University of South Carolina Libraries
& > V rtai i i. A JuTKxir.* Mosstbr.?Chester, April 8 ? Coroner Etriiis went t ? lliohburg-on Tuesday and lie'dah inquest o*or the body of Emmie Str. ud, aged'4, who w*s tnur'erediy flir. once Kobiii'on, aged 8. near the heitso of the child's parents. The young Send did the deed with a heavy stone, with which he crushed his victim's skull, after htVlng uuRocoessfulljr tried to dre*rif her.^' Tt hapSrned on LMr. James Atkipso i's place, where, will,be remembered Clarenec tried to bprh' his parents' house lost >'esr. lie was ttr-^ Hnt'd by Coroner Erins anil is not* In the county jsil. He is eory Ouiet an!Jlaith ibt' S.-cm to bo annoyed hy ilie-?sUu?Tion in which be IhjUoeff ^ M <. . < * S^ri; e l Scrim 86 inooes trl-ie, . yard, ? M,IX- H, tyflPT * BHO. "" thnwnBii "1 i ' . Isvr^-rsirvr.?! on? which In' guarrapteed to bring you satisfactory results' S^so of failure a return of pul-ohase * V . ,On this svfe plan you con buy from t ntised Druggist a boitleof.Dr. King's. A yco?ery for Consumption. It is ga ed to bring relief in every case, * \ "VV ^?r ft"y ftffeo,'on of Throat, Lungs trii such as Consumption, inflnmntion of 1 I Bronchiti*, Asthma, \Yhooping ^^ Coug\ -.\>up, ?to., etc. It is pleasant and agrt o\ rfjlto taste, perfectly i-afe, and can alwayfetgl depended upon. Trial bottles fico atVMvTosey'B Drug Store. i Big im^Hwmcnts oflcrod to cash buyers, in Dry O >o?B a id clothing, ntvQlU,II AM & SPARK'S wfcap cashsorc. DBLaTKdrjBiiauT.-Ths merchants, generally rre "kicking" al>out delayed freights on the railroad*. ..There does not -r^ seem to be much hopo for remedying matters. ? i i i >O Itdi'i ummed that the dolays aro mostly cfije. to a war between the Louisville & Nashville and Richmond & Danville reads.. Freights brought into Atlanta oror Louisville & Nash* ville nre turned over to any road beforo the Richmond & Daiivil'e, and as the revult the other roads are blockaded with frieght cars and business is retarded.?OreenvilU New*. I Three quiroa good writing paper for ten . cents at ORAI1 AM & SPARKS' cheap cish Thk Ciiurcu Ona\n.?Duo Wes', S. C., Apr.l 18.?The Second Presbytery of the Assnc:ntioii Reformed Presbyterian Church South has just closed its sess:on. There was a fnll attendance of ministers anl liyinen. Rev. D. O. Phillips, of Bartow, Fla., rcceiv cd ordination. The eection in the directory of church worship, prohibiting the uso of instrumental " music in churches, was repealed by a vote of ' 20 to 10. The matter will likely be settled at tho next mcetihg of the Synod in regard a to the entiro church; Presbytery will meet '"sotxt in Woodruff, S. C.?Special la-Tlx* Slat* Ladies "Norfolk" Waist, something new at 76c. at H. KLCOHRN * BRO'S.. " English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blcui"* islics from horses, Blood Spavins, Cures Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, Sliogs Sprains, nil - Swollen throats, Coughs, etc. Save $?">0by use of one bottlo. Warrants the most wondrful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold b J. M. GIBBS & SON, Druggists, Union. - ? Lndi s Black mutt White R >bcs, Fliuncincs Lawn*, etc.JfclTV CASH STORK. 4t Jr-.. Itch on human nnd horses and nil nnituuls cured 1n 80 minutes by W'oolford's Sanitary [ Lotion. This never fiii's- Po'd by J. M. . til UBS k. SON nr.,..i-iu tt?s? o ^v..f >" ub6'? ? viuv/u Ui V/. MARRIED. " . ?CHXSlBER3?ROGERS. Married, at Afitntj, Ga., ou t,h? 8 h of Apn1, 1891, --T-- ', J ! i .?-? 1 4l^l>l?ui| Rogerr, of Atlanta, Oi. . V o c mgratulate tie happy couple and j wish them much happiness through. I f*. * . LEViSTER?ROBINSON. Married, on * Aptil 2, 1891, at the residence oi the bride's f?the\ by Rev. 1). C. Lamp'ey, Mr. William Lev stcr to Mi*s Sillle Robinson ; a'l of . Union County. . " ' SMITH?MAHON. Married, in this town, at the residenoe of Mrs. M.T. Mcador, April 15, 1891, by Rev. B. C. Lampley, Dr. ' Tbomss W. Smith, of Newberry, to Miss l'rmic L Mahon, daughter of Rev. J. D. Motion, of Chester Co. We extend to the happy couple our best wishes for n prosperous and happy life- )i immediately after the ceremony the bride c T_ and groom left for Newberry County, where ' they wid reside. ?.'~n J Wwu 4>_ u? ? List of Letters *. IRemaining in the Poatottice at Union, for ttho week ending March 17th, .lSOl. Miss Annie Brown, Harry Hornet. Rev U^t'lfenle*. Miss Matiie Button, IfenjwB Hn ? Mis* Arlw j \ Miss Gregory. Mr Porce Gis', ' J * 4 Mr Levi Maoknelie. Mr W I. Prjoe, o ' W M Smith, Mr James Seel too, (2) fi Mr T D 8teen, Vliss Sarah White. ti Persons calling for the above letters will P please say if advertised, and will be required ti to pay one cent for their delivery. J. C. HUNTER, P. M. P re?i-ii J-wi i??a Eggs for Sale, .* WHYANDOTTE AND BROWN LEOHORN P Eggs for aule. App'y to ?* BEN J. ALLSTON. TO SUB-ALLIANCES. I will be in my office at Union, Mondiy, Tuesday md Wednesday of oach week, until further ' 1 A. COLE LYIES, J April 10 14 St. ? For Sale. J, V\ Second-hand patent Feed Cnticr, i"> ? ,-*<>?? ??. droit WWof^ "Hf? - "K i I m Apply to ' ' al 8. S. 8TOKE8, w Timks Office.?? March 27 IS 2i. MRS. GRANT HAS JUST RECEIVED HER SPRING AND SUMMER 1 | MILXJNKUY, W nn I is now ready to cxh bit her elognnt s'ock to her customers. April 17 16 if DR. S. F. BLAKELY, <b VHX8ICI AN AND SURGEON, ,, hit omen ovm roan's duuo stobk Reehlenco q^Cbuich 8'., near Kpiscopfcl Church. ''& * Ten yeirs experience in general proclhie. April 8 11 4l? Administrator's Notice. flllTE undersigned has qualified oa Ad . JL ininistiator of the e-tste of James T Almnn, deceased. All persona hatingclaims against the estate will please present the aime, propeily proven, and tho-o indebted will please make prompt payment. J. Y. ALI1AN, Administrator. ] E . April :j 14 4t? 1'^:,. ; "'w Mortgage Sale for Foreclosure BY airtuoof a power omtained in a crrtiin Mortgage 3ocd esecuted by James II. Coleman J. Thomas Coleman an<l Kobert R. Coleman to me, said mortgage dated January 16, 1.889, and recorded in the ofliee of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Union County, in 11 ok of Mortgages I. No. 9, page *61, a -dpBook A. No. 1, pages 794-797,1 w'U .soil before the Coui't House do?r at Union on the first Monday its May, 1891, at I2o'oioek M.. by public auction to the highbM#?c. '?>! tbp right, title and Interest of H J'-Thomas-Coleman and Robert R. Co'stcan of. iu and to the mortgaged premises and i"* perty hereinafter mentioned and deseiM-ud, v*>wit: , A>1 ?l?a? 'ot of land in the lows of Joneselite, in Ur.'.nn Ccjtety, known as the - Steam Mill lot, boundedon tho North by lot of J. K. J.imlsey, Km-t by lot of W. K. Alman, South by Church Street and lot of J. L. MeWbirter, and West by the S. U. At C. R. R. Co>. land, containing j of an acre, more or Ion-". Also the Steam Saw Mill, Grist Mi l and Cotton G:n, consisting of ?iie 18-lio-He pjwer Gei et- Steam Kngine, rnt Circular Saw Mill, ono CO Saw Winship Cotton Gin with Condenser attached, one pair wagon Senior, one Cotton Press, with shafting, pulley and bolting n'lnched, for running sai l niacliinory. Also one lug wagon. . TKUMS OF SAI,C?CASJi. . ? R. A. WII1TLOCK, *, -* : Mortgagee. , April 10, 1891. April 27 10 8t Take It otice, Teachers \ THE exatnina'ion pf applioanta for certificates to teach m the free public schools of Union county, will Lo hell on Fridatt. thr *4 th rhm nf A Ifioi '1' ?/? ?? ?J ,ivu applicants wiUb) examined in Orthography, Heading, Writing, Ariilunctio, Geography, English Grninnior, History <<f the United states, end ?f this State, Pbyri<'l<?gy. Hygiene, and the theory and practice of teaching. All applicants except those holding diplomas are required by law to staud examiuotion on that day. Teachers aro required to tnnkc at least one of the tbroe grates. a< thee will be n> license grades granted aftcr that d ue except in extreme cast s. J. L. WALKER, M. It. KELLY, C. II. I'KAKK, Co. Hoard of Examiners. April 3 14 3i ShorifFs Sales FOR MAY, lHOl. BY "vrriue of an execution to me directed, 1 will sell et Fish Ham in Union County, on Tuesday the fifth day of May rtext, during the legal hours cf Sn'es, the following described pcrsmel property, towit: All the interest that -Heps Jones owns in f<ur tram car* and track^ one lot of tram railroid iron, four derncks and fixtures, and one lot of wire rope. Leviel on and to be sold as the property of Heps Jono?, at the suit of J. G. Hioe & Co., plaintiffs, agtinst Reps Jones, defendant. J. G. LONG, S. U C. Sheriff s OiEce, April 13, 1891. Apiit 17 13 3t Guardian's Final Lischarge NOTICE is hereby given, that by pcrniis aion of Hon. J. M. Gee, Prolate Judge for Union.County, I will, on the 9>li day of May, 1891, make my finel return and apply fir Letters Disroissory as Guardian of Nathaniel Gist. trVctyVoTflfta to"fogaen'ETKem To~niV, jefore the day above named, or they will be 1 orever barred. REUBEN T. GEE. *' Guardian Na'haniel Gist. 1 April 10 15 4t Notice of Survivor of Part- < nership * TIIIE (Hiincrship of James T*. Altuan and J_ Jo-iih F. Almau, doing business at ( onesville, S. C., under the firm name of Union brothers, having been dissolved by ' 1 he death of said James T. Alman, the in lersigoel as survivor of raid partnership I icrrby giics notice that all persons having Inims ngiinst sa:d firm will please present he same, and those indebted will please f nako prompt payment to the undersigned. r J. F. ALMAN. J Survivor of Alman llros. j April 0 14 4t* p Notice of Final Discharge. I_)S .permission* *o'f Iton. C><fii^lf "MV Gce, L) Probate Judge for Union County, I wilt, n the 18tb day of April, T891, make my nal return as Administratrix of the esste of Thomas McNally, deoeascd, and aply for a final discharge as slid Administrarix. All persons indebted to said esta'e wi 1 make ny merit to moon or before said date, and 11 persons having cluims agaiLst said es'a'c, * rill present tliein bifore saii^ date, properly robated, or they will be forovor barred. CATHaRINE McNALLY, Administratrix.* \ March 27 13 4t. Notice of Final Discharge 7 3Y permission of Hon. James M..Gee, Probate Judge for Union County, 1 ill, on the 18th day of April, 1891, make 0j y final return as Administrator of the es- yi tie of K. C. Sondley, and apply for a final ischarge as said Administrator. oj All persons indebted to said estate will aj akn payment to trie before raid date, and 1 persons having elsims against said etta'e, ill present them before sail date, prop- M ly probated, or they will be forevor barred. R. V. GIST, Adm'r. R. C. Sondley. March 27. 18 4?* SEE HERE ! th IIAYR YOU HEARD THE NEWS ? a of) F. G.TREFZER, pi THE JEWELER , Ifl SKIXIKfl KVKH YTHIXn AT COST. For the next 00 days he will c'oso out e Cologne, Vases and Stationery. Now til iKn lim. " 1 ?* '1 * ? . >?? jvu nucu Drilling ID i Hn?*. I' 15 ii ' n. For Salt at 26c p?r botU* ?t II. II. COHBN * BRO S. ? L>, AN ORDINANCE. TO RA18J5 SUPPLIES FOR THE F1SCAI YEAR, COMMENCING SEPT. 10, 1800. Council ClIAMURH, \ Union, S. C., April 9, 1891. j BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Counci of Union, in the 8<a'e of South Cnro Hoa, now mot end li'tlng, nod by the au thority of tho s?n?c: Sec. 1. That a lax of two 12) mills upoi every dollar of lha value of ail Baal Es'atc Stock in trade, and personal property In th< town of Union, bo and the nme l*. hereb] !??!?I to modi the ordinary expeatas of *tb< Municipal goTernment of said town for thi fiscal year commencing Sept. 10, 1890. Sec. 2. That the sum of'enC dollar am fifty ceefs be fixed as a commutation to: street and road duty, aud the said earn i hereby required to tu | aid by ?ku and eTirj able bodied male person hetween the ages o sixteen and filty-five yean, who ie<id< within the iucorf orate limits of s-ld town Sic. 3. That the Town Treasurer do pro I cec I nt once, to collect the taxes hereii levied, and that he shall ke?p his b- oks opei from tho 1st day of May until the 1st day o June next, (1891), nfior which lime bestial proceed. by distress or otherwise, as pre scribed hy law, to collect such as remain un paid, wi h a penally of twenty per cent. Skc. 4. That the basis of values for taxa lioo of Real Estate, Personal property sm Stock in trade, shall be taken from the hooki of the Couniy Auditor for the year 1890, ai far as it relates to the town of Union. Sec. 5. I/cense fees shall be as follows : For each dealer in ferti'ixcrs from 8 to 25 tons * $6 0( For each dealt r in fertilizers from .26 to 76 twao....... 16 <M Fa|e each Agent of Sowing Machines 5 0( For each Agent of Fire Insurance Com;aniet 10 0( For each Agent of Life Insurance Companies 10- Of For each Livery and Sale Stihle... 25 0( For eaco Carriage, Uuggy or Horse kept for hire, outs:do of Livery Stable 10 OC For each two-horao dray per annum..,. 10 OU For each one-hn'se dray. per annum 6 OC For each Billiard Room on Main Street 25 OC Fir pull H ?"> ?? ? Side Street 15 OC For each Ten-Pin A'lry 50 01 For each Circus per day 75 OC For each Side Show 10 OC For each Lecture, Musical Entertainment, Play or Show, forrewo'd or gain, per day 5 OC For each Auctioneer per day. 5 OC Dooe and ratified under the Corporate 8eal of said town of Union on the 9th day oi April. 1891. K. W. TikslkV, W. f. QRA11AM, Clerk. Intendant. April 10 15 8t J. B. PORTER HAS MOVED HIS STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FANCY GOODS FROM THE LITTLE tiREEN FRONT INTO THE HANDSOME STORE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -1 ? ? NEXT ABOVS I. K. BAILEY1 ? rtltXITUBK STORM Where he will be pleased to meet and sorve Lis old cuetomers with PLAIN AND FANCY GROCERIES, BANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS, CRACKERS AND CHEESE, HOARS AND TOBACCO, WENCH AND COMMON CANDIES. WHITS AND NUTS OF ALL KIND8Thankful to the people of Union County, or their past kindnesses and liberal paljnago, I invite them to call upon mo in my urgrr and more convenient quarters, where intend to do all in aiy power to deserve heir future patronage. J. R. PORTED. Feb 20 8 8m l?hc State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. Court of Common Pleas. Summons for Relief?Complaint Served. he British & America Mortgage Company, (Limited.) Plaintiff, ngaintt .. Frank Smith, Lawrenoe Gardner, F. M. Schell E. P. Macomson and A. N. Wood, Defendants. 'o the Defenkrnes: STOU are hereby summoned and required L to answer the complaint in this action, r which a copy is herewith served upon ou, and to serve a copy of your answer to 10 said complaint on tha subscriber at his lice at Union, S. C., wi'hin twenty days ter the service" hereof, exclusive of the \y of mch ttrtice ; and if you fall to an* *?r the complaint wi bin the time aforedd, the PtaintifT in this action will apply > the Court fur the relief demanded in the tmplaint. Dated March 18. A. D. 1801. D. A. TOWN8END, PI lintifTs. Attorney. To Lawrenoe Gardner: Take notice, that o summons herein, of whioh the above is copy and the complaint were tied la the Sm cf the Clerk of Court of Common ess fur said County on 13th March, I8U1. D. A. TOWN8END, Plaintiff's Atinino" March 13th, 1801. March 27 18 6t Executors Notice. J OT1CE la hereby given that all per1 sous baaing claim agaihat iha estate Mrs K. X. Hamilton, drcWsid, must rseot them to the undersigned, property Abated; sad all persons Indebiel to the d Mh E. R. Hamilton muf make paytat to as promptly. J. C. 8ARTOR, A! W. GILMOhE, Ks'rs Est of Mrs, E. *. Hami'ton. ,, Apt 8 14 4t uoin reding atonic, or children who want hollo browMmn4iitiTBKa. It Is pleasant to take, cures MaUrt*. tadt> nilkrsiincas t*H Lives complaints* - s ' ^lr *?jbV y ' ' t THMARC ! ^BH|eNTS Ft i^ :'' 1 1 lot Qept? wiiK, ? world beate r ? $6.ft0.<>' ' j i 1 Tbeee good* ywu will find to bo tho f See our liue-vl" pause underwear an b upper 8oUih Curoliitn. LWe hito the Wrgost stook of Dry ( - Call andeee rod convince yourself as 1 i' HaKprctruHy, i \ GRAI1A 8ept 6 : NEW GOO XI ) .... .*. :? \ ... ^ " ' -'iii Iinrtf *?jj, *' > Our Buyer'bus just returned fro > DRY GOODS, FANCY* A! > -! *COM We linvc also a splcndi r^-U/'Tvnrn^ FUKHISHINI ZIEGLER'S AND , for GcntA, Lnt I ZIEGLER'S HAP for Gents, in Congress n i Other reduction I ' 1 'REMEMBER THE which we guAitanlce td bo equal i priced machines.' Over 70 now in warranted for 5 years, and have all The "OLD RELIABLE." FOSTER, W , . -? FOR JUST 25 CENTS I WILL GIVE YOU Au Adze-Eye Hammer, a Ilidclict, Hum saw, Carpenters Square, Spirit Level, Vis n Monkey Wrench, long hand'o Rato, 11| Smoothing Iron, 1,4 qt. Dish Pun, 10 q Tin Ducket, 6qt, Coffee Pot, 1 gt'. Mcn-ur Brass Hoop Cedar Bucket. Solid lira Walter,Jarge high-footed (Pass Lamp, la-{ Saueer^, a linen Table Cfjrtj^, C hilds Zephyr Caps Men's Wool Caps," Men's an I in ys Woo Hals, a nice aseorthicnt df Jfcne'ry, Comb: and Brushes, Dasliog ap.J Cleaning Uitisl ad4 Trays, Saddle Blankets, Iron Stoni Granite Flat Dish, non-breaknb'e Lnmj Chimney, Dinuer Ilell, aad hundreds oi nioe and large pieces of Wooden, Tin, Glass Crockery, nod Hardware, ??</?// of whicl were formerly sold for 60 and 76 cent?. lam also cobslantly adding to my 6 and 10 cent counters ; ibey ere now exceedingly attractive. Customers for these counters frequently* come, from ether counties. In fact, I often sell these goods to traveling gentlemen from nil parts of the country.? Those gentlemen who see a great deal, and know all about prices, kntftv these BARGAIN goods are cheap. Here is the place to get your futl moneys worth. Don't Forget that I Keep Also a Full Line of -J/' to V STAPLE aajA&tNCY GROCERIES, I TIN and"R^ WOODEN and HARDWARE, JUG aad J All W ARE and FLOW hit POT8, . OtLSoad PAINTS, and WINDOW GLASS, LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS, BOOTS And SHOES, and in ft?ct, a mo;t generous line of General Merchandise, which I am selling us cheap, and perhaps cheaper than the cheapest. 8. M. RICE, JR., E. U. Feb 9.7 V If B8F- r W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE iM.cSXK'; ttmmtes&23&?? S. M.>ICE, JR., E. U., Agent. Jan 2 Tg;< Cm ?j y ? i? . . vd - - * ? \ J vvi r>?.'. /Hk. v *. VV ' / ? iEST, CHEAPEST 1 GLOTHING TRNISHING GOODS, r n i o h . ]] 1 Tot Gent's eniu at 97, 98 and $10. r,ll 1 lot Boja auita at 91 25. " : boat oq tba market for th? price, id oecLwcar, one of the preitieat atoeks in 81 >ooda, Uata, Shoes and Milliner? in town. ,r to our pricea. e M & SPARKS' CHEAP CASH STORE. ci _ JW i_7 n DS! m GOODS! ; oi - vrt . ...?- I u o >m the Markets, and our Stock of RTICLES, AND NOTIONS IS e PLETE. a id and well selected line of cl jlothing, 11 3 GOODS, ETC. Q1 BAY STATE SHOES I lies and Children. t( ID-SEWED SHOES ^ ind Laced-^-$5, formerly $7. y is in proportion. ^ DEMOREST $19 50 a MACHINE, e n every respect to any of the higher use in Union County. They arc fally 1 necessary attachments. ILKINS & CO _ ' ? I ? RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAILROAD CO. 5 A ! Coli'mdi a and Grkknvillk Divioios. >*, Condensed schedule lu effect Ma-ch 8th, e. 1891. Trains run on 75th M r d ?n t'in\ t- north bol'ni*. ? !; No. 13. ' Lv Charlrsion 7 00 n in Lv Columbia.., 11 00 h in TT '/2iu8 F mi' At Spartanburg 3 l'2pm ' Lv Iryon.. 6 40 p ni { Lv Saluda G '27 p in , Lt Flat Rock G 54 p m , Lt IlendersonTille 7 07 p in til , Lv Asheville.. 8 00 p m 11 , Ar Hot Springs 9 40 p ni C Lv Pomaria 12 31 pin Lv Prosperity 12 55 p m [ Lv Newberry 1 13 p m Lv Ninety-Six 2 50 p ni I Lv Greenwood 3 12 p ni ! Ar Abbeville 4 15pm , Ar Greenville li 00 p ni , Ar Anderson 5 20 p in , Lv Senecn... 7 35 p m wj ; Ar Wa'halla 8 05 p ni Ar Atlanta... 12 00 ngt H11 SOt'til BOUND. No. 14. Lv Walhalla 8 30 a 111 Lv Seneca.. 9 00 a m Lv Anderson 10 15 a id Lv Greenville 9 30 am Lv Greenwood 12 38 p n. Ar Ninety Six 1 05 p ni Av Newberry 3 10 p m Ar Proeper ?y 3 34 p m Ar Hot Springs* ?. 8 82 a in Ar Ashsville 10 10 a m r)a Ar llendersonvdle.. 11 OG n m " Ar F at Rock 11 18 a in Ar Saluda 11 43 a in Ar Tryon- 12 81 a ni Ar Spartanburg .-. 1 40 p m Ar Union 2 43 p ra Ar ALton 4 25 p in Ar Columbia 5 30 p m Ar Charleston 9 45 p m D. CARDWELL, D. P. A., Columbia, 8. C. Jah. L. Taylor, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. Sol. Haas, T. M., Richmond, Vs. w Hut* f^^nnNkchffit m?df il work fi?r by Anna Pafe, Auefin, and J?h?. Honn, Toledo, Ohio. "W flPr?t. <Hh?ri arrdoiiif aiu?l|. W'hj 1 y TflpH0^B|n"l you? Pmnt lOO.OO a f? J i^4 HB^Hmonlh. Too ran do Ike work end lit# I homo, wherever you iw. Even be M / V 9 tre raiilf Mrelnx from 9k to I V../ Vl'Udaj.Allafn. Wnhowyoohow 1 and Mart you. Can work In iwre tlma V or all vha lima. Rlf money A?r workera. Failure unknown amour them. SF.W and womdarfkl. rartleulare free. H.Wnllett Jk. i.u^IWa Portlan4.Mntua 1 When at Home chca X respectfully Inform my friends and _ A clients (list I shall be in my office at ,n'^1 Union on Monday end remain unt 1 Tuesday .^ noon of eich week until further notice. disp I). A. TOWNSEND, A Jan 28 4 tf J e IA11 |i||in UianrfitMinfflaitfinA, In MIIN FY^:so >0 BUB 1 a 1U B I lmllUM,.(mn> IM; lln. ia; W 1 MB mm mm 4. ifc. wMk. be I. Inn. W. hnM MMcytklnf. YT. nut yom. K* rUfc. Tm mm <mM ? r??r MIH M .11 ywt III.. M lit. WM%. TkllllU 1 1 i?lnf) m?IwQ?< b?l?|i wt.4wftii miiiii M.Mry .wbr. IB BjU.?w m nwhf ft*. AS lo BS# per *wk .M apmtB, | 1 cssaruig s s, mb, isBKiKflK^fli^^HOui^^^R r*J" ^Fm#n rnHHew of emtrmiera, during the put Tttti d\??j!iZ WwlCl ,h*' yl^XI SEETS t^rrrr Au rLhTffv?' y Wls'? 1 T*' mo"?J" ?"f'l* ? on ?t^v7,n^^i .yr SS N,y ,he BEST ?t ??me price ? $!? :? I'"* * ?W?T~r: ??n<Jto icent* for Vfofc'/t An tnH ii ,'*' i*t *? TO cent* from Hmorder, Co ??dl? c.-?nMh;n?. It K better than ever; too l.r^ raaassay-- -a :4 * - "NEW YORK RACKET. ?- " ' * * " ' ' ' . * -^. In asking the patronage of the people of Union and unrounding country, we wish to state some of tin? advantaes we propose to offer you. We do business on the cash basis ; bin lor spot cash and *11 for cash. Our business will be clear of every taint of redit gangreen, (that abominable system which is bankapting our land.) By paying spot cash for our goods we get them at rock ottom prices, and our New York buyer is always on tin* lert for bargains. Wherever you see the Sheriff's flag there ou will find him, cash in hand, ready to scoop in the cream f the bargains at half their value. So y? it will see that lerchants who buy goods in the old way cannot compete with or prices. - J I Wc have only one price for our goods. You will lind verything marked in plain figures. You can see that you re not paying more than youY neighbor. A live-vear-old hild can buy them just as cheap as the shrewdest shopper l the country. By selling for spot cash we make no had accounts, and have o credit valuation 011 our goods. Can a man who sell on x, nine and twelve montns time sell us cheap as the man' ho sells for spot cash? Of course 1m can t. lie is certain ) make some had accounts, no matter how careful he nia\ o, and when he marks his goods lie inns: mark them lii.eii tiough to cover such losses. Now you don't want to pay fur our neighbor's goods, do you ? 11. tell you how to avoid iat, buy from the man who sells for SPOT CASH. We propose in a few days to show von one of the .r nd cheapest stocks of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoos, Hats. &< .. ver brought to Union. Here are some of our prices : Paper of Needles, lc. j' Fine (/hitHies, tic. jhu yd. Paper I ins, lc. Good Calicoes. per \?i. Ball of Thread, lc. 2.000 yards of good I'ant Box Blacking, lc. Jeans. 7. 10. and I >? per vd. Box of Blueing, lc. Good \ ietoria Lawns. >< 2,000 yards of nice Dressj per y: rd. iawns, 3c. per yard. u Silk Ribbon. ne. per yard. {lid hundreds of things too numerous to niMiio.i : o wl.?'n ou want anything in the world, first consul' your puckci ook's best interest and come to the New York Bucket. u T Ty Ty\r O npi FT HAiilV 1 CY ilLiJll. April 10 lo 1 \ ^ "* fc-- | TI1E CITY CASH STORK offers specia^^^HBIII^^ eir immense Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, ats and M lb L I N E R Y , ginning with this week. When we say that wo a'*e selling cheap, we mean it. and 11 prove the fact to any one who will give us an onportuty ' ' Good Ginghams, < h cents. Standard Prints, o cents. Good Challies, 4 i cents. 3-4 Shirting, 31 cents. Printed Lawns, 3 cents. Dress Goods, 5 cents. Suit of man's clothing, 50 and upwards. Remember that the above goods are lirst-elass in everv rtic ular. We do not handle shoddy auction goods. CITY CASH STOIiE, J- W MC'LURE. A?i'r. IW ,i. March 20 12 "HEADQUARTERS FOR THIS 'ART OF THE ST ATE. % Duii't you be the h^L person in the Stale t > fiii<t when* i!ie be?t i hi? 1 ip. great rumpus among shrewd buyers is tlio natural wmi'i < I' an- inn-nully i ? .. icemcnts for iliis season's trade. >nie in and sec oar complete assortment < t lay in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions nnd ( lothing. grand displ ty, a great stock, and just what you want, e mark them low to sell them quick All prices at the low.water marl; i question ab-tit your being, highly pleased with these cods aid pri?-*- m r the best of every thing i*i the way of Dry Goods, Not mis Shoes, II., s and i haoi RODGER & PURCELL. :pt b .>(? ly , 4" i ^ A A A A TEAR ! 1 undttUWc v*? br!fAt II 0 || C V TH I HUM I ll Jill IB I 2 t??rlt?i.vf?iHv MVni.a iw bunn. iD 0 U U: w V ^#Im>w ( > nni Thr## lhanaMMd IMInr* ? [ Impro* 6*1 FlH*ni in Mt?1?M of iHrlnil-Mfnwn I .. lttt?B,?ti<wrtrt>i?yliv*.l w III ?l?o funiHh $300 *iitl upwar-lf. Lonns l-cpaynhle in v? ?!"?' V"V.'WJi'iV* r annual *. n?nl?, Ihrougl, h ptriod 1Z i v< ar?, iIiiih eiiaMiui ilie I urniwi r lo fl*Ifi:*"'' * . . ,1.1 I WMil I Ull |.tni. ii'?.? I'H l!K. Ad.IrM* fit nnce, >ff hiR liM?c)>t clnO?ft VSlthou! ? XliatlStlllg ft: c, ALLKM, nox 4?U, AiismMm, MnUe, rop in ni-y one yc?r. Apply *l once In D. A. TOWNS UN I). AU(ra'7i Vn'on, d. C. Attractive ft li.n. mblaed POCKET Al.MANAO fl jJk.? JP"?* " < "- < ?.' ' ' ,*,"?? und MKMOllANMUM ??M>K trtlslng BROWN'S IKON HIT*!' iverylMiiv. i.AMH.S 1 ? niti *?V *i<sj i bait Tonic, given away at Drug atiu /fNWvk rAiuin ui> ii;ii. AiMum u-.iu', ' *-2%? ( uwsa ?U>rH. Apply ntonoo, * ??., iukiuw, Auk*.