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JP WEEKLY mMf UNION TIMES. Jlcvolcd (o gigricnltiirf, gjortiqnltlirt; jftomcsflf II iliiiiiM||r^H|^Ki politic!;, and the Current YIcut. of the pay. VOL. XIII.?New Series. I'Mox c. n., sorTlt?JH(nK DECEMBER 22, 1882. NUMBER 51*. " ' ~ " i I " ? . 1LJ. n . ?rsaM^? ? NEf ID! | BE# TORE! HE# PRICE! | 1> KCKNT | urelmscs i:i the Northern l.'iiies ! V citable us lo iliij'hiy to buyers a very LAHGE \NL> HANDSOME &&M40W-0X OF r^-j I Fall and Winter G GO I) S, I I A<lnple<l (o the Wants an?l Tastes of this j coiniutinity. Wo have full linos of Goods in XJJ) r S TV LFS A\/> F Mi II ICS! . FOR LADIES' WEAR WITH TillMMINGS TO SI'IT. Cassimcres, Jeans and Kerseys, FOR MEN AND BOYS. TOfJKTl/K/i WITH BOOTS I SOKES, [Oi AND SOYS' CLOTHS tiS. il^VJlS KWAii AO, GROCERIES, &C,, &C. All I lie above jrnoils we are offering at ver^ low prices. ainl iliink it woubl be to the interest ot everybody to look at our stock before buying. RICK & MC'LURE May .? lh if Wliere to Bay Pure Medicines j Crug.i, Perfumery. &c-, )\V. I'OSr.V ,v UKO., have on batiil nu<l are . coiistatitly receiving biiiions to a l ull i.itie of Drugs and r&edicines, Paints, Oils and Varnish, 5*;itciat ItltMliriiics, I Perfumery, Hair Oils A Variety of Hair Dies & Restorers ' Tooth and Hair Brushes, i'.vci: i*o\vi)i:its and roili-rr a eirri< adr->. Fancy Toilet and Laundry Soaps. , liNx'UH Uoolis, Stationery Lamps of All Kinds, I'rom tlie tincsl Swinging llall Lamp 10 I lie wee j little wincy lincy IJrass I,amp. Pure Wines and Liquors, i 5'or aleiiicnl Pin-pases.) Port, Claret and Blackberry Wines. Wliiskoy3, Brandies and Gin. Cral) Apple Viiieirar. tobacco and cigars. A DT*i's!i Supply of GARDEN AND 51 ED SEEDS, l'ilOM FKKISV .V Co., SI III,FY A \ i> Hili"'. < >n ion .V e. To Physicians We lnvo a few IIvpilorinic Syringes ami Self- llegisiering Fever Tliemmmelers. we Ask the Public To call iiri'l examine our Stock. Work is our motto, mi,| wo ar; always rea ly to wait on customers W. I'OSIIV IMIO. Opposite t niou Hotel. lotaM & Mall, i H.\ V ! : just fillcil tli- ir s! r > with :t Vct'3 1 tt'jic I Ov.'k (.1 [ 'ALL AND WINTER 1)1 E xi C II A N 1) I S E , Tlti ir st >< !;;- almost * v? i v111:11yr that can lm ii>!;<m1 I All !' r sile at t lie Vcty luw? *t prices, ( ill ami e, am! they will save your inoiuy. J-U l lit) 12 tf IWBOS S20TS.3.. GIBBES & RODGER, I NlilN, S. C. TlIli.Als IMOli 1 > A "V. w. m ?; i j'.i'.i: i.. N. I ?IS ?ii.C. ffl> '* I! Tito State of South Carolina. coiwrroF cxi >x. 1 ' I Court of Common Pleas. J.-.liH-s 1'. Ilollingswovili, 1 I | I'laiutijf' | Summons j OJOtUSi J 1 Louisa Hullingswortli, An- , for Relief, j , iriv.v llullingswnrlli, Sally j Weeks, Fannie Adair, Adora I Coinjduiut j ' Carter and others not Served. ' fhlritildllfi . I TO l.ouisa Uollingswortli, Andrew Holling*- I worm, cany tu'i'Ks, ? n* hi John n ecus. l-an- i iiio Adair. wife of I-:mc Adair. Adura Carter, ( t!:o children of Thomson MoUin?sworth, deceased, whoso names and residence arc un- s known, except his sonsUeorge llnliingswoith { nji i Willi:!m HulliniTiwnniU > ilia?l?Wrw?" Nathan HolTiiigswoi I It, deceased. whoso names and residence are not known ; iho children < of Klizahcth Morgan, deceased, whose names . and residence are not known, and the cliii- | droit of l'oliy ISiitlcr. deceased, whose names , t and residence arc not known, /> / n>? "i ' > i'i j j I It.'9 iirfimi. I | YrOl are lierehv Siiniin oie I and re.pure 1 to ! . answer the complaint in this action, which is tiled in the of lice ol' tin* ("Icrk of the Court of t'oiiimon l'lcas for <.ti 1 County, and to serve a 1 el y of your answer to the said complaint on j I lie subscribers at llicir oliice, at I'm ot, in said . s C.nutty and State, within twenty days tfter tin; ) service hereof, exe'ti-ive of the day of such service: and if volt fail r> an-wcr tin* > amp'.ilit t wi.hin the time aforesaid, the plaint ill' in litis . action will apply to the C urt f?r t!se relief de- I ma tided in the ('.iinplaint. M itnc .1 antes iiittnr.i Ii-j , t'lcrl; .fti.eConvl > of Common l'lcas, in and f r the Connty afire- i sai I, at the place aforesaid, the tweitly-lifth day j ol N ivcmhvr in the v.arof onr I,or I one t!i ci- ! sainl viehl liiiii ire I 11 I civilly two, an 1 in tiio olio 111111 Iro.I iiu! seventh year of the Sovereignly 11 an I lii<lciK'ii<!o:ice of the 1'uilc ! States oi u America. i 111 * ?N M< X1SSICK, /'! nmrt'-i' . I / >. ! C f " ) !' -] si: vi. I J \Mr.s Mi nim, <\ C. 1'. I?/ '/"<? ///< /> / .ilia'*, An I row llolliiv'sw >rth, ! t Ucar-re Ilollinjrsworth. ami William I? :!Iinjr-<- ' wo-th, sain of Thomson Mailings worth, <lo- j tvasoil, anil liis other chihlrati whme mime-- i: an 1 resilience ars not known. i!io chii-ltcu of ^ Nathan II nllitijr> won h ilvoc;;*e.|. of I'.lizahi'i h Morgan iloeeuse.l,uinl of I'oily llutler ileeense 1 i :s whose names ami resilience not known. ; jTake notice that the; i.i this neti ?ii, of which I In; foregoing is a was f.lcil in '' the oilier of ih?' Clerk of sahl Court for sail j i County on the U'Ttii 'lav of November issj. , . lilt >\ \ M.-KISMt K. ! 1 s . 1 {tjfmyy. i I've 1 hS " it 53d YEAR. 1 ti : n n < > J > XV I r ^LADY'S BOOK FOR 1883, I, WII.I. contain : v A CO.Mi'l.liTi: NoYIX IN IIVKIIV ISSl'K, j a - - - 11 tloMiscs tts iiMuuJ i'K !i ?l i'siNliiun, ?iii<i iiiU'niry 1 .'Jailor. : r Only per Year. L Siiliscri{t(iuii- will !?o r'-ochotl ai iiii. Office ( in Mil!)> will! *t:is i'ajMT. i i "l 111? i XIOX 1'lMI.-' Illl l C.IM Y ? I.Mil i: .UK for one Year, ;ii Loak ! Premiums to Club Raisers : i11 (>\i. i '? y nneyinr i>o . 'i'Vi i i copies an I I i :i, i ;u i:iu (.< clnh r .i :J TO j Til 15KF. copies an i "J > n^i avinj;s i< eluh ' e raiser ? - > [ FOlll copies an 1 engravings t? eluh raiser ii HO | | For a chili ??!" FIY K, wiili a remit! nice < 1' 10 ">0 : | we will j; venue free copy i I'llie !."'ly's liook lor .me year, anl any '< of the en- c "ravings the eluh raiser may select. For a eluh of TF.N, wiih.i reiuiiiauec of.. Is -Vi we will give one copy of Hie l.a-ly Hook for one year. In vn^nnin;;> ami a halt lsoine |iuia !oli>. I For a eluh of I'l r 1'F.ITN, with a remittance I of 7 on " mi' Mil! };ive one e j.y the i oly s Hook l'.,r one year. I " engravings an I a l.uii'l-i one |ioi i folio. For a eluh of Twenty, with a remit lance of :l", Till ' we Mill give one ropy o. the I.a ly's . I'om I for one year, theemire "JO engravings ail 1 a halol-'Olie po| I folio. | 1 (>:i application tlie l'tihlishers will furnish a 1 > li-l ..I ilie Tvwiiiy l*i.^i-1vilV<?m uliicii v.m 111:1 V Mi i!\?* V. in* kvvii -i'Ic -l ion. | ?-riiiD'ii < ?j.y < !' I.ny's 1!ml; s?. :11 free In ;i cluli r:ii>iT; only. A'l ln1"! all Ofi'iiiimucalion-j, IT i' II !!iis <;< ?!>!: I.A !?V : I'.ooK. I'liilii'U'ljiliia, i'a. j | l't-c 1") f>() if I.! ,;4I } N! !' j Ifcpl-i }, . \ ? v-' Xu?5?rS ! < b/v.i'-! ' "4' . i. r. 4 4 I [ [j S y-?& ' j l i . . . ! ' . . . t si.. <. ( ' i'. . ' ' I r in;-;'. ' : . : : .1 ill | ,' 1 tc" '* * ' .' \ 1 a"": /J ;V ' ^ ^ V" j< ? ' ' I vi-i . . i. . 1 < . .. -t ? ;l. 1". l?r.?s?ri ; !> : *ry. : ?:i rlo . : M I V I.U ? .v : , I . . V f . i! 1' :i: i . : .vhI U ?. ? FINAL NOTICE. | \!.l, poi' in li'l ii'1 |ii (he firm of J. T. ] j ..Mill ,v l' ? ui'f lii-ri'liy lint |:iviiiiii is 11 piiri11. Ml Note . Aiv iiii' . i-ilu-r ! f.ii'iii- if i: i I ? ' n v- I: i < s in i -: i.. | ill lii-:'.iri> tin* I lii-I .l.iv of Iiiiiii try Hi*\1. 11' ii'>! | i'i I !"V ilni j I In*' I ii<"V \v ii I 11 . ' I I ; ! I In- !: "IS i- . !" fill At I , :. . 11. \ : r I' w '.i'i 'ill i r\ i". j O I*, I ' II I Anotr Homf>Made Fertilisers.V<nv that t!ij season's crops have bee naiuly see tired, it behooves farmers'to uiak jarly arrangements for next year's opera ions and productions. It is not ouly iui aortant to decide is to what crops shall b jrovvn?having in view a judicious rotation ?but to'provide therefor suitable fertili*?rt fhere is so much uncertainty i t uiauy C he commercial fertilizers now in vogu hat few of them prove as reliable nud va title as represented. Fur this cogent rest iou it v.ill bo wise for farmers and garden ts to make their ow i fertilisers, ao."f*V^t on ve n icrtV, lilt is not pr i^l |e title tt\" is iitinly. Those who depend solely or unit: y ujvm it ):ii < id u'tnur a >t only kit >\ hi y h ive sotit thing v.ihiible, and that ea to relied up ?u. hut are u subjected to th --es and d.-ijin liutni Mit< which >> oltet inppen to c ikivat ?rs who j>! tee their cntir lop n 1 .moo up >a on) it >:i lerlili/.:rs. l itis is the season when all smgtgcd ii aid culture should attend to the erupts leap, an 1 we tru>t n ?:ie of our rural read rsne.:!e t a matter so essential t> the; fosperity. Speaking "f "compost,' tun f?w to if 'pare it, a c uiteuipor try in th .irtliea>t gives so tie hints which are als pp'ie.ib'ie in the >S milt and S >ut!i west.? t peri in utily says th it many firm ws il oluiv Ire Is of 1 ta 1 s . {'t he be ?t nt tti ire in this way: They gather together oi It- preniis.? forest loaves, cornstalks, in !u ling the m its. weeds, vines, ert'al frn.t enee corners, muck Ir en i> tn Is and ditch s, ue.a?i >:i il sprinklings of lime thruiii'l ho :ni--\ 1 lyors of h miy arl 1:1 inure, aiu hu? Lull.I up >! ! >n^ spines an 1 1 t iv ! tin over winter. When April arrive; lie in t.-s lias ; ?:u through fonnentutioi ml comminution, ai.J presents a ;:i nni 1 u rliiir.ini; matter better thin a small :;n!ii nine wouhl to the proprietor oi'tlie larni ?nt we want to see these oonip ist heap ii the garden, an 1 there it :i > reason whj h -y shouM ii t lie there a> '.to !! as upoi he farm. There i> rubbish cnou^li in tin mien, with the a- Utao?e of leaves, s: inn louhl from the v i -1;. if aU unable ; if no loin portions of the prom Acs sv lere it cm ie spir. il ; scrapings from the turnpike lanuro from the ntabl". an 1 every altaiua ill! SuhstnlHV ill if will thlMU.'jIl ill I'intcr. A little si iki-1 liuio will ho a j?ooi ssislanoi*. A li:tIi"tl-loads of exctdlch iianiiro will he in hi il hrtured hy tin; tinn t is wanted in tl?i! sjif'.ii r. without incur i 111; a cent ui'aotu il < >: j? 11- and at tin* s ;i:i inn: the end mi v. til ho clour 1 of its vim.tail;*. wnods. A(\ These >!!.!oostin!:s timely and w nth ho atf iili-iti and notion of nil intoreVoi n tli culture of iIn- soil, wh-th r in li h r garden 1 lie ni i!;in; nl' I'-rtili/. r- at l.oin > an i: 11 it >rt:i t si ml nroliiuhlc industry, situ i i iino s!n u! I ueehcl tli il ;jiv:i' s iiirctj u n_'i! i runs and c m - ja ;iit sirosp m ity, tin oiuno-t lioaji There are v iri iu> nth : mms nl' fertility which i' is the j. viiiir iroviuce of tin: wise cultivat a' to utiliz 1 ?ut which wo will not s'.ticinj t to eve nuuieralo in this coniu'cti-'u ?// -a J). / M > ii'' nt S hi lit i'ii /.i ''it O ri.oui. > i cur. i .\; r i i. ; ai.s.? I'lio eoclo^I?~ti il Syii 1. wiiio'i !?- : i it initios in St. I atrirk's t'lthelrd. Xcv i"vk. aii'l w h : d ii 1 *r it i:?:is cum : to IdM! <'!K til-.- J'tll of i . t III Olltll, is Slid dl! Tees which am now in tho li mils of tli >rii11oI* :111 i will bo publish -1 about tli aid lie i>i" t!ii> in oiili. Tii? y am not to b flit to Kmac lor rat:li i*t *:i, as lias bee ii; p '.-ill. lor they relate to malt.-is o( m >i i'> a11' 1 not ol faith, ami therefore do tin e<juim Roman ratification. 'i lio.-e iws nt??r?*>tin!; to the public are a decree lb oil i ! !iiif; jiri *ts to attend dramatic opi iticji if nuances in the aires, one I' rbiddin: attend.hum at race eoiirs S and on uakim; lite we iring of tlie rabba or lloui ii oilar i v upon p.iests There i ib i a deer prohibiti,:o the use of li met it funerals, except in tlio case of youn thildreii, where they may hi appropriate! lH'd in typifying the inn ?c nee and purit >1 tl:e dead. N 'DO oi the decree.- ileal wit no einusein'.'iits i>I di<' laity. ? Fins Hi !<\s wti Si.'Ai.ns.?Nntliing 111>r?* Mini llill;^ tliail ill ' wllito Ill' Ml CJTJ vliicli limy , uivd over llns \v mi'l. I s siiIter :i-i :i v 11*11i -!i i ?r ; Inirti th:ui en!! 1 i 111. ;111?1 brill.* :i!w:\ it !. :;s 1 cm be :ij ilie.I imuii'ili atrly. it is ;i!sh:iii rj eoe'.iti !i mi the "ttvci oil and c ;t(nn wliiuli was I". iierly siijipnseil In lie the sur >t a|>|di.';li . i allay (lie smarting ] i n k is the c m ,ii*l Willi lie air which aivc.s tii; cXtivti liseniiiliirt t'Xji rieiioe 1 lYmii llie ordinal leeiil' nt of this kin 1 and anything wliie 'Xelti li'S (lie air and jii'cvi.nts inll imiiatin is I lie tiling tii Im at mir :?j?j !; ! o J lave )' n any nice tre-'i 1m :ii r's egg-', i:i<jnio a | . eisi >11 i.nly at a /r-i.vry >i i ' N.? uia'sini,"' refdiod (lie pr tie I in I cl < I 11 we hav if \ ry .* ! a'She ti'k ii! try. ?h > ! b vii o wMtruHK^RftSairs r.i 1 w ) U.S. Kuropcau ('.hi. ii i* tl*o ( u?it >1 at 0 i^atq^jVN^^HHrc h i l both boon u U) speech tin! House of p l. tWnr^^pBKiL upon which wo wore com enough to tub ?r w ion in public lite.? p lie warn,' h pver Iisad^MUHmft&vcr equalled, peril ips, by b turn. I Was a pel of MT ('1 iv. and 1 j often board bitn and all bis ??ro:it eotetnpo- it v i rario^ speak. but, alth in^h sometimes over- e n i whelming, he was not the equal of AIr. w e | l'reston. (May. Webster, Calhoun, Choato, b i rvireynt >. front iss, an.I all the other great | u 0 orators oi Jay li iJ oaeh his own paeu- I a liar sly!--, and each was different fr en the , h a other; but Preston seemed to combine >' t ail- it 1 I once witnessed a scene at M s, f i ' ieorgia, which 1 can never Ibrg-t, and P d | wliicii, ridieuloui as it scci:i-<l afterwards. * > ' : furnished for that very reason the most h j c inclusive and striking pro if of Mr u - Preston's abs date control over an au lienee. | P I !iave thought of it a thousand times, and ; t? 1 kiii w 0 no paralla' to it. *d 1 * It wi in the Clay campaign of 1S I I. ? 11 An iaiino s-e audience, fifteen or twenty 1,1 i thousand, bad assembled to hear Preston. A largo stage had been erected, which was j u ' crowd -d with nromineir persons and the j w 1 : Ml.. I . ..... I... l .... l : 'I'l. .... ! tl <iiuii11 >4<4u .4^ j'.n rv'.vi aiuuii i it. i nrru | " was the usual buzz ait 1 confusion incident j 'i s j to such occasi't i.s, unlil alter l'rc.stmi ; h a J ! en 1 been speaking a lew moments, when it lot ' n ' itau to subside, and soon l!:ore was u| dead , I silence, except the uiusic of that wonderful j ' voice, lie was in line condition for his ai s work, and wont at it in his best style. The '' ' silence seemed to intensity as the tide of his i<i eloipi :uce poured ove-r tlie dense miss of i enchanted listeners. W ith the swell of his nl a | . onor ms voice the aulience seemed to rise ' l j on tiptoe, and to sink hack aitain with its I ' i i cbljine; cadences ; and anaiu they swayed ! p: ', with the sweep of his arm like a \> heat field i id - to t'ae breeze. At length, in a magnificent j ci a j hurst. . *' to ic-itioii--with his lonu arm | td 1 raised h'uh, his eyes Hashing, and the mul- j ^ t ! titudo hunting breathlessly upon hi.-words- i h c ! he seized the brown wig which he wore, j d - in ! i it up over his .shining bald head, and, ! t c .s'iil soai in^ m 1]is s?? ? 1,1 flight, repltael j a. ' 1 it < / </.? ir s aii<! soared on; and, sir I assure ! h , \ 'U that there was n<>t. ia tllat vast au'lieuee j m y , llit! ripple of laughter at this must ri- , il I diculous performance. hut, on the eountr.i- I ri I ry no one seemed even t ) notiee it. so e en- ; e ; pletcly entranced was every listener."? . I ! ('!mrl'>l!c ( A ('.) Jount t!. j N ri ^ ? - ; ir . I A Wiurrc Lahv Assai j.vki? nv a Mot:. > , , ir . ! ?On W'e.lnes'iay ol" last week a mob of i |p . | eoloretl women went to the residence ol' Mr. ' f : 1'. I'', lioone near Horn's Mills, and made ,, an assault upon Mrs. Mooiie, one of the j ) i women witli a i open knil'a ate! several v* I others with elnhs. Mrs. Uooiie's daughter. 'l J a^ril 1 1 years, attempted to interfere, to l : protect hermetic r nil :i she was struck . ' 1 j severe blow with a stick by one ol the j *' v 1 neer.) women. Mrs. !> iium succeeded in | '' a | warding oir their attacks and filially made ! " | lo r escape into the h >u e and taking d ami , '' e i i i . i i . . i iii nor lim-nann s snot "nil v.viu <?ui ayaiti whom ; " the neprues fled. It appeal.- that tine ol'tlio j v 0 j ivunu'ii bora in llii! cuijiloy of Mrs. 1' " : 1 > :<>nc* 'm l lia'l boon u:i .-;n>j>ioi> n " <?!'Ii iviii;4 .-toleii som ; articles (V on tin; ' ' I bmiM?, ami beiiux intv jseil at this .-bo cul- vv ' K c'i -1 a tiinbati'l i:i :<1 tlu- a-s :u!t mj in Mrs- ' 1 j ami lior daughter. Mr-. Ilium: i- a Vl , si>ti r of Slioi'lUOu/.t. 'i'lireo of the im^ro ' ^ women have been arrested ami arc tu?\v in ; the County jail.? A'/y /! I f ('hroui fr. j II . - yt N s' I? 'lis -S.v v ;vi! m:s (" \ i.'a; ii r. -I'liila lei pliia. I 'a., ! '* ' liccrmbcr >. ?I-rank Alc.Naniee, i> 11o!i I'illct 1,1 ; an-1 l.rvi I'liew, ill'.: laiier a cilmv I inia, w< ve y l nrTost in! lata Mm.'lay niplit white drivinz a wnpuii ; ' .. eoti'.iiniiijr five dead belies in the Medical fob I '!' ' lepe. The Italics lull been -I'llell fi an tin' V Lebiuai < Vinci cry, a burying jrr,mud I" n* colore I 11 ; jier-mis in I lie lower jiart of ibe oily. I lie ,l! j prisoners are professional Ke.-urreelioui-ts" . 11 I and ?Iioir operations have been curie I on l"ir a : , , longtime. 1 lie detectives visile 1 Use cemetery , is pi- iiii*I and arrested llobcrt Clieiv. it- siiperin- | 1 ' t, | lenient, and Andrew Mullen. When llie body soisitilnss wi re brought *.? t'oiirl y< .-! _iliry ] t. ; nsiri .vv!y P-ei|>i'.l lynching :it 111 Inm Is of si ; ' , ; in !> wiiidi /siiLcrv'l :?r<>;iii'I tin- Court. j i''t.i.i iiiA, lU'comWr 7. ? Ac lAm >11 [' . (Vinricry cliiriy *. nv. a wis e ? j ??ti? I i >->lny. f | I'imiii si'> >111 li:i!f of ilit'iit tin' l.o'lips In I y -. il iv ^lulcsi. Tiir limit!i ilcj arSiiK iil will tint nliow 11 ' any iiiorii p .* ivrj i > ! sir.I ii ii i i 1 it >!i:i!i liiiv- ir ii ! mctHniiicsl aI.i-.s. -. ilie |iur?on InlorrcJ tllc?l .> from contusions >lis> use or not. j I>' . o . ? ? j '*' ic l.vsi'ilINO IV l.'il'isi \ \ ? New Orliins, I>e [' .. COIll'ilT P.? Oil Wr.|||cs.|:iy ni'.flit llir jsiil ?1 <?<n*.-? I 1,1 ; sii II i-i r>>:-, I. v., \v??ri? broken i>?n l>y si .! irr11 i tniiiI-1 Ixrly of ii. lij/u'iut moil, uii-1 Tom llolon- j s< ii miii siiol I'.ill <Vj>:is were tnkrn mil nn 1 loisi^oil. I I*nl>)iC opinion is hi sympathy with iln? lynchers, I II'I 'Irsirc to fttil I Iirin out lirilio mi I! i fr-1 > I - I !:?-! * ' > SII'<l:iV :? licj<l' > sil'.io I Wesley A 111 i*?: '.V < '' ' ' rn lo'iv'.r >1 to murlcr si wliitr mm n-iiio-1 M j, . Iloivril, i i^lit mill's from Histi-op. I'i. n -^r > , lim 'x'l'i capture I, nri<l report* nro tint .In l?o k l.y ii<*'i 111 v I Ills c.'tso !i t His-!:' Itrlnljfciif ii > j ii ' > vr siro'i " I i lie '|'!r. w!i> ii rr I-i , mi tic- I ; .it mi! > -r: ui > - !ri". o t " > . > | j i..i 1. I. I ' Now r<< Imimiovk nn: llottstfs Wai.k 1 -\V(' will t > bc^in wit!*. :i horse ol lie >w .\ t w.iI!; it?_r pace. s ay ab ?ut three tiles per hour. To improve this, put him !jn.:>ule of a horse, either led or ia harness, j hose w ilk i> ab >ut. three ami a hah miles j or hottr: an 1 whet) the throe tailor has ! ante up t>> this, then pa' hitn al ai^side of fair tailor, an 1s > i;?on increasing until ho as reached the utmost limits of pieo it is ?s>ibb* to <;ot out of him. Af.or this ia i lia^ or ilrivin^ keep him up steady to this est pace, and in process of time it may brume almost natural nuJ easy to him. The reason (says American contemporary) : is best to b\;in with at empt to only inrease his pice half a mile per hour is. if o I no? 1 .it lir>t to d > it iastoe than this the i;?rsc .vouM ho constantly breaking into trot t > k mi up with liis cimpmim. | n l i i o in<o.j!i moo. his vv.ilk would u >1 bo ! nproved. I'ho object is to keep him stead- | y t i a walk, and not permit him to break ! Trotting horses are improved in the itao in't!i id; they are kept as strictly (? lis pie.' as p ?sible whenever exercised r used, and n it allowed t i gallop. If they roak i;it i a gallop at any time on being rgod to do th.-ir utmost on the trot, .ey are iustauliy cheeked and brought back i tho tret. I5ut if a horse is naturally a >\v walker, it will retjniro considerable me and no little patience to much increase is speed at this gait. A reliab! last walker must he I orta so, ud the best, ijuiekest, and in fact cheapest ay to gel ;,{ t'.J. fa breed liiui. l'or ic purpose, select the fastest walking st 1on to be found, and breed him to the last?t walking mare obtainable. As a general ale these will drop l'a>t walking colts. The islcst of those when grown should ho sooted for breeding and so go on rearing id selecting til! the breed is as well cstabshed l'or last walking as those of last trotrs or racer s now are. may lh)!)!v that Special breeding lo jtain fast walkers is not necessary; and sat any sal t ol' a ii use can he trained to it. uch doubters have only to carefully com ire tin: anatomy of a lust walking horse ongsido of that of a slow walk r, to be anvineed oi" the necessity of breeding for lis special purpose, tor the ililVereucc bean-en the two in various nice points will I e found considerable in bone, muscle, ten. ! on, cord, and to sum uu, in general struclire. IMaeo a heavy Ihrui of earl horse longsi 1: of a I .-l trotter or racer, at. 1 see ' ow very dillereut they are in mike-np; j n 1 how impossible it would be to iucroa-e j i" pieeol the fonuer, either in a trot or a hi, to to it of the two latter. The thing out of ilui .ju -stion?all the teaching id training of the world eoti! 1 not do it I ow, like, as a general rule, begets j ke, and if you want fi-t w dkers. in order obtain ll.em ol a iiatui il, easy, re? able gait, tliey must he bred lVoui fast walk- j ig p irents. ? l.n/jiv< Sto 'k ./i/itriiul. | * * : . . i'i.itst MMoxs.?Although this Iruil grows ! ild i:i our Southern Statu;, it is a most de' eious i' V . ::ii 1 there is no reason why ' my shouM not i*iviii ;i source of revenue i farmers. Mr. J.tines A. Uarwoul, of .ivI 1- 'it 1lounty, A . <has recently shipped ; i Chicago a lot of this fruit, lot* which lie ! n:eive<l *? 1 li per lejxhel Tail ^ 'iitleni in I votes a "eat <le:tl ?>f 'tis 'inie to a"rieul ... I tral expeinm nliii" ami propagating new i u ieties of fruits, ati l it is his opinion that | te common j er>i:ninou.s eotihl he i'!v nprovetl in (ptality hy cultivation, a <i he ' i- u tw* ituin ions cuttings of the tree from ' hicli lie gathers the fruit incutioiieil above ! i<1 has plauttol sjiue of the semi with a i evv lo prae'.ie illy tc-t tin- a haulages from ( Ue-tic tlmg the Uiitl plalit. ? . 9 ' A l*M\i.!!sm, l'i.l/./.\|:;?. ? \\ US ll Lii011. Ii, |)cnili..|. 7. ? Inlvii-f colli |iri'V:iils ail over tlio oil'i' i n I niie l Slates nit I <i lo ati.l Ureal ' rilaii:. la ilie .\oriinvr?i iliis hiauiiii; (ho I lonmuaeler r.ui/i 1 IV >m o * > lo ilearees ' flow i rii. In i iie i I ii 1 >n Iti'.er Valley i lie i In-r ia< i in- ! er I.a i'lilea "J'i ilogrees ill twenty lour liuiirs, ; i I i. sliil falling. All over great lliilaiu a , >ree s?nil rajre. fe!e 'raoliio eoiiiinuiiiea- i ii ' . ! w era I. el-iii nii<I (ila </ >w is interriipleil, i i I a'-o in ntii;T lit ft-:i ii: ?. Many wrecks urc I>i?i*l? 1 a! iii^ the I?; it:^!? eea-1. \\ viiim.Iiin, December 7. At mi Iniolii lite , i 1 tor >' i.i I :it r?>n?v?? zero in;<J was lliiijjr ! ' in every fifty five ii.;niitc->. t'ur.n. I :. ... December 7. ?N avigaiiuii was i>|>eirle I lo-ilay on t'se upper ' flito ; i**! Missis, pi Itivers. Tin: I)' :v i\ (' 11 i \ 11-In -t case In-fore ie Supreme (' ni! t of I he luiie-l Stales lately it I-- !,- Ii I tii i- - it; ni tie<, e idi emisislino of n ir> n >li' { an I an ir Itnekle, linjiorte I in hi lies, i i> a 111n lie i- iti>i>tii|o ol I" strips mi* 1 j i Iniekl; < -ii'li strip I i l'-el lotto an I the whole lackenel, are Milij rte<l to a'Inly of :>-* per cent. j Ivaloreta i in inula -turns of iron not otherwise r vi 1? I f.r in: ler ih" >j!iij tub- in Section "J. 11. !levi>e I Si itutes, aiel not to a <luty ol one ' ni one-half cents per {? nn-I tinier the sail ' lie lulc as hau l hoops an I scru'.l iron. .? Taking iij Ihhii hi r.icc a- ;i whole, s-iys ! :i i x<*!i ui'.'''. it is olj-. rvcil tint rucvs 1 iv | in*411 -t > \"!>i*ivrly "H in.- it h iv.1 Ik*, n ' lie iii"..?t iv (?!i Not ii i :i|.t to nil.:'., : i ii'i i hi ' hit into a H'iv:i^.' as . I.. v ;!? > , ; !> i:i 1 f'?r a r n-t iti. l lli ll till 1 it li :i ! i- ! HI^Ill I - IvHl'lt r. 1 Oi '/ ?>r 111 k 1 >?vl?rils. ? Mary Jackson entered the t'iiieinnati police court-room and ask oil t<? he scut to the work house, iler story as tol.l the court was a sad one. and we give it here : Po you think, Judge, if I had any place to go to that 1 would conic here and ask that soincthiii'; be done for ine ? Po you think 1 would ask to be sent to the work* house '/ book at me, Judge! I have n> money, and wha will give me any? Look Uiii.1 ! 1 ain'clothed in rags, and who will give me cloth ng? 1 am hungry, who ^ will iced too or give uio a home? 1 aui can't do as 1 once did. For ten long years * I have had no home, and 1 have done noth* ing but make the tauio old round from liucktowu to the ttatioti house; from the siiiimn lit tins court, to listen to tlio s:imc old sentence; from tho courtroom to tlio workhouse, from tho workhouse tothowh skey shops, bock to tlio station. Ami so year after year I have been kept moving. Oh ! I'm terribly tired of life ! Ilelativcs? Yes; ! have two'brothels, but fJcul knows where ? 1 ilon't. I have not seen them for twenty two long years. Onee 1 wis sonichotly ? now, as you see, 1 am nobody. What has brought me to this? Why, drink and bad company. What else ever brings anybody to my condition ? I was born and raised in Owen county, Ky. In ISfil I eaine to Cincinnati. There was plenty of bad company here and 1 f? II into it. Why not go to Kentucky when I get out of tho workhouse and find my brothers? Where iu tho last tin years was I^to find respectable clothing, where was 1 to get money ? Who would give me either ? I tell you it has been from one whiskey shop to another, then to the station, then to the workhouse, lor ten years, and I am getting old. M,r right name is Kllen ijtoitb *"v* wor^ *"* ",u 0:K' a l''acc I have been in worse, niueli worse. I eomo before you in my sober mind, Judge, and ask you to send tno there. There is nothing more for mo in the world but misery. I am broken down. I ean never be anybody now. Hut onej, Judge?once ? I ?was ?" Her despondent tone and tearful face, together with her graphic description of her condition, moistened the eyes of many who listened in the solemn quiet that prevailed in the court room. "Yours is a sad, sad story, Kllen !" said Judge Higl y, visibly a fleeted. "Would the infirmary not he a better place '( "Oh, I would like to there if they Would lake me. I am very tired." The court continued the case with a view to have her admitted to ihc infirmary i 1* possible. An exchange remarks that if subscribers to newspapers generally kno?v how impel* tant it is to publishers to have each iudividUil subscription jiai.l at the proper time thry would si t tlowu in tlioir memorandum hook tho date when a fresh new year begins and would, he as prompt as iu the payment of a note in bank, in meeting it. It is true that so small a sum as a lew dollars is not much in the eyes of iiinety-iiiue in a hundred subscribers, but the aggregate of several hundred amounts to considerable am] any one call estini itepiiidjudge what it may be to any publisher engaged in an active business. ? KoiNiiMIiW I. IMil.W lb MUM!.?Scald one <iii:?rt of sweet milk, into it .stir five rouude 1 lablesiioiiliils of Indian meal, one teacup of brown >.ur:ir, or live l;tI*hj spoonful of Jii'il.t >, one teaspoon of fjinjp'r ami a lit lie salt; put in a moderate oven to bake and in hall' an hour stir in one cupful of, cold iidi 'niik ; bake two hours. This i:. improved by adding a teacup of stoned raisins when the cold milk is added, hervo with cream or hot sauce. A l>oriii.k <'\i.\miiv. ? Mr. Win. Ilarncs and hi* estimable were ri ling in a buggy last week, near I'anberg, when, from some cause unknown, the bottom of I lie buggy broke or came out ami Mr. Humes fell through, breaking his nriii in the fall, ami on I hat or the following night Mrs. H.mics, while giving him the necessary attention, IVII from ihe tUpps of their dwelling ami Ins ke both of her arms. Tain is certainly a sad ntllielioti lo this aged couple, as Mr. Hnrnes's age is 7>? or 7d years and that of his lady over <70. - - ? F\tt*iino Wri.i. 1'\ v.? I.ast year Mr. .1. J. Kelly of Anderson hougiil a tract of land near Hell oil from Mr. .1. K. Hreujcule for .'J'J.oOO. This year ho raised hales of coll ii ami *iOU bushel# "f corn. The cotton was sold at an average of It) cents per pound, making enough to pay for the id ire and siiimort his fan ilv. lie ex nor Is to nitiko To hales of cot ion next your. This demonstrates the folly of tfoinjC West when such success ( in he attained at home. ? liit'K <?n -A r.?rrc-|?'>inli,iit wiites the |i?l!o\v;tr_'to tii" Mirror urn! f trim r : ''Say to the readers of tin- Mirror that fine s ilt siitoiI over cattle IV :? bend to tail about this time, i^ tui r> Peceuiber and February. is a sure preventive or tcimdy l'?r lice. I h iv.* ts-od it six years without fail. Al> ujt a j'int to a <:ro\vii animal. Have oerasioiially skipped an animal f..r cXp1':*ito :it. a i i ty \v. uM ! ii*y ' i