ff.e 3D re (sly Union Hinio.s R. M. STOKES, Editor 1 S. S. STOKES. - Local Editor Friday, AiikiimI 1, 1S1>0. SUltSCRirTlOX, $1 50 I'K/i ANNUM POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Tlic 1*. O. w ill l?e opened for business from 8 A. >1. to 5.:$0 IV M. The Money Order Department will he opened for business from t? A. M. to 1 I*. M. The Northern mail will close at 1 IV M., and the Southern Mail at l.:50 1'. M. Any inattention or irregularities should re reported promptly to the 1'. M. J.V. HUNT KB, 1\ M. fgp* All of the candidates were out of town this week on important business. destructive cyclone swept over Lawrence, Mass., lust week, doing ? great deal of damage. Just leceived, another lot < 1 Col. i I'.arlc to go before the August e invention ntol a'lvoeale u primary for delegates to the September convention. "Too late sister, train 'lone pone."' The eoOiluetor won't ri-k a sma-hup by j changing the schedule now. -? - - ? ? Cream ami lied t'ra/v t'lotli at 7 rents per vard at II. M CullI! N r.i;?? S. - After more than thirty year- of faithful services in llieetnplry of the S. I ami C. railroad. Mr. F. II. Counts has retire the people of this town without Count* fnee in | it. - - ? W The f. illowitig despatch heirs oti it- 1 face such nu apparent contradiction tliat it is more than remarkable, to us : XV.\ siiimjtox, July k'ii.?CongrcJ-nisn liilninn has written a letter against t he Farmer* Alliance. This is remarkable, because Mr. Tillman's brother, the head of the alliance ' movement in South Carolina. nits **'v I ? * i . . ?J LUilttMilCV ! ?#re-elect ion. Cnr I Jcttt.Gov. .ublin, ol Greenville li.ia announced hiniseh a candidate for Confess from this District. That makes three Ilii'hmomi- in the liebl : 'tv, i. . Col. I. (1. Melvissick, of Fnion. II. ! I Smith, of Spartan burg and M. I.. MatiMiu, I i tiroenvilio. ami wo loaru that either ;i|>or I "a-., or a wlo>lo .t'u fur *i a- woll next week. 111o lnoiin time friend l'ul.o, otill ami -ec but loavo your dynamite at home vitiitl t see our reply. We are necu.-iomed to i tinnry explo-ion- an I can stand a i .u'etly liot Tillman Kla-t. n6*A- 'lur roasotn for >ppol anything to change our opinion that, from the Shell inani- j fe.-to up to date, hi- method'* to -ocure the democratic nomination w ere and sire uudcinocrutic ?1 cr;itic party.? which lie roiifc-se?, when lie >ay.? lie | is 'fijrhtiiijr i>r/"?ui/I'i'in is ill, organ i/.at ion. ri'id ttie furilier fuel Mint lie i- sin advocate . of the high tuitl j?< !i?*y el ilie llepuMieaii i party. which wc helivve i-un-re imporltincc In llie farmer- of tlie State ihun any >liti' ji'iliiieul '|ue-tuii hciure them. We are n -traightotii democrat the tir-t iu the State? andwlun die dunorrulie e<>iivolition decides tliui lie i.- llie iioiriiiec of llie J deiiiocraiic parly, ilieii we -hull itiku liim si.? , u:ir candidate mid opjie-e with a'l eiir powei i any and every atieiupi ! > ?p it llie den iiu i puny, or any oilier etf rt m i ie i defea' is; j I election. I iu re file lliree deiiioeraiie evndi| dvtc- in llie field, mid in "pp. -it / ..m- ' J iliein, we i>ut cm p -e ri_'hi ii.it In! ng t. | every free \inerii .11 riii/-n. rid trm I democrat wo?:M try to deprive .11.;. mail ii 9 Hillside of Tillman tin I hi- few |v R allied fol'ower-, wi have never indulged in liar-h name "i ; llie m iive? ft or integrity of th..?c v\!. m clinging liim i with -u> h fanatical lenaciiy. We have found B nothing of -alliennt jtni.oi'laiiei in (l.i> 1 1. 1 II ' 1 form l" uiijrcf I". *\lii!* we h n> i m <- miivjhin^ iii n \ r iLi-inv nn /real lcliif llic Jifiip'r. Wcnrcinfiv r -I" tin- iiiiule tilt < '.? < li'l'l lIvlejMtlM liy ) l'i 111.1 I \ atl'l lii litvi-l it 111:?l 1CIII:i11ii "f tin- :iny. flic I tM 111.1 II -iriki- nmil'l linvi'c1 liven .-c?'?ill III' I ""I I'M- ' I't | "111 i' :i I I Illdttii i. woiill have Iv/i'ii n.ii' ii in- ic ?:ititffnctui\ i" ! Munchausenism To The I'ltion correspondent of I lie Ch irlcs- 1 ton II\>rhl, :i youth of tender ywiw, ill one lin of his hiimorou ? communications to that jour- lor nal, Mays, "a committee of (? > from tbe w I Farmers Alliance woitc?l on him ami nskeil 1 him to show 111> the a i-nilfcrnr, ...up v. ago he published in and to I lie to'vrhl that hu Mr. .1. II. ltodger employed from 7~>to lot) on hand* in his brickyard, when from 1?? to 1"? ev hands was the highest number Mr. Ilodger over employed. mi And i?ot long since this same reliable to young journalist told the \\'?rhl lint there an were only 10 anti-Tillmanitcs in Union ti> County, when one gentleman alone counted nearly L'tHi who he knew were opposed" to If< Tillman, nnd there are hundreds more. to The total voting population of Union is he about -l.fKH). about equally divided between in white and colored, or 2.10ft white voters, of which more fbnn one-half live two in a foi family or never take any paper. pt Why, Tom, if you contiuue ao careless in f> hnndlingthe truth it will bw dangerous to I Ki read, much less believe, what you any. We pr (bank you for the following compliment, but ui refer you to the present issue t?? pro\e that Ti both side* do get full justice in the Tines IV The Union Tunis published here is a good a reliable paper, but the farmers say they n, want a paper that will necord with their views nnd give both sides their full justice. Mow these young journalists are given to misleading. A Familial Face Oono of In passing daily up the street we miss the (.| familiar fare of a good old friend of many years, whose smiie of recognition we valued v, for it was an honest, cheery smile, and we can hardly realize the sad fact Mint the genial face of that "launch obi citizen Mr. John |,, o- i i.?o ........ ,,? r.., 111.1 I ??Jli HI IWI Vfo, Mr. Ilodgcr wn- l?.rn in St. Andrews. Scotland, an?l como to this town in the year p, 184m. From (lint time to tin- wtli and prosperity. 1(j In a'I hi- drillings hone-ty and truth chame- I teri/.ed every t ran-ielioti, and no limii could 1 p: I e his enemy. n lli-wa- a Kind and sympathetic heart. >( over epen in response I" the rail of the i.worthy in distress, ard liis charities and w favers were many, hut seldom known t?> any Ian hiili-elf. I'.nt the hrijfhlne-s hi- eharttetet* shone ' hi...i oii-piewotis in the lenne . irele, where '' killdlie-s. a lie." lull and a con-tunl effort to I I centrihnte to the happiness ..f al! aronn I 1 ? him marked hi- wlm'e conduct. and com- ' mamled the iov e and re-poet of ench and a'l j '* eoiitieeted with that happy home j p II<> \va- a kind hit-hand and indulgent ! ti I irent, a p?. I eiti/en, and an holiest mini. 'I Those alio knew him I?e?t mourn hi-death j ^ ino-t deeply, nil eheri-h Iti-i memory in i.> I- nde-t atl'reliiiii. | rt Over 40 year- a;.a we recorded hi- name m a- a -nliserilier to the l.atireti-villc // // /. . hi and lie a.is the second -uh-criher we reeeiv- | (1. e*l to the ITiinn TiMt~.it. nearlv " I - 1 1 Grand Division ofTho Sons of Temperance- I The annual -e-?jo|| ol'ihe Grand Divi-iot) ' of the S.iin of Teaiperanee I'oi th;? State, | 111 an- held .a t'olumliiii. July 'J ! and 'J I. the | Grand Worthy I'ntriarch. John Alexander, j Vl pre-idiiio. J ti \fter the u-ual routine hii-ine-- wa- trait-- l'J acted the report-of the Grand Worthy I'atriareli (iiiiiil Scrihc iiol I.'iiii.I I'lea-n l.r at were read and referred in appropriate cm- ! * '' inillee>. win* reported favoiably upon nil. I 0:1 I'lle I'-'llnw rinj; ollieora wnr elected mid ' "I iit~i-i11 ?-l>li>. i irangeburg. .Vl 11. T.. S. S Sl"kt"?, I i i >n. (i.Cbap.. 1'. I' JtIleal, I'crry. j . ('imtubers, Koliuti. "i 1'. nn'/la?s. I'n'.iiiiiliia. ',r The propagation wmk wn- thoroughly Cl ilit?eu?cl a it I plan- a loptcl ta the enduing :u year. ' The cl'^fl llinr?lav morning at ot 1 LI o'clock. I'lii' next -i ssion w ill In* held in i hi- ('miuty. i Union Services. w Tito regular monthly I'nion -erviccs will rn . se In- held in the I'lpist'opal t'liurcli next Sunday j? evening at o flock. Tht' services will tic be ci'ii'liictcl by liev. Ileiij. Alston. - nr f*r.? I'iiilf tie..rue" returned to iiis I |?r seat in I 'Tigress la~I week after canvassing | 1111 Ilia chances l'"i- re eleeti"ii ami satisfying I iiiiu-M ii i 11'ii iii> luniM i i?ru ii??i ^"iim j.'.j I" lir a--a--iuutell lot ? \t the vim.- time ilirre is an ugly 'I'1 lnini'i iliii lliiii.'l .1. TtiHn-t't. St tie l.eetlirer I tin All mi e. intern!- giving 1 tu-lo tieorge (1ja ui?i!e i". i f..ngi-?--^i?.iiitl li- ti.>r- 111 I otiioln tii incut- If I tielc t if orpc wrote tlnit letter il'Ulli-l tin- Mil lin e nil I i- i>|'l'n-C'l In tinIII ?i|li.ire:i?iir\ .1- re|-i>|t? I. lie will -latnl n j..( b. lter eh.itieo for a H'lt I'laef front 1?1 < lieu lia than in running a-.'ain-t Tallicri. en gel l'ei'Minau. an A11 - I ?i ! 1 \: 111 . ! I'en-lie (nit 1- visiting ' relative- bile. |il Mr 11. 1.. Uti'tjii. 1 I AI - >u ?i t 1 'live N. ( j-ii l lii- fiien-1- i ; I'tiinii 1 \ 1 -if I.-i-t week tie. .Mr- i>. i i. hk v i " v : ? uin' >? i w ii i- < n a \i-ii in rc'inivc- .m l iVit-n-N | J'"1 l.oiv , w|, Mr- II M -ivU- iim I r'.iil livii 1.1\.- ' coi .' lie I IK>r> !i. I i . ii- ' ii'y. ?.>m i \i-i; j I i roljitivf-. Mi. Ii.il ri.i.i). 1 itm in 1 Au^u-i i !:i-t I Mnii lay. | Im Mr-. J. l>. Arilnn Inn gnim nil i vi-ii in I her iiiiiiliir.il I!Ilill. Mi-- hora Hinkr- went l*l?* i i ( in vi-ii In Iter brnllirii l:i-i Men-lay. i ..j; M 1-- ." tfl'jMT :i?i| Ml.-. Mnlinll, III I'lillUII- I 1 i:i, ai*ii \isiliii^i Mi l-iiinki'V iiii I fami'v I i. I i' Nrnl. nl Mrrkli'iilinrji <"??nni v. ! v,., N?i vi-iiinn In- daiir Iih i . Mrs. h. I', i M mi | Ii_v j Ml 'i \ Hi 'i. nl All 'ii i i 'hi . :i 11 -1 J ' '' Mi?- I.i'iv ll.-il.. I'pon the matter of the Kxecntive Cumit tee onltriiig a conventual, we refer you the correspondence between t'ol. Ilnyt d dr. S. I'ope. for your special in for main upon democratic methods and laws, lour unwarranted arraignment of t'ol. yt is puerile and without foundation, and be plain with yon, does both your tid and your natural good sen^c great justice. t'ol. Iloyt biught the I'/li'in J'/iinl, ]>tair llmanites. as a consistent and faithful ietol of the Farmer* Alliance, and as true democrat, opposed to the melli'itlg lopted hy ('apt. Tillman lusecure his own itmitiuliun by forestalling uniu.n?|i v." ?To the dilor of The . Ihx.'i, Mc*srs J. . IVitijirew, of Darlington, :u?d A. A. Sarin. ofln en. voted against I lie roapporliouelit bill. Now if ('apt. Tillman is a man of bis word f (tillst " 1,'V'I up to ilie hatred and obloquy I he Slate : " v ' x" - A J .1. T. I'ettigrew. of Darlington. A. A. Sarrall. of ITiion. These archill his supporters. Ileetu have ore names if lie wants them.?Tote liven. We think our good friend. A. A. Sarrntt. ted in accordance with the hottest eeiivie uis of his conscience, did not Commit politiil or any other kind of peijury and does t deicrve to he "held up, to the hatred id obloquy of the State, for voltig against e reappart ioiinietit bill t see how lie ran c-capo being uiixel with the charge made by ("apt. Tillman piiiisi the management of the I'oniteuliary, ho Ins been one of tho "visitors or ireetor- of that iii~titiili> ii for over four ars. we think. I.verybody that knmv< Mr. Parian knows ' in t i be as 11 >iio-C and true a man as lives, a Tilliuauitc, too? but it' t'apt. Tillman ,rots Ins nioiiili on liim." lie will think lie 11 stolen a sheep from a neighbor, sure tough. I ion ( be afraid. obi frietul . volt e in the i'rptniti's bmt, an>l he is too irewil a political heliinaianjto capsi/c anv hi- faithful crew kta.ros. .Inly 21, 1MU). Mit. lint nut.? It is sail t> think that men I ho have grown up sons mi l daughters, en who have property, and consider thorn- ' Ives as guides or lea let s of society, living ! towns, will work and vote for n wet :ket, and encourage the Mile of intuxicatg liquors, knowing that hy so doing they e preparing men for oriinos that will ing disgrace ami shame upon themselves d families. They say tlint a town without barrooms II sink into insignificance. Now. Mr ; litor. if a town cannot live without liquor. ! it die. It i? hotlor for a town to die 1 an fur (mils to .-ink into tho "bottomless i to he tormented throughout eternity, (tli ! citizens of towns, kok to tho welfare the .? it's ( t your sons rather than put- | ig dollar- into your pockets. l>ritikiug whi?key lead- to card playing. I there is m ) i heart. nti?! en- I n.li'i? .-'rife iti it en iii I"?-i i.>f temper 1 )inir liua ne\ei lenrtie I ' ? | s-i\ en 1- in.iy iji'iitnluie hini-.'lf up mi Ii- i n W here i^n< i .-nice i- I !i-I m fully i" he w i-e Kr.i.fv Win it. portant Questions to the Gubernatorial Candidates. ?K t.v July i'ii /' 'i Tim" I'len-e |?pn . II I ihe t'lllnwiiiif (in? inii-i i*, the ubernntoi inl candid.i'e?, t..-v\it \re \ ?i i a I'rote-t.mi in the leU.'iuii. * i i- r I>l the I'm j \ re \ "ii tin \t iiei-t l>o\ mi believe in fill lire reward- in I pin, j meni if ntlemen, Jot a'i Fatter at the head, followed by .VJ and true "untamed" Democralt, who dare to think and art independent af tiny political b- *>< <. , Jonksviii.k, July 24.?At a meeting of the straight-out Democratic Club, with Me. I). W. Fowler as temporary chairman, an organisation was effected by the election of the following permanent ollicers. J081AII FOSTER, President. J. E. Lindsay, 1st. Vice-President. It. W. Hamilton, 2nd. Vice-President. F. W. CinsMAS, 3rd. Vice-President. It. W. Long, K. L. Eisou and E Elmore. Secretaries. * It. W. Scott, Tte isKf. Elective. I'otnmtiltt.^V- W. Fowler, C. It. I.Jiig, Dr. I\ M. I.ittlejobn, John W. ('rawford and W. II II. ilcvil. The chairman having announced ili.it the club was organized ud rc*dy Ibr business, after speeches from rcteral of the meinber-. the following resolutions were introduced and unsnimously adopted: /{e.-dved. That we endorse the action of the Democratic Conference held in Columbia July D'th. IS'.HJ. /,'e.vdcril. That wc do not believe that our State oHieials are corrupt, or that tho State is 'penneated with political leprosy: Sail charges having been disproved. /{>fih-fl, Thai wc disapprove of the Shell manifesto, and the irregular methods employed by Mr. Tillman and others in condueling the present campaign. Tnat no will not support I!. It. Tillman for Governor of South t'aroliiu. utile-ho is nominated for that position through the regular |>c i ocratic channel. />.??/#/ ./, That we resent any insult or disrespect winch has been shown to the Honorable W ide Hampton, our beloved leader during and since the dark days of 1 S7??. AV.vo/( ?//, That the proceeding- of this rooi-iifiK tic published in the Union Tint:* an 1 ilio iV< " ' and Conia i. There nro about fifty names 011 (lie r?-ll, and the rapidly developingand growing Anti1'illman .sentiinctit gives protni-c of many more. The Club i- fully organized, thoroughly aroused, and in splendid working order. They have enlisteJ uuder the banner which they believe to be right and will lead them to victory. If it should go down, they will "die game." This organization is imbued with the -ante spirit that prompted the illustrious Frenchman to exclaim, "The Guard dies, it never surrenders !" The resolution with regard to ticuerul Hampton was introduced by Mr. John F. Long, of this town, wlm was a sil lier of Hampton's Cavaby, and a brave one. at sixteen, and does not believe "the time lias Come when the men who rode with Lee and Jackson should -land aside Many of those who wore the "grey jatket were present, and while "the lonnie blue Hag no longer reflects the light of the morning sunbeam, nor kisses with its silken folds the genial breezes of our southern clime, yet the- proud lueiuorie- and glorious recollections" which cluster around that bullet riddled flag of the South, are to> fresh in the in in Is ami too dear to the hearts of the brave men who "waved it o er the fiery crest of an hundred battle-fields' au l swore to | rotcct its sacred folds, t > be -o soon forg"rcn. N >r will the pevpbt ?t this fuir soullil.ui'l over cease to remember that when thi- loved haulier wis foMc I at Appunun (ox, it wis these matchless heroes, in their mgge I grey jacket!*, weal; ami hungry, footsore ami weary, but with the unn burning as brightly in tlieir warrior heart- as when with the vigor of h >yish artlor ihev cnli-te I under its glistening fohls?it was these brave men "w ho Mocke I their well-worn arms aroun'I it. ami dolled their caps to see it go ilown itt ilefeat more precious than many victories. The Sou'Ii honors them ; lite brave soldiers of the North respect ilietn. Whether the e uifi derate sohlier wmv tlie private s grey jick^ or the general s on hs.-uoui, malic* no difference: the true hearts of the South.love .? ? ' 1 ;. /> v tlft- eanrwv^rno heroic conduct ot Wane llumi>ioii on many .a hard-fought liohl. ami his f ntriolie attH self-sacriticing services to ins Stale during and since the dark day- of 1S70. have stumped his name too indelibly atul lovingly upon the heart- of ('aroliti'niilo be easily ell ace I Hod grant that tliitiohle old man in hi- declining years may not he force I to say in his heart ?wli.it his lips would be toi proud to tilleri that Smith Carolinians have forgotten their brav leader in the trying days when the dark cloud- ot Republicanism burst in fury upon the oil Palmetto Stale. K. C 11 w For llie' I tmr?. He Couldn't Keep Quiet. .Mi: Km nut I have endeavored t?. keep ijiiiel during 111is kilter political campaign : 1'iit being ;i mender of tlie M ireh convention or enieii^ ia> it was nothing more lliati a cincus inside the democratic parly I liave had to bear i portion of the "diuin an I abuse ilini have been ca-t upon it. I ba\e ii<> apology i<> make for my tictmn in iiint meeting. I claim we bad the right meet au l to discuss nutters pert lining l<> .ur welfare an I to .??/r \ernor. If thi- be true, then the menus by which we were brought together doe* net albect nor invalidate that right, in <>rdei tp >h<f etindidates which Mart oil thti- "The many friends of Mr I". rc-p.vftilly auimunee liitn as a candidate f t . subject to the decision of tlie primary e'eetioti. \o\v, did you inquire whether these ntuht/ fiftfh met at the ('ros- road slor\ a Imiiu at iIn* \\ ut li nu'Ctin^. Many friends of the n i'.>rin er Farmers' Movrmrni nun in (' ilmnliia March "JT. I S'.tO, atnl al'liT m?f ii-rn-i< 11 :i*I | to?i a platform ?*l" |?riii?"i|?li--. ami aliii iiifi iMiiicI 15. K. Tillman .a- a can 1: iiliot. I'itl:ii;iiii~?ii .Mn'mnt-ni. I 11*|'?*M-1<*iiti-tii. \c are * \j*'rt \e? l>* tliin : ) In! lot 10V I <>y -Cllfil'lv I'l' pli . I"f**11. I!:i* -pirit i*t the recent life iti>? T the 'it nirhi- i lit- in l'i)liiiiil>in. ami t'r*iin llie* t >iii ..f . mile i*l" llio newspaper article- it appear-* ' that independent i-iii iniulil h? 'Ue the I j ! ink- hi their platfnrniMr. Ivlilor. I wa? -ui pi i-*-1 in * i- i:i^ uvcr y ijr cdihuiftl la-t wee!.. ! : *. I - many t h..?.i?hi lef-. <*.\tr a vacant c\pie--inwith in>tInn;.; t" > ick tliein hut y ir r ^ ..|| -H-pCel that tli" I'lnleeti tl I *. 1 I lia- heeli Mitiur-Co-111**I m er an-l a ir it i_\ Ii I .CM !r nil the tanner- view iv.lli th<* fa-i'iia i in |' rict i<-1 Mr "-uii tr?-t- iry --miii-. I I t kll"V lllf -nl-lri'.'i-lll V I I r i;:. I rici c.iUr im v< i hit k 11 u ' iii full HI was L'IIIII-U (i | - I III" M^II 11? 1 wixil-.m -t 'J: St iii-*. ; !; i l>-1 l1' ln-tiiii li m i SIi..iii.| i lie I'i'rtnil11*-1 t cnti-r \ ir - n: im nu tut -I 'ti I /*/ ! ili .i I 111s i' I vii i;n tr ' i Miiiui-ullivi ihlirn .l in.i liiiu-in I'l iiv i...i 111 ( l*> liilllA l;i *1 i | It ,\ |'i |;i'|,.|, mi. silling >i.. im r I- at i i ... | I I' lilt- [il l I it/ !? iii !.' % iiip i In- )'i\ I lit-i., :i in j I iii' llie\ jiiii\ Jfwxv Vii.it tlu'V s?i\ l ( ??m ?#| the 1'niott JimK>'. Sum, S. .iii'.v 21. .Mil. Knirmi. -'Iliuiv is an article in the issue of the Ttmks of the 11th, concerning the lute conference of niui-'l illinsiiites, or rathcrthose who %\ i**li I i throw i ver the FnriutTS .Movement. .itol the general run of lu liners with it. licit met in Columbia, giving tlie n. unci o t the conservative" and ftraighti ut democrats" of this e ntity who attended it. Now, I wish to test something. Last Sill11rii ! ? of Union Tiiii'.'t. Paragraphs from Progressive Pacolet 1'\? <>i.i, .In" v ->v?The Kev 'J'. M. Iiviil, the nhle pastor ofthc Methodist t'luirch, lias just clo.-cd mi interesting nii>l successful iiicciinjc It i'? which he was assisted by that eh>'|i!ciit aud imjn e-sive preacher, I'cv. I). I'. Iloyd. "! JoDt svillc. Mi Dcul leave., ft 1* .Jolie?V ;: If lO-'llV. to ll^-.J-l Mr. I Joy I ill a meeting which begnu at New Hope a few ntinin*>I riin. So fir, the river has '-h?have hanks. <'ro|>s are hii< 1 hy now, uud people arc resting awaiting candidates I have before me a circular of the South < 'arolina ?"allege for Women, located at t.Vuinbin. No ius| t-etioii of flu names of those who e iiij-.-e th" fat-ul y, ami the course "I Study (o e-erihe'l. show* eoneliisi \ ely thai thi? in-ti uti"U will 'lo its pan towards sc euring the higher education of women. ("apt. W . D. Hilkins left lis a lew daysngt i" t ?ke charge of the depot at Union. II* li.i- ha I charge of the railroad oflice lit re for a number of years, and is one of the most i,iipular citi/ens not oti'v of this neighbor iiuo I. ''*n oil In- coiiniy. I 'to 111 j > i, reliabh and correct in ovuything lliat periaiiined i< his "llici'. iiiitii liera in ado mo: tut l v the resignation of I'ajii. Will, ns Mr. '.'iiarii-. though a young niiiii, lias li.-r considerable experience in tin-r.-.ilruud bust lie--, and is plnt-atil. p'jliio and obliging it I In* di-cliarge of hi- duties. We hope he wil le plea-"d with I'aeolel. I'ev. W. T. Tale and family. o| Mat inn alter a plea-ant -lay for several weeks, hat left Ibr iheir loiine. Mr-. W illiain??n. of l.atiea-ler, is vi*itin; her j na n's. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. James. Mi-? l.illie l.ee. of Spartanburg. i- visitinj the family of Kcv. II. M lluynes. Mr. II. I'crry Wood have returned from : vi-ii lo Piedmont. Mr. A M. Smith and Miss Tlinrza Smith of Duncan tire vi-iting llie family of Mr II V. Woo I. Mr. Monro Hailcv. of Spartanburg. wn here during the meeting la-t week. Mr D. I>. Wood, oi I roitirh Shouls v, 11 In- lfoa jtiile ?i?k, i- in it ; It better. Al i - - l.rila W ood. of ihi- place, and MiN.inuie W ood. ,.f < Jowdey- villi-, have return rd |Voa; \i- t to the Nordi Carolina inoiin t!. ills. MisS. W. T. I.anhaui, of Weatherford l'e\as. i- \i-iti?ii.i-r umlliei . Mr-' Susan A Mciig. \ tel. gram from Abilene. Texas, lo lli ji S. W. T. I. iiiham. of the eleventh district e tliui Slate - iy- i!i:11 hv \\:i- unanimously re uoiuiiiut< |'.iri:iahuru: names. ami ihe ' ?hl Iron I'i-iriol shoul I feel proml ? ! ilie-e inei who have carvel names for themselves ill llu Far We.-t Cm* i I out j radical \"Uir.' fannerMr F S. .Men.'. -howed me. a lew lav- i.r . some of the finest young oreok-boij i in ct.ro I ever -aw. Ii was i l.nn a'mui i i lie lir-i f.ltine ami an excellent -r.au I w aI ohiaiiicl Sinee thai lime ho ha- Iih>I eseelleni sea -on-, ami has been very careful ii it- cultivation, c.'!isci|Ucinly ii -/ive- |?i-- :u: i of a m ; melons \ n.*l 1. Me---- I I1. Seen ami . K Itltck will jive a oral 'I 1 ar'ieeue here on lliu 'J I "l ^ All"U-l 'I!.IV hn vo iiii'l" cvli'ii-ive 1 lion-, ami have a-Miruuce* llial a l.a*"gc nnin J will l>o jire-eiil. Several < I i -> I i r i 11 i -11 ?. -j -neakers. ivmiii i "ii i n ami Spai'ianl-iir* ! counties. in- ' e\jieeteil ! ? he pre-cni an I ml Ires ilie ineeiino. Si:\tun. - e News From North Pacolet. I.i iv .1 \si July 'JS. ? While peal refer m il -ry Measnics are being di-cussed by eni leading men we Would be nla I for -mie cx pert I" like i" liaiul llu* reformaiioii f out language ?'lie Woi'l o]ten ha- two mean iiivr-. ami fivipieuily -eiiteneos 'ail In convey to the heater I he iilea . f ihc speaker. for iu?iaiiee . a ruilri . 1 ciiiployee. when n-kcieable being-.' I A tl"l !ie|" -atl ll'jf - .vorc li t InU'Ie I'ol XYnllleil \\ r . uiu1 near I aviti.: lir-t-cla.-- low, ?e! i tu-i' Ml'-. V.'N i- 11 I -he : I\v:iv untiled j ll ini- 1 ': . ni; ' w tc ; lii/h ii"W. Mr. .Iii:i Wil'iiutr.- ha- C'>iiiiiii-MCee-eni:iie I in ilie Viiieiia! 1 l.ojli-hl'lll'e thall lii' 'I'll.' j ii-i'i:t wet .-( ell i- creating iiinv-l ma ii I iinii r- | iriieul nly on the iV'iii ; !' ur.?c- ' i i- t -non v r? ; -i decide uluiliei lliy ilaillMu'e h ?- lii el. iljlie t. the C the 1 I'll-. Ill .-"ine I 1 iceit Iim - (-: .-. 111 e 1* it firm- of which tit "tic 1 iii i it 3 ni lintvl :i -njier abundance. ! Mr an 1 Mi-. S M Ki.-o Jr.. II. I".. |.:iM I the family of Hon. \ A Sari n! a vi-it 1 .is'. | W(vk' I he i.iiiailerly t iilcivnce he/an ii-e.s-inii witli \|f- |io: .'ilia M Ii. t'linrch I i*t | Slim lay. 'ji'. in?i K-v. Mi llerhert I' I'.., i I'te i "he I *.| i - -1 iiary serninti yc-terliy i from tiie text I'le--; rt ..file' l.ordtiiT i-i iipeii ine l-eC i'i-e t'. I. t I h it't n* ii ii" i 1 nie to jir- 'ii:1. .1 I;.. .. . ,i. . . i ;..i V W . IT II i til- I' I it I III I 111 t' .'III - W ll I ii. ij ii -!: 'IK w.iuM . :\. tin iv l. ill.' I lii>ril' it !???_ *- ifini? inijriii lu? p ?!?"i-!?v?I i.l II Ml.' 'I : 'II I ll.Tl'M ill Mi- Minnie M. ;* c. rivet Sheriff- i?U'k ! 1 ii 11* i in i .in i 111 ~ f 11 :u . . ml .'ill ii. i In- ril ('.i ii fri i I?.?- i. * We xm'1 *n further I ii ii I -1 i 111 11 in' i 1' w.'i'i in -i 1 fl\ O' IT'ii i-!i.ii i.'i Mr*. I! W I iv I i* -i<\. 1'i.i* wi.l in i/i-t i* iiii -'ir.' |-r? * 11.1 II I. - ?_ i?i i~-i11if il.. i .iiniy II iIn* i 'i - mi.! Iheir wive* will I 111 ilk 111 ?-? I ill I' I : I h.une with :.i!? ?i, k wife I linn _? ilnj? nrouti'l kNsiug ol !ii'l' t?>i .\* ! lliir ' We IIlv i ."I'lr-:< ! l \ * -Mr >!' our liMim: i ion to -ii .ilr.i 1 ic I xi'i ,:i\e ?i 111 I'll III.'i' till' I iit'i- . *! . ikll S :i (111- I .M lj hip. ..|i ;ii-- ! "i!. ' \ii ?-1. IVi hi ' tV'irv* \ '. |.< \\ :1 . Ill - V.! . I ll ..." I. : I'lllCr Ml I ' ii."i. 0'ini n; ii :'"r a iiinjtihty 0 Mt \ n il I'-iivnl yi-teiiiv h i.i I If- . iii'ii'lnit*. \ I in . . I. l- ol I 111!!',. -li.oli: ll .IV I III ' > IVI - II I ril- >t : I ' I i V i'l . I \\ I. II ' . II 1 c * rn II |? - li I !it'll iII . I U .1. T.M < : i i- I If iii! I' ?; ? ! ii * ? I " 11 i i I'l . l| iii ' 11-\ I:i 11 nilllllll. I? I li j ! I i I' I j'I I > Sc11 11 . Illl'l I 11 I . jS;i111| -li I'iiIiQ j* < iitiim.' "i: Iim i rcii i. -.;| tTiiiivmli i.i : 1 :? I It \ vl' ''it ll.iii/ I- CiTIMM. ill irilllu: |! ill. .[ * ! >.il ; lii< fill iii> i - I'liiiliu I .. ?? 11 l: i- flmi I I.I I' . II I I ''li - I V*. I 'I! I tin iiniicr ilt? ii? i\ ill in c\? I ill 1.1 lltl'.U lv "UV l.li'..l/li v. t ill'. Thc-v gentlemen are the very same, with ilie exception of two. who wore elected to the convention tbut elect el nil Tillman delegates to the September eonveution, ami ' were iti'tructed to v? to lor the same men to the August convention. They sire opposed to primary >// //??.? hth* if>r~ tlfn'l :i Convention, and the chairrunii, Col. lloyt. who it seems wanted to oppose the ' t trliters so bally that he sold the paper he ' was running in their interest, and epeeittlly 1 the otic chosen as the Stale organ of the 1 Farmers Alliance, that helped to support * It in so handsomely, so lie could array * st^nilist thetn seeing the ring, for it is now a confirmed opinion among the farmers, that Col. llo}t is a ringster?was going to he beat L> at its own game, called another convention to get a ptimary, to beat, he thinks, the farmers: an I those hit "conservative straigli'oats met anl said: "Primary or split, 'o -iii 1 their leader, the 1S7'? advo' cite of Pan Chamberlain, the -Vcr* iinl C' " <. Now will anyone -ay that those 1 nicu named above will meet aud say "eon' volition or split'.'' Nay, for though they may not he "siraightouts.' they are true and tried, and 1 will venture the assertion l' that iioi tine ever cutertained (lie Irsui idea of running on u Kepublictiu ticket, much less doing -n, a> did one avIiosc name 1 saw mentioned in couueutiou with the -1(10 conference, and who 1 can gel the old ticket to prove it on him at nny time, ami who took. I presume, active part in denouncing the runners Movement a- not pure democracy. I con-idcr myself as pure a democrat as any who arc so bitterly opposing the courst 1 have adopted, and accusing me and those thinking with me of splitting the party. Am I not V Will you deny it W hen the following re-olulton wa> offered : / ' ' /. That 111i- club pledge itself to support the nominee of the State Democratic ('oiivcutioti. let it he who it may. 1 voted I ' withall the others. Can all of the anti-'l illmanitc- pledge as lunch? Perhaps net ill: nor will u said in sub-tunco. ' "Wo announce !' . II. Tillman, as a suitable candidate for (Soveraer, subject to the deeiss'.on of the Ma'c Dcm icratic Convention," tlic ring, and friends of the ring, bob-up and attack the Alliance for doing it, but 1 soon found, to use a -long expression, that 1 they had opened the wrong box. shut the lid down and tried another, and are now trying to scare the farmer with, you 11 >plit the party. Ibtt farmers ain I scared yet. W by not .-ay the majority will rule. .Now another i|iic?tioii. do you, or do you not. be lievc that the farmers of this county who have been elected more than once to the t'onvcuti"tis in Columbia, have sense enough to exercise their judgment, and express their opinions without go ng to those who have been tuling for advice, or have as much 1*011*0 .'IS tllO OIIOS wllvi Weill llicrc So t'ppCSO t>i? in V I: iwt lot its hoar. It is like a of a reputable kinutliern Mcilicnl I College ray* : Let every one h ive an opinion, lnit it' oiio sa\ s von !i ivo no right to an opinion. | miloil \our coat ami give liuu tin: lo-t you !i i\ o. I'lio' iinji ?'i'nl wo I..^l iiii right to an opiniou. ami wo pulloil oil", ami arc ^rivitijr it tlio be-t \va Imvo got. K. II. .1. - ? Tribute of Kcspect. At a regular Cmiv 'cation of Poinsett Chapter No. lb. lioM July i.tli, the following preamble ami resolutions were uiiuiuinously ' aluptol: ' II /.ivia.v, it luii ploaso'l Almighty lio?l in 11 is wise pruvi louoo to take from our nii'l*t our worthy Companion ami Scribe, John Itoilgi-i. bo it ro-olvoil : 1st. '1 hat i'oimto't t'hapter No lb. his lost a true tiinl worthy t'oiiipaiiiuti. ' '-'ml. I hit we hereby express our appro* 1 ci itioti of our deceased Companion ami our sotr.'W at his ileath. bril. 'J'liai wetemlor to his bereavcl family our sympathy in this their sml alllietioii. Ith. That a page in our luinute book bo suitably insortbo'l to his iitenmry. ami that a copy ni" these ro.-olutiuus be sent to the tnuiily "f uttr ilocea?oil Companion, ami be | j ubl she 1 in the I'nioit Timi;s. J. lb A it t hi it. i I.e. HiMK.it. ('..nimittec. T. Ml.Mtn, j lii.M \UK \ui.i. I!i-i I i; Mr- Michael Curi.tin. I'lainf.eM. 1:1., iM.tl-c - tlie -tali inettl tl.it -lie laiijrlil i-'i'.'l. ivliieh settle?I "it her lmijj- : she was treated I' 1 ;t 11: >n11 In Iter family j?li\-ieiait. lint grew wnr.-e. lie told her -In- m is a /< is rirtin, ?.?' r',/isiiin/>tfii rtti<1 I hat it" liie'lieine couhl elite Iter. Iler ilni^^iit sajj/e.-ted I?r. Kind's New lli-eiivrry fui < "ii-iini|>tion ; -lie hjii^lii a Little ond I) hei lil'.'lit I ail ir I herself bineli leil from lir-1 tl -e. She c<>1 ties nt I tie- tiii.it l>i'e"very at IV I'. IV-ey - I?ru>j Si"ie l,ai"e Lotties 't'e. and ^l.tf. . II \i-1 i 11 -ii.i.s- U hi finiiii'"!-. I'.i-t in i t er < . I da\ i.e. I lid.. \vrile- . 111 eel I ie Unlets h I- d'llie lliule 1 I nil than a I olhi i medieii.' s e I.. lie I. h i that I ad feeling aj.-.11 - I 'ti hi Iney and Liver Ir 11i i: f. m is \\ >!. Iliriaiii^liiini. .Inly '2". I'ill ill.' II J lil'Cll lllf'lilljj ll I'l} - ill W ..Ui .iit\ ilii- -laic v"-h i lay, n li^lii "'I I I f i I l tM'f!l I III' I'I'lll-i II'. Mil I I'l'l'lll. I . in- I :':v - '."i- won* tiif I ail I -: \ nu n - |i ii?! v n :: ? "I. ' ii 11 i ii 11\vt i !. il i" I. II is r|i T; " i il' Il ill'.' I' lW W.I- I'l'illjlll I liliOUl ill" Ii' ' ' "I- II* !': ' I ' . ' I II | I I In I i : I -I 11. I. i hi I ''i,:, I in* I' ii I'll* II fail li'latu !'ir ' i . . ' tin it I fli\ I t'.l'ii -nine a -tlno ?< ... lit i u i i s ? \ i N :i V > \ I VI . | In- I if-1 Sal \ i' i n i I i..r * hi-. I in i i - ? ? > if- I 'it-i-. i I1. i n in I ft i I > ff-. 11 11 it I I :i ilia | 11 ii |- i nslM ii i. i "? -it I iii ."-' iii l.rniii...ii :ii i 511vi \ i - I"iif-. "I no fay : . , i 1. 11 i - ii' i li I I ' itf |" i tirl I : i, ' ..ii a in '! \ i ' !" I I'| j. f '?' ' i, i | . i I I- i - i v ' * !' I I i .1 ... I- 1% ' | For the Tiiut.H. j Sensational Letter from Texas. JSailkv, Tkxas, July iW.?There is something strange about the carrying of the mails, which to me is difficult to i xplaiii.? For instil lice, the t'ni"ii Ti M i:> of Jimo Id. reached me July I'th,af'cr ilie issue of June | "20th, 27th, and July I'.ii had been received. You, Mr. Kditor, no doubt, think and you are correct too, that yo'i are having a heated campaign in your State, and I presume it to be the most spirited since 1S7S.? At any rate it seems to one at this distance, and it is natural for us to look ou in wonder a nd w ith astonishment, at tlie'cour^e of the people of lite beloved State of South tTtrulina. What will such proceedings end in? Will it result iu good and huppinc- for the people, and redound to the gl >ry of the Stste? Or will the result he dis.i.-ter io the democrat e party ? These are the qtie-lioiis that present themselves, at this time. It ^ does not seem that there is a just cui-o for the present uproar and confusion in the Stale. It appears to he the w< rk c f demagogues and unscrupulous politicians who secui to delight in arousing the passions of the people, which is unwise an 1 dangerous. It is hard to understand why the people of the Smth. who have lived to. gether so long in peace aud harmony, working for one common purpose?the good of all?and where it i> so absolutely necessary for the white people to control the State (iovcruiucnls, should at this hue date e >tnuiencc to wrangle and quarrel with each other, limn arraying themselves against the good of the country. The people of this great State are presented to the world in the same category that your people are divided upon a trivial political question, au amendment to the State t'onacitutioti, regulating railway tint". Ill III IIIV IMII ?? III lOIV'IJ lit IIIV VIVIIIVemtio party here is not so hazardous, because the liotnocralic majority is so overwhelmingly large that it cuunot easily- bo defeated, even if antihet party should undertake such a tiling. There is however, no danger of a split in the party here, notwithstanding the division among democrats, for tiio Ainondincnt and Itailway Commission elements arc largely in the majority, and they have things all their own way, and after the convention meets in August and nominates lion. James 8. Hogg for (Jovernor harmony will then prevail m this State. Hogg is very unpipular with a class of our citizens, and some accuse him of being a demagogue of demagogues : but he is stronger t ban till combined oyposi'ion and, of course, will be the next (Jovcrnor of Texas. It is a fact beyond peril 1 venture that no man in the State who has oll'crcd himself as a candidate for otlice was ever as favorably received as Mr. H"gg. He is endorsed by the great majority of the people from the center to the circumlorctice of the Sia'o: sj much so, that it is now conceded by every one that he w?M receive the nomination on the first ballot, and perhaps by acclamation iu the convention. He has held 111 * otlice of Attorney Ueucral for four year.-, and ints opposed the railroads of the State and other corporations as strenuously and bitterly as 15. K. Tilhuan has abused the State ufiiccis%| and certain St Ue Sunt ?rs in South Carolina. hence his popu arity with the uneducated, unthinking and tin reading peoj le of the State as well as with a goodly uuiuhct of the better informed citizen--. I>ur ng thai time he claims he has recovered JYolu the railroad.- large troe's of Ian I. driven from the State all bogus In-unnce Cumpauirs, and brought about many othiriciorins : and I must say that lie i- not uuiikc Mr. Tillman in one particular, namely : lie can "toot his own horn: hence ' conclude . I.... I I - l.i. tp ;.. iii.ti in' iihi"*i mi- i1 ivr uiiiy i i:n:i:;u ill oiic oilier respect. an I iliat is. lie is a n an of /train?. There arc nuinerors candidates running foi office in this comity in tl?iyear of grace, an 1 iliey are as-i'lnon* worker* mo. Tliey take otf tlieir coals mi l cutiio tit a follow with their sleeve - rolled ii|>. Here is a li-t of tlie number of can Ii?lutc< IT the several eiiiiuty nlVieors : There is very much c >1111>1 lint- in tiiis State as well as in ninny others, a- t-j the incompleteness of the enumeration of the | census. There i* a howl go!ng 1151 fiotii nearly every town nl any si/.; in the State, ami lint a shadow of a >itt the c-otn|>lninl Wing a jn-t one : Wit it is also a fact that a majority of the \V? stern cities and towns are entirely ovcrc-iiniatcd hy the people and press of sai I towns and cities. I'or instance, the oily of Mollis 1 claimed early this year a j ?pul:iti? n of I 'lo.iHitl ; the census shows |:t,iHin i.. |'?tii<)0. The county seat of tirax 111, Sherman, claimed 10.I.K.MI to ll.tsui; the cen-us shows a population of about T.ltt't. and I' oiliatn, this county s capital, has elani-d. alotil o.U'mi for two years or more, and the census put lioith .tu's | ojinlaiioii a' only ? With uli the overestimate* there i- at the same time a lack of thoroughm ** and complet tie-s in the work. Hut the re; uhIican party is responsible I >r (! ?< inefficiency of this, which ought to !>o a greit and Coiiinle'e work, and it i? o.ooi -ill >. 4 , ^ - - r ... V ..... J ' the S'.uih th:it it intended to -nh-? rvo .mo deep laid political scheme ' v ihis -aim republican party. A few lay- ago t'nu < i y f !"?nt Wur-h was thrown into an uproar hy tin- aiiiiouiioeiiirnt that Iter Mayor, M . 1 u 11*.-;. .11 a man of a ftitnily had married A tdio t'ullin. a tolepln'iio exchange gill, i: New | Orleans. The lircitin-taiici- ; th:s are aI follows: Pendleton and the yonnjr w loan were thrown together in their llicial duties . -he as telephone exehang' r. hen- Lawyer, and lit oijec I'endleteii v.a- 1?ii:t. :? l>y her elegant milliners and uay remarkable hrimty : - > much so ihat lie i i"?i h d forthwith to make love t>> her. rej resenting t> her and lint family that di; r e pr-mee Iings had la-a instituted ag' in-i l.i? wife and a ileeree of separation grantid -the divorce I. ring procured in ('tii.-ag?, III. a- ho alleged, lail wlikh has proved to he a ha-e fraud, lie ctniiuue 1 to live v. itli hi- wife, no one dreaming, n i v'eu she, !' hi- perfidy. Mrs. Pendl"! in i.,111 a m> \ nehez, .Mi-- . a liille later l>y her iin I lit . l'end!" ton n >w goe- to Mrs. t'ullin. an 1 tie family 1 with hi- P at- dieorce. re| |o-eiiiiit;.' that he , was legally parni I frmi hi- wife and that -he had left 1'exa.-. The Ciilln. Pelleting ] what he -ai l, e ti-eillid ll.it \ id'.e Volild , many him. advising Per : I ived l'leni Natchez I New Orleans. NI > iaiiiiiog. her -jsler. ace >mpaiiie I iVtelicli ii tliere, where they met Mi-- \ I ii . an I -he ?: d Pendleton were married on the ">th of m.is month. The wit., ilo win at .P-ne-Pir'. I inn I,new notlinv ot wliii wa- - n uiui 1 -lie w i? n .lilie I li\ end- hi I ri Morlh. last week I'eidletoni a i raieiiiMil lawyer ami NI I . i ' lii- a I city. lit- ? . I i i>. ii pi li I 1 IIrII I'l'it W.'.i'i ! II I m : j I i iin*. 11 i? \\ ilV \ > I ii 111 *i i I-' I 1." iiiAll ' I.CM "I'll -:ii II U I I . I 1 . * I I < Worth f'ti il.o I *'i!i i i , win : ii Wii*. 1 : in** I iliiil ii I'm* I v'i : iii ii i ?: i Kit Iff i ! I' ; i'r?'|i r??| rif iil'\i.-r iii?' Miii-. lir. ! li lt!' li'M'll Vi'lV 11 1 I I ill/ I'M. I I |iy ; m|.i?11 ? ti|><.ii ii- ii, i | . - .11 ii., \ i lm i'iii ?li.,i; : i 11 i . , i-1' \ .i ml I c 11 i ii vci v lihc j..-: i ' ! w -i la I j ! I.I Ji 11 - I S | . < I I.M I . ; i j i II : I. S .'"i "T i ; Mi i i I i ii. i I','. in, I jiln - |Y? III Ii I 'ii, I' I 1 I; I ill lis 1 S|> ini?. S\v, riii \, ISiii . . .-lilli s. 1 S|.riiin?, nil Sv\I'ili'ii i.i' i i ..ii 1. . ,^'iVr I* ill li\ II-'- i>S ii I : i \\ n .lilcl "III- In - I CV "II I 111 I l I. * i ' l . , i r A kii"?? II. >v"l > ' M *111. * * \ ^ 1 l>l uj; J -,v. I in i.'