fnattdlip tdtrth PuoUt t.t. C?nnsu? March, 29 1891.?North Paoolet S. S. Coneeatioo net at Me?op?t*B a tkia day and *m called to order at 11 o'eloek A. M v; the president ? 1. ?;.?-a. toe ebo'r md| 1-t, Joy aad OUda??." Devotional exeic m were cnnduct*d hj Rev. J. 1> Pa'ley. Preaideat declared the Con*ent oe .< pen and ready to proceed with thebutinees be ore it. Choir aang 50, J??y and Gladness. Eorollweul of achoola and delegaUa waa n?a? .. Aitar n rn ' -7??festsr A the several rebools that had beca in "wmtei ? ^aaiten" were re-organised aad ready to begin work. Twelve achoola were eorollel. All viaiiing brethren, were invited to take part in he proceeding*. Sung 49. 1 at (Juration: lias the S. 8. accomplished any good ? If n?t. who is rescnnsihl* * On notion of C. W. Whisoonut, this question was changed to read: "Has the Sabbath Fchoo' accomplished the good it might hare done? If not, who is responsible?" This was ablj discussed by Rev. J. D. Bsi ey and P. 8. Webber. Sang 104. 2nd (Jnettion : Is the study of the Scriptares essentia) to the attainment of a business educations ? Was discussed by C. C. Roberts. After which the choir sting. "Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? ' C. W. Whisonsnt then aldrsssed the Contention on the satne subject, and the choir eang "Amid the toils aud eares of life." &c. A recess of 40 minutes was then taken. AFTtiKNOO.V. After sinking "At the sounding of the trumpet," the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. 4 >.? t^.w ..a.i mm t^? ?' payer ft-r our belovod Brother, Rev. A. A. Gilbert, pastor of this church, prosideotially detained at his home on account of sicknsr-s, that, if it is tnntialanl -III. /i ? i wuii ? nuijr "in, nc mij 06 restated to health and usefuloe-a in the future as ho has been in the past. The congregation thru arose and Ming, All hail the powrr of Jesus' name! LM aoge's prostrate fall." Jtc. * WhenJBro. J. 1). Bsiley was requested to load in prayer. After ringing, "Blest be the tios that bind Onr hesrta in purest love," &c The programme was taken up and the flrd Question : "How should our Sabbath Schools be conduced so as to secure the best results?" was discussed by A. A. Sarratt, and J. if. Strain. Clio r sung : "Now crucified with Chri?t I ant, &o." P. S. Webber, J. M. Osment, Rev. J. D. Bailey and Franklin Culcnian all fullowed on the same subject. Choir sung: "The half has neveryet been told." The Question box was then opcoel and . rcTrrai oremren ?"rt i" |:-1 " 1? .No other kueincss being before lite Convention, (bo President thanked the congrc ga'iou for ihc:r kind attention and good behavior during tho exorcises. It then adjournel by ringing: l_ "Meet me thrro, moot mc there, 1 Where the tree of life is blooming. Meet mc there " &c. And llro. J. D. Ba'lcy pronouncing the benediction. Davis JarrRRiKs, JAS. L. STRAIN, Sec y. l'res olcnt. 1 Boors Two 1)om.ah Bu.i.s.?Washington. March 28?A sensation hns been caused at ' the treasury d cpartmenl by the d ecovery of > a counterfeit $2 edrer certificate so nearly a perfect eountcrpsrt of genuine as to be almoet impossible of detection. Heretofore ' all counterfeits of our \ aper currency have 1 * been detected by a failure to imitate the < character of the paper on which the govern- 1 ment notes are nrintod- wlii?*K < ?? 1 * that each pari of it, forming a coiunlote ? ... tha counterfeit juat discovered. So far as l known it has only been used in counierfo>ting the $2 silver certiflcitos of the series of 1880. The question now is, where, in what mill, was the paper made? IVe cannot believe that tho ueccssai ily expensive machinery ef any paper mill in th e eonntry coull be" obtained or used for counterfeiting purposes without being easily discovered. N<> doubt the paper oomes from foreign countries. But that d>L ?.>i?nikci l?;s moral regeneration." Sucisn Siikuiff's Cuarri:.*.?Columbia, March U8.?It frequently happens iu esses of extradition that tlie governor snakes a county sherifr the* agent of the Mate l exaggerate it. But it is m?>e likely that one di?lincr uj to undere-timate it. Certsin'y the comparatively small city i threatened by tbe Mafia cannot afford to i wait until the big city ?far off has made i ud its mind whether the Mafia is qj te as I black as it is |tin'ed or a shade or two I ligh'e--. ^*1 When military l*w is | reclaimed the civic i law no long- r asverta i s high authority. But i what alia', we ray'of the civic law that lays 1 dowu the powe> and lewes the citizen to ( Ids awn protecti m, not at the b ddr blood C and will cm' a-k on a care*r of murder, t They have done what they coneeived to be a their duty, and they wi I not go on killing p Tir kil i g's sake. But the mischief worked h by that trvach 'iotts juty will not end so n soon. Those t we've men have disgraced 1 and disc edit d the entire ndmiaistration of c the er itiina' liw in their ei'y; they hare si impaired the digi.i'y and efficiency of tlie tl c turts; thi y. in very truth, are the front and b origin of a 1 their town's trouble. f--r it to wi .ihm wwi ornbelr like, whose pnsillnniinity a cncourag-s secret mitider ?ud necessitate" n popular vto.onoe. N?-w Orleans mi wrll q afford to Ic. her mob"' go unpunished if li she wi 1 purge her conns ? f lie men who ci bicel lawlessness far moio dn>gcrous, f-r tmore rtii ious limn the lawlessness that ll lynelies ?t noonday.?I'nck. tl . .. - o - lo Titav Likk tiik oi.n Sivt.s llasT.?Fuua- l' tain Inn, Ma*ch L'S,? Lews Mc.Malian, a pi negro preacher, took a hiind'c of goods yes- oi terday from the counter in Mr. J. A. t an- ? lion s store, was nrrcs cd and placed in I It a mlllllAOHP. litis %?* tl ? ..{-1.1 - - ? ? - * w?. v.cu.g niv uign? r\ uuiiiuvr oi persons, said to be nrgi oe.8, tore down the M door, took the p?isoner awny and whipped b him aud turned him loose It it said the '? ( ante negro was caught Healing chickens a T( few days ago and esca; ed punishment by Bi paying five dollars w Scarcely ten days ago two negro lnds were lr, whipped for secreting themselves in the w s'ore of the same incrcliant with.the purpose br f stealing. Fountain Inn seems in favor of '* tlie o d fashioned way of mini siting- inmiM nl -ITrtxons 7lr\. Johnston.? on Laurens, .March 2t?.?Tlis L>iu*c?s County Confederate Survivors' A-suc at ion he'd a "u called nieetiiig this evening to take appro- ,0; priato action relative to the deuh of GenJoseph K. Johnston, who was an honorary ',C1 member of the Association. Tho piesidcut, C 1. B. \V. Ball, subniiitcl n series of ro-o- I lutions, eulogizing the life* and services of ' the dead General, winch, on motion of Col. ',0' V. 11. Crews, were unati inous'y adopted. A WCI copy was ordered to he sent to Gen. John- u># fton's family. Col. .1. II. Trnynliain, sccrc 'r* Inry of the meeting, real the letter of Geo. wp Johnston accepting the honorary mender- "u ship in the Associatton, which was otdcrcd e,c' u he published with tho proceedings. Rkai. Trauri>y is a Tiibathk?.Spokane hoi Falls, Wash., March 27.?Charles Klhol. a '"ro1 psro dealer, hrulally shot two women at the Prc Jssino Theatre this mot ning, and Sen com- ?di? nittod suicide, lie was occupy iv. a box Pl?; tear the stage, wlicu he suddenly began J*'ni nnpting a revolver at the P''"JfViH leing shot in the left breast ami instant y 1 tilled. Auothor bullet struok t'a> rio Snrth n (he hack inflicting a faal wound. Elliot hen sh"t himself through the tlic hevl. dy- |^uf ng instantly. His shots were aimed at in ' Lulu Diuniut, one of the p* rformers, but ihc escaped. Jealousy was tHo cmse of the ragedv. Stat FIampton llniGADK, Attention 1?'1'lie sur- C riving ofliecrs and men of Gen. llmnpt n's Net 'old brigade" are ejrd ally invited by I he *n'l Confederate Survivors' Association, of Augusta, (la., to part cipnle in a reunion, to sc hel l under tiie auspices of tint as-ncia- 1 ion, in the city of Augmta, (Ja., on the ^ll > 17th of Apr 1 next, in honor of Lieut, tlen. this Aade Hnmpton. the Parti* s purposing au accept mice of this whi nvitation trill please signify tint fact bv uttpc. mlilrasspil ti ('.ant. .1 Mines It. p'lru ino. 11 dmirnian of the iu*itation committee, at 1? ' lugusift, On.?Augusta Chronicle. 1W Thk Miitp, Ciiasp.d tin Tiiaik*?Cincini - ||,0 whnl an adjacent crossing. Tlie colt go' in v0| Iho way of the tra-n a nil was caught on the Mi? cow-catcher, in despite of the nan re's anxious neighing. The long train could noi I c stoppeil until it had run the beDcr part of a nii:e. Then the coll rolled olT unhurt. The v'sr? liftU wildly leaped culverts and trs-ing fences, and was almost up with t' e engine when her unharmed colt fell snMy down ih?side of(ho irack. . (lie ? . . a . Mr Somr In porta nt Aovick.?The lion. M. L. Dnualdsou, manager of the Sta e A liancs ' business exchange, lt?s returned from pi' llirmingliaui, where he attended a nio'tmg of ilie exchange nisnagers of every e utho'li State. Most of the bundles* hansactad " by tho ineeiiug was not given to the prets. The Jin.simgers commended the alliance men in every southern State that the acreage of co;(on be decreased and the acreage of grains be correspondingly increased. .Manager Donaldson thinks the suggestion an important one and says that if it is carried (jj, out it ndl result in raising ilie prioc of c >tton. Washington Mother's Tomb at Aii'tion ? Fredericksburg, Va , March "JH.?Oe>. W Shoppard, who owns ilio gronn I "" TS'Cti ' j tin* tomb of Mury Washington. the mother of (Jeorge Washington, is situated, gave 10 Colbert k K-stley, real estate broker?, an option on the juopeity. The brokers at once s'* j advertised the totnb for sale at public auction w in Washington. This aroused indignation. Mr. Kheppard notified the brokers that he ould not give a clear title to the ground. Thereupon they withdrew their advertisement end instituted a suit for f>20,(>00 damages. The doeision is in favor cf Mr. ^ Shoppard. - ? Ai.i.iamr Wrowtii in Minsksota.?St 0 Paul, Minn., March 28.?The report of 1' Secretary btroiuberg of the Minoc*o*a '' Farmer s Alliance shows that the orgauizvtion is making the same phenomenal growth n as 'ast year. More than 11,000 u embers have been enro led since the election in November, and Mr. Stromberg fays over sovon 8Ub-allianc?s are being organized weekly. The present number of lodges is l,ai *?, with a total membership of 62,000. ? ?. #. Si i'khintrxpf.nt Tai.cott IUxiuns.?Ono f of the most important railroad changes that has occurred recently has just been made, and it will no doubt create considerable surprise. SutierMit'jndert (!e"rg" R. Tal- i cot',of the Chat lone, Columbia Augusta i and Columbia & flroenvillo r ads Ins ten- ! dered his resignation to the controlling i ' com jinny. ? . ? Ladies, see our line of White (j?>#ds ? the lurg-st and cheijiest ever In ought to Union. 4 QIU1IAM & SPAUKS. Thi Osclt Ortuodox 4 Out FiMiomo uihociat ' u r?.umn,' [- ? .try prtgnul ami pertinent article warns to know what a Democrat is in tkii day and t>ms of p lilioal fkd*. The psint is particularly w?ll t-ksn in South Carolina, a mors than sns of our promineot statesmen sreat pains to exp'aiu lh*t thsj art Democrats, latksdasof tha baHMn r, - -'vMl>* .t* tolerably well underetr-od ; In ihe meanwhile evolution bee been going on iround ua, the environment hat hern racdlai'njr, and what the beast if to-day, in S-uth "aro ioa would requite a "Daniel come to udgruient" to -let* rutin#. One James Mali on, some years ag>. is said to have ventured some ci tide opinion* about c ustitutional iuiiiati-ius, and our contemporary might ind ihem in a rrmete pubicatioo of a ie'uncl period cdlcl tlio FeJ?rmii*t. If our youthful contemporary, however, raves t > be riglit upon the vetgc, edge and iccl rf the time, plump in the swiut of the lick of the moment, we respectfully invite lis attention to the dc iveraoces of the South nrolinn c)Dveati- ty in 'heir p at form, mocrat < f the iteet aud tuos: approved Hav.-r, l)ur friend mi travel furi her and push bis investigation till very nrar to he ijaliy is net beyond qitcitiou." We have 10 many mush room politicians, blatantly trading tlicir Democracy without naming ic of ilie tltirly-tiine articles in their creed. -I.aurcnt Adrertiarr. e Traurdy in Tikkbssicr.? LouisvDl", Ky., nrelt 20. ? A Potl srecinl from Middloirough, Ky.. s?ys : Anoihvr terrible tragedy ok place this morning at Cumberland (tap, ;nn., a few miles from her*, in which J. A. urke, the telegraph operator at that p'ae-, as shot and instmnt'y killed by Tom Hun T, IK^IU. is ?r? COnlUCIlIlg MR to kit caused llunUy t> commit the deed, it from what e in be learued from reliiat le \ urces it seems Burke and Hunl?v fel" out, . mmmafl TOT HUiVc.^1 The latter "??? hi< way home when the negro discharged n contcuts of both barrels at hi?n, tear ng t his eyes, cheeks And teeth. He died . 't-ioHy. i'lie murderer tin it tied, but was captured , re this morning and taken back to the , p by a route to avoid meeting a tnob to tcli It'in. l'ATtn,?A ims-enger lias just arrived n e with the news tint the otlicerg who v re la ing llunley back to tlio Gap were c t by sixty arm-d men, who took ilunlcy in them ami then went into the mountains It him. Before this reaches tha 1'oit, uley's soul will in nil probabily be in ruity.? Tht Staff. Utivity in Tttn German War Okficr. y idon, March 2*J.?This evening's sdviccs in Berlin state that unusual activity has ^ vailctl for the past three days in tha war /. :e, and Hint an unueual nutnher of oui- a, trees w ere busy at tho oflicc to-day. The p peror had a long audience with t'lian. ?. - ^ " It hers is no doubt that the movements of sian troops near the Herman froulier pi the ov idenco of cordial intimacy between nt Ilia and France has caused much anxic'j Jerlin, and it i' possible that tho alarm 0( ie I by the npprchc'nab n of war may p, 1 to iinpoitsat military changes.?The iu 1c. ont'emen, don't fnil to see our line of ikwoar, we will please you both in style I price. GRAHAM k SHARKS. us Snow in I'knnsti.vania.?Reading, , March 27.?The snow-fall throughout region to-day was unusually heavy. In city it fell to the depth of six inches, lowest of here it was from twelve to i n inclita on the level. Aintisitrito!, 1'a , March 27. ? From twelve flf.een inches t'f at <>w fell here to-day. T Iroad tratlic an 1 ic'cgraphic Curnmunicii have not been intefcrcd with. MU<.?at the denco of the grfont, near Jonesville, on 3Ut March 18U1, by W. II. S. Harris, y ?ry Public. Mr. John Wbitlock, Sr., and is Nancy Fowler. TKEFZER ?SMITH? Married, on the 0 h ult., at the residence of the bride, by v t. \V. M. Foster, Mr AuKu*i Tiwizer and *t ?s V'irgio Smi'lt, nil of this County. 0 List of Letters i! Remaining in ilia Postofliee nt Union, far a i week ending March 27th, 1801. a \V J Oiirri-aii, j.Vnn 'I'lloni) s n, ' Onions calling for tha above lettcra wiil ase Kay it advertised and will be required pay one cent for their delivery. J. C. HUNTER, P. M. DR. s! I\ BLAKELY, 1 u rs i vi a x a x i) s r it a k o ?r , j orncK ovku posky's i?ih:? stoke. Residence on Clni'cli St., near Episcopal inch. Ten vers experience in general practice. April 3 14 4t* Administrator's Notice. ^1'V! undersign* >1 haa qualified as Ad" L ministiator of the est ?to of James T linnn, deceased. All persona havingc'aitns | ainst the estate will phase present the ' me, piopetly proven, and tbo>c indebted ill please make prompt paymont. J. F. ALMAN, AtitniDisi rotor. April 3 11 4t* Executors Notice. S'OllCi: is hen hy given th*t nil persons having claims against the estate f Mrs K. H. Hamilton, (licensed, must resent litem to the undersigned, properly robnttd: nnd al! persons indebted to the lid Mrs. K. R. Hamilton must make pnylont to us promptly. J. 0. SARTOR, A. W. G1LMORE, Ex'is Est. of Mrs, E. It. llami'tou. Notice of Survivor of Partnership rfTI' II | artoership of James T. A'inan and J lo-iilt F. Aluum, doing business at )on?sville, 9. ('., under the firm name of Allium brothers, having been dissolved ! } lie dcatii of Saul James T. Alman, the mi h-rsigoe I ns survivor of raid partnership hereby gires notice tliat all por-ons basing chums against sa'd firm will pU-aje present the same, and ibose indebted will please make prompt payment to the undersigned. J. F. A I.MAN, Survivor of Alman Bros, April d 14 4t* Wtftr? soWl r*ctmng our String Stock o Ifry, Shoos, Ikt*, Clothing. &#.. wliioh is tl Onr custooncoi o?ill h?ar in mind that our j sod ths quality ?f our f?ods the bra*. Poliloaoss aadwa-tajr ?ill be extended to will fiad Misses Van.. Urirer and C?r? (lout noTolties.and Irjr IS ?uit jos in a llat *r Bonn Call and aos ua. Reapccfullj, GRAIIA]\ opt ( S For Sale. ASecond-li*?d l)ow'?a Cotton l'lan'er is perfect order an cnll xml examine the specimens ho has or Lis wo?k. O'll at once, a? I?! all be h?re nly a eh >rt time. R. D. B10HAM. It * Notice of Final Discharge. BY porraission of Hon. James M. Geo, Probate Judge fur Union County, i will, ou the 18ih day of April. 1891, make my final return aa Administratrix of Co estate of Thomas McXal'y deceased, an 1 apply for a final discharge as swd Administratrix. All persons indebted T Take Notice. Teachers ! * pHK examination of applicants for cor- U, L t ficates to teach in the free ptiMic r ; w ?/i l,::r cou*t>?*?" i?ei i <.n c< /1day, the 24 th day of April, 18(tl. AH L' S?g." t " ' " rr,lfMlC C All applicanla except,those bidding d?omas aro required hy lavr to stand exnniiu ion on that day. Teachers aro required to mxko a' I'axt < ?< " tlie three grades. a? thee w II bo u > S cense grades granted n'trr that d lie except n i extreme cases. p J. I.. WALK Ml!, t M. 11. KKLLV, C C. II. I'KAKK, Co. Hoard of Kxnniin'rs. April 3 14 Si The State of South Carolina. ^ COUNTV OF UNION. Court of Common Pleas. 8J Summons for Itel of?Co?| laiat Scrrxl. * ho liritish & America Mortgage Conpany. ? (Limited.) J'laiutiJT, 11 tiytintl v Vifs:"i. f Drfrndanlt. V ? . I- W\.f I ... , I o uic ?scj9um it%,? . WZOUnre hereby summoned rihI required J X to answer tlie complaint in thin action, f which a c>py is lie>cwiih terved upon n nt? ? <1 m rrc * cojv ?* j*>f gnawer to " lie stitl complaint on the euhsu.o'er nt his dice at Union, S. C.f wi hiu twenty dayg titer the service hereof, esc'nsive of the " lay of such service ; and if you fa 1 to an- 1 wcr the complaint ni hin the time afore- T aid. the PtaintifT in this action will apply the Court fir the relief demande1 in I lie omplaint. * Pit*cd March 1R. A. I). 1801, 1>. A. TOWNSKNP, I'l i litTe Alt rney. fj To Lawrence Gardner: Taks n-lic-*, that ' he summons herein, of which tit* above is K i c>py and the conipla ; t were til'd in tlie " fli *0 r-f the Clirk ?f Couit of Common J 'lens f-r raid Ceunty on 18:h March, )8'.?1. J 1). A. TOWNSEXI), I'l'iut'H's At:ori!ey. March 13th, 1801. Mareh '27 U - ?% J. B. POUTER HAS MOVED HIS STOCK OF GROCERIES AM) FANCY , GOODS I FROM THE LITTLE ORE FX FRONT INTO THE HANDSOME STORE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MR. JOHN RODGER, MBIT A HO T T. ? BAII.IY'ft FIT. 11I UK It ?Tl)BB Where he will bn ple'.ae I to meet and ?cr?e Lis old curtomen with PLAIN AND FANCY GROOfa/.ESv CANNED GOOfcS OF.A*$flUf{DS, CRACKERS AND CHEESE,V CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, I-KU1TS AND NUTS OF ALL KINDSThankful (o the people of Uni?n Count/, for their past kindnesses and liberal patronage. I itiTile thain to call upon mc in in/ larger *ud more c?n?tnient qurteii, where 1 intend lo do all in a T power to d*ser?e their fu uro patronage. 4 J. H. PORTER. Feb 20 9 U u , A f ** v*' ' * V j G 0 0 0 H iImde if Drr Goods. Dress Good*. Ginghams, Mill i* largest we litre ever had. rices here always tacn a* low as the lowea' a'l. la our Miilin'rjr department the la li?< Ha, who are e*er ready to show jrou the let. at the ?er? lowest price. 1 & SPARKS' CHEAP CASH STORE. 'y State of South Carolina. Cul'NTY OF UNION, In the Couit of Onnnitn PI. ? Summons for Re ief?Comprint S?neJ. Juiati Foster, rimntif, L. Coleman, Vic?o?u S. Coleiuan, William Munro, 11. F. ltaw'a, A. Elhart, C. Q. Jojner and J. D. Chamberlain, par-nets, trading under tho firm name of F.lhart, Jojner & Co , A. Dr-fu?y. S-?n A Co., George 1). AYi t, George I*. Watkina and John A. Wilt, partnois, trading as Will A Watkina, R. S. Og'csby. Charles (1. Craddock, J. 11. Tutwilcr, W. T. llcrney, J. H. Adams, W. I). Adam* and R II, F. Adams, part iter*. trad ng as Ogleaby, Tutwiler A Co., K. T. Tefl', W. K. Tefft, F. G. Tefft, Thcod >ro Mmtz, G. 0. Clark and J. N. Besch, partners, trading as Tefl', Willera A Co , 1 I.. Fnlk and Gooige W. Falk, pariners, trading as I. I,. Falk A Co , Thomas B. MacUaha't, Andrew S. Brown ami Robert l\ I'.tans, partners, trading as MacGahan. Br. wn A Evans, If. A. Mo-re, l. W. Marsh, J.^ J? f M u. ? a Co., M. C. Klwr; 'VS. . Riser. \Y. S fcveret, W. G Ragsn, C. F. Mai no and I'. E. Barnwell, purines, trading as M. C. and J. 1, Ki.er A ( o , J?d u I?. Brown, J. O. Widdiuglon an I Peter M. Brown! partners, trading as Riown, Weddingioti' A Co., William II. Marcy, George I,. Blake and l-.llory llruiilia in, partners, trading as Miticy Bros. & Co., A. ft. J. Perry, H. It. Sun-mis, Jr. U. A. Piing.'o, partners, trading** Johnston, Crews4 Co Wsael II s 1 - - ... .'.miiir, as .\um r. oi Agnes S. I Magfie, deceived, J. A. Far"cy, J. s otlice at Hurt lbr tlio relief demand d ii tlic o- inInfill. ? 1>. A. TOWNSEND, ria'nt'fl'a Altoiney. Feb: unry 14, 18i?I J To tlie i)ct'endania : Take notice, that the inniiions in the above cut tic I action, of hith the above is a copy, endtlie coinlaint theraiu were tiled in ihe office of lha lerk of Court of fomuu n IT as for I won ounty nforesa d, on 2oth of February, IS'.U. 1>. A. TOVNSKNU, PI .iniifl's Attorney. Feb 27 9 Ct fOR JUST 25 CENTS T WTTT firvr vnu A I? AJUA4 VIA V AJ A V/ V An Adze-Eye Hammer, a Hatchet, Hindetv, Car pen Its Sqiui'c, Spirit l.evel, Viae, Monkey Wrench, h'ttg hattd'o Hake. H*e, month leg Ir.iu, is qt. Dish Pan, JO qt. in Bucket, Gqt. (' flee Pol, 1 gab Measure, Iraas Hoop Cedar Bucket, Solid Bra?s baiter, large high-foulcJ Glass I,amp, large rtfWlrt.'fll'i fc dl'iss Hoec" H >Vt, Olrtkl Caster' " bi^ assortment of China Plates, Cups nnd lancers, a big assortment of Yellow ware, ,incn Tnble'Covcrs, ( lii'ds Zephyr Caps, ten's Wool Ctjs, Men's and toys Wool la's, a nice assortment of .lerelry, Combs nd Brushes, IbtMinir ho.I g I) >iso ? Trays, Saddle Blankets, Iron Stone iranitc Pa' Dish, non-brcaknble Lamp 'himney, Dinner Bell, ail hundrcJs ef icc and large pieccr of Wooden, Tin, Ulna*, Irockcry and Hardware, tuauf/ ef whcli rore formerly aold for oO nnd To ten's. I am also constantly ndlinj to my "> ai d Ocir.l counters : they iivo now exccc lingly (tractive. CuMotneis for these ccunnr, requtnlly cotno from ether cooiilic. In act, 1 often sell these girds to traveling ;eniletncn Iron ? 1 parts of the country.? 'htsc gentlemen who see it gtent deal, and now all about juices, krow theie BAl'.GAIN ;neds a"-e cheap. Here is the j lace to get our full moneys worth. )uu't Forget thai I Keep Also n Full l.ine of STAPLE and FAXOT GROCRItlE^. ^ u m m ai ^ ^v uit^O " A tt Kj TIN nod HOLLOW W A UK, WOOD F.N and HARDWARE, JUG and J A RW A K Hand FLOWKII 1'ijlH, OILS and PA I NTS, and WINDOW GLASS, LEATI1BII and SHOK FINDINGS, HOOTS and SIIOKM, nid in fad, a niokt generous line of General Merchandise, %%liioli 1 am felling a* cheap, Hid perhaps cheaper than the clianpest. S. M. KICK, J It., K. U, J'eb V.7 9 if Application for Homestead. N'OTK K is hereby giTen, that Mrs. Mamie _ .Siais, widow < f Samuel W. Sims, decensed, has filed her peti'ion before me to hare a houieatoad assigned and eel off for the benefit of Iters' If, from tbe real and personal property of tbo said Samuel W. Sinn. Natice is further gven that the *?i i jieliti*n will coiuc up f r hearing before me on the 18th day of April, 1891, at 11 o'c'ock, A.M. C. 11. TEA KB, Master for Union County. March 20. 12 it. To School Teachers rpilR S"!o Hup't of Education, Mod. W. X 1). Mayfield, cordially invites the Teachers of Union County to Attend a meeting of the Htote Po rt aniinore, to bo lielil m Columbia, on Friday the 3d of April, at 9 o'clock A. M. Matters of much in'creit will be discussed. Poipcctfully. J. L. WALKER, S. Com. U. Co. Mm eh 27. '3 Vt We are now ready to display cue of p'e'e assortment of l)ij Uoods, Notions, ' to Union. M I L LI ] i Oar Stock of .Millinery is simply gr thine in that line. We have secured the of Baltimore, who will be gla-1 to havs it large display of Millinery later. Hear in mind that we pay Caah far < coantry affords. We do not buy Trow aatnj L A T E S T f AND I.OWEH "We propose to gWe our cuatomere the ben excel in selling the bo*t goods for tho least All Good, sold for CASH, lies peat Tally, CITY CAJ J ' March 20 __ 12 "HEADQUi FOR TI J PART OF TI D?n I you be ?lie 'aM person in tho Stale t*? cheap. A K'eat rumpus uninn^ tl vrwd buyers is (ho n indue*incuts for this seinon's trade. Come in an I aeo our c iiiplolo a?soi taiMit diap'ay in Staple and Fancy Dry Uooda, Notiona i A grand display, a great stuck, ami just what j We mark ihein low in roll ihem quick. All pri No qut-Mlioti a 1? lit your being highly plaavad wii For the liral of everything ia the way of Dry fl< go lo RODGER &J NEW GOOD!: \ Our Buy or lias just returned from the DRY GOODS, FANCY ARTIC COMPL2 We ha to also a splendid and G IONT'S CI^ FURNISHING ( ZIEGLER'S AND BA"1 for Gents, Ladies i ZIEGLER'S HAND'S for Gents, in Congress and L Other reductions in \ REMEMBER THE DEl ?r m wsa.-mjm.T - TT* which vie guarantee to be equal in eve priced machines. Over 70 now in use ii - i r... r ... ? ii : _n v> arruuicu 101 .> vcaix. aim nave un nucc ThP ?njjj ItELIABIiB.*' FOSTER, WIL ; 1 j ltdouclas j {i ?to euQE fsjf?x.K'~: ji Sf I 1 N/ l,adle?,ete.,aro?rar- / ranted, and ao atoinned on bottom. AddreM ... W. Ai. UOUOA?AH? Brockton, itluaa. Sold by ^ S. M HICK, .III., K. U., Agent. ( 1.? o tint 11 Application for Homestead. ^ "VTOTICB is hereby piven (lint Matilda Ht, .la Kochcllc. widow of Jerry Ilochello, of deceased, lias til?d her |>< t ition lie for* me p, (o have a homestead atsipned and set off for hi the benefit of herself ami her minor cliil-1 dren, Thoniae Kochclle, t'orrie Kochellc, and Ellison Roclie'le from the reel and personal proi-ertf of the said Jerry Hoebe 1*. Notice is fui thar given that the said je- ~ tition will come tip for hmriiip befere me on the -1th dav of April next, at 11 o'cloak, A. M. r. H. PK\RE, Matter fer Union County. Master's Oflieo, March 10, 1HVI. . Ms- cn Id 11 4l* | When at Home r. I respect fttliy inform my friends and *' c'ients llist 1 shall be in toy *>fKce at ^ Union ou Monday and remain unt 1 Tuesday I noon of each week until further notice. * D. A. TOWN8EN1). I Jan 23 4 tf J ? I H tho largest. hcted and inur Go6d?, in the b?#t markets tie \\ill Ai\nae*M*iiit? ? 4 *L , wg gvi 1110 5 T YL E S,^j| c6t ?f thi*. Our objeol uili bo tt lB 411 STORE, jV MC'LURE. Ao'r., Proimi. IRTERs" 1 IIS "J v.ii IE STAT i . jj ,1 on' wlicro (he l>eU goj.lr *P0 ?i??rnl ic.miK ,.f0IIP UMimullj .?fi "V"!*" 4V" '"'M.ijk.j 'THIISG, J 0 0 D S , ETC. 7 STATE SHOES ind Children. JEWED SHOES acid?# ">, formerly $7. irojiortion. MOREST $19 50 m ry respect to any of the higl < i i 1'nion County. They uvo hilly ssurv bttin. -KINS & CO ll J.H. ? rill. Q|h?l j Iirwn ?V' ! W |%,Wvvm' *" * ?',v ? '?*?* * " 1 * ? ' ^ ?y 7 !???. All ?*??. He ?>how > J, w ^ jK JSp Tr all ih? tlmi' J.ig n?onv> . II u11?*K *% Co., !?? ? i^'O I*orlluiijl. !>S ui *' MONEY TO LOAN. )X I mpro?ed Fa nil lurid*, in hiim of $.'!0O and tipsfnrJs. Loans repayable in mil annual ii.antl inciitr, through a period viz year*, thus enahlin* Ili ? borrower t* ij off Ids indebtedness without ? xhat.sting orop in ni y one tc?r. A poly at crace to 1). A. TOWNSBSD. Attorney, 'Jb^u, h. t'. Aag 15 3d ly Frorrt million* of customer*, during the pert ye.ns, ome<. the verdict that VICK'S SEEDS nev,r isappo-nt. Whv waste time, money amlpatienre on ther*, * h<-n v ran tniy the J1EST " *?me i.rii c Y t Ve nr. I-'.' .1 e this yeal : send to cent* for Vtptr's Vor.'f 1 'initio, deduct the io rents from first order, nd it < ? < i...tiling. It is hetter than ever; too largo ages, col:.r?d plates. yrtttnl novelties worthy of ultivaii.tn ('ash prizes fioro and Jtroo. ASUS VICK. 8BJLD8MAN, K