SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of Sundry executions to me directed I will sell before the t'ourt House door in tlie town of Union, on Monday tlie first d.iv of March next, during the legal h uis of Sheriffs Sales, the following described property, to wit: Eight bales of cotton marked its follows: 5 bales W. A. ! K., 'J bales A. S. K., one i. D. 1': Levied on and to be sold as the property of Jamison G. Kelly, at the suit of J. T. Hill, II. L. Goss, survivor. I. (5, McKissick Executor, and others, l'hiintiffs against Jamison G. Kelly, Defendant At.SU. I will sell Charles T. Murphy's interest in one tract of land lvinsi heinir and situate in Union township Union County, on the waters of Fair Forest (.'reek, known as the Murphy Mill tract, containing live hundred awl titty acres, more or less hnuudcl hy lauds of ltobert Macbeth, W. J. Dcaty and ltobert Ueaty Sr., levied on and to be sold as the property of Charles T Murphy, at the suits of.). M. (Jibhes & Co., and others, Plaintiffs against Charles T. .Murphy Dcfendaut. A1.SO. I will sell one two horse wagon, two Yearlings one clock and one buggy, levied on and to be pold as the property of l>. Slielton Lee, sit the suits of II. Ii (.loss and .1. T. Mill & Co., Plaintiffs against 1). Slielton Lee Defendant. Terms of Sale?Cash. Feb. 8th 188(5, J. (J. LONG. s. r. r. Feb 12 (5 :i(. Master s sales. State of South Carolina. CO L'XTl' or CXI ox. In Court of Common Picas. Thomas B. Jeter, as Administrator. Plaintiff, against Aurclius Wallace Thomson, Jlrfcwinnt, IN obedience to an order ma lo in the above stated case I will sell before the Court House door in the town of Union within the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in March 1880, the following described properly, to wit: TOWN LOT. All that lot of land lying being and situate in the town of Union, on the north side of Main street bounded by lots of Sartor and Arthur, P. M' Cohen, Main street and Sharp street, said lot fronting on Main street feet and running back to Sharp street. TFILMS OF SALK. One-fourth cash: the balance on a credit of one and (wo years in equal installments, with interest lrom day of sale to l>c secured by bond of purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. Master's Ottice, Feby. 0, 1SH>. J AM Kg MUNKO, Master for Uniou Countv. Feb 12 f, * EMSLIE NICHOLSON, ?Agent for ENGINES, GINS, P11K8HKS, THRESHERS, BINDERS, Mowers, Hay Hakes. Grain Drills, PLANTERS, CULTIVATORS, Harrows, and alt kinds of Implements and Machinery. Oct 2d 42 t'.ni. W.LDOUCLAS', f $300.#',. * I ^j'fsEST I fillT .i^iilrtrJljMf S. M. KICK, .h\,& CO. arc sole agents for these Shoes, iu Union county. Call and examine them. Thev arc the cheanest Shoe ever ottered in this market. S. .If. ItK i: J 15.. A CO. No. 1 East Union. I)co 1 is if PARKER'S Kv,-;! HA!R BALSAM aM the popular favorite for dresssure to please. 50 . ami $1. sires at Drucfiists. The Best Cough Cure you can uso and the best known preventive of Consumption. 1'akki it's Tonic kept in a home is a sentinel to keep sii kne^s out. Used discreetly it keeps the blood pure ami the Stomach, l.iver and Kidneys in working order. Coughs and Colds vanish before it. It builds tip the health. II you suffer from Debility, Skin Eruptions, Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia. Kidney, Vrinary or Kemale Complaints, or any disorder of the Lungs, Stomach, llowels, ltlood or Nerves, don't wait till y 11 are sick in bed, hut use I'akkkr's Tonic to-day : it will give you new life and vigor. IIISCOX & CO., N. Y. Sold by Druggists. Large saving buying $1 si/e. Jan 2D 4 l .DATi I i<: 1 s Iliirness Leather. I'laiitiiiiiui Leather. l'|ij>i-t Leailtt'i. < all Skins, III A. R. STOKES, & CO.'S. Application for Final Discharge NOTIl'B is hereby Riven (lint mi Monday, the 'J'.M day of February. ISSd, 1 shall make my final return to Hon..I. M. (lee, Probate Judge for Union County, ami apply for Letters hismissory as Administrator of the estate of Bber Smith, deceased. All persons having elaims against said estate must present them at that t r,;c, or they will he lorever bane I. .1. P. THOMAS, Aiim'r liber Smith. l'chi ;;t Drs. Unruly & Smith Have made their headquarters at S. M. 11ice. Jr., & Cn.'s st?ro, where will also be found a full and new -lock "t DRUGS. Keti '? ' i f Notice of Copartnership. WH, the undersigned, have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on a general grocery business, under the firm name of SAKToP. & AHTIIl'lt, an 1 will be found at I). C. Nylin's l>ry (Joods Store, f>r the present, owing to the recent tire, wlrcli consumed our new brick store, with its contents, on Main street. Cull on us and sec our pri es on provisions. w. ii. s.viiToi;, il r A M i ll till, nn 'A* ' > ' - I in Grand Republic, CIGAHHOS, OUR TRADE MARK, K' A ll. STORKS '.'U.'S. N K W V E A It! NEW YEA 11! A brutal Trout for the l'uluio uii'l Farmers 1 v ! 1 now have on hatnl a full au-l complete stock of lit WY AMI I'WCY tiltO< KRIt>, llv.WY AMI I'tMY (iltOCKRIKS, llrvvv ami Fancy (jhockriks, son fi:? Tit?Ni:iui:s, t't ?N FK< "Tit IN till IUS, ? )NFK< Tit ?N Fill US, i.ti-?is. .S. hoots, siiosos, dkv hoods, Notions, Tohaceo, Cigars, all of which I propose to sell at lowest cash prices, fall ami examine my stock before .purchasing elsewhere. Mil. W. F. IK>BO. of Cross Keys, is now with me. and will he pleased to see his many friends and take pleasure in waiting upon theiu. Thanking the Public for favors shown me, and soliciting a continuance of the same, 1 am, Respectfully. jff. Ii. POOIi. .Ian 15 '2 .'hit Something THAT Beats the 15 Puzzle, i ?? e I I i I I _J L _l j [ I I I i _ J I L L ' ! i i " i" i ~r I I I I I i i i i r ! I I i l So.8?.j | I I j 1 I ! The above cut represents a house with 550 rooms. The puzzle is to pass t'roiu room No. 1 to room No. ;?t?, through every romn without entering any room more than once. Hut a greater puzzle is to see how cheap SARTOR .V AII I'll I' R can sell Groceries. Call on them a'. 1'lynn s before laying in your supplies for the year. JUST RECEIVED BY A.. 1{.ST()K10S,A: CO., Hams, Pii Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon AND JL5 ocf Tongues. W L.DG U GL AS rgv ? tasNv/JA shol#^4 WARRANTED/^i-^^pr'.-^ k^gCST QOTjO\A ^ S. M. KICK, Ir.St CO.,arc solo nponts for theee Shoes, in I'nion county. Call an?l examinetlicin. They are the cheapest Shoe ever oft'ercl in this market S. M. RICE, Jr., & CO, No. 1 Hast I'nion. ALL PERSONS L.> I'i.n i r.i? ionic ny noic or account win |? call and settle at once, as 1 have heavy payments to make within the next ten days and will be obliged to collect to meet them. Kcspcctfully, T. i: ilVlldiV. Ian. s \ BURNT OUT HI T STILL LI\ ING. We would respect fully inform our friends and cn-tomers that we have rented Maj. S. M. Iliee > large brick store, next to John llodgcr's, and are now ready to begin business again. We are receiving daily our new goods, and our stock of Groceries 5 Hardware is as large and complete as it was before the lire, besides having the advantage of being fre?h and new. OUR THANKS. Wc take this opportunity of returning our sincere thanks to those kind friend- who so ..1.1.. ...? 1 .1 1 1 : . - . .. I immm* tiii'i run-11*111 i> ri" ii ' 11* llM l Ji>-M>i;ilKA* I'1 I 'luring the liili' ruhiiiiifoiis five. \Vi> :||s W ili. lil'in.i |.:iln>H!?!in lu'ietot'oii* j?i\cn ii14. ;ii|'l a-k ii ioiniiuniiic-0 'J II Notice to Creditors. Vl.i, |km-on-lioMiii>r tlaiin- iipuin.-t (lie estate nl Murphy l?ul?n, ?lccea?eil, are re.|iiosto?l in pre-eut ilirir iliiiin- to me, properly alU-Fto'l. mi or before March ">ili. next. All pcr-on- inili'lilnl !' Very Superior Floor just received l>)' A. It. STOKKS A CO. Steel Plows and PI gle Trees, Trace C Shovels, Spadei at BEW: hardwar: Call and ine my Stock and yon will be the bargains I an w. 10,000 lbs. of HIDES wa Prices paid for same. GQ ? ^ r > r; ^ & g a g W ! *] 2 M ^ O K> H n , ^ H r3 i 33 g ? I g > 1 , P- o B i ^ S r ? > ? c tzj bd o | IV El' GROCERY Wc ure receiving a new an FRESH (JRI which wc propo AT IIKASONAHI Our stock con HA COX, IjAH I>, FTiOt'It, Sic;AH AM) (OF (AXXKI) and all kim ?: FAMILY OR (live us a call and see for yourseh A. R. In .1. T Nov li 11 FOSTER & Arc prepared to sell all goods AT PRICES TO SR] Our aim is, as we have endeavored to do for thi reliable goo< THE LOWEST POS It is impossible for us to name W E H'A V E E A usually kept by us in ureal variety, and are anxiou be glad ta exchange goods for it, on advantageous ti riAlfH i XT IA CMAI/1 liVA v^v/iurj i\imj r vj You can be suited in goi WPI3CIAI. j To those who arc indebted lo ii?, we would nsk Wlial yon oho In iiuh (Inc. We need the further notice. Our necessities will force us to colh ui to use harsh measures to obtain what is due us. ow Stocks, SinJhains, Hames, 3 Pitchforks LEY'S E STORE. | examand Prices convinced of 1 now offering*. D. BEWLEY. lited, and Highest Cash W. D. B. i COf A S* ^ i 9 ? ^ ? M'i CD I pa lw o M Lr STORE. nl complete f-tock of 3CERIES, so to soli j; i'Rices. sists of FED, CIOODS and CIIKKM:. Is of OCERIES.:? , 09. STOKES & CO. . Hill & C'o.'s old building. if WILKIXS in their immense stock IT THE TIMES. prmt noveiit.'cri years, to lurtiLLt good, is at SIBLE PRICES. the goods nml prices. I K R Y T H I N G ,s to make sales. We need money nnd will ?rro? to (lie purchaser. R YOURSELVES, ads and prices. NOTICE. that they make pronipl M'lllcilH'llt. money, and expect all t > pay up without eel. and we hope our friend? will not force Hew Store! Hew Fin AND A -!ZB i G F I HAVING opened a new Grocery Store on New Yea a large stock of BACON.COKN. FI.OIU. MOLAS ami other FAMILY am 15ut the fire came upon its. on the 1th day after conunctu entire stock of new goods. WE However, are determined not t.> l?e backed down on accoi our business in ttie warehouse in rear of I), C. F'lynn's cl fouiul Willi a complete stock of Fresh (iroecries. and ASK A SHARE OF YOU] SVc wiil coninieiice to rebuild our brick store on Mai move into it as soon as completed. Give Us a Call, and We Wil LIVING PR] Come to lb C. Flvnns store, and you will find us SARTOlt .Ian :i IF YOIT WANT CHEAP GO TO J. A. HENNEM JKWEERY t* i ii v <>11<<> tj?j I ilo not buy white pine or other cheap, sho but I f?et good, haul wood, substantially made, gets lull value lor their money. ii L ASS. 1 am headquarters on all kinds of Picture, Window and Look* X big (1 lass and ^ \ VA ^ . Matrcsi' 1 have secured the ser Mattress Maker, with an experience o my shop at all times ready to do anything in that Shades. Lambrequins, Curtains, Cornice, Pictures Don't fail to see me lor anything you want in I your home. llespecllully, T STOVKSJ_STOVJ I " K Jl/ST KKCEIVKI), a full liuc>f Cookin; anybody in stylo and price. A GOOD COC No. 7, with 25 pieces com] I ho popular r which :irc so well known throughout the county sell is fully guaranteed ti>n t f;iil to give us a call. New .1. A. IIKNNEMAN & CO. If INVITED ) SEE Stock of Furniture TIlNTIiY. ind More to Arrive. unity shall have their Furniture as lar^e lots tlircct 1'rotu the factory, at profit. LSI1. ddy Furniture in order to advertise so that every customer f V^V" \ All regular sizes in stock, and odd sizes cut to order. ?'.h ami |i|>li?lstcriii|;. vices of a lirst-eliss Upholsterer and f tiiirtv voars who will hi- foo J J ? * ? ** ? ? " * lino. Also, Carpets laid, Window and Wall Paper hung in 'City Style.' the way of furnishing or decorating . B. Bailey. ES! STOVES! ; and Heating Stoves, and can suit >K STOVE, plete, for only $15. fassGirr and Boy" aro still i>i thread. Kvcry Stove I u?y stoves by the ear load, (about 80 per, and also makes the freight one : all my stove pipe and sheet iron pans, nd they are uiueh better. And all [ : IXJTlit: STATK. )f niy ICE PUMPS ihein in wells anywhere in the county of Tinware, Hardware, Woodcnware liring done ill the best manner and on n the country. I order repairing for I for Hides and Beeswax. 11. RODGER