The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, January 16, 1880, Image 2
The Stato Oraage.
MASTFlt's Offic*, Statu Granok, "I
Cn.vri'KLi.'s, Nkwukuuy Co., Jan. 5, 1880./
I>y resolution and request <>f tlio executive
committee of tlie State Orange of South Caroli- |
na, approved and endorsed at this oflicc, tlie next |
nnnual meeting of tlie Stato Orange of South j
Carolina will he held in Charleston, instead of j
Columbia, oiiUfcesday, thcddof February, 18? O.
This meeting will he one of the most important
ever helJ i t this State. Questions and matters
oPvast interest and vital impottanco to tlie
Order, to Agriculturists and to the whole country,
AVill'b'ct considered, acted upon and deter- j
It is most desirable and I most earnestly urge i
thiVtftttyt representative entitled to a voice and !
vote he present, bet every Orange be rcpreseti- j
#?,.! I... .,11 IV It llll>l<- i<i
,VX* "V ~-V.J J --- ? ,
no l'oiuona or live" (.iruiigv, then revive :i
",ytorin%ulV one and let it send representatives.? I
?>ej>uje?, I invite, request ami most earnestly
ii,rge e,very "master, past master ami their wives,
if ol'thc degree of matron," to uttcml without j
regard to whether their tiranges arc "dormant" ;
or not, Or'whether they iinlivt iually arc "clear
upon the hooks" ami in po-session of the nu- I
written work. I assure tlietn arrangement w1:1
he made for all to participate in and hear all
discission, &c.
' '1'he neti >11 of the National Orange, lately met
iu seaiion at Catiandaigua, N. V., 011 many qucs- .
tious and our own |>eculiar surroundings, make
the cyiifidcration of many matteis imperative
upop its, as patrons, farmers ami citizens.
1 Matfdri'of business ami trade are to he considered,
determined and arranged that will he j
hetietieial, tmnnciaiiy, to any nitron or tarmei
q-arratigeuients that will, if successful, remove
c.ntjrely the difficulties of rations desiring pecuniary
benefits through tho CI ranges. 1st
Cvdvy ratron come who can ami who feels any interest
in hia wife and children, his bu-iness, his ,
tiiaicianfl country, and lie will he amply repni 1
hy benefits received and duty done. The be-1
Ojii.ii^cmeut will he made with railruads ami
J v.;. N. I.irscoMii, M. S. (i.
Cl)NOii:..-SJIAN O't'oxxsiu'.s liXKIlTIU.vs 1011
qhk,Ki;i.ii;r or tiib JSw ini>i,ki> Coisutr.n l't. ?t,i.i:.
?y\ Washington letter, of Thursday, to tin?
Ral'tiniore .jsays: "Mr. t)'t'oiinor, if
tjdiitli Carolina, to-day presented a petitii n
signed by one thousand of the citizens of New
bttrn; praying for the pa -age of a bill introduced
by itiin last l>ceetabcr to return t?? the
fruediacu of the South their savings deposited
in the freed mail's Savings and Trust Company.
The bill is tirv in (lie cuvtudy of the ways 1
llioiuj cukihiitlec, an I will ptobably receive sonic
attention : jou. Ihtlcss this is done, Mr. <> Connor
will, ill llie opportunity, otlcr a resolulii.n
to u.h.Ai.ih the commissioners, of whom thcr *
v.. ..... ~ u.?. P..v .T:!iiiir nbsil" '
lately nothing at all. In the meantime, ilie tinfbrtimuto
depositors arc iimiblc to obtain any
r.viii;f. As their loss was occu-ioiied by the u<tion
ot' Congress, so by net of Congress, Mr.
O'Connor believes, redress should conic. The i
bsjl provides thilt the commissioners shall, within
thirty days after the passage of the net, tile j
in the Cilice of the secretary ot the treasury tin
inventory of the assets of the company, ami that
sixty days afterward the secretary shall sell the
same out at unction, and that out of the proceeds
of such ffite the bona li-lo depositors are t > b [
paid. As these assets are not siitlicicnt to meet
tile liabilities of the company, the bill ftirtliei
provides (.hut ?10,0<tlj,0fi0, or so nmeli liter.'.;
up neepp'ui y, sli.iil be appropriated for this purj
os'.*. TliC on'y ipiibble to be made by the opponents
of the bill will be on the liability of t!.
Oovoniinent, but Mr O'Conuor is confident that
lie has a good ease. '
I!, i r..isj;n at I.1st. ? Walter S. I.yneli, liltej
was n? rest eat in .ingusiu in sno.,.i.,i \.. I
the instance of the Southern 1 Imprest t' impany,
und wht' has been in custody ever since, u
lelenbl-d by ordi-r of .Judge Snea l <>n Saturday
last- TUc..Express Company it will be rciucui
l ered brought a suit in trover, as ii is ealli
against Mr. lynch, and claimed in it that
November 187th lie was enlrusto 1 as its tne- J
sctigcr at Yctmissco, S. with a package ot'|
litoney valued at ^'Jd.OliO. ami that instead cl t
delivering it to the coiinc^uig mcs.-eng..r ut j
Augusta lie converted it to hlTiwii use. Ilewv
arrested when the suit was brought, and under j
the law retjiiired to give hand in double tin.- !
value of the properly or to pi oduee it. 11 e f tiled j
to do'(ailur. claiming Itiat it was lost, and was I
placed in,tail, where he remained until the trial I
took place in October. At the trial the jury j
fuin 1 avertjiel in fiver of the iix press (Vunpany. i
whtrcny tv ihe del'eiidunt move ! Ibr a di. i -barge. '
which with refused on the ground that the j
twenty day's fixed by the jury within which the j
property might be returned had ii"t cxpirtl, ;
mid I e.o u?se lliedefetid.ini bad not accepted the
verdict in the trover soil, which found that lit
had converted the package. Alter the twenty !
days expired be agiin appli. d for bis di elisir
ntul agreed to acre pi the verdict against liii.i a !; to.I to move Ibr a new trial or to make any
effort to set it aside. The Court then hcaid evi
denee as 11 bis -?I.?Iit v to (? ?? ? v ? t. t. i* < '
us a'cooj ted by him, iiinl, after argument, pus. id
the order discharging liim. as before stun .1. !
'1 he case will he taken to the Pnprcine Court uii
, AVcsT I'lllST ANIi A SN MOI IS. C?'|;grc'SIIIUM
1>. 'Ventt ,<\ikcn, of the Third Congres-i. nal I?iti*?ef,
informs the Columbia /,'n/>r there will I
he no vacancy in the N ival Academy at Aim.h i !
lift nut il.I line, Ino'J. provided the present cadet
from tjint dis'rict pa -es his examination A
vacancy will occur in the Point Academy ,
in 1SS1, at which time John C. Whittnkcr, the
pr*s-f>nt representative of the thir.l district. will 1
orailnotcs Cnngressmiwi Aiken will have the j
appointment to West l'oiut, ami slates that he 1
will otalcr an examination some lime next utm- |
A CtMiv Put r. in Pit i> ?t 'lies tor, J aim irv
V.?Tito confectionery stare of 11. C. Hothrock 1
was vli?ei?>'( re l to he on tire last night at ah 1.;
halt past 1 1 ^o'clock : ami had it not heeu I'.-r
the '|tiiek wa rk of the tire company, the primapal
part of onrtoun woiilil soon have been in 1
llaniel. The fire originated iii the ins'nle of the
efi.rv?. miii! is supposed to have been causeil l.y .
tats em ?? .? the matehes, 'the total loss iuhui.i
s'1,'00, eovere 1 by insurance. ? A' - /
(' uri' / ,
PaSuirMiir x\i> Si n no . ? l.yoii--. .v 'i .. .lam :
uary ! .?A leriii-le homicide ami snioiile occurred
here today. Miss Prancis llovev. a very
1 i-lily re* j tele I young la?ly of this phi.-c, i aleieil
the store of her f.flier, a h it ami fur ?h alrr,
ami in a !it of supposed in-aniiy shot him,
the hall penetrating his hl'l tern) ie ami producing
ill.-it an I. death. Thru reb a ting the pisnd,
ahe went tip slaits ai d shot hcr-elf in the same
) lacu. Mi?? llovcy is slowly .' inking, ami there
'tip nn /.f
- - --?
A Doom in; P.irr.i!. ? Priming paper :
i*. sinning tin' laic i.l <>(lioi* inamifnet uiv.l arlitiesul
lliC |.n- flit Iiino in expel icm in^ n \ e y
licculoil liouiu. A cniili nuance of lite rise in
pi-ii'e nl,ich lit.- I i'cn point; on fur a few incinil.s
jkim mil seriously contract I In* profits of pul,.
lit-i ~. unless invention mini* luilicir rescue
In Ike meantime with clienper metliols i.|",
) vmlef ii.n nml new fid I- for enpn ?1. ?."it. /. '
tttuh- l)nn'>crat.
P.IRKKI.I., inr. liusii P.Mitlor.?New York,
January 4.? A puMic recopli m was tender''!
Vr. Pariioll. tkc Irl-li Agitator, fit Nln!
Fi| llaril. n lo-nvi.t ' / llie 11 ish-Amei ie .11
c.m'/otis of iliis city. Nearly ci^lit llnmsinl
pet souk were present, including many ladies. )':
ii. 1 lnw Weed, Judges lji;dci>te( ve :.'>d j
A \<r, mi ! i:.;i' y oilier prominent citi.o.'is, li !
? .a's oil llie pint form, Judge liiiierdcevc p. - '
. <? .
A Fa i \ i Pit ii i.i 1 " '.si i n. ? Cii.cinnnMi. .Ti - .
i' ip 7 A. I'liioti ' iy. liulluiiii, ilis, sell fin;
t'-*I i! ''ii vera .swollen stream pave v.
on llie t lev i .an I, I h'iiiiiI us, I 'ine.nooM and I .
' .hi:.; i ;in Paiirt nil, : 'x ini!< ? ?a i tlial j ! u ,
I *of!' i' i ii t'e e;itiv at;.' eJoM'li iVi '.
into llit ; in in. ') lirce men tvcic killed.
$ht '(Kilfcliti) cilnion ij&imrs.'
It. M. STOKES. Editor.
1 Popr,out- year, in .uiv.v.xcr;, s2.*>0
2 Copies one year," " ?t.7ft
ft " " " ' " X.ftO
10 M " " " " 15.00
One siptinv or one inrli, lir?t insertion, - - - 51.00
Kii' li insertion, ------- 7ft
l.itivral ili.scoiint it- i<i iiicicliauU ulhon utlvftli.-ini:
lor nix months or hv tin- year.
OMtuury Motive* of ten lint s or It?s, innerltxl free.
" " over ten lilies, charged ns Advert Inrmt'iiltt.
A Liberal Proposition.
\Yc make >!io following propositions for tlie
? I. A ?.??!, 1 WWf I.
The Cniou Ti.mks ami Anuriam Ayriciillnrial,
price $o /it, for ?> { 00
Any*old 8iibsriher renewing and sending
ii* n new mime, I lie above papers to each,
price $7 00, lor 6 r?0
f.-jt>"-()ne of the street lamps exploded lust
Monday night, blowing the glass encasement
into smithereens, nti i arousing the sleeping
citizens ail around.
l&TJu. Farmers who are so fortunate as to have
lings to l.iil are complaining of the unseasonable
weather for killing. They tell us hogs are"cating
their licpds oil'," ami unless the weather
turns col 1 enough to kill pretty soon there will
be no cheap bacon this year.
Rcj).- Our lively friend, Charley Farrar, who
represents the large Grocery establishment of
Austin, Nichols &, Co., of New York, is in
town. lie always brings something new ami
funny fruiu Gotbum, to amuse the Merchauta
atiT their clerks during the 'lull summer season.
. ?
1U0 i 1 111 D3 UOOKlUg up.
'I lie number of new subscribers received this
in mill, although nut large, is quite encouraging,
particularly as we learn tliat two or three good
clubs will be sent us soon.
Child Rurncd to Dentil.
I):i Tuesday last a small colore I cliibl was
tunnel to death on the promises of Mr. .t. V.
Vin'ou, a few miles above this town. V\c have
not heard the particulars.
lli:e fc Mef.urc have in ivel their extensive
Slock of Dry floods, (Irocerics, I'nrdware,
.No.. into the tdoro lately octupiel by
llm hotel.
t Mi Saturday night list some one broke into
.Mc.-'-'rfi. Mol'ri ry Hill's tSrocory store, through
the liack window, and stole two sacks of llotir
nearly half a he; of Tobacco, s.unc pickles an-1
other articles. No clue to the robbers yet.
Child Drownedtin
lite CI ii:-?tant , llothwell l.ylos, n small
colored child, was foiin-l drowned in the mill
race of lleaty's mill. He had not been misse l
loii" by bis mother, and there is no doubt lie
ha 1 wandered to the race and fell in.
Church Accessions- #
Since tile lir l day of lSffl ten person < have
joiiu lilie Meli.odi t ( hit roll at this pliee?live
upon Profession of l-'aith an 1 live by 1 -tier.
This i f a good coniiueiiccu eat, and we hope
ino .> ? .. .mi ritiane during tho year.
Coked by a Mule.
Charley i 'olcuiaii, a hlackstnith in the employ
if Me.--.-s v !b -i .'c llohiiisoii, while .-hoeing a
.1 ii-oi n .Mi i. lay la.- : was Kicked ; the l.g by
ike animal an! .ovcrely injured. '1 lie i vi! cii-1
of even a good tempered Horse is as ttni.nfo to
play with .an uiiloade 1 gun or p'ulol.
Fatal Railroad Accident
On l-'ri lay last, as Munro llubb, a
on the S. I . an I ('. l'.ailroad, was pa-..i:ig along
t top of a car jn t as the I ri.i n was g dug tin a- r
. iniili's 11 ridge he was knocked from the ear by
the bridge mi l so serinii.-ly injured, lhal honied
at 'J o'clock the no\i morning
. o
A Cold Snap.
After days of h g ami rain, we awoke last
Wed lies lay morning and found die alinospiu rc
cold, clear and bracing, with ice upon stagnant
water. It was the second iii-taliueiit id' anything
like wint r weather we have had this winter,
ami oven- alt were generally worn far the
first time. The e.-lraordnary mil l weather has
played the mi.-ehief with the trade in winter
!wt liing.
Miss C. M. Reed.
\Vo ai e | lea- I t learn thai ihis most esiii.iable
I.ady amPncv miph lie l Teacher, ivcil kn ?\vn in
this c n.uiiiiiiiiy, lias a tloiirishing -eiu dat tlnlfney
t'ii.v, in connection with .Mr. \Y. t-'. MeArilii:i*.
Tlie pe.-j le offlall'iiey will soon find they
i: ; v < .secured a .rial prize in tt.e per.- itt of Miss
Itoi'l, I'.iriieiilarly as a j>r.>I'-juu I Teacher, who
will, il'thcy I'x.iii l ilii encouragement she mvrii
, V'uiltt up a iilot clas3 iHiti(tiIioil among
I hem,
- ?
The Air Line ihuhvay.
We return our iifUnowlcdjrim'iits to ihat elegant
gentleman an.I perfect. utlicial,
t'yl. (i. .1. I'uivnere an 1 the etlicienl ami worthy
Passenger ami ,'liiUet Agent of the Airline
I'.ailway fur an Annual Pa-a over their road. ?
We have also the pleasure this week of publishing
i! ?: -rhc lul of that ruail, whieh will obvi
ale lli?? neee.--ituf fiiiunls in (In- country wrftins
lu us ai'ail ii, as they have d?uie finjtieiilly
of I.tie.
itcv. II D EmailN\
e are 11 uiy | lca-cl at iheacii'iiut I'ioI'.-ulereuee
in returning Kuv. 15. I'. Smart t>> inis
stati 'ii, ai. I s'.iiecrely e libit c liie e-ui 'legation
in his charge upon it. lie ha vlon.? ii.ueli
nol'le work in this community the pa i year ami
his faithful labors in I lit; cause "f his Ma !er
have been greatly Mes-e l. liis pure christian
walk, combine 1 with a very high order of lalout
an 1 g< niality of ilisp.??iti n f>r
the love of our wit ilo community.
Good Fertilize .
I ii.r,eee)gi tie l"\riiMii:in, Mr. W. A. Mel: !
ti, etlcis to our I armers the best ami inost reliable
fertilizers m?vv in the market, ami we ft-1 vise
ali wh i intend to u-'o such stimulants in
call him. 'i ite exiraor.liiriry ci uj'S of ?>:.t<
r?!i'l other small grain ma le in .some part* of the
Slnlc, l?y the a judical ion of lite "Ashe Klemcnl
ti n * I i'"j>orU"l lo ii'?' ])iiMic by first class practical
I'mnicrs, riaiiiji it a- .loci Idly t! o I st lor*
tilizer llnit can he used uii those crops. W'o
liavc n small j?:j h -if outs )>ut in witli the 4,J.lts*
snent," alts i.'ts the attention <?f every one
j.ssing onr dwelling. 'i'licy are tullerai. I have
a hcaltliii r Color than any oat* wo have . eon.?
Onr only l ir in that I ho open v.inter ii:;* en; c.l
I lie :n lo grow !o? last tup! lliey will ! . in ihp
joint'' wl.m tlie 2runt comet). If w, they will
l.-? injur**'!. Ilitt ? rhail try tit*' Mlniiont '
p rain in, with an llior sowing, an i c::
peel then I" reap a i.i.i 'iiilii' iii crop.
; Grant's Southern Tour.
i No mmi of ordinary common decency mid self
I respect could have expected the respectable people
of South Carolina to aid the Grant furore
j which the toadies mid oflice-sccking radio.I*,
North and South, arc trying to get up. South
Carolinians would degrade their manhood by
showing any sign of even rcst-ecl for him, and
wo regret that in his passage through the State
any white democrat had even curiosity enough
to step aside to look at him. We thought so
little of the man and his coming into tho State
that we olid nut even publish his advent to out
subscribers, lie slioul i have been permitted to
pass through the State without the slightest
demonstration from any one, hut more particularly
fr>m any democrat. Ilis present position
entitles him to no more notice from us thai
would he accorded to that other ex oilieiul unu
eoo'jual in fraud, Helknap, and his past treat
I luetit of this State certainly can give hint tit
1 claim to our respect. those who had itnj
! hand in swelling the "boom" in this State lool
upon the following accurate picture of them
selves as drawn by a Northern mart and soldiei
and reported to the Charleston AVir.t and Courier
j and ifiliey don t blush, their face* arc too blue!
to show it :
His (tirimt's) recent prepress through tin
South was closely and curiously watched by boil
parties here, and while, perhaps, the dcuionstra
l- - ;t;.. .111 and injitu
lar character as to merit tlic ioolish expectation,
of his friends, there was
among the friends of the South in view of cer
tain "receptions" and other expressions of ;
toadying spirit which were needlessly foistc
upon him. Mr. Hayes left Washington to nvoii
entertaining him, and the only attentions shows
him during his stay in this city, where he i
best known, came from a few chronic oliicc
holders with whose names and fame his own i
indi sohibly connected, and who expects to rid
into power and profitable employment yet as ih
first result of bis expected and ardently desire
re-elect ion.
I have said that sonic of our Northern frien I
were profoundly ashamed of some incidents o
his trip from here to Savannah, and I de-'ire t
repeat the words of one, an ex-ollscer in th
I'nion army, upon this subject, whose remark
to me I i willing for this occasion ?
lie sai I : "If there was anything the Southern
men were distinguished for the war i
was for their chivalry, dignity and high sens u
propriety. Such conduct as some of t i
have recently exhibited towards flrant is color
luted to con promise their whole honorable vi
j u urnn tan J',""
over this tettow (x'rj ulilioiii cm-IiIii^ content)
i:i every holiest anil honorable Nmtltern iniii>
They show thai the North ii"t only wliippe
iIioiii ia the rebellion, lot hni.i'-.'itl them, an
every leiiiotisiration I hoy trako over (irant tin
his 1 i?>n e*millt, Mieriilan. is as humiliating to u
as it uu^lit to lie to Ihernselves. It i.s pure loail
villi; an I is so re^artlcl hy the North, notwiiii
- I in linjr all that 11013' he sai'l in approval T
Iai-;i 11: orotns. Ami as for Shori-l an, lie <m,;h
to h ileteste 1 at the S oitli, alter liis eomlucl i
l.oiisiana, 11iti 1 o as mitoh as was Ihitler. wit
e'liaraeleri/.e<i the women of the South as prosti
lutes. !t seems as it the South has h -t all it
spirit a.i l nearly all its self-respect.''
"nurr-i: vriNti."
I have repeated the wor>ls of this eentlomai
rcr'-ilim, 1 eenn-e they are brief enough t > se
eitre wi lo circulation ami are plain enoo;;h l
lie umleistiiml. Ilew far they are tlost r\ l tt
people t in jii'ljie foi themselves; for my mvi
part I am (ree to a-M tliit since my re-Met <
liere where all parlies ami pro] h? ami section
are rcprcseuto'l, I have never fell that I hml ee
v" ' 1 > -'h no el of my own section, or poo
pie or party, save tvlieu ca\\e?\ ii)?oi to ctphtii
some iilteianee c.\pre>kiii>r ??l ? ??!
|eeli Mi to North a 11 'loiuinatioii, <r evi.ieite
of a eritslse.l atnl pu-illaniiiioii political spiti
which is happily eottfnieil to imlivi-luals, hu
shotil'l he erailieale'l altogether.
ii.c amis i.7iur.'.iu Asyiuin.
Wo have roccivcil tlio '?< {It Aanuul Report <?
the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum lor tlio I'm
? .'? 1 year isrS-VA. Wo coiiiloiHo fi mi ill rep r
(lie following interesting facts :
Ai tlio beginning ni' ilio year there wore uii
lor treatment '..ll | alioni , white i 11 i 1?* 1
(' ili'i'o I. Of tiio-e were ; iv patients an 1 " i I
Stale patients.
I'uriug I lit* year I ?*! were n-lniitto.], niakin;
tl.o wit.ilo itiiialioi* troil*o*l lit'.
There wore *ii-oli:ir?ro?l . I?y recovery ! >, by
rum ?val ">. I?y o-oape l?y death . an-l l<y n
lease uii lii.11 ?dinkin<r altogether 1 IS.
'i'lioro now remain I?7n patients, i f wlimu ISI
! nto males aioI I'M females ; "J'iJ aro wliito an
' I'J'I aro colorel ; t'.YJ .no Stale patients mi l
i pay patients.
[ Tlioro lotvo Ih'oh .i.l.iiitto l from tlio hcirinniiij
1 of tin. Institution, in IS'JS, l,7t>'.' Males an-l I
: -?ll Females ?Total tl.tiod. Of these t'.'JtJ male:
I an I 171 females have roe-ivored. l-'ivo patient
! from L*ui< i. wore a hnilto I during tlio J a-i ii-cn
i yo ir I male anil 1 t'omaii s.
The w.irk iiccouipliMicd hy this nohle philaii
! thropio institution since its lir-t c-iaMiehuHui
I entitles i: to the lasting gratitude an-l most l?e
nevolvnt support > f all christian people.
It< pro cut cllieici.t officers arc giving ih<
rrc.'.lcst satislactii-n.
o ?
, TUc Fly Ruining W heat.
1 Wo regret to learn from of our best far
: the '.!> i in l-'ly is playing havoc will
l!io wheal an 1 oat craps in this co.miv. Oui
I 1
j fiicn-1 II. Laiv.son, >n the Meadow W oft-1
' farm, toils u.s that Ion acres of wheal thn
' 1 i.ike I most pr -misiiig tv.o weeks ago now look
like a liol 1 of siulihlo. livery l>la lo iias been
' destroyed.
Will some friends in different parts of tin
I v xon 1 us I.! v or ly r.-jinil . of lb
! condition ni' the or.-pc
Quarterly Coafei't u:o.
'I ho 1st tniarlorly t'oiilVroiiee of the Motho
, .ti t cliuicit of this place, the present year, nil
in- liohl on next Satnr lay an I Sunday : llov. .1
M. Carlisle, i'. Ii.. being present. The I'ri-l.r c.u li t\,nlrroneo if j't'Of erihed ,;s :? day o
fsis inj', iin<l the 1 *:*yt ?r will oreieli this ::i .rninj
Friday, at 1 1 o'eh.ek.
Fsi vi:i.i .-iun, S. 'Jil, IS;*o.
We i ike pleasure in in!'< I'luiii^ our friend
i hat i 'apt J A \| l\*s I". lill'.l'.S, u rll know n lo I hi
iii?'i'i 'i i!.!:- I!ii'ois r 11 nI llit* State, lists inicv
lii'iiM'IC wills our Iioii^o, where lis will he glato
fee hit l'i ieiid<.
\ vi y re , i ei fully,
.n)ii.NsTt>N, riinws n>.
Jan ' > I -It
o .
Tin: \i:w u, ::itv ili.i i iios. Newberry, .lanu
nry IT I lie following gentlemen have heei
| e eeiel . it t oik I nit u.'iil war lens of the lawn o
Ncwierry forth,.' your liitindaul. J. I'
I 1.1.1. M aiMfllH : .1 MCI .ill. II. V? . 1.
Ii-r, <!t*:>? <.*? l.aiipt'jrd mi l D. M. Wai'tl. Tin
' election |..i?sc I t?fV ?jiiicily.
f I a i: :i i i > Hi i i. n .v'ia\r<?i!.? riiiciiiiani
.1 uir-irv 1:;.- (i u ;l,-l I \va? dec: : 1 1 : ::? ! SciiHl'.r
to succeed Tlnirman l>v iheM'iin
1 Mure i>i-?!.?v. The vole Moo 1 in ilie Aamminiy
t iui iic 1.1'Ji?. I It(11... in 1 !.
Sriii'tM In \ni. ? Isiac (iictp, an nge?l n:i<
re.H|.ccie I <> 1" Souriniil.n! _ ( nnn , u.i
1'onti 1 !. . 1 in his lid 1 l;i'i v.nk, (r l.?
1. J 1 " MIC ! > V. >1 'i . Tiie C I T.J \ . J i:. t W J*
death from n can cm.
No Honey in the Treasury Again.
' The Hoard of County Commissioners met last
Monday, but there was no money in the Trcas- '
nry ugaiu, greatly to the disgust and disappoint- ^
ment of a number of County creditors who had c
come from a distance fully expecting to get a d
>rgO|qrl , f not all that was due th m. This I
I Any of ito money in the Treasury is getting too ?
! Common and unaccountable, and we would like n
i to know who is to blame. It does seem to us u
thai the Treasurer has had time since the clos- 1
! ing of his books ?over two months ago?-toinake j
a full report to the Commissioners at least upon (
> the tax fur county purposes. The executions t
t issued arc almost entirely for poll taxes, which 1
arc applied to the School fund alone, and certain- j
i ly the county creditors should not ho made to |
i await the uncertainty of the collection of the
1 whole of that lax. There is great complaint,
- and not without cause. A claim against the
j c unity now is about as unreliable as such claims
ir t were six and eight years ago, and nobody will
c I buy them unless at the most ruinous discount. 1
, The worst of llie mutter is most of tliosc who |
r l.oM tlivin are poor men who cannot atford to
, make such a sacritico on their labor.
; The Commissioners say they couhl not demand
a report from the Treasurer until the loth, two
u days after their last meeting. Then, in view of
1 the pressing demands of creditors, why did
they,not appoint a meeting on or immediately
gr fit'4^ t"c i"?i? ??iiu iiutifj ?tiv ricusill'tT (U litCCl
theih, instead of waiting uuo'lior month. There
is n want of system somewhere which should
be supplied.
o" ? Joncsvillo
Miiiron Tmt:s:?The beautiful weather which
? vvc experience'I during the holidays has passed
away and now wc have the consolation of en*
s joying a "drizzly drossjy" mixture, aceompa.
1 nied with those delightful London fogs, on a
I small scale.
The holiday season passed oil* quietly and
s noiliiiur disturbed the serenitv and (iiiietlide
' of Joiiesville but chicken lighting nmou^ llio |
^ xji, i'tinj friilci'iiiti/. And now every one is set - ,
a tied and abolll ready to commence operations 1
- 1 with Kim; Cotton. J\rtili/.eis have commenced '
' to arrive aiul ii can be only h >pe I th it they will
j- l)j ber.'dlcinl during the coining season,
i, The Jotie.avillo Aea loniy opened on Tuesday,
i l ist under the management of Mis* !,. lh-iiley ,
j' and it appears that (lie Hoard of School Tensi
I tees of .loneavtlle Township are determined to
I. ' always employ a first flats teacher in that
d ! school. \>ith the facilities of the ruilroi I and
'j | the good character of the town, there can hardly I
s be any doubt but what Joiiesville Aea I any will !
|. rank second to no school in the County after a !
low more sessions.
y A small fracas occurred on Sunday in truing
i I
in town, between two colore I men, and with the
,, promptness und cllicicney of the fowu Marshal, '
who is always on hand, like a picked-tip din- !
H tier," they wore both landc ! safely in the ctila- !
, The i'liotog.Mphic gallery of N'csbilt .S; Whit- |
lock must be doing a thriving business of late, :
' judging by the of vehicle, an! peoj 1c j
' which arc constantly about tlicm. Medropped I
ia the other day to < xaaiino some of their pic- I
tares an i f.ain I it loo luticli crow.lo I to see '
what we wanted to see. We did wish lo have I
( our jfhiz in one of the groups whieh the artist ;
.? .' oif the picture, hut our srr?ires wore de |
' eliiuJ, iiro Artist informing us it w?ulJ damage
1 t lie cut wont. Wo scoured, however, "tie spendid
pietnieof ore of ilte gruitpisis and felt happy.
On >lil?I lie ladies of l lie .M. 11. Church ul"!
f .louesville ure engaged in making ; reparations '
for an eiiierliiitiuieul, eiilior :i Hot Supper or |
t \aleu: itm drawing, to euiiie oif si.orlly. We
irusl it will lie I lie former, sis our appetite for
.url. -.v is fust improving, ami y ..ur e>i;esp,uj
'10111 will sure lo lie round. jusi in time.
J o.N r>V 11.1.1'.
V i-111 m; -i tn. W ti \ i.i:. 'flic w It.i!e was rtill (lie
great n.trnciiusi y cstei .lay. uu<l willi bettor ar- t
raiigcincuts uti'l an a loi|ti:ilC police lorre every- j
body bad a full view of the wonder. I'robubly
I 51,000 |>ii visited lliu shipyard during the]
I day, and lise tli.-pluy of picket It .mlketch.e.'s
was lite in : t j.fM 11 a I and extensive ever known
j in this eoiiiiiiuaiiy. ll is a known fact last any I
Ultima! is unpleasant wliile undergoing ilte pr
if lis composition, and in liii.i case ilie extent
* of ilie unpleasantiiess was in exact proportion
to thr size of the subject. There was so much '
of it that it spread through the entire neighbor- !
' hood, at. 1 lite inhabitants thereabouts dined hp- 1
on and breathed and drank of?stale whale. I:
was rank and smell to-?the third ward, and till !
I the visitors carried away aiM-y.u . . nis reminiscences.
and suvui'cd of I . ...o remain- j
dor of lite day. There was a universal w.iil. so ;
to speak, iu the households of ait those who i
s went wit bin speaking distance ol the deal tti'iit- I
j 'i'lto police were instructed to remove the nut- 1
sauce, bin for once ullioial utterances were not j
. I respected by the . nee, which found itself in a !
ipiaudary hctwe a ur iers on one .-i ie an I seve'
ral tons of iish .u the other, t'lubs were useless
' 1 in the face or on the lace of this tro- pas-er, and j
t i the Main Mat mil had no space to accommodate 1
I ;( us a pi is jiier. even could I rtinsp.irtal ion l?t>
I eiiccto 1. The huge hulk was finally nut out on
i ilie railway an i submerged hue la t evening,
1 awaiting luriiier orders. The tlesli will lie j
tried out"' and reduce ! to oil as soon as the \
, necessary arrangements can he made.
'ilie lt-li was caught tut I killed < n the 7th ,
Jr. ami thr hunt iilford- 1 grand spoil fo I lie i
people of 4 Iimicsloii. The hunt began with
three boats and before it ende i four steam lug ,
j fifty or sixty stu.ill row b.tis and s >.uo small I
; sailing cralt had taken put iu it. \\ lien cap- ,
1 j lured the lis t iiirasure l forty or lifty feet 1 nig, I
ten or liftcen leet thick, an 1 it was c-iitn tie I
that it would yield tpiiM ur SSttd w rtIt of oil '
! ; Tin: ( ii.i.i: fttv.ii'v. -The tlrcenville ;
.V ill" Yi Jay cn.'tt.ii'iis tin* t?>! I \\ iny | i*i ion ;
iars 1f the meat >5i-?'il i;s>* atl'iir in city: '
I "It wart uiiiu.illiir I yoslciii.ay lioiniiiijr tlial one
l oft lilt sons of Oliver t'. ISns.i Hti'l .1 "illl'aill'or i
s wotill he tiinrrie.l last ni^ht. The f it her if!
llioy ilitl In' woi.i'l kill his son. n. ! j < i-t-; ?-i i o 1 fir :
' , ilie t cession wiiii a vli.n.iiii<; iron. The mar* !
I i ia :r i.ok place. It i < liraiil of it, a- il it was
I i rcpotti I In tin- liiollu-r if I In- !y inirric!
I man i lot i In- fatlu-r hoi 'itenc.l hit I ruii\, a . I '
! was cutting his ci-ith -s In pieceA s-.u-.liii^ly, '
I lit-siiorle It it's as I y um,: Mr. Kniyhi, rcpuire1 i
I In ?>hl itoss's to see after matters, went up -a airs, '
i ami was full ?wc I hy llo- father, w iin jr ithere.I
i his son hy ih- ami a:o! lire I away. tin-. Ii.ll
i-nti t iiiy ,jit-i wver .;ti! iiho-. i-I left lifi ?st, uiul
i passed i itii 11 ilie fsnrili l ih. titi I is lo'l-e l |
f rutin where un h-r '.in- I -It lioul !--r l-la Ic, thus
preventing-an entrance into the lunj.-, whi li ;
no iluiiol W'ii'. I have lii-en<!iaUiv t Ala!,
it I>rs. lierry an I (iiii/eiier alienJeil, caaiuiiicil
! an I lirose l i!.e w uinil, (>! I II ?..s is on (lie J
I scout. The nllsir look place on ihe factory I.ill :
, in this city elniiil o'clock la-t night."
s . ?
! t'ol. (I. J. Fen sere culli I ott Ti curcr Mas- '
: 1 rlngiimo And imhl pnsl duo ins mi j
: the A Ail l.ino IS.i.i i f.r ilie year- 1".'T .
ami lv7c. 'I hi-will help oiir l.triiy out e >.i- '
1 "i.loialily. livery one will ia-j lieeiiini il.ii in-it?
terhn teen -iiiYl, I!erea . r ll.u A'i- t.i.u>
i.i \ 1 u l.u ? s if ill li.uVe it w i* !i !i. i i'i I:'. n
i .s t!.e i. i us w.'.Lh , ie t'( v'. ri il iy.i
I I:I. J
1 ho Extra Session Quoation. 1
Coi.iMinJanuary 12, 1880.
lurrrntr 1J*. J), iyimvson:
Sin?You uro aware lliat ?lie validity in part
f ilie Supply Act of tlie Uuiitrul Assembly rcently
in session is tlie subject of much public
As l lie executive olliccr chiefly charge J with :
arrying cut (lie law, ii appears to me that my
oiiucetiou with the matter is solely ministerial,
nd that my duty in the absence of legislative
>r judicial action is to execute the law us 1 hud
t in the Statute 15ook.
before notifying the tax officers to proceed 1
eg to ask if you contemplate convening the
ieueral Assembly in extra session for such aeion
as it may deem proper in the premises, and
n the event 'hat you do not, rcc'iinmn^ too ,
gravity of the duty iinjiomc*i upon in*.', i would I
>o glad to receive any suggestio:i you may lliiuk i
proper to make.
Vour obedient servant,
Joiinsun IIauood,
Com pi roller-General.
Coi.i'mima, Jiii'.ua*y 1_', 155MO.
C'oHi/'tr' lIrr (J-am I Johnson ll<i >o>nl;
Du.ui f>iu?(n regard lo your note of this
morning asking if 1 had determined to convene
the General Assembly in extra acssion on account
of the alleged invalidity of the recent
Supply Act, which fact yon desire to know so as
to guide your own course in your instructions to
the county tax ollicers, I have this to say : W hiie
having a very decided opinion as to the validity
of the act in ipicstion, yet I am aware that this
opinion being the opinion of an executive oflicer
would not be authoritative or final, nor would
it control the Legislature even if I were to con*
it r*?, ihe supposition that the Act is invalid.
Such being the fact I think it would be unwise
to take any slop in lb it direeli-ui before
the Act Ita l been passe I upon by judicial authority
and pr Jtioiiiiced invalid, cither in whole
or in such substantial particulars as to render
some further legislation immediately nice.-<.try.
'I'lliJ not having been done I have determined
not to convene the General Assembly under the
present state of facts surrounding the Act, and
in advance of a judicial determination a3 above
in view, however, of the gravity of :he matter,
the great probability ilint the <pic-;i n. u
not made now will be m i during tut- c Ihctiou
of the taxes, thereby impeding such collection,
and also the great importance of convening the
General Assembly tit an early day. if it is lo be
convened at all on this subject. 1 have no hesitation
in saying that the ipicsiioti ought to be
pa'.s? I at one", till 1 l'i?; Av>l. passed upon judicially
at the earliest m niietit.
It I o'onouneed by the t'ourt valid, then you
would have no dillicully it, your way ; if iuva
!i?l, then the "extraordinary occasion" referred
to in the Constitution authorizing executive uelion
would arise, tin J 1 could act.
To the cud, then, of having the matter settled
at once, I woul l suggest ami advise that you as 'line
the Act to l>e invalid, and tint you notify
tue of your intentioti not to proceed thereunder.
This being done I think that the attorney-general,
uti ler my direction, can instituc such proceedings
before the Supreme (Vurt now in session
as will authoritatively settle the whole
question very sj eedily, and make the way clear
for all parties. Very respectfully,
\V. 1). SlMI'.aix.
t' t.t Aim v, January 1), I Sib).
ft'<ir.'rn?r II*. It. A/ vy oot :
Sin ? Vottrs of this date received, ami I accept
and will act in accordance with your suggestions,
and for the purpose of having the question of
tiic validity id' the Act in question settled judicially,
I notify you that I refuse to take any
steps as comptroller-genera! thereunder.
Very respectfully,
Jl'll V- ON II .\<IOtH?,
Cote pt roller-t iencral.
IVu muia, January I'd IbNh
i! it. /. R ' / '. VoMM't:in, Afi y -(Jen nil S >, ./i
(' irn'iiiii:
Oka it Silt ? 1 herewith enclose you certain
correspondence between myself and tiie eoi.ipi
roll'-r gem i ai""ii to tiic prdper action m lie toketi
in regard to the Supply Act of tin* i.. t session,
and i cqitcst you lo lake such i r-'ceediags
as will in your judgment m <st sp< d:_, ie i I to
a judicial deei-ion :l< |.j us vali lity.
Very re?q eetfully, W. l). Simc-hn,
A IHtxsi: I'vMt. ? I'or several days pa; t the
uioveiueiil i f \i .i- u!f ot;.' lull!" r h as been
i'lt'. rruptc I by a heavy f >g. V ter 'ay t' rem.ou
it showed i'lerea lug volume, but several diep
ves?e!s which were te.idy for si.i proci i lei
down the hay. hoping that .t mlplit ligl.t up and
that they would he able to clear the j it. 'ail
alter proceeding near to the entrance ?>! Il.e l?ar
it was found impossible lo go out. - A;
c,,///-,,,- J:;,'/#.
A sitnil ir fog pervaded this part of the Mate,
at the same time, hut net so dense as that of
'harlcstoa, although it was heavier than lul l
ever been scru here before.
A Tmtitiiii.r. T?: v?;i:ov i\ Ti:\\s.?Galveston,
January 'J.? A t'l'mi spec : u from (' iinhridgo
insane, went to the residence of J. N. I.add, ten
miles east of there, and shot him dead without
the least provocation. Th a'-e lie went to Samlie)
I'll hi h ai>v and sh I liim live limes.?
Tubbs is i, it expected to live. Stay then wiml
in I..'/in i.i: iii, inurinc'i i. .n ?<I w. at no nan
iluiio, an ! bclore lie cottM be preventeil plied
a pi*toI I > iiis ntvii html mi l blowout his br
An iKi'oitv.xT Ihvu.r.oA!' Mnvt:.?Savannah,
-lauuary ?.? An important ::ii!ro:il scheme was
ii eaii^e i today. !'.. \v. repr. online i lie
N;l'h villi', ' hat taii'io^.i ami . * I. I.ot.i s lloail, a ml
Ius, [;. JJronu, representing the Western ami
Atlantic Kaiiivi'l, c'iniicclin!j lines between Atlanta
an I St. I. lis. i.i; ?e a contract with the
( I'j.'it ('initial li.iilrni 1. 1-y v.hieli the lines
nf tiie hitter an i its steamers pass umler ll.e
control .. t' the joint main;'unit ft' I lit? two liist
n line ! companies. tinn pivin/ a through line
from St. ! tit- to >'ew \ el; \:i Savannah.
1m i ai.ivvtiii.s \m> St'triin:.?rrainls on the
Ne.v York Pro.luce I'.xelianye, sail loaniount to
S:;|,tit,i, have been iliseov ere?l. '1 lie defaulter
i- Ibmjaniiii l?o;jeri, wh? has boon liensiiier
ol' the v.N' for many yi us, ami was a
liK'hly ro*peric'l nierrhiwu in whoin general cotiliileni'c
was fell. 15 ,. i: 1 i.I not appear at the
r.\ehaiioe or ui I.i- olhe : a!u r the ilis.-ovcry was
mu'le, an ! 'lie I n ! lenly < :i I'imi ! ;y afte. noon
at the halt o of a liietel. I; is th .light that
bt-iuj? unable to be ir his !i-vaee, lie may have
I'oiattiittcI Miii ale.
Mi* it-stfin's St .vim . >ii. Miss.,
.laniiary 1 -- -Sc n iter l.nni r, win. has been here
several ?Iu.v< in the interest i f <h a. Walthall,
v. as slt ieben w .1 li pataly-i. on Siin'lay ni lit. Senator
i.ainar s ] hi mcmo .* v that i. coii'liis
serious Intt not ilangcr'n; . Ill - at lav I; is believe
I t i be vert!;: i, not paralysis.
The l'etiineratie i niens. in v, . .J, n hist tii :!:t,
a'lj iurtie I after twelve I all n* 1 r I nite 1 : t ite<
.senator, the la*t stanling : Itai k.h.'e >!'., V.althail
>!. Si!io|,.|,.ii I ), .*' itternio 1.
reeeiveil >V< on tin- ti.Ntli ballot.
I > 1 VIII 111' I'll A \ . I.I- I.I 1.. !'l II.1. I.esJio,
the well know publisher, <Iil 1 in Mew \ or!;
S.stm lay evening, in the .".'.'sh year of nge.
!!? at I oil'le I i i 11 i . nl i> a ; ion c i i . '
I ito res|' lii > i . i .11 u< . , it ji I > ! i. i I u I,
i :il whs ihi-i-it l Sal ur-lay neiriiii.y :i 1 iiiui.:i<;
ill til I lio !i ,.i.*e. Hi iTij. l.ii.i : > hi ciiii?. I
i?v I lie i'its *n re i?f :i liiiii'.r in i?- i : r -n i ?-i< (!,.?
\v>ifl|>i|>e iiml a's-'i-liii^iis, wlii. li j rewntc.l t in
l.ri-alliin^, an i at liisi salio.Mlion ensile 1.
Hi mi or \ 1'I:H.mim >. <Htm.i:?I-?M W.?
i lia.ii.-I ii, .faniriry l'J.--i't.l, . <). An row *,
I'ur ninny years I'rt-i lei.I nl' ll.e I'liai'.o^l -n
I iiaii.lii r .1 I' .laiacr. e a:. 1 > roi.iiif.'lil m i i;nveIlull
\. ii Ii iliu < in i Hiirvey an 1 alitor i;. 11 j ubiio
eitua'i .. *, ilii I la- lay 1
A I ii r in.: mi. I a. \ . .. ' i?'.iii;i?i (> J.
i' : r , n! (lie Air i'. '.von V
' ... n ye tfiil.iy m.'l | i'. i i .. r ? i T i- .u r
:i inniiey I r I!:?_ l.ixe< III r<>'.'t i". r I' 17,
i . s ai. I - C . / / t.
Gen. Ch&mboilai* Kcfuaes to Recognize the Aafc
thority of Acting Governor Lnraeon.
Afiii s.a, Mb;, January IJ.?The following
orders Itii.-t just been issued :
ExEOfTIVK dki'ahtm est, ^
Avulsta, Mi:., January \2. J
To Joshua L. Cluinibcrlnin, Major General
commanding: Having entered upon the duties
ot' Governor of Maine under critical circumstances,
it is i in port tin t for tnc to understand
whether you are prcpnred to recognize my authority
us such. Ilcspect fully,
James 1?. Lam.-ox,
Governor of the State of Maine.
Auyuato, Miiine, January Id. 4
To llott. James L?. Iinmpson?Sir: Your iu
quiry virtually calls upon mo to decide u question
of constitutional l.nv which is a mat lei* falling
not at nil within I lie provinco of tny department.
The Constitution declares that the justices
of the Sttpictuo Judiciitl Court shall bo
obliged to give their opinion upon important
questions of law and upon soletnu occasions,
when required by the civil branches of the government,
hut-that < rivilcge is tint accorded to
the military department. Supported by a decision
of the Court 1 should obey without a moment's
hesitation, but solemnly believing that
if at this juncture 1 abandon my trust there will
be no barrier against anarchy and bloodshed, L
cannot under the present circumstances recognize
your authority as Governor of Maine.
There are two ways of settling the question
lion now at issue? by following stiictly the coustilutiou
and laws, or by revolution aiul bloodshed.
In this alternative, and standing where
I must be justified by God and mau, 1 can only
hold fast in my place atid implore those who
liavo power to do so to decide these questions
by appeul to the peaceful course of Ian?*
J. I.. Cll \Mlir.lll.US';
Orville 1>. llaker, counsel for the Republican
Advisory Committee, has made a report to
them in which lie takes the ground that llio
Sia'e lias no legal or acting Governor ; that l.anison
was not legally elected President of a constitutional
Senate ; that the Senate was not a
legally organized body, and never had a quorum,
and that the term of otlicc of the executive committee.
secretary of Stale, treasurer and other
State officers expired on Wednesday, January 8,
and nil those oflices arc now vacant.
Tub 1)bai>i.ock in Maink.?Augusta, Mo.,
January 11.?Kbcuczcr Sproul lias brought fiuil
against K. T. I'hillsbury, proprietor of the
Si-tine Simula:<1, for libel. The action is based,
on an article in Pill-bury's paper charging
Sproul wit It bribery.
It is intimated to-night that the programme
of the Fusionists will be to have either liugenc
Hale or 'Tolessor Young arrested by the serge.tnt-nl-arnis
and brought to the House to make
a ipturum. It now seems utterly impossible to
get a quorum without the aid of the ltepubltenns,
and ihc failure to do so thus far has only
strengthened the itepublieans in their position.
The Fusionists will exhaust every means of legally
electing the llovernor and Council, but
how such an election can be had, or how if had
it will be regarded by (len. Chamberlain, is not
known. There is a general impression that the
members from the disfranchised cities will soon
he allowed to take their seals. Prominent Fusionists
applied to tlen. Chamberlain on Saturday
for the discharge from duty of tko Augusta
police iu charge of the St ate-House, expressing
i iii: nviivi uiai me punuc property was not in
danger. lien. ('Initialoihtiu replied that if lie
discharged llie police lie shot.I i order l wo companies
of militia to take I heir place, ami the
gentlemen thereupon withdrew their re<ptesl.
W itnt.WA.-iitxi; StiNAtot: lit aim:.?January
11.?The agent of the Associated I'll;-s at Augusta,
in explanation of the circumstances attending
Mr. lilninc's denial of the charge of
cotiiplieity in the Lrihery of the 1' members,
says Mr. llluinc's h-ace Itar- lieen constant ly 1 every day from breakfast till midnight
with a crowd of fifty or one huudted persons,
atrl has been the general htaijuutirs lor He
publhui members ot the Legislature. solhat Mr.
White's allege I call lliei . i'tn.e, is v. about the
significance it might otherwise have l..vl. Mr.
White denii. seeing Air. I'daino luring toe entire
day in ijiie-lion, except while the latter \va?
pas-ing Ian i icily from one room to another.
New Laws.
Ax At r to amend an Act Untitled "An Act (o
1 iinish Person > for the heiiii.vai ur Accreting
of Personal Property levied ii|<uii by tho.-dicrili
or other uiiiccrs, being Act .No. -iUl, ftp }
loved N .voiiiher 1'.', lb,*-?.
H a til l- 'iJ by the fctiaic and ilouse of Ilepic.-cnb.iivc.
< :' ttie Slate *>i" Mou'.ii ( urolina, now
inel and sitting hi (.Icnvral Assembly, uud by
the authority of the same:
ilia! an Act entitled "An net to punish person.
for the ieuioval or secreting of personal
property lev led on by the shcrtti or other oliicer.j"
be hereby amended by striking out tliu
proviso lliLie .l, so that it slmil lieie.titer read :
"ihat. whosoever, with intent to itelraud, removes
or secretes personal property wiiieli has
been attached or levied oil by the shciilf or any
other oHiccr authorized liy law to make such alLLAV.K'.ul.'Alii.Y.
"I.v^ ,5111*^
ished by i.. pi i.-mntneut in the county jail tor a
period not less than sixty days nor mote than
one year, or by iin of not less than one hundred
dollar; nor more than two hundred.'
Approved December, 11, li>7'J.
Ax Act to ilcgulalu the Uncording of Deeds and
oilier liudri'.uieuts in Writing executed without
the I.iini s of this State.
Ih it mucin/ by the Senate uud Mouse of lleptesenlatives
of the Mate of imutli Carolina, now
met and sitting in tleueral Assembly, and by
the authority ot the same:
lhat any deed or other instrument in writing
executed without the limits of this .State may he
nconicd in the proper othce within this State,
if tin* same he proved in due i'orm of law before
a notary public ; Provided, i!::*.! stub notary
i shall ullix to the attestation his ollicial seal,
i tamp'd tliereoti ; mi l provided further, that tho
olliei il eapaeily ot the notary public shall he
i ee: lifted to by the clerk of a court of record
of the county in which such deed or other
instrument in utiling was executed.
Approved December IS, IS7'.'.
A\ Acs' to l'rohibii (lie Illuming of I'roiglit
Trains ni. l it) llegnl.iie Uiv ilunniiig of Passenger
:iii*I Mail (rains oil Sninlay.
Jh tt (,/</? '?</ by ilie Senate anil Unlive of i?e|>re.
entalivis ?> t I In: Stale of South I'nroliun, 11 ?vv
tact ami silting in General Assembly, imJ by
i lie anilmr.iy ?>!' I lie same:
.vc.iu.n I. Tlml li'oniiinil alter ike prt-s.igo
of liiis Aet ii shall be imia\\ftil for any railnnc
corporation la 1 >:t 1 or i uii any train wn any o! i lie r.ii.roa<i
ol t!. Mate on Smnlay, except. such
trains as eany lb I nilc I Stales mail
Sic. "J. I hat |br eacli violation of the provi!
'ions i I tins Act the r.uitoicl t inj any so otlciui1
in;; 11 1 : rli it to the Stale ii ! ie- i lliau live
I lititnlre I dollar.*, to be ej.i.x'.e'l lit any cotirl of
ei.i:i|ieleiii jut isilieli -n.
Approve I I'vcetuber L'5, lN7l>.
I'.; Molts oi \\ v. in 111 ? l.f.inlon, .latttn ryi:
; Kb -A tlisi tli!" '.'u i i L . 11?i \ s tbe Goverti|
men is of At - .: i a ml ' >. . : \ i.c about to t?.iti -
iMiiiut'siiv v.imi i i i. lusrg ur.u<iint;
lilt- mm- ;i| r >n' i *.i-.>i;.:i I-t ill IYI uhI.
it llu* i* * v ?vt:i l-ii uiimiliftfu*.lory i!u\ will
ml ?j.t r.v'i m- i'-Vk ;tri-s.
I.: iimw i>. : ;( .|-nr iiii; I-'ccni-ii.? Ja.iiilon,
.la.i.'.ny It.'. \ <1;~j'liitli 11i;iu a 1ciii In il'?
"'a > .<>.i \ llrtl j in .1 i: ..i: -111 i?>11 i- i:u\v l.i i..g
i-.-l liicr.- l.i li?i- ij iuiiit hi alnirs in I'imucc.
It ! jn-il tiiiii 11inv woiiM itiiimyi- Jiul:?*lial
i nit -itliii an i lual war miglit l.i* iiiiuju-iIn r
: i\vi . u- -ai ilii-i !i ipi- lias ih-i-ii iniii-'i . a?iii> n l*y
. ti nt i whi i:i I i .iniii*. 'I'Ih* in w i n-iii !i I'
ami jam. ii'ar'.y .'.i. liit'ii jt'. .n i, tl.u l'ioiiiiir,
i:. iiii.*>irus(i*il, iIjo lalli-r i.cii'j; vvy,iivld .'.'i
I lie* vrcaiiiro i#l M. llani* o'.'.u.
J i:: l?\\ii> 11; ii v. i*.--Ai.-.lln r rem*
;n v. i j*i iii'i.! i.. .1 r:. l'uv..i iii liny until
S ? In : ! 7. . *1 ! .11 ! ! ' l.r '.! I I . I .*. I
II .1 I >i a l.i-IV I ki III ill I , I* iVI I . I
l.i ! al A ' \ .il *, ur i nil ti' .'t- i-l H*nli*i??-0
[ glllll' l.