The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, January 24, 1890, Image 2
L ..
- - -
Ifie JSetlfg Virion Unties lM'
R.1L BTOKES, - - Editor
s. S STOKES. - Local Editor w
Friday* January 21, 1SVO. Di
Sl'BSCIUrTK)A\ $1 f.0 PER ANNUM 01
The 1*. O. will bo for business D
from 8 A.M. to 6.80 1'. M. "
The Money Or lor |)ej nr'n.cnl ?iil be C
opened fjr l usiners from 0 A. ?M. Iu4 1*. M. a
The Northern rood wil close ft' 1 1'.
M.. nrd the i>outhcni Mti'l at. 1 '.0 1'. M.J
The Cctton Market- b
Sales for the week, :r>0 bales, with a ris- ! ".
in- and spirited market, at price4 from 0 (.
10 J. - *
?9X.- Wo learn that the IIv is ],laying
havoc with tho small grain. *
1?U Thoro have lieou many cases ??r ' (
"gripp" in town, 1111 * I some of llivm unite j ,
severe, but none dangerous, or lasting Jong* ^
er than It or 1 davs.
_ . "
Ncal Sims, who lives on Mr. W. : ''
Bates' place, near Fish Bam, went over on
? \
tbo Chester side of the river last Saturday,
got into a dilfn.ulty an 1 was shot, the ball '
lodging in his lungs. He is still alive, lmt Hl
there is no hope of his recovery. *'
- W??. .. \ r .i/iiri^'cT.-tT?v son Ol .secIT- ^
tarv of SlHto, ./nnieo il. /Ua/ne, lllol solioilor j P
of the State depart'went at Washington, I ' '
il'eil in that city last Wednesday, and his ^
remains wire placed in their final resting | "
place in Oak Mill Cemetery on Saturday. |
.? _ " li
BfflU. The Columbia correspondent of the
Charleston Sumla / Xctn reports the killing t<
of a largo rattlesnake with twelve rult.'es 111
and a button, on Wednesday the ]">th, just., CI
by A. W. (ii'igor, in Lexington Canty. so
Wonders truly will never eras*, sinci> lb
rattlesnakes crawl about, <pii ice and p ?.ir
trees Lloorn and beautiful suniiio* tl .went ill
fill the air with fragrance in tlio month of in
? * on
flioy* The Coroner he\ I nn imptos*. last \ In
Monday on the body of mii 'dd colored man | ,|,
residing at iho l'oor Hous", named Jackson, (j
who wuh found dead in I lie woods on the
Poor (louse laud*. The oi l man ha 1 gone n
out to see about some UubVit (lums lie had j,
set, ami being subject to attacks of nervous
spasms, it is rupposod he fell in a tit j,
and expired, and a verdict in accordance s,,
with tlint supposition was rendered. (.x
? - .?
We arc reliably infertile I tint Iter. ,
Pearson, the mo?i eiiccetsful evnnge'ist
of the d ?y, lias proniH d t? vis-t Paioa next ...
September, provided tlio Min: tors of the ^
town unite in tho invitation and are willing .
to assist hi u in his work tvl.en ho comes. ,
Wo have no hesitation in iromiHino Mr
l'carsm thchciTty c.nopernt'oii of the min- 'u.
idlers nnl faithful members of I Itu churches
of not un'y this town but the whjlo County. j.
If Mr. I'earson can creato ?ucli a revolution
in I lie religious characlor of Union as he
did in Charlotte two years ago, and is aiill
ao perccj t;hlo in tho business nnd social cirHf
cles of tliat noble city, he will mulco Union
^ truly amidol town in wlidi it will beau )(
lion vr for any ono to be ?pcctcd citizen.
BSSu Me are informed i . the vacant lot
on the corner West of IV, II. Sartor's store, i
has been sold to Mr. \V. I>. Uvwley, who ^
will soon commence erecting two line twostory
buildings upon it.
' . hi
lliis will not only Ik1 :t groat iiii|)rovoiiu*nl
to the appearance of Main Strci t. but we [
are also told that in tbo second story there
will be a largo hall, to be rented at moderate
,,. . . in
price lor public meetings, entertainments
and amusements, which will ho a ureal eon.
Now, if the owners of the other lots on '
the burnt district will join forces with Mr. ^
lie w h y and laiild up tliat square to .Mr.
dec's store, Main street will be almost com
a dt
plcte with first-class brick stores and give R
. . in
splendid front to our main business tbor.
. 00
. # Pay
Your TaxesNext
Saturday, the 1st. Febuary. is the ^
last day for paying taxes w it bout the penalty.
The Legislature alone lias authority to .:
extend the time and the Legislature i- not in ^
session, so an extension is impossible. (q
" I |i
Vasonio Notice.
.... , , tl>
An imp.rtaut meeting ui t aioti I. > Ige,
N >. To, A . K.'. M.-. will be held in the
Lodge Itojin, next Fri lay tight, *hi : nt
w I
winch it is very desirable that every memtil'
boi* kiiom! i he i?ro*uif. All iiumiiNiv* will
take due nut ice thereof >> ik! guvirn ifiemeelvcs
o. . . M,
ii:.%vat8tvviocB- in
We are requested to -tale iliat IJev. I!. I'. ! u|'
Lnmplcy will prcanh ai 1 * 11i 1 ij>|- i Church u ^J
next Sunday, at ! o'clock, 1'. M. lie will dn
ulso preach at Lower lair Forest. on the an
tirft Sunday in February, at d o'clock, M.. M'(
anil at II o'clock, A. M., the fvturday I e- ?
fore. ne
A Rich Ticat Ahead. ec?
The ladies of the Methodist Church will ls '
give a hiine Musical'" and an Oyster Supper,
on Friday evening, .Ian. hist., at Mrs. \,
W. T Thomson's. commencing at S o'clock.
The man or woman that has no taste tor
truly fine music, and can't enjoy a plate of
well cooked oysters, won't lie there, hilt |(l)1
everybody else in town will. to
? inn
Jfax bo With Them U'M
Married, at the residence of the bride s Vll
brother-in-law, Cap't. T. .1. Greer, on tffa. ''fljjf
nesday, the --it .Innuary, two, liy Ucv. It. eh*
I.nmplcy, Mr. Arnold .1. Ilnrvey, ofltorkc- ln"
ley County, to Miss Carrie James, of I tiiott, |(
h. t . mi,
Miss James was a lady of purest christian
character and a great favorite among the !
best people of this town, and in her nev; j '
sphere of life, as Mis. Harvey, she carries [ ^
Willi Iiit I 111* kimlcsl willies ? )' .ill in (hi-. |
coiiiliiiihit v I?>r a loiijs lil'e of 11 n? | i 11*.?. We i iie.i
coiiiineii'l lier In flic |>i''>|'le ill I5ei kel y I'niiiiiv V"
as a liitrlilv wnrlliv nl'llieir re?iieel.
* 1 | imtl
trdcr Most Foul and Wanton.
Last Friday morning our qoiot community ]
is shocked >>y tlic announcement t It at the j
dy ofSueau Fernandes, a colored woman, i
is lying in a ditoh on tin land of Mr. T. 0. I
linear., opposite to the old Presbyterian j
turcli, with ber throat cut from ear to err. j
Coroner Gregory, after satisfying Iriiiulf
nt the report was truo, immediately au:nloued
a jury of inquest, and after viewing
lie bvJy, adjourned the inquisition to (lie
ourt House,JfbMfJtt .proceeded to inquire
' iiii
3 mm feii
oily, he suin^B^^njeronThim, several co'rc<!
companions of I lie dead woman, who
iscl sod the fact llnit she had been
nee Tlmr day night, the lUb.
A color'ii man l>y t!iu 11:11110 of Wnli ini
hivi.* , from Fish Ibiin, gave informalioo 10
'own Maisha'l, (J May, that lie k 11 w
nm< thing that would throw light on the
ivstiry, and upon ho ng sworn before the
limner's Jury, Friday night, he give suf
ietr evi'lenec t 1 imjiel the jury t? make
irllicr iuvostign i u, which was d >11,* by
tii!iino!i:ng ) vt;y ]> rain that w is ,?ii[ pose.!
? know nnything an nit the w niian.
The investigate 11 hi?tc I up to 2 o'clock
I mJ.iy iii iniog, during which time Uiiutii
11 ivis wm taken l>ef<ro the jury,
:vcr:il times, at his own re pio't, ivory lime
rowing more light on the affair, ami late
1 hf i-f('i f'isf.," <10 in c>rnmy
wi h James Vinson, a white man,
i iiles (ii.l'um, ne lore I man, and Lottie
icMillion c ilorc l iv.unati, threw tbo ho ly
hire it was found ; stating that the body
tul been cuieea'.cd in a vault in the Presbytia!!
grave ynr I for several 'lays.
The chain i f evidence, had since the in
I'stigfttmn b-gia pointed to the rnet, that
tree colored porn ui*, Lettie McMnhoii.
Juries Onlimii an I W illi 1:11 l>avi<, knew
jiicih'ng more of the horrth'v affair limit
ey v ere willing to tell.
TI.e Jury on Monday night after a
ornish investigation, returned the followg
verdict :
That .Susan Fernandez came t? her death
1 or about the Ittli of January, IS'.ttd, by
ivingtier Wironl cut, at the hands of
antes J. Vinson, William Davis, Charles
illitim ami Lottic~^Io\Jahon."
imi d on 1 lodge 1
i jail, whore they now arc.
iMtice I he adjournment of I lie Coroner's
iiy. the ginve yard lias been thoroughly
arched by (lini m ores led persons, anil no
ri'lciice discovered iliut a body litnl been cui.
ale I in tiny vault, or any other secret
ace within I lie enclosure; which certainly
ioiva a grave doubt on llio testimony of
i!Iiam Mavis, the I u ly was concealed
that place, lint upon farther exaiuinn>.a
of a field near wliete the body was
and. a towal with blood on it, and sua.
oi ui evi len ea ihtt it bad been lied
ou id the innnicre I woman's neck, waa
and, and tracks going from the direction
I. nie McMu'ioii < house on M tore's line,
an opposite coins.' to (bat of tlic grave'J,
which t'ariws 5 i I greater d ?ubt on
itViuui Mavis' ii at iiuoiiv.
'1 lie i x.i t pi ice where the murder was
in mitt * I baa u t as ve' been established,
it the strong ?upj i shion is (lint it wn?
i ii til i 11 i i:i i. Hie MuMuhon's house,
though sac nra of the opinion lliit the
urn l I w;-.s |; i 11, I w lit IV I he ho ly WUS lOlllld.
'i'he al ove are 11 e facts, ?s I.r'light out
ifore the (' ioiu r's .lury, atid we have enlavored
to so give the . that no one wi 1
' liko'y to niiseon"truo them an I as the
se nil In tried at the next term of our
in !, we f il,i ai.i ik,ng any cs'iitnents on
e shoe!, ug ati.ii". c~pc< iai I) as the otlicers
letid to leave iu? stone iiiiliirned. Is bring
t ..I! it... - -I. ... ?l.-? -II i
......... ...V.-. ill IMUII illtfl Mil | .11 (ICS w ill!
c in>w it.i| healed inay have a fair ati.l iui.riii.i
Conner Gregory, liia jury and Town
cnt. From Ilia /ligntt now before the
in muni I/, it ?ns ouiabolical and inhuman
urder, and every effort should be made to
we the guilty parties punished.
- . ?
Child Burnt
I in !a-t Friday. Fraiieis Hunis. living on
r. II. I'. Mel\i??iek * plaee, Mint t > the
ring and left a ehihl in the (muse, in
larire > !' Joe leniiidtite. 11 hall'-wiiied man
at !i\e?- iu the yard. Ihniiidiree went into
e yard t?> eui I. Iea\i ng the ehihl -it
ig l>\ the lire. Iu a slmr! while afierirds
I!.? el.ihl i n. -eiearning to the .h?>r
ill its on lire. Ili.uiidiree put the
e out loll ilie ehihl was ~<> hadlv l.uriit
it il died from I lie effects that night.
- <? Mi.?s
l.uey (Stupp went t>> (lie houic of
is Thomas A?Uui?, <>i? lliurs lay night last
d on I Mis. Asking's (li r t with a ea'e
lie. Miss Siapp claimed (Inst Mrs Asking
ad eireulaie I s>><nel li u>r derogatory to
r eluwaeier. Alter culling Mrs. Askins"
:oi(. .Mt.-.-t Mapp III'1 ?n I has itbeen
i esti'<l. ' The | at t its lit I iiim unfortuiinto>
:i:tl di> igiveniciii t It lived new S le.byle.
Illinois, and nut in b'uutli Carolina,
esident Harrison might to instruct Atiory
(ieiierul Miller to direct lac disir'ci
oincy oi the Shelhyvil e district to prod
against Mi.-s Siapp by information. It
.'vidriit thai the enforcement of ilio I tan
I> cmii >t be safely en'rusied to the
linary processes id' the Slate Courts. ?
lex aw! Cuariir.
I lie llev. .loliu Jasper, of llirliiiiou I, \"a.t
s delivered bis celebrated sermon, "Lie
ii |io .Move." I To times. Mr. Jasper was
il a slave in Virginia. In lSlO lie began
preaeli. lie soon became fainoiis, and bis
ster received SI a day from those who entuo
women nn-l'''a '
e church now has a membership of 'J.immi. \
I a line building.
id ill I Mi HIT SrnvifJIlT M VSoNIIY,?St. '
il. January is. The <i rand Lodge of the
luiesoia. I . and A. M., by all an overriming
vole condemned yesterday that ,
ueii of the Sei iii-h llile known as Ceriiisin
and hereafter Minne?'ta. like New 1
k. I "en n ?\ 11 anil and other States of the
thorn jurisdiction in general. w ill have j
liing but 11aiglil Masourv .' |
A Wei) Merited PromotionAt
iho annual meeting of the Stockholders
of the Merchants' mil Planters' Silhional
IJiDk of I' ;i>>n, Tuesday, the 14th, the old
officers .? ?J Directors were c!cc'c 1 at f??l?
lows :
11. 11. Wa'lace, I'rcs't. h
1!. f.. Go's, Vice Bras't.
i 'ico ge Munre, Cashier.
J s. 1>. Arthur, Bookkeeper nn<l Ass't
C ifhirr. 0
Director^.?11. Foster, II. L. Goss, J
11^ M. Farr, J. f. Douglass, j
\ t. .1 -: uti ! '. t T, W.4.1J. Wall*"* I
Jo*. I). Arthur as '
Assl>t>nt Cashier was awed merited com- 1
| < Itmteut to t hut gentleman, who hsa filled the ,,
J pn?:.?..n ?f li,okkecpcr in the Bank, with I,
j matkel aMtity a,i<l aatisfuclion, for many f
vi ?or c mptinicui was iliu more grace- v
f.s* a .1 va'uablo from the fa:t that it carao
i wholly uiiexj'ecteJ, nn I without eolicitstjon tl
! fluid Mr. Arthur, and wai a 'nog b!c recog- c
ni'io of tlie valuable .service? of a cunpa- ^
I ten*, fi itifill ami trustworthy officer. j,
< >f the Hank itsolf. wo can safely say that li
ii s .-mis (lie vijunl of any in the country, in
the way "f raundticsH atul pure business J.1
conduction The President, Mr. E. It ?
Wa! n:e, j assesses a'l tho unlurnl no I ?i
r.c , sit** ! qualifications of a higli-'one I sncC'
ss'"u! Itink illiccr, and under Irs management
the Merchants, and Planters' National ?
llitiU of Union h n enjoyed a career < f sue- b
cosj ttus'irjase 1 by anv other liaak in il??
Mr. ( Munro, the popular Cashier, ?
lm added much to the success nud popular- r
ilyofihe limit by his acknowledged nbil- ji
ities in discharging the duties of It's imp or- w
tint office mil Irs courteous deportment ^
when ilealitig with the public, ile is an honor
ib!e chrivtian gentleman, in whom the ^
ptr lie h ive implicit coulldence.
N Hank Ins better officers and, as a natu- p
nil result, n llauk has a liigher reputation '
mi.vii" inv nun tun or cuiiiiucrciui itiBUlU0
1 io> 3 of 'ii? country.
Mr. Wlutlcck'a Crop. H'
Mr Whitlock, ?f Jonosvillo township,
while ninking a splendid showing this week '(
?>f lii-< gooil crop, appeal's inclined to doubt ?
llie correctness of Mr. Wix's calculation of r,
profit*. uud tivings figures to compare results p
with liiiu. "
We repeat, NTr. \Vldt\ock uinkcs i\ fine 'J
showing of 30 bales of cotton and profit 0
011 n 3-horse farm, after deducting all ex- c
pcnscs: hut it must not be forgotten that
Mr. Wix iiinde ~>'t bales of cotton?-! "> more '
than Mr. Whitlock. which at the average {,
price obtained by the latter, amounted to o
!j>l7"? more. "
We do not iinderstaml Mr. Whitlock as ,
doubting Mr. Wix's statement, but that lie ?
^ ' V
wants 1 he items of expense incurred to make
the crop, which we hope Mr. Wix will give
There is one thing very patent in both 8)
j Mr. \\ hillock s and Mr. Wix's showing: w
They each made and saved more on the 111
farm than any man with even a small family
I can on a *sim> salary in any town. And we j\
I say further. tin* owners of the farms and <?.
j stock made more, from the amount of capital
i invested, than they could in any other lmsi\
iivkn : v. but flf buYC always r>c\ievcil.
that // "?/ i i. rii;,./ will pay," and pay better
; than any other calling or occupation, in ,'|
j comforts, iudependeiice and true happiness, w
Improvements in thj Methodist Church. k
We mentioned last week that many in-- sj
provementsin the several churches of the
j town were in progress and others content- w
I plated, and It will give us pleasure to notice "
them as they are made. U
l.nst Sunday evening we were delighted 1>
j with the marked improvement, hofh in aj - v
, pearatiee and eoiiifort. that the new carpet "
J and the neat, walnut wainscoting on the u
I walls gave to the Methodist Church.
Hie carpet is a verv handsome one and '
covers the lloor completely.
The illllir.iveliieiits relleel crenat em/lit nn
I the entire congregation, hut more purlieu- ,\
lavly the Ttydios. through whose untiring nl
luxttna-u-Uio nieiins \\ rrr secured, and touch |
offthc "" ' mm< unplishcd. IThe
Y. M. C. A. s
The Hull of the Young Men's Christian ,,
Association was formally opened last Sunday, It
with devotional exorcises, conducted by ltev.
\Y. I. Herbert. His remarks were predion- ^
ted tut the scriptural passage, ! write unto s,
| you young men, because ye arc strong in
which lie appealed to the young men of our
community to press forward the work which
they had begun through the Association.? I,
The services lasted only an hour but were c<
j very interesting and well attended.
The rooms are nicely fitted up, and in a
few days, it is hoped that the reading room ||
' will he opened, with a good collection of ol
reading matter. 01
_ ? "
The Distriot Convention of tho Y. M. C. A. w
The Oistrict Convention of the Young cl
Men's Christian \*sociatioii will meet in the w
I Methodist Church litis, Friday, afternoon, at
| I o'clock. All of the business meetings of
the Association will he held in the Methodist i?i
tin Friday night ltev. A. Coke Smith will
! address those interested in the work for
| young men in the Ihiptist Church.
Saturday night Col. James A. Iloyt will
I ueuvera Minitur aUUrc- in the Presbyterian
! Church.
All are cordially iiiviuvl I?> attend these ',1(
I services. tli
- le
Mr. \V. ,J. Shelton, now a Dntfney City f<i
fanner, but formerly a travelling represent- '
alive of the Columbia /{cyistrr, called at our
s^notutn last week and renewed Irs acquaint- tll
an CO on 6u/ subscript ion book. on
Mr. Decides, of Spartanburg, spent a 'I'l
clay or two with his biother Mr. Deorgo 1
Decides, last week.
Hcv. J. II. Coush called at our sanctum pi
last Monday. He has gone to Wake Fore-t "<
College, N. C.. t > continue his theological ' 1
Miss Addle llobo. one of Cross l\ov> |
sweetest young Indies, mid Mi?< llellen "I
Dreer, of this phr e. but is now teaching j
school ai Cro*s Keys, were in town thi- C?'
week visiting lelative-* and friends- <
rorrc!>i>oii<lf?Ao< V
Hows Budget VOr^I x1I0t'
Ktta Jake, Jnnu?7 *,olho V;
' - tMi80n?' ?? a correct w
>ar * 0f A"bur^"/w??k before last, ,v
ijwer to V c^i
for several aj
u mi inspect - f^lkaa
ours bceu wiT^^B I .
.'ity, iu 1
iigtref *Hgj$Ajfl^H|Hp^PpEi* neighbor* c:
linn he off tjjc-pld o
iloek." .
Jack ItyUy/i yoiuig wliito boy of thin a
icigldiorhoodjrn* accidentally shot in the c
and last Miday. Amputation was per- e
armed on "lesdny by Drs. Walker and S'
Var<l, niul jo jaitient ia reported doing h
cry well. '
Parents williave but little trouble in tilling b
lie land wj'.i cripples by allowing their c
hildrcn the reo uso of firearms. a
Mrs. F. T. tridge.t, of Lawn, reports rais- s
'? l'ig. 7months old, that weighed 210 v
ouiida, out of which she got 2.} gallons of t
lid. o
Mr. 1*. S. Webber, of Wilkhisville, lost g
is shop and it - contents by fire, week be- t
are last, 'lie loss was heavy, but lie is s
tan that ndVrsity can't conquer. lie will t
oon have it ip again. s
Mr. W. Whisonant killed a home- i
aisod hog a few days ago that weighed 420 >
ouiuls, gross. We don't know this porker's ji
ge, but suppose it was old enough to sleep i
y itself. J t
...Ws.JwuJir *Kli'tJftftrn-jnr, x
ith a newspaper liiliand. pretending to be j
wading, but really to watch the proceedings. |
lie "old'onian' hasn't forgotten how young u
Iks enjoy themselves. Site, says, however, i
P., lr.ll ..........p'..',..,.. 1- .... 1
rv mu.'i.i t IWII v?vi(f ?v: i\il"?\? mi;( .vfL'. ||
ill right. We're mum, oM Lady. t.
Our school started list Tuesday, J. L.
train, teacher, agisted hy his dniighthcr, j|
liss Mildi *cd. I,
The Trial Justice Cotrt lias somo cases ,<
ending all the time. Die of the most vor- y
ant ideas we ever hear* advanced was that lt
f a litigant who asked tlo Trial Justice if n
e couldn'a make a mistral with himself. si
We have hcen liandel a problem by a ?;|
riend, for the consideration of our rentiers,
otne of whom we hope will give us an ans. 0
rcr. Hero it is:, j4
"A ami 11 agree to dig a, ditch ltto rtids C1
mji for ?100. A agrees to begin work at t)
ne end of the ditcjfftflt6 cents per rod, l
rliile II begins at1 the Alter at ?1 or, pcr n1
ad. Supposing i!ioT??jpto"be an inclined f,
lane, increasing A sljfflor and decreasing w
1 s, as tlicy near c?- other; where wilt,
Iiey moot, aud WVorivgo yrioo t>
aeli receives lie rodL'j^ktieh man is to work al
ut 5?">o in tlicdirh, tl?o ditch must be ,u
omplctcd. %
Mr. 1'. S. Web' !?.- we regret to lcavn, is jj
uite sick at bis l idBfcear Wilkinsville. it
Hcv. H. 1*. Smiti preached at Salem yes- ?|
jrday. The discuirso was a truly praetieal h
ne. A powerful arraignment of idolaters,
lis text was Daniel 3t 18.
The collec'ion for,,8U8tcntation" amounted
) $15 .'!< , and the Sabbath School raised
2 21 for the Thormvcll Orphanage.
We hope the niiuutors and olliecrs of our
'ortli l'acoht Churches especially, will in- ^
?rm us as t# the day and hour of divine J(
irvice at tlksir respective churches and we
ill take pleasure in keeping those announce- jj
icnts constantly before our readers.
The school trustees have agreed to build a
tiblic school house at Abingdon Creek
liurch. The work will commence at an
irly day. ViiX. j(
Correspond nee <>f Union tones.
Jnn^viUc. . V.
.loNKsvrt.t.KTiTWimlry ?There was >,
uite a commotion here last iititrday when h
le corpse of Susie Feriuindes, the girl that \v
as murdered in I'nion, arrive*. She was a <1
aughter of Andrew Feriundes, better ti
tiown as Drew Kernandes. 'I'vis girl, Susie, S
ft her parents a few years ago and inis o
ince been leading a way wurdlife. n
Two new store- were openc* in town lust II
eek : Harris ?l Foster's net Music House, w
ml J. X. Lemastcr's Drug Sore. li
II. C Smith also hrough' in n drove of tl
ne Tennessee mules, ami I. X. Crawford oi
rouglit in a drove not long since : so Jones- i
ille is now prepare I to sinply the country a;
iih the three M s: Muse, Medicine and li
lules. F. very body is invied to come along j w
ml get supplied. I d
A very sad thing happened to Mr. .I.N. A
.Otllil Si 1*1* liiwt Tloo-.lov. u? .,.,.1 I1..V 1) i> I
- ouiy i ??V ? . II
!oyd were hind limiting nndi Mr. 15oy*l aceicntully
shot Mr. I.cmavtcr,*ne sliot striking w
iin in the left eye and one ki/ the left car. p<
Ir. JJoyd t bought Jfr. LAiaster was in ai
notlier dircctitpi i\lir>|Ue uul nl ft hint, di
>?l ?... w
ight ..?
nice. They hot*: c iille ininieiliately to n
onesvillc ami t?ok the freight train for tl
partunhurg, w.ere Miv J.cumster put liiin- si
ill'under the uro olDr. Ileintish. wlm is d
ow treating Inn. Tho sight is gone, and 1
arn to-day tie l'r. intends taking the eye si
all out : otherwise, lie is doing well T
lonesvillo las some few cases of sickness, t<
hieli we think is t!ie grip. It is not at all h
rions. n week we had rain, and a cold windy I
ay, with several cold days following caused I I!
amy hogs to lose their lives. I ti
Itloomiug tlmvers, latdding trees and line si
risli potato tops are very common in this I!
iinniiniily at this date. si
('apt. Sntum-l .1. Mayes died a few days tl
nee. n
Since the clninge of Superintendent on h
le Mail mad there has hecn ipiite a nuniher
changes anioiig the employees, especially
i the freight trains. The road is going to
se coal entirely and are taking down their
ootl racks.
Mr. 15. F. Pennington. Supervisor, will
lange his local ion and will go to tireen- j "
ood. Mr. Pennington has Lccn living hero 'j
'tic 15 years, and the people regret his |
avintr. I S!
l?r. Ihtvis. oi 1 enncssce. 1- on visit to our
I.nst Saturday I lie Jonesville Alliance met
id lot tlioir trade for the present year.?,
It. Long secured the trade. h
for the Tillies.
' it
Now for the Smallest Crop.
S\NTIf. .Intl. I">.?'PlIIKMI SroKKS. I ii
u?s you are about through vi'vt.i;rtsiso j,
i; rttui's, ?o suppose you try your luitid :it a
le smaller one-, and us I am always in the j a
a I in small crops, "1 beg that you put me j >(
urn first." I tl
Well, last \ tar was a powerful bad one !
r a good cron to grew without iiiucli work. , I'
plowed and Ailiivated as usual, on a one- J T
irse farm, and got I bales of cotton, and j n
lien ibdivered my portion to the merchant r r
r the
1am^!?die^n^^^^^^^Mi proves to
e world that my maRH^r planting is the
-t. I have made fUTungenieiits for the
esent year, iind lind supplies much cheaper,
ping to hear from othqr small fanners,
I JoilN I'oiil.. tl
Not vt IIiimr.?Stranger (to surilI bu: i N
s your f.aiher hnme?'| I o
Small b y: ' No sir. lie went to the t g
motcry ttiis morning \ j n
Stranger: "When wiU.Jhe return?' | p
Stuall bey : "lle'a gJpie to bluy. ' I )
Currespoml^iMx of I'll ton Times.
A Hoy-Killing at 8antuc
Mr. Editor.?The record of Spring
eatiier was broken for a short time last i<
cek. IVwlncsiIay was cloudy, and oc- in
isionally a cold drizzly rain fell; at night it A
irned colder, and Friday morning hoar ft
ost gave the appearance of a miniature i
row. You can imagine that many hearts tl
ere cheered a< they enjoyed one of those n
rod old ling-killing times. Much as they
re dreaded, on account of many unpleasant h
ssociations with them, hog.killing received,
ni?y say, a warm embrace, and was en>yed
4MBnnd wPntner'
ausing di-e.tse lo get among the swine, the 1
wiku-s hod^Just cause for uneasiness.
Owthg to the nhseiice of heating rains, and i'.
i,,,,w. .... ... ..11 i ...
IIIIVOV ? */ liUll.l Ml illtf lilt" J^lUUUl I "* *?l v A- U
client condition for plowing, ami the fiirm- a
rs arc getting Imsy sowing oats. 80111c
owed tlio week proceeding fluistnins and |
live lia-l excellent weather 011 tliein. The |
rent lirawliack i . almost everyone has to ^
uy sceil In this line. I think, if the faitnrs
woiih.I cut off n part of their cotton area p
ml prepare that cut off portion well, ami
o\v it in oats, ami Hive their seed, tliov
could gain more than they ?h> ; provi<le<t. (
hey put the satin; work 011 the re?lncc?l area
f cotton that tliey have heen putting on tlio j;reater.
I think it wotihl lie well for the |
'armors to emleavor to secure a good staml
if cotton 1 his year. I don't think it po-; ihle
o make a full crop of cotton from a poor
(ami. although I have hear*! some say that
lie best < rop of cotton they ever ma le was
villi a half staml. In order to receive a '
rno<l stand. 1 think it would he well, if one
:ottld possibly spare the time from other
liings, to bed or break the land now, while
. J - J.W nVuti4 i?4lo|i II freir pill'crizod.
The lam! being so cloddy and ill ,
irepared. v.a< one great drawback to our
nst year's crop, and it is to our interest in
;uard again-1 ( its repetition. Work the land 1
lelbro planting and it will not ivpiiiv so 1
illicit work afterwards. If it does it will he ni
asier ami am':e more for the working. ni
Mr. Ik lit or. you were mistaken in spe.ikr:g
of lay aeon insj" the Oil Mill tacit of y
ot employing home labor. 1 asked if they 1-1
v/v doing so. ! was led to believe, from r?
rliat I heard, and. if I mi-take not what 1,1
no <>i tlie IMroctors (old me, iha( tiiev were g'1
ot. Probably it was tlio "skilled labor'" lie ' '
linded to. I am not infallible, and will !
laud corrected when I am wrong. I ;r'
\ ox tell* us of :i shower of rain that full*
voryday of sunshine, tit Mr. I iilnitiu litis- !U
y ? house, and sa\s, iiis strange iilienomlion
irocs unexplained. lie failed to state 111
io quantity or volume m the shower. Now.
would like to a*l< him if there are in pines
L tho liousc. it there are, the rain conies
oiu tlicni; but I cannot tell the whys nor 1,1
"o' >mre i'11
t this place. Attention was called to it. I*"
ud it has since been noticed frequently. ''
The Quarterly meeting was held at t<ilain's
Chapel (Mothodist I Church yesterday,
ev. Mr. Herbert. Presiding I'.lder. preached
l the Presbyterian t'hurch last night, ilis
irmon was interesting and instructive.
K. W. J.
?- lc
Correspondence Cnlmi Tinioi. lit
llivcrsido F.ipples. w
Mis. Km rots.? This week's notes will be
vigil ted with news not at all complimentary ^
? Union. I
A mad dog h i* been seen by ditlcrcut par- ,
e<, but I have not heard of any one being j .
itten. as yet ; but the dog was still tit large
l last iicemunt. |U
A inad African made his up pea rat ice in
lis neighborhood ante two weeks since au-1
ired himself to Mr. Wallace Meiig. Alter ^
tilting in two weeks work he became furious
.. v in,, wiili tlir eo'nired woman he
ad with him. ilis brawls continued tor ^
utile time, when lie became so enraged that ,.
e literally tore to pieces everything the
oinan had, iti the way of clothing, and ^
e.ilt her some severe blows with a slick an 1
t_-nii.-in.-ii 10 "Mil hit mil. .nr. nc.-gc | (
oaly hcuid i'i* lli" I?*?ml>lo. ami wiili the aid ..
I" Sir. Kir Ivy ami Mr. Wallace Men;;, j '
larehed the outrageous hiute io prison. /.
le threatens to kill a liali' dozen ,
liite and Mark. should In? rv> r l>r -a-1 at j (
hi rty again. Soiue arc of I lie opinion lis;: ^
lis negro is an c<iM'.>cl convict. or in 1 . ?
,.e . , * ?>c
at oi prison ai li (si.
We would like in n>k it' tlicrc is a law ^
jair. t selling li'|iior in the ci-anty of 1'nin.i.
mil wagons'.' Ii >11. why i> it li. it w liW.u y (
abulia arc all.i.vo'l in go unmolested in
ctiance of ilir Federal ami Slate laws".' oj
re there inn llevjiiite ollicci whose .Inly j,
isle look after this matter V ^
We are tel l that two In whiskey
agons have been known to vi>it iln? lower
art ion of this county in one week. I> it
ly wonder that shouting anil killing, arei- (||
;tital or otherwise, are so frequentTlio as
omlor is, ttiat tharo i* UOt movu of it.
'V'e do say." the Ttttreemif-this comntn- ^
ily ought to vise up in rebellion and have a
lis state of affairs jmt to an end. A bad sc
lowing this for civilization, Mr. Kiliior,
mi't yon think Y ,1!
ltev. i> I'. Iioyd preached an excellent jir
?rinon at Wesley t'liapel. the l'.'th in>t. r
lie sermon was directed more |iariicnlarly
> the church. 'i'he various vices were f..
andlcd with cloves oil', ami set forth in mi- r|
listakable terms. j.;
Mi>- Julia Kisi.ui h i-- been .secured for the
n'own's 'reek School, and coliiuieitccd cj
aching to-day. All the little "Joes ' are
rough iiiij-ri->ed v.i.h the faet that Mi-s
i-on means strictly Ini-iiics- a very whole- .;|
nne impression. Aland says \cry seriously (j(
nit -he wants me In write her teacher s
nine in the 1'uioii 'I'i -n:.. >o I thought peril
p. ? 1 would. Jul:.
- o
C'o'.i't'^iioluU'lii'o oi I itinn'1 imrs. |i
Items from Anderson County.
11hi stiv Citi t.k, juii. ?'i lie is si,iu- th
ijr mtv lu'.-iiitilul iit present, and tlie farm- an
rs ?re beginning t?? get ready to make liny. ,,ii
to say tlii* because you know that the old li
tying i<, tiiuke hay while the sun -iii:i " w,
rue. there is no ehaiiee to make hay inuv In,i t>,
we know anything about the tin are, we !
re iiet there will he hay to save this year.- \|
he farmers are nt Work o!e miii.r oli' m.w it
round*. sow ing oats and hi e kiup .-nibble il,
>r cotton. i ji
There lias heen a great deal of mem lo-t Is,hunt
here. I>ut the people don t seem to let in
trouble them, iu the lea-l. There are y-1 in
lore lour- to kill, when the weather will ad- It
iit. Mr. .lames iteardeii has three iu the a'
en that will avera.e '?(M pounds a piece, tl>
ml Mr, .lame- .lohu-nn ha- (liree I lint will wi
vertigo lot) pounds eaeh. and there are d<
. veral oliier person who have from one to < i
iree sueli lings, ..u
We had the plea-tire of p,.in:r thr-uigh the h
iedinont Cotton Mills on la-t Friday. inhere
is a big business jioino on there. Two fu
lill.s are iu ujierat ion?one on each side of the -h
iver. M
We ajjo had the pleasure of visiting the St
fl >lin ill !! I
u?p the Piedmont. l\r\s.
(Correspondent to Caluii Tinr-.
. . in
ocatou at>'.
P icni.r.r, Jan. 'JI.--1 have net the time wi
? write you an} thing ui levari ! > I'aedei n
lis week, hut I wi'l tell y <u of a very d?- w
gbtful party given by Mi-es Fa nine and tri
lary Liltlejohn. of As'ury. en ill cvenitt-r I
f the lit It. insl. I,' ii!e a 11 ninibo.' el -e
ui'S's were pre'ei'. and i' w is an entert rn in
lent which wdl la teuiembiel win ge.i ('
leisure hy the many f.i'uds of those fa |- g,
otng ladies. StatoN.
Fur tlio Timer.
A Fair Crop Madj.
Mb. Eiutob.?Seeing in your issue of tlie
>th tlio float* profits of a G-hor.-c farm,
.mage I nmrwor'sci a< the frop of .Mr. W.
. ?Vix, I thought I wouhi ask my brother
inner V.ix to tell it", first, the number of
oitmN lint cotton a.s i other crops raised on
?o G-horse farm he claims to have
aide two thousand dollars clear.
1 will itemize a crop I made on my Gorse
First, GO bales of cotton.
I soldtoP^^^^M^^^fcchiri ng Company,
,HSb *181 ?R
I sold J. L. McAVhivter & Co., December
Oth., 11 bales, weighing 1,882 ll>s., at
ilferciit prices, brought ?lo'J 77. Total
mount, $1,2'OG CG.
I also made
pi bit hols corn ! <.> > (M)
,J17H bundles Fodder 17 28
|o hii*ho!s Cotton Seed, at 20
cents 108 00
oo bit.dic! < >nts. at GO cents. 51 oil
5>2'.>4 75
otal amount for Cotton ? 1,21)0 t?G
otal for all i rops $1,588 W
? lorjtlinniiig. nagging and
Ties 5(5 (1(1
si,:.:;j :;H
:;s divided by 2 gives me $7tl(? J'-1
Voin which I must deduct
(iuillt I I "0
l abor <M>
Picking Cotton HW
I tii.o | : for
dti (H) ill 99
iy on Yd aft . deducting expeives, si'JV.2 I'.!
1 work uii 'tares witli Mr. Charles It.
uiiy-. mi ilia i.M Long place, near Now Hope
iuiroli. !lo furnishes land, horses, feci I
ii<I tools. i furnish the labor ami guano,
ml we 'liviilo by 'J.
Now. Mr. IMiior. ami brother Farmers,
a will see the above statement as to my
op. i will look for Mr. Wix to give the
a lers of the i'nion Timks a full account
l.i big bk-ir-'e crop, as it has created a
oat deal of talk in our New Hope section,
ivo us the items of cost, friend Wix.
Vott will see that I have only made
' >'J I'd above e-ist of making my crop, and
iitt amount is in cotton seed, corn, fodder
id a little money.
We are having some warm weather for this
lie of i he year.
The general health of our community is
iod. The farmers are going ahead sowing
ts, fixing up tenants' houses, cutting
icrs, and sprouts, and cleaning out fence
r'oVulT 3wp?. jotin Mayes, after
i illness of nine weeks, died Jan. 1st.,
I'JO, of eo'.isiunption of the bowels, in the
it li year of his ago.
Wishing the Timi < every success. I am,
Yours, truly.
15. W. WlllTI.IH'K.
tp ti-K Tim;: t?? tiib Wi:st.?On the rcsi'in
ef his leeent visit to ColumhU, Col.
. U. .Mci>ee, recently appointed Supcrinn
It-iil of tlie Spartanburg and Union ami
0 Spartanburg at: t Ashcvillo Kailroals,
is interviewed by a Jh-jittcr reporter, who
vos too following :
f'ol, Mr Hue soil thai tiie chief object of
e prr.-onee of hiinao'f mnt party in Colutna
w.i-j to look over the tic 11 an-l to see in
lint ways tho raitroa-l system w ith which
! was connected cou'-l better ecrvo the
oplc thr-ugh whose c nintry its lifies run
:d i - whom it must look for patronage.
Ilo eia'r t that w ill a v.ew of establish.
g a through lino to tho West the General
onager of the Richmond an-l Danville systa
ii'-l for some time cotilemplatcil the
- ?-? . % Mttlau of 4 la ? C|>
uioa a:t-l Udttmbia and the A-dieville and
vu-innburg roals, h-th of which, while
i-.t i of the same system, had been uuder
partite management.
The General Manager's idea has n->w
en crrrie l - ut by making Mr. MeBce
i; crime u lent i-f both roads, and tiiey wi'.l
-rea ft i r 'ie run n as ciose conjunction as
, ss'A-lo an-l proper a:-d as the demands
' through tr.'ttic may tender necessary.
h; change h <s been uri l-.- and the question
new s hedoies aii I better corniest ions is
ing cot..-, dercil.
i?y nriangcuicuM reemd'y pcrfecte I the
iclisi.i ti i n-:-l Dina ::!e, w:ih its conmcth-ns.
1 ni-o.-- Hi- ho. I-s-. in from Cosilesion
('it: iii:-ati ami g.? es t' diim bin :i through
no t me mist. mat wi i m one: be able lo
Cmm c: !< i- ;:i : iicenients far p.tironsgc
>th forliitgu nu t pussengtr Irattic to and
rut i iuciii'iuti, 1.->ui*vi le Mid oilier Wo.silt
p >ini*.
Jtt<i what changes w 11 be made in the
( sent schedules, Mr. Mellce was not, last
gl:t prepared to say, but litis he promise 1
the result of the General Manager's
raofimiiaots?n lino by which a traveler
in leave Columbia any morning, M
slightly earlier hour than the present
hedttle, and arrive in Cincinnati at 7
clock the next morning, spend the day
tero if he chooses, and return to Co'umbii,
tving occupied hut three days iu the
iind trip.
Improvements will also be made in the
eight service, in the direction of more
ij id transit, closer connections, and better
oil it os in general.
The between Columbia and Ciunuali.
via Sj artatiburg, Aalievilie attd
tfStillo, is less than tibt)miles. All that
needed to accomplish the trip iu the
mo pr posed is a proper use of the ftcil1,'s
at liurid?and these it is Col. Malice's
irpoee ! ; employ an I to expand.
Tv i tie: ti I Si m iic s,?In Christ in the
imp: or. Ileii rimi iu t!ie Souloerii Armies,"
r. .1. Vitu. .1 ones it lie lighting chaplain ) litis
>iio a grand \, ork in bringing Ingot her in
riiiaiioi:: an 1 readable form the record of
e gioat religious work which went on
noiigth" soldiery. Cvoiy family throughit
ll: Sill! -hoilld possess a Copy,
gi\i the in-! possible guarantee, if any
ere n.-odi i, lli.a i the work of the same a line.
"H the "Memorial Volume of .leUVrsnii
is:-: or, the I in World's Tribute to His
o'linry." aid have nothing In be desired,
i- n.d ibui ho i- progressing rapidly with
i- work, an i will soon have it ready for
o pro--. !l:i\iug the co operation of Mrs.
i\i-. atol in cess to abundant material of
no ! inicii?. iiilerc-t. the voluino is sin-,.
i lii.n w hi no onovriy si?ti<?lii nt'ior.?
will In* i ..n111 out in 11: i > i I - > i > 1ami ilnrilc
t >? .1. 11< 1 .ii a price i i lirin;/ ii \vitliin
r i*< Ii :' oi .1 tin1 | .risi ; while there
ill I." : 11 e\; ii-ivi- fiiiiimi fur those who
ill- il.i- ;.vit work in I In? bc-i iliv-i Ilia)
it t'O j '..i 111 in ii. Ii will In' >uM only by
1> :111 I 11111 - every family will
tve an i>ii|?>i iunity I jn-?it*ui*o tin1 work
l'Iii ;i! ii' v own homes. Vny oiu' <li*-.ii-in^I!
r | ii ii ill iimill njfi'iirii'- fin the l ook,
mibl v. site nt once to the publishers.
*.' >1 . 11. F, Johnson, & Co., it ft; t Mtiin
rcet, Kicliiiioiul, V?.
N'riiii i Emigrants Coming Hack. ? The
i;iriotte t ' roiiielf of Saturday s?ys : Sonic
ili" i i'^i' cs who left Sont!i Carol <na s >uic
mo ri^' in 1 wont to Arkinsis, are returni?
ill. ii 'y. They s ?y A ikons n is not
h i i' is ii-; ro . :i'c i to ho by ths cnii^ri
ii o.;;o:i'- They siy also tint many more
.ill I s 'tic n if ilicy ore iiMe. Ilailr n 1
en w Ii i o ni" i n I'll t li'* t'. C, fi \. vi"11 ri_\
f n i - ii ! ill ;t t! l.:i I in urn pasi.<<?'s
:i i - 1 iwor oii'l i f the roil r.Miru? VT i.-t?, mil mi tills able of
linn" i ' tli y took on r "ro ).ii?-?on I
i mi" ; I.. Ark i'sis. /,' /< .
______________ *? " ^
Written for the Tiuiw.
The Debate on the Clemaon College bring*- ... >
out a Candidate for Congreae. 1&&WsL
To tiik Forma of tub Tim ks.?Tho
Session of the Genoral Assembly will go
"sounding down the ages" in South Carolina *
history, as indeed a ineniorable one?memorable.
it' for no other reason, surely because
the Cietuson Cojlegc was established. ^iis i. ^ *
was a great work. Industrial educati^^fc^?
to-day imperatively deiunnded. It
only open Sesame to success; and
College, when she begins to turn out skil^^H|^PVI
farmers, will have begun to convoy the
ship of State into the ipiiet roadstead dB^L/fjl
material prosperity. We have not estab- "S|
lished a luxurious lounging place, a downy
Agora for the "Curled darlings" of society.
These precious infants have provided for
them by the "brute work" of the "horny
hands" an Infirmary at the Capital, whero
they can make all the demands within the
bounds of unressou on their Fortunfttus
purses, perfect themselves in flic birn trances
of life, it ml imbibe an incalculable uuanlitv
of supercilious conceit ! We have no war
i to wage oil tlic South Carolina College.?
i True, we wish that it would rouse itself from
the lethargy of its provincialism, and the
i scrofulous contemplation of its glorious tra- . .
ditions ami splendid history ; that it would
taboo the syllabub and curds of education,
and instead feed the "young idea" 011 a
literary nutriment that would make whole*
1 some men, educated to know find appreciate
the immeasurable difference between the
boisterous assumption that is generated by
scanty education, and the modesty that
comes from a thorough realisation that one
has just begun the grand ascent to the temple
of education when he receives his degree
of bachelor of arts.
The opposition which the college "bill" t*
. encountered was unscrupulous and ninlig?
wiw-titai it ufivt3tt.n.ruiiitmr>?
n whip plaited with the velvet of legal techideality
and noxious snnliistrv tfn?k?ir
pounded it witli the bludgeon of the Rhetorical
savage. tiraydon stabbed it with tho
dagger of the "envious Caseu " Alm?y
struck it with the Stiletto of tho ltuliun
l.azzamnc. Mct'rady gave it the unkindest
cut of ail with a rapier, buttoned with tho
awkward siuun of patriotic intercstedness
and zeal for agricultural education.
The "bill" was ably defended by Abbeville's
pride and ('arolina's glory-W. C. llenet.
Messrs. Tindal, IIvans, ISowen, llean and
\N hillock got in some trenchant blows for tho
college. The hitter's short speech was one
of the most effective delivered. It was terse,
incisive and convincing, lie reminded tho
liousc that tho acceptance of the bequest
was the paramount issue in the campaign
of ISSN. That, as evidenced by the votes of
last Session and the votes of this Session,
the majority of the people of the State were
in favor of establishing ait
/learned tlw
That it sought m equip and furnish forth
college by indirect taxation; that the prd^H^^^^H
of the bill were unobjectionabU^^^^^^H
Notwithstanding these indisputable fachxUj^^H^HH|
"factious discontents." lie repudiated
would be found on the side of the Oj)poH0nt5^?
They had hotly contested tho bill of last
session. They were found opposing tho
present bill with perfect unanimity. Their
tactics betokened factions, discontent, as did
also their weapons?legal technicality and
specious sophistry. Mr. Whitlock thought
that the advocates were more honest than
tho opponents of tho bill. It tho "second
sober thought" had repudiated tho college,
as insinuated by tho opponents, then the;/
were demagogues, catering Ibr votes, not the
advocates. We were standing intrepidly to
ii.n.. ..i:.
selves willi public opinion. Mr. Abney hud
said that liie proposed college woulil bo the
hot lied "f agrarian politics. Mr. Whillock
had heard it charged, and he did not deny
till! Ch'H'ffO t 1? !?<? On? vluirt * Pllt'JJC
was a political institution. If this were true,
the middle class in the State?the class that
ihirkcsaid ' conserved tlie virtue, and was at
once the strength and glory of tli6"*commonwealth,
needed a college to counteract its,ifntlueiico."
This young orator won our res{wct an?I
admiration. lie stood up stpmrcly -lind
boldly for economical measures, lie rarely
spoke, but when he did commanded the attention
of the House, because his speeches'
were pregnant with cogent thought and,
eloquently delivered.
I give this tvtimoiiial of him because
I'nion should feel an interest in him.?
Ills father wjis horn and reared in this
county. It' the farmers want a friend in tho
National lion? of Itepreseiitatives, I tako
the liberty of reconimending I'. I.. Whitlock.
* i11metal has been ted, it s ready for
the stamp." Highly educated, sagacious,
intreped, a man of untainted integrity and
deep relleelioii, 1 nominate him. Will the
people of the "alt t'ongressional District
second lite nominationI'.cosomist.
? . ? - ?
Dr.ATtt's (t asti.y J? w r.Kt'.?Haiti more, Md,
January 18.?The number of deaths reported
this week was 280?152 males an I 134
females. This is a larger number than any
reported last year, the largest number in
18.81) being in July. The number for the
corresponding week in 18S7 was 115;
in 1888 103 nnd 1889 142. Annual
drat it rate per 1,00!) fertile week was 20.74.
I'.ston, January 18.?Tiiii lias been
another week of extraordinary mortality
here, although the record, bad as it is shows,
decided improvement over its immclinto
predecessor. Two weeks ago the deaths x
nitmhcrrod 327 and the rate was 40 97;
week there w.-re 403 deaths and the
wis 63.81; this week there have b?en^HBSj
dea'lis, yielding a rate of 41.81.
corresponding week last year there wer^w^f
deaths, l'ncumoniti, tis has been Hie case
since the iufluriixi set in, leads as the csuso
of death with 93 to i's charge. Crnsuinplion
caused 0t? de*ths, Irinchitis 34 aad
itilltmnza 4.
Chicago, January 18.?IJp to noon there
have been 033 deaths in Chicago s ttcc last
.Saturday noon. The number f >r tho same
I>uri<m nil wee a was a'.J f. Mxdeallis from
inlluenza were reported.
Tin; iJui.n I'r.vnu.?Charlotte. Jan. IS.?
A letter to-day frem Montgomery Comity to
Knit's News lSiivcau livings news of quim
mi exciting nature in regard to the devtdopmetits
now being made in (lie famous Teba
Sunders gold mini. T'ltc bureau's correspondent
went over to tlio mine Thursday.
There he met Senator J. t\ Spo tier and
Mm. II. K. Tay ior of Wisooii-iu (the recent
|uirclias''vs of the m tie,) Sen nor tieorgo
lletir?t of California and several (liter onpiI-ilnts
from the North and West, who had
c 'ino thiwh to sec far themselves the truth
as to its ri-pu'e I value. Two blast* wero
made on the clearly exposed view, located
at the hat mi ami alio it the middle of the
main ^l> aft, whicli is not more than thirty
feel dean. Crom these two hiasls not less
than SJ.ot)!) woi ill of pure nuggets wciu
quickly gathered up, and litis >1 es not incudoihe
g'ld that was yet la be se; a rated
from the quartz ore thrown up by the blasts,
wi.ich ore spa kle l inure orlt'ss with visible
particles of the precious met il.
Tun T.vv.u IIanhy l'tsrni,. Abbi v Hey
January 1 ' *.?Yesterday Ike butler wa?
shot in the lire ist and kill I liy Jim Holmes.
Holmes ma I* b - escape mi I has u ?l yet
brea c i| lured, Tho dilli :ulty anise out of
a discussion about a woman wb t wis ironing
same clo'lies, when Mull r c !) I II ilnies
n ?bar. II lines re-Cute I ii by shooting
liutler to draiIi. ,
* *
l>.\Miftt 11'. I he apj I c.i'i hi of chloral
hydrate in so mien of live grains to tlie
ounce of water, in Saul to c'oir the head or
buiilrntf and prevent fnl ing if the bail'
from the latter cause ?,S< iint>jic Ann nam.