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SEAWEED. ? liiu The tittle drifts of seaweed go Hunting out to BO:?, The waves that hear tlicm outward avi 11 bring 1'1 f tlieiu haul: to inc. thll AuU though upon the billow 80 listlessly they oil. He, a IV Again upon the sand beach I'll see them bye- . ami-bye. ml They pass beyoml the gray rocks out on the eb- in, hing ??' ?. otic I'erchancc whole lengucs of ocean may them |1((. from me divide ; ,' Vet some returning current will take them to " " its hrcast, yea Ami bear them landward surely upon its swell- llou ing crest. V The grief that chills my bosom no mortal heart |) ,| can share ; The joy 1 shed on others goes with mc everywhere. r"-'' The load I bear no shoulders but mine have pra ever borne ; lie That which I lift from others has made uio less i . forb; rn. pre: I turn unto the dead past and sec the figures a,,<' a .i. - inn ii IIIU As plainly ?n the canvass, as when, at early Stu dawn, ,hr( Around the reddening sunrise we see the landscape lie nov t.'Icar cut. with every outline distinct against bid the sky. lam Net Ity Memory's magic pencil the lines arc ucftly i(.. traced, _ No fading out of color, no light nor shade cf- t.l> faced ; tloi The sad and bitter niomcnts, the brighter ones lain that shone, l'i->j Arc grouped for ine together, and they are mine t ( alone. vie No hand can clotnl the picture or turn tlie sight "a away, lag' 1 look within, remembrance is clearer than the is Ii : . Net lis mine with all its sorrow, its sadness and its sin. ,l i' And I. and none beside me, know what there cori might Iiave been. cor I bus Ah! things to be regretted and little kindly i- . deeds Are only weeds and flowers, each bearing dif- ^ll ' fcrent seeds. - I And if each lias its harvest, perhaps some angel It 1 band cat! Will sil'i the cliatV and burn it ?if such bclJod's ^jl(, command. wai And then, perchance, will gather and winnow out the grain, par Which shall at last be blessings where else it had been pain; And when the record's written, I tru fllhcrc yet . . may be A balance left in favor for such a one as me. Cau riii; Some heart, that iu my mildness, 1 may have bo eased, will cotito ^|1(J And plead my cause in Heaven when blaming lips arc dumb ; For He who knnweth all tilings, the Great, the tuai Wise, the True, wot Forgives, I think, much evil for lite little good ^|10 we do. ajj , Fn.vNKi.iN \V. Fish. _ .? ? ' HOUSEHOLD HINTS. r:,t' the To remove mildew rub soft or dissolved ^ hoa|? on the spots, scrape chalk on them and ' lay in the sun. llepeat if necessary. To take out iron rust use one ounce of '] cream tartar and one ounce of salt of sorrel ; nrll spread this on the garment until the rust i|lu disappears. 8UC To remove iron mould from linen, wash the the spots in a strong solution of cream of ' no tartar and water; repeat it necessary and ; dry in the sun. j her No housekeeper should put quicksilver ! ma on her bedsteads. The mineral is absorbed by those sleeping upon them, causing par- . SP? a lysis and many other fatal diseases. ; del II, when bread is taken from the oven, j c the loaves are turned top side down in the | j hot tins and are allowed to stand a few j ai minutes, the crust will be tcuder and will ( e J cut easily. I When washing line laces do not use j ^ starch at all; in the last water in which; they are rinsed put a little tin ; white sugar, "t dissolve it thoroughly, ami the result will ... 0^7 Ulo be pleasing. Neither so ip, hot water nor brush should : ever he used 011 oilcloth. It should always sec be washed in lukewarm water with a piece riol of soft old flannel and wiped perlocily dry he each time. col To keep bread moist have the dough stiff the when it is set lor the l ist rising. The larger u'h the proportion of flour to that of moisture to 1 in tiie dough the I nigcr it will keep moist. Alter the bread is baked and cold, put it ml in a tin box or earthen jar with close cover, l'*t and keep it covered tightly. JSread thus to made and kept cool, and always free from '?r air, will last and be moist for a week. bin There is much refuse fat IVoin the kitch- a'*' en that can lie turned to good account by feeding to the liens. Of course where soap 11 is made it will he used in that way, hut it , 0UI is a question whether it is not much easier ?l,( and more profitable to buy soap and make < ,,Ll the hens lay by feeding th;ni with lat.? ! 0,u liver)thing that is not wanted for drippings lm for cooking purposes should he boilc 1 up I '< ' with the vegetables lor the fowls. j "" If a strong hop tea i? applied with the j ^'jJ P iJm. of 1 ho hand to any surface n(dieted ; with ii iiu ili,. ; .... ..; 11 :.. ; r.tautlv disappear. Have the tea milk warm. ; 'V ... . . I I lit! J>ip your liumi in tuu ton, then rub brisk iy 1 (| up niul ilowu several times. If the piiu is | chronic it will rripiiro more rubbing to | brinish it. This (rentincut cures ihciiiiui- | tisin, neuralgia. kidney disease, disease of the I.cart. The nibbing must he ilmie by u person ul' nervous temperament to insure | hiiccess. A very simple remedy?ami said to be i ten t lleelive?to i i<l canary birds of miles, i-> t > | the place a clean white cloth over the cage at leu night. The vermin will leave the bird and j ice gather upon the cloth. They are very small, wit red, and scarcely discernible with the naked > the eye. j hoi \ KAsT 1 > It K \ t? ?To three iplllts water : 'j" add one teacuptul of ^ cast,.stir into enough . sifted Hour to mnk i a .-till batter; do this . ( in the evening and set in a warm place.? j I n th e morning mix .-till ; it will soon rise, : * 10 t ten mold out into the tins. No certain j (!" time can he given for tire time of rising, as J ' that depends on the temperature j cr'j Ti? <'i iti: \ t'ol.h.? A severe cold can , bin be soon cured by remaining within doors, j w,.| in a warm room and near the lire, until ail js ? Signs of it have disappeared. Then rare (0 \ khoiild ho taken to prevent a relapse by having the feet warmly clad, and the u hole 'I body, and particularly the elu .-t and the i sevi back of (he neck, well protected when go land ing out. is : >ai..\i> or Lima IJkans?l'ut some in bonus, potatoes and beets (all boiled iler) on ice, aiul a short time before fccrvcut the potatoes ami boots into rather i slices, add the beans ami dresS with pepper, salt ami vinegar. (Suruish with w water-cresses. IoMB-MADK VkAST.?One pint of uiashpotatocs, with the w iter tbev were boiled one cupful of sugar, one cupful of salt, cupful of Hour, one cupful of strong > tea ; add Ibur quarts of boiling water; jii cool add one pint of baker's or other st ; let it stand and work twenty-four irs ; then skim, strain ami put in a jug - - ? XSI la<i K?Mr. II. II. Stevens, of Medio e Farm, Dover, Massachusetts, has giviu book form, the public bis own expoice, in connection with that of twenty live ctical luruiers, with ensilage and silos.? is an enthusiast on the question. 11o iiis there is no doubt of the success of serving green i urn go crops oy ensilage ; lie predicts that in loss than five years re will be thousands ofsilos in the 1 nited tes, 'whereas to-day there are but 'brtyl'c." He thinks the enterprise will create t interest in agriculture, that it will, in revolutionize the farming of New Ktig1. As the Winters are long and cold in w Fnglund, and uiuch food is consumed domestic animals in consequence thereof, ilage is of more importance to that seci of the country than to others where 1 is more productive and climate less d The majority of the twjiitv live far rs wiio furnished Mr. Stevens with their ivs reside in Massachusetts, Vermont and inc. Dr. D. W. Curtis, of (.ilobc Villi, Mass., may be taken as a sample. It lis opinion that silos will renovate the iv Kngland farms. He aims lor two crops ear. Dust fall he took oil his fodder n and sowed winter rye. lie plants his a as late as duly 4, using one and a half liels to the acre. Five acres will yield ii thirty to fifty tons of fodder, which he s two-fifths of an inch long. His silo is feet long 14 feet deep and 12 feet wide, lolds 75 tons and eost him 8125. His :Ie cat ensilage in preference to hay and y look healthy and sleek. Those who it the views of practical men on ensiwill not neglect to read the pages preed by Mr. Stevens. V Fa hi.k.?The (> irafTo in one of the gest shows on earth got very angry hose he was not consulted in the choice of g masters, as he said he was entitled to by what lie called, '"The courtesy of show." The trick mules sympathized h him. Said the (Jirafte to the showii : "What, T would like to impure, rid have become of this circus if I and trick mules had abandoned it at l'euria, wo might have done?" \ud the showman answered : "Ask tor what would have become of you and trick mules. There's no show traveling has all the (iiraffes it can take care of; [ as for trick mules, they're a drug in the i..t I c.l.l .,11? l,.f |.,.t -w..W ...... ^ ...? .. .... ..... ......v,. ?.'> apiece to the street cloauers." "iion tlie trick utulcs, shocked at l lie shown's aU'laeity, sat around the (iiruflo on ir haunches and wondered whether alter h language the lofty animal would lo t show go on. JJut the lofty animal made sign. Vt length the showman said : "Look c, (li'I You're the most expensive ani1 in this collection. You're so high besen joints that you have to have quarters cially designed for you, and require such ieale diet and careful attendance that, whole show has to he run to suit your ims. You're not useful and you're not igcrous, and you're not much of a nov; now. I've got several stullcd (ii ratios t would answer my purpose as well, and a great deal cheaper. If you and the k mules want to set up a side show by irsclves go ahead, hut if you're going to y here understand that this is a great ral show and I'm running it myself." O ^nvi.mi Skkij.?The depth to which d should be covered depends upon a vaty of circumstances, all of which should well understood. To some extent the id it ion of the soil, the state of the weal lie:, ..... ..! . 1. I 1 .1. .. . . . C ... ; ll.llliiu Ul IIIU CUt'l illKI lilU ? f 11 I IU1 ich it is to bo grown, nil have sonic thing ilo with tlie matter, ll the soil is warm 1 the season at planting indicates a periof dry weather, plant deeper than if so conditions! were different. Teas need he planted ?|uii.u deep if they are wanted several pickings through the season for ?ily use; hut if for market purposes i-r which the land is to he cleared for jtlu r crop they may he planted shallower ring some seasons a large per cent, of common garden seeds fail to grow. An n seed, as it. is called, like beet seed, :ds to he planted nearer the surface than j enclosed in a hard coating, like the nip or cabbage, because it planted deep s liable to rot. One and a half to three lies has been found to ho the proper ith for the coarser Held and garden seeds, ile flower seeds and the liner vegetable ds want, much less covering, and sonic so small as to only nooU placing upon : surface and pressing into the soil with hand or garden trowel. Ail seed geri.ite bettor if the soil is made lire) above in. This may he done with tlio hoc, id. foot, trowel, garden or liehl roller, as cunistunccs may favor. Lkmu.vs as A .S VST KM K KN'OYATOIt.? 0 \v:iy l<? got tin) butter til ;i bilious sys1 without Mud pill or (juiiiiuo is to take juice ol ouo, two or three or inure ions, as the appetite craves, in as much water as makes ii pleasant to drink limit sugar, before going to In tiniriiiiion rising or at least half ail ir before breakfast, take the juiee of one ion in a goblet .f water. This will clear system of humors and bile, with mild caey. without any of the weakening effects calomel or Congress water. I'eoplc ulil not irritate the stomach by eating ions clear ; the powerful aeid ul lie juice, ieh is almost corrosive, infallibly pro cs inflammation after a while, but propf diluted, SO that it does Hot draw ol' ii the throat, it does its full medical k without harm, and when the .stomach hnr of food, has a' uudiiil opportunity Vork on the system thoroughly. I'll n move grease from wall paper, lay ml folds of blotting pap ron the spot ! hold a hut iron near it till the grca-o ibsyrbcd. A Ukai tiki r. Skm iment.?The following in iy have been in print before, but it is nevertheless beautiful and worthy ul reproduction : A man without some sort of religion is at best, a poor reprobate, the football ol destiny ; with no tie linking him to infinity and to the wondrous eternity that is within him ; but woman without it is even worst ?a flauie without heat, a rainlnML without color, a flower without perfum*?^ A man may in some sort tie his frail hopes and hours with weak, shifting, proud tackle, to his business of the world ; but s woiran without that anchor which they cal faith is a drift and a wreck A man maj 1 i-luinsilv cini t i ii iii> !i Liinl nf rcsmnisibilit i ur motive, but can tln<l 110 basis in any oth er system of right action than that of spir ilual faith. A man may craze lii.s thought: and his brain to such heritage as fame am reputation may stretch before him ; but ; woni :tt?where can site put her hope it storms, if not in heaven '{ And that sweet trustfulness?that abiding love, that endearing hope, mellowing ever} scene of life, iigliting tlieui with the pleas ant radiance; wheu the world's cold storm: break like an army with smoking catioou? what can bestow it all hut a holy soul-tie t< what is stronger than an army with cannon! Who that has enjoyed the love of a God loving mother but will echo the tboughi with energy and hallow it with a tear ? Saved iiy Sawdust.?The utility of 1 pair of patent sawdust calves was striking ly illustrated 011 Saturday. Shortly afterin the afternoon a mad cur, pursued b two persisting policemen, dashed into Kigbtl street IVoui Walnut and caused such a Hut ter among the petticoats as that locality ha< seldom witnessed. Among the lemiiiitj that was flouncing along was a nymph win flings her shapely legs b"forc the footliglit of the Grand Central Theatre. This fo male could not face a rabid canine, so sli bundled up her petticoats and made a dasl with others lbr safety. Her loirs, wliicl had served her so well before, did not g back on her this time, for the dog, proba | bly attracted by the development below tli ; knee, drove his poisonous fangs into he | stocking and went howling on. The bal let dancer, more dead than alive, was drag ged into a drug store, where an eager an anxious crow 1 of men carefully examine her legs. Their fears were allayed, how ever, wli.ui the discovery was made tlia I t'.ic canine had only destroyed the sawduj padding which the young woman had tie to a loan shank to give it roundness and a I ; IraelivenosS. The eager, anxious and sol 1 citous men departed much sadder and a hea j wiser.? l*/tit. Krcortl. o A "Si'i it iti. a i?" fit a i" d.?The Galvasto X< irs has the following to say about 4*Prt lessor'' Colvillo, llio Spiritualist, who a| peared ia Charleston during the past wii tor: Professor Colvillo, who h;rs somcwli; severely humbugged large audi enccs in mo: Texas towns, has at last taken his turn : : Marshall. ilosido being bumbarded wit j eggs that wore not selected on account < I their being newly laid, he was compelled t pay Stale, county and city taxes. The it j ference. is that it costs a great deal of mouc j in Marshall to be rotten-egged according i ! law. It is not impossible that the professi. i was required to pay for lint eggs, inoludin I those that missed him. Marshall is not I cheap place to acquire fame in, as bot ' Currio and Colvillo can safely swear to." Lose not thine own for want of askiti j for it ; 'twill give thee no thanks. CROCKERY AN[rG!J8SWAR? 1 \T K desire to call especial attention I \V ?ur New Stock of above goods an ! ask all in need to give us a call. SIMIA ItS \ CO ETON. March 11, 1 SSI ^ '.i It' COLUMBIA AND GREEN VILL | RAILROAD, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Coia mima, S. April < (li. 1SS On and after Thursday, April 7. I-Vsl, I'a sctigcr Trains will run as herewith indicatt ' upon this Road and its hranehes. 1 >.\ I l.V, EXCEPT SEN ICVYS. N.i. u i f I'.\ssi:n(.i i:. : Leave Cnlmnhia A 11.">0 a. i i.t'inr .\i.mmii i.w. j?. i Leave Newberry l.">s j?. i I.OU VC lli"l^f.S II |>. I , Leave Mellon p. i I Arrive ul Greenville 7.17 p. 1 N... r. ix>\vN I'ASSi.Mii.i:. I Leave tJrecnville at 10.;j*> a i Leave Mellon 12 <U p Leave 11 mint's 1.11* p Leave Newberry LOU p , Leave Alston I'. "> o| p ! Arrive at Columbia F 0.10 p LAl'KKNS MA1LLOALL | Leave Newberry I 10 p j Arrive at Laurens II 7.00 p 1 Leave Laurens II U.UO a I Arrive at Newberry 12.UO p AMMKVILLIl MMAM'II Leave 11 oilers I l> p I Arrive at Abbeville"> p Leave Abbeville 12.20 p Arrive at llmlges 1.1'J ]> i lii.ri:):11 <ii: KAII.UOAH A.m> ANIILLSOX ititA\t j l.euvc lielioil O.fiU p ; Leave Atnlcrsoii 15.21 p ! Leave Ten-Melon 711 p j Leave I'erryvilli- 7.11 p ; Leave Seiieea (' 7. IS p ' Arrive at Wallmlln S.p ' Lea\e Walbalbi ll.Oo a . Leave Seneca l> a I Leave Terry ville '.Loll a I Leave I'eiullcton I2.2U a ; Leave An-lersoii 11 .til* a Arrive at Melton 11.-II* a < <?.MICTIONS. I A. Willi tlie South Carolina Kailron-l fro t 'harleston. Willi Wilmington, Columbia ami A 1 lliiilroad from Wilmington ami ul! points Nori , thereof. Willi < harluttc, < olumlua ami Augusta liai road from I'harlutle anil all points .North thorn I!. W illi Spartanburg. I'liion ami t'uliiiiilii liniltond for Spartanburg ami all points on ll Spartanburg ami Asheville Kailroud. <W itli Atlanta ami I harlot to Air l.ino Kai way lor Atlanta ami all point1* South ami W'e* l?. With Atlanta ami Charlotte Air l.ino lint , way 1'roin Atlanta ami hcyoml. i I'!. W ith Spartanburg, Union a V'olmnhi I liaili'oad tVoin Spartanburg ami poini-j on Spai i tnuhurg ami Aslicvillc llulro.'id. ; I'. With South Carolina llailroail lor Clint , 1 est oil. With Wilmington, t'olninhia ami August llailroad for W iliniiigtoii and the North. W itli Charlotte, I olniuhia an I Augusta Hail ! roa l for Charlotte and the North. Standard Time used is Washington, P. C Which i-. fifteen minutes faster than Columbia* .1 W. KI5V, Superintendent. I A I'orr, tieneral Passenger Acrenf. Apiil 1 ? II tf WIDE-AWAKE FARMERS, Wlii, now, like men it, other calling-. believe in 1 improvement, in studying up their work, its needs and opportunities for advancement, will , fittil u safe a iviscr in r Till: rAiMIllK, Aptly aihl justly gtyleJ hy it* friend# i "OLD l^ior.iAHLi:," I in whose pages experience an J progress go hand in hand, and to which the ablest and most sue' cessfui men and wotneu of this section coiitrit bute their best thoughts iu every department of I Farm Life and Work. Abreast of the times, alive to the discoveries of Science, yet testing all by the touchstone of ' practice, new acquaintances will soon prove it a trusty companion for thinking farmers and planters, fruit-growers and gardeners, stocks raisers and dairymen, whilst its old friends will j realize that, as during the lifetime of two generations, (since ISI'.t,) it continues to be the sincete and unpurchaseable advocate and reprcscn' tative of the farmers' interests and rights. Special devotion is paid to / ' rtHizers, iticludj ing those of commerce and of the farm : to Lac Stock, the Dairy, Market, Itaril-niny, Fruit-l.!ruwiity, the I'out try iitnl, the tlrunye, ,y c. /{' jxirt.i of Ailciiiicni Farmers Cluhs are a rcg* ular feature in each issue. The Hume Department is always attractive to ;) the ladies of the country household. Flower t and Ornamental Hardening, the care of Window and llottso l'lanls, receive regular attention from cultivators admitted to be at the head ol 1 their profession in the I* nit vet Suites. The American Former is compactly but clcarlj printed on fine white paper, a Sl.fiO a year, postage paid. To clubs of five - or more only SI. Where ten names and Sit I are forwarded an extra copy will he sent free. SAM I.. S ANDS & SUN, Publishers, ll'S ISaltiuiore St., Ilaltiiuore, Md. Tin I'll ion Times iiinl the .[merieon Farmer wil be clubbed together and sent to any address fot J S'J.To lor one year. , April lo * II tf J GO TO THE s e Little Green Front Store II AND SKIS 'Jill-: ? MAclY GOOD TH1HGS JUS I RECEIVED. 1 ~\7"t>IJ will find there the largest and most va I* JL ried Stock of fancy Articles ever brough j- to L'nion, such as Fancy French Candies, d Fancy American Candies, All kinds of Crackers, t Fancy Tea and other Sweet Cakes. , Nuts of all kinds, . Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Fish, d t- I A 5.a, ItECAMKN OF ClC VIiS. J i The Finest Brands of Tobacco Northern Apples. Sweet Florida Oranges, it Fresh Ilaiiaunas, IJologna Saussages?fine, Veast l'owders, to please the Ladies. > In fact I have got almost any thing in tli way of luxuries and all the choicest tu.cessavit ^ of life If yon don't believe what 1 say call and sc for yourself. W. M. (llllilF.S. 1> March is ID tf J K.ltKILilliAI, \OTKi:. t- WT^'** have just received a carefully seleele :y j XV supply of Agricultural implements, cot Lo j siting of FLOW STOCKS, a I SINt;I.I: AND DOL'ULi: POUT. 1 ' I o w J * o i u t ?r or KVKtiv D/iscit/rriox.0 I Hoes, Sliovcls, >i Forks, to Clevises, id Bolts, &c., &c Chains ;|iid /'-r ul/ I'atjf.f E IN FA< T AM. KINl'S <>F i PLANTATION IMPLEMENTS. J. T. iiii.i. & CO. 1 i Fcl> It "> lm (l i WF of business.* i ul?. man of 1< t ened by I ho strain of torstoilltijrovrrjiuT your duties avoid niirht wntk, to rcsIHt imul.uit. a ii (1 ud o toro hruin ncrveniui Hop Bitters* waste, u.M' Hop B* n If you nro yountr nndMnntTorlnic from any in discretion or disMpuBtioii; if you arc mar? ' Iricd or tdntrlf. old orBvoumf, suUVrhiir from poorliealtli oi luiiKiiiKhRinir on a bed of tuck* ii. j nesa, rely on H o pgjjBitters. ii, - Whoever y oil nro. Tiio'Hnnd-Klk* (in* wltciiewr yon i?i| ! jj nuuliy i'r o m hoiiiv 11 that your xvsh in J1 uioiniof K idnoj' ,, j needs cleansing, toii-y^Kfdiscusn that jiaifflit^| iin? or stimulating ( la 'have Immui preventedH J). ' \vil!ioutiii/y//<vitfiiyf in 'J by a t i inoIv ?*??* ofjg toko Hop AT* \ HopBlttorsfi it tor 8. __ | in Have yon cfy** Am v: V?a I /n-JM/H. A/,/?.n>g|?OIC E "?i | or nrtnarycom-Wl wet w.i -i*I ,,, plaint, dix'nsiTH | i'ls an absolute! of tlio .sbomie/?,| fl nnn Sand irni.ti-B in I hfkw-l*. /?/<>?>,/ I *11 III I \* |,Me euro lorl I fji-ff iTiio-ir.1 i I IHC* dninko n ? ?? ,D III yon will l>o S |uwor opium.D 111 Hop Betters V R|TT|"Rfvl "arcwtlc'-' "'I lfyonnroslm- a jUIMLliJ* Soldier ilmsr-B III ply ivi'iik mill fl I ,.rwrr, v'lsl-<. .Si-ii.if..i-H lOW ?|l Iritcd.lry fL| NEVER lUivulnr. jo it i It m xi y ij . - 1 nop hiiikks I III saveyour ... CTA I I | " life. It has rAILI 51'"<<> . I saved hun? . B Hcwhntrr, M. Y. B dreds. y J ?^| ATor.mi ..out. ::: ^ >.v 1,1 | MEDICAL CARD, in I II ! 1>!\ J. w. AM) It. 1'. I??si:v, I I V A A I N(i rcniovcil to tin* town of I'liion, wi ln ; 1 1 practice Medicine in all its branches ai |i( solicit a share of the patronage of I he people, m Oil a*K at the Itriijj Store opposite I'nion Holt hi IIi:sincNi'i:, opposite the Kpiseopal church. III j All orders or calls at either place prompt] 111 attended to at any hour of the day or ui^ht. 1,1 j dan ?K if REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. in j , rnil Ui:i: lino l'mildin^ Lots for sale on Mai in ; _L Street, I'nioii t'. II. | Also a commodious Store house near the t'oui la j House, h ! Also Highly Acres of valuable Woods lau ) -i.. ... : iit* ? i*..:.... i < ii i union <?11?_ miiu ni.ii ui i iiiuii \ . ii. I- Aj.j'ly to, it. M. \ S. S. STOKKS, )i" I I toil I IVtalc A jtoii Is, la I I'iiioi.. S. ( 10 j .Ian II 1 ||' PLANTATION SUPPLIES i.' I Ol' FVFItV 14 I \ I> a A L MM J'.S' TO Hi: FOCX1) A T J. C. HUNTER & CO S, ' | r. l| SEWING MACHINES! |. \\r i; li.ivo an :iirlniciit of "^1:?oiliIK'S. v.lii. 1 f V iv,' will -oil on liivoralilo torins. \S e kor till' llllllcilllHMls. lop'tllt'l' Willi I'luilCII, M||* MilCtns. Nov llv ,\ir ,o\lra. 11" v> n w ml any Idling [>* i taiiiing to sowing Maoliinos, call '.ii SI'KAHS \ ( Ml,|<?N. | .l. I I If The Cheap Family Store! J.I. HARRIS & CO.. \T7<>rU> respectfully inform the good people i of Cnioti, I lint they have just teceived a large and select assort inent of FRESH GROCERIES, I Which they otter to sell as cheap .as they can | lie purchased iu this or any other Market iu the up-country. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF Bacon, Hour, Lard, Sugars. Cottees, Teas. Molasses. Vinegar, Fish, Salt, Bice, Meal and <!rits, Cheese, Crackers, Spices. I General Plantation Supplies Bagging and Ties, Tohncco, Cigars, Snuff's, w... ...... n: l ... i l\VM?2fllV *'ll .>.111.-?. OANMOl) GOODS, Canned Oysters and Salmon, fanned Corn and Tomatoes, Sardines, t'rcsli and tine. r WOODKN WAKF, A.NFf> DKOO.MS. C h n (1 i o s . > My assortment of Candies is not surpassed either in <|ii:intity, quality or prices, by air oilier store in town. 1 r CM. I. AX I) ski-: cs. You shall he treated well and wc will guarant that you will he satisfied with any article yoi buy of us. Our Store is opposite Col. J. I.. Young' . I dwelling. J. W. HARRIS & CO. Oct 1*> II if Diamonds art* .More than Costly Class, an so are Strictly lirst-class, High Tuned. Superlative Stoves, til.' Tiiiijs, to inferior ones. r 11 I 'd {times cocking stovi Costs more to manufacture, hut is sold f ] nearly the same price as ordinary Stoves, an | possesses so many advantages over all others tin it is necessary to inspect it in order to npprec ' ate it fully. THE ACME OF PERFECTION Has taken tlic Premium f Every C ontest. . Guaranteed in every Respec If you want the very last. Inty tlm'TlMI l COOK. Over j!"?,imiO homes made happy 1 iijj^ iiu> .ifvui ui inu met itiuvi. | FOU SALE /;)' | J. K. RODGER. Oci IJ ii .. : l \1?X COI'.VA'Y ' , REAL ESTATE AGENC rnilK subscribers have established at.' ? !? j .1. at t niou Court Mouse for the pnrch.'.fV :v ; Sale of all kin-is ?>l' Ileal Estate in I'aioti I uit ! ty, ami oiler their services to parties liavi _ ; I.amis, Town I.ois, or any other kiml of lit l-Nt-itc lor Sale, or who may \v.s11 lo |>nI'cli: sueli ptnperty in 1'nion County. Our terms will he reasonable, ami perse i placing their property in our hands for sale w j lie charged ma him; unless a sale is made. Every elt'orl will he use I, l>y advertising a j personal correspoinleiioe, to make sales. Titles examined an-1 Meeds jiroperly ilrawi | Hi uv i in Jeter's building on Main Street. U. M. STOKES, S. S. STOWKS. | Jan 11 1 tl Jf. II. A((nrii(>> ami i oiiiimcIIoi* at l<ir UNION C. H., S. C SI'Et'l A7. ATI i.'N'TloN TO C'OlXWTJONr" J Orrii'i: in rear of (Vurt Mouse?rooms f I tnerly oecupiu 1 by Wallace & McKissick. Jan 1> lj I A COMMODIOUS HOUSE WITH :t AS: S:S ob' I.A\I>, ("Tool) Kitchen, Servants' House, Hum, Si m Me uii'l as I well of water as tliere iu Tni'iu, is oil ere. I for sale at a very inoilen Hi price. Apply to II. M. ami S. S. STORMS, 1 Ileal Kslato Agents, I niou (11., S. i ' 1 Mareli Is! Ill 1I ly ! Valuable Building Lots ix tiii: CITY OF SI'AltTAMtriMJ, N~"KAIl the Menialo t'ollege. for Sale. App to II. M. \ S. S. Si t ik MS, " Ileal Mslate cuts, No -, .Jeter's How, l uiot. II. rl I'el. I I !f 11 FOR SAL E. A FIMO (iUIST illlX ?AND150 ACRES OF LAND, 0~ N NimiI*h in i'isli Mam To\vn>liip. 'I'llv mill i> iloin^ a guu<l I.ii.miicss :in<I il html m very i>to'inclivo. Apply to 1!. M. ?Sc S. S. STOKIW, Ileal K?tnte Ascitis, I i>ion ('. U.S. I March Im 10 If < >I?I I'lipcrs /i?i* Sail'. li^NOl'IltK at litis ctlicc. Ii '' ! IScutilif ul llroxm (>o(hIn. i I \ 'I l.SS <i ? . ?? . in ? (! 11 i'hh viiriticv. I?>r sale I j I / SI'K A ICS rol.TON. I Mnroli IX l? if ^ V*1 ? ?. ^ k To Tourists and Health Seekers. . ( .* *v; V , summuk suiikhu.f. to tiii: mountains. Spartanburg, Union & Columbia Spartanburg A Aslicville K. 1C. Si'AiiTi\!iri:n. S. Mav 17. 1880. On and after the above date the following i Schedule will he run over these Roads daily, (Sundays excepted) : IT TRAIN. Leave Alston, 1 :00 p. Leave Union 1 : *>0 p. m' Leave SpartanhtVrg f : Id p. ru Arrive at llendersoiiville 7: 10 p. m. ("lose connection is made at Alston with train' from t'oluinbin on Greenville & Columbia ltuad. At t'oluinbia, connection is made front Chtir'eston, Wilmiugtou and Augusta. At Spartanburg, connection is made at Air Line Depot with trains from Atlanta and t'liarlotte, also with Stage lAue to Glenn Springs. At llettdersonville. connection is made with a first class Line of Stages to Ashcville, arriving there the same evening. Parties desirous of visiting CivsarV Mead or other points of interest can he provide"? with first class conveyances from the Livery Stables in llendersoiiville at reasonable rate*.' TIU N -SOU r II. Will leave llendersoiiville S.Go a. im Spartanburg 1 (> p. ur I'nion 1. *><) p. in' Arrive at Alston 4.go p. hi . These Loads are in excellent condition fur f uished with first class Coaches ; provided with' all necessary appliances for safety ami com for' of Passengers. At Spartanburg and Hcmlcr sonvillc the Hotel acconimoJations arc iiuw ample for a large increase of travel. They will h^^ v found well supplied with good Mountain tit reasonable rates. FKK1GHT TIMNS. The Freight trains will run three times a week, viz: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. J A M lis AN1) Kit SON. Sup't. May <> 0 tf tl .-> 1 S T Y 1<: A K ?OF? GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, *' LOW PRICK OF PKIi VKA1{. ^ ANOTHER NEW DEPARTU RE it l(' Beginning with January No., 1881 ' In obedience to what wc believe to he a grow" ing desire of the leading public, the publishers' f, '"'g to announce that Cooky's Lady's Hook in 1SS1 will contain A COMPLETE NOVEI, IN EVERY NUMBER I Resides the following old-time specialties fli'tittij'ul Original Steel I'late Hn;/raviio/s. Jti<njram I'd!terns /or Ladies and Children . Mammoth Colored Fashion l'late. Short Stories, J'ocms and Sketches. Our Pojadar Xovelli/ J'at/es in Colors. Illustrated Art ami Fashion Home ll'?rL Arehitectaral Desitjns for Jleauliful Homes. Goile/s L'eei/tes, Godeif's I'uzzlcs, and Games,. Monthli/ Chit-Chat oil Fashions, ete., etc. No Continued Stories. KVKKY NUMRKI1 CO.MPLKTK 1N ITSELF ! it Siihscriptions w ill he received at this office in< clubs with this paper?The L'sio.vTi.mks ami , Cooky's Lvov's Rook for one year, post-paid, ? j only SSI* 50. I The January Number will be ready ; iK'c. 1st. On receipt of ?0 cents a sample !' >' ' copy will be promptly sent by ilic publishers, j and this amount can lie deducted when the price I lit' a year's subscription is mailed. /i'iia/7 by money order, or draft on l'hiladclpliia or New York, or by registered letter, payable to Amity's Lady's Hunk, l'ub. Co. (Limited) ? lOOt; Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'a. ; 15. \\ II AAV LS, ml 7 \<>. 1, K.4ST IMO.V. ial I I?E.\ Mill IN us iii Groceries, Hardwrre, Drugs, &c~ lid , Oi'ttiiges. i. Apples, Itananns, AIiiioikIs. Currants, f C'itro:iv i An't lUr pin'st ff'A fS/XS tver srrn in f'nion. W1 Wm ASSuLHT.ll FUI.'IT .IKLL1ES. i:xdL/sif a.xd amemcan cheese, l'laiii ami Fancy Cattily , or: /- x ir t-.ic ??.i /-iu a fir TT.I3 cj Irinrlft. I t/ivrvi'io iinu ? Miser. MK "T vr.rv rr r)mxo: e vsrrrs, S'l.MOX, . . SAKD/Xefis Ami I'ISKSI! CA.SM'd' Mviun,, a rarr lie ! thing in llii* latitude. j Dec ID 19 If SniniK1! S. Stokes, AMorucy al Law ami Nof ary Public. rxiox. c. ii., s. c. Special Attention to Collections. , OirtcK in Jeter's building on Muiu .Street Jan -X if Sewing Machines. I I AM Agent for tin popular and scrvieea I. 1 Weed and the New American Sewing Mii I chines. They are pronounced equal to any mi [ in use and are sold very cheap. 1'. M. COIIKN. ot. 10 tf MERCHANTS HOTEL.. Sl'AKTAEHUWI, S. C. * ; A. JI. Sl*i:i?>lKTS, I'roprielor.. | IJk-yy" 'I'llis Hotel is now opened for the first timoto the public, and is newly furnished tbrough' out '.villi everything in fn it oli-tv stylo?Mlonttin. Hells, (lay, \c. I Jan '!S I) il'' I _ Towu Lots for Sale. rnwn valuable on < r??g Slrccl, in tJn>. 1 Toou <?f V'ii'ui., for Sale, l'luls cuii >? ;. Bee IV, vV tl'l'!* ii?'4 to * II. M. k S. S. STOKKS, ?y I Ileal lvitnte Arcm?, fN<i .IptCt ! I'.O'V. ??) I t M,