The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, April 17, 1891, Image 4
'T *4 i
?? i
wiit ua American Elephant Work Y
In modern times, we have only to look
to India to l>o convinced of the great
usefulness of the elephant. To the agriculturist,
who- uses him before his
wagon or his plow, ho is indispensable,
?nd for the transportation of heavy articles,
he has no rival. Wo see him curryjtng
immense tree-trunks out of the Indian
forest, nud by his iudofntiguble industry,
in picking up uud carrying off
, construction of
, roads and railways. For lal>or of this
ikind u coolie receives from four to eight
innnas, while live uud six rupees ure paid
jlor the daily work of au elcphuut. From
(this fact, we concludo that one elephant
[performs the work of from twelve to
?weuty-two coolies.
From the record of tiie Ihitish expedition
against King Theodore of Abyssinia
(In 1808, wo leuru tint forty-four cleiphauts
were shipped from Itomliuy for
jtise in tho campaign. Of this number
flvo succumbed during tlm cauipuigti.
"!The rernuiuing thirty-nino rendered vnli??
*??- - ?? --
,,.u.v nvi >ivik, UUItlU Ulltrustuu Willi (IIU
* transportation, tliron/^li a mountainous
Country, of c'uiinoii,aiMiniiiiitioii ami supplies.
It was frequently very ditlieult to
procure proper food for them ami as it
was often necessary to traverse great distanccs
to reach the watering places, the
ilenth of the live animals is as-ribed to
;thcso hardship!. Although elephants
move slowly through a luoimtainous
country and soon become foot-sore, tliey
perform their tusk with admirable fuith__
fulness. Without them i< would have
been necessary to await the building of
Wagon roads. ? ffnfillhic<iih\
nil Mayazinc.
New Theory of Sende'cucss. *
A new theory of sea ickiie s lis; he n
recently offered hy Monsieur liochct. Ac
cepting tint view Ilia!, the symptom-: an
those of cerebral ana-mi.', lie no-mini < for
this ainviuia by (lie ilisonier brought in
to iiiuscular contracti ui-c tluoii';li not being
used to such Middc i movements as
those of vessels. iMon-ueur Itneliet.'x ml
Vice is not to look to aier-'hetic , southing
drugs, etc. , I -r t. Ii-*I, le.l rathei to
muscular escitant-i, and, above all, to 1
seek in voluntary movements a compel
sat ion for the rc!le\ linecoiciux which are
not produced- I!< reeonwiieiidx stryeh- i
, .. i in i mi-, i i ii i>: rvi* :411'I tirillixS
charyeil willi rail><>nir nri?l. /'/ ?/</?//#< . ,
lis Kki-HIi-iii (futilities
ComniciKl t ? laililiu n|i|ir>i'.ul tin- t'nlk.iirnia
tmlt remedy Syrti|i ?>1 Kiiv?. Hi pi< a .
Inn t<> the rye. ami tu I In* tunic and I>y ijonllv
acting on tlin kidnoyn, liver imuI It'iwcl.x, ii.
uleunscvi tho Kystcin elTeHiinlly, Ikei-oliy 11-(?.
moling tho l.onlt It ami corn foi l or all \\ In,
ubo it.
Spring SVSed
Is so important 111;ii ?.
used to ovt, THE IIEST.
1ms proven ils superior
remarkable cunw, ami (Ik
Hood's Sarsaparil
lias a Jar??;er suit; than at
Is now irenersillv mlmiUi
parilla. It spootlily nil
:iii< 1 imparls such slron <
tlial, as oiio lsuly puis i
anow." I Jo sino (o gel
Hood^s Sa
FoM l?.v all ?I r ii I H. SI: si* I'm* I'i . p ir???| mil v i:
1?> l'. I. Il??'?i?AjMitSu'tvirios, Low ? ll, Mas I. I I
ICO Doses Ono Dollar
In r JMI.V/'T#., 1'JiOl
or ir: a t:c. i i..t i: Sii:xs
? 11 " |?EMj
For three years mv wife hns bee
physicians for menstrual troubles, wi
fined to her bul. A tier taking three
REGULATOR, she cm do her cooking,
ttlOK TO " WOMAN1 " L'AI! I i! !"? : i. WHICH I'ONTMNS I
* >1 m !; .... , ,11.
iftTutsmirs sww.'ss*
rlvo unifcisuJ Kutlsfa* tion. Why ?houM you \my rntdllemrn'd
|?uilka when you ran buy direct from up, tbm
ananuffecturcrxl tW iiil u? 110 mul t>.-> follow 1; * mvjccirwi
inil vrlU B^?i?nlrolo IU ideaxo )Ott or ivfmul
your money. for nw^uivmcnt' l?r?*.4.?t nu^uio,
)Ter vent, close up under urnn, *?a. t inc.u uro <?*t r
rintoat vralst. mul in. i.lo Ior nicdnuie i :vuii rrott li lo
eel. Kciiil Sit 4*Cl?tu foi 12 ruinpb * of ou; $ 10 M? iff
Suit*. fanltlim plr.te *i??l Uj>e tiuu^.io v v S-.r.i . t ?0j
Children':* Simla, i;i>. I . ia Nil f V (I.
| ll|ioleiil?T?iifiV| PI v.l r?ai ji Mrrr!, ilkip, IIL
Every Farmei his own Roofos
CHEAPER than Shinnies, Tin or Stole.
Kcducos Your INSUI! A N('K, aii*l I'lTfecll
0 Fjfo? Water and Wind Proof.
i s?fte. i
Y".. < <r;^r?2c<T.*r^,i!5-i?ife<s'?
(>ur ltooll:i^ f i roaily f.riacil fur tlir I :n 11 <! I rii:.
iijid ran ! f.piilii-il hv tiny icii'. tin not Suy
any ItiHi'it?i; lill von write to iik fur < iir . i ,,i
tive .fatal '."i" si ii. i n. ati::n i'.m \v a . ? ? ??
TJ-'Vv. CHtcHf.sun-p English.
JtA V<yt rut (i.iii.ina'. Ar<?> r.r nuinc
1?J Vy> t.ll.11. v. 'I-.,.. iff ?.?? . />
| / (5 i i ( Take no
1 ^ ?'{ . -??: : : < i ? .""-'cm!,'!'.!,
V V4 fj* 1
\ li' 1 it,4 :?:> ? i.-voi.i /.i ?' l'-.ptr.
V fcol*J IrJ ul? L.*r r: utf-'tJ.
Apply ?n'ft Sotiril*. - BBeBBwoaSSStf6^
or l/j iut>j, UL
What's In ? Name!
Furojvo signifies a country of White
complexion, so nnrued because the inhabitant*
were of n lighter complexion
than those of Asia and Africa. Asia
I signifies between, or in the middle, from
the fact that geographers place it between
Europe and Africa. Africa sigol*
| ties a land of corn and ears. It was cele'
bruted for its abundance of corn and all
sorts of grain.
Siberia signifies thrifty or dry?very
appropriate; Spain a country of rabbits
or conios. It was once so infested with
these auiiuuls tlmt it sued Augustus for
I an nrtny to destroy them. Italy, a
| country of pitch, from its yielding great
j quantities of black pitch. Calabria,
also, for the same reason. Gaul, modern
France, signifies yellow huired, as yellow
' hair characterized its inhabitants. Tlie
English or Caledonia is a high hill. This
j was a rugged, mountainous province in
j Scotland.
, i libera in is utmost, or Inst habitation,
i.. i ... ?? *
.... uuiinm inn iu I lie tvii'iwuni (IIO
| I'J.irniciuiis never extended their voyages.
Ihitaiu, the country of tin, great
<|Sin titles being found on it and adjacent
islands. Tlio tireeks called it Albion,
j which ni??nifics in the IMucniciisn tongue
either white or high luountuin, from the
whiteness of its shores or the high rocks
on the western coast. Corsica, u woody
Sardinia signilics footsteps of men,
' which it resembles. Syracuse, bud llavor,
{ mi called from tiie unwholsoiiie marsh on
which it stood. Rhodes, serpent* or
) dragons, which uro pro !ueed in abuud
mice. Hicily, tlio country of gin per.
Scvlla, thn whirlpool of destruction.
/Ktna signifies a furnace, dark or smoky.
' -- Jcttibh 'lime*.
file Ideal Safe.
A new rufe hits been devised which i"
said to Ire proof against any unauthorized
opener, even if ho lie provided with the
proper key. The keyhole cover ih made
with a catch inside which engage* with
, mechanism within tlio door and is held
fast. This mccl aliisiu connects witli tiio
pointers of four dials, mid the cover can.
\ not l>" removed to allow the door to It.*
opined until the pointers lm\c heeu set
at lite figures of a predetermined cipher.
| When the cipher is indiea'ed,the handle
on the right is turned and the ke^-iiolo
thus uncovered. Should the cipher Ir *
forgotten the cover can be cut open mid
u duplicate, supplied witii the safe, substituted.
The safe is tire proof and admits
of ltit),l)t)t) cipher combinations.? ^
'J'lhliH-IhtlKH'lltf. v
; '*l\?M*|?ii?_?r up nppearinres" is defined
l?y :iutIidiily upon modern nnnncrt
lo "u frugal diet in order lo yivu
i.n oi'cu^ioiinl dinner nartv."
jreat care should he
11 out I'm Sarsaparilla
merit hy its many
5 fact that
iy? other sarsaparilla
^1>.? ouniiilr Lj
ipring Medicine
?d to he Hood's Karsares
all hlood diseases
;th to the whole system
t, "I seem to he made
ulilli) !'.!! lirssriKi'iH. VI; cl*f<>r$.V l'rr|wiv<l only
l>\ i". I. IU>< ?l> *'<A|Milhf. i?rl<"4, l/iwvll, Sl>i?
IOO Dosos One Dollar
I m m m mm m
'USE, SCANTY, surrni:ssi:i:
THUATION, you must use
Henderson, Ala.. March 8, 1883.
n under the treatment of the leading
tliout benefit, most of the tinio conbottles
milking and washing. N L. BRYAN.
Two nuil Ttiroo I "ty Hooting, xullable Mil roof*,
il.riliu, limn iiiiu olArr mntrr,nl nlld * ?%!*.? n? ?1ur
Hilr, Ktr?\ \V lint am! NVntrr I', Milcntiln f,ir Ml
?iKiutow, in.,I run t.i ntitilltHl t>> iiny one. lrMorl|itl??
I'uliiliiguo nvHit M?in|ilfu of Cooling, Lining mid
: In ..llniiit I'llj.i r. I'nliils, .to., i out on re HioMt.
? if - I I ? II I I AV \ ll I'll \\ HITl: I H.
.11)11 N Alt AIITAlu:. I!*, \ it.
I / O \ s JUNES \
! / TON SCALES \ / OF \
\Ofam Brx Tare Beam j yfr N. Y., a^j
\iiU"">v Vv ?* Jy
V- ** /or ^ rH?
,, V/miI to le?rn all about a* I How
In I'Kk mil hnuw laipor....
g.artl MCkUist FY* *4 I
i n l.. I iM.e. . *i?l euro I Tell
- v?*i?>3SL. III.- Apr l.v III* l?. II.I WI.At tooULk*
li.f. rrt.l l'?r.? ?.f ill* Aniuifcl How
' -1<>, All till' hu.I i"thrr to'uakl*
Int.., -i?i.on in ot.r ??? rtiiit ii.i.i siNtieo units* *00*.
r. it i.ii i'l ..n nr. ii.i ..f only Mi If Mi in rUini*.
iui. -K ?-i it iim sK 114 i # ."r.r.i8e. N. Y. ruy^
Rto Cnoss diamond rhand <c\
lh\x * r\\x\i%
Th<- only M*fc, Horc. ?r>1 r,Habit Pill ft.r nl*.
i.,!..l| /-i ........ J Urand i.-. ?{,d ?nt u..i.i \v
ollil . tin.I. Htfutt *ubiHtuHr*it and /~ll..V
! . ! > | . .- . ..n.ilvrf. Iu. At liiumUt. ?i irn.t o*
. ' I Ml lief lor l.mtlr*," i* Ullrr, I.; rrturn AialL
Chichester Chemical Co , MniH?*n "uu?rc
flllUDCU'lllA. 1>A.
LM-n?*nn?i tbo >tw>BP^WT?^W|
tuil InflumrusUon.
? It it
% 4>uoy., *s WuTtt 64., M, T'K^niB
> # /
The Klehaat Via la Iaac^lSjj^7.
We present here the latest fiV-V* * =
the greet Central African, Tlppu Tib.
Tippn Tib will soon be in Arm Ma again,
bis birth place, for he is a nativf el jfuscat.
He ia on the way to *tlMK
land of his fathers. He was (be son of
a half-caste Arab, aad hit mst^f wass
full-blooded negro staVe. In point of
ancestry, therefore -* ^
wnom be has controlled as a master docs
a slave, look down upon him. ' -- ' \
He is the niau described by Cameron
as au African dandy, and of ^rhopi
Btnuley said that he was the tinest gentle man
he had ever met in Africa,
pute Intellectual tuperiority Tlppu Tib,
after he went to the lake- regions as a
trader, gradually gained the supremacy
over All other trader*, until a large tract
of country, exteudiug from Kaxsougo, on
the Upper Congo, to Stanley Fulls, acknowledged
Itiin in it* ruler, lie lias
supreme influence over all the Arab* in
(lie district he governs, ami if so disposed
he can he of much assistance to
the Congo Free State in its efforts to
iuppreas slave raids. 'l
Kor several years Ik; lived lit Stanley
Fill Is, where lie accumulated uti immense o
juniitity of ivory, niucli of which has /
pfit z
been taken to the const by caravuus of
1000 to .'1000 men. His home, however,
is at Kassongo. At Stanley Falls he "
lives in a mean little hut, apparently &
caring nothing for its discomforts,though
he is rich enough, if he chose, to live in
one of the tinest houses in Zanxthiu.
Oleer p, the Sweili, who crossed j
Africa a while ago, visited Kussongo and di
reported that 'I'ippu Tib's dwelling there wi
was a tine stone nansioi), which would y?
compare favorably with any private residence
in Zanzibar. __
Though in his d -aliiigs with white
1 men he has been courteous, obliging and ft
| generally faithful, Tippu Tib in the past
1 _. . ? . - - *
hum causco mi ciioiinotis iiiitiiuni ?>I sillier ,
iiier to tin; helpless natives of Central j'1
Afrini. lie lias made slaves of thousands
of tlii'in, ami litis lias iuvoivrd the tie
struetion t>f inativ villages ami tlieslau^li
tor t?f many helpless natives. No one
supposes that lit; is artiiatei! hy any 1,1
motive than that of self-interest.
lie has now a^ieetl Iti stop slave raiding
in the territory lie controls, only be- mi
cause he sees that it is his interest to do Be
so. lie is a very shiewii man, ami lintl- Uu
iu/^ it useless to oppose the advance of
the whites, he has derided to eo-opcratt; \y
with them, knowing that it is to their <>)
advantage to give hint abundant oppor
t unity to eairyonhis trading enterprises.
It is hoped that this able man, who is
hy far the richest person in inner Africa,
may ho made a valuable agent iu canyill",Jill
Ihr civ?l}AWH..viit'
"in... . tour nut. 'J
Troubles always look big at u distance.
Before you can do mu !i good, yon
iui:st he good.
Many a 111a.1 signs his ileith warrant 1
with his teeth. t
In nothing eise cau there be such 11 t
jch'tngo as in man.
Doing a wrong tlii.ig with a good mo
live does not KtaUe it li^flit. )
re;.., 1 .. 1 in.1. ? ' v
| MIM ?i .11.411 U UH ill IIC, .1.41
'will ti ii. I one who works i i 11 It*. *
There is something lovable in all pao- *
pie, if wecoul I hut stun.1 wheie we couhl
see it. 1:
The nnn who em lear.i I'eoiu the ex- }
nerieiiee of other pontile is an apt 1
scholar. f
I Wo nre never in earnest about anything
tliat we cannot occasion illy get enthusi- .
astieover. 1
It is well enough for charity to begin ,
at home, but it shouhlu't stop there. It {
ought to be a great traveler. ,
How easy it is to feel generous when i
you get a chance to tell other people i .
what they out In .l<? with th,.h iuouey.
A good ileal of the trouble in this life <
conies because mm lake too much time I
to nia!.e money, ami too little to enjoy I
it. i
Hiving only to g -t riches generally I
turns out like the hoy the hornet's |
nest, .bet as lie thou *|?i lie lm Lit he i
louml oat that i! h i 1 him.
It is sai.l that there are only two huuilre.l
an I sixty-three hones in the human
body, but when a mm has h vn hoei'i * t
potatoes all dr. I mg, it is iiar.l lor |
to believe it. ,
Toe doctors say that plenty of pure air t
will .1.. i.t.ti'.i I loan >. good .leal of i
medicine, ami yet there ar people who j
aie as much afraid of it as they w raid he i
of the measles.
A..long the braves' p ?;?ie in this 1
world are the women woo go to work 1
, ami - ippo.t ;,ii.I . .locate ;; la.go fainiiy '
I ..I' i-bildi.oi i!. .... i.:.,'. i
husbands ifet ?Ii11.i ;< I ami lilo.v their '
hrnins ?tii'friii-ii'.'iii (/.? '.) /i-fiu ; '
Hon,. 1
.Well;'* and Trenchermen.
A wise doctor calculates that nine- '
tenths of mankind injure or destroy 4
themselves l?y a species of gluttony. '
The asccti is nearer litfht than the , '
trencheruian. A gentleman told
me, w rites .hum- I.. Kandill, of a meal
he tool; at the h uef of tiic senior James
tjoiiion Dennett. T':e breakfast tahle ?
w is loaded with every luxury, and the r
/juest was rei|ue?ted to help himself. Mr. I
Meanett touched nothiiif<. 1'ieseatly a ]
servant brought him, on a silver waiter, >
the frugal repast he allowed. It con- t
sisted of a cup of tea, a little dry toast, (
anil a wee hit of red herring. Lord -t
I'aluu-rstoa was, for an Kip'lishmnu, l
a moderate eater. 11.-i ha'oitital order to ]
his steward was: ' Spare no e\peii-e in |
providing the most cncroiis viands foi i
my friends, hut for me hoi led mutton,
apple same and a ;daj-: of milk." t'arI
din al M inaiic; itas th Spare-' diet of R
simple and nutritions f.. > I fhidt'ssoi .
N e i. i mi 11. \\ h i . . . i: i >|| ill hill dlho >d .
ot intellect. Is a li.iaa Alluiit'i (
1 ConaCitutoJft. * j.
-? 4 ^-amm uyom MM llUiW*"'^^'
w *- - ? - -w t(_
"Alaef I Mdl/.tboog^ m Mm*
I Wfthlas to pursue ay injr^.
"Jlave triMmon gratltwli than mml"
I board a rolco within m mj :
"Patlooos, 'twas heaven gave the troo
The fruitage that rewarded tb^.M
? IK. fl, Seabrook, la Youth'* Companion,
Always on time?His forelock.
Karlj to bed and eaily to rite makes
ttle bova verr tired.?Lift.
"What has been tbe greatest mistake
f your life?" "Making so many."?
"Do you play by note?" No," rolied
the violin virtuoso; "f play for
Money is tho root of all evil; lint the
eed of mohey Is the evil itself.?Bitvjunit
on Trailer.
Never judge a inao's inipd by tbe
mgth of time it lakes rftm to make ft up.
-Button Traveller. i
The world never sits down twice on a
inn who has any point about him.?
fiheaukee Sentinel.
If you wish to be entertaining just
irget yourself long enough to talk to
unebody about himself. ? Dallas Netct.
Frieild?"Is the play n go?" Budding
multilist (sadly)?"Ye?, but I li^d hoped
would be a stay."?American Grocer.
Ah, you do not know the anguish of
Mug cut by your best friend till you belt
to shave yourself.?tilmira Uatelte.
Humor, a kindly Httlohia,
Makes laughter sweet us honey;
Whilo Wit Is like a wasp, for he
Stings when he'd fain lis funny.
Tho average man would sooner pay
les at a gymnasium than saw his own
ood for exercise.?.Ve>? Orleant Picainc.
"What was that noise I heard in tho
irlor last night, Mariu?" "It was Willin
breaking his engagement."?I tout on
* * " ft-lifl ?? lSfctlji ir'ti-l fa Una
, - ft"'
ay mate, "is something that makes you
careful not to catch cohl again."?
'ashiwjtou Po?'.
Passeugor?"Which of the fool qu?Mans
you hear every day tire* you the
ost?" Conductor?"That one."?InanapoHs
Upson Downe??"Say, old man, lend
b a five until pay-day." Rowiic <le
>ut?"Which?your pay-day, or tho
y you'll pay me?"?Pack.
The oyster leads a calm and placid life,
hiIc he lives he is never known to get
mt." It's only after he dies that ho
ts in a "stew."?Kposh.
Professor?"Didn't I see you coming
t of a saloon?" 'Ninety-four?"Well,
, you wouldn't have me stay in one,
i anna ." 'U&lMl
Jthel?"Why, in our church they never
jo to sleep."?Chicago Timet.
"All's fair in love;" that is my creel;
Who doubts it is a churl.
All's fair tu lovo; all, yes, indie 11 ?
Especially the girl.
"Kobbie," said the visitor, kindly,
'have you uny little brothers aud sis
era?" "No," replies wee liobine, sol
ininly; "I'm all the children we've got.'
? 1 tost on ion.
"And I suppose, like a brave soldier,
ou followed jour colors." "Yes,
vhcncver there was a battle I noticed
hat the colors were Hying, so I flew,
ou."?Buffalo Express.
"Why won't you take Flickeles ai
lartner?" "My dear fellow, Flickele
vua engaged to iny wife before I marrici
ler. And would you have me take foi
mrtner a nian who is cleverer than I?"?
Vlieqtnde Bluetter.
Tiio -xw4|i-; jj received
rom his teacher u box on the car, hul
ludeservedly, for it was his neighboi
,vho hud heeu out of order. "Now,
eacher," he said, "you see that it wa
lot my fault. Don't forget to credi
ne with that box on the ear, will you?1
? AV*Vgentle Bl tetter.
Dejected Tramp?"Yes'in, I've had i
tad history. I've traveled this couutr
for years and years, homeless and hope
less, in search of something I fear i
would break my heart to tind." Kind
Hearted I^idy?"And what is that, 111;
poor mau?" Dejected Tramp?"Work
ma'am."? C'/iicago Tribune.
Curious I'so of Mierobea.
A Norwegian naturalist, Dr. Neilson
dates that fishermen iu his country l?av<
tieeii catching whales with the aid ol
1 incused bacteria for more than five ce:i
uries. Kvery season whales enter a nar
row inlet of the sen near the town of H?>r
gen and wheu one is discovered the fish
ernien go out in boats, drive him furthe
up the narrow bay. and stretch a ne
across the mouth of the inlet. Thcii
primitive implements nr<. h-railHoieio
iluiic iu capture and luml the unimu
imprisoned, which is usually twenty 01
thirty feet long, aud very strong. Vii.M
tccordingly shoot into hint arrows iu
rected with the poison of some infectious
I iscase?apparently sympathetic nuthras
?and in twenty-four or tlifrty-six hour!
se becomes so weakened by the grpwtl
>f bacilli iu tho woftnds that men with
larpoons are able to laud him.? Trentor
N. J.) American.
A Mil skint Trap.
Jim Candce, an old Lyme trapper, has
taught an unprecedoutoi numbor of
nuskrats this year. IIo sinks a half
wrrel n?ar the runs of tho rats to the
evel of .the ground,"htrtMttb it with
voter, and' -then oh floagjpg' pieces of
joards in the tub places small pieces of
utrrots. When tber muskrat jumps in
ifter the bait ho can't got out, and he
oftves tho trap set for another victim.
VIr. Candec has caught as many as six
ats in a single barrel in ono night.?
Hurl ford {Conn.) Timet.
The Sultan of Turkey has. given large
urns of money to aid tbefkrmnn sufferis
bv the recent iuundations. The Sul
hii is vei , anxio'.is to build up trade wiih
lenmuiy and to encourage fi'Ulidly ic
ations with that Euipirw.
* ,
- 4
*?*** 1 > i
7dt> large
?the old-fashioned pill. Too
reckless in its way of doing ,
business, too. It cleans you
out, but it uses you up, and
your outraged system rises up
against it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets have a better way.
They do just what is needed
?no more. Nothing can be
more thorough?nothing is as
mild and gentle. They re the
smallest, cheapest, the easiest
to take. One tiny, sugarcoated
granule's a gentle laxative?three
to four are cathartic.
Sick Headache,
Constipation, Indigestion, bilious
Attacks, and all derangements
of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels are promptly relieved
and permanently cured.
Cheap S. S. S. WIL
imitations < My daughter had
s Eczema, which for
8hOUlu 06 ) had bafflod the skill
avoided. <>icians 8he wf
? worse, I quit all oth.
They never! commenced using f
S disking the second
Cure c incrustations had n
and are s u8in& s-s-s- until
^ S before reporting the
0Tt6n nent. Being satisfli
dangerous. uoyinK di""Me fovra;
A cough or cold w'f
is a spy which has pj |
Stealthily come inside p 1
the lines of health
ancl is there to-dis-*
.cover some vulnerable
point in the fortification <
guarding your well-being. T1
reports it to the enemy on the
changeable winter climate. 1
for an attack at the weak poir
i spy, kill the cold, using SC(
i of pure Norwegian Cod Live
of Lime and Soda as the wea
siaytx and fortifies the sys
I &cyp/utd, General Debility. an
Pistflses (specially in Childrc
r children to prevent their takii
; Milk.
, CPJECJAL. ?Scott's Emulsion Is non soerf
/?SSjpD Oil over ?b-? ??r? J; , ,.i -nvl
^mkuv* ?9 >u ^ICUIIV HUTe?l:iC 1*1011" ICIllOlIlill
ft CAPTION.-S cott's I?'i<u1si>n i i pill ltp is
f got Ibpfrcuuinc. Prepared only by S. i-tt A I'.
I* told I>yj?ll DriiKgist.-i.
? September 1, 18 O I.
i A College of f*hllo#o|>hT and Art*; A i'oIIcr* of Commerce;
A College of the Kuleiuv*; A 1>I? lolly
Boliool; A School of Technology; (A l.Aw School; A
Mohool of 1'olltlcal Sclouce; A MvUIckI school.
Stiid for ciitaUiuue to
JOHN K. OIIOWF.I.I., A B.. president,
Trinity College /'. (>.. iv. C,
Trinity nigh School (Preparuiory) In Kamluiph
> oouoly, open August I.
1 i~" ' T EC in
uf all
t dgctgit
8?l? IN |
for la. l^d.i And in
for 85 cents a bottle.
Lit tastes coop.]
k?th*} itmrr. i
iiru n i?ima k ? n o cost < v^jl
1 AovfcnusBOiN 7348PAPERS I
to iikhb wrk iiavk m? aobnt w i i.i. a uk .\ m . 4
1 with ant aotivk nkrcuant.?l. a m n v
DmAmn Caa'i * CirH
Jl/ local applications aathejr cannot reach tha
i) liu>au'<( M .H !/.? ' # *1--- ? ? **'*
??- > ? y-v. ? nere u only om
*?y '? cum dMfn??, and that U by ronatituMiMjUea.
I>?fbni la caused by an inflails*]
condition of the mucous lining of Iha
Ku-tm lilun Tube. When this tube seta inflamed
you li*\ea tumbling tsound or imperfect
bearing. and v hen it la entirely closed,
deafness |? tlx* i.mlt, ami uuleae the inflammation
can bo taken ?* _ MWV
"t ;. j him luiti condition, bearing trill be
desLored forever, nine cnaee out of tenure
by catarrh, which is nothing bet an ia
Haital condition of the tuueous surfaiva.
We will give One Hundred Dollars fur any
cuo?- of deafness (caused by catarrhMbnt we
cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh fare,
bend for circulars, free.
F. J. CHKKiBV * Co., Toledo. Ol
Id by Druggists, iOc.
People who drink hot coffee after eat:
ing ice-cream, oh too many do, are warned
| by a German physician that they "court
| apoplexv."
Win ii n ii:uii cannot have what he love
e mtisl loVO wImt Jie has
Fok Impure or t bin Hlood, Weakness, Malaria,
Neu might. Indigestion uud Biliousness,
take HruwnT Iron Ilitt'-rs it gives strength,
making old persons .'?! young?and young
Iiersun.1 strong: ;qtake.
He fasts enough whose wife t-.colds at din
n r lime.
Honey lu the ttuslacss.
Tell Mn, NVidia that her. or any luduatrtoua
person cuii make $11 a week in the plating busliifsa.
For particulars address the LakeT.lectrlc
('?., Knglewood, 111. A Plater costs $11. I
hiii working now and know there is money lu
the bu-iuess. _
I'citsiiNai. ? Flier. To all persons who are
bald: We Will .send free information how to
4row a luxuriant suit of hair, no matter what
: ln< i allse or how long standing; no liltin hug.
For |tai ll< nlnrs and le-t jnioiiLtln write Pilot*.
l,ini\.N A C'o. Mux &M. Lexington, Ky.
Il.i ilaiisri'M ....I ll... ....?? ?i? ?in - I
- - - - ? u I |W V vuu onruv nuu mil 11' I'
lit' th'J four ^ _ _
Foil Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Btomaoh
disorders, uw Brown's Iron Bittera. The Best
Tonic, it rebuilds tin* system, cleans the Blood
Hint strengthen* tin- in tlseles. A splcudld tonic
for weak ami debilitated persons.
I.ivo K Purely unless you are anxious t<
lie in a hurry.
FITS stopped froo by Du. Ki.ine's Uheat
Nxhvm Kk.stoueii. No Fits after ilrst day's
use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and trial
bottle free. J)r. Kline, Uil Arch JiUvPhua., Pa.
lira liitMildiHl liver try Beteltniii's Pills.
CURE. ] There is
a case of chronic only one
over five years ( q q q
of the best phy- j
is daily growing Take HO
ir treatment and S
}. 8. 8. Beforo > other,
bottle the scaly
early disappeared. I continued
she was entirely cured. I waited
case to see if the cure was permasd
that she is freed from the anil
time to come, Z send you this.
VAUGHN, Sandy Bottom, Va.
IFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca.
of the constitution which is
lat point discovered the spy
: outside. The enemy is the
[f the cold gets in, look out.
it. To avoid this, shoot the
ir Oil and Hypophosphites
pon. It is an expert cold
tern against Consumption
ct ail si litem ft unit wasting
//). Especially helpful for
)g cold. Palatable as
t, and is prescribed l.v the Mediril
cntsarc scientifically combined in such i\
\ salinon-c.'l.ircd wrappers. He sure anfl
wiie, Manufacturing Chemists, New Yorlt.
S N U- Hi
, Have You a
Have Yoi
Jsv Or Co
^^^^^vTaylor's (
Ar<U vciir Druggist or Morcha
rfljj Cold tn tliu it has no equal.
ItosUtli." rnee?^ .^HoM by1 dr
I had been troubled five months W
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. 1 suffered frequently
from a Water Brash of dear
matter. Sometimes a deathly Sickness
at the Stomach would overtake
me. Then again I would have the
terrible pains of Wind Colic. At
such times I would try to belch and
could not. I was working then for
Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor.
Irwin aud Western Ave., Allegheny
City, Pa., in whose employ I had
been for seven years, finally I used
August Flower, and after using just
one bottle for two weeks, was entirely
relieved of all the trouble. I
can now cat things I dared not touch
before. I would like to refer vou to
Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked,
who knows all about my condition,
and from whom I bought the medicine.
1 live with my wife and family
at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa.
Signed, John I). Cox. &
G. G. GUKEX Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
\\T A NTKD?I.oeal and Traveling Salesmen. SaJ"
aryr to $.mo |x i month. Outfit tire. But- r
bmi Mtnljllshinl %y<'Ani. We give undoubted referauccs.
Send Hmiiiim fur particular*. No *X)<UI|
ana we red. AlKIt V K It ty CO.. 1a.uI?OI>.
DCfclOinilO oTi" PENSION Bill
r klluiuriu i$Passed.rr.%X
I T .rsand Fnthos eiu coined
to $ IS ix mo." fee #lo when you Ret your money.
i,.?ks free. JOSKI'lI II. lillTltli. AU/. W?UI?zto?. D. I.
BAGGY KNEES Greely 1'ant Ntretchen
Adopted br (indent* at Harvard. Amhcrat. nnd olha*
Oolleirea, also, by profeaalonai and bnalneua man avar*.
wbara. If not fbr ante In your town tend ise to
OttKELY, 716 Wuhlnfton Street. Ronton.
Cure IIIIIousiiosm, CnUHliuutliui, Sick Headache, Batlow
Bkln, L?yH|M-|>Min, Flatulence, Heartburn, Am.
a trial will prove It. l*rl<"e, S5 ccnta.
THE Tl'KX Kit Itl'j't; CO., New York.
Criticisms on two recent Memory Kjatoma. Keafly
cnlT to tlioMo who Bond stamped directed envelop*.
Also Prospectus POST FIU&Bof Uitt Lolaottlan Art
Ol Never ForgetIItig. Address
I'rur. CoLsKTlK, M Fifth Are., New York,
A ONE.IM) 1,1,A It 111 1,1, wot oe by men
we will deliver, free o( ell charter, ;i any peraon I*
the United dtetea, all of llio foilorrld# evwiues oarefully
Ono tivo-ounoe bottle of I'ure Vaseline rtJte
One two-ounoe bottle of Vasellue Pomadot One
Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream, ? 1J''
One C?ke of Viuiellao Cumphor loe, . - 1J
Oue Cake of Vamdluo Soup, unscenle.l, - Id
OneCokeof Vaseline Soap, exquisitely soeuted,3K
One two-ounce bottle of While VcvrUb, t At
> t>A?OillKtLkBh All*. Co., 41 State St.. N. V,
$C.HO (.euulnti llinid-ncwcd, un ?U;nai.t Htitl
w btylUh droits Shoe which iuinenil''5jk.
4 ;.V,,a4Awrt^fRy,fi4,^'?rJ^,A5^ ?*
SO. 50 Uoodyeur \Velt ll UM itaadaad dreae
w Shoe ttt a popular price.
80.50 1'ollcrman'n Shori liMpecUDj >4?pt?l
O for nil I road men, farmers, cto.
All miulo In CougrcHS, llut(on and Laos.
80.00 lor I.iidim In Uie onl; liuiiil-MWtd Sbo*
v Hold nt tlilH popular price.
80.50 lion tenia Shoe for l.arilea la anew de
iniiiiiiMfa io become very popalar.
89.OO Shoe for l.ndien, eiul <1.75 for IlUiei
i- 8(111 retain their ezoelleneo for stylo, cto.
All Roods warranted and stamped with namo cm
bottom. If tulvertlaod local aKeut cannot supply
you, M ild direct to factory, cncloMlng advertized
price or aimsUil for order blanks.
\V. I,. IKM'OI.AS, Itrockton, Maia
\V A NTKII?Shoo denier In every city ail
town mil occupied to take exclusive ayenoy.
All nceut* iidverilsrd In local pnpor. Hand
far llfaatrarcd catalocuc. ^
Don't say you cannot get it till you
know how we will furnish you one.
Ask by postal card and we will send
you FREE, A CATALOGUE, tell you
our prices, explain our plan of EASY
BIWMe??S : it . 1
rMimen oy anu generally post you
You may save S5O.O0 by
writing us a POSTAL CARD.
A NO CO 183 trekont street,
ilOSTOfJ, MASSCough?
Li a Cold?
Cherokee Remedy of
Gum and Mullein
int for It. Tako nothing o'so.
rAUIUI^-Rpst. Kaalcs? to ?sp. m
\V*lr*p, Pa. HB