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wm m I I 11 - I ' ? 1 ! \ lilvi Klltl. IN C'll.t'^IIHA. -I'ollllll'ii't l?"C' >1 Iter <S - Vli.ul *t o'clock iliis tit union ?J --iti.c TiVv) lire It.uko'titi hi ill" U i cy Ittiil litis; <>ii Al iiii stree', wliicii threaten; I it no tune to ItCC ' III .1 nenci'll CHIlll lijlll ioll 'I'll i- Sill* is ? l[t|i no I I tli ivtf 'Hi * I o I ill :i I li r -i; j i r UiLlwi.i's " mer)1 >1 I-.'. Iiul l In.' .ti- it i' l..I ilctinitcly li't t\vii. Mr II i'. Iwiii. late I ?i ?r nfllic I'll* I of Oi irli'iltiii, lost Ins entire .stock, toil s IVC I Ills lij"ks Hill viiiliLIc |:i;cis His I t?i is ah Hit tint' lit f viH'rel lt>* nts'ir iititWiley's uloililt (? stoi c wis t|".?ir 'Vi I. i! s stock Wis |I it'll y s.ivcl, loil It i I i y I uiri-c I lie It i I .A <,t? I I insiii nice on It s -i 'in I S l.'ii i mi i!i>' I in/, ui. .-!i Itcloii ;e I i t It in; I' K .1 ick s hi's 11 y ?it|s si re w is It i I ly >i inline I, I.ut covotc i by insurance. ,\/ ii?'.\ s 1 ttii*. 1 iti ? n il Lis Itii-'I'Viic s|o;k were sunew li lt ! i ii i."'I. toil fn! ;y cover''I l y i a lice. I' is I's'iiu tie I iliti ilic lot il losses u : ! it.'it 41 l- 111 _ I, I "I, I I HlI II I I ? iVflf I I V ifi??ii-i? <* . Tint iii-*ti? ;?siiMtiiii> will Im\o i!ii ii|i|ii-.ii-)iMi:-:ii iii.iIu i i niir. iA :i:i i .1 ljn-t InSTS Hs lilv !ls ||'IS.?1 Ml-. I?iri-?'i!y ovi-r >Vil--\'s ->t #?-* is i y miMin^ -1 loin wlmtli whs tl i .ill-I Willi wiiir mil l.-i lly I im lit-I Iiy iii-.-. I'll - pr.>j??*iTi? s Hi" tin- i|i u -.i-!i- |tirlii!!y s ivi-I I v lin-tii-i:. in i'i.- iinni-il ill- iii-ij?lili n-li . i I it i in- Iti -- iln- . !iii-i- of Iln> iiroi-sil'H-;U i.r^m is I .i-1:i- I. I.nt :.s iln- I \ iI i- uu- ni' 11 s nw II it r ? i i -I'l i ni > -l HUH -I-. 1!i-iinit- s |i!i it i.'i-<|.!i illiwy in I Iln1!1. nr. ' > ji'.wli-,- -l -;i- wi-r.- liulit ly -litiii.'i I ny w it it. alio i I V ill-I'll I'I llll-tit I I'll ! I-IT- I i II \ iIiihI.'v -a.-! 1 IIS, mil i Ii-- li in I i"i pint's i -ilnri- I rutii|.iim--i witi; v ny Hi'tivr i i i'i liiiti ' 5. li iiiii- . \ -: i r? Ml-i I IIIi-1 ? 11 I ?i-s : t; | 11. - t i- I ill- l- l-l -i || I J-,i\?-ll II lit ii lit- HJaJiVH-- '.'I- its Hf - li .I'll t I. .Vii.*s itui ('aiiinr, - \ I||-I-;.I!I I'I l it. -l.H't .sillnl iV III iiiin_' :i i fsjH'ct i!i!v \v?ii11- -?irl, :i;-- I t'mi ii-.-ii. linn.- i-iliVi-ou '"ontp.11 an I l.i-!i-y. in I'ir'.i-ns (' uitiy. whs ki In ita|n- I titi-l Ii'-i11 -i'!y nii'r i I liv i i.i* jjrn lion-l. SI.i- w is I nm I il.i-. - i !? r i i-iiMhI i-ryiti i liiiti-rly Hti-I'in* tnl I iIm- I'- iI .v. ,n; t i? : S!i iftly hI'iit Iii-i- j Hi't'iits In I Ii it i i iimi- li Kill' Wi lli fillt I-II- S .till' lll'lll till- l-iril-l illl'l w!ii!i- |- i kiti^ ii ii)i h M.-irk 11 r witli n litiiiIII I - : i.-!iI- ?III tl'uti^ ill :i I II-J _'Y tin I :i - In- i /. I In-!- i-il I 11it it' -alio iii iIi; i ii i-i- t!t it In x.oiiM till her i ii *<>:? . The iiejjr-i | nt Iff in site I.uj/v. \ I'irr U Mti'i a -if1 li-' If I i<"I a haii'lki-re hie f over In r eye* at, 1 hi t > i i".? t.i her in an ini|>i'i |"'i* in iiiiK'i'. xxhit-It -In* re- -n te l. tint a.I In if |'iirj.">o. W h :i !' i?i I -he "1M ii'ii kiiiw wlieie -In1 xxa . This-n iimi xxill lTi-1 iiji ail linrli I | 11 li iii,!<' s liiel hili;.! I- il'iin- In c-llii erlmi' ill Mil- in; l-t. ! li i'-i' tliatl 1 \v. 111 v I'lilf liiim-> ivr lia'i-! > I i- ! I ' lull * I *1 r an I highway rnMirry an-l a liniln i|'|>inn i.ii'l n i;r i m ail ii li i< n >l It -a inn r ^inv.iIn I a M't imi- 11 it. \\ hirli -i!iii- -t fi .it'1 I .a i lie illi iif Mi-. 11 : . !?? in. ' in- inxva in ir-'.i il >' -i eC i J-turmlL \ I'.'XMY \-*XII! 1'.il.c-liiii-y. 1 l.i-i'tiiln-r " Ilii- in - it'll i ti jr. at I iiill-nk. 111- llemy K'n^li, \v!iiIt u-lurniii/I'l-niii a |irnr<---i i ri! xi-it, nvi-r I i t!; il ii.iliil'e 1 in ill 'l. ixiiii mi a vx in.,ii 1 . i I i I" n-i'il I'.itiuii t?-ii mile-- li*.mi li.i'lci-- \ x -in/ man tiaini: i Noi-iuaii. xxlm - J 1 IM |*ti i 11 llii- xvay. hi-ar I him hni I hi' liejffn tiit-1 ask his n iini'aii'l roeei x-e ihe false rejiiy lli il ii xvas ".Inlm .Inlm-: n faun I! i I " M r. n.iri i in ; !i?'ii hi- ii I ,i m y 11 : i - ii I, n [S ii ii. I i- i,. I .'i 11 I I tf h Iii./'i l x in/ i.i 11 u li -- iii a |nit11 nl Hi- xi ,- -1 iil ,i..-i ii-il.iiI la-l rii-i* iii ii I - 'I In* xx a vrmi xx a- ire-ki-l In t It li use 1.1 Mm i i- I', .1 ; l.- 'x.-' i' i.tiles a-.vay. Mill II,! || .11.111 I .1111-1 I!: : |; -|| I'. ! I- II ii'->e-l I i hax in/ !. -n/hl it IV iii I i ve I! ' - . i t - n t'nj.iiel. A xxafi ml xx i "lit linol Cfnin .lii-';ee II.1.1 /i*s, at lliil?fi. aiel llnl.ili- -i aiii-.'.ltl. '' /-. ?f.*. o \ Si-iin,.| Itii.t.. -The Senate I'mnmi'lee mi li'lti Ml i' 111 li I i ii! i i I i I a I .,11 I , '-at.! 11 11 i li:.' -. h li 11 -: I 1 I . ill. I'e In . ! I -j.e I'l l I I :l \ oil 11; | I It e| I V \? 111 : II I II ' r I i -11'lrl - lii Ml|< plemeni tin St Hi- i-li .1 ti\. Tl:i ill \\ -i in) i* In1 i i i in \ i.i t i . I r i :i '! 1V1 III I|- I'liHiiiI - u nil ll ?t|l jeel. il lii:iil : the t i\ wliirli m iv In- i .1 j? i i i iim iniil-,tunl s|>ecitie* III III lie Veler- lllln own re il III' I el- III ?l \ r ij.efly -!. ill ille I i: l>y tin- 1 ill of fi'll-eil tlll-tev I > V ill! Oil I lie i|l|r I I ill n|' Sl'VV II / llie l l\ ; tile l' >;i|-.| el tr.i-- lo I I ike 11, e etlil 111 ".| i I lie iii in I in v. 1111 r i of I e:i i i in ere I l-iijierlv lin'eleis. \o I IV lolii I -11 ill ! " |e J e ile.I :il :i -l|ii-e.(l|e||t iii rlin^ lieM IV it In M I In - line fi-e :l vivii* I lie lir-i i-- -tn. .it ti ' l.i lit \el linil le I'll- llie -ell 1.1 lie Veil' ! ? ; i: I. i n N11 \ e 1111 r I. Iv*>; Tlie III 11' ir' ; eei'i ri.'I'e It' I i i |ms-e--.el| of I r I IN - li:i 11 I I 'III I I ! < 1 11; i 'it !' .i in iii ' i \ ile I lie e 1 e.*i i i>. i> '1*111-4 1 I li;'< I'.II |.|\ I'linlV t'.* .! '!. h '? e -11 til 11 e - I lie | e e- en i'1'.iji il I. | - - 11 " I telle I lie :i.-t it'll el 'it. i | | - '-I . ' v J ? e I' I IH'i I'tlll le|!e-\ I'llt. n. - I i r i II * 'III' il e lii.lilli'l iii in-It nI' \ el'V lew ij'iiiily, til- intieli > Hi ll mil II el IMII' ll : IIO'I'-' IVCI* I III I tl.e t\ nielli el' I lie I :il< . ; I < ell li\* I lie I in I ten III'" I'. 1 v ll- I ? ) ell!"! 1- llell , I V I lie - 11 lie ill! ll 1' i I V . IV I 1 |e nil 1- ; :il- tl: ;! tin- ii i kin/ j i i!iI \ - I llii- -e:i-eti'- el' -|? i- 1.1 -11V >115 1 i I l>i III it nf I'.-M' ! - -| I.. |' > ,1 1 ll 1 I tie. ll II' | .I'.ll.e ' .r, .1 11 I tlltlll-r, ill ill I'.,:'..'I nil.I l. l'.r i ill 1 " i. Vv 11 11 I iii- i? i- .ii \\ .11 :ii'i ii i'l v i K-I< I ii 11 i in :i 11'! v i-. nl'trr ill, Irir I i > I ? 11-r m 11: t* 111 l.'. .,.,;! \'... ) / <5 < M'l.l i\, A i i. I ?i I-:: I vni i i 11 - I u v I. : i i: Moni^ Mi ry, hri'i'iulii'i' 11. i >w injr i ? nuu.iri (.ii! M'ihiMcs in i >( ? !ilv i. tin- l.i li-lm ui li i| i-?i-l :l -i.-l i:u-i!in^ it- ilrtili r :iii I nstli. : I "li.r t I.I' lii'ViTII-r I :i J J > -in! :l 1 i'l jj'iv ".u Iiji'M until :i n.-vv . iif in !>. i l.vti- I. I ii;- itin1 ri-nit 1.1' ;i iMlilo I ..\i l tin- >! :. . I'm i\ . r :ili ! iiM--l-iu-n Tvv.i i-!i.-li i - no I..U i i-t -j.riii;^ ::ii I tin- i;i:itti r t i i\ t .'-till. 1 i.i I ' 1 -in-.', lii- Sii j*fi'i;i 1* i -.lit il.'i*i 1 ?* 1 i'i :'i\.r 11" ivlmf is lili.ivvti :i- ili.. I iiiili'ii- l| .\ i-; ,:ii. ii! I ;i-t u rc!i -rii-ru! | > ! ivr i- -!i t 1 v ili.- -i ! I.i l rlll - ill lu- I >illii IIHi ii. ti, ;t:i l \l il -v I llil. W t r :ij.| i i lii-n K I. A l'i\-t: I'.'i; is l.nM-iA : I!\n-j-ti *? s""y ili-ii.-i- I". | twai!. I in I.- i. I- n !..-t .-'i.: i_\ :iti*l M."iiiI:iv I i i!!..- ..ii tin' -iii-i-t'. i iinI'ivi-r nil-! nil I In- i':i i I Wiii - u i- iiniili in.; | nil I III - II'! I 1-1 S -II-1 I'll.Ii- I I'll| vv < ? ? i'i" iv.ii-il I s lui- I'.iin : iIn- i.ivr'i ii.-- i.--- w!ii!i? K.l.l.' I i.i- I In-1 III - I'll l?l IT J' -r i -1. I*. I i-vi-!| I (Il'i't? i i-! vv l'n-i / in^ | . ',ii(- lii-j-. : l? . 5* -1 f in ninl ili-.isifis art- imiiu-r- i:- I'r i-i t!ic S- :nii-li Con-1. r ?.? I?\\| \ j ? n: 11li i. Nc.v Vni .1 1 ?? ffiiii-t'r II. In ilu'Miii ni' .I:.iiii-> I Mnll-.v. a oiliton of IMjri'ficl l. S (V. n.: in?i .1 nm - iMTilmi I'ii'IIIH-M. I ?i* .1 lilii-l .Hi liiin |ii'..',i-In I ill tin' New Y?i-k // ' (' iIn* jury i ?I iy in i!i< I nilc?l Mmi ? ?'iitiiit t nili i. I i. n^lii hi a m i in i -i ? _'(!.IMHi ilmiiic/i s < r iln> | lint I' ' <n - i r tlic ilMVli I .Hit I.i \ i i 1 f i -I iv !' jtl I _'i.n III :i! ! jri. ! . i i i.i "ii ni ii i i.f'. 11. i . .?. M.iin i 'I'lli \i. .11 -nI'M ? l ln' i -i*i ii of ! i i'. Jnslit'c in \ it I> i - n i i.'il;. iv m : i- Ii :i ; I in: i : I'lii- lilltfit i 11 i. .In- i ? ? ivi-1 I' i ili.-.r I ril.i- ! i-t li-r i! \ ir -I III I ; - -IT." I It f liv?l I'll I III nil -'( II I!:-' I nil I tin- i ft -i . (i i 'I * i ! <>i \! \.ii?i: i' \ i i::.i \| .r i 11 \ i. .ni >. :i ni ivi? of 111i'1'iiv11 Ir an I lino ni n* \\ oil'i iiif-t i ii !/.'ii- . "Ill- I iii I! il l ily I i - t i'. . In \ 11 ii i I I :i iii I n I I. ill Ii I |- > inn' m ml lis. I'll I ' lie I - : 1 liti'y i if 11.'an ni; in1 i !' I In1 In ii^i. O' ]>Ull AMI'IiN*- Ml I' I >1 I! I ' I' \ I- I v| ! \r ii I I I In' i i" I ! I 1 Ii UTii i-i- in i | iir i ii ; ii i . I'. I 1' \ i--:' . I i lifi* it .; i i i-.i'iil in I 1i?i | ci i" . !' r ii. lull I 1. I" ! t jl. II Ucl I \ . \ i -! .11 : I I' I ,'i I ? Av'i i;? s ' i i \ii !?-r"uii. !? i-i7. i I ! ' I III \ I'-ll'l I IS III \ Ii I III II ' 1 ci'Si-i* 'in I i. 'if-ii r 11--u! i I I !.; coli -i' -"-l. ii !i !"7 lu i * \ !'. i '! :,! vulc ;>. i vunicri ! l'lI..1111.111 \ IN MINN . M u I ?wr 7. . m../ I.. .v \ 1 in. Ii.- I.v I i- i i \ ! I..' v ! vThr 0(iiiJilij olaion climes. II. M. sI'tlM'S, IMitor. i m ?\ . n:n?\v, ni:? i:\ii:i:u i.. i*sj SUJB iO-tli'lIOK?32 OJ IVd ANNUM. ADVEHT1SING. 0:ii> *|u:ir nruii' iik'Ii Ur?'in-* t-i- jl.'i'i i.-i .1 i:i jii. n? hi i: inn, ....... 7 . i . i > I ! . I I ? IrlM* .III i !. i.. i .r m.\ M inili > ??r ! > 11.- ). .u. ?i ..t'i if i N-ili.. Mil I. ii lit ! - -. iti- r' I lr< " mi i ! ii Win** li.ii^ *ii .i? .\ li'. Ui.v in* til . tiki-: Citations, Notices to Croditor.s and Notions of Final Disohar-rs must t> > p til tor bcforu tliuy will tippour in our ooluniny. I l.n-t Tlnir-' hy u fir?* uccnin"! in tin* < it V ill I. 'II I Hi till! I ->! IM VI' i " I ?,'MI t Wort !i i.r 11..| i itv. .? l. -.i' Sin t r \| (' |Siii!"i*'s iiMi-l sun is |y i.i I ?ti .!|s!y ill ;il \\ i-hinotmi, I'riiil I !s I ' ! I In ki'll.ivs. . < p . t - I lii r lil-ir nf mil of mil- exili in;?es Ii it n't'll 11V" I I'l I " 1 Ii ?' 'Ii" 1' ill'i i ti' .v i -i tin' lli? I I . . I i : i | ii ili I. 1.1nrs :in I I'l l' i -!i i s, wl.idi 'ully ii''1 iins why ii Iris mil Iii'i*ii picket. 9 1, Wi- in iiil'irnc I I Suit mi lit I iy ni.'lit i 1 lliiliill II i|sij ii|" \| is. J |!|Vi\;v Je'el* l\:|1 listruyi'l I y lire. We linve licir I mi |n'iricii Ii il i S? 111 v s y in | nit liise iviili Mrs. Jeter in her ! ?' .o. J) "/.,. I1 y .Si I'm. Intve the linmlsntnest | i iii-iini- I *i-? i*ri t s in iiivii. Ih'ml i I'n I 1'ii ii . : I'ises. I 'm,i v I ?i i - - i ni < 'a-e.. ir I I'.ises. l-' iniy i ^ I I! ?\es, Toilet Sets, nil I hi!-- uf oilier s|ilen Ii I nitidis. ('ill ..ii th'-in h-l'ire v hi buy v >nr ('lift -11:1:1 -\ w S ' u - :l II I other |.|e iM s o. U .... ti. ... I I.. I. ; . it ? i' - .. \ * ii i ii ;nr i iiri'-iiunnur inim, irum 'icis I i - :it I :ti Ii N ile till 11 1' t'liioll II ,Id i J;: \\ e e I.I III I el, I lull Ii I lie u I vet I im-iiicii I i.l'S. .1 I .iiit It. I. \| i<tir l'.r (ireeiiville I'nil lily, ;i11111j111 <-i11ii -ile Ilu'iiii S t hick * rca' e-' lie in II ?! 11 11 111 i 1 I i Ul i -11 i j i, lie\t -' a l\V. We iitiileiMuii'l liiisi- si very valuable tract i?l' i hi I tVniii whieli I'.nir or live ? 1 I wn-hnl'-e I inn ' till I.i- inn le nii'l so|i| In il l vai.l i^e. I l t} Mr- Muni, wile ul" Itev. W. W. I ' Hie I I an ' i I' ! ell- n i I I'rieli I W . S lil'e.' il'V , |U--'i' l llirnil;?li ihi* t-i.VIl liHl 'I'll -s lay nit her way In her lather * re-i lesn e. She w i- in very f hie he illll. hiii " ' I- ' ' Hit 11!??' !?*.m!i ] v :i(iii??>|i|irro of I'ross Keys, slii' wiil r? i'M\er li r !* *1*111 i*r Ii01! 1 li -in 1 vigor. I I'l.ys, 11 .y*, Ti.y-, :il ihi-l ninii ,-iimi'o . -a . l>*>? Mr. W. li. I tiiiuti, iit'ihe liriii of liiinaii Swail 11 \ I' 1 . Ih.' I n-n -I an I 111 isl l'e! iahie ('ullnii linker- i.i the i lly \< . . \ irk, mj eui a i|ay nr'\\i? in mir 1 evn li i- ivock an i |i u l the 7Vwi?'.t iilliee a ( lei' ml vi-il. |?v illlil ul' nicliiieiiui^ 1 | ' i'?evi 1 iiii-e. 1111 > in j i|-i? : .1:-i t.integrity .an I .-ti| J ri-11 hii me-- 1 icl, 1 lie hnn-e < I linn 1:1. Swami , .\t< 11.. have heeanie ihe lii i l e\eli-ive Ullii |'o|iular I'nllnii ISfi.kers in ihe enuiiry. t. " > . I'M !lii-ili'. i I >11 ? I nil) r!y t i. ^ all.. r lions,., in S|>-iri.iiiliur,r, w i- ?*nIi>-?- y 0 iii-uiik' I l.y lire I i -i Tliiir-l iv i 'li" tiro coll.* iiioii i i i die roof, frolii i il-i'o l vo icy, ;iii 1 l.i I'oic it lo.iolio'l llio foilil- >vv llio inmate li i I lime In o>ca|'C airl aii llio litriiiUirc xx a- savcl . <>.in * oil 1 . I. !oll_"il|i; to M -- tiii'ii ! - ??? \\ li icli were crow c I to I lie 1 I! . n\ .* Mr. .1. i. i I i iii'oik , i-all lie \ ir^im i Si !"?', i'.I roil;. I v! I v c lii* I'rioii-i- a.i i'i.i< ViiiuiMx w !.?.? ! I: v .ill aii I see liii.i. .?. | I . V iilav even ill}! 1:1*1 u lilli.ruliy occur* r. 1 in v | ii! l.ol wooii I'll no 1; lloiiiy, :i 1 clerk in i -11*i \\. il. I'.iiiIain's store, ami .lolm II Kelly. a train li no! ..m tlioS. i' ,\ ir i i 1 roa 1, ill wl.ioli llio lor w i > lal.lio ! l.i I lie lie in an I iii -1 intlv killo 1 liv llio !".r .or. The iiui'loiiiont Ilial i.illi. li 1 lli 1" il .-il Won li-1 xi as a saia'.l .lull |. i'li -i I.ii i'o widi a Mi lo ali nit _'! iiio!io>. Neither i.|" ilioi.i is iwonly olio yens ill. A .Iriinki-it tVolie xv is tin- cause. - \ I 11;. iti11 '.in. .-t Ii.ys i' o* tliv . 111! lr< a. a: I 11 . 11 S' mi lor I * n i n II..lei. I Co'ill:' Mi:. S;|\i:i\:, all nl 1 :i:i I \v! Kti'\vn c.ti.-t ii i f i!ii-: o >uiil v, di. 1 :ti hi- rr-iil.Mioi'. 7 mile-fi inlirif. la-l I'ri li\. in lii-i'i">ili T'' ir. ili' -all if 1 v,ro ii!\ I r - * inc lay- frutn 1' : II I'll III, .'I skill llisi'lSl". Mi:..I. I! i - n . .*1 I' ?i an! in ?st inn'.< ! io iiioii ?>f llii- i '.liiiil v. ilio I l.i-l l'i i I iy, i n iIn- 7- I yr io i*i" his a /.*. o l !u istmas Jew *lry i Mir li i'-.i 1 i *ii ' y li i ? j'i-i i * oivo i a s|*ir.'i lii i- : i in* it!, km I- of j i : .* .-niliMf I' i In !-iiiia- :iil l linn | rrsi'iiH. lii- Ix-aiui fnl -ilv.r i 11 j?. .-'i a-, i'io I i':i-i'-, i' i-;**i's. i I ll.ii.-, V* i.*ii i liiiin-. Shirt I>n11 n- ami Sin i?, i ! I an I Si Ivor Mali'li"'-. i'l*>rk- <>f all s.. -i.l i.i r.?\ |*rr nl a -I .. I'r >iii uliifli in iv I.- . .i*-! |'i-t-Tii -. hath -crvicahlo iiti'l I".?i* in l: ir;i--iiI. I** -*iit any i i-to <>r any r<in*lii ioii of liiriiioi'-' 'in 1 -' ! hi- in /nil -i ? !?. M a'.i ili*' 'i:i Iron I i i y !*y l*iiyin,; >inf uf I'm' | ntiy i In.-: tat : *y - at tlio I mm Story - e Gnoil Tiling * for C'iti istat u. \ '! nr i. if; ili a a: - a |'i> i r I li iv nit: j> 11 p I a '. nr! \ 11 a Io in I lif ? av * f I 'iir i -I ma- In \ ii r if* an . I: : ! n enj >\ iiivMs Y- n r in i - i nui -- I r i y -. fu. In- . t'iiili-:inl oilier e., J ||,;,, i, .|ll.e . '.u, lieu, w i.i'.e i.iii -I every -t ?re !i i- lie m i !,r. iliiiii i Ii hi I ceivliiefin I Jewelry 1> |\> I >r |-: -e i - It \ i -i ' i i I I '! titi* y e 11ti e men. We. Ii never. I a I -ee any |>r iii-i u. hi ill it line I -r ii- "! 1 I ilk- ii a even if ry.r ti >r a whi -key | .in- !i. I w ii in ii; our "el I' 1. ' j< :i.l-?\ve I ii . Ucll. ii ^ I lit I'nrUev. Willi a unite 1 :.n i Ii i| i \ ! nullv ir-mii I i -/ I < lie. t in! : re. will jjivc li.eo'i filk"* in-ire I me j-i\ ill-ill tliey r oiM [ |..?!?-i'il \ !in 1 in I iie iii -1 e i-ll v in Hel i il prereiil M ike tin* n'el li ine I willi sinilin.' I i < :?n<I iii;-i In a"- I'urv i!! t" i ii i i 1 v -ii-e .r : iryr.e I lie i i l in: I I'lilier ii I ill I'i in i'.v i irele I lil ike e'. , | |lie lie.irt- "I llie n! I il may In* l >r lie- i * ' ; l.i :l!. 1 i'.Vel iii i|- -t r 11 i'.v I lie 11 111, 1 ! ve in I lie l'i:..ilv en ii:i S;n r.iiin I I lie I i:ni ly nlinr mi 1 iii i -j-iril !' '. ive in I nle- 'i ei a-k I lie iii - in,; !" 1 li F i! lie;- .(' :i! i ii 11 i?i y ii|i* mi iii I e.-e'k i.i I y e.i w ill leel ' rtI r mi l li ij-ni. r - IV. V... SiiiiJ. ti ijiier!\ Miiy. i- ill \ - n> m i! !i ly .. ! : hi: . I! ! v .Mi j rri i 1M1. . i.. . I ,r. 1 i.:.! !' .v i i; ! ? n* ;?:. ? 1?. - t it-. i The Legist it ire. i lie* v? >1.1. til i lie l.ogis ilure :il ilii.i iiinu h mainly in uh-ii in ty lie c ilie I a iiru^rcuive Ml ile, at I In* - line I line hi in v I in j in r I :i 111 measures I, .v.* I.een .nu I up n uiel in my more are Oil the '.i m In* !'liniii li nis-s :t % tiling ilieir turn | l'?r ;ieu hi. Tlie l'n!io wing ire s nt" the uieas- I mi's lief'iie I li it lei'! v . In li itii It ilie usury law li is hea^kso c'i hi/.* 1 ilrii wlii'.e the le^il interest uf Tjicr 1 cent is lei iine l, I'l per cent may iie collecleJ, j 11 n I r cilil i ict, Willi :i f/ll'lllire of 'I ju'iIO" tlie urn milt n!'interest receive I. A lii.I in incorporate llic Southern l.oan Asjn. elation i\ is p !-> ! Iiy ilie llniise, niiii will no i itilii In- pa-se I I <y I lie Senile. This Associa* elation i- cum| 'oe-l I" foreign capitalists, lor the purpose nt In mine money mi real estate, j which lli- Nnti iti'il Hanks are u it allowcJ to do The li-.* i | iiv hi i;o lire. l :io members i re .it'i :ki I to touch it. A I'i ii'ii'l writing from Columbia >a \ s : "Too many of the numbers cither give * : i ike liens, ;<> expect any gi at change in tl e law" I In- hill | j? ?-iii^ an optional school tax of 2 < mil! I' i g- i 1 i an 1 high schools was killed in ilie lionsc. I'lic Homo c iininittco on ilie jit licinry arc li- ! ' ! .vii!: applioaii nn fir n -w Counties. The St .?!; law Ins caused much discussion, an i it is probable lint it will lie changed t i soil the wants of certain of the lower C-n^iies. Tin- hill t i pay Ii.u:k salaries due certain cir- j cui: Judges was defeated. 'Ihe fill to abolish the t-lliee of Auditor has j been detente -I. There arc many other matters in which our readers are interes-ed now before the Legislature but it is impossible for us to give any details j of their provi.-i ?:is or how they stand before that body. II oli houses arc working hard to get through by the UlM or If! I. No Discrimination. Our estimable frien is of the Columbia /?'? jis~ hi apin-ar to ho much exercise 1 nb mt the Supremo Court Ucporis being printe I in New .Jersey. While we know llie llepolier would do nothing un|iatriotic or that would be detri* j mental io ibe interest of the Suite, w e do not lire-lime lobe iiis iiiudu gist. lie is ibie to do. , . fen 1 himself, flic however, complains ( be uise, s , it says, it takes work from six to . twelve j-i-.?i-;.eynii-:i printers in Sunt li t'arolina. Well, no doubt thi is true , lilt why don't llta | A'i, iiiniii t lie .same grounds, "go fur" those i pipor-in lie* State tli i: arc portly j.rinte I in Now York, It 111ii i n o, .Ac., an I those Colleges in South Carolina which hive tlioir catalogues printo I at t lie North, mil those merch mis w i - I Ihoir liill it ils, Cir.ti'iri, \ priute-lot llie N oili. We'll liot li ill' i tinncc |iio ..... I li-it at low! tiii y journeymen printers aro cut : uiii Dl-iiti.tte.n-. in tins Simo, hy I lie l'nteul mii.-i ios." -mIj I'm- "oin," .Mr. tt'jishf, .luii't j ill-ci in..n lie, Imi "ivo all ?if ilieiii the <1 ?i wlii!o you're aliiint it. .Maku all of t'loin li ivc ilieif ' print iiej >1 >ne at liomo. M. nM it ii it make :i Sniilli Carolinian tool like crawling through a knot hole to .see linii-r on1 in Not York, II liliin arc, or I * 111!. tl e 11 > 11 i i, sucli a sign a-*this : "Uiokai I .loties, l'riiiler of otic-half ll>e t'oiiu try papers of Smith Carolina." D. A;Y.U3.-j Divij. Me aro always p!o;i-o I at having an opportunity to give a Worthy -in I enterprising young ni-iii a hoes;" in hu-iti.-ss, an 1 \\ try (.> oinl i i. -i y oppoi tuuity of iloing ?o w hen oiVoro I. ii.- \ Ifionl It. A -li-imro It.uis, v. 11 ? is ii "W 1 .inc. I.a ii-.''-- in the tore tin lor the I'ni >n ;i i..i ;< ...i .. ..... I.., ?1 ii- (? *. I.oin ; :i y uin,r in t:i oT cxouiplury i Irir.ioior. ! :l! of oiiiorjiri o :t11 1 oxoulloul lui-iii"^ .i i titi< ~. (lis i.?c"; uf ;r >o Is is lar,;o tin I 11i- priors I i-v. :ui I in ovi-iy way ho tlcscrves our ii! . M'liH'iil from Iiiv |?o?>|?!e. ' in ly, Nuls ami i!:ii-injust roeeivc'l liy, | J. !!. COl/loN. I'oc ! "? .V> 'Jl* Soconl Cropj. A fri* t; 1 ?! I us a low iluys n;r>, a J'orfo.'l Il i." o applo uf t In1 S<V i!l I jTiMWtll litis voir, ; 11 !;o I iiMi.i i troo t!i ;t li i I u mm : a full . I or ip l.oI to. i>:i Mi proiiusos if Mr. \\ . i'. I,itlioj '111!, Ml Ill OS v i I lo. j i .1 |; iIm.t; lloily oxliil ito I it oiiri'outi.y Fair ti spooiiiiou 11 f ,m srooul crop of oils i?rowu up it It!i 1 tli it pro lii'.'O'l a lio.ivy oi'op of oats Iiio.!liny I" f >ro. I'iio .ijiti'o .ni l liio oats woro siuillor ili in tii i o of tIio lirsi or.ii's luit lliov woro i?or feet ill firm .iii I 1111 ilii v. III MEMORIAM. lii'-'iluiions adopted uy tin* Woman's Chris- ' I i It: lYlll J't'lMIILV I 111 HI nil I III' death lit' Col. Iv. .1 tiaite. II"/ it h i- please 1 Almighty tiod t.i rain ivo Urn. II .1. ii^o from u'lr midst to the ro-t :i' i" V?*. /.' ? /. t int uliiii' wo deeply ilo|iloro his j death and ?a I'v in i - - his presence. still l?y l'.:ith iv.- nv .^ni/.o a l ull !' s o. i- I mi :iti< 1 mercy even in iliis - i 1 .11s.ion-.iti iii. /.' ? ./i'i /, That in the death of Urn. II. .). i (fine, the W. c. i". I', h is lust a faithful friend, an et'iioient I', an i.a wi.-e Counsellor one I Ii i: w i- en le ire I in us all hy his genuine and uti ihtr t-ive iv >i*th ri I Mam-doss life. / e /, That we dev.iu'ly thank (in I fu* ihe e\a i>!o of siieli men. as illustrating and eiifnieui'_'. more potently than words, the truu i -fait ..I' .air holy I'lirisiianity. /,' '/ !. I h it we tender to his family our i -y in j? 11 hies an I earnestly pray that Ihetf i ill the \\ itlnw jim I ill the rillherless In* \i:-y merciful to tliem in their lic?v:ivemen I. / ' > I luii :i hi ink luige in our ,j Mini i! , li i .-> i ilie I i i ilie meiiiory uf uiir Itroihcr, :iti l thit illI* Secret iry I"-v\ >r l :i c i|?y of these res .mti n- i i his fiMiily mi I :il- > Inive them juih he 1 iii t lie I Hi /'ii i. <. I '? ?r i !? * Tim* j 0:ie More Worn For Tho Free Schools. I :i. I ime m ill - i ill come for I lie I'uhlie Schools t the i'ijiniy to lie njieiie I. lit I he ye ir ah iitt to close every other Iiisirict in the t'oiin- 1 i\ in-* ii i i :i I ivx* ? mini KI rH?ii<Mi IUI ii il.rill i?I fr >in iiiree I > m'vcii iti'itiihs. while the lovvii <>' I in .11 1, is 1.1 1 ii.) /' ! i <oh >ls ."\t nil, oven fur nil.- in :i 11 .ir niie '1 iy. The in nicy Cnlloclci w i~ in lei 1 ]' ii 1 "ii' per e*11 iI:i I certain seleele.l I'eae nti-l W H ilclilclcl iVoill the hills roll* lore I in i!i.' | itr nis 1 ?v ilie teachers: ate! it is ?? !'? . I -!y I * - '1*1 e 1 t h It i !l II I sell > >1 ilis: I ie! ill 'in- i is tii I i-ri :i - i hi i. I hit liiit there Ii i.? hi *1) !) Free I' ,i , .a soli.jul in Flliull in \ 1" i j .!. tin ha-.)!- c I i> ?, 1 [I'.HIMI Mi \|, |.J COL. uoajiu' J. OAUiJ. Col. Kohcrt J. 'iige ! ; ?i ted tlii? lite at tli rem Kiivv of his brother, 1:1 tlie town of Union on the morning of Itcccmbcr 1. 1 Ss-J, lie li t I accompli-die i the three-score years at <J ten ofwliieh the I'si! mist speaks, ami li is physi cal powers were enfebled, yet. as the mental force scctued uudimiiii.shc 1 we hoped tiial he would be with us for man/ years to conic. \\ hen one that we have cstecmc 1 and ndtnire I has passe I away it is of benefit to ns, the survivors, to contemplate his characteristics an 1 virtues?the sources of his attraction an I excellence. First, then, this was an honorable, hightoticd gentleman; this was a good elti/.en. lie was possessed <>f habits of thrift and economy worthy of imitation in the common wealth. Next, he was kin 1, gentle an-! courteous in his deportment to his fellow men. These qualities caused htm to be considered among men. lie was a graduate of the South Carolina College. lie was a man of culture and aspira tion. lie was for a long time a Ian I owner i" it... \!..? !..? IV*.. . 1 r l .... .. i ........ . l iiilicit iulcrc ic 1 in tlic science ol' Agriculture. Miuiy articles on ih subject attest his interest nti'l liis desire '? assist others with his knowledge ait'l experience. lie was liorn in I'nioii and li.i I represented tlr.-County in the Legislative Hails of the State, lie loved L'iii'in he 1 ivcl her people nu<! her trii'liiioiis. lie ha<l a fuiul of anecdotes of the early days, which he told with great success.? lie had a reinarknMe facial molality. This gift aided in a great degree the ell'ect of his recitals, lie seized upon the salient points of an incident and rendered them in a vivid life like way.? One was not wearied by these recollections; they were always told with the same graphic force. As we write, sonic of t liese anecdotes come hack to us and we feel the same tin ill of enjoyment its then, lie had the organ of humor in a large degree?this kept him fresh and young and ma le him a charming companion. 1 n the intense working present he was a light from another period. We will miss him in the streets, we will miss him in our Itviies. We mingle our Icais with those of his widow an his s uis and his daughters, in that we will see his face no more. - a? XMAS (it M 11 iS.?Santa-Chins has left wi:h lite a large Stock of Vases, Motto Cups and Saucer*, Cigar Cases, Majolica Pitchers, Toilet Sets and other Xinns Hoods ,t>r disposition, ('ail early and make your selection J. 11. CO I,TON. Dec 15 50 'Jt* Cor lit Times. To t'ao Tov/n Council. At a business meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association of Ciiioii, held T.mislay cvciiiior. Iii'C. 7 !>< .! it au i iiasinuch ad it is coin in only reported and lie* lieve-l, tliiit (lie prohibition law i* being violated by one or in ire parties in liiis town, in the sale of intoxicating Ihptors, mi l as tlii.s voiiiiniinity is being scan 1 li/.el thereby, law dishonored, mi 1 good hi* ler overthrown, wo do most earnestly re.pi'.'st otir h irtora'dc Mayor mi l 1'own t'oiuicil to leave no means untried for the early dm rot i ia a:i 1 c oivieti >u of a*iy >u di law hreak ers am >ng us. An 1 to this end we do pie IgC them our hearty c> operation. o Il'iw I.oSit tiiCiiMitr Wtt.i. Ilu-tvis.?I'rof<*ss ?r Tucker -ay- that ibe enact has retimed much of its brilliancy since the in i iti his \v i t!?drawn from its vicinity, an! its gauzy drapery now can lie semi t! ill a train of line pro pMitioii :m 1 In intifiil tcMure across the skv in the early morning. I'.ie length .1* ilie tail when las; mea are I at liie observatory was eighteen degrees, or ab mi ).<? > >.:?;) > miles. It may pb iso oiii* re i 1 rs t > kao.vthit theennet will not dep trl entirely from our region of sky until January, when it will rise about midnight, an I it is expected that for a large portion of the time it will be bright enough for observation. - xt At tlie Virginia Store they are selling gels mighty low. They have go 1 Is of goods and they intend to "ell then cheap, fall an I exam ine. * ftti'stiKti is i I'm i: in i'oi ins. -i 1 rceuvilli*. N 1'.. l>eceniher 1 \ bi!e of colt >u purcliase I by a merchant at this place was opciir 1 here !:ist evening, an 1 a man's foot was foiiii I near I lie "tiisi le of tin' bile. The c?tt.?i was hastily pulle I aside an 1 tlu- hi ly of a negro, with the skilll holly ertidicl. was 1'niti I iti the bale. Il lias In-,mi U*arm" I thai 'he negro crawled uunolice.I into a packing press that was half filled with f itt.>n. at II lii's l-Vrry. ami that the press was tilled an ! he cru-lie I in the bale. It is bclievctl thai lie entered the press with siiiei la! illicit t. -M'trtis, a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Il.illatil, was Iniriie I to tlfalli last Tuesday in orniiig. She was put in a chair an<i tie< 1 to prevent her filling out ami the chair pi ee l in front of the tire. The in a her loft the room lor only a few minutes an I on returning fotiml that tlie chil l by some means ha-1 fallen forward, its head resting .jn-t in the e Igc .! the lire. ? The burn u t- . i.-re tii it die die I in about tor:y eight hours. ?.V, ? , t ./ >ur/i t!. o Sautila (Mans di I not forget the I'nioii Store, but stayed all night a i I gave Mr. I?avii a beautiful ass irtincni of toys tor the good boys and girls of ITiioii. o Titr Mi illicit or \ Mi i:i>t:iti n. ?I'ocl; Mill, Dfffuiber 7. - Joe lloss, the iiuir lerer of \Ir. Meltswell, near t'aiiiden, was killed last night near Fort Mill by a ferryman who became engage 1 in :iii encounter with hint beeattse the ferryman refused t # put him across the river. (iii ilie limit tor hun were nl? >nt to catch luui nu I lie was trying to elude tin-in Iiy crossing tlie liver. l'iiey hi I posted ilie ferryman. Mr. S. .1. II. Howell is now at the Virginia Store, he Cor.11 illy invites a'! his Chen I < toe ill mi I see him. lie >iy- lie can make I hem h ij > j-y. g i and see it' lie can. - o l?i \in <<i Mi:s. II. II Ti|"M<oin. liit? wife of Henry 'I'liom- >n. IN.j, of this city, w ho had heeti snlVei ing from a severe illness for a long time, 'lie 1 last Sato id iy and was in'erre I in the i'i|>isc >|'il Inirial groiin I in this plate Sim lay afternoon. Our entire eoiniiiiiiiiiy mingle their teirswiih the bereaved family in this their sad alhieli 'Ti Sinirr-io'iur; //- ro/?/. M A lilil l-:2>. li >N lis i?I INN. M:irrit''l. < n i lie 11M |, jus;., bv I'. \V. I)i. K-iij . Mr. Nn\ i?\ .'.'Mi lo Ml-S I'.I.IA \ ill.I li (.Jl INN Lj'.li III ll|.i\U.livillo T<?u ii-iiiji. List of Letters lii'tn iiiiintr in tiif I'i.-i Ollii*v :il I'11i >11. S. (' I'll* 'lie Wi'i i rlillli^ I li-ei'fll lirl- 1*1, I nnJ ; Austin, I.. I li s li ii | . \\ li. I li i .'ley, W i; 1 i:i III r.eieliniu. /, 15. Triwbri'l^o. .1. II. IVuIhicu, J U . W li iekl iek I'er* ills c illin/f ilu-'i'Ii'llei - v. ii! |!eisti -iv iIn v in- .? iioi lise i .< \ MI" II tin-: :, i' \| Sheriff's Sales. I > V \ it tuc '>f mi miry l*xcc:iii??ii? to mo <lirocto'!, 1 ) 1 ill sell livl'ii v Union Court lluihe 'lour, uii the lii-i Muii'liv iii .liiiitury next. within I lie I li'jj-ll Ii >ui ? ut Slid ill s.i!s'?, thu t <!! iiviiijj ileacrihcl pmicrty in wit: Out' ft.ut of Inn'I locate I in Union County, cunt.lining two Imti-Irt' 1 urns, more or less, liouii'l Nurili l?y's Creek, lv??t t?y .1. C. I In ilia' l.iml. South l?y II tncock Mill rou 1 ami | West l>y Skull Shoals ro:i<l ; lcvio.l on ami to he ' sohl us the property cf William <J. Vinson, nl the suit of I. T. Hill Co., a^iiusi William ti. Vinson tin I J. C. Harris. A I.SO i AM llie interest tli.\t Thomas bull' Nolaml 1ms in ilie tract of Iuii 1 whereon lie now lives, known I ?- the (i. S. N l.tii'i lloniostoa 1, locate 1 in I'nion ( County, on l air Forest frock, c.uiiuining Five liiin<lre<l ami lil'tv acres, more or loss, liutimlc"! l l>y lamls of 11 ?l>ert 1 lo.ity, Sr., II. II Hire, K. (5. | I'ark, A'exan lor I'rewell atrl Fair Forest t'reek; lovicl on an I to bo -..I I as t lie properly ofThorn, us bull Nolan I, at tho suit of John F. Coltoa. Two .Mtiles, one two h irsc Wagon ami one J Huojj, ; lovie I '>ti an 1 to lie soM as the property I of James 1,. Harris at the suits of Foster ,S: Wilkitis, John W. Harris, J. T. IIi!l&Co., Spears \ I t'o. an I others. AI.SU On the first Momlay in January next, INS:!, within the legal hours of Sheritl' siles, beloro t'ni >n Court House >loor, two biles lint cotton, ! letic'l on ami to be sobl as the property of M itisliolil l'.iliner, at the suit of Kico .Sc. Mcl.nre. a t.s<? I will sell, on Tuosilay. the sccotrl "lay of January next, lss:',. within the 1vlt.iI hours of Sin 1'ilT sides, at tin1 Into rciili'fiiT ?!' Atiifis l>. Dyers, iliTc.i i'.|, fitcnit three tSi?>;i<.t > 1 and Itftyone |> mil ls seed eotiou, about seventy-live bushels corn, live or six litin Ire I bundles fodder find one lot shucks ; levie 1 on and to he sohl :is the property of Atuos l>. Dyers, deceased, tin ier :i warrant to seize crop under lien, fit the suit of A. A. SurraU against Autos I>. Dyers. December 0, lss*J. U. MACDKTII, S. U. Dec ! "? 'ill lit CHRISTMAS GOODS | AT HO. 1 EAST UNION. A pplcs, Oniti^cs, liuiiniias. CocimiiiiIh. A IiiioimI*. l{3llU'l'*lltl(S, Cilroii. <;itrcau(s. I'iiitSe rs. Mince Meat aud Plum Pudding, Fnney French and Stick Candies. OAKF.S AND DR. A HE"fUR.S ! LONDON I.AVUU. 1 MI'Kltl \L. OA 151NFT, VALENCIA AND SULTANA, Oil SIIKDLKSS, K A LSI NS. For Sale by 15. F. HAU LS, At No. I Fast Union. Doc 1"> ">() ill 330ibs BLUE STONE. JUST receive! ut. No. 1 Fast Union. I Doc ! "> 1 in STRICTLY BUSINESS. (I ALL an I settle your accounts with, J ' .1. K. ?OLTO.N. Doc 1"> :.?? :;t Attention Knights of Honor. rnnr.ui: will Loa rncotiiij of importance at JL your llall M iti'l.iy evening Doc. L'Mli, 1 SSL'. II. W. il vnnis. F. M. FA It II. Keportcr. Dictator. ! A SAUK iSAI.K VN'O. 1 Moslor, ilaliiiiitun Co., Safe for salo. Apply at this ollico. Dec 1"# -Vl ::t \l.l, juts iiis in k Kiel to 1'. M. Cohen, or to I'. \l. t'oln'ii x cither 1 >y note <>r open uecoiint. are rcijuctteil to make settlements with us ut once. 1'. M. fOlillN .V DUO. Dec I *> * <? ::t rjL\p Siontoi's. V 'I'll Kill! It n*se farin to rent. I.amis will . jnveluee Mtit to 1,'JCI) poiitels cotton to the ' acre without fertilizers. Will rent single or nil | together. ! Apply ut this olliec. Dec l "? AO ,'It NOTICE. f)l!i:snNS iii'lol te I to I'lisfi.t; \, l>y Note or ueiMiiiit, tire earnestly re?|iiesle<l to , settle the same l?y the lirst ut January next. I Dec S -I0 tf MASONIC NOTICE. \K l!? i T l,.\ K < '.sin inimicalion of rnion l.oilge, No. 7">, A.*. I'.*. M.\, will he lichl in the i l.mlgo room at I * ti ion II. on I'rihiy night. Dee. ISSJ. I'.leetioii of ollieers ami other i III lioi'lo o I Iuk'hh'os will loivi. I.. In. I . iumo.o ...I I itti I it is very important that every member of the should he present. Ily oP'lor of the \V. M. S. D. (it?l DKI.OL'K See'y. , t.-, :,o 2t FOR SALE. / V'l l'"N Sent Meal. The hesl tin 1 ehenpest \ I fuel for all kihks of stork, >in< 1 the cheape.-l nt? I !>e-t fertilizer on the market. Write ; for | iniplilets containing analysis hy I?r. I" I Shepard, Stale t 'In ini-a, and direetions for ii^in^ i to I liarle-toii ?> i i M a alt laet ti ri n;_r ('o , "JS ISroad ' St. riiarle.-toii, S. ('. I ti c x 111 dm W.V 1*" /WW I Tons II Se d. Highest cash | rice pai ! !' r 'ott >n seed delivered ; in cur loikil luis :it iiny I!- I!- 1 . Sicmiilmal | liiifliii" in S * I'll., (inn. or N. ('. I!i-_rI> sI cush ; ) rice | -ti l !',r Kiti<ei;e, l.nid airl \\ lii? key l.ur* i ,ir ll-'C S I'.l ** ill Dental Surgeon. nil* I, I'.. M I'. \ |K ill, U ?? ru lirite i>f I lie I* ill i mure lientnl College, oilers iii~ | r<>11-~>i >11 11 ier\ires I . 11 .-? uli . rcj'ii.e lleuiul Sill" j?'*ry mi :iii\ <if ir- Iiimuc'.i lieiiijf :iin| !N' snpi'iie'l willi lne lif-t ii.-lriiinfills mi I nil in . If 1:1 iin) ?- >v?- l :i|<|>li!iiH'fs, lie led.- s-il'e in :i - -111i 11 | erl'eel ^: 11: ? I i li >n lie will In* I'uiifl hi li'.s nili1.' ?>vei iii. i\.?ey ISr . - 11t*ti i 'i ii i i I I i.- . j !\ v i.n.i: \ M i. I* ' M | s. i i '.in' 53.1 YEAR. +? n < > i ) 10 Y * s ^LADY'S BOOK FOR 1883, wili. contain A ( 'O.lIl'IXTi: XOVKL IN KVIIKY ISKl'K, lICHiiIos it* ii >.11:11 rit li array of 1'nshion. Art and latcrary Matter. Ouly 82 per Year. Subscription* will be received at this OIHce in Clubs with this Paper. Tlie Union Ti>i::s ami (Ioiiky's Lvov's Hook for one Year, at 5?3.oO Look! Premiums to Club Reisers : ON I', copy one year ,s-j no TWO copies ami I engi uving to club raiser :J 70 Til HUH copies and 2 engravings It club raiser 5 ii", for It copies ami 15 engravings to club raiser r,<) For a club of FIV II, with a remittance it' 10 5(t \vc will g'.ve otic free copy of the Lilly's Hock tor one year, mid tiny 0 of the engravings the club raiser may select. For a club of TLX, with a rcinittancc of.. 18 GO we will give one copy of the l.ady s liook for one year, 10 engravings and a handsome portfolio. For a club of Fl F'l'KHX, with a remittance of 'J7 00 we will give one copy of the Lady's Hook for one year, 15 engravings aud a handsome port folio. For a club of Twenty, with a remittance of .'Id 50 we will give one copy o. the Lady's Hon] for one year, the entire - ) engravings and a handsome portfolio. On application the l'tthlishers will furnish a list of the Twenty Engravings, from which you may make your own selection. Specimen copy of Lady's Hook sent free to clnh raisers only. Address all communications, 1'1'Hl.lSIII'.ILS GODEY'S LADY S HOOK. i'hiladeiphia, l'a. Dec 15 f>() tf "STILL THEY COM3 AND OUT T H E V GO." :o: OWINt! to an active trade and increased demand for goods, I have made new purchases and beg to announce the following arrivals ; T.n flinu "\X7ollr inrr TonL"nl u " Chinchilla Nubias, " Shetland Shawls, " Balmoral Skirts, Children Shoes, Men's Clothing, some very attractive suits. Children's Sacks and Cips, Hoys and Youth's 'Hoots. ALSO A LOT OF GFXU1MJ MG'GLELLAN AR5V5Y SADDLES. O BARGAINS AS USUAL / vrs-usiz-v I ..tlV / 1 V/, snour imkh its, i?nck s.\u:s. Actions speak louder than words ('all ami try us. ,U. H. COD.TOX. Dec 1 IS if Notice of Final Discharge. 1) V pirmisiioii of Hon. Daviil Johnson, Jr., ) Judj.;c of I'robnic fur Union t'nuniy, I will, on (lie I"Jili <!uv of January next, make my Dual Return as Ailministratur of tlie estate of I'rialt I'aulk, deceased. ami apply for Letters Dismis sorv. Ail persons having claims against said estate are Hotiti I to present ilieui, properly attested, oil or lieforc that ilale or lliey ail! lie forever burred. ami all persons indebted must pay on or before ilav. 1. K. I'AULK, Ailni'r Uriah I'aulk Dec s ?'.? "it* INOTICK. ^ I.I, persons imlehle>l tr us either by note, ? \ or on a count, are requested to settle at once. Merchants do not like to make personal applications of this nature, ami if customers u . re prpiiilly considerate, ami would md wait, for sotiiclliinjr of the kind, settlements would lie iniieh more satisfactory. We trust, therefore, that those whose names arc upon our hooks, will act 11 (ton this jjeneral notice ami not force 11(1011 us, llie unpleasantness above referred to. J. <\ III NTliK tS: Co. Nov 'JI -IT lm Guardian's Final Notice 1>v [lerinissioii of lion. David Jolinson, Jr., ) Judge of I'rohate for Union County, I on the I'Jlli 11 ay of December next, make my final return as tluarilian of Mattie I.. Drowning and apply Ibr letters dismissory. All persons having claims against the said Mattie L. Drowning during her minority are notilieil to present them, properly attested, on or before that day or be forever barred. M. U. IIKOWSINd, (iuardian Mattie I.. Drowning, Nov 17 111 ut S1M X I A ISV1 10> FOR THE SEASON. LADIES and MISSES CLOAKS, twtiMivv- * v 11 W \ I.K I Nfl .FACKI'.TS. An immense stock which must commend themselves. b.,th in style and price, to the taste as weli as the economic views of prudent buyers, i;H i". x MiM iii;. <>ft *jo i J ir Administrator's Sale. I>\ ?rdcr <>f ilie Probate I'miri for I'liion > County, I will sell, ai tlii- I.ill* residence I. I'.. Ml lis. deceased, 011 Mon lay, (lie lili day January. ISM:;. I lie personal propery of said J;i6' I). Mis, consisting of one Mule, One Cow, One j ('image, ii<ie I'Vatlivr bed, House hold and I Kitel en l-'uriiit 111*0. Tt.1:11s 01 Sai.i:. All si*ins of and iiinler, > isli on delivery! over dial amount lit of : one year, wit It inlere.-l, seemed by note an I. security. A. II. l()STi;i5, Adu.'r I tec l"?. fill Jl. A TIFFIN WELL AUGER 1 '< >i: SAI JO. ^ \ l-'lltS'l" rale Tiflin Well \uger, in (tool ro|?air. is tillered for sale. 11.. \ 1 . .i.I I I ., wilr :iw:ikc u in cilii in:?ki' money oiit (if it by j l'l( se III lent i li III ! Ii<ilii;?.-!. A|?| ' l >, S. S. SKMvKS. (ir .1 t:. Ki:i.n. I i i ii II v ' I | !? ( S t'l |l