The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, December 07, 1888, Image 2

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ry THE GENERAL ASSEMBLE Thero wcro quite a number of vacant seats when the House met at 12 in., but this is the usually the case on thu first Monday in December, many of the members having to got leaves of absence on i hat day iu order to look after business affairs. Mr. Brawly, for the judiciary committee, made an unfavorable report on Mr. McKissick's bill to make ttenographcrs' notes final ns to Judges charge, rulings and testimony in n case, ntid nsked for ilio imuicdiale consideration of the report. He said that the bill was not in the lino of sound publio policy* lor it would be a dangerous thing to do to let the notes of the steu-^ ogrupher have more weight than tho presiding Judge had. The report was agreed to and the bill rejected. Mr Brawley nlso made an unfavorable report ou the bill reducing the Circuit Judges' salary to ?2,500. The bill goes ou the calendar, however, to take its chances with the rest. TIIK TcwKsiiir Bonus. Mr. Trnnthnm s bill to refund to tax jnyevs moneys paid by tbctn under the levy of a tax of one and one-fouth mills in DcKnlb'lownship, Kershaw County, for iail roan pur[ est..--, ui.s.j j'bsatu its sucoiki rcauing. Mr, Tbantlinm's bill canto very near being recommitted, not because anybody opposed its passage, but l of an cll'/ut to load it down with amendments. Mr/Stepp of Grceuvillo wauted two townshipF/ of bis County included, and lie bad scarc/y taken bis eeat before several oilier members were up for the same purp* ^e. 1 be author oT t be l i 1 explained, thai this measure bad nothing whatever to do* with \ the decision of the Supreuio Court on the flV township bonds. It was simply Jinteii Icd l" tf*.' " iviuiHl a ia.\ F'llU It! liliuei ii iovy tor iutcrest 011 I onds I hat had never been issued and in aid of a railroad that had never been built. Mr. llrawley sustained Mr. Tram ham's views, niul hoped that tlie bill would g> through on its own merits; the relief asked for by the amendments i=!i"i:ld be reached in other ways. Mr. Stepp thereupon withdrew his amendment, and tho bill passed, as bcioro stated. Mr. Haskell then introduced tl.o following: 'Jleaolcrtl, That t lie judiciary c nim ttco of the House be reijue.- ted to consider w hat course .should he pur-1-. I \.y County 'Iriasuters in the matter of tnacs t be paid t> meet the iiiuvc-t on t wnsliip bands run t ill aid of rail i , and report su.table t solutiinsto carry into client their recotii. mcndali lis. ftcwlval, jurtlur, I hit it is the s- use of the II juso I hat the lolhetiuii tf t neit ta\ should he suspeude! !' r the ore. ettl. Mr, Ilvatts Iii><11;-111 iho res i mion pre t it| tun: the (iie'i.-h a 11? * ; upivino t uUft W?8 l?oT ^il (if ll.?j ctVoct. i t' ati t it w- -. j .1. hie tlint theic would h-o-.t reheat by lin t cou it. Mr. Haskell si -I tht.i t was the \.:y it tont oTtlie re.-i-!iitio:i ( i ivvei.t puiituliire not ion. time vum ho i!i.-i:i"-ion til the lartiis of thi> quest hot, 11 u > ( ini"it ex| 11 .?m !, at ali, one way or other, 1 i.i ; .1111 1\ iel< r> i ? ? ? the judicialy lomaiit ti e, so t. i to pet lroiu thtin Kouti lliiti;; llii.t \vi ,1 1 protect the l:t.\jinyers utiil sive them ireta 1 iti i nt. It wouul le ti 1 veal::: r liar I -!'?|i if e vt ry | ty er ol'n lax, however small, should have i > go to COl l l l? gel hi InoL'iy 11 funded HI I !i : event of its belli;: linnliy declared to I an illegal tax. Mr. ] I a-i; ell upiicd t nil lii.t wns Wanted wr..i J 'tat li..a^ in llir ay ? . UMiioti tile instruct iota" to County Trt usurer u ,'m Jiuil tto discretion tin in ami m ir obliged to g i on c I ieoi ii ;.; I Ii i - tax, ana I: repeated that it would \u?ik; ro ?f liut.i i.ip ami involve unncer- try co ii itt nnntei ui ti?! i v i < I tin 1 c.v.ea ui.U.-j something \va . speedily done. Mr. lluskell regretted the cour o t lie iliscussioti h^^gt.rn. lie Iniil never in the COV^a^^^^^Bgislitive career, opened li d the .stn.e. feMgnriie l it tid set i?.nsly ntnvi c g<> at all into I he nu"it-'i 1? the utteslioti ol tin so boiul.s. 'I'llo rtsoiuti"'. docs not look to their repudiation, Art examination of tlie I ix laws would show that every tax levi l must be paid ><y the taxpayer. Whether legal or illega', ii inii-t ha paid, uud red rest ?fk-t winds K-atj-lit throu;-.Ii the t ut: -. lie thought it Wi nd he iti-jit- ' t > 'a;. ten eve ; Otic of these taxpttyei whi-Cior h i; Kliiiiii, w mil ni! i x; ? ; a . ?i? urn for luxes, wliii'li, :i > l , i n < : 1 now, u i : in u lew tlit.vs', I e finally ilei' ,r? 1 ( > I > ilii In (en days iVcm li.iw (lit* I. si ! i:>I '! ) ftitl. The iU>} > n ii'li ? ! ilii'ti.u; i. : ! i j not nlTect the \ i . lily or iu\ ' iity 01 ti bond?. N<> harm to the bondholder. < i. i result lroni it. nnd in thenictiutin o i'? w . i rclievs the people. Mr. McCrtiily c tiled at tentiuti r i ,;.. e t that I lie case in up n 1 i the-e 1 n ? ' 1 l?c taken to the t Stale; Sit} > m Court, anil it this lewiut u w nee ' then it was lirecs-Mity to ,-t peud the < (>'.! - ' tien of ail taxes wh- ie the , :.l r it the 1 levy was tainted with nt-j it oil. Mr. liuskeil Inky i.- i .-.rv I in the . mm of Mr. Met r.nlv > l u>arU?, ' lit 1:c won 1 nsk the gentleman Iitm i ituleit.ui whether it would lint lie 1) Iter to .. tor the i 'in r t refer the laatttf in i!.e too:,tu t p 1 J?y lesolnti n. th..u t > sutler the i i. d net ion if a win le llnd <fhill Hiking at the vnlidty of the 1 1 After eoliio lin tl i r remarks ; . o ... 1 eon. Mr. Ilnskoil withdrew Ike sec .1 o of his r. > lut on, vhn.1. ; ay . tl. it i t: Fcn-o of the iiutts. tl. t tin: e.?.lee;. .t. < !' ! there t i;.e- shin! ! 1. ended nut i". | VCSolnti. u ;i- }> mi! imply ivj e: t the ni.i. ! tor In tlie judieiaiy i ti.i, i- u i. '] lie bills intioilu 1 yesterday w 10 ma . ly of a local ch-ira tor. A in. n/ t more g noral i.itiiv- : wi tSs ol o.v; Jly Mr. King- l'o nuihorizo the rcsj.ietlue County Tree ttrcra >. the Ftatc to refund to the taxjaj t'is :.!! ti.xe ; a: I ? it township n-se--ineut :.i '. in'ere.-t on t >v. .. bhip boli'lt". C* .V fresh lot of !?1!..f .;.i!!'? r.t .'. Y." I'USKY K nuo. i'.'.l.n lllK t * 1,1 M-ON Cul.1.1 1.1 ? ? lu'.ibii). S. < 080(4,?A caucus cf tin file tub and nctivc movers in behalf i f i !i ' I n u C WHS held Ul l.i SO ..i til' I. I I'lllll i Hotel, lleiween ihiti;. and f. ity m uai mid representative \ . e piv-yit, - li no gem ml cull had li .. <i.m. .-'ona' r i Y. 1 ?pc, if Ni w' i, .. p. . lid. 'I do j I'kitis to he pui.-ml in I.; iii; ii t tin ton. i:it' lc tore i In- i .:i.i e iii. : i.i:./ : ( there were tiioioii; li t\ < i i I :i i in tie col - i>t up of mm all.' I div r hi. 1 Ferguson and llepri.-:t?i (ic WJ;i . was u|>]niiie I 10 j rt) sue . ' ii' to be J i o- j yciitc?i | robabJ.v in tin- next throe iluis, uitiltnncoi! in lioili honsi . The hill \\i!l he IVnn e l t iiu "u i the : < - j eej'tftiice of the In-i)in >t with a rami! nonro ]> inlioii ti>'bo in worlc . > ;. to coin| ly with ! the jii ovis'eiis el- the It W; ii.? Or. (Jrt citcilh Ancr. . !f . Christinas (binds iii l'OFiiY'S i>iu Ficro > lite ; and t.;o?t ilcsiiab.e lino of ( litish l?ri sf ing t. :li:.\i.ig . els, tieut I 'I vcliug t'?M'K, t'ig.ii-Cii . , It I.i- k 11 room i llnl Icrx, Smoking St I-. 1'itMit.h I'lr.te .'In Tors With l'ii:sit ("as^s. n?i men are requested lot . mine tl<i: 1 mmm... ~~~ 4> There is 110 e.o tl l n'<> (!.? h m 1 wot th of Aycr's FillIiriliil ft 1 * I joiner. Thousands, who have he a I.- : < . it : ly is !use, will uitest i., v111 1 T i- ! in iy cures liver and hi In. v complaint. ami en. cates tnery trace oi ilibca . liout *.iic system , Ik m 3Uccl:l'i) Union times R. M. STOKES, - - Editor Friday, December .7, 1SSS. SUBSCRIPTION, ?2.00 I'Klt ANNUM TOST OFFICE DIKECTORY. The T. O. will be opened for business from 8 A. M. to 0 M. The Northern ami Southern muils will both c'ose promptly at IP. M. The Street boxes will be emptied at 12:30 every day. A carrier will leave the oilicc everyday at 12:15 A. M. and visit all the business bouse*, for the collection of matter. Any inattention or irregularities should be reported promptly to the 1'. M. J. C. HUNTER, 1'. M. We Must Collect. Of course everybody who reads the above caption will say "old man Stokes wants money." Well. then, everybody tells the plain, unvarnished truth. Old man Stokes docs want money, and he wants it badly and old man Stokes mm*/ have tuonr//, pretty soon. We have 500 subscribers in arrears, irfcst f f 1111*111 f .r llm fiirrcnl vi-ur lint, n. lirtrp number for from one to two years keforo, uii'l the aggregate amount is very laige t<> ?.?, ami while it remains unpaid wo are seriously crippled in our business. It does seem to us that any otic who subscribes fur a paper ought lobe able to pay the sti all amount charged for it in a year. We will make a liberal deduction to those I ivho ?vijJ jjjy nil arrearages and yenew fur another year, between now and the loth ol' December. Alter that dale we must charge full price, and shall try to collect what is then iluc through Trial Justices. Union Cotton Ularkot. The cotton inur<cel the latter part of the 1 ast week has been somewhat depressed in Cftiscipience ?<f a slight falling oil' in prices. >'alis for tho vcck oiiO bales; prices from 8*<3 yj. |v j" llov. Joo Jones, the great tlcorgiu r.vangelisl. will preach in Nicholson's Hall t i-tu 'at, Friday, "11?, at 7.HO o'clock. (!i? to.!. W. I'OSFV ,'c lll'.os. Drugstore for cheap Lamps and I.interns. A large and will selected assortment constantly on 4'J-dt. fc'C... Tho venerable llr. .J. Winsuiitli, of Sp rlnnbur/, dtcd at Tits rciM?urr iu that ci'y Thursday, the il'.Mh nit;, iu hia STtIi year. (iAllKlhl'l S is tli'. place to buy nil your Candies, 'I'.-ys an t Christmas floods. I" < ?ur new Clerk of Court, Mr. Joh. II. Me l\i-mo!:. took p -session of his ollice yctilvrday. We predict tint Joseph will make : splcndi 1 ollicer<?:' the relit in;? of.iccr, Mr. James .Manre, we shall litiic n tucthing to ray next week, together with the < ther retiring ollicers. O *l'i iis-trs ! Trusses ! ! Trusses mid shoulder l.i;e.? <. at J. W. 1'*?Si;V & UKo'S Drug Store. d'.?yt. I ... 1 Congress met last .Monday, and I'resi '.cut C evehi'td's last uioRsigo was real before it. it is loo liter for us to publish, I.tit we e >i;sid r it theahlest, most foreiMo and si ilyv.aandui: lie-wage we ever read. Wo - e y wish ^ hat j^r^_ni2nMWjni^^ ( ^ wiai'et read and pn pel ly d:Lt.\ ' the important and patriotic Belliiiueiit i which pn ii ineiitly stand out in nearly every paragraph. Oiang's, Apple*. IJaiiainis and all varie.: . ? \ .. . 1 vl I * I ' Y O i ' \ i 11 ' V I ' ' o iii> ? i .>i.r , ni 11 > i * u, i v?v <3 [ in the leg-dainte last Tuesday our rein etiiaiivc, Mr. (i. 15. Fowler raised eons!!''iul!i' toinnio! 1 ii i ii a l-ill introduced hy l:n i !i? : i:cc ll.e salaries rftl.c t'iicuit Judge ii ".'. 'Hi. Mr. I'.wler supported ilie !i 1 in :i i; n n;' si cecli. 'I ho bill had I .'eii i oji vi" i i t: unfavorably by I lie Ju!lei.r> e< iiii. itue. .".a amendment wis idlVre I lo i.itkr the ; lilies tS'JJH.'O, which in- iliink Mili le uli.; tel. It cr? n not ntl'cci tlie su'itries it' the Judges during their |>n sent term > f oilier. ?? \>w i the ti:ni> In buy cheap scho; 1 Ik. ks tu r.V.I:K S. . o. ti-aSf In lh<" shell biographies of iitcinhirs if the l.r;" Intut e, published in I In A' ' < . \vc liii?.l three of the iiepfi- rut*: irt'i I'rciii this county ate within a Mr.' et iln .?atiic age. Senator Munro and I'.rj t i"i i re l>a'\ were horn ia 1 > (i. I'. 1'i-wler in Why i nl. '.ii!. Nil. did let i ve iiii ago we iir.iiK't mi. ntili ho thinks his ju'urt tett- I i.e i? I e nfleitcd ly it. i here's t.o | danger, ?' ! you're both pel fur many i yrai- . f n utual Ji.ipjiness ntui tiM'fulne;? ] in this \vi rid. 1 " ' ii itud see ilie nice selected stock < ' ; \Yntclics, < 1 ek . Jewelry, and nil kinds of 1 .'lili.i l.n > l . . <l. I l<1.I /.1.ii .' jCV.'liy i p '. . V. c inccicly ! 1.1 ? 11 r 1 cgislnlors J v ii i?;>v?* 1 a11.' i'!u- cm nph yisir to !c\y j i.lli.itll ! > | :y :iil ?>:i>l indchiedncs 1 iiin i t pa' io i l.i Cotu ty C, lit in p sii ners to run | tlu- County i n :i t i?!i ' It would save 'J"? per troll!. i?i the vxpi'ir-r* M* lllO county. Mini in iv.?? yiai"'. wo 1 . iit -11 \ believe. ilit i-.j. j|t\y ; ii i.!;. pirin-o" en! ( awl i llld 1 < : ( < 11:ci >1 lit !i I l.C-thil'd. Venie -ntisflid uti i\tia 1 %y this year, lor C o j ui j ' i d v.c Jiftvp Huti 'I. v?o11111 In? a j't'j til .r p. \o : n et g the people, for we I.1?\0 1 ' t )j I'll 11| II trim i?l j c CI In it. Illld, in I ot. ii"! v.o ii.ivc -j idicu t ? about it six it should In di'tio. ?o - ? i i I! its half j i ice r.t ,i. V . \ J. I!. 11?I.MX >V; ludlm y, J". I'. | v,:i, ? . o Conference Appointtnt .-is. Mui^l.'V lust tlie S ii'h t'( it lew nee of the M. 11. t iii;roll, i until. Ii i . n-< work and ntljoui no i t i nu11 tUNt Viur nl C.linden. 'Die following tin r?j ; lintinetits of Minister* for this distric ; '1. 11. 111.r.r.i i i, ('residing Mlder. Spurla til. iir''. J. A. litti'ii, K. C. Oliver, super iiiine: ;ty; iin-si n. S. .1 . Iiethcn, .1 1": .' milIi. siij ernnineriiry; Union. S. A. \\'eber i hen-hee. 11. I.. Archer: Sculh Cniuii, .1. M. I'riluy: JonesviHe, is. I'. P.oyd; tiulVney City. \. A. Oilliert: Laurens, T. 11. .Morris: N'.ttli .aureus, C. Count : Clinton, .1. II. M> !i itly. lo,.... ot, dehii Aitawny: ('ampule 1 i, .1. I'. Altawiy: l'ne let. .1, II. licit*: l lift ii, Hioiiiii* ^-l I' ? ! 11 * \\ i f; >rd College, .v. C Uc r'tiiith, I'i i.i s t, and John Kiigu, Agent. I Another FireAl out 2 o'clock, last Saturday ml^^H our citizens were startled from their Haltering by ihe cry of fire, which anni thrill of horror through eoery lieartjeHM made all shudder w it J fear that (he tive fire fiend was again at work idHir midst, and for the third time this JHpr, making havoc upon the Pr?FVflBrf our The lire commenced iu the . cellar,ifl|Bifc store of Messrs. Smith & ltuntcrv first discovered by 1^. lhq|ggflflflHQ| who lives some distance in Mr9Jll>n^{^N' building and who hastened to it. He says when he got there the fire was in a barrel of straw just inside the cellar door, lie was unable to break open the door and went for tin (tie, but when he returned the fire had spread to other ccmbustiblo material and had gained such headway that he was unable to do anything to step it. The alarm brought the lire engine promptly to tlio spot, and with the new hose, a full water cistern en the opposite sine of the street, and manned hy a number of willing colored men, under the command of their old Captain, Ab. Lewis, tho fire was Ucj>t confined to thnt one building. All tho goods in the store were oonsumed. The books were iu the fire-proof safe and were saved. Next to it was was Mr. L. 0. Young's Grocery Store, and for seme timo during the lite it was thought impossible to save it, and that the whole block of buildings ruu^ go. Mr Young's goods wore hastily ntov^d and guards placed around them, but tjiey were badly damaged as might naturally bo expected from the haste required to save them from apparently inevitable destruction. Mr. Voting's loss must be very heavy, judgfrom the nppcnrnnco of the street in fr^nt of the store the next morning. Mr. fchniih and Mr. W. J. Octzclt were above the store and were aroused by being almost suffocated with the smoke which filled the room from below. They made * very narrow escape from being burned to ueniii, mi l emergen i?on> ineir leartul Hanger wilh nothing but their night clothes. Mitch of litem lost n vahiublc gold watch, and Mr. Smith lest ?o0 in money nnd about 5?S00 in notes. Among other losses was the beautiful flag of the Johnson lliflc", presented to that Company last Spring by the Ladies of the town. Mr. Smith being tits color bearer of the company, the (lag was in his cnt o at tho time. Some ui:ilbr/ns and guns belonging t > members of tho company were also burned up. Tho Luihlitg belonged to Messrs. I'. It. Wallace and J- IIitntor, and was insured t'.?r S I livery circumstance connected with the fire points to n dastardly net of incendiarism. No tiro bad been in tbc building that day; no utatoli had heen lighted in the cellar at any time, ami tho fact that it originated in a barrel of straw not far from tbe collar window window is conclusive evidence Unit it was tho work of an incendiary. 'litis is tho third lire we have had this year, nnd it is u [ ecu'.inr fact, that each orL tinted next to a grocery and provision storo. end mi pinion of foul play attached 'I ho ceL scd u.on who worked so nobly nt the engine are deceiving of great praise, and rh nil 1 tmi I o forgotten by our citizens. o la another column will b?! found the doci... a of the Su| remo Court invalidating couut.y an I i iwnshin bonds issued for biiiluing rul'r. i. Is. 'i Iiis decision, it' no legislation is enacted i r possible to meet th* difficulty, v. ! , we tear, prove a cruehjng blow u all tl.o railronil enterprises coutemp'ii'etl in tlie ?j per part of this Slate. K includes tl.c low i;sl>ip Mtl-eriptions in litis county i i tin- t"s r< a I, ami censequcntij Uii. < !; ? into! et ems ail the bright lioUU the people in n any ? f our towns Lave been cheered with for the future prosperity of lltcir sections. How ii will affect tho sub- i seription of .^InO.OOO by this county to the Spartanburg Ashovillo road remains to tie sreu. i.'s me years ago tlie Jul? Col. J. II. 11 ion told us bo believed that subscription was not lawful, anil if } roperly Inken to'fW Supreme Court, l.o was satisfied that tribunal would ) renounce the bonds invalid. In our oj iiiiot:, now, under the changed feature in our iniltvad prospects, tho only hope fur a toad t > ibis place fu?m ( hariotti. The business men of thai ri'\ have frequent" ly <> tie red lit eral ni 1 to 1 uibl a road liirough bercatid we believe they r ubl subscribe fully as n ucli ?s a'd the tuwu'iii] < of this county did, to secure the connection. At present, bnwever, we arc in tho dark IN III vcllftf Vsi l lfllv* l.k l'O VPnilllr ftt* I 110 decision: hut we me in! i>c<1 to think the decision will I v it ce| tc t as final, notwithstanding it will involve a number of lawsuits hi the i . t i in h, instituted by these who hnve j tired.ami tnni liol.l county nml township bunds i.-stud !- i 1 uilding railroads. t)ur law-makers and reviser* now in Cuj'u ihia inny bo able to blaze n way out of the I dilemma un-l keep the rail reads moving, hut | it in too f..r us t i see through, I No u-e in run < vcr town, when you can git the | til > si :i ..I list din;.-- flotn .? \V. I 1'OSKY \ lli.o. '10-13I. i Wt:?* A : o'ish rejojt has 'ecu started I lii.u Judge \'< ali .ee i: 1 to i pf o*e Senator Hitller for a si at hi the I'.N. Somite. I here .s not n >!.nd w .1' I umlotioii for slu ll a ti port, so l.u a- Judge Wallace liiti:. self has anything to do with it, and he litis so stated to the public through the public pre M. S?:rnt r litttlcr and Judge Wailnco are ju?t where we w ish i! cm to remain, so long as they fill the it j eciive positions I hey taw occupy with tie same patriotic devotion to the test iutett-is of the State, the satno ability, lit nor and integrity which j has characterized their course lieretofore. IV. e have no idea, however, that the Lrgislatino will remove those gentlemen fiota the ) positi ons in winch they have rctleetc 1 so I lunch dignity ami honor up< u the Stntc. | <: , to !'0 -!'.'i S (Mug Store for your hair I ruvhe and combs, Tooth ({rushes, Nail j i'.ru-h . fine pciTiiuieiy and | owder". , |oi!, i .I,, nd so-i ciicr uiiicic* u-i arc \ u-irii'j' ; i*i I" ? tlft-9 drug store. | * -l'J-31. i A dove in the Bight Direction. ' The llotk Hill Jltrald says, "We hear 'Ibat a pe'iiion will be circulated in town for aignaturcs in a few days requesting the legislature to take away from the drug- stores the right to sell liquors of any kind for medical purposes upon the prescription of a physician, or other*ise. If whiskey selling by the drug stores bo an ev;l, as somo olai ni, we believe this would be a remedy i and the people of the town wtU no doubt rfkvor the experiment. are not prepared to endorso such a weeping movement, strongly as we arc opdrug stotp barrooms now so Wr^lWllf^n every towb, and made possiolefunder the present law. In our opinion the law governing tho giving of prescriptions for whiskey alone should be made more stringent. It should require in the first place a formal affidavit of the physician giviug a prescription for whiskey that tho persoti to whom it is giveu is really sick, and from other cause than the intemperate use of intoxicants; the character of the sickness for which it is given, that lie is attending him or her as a physician, for such sickness; and iurther, that tho patient is not un hni.*? .i.? 'muni uiuuaaiu w* iiiivui J'v I tfc l o IU IIIU UOU of intoxicants of any kind. The law should prescribe the exact wording of Jhe prusciiptions, und it would not be amiss fur the State or municipal authorities of the (owns to have such prescriptions printed and supply them to physicians at cost, retiring that uo other form of prescription for whiskey alone shall bo lawful, aud subjecting every physician to a penalty fur Using any other form, or for giving any such prescription if he is not the really attending physioiau in tho esse n;uno I therein. How often have we seen young men in the best of health get beastly drunk from whsskey purchased at the drug storo under the following prescription : 1 certify and proscribe pint or quart of whiskey, for , aud is necessary for Medical purposes. M. D., Attending Physician. AVlint is there in the above prescription to prcvcut a physician giving a hale hearty friend, an order on the drug store for a quart of whiskey? Of courac some physician will contend that such a stringent requirement as wo advocate would bo an insinuation against the dignity and honor of their profession; hut ?.>>, <vl,? urn wmlkv In Iw. a .1 mill n.l t,.lv 11, ? delicate and high position of family physician, who tmly desire to keep up the dignity, honor and respectability of their noble profession, will not object to any law that will throw around that profession overy safeguard against disgrace by keeping in check those who would use it as a cloak to pander to the morbid appetites of their fellow man, bring ruin into the family circle and demoralize society. We do not expect to prevent the Sale or use of whiskey as long ns it is made; hut wc plead for the tiuie-houorod respectability of the professions of Physician and Druggist which is now being prostituted to debasing I habit, by the cupidity of men who are either j not of those nobic professions or have not the moral man iness to preserve tlie honor dignity and respectability of their calling. Some weeks ago a lady living in tlio couuwt.'.. if. A a case "idpoint, which occurred in her family. She said : "My son is a healthy, sober and moral young man. lie never was sick a week in all his life. Not long ago he had occasion to go to town on business, lie was as hearty aud sober as any one living when lie left home, but he returned at night, beastly intoxicated, cursing and swearing, and with a pint llask in his pocket, with about a gill of whiskey in it. The next day he told me a Doctor gave hint a prescription (?) to a Drug Store for tho whiskey, aud signed his name as, "attending I'/n/sicitin. The lady said further : -'That Doctor should not "attend" a sick dog of mine; nor would any of niy neighbors allow him to "attend" one of the inenibors of their families, tor he is a disgrace to his high profession. The physician who would, directly or indirectly, put the poisoning cup of whiskey, except as purely medicinal, to my husband's or son's lips cculd no more bo allowed into the piivary of my family, as a family Physician, than a libertine or a seducer." Tomorrow week, Saturday, the lf?tb ie the last day for collecting taxes. There are just eevon working days left, and Treasurer Scott informs us there are l.f<00 tax receipts to bo issued. To do this lie will have to issue 187 a day, or about 10 an hour twelve hours in the day. This he says he can do if the tax payers will come in and keep him busy until they get their receipts. Put four-fifths of those who have not pa d live in the country and do not get to his of live uciuiv .? *' vicwiv m tun iimmiiiiu; ui;u must leftv c for homo by I o'clock in the afternoon, giving liini only 7 hours a day, compelling him to write U7 receipts an hour, hunt up the names and make change. That's pretty hard papers" for him, but he says he'll do It is level best to accommodate all and save them from the heavy penalty the law imposes. So como up to the captain oflieo nud settle,' After the above was put in type wc found the following published in the Columbia Iieginttr : EXTENSION OF TIME IOH PAYMENT ok TAX i'-', The following important circular lias htcn sent to the County Treasurers of the State from the Comptroller General's cfiiee : Kx ECITI V E DEPA It TNI EST, Office of Comptroeeeu Oeneuae. (oLVMIiia, S. I?ec. isss. The time for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1SS7, and ending October "1st, is hereby .extended to tho loth day of January, 1 SHt?, without penalty. In the meantime it is expected that legislative action will be hail in the matter ol the collection of taxes on lownshin bonds. j. s. vi:uni:i;. Comptroller General. The body of Win. McIMair, Son-in-law of i Mr. W. A. Itobioson, of this place, was brought here last Wednesday, from his residence at IMair's, on the S. U. and C. r.nd. and buried in the Methodist graveyard, Mr. William M< bride. an industrious iu,d , ! w.pthpryoung farmer, who lived livo miles bciow lbs 11> >v,i ,,rj ihe railroad, die I list Wednesday. News From North Facolet Etta Jam:, Dec. 4.?The snivelling man ner in which some of the Southern papers anil people aro talking about iLo "Southeri policy" of the prospective Administratioi is so disgusting that we feci called upon t say a word, too. They seem to forget that the war is over and that the South is an integral part o the American Union. Why should th Sonth have a distinctive policy from eithe the North, or West? Arc not all on and the same family ? Is South Curolin not as much a member of the Federal Unioi lo-dny ms is Massachusetts? Then why al this ado ? As long as wo obey the laws wo expec to bo judged by tho laws. We nsk uothinj more nnJ expect nothing less. "Suflicien unto the day is the evil thereof." Wo regret to loam that Mr. Lafayette Kirby lost a child last Sabbath, and ha three others bad ctT with the same dread ful disease?diphtheria. llcv. J. W. Query will preach at Salem Church next Sabbath, 'Jth iustant?one ser vice. Our peoplo were surprised (some agreeabl; so) at (he decision of the Supreme Court, it the township bond cases. This will throv a temporary damper on some railroad en terprises in this section. As the result of our calculation is a littl different from that of Mr. W. 1'. Walker, 01 the plank question, we hope llint gentle man will give us the rule by which h worked it. 111 icgnrd to his circular secto question, wo think the other renders ar naked the question as well as oursclf. W are satisfied that there arc a number o young men, and ladies too, in this couni; who can give him a correct answer, and wi will await a reasonable time for them to d so. If thoy fail, bo will bear from us. People are sowing wheat and oats, am gathering their crops as fast as they can Cotton will I e short in tho end. Mr. J. 11 ufits l'oole, who lias been sttl feting for several weeks from a curbunc! on bis neck, we are glad to note, lias placet himself tinder the cook's enro. and we hop to see him out again, soon, l'ics beats pills We've tried it. Vox. Give me your order for Candies, Nuts am' Fruits, to be delivered at any tiiao in De cembcr, and 1 will givo you a special (lis count, 10 per cent oil'. G. 1'. UAUKlvTT. I Nsor.Exr Nr.uaors IlorxcEti.?A gooo many Grcenvido visitors to the Augusta Fx position returned Friday night on the Lau reus train. They report an occurrence oi the Augusta & Knoxville ffcud vvliiclt vvil probably furnish Northern papers with sour bloody shirt material. When the train lei Augusta it was crowded, and many of th men passengers stood up and gave their scat to ladies. Ftill some of the ladies could no secure scats and several of the white met went to the two negro men who were com l'ortubly seated and asked them in a poiit way if they would not vacate their scats am allow the ladies to sit down. The liegroe replied in an insolent manner that they Inn paid l'or their tickets and proposed to retail i their seats. No amount of persuasion woub induce them to change their decision, am tinaily the white men informed them tlin they had ten minutes in which to vacate. A the expiration of that time the white met forcibly removed them, at the same tinn giving them a few taps with walking canes The negroes made but little resistance but : great many threats. ? G'rtcuvtllc Xtus. Go to.). w. is: .1. n. 'lunki'.auiso tor mil linerv at half price. ds-'Ji -Mr. 11. 1.'. Coleman, of Jonesville killed this week two hogs of his own raising ciptinl to the best drove hogs, and cost in t him half the pi ice. One was 11 months oh and weighed 111 "> Is gross: the other 1 mouths old, weighed Htlllbs, gross. We believe every farmer in Union county could, if he would bestow as much attentioi and cave upon diem r.s they do upon otho farm products, of really less value to them raise their own hogs and thereby save two thirds of the money they pay out ever, year for Western hogs and pressed bacon and have far better and healthier meat. Tru disoaso will often kill bogs and the farmer g(t discouraged: but do they get discourage ami stop planti ng cotton and corn bccaus droughts, Hoods and disease destroy thos crops yoar after year? Not at all. The why not be as persistent under the draw backs that beset the hog crop ? One-half of the farmers would work hard or to plant and save lOOlbs of cotton wort J'.', than they would to raise a hog wort sl!C Upon most cf our farms there is trior lid to worth! ss di gs, or wasted, than woul raise hogs enough to meat tho families. And therein iics one of the great secret w hy our farmers generally, keep so poo and think the laws, everybody and every thing t l?o are depressing them. < > Grand l'c tivnls will l?e held in all part of Union t entity for the next HO days, an those managing them will find it to their ml vantage t > consult my ] rices before buy in (litii- cuidy, np| lis. Kuisins from To Cents per jo und up, at LAI 11FN5 G YUlNGS. Personals. ,\'r. Archio l>i!lard, of Laurens, was i town In -1 week on a visit to bis man friends. Mr. t . M. Kizcr, lormcrly ol Newberry but u?iw of S| nrtanbtirg, was in town ln> week < j: a visit to 1 is brother operator, .1 it. Mail,is. Miso I.otiisc O'dhsro. of Orernwood, w!i bas been visiting relatives and friends n this pdacc returned to her homo last 'i'uet day. Miss Oldham made n host of friend while among us. Nii-s Alice Duncan. of Spartanburg, i visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Duncan. Mr. Anna l'ryir, rf Asbury. is visilin relatives at tliis place. T. d. Alverton. of Sedalis, v.aj in tow on Monday. Mr. P. P. Handle n of I'ijh I'nm, was o the streets last Monday. Mr. A. N. Wi od, of (luliney City, was i town Monday on business. l?r. .1. T. I.ayton, of Cross Keys, was i town on Monday. Mr. V> in. Dyers, dr.. of Star Farm, hn 1 been visit ine friends nt this plnee. The gentlemen from Jonesvi'.h : were en onr streets last Monday : Dr. \V. (). Southard, d. C. Spears, f'hat II. Long (!. W. Wliitmnn. T. I.. 1 lames an d. I.. McWliilter. My entire lino >: P?>?'.s: Holiday Novo I l iOs, Candie-. T, 3-h, et . w i I he.shown U | day, Dec. Tilt. Rotes from Sar.tucMn. Enrroit.?1 regret >evy much, that i in writing up cur Temperance Society, I a failed to give all of the officers, by omitting a the important officeof Treasurer. Mr. J.C. o Sartor was elected to that office. It was an oversight on my part, aud 1 hope the Treasurer and the Order generally, will f pardon inc for my negligence, e We had another meeting on the the night r of the 1st., and ha I six new members added e 10 our ih. we liavc thirty-six now. a The most favorable news I know now. is a the (wo weeks of very fine weather we bavo 1 bail, and arc now having. The farmers are making good u.-e of it, in sowing email grain, t gathering corn, and picking cotton, trying ; to get it all out before Christmas, prcparat tory to havuig a good timo during the holidays. Judging from my own feelings, i one can enjoy himself with a more free s and easy feeling, when lie knows the crops are all housed. And then too, the folks,? nieo and boys?want to go a hunting, rabi bit hunting, partridge hunting, &c. The professional hunter an*l sportsman can go at any time, but the larger portion of fartujr ers must wait until the cr< ps are gathered, u 1, too, have bem thinking of going hunting. f but not to confine myself to the above kinds of limiting, for I thought that 1 might probably try <leer hunting. Now, 1 have always e been very successful in finding a ' deer,*' n but Che trouble is, I never could muster i- up courage enough to try to capture one. e 1 always felt us if they would give me the U. r It., (translated, "Grand Bounce*") c Miss Ida McDrnicl, of chrrdis, is now o staying with Mis. I.. C. Crocker, if Miss Victoria lVuke, i n accomplished V VOllllCT Kltlv nt* t>lf>lili Slnvlnifo t?J f J ? ' ' w" i * *' c""? r licr relatives, Mr. a:id Mis. J. II. Randolph. 0 T. \Y. J. o 1 Don't fail to go to (lAURFTT'S Bazaar, Friday Doc. Tilt. You can buy poods ilint day at a special discount of It) to dO pet , cent. P 0 R. R. Accident Near Black s. Black's. Nov.<!'.h?On Friday night, the i. UGd tilt., a freight train from Charlotte, on arriving near the trestle, which crosses the i Three Cs in thu tipper part of this towu, slackened speed, r.s usual before crossing, when in a few minutes some box cars attached to the engine were run into by seven I or eight others which had become uncoupled semewhetu iutwvcu Clover, N. C., and Blacks. Owing 1) th heavy down grade these loose cars followed r.t a rapid speed, and 0 collided with the others with such force t that one eir was hurled from tho track u down an embankment. Several boxes were jJ , badly injured, but foiuuntcly no one was 1 hurt. M. 0 For all kinds < t Christmas ' Hoodies" go j to LAURF.NS <1. YOUNH. 1 Mistrial Mkanh Acquittal.?An oxi change says that a rem rfcablo decision has 1 beeu rendered i.y the .Supreme Court ol I l'ennsy'iTiiivia. 1' rmk<.- ?v disagree incut ol t the jury in murder trials eijuivalont to ac t quittal, n tlu? ground that u man cannot i more than once be ; ul into jeopardy 'of life a or limb.'' Hereafter a murderer'a council has only to work for a disagreement of the a jury, li makes the failure to line! a verdict in every murder case count against the State. I nilcr this decision it l-econic3 an iiiteregtiug ijucstion how iiianc- R;?.u ii?>i been unconstitutionally imaged alter conviction upon the second trial. !> It seems strange that this point lias never ; been carried to the Supreme t'-mrt before , now, but Mirh is tlie fact. The opinion ilc? clares that the Constitution is very clear on the point raised, whatever the intention oi - its framers may have heen. There is nothing to do but to reconcile public sentiment to the fact, which seems at first glance at least to make justice in murder trials more 1 uncertain.? Hock J/il! I/cruhl. r - o , Call at GAUKKTT'S, Incur?Fine French Candy. An ass.itment of ~'> kinds for l!o? per lb. It will cost you lOcts per poutuJ y elsewhere. c III ItsTIKU h:k I1a<:c!.\<; Tkcst.? fiiie?.-; B November L'O.?A special from St. I.ouiss-'y that the Jute HuggingTi ust is reported tc be going to pieces. Saics of bagging by the e conibiuation been far below the usiui c fall average. In i-ddition to the shrinkage i: Q sales another obstacle now confronts the Hugging Trust, which causes no small tin easiness in its ranks. There are in a! twenty-four 1 agging factories in the Unite 1- States, ami of the: u sixteen ate si.ut down i having been leaded by tho "combine" ami closed. 'Jbolir.-t day of Jatiuary these leu 1 ses expire, and the -ixteen factories arc re v c dy to start upag .in unle- once more lenseti d by the trust and nil .w< i to icmain idle. S i- fur there has he n no eriungcinent ir.iiilc ! vard leasing l.y tin- i tigging combine, and i 8 i8 probable ilsat seveial factories \s i 11 siai r up after the <>;, ei im_ of llie now ye n-, whii is caleulntel to interfere considerably w it I ilie plans of ilie < I'ibiiie ninl will natural j caiise :i tenons decline in tlic price of ling s g??/. >1 I- Don*I giro your children chalk nn<l clay g ! t slu i to: 1 IV. I !.c di CI r's t av, ii i'iit pivc i licin eainly p.ce ami whi'e, I. Twi ll cheer llioir heart* and inako them bright. ('nil nl .1. W. I'OSr.V \ HHO'S I>i*ugM'.r< for i lire St 1; and I t<.tich taiidie \ J n ? ^ 'IMiimk : > ? ! vk Vou 'Voi-.k.'? ! ilrinh to make i w ,ik. aid a yiiing man. Ti which ail i' .1 man replied; 'That's right. >1 thee drill!: an,' it will make (lice work I llenrkcii to me a iiioincnl. ami I'll tell tlici sonn thin;? th-il may do thot* pood. I wv-mice n pp; j ftrt?Ar. I Ini'l o a pood, loving v.if-, a- I i- .? a* line lads at !( ever the sun s'r to . V. e In 1 a comf >i*taide home, ami 1 v. happily together, lint we use I i>> drini. a'e i > make as work. 8 ThoiC two in!- I h ive ! -.ii in drnnka'd graves. M\ wile'lied It ?keii-hc itcd. ami 3 she now !ies ! ;. her iw" '< a -. I am si ver ty-iwoyi i i': . llal ii lot been f?i drink. I la'plit ; nv lone I.ecu ail imki ii dent gentle: ! n' I -I todr'nk, t < link' nie wor' . ai. 1 nmv. < \ i.:y-;wo yea's t. j, ago. I m< i " I to w 11; i !- my daily bread I'r.nk ml i! will nmkeymi w >rk. n .At: i: i . v til'"\ii i"N or \ M; n i? i:n i:i; ? She by N i .. l?er. 1. ,.y hard w ?rk an I ? ppi'M'vi i i 1 eril'.'llr.lurielt ha* raptured the no: i wh ' " 1 itUiI'y iiimilcrc -I .lame I'lnlheuk ! i i - a/', iie is a nrilatti] " hi- liain \ an < .nada alii John ( iti oil. II" Ime'e a I ill emife -o ii to I ?y says ina he was t : ! :.. l < i.nn;?. a< there v/cr? three <m-es < !' pi >ry a a:i.s' him ami hibr-'lhi r t'li ii i- Ai instiofig, a lie. William, ? alias |.eel1" n. of v.iii i the evi ler. e is c nv.e in ' 1 I i'" r i-- implicated in :i nimiher ' t nr.a . j. Ik, h a,- married men I and their vi -lire n cliai r'-i with reCciving st'.l n p" ' is. The ]>? j le a ? ' . v e\ ite ' an 1 r'. PC is a great dial if i; nh ml lynching, tin 1- the Sheriff'lr*- ext ar Is ar.inn l the jail i- and will prole"! I i 'lion ? <Jrr iiriil> iVt US. An Anarchists Alern^^^^^^H^B ALLEGED UY A ClilCAC^^flB^HH Chicago. December 1.?A local referring to the revival of the agitation in this city, says. : f-'u much has been written years past in wholesale <lciuinciati^|^BBBE Anarchists tliat tjio public may liai^^HBHH accustomed if not iusensible to that would otherwise have beeu f r this reason this paper lias con statements concerning theco the knrc, unvarnished auuoumc^^BB^^R nutil practical investigations iB B ed more, The result of the iuquiri^^^BIfl to show that history is rapidly're self so far as the so-called social rev^^^^BB is concerned and that already at other date for its inauguration ba^^^^HB fixed l>y anarchists all over the Tito movement is local, national ahdHRBj^H national. According to iuforiuatien thcnticated now in the hands of the Ci^^BHB| , police, not very long ngo a o inniittee HHH was appointed in litis city to take into^^HHH sidurntton trays r.nd moans for rcvisiDg^^^^^D revolutionary cause. Mo one at pr^H^HB kuows how t'.iis cmimitteo originsted^^^^^^ was loss than tluco days ago th*l^^B|H names of theso six propng mdators rJ^HR^Bj the private drawer of Inspector Bonfic^H^HW ho has them and unloss tho polioe of government intervenes they will be p^^^^B under arrest within possibly twenty^^H|H hours. They are known as "Tho Invin^^H^f Committee." That is they are suppose^H^^H be unknown to tho moss of Auarchist^^^RI ... ^^BM L'htcngo, netwithstanding thoy have control and direction of tho movement the organization. They work with otb^HH Anarclii.-ts ind viduilly aud not as a bod^^H and hold their identity sacredly seeret. Th^HB plan was adopted because of the failure oHI the Central Organization plan which brought Spies and Parsons and the others to the gallows. With this sort of "invisible" head work was begun about a year ago aud progressed very slowly at first; hat as toon as the revolutionists fully realized that thers was a dividing fountain head thoy rallied around tho revolutionary standard andj|^k a itig the past few months the work of i iug for tlic revolution has been going^^- . ward with great activity. Aside from the majority of tho thirty-two organizations af- B filiated with tho central labor union the In- I visible C. n:i.;;ttoc has been propagating tho B revi bitionaiy cause through a number of H Anarchistic societies, prominent among flj which is the newly formed "Arbcitcr I5und."^B Tho "Arparson Assembly No. 1," a rcorgani^H /.ut on oh expelled Knights of Labor, alHB svuibly No. 1 .LOT, ol'which l'arsons was leading member, tho "Socialist Publishing a Society," which owns and controls tho Athciter /. ;itung on tiiu Communistic plan, and tho ' Working .Men's Defense Association," which raised money to defend llronok. Fel low Cotisj iratoi s at e also active in tho work. [ "Tin plan nfcampaign, ns nearly as it t has been compreboudcd by the polioe, is, so j lar as the public nssoebitious and meetings ' are c ncortie 1 to teach Auarchy to create in the minds of Socialists hatred of law and ofiiceisaud to inspire a spirit ofrevengo for the execution of "pies and his comrades. Their teachings are carried out by speeches more or !e> incendiary. The movement is growing bolder everyday. The "Arbeiter liund" is the latcat form of revolutionary i agitation, and at its last public meeting, 1 held on Thanksgiving day, a circular, (tho " Mibstap c of which was given in these disIte!u-.' last night,) was secret'y distributed i among thu?c present who were supposed to J be true to tin- CIIU80. Tho circular purports to b*bj been printed in 188;> at Pittsburg, I but that is a deception. Tho original was I issued by tho congress of tho "International Working People's Association,!' Ootobor 16, fl 188H, but tin o editions wore exhaustod long fl ago. A in w batch have been printed in close imitation of the old one, and they are being distributed in tho interests of Anar-jB .vincua- i.uitu "iRiSV public career 1 of less than ten days, but its projeotoxs have hec.i at work secretly for some time and m dun d tho plan of propagating anari chy under cover oi the labor movement very ii-iii '< mi llii? ( f I ivn vo'irq Arm i?liinVi i culminated in Iho terrible slaughter at the Ilaynrarkot. Then it was tliat the reds espoused the eight hour movement, not because they believed in it but because it was I the sensation of the day and they wtre compelled to fall in with it. It was arranged for a cent vnl strike on May 1st, in Iho eight hour cause, and tho Anarchists praparcd i the:r bomhs ami got ready for inaugurating ; the f'ocial revolution on that day. Tito rc1 suit i it. -h io the minds of all. Flistory it repeal ng it.'e l n litis respect. The American Federal i ti of Trades will hold a cou- , volition in 81. Louis this mouth at which its ? delegate. . ro| . s.-nling various trades aiiem* > h!ie throughout t he county will endeavor to tlx upon day in lH'.K) for another eight ! h tir str !:e. Tito Anarchists appear to liave i a rei ly hi - i t-i their < pportunity and hceidi doing n i t'.ev ca t to devolop tho strike into ti itiounl disorder they will no 1 <1 ul t. t o r ly with their bombs and other j machine? i.f ?iistruction in order to make , aimtlier attempt at setting up the now social I system. This is tho generally a'coptcd plan an 1 it is for the accomplishment of this - end tliu' the work of public agitation has I ben r ' The p di ?, however, have quite idea. '1'ltey have been informed, as ^BVH9 some t me n o, t!:-?l tlie PimrcliistS will i atut! ir ue'tittetivo demonstration o:i y'lfl i / one ! nndr annivors iry of tho fall of rhe^M i I b tke wlii h occurs in July next, and tho j aiith n ith s are making preparations both . ' line an 1 in N< w York to prevent it. However this in iy 1 ' , there itt strong ground for expecting an outbreak on tli e occasion of the fin lalor strike that assumes anything like national proportions. "tie. i o 8chi ling was asked last ovening if !?(? t?\ hif t 1 MlirifliOl* fiiilhr/vfllf nu 1.1*? r* s lit cf existing revolutionary forced. Ho s'ii'1: 1 exp el something of the kind about , I lie etui < f ilic present century; guy in ton yrats. Nucic:;,* is just now dormant like a ~~ river frozen in ibo winter time, but s-mc i ni|rht time will 1 >o n mighty crack in the ice > and under lite wanning influences of the : r y d i m. tiy I r es 'li re will be a mighty up heaving. Thee will bo ti t doubt a squall or Iw.? i ore that lituo, but the great event wdl tu t .* tno. in my jtt Igment, inucli sooner. I 'I'ii r .:i!l b'lo'sof men mil women who < v il! a t be a! ]e tu eo beyond the pquall and the" wililhiek the time has cotne. It \ ill in.; iv ,"s a rc-tilt of conspiracy of^fl Ana'il i i . but as a conspiracy of all thc^H ruvolni . cc- ?i Society.' " I . o (' ti . I, I'i'invl i uit l Malaga Drapes, at I. M IJMNS tJ. YOuNfl. ? U . t' \*: ti: Hum; on aSmai.i. Farm.? A fa't. t ;n ?!u hi town-hip, upper (Jreen\i iI. th.s y ip male and said pork ntii-ii; ut .jii; i) "IT. in cash and has now seven v nui hogs; 1,0*10 bushels of corn ir ba o Hon wortlj^^ i'' wi gii.ii vitlllt^^BH (.I Mo* tin.'iiii. now on Innid. Mo w.irk^BB ! i i i" it- r I challenges roupari-^^ i hi <ii" i :t Mi l uvcf.i^o w lb an bodjr. II li;; i i v l-.s-'.uss of corn whicn . ih w?1? liter i i In- t. ; .my farmer in Saluda to match fir n five dollar hd'. Outsido his homo lai h r liiiiH.'i! i.:: I c i'divn, the oldest thirteen yr i*. hi- t .lal expenses for lahor has boen i i <> c t <'-tiinato of cash orop ill ri.': include peas, folaloeo and veplt; li!"< I r li ono it"?. Ilo has never h night a { . iii.d of meat or hutdiel of corn in hif Ufa. i ?(it- a i Hit X< irs. J. W. fc.l OLLKSON, of (laTcey, S. / t'.. Imve ns li r; ht n la'go^line of ladies I i ts (-tunpl i d aio ling the n at half ' 1'iice. v 48-2t. I N If*