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j' TUB ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT. j, . i ii. ...i - - ? ?* . ' ; N, 0. UTTLEJOHN, - edii b. AbubtamtKditobb. 8ELF-R?SPECr. 'When my neighbor's hand 1 luke ; Hoe, he gives a hearty shake, Ami ho looks nnd feels as calm, As >f ho owned his "Uuclo Sam." Why, you'd never loso your bet, To guoss that fellow's out of debt ; And now "on timo" ho bids defiance, And vows for cash au<l ?' ? Alliance. ww ??-FREEDOM. Tho Allianco is doing gi'cat things for tho intelligent, industrious and honost fanners. How's that? ^ Why ! It is setting them free. In what way ? By unbinding the chains of debt. ALLIANCE BREVITIES. Former A. to Fanner B., on New Year'* morning: A. How goes it with you, neighbor? B. Better, thank you. A. What! been sick ? B. No I Just financially better. ECONOMY. Study to cconomizo timo. Moments aro useless, if trifled nway;aud tlio man who can always bo busy and cheerful, is t'.io man who will accomplish most in the world. An induatrious man's. odd minutes arc worth a lazy man's all day. ?*" < - - WW. W r?r i rr-S?. ^TRUSTEES' MEETING. The Sub Trustees of the Farmers Alliances of Union County, are requested to meet at Union Court House, Saturday, the 25th inst.. at II o'clock, I'. M. Every Trustee is rc quested to bo present at this meeting, no matter what action his Allianco has taksu in regard to the Exchange. W. II. MILLER, Co. Trustee. MORE HOMEA&AISED H0Q8. Mr. Joseph Byars has sent us the net weight of five hogs, just killed by hiin. Ilis hogs were 15 months old ; raised from the kitchen and on fruit, with a little corn before killing. Tho largest weighed 3.18 pounds, and the others nearly 300 pounds each. Mr. -?tfoiYK farmnrn wr lipvr \ his "hog and hominy" at home. I am in' / formed ho hasjnot bought a bushel of corn " w or a pound of bacon since the war. Iio lias no bottom lands, yet his cribs are never . empty, even in August, and his mules are ' Wr always fat. Mr. llyars is nnotlicr of my proofs that theso grand old hills of Union havo a bountiful living for all her children who will do their part to earn it. NO EXCUSE. v How frequently do we hear the words, "1 cant," uttered by people who have not tried, or not inclined to do, or bo what they ought. Every person that uses the "1 cant," has ''or can quickly make a reason for it, in the laboratory of the will; yet how 'groundless and false are nine-tenths of the excuses with which wo try to hedge in the impombh', "I r- > x mu i?ns a .iiiigg.iru too Jn*y to woeJc j From duty he shrinkn, every tdsk he will . AidU* x*- shirk ^ > - hjobrcad on his hoanl and no meal in his t * *ii? house is a ruin, his coat is a rag. ^.'.[And can you or I, kind reader, dare liopo excused by the reasons we are making .fpr all the neglected and disregarded duties, when we are summoned before a just * "Creator ? Reason should always tench us that "Where there's a will, thero's always a way'," for performing all of life's duties. BOOM THE "TIHE3." ai.i.i.vxck man, l\ to 1). ? C. Who is a friend to the Allianco ? D. Why, Editor Stokes, of course. C. How do VOII know lie is nnr fVinml '> D. Simply bccauao lio speaks well of us, ami proves his loyalty to us by giving a part of thespacojn his paper for the publication of Alliance proceedings aiul Alliance news _ ~ - generally. C. How, then, can wo show our appreciation for our Editor frieud ? D. By subscribing for tho Union Timks ourselves and getting every other farmer to do likewise. C. Then you proposo to boom Tim Times, do you ? D. Most certainly wo do.' Tho farmers have allowed a most wonderful sticking pro^^^^penaity for tlie last year ov two, niul by their ^^^^Hited oSorts have worked woudera; why can't wc boom Thk Times ? When the farmers began their war on the Jute trust, predictions of failure could bo heard on every side. It was said that the /armors themselves would not stnud to tlioir pledges; that cotton buyers would pay less /or cotton covered with the Alliance bagging; _ that the Liverpool Cotton Exchange would rqject all cotton not bnled in juto. But the /armors moved right along, baled their cotton :--f- . in white, got tho best price's for tho same, and not a single balo lias been rejected at the Liverpool market. And now the Alliance melt are more continued in tho faith than ever, and next season a bale of cotton covered with jute will likely bo tho exception. In all wars against trusts, juto or otherwise, the Advocate is with the peoplo first, last and all the time.-~-& C. Advocate. Killro by a Falling Limb.?Asheville, N. C., January 18.?Information has juat reached here of the sad death of Mr. Zeb Vanoe Wei'all, a nephew of Mr. T. C. West- i all, of this cltjr. lie was in the mountain I in MoDowell or Armstrong Creek, and aided, in ge'tiogout some timber on Thursday. A large braneh of a I rue fell on him from , some fifty feet above and killed hiiu instantly. He leaves a wife and ohild.?Sunday Iftwt. - . Shot Tiinovnn tub If a art.?Greenville, January 18.?W. Henry Charles, a salesman ia the store of 11. Y. Holism* in West Greenflgr ville, shot and killed a negro named WashCannon (his evening nt M e'olook. It ap''V v-' peare that Ihe negro, who was drunk, bad been ordered out of the store by Charles, but reiurned armed wilh a rock, when Stt Charles a nod in the store door and fired two shots at him, one (owing effeol near the j2|' r heart. MAHllIED. VINSON?JOHNSON. Married, on the inat., bf't. W. F.i*ori, Esrj.. Mr. Jess -HbE Vinson to Mhw Fanny Johnson ; all of Jonas* ownehijt. A- . ^ ?p? E, ORR?SMITH. Married, on the 12th Rev. J. 11. Couoh, Mr. Joseph Orr , SmlU? | all of this County, l ist of Letters Remaining in. tho Postoflicc nt Union, for tho week ending J miliary 24, 1890. Pe Brown. jS L Hallcrooks. Beonoieng llluw. |Mrs. John Jeter, i M Choins. |Mr. Sam Rico. Ed D Hobby. |.1ohn Sartor, Esq. Miss Harriett Stccdinau. Persons calling for tho nbovo letters trill please say ifudvevtiscd, and trill bo rcquirod * > pay uuo cent. COTTON BPTKItS AND (IB0CKB8. Cotton, por pound, 9010 J. Bacon, per pound 5.75@0o. Flour, por 100 lbs, Meal, per bushel 05c. f Sugar, por pound, 7@9c. Coffee, per pound, 19026c ^ Molasses, per gallon, 33040c, Vinegar, per gallon, 35c. Rice, per pound, 708c. Hams, per pound, 13c. Salt, per sack, 75 cents. Teas, per pound, 50075c. Corn, per bushel, GOc. Removal. I HAVE moved my ofiice to tlie backroom over 1$. F. Posey"s Drug Store. T. Al UN 110, M. D. ' Jan 24 4 2t s AN EARNEST CALL. " and have not paid tho same, must respond ( promptly. We are obliged to meet our obli- ? gations, and our customers must aid us to do d it. FAKE & THOMSON. Nov 15 .40 tf t WANTED 1 5 AN energetic man who understands ( Clothing, to ropre?ent us as Sales-Agent in r Union, Buporb new Spring line now ready. < WANAvMAKER A BROWN, 1 Pun. adri.i'Uia. Largest Clothing and Merchant Tailoring House in America. It* Corrected Advertisement OWING to tho high town license for auctioning in Union, L will not offer my stock 'of Hoots and Shoes at auction on Febronry 3d., as advertised, but will continue to SELL TUE\1 AT COST. Home-made Fertilizer. "LONG'S PREPARED CHEMICALS." TWO barrels composted with cotton seed or stable manure makes a ton of good homc-mado Fertilizer at less than half the cost of Ammoninted Phosphates. For sale by FOSTER, WILKIN'S & CO. Jan 17 3 4l SAMUEL S STOKES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , UNION, S. O . SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO CO Jr ; LECTIONS. t Office in the Times Office. ' [ < Educate Your Daughters. 1 AND before deciding where, send for a Catalogue of the i WILLIAMStON FEMALE COLLEGE. \ THE SPRING SESSION WILL OPEN J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 181-0. I will come up from Wrights Ilote', ] Columbia, Saturday, February 1. S. LANDER, President. Willinmslon, S. C , Deo 18, 1890. Dec 20 01 7t J Mortgagee's Sale. I Will sell at public sale at my warehouse in Union S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on 81st .January 1890, the intero.-t of A. F. Kendriek, in thirteen bales of cotton, said interest being one-fourth. This sale is made under power contained in a Mortgage given to me by A. F^ Kendriek, Oth day of l......oi ma ? 1?1 ? - ? iiMjtuoi, AIMJ*', UllU lltUHlKl 111 (1IU lllliuu U1 Register of Mesne Conveyance for Union County, in Book of Chattlo Mort gagce's B. No. 2. l'uge l'J3. T. C. DUNCAN. Mortgagee. Jan 17 "* 8 8t ~A~FREE GIFT; I HAVE 1 dozen handsome band painted Oil Paintings, 22x30, in neat gilt frames, which 1 will give to the first twelve persona who will buy $25 worth of gcoJs from mo, eicli cash. Any number of persons may club together and get one or more pictures. $25 worth of trado will get one picture. These pictures are sold by dealers at $8 i and $10?an ornament to any room. ' Also, 1 dozen of the same kind, 14x22, which I will give for $15 worth of rash trade. This is an offer never before made to the trade hero. S. M. RICK, JR., E. U. Jan 17 3 4t LOW PRICES ? AT? ^ H. F. SCAIFE & SON'S. 12 pounds of Granulated Sugar for$l. 6 pounds good Coffee for $1. 1 pound good Smoking Tobacco for 25 cts. And everything else in proportion. We have just received A fresh lot of Oat Meal. Self-raising Buckwheat. Fancy Crockets, &c. Fresh NORFOLK OYSTERS cvory week. Call and got prices before buying. II. F. SCAIFE & SON. Jan 24 4 2t NEW STORE, iTDiir finnnn Groceries, Confectioneries and Tinware in (ho west aioro of the Hill & Co. building, nnd 1 solicit your patronage, guaranteeing , satisfaction. A TIN SHOP. ] I bnro opened in connection with my < other business, a Arsl-class Tin Shop, where ' I will meuufnoture nil kind of Tin-ware. < Repairing also neatly and promptly done. (Jive me a call. W. LKLAND DRADDY. Jftu 17 9 it State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Commou Plcau. r. II. Liittejohn, Jack Littlejohn, Maroel'us Littlejohn, James Littlejohn, Amanda Littlejohn, Snllie Goudelock, Dr. Wiley Littlejohn, P. P. Pearson, Susan Blanton, Hobcrt S. Pearson, Elisabeth Pearson, James A. Pearson and Mary Ance Jamison, Plaintiff*, ' , . M against Beauregard Pettit, Jnok Pettit, Columbus ^5 Pettit, and all the remaining heirs at law J and distributees of Elisabeth Tate, deceased, names and residonoe unknown, A Defendant*. ?] Summons for Relief?Complaint not served. ^ L'o J. 0. Long, as Sheriff of Union County, Frances liurneit, Elizahcth Hammrft, Jenclta Griffin, Mary Pettit, John Pettit, James Pettit, Elizabeth Mooney, Mary Petty, Henry Pettit, Adolphus Pettit, . Beauregard Pct'it, Jack Pettit, Columbus Pettit, and nil tbe remaining heirs at law, and distributees of El zabeth Tate, deceased, names and residenco unknown, Defendant* in this action: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer tho complaint in this no- = ion.acopy of which is tiled in tbe office of T he Clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas for X aid County, and to ecrvo a copy of your of .nswer to tbe said complaint on the sub- Tv 3ribtr at his office, at Gnffhey City, S. C., dti Kiikiu.LbfAniw '!??? * - * - J' - 1 AwiuDitownnrw^'MP il|j f you fail to answer the complaint within tin he timo aforesaid, the Plaiutiffs iu this bu LCtioo will apply to the Court for the relief ?" lemanded iu the comp'alnt. at Witness, J. 11. McKi?stck, Esq , Clerk of Jo lie Court of Cainmon Pleas, in and for the fei >ounty aforesaid, at the place aforesaid, the 12d day of January, in the year of our Lori mo thousand eight hun-'red and ninety, rn iud in the one huudted and fourteenth year H >f the Sovereignty and Independence of tho fo United States of Amet ieo. lc J. II. McKipsick, Clerk C. C. P. at (1 J. E. WEBSTER, f0 I skai, > Plaintiffs Attorney. fo l-v-J . ht ro Henry Pcttitand Beauregard Pcttif, non- ol resident defendants, and to all the remain- at ing heirs at law and distributees of Eliza- F belli Tate, deceased, defendants, non-resi- P dtnt of this SUlo, nauica and residence unknown: You will please take notice Vhat the origi- j tho Court ofCommon Plena for Uoion county, " on the 22d day of Janunrr',>.l890. J. E. WEBSTER, h Plaintiffs Attorney. Jan 24 8 Ct ** MASTER'S SALES \ Jl The State of South Carolina. 1 COUNTY OF UNION. Court of Common Pleas. _ Eloyso Hawkins, Plaintiff, T against JJ Isadoro Bobo, W. D. Troxlcr and Mollio < Trexler, IJrfendanls. V IN ohcdicnco to an order made in the above stated case by His Honor, IV. 11. Wnllnco, Circuit Judge, I will icll before tho Court Houso door in tho own of Union, within the legal hours of saic m the first Monday in February 1800, tho following described nrmwvtF -*? 481 ACR EH, All that certain tract of laud lying, being vnd situate in Cross Keys Township, Union Count)', Slate aforesaid, containing four hundred and thirty-one acres, more or less, xmnded byTyger River, and by lands of mines, u. a. Kay, K. f. Kay ana L'nulina Burnett. TERMS OF SALE. Onq-third cash; the balance on a credit of >nc and two years in cqunl installments with interest from date, to be secured by 1 >ond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the ^ premises. 2 JAMES MUNRO, Master for Union County. ** Master's Office, Jan. 11, 1890. Jan 17 3 8t. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY ON UNION. g lit the Court of Common Picas. Silas Johnstone, Master, Plaintiff', " IN obedience to an order made in the above stated oaso by his Roper, W. II. Wallace, Circuit Judge, I wilt4'sell before _ tbe Court House door iu the town of tlnioD, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in Fobruary, 1890, the following described property, to-wit: 171 ACRES. j All that certain tract of land, (late the ^ property of Abram Cordon, deceased,) siiuniv, ijriug nuu ucuig in union uoilUiy, Slate aforesaid, containing ono hundred and seventy-one aorea, more or lose, and boun- 8 ded by Tyger ltiver and lands of P. P. Hamilton, and others. TERMS OF SALE. Ono-balf cash; the balance on a credit of p twelve months, with interest from day of ^ sale to be secured by bond of the purchaser ? and a moitgageof the premises. .1 JAMES MUNRO, tl Master for Union County. Master's Office, Jsn. 11, 1890; n Jtnr 17 ' ? ' 8' ?'"ST "J M State of South Carolina. m w COUNTY OF UNION. o< In the Court of Common Pleas. William T. Graham, Plaintiff, against ? Elizabeth Malone, Sarah E. Bobo, Susan Clegg, Aun Greer, Defendants. Summons for Relief?Complaint Served. To tfce Defendants: YHOU are hereby summoned and required to answer Ihe complaint in thia action, a of which a copy is herewith served upon * you, and to sorve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the sutoribor at his office at Union, South Carolina, within .. twenty days after the servioo kei^ofy excluta^l'f the day of auoh aervkaiTOid If you fail taanswer tho complaint witipUwfhe time uforjpaid, the pJainjgyggjj^B""'011 w.jJS u t _ J it'.r.Ug .l11 jpMLUkLUfl - fl (^) j. ii. mokimick, J BtAt > * Clerk. ' D. A. TOWNOFND, Plaintiff's Attorney. ro the defendant, Susan Clejrg: Take notice, thai the Summons in I his iction, of which (he foregoing is a copy, was lie I in the office of the Clerk of the Court >1 Common Plea* for the County of Union, it Union, in Uoim County, .State of South \ ^arollna, on 12th November, 1889. * D. A. TOWNSEND, to PlaifftlfTa Attorney. 61 Deo. 19, 1889. 1>?0 30 , ?1 ft ^ 1 miU Wiotor B 0 0 \ MBA "N md Id order to rcfocc our largo stock, \ II classes of tncrch ndise. VVe will uaak uying. &, We aro going to lose out our stock if 1 Kospec Mnrpli 90 SHERIFFS SALES, 'OR FEBRUARY, 'OO. Hi . JY virtue of a warrant to seize crop to mo directed, I will' sell at- the residenco William Crocker, iu Union County, on tesday, the, fourth day of February next, iring tlio lgfffoWiours of sales, about two tlliliil 1 1 "I 11 f corn a)*uit oueand pounds of bay, and about fifty sliels of cotton seed, seized under warrant id to be Bold as the crop of II. M. Crocker, the suit of William Jones and 11. A. I nss, plaintiffs, against 11. M. Crocker, dcndnnt. " l AIAO, By virtu? of a wai-rnnl to seize crop, to o directed! I will sell nt tho residence of . P. McKssick, in Union County, on the urtli daywf February next, during the gal liourslpf sales, about three hundred id twentjmWfc bundles of fodder, nbout rty buslNoB of corn, t\n> bales of cotton, rty-eight founds of lint cotton, about two itndrod bukols of cotton scod, and balance f crop in taTfield.4l?cizcd under warrant ul to boflndijA the crop of Klins T. owlcr, *t<S^uit of ii. P. McKissick, laintiff, ng^HjfSTllns T. Fowler, defendant. By vlrte^^ptiexecution to mo directed, WilF^oll ^ ^ esidenceof 11. O. Hnnoy in 'nion CouCT^^^yji? fourth day of Febru.hours of sales, I lo^lio^ra^KrTiETrpersonnl property to nDOuij^jHnlicB of corn, abotit three nhdr?vb|kBea oCfodder, interest iu about mrteen Kund*e|fl?inds of seed cotton, and bout ono huwHawushcls of cotton seed, ovicd on onil to lmsold as the property of mios Cudd. ot tlwsuit of J. T. Hill & Co., lointifTs against Latnes Cudd, Defendant. J 18th J L?XU' 8' U C* i n iTiiiiniP no ino?i nnini AU11UN Sf.fer^Tn'id otto in. If the fealer cannot supply you. rice, ^ ^T>ry' enclosing advertised fl/7T!DOUCLAS l>3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. lOor"Av" u'fc **Laced Grain and Cr?ed__ Bent tuSS world. Examlno lit* Ij'oo Cg* ?i0O tl HutYli' SCHtM?LlVuOH8. Dot ton and Lace. 3 &HHOES lad^SS. FOlt MISSES, flirt i ' Style. Beit Fitting, r. Mm*. Sold by WaltfOTWiaWagon JNTON MARKET. The subscribers have formed a partnerlip for the purpose of carrying on 4he BUTCHER, UREEX GROCERY, AFD teneral JPrroision .Business, t the old stnnd^^^k door {o R. W. Tinloy's Jewelry sl^Vand respectfully ask ie patronage of (^citizens. Our aim will be to. keep ''""Tfltn hmd ~s ^ xTrrynTfffg cTIe malty wanted for the table. One of the film wiil always bo at the arket to wait on those who may call, or ill be with the wngon to receive ordors ; residences. Give us a fair trial. WAllREN D. ARTHUR. J. D. HUMPHRIES. Jan 10 2 tf GO TO THE UNION MARBLE AND IRANlTf WORKS IONUMKNTH, JRSTCNMI.AND MARgenerally, Always tt> order. A BfttOriog and de - -v Put, nt m *. ood, ncribor*. t 1 milt lets than & ca L P E R : EVER" . we find that wo arc -*V . TT J Bin ? T|T -vg^djBT} ?Vi**<y -d s inWCT f0 are now offering special bargains in ;e it to your interest to call beforc I ^ low prices will be any iuduccuicnt. . r?u RICE & MCLTJRE. 13 tf_ 1 YfTposey, DRUGGIST. n.u .i >..u.u? ' " PURE MEDICINES, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES TRUSSES. SHOULDER BRACES, AC, READY MIXED PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OILS, TURPENTINE, PUTTY, WINDOW ?LAS PAINT BRUSHES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, LAMPS, and LAMP GOODS. " V' ' ' PURE WINES for Medicinal use. Careful and courteous attention to each customer. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM PO UNDED AT A LL II0 URS. 1Vo select our goods with greet est enro, buy them na low ns they can be bought for cash, and sell them at Lowest Living Prices. lb l\ POSBV. March 22 12 ly. FIDELITY LOAN and. TRUST CO. OK ? SPARTANBURG, S. C. CAPITAL PAIR IN, . SJO.OOO.tiO OFKIOEUS. President, George (Infield* Treasurer, - - W. U. Burnet'. Attorney, - - J. lb Clcvolaud. lllUKCTOltS. Joseph Walker. I J. B. Cleveland. W. S. Manning. j Geo. W. Niclnlls. D. E. Converse. I \V. E. Burnett. T. C. Duncan. I G'-orgo Co ft eld. Interest allowed on deposits at the rn'c of four per cent, p r nnattm, an 1 added to accounts sctm-annuaily. " l?_ Filial [ NOTICE M. ricxico. Administrator of tho estate of J. &Plcil?f,r deceased, has applied to James I M. Gee, Judgo of Probate, in and for the County of Union, for n linal discharge as such administrator. It is ordered, that the seventh day of February, A. D. 18'JO, bo fixed for hearing of Petition, and n final settlement of said Estate. JAMES M. GEE, Judge Probate Union County. Jan 10 2 4t* Final Discharge, NOTICE is hereby given that K. V. Gist, Administrator tie bonis non of tho estate of William 11. Gist, deceased, has applied to James M. Gee, Judge of Probate, in and for tho County of Union, for a final discharge as such Administrator. It is ordered, that the twentieth day of February A. I)., 1800, be fixed for lienring of Petition, and ajliBt^ Judge Probnte Union County. Jan 17 8 4t* Money to Loan. ON improved farm lands, in sums of $300, and upwards. Loans repayable in small annnal installments, through a period of six years, thus enabling the borrower to pay off his indebtedness without exhausting his crop in any one year. Apply at once to P. A. TOWNSEND, Attorney, Union, 8. C. Oct 18 42 Cm JEFFERSON DAVI8.?"i: uine" now being prepared by ltev. J. Wm. Jones, with assistance of Mrs. will be authentic, charmingly written, beautifully illustrated and bound .--in every way worthy of tho subject. eta wanted. Coniptote out At ). Satisfaction WtaoAor money refunded. Order now. Hrst , 11 r-t M-rveds Addr'joa I Jan 10 ? -71 ~ '' W IT^ilwilrh fat tli* world. r?.lcct inn timekeeper. Warranted heavy, >|n?\lou[> oold hunttnr nnr. ViH^n Inoih la<1li>?'anil gam ealrea M^V/wllh works and sasss of Aj^B^eqnal ealao. Oam raKSOSln locality ran rccure om together with our largo ^^Wand valuable llnaof llnusehnltl rNnmplM. Tkaao eemplee, as wall _ the watch, art free. All lha work yota aood do Is te show what wo aortd too to thoss who rail?your Msada and neighbors and thoaa about you-thalalwSya "tulta la trs I nobis traits for ua. which holds for years ,urA 5Sasara;r?5is gjgyff'g j Stlnson Si Co!. Kfirwwcah^s? 500,000 Brioks for lalo, by J. II, B01MBH & CO NOTICE TO C A.J1 ol* Out* Heav ... ust; <GJo, AVe arc now offering tliem money ta buy Spring and Sur WE MEAN WI and if you don't believe we ar see our bills and we will gladl Goods cost us. Don't put oil* but come at RODGER & Sunt. fi SPECIAL 1 MILLINERY, DRY ROODS, SH0E? 3IOAKY WE SEE SOME OF Good Sliiriing, 4\ cents, good Calico, 5 cc Won) ens' shoes, 50 cent a and upward, ?r>Urt feather. for $ 1 10, blankets, and upwf CLOTHING, We nrc certainly Headquarters for Clol been selling, but we bought very largely thi hand which will be sold at cut-throat pricas MONEY SAVED.? If you wish to save believe we have the Stock and the price to NKW noniis! w? ....? ? - triulc. Call and see lis and we "ill do you sonu every man, woman aud child. Thanking you for past favors, we arc (iii A HA Sept 14 GUNS AND . IVE have a Invcre slock of Imported and Muzzle and Urecch Loading, which we nr Also, Powder, sho', Ulanl; and Loaded Sli anything in this liii", it vi 1 pay you io call r,1AOmn T\ -cr rr <. , r U31 JliK, w J ail 4 * Ureal Clearing On See the Prices 7CO yards Cnl'co at 3:] c worth 5 c. 800 " " at 4.1c worth G]c. 400 jar J a Wool tided Kentucky Jeans, at 22,1c. Ticking, nt G \ an J 8c. Feather Tickwa. at 111c nml 13 ? ?'? nnu lt?C AU-wool red Flannel at 13.1c. Woniens solid leather Shoes at hue. Childrens copper tip Shoes, at 35c. Chihlrens soil shoes at 10c. Mens Brogans at 75c. High priices arc dcail. FLYNN has kil A fresh lot of Clothing received lust mo prices: $8 Suits for $4 85. ?. ?10 Suits for ?(' 25 ltlnck Cork Screws, ?8 75, ?10 and S12 50. 1'iuB, Hairpin?, Buttons nnd Thread t/n CLEARANCE SALE of LEADER AND CI May 27 DR. WARNER'S "CORAI DR. STRONG'S "NURSIN "C0UT1L" AND OTIIER AN ELEGANT LINE OF ALL TO BE FOUND AT : HARRY April.19 J ASH BUYERS! ' y Winter Ooods i ^?ueli as 11LLTS,.HATS. mbst1 "' at COST, in order to raise inner Goods. I AT WE SAY, e selling thorn at ?ost, ask to y show you exactly what the once to the Banner Store of PURCELL a ? ? " /' BARGAINS . N * CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, i, ETC. MUST 1IAVK. OUR PRICjES: ols, pood Wool Jeaua, 22.} cents nnd upward Mens' wholcstock llrrgans, 05 cents, Mens 00 cents, Dress Goods, 5c, 8}\ 10c, nnd up ird, Lead Pencils, 5 cents per dozen, good andkorcliiof'', 5 fur 5 cents. Pins, 2 papers ice, Button". 12. doseti for 5 cuts, Ladies CLOTHING. thing, judging from the -qua itity we have s season consequently have a big Slook on money in buying your goods, we bonettly save it on. large lot ot new goods for the Christmas 5 good. A cordial invitation is extended to Most rospectfnl'y, M & SPARKS', cheap cash store. 37 if A11 MUNITION, ^ American Guns, Single nnl Double Barrel, o selling ut prices thai cannot be beaten, ells, Gun Implements, e;c. If you want at FOSTER. WILKINS & CO. THE BEST SEWING MACHINE IN T11E WORLD. 0N,Y $19.50 ANli FREIGHT. THE CELEBRATED DE.MOKEST" STILL ljyijUK LEAD. SOLD ONLY BY ILK INS & CO. f if t Sale at Flym's. Quoted Here : Mens lieaxy Boots, all sizes, $1 30 Match these prices and you will strike oil. Remnants Calico, 2o per yard. Remnants Dress Goods 4c per yard. ?? Bres^Ooods^Gc^cr^r^^, - : 15c Dress Goods, 10c per yard. 40c Black llenr etta for 24c. 50o " " " 20c. Goc " Cashmere for 42c. Too " " " 50c. 80c " " " 58c. led them. >uth now offered at tlio fallowing ridiculous $(i Ovcrconts for $3 05. ?8 Overcoats for $5 50. $12 50 Overcoats for $8 50. oitn in to any person buying at the GREAT J>. C.FLYNN, IAMPION OF LOW PRICES. 12 tf sets r." JNE." [G." KINDS LACES, CHEAP. HIE EMPORIUM OF M. COHEN & BRO. At Colton'a old stand.