The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, December 15, 1882, Image 3

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m MASTERS SALE The State of South Carolina. couxrr of rx/o.v. Court of Common Pleas. TIioiiiu It. .Icier, .is A >r of A. Wallace Tli misou, decease I, I'lamtiJ', aytiinxt, Aurilius Wallace Thomson, I) j' i h t'. IS obo lience to an mile in I lie above enlitlcil case by llis Honor W. II. Wallace, Circuit Ju'lge, I will soil before the Court House iloor, in the town of Union within the legal hours of sale, on the first M'Ui'iay in Januiry lsst, the following described property to wit: Two Tinvo Aero Towa Lots. All that certain lot of land lying, situate and being in the town of Union, just below the ohl Methodist i now colore 1 U.ipti -1) church, contain itig about six acres, Inuti le I l>v lands of Maj. 15. II. Itice, l?r. M. A. Mure*, mil N. II. A. Dunbar. This lot l'ur:iishe< g ??I p isturag ; an I wilt be diviJed iu'.o two lots with running water in each. Past tirade Lois in the Town of Union. All that certain lot of l.r.i I lying, situate and being in (lie Town of Union, containing six acres, in ire or less. This lot contains the line bottom Ian I upon which the late Dr. Thomson made one h indeed a id twenty-live bushels of corn per acre, and is now iu condition to make most excellent pasturage. Hounded by lands of .lames ttrani. ('. It. Itobersoii and W. Me'.ure. This lot will be divided iuto two lots with running w;;t. e ia each. ONE ACRE TOWN LOT. Ml that certain lot of laud lying, situate and being in the Town of Union, containing about one acre, bounded by lot last above mentioned and lot of Mrs Myers. THE METTS TRACT. One-half of all that certain tract of laud lying. l.oing an 1 situate in I.aureus t.'ounty, Sta'e nforcsit' I, known as the Metis place." The entire tract contains ubiut thirteen huii lro I acres, situated on Kuorcc llivur, bouu 1 by hinds of John (in roll an I others. The interest of A. Wal ace Thomson, deceased, ^ in the one-half to be sold is one undivided oiiehalf, but by consent of the other joint owner the entire one-half will be sold and deeds for the same will bo made. Tonus of Sale : One fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of one an 1 two years in C'|tial installments with interest from d ly of s lie, to be secured by bond of the purchaser u:i l a mortgigo of ibc premises. 1 VMIN MITVlin Master for Union County. Doc lb b() .'It The State of South Carolina. corxrv of ex/ox. Court of Common Pleas. S. I.. Davidson, Kxecutor of K. (i. Davidson, deceased, I'htintiff, against, Caroline Davidson, ct <//, Di'fai'linl.i. JN obedience to an order made in llie above . entitled case by His lienor W. II. Wallace, Circuit Judge, 1 will sell before tlie Court House door, in the Town of Union, wi'liiti the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in January ItSSJ, the fo lowing described properly, to wit : All that certain tract of laud, kit twu as the (Jilkey Tract,'' lying, being and situate in (J ni loysville Township, Union County, containing one liatnlre I and lifty acres, inorc or less, houn led by lands of Thompson Kobhs, J. C. Vowler an I tiilkey and Tliickety Creeks. All that certain other tract of land, known as "the Jackson tract, lying, being and situate in Clou loysville Township, Union County, containing seventy acres, more or less, hounded by the .'iiikey tract, lauds of W- K. X. Usles, the home place of 11. U. Davidson an I lands of J. (.'. T'owlcr. Terms of Sale : One third cash, the balance on a credit of one and two years in e<ptal installments with interests from day of stile, to he secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. JAM l-'.S M I'M IK), Master Ibr Union County. Dec lb f?0 ':it The Slate of South Carolina. corxvv or v.x/ox. Court ol" Common Pleas. Isaac K. I'.uilk, Itich ir l IS. D.iulk, Miry I!. Sniii!i an I M. \'ictnri;i Smith, J'/iitutijl'*. (if/iiia* t, 1 ie111:111 I'. I'aulk, T. I', (i. Gregory, 1>. A. Gregory, Isabel Gregory, .1. ('. liun'.er ami David Johnson, Jr., Jh>j\inl,in!x. IN obedience loan order nude in tlie above . entitled cise by llis Honor W. il. Wallace, t'ircitil Judge, I will sell, before the Court House J ur, in the town of Union, within the legal h inrs of sale, on the first Monday in January lss.;, the following deseribjl property, to wit : All th it certain tract of lan 1 lying being and situate in Union Co.inly. State aforesaid, con^ taiuiiig live hundred and fifty acres, lying about five miles below Union Court House, on the Spartanburg, Union and Columbia Kailroad, and b uiii led hy lan Is of William Savage, Mrs. l.*..;.t.f \i... it it' i, ii i...:.. i' if iyiii-iii, .?ui. i itiui, ?? . i'. 11 (i in |>urir?, i. ?? . Smith mi I Williniti Monro. S.i'ul Inn 1 will he sold in one or more tracts. Terms of Sale : One thir l cash, the balance on :i credit of one mi l twoycirs in c|U il installments with inlet* r-t IVoin day of Sile, to he secured by hotel of the purchaser mi I n mortgage of the premises, ,I.\MI'.S MI'Mltl, Master for I'tiioti County. Hoc ) > .r?i> :',t mm... sj!..t,. ,.p si.. 11. orxrv nr t/.v/ox. Court of Coinni >11 Pious. Ci i/.t 1 i Peeler, '.Villi mi M Pooler, W. A. Peeler, J. I'. Peeler an 1 Mary P. Peeler, by Cauzada Peeler, her guardian ?/?/ litem, I'i,unti0i, J. M. Peeler in his own right and also as \d ininistrater of the go mIs chattels an 1 ere lits of Anderson .1. Peeler, /tefem/niits. ( N oho lionet? to nn or-ler mole in the above _ entitle 1 eise by llis Honor \V. II. Wallace, Circuit Judge, I will sell before the Court Mouse door, in thr town of Cnion, within the legal hours of s ile on the first Mon lay in January iss.;, the following described property, I > wit . All I hut co-lain tract of I to 1 lying, being and sitiuatc in Cnion County, State nforesail, cm Jniiiiii.' "iii linn Ire 1 mi 1 f ?riy I! i*?? aeres. ii'ljoining lnii.l-i of .1. I!. .leU'eries. Aiiiiiu Tiylor, SV. A. I'ueler, .1. I'. I'ecler nil I otluiv. Terms of Sale : O ip I liir I < i<!i, mi 1 I In? lnViacp n i i < ]; I ,i| it I I w i ye i '* s in r |'l 11 ill <1 ill iii I'll I -i, u i 111 interest trim >1 ly ot' .site, In In? -eeuiv I I?y t>< u.I lit llie |uirc!lisur ;i:i'l :i III >l t r l^e 'if the premise:. J \Mi:< \|!'\'i! I. ,\| l~i I'l' i' if t IlioM ' I "It V . II. "0 1 I el .1 holiday AffaAcnaas at 'in;: LITTLE GREEN FRONT. THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE CHOICEST VARIETY I OF GOOD TIIINGH. < I IIA YD just received the largest nn?t choicest i I Stuck of FANCY CKOs'UUIDS :> 11 1 li'H.lLtAY (.iOODS ever brought to Union, such us Fancy Cakes n i-1 Crackers, liolngna Sa:j<ago si tut Cheese, I'ossicstcl Coco.unit, >, Dots Ion I,aver Kaisins. Currants. Rest I.ay or Figs. Citron, lMtes. NUTS OF ALL, KINDS. Bost Brands of Canned Goods: Oysters, Sarilines, Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn, Rcatis, i'o.ielies, Pears, (Quinces, Dmtsons, Assorted Jellies an 1 Preserves. Mtecaroni. Pioklcs in Jars an 1 Rackets. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF \\S> FA\CY CA.^DIKS. I>,T TOYS I linvea very large assortment, an 1 something entirely New an 1 Novel. AN ASSORTMENT OF FIREWORKS. FANCY GROCERIES: My slock is very select in this line, to suit till who wish something nice ami Fresh. I EtJvST StRn ih Ol SSKMi8.\t? i .1 \C IIB:\VB\?; toimih). Tiic following Choice Cigtrs : Forest King, Town Talk, Standard of the Wurhl, Pansy. FBI I'S33 ?YSTi:!t>? livery Tuesilay, Thursday an-l Saturday. \Y. M. G1BBES. | .1 one dO 2<? tf Administrator's Sale. I") Y order of Probate Court for Union County, ) 1 will sell, on Friday the 2'Jd day of Decent her, 1 SS'J, at the late residence of Ciougli Bishop, in Santue Township, Union County, the personal property of the late Clonglt Bishop, Consisting of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCIIF.N FCUNI TUBE, Wagon and other farming intpleineuts, Buggy, llogs, Cattle, Mules, one Horse &c., Tonus of Sale : All items under cash on delivery of goods. Sums of tS'JA and upward on a credit of one year, witli interest from day of Sale, to lie secured !>y note of purchaser and approve I security. W. T. I.IT'I I.K-IOIIX. Administrator. Dec 1 4S :'.t TO THE LADIES - ANOTHER LOT OF rvicw ss.v/r?*; Foil NEXT WEEK. iWII,!, have a handsome lot of next _ week of the latest styles, s hapes and colors, | at t'rivos 11> Miiit ;cii. Any one that needs a pretty liat will do well to call lie fore jr die; elsewhere. ! A!<o, Flowers, Feathers, iSridal Wreaths, Veils, v\.e. A1 M11S. .IAS. U It A NT. \ IV I . I'". tf PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ! filllM I'nti'.ic ScIiik.1i will be .'pencil on Men.1. day, the Will of Jauii.'iry, lAHd. The examination of Teachers will lie held at v*iiitui im Friday .-in 1 Saturday. (lie *"?111:?n-1 ?tli ??l" January |s>:J. |-"ii lay for ihc Colored an 1 Saturday lor the white Applicants. No oilier examination until .Inly next. The Trim res are if picstc 1 to meet at Kotno appointed place it> their several Townships on Saturday the lidd llecember to receive application for schools, and, on the first Saturday in each month then after to an lit teachers' claims and transact ruelt ether School business as may I he necessary. 1>. A TOM N'Sl'.N 1>, School Commissioner. l*co S I'd lit Notice of Final Discharge. I) Y permission of Hon. ltavid Johns in Jr., ) .In lire of I'rol.ate for I'liioti County, we will, on the d>l day of January next, make our final Kclnrii as Administrators uf the estate of James J. Thomas, deceased, and apply for betters l>istnissory. All persons having claims ao.ainO said estate are notified to present them, properly ' attested, oil or before that date or they will be forever barred, and all persons indebted must imv ins iii* flitif tltiv DAVID A. THOM AS, J VS. .1. TIIOM VS. A'lia'rs .las. J. Tlminas. Dec I lK ot !>I 1 B0B5 'V. ? MRS. MARY VINSON, u -1 l'.?II 11< 1 winter stuck ol | FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. | I i < r stork is cnmjilctc, eoiii|>risin;; all (lie latest novelties. J J r litis arc Cujn I s I Ioiiic. O. I I'M I "! II' Farmers and Others READ THIS! READ THIS!! mil I'! mi Icrsi^nc 1 l.?vr-' " <' til ilie niionlimi <?f ; 1 Die | 111> 1 ic- in general !? | die I'ainiurs in : ! I'.-irlicul ir In llie I icl Oil , i< now j>roj>arci| |o 1 / _i V "? ^ i / ? ik "V -V * u.1 V X ' ^ r -1^ * OIMVO <OH\. SAW and DRESS LUMBER I on Tin: siioi;ti:st nothi:. I Inve recently :? 1 1 ? 1 to my * ii? hmoo :* fine ell dfO-e | ? r.iiiilnickii<>ii |*|:iiform ^i iles, which cimMi* l!ie Inriner Iii wei^li lii.? (Nil><>ti in I lie Wilful, thereby s:ivin<* iniicli time :i n I I liMiiMe. I li ?\c lv\?i i.-veiity , T'M ?:?\v ?;in *. ! inriiin ??111 :i lei!-' i i l?vei 'v live minute*. ii\e ine i IVi ! I V' ' ( !'.! I*. o. I I : II m | I i :? - -A- i ~i^ir DO NOT FORGET TO CALL' Ar MRS. SCHQPPAUL'S AND SEE SANTA-GLAUS, 111) WILL ONLY KKMAiN l'llLUM FUU A 8I1011T i'l "i 1) Kl ! | K went out lo see Patience" the oilier nigiit 'i I 1 ;iLtl look a slight colli, lint by next week ( lie will be all right again, so lie sure to go ?u>l see what a lot of beautiful new toys he has got, '] such as, China atiil Wax Dolls, f.oiu 'Jets to J.UO, * nu 1 llritatinia Tea sets, ' Cups an I Saucers of till kin Is. Vases, lhuniuet.-hoMers, Flowerstaniis, Fruit P.u-kcts an I oar-1 Koeei vers, Phutug uph and Autograph Albums, Shell ami other Work Boxes, Writing desks and l'uilor Guinea, Smoking sots lor gentlemen, Sinning Mugs, with soap an I brushes, \e. A FULL LINT. OF TIN ANl? WOOj>KX TOYS FOSI Cllll.lHJKN. i Wagons and Wheelbarrows, < 1 lobbv and stick Horses, i llorns, iM'iims, Pistols, l'icturc Hooks, i FIll'ITo OK ALL KINDS, ! Huisins, Currants, Citron, Figs, 1 French and American Candies, Pickles, in bottles and barrels, , Sour Kraut, i Canned Goods of ail Kinds. Oysters, Salmons Sardines, i readies, Pineapples, Corn, l'cns. Tomatoes, an<l many other tilings too numerous to mention Tea, Sugar, Coifec, an I Crackers of all kimls. Call ;;ii<l see for yourself. We have auything to suit the pocket cf the rich, the poor the old, and the young. All orders will he promptly attended to.? I Give nie a I rial. KAVrA-C'^AUS. I l?ec I IS if 1 HE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING ! :o: . Ntov is the Time to l' for them. FINEST VARIETY OF TROPICAL FRUITS IN THE MARKET. :o: Fresh Cargoes every Week. :o: IStiiiiinns, Coeoi.nuts, Oi*n n^e?i. >121 lit I*:i iKiiiM, I NORTHERN FRUITS. Apples, Fiqra, Peanuts, Raisins, Nuts, Citron, Currants. Orders tilled with dispatch. e . K UM d CO., mku'iomioii. i Oct'JO 12 lit,, Now is the Time ) I TO BUY A STOVE! .T77.Qrr i? TWO CAB LOADS,. Cooking and Heating Stoves, j Which will he sold at Pock J>ot-1 toni Prices. A (iooil Cook Stove. Complete, j with -- pieces, lor $15.00 ami i upwards. 11 Every Stove Guaranteed i i (IIIMTi: Til AX KVKH HlilOlM: ? .?. ? h GALL AND EXAMINE-!; JAMES H. RODGER 1 N >v 1<? l"? If 1 | I The State ol South Carolina, j | coi'.vtv or ai:/:/:.\ vn.i./:. Court of Common Pleas. i Samuel ,1. Il.mlliil, M-tuhr, 1 I uyiitixl, > Thomas S. .Moorman, tl ul. ) ] HV yiriiiu c,f a dcciclul uruerinadc in tin j above enlillc I euuso, I \\ i!I soil en S ilcs'Liy ; 1 in .liiiiimry ni'Xl, :it I nieii I'ourl House, at juib- i lie nilt'liell. 1111 111 IT till* li'ir il linlir< fif .-llo till. I following described properly. to wii: i Ml I lilt tract < ! laud, situate. lying an 1 he- < 111 jr iti Mr* Motility I' and Stale aforesaid, i hounded l'\" land's of .). Hunter, Mrs. ??? ] t'ofieM anl c-tale ot T. A. f'at lisle, containing I Six litin lie.I acres, more or le<-. helongino to , I l lie estate of lieu lien S, t'liick, deceased, and known as the (Soslien Mill place. . > TllltMS. One thirl of ilit* purchase money to he paid in cash, the remain Icr on a ere lit of twelve months, with Interest from day of Sale: the credit portion to he secured hy the hun I of } the purcnascr, and a mnri<n?0 of the premi es. I'nreha -er to pay for papers, Nov. US, 1882. S. J. DorrillT, Master, Keceiver of Instate of Kctihcn hick, dee'd. Deo 1 IS f.t Petition for Homestead. N '?i'l<'ll i- hereby given, that Mi s Amanda 1 Harnett and Miss I. >11i- i Harnett have ap- 1 plied l?v petition to me tor !i micst a I in I he real 1 ml personal proper! v of MI?S. S\l!\ll A. It UIMIIT an I the t state of I'll A i*. I.I'.S HAU-I N II I T. deceased. The 'J.I d iv of .l.inuary 1 Ii is I ee > fixed for In ai i i ii ! : et it; >n. .1A MI'S Ml MM. , M ' ter oI I ni o| iunil v 1 I'v. ' Is "u ' I : - - OALL-1?J LUJ-L L i ?J . *?- rrx^TO The State of South Carolina. coiwrr of r.v/o.v. Court of Common Pleas. Jitiuu l*. Ilolliug* worth, ) i'iaut.-j' J Summons ayaimt Louisa Iloltiiigswurth, An- ! for Itclief, Irewr llollingswort h, Sally J nooks, Fannie Adair, Adora j Complaint ' .'arlcr andoiher*. I ... , : f I>ri\n<lanta'. J Uot 6wvcJ' |*0 Louisa Hoiliiigswvrth, Andrew llolliugswortli, Sally Weeks, wife of John Weeks, Fannie Adair, wife of Isaac Adair, Adflra Carter, t lie children of Thomson 11 oiling* worth, deceased, whose iihiues and residence ate unknown. except his sons tieorge liotiiugswoi th and William Itolliugsworih: lite children ot Nathan llollingswotlh, deceased. whose names and residence tire not known; the children of Klizabcth Morgan, di'i'i'iisivl, whose names ' ami resilience are not known, ami the cltil- ! drcti of Polly Puller, deceased, whose names 1 and residence are not known, tn | this action. \ fOU are hereby Summoned and required to 1 answer the complaint in this action, which is tiled i:> the ollice of the Clerk of the t'ourt of ,'ommon Pleas for said t'ounty, and to serve a :opy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their ollice, at I'niou, in saiil I'ounty and State, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service : and if you fail to answer the complaint widiin the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Witness, James muuro llsq , Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County aforesaid, at the place aforesaid, the twenty-fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty two, and in the one hundred and seventh year of the Sovereignty mid Independence of the I'uited States of America. It ION & Mi KlSSlCK, I'iitinliO's' Attorn*#*. |skai. j Jamrs Mt xito, C. C. P. r. /J... /?- <?-i- ii If .... -a, .111.11 en I I (111 III^SW.II'I II , (icorjre llollingswortli, mil William liolliiijiswottli, sous of Thomson llo.lings worth, deceased, and his other eliildran whose names ami resilience are not known, the ehihlren of Nathan llollinoswort It .leeease.l, of l!li/al>e(h .W organ .leeease.l, ami of I'ollv lluiler .leeease.l whose names ami resilience are not known. Take notice that the summons in this action, .f whieh lite foregoing is a Co|>y, was tiled in the olliee of the Clerk of said Court for said 'Jounly ott the 27th day of November 1882. HlON .S: McKISSlCK. riutnliOs . 1 tlurni'i/.r. l?ec 1 18 ' tit JUST RECEIVED AND NOW OPEN AT P. 15. COHEN & BR 6' A Large and w ell J SELECTED STOCK or DRY GOODS, CIjOTIIIA < *, BOOTS AND SHOES, j fTa.tiS a.D(i fjans GUOCERI US, &o. WHICH WILL LK SOLI), i I LOW for GASH.1 Oct 12 '.Im An Ordinance. /'o y.'i mIitii'it iiin/ it i <1/1 (In' mile uf A n/ it Hf*, linn' In i\ i nl til till * / '? of Itrir/y mill Ml ihriin x. : . Si r. 1. Iti> 11 . rdaiiie I hy the Town Council of I'liion, in !In? State of South Carolina, inw mot j uid sitting, ami hy (lie authority of the same, I Thai any person who shall sell any Impiors, j -| it it lions, Vinous or Mall, within the d'own of i iiiuii, shall, upon 1 rial ami conviction, l.e line ), jV each a:i I every o He nee umler this ()r<liiianee, i.'t less 111 in twenty (20) dollars ami nut more h 111 fifty | 'ill) dollars, or he imprisoned not less han ten ( 10) or more than twenty t-0) days,or >oth, at tlie discretion of the t'niincil. I'rnvniil hat nothing herein coniained shall prevent the tiling, hy any licensed Druggist, of any prcserip ion in goo 1 faith, made liv any license I practicing Physician : mnl /irorohi' Jiirllur, that no prescriptions containing inioxieaiing liquor, in tny <|iianliiy, shall he tille 1 unless a licensed practising I'hysieinn shall en lorse thereon over iiis own signature a certificate in writing thai ! the prescription is for use in sickness only, and j is necessary. See. 2. That nil prescriptions containing in- , lo.xicaliug ii 111 i* in any ipianlity, tilled hy any j Druggist, sliail, together with the record of the i names of persons to wltotn delivered and for I whose use tille I, ho exhibited hy such Diu_'gi-t ' I'll till niM Alonday III eaiti .... i .. < ,j cat. .. tai ' month, to the Council for inspection ; and upon ! failure so t ? do. each and every Druggist shall, j it putt It ill an! conviction. 1c lined, for each ami L-very ollense, not le.-a 'han twenty |20| dollars, and not more than fifty i'iIIi dollars, or he im , prisoned not less than ten (D?i or more than J iwenly (20) days, or Loth, at lite discretion of , do* Council. Done and ratified under the coport te Seal of tai l l'owii of Union, the IS;|( day of Oct her. |XS2. C. K ID I 111', l!St iN In ten laiit, S. A. II. Pa it it a m , Clerk. ' >ct 20 J.? 'Jnt FINAL NOTICE. ^ I,I. persons in Ichtcd to the linn of .1. T. a. * him .x ? >> me iierooy n .unci | .i?y men i ( is* require I. All XoIcm, Acchiihim, mi l oilier forms of iielvlili* Iric .s must In* p ii 1 Icf jie llie lirsl ility of Imiuiry next. If not i> u l )>y ilrii :init* llicy will lie pluce I in llie Inn Is of :m Aton.ey for c illccii'iti, willi nl ic-crvc. .?. T. I! I I.I. l ii. O i fi |.l if Pay the Doctor. r 11! i i :!'. in i. i'le i i . no- w 1 11. * . : . 1 I ' ! : .1-.- f .r . rilei. oil up ? t mi ppin | PAriFic <a a: OFFER FO SOLUBLE PAC 1 ?ACI FIC At " X 1 > Those 11 unties are of the highest ur.ule am) ostimouy of all our eustnuiers for the j? i>t 1 ml elsewhere w ill Mil stnlitiuto. For tortus :?l<l?l\ to agents'in the various to l>eo 15 WILCOX, GIBBS ft CO.'S MANII WILCOX, GIBBS Are acknowle<t}itf?l lij evervhoily to be the Itnsr l'i on rvasuiiiilile terms on ere?lii AV Ami their At?enls thromrhout the County. l'co S -4"J GOODS FOR T FOSTER & O:o: \XTE arc now receiving our lie ami Winter business, ami qualities and prices. Much pains patterns and latest styles of DRESS and we think we can show as fufound in any other Store and at ASTONISHING Our stock of NOTIONS is largt Our Ladies and Gent's ARE FROM THE We have a la READY MADE GOTHING AND A ./LWJSC>TtTM 10r\ T <: which we intend to sell at such pri our customers. Call and Examine for Yoursclv< ing our Sep L?t> H. C. MARK. \TDW WTnliWt .UJ I T > M v/ltlj I MA U K & KNl) Kl., I'.on leave Iii iiifnriii the I'ii and atiractive Stuck of (.Soods ill litis |?luoo, Kissick, consisting of l)liY CLOTHING FOR MEN, Y< 13ootM Jincl Shoos, Iliits and I Ladies ninl Misses Cloaks I'lslers, ik i)olu:n Ladies and <L itis Furnishing (iuods. (itiif, I'islols, Jewelry, and in fact all kim All id wltieli lltey oiler as clte.tji as tlie cheapest defy compel iiioti. ('nine and see ns, una and all, an 1 w * feel satis L'lisiuin as we "ii tranlee satisfaction in every inslu Our Mr. Mark will rem tin in Lilian for two wei standing and as many more as will give its a call, i'tir Mock is in (he Store and arriving !>y daily A IILA 11 TV W'I'Lr B. M. WINSTOCK, Manager. Se,. Uli FAREWEL TO SIFVIJ/IEA nr n ? ri 1 rater ury rods' A NI > < > T I <> .> r-i ? i Hoots and Shoos, Shirts and Collars, Ladies Neck-wear, Ladies and Cents hand made Shoes, Ladies and Cents Custom-made | Sh< x.'s, Cents Hats and ( Mottling', W oodenware and Tinware, Canned Coods and Crockery, | Saddles and Hridlcs, Hardware and Croceries, I lagging and M ies. American Sewing Machines, t I In fact, everything, toinid in n ! first class store, at [>rices to defy com- ) lllll I I mil 1 r* At REUBENIT. GEE'S. Oct I'l '11 Um *ij:n's ami hoyvs < i.onim.? 3ii:n\s ami moy's clotimx; ! MKN'S AMI HOY'S < I.OTillNO ! i \l,A!l(il slock In ;clc.'t from ul |>rico>< nmrkcl iio\\n in conformity willi (lie re- : i|tiirci::cnlb of the lit us. | i.nti:. Ocl ? 12 if ' Notice to Debtors. i I. *. ' i II I I lo I liC oM 111 I LI of (lee : A \ 11 ii m (ilano* ii t?- a iniko Inline liulc net lis lilt-. OH I'm ! ''ie- will io' \\ i.lllli "|> 11:i lit-' I lie winlc:'. '1| I'. I. \ t 1 <V 1 11 il I > SO C?<>M 1'AIS"V R SALE IFIC GUANO J?IH>SI?IIATK, are kept so without rt\n?rd to cost, as tho yours, in this State, Georgia Nortli Carolina wis, or to t; II FUOST & CO , Ageuts, Charleston S. t1. it) 2 nt 'ULATED 6UAN0, A nn T. fill PPRPMdSPM ATP W V V/ I V w V# I B I \/ V I n w rm y urii.i/.Kits in use. niul arc foM low forCusli, auil . witli Cut ton Option. I v IIAOX, <;il51C>i <<>., S. ami &irttni.ilt, (Ja., lm FLE PEOPLE i r WILKINS'. \v Stock of Goods for the Full invito nil examination of their were taken to select the neatest GOODS, :? stock in that line ns eim ho LOW PRICES. .? ami uf the most tasty styles. BOOTS AND SHOES. best makers. rge stock of ! HATS AND CAPS! NICK >r n ii dwaim:, cos as shall insure satisfacottion OR W r> lalto Plonmirn in Slinw Goods. FOSTER & WILKIN S !> if HYMAN ENDEL. NEW GOODS!! i/.ons of I'nion llmt they are opening a largo ia lower hrick range?, iienl dour to Jos. II. Me IOODH, OUTHS AND CHILDREN. Caps, riuilis it 11 <I > jilisos, >9. Is of goods usually kept in a first cln?s Store. ; having facilities for buying floods such as will tied that with our prices we will secuie your uce. el;-', to vvc'oonie his ohl friends of thirty years trains. O.MI-: TO ATX, MARK & ENDEL. jl i vj ;i it tui ;;o v ? g % ^ & L J -1 . p* r?i -2 to ^.h o ? K* 'g *r h> g ? w sp | O S f ? w 5 i i 1?=* ? sr I d >?I ? z'3?^ ?- ? 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