 each, while in opentti >n. The f How tg p-.'stottices will each receive o..e of tin nehtiies; Ki'dunond, \?: Vtlan'a, lia.; huiamoga,|iu. h noxvill". .lacknvillo, Augusta and t* h. The e achini's jt s,i,s been demonstrated. ui'l nice! an average of abiiil nO.OOD p cees of ail an hour. Their capacity f r canceling ?tal cards a'one is in excess of this nuint. TJ:e machines wt.l be delivered within o neii if .v .. u.1^4. ? I'l l u i.v:n s Ahnii v S \ i \?:. Tlie KsImiIvo tlie world lor Cut", liruiow, Sotv>. Fleers, ! Khctiin. Fever Soros. Toller, t 'huppe I mis, Chilblains, Corns and aU Skin Frnpns. iin' 1 positively euros Piles, or no pay priced. It if guaranteed to give perfect islacti n, or money refunded. I'rice - "> 11j- per box. For salo by 15. F. Posey. ;rvr.n Maiiii:* v r a IJinrn. Now \ nrk rcli ?Mane Juneau, h French woman ni! in the outskirts of Uunyacpiiri). South lorien, c b o ndv r?s nay, lias given birth uvea eliil Iron in one day. 1'lie aggic0 weight <f the septets was a I rill v ever noon |'i mi Is, and a! lusd ncooui l^ all j c alive. This is said by eminent d -c: r> 1 Ii ito ooii.-u'lcd s'nl:.sin.s, lo bo iho lar nunil or of e In Id run ever bom t > a vi\ d worn in ui a single bit lb. ? ' w 5tie iBpfy linioii (Luik'h .< R. M. StJcrs, Editor [ FrM^pril 1. 1893. I SUBSVRIIf^ON, fife) I'BR AS NUB ? posiir F icasR?cTo K Y . The 1'. O, pill be opened for business < from 8 A. M. I >>A0 P. M. , Tlio Department will be opened ') A. M. to 4 p. M. The NoriJjert^ind Southern mails will clos? at 1 P: M. Mail will be taken from tbe tlreet boxeest 12.45. A A?y inutfcul^on or irrswalnritics should I 1 re reported promptly to tha P. M. \ J. C. I1UNTEU, 1'. >1. [ MOlS WANTEI>. J Our necessities ifemniid Cash every day ; wbi'o our subscription books d:?close ?<0 per cent, of our sub?crryers in arrears. We i want inoncy badly. \ Perhaps you ?iuav. c pay alt you owe us, aWr ugb it is a very sm >11 amount for cachi tail you surely can ' pay half, ami tluit w<|i help until m-ney is c easier with all of us. WE MUST COLLECT. 3 a JMflJ"' This being tie 1st of April, we i- wonder how tunny If our subscribers in '* arreft's will fool us. '* - BrtX. Mr. u il l Mrj. llobt. Chapman, and j, child, of Spartanburg, arc visiting the family te of Capt. A. II. Fosttr u- We are requested to sunounco that n" Hov. W. 1). ^ur^J^Jjvill Jireach at Ileulah "1 OCTAGON SOAI' at" YOUNG \ HUNTEIfS. ay * * ttf-Ou- "'e regict to state that Mrs. Lampbe ley, wife of ltov. 1?. ('. Lntnplcy, is lyinp quite low, with pneumonia; but with present '1 symptoms of improvement. thaj"' Or. Thomas says lie is taking in jiU. taxes right nlong; but can't say when In i?y will shut down ou those who are s'ow it paying. ere >#i .',e t'OiT" We intended publishing this wcel the constitution g .vorning ili? Democrati parly of this State, but find the proceeding >m- of the I'eaco and Unity t'onveutim of la8 ?f Thursday have crowded i* ou*. It will nj o to . pear next week. Dib aunt SODA, dc. per pound or seven lbs ft .uc,l 'J'ic., nt YOUNG & HUNTEIfS. ? *"yy D?X- of 4?Icon Sprfhff*. ? ui( s cjpon in terracing land, has been <lnn onio good work in thai line for Capt. A. I Foster, lion. W. Muoro, W. I'.. Thomson, II. Rodger and others in th:s vicinity, nion- ? ... c oll The system of terracing is becoming pop at ion lar among truly p-ogvesive Farmers; n has proved very profitable ill both sivi \ ''"c and reclaiming rolling and hilly lands. M inn- * dc- Ctrogau appears to unders'and the system t. (tie terracing, and is now engaged on some far incnt in Santuc Township, went . Among some "old relics" which I oriiig ow it Illtrold rays will he sent to I knew World's Fair from that city, is 'a broadcl. 'bit' coat made by cx-I'iesidcnt Andrew Johns ' *for the late Chief Justice i> mp.son, wl allow dercd ''IC former worked at this place as a jo iptes- neyman tailor, in 1820'' fhiflrcQ of that a nited ' n >' w?nr brovicloth coats, i) I ll c , the UO'* Mrs. Oram started to Market I, -rest Ines.lay, ,o purchase her Spring Stock out,- au,, -?e returns, ,?w ,.ujl. ??e.. look out for those "loves of bonne. icnts 0,1 <?< .! J on ?|.| ?,e? f , 'ston in^ructlar-lcok out fur Jollr |10tfk tt'ih three Milliners i? ,own. all grabbin " ',0?r fellow's llnnticcs we may trnly " ^ e p.essnroof har(1 til?c< B||> ,h ' ,i|lie ' there (hit is not willing was '"'I* ?? sec his wife and daughter's prett >a'. under a pretty h .nnct ? inxl till ANI> M11 LINK II \ DlSl'I.AV ??V 'led hive now on exhibition ??ue of tlie pretties ited lines of Mil inery ever shown in this m ir re- k?t. Will be gild t<>d.nve the l/idies call mill ;4,_WV M. LUKE, Ag't. the ?. hat J*ar It may as welt be fully understool the n?w as later, that no candidate a name will Ihe he jmblishel in these columns until the ivn regular feo has been paid. "J W'c have two or three requests lo publish )( niinies a _/>? w.v'i.t, to be paid thru. Such m- request? arc generally meant as "fccleis." i- If the parly duds that lie has sonic chanco l' of he'tig elected, he will then pay ihe fee 0f and continue his name in the paper ; hut if tii hi* chances are too doubtful we ean drop id it uud cnii on ihe lotm pinny for payment. ' Wo do iicu indue any man t > bocotnt a cmdidute. bin when a man a>ks ps to nnnouiice 1\ him as a candidate, lie must come in on lo the same tcrii" * as oMier candidates, c - - .? ? Old 1'etor Rice is Dead A notable figure in Ibis coninuinity, ever siuce ivc came into it, W.,.< old IVtcr llcc. ^ w ho win once tho body servant and carriage driver, of t o'. Willi'im Uieo and afterward of h:s sou, the into 1>. if. Rice, and after emancipation remained with the family in that capacity up to the latter*s death, and ? since ilien with the Major's grandson. Mr. T. (' I'onean. ? I'ei. r .in a 1:.<? week n .1 t- ? 1 ' * ? no \ was over I0O years old. lie bus been in 1I16 f Kic finiiiy, wi" arc told, nil his life and was J -a Ja ilifiil and favorite servant. lo j 1 lie n-t year- ??f his life lYter occupied a li mm y fi: 111 i^lied room in the family rest- tl lento. and lii?? meals wore seat to liiin with 1 lie best of everything on tlie table. I'p to * 0 1 I ll the n i\ I i-t iin merit of bis life this go d I ri and fiiilifnl old cob red servant received the ! si utmost Uindiie-s and care from of try mom- v< l>er of 1 lie white family, and lie died resI peeled and greatly missed by all. tP fo E W J We have omitted the notes of inquiry in y?> ,r coinniiin c.ition f>r this week, only beiau?e we have not loonilo reply to litem 1,1 , . mi lnev >li" ! appear and receive onr roost j en ir eons aii niivti i,ext v;ef... oe ? | Oil 11 yen owe ti e 11 liter, coroo and [uv him. ! K. \ 8^9u As we suppoae1, from the pe ?orile of itie coiiTtn'igii h'ld last week, the f?#eeJ|pgs tf tW >? dy were eminently oiimiT*iire, discreet and proper. All wee ^ 03# that could or sbou'd Lev# beeo done, t( nler the cirpamsUiues, end the eidirn y of bigr undigoifiod and undemo- | J *~7Z-ZL? Mil iniuau in inrvugiivui ( he whole proceedings and in the bill of g x>mp!ainte embraced in the platform, was tvidenily a jrc t disappointment to the 0 >ppouent* of tli3 cinvention. They expected blundering*, bluffing.and ( bravado, and were resdy to boll oat earn- i psigu capital by tlie column. On the eon trary, nothing was dona ar pmpoeed that 1 was not com teous at d digoified and legiti- | mntily within the party lines, and as long us that faction of tbc party w>vcs within those lines, it is entitled to cqunl re-peel and confidence with the faction now in coutrol of the regular | arty organization. ! ""'Inntiledlv as The ticket uoimutKcu ? strong as could be made io tlic State, with net a taint uj on the record of any man on it. We cons <ler cx-Oov. Siicppard one of (lie best ctuipaigu speakers in the South, lie is without doubt one of our ablest uien, and his training in deliberative bodies has made him one of tho readiest and most effective men n a personal controversy we ever knew, lie will be a hind mm to handle on the stuin); and we differ with many others in saying he is properly placed at the heai of tho ticket. With Tillman and Hheppard in the field, we predict the coming campaign will truly cerely pray it will tc a cauipaipn'or SfglW'y and peace. The consiituti n of tho State Democratic party provides that the delegates to the , State nun in ning convention in September, shall be cliost n by a primary election, and the convention ?>f iasl week pledged its organization t j u' ide by the decision of the 1 September Convention, so that while the B people will not vole direct for the iiouiina 1 lion of Tillman or Sheppaul., tiioy will elect by primary, delegates to represent tlicit 4 choice in the nominating convention. c t)N%. We sincerely regret to sec a uispo s silion in two or three papers to engage ii " itnb**cumiiig villipcrntiun and person-it auus of candidates in tiic coining campaign. 1 is especially object'unable at this enrly day before (lie campaign is open. It only pave ,r the wny for intense bitterness in the demo cratic racks an 1 endangers the siiicrrt bai inony of the party, after the candidates o ' .v.. ut.i. iiai'i H ive occn regulnr'y noni II tinted. And further, if there is any patriot I desire to close up our ranks in good feel in for affective service after tho next elcetioi we must cultiv lc a more generous at I rational rivalry, end cleminnte from 01 n discussion of party dill'erencc-*, as far jr possih'e, every ncrtmouious personal so tence that is not founded upon exact trn s and justice. The white people of South Carolina ai within u fraction, all of one party?tlem I]|o crals?and it is not democracy to decry lie man because of Ids vocation, if that vo< (la tiou is legitimate and honorable, -and In ion bini up to his fe low democrats as unwort lCn their confideuc* and support. That is no Ul . ing but class politic-, and must, of ncccssi continue, if it does not widen the breach -7 I ' ""'.' "j-Ogemeu i, rJTTl' ' < "?<* ' ?>.. would P,.0f iI1 ?. fv'' -... iuu Ttuuiciivc si ml splcenisli to be inagnau el tuous, and woall be likely to sacrifice sonn tiling of the public gooil to gratify a |>ei 8 aoual spite against one he could not contra el - ... 41 F >r the Touts. a A Plea for a Rational Campaign y Mr.ADoit, March 20.?Mr. liduor-?I wisl a small space in your colutns to make a lev rotnaik* in regard to the approaching cam c paign. It seems to me that tlicre is going t to be more excite nent over the approucoinp . election ihati any year since 187b. Our people appear to have gotten late inch a distrustful spirit that one thinks the ottie." wishes and- intends to do him or the Slate some It seems that we have lost confidence in each other, and unless wo got rid of 1 lint d iberal and undemocratic spirit we <\i!l forever be in the wilderndss of excitement and dissensions. We arc one people, sharing the advantages mid disadvantages of one common country, and we should have each o* tier's interest at hcurt. If a few of us have male success, wo -liou'd not feel hat our mission on earth is tin.shed. We should respect our followman's feelings a'nl intores's as well as our ovvii. In the present strife and push for po iticii' fitnc it seems that we have no re- I gird for our f<llowniaii or ourselves, if we cm only get in'.o some position wiiere our names will go abroad as some "big man.' ! Knelt man must be responsible tor his own conduct. Kvery man litis his place, to till in life. He Ins his place politically as well us otherwise, and should he his own iiuin and do his own thinking, and he should base tliat thinking on r^asou. There is a! ways some one to pour seductivo music in your ears, from each side, to excite your curiosity and confuse your mind. Wo to?? some who are wide enough awake lu dance lo the music, and seme who arc so sleepy :liHt tlicy would dance on if (he music should stop, i hey ctmuL get wide awake and 1 change with the changes. We all should have enough patriotism to 1 lo as our concienccs dictate, and have reason Miough to acknowledge when wo find wo arc ! vroiig and our fiiend is right. No true 1 (entl'Mnin would he prejudiced against lus riend lor dilFe^inip from hii. in hi- (pinion. * .et -'honor be given lo whoii) honor is duo." .el no mail be prejudiced against another ? ccans.' he has rcuched tv higher round on lie ladder of prosperity or fame. If tlieic w re now any occupying odiets that we M link, from their conduct, should be succeedd by others nioro eunpeteut. we hure the ight and it is our duty to Vide for their f( icccssors. The form of electing si.oil! ! be |{ ting direct for the ofllcer and not to dole |n ite some one else to do our voliag. So, we can't do that with the present constuu- re on, lei's make out with it nud use our of thtence to get a hotter ru * * ? ? ? in Sutton s ('ataua11 ItrMKiiY,?A marvelous an iiv for Cat at rli, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, an ul Headache. With each h utle there is an Sp genious nasal injector for the inore sue- so; sslul treatment of these complaints with- hh t est,a cln. gc. l'i-V.'c. is-dd l?y II. lh tl.uiiii & Co 9 1 1 Ccrrca.'en ltne; of the Tiukj. JXtwt Froai North Pacolet. Km Jaxx, Ma-ch 28.?The Iio.-.h Paco- ?( >t Sunday School (.'omen* ion held iti cjusr- * nly uiectinx with Abingdon Creek church ne'i eiterday. On account of sickness Brother wee! leiis Jefferies, Secretary, was rot pre<en?. pra, '' =c'rl ^ S;cr;t..v lom rid furn shed us the ii'?:cs from which we \jr ;i?e thejfollowing : >jn "Mie* President called the convention to ||,e irdrratll A. M. After derot onal exccies, reports fr .m the earious sohoels were w*. nade Soir.3 of them were informal, from gra ichool* hating suspended for the winter ,-ou noutbs. tea An invitation ?m then extended all per- he, roui friendly <o the cause to come forward ,\ip ml take part in the work before the couvm- p,T lien. The first subjectThe importance of Ra thorough organizatim f r Sunday tchool hei work, and the responsibility of parent', etc., refor faiiure to perform that work, w is ably ab; discu-'S'd by brctlit rs 0. W. Whisonant, and gp J. It. Jefferies. Sb Choir sing; "Ia> I lie gullei fields arc he sm ling." wi The fi St Query : "What nrc the fruits of fr< a new heart? was discussed by brothers yc lie*. I'agui, J. E. Strain, J. II. JtfTeries, de J. N. Jefferies, M. 0. Durmm and C. W. j3 Whisonant ; aAcr which a rcce s of 30 minutes was taken. Ei | Afternoon session began by the choir and (D I congregation s nguig, "Joy and gladness." The next Query : "Who wields the great- g est influence in the Sun lay School work, men or women? was discussed by brother 'f S. J. llainmctt, l\ S Webber, J. L. Strain, ], J. It. Jefferies, and Kev. Ilngnn. J, The last tpicry : -'How are faithful Sunday o school workers reward .d ? wan dUouased by brother R. C. Patrick and others. c On motion the question box was dispensed \ The 1'rt-sideut thanked the crngregstiou for their kind attention, and the convention ( a Jj'.uruod, to meet the 20th of June, ut such place as m iy be selected. , Notwithstanding the bu 1 roads, high wntcrs i and c)M winds, a go id congregation assembled to witness and take put in the convcu- , tional exorcises. The music under l'rof. Vaughn's leadership was splendid. The , speeches of the y.-ung men cspecally, were highly creditable, not only to themselves but to the convcuttoii. > l:uu. J. H. J cileries, State lecturer, will : address a mass meeting of the Farmers Alliance at Etta Janeschod house on SaturJay Uih of Aprd, at -1, P. M. The public . generally arc invito 1 to intend. Mr'. Eliza Lemistcr, wife of Mr. (jeoigo 1 Leuinster, died nt her home near Wilkinse ville, last Wednesday, 23d insf, iu the 3t5th t year of her age. She was a Miss Jefferies, daughter of the late Hamlet Jcffcrios, Esq., Her disease was blood poison. Sho leaves a 8 husband and five small vhihlrcn, together i- with a host of fricuds, to mourn her loss. She was a consistent member ot tnc uapusi 1 cliurcb, aud duriug lier expressed n her ve^'moHs >o meet death, She was one i- t,f olir pupils for two years just after the war. ic She was a bright little girl aud took a high ? stand in her studies. That God in His iulinite wisdom, mercy n' and love, will bring her family up in his 'd nurture aud admonition is our prayer, ur W'c have it from good authority that the Gafluey Ci?y people have a bright prospect of soon connecting their town with Chester n* and the Southeastern part of the State by th ,.u road. We trust tint their hopes may be fully realized. No people m South -Carolina have done more for the advancement of their ?* State's interest than the people of Catfury l0~ City. As au cduoitioualcenter it is behiud a no city or town in the State, aud its march a- is onward and upward. vox. >id by ' ili- Correspondence of ilie Union Timks. y, Telephonic Vibrations. Jonesvillk, March US.?Last week JMl? ? he 1 lie cold snap week before last did not ,c ..jure the Iruu or vegetable crops hut very cv i "ivr;ii?a.,s ,,oH a u,y"cry-as u * ? *!' * 'fos-i ? daughter of the widow al of Joseph .M. ?co?, of ll.ckey Creek ,Hed i8 last tiiJay and was buried nt the cerne'ery i- ?f>?w??pe church yesterday. She was p_ ?fUSU UUd v"ls onc of ll.ose bright cheerful swoct spiritoJ cliristiuu r- young i,lJl<3 ,hat friend'a3 1. perhaps_ not au enemy in the world. Her popularity was attested by t|,0 i,r,c c ^,Ur'^.?..L\^0plf.'l,at. '."jouded the Mineral jv-icmiiy, which wm conducted by lier pastor, the Kev. I>ovc Tiller, in ilie most iuiprcssiv; manner. Miss Uosa was a memv herufthe Methodist church, a pupil of Mi s. M. K. Hrilton's high school at Uocky Creek, ami a so a scholar in the Sunday sciiool of her church; but ill it dread disease pncuin >' nia, seized her fair young f?rm and soon ( robed those and her lovoi oues and many frlcuds of her genial presence, service and influence forever here, but not in eternity, for she ii" doubt is with her saviour in heaven. A colored girl, daughter of George M mrc, ( of our town, was badly buruel last week The parents were away from the house and left ihc children by themselves. She is 8 yeais o:d, and while standi ig wjih her back to the tire her clothing caught, and was I ne?rly rr.liic'y burned lVotn her body. She j, I is s illeriiig gicat pain, and will perhaps die with r seol.a, sore throat and g'jp. Mr. I?. W. Wliit'.oek had a congestive chill the ether day that stayed with him about seven hours. Mr. \V. is known hy the name n I of"liie,'' but I think his name should he changed to live," for any man can survive a cougostivo chid of seven luurs is ^ not likely to dio soon. Mr. iMvid Orr, who moved from our community (o Spartanburg last Winter, caiue down to his old home 011 a visit last Friday. C. lie left his family iugiol health, and Satur- se day 'evening he received a telegram from frc home saying on? of hi.- little duuglitevs was si: dead. de Mr. W. T. I.ittlcjolin is gradually improv let ing from his stroke of paralysis Ex Mr She!; I'iok-uis i?st his only horse last week. Mr. J. W. Crawford's linn s;,.. 1 :? ~ VWII1UU 'i'o s very sick, and i Ikely i< die. 1 Miss l.'u/.ie Litt'ejohn of I'lcolet, has been rep risking relatives tin i f iends in Jonesville. tlni Mrs. ? Dukes, of UoMcville, Orangeburg yoU bounty, uioihcr-iu-lnw of Kev. Dove Tiller, bee s visiting at ilio Methodist l'arson-tgc. oth The I'lesbytcrians are plastering, painting l k nd linishing up their church, getting ready nir r tlf I'rr; t?y'c v. which wi'l conveno here >tirc n Friday bclore the "udSundiy fit April. Farmers didn t get in much work last cek. but they are very well up with their I orkauylmw. Tki.f.I'iionr. this ... licit Sckcimkn Casks.?S. 11. C.ifTord. New Cas- <0 d, Wi?,, was troubled with Neuralgia and hem.mtisiii, his Somaclt was disordered, s Liver ?n-, alloeied to an alarming degree. Si petite fo 1 aw ty, and he was terribly bey<> duced in tle-li and strength. Three bottles Med Electric Hitters cured him. inrai Kdward Shepherd. Ilarnsburg, ill., had a Crou uiiiog eore on his leg, ot ciirM years stand succt g I se t thiec lotnes of Electric Hitters out a id seven boxes of Hueitlens Arnica Salve Since d his lrg is sound and well. John guart icaker, Catawba, O., had live large Fever car. . res on Ins leg. doctors sti I he was incut a- noatl; Oik b utie blcciric Hitters and one box $1. ick < i'? Arnica Saivc cured him cntiroly. lame, Id L. F. 1'csey. )1 1? For the Times. Sad Votes from Rocky Crook- / t MSVCutt, O. C* March, 28.?It i? / i mdnecs that w? oend your paper o-ir 7^ hborfeool dots this week. The put two / ks Roe*0la and LaGrippe hare been 'alent, aul nearly every famdr has h*l e metnoer t rostrate J. The families of . "#j R W Wbitlock. J. W. 8cott, Esq., and i. Ano Scott, hare had serious oases. In ^* latter family one case - h't resulted Uy. Her youngest daughter. Miss R>ea, i o? /esterdmy laid to rest in New Hope vojard, with hundreds of friends nurndiog the grass, testify tag by tbe r si cat - * * "Tr rs the high appreciation they had for .< upon whom the enth was gently fill'nr. s Rosa, not yet out of her teens, was a cly girl, a true christian, a losing daugiiand a loved and studious pupil of the cky Creek Aca lemy. She was bright in r manner and iron and held the lose and ipcct of her teacher and school mates. On y ?ent f>orn her desk scroti days when her rit winged im Bight to its heavenly home, e was not afraid of death, am! talked of r fn th in. and lore for her Saviour. She il be sa ily missel by all; but especially jm the school and by the Waterloo Literary icie'y, of which she was the loved int, at the time of her dratb, but their loss her eternal gain. Mr. John Sc tt, oldest son of J. W. Scott, urj., is improving s'owly. All of tho other cinbcrs cf the family are aide to be up. II W. Wbitlock, Esq., had a severe coupstivc chill on the 22ud, that lasted for tven hours, but lie is able to be out again. ii ? family are all improving, tlary, one of is little toy*, is s*ill oonfiucd in bed wun ,a Grippe, which seems to hnve settled in 110 or bis ankles. XG?s Elma Sprou-c, tho granddaughter f Mrs. Ann Scott, is .not <loing eo well as ? vas hoped. Tho disease ItosroU has settled n licr right eye. She suffers greatly, and ears are entertained that she may lose it. Mrs. Jesso Swiuk, who n<?a been s ok for tome weeks ii improving. T to farmers have made considerable progress with their work, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of tho past few weeks. ^ Although everything was covered with ice fl on the 18th., the prospect is still goo I for "^1 coosidcrab e fruit this year. Our lcoality was expecting a four months pub'ic schoo' this year, but the fiat lias gone forth that three mouths is tho best tint can be doue. Last month Miss Cora Gossett and Mi s Bessie Gallnian receive 1 prizes at the llocky Creek Academy, Mrs. M. E. Britt >n, Principal, for in iking the best per cent in the'r studies in the different departmonts. This month Miss llala Smith aud Miss !Ia!a Gallnian are the fortunate ones. Many who male favorable starts this month have becu detained at home by sickness and death. Mrs. Josie Smith, and Miss Lula Smith, of Browns Creek, nre visiting the family of T. J. (1. Smith, Esq., of this place. Yours truly, Correspondence of the Times. Santac Talk and News. This year, "d2, I suspect will be teeming with candidate-1, and I think it would be well to leave tboso words "War lUcord" ou?, for I have heard many old soldiers?privates ?say they are sorely tired of that tcrtn. I am, loo, tor 1 think it nbs.lutely wrong, and <>f demazogisui. aod uhnosl unpardon i b!e vanity for an ^d ar^ ? tc opponent, int., odicc over his less fo?? ul 1 lt0 bftn. who ha, no title;and tor "VfortunaU (?) as l'nuo five bwn horn or not oi l enough to r,r\i?,* c; j believe there we,? ia the ranks, as any battle acarrei ones too, h Officer, and os true, hraye and loyal on ^ arrived at marihoJ ? 'brave 0pd Holdieia s.w?P"'r?-ssi MK? rx ? r" oui, cv/ujifl); meir chickcos from disenso in this section, many laying hen, have died lately which will cut down iho egg supply of many housewives. I hope the disease will not get among the t<j>j mac/lines, ?the guinea fowls. The guiuea is a mo t excellent and valuable, as woll as cheap fowl, and I like them finely in Spring and Summer, oven though they "don't speak" in winter, unless it is in a "fuss"?a quarrel. If any obc has'nt tried them, 1 think tlicy shoutd this year Considerable farm work has been done tip to dale, and a little corn planted, but tl,o extreme winter weather put a stop tj planting, and the heavy rains the past few days have stopped the plows. Tho members of .Saleui church (Baptist) are trying to secure the services of Itcv. J. D. Malum, of Laurens county, for the rem tinder of the yc?r. lie tide 1 this pulpit several years ng >, and is by uo menus a stranger, hut one who is well known, and is g,nerrlly loved by all. It is the wish of all, I believe, that the church may succeed, in securing his lab >rs. Yesterday I went to Gilliam's Chapel, and heard my highly respected friend, Itcv. M. B. Kelly, preach a plain, practical, and forcible sermon. The Sautuc Alliance is still receiving some new members, occasionally, who gtin nto'O Mivtfgth aud information after lmv ngiidii;. tlie mystical Goat. K. W.J IMr I he Tuns, Ml Tabor Dots At a Spelling Contest at Tab >r rciio'd ou 'nday last Miss Fannie I'Mge carried ofi'llie Badge of Honor." ir^ I? * > liujim.-* Alliance meets regularly every ml Saturday at :j 1' M. lip v. \V. II. .Miller prca hos regularly nt 'esley Clmpel every Siiinlay at 1 I A. Itcv. Dovo Tiller preaches every 3rd Suu17 at Wesley Chape! nt 3 1*. ,M. Juk. 1'bqmpt and SrrriciKNT.?Laurens, S. . March iiO.?Please correct the report lit to the Chariest >o AVw* ami Courier >ni Grccuvi'lo with reference to toy erip of certain lank stock, lvhich hrrliciii uioJ. l'loaso publish ulso the following tor frue tho cashier of the l oan and change ltank of Laurens; Laurkss, S. 0., March 'J'.*, 18!?2. Honorable J. L. M. lrby. Dkar Sir: Vour loiter received. In ly would say that you told inc s.uuc e ago to sell your hank stock. I have 1 live shares of the bt ck but it liar n t ii delivced to the purclia-cr. Tic er three shares have been snokrn f ? new nothing of tl?o newspaper nrtdc i! ! saw it in print. I follow d your ic'ion ns to selling your bank st ck. ours truly, "W\ A. Warts.' take it for granted that you will g'vo denial ami explanation the same puby and prominence which weic accorded ic unfoundc l rumor. John L. M. Ikuv. tiLon'a CovavMiTioN Crm:?This ian! <fuesiion-4ne most successful t'-niu icina wokavc ever sold. A tvw d r??hly cure the worst case : . f Cough, p nnd Urviiciiit's, whi'c its wonderful !ss in the cure of Consumption is withparallel in the history of, 1 its first discorery it has been s hi on a in'ee, a test which . thtr mc tietno iiiiml. it you ba?c a cough we tar* y ask you to try it l'rice H?c oOc and If your lungs arc sore, chest, or hack use Sliiloh s Porous 1'lastir Sold l>y . Smith & Co.