?om? or thmi Da to."?Along (bo Qti bordero of Soaoohoro and Yondor nod Q, b'ooding in a lioo of o >ft and oHto'J mist with tho bcauMful rogioo of Droaraland, io tho fair, far alrotobing ooa of "Boato of tbrao Days." It* wavoo oro of tho deopoot, purest S. blue aad forover oparklo with the ohirniner of ? bright ranehinr. Tho wiods blowing opnn .. . 14 bril|f no f'<*t or danger and tho cloudo 11 r on it darkly. but float . | WT ??roii ibo bonding ?kieg_jw<" ?^?r" JT" ?T^r dr"Pfron. i""'-' 5T woman Wnf>??J mr>uimkn ?v ~J my alia a'chymy of motherhood lo tha comprehension and sympathy of ilio laby. "Soma of these Day# !" Mow many time* tha baby mind weaves its thought* into I prattling promises to b* fulfilled "Seme of th*a* Day* !" Iloir many limee the mother with th# cheek of the I I'lo eno prerairg tofllj againat her own #r i'a tired head ( pillowed upon Iter hoaocn look* out upon tho nlaw'y gathering darkness of the summer 1 gloaming or let* her brooding eyes reflect iho winter firelight and ra a uiuiarr gently cornea telle, half dreaming herself, her muring, tender thoughts in what will b* 'Some of theao LUys." Krery day tha craft put forth upon that no lit aaa from every place in thia world wber* there are tno'heia to love and little _/ ' children to ba level an l people to tlreuin 1 mmm " ? ? - ? ii? -??rti.n..... ?;.u i forever Mow maay of thein go w many others vmii-h because the hurryingyeara take tin:in 110117 after despoiling them of all the beni|ti?>a that once made them loved nml chrriehel I "Soma of these Days''? (be day* that never come! All our live* wc bui.d and launch there ship* which do not rot urn to us, which, changing in forte mil fashioning mi ireigmuig ?? necomc outer, we never i retell. IVhsl coniiI)?-nn multitudes of ihein I llioro sre : how tur lienrlH wmIi sadness and tendern'ns tnd yearning dwe'l upon lliti a lying hy the holders of Yonder tnd Somewhere, tot fnr from Droniiilniid ! Il is n Messed sen, for it ih ever n|ii'ii nnd benut fill tnd bright, fiee f >r us to wnil upon awty from the Jitrd or dark or ugly of the renl lift, Cloud* inny lie very loir nnd b'nek tbofo I lie slimes on wliioh we live, the t'onrs inny he sliurp and inftny, but on the tunlit nrn #f 5nino of these Ihtrit we inny n\vtx.fvom litem f?.r n while mid pother comfort tnd slrmigih n* ** i"- ' "k (Iron innWe tbt voyage* iiiMuictively. I bey turn from tbe truth on tliey bnvo nnd try t'? mnolh away the g'num from oiler faces with excursions to S me ot these I ?yn ; tnd men tnd women obey the-nine impulse tnd letrn to forget, f?r tlio time nt lenst, nnd to hope. The Sea of Soma of Ihe-e Ibiys will remain whilo there me Intuitu htm l* tl for N'ortli I Carolina that her troons were withdrawn I (v....! ?.? M i? *"' The Chronicle repent* *n old taunt, 1ml cannot justify si. T/.r Stair. Ladies lilack an I Wliilo Kobe*. Floniu'ings, Lawn*, etc. I'lTV CASH 8TOI1R. 4t ' J10", 100,0<)0 Moas.? Washington, IL I' , ! March 18.? liefore ilia fifiy-lirst congress i adjourned authority wa* given Senator Alii- , nan and Mr. Cannon, chairmen respectively of llio senate and house committees on appropriation*, to prepare statements for insor- i lion in tho record showing ihe amount* *p- J nroniateJ '>'* the 1.?m cangrens and the in- I creases and doorcases of appropriation eoiu- I pared with the fiftieth congress. These r statements show tho aggregate appropna- J tious by Iho fiftieth congress to hare bean | $81 T/JM.SoO; fifty first congress $'.)S8,4l<>.- J lU'.t; a nat apparent iuercass of $170.44??.- [ Mr fiuuon; in an appendix, says | that there should he added to the appropria- | (ions of the fiftieth eongrss* and deducted from the appropriation* of the lifty-firM congress $'2f>,3121,'.<07 to meet a known deficiency for the payment of pensions in the ?--A?~? r (lcnt'cinen. call and examine our line of | Neckwear and Collars and Cuds, the prettiest I ever brought to Union. it h a11a m ft SPARKS. j Bunch" M'Rr.r. Got no llioiir.it.?The Aewa and Courier'i Columbia correspondent nays : A trustworthy visitor from the Piedmont is authority for the statement that there is something specially noteworthy "ctv in progress with 'he Richmond 4 Hanviilo and the Georgia Central railroads. lie believes that Capt. V. K. Me Bee, president of the Richmond 4 I>anville, is about te he j , elevated to even a higher position than that which henowsonblv fills. He nays that ' the visit of Cnpt McBec to Georgia, which "t was reported recently in The .V/v? and a ('ouner frotn Columbia, means a groat deal. Captain McBee, ho says, visited Augu-ta ami was to leave Atlanta to-night for Ashe- 1 v lie. I Witt They Wekk Jtisco.vrtxiEn.?The parlor cars on the Spartanburg and Ashcvillc 1 Railroad, between litis city and Hot Springs. ,*eJiavc been discontinued. ??***^^*y'liis is dne to the fact that a through line of eleopcra ha4 been put on between Savan- ^ 11 null and Flot Springs via Spartanburg ?The i< Stale. n Young Men, don't buy till you sre my i( line of Gents neck wear?made espe i?l y for us. Pull's, Ticks, l our in Hand?Latest 11 Styles. CITY CASH SlURK. 4t I ? _ . *Altor\? M 8TOKEP. * ^eol I4$f?,, S 8TOK ;itagf i( the fifty 01 . ??/ the bopeleMQ U? .h..,?,!? ?~d ? JpF* ?" ewreryboagb. ^\ ^ ajjipRr^. ? * *.?0 P. M. ? *** '' M&* The Money Order Department will he opened for buninesn from it A. M. to 4 I'. M. The Norlhcrn moil will eloae at I 1'. M., and the .Southern Mall at 1.30 I'. M. Any inattention or irregularities* ehould ta reported promptly ta the P. M. J. C. liUNTKR, P. M. gff* The T, M. C. A. will bold a meeting in their rooms nvit Sunday afieineon, t > which the puhlio are invited. 9tF~ we regret to state that Mr. II. L. 3osv ia suffering much pa:n from nu khaecaa on the calf of hie leg. A new Kutcrpnae town: Mime ami Sewing Machine 11 ?mn*. 8. M RICE, JR., K. U. Hf* An/ parson having a good milk cow wllh joung cnlf for s*'e al a reasonable price, inn/ flnl a purchaser by aph'v'n? " !?? Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machine*, fold by 8. M. HICK, Jll , B. U. _ . IVc leani thnl Mr. A. (I. Wood, an old citizen of (he IV* Ridge atction, i? lying hepelfMaly rick nt the residence of liin run Thomas Wood, nrar I'inckaey, tm. Mr. W. T. Mii'ling?, from Mnrion, is in town Kn/iog cotton for Walker, Fleming it Shorn of Charlntlo. Ilia office ia at W. II. Sartor'a store. . - - ?trtju Revs. W. I Herbert, and S II. Hope ami Mr. S. S. Stokes left tliia town, for the Stale Sum la/ School Convention al I.aureus Monday. The mo*t attractive place in tuwo, is S. M. RICK, JR'SK. U. Muaic House. tm . We arc truly glad to Main that Mrs (own liu* week, to mnKc n mnp fimt %u i??? daughter, Mr*. It. K. Atlhur. "Handy" llnir Pin Cabinet contains 7 dm Jlnir Pinr. 7 do* Pino, * styles and fast colore only right cents, at the CI I V CASH STORK. 41 nr a company of eiitrrpriaing yoiinj men, in thin tinvn lia\o rented the Nicholvot Hall, nod propose to open it for entertain moot.a. tVe are truly pleated to learn Ihi.a and ainorrely hope the venture will rosul r??"? u"? r????w viumi ikiuuuuii. i our gentleman, if we cnu help you, call on ua. Buy a pair of our "Mah?l," Sheen fu men , every pair warranted. OKA 11 AM A SPARKS. ? - Adjutant (ianeral Farley, in at nouiieing ."oino changes in the davfl of ii cpcciion in the eastern part of tha tstah ndds the following impentivc order, whirl wo suppose lie intends to apply to all con pauici iu all oilier purl* of the State: Tl?o adjutant general desires it to L understood, not only that nfl couuuiuida nr expected to lie ready for inspection, but itie ud companies which do not incct thercipiiri meiita of the law will be dropped from th ! roPh. and the guns and equipments tram ' lerrcd to conipniiiea now asking for thoui. Tap | >1111 I'laids" nil wool Press (loodi IJl'i inches wide -b, ets vncil, at ii. m". roil kn * lino's. a Mir 'CI.. ..?i ' ' *" Stitr inform their readers that they hat made arrangements with an intelligent cm respondent at Florence, 'llieronglily it formed as to planting, cultivating, curiti and preparing tobacco for market," to pr? vide that paper with a letter, to be pit! lislied every Monday, wbieh will not on! tell the farmers of South Carolina what lit been done with tobacco elsewhere, but infori them what they can do. ami they iiu it We feel assured that these letters will b >f inca'cnlnblo value to the farming iutercs f Soflh Carolina, anil every farmer shou'i suhacribe to the acmi-waekly issue of tha excellent paper, at laast, if for no (>tho purpose, to learn how to cultivate, cur and prepare tobacco for market. (llir Sup'mff ?n.l Rnmi...ii? Ik ..... ! 6 ??* *- c*x?v?x v/? im, (ioods, Shoes, Clothing and Hats are on ex Respect fully, ;UK AII AM Jt Sl'AllKS. W%_ The pupils o'" the (trailed Mchuo played .1 1st of April triek ou tho l'rinoipn anil got a whole day's holiday last IVtdnrs .lay. The young Ladies of Clifford Heininxn were not ijuiie .mo successful. They hid tlx roll book and both school bells, and then hiii thcmsclvca in a big lumber closet. Tbt I'rinc'pnl discovered their hiding plaoe ami liiieily fnstenod the door on llie outside, then isked hi* precious prisoners if they knew which side of the door the first of April vns on. It was not long before there was , general jail dolivery of SO laughing, selfnenreernted prisoners. The bolls and the illff were restored to their proper placea md tho roil was called. he Rain Continues. As we go to press the rain continues to ill, with little prospect of stopping. It is ow the 2d of April and not a seed of eet in or corn planted. We fear our people ro upending mote time in grumbling ami mplaining about the rain than praying for favorable season for plowing and plant lg. Suppose we unite in a change in that espcct. , i ?rJ* 1 -r_ ?- y - I.UUI jSW* + 1U b*<* om*l5>""T _ ???' "lumeat, Mid *" ? u? wMited very nwr \ :h*t had ttlm Un . \ ?re, but ^.\od **?* \ r ' I MT of ?\* Matpse *nA # I'nVoD oot of i?* \ * BPITotlb*of 5fLtbvy \ ^SsSg=S\ Lmbue^ ?'Vft , g>?*^bQQ*^jg^j pnnnot roufta Inero ta a lively ?en?a of the necrnaily of brushing off tha cobwebs which arc hanging bof. ro ihe eyes of the buciocca ncn of Ihe town, obocuring the future from their view and engendering a lintIran and icltinh iodiffcronco about averything beyond Ibair present circumscribe! lirn tx of buanena. Ihera are a number of email in iu-triee, requiring email amount* or women, gir'e and b?ya, and cm tribute immensely to the growth, buainrse and wealth of every town and comrounity. Many of then* industries are ntrioily in the l.neof womau'a natural nnbere. and wou'd o infer honor. respectability and indtpaiidtnc*. rather than inferiority upon Ladies who liar* lit* business reive lu engage in tlirm. Wa are led to theaa remarks by rending I tU- which a# found la lit* \f iniisboro aorrcsponden** of lha Xrwt and Courier, aid thinking thai I'nion might have ? rno thorough going business I.adics who win d no more ihink it hiicaib tluir dignity to engage in aush an enterprise than the Ladies of Wionaboro do, and be aiding to art the ball of "new industries" in nro* inn in I'ninn, we commend both ex I rue's to tbeir consideration : Tiib La iiif.s' Can.sinf tlic grandc e events in its history, not only a glorious su " acss but the moat attractive week of pleasu and nniusement ever enjoynd by the poop ( ofthe Palmetto State, pertinently nays ; Tho executive committee of the Columb centennial celebration have announced ll official progiainnic of the celebration, at , have had it published in the form of an ai dress. It provides fur a moat attracts ' series of events, among tliein being fnn'ast * and military parades, a mammoth trade , display and a grand hall for the peopl j Those are only a very few of the atiraetior g "" JU Tt* aVibtkrtiwinW, ftfe VnfeWln' stead'ly increases; and applications are I ing recaivod from a'l portions of the Stale f ociileiiiiin! arches, and tor aocommodatio during the celebration. That ihe nn4< taking will prove a glorious success is i ready assured. Thousands of visiters fr? nil sections oftlia Stato will he in Columl during the centennial week, and the da will !>c given up to pleasure and unjoymci J, II hciicvor ( o uinhia sets out to do an li th r.g -!.? uoos ii thnreughly, and this is t reason her conteimial celebration will such a i'ran.I mi, llnnraa'' f.,,., r. / bin. ic - * -? o Easter in Union l' EnMer Sunday nns appropriately obsorvt ' by the Churches litre. 0 .. i_ The Episcopal nn was appointed. In that case tho Hoar I of County Comaiistiniiers should ho not fied of tho remova'. so that a now Over seer mny be appointed, f As Compensation for performing the du > ties of Kind Overseer, the law provi l? I that nil Overseer# ?ervin<; two y.vrg shall hi ' oxempt from road duty 1 i the two succeed I ing ye?rs. Eaiter Election. At the aunual meeting of the congregatoii of The Church of the Nativity last Monday morning, tho following ollicei* wore elected for the ensuing church year . Wahdi.ns,?J. IV. Mol.ttre, Jonn K. Voting. Vestrymen,?IVin. Mnnro, deorgo do Idt , B. F. Arthur, F. A. K. I'arham, David Johnson, Sr. Secretary and Treasurer, B. F. Aitbur. / > Cohttnhoti. Will. Mnnro, David Johnson, fc>r.. deorge deddes, W. S Mel,ure. Di'/t jiil's tti f'otitwHi ' ri, to l>e appointed by the lleetov. _ "liilt F.dge" Fln>e Poli?h in g'a^v va^cs ~*'C. each. n'. 11. M. Cull UN Bill). JBT. Hr* lJUa;?iid?D(? of Union Timra. ^K^P*E?ltoa Kianiclee. ^Sjarch 80.?Mr. Editor. At I e%,i^H?MKayibinK heretofore about tha ' wheat and oet cropa, I will - g^jjHpfb wheat ia looking fine, but tbara a terf fdrMw'^ In lhi* Eea Kidga aee- 1 Lion. *?%? bac' oata ara alao iromimng, but 1 only > ftaa'l l,ut 'n Autumn *? ^M^Kha^lon'1 '* tW0 or ,^,ree **** P'ow" 1 I my t-o wet ano, fe'l Nat wedk snd broke her legist a? ore the nnkle joint, |r. J. N. Fowler has a child rery sick win Pneumonii. Icr. 0 M. Boyd, a brother sf the Iter. D. Boyd, preached at Foate.'s Chapel yeasrdar. liis face looked datura1 to tin, ahmiigh we had net seen the K?r. gentle nua mere than once In fourteen ye.re. I n?ro* i?? a congregation more delighted w'h tho nrmeuce of ti man in all iny life, [e held hie he> re* spell-bound through |io cntlrs service II * irrmon watt f undel on Mark, 10:10. Now, Mr. E'itor, a* you made a mistake in uiy iiiip, or puzzle, I trill ask yon to republish it. Tou made tnnde me eny 9*10 instead of 9 by 16. Th?r* is not a man under the sun that cjii fill 141 square inchc* with '/t s>|uaie inches of pt.ink; hut a lis'c 12 inches square can be fil ed with a piece of platik nil** by tixtren inchc*, *o 1 a*k any K/? ^ i?|| %%*?? wV?*l\ in an w ?t of plunk. 6 t.y 10 inches so as to full a 12 inch hot*. I will n w turn my attention to the Local's <|iieitioD. Investigating a little I find that A is 0*a father. 1 I will now sak the Local to delin# the follow leg relation : A and I. sis brothers mid A's wife is It's wife's mother. Now what is the rtlalion of their eliildrrn. Try it, friend Local, and sto what joii ran do with it. Kki.ton Wiikki.. #. Personals. Misers M ri* io (ice mid Sallie McKissick, of Conver-c Col'ege, Spat lanburg, visited heir parents litis week. ' Mre M. (? llnnipliriee of liigli I'viiil, Laurens County, is visiling relatives and friends here. * Wo were glad te rcoet our esteemed young friend, l)r. M. W. Chambers, of Kelteii, in r !& ii'Vsy shadow-of what ho was. A eonlcinphited trip to Georgia will "bring him out" wonderfully. Mrs W. McB S! oan and son, of Columbia, are in Union, visiting their many old fiiends ' hero. J Mr. D. C. Fljon, Andeisun's Millionaire 'g incrchniit, spent a few days with us this st wook and dropped a nickle or two of his c- gieat wealth into the editorial slot. Fly tin re grows eloquent when lis talks about Ander1? son. Mrs IVm. Monro lias gone to Charles* on i* to visit her venerable Father. Mr. end Mrs. Cecil Smith and child lef j us last Mcday f r Virginia. Mr. Smitt re was engaged en the Fngfneer Corps of tin o Augusta Division of the 3C's roatl, aue 1 wlion that roatl collapsed lie took a siniilat 0. v/" nnCtinn ?>n a Virginia roatl. Himself ant 10,,r J News Items mm Mr. 8. F. Peweil, father of R. F. Fewoll. ?r- a leading merchant of lt>ck Hill, died las! 11- Monday. '!" IV. E. Johns, it diiiiiiiuot', has heen given "a ii verdict of $d,.'!r fmlics ; every j air win t inted. iu " tiKAIIAM & SPARKS. . ^ __ lC . v? ?vwm < ?i uvov n ny ni c vir* tinis of inrrcur el poisoning, or who arc suffering from mercurial rlieumntism, arc inclined to take a gloomy view of life when, as the pool aajs, "Winter is folding its whi.e tent* and spring gelling its thunderstorms together." Vet tliece victims have R n? reason to despair. 5. S. S. is a sure remedy f r all forms of mercurial poisoning. 11 Though it ia purely a vegetable medicine, it ' is powerful, indeed, when called on to chase tc mercury, and the last lingering effects of l0 mercury, cut of the system. It performs the work wi?h neatness and dispatoh, es H thousands of testimonials show. ,r If tlio Alliance in South Carolina expects ss to remsin within the lines of the Democratic e. party?which we hope it will do. Col. Keiit i0 and the Marlboro Democrat to the contrary notwithstanding?the breaking up i f the " Trinity Alliauce in Newberry is Jiot to be i- deprecated. The Alliance owes allegiance to the Democracy, and no trinity of stmiige gods can take the place of tlio universal deity of free government and a free people. ? The Stole. L> (lUNI t-ATII) St'CAU Wilt. UK 1^ CknTS.? iioston. March 24.?The lleston sugar men are very reticent in regard to the reported drop in sugar, and wi 1 say but little. At the etliee of iho Standard relinerj there was 1 no daulit that on April 1 the price of graou, luted su&ar will be down to 4} cents. It is also trudthat tlio trust will be down to iV ! cents. It is a'so true that the trust had | over estimated the demand for March, and | that April would see considerable Maxell t>V cent sugar on hand. Tub itiloj^y^atxki.cviibxcii.?Florence, S. C., color line was drawn in the aaah, door and blind factory to-dsy. Several whi'e hards <11111 t tork became they claimed tliat a negro had I l ecn hired to run the turning lathe. The I factory has been endcavotiog to get a white turner, but failed, and bad an application f 0111 a colored man and put him to work, whereupon nearly a'l of the while hands kicked" amj walked out. Strange to say. ?<>tiie of the young me;; who unit wort ar^ f' vsi iho North.?Srecial to 'J'tic Slot:. Corns wifUtice of the Uo I, lw# weeks since, e ami shout one week before her dea'h she v look lo her bed with cwarihal fever, which ( finally developed into pneumonia, anil her / constitution being weak she ? oil j a?scd t away under its dreadful influeure. She fi wbs buried yesterday at Gilead Church, | near J#ne**iUo. and her funeral w?r f preached in the Methodist Church heie by t llev. A. A. James. She was a member of the l'r'sbyleriau Church, a d net only a 1 member in form but one who bad fought a , good fight, kept tho christian faith and eon- < sequcntly has no doubt obtained a crown of tiro. Mr*. Frit p w.is tlie wile of the lat" A A. Fripp, formerly of Cbailesion, where tliey onrc owned considerable pioprrly, i which was all b>*t by tlic result of the la c i war?niueh of ibeir real estate being confiscated by tho general government?then i foilowc I the deaili of her husband in 1>S7I, leaving Iter with five children, but she mail- i aged !o raise litem a'l wiih honor nil I roanert. Two of I In* in lived with her in " ! Spartanburg? Mrs. William* ii'xl Mi-* Xotiic?'>ne of tlicitt being ps-'.sont when she died, I be other came the next ilajr. Her third daughter, Mrs. (looser, who lives in t'oliimtu*. Mi-*, was not nhle to reach Jniicsxilent all: while the youngest, an only eon, living in S itthern (iooc^^reichol Jones-viile vision lay^MHfc Pki'oiia route on neount of I *'ads, ajilSt in t in^MttriHw9|l|H Inr"1!? whom I made mention lust weevc an being very sick, aro no better. Mrs. 11??i' e has hn V.r" ^0!1 'Vosby has been appointed ' 1,1 jlace, to euccoc I Miss 8 \ ' S1,,n,"L '"o-'igncd tho sito of the office w'il also h? charged from Mr. I!. 'J', pjivis' residence to Mr. froabv's. I The general health around Meador >s very . good, with the exception of a ma'a ly c >tninonly known as "hhiea," wh:ch has pre vfti'ed in 'his ticighborhooi since n' out 11?e i first of February. The only *liitic; tImt lit* ' been found to relievo those ntl'ectc 1 with it, is sunshine niul e'ear w eather. Hut t In a would hardly have time to give more than a i hope of relief before the rains wouhl cinie again on ' cause a reUpse. We hove hot h:nl n fatal ease cf it yet. although it is getting sorions. Mis. E. Hamilton, whose illness i nnte l.anip'cy. , Maxey Cioshy Iks 1 cen quite siek for the s In*t few days, I lit i? getting nil right again. The chaugeah'o weather t a good "grippe" on him. W, 11 (' Correspondence of the Union Tims*. News front Cross Kcvs. 'v. lu.u, March 11.?Mr. Editor. I n ill give you a little ftho news in this put t of the county. 'flic farmers have done Some work, thciigli they do not get to plough more than two or three days at a time, on account of so much rain. There have liven very lit tic o jrn planted. Fall oats arc looking we 1. and hope to report a full crop when harvested* 1 regret to announce the death ?>f Mr. John Hobo, Ho was bur id at l'adgctts t'reek. the i?(Mi insi. Ilia fiinily have the ' symjnthy of this community: they have | lost a kind ami afleclitnate father, Mr. Jarnca ?n .?? Spartanburg for some limo is with for a few days. Mr. W. R. l!rt?i 1 of this place is clinking { ' Minter and Bubo, at Srdalia. Mr. William Sm th. of 1'idon, was to see liis Scda'.iu friend ' last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. IV. F. rdu?singaiitc Inn A progressive school at this ptaco. Our Sunday School did not ire into winter quarters, and is trry good. It. Tub CiuAitp.rrt: Dm k*Two Yor\o Mrs to St iciuk.? New V irk. March 'J7.?John Hroderich, a letter carrier, who supported his three sisters, coiniu tied suicide this morning, by cutting his throat witli a razor. Be was obliged to lay off Saturday last on aecount ef (sickness, caused, in grc.a' part, by cigarette smoking, and it is suppose i lis was temporarily out of his mind when ho ! took his life. Hazel ton, I'a.. March 2". ? Miuic t'arson, 1 a young Hungarian, whs yesterday taken to i the I.awrytown alms house suffering frotn I insanity caused by excessive cignratto i smoking. Mitring lite night lie managed to i secure a piece of wiro with wbiclt he hung | himself. ? */'n hand. t ATTENTION CENTS One p..it ? tills oii'j i.tnen Cellar, one scarf, all three articles lor 50c. at 11. M. COllKN & l)KO S. t ('orrnjioridfOM of the Union Timbs. V?*a from Worth PMoltt p Etta Jam, March 30.?Our North Paoolet . 8. Convention met At Mesopotamia jester ?j. As a rynops s of the proceedings will 0 doubt go bef re our mule's this wsek e beg to saj, tha' numerically it was n ?t 8t 1 I'fnn# ioi u indition of the r >a make ours the banrnr township 0 f the county, if not of the S ate, in the S. 8. U rork. * The President n?k*d: What became o'" 2 'Nosh" aftcr his wife became a pillar of salt? 1 !otne one told him it win "L' tV' wife iustead g if "Noah's," he meant Different ideas were n ;i?cn as minds reverted back to Sodoroie his- <1 ory. Hut Pro. Ja*on M. Greer eetlled the t |iiceiion, by saying : "He went on hie way s ejoiciog." ti .Mr. Paroe't Moss d:ed at Pacolet Mill- * set week end was buried a' ElPc'hel yeeter, ? lay. lie was a hard working, poor man. f I.. I>a.I ll.o innnlinlH IO confess if DOt oraake, his fault?, nod ho dispisad a hypo- < 'it*. He wae an uneducated man, but pos- ' eescd n powerful mind. When an infant, 1 nly a few month* o'd his father, Willis Moss 1 *ns killed by lightnng in h s house iu York t 'ounty, n?ar where Merce'e.Mill nowetands. a is the holt came down a rpat k from the elec ric current set the clothing of of the child on I Ire. Ky the titnely arrival of help it was ut out and lie with other members of the ainily, who were found unconscious from c he shock, was taken to a place of satery. Mr. George Sanders, of Wi'kinsvillo, loot, 1 liis house, til'st of his furniture, c'otliing !vc. by fire l?"t Tuesday?same o'd cause? defective store pipe. We he*rJ a whinporwill tlrs morning, for the fust tiino this season. 1 From a place within a htind-cd yards of our residence, we C'n aeo the elecltic light 1 at Hlacksburg. 1 hast Wednesday was gardening day generally, throughout, our neighborhood. It's 1 well the ladies didn't wait f >r "(tood Friday," as it wasn't so good, after nil, for planting purposes, anyway. The "local" throws out a ques'ion fer us a* d "Keltoii Wheel," to which we answer, ' that "A" didn't deny but that ho had one brother and thnt was (,"' whnt says the Wheel? A friend has handed us this f.-r the "local's" consideration : A man callc 1 at a jail and wauled to see a prisoner. The sheriff asked if he was anv kin to the prisoner, and he aid : _ son." What relation were they? litv. J. 1>. llailey wi 1 preach at Abingdon Creek next Sabbath, fith inst. '1 lie young folks had a pleasant tint# at " 1._ _ \j,.u v,,T our home last rniuvuny car,....*- * "j '? ? "-V r ua'i tlu?nl'?. 1 <>???? ')" "oW Ml voting loo. But f?he un j. We will pivo our answer t often happens t at ,1,0,6 who wear the finest clothing anu move in best society, are the most inveterate tre(incnters of the card talde. . . Gambling generally begins by playing foi amusement. First, they only play a social game of cards, in that ?hey become deeply intonated, and so keep practicing, and after a wljlc II.' | (Pl4iwj*^^lay again, Tlic l"S*r thinks he most ivy again, to eee if luck will ir-t change. So, with his associates congregate 1 around the card tabl;, tiiey play lor hours I before retiring. He feels now that lie can | pi ty safely, si'lie plays again, stnl isngiin j successful. By tins time bo fce'.s that he lms foun I a chance to accuuinlate a fortune. But, uIhs ! things turn, lie ha? lost more than he lias ever won. still he continues; ho can't give il lip now. Like all other bid habits, it is hard to get out of. When you fut I n gambler you most always find a maa lhat occasionally or ci nstant'y drinks inioxicnt ng 1 quois to excess, disgustingly profanes (bal's holy name, and cares lit lie er nolh'iig for (5od, His church or the services held therein, lie lias little respect for Sunday. lie docs not wish to be in what is called moral or refined society. The barroom. gambling hell, and debased s-ciety, arc more congenial to him. lie slays from home day and night for perhaps weeks, months and longer, partly because he fears his mother, sis'cr or neglected wife would counsel him to absininfi-'pp.hw. ov?t i,??j'-?? v mo wish to be "tackled on or all >ut his bid habits, now tlint they have a strong hold on him. and lie has not sclf-contr.il enough to withdraw from them. My advice to th so who have never gamble 1 i?, never allow yourselves to bo enticed to the sociable card table rr the gambling room. l>i not indulge in tlie jirxi gla?s of strong drink, for that is the glass that often lend? to gambling 1!.c ^.unoier is in dau| ger almost every where. If in the gam1 ling I room he is in d inger, for it is a place m ! which excitement is easily aroused, and a'l j moral and penal law is defied : nnd en the streets he is in danger fiom his victim*. I j once read of a young man of high standing whose father was a wealthy merchant, and lie the only son. lie married a fine lady ; one that such a man was not worthy of.? After his marriage his father gave him twenty thousand dollars ; he began to gamble. and s >on spent and gambled ;t away.? lie had then to wander from place to , lace, limbic to pay his debu. W'hi'e his neglected and disgraced wife would ho about her lab rious home duties, he would be off at his profes?ioii(?) (Heaven save the mark) trying to win perhaps, unsuspecting some victim's money. At last lm was killed while playing for a large sum. He left a heart, broken wife and two children thrown upon the charity of their friends. Oh, young men, and o'd ones, too: if you regard your own happiness nnd the happinc-s of your families and friends, and the saving of your own ?oui, ree n irom even tlie shadow of n shade tlec*?e< 1 1*y this heaven-daring, heartbreaking au cm. a piir up at IIA KitY M. roll KN ,* KKo'S. i'or.iTirs Hkksks rp am Ai.i.iamck?Tlu? Newberry correspondent *f Th* n\yg: ' I have been 111 foriiie?l that a sub-Alliance in ibis euiniy. known as the Trinity Ailinnce, has disbanded. The rift?oti assigned is that tlif Aliiance is ?ft'ing on too much politic;*, or rather getting in it* ranks too many politicians. It wa* a very stouiiy Alliance. Talking about the Allianee and pol tics, Ihe Mt. I'lramnt Alliance, in another portion of the county, passed respite???iu? i?t th? meeting on {Saturday, putting en record iis unanimous disapproval of the Alliance engaging in the business of banking, and also if those holding etliee in the Allianee of any kind becoming cindhlates for politcal office u> lung a? 'hey were ufVioeis or sgen's of the Alliance. 'I ho delegates elected to the L'oimiy Alliance, to be he d at Newberry on aexi Iti lay. wore instructed to vetc for the tdoption ofthese resolution, in the County \l i snce. t - - i Special drises in Men's fe't Hals for one i hilar, at the CITY CASH fcfl'UKE. 4i ??f??f? s For the Tntao. fl osMdiafi of the Baptist Iu4ay Softool t ^ Ceareniioai?TCC, Marsh SI, 189|. Mo. Editoo, and other (Vital* of tie lodsy 8*bool*i ?nd other teadei* %r ?t. A a, ! >u; Hint ? ? '? WO*M b* the OOOM d, old song to yen, probably to tell you, nt I had the exquisite pleasure of fttMi' g, again, on the 27th. 29tb and 2VtH7I4?t, 4 i* of those memorable Sunday Seboel Cse.' I will ?.idMT?r to |1t* the "Kits*SI fu )u tented a* iny capabilities wUlaUMs' S le proceedings of the 17th au>n County Baptist 8unday tn ion which convened 00 Sstordhy SBgsjr' i 8tb, with the l'adgett's Creek CbtUVRflp^ be weather being so unfavorable, the deleft tes of the ?ix schools represented cou'd lot get there on time Friday. Th* Presi. lent and S^cre ary being turned back touts wo or three times, on account of h gh treams, an 1 compelled to go a great many iiiles out of the way, did not arrive unll i.t. in the afternoon, and all other 1 iflicer* being absent, consequently there was jj 10 meeting. , Saturday, however, the schools met at ten J clock, and (he convention was opened a lib ?vl levotional exerciacs conducted by Mr. D. N. ,q SVi.burn, by reading the e'evonth chapter of ; { Hei ress, after which the body was cal'sd > o order and the reports of schools receivtd, ind de egates enrobed as follow#: 1 litthetaa.?W. P. Ducket and Fitsbagb I Fair Vine.?I. K. Paulk. I Lower Fair Fvrett.?Contribution, bat no -9 le'ojrfttcs. a CV..L .1 W " ?--T, , , 11. F. Hay. St" l'hilijipi ?Hcv. C. 11. Willeford. | Sfdalia.?J. W. Sanders, R. W. Stuart and jB Mies Lixxie Sanders. j Salem.?W. O. Jeter. Rot. C, R. Willeford i ind Mrs. C. R Willeford. j Thi* being ihe meeting at whieh the offi. jl cers are elected, the following were the 9 unanimous choice of the convention : ! President, J. II. Randolph; Vioe-Preeirlcnt, L). N. Wilburn; Secretary, Jeter; Trossurrr, II. F. Scaife. Mr. D^B *3 Wilburn, the Vice-President, has now place hold by the Inmented Dr. Robert Littlo who was e'ected tc that office one year ago.' Of course Iho officers grea'ly appreciate the -a bon-r conferred upon them by this holy of "T| church and Sunday School workers, f?,r the -.3 advancement of Christ's Kingdom. As has been said, one day of the cmven- ' < lion had been cotirely lost, but the conren- * tion proccelcd to discuss the queries on the j published programme. The subjects discussed were ably fcand'cd, and wn^fatertrt iegarding temperance was Jiscussor missions, rnd some encouraging J1 contributions for the same causo since the 11 last meeting. The collection en Sunder .jH was ml (led to this And all given to foreign missions. In this respect the fluniny I Schools are doing more work than the 1 churcbos, and it seems the churches ar? not keeping up the Sunday fichoo's but the g latter are keeping up the former. 1 The Couaty Superintendent, Mr. J. II. 1 Randolph, submitted his report whioh was I adopted, and which shows some good work j done by him. This is nleo nianifosted in the zeal shown by temo of the sohools recently visited^ hy^hnn. delegates were the ^3 On Sunday morning, which wae faultlessly T beautiful, the delegates risitod the church to / witness the Sunday School exorcises, and * nf'er tho lessons closed, was treated with m a po-ntcd speech from the efiieiont Superillleudent, Mr. D. N. Wilburn, after whioh W Ilev. C R. Wil'.oford preached the Missionary 1 sermon, from 1st Cor. 16: 24. Then itwai I absolutely necessary for the convention to i assemble for a few minutes, and the choir g snag with pathos, Ood be with you t ll we I meet ajjain." The convention then ad- 4 joiirned to meet with the Lower Fair Forest I Church Friday before the filth Snnday in M Mny. j Now, Mr. Editor, 1 would like to give an 3 account of our journey to Padgott'a Creek. j Friday morning was, as you well know, very j unfavorable, after about 18 hours hard rain, j nut ttioMUtm deieganon Willi inyseu """"i J to go via Bcnty's bridge, But bad to go ft considerable distance out of tlie way, ftid r\ on the way encountered treacherous creeke I mi<1 brnnclns, and the worst roads inutile, unite beyond ir.j aViliij io do^ESlHjHM| Oouiriun'cs tbc poor neasts would t'O^HptSfflPH ing in mud hub deep, and whi'e t hn|^wW?r?ijM was tupping in the mud, the tidepfWoitla ho cringing, for tear some of the mud might even pet in their eyes. To make tlio at cry of our trip short?we would l'.ke to have had the trip cut short?we pulled through, and at 1 I'. M.. after being in the mud from 7 A. M., we rod? ?.;j> ;0 de^y: o ti cnuren," which looked more familiar, an I certainly moreinvi'ing than anything we liad_seen for a long time; hut to our regret, \vc found that c?eryhody had left, al It ugh sonic had \va ted until a late hour, and wc being weary, worn, and just u little hit hunpMfr? separated into two psrtic.s, to hunt^^ir homes, where, it ia useless to ray, we were male ivc!c?me and treited with the kindest hoapit ility. During our whole amy there we met with tho kindest attention, for those people aro noted for their lavish kindheartedness, and at no p'ace can I enjoy tnyse'f in re fitly. TThi'c its hospitality tuny heeipta'cd it cnnr.pt be spr| as?ed. I feel much better after attending tip con* vention, for it break a llio mnnntfinv of a - ,, - "backwoods" firm; and now I am at home and have pulled out on I lie main line, and making a run for (ho next convention, where I hope to sec all of my acquaintances, old and new, cspecia'ly tho pretty girls. E. W. J. What Wk Wast.? Th< State puts ih? who's truth, concerning the wants and growth of the South and South Carolina in particular, in the following short an J terse _ Tho Haiti more Mitnufartureri Record makes a ge >d showing of Southern enterprises during the lapt week. The trouble with the list is that a good manyyaf the organizations mentioned are on paper only, while inany which are not recorded are actualities. We ere always distrustful of ten-million-dollar companies They cft'ry the suggestien of speculst on' of the Mulberry Sel ers variety. What we need the South, an I f art iou'arl v in Sou h l'sdUftk_ lina, is a nuaihrr of small conifanies, b e of employing different kinds cf i""i']J| Hi indifferent kinds of werk, cnablieg us supjdy our wants at home, and making or themselves nuclei for larger growl hs. There are openings for fifty varieties of small manufactures herein Columbia, tut we overlook thom when one eyes at o fixed on airy processions of million' of dolla-a streaming over the horizon. To rttK I.adiks?Wo nkc pleasure in tify iug yoti tliat we will have a full end nmp'eto line of "lluttcrick'* I'uthru*" in JW i tuck, and for s,do next wetk. Call and -? make joup selectiors. Hi s( t( tfully, GRAHAM ii SHARKS.