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Tiibute of Loto. adkll.a c. jetkb. The following resolutions were offered by M. 11. Kelly, and adopted by Kelly's Chapel Sunday School: Whereas, it hag pleased Almighty Cod, the disposer of all things, to remove from among; us Adella C. Jeter, the faithful pupil, true friend and sffectiouute Daughter. He it, therefore, Resolved, 1 st. That in the death of our beloved little sister, while we bow in humble submission to tho divine will, and rejoice that by divine grace her end was peaceful and triumphant, yet we can but feel that we ?-rrwrT ' bava been bereaved of a kind little friend, """W Y thq Sunday School one of its brightest jewels, and the church ono of its purest members. 2nd That wo extend to the immediate family of our deceased fellow pupil and friind, our ohristian condolence in their great bereavement. 3d, That, as a further token of our respect, a conv of theso resolutions bo transmitted to her bereaved family, and that they also he published in the Union Tiues and Southern Christian Advocate. M. C. DKAVKB, J. G. RICE, Scct'y. Sept. A Tribute of Respect. JOHN w. LEE. At & meeting of the Salem Sabbath School held at Salem church, November 'JGtli, 1888 the following preamble aud resolution* were v> prosented by tho undersigned committee / read by thcSuperintemlent, James L. Strain, and unanimously adopted by the school: Whereas, death, the insatiate archer, has chosen a shining mark in tho persou of our beloved brother and co-workor, JOHN WILLIAM LEE, and wafted his immortal pirit to that bourn from which 110 Uuvelor returns. Therefore bo it, Resolved, That wo the members of Salem Sabbath School do most humbly bow to the will of tho Supreme ruler of the universe, knowing that ho docth all things well, and Bay: "iuy win oe none. Resolvsl, That wo extend to tlio wife and k family of our deceased brother, our heart*. felt sympathies, and will rcnieinner them iu our prayers, at a throne of grace and mercy, in this their hour of soro trial and bereavement. Trusting that we may all meet him in the mansions eternal, where Jesus givelh his children rest. Resolved, That copies of these resolu tions be published in the Union Times and Yorkville Enquirier, and that the same be sent to the wife aud family of the deccescd brother. ROB'T. A. FOSTER 1 WILLIE JONES i Wm. ESMARIl Committee. MILDRED L. STRAIN J A Warnino.?A wagon load of singed cotton on Main street last week excited our cariosity. Upon making inquiry we were informed that a few days before when the cotton was being driveu to town, a negro sitting on ono of the bales struck a match to light his pipe and fired the cotton. A creek was fortunately near by and the cotton was driven there and dumped into the water and aved, but was badly damaged.? Rock llill Herald. _ A Presidential Prediction.?Richmond, va., jueceinoer o.?An occasional correspondent writing from Keysville, Va., hopefully discusses Gon Harrison's probable policy as regards the South, and close* his letter with tho following very ominous observations : "I was particularly struck with a prediction made a few days ago by one of our oldest citizens, that Gen. Harrison would not lire out his term. 11c says that in the year when Gen. Harrison, tho ancestor of the present President elect was elected, it enowod on the 19th of November, and he When Gca. Taylor was olectcd iho same year it snowed on the 19th of November, and he only lived a short time. It snowed again on the 19th of November the year Gen. Garfield was elected, and his short reign is fresh in our memories. 'This year it snowed on tho 19th of November, and for this reason he says Harrison will have a short reign. I hope that his predictions will not prove true in this instance, for I believe Gcu. Harrison is one of the best and purest of the Republican leaders." And it Gknkuai.i.y Isn't.?Father: '*My son, stop! You must not dispute vouv moth er that way." Boy: "But she's ill (he wrong." Father: "That makes no difference; and you might as well learn, my boy, once lor all. that when a lady says a thing is so. it is so." And then he added, earnestly: ' -liven if it isn't so." -? It is wise to provide against emergencies which arc lialilo to arise in every family. In sadden attacks of cold, croup, nsthamn, etc.. a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will prove a never failing rem edy, - Married on the Stage.?Richmond Nov. 20?At the Richmond Theatre the Btti Right, after the performance of ' Zo-Zo. HBV by the Gardcucr Company, Miss Ida ' Marsh, whose name appears on the ' play-bill as Loraine, and who .assumes Y the character of '11 cranium, the girl that blushes/'wan married t.? Mr. M. Putnam, of New York, lie is said to bo a commercial traveller. The bride \ will remain with the company until thoy reach the home of the bridegroom. The Rov. Millvile 11. Jackson officiated. There will be a largo imtnigration eonvcDtiou held in Montgomery, December 12. All thcOovoncrs of tin. Sun them State will be sent out to difiercnt States. It is said that Texas will have a largo delegation present. Consignees Per Express. Union, S. C. l)cc. 6. I*SS. C O Waters, .lno. Ilnntcr, 11. K. Ile'itc, J B Ilutlcr, II T (lee, I! 8 A Pearson, .1 II Covington, J J Bpesrs, l)r I Miiuro, Geo h Tucker, 'J'Iioh. K Bailey. Scdalia; W .1 I'.ochustcr. Miss C Snr'or. W N Garner Bros, I' M Cohen, M & T Bank. I) A Townscnd, W S Gregory, Sr. Times, W M Lowcry, J 11 Brock, Bessio Fnrrsr, D J Young, 1>. K. Norman, Dr J F Norman, Rev Jno Wallace, M W Culp, J M Bice, MissZella Davis. J T Mnlonc, Joo Fant, Greene Bios. J M Gibbes & Son, J Sailer, Goss & Stokes, Thos Boulware. F. II, COUNTS, Agt. List of Letters. Remaining in tlio Post ollice at Union S < Nov 80, 1808 uncalled for. A R Adams, Miss F B .Jeter. TC Bain, i Miss Nur.a drier, Mrs Alice Bcaltey, das I, McCormick, Mr Will Caiicut, - Mr W M Murpli, Mrs Hnttie Cnylic. Air Geo Maer, Indie Duncan, I Bol t Miller, \lC8 M iiah Davis, ]55 F Pemblelon, D 1) Poster, 'Mrs Liza Satiter MrN J Fowler, Mr I l> Scale-, Mr Franklin Gale, di.o L Tuwi.seiid. Miss Ssllie Guest, .Mrs Wnrrensn ii, Mr Jos Hughes,, |Miss lies-ic Young. Miss Mary K H:\irison Air Geo Mm-r, Miss Hnttie Pool, | BS Persons calling for ilie above letters will B9 say they were advertised and will p,.y let Br each postage pa them. ^ j.c. mtfxun, r. m. i .Townshii' Kaieuoad IIomis of so ?Columbia, November CO.?The announcement to-day that t!.e State Supremo Court | bail decided :?gainst the constitutionality of j tlie township railroad bonds created intense : interest among tlto lawyers and members oi tbe Legislature in Columbia aud telegrams were sent nil over ti.e State aunouueiug iho fact. The action of the- Court was unexpected to a large majority of the people, and ?thc decision will probably develop more c- iticism than the famous married woman's \ Is determination of the same body. It is not double I that unless some legislative remedy is ap- lied a number of miuor railroads dcpeuueiit for progress on township subs ri$ lions will stop short. It : * l uud utterly impossible duriDg the e:i . j art of the day to get au opportunity > >pying the opinions tiled iu the case, < so li?K did the lawyers monopolize the papers ah leesgefly read them. The following brief synopsis in all that can be given tonight. The three opinions would probably occupy a page and a half of The News and Courier : Floyd it nl is 1'trrin, Treasurer?No. 3,22S| U This case primarily involves the constitutinnaiiiv of the Act of December 'J;' 1 RftO and nn Act amending thesame, passed December 124, 18S3, whereby power is given to counties and townships to subscribe to the stoclc of the-railway company thereby chartered, and for that purpose townships are declared to bo bodies politics and cor poratc, and with the liccoisary power to carry out the provisions of the Act. Under the provisions of the Act to township known as Ninety-Six, iu Abbeville County, subscribed to the stock of the company, the Urccnvillc and l'ort Uoyal Hailroal company, the county commissioners as the agent of the township issuing the necessary bonds in payment of said subscription to meet the interest of which tax was assessed and collected by the defendant, treasurer of the county. This action was brought by the pluiutills, the taxpayers of said township, under Section litis of the General Statutes to recover the nniuunt paid by iheni under protest, to#wit : SdOo 0-3. The case was trio l at Abbeville, at the February term of the Gourt of Common I'lcas for Abbeville county, .Judge Norton presiding, who rendered his decree oil the Itlttli of February, 1888, adjudging that the aforesaid Acts aie un<i*siisti< utional and void so far as they purport to authorize townships to subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad company; and also so l'^r a3 u purports 10 incorporate any lowusmp or townships aud that the lax assessed and collected to j>ay the interest eti tiie hoods issued iu belmlfof the township Ninety-Six is illegal and should be refunded. {,'Tlie Supremo Court, the Chief Justice delivering the opinion, decides that this jttdgtntnl holding the Acts in <|Ucstion unconstitutional on account of the absence of a corporate purpose in the township incorporated, and the tax assessed find collected illegal and should be refunded, should be aliirmcd. Judgment affirmed accordingly. Mclver, A. J., concurs fully with the Chief Justice that the Act in question is unconstitutional for the reasons presented in his opinion and expresses his views at length in a separate opinion. Metis wan, A. J.,'dissents, and files a dissenting opinim. ???? Send ?1 to J. W. & J. 11. TOLLESOX, for one of the celebratey *:Gold Shirts. dS-Ut ? >#-?- . ? A tine assortment of Cross & IllncUwclh Jains and Preserves at LAUllENS U. YOUNG'8$. At Cose. IT!ILL January 1st, 188'd, wo will sell our J_ entire Stock of Pools and Shoes and Dry Goods at Cort. u u u i ou a ft., & Co. Ucc 7 d'.i ;it m - T> j. jlo x\eni. rilUli Resilience in (own of Union, now JL occupied by T. M. Whiteside, and known ?s the '-Dognn Place. Apply to the undersigned. II. L. (it)SS. Dec 0 10 3t Jersey Stot'Il.-I will have the Jersey Hull, Sir l'ogon, in Union next week, for the convenience of any one wishing his services, Price 82 50. W. II. MURTIS1IAW. Dec 7 10 11 To Creditors of J. W. Posoy & Bro. rMIIlideath of Dr. J. W. Posey renders it 1 necessary that every otic indebted to the firm of .1. \Y. Posoy Si Bro., shall settl* at once, either by cash or note. Such r.s will not do so, must not expect any further credit. We have no choice in the matter, it is a business necessity. 11. F. POSKY, Survivor of J. W. Posoy & Bro. Dec. 7 10 It Guardian's Final Discharge "iVf OTICK i3 hereby given, tliat by perm is. JJM sion of Hon. James M. Dec, Prolate Judge, for Union County, 1 will, on Hie ?>tli day of January, 1889, make my final return aiiu appiy mr toners uismissary as miardinn of Corric Hobo, (alias) 1'ilinar. AH persons having claims Against I lie said Corrio Hobo, (alias) Calmer, during her minority, are hereby notified to present them to me on or beforo the above date, or they will he forever barre l. L J. DOHO. Guardian Corrio lloho. Dec. 7 I'd -It. Guardian's Final Discharge V| OTICK is hereby given, thai by permis" IN sion of lion. James M. Gee, l'robate Judge, for Union County, 1 will, on the 'J 1th day of December, 1S8H. make my linal return, and apply for I.otters Dismissory. as Guardian of Thomas Cmbl. All persons having claims against the said I'liomns t'ndd, during his minority, are hereby notified to present thiiu lo me on or before the above date, or they will he forever buried. V: M. ADAMS, Guardian of Tlios. Cudd. Aov 'S\ 47 41* NOTICE. A LL persona iidobtcil to mo, by notscr x\ account wid pienso call and settle promptly, as now is I! o time 1 need every cent that is due, to meet the demands To my lig slock of goods, lly responding at once yon v.i 1 greatly oblige, T. Ii. 1IA1 LEY. Nov 10 -111 1m. REMOVED. F . G. T fl E F 2 E R ' S JEWELRY STORE. .NEXT DOOIC TO J. 0% ItUCIIIIKIT. { INVITE the l.ndics and (lentlenien to ? e. me and see my enlarged Stock of t l ot KS, WATCHES. JKWKM1V ami SI lA'KKWAI.ih wIti<-li I will sell at ju ices that cannot be bent. Al-o on band, a nice selection of School loioi. no i Scl o <1 Sni'plics, at introduction prices. I hi ore i.uying, jdease give fie a call and examine my Stock. F. 0. TIlEFZEIl. Uet 1U I'd Gjii* Sale of Valuable Property in the Town of Union and . Vicinity. fJUlE undersigned will soil at public 1 snlo, on Snlcs'lay in Januatv, 1S$9; at Court House door, (if uot* sold privately before that lime,) tho * following valuable real estate of Dr. J. M. Gibbs, deceased : . i 1. The Drug Storo and lot on MaiL Street. 2. Tho Home place in Union, to bo divided into two lots. 3. Farm uear town, of uiuety acres, uiore or less. TERMS. One-third Cash ; balance in ono and two years, to be secured by a bond and mortgage of*preuiise9, with iutcrest at ten per ceutuiu per annum, from day of Sale. Purchaser to pay for papers. JOHN T. SLOAN, JR. D A. TOWNSKND, Attorneys. f \ ry 4 t\ i * i'i:c t -*t FARMERS . ECONOMIZE AND MAKE YOUR FERT1LIZE11S AT HOME! DIRECTIONS for composting with "Long's Prepared Chemicals: " Stable Manure, ... 730 lbs. Cotton Seed Ho liiishc's, - 7?"?U " "Long's Prepared Chemicals" 2 Parrels, - f>00 " 2,000 " or 1 Ton. Fertilizers prepared according to above formula will cost but a little over one-third the price of Atninoniatcd Fertilizers, and will give us good results. Now is the time to begin to put up your compost. For "Long's Prepared Chemicals," call on * P.. F. ARTHUR. Dec 7 d'.t Uu>. TO CREDITORS OF P. 15. GOING & I5IU). TNTENDING to make a change in our L business on the 1st of January next, it will be necessary to cl< so up the business of the present firm by that time, and we therelore hereby give notice to all persons iftdcb**">i >0 a-. rcttlements. must be made at once, in sotne way, or we shall ho compelled to place their indebtedness in other hands to collect. 15. 11. CUING & 11110., Kclton. Deo 7 49 <lt. CLOTHING! IN ORDER to get vi<l of our extra large stock of Clothing, we arc now offering sonic SPECIAL bargains. j^lioes! Shoes!! V.'e also have an immense stock of Hoots atul Shoes, which we will sell for the LOWEST CASH Trices. DRESS GOOODS. Call and examine our beautiful lino of Dress Fabrics. -GJ OP A. ?? 3Li m -Q O on 3! Vi'c have a full lino of staple good?, all of which you can buy at a sacrifice. Come One ! Come All! An.l v,Ml will r.n.l ,v? man .vl,.,l say. HiCE & McLUltK. Nov 21 -17 Gt Notice to Creditors. The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Common Pleas. Francis W, Sheldon, as Administratrix with the will annexed, of 1). 11. Sheldon Plaintiff, against James 3'. Lay ton, Alice Layton, el al, Defendants. TTNDER an order in the above staled caso, VJ the creditors of D. II. Sheldon, de, ceased, are required to j resent and establish their claims against the estate of the said It. II. Sheldon, before me, on or before the first day of January, 188'.). JAMES MUX 110, Master for Union County. Master's Ofiicc, Nov. 1 .">, 1888. Nov ltj (G Gt The State of South Carolina. COUNTV OF UNION In the Court*of Common Pleas. Francis W. Sheldon, as administratrix cum testament > anntxo of 1>. 11. Sheldon, deceased, Plaintiff. against jnmcs r. unyton, aiuc bayton, William II. Siicltloii, Anna Pinson, l.ula Sims, Ado!phus Sliolilon, Mary Maxwell, Mary Sheldon, ami an infant son-of Pinckney Sheldon, deceased, whosr mime is unknown, DcJ'cnlauls. Summons for ltclief?Complaint Serve 1. To the Defendants in this action : \7()U arc hereby sumirrjncd ami required 1 to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. and to serve a c >py of your answer to the said conip'aint on the subscribers at their ollico, at Union, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the " ay of such service; ami if you fail tr answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded iu the complaint. D. A. TOWNS END, C. II. 1'EAKE, Plaintiff* Attorneys. Oct 2otli, 18S8. To Anna Pinson, Lula Sims, Adolphtts Sheldon, Mary Sheldon, and infant son of 1'in.kney Sheldon, deceased whose the complaint in the above entitled ! name is unknown : Take notice, that action is filed in the otlice of the Clerk cf | the Court of Common Pleas for Unicn County, South Carolina. . D. A TOWNS END, C. II. PEA HE, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Nov. 2d 17 Gt Notico to Creditors. I VI.}. pcis< us indcbtcJ to the estate of 11. II. Ilico, deceased, are hereby notified ' that payments must I o made to inc at once, i AD pci-oils having cldms against said csi a'e .ro rcqius'el to present them to mo, I properly attested. T. C. DUNCAN, Ex'r estate 1?. II. Ilice. Nov 1G -10 4t. i In Jrj of' AND GfAHAM & SPARKS B ARGONS, BARG.A I "ij^ssasbss ?^isras s '''''I.''.s/r: "".r quontly wc wi,j jr rfrbm uow until Hi fi ? iC d? rbUo ?o.cjt i-a?e? wj. il?.1'l^.d CalIcoe? for P'r n?rd h? j ?1)Wlr., 3 " ti?x?? ifrv4F'3^' xr *^pV.'?;,:rs ab^83 Trimm,'?28 ' ? ^ an.l grca( chelp.a'80 haV0 T0 7 Inrg? Mock of ?ud a Jean 3, and.. c Market0 l0" y on? "f "'C bicee In in . ,U pr'Cf ' ar? nWny bo!o,v Zuro s b,??kct9( Couh erp*?os, and Com ford w CLOTi UNO, '< In this lino wo staiC nt *)" of ' <* colli I ricos. We have suits I'Hln \\ a ho perpiir. AVo also IiaveV ?P'e?i*V^ lino of Child limes. Kxamino onr clif lun-!r beforP b"ying, an. Shii.'ts inul Ui In this lino wo are n^k!lls?, ft 0,?a,? swoop, town. Our 75c shin is nl 600'1 ftnd our!? I BOO^S AMI WE'LL GBT THERE - uu Bhow you ODO ",c '"fS1"*' ?'"ck? ' South Carolina, at. prices >' s. (o have just gono through ourTninienao ai1'^ P some were carried over from last ecason^flT.I RMI at cost and below cost Wo will offer you child rc I'olkers, new stock, for 75c worth $1 anywhere, slock for ?1 worth SI 25 anywhere. Our worn; every pair warranted. Wo hare a lot of J. Faust & Sons, Laud set and $7, which wo will offer at $5 per pair. Al misses slices. Remember, we do^not propose t > i ?only certain lots. They are n, bonanza for so MILLINERY ! Ladies Hats in Great Ya: Than E In (his line of course we always lake the le Cull and see us and we will do you good, r have it, even if we have to sacritico goods to gc GRAHAM Sopt I I 37 s?iv:?' A GOLD TO Ultl GIVEN AWA V. LUCKY? From this dale, Nov. 22d, 1S88, all who huj entitled to a chance at the Goll Match, and on< with n>c. The chance costs you nothing, and I SANTA GLAUS# HE. GARRE' Holiday Goods ! ftllolliday Gooift! I liavt Hooks, Toys, Christinas Cards, Caudfcs, Christ ? * ?1. ????. in tl.Io mavltnf IK'SI SIUC'IV Uvea iu HM? Toys, yes Toys of every description,' kind a and eld, in goods, price and quality. You can Goods, Toys, &e. of me. Mirrors; Dressing Cases, Manicure Cases, 0 Writing Desks, Wliisp Holders, Cigar and Ciga: Albums, Engravings, Oil Paintings, Oleographs, FRENCH CANDIES 1 F 1 have an assortment of seventy-five diffc) selection ever in this market. Crystalized fru Nuts, etc., always on hand. Stick Candy a spec will sell at wholesale prices. Hooks, Bool, For the old and young : something suitable f prise you. I have got the Goods and 1 am goinj for .' () cents. I will sell you Charles Diokous' V for $('?, worth S12, and all ether llooks same latest styles always on hand. HATCHES, CLOCKS A nice line. 1 am offering very cheap. Ea ^ Jliinaware! C Cups, Sauceis, Mugs Vuces, She Attention Close Biiyfr?, ?nd a1 her 7lli, 1888, 1 will open iny enWre stock of verjthing on that day, I will offer at a Hpeoio than you can buy them for agiin. Den'l miss s< G . P. < Lc Sept l>i 88 Hats ! Hats !! Hats !! VLI, prices, nil sizes, nil qualities. Also JL. Pattern lints ami Bonnets. Also llie frc cheapest and newest styles in Trimmings, Tips, Wings, Birds, and Ribbons, including an nu Jerseys, Corsets and Bustles H Bl All fc' bo ho At the Lowest Prices. *e foi Call on tnc at my old stand, opposilo the Court House. Vout.s truly.. .~ni v 'nl MRS. J IS GR^NV. Dt Oct 10 42 8nt oj To Thoeo Indebted. , ALIi persons indebted, in any way,do UD the tirm of A. It. Stokes & Oo., ^rc hereby notified that settlements musBbe made at once. P. M. COHEN, Agent. Nov::o 18 I 0. H. PEASE, P" A TTO It N K V A T I, A W.*V 1 JJJ Will bo found in office ofL>, A. TowaU *" Union, 8. C. ^ \ gr Hash pDry G-oods. (HAS COME, MUST HAVE MONEY. -f . lINS, bargains. SEME? ? 1." Tl^ truth is, we nro badly o*cr! demands hs they cotuu upon us, eonseivy of January, sonic hargaius that will vine of them : s Ginghams for 8Jo uud upward, Dross kvO# innrKea uuwu i ) u}ct 03c, iuc, and other fino dross goods marked down, ids, have been marked down from 50c to t vftrioties, nt prices in proportion to the Vhilo Flannels which wo will sell very 3assimeres. st storks of Jenns nnd Cassimeres in the iee our 25 els. Jeans ; she's a daisy, e can beat ihc Town. CLOTHING. imn, with the largest stock at the lowest ive single pants fr.<m 05 ecnts up to !r:8 s and Boys Clothing at prices to suit ttic 1 save your tnoney ulorsliii-ts. Wo have the host 50c white shirt in shirt is a world beater. ) SHOES. NOW, CERTAIN. of Boots nml Shoes in the upper pari of ur customers will testify to that.) Wc icked out several lots of shoes, of which ;e thrown theiu on oi.r bargain counters ^Sahoes. from Hoc per pair up. Women's ^1 ri'nItrnr leather and whole m's 2*2 shoes is a cha?sIIKc 10 l'>? world; ved nud guarantee 1 goods, y^orth oO Iso some big bargains in wonftTnS**^1'! Btdl all handsowci goods at those prices, mcbody. First come, first served. MILLINERY ! rieties. Prices Lower Iver. aJ, both as to prices and styles. is we arc hard up for money aud must ["& SPARKS. CHEAP CASH STORE. . . if WATCH WHO WILL IIK THE :)INKV j of mc the amount of 0110 dollar will be o chance for every one dollar you spead guarantee the watch for twelve months. ADQUAKTERS AT TT'S. 5 tho largest aud most complete stock of :mas Goods of all kinds, the largest and nd pricfe. I can suit you all, both younS save 25 per cent, by buying Christum* idor Oases, Shaving Cases, Work lloxes, rett Stands, Autograph and i'hotograph Pastclls, Chromos, &c. 'RENCH CANDIES!! L'out kinds. It is the largest and nicest its. Citron, Currants, iliisins, Prunes, linlty. 1 have a large stock on hand and cs, Rooks. or everybody, and at prices that will surr to sell them. I will sell you a $1 Hook forks, complete, 10 volumes, Illustrated, j?rice in propoition. Stationery of the AM JEWELRY. ,njos, Violiup, and Guitars at Cost. Jliiiiawfiro ! ! iving Cups, Tea Sets, etc. II who want to Rave money. On Decern. Toys, Holiday Goods, etc. In fact, ,1 discount of 10 to *20 per cent, less seing the Grand Display of the Season. ad or in ltooks and Holiday Novelties. tf POWDER! POWDER!! JO movo need of haying your powiler away from home and paying big 'ights. I have built a Powder Magazine in Union, d have now stored in it a largo assort:nt of ERCULES AND DUPONT'S fisting find llifle l'owdcr, which I wil 11 to merchants ns cheap as it can ho ught ani/te/irrr. Buy your powder at me and save your freight?10 or 6(>o per g. Have Hercules No. 22, which is used r blasting, and is a useful nrticlo on a rro, for removing old slump*, etc, and is t costly. ] keep l>upont s Shipping, Ming, Blasting and Rifle powder. Of the Uifla powder, 1 havo tho "llnf? tck," 'Chokeboro.' 'Fg,' 'Ffg.' 'FflTg' anil olden Pheasant," in kegs of 26, 12?and lbs, and canisters of 1 lb. each. Think I can suit any purchaser, in grade >d 8i7,o of package. S. M. HICK, JR., E. U? of S. M. Rice, Jr., & Co. Sept 7 30 GASH: CASH! CASH! I takea CniNli to run our business ccessfully, and to meet our wants, we reeotfully ink all persona inbebtII to list to mako immadiat- payments. i dom< this you will Suvt trouble id COst. F03.ER & WILKINS. tfo? 2d 4? lrn; enioAT K; OF Sr " S A We have Determined and from this Dat Wn wi SPECIAL I]S TO CASH PT wo i>i ojin w i< Blow Your AID LET THE P 8b08$lehgabmkbhb "t pl?nmt? -L JL i t V /i!L 1_ I J HAS BEEN THE DEATH ^ THOU! Ho wfu^uld win the race must ( polity. 1 have* tasted of tlic living i How lies my Commd'cHil fc>alvation. 1 am 110 longer in the mirc"T.rylou to place myself in the } A N_D. BY SELLING MY G< URES, FOR 1 No large percentage 011 the book; in the Fall. Credit is the TALLO CASH THE ] OF BUl We must move 011 with the grand n irretrievably lost in arid j our stoc: Iii all Departments. Sp< boots ai The new designs in Henriettas LOOK TO YOUR I HEARKEN T? AND I TT XX I Sept 21 THE GREAT SALE OF FURNITURE IS NOW GOING ON AT T. E. BAILEY'S, AND will continue at reduced prices until my immense stock is greatly reduced In order to get my goods at tlio Lowest pos siblo price, and reduced rates of freight, have bought TOO MUCH and have to rent an extra building to pu it in, and to cut down expenses it must b< sold before the first of January, 1889, and any one in need of goods in my line will i wen 10 can neiore inc nssontncni 18 uroiten for I positively cannot furnish tho same gooli in small lots at the prices 1 am now ofleriiij litem. REMEMBER. My stock consists of Furniture of every c soription: CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, RUGS CORNICE POLES, HASSOCKS, LOOKING GLASSES, STEP LADDERS. DOOR MATS, PICTURES, Kit \.MES, BUTTER'S TRAYS, FEATHERS AND TICKINGS, ' GLASS AND PUTTY. The only place in town where you cai , get French Picture Giass?all ISnsh, Doors, Blinds, Lumber and Shin gles. T. E. BAILEY. Nov. 10 46 7t. E CTION f\\ rocKj LE. | 4-^ r\??. I LU XV'ju.UA;V5 \~rid oLuutvi e until January 1st., A ill give l fDUCEMEjjTS 1| llSlU, ^?<>5 Sji,V^ \ XJSTI^S: A. wir^KiNs. Own H0BKr 'EfiPI.K HE(iIi Ydll JU JL AOiAJ r A W V/ I s? ?aan: E TO PAY" WARRANT OF UNTOLD 3ANDS. Irink at ilif fountain Hoa<l of Prosivaters of CASH, and in its sparkling bt as to who will pay. I have choafr a uivancc Guard of success. Jw M FT O W 9 r\Ann A m ifujjiJ ai i/LUOli imp DH3 MONEY. i j against you ; 110 unfriendly fecM^ * W DIP, 1 ^ E LECT11ICIW SINES?. ML.. [ procession. Tlic Laggards wilKn . dains of the Credit System. |w :cial inducements offered in ; sTD SHOES. ( aiul Fall Suitings arc attractive. NTEREST! 0 THE BLAST, -A IEED THE HORN! M. GRIMBALL 88 t_f_ SPECIAL HOTIGE, FOR DECEMBER 7TH, 1888, 1 will mnko a GRAND DISPLAY Of my entire stock of Toys and Holiday novelties. Kverytliinpt suitable for Christmas. My ol'iect for mnkint( this special sale und . low prices is to give nil clo'o buyers and people wlio look ahead a chance to pave money, By calling on Deo. 7cb, 1883, 'you I will see everything fresh aiul new; you will get the first selection, you will see the best and largest assortment of Christinas goods ever in this maiket. And besides all the . above advantages, I make the following offers: I 1. All Christmas nn I Holiday Goods will ( be sold on December 7th 1888 at a special discount of 10 to <"0 per cent less than you g can ever buy them for again. Ladies satchels at cost. ' 2. Give me your order for Candies, Nuta Raisins, nnd all perishable fruits to bo delivered at any time in December. 1 will give you the lowest market prices. . and then 10 per cent. oft*. By giving me your orders you save 10 per cent, and you arc sure to get just what you want and at > the time you want them. All orders will have uiy prompt nnd personal attention, Bring all the children tp see old Santa Claus. 0. P. GARRETT. Nov. 23 47 - lm. a Money to Loan. Ill MUlilM of $:{<?<> and upwards, ta J be secured by tirst mortgage on Improved N 1 farm lands. Apply to *1). A. T0WN8KND, " Attorn y, Union, 8. 0, Oct 19 ^ t'BIJ