The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, February 26, 1886, Image 3

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I NEED MONEY I WILL offer tny immense Mock of Furniture a' a reduced |>rice until the 10th of March. Think of* It ! A good (iuit.i bed room set worth $22.o0. for $10.50. A good set of chairs worth $') 00 for S4.50. .V good imitation Bureau, tier, class, worth $H.50 for sT.ttO. wortli fd.00 for $2.00. Spring heds and mattresses from $1.00 to $9. Hocking chairs from Hoc to $12.00. And uiany other things too numerous to tueution. AT COST. A nice lot of Oil Paintings. Panels, Photographs, Cabinet?, Frames, ticms of Art, Wall Pockets, Erackets, Carets, What-Nota. Childrens' ami Misses' Carpet llockers, Ac., will be ol<l at actual cost. These arc nice goods ami are bound to sell at the prices 1 am offering them. T. E. KAILEY. Feb 2t? 8 L't Notice of Dissolution. rnil E copartnership heretofore existing between X J. P. Hunter, II. 11. Wallace ami .1. II. Maxwell, under the firm name of J. P. A CO., is this day dissolved. Cither of the partners are authorized to sign the firm name in liquidation. J. C. HUNTER, E. It. WALLACE, .1. II. MAXWELL. Union, S. ('., Feb. 1lHHfi. \ofice of C'oparlnerMliip. THE undersigned have this day formed a copartnership tinder the firm name of lll'NTEK & ?'?>.. for the purpose of carrying on it general merchandise business. Having purchased the building ami stock of.I. C. Hunter A Co., our business will be conducted at their old stand. .1. C. HUNTER. E. It. WALLACE. Union, S. Feb. 1 Inhi;. SPKC'I.ili \OTICi:. OUR firin having this day dissolved, all persons having claims against us are requested to present them at once for payment. All persons indebted to us hv note, or on account. must settle by the first day of March next, or they will find our claims upon them in the hands of our attorney. N>> exceptions will he made: we are hound to wind up our old business. J. C. lll'NTER A CO., lu Liquidation. Feb lit 7 4t Delinquent Land Sales. m | 11 CilUDllllJ ^ 11131 .MOIUlilVJ 111 .MUTCH I1CXI, \J 1 will sell for taxes the following described property, to \vi< : One tract of land belonging to the estate of (diaries Sharp, iu Pinckncy township, containing ltf5 ncres. Als", 1 tit) acres belonging to the estate of Mose Mardis. in Fish l>.iin. Oue lot in liogansville, containing one acre, belonging to J. It. Parrot I. Also, mIV acres in (Jowdcysville, as the property of J. f 1. Love, jr. '.Hi acres situated iu I'inckncy, as the property of A. J. Foster. The abovo stated parcels, lots and parcels of lots of real estate, or so much as may be necessary to pay the taxes, penalties and assessments charged thereon, will be sold by the Treasurer of Union county, on salcsday next, unless all taxes, penalties, etc., due thereon be paid before tffct day. N. It. MORGAN, County Auditor. Feb l'.? 7 'Jt MASTER S SALES. State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. In Court of Common Pleas. Thomas It. deter, as Administrator. I'luinlij}'. H'/aiuft Aurclius Wallace Thomson, J)>/> ndant, IN obedi cncc to an order made in the above stated case 1 will sell before the Court House door in the town of Union within the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in March 188'', the following described property, to wit: TOWN LOT. All thai lot of land lying being and situate in the towu of Union, on the north side of Main | street bounded by lots of Sartor and Arthur, P. M- Cohen, Main street ami Sharp street, said lot fronting on Main street feet and running back to Sharp street. TKIt.MS OF SALIv One-fourth cash: the balance on a credit of one iiml two years in equal installments, with interest fro in day of sale to be secured by bond of purchaser anil a mortgage of the premises. Master s OHice. Feby. li, Ikmi;, .IAMFS Ml'NllO, Master for Union t'ountv, Feb 12 r. " W.L.D0U0lAS'r?f $3.00,#, H S. M. I5ICF. Jr. CO. a re sole agents for these Shoes, in Union county. Call and examine tlieni. They are the cheapest Shoe ever oll'crcd in this market. S. M. UK i: .115.. A ( O. No. 1 Fast Union. Dec 1 Is if PARKER'S gfgja^gHAIR BALSAM ' I 1 r \ ^rif sure toplc.i-.e- .S" .iml $i sires at [Ironists. I The Boat Cough Cure you can use I and the lie-.l l.nnvii preventive of Consumption. I Pahki.:i's Tnwv Ke^.t in .t home is a sentinel to I ke<:p Ml KIKS* (Mil. I KII uucircujr > >n|n me l>lo<>>l nure and tlie Sti.inui h, l.ivcr and Kidneys in wmliing 01 lei. I'miglis and Colds vanish before it. It builds ti|> the health. If votl Milter front I'ebilitv. Skin Eruptions, I Cough, Asthma, l>yspepsiA. Kidney, I riu.iry or F ein.ile Complaints, or .my disorder of t lie l.ungs. Stomach, llowels, Hlood or Nerve-., don't wait till vmi are suk in l>ed, but Use I'akkrr's Tonic to-day : it will give you "ew life And vigor. IIISCOX A CO., N. Y. Sold by 1 trnggbt .. I.sige savins buying $i size. Jitn 1 I ii : ATI IKR. Humes* Leather. IMnttliiiioii Leather, F|?|ier Leather, Calf Skin;*. ni A. R. STOKES, & CO.'S. Notice to Creditors. VI.I. j?er*ons Imlilino claims against llit* t'?. talc of Murphy Hobo, ilcocascl, arc re |tic*te<l to ju'r'scui ilioir claims to mo, properly attested. on or be lore March ">l1i, next. Ml persons imlcblcil to <smi?I estate must make pavtncnl on or before the above "late. .1. T. I.AYToN. A lni i list. ,\|iti !>l>v I?nbo. F -b0 ' -It N E w V EA 11! N K \Y Y K A K! \ <ii. >i l Treat fur the 1'uhlic and Farmers oenerally ! I now have on hand .1 lull ami e'>tiij>lcte Mock of lliwv wo Fwtv (iitnrt:nn>, lltwv \N|i l'\N. V ttUMCKHIKS, iii tvv wo FaM'Y (illol KBIES, t oNHit-I IMNKKIKS, t '< ?N FKCTIt >N Kit IKS. ? !?\n:< TIOSKUIFS. ltuoTS, MIoKS, 1)HV COCKS. UoolS. SIloKS, l?ll Y COOKS, lioois, SHOES, KIIY COOKS, Notion*, Tobacco, Cigars, all of which I propose to sell nt lowest cash prices. Call nii'l examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Mil. W. K. HOllO, of Cross Keys, is now with me, ami will be pleased to see bis many friemls . ami take pleasure in waiting upon them. Thanking the I'nblie for favors shown me, ami .soliciting a continuance of the same, I ant, llcspect fully, - Iff. Ij. pool. Jan 15 '2 :>in "AMioDjarirT GUANO! GUANO! GUANO! WE are offering the following celebrated brands ott most reasonable and accommodating terms : ASHEPOO ACID, PALMETTO ACID, Ashepoo Fertilizer, Carolina Fertilizer. Planters will tin 1 it to their interest to sec us before buying. SAltTOK & AKTIIUll, at Fljrun's. Feb l'J 0 lin JUST RECEIVED BY A. 11. STOKCS, & CO., a Choice li t of Hams, Fig Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon AND liocl' Tongues. W.LOOUGUS;--.?if %a.ool& 4 Qunr s&Vj? & Bottom S. M. HICK, Jr,& CO.,arc sole agents for these Shoes, in I'nion county. Call and examine them. They arc tlie cheapest Shoe ever ottered in this market. S. M. RICE, Jr., & CO, No. 1 East Union. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to me by note or account will please call and settle at once, as 1 have heavy payments to make within the next ten days and will be obliged to collect to meet them. It cspect fully, T. E. BAILEY. .Ian. S 1 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of Sundry executions to mo directed 1 will sell before the Court House door in the town of Union, on Monday the first day of March next, during the legal hours of Sheriffs Sales, the following described property, to wit: Fight bales of cotton marked as follows: "> bales \V. A. I.. K., - bales A.S. K.. one 1. I>. I': Levied on and to be sold as the property of Jamison (1. Kelly, at the suit of J. 'I'. Mill, II. 1,. (loss, survivor. 1. ti. McKissiek Kxecutor, and others, 1'luitiliffs ngain>t Jamison (?. Kelly, I>efendant A I.sii. 1 will sell t'Itarles T. Murphy's interest in one tract of land lying being and situate in Union township Union County, on the waters of Fair Forest Creek, known as the Murphy Mill tract, containing five hundred and fifty acres, more or le-s bounded by lands of Hubert Macbeth, \Y. J. Ileaty and Hubert Heaiv Sr., levied on and to he sold as the property of Charles T Murphy, at the suits of .I. M. tiibbes & Co.. and others. Plaintiffs again*! Charles T. Murphy l?efeiidaui. ,\l.?0. I will sell one two horse wagon, I wo Yearlings one clock and one buggy, levied on and to be sold as the property of 1>. Slieltou, at the suits of II. I, tJoss and J. T. Hill \ Co., Plaintiffs against l>. Shelton l>efetidanl. Terms of Sale?Cash. Feb. Sili 1 ssd. J. <1. l.ttNC.. s. I . Feb I - dt. ElfiSLIE NICHOLSON, ? .\gent iur- ENGINES, GINS, PHKSHKS, THRESHERS, BINDERS, Mower*, I lav Hakes, Grain lMills, PLANTERS, CULTIVATORS, Marrows, t?n I all Kiiol* of ltii|>1einen>s ami Maeliiuery. Oct *j;; l*j lim. Drs. Murphy & Smith Ilavr intnle ilieir lica?li|unvter? at S. M. Mice. Jr., & t'?. > s|,,re, wliere will also l>c fouinl n full ami new stock of DRUGS. If Steel Plows and P gle Trees, Trace1 Shovels, Spade at BBW HARDWAR Call and ine my Stock and you will be the bargains I ar W 10,000 lbs. of HIDES w Prices paid for same. GO C=S HH fe ? ^ S* ? d ? r ^ ^ c H c, ^ SS ~ J OQ i S i ? f=2- C i-1 3 ? is * CQ hh K> C - ^ td Q pa* ATE] EBOCEBY \Yc are receiving a new t FRESH GR which wc prop AT REASONAt Our stock c< BACON, LA11I), FLOFlt, six; a it am) 10: (axxel and all ki K FAMILY GI Give us a call and see for yoursc A. R In J. ' ; Nov ii 1 FOSTER & Arc prepared to fell all good AT PRICES TO SO Our aim is, as we have endeavored to do tor tl reliable go THE LOWEST PO! It is impossible for ns to nan WE HAVE E ! usually kept by us in great variety, ami are anxic be glad to exchange goods for it, on advantageous COME AND SEE FC You can be suited in g To those who are indebted to us, we would as Wliat you owe Ih how duo. Wo need th further notice. Our necessities will force us to eo us to use harsh measures to obtain what is due its low Stocks, Sin-j I Chains, Hames, j is Pitchforks "LEY'S :e store. . exam_ ^ J * . fciiiu. rnues 3 convinced 01 nnow offering'. r. D. BEWLEY. anted, and Highest Cash W. D. B. Hj l g Cd s ci 9 CD I P3 |C/3 O P iY STORE. md complete stock of OCERIES, lose to sell slb pricks. insists of IFEE, > <;001>S and (1IEESE, nJs of iOCERIES. a :lvoa. . STOKES & GO. T. IIill Sc Co.'s old building. I tf WILKINS s in their immense stock IT THE TIES. I?c past seventeen years, to furnish good, ods at 3SIBLE PRICES. nc tlie goods and prices. V E R Y T HI N G )iis to make sale?. We need money and will terms to the purchaser. )R YOURSELVES, ;oods nnd prices. NOTICE. kthat they make prompt Netllniient. e money, and expect all to pay tip without Meet, and wo hope our friend? will not force i. i New Store! New F AND -;:=BiG F HAVING opened a new Grocery idorc on Nt a )nrg? stock of BACON. CORN, FROTH, MO and o FAMILY G But the tire came upon us, on the 4th day after cc entire stock of new goods. w: However, nrc determined not to he hacked down o our business in the warehouse in rear of 1). t\ Fly fouud with a complete stock of Fresh Groceries, hi ASK A SHARE OF Y We wiil commence to rebuild our brick store mote into it as soon ns completed. Give TJs a Call, and We LIVING t'otue to 1). C. Flynn s store, and yon will I SA11TO Jan Hi! :i IF YOU WA1 C H E A P J. A. HENNE In Coltons i Where yen can fiti<1 i\ nice selection of >N'nlel Hanjc.s, Accordoons. mid first olnss Violin anil Hi ing Winches, Clocks mid Jewelry. All work gum goods jnst received. Jsn V"J EVERY BOD! TO CALL j The Largest and Cheap I IN TIIK I' I? Three Car-Loads Reeeiv I am determined that the people of I n cheap as it can he bought in the State. I I the lowest cash pi ices, and can sell at a very ><> TJ I do not buy white pine or other eheaj hut 1 <rct <;ood, hard wood, substantially n ?ots full value lor their money. <?IjASS. I aui headijuarlers ou all kinds of J'icture, Window and Look- ^ inj; Class aud I have Boeurod tl Mattress Maker, with an experic my shop at all times ready to do anything in Shades, Lambrequins, Curtains, Cornice, Pit Don't fail to see tno for anything you war your home. Respectfully, STOVES! _STCT II :j: JUST RECEIVED, a full linear C< anybody in slylc and price. A GOOD CC No. 7, with 25 pieces c Tho popular " Farm fir llliili " Farmer jPB|| which arc so well known throughout the c sell is fully guaranteed to give satisfaction, stoves,) which enables me to get them much half less in single shipments. I inanuli which cost tr.e less than by buying ready-no this allows uic to sell stoves AS I'll 1)A 1* AS AA V IK Vou can sec "BUCKEYE" F at work in the public well. I am prepared t for which I make no extra charge. A full st and Groceries. Tin Kooling, Guttering and short notice, and I make no extra charge for t all kinds of stoves with despatch. The very best CASH PRICES The old reliable house of 11 oiu> In! New Ms! iiiEia? fw Year's Jay. we intended to keep on lisnd liASSKS, SIC,Mi, COFFEE, ihcr ROCERIES, nnndicing business, nnd consumed nlmoht our n Ej n account of I liis misfortune, and have resumed tin s cheap dry goods store, where \vc will l>e ii.I OUR PATRONAGE. pu Main street as early ns practicable, ami will Will Give You Goods at PRICES lind tie. R & ARTHUR. tf NT TO IIl.7*Y* G OODS MAN & GO'S Lr STORE. DM Stand. its, Jewelry, Silver-l'laled Ware. Also, Violins, njo Strings. Spejinl attention given to re| *irratiieetl. l>oti t fail to give us a call. New .1. A. II KXNEMAN & GO. i If ir I \T An rn iaia 1. l Y I11L1J \ND SEE est Stock of Furniture -< lOITINTK-Y. ed and More to Arrive. inn (Sunty shall have their Furniture as my in large lots direct from the factory, nt small profit. iASIi. >, shoddy Furniture in order to advortiso nude, so dut every customer [ J \ All regular sizes in stock, and odd sizes cut to order. IrcNNcs and H|iliolN(criii|;. ie services of :i first-el-iss I Tnhul-jtcror and - - " 1 nee of thirty years, wlio will be Ion i that lino. Also, Carpels laid, Window :turcs and Wall Paper hung in 'City Style.' it in tho way of furnishing or decorating T. E. Bailey. PEftl STOVES 1 i :it: joking and Heating Stoves, and can suit )OK STOVE, jompleto, for only $15, ami ounty are still in (hc.jcnd. livery Stove I I buy uiy stoves by the ear load, (about 80 i cheaper, and also makes the freight ooct nelure all my stove pipe and sheet iron pans, ;ide, and they are much better. And all LSK I\|TUK STATU. one of my ORCE PUMPS i) put them in wells anywhere in the county :ock of Tinware, Hardware, Woodonware Repairing done in the best manner and on jobs in the country. I order repairing for paid for Hides and Boeswax. <. H. ROI>GER