Til K noOLMTLi: DELUUATION, TO A "WOMAN'S RIOHT3 CONVENTION." IIY .MISS I.. VIUUINIA SMITH. "The Woman's Itights Convention, Is not lai'l low in dust? A better time is coining? Jirriiuxf?it will ami must!" A Woman of the I '.'//< C<nlury. ' ()!i,'yes !' exclaimed Clermont, "I know it leads out to Mrs. TrotwellV !' "Lawk now : how did yojt couic to know thai? You wasn't never in Poolittlo V "Never!' cried llarry, and lie threw hack his handsome head, and laughed till the room rang again. ?4\ir..n .. i.?.. r..? T? *JII, \? ii.ii/ ?t ^uiiua IIUV im sin'!" resumed Mrs. Dewberry; "to be sure, child, it lends to Miss Trotwcll's, an' all over the village besides." "/ thought so !" remarked Clermont. "Oh! git out now, somebody tule you ; sukes alive ! you can't Ibol mr. Hut, speakin' of Miss Trotwell puts me in mind that she wiiz one of them delegates, too?she's a widder?Tabithy Simpkins as wus ; and she wuz a mighty poor gal when she wuz young, an' married ule Squire Trotwell fur his money, nuthiu' else aii thly. The squire he wuz the greatest ole story in krisseiiduui, or the kingdum cum; he used to be to all cverlastin' tellin* folks a long rigmarole about his father bein' killed under (iineral Washin'tuu in a Rosolutionary struggle. 1 allays knowed the ole feller wuz the biggest sort of a story then, but 1 kep' a never let tin' on. Dut sez I to myself, sez I, (jiueral Washin'tun wuzu't the man to do a poor fcller-ereotur so uuluiuiau, he might a knocked the ole scamp down, (he deserved it, I'll bo bound,) but he'd a let : him git up agin long afore the breath wuz out of his body. Sez I to myself, sez I. that's a lit;?plum ! (lineral Wa^im'tun ( wuz an intercstiu' mat), an' a Christahi, an J'in lor 11 est any mean, or'uary, low-lived stupid, that says any tiling agin him. Jiosides, lie wuz the Father of-?" "Mrs. Tabitha Trolwcll!'' ejaculated t'lerinont, with an unearthly effort keeping his risibilities in subjection, while Adelaide's happy laugh rang out like a gush of music. "No twunt?sakos alive, child ! how 011couiuiou stupid you arc,. Iiuiut 1 bin a trllin' of you all this time that 'twas hor husbait'?the squire, 1 mean?father, indued ! the Inn'! what a mistake?an' still 'twas onu ' lint nnv Innlv'K linil ni>v.?r Ki?r?il him oiii'ht n made easy emi'l*?lor ho looked forty times i as olo as she. My Danel, he's groat on ages, \ sez that to scon the squire about day-break ;i of a Muiitly uiornin' in November, .you t couldn't a tolo hi;u from the 'oldest inhabiUnit,' or the 'shade of things that used to ;1 was.' I've 110 idy who they is, some big r bugs in their day and gincration, I allow; 0 maybe I'ontius I'ilatc, or lloneyparte. The t lau ! that put me in mind of Miss Trntwell ] ?she teaches singin' an' plays on the jn'ai\- [ ny, Days of Absence, an' lloneyparte cros- t sin' the Kine, nstoiiishin' severe. When \ she sings you'd think she'd been brung up on a diet of broken glass an' olo nails; but t they do say its splcdid, an' so impressive. ( She haint got the sense the law allows her. t but then she's rich, an' that's euull to put ( her ou the delegation. As I was say in', ? she's a widder, an' a lone widder at that, < fur nary chick nor child trots over that t"| 'l'rotwell lot. In this, as in every thing \ else she's the quite revarso of Mi.-? Skin- j Hint?personally speakin' she's an itinera- tin' prauiljilutiti' molasses cask, an' in the . winter, when she's wrapped up so ctarntlly t honey, she's a sight!" .'Mother,' sez my t Danel to me, sez my Danel to me, sez he, ? 'Mother, she's ji-t like them funny-lookin' i Injins that grows away up in the Cannedys; ; mother,' sez he, '1 swan, I bleovo they took j t olo Miss Trotwell out of a j 'gt^iy !'? j; 'Vou're outeii your five senses more like,' | i sez I. ' Tn iii f so ." sez t. As 1 was say in', j < Miss Trotwell, she's a widder, tin' sort o' rich, an' in course, you know, don't kcer ; nothiu' for literary nor 110 sicli, 'litical subjects, but takes to benevalense, an' sentiments. ji-t fur granduro. Danel sez its -all fur Duncotnbc but, sc z I, 'soil, you're a j big story, Miss Trotweil aiut a goin' to mar- j ly the secon time?the property bein' left j . to lier only while sho's a widder. The hoys ; they're allays plaguin' the soul out o' her. . an' every formed thing she docs, they say j j Hsmiiitir i>uncomoe, or 'all tur S i l/irity hut taint so ; she wont many, an' ( taint no use fur ihein l'un iii jackanapes, an' ] olo no-accounts to court her. no how. Her i most pcrtickler friciul?'' ' 'J'liat was Miss Saffrons," interrupted ('lermont. ' Well, I never! w. 11, what if 'twas?? the luu' 'lirux her, and she t<>le I'oily Armstrong to tell l'hebo. t'ollins. to whisper like to Nancy Hang, to hint to .lohn Simpson's wife's cousin's sister to tell our Mirandy? she's our help?t i tell uu?" ' That she was a delegate!'' should liarXy' ' An/ 'twa ut (hut?you aint smart; twa'nt in six miles, nor in sight o' that; la! sakws, that wa lit no secret, she tole nie that with her own lips ; 1 don't mind exactly when 'twas, hut 1 believe in my heart 'twas one cvciiiu' when she wuz goiu' down on a j vi-it to the siugiiig-srhule ; she's an awful renegade, allays gaddiu' about sumw heres. j Well, she wuz jist goin' a past our gate, and , called me down ; I goes, an lliero .-lie wuz ' all drest out in yuller. That would suit her nmu/.in' only that she's so oiicouimoii yuller j herself, her hair, an' eyes, and nose, an' i teeth, besides bein' y:111 r complected her- . ...ic i i " i i i ni-ii, ii rjuiii ncl" I'llI'l'KS, WHICH I'll'lJ.) SD i tlint when I looked at her, ! coiiMnt tell I'm* tin: 'mortal soul << inc w hcivaliiHtis In r ' dress elided :ii)' sin: hi'trun. M??fIn i my Ikiiicl to me, m / In . in in r, w i?\ ilicy h.i'l ? 11: 111 t'i can s ^I j- - . 'Il'mns t? tli it \. i! i-tin* hi;^ \Y ni I?!" > 1 i .?li. '.i 11 |l>Htc i <| l . 11 '-III 11 i i In- II i t i it III i . \ Fill ri ky ?' ' Si ill M'Z I. llll-dl ' j"kill jihnMt |Vi|k.t iliiirtcite i-5 - in III!. I'lSi.'li ?. it ti n', '^u/slif 6 HI. i' I w. ! ' ' /' 'Mother,' sez Dan, 'I toll you she's a specimen?she's 'stonishiu' verdant, an' her name is vegetable, an' her hull phizmahogouy is ruddy fur plantiu', she's got a turnup nose an' reddish hair, she's onioneyed. an' puukin complected, an' her cheeks does beet all natur!' Spcakin' of coloriu' minds me of another pertness of my Danel. 'Mother,' sez he to uic. 'What, son ?' sez F. 'Mother, sez Dan, 'L wish to convulsions I could carry a ra'al live Amerikiu sunsent to that eternal World's Fair; wouldn't it 'stonish them Hritishcrs a few?' sez ho. 'Talk of Itilly?why it's three nines out in ino country?nice it amt jist no wliar in natur?Auierikin sunsets beats creation in the matter o' th/c stuff's !?tlicy do?so help 1110 olo Powhatun, Pokybuntas. an' a lew of tlio rest of the .Smiths ! i My Panel, lie is exstrornary 'onto an' no mistake, fact lie's the 'chief among ten thousun' an' altogether' procurin'. I've a notion of runnin' him agin the Presidency, or pnttin' liini to ingincerin,' one; but I can't make up my mind which lie's got the great- 1 est talons fur." ! AVhat is the opinion of Miss Saffrons'? '< inquired Adelaide, with a smile. ' Miss Saffrons '. bless your innocent soul, honey, she liaiut got no opinion previous to i Panel?she's arter the minister?the lau' look down ! She expects to go toliim when she dies?if she had her choice this minute, which to go to, him or?or Paradise, she wouldn't know what to do, she haint found out yet which is the greatest man ! "She used to do Iter little uttermost to ' git him roun' to her house when they had ] the delegation incetiii's?they used to hcv a nioctm , you know, three times a week, ' fur the outiittiu' of tlie members, etc. an* so on. Well, every feminine that felt an interest in the woll-bcin' of herself, or her ked'ntry, or that expected to take a hand I'ithcr in Time or a never-endurin' Kternity, wuz to 'come up' to these uiectin's, an* help to make up the prescription strong cuulf to Barry 'em all to Wurcesteran' back, an'she had leave at the same time to put in any complaint or petition which she wanted to ;iev tended to in the convention. One nornin' arter I'd got every thing cleaned tp, an' the dairy put to rights, three new, 'beeses in the press, an' dinner on, I thought i d j 1st run or?r an* see what they wore all tp to, so I elaps on my sun-bunnct?that lew green one, you know, an oil' I starts. Ihoy met nt lH? 'eaalcmy that uiornin', and, lakes alive ! sieli a muss I When I went n, there wuz Miss Skinflint, an' Miss Trotvell, an' Miss Saifrous, all standin' up in I row, with papers au' pcnsils, puttiu' down he names an' tlie complaints an' the prceriptions?tliero wuz their heads a sliakiu', in' their hands a wavin', an' their tongues a ultliu'. The lau"! Noah's ark au' the tower ; if 1 hi hoi, all messiti' up together on a 'leeion day, wan t a circumstance to (hat t/nrr. II . . w t tl>?? firwt tliiinr T r?l-i ninwl n\*AU All ...... ...v. J v... v.. , ....V,.. opened the door, wuz Miss Ueebout, the v inner's wile, her that's allays shoutin' so 11 nfunnl at camp nieotin's and' sieh like.? w die's uiie of Ihcui oxstronary fussy critters a hat would get up a inuss in the kingdom innx always kiekin* up a dust, an' raisin' he ole misery gitierally. Well, she wuz * lown on her kimes in the middle of 'em. s in' right in IVuat of the delegation?she'd rot the steam up, an'thought she wuz in the " dtur, sure emilF. Here enulf. Here she 11 vent on cavort in ! "Oh ! you're coinin'? v see y.ui're e'iniit'?uow's the good time ' ?here's the right way?cum one, cum all ' ?who hears fur expenses ?oh I oh ! o?o? f ?-h !' an' down she went as usual, 'i'oor ! hin 1' sez one. 'What a martyr in the s rreat cause !' sez another.?"Sieh eiithoosy- v sin ! sieh insensibility !' sez they all. Miss -'kiulliut she sees me. an' beekous me over *' :o her side the house,?she wuz talkin' * nvay fur life to Miss Margaret, the minis- 1 tor's sister. She keeps house fur the par- ' >on, who is a bachelor, an' never wuz mar- v ri'd. though she's a proper nice woman? j ( she's got more sense in a minute than that | ' hull delegation will In v to ail cverlastin' ' kingdom cum. 1 "1 seo'd a sorter uiischeovuus twinkle in 1 her eye as she gin ole Miss Skinflint the lollar as wuz usual. suyin' she was afraid he 'couldn't 'precialo the 'great cause,' but \ :is she was eallin' at the time, she couldn't t jo away without eoiitrihutin' to givo her j t i trip, an' hoped she might enjoy it. Oh ! 1 > z Miss Skinflint, if it wuz only for my : own good I'd die before I'd accept this dol- t lar, sez she. jerkin' it into her green ridi- < enlc on ihe fast principle, but, sez she, it's f fur you as well as me, it's lur us all, it's fur I lie hull coiiuucunity?it's fur the hull loin- 1 mine univarse, soz stie, it's to sustain our 1 posishun, it's to maintain our dignity, it's < to obtain our n't/hls, as free citizens of the 'public, an' wiumicii of the I'.Hli century. I So/. she, it's fur this h< that your hencv- 1 olcnso contributes this dollar! a chuck in up j I tlie ridicule in her hand. 1 beg pardon, i scz Mi.-s Margaret, but 1 t' ;;?* it will not ^ acotnplish so much as you hope. Don't you think in kin do it! cries Miss SkinHint, an' her very (yes were a screatnin' i ye8, we will?we've a right to vote an' to goto Kongnss, an' all sieh?an* we'll demand an' take them rights by force of arms, if needs be, so/, she. Scissors an' daruiu ncedles ! lobe sure you will! cries sassy Kate Langston, an' she jerked up the 11r<torn stick (nit hi a corner an' run with it i < to Miss Skinflint? the hlack-eyed witch ! 1 could sco all the time she wuz dyin* inter- j nally a HBn. Kxcuse me, madam, scz Miss i Margaret. I must "o now, and yet I cannot | : i\drain from telling you at parting that I fear you have mistaken the means of dicelino this ?rcat revolution; and even should you slice* rd, is it it<-.ii.ih|e ill it the Voice of ?i it woman lie heard in the le:*i.?lativ*; hill wli?ii to her i- eouimitli'd the nohlcr \ ! k "f loiiniti/ tin- In arts and intellect.-, who i' i n tfiei" { I- it important that -lie Iioeld he i. ud lift in" nj? lo r vo'nv in the | Mr.or-, n; m the 1.allot h .\, wh-'li physical j impr.vetn#nt. intellontnitl progress, *nd ( i i .11 r " !' n i -J ut uttered but infinitely powerful?so /> t it L< ? That sayin' of Miss Margaret's struck into my fancy astonishin' severe, an' that's the reason why I mind it word for word. She's an exstroruary procurin' woman?she'll git you long afore you know where you arc, if don't wutrh.out?an' if you do, she'll git you you enny how. 1 kin remember e'en a most every word I ever heard her say. Miss Skinflint she didn't know, egszackly how to answer, an' when Miss Margaret sod good moruin' I thought I never did see her look half so handsum?her soft brown eyes i\ imifit. mi' cnurlr Kwl un sin' there wuz the daintiest little color cum up tti her chocks, jist fur all the world like the sun shiuin' through a heap of roseleaves. When she wuz gone, 1 paid my dollar to the dolcgnsliun, au* begun to look roun' at the rest. [TO ItK CONTINUED.] ? Large Legacy xu Jefferson Davis. ?New Orleans, July 8.? It is learned that the late Mrs. Sarah A. Porsey, of Mississipi, who died in this city last week, leaves i will bequeathing her whole estate to Jefferson Davis. In making this bequest, Mrs. Dorsey refers to the great services and sacrifices of Mr. Davis on behalf of the South, and reproaches his countrymen for their failure in gratitude and appreciation l'or such service, and regrets the small contribution which she is able to make for his relief. The estate embraced in this legacy includes two large plantations in the upper p ut of the State, and the elegant villa at Hcauvoir, on the sea coast, where Mr. Maris is now sojourning, the climate and situation of which have proved especially favorable to Mr. Davis' health, and his presjut occupation of study and lador in preparation of his bookiu defense ot his administration of the otlioe of President of he Confederate States. This legacy of Mrs. Dorsey will make the circumstances jf Mr. Davis <piite easy aud comfortable. ? Spinning Shed Cotton.?The process >f spinning cotton from the seed is likely o revolutionize the South. The "South* :rn Herald* in speaking of the cotton fac,ory at Westminster, on the Air-Line ltail i :.. <t - o /1 ,.?ii UUU, 111 V vUUL'C t'UUUl^, O. V>., . \?'\ll ho machinery is moved by a twolvc-inch urbiuc wheel. The seed cottou is systetnitieally measured into the gin by machinery, ind the lint, separated from the seed, passed 'roui the gin in rolls to the spindles, and amies out in thread. Thus the expense ul' lacking, bagging, ties, etc., is dispensed villi, and also the damage to the lint from (impressing is prevented. The factory we aw had only 500 spindles, and turned out bale (forty bunches) of thread per day t requires 150.000 pounds of seed cotton 0 keep the mill running a year. The rliolo cost of the buildings machinery, etc., iras 65,000. Two or three farmers in any icighborhuod can combine and erect sueli mill to the lasting benefit of themselves nd their neighbors. . ? I Tow MITCH CAN* A SqCASll LlKT?? k gentleman once tried an experiment to ee how much plants could lilt by their ;rowth. lie took a young squash and put 1 into a harness or frame of iron hands, so nade tli.it it forced the squash to grow upcard. Then he passed an iron bar over his and hung weights on the end of it. )ay by day lie added to these weights, till he lever broke, and then he used railroad ron till that bent under the weight. The quash kept oil growing in spite of the reights. August 17 it was put in harness j Vugu-t 21 it lifted sixty pounds; August II, five hundred pounds, and so on until )ctobcr ill, when it raised live thousand louuds. At this point the third lever broke, itn it'illi liinilc iroi'o ti*ui? tliii <> vtiiii'i nuiiit vas jjivi'ii up I*]veil when walking in the ity streets we may see examples of this ureo of growth ; the pavement is lifted up ?y the routs under it. Once three mu-diooms lil'tod a pavement stone weighing i-hty pounds. The hoy stood on the baekyard fence, vhenee all but him had tied, the flames .hat lit his father's barn shone just above ho sheil. One bunch of crackers in his laud, two others in his hat, with piteous iceents loud he cried, "I never thought of .hat ! A bunch of crackers to the tail of tie small dc he'd lied, the doj? ill anguish iou^ht the barn and mid its ruins died ? I'lie sparks flew wide and red and hot, they it upon that brat; they fired the crackers ii bis band and eke those in his hat. Then :aine a burst of ratilin^ sound?the boy ! Where was be ipme ' Ask of the winds Jiat far ar m id strewed hits of meat and hone, and scr ips of clothes and balls and tops and nails and books and yarn, tiie rel... .1. i ic..i i .. .1 . . . . iv.t <> iin: tuciKiiiii uoy iu:tf uurucu ntS fathers barn,? >S'jainyjit ! ( Lurm. ' Hun fir :i doctor and a "lass of brandy, ijuiek, cried a red nosed man around on Kllis street to day, who was slightly overcome by beat and so forth. Several (iood Samaritans started oil' in answer to bis appeal in every direction, when they were rounded to by an additional cry, 4,l>ont loo many of you "o lor tlm doctor and not eiiouyh tor the brandy. 1 reckon you had better all oy for the brandy lirst and for the doctor afterward-:. They all looked upon at the old hum foil o who was thus prosuiiiiii?r upon the best impulses of humanity and lelt him alone with his thirst under a shady mulberry tree.?Aii'/nsfit / Jnuiii>/ A V/'-s. Senator Matt ('arpeiiter was interviewed the other day u|mii the subject of his | health, and aid : I tell you no man cut siiii'Le |w i \ Havana ecu a day and keep u^ tb.- practice witln-nt ne.iiinfo 111? ! certain death Mr I 'arpenter is wrecked Mdy .t* 1 m'"< ! hv I iVeti1 % tJ.^v. HE.llTIFIL TimCiN AT JAMES ALLAN'S, 3 O 7 KINO STREET, C1IAHLKSTON, S. C. HICH JEWELRY of Now and Eloerant Dosicrng. and exquisite Workmanship. FINE WATOHES, American and Swiss, of the Latest Styles. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS, As well as less costly Sets, in Great Variety. S TF.RL INC SfL I Kit WA A*K In Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, especially adapted for wedding Presents. SLT/VKK PIJATRP WARE Tea Sets, Waiters, Ice Pitchers, Ruttcr Dishes, Cups, Goblets, Ac. CHOICE FANCY GOODS. French Clock*, flromc Fine T lie Culler;/, Opera Clause*, Fine Classicarc, ,J*c. tiif f.fst coons at the lowest nucFs. RKMKMP.Hll TIIK PLACE ! .T A 31 E S A Tu LAN, :io7 liitiK Street, CHARLESTON. May !? 10 Sin TIME TABLE OF THE Spartanburg & Aslieville R. R. S. V. A C . H.ULKO II). To g-o into Effect, Holiday, June 2, 1S75). DOWN TRAIN. | Ul? TRAIN. Arive. j I. oa vi1. j STATIONS. ; A rive, j Leave. | IS 116 aIII Ileniicsiiuvillo. !" 'JO | I 0 10 I Mat Knelt. I 6 05 l> 25 ruloniillis j 5 15 ""IS 40 a III, 0 .55 Sti IiiiIh | 5 50 7 10 Melrose 5 15 7 10 |Trynn Oily I IS 7 .50 \ l.inilmini j 4 50 s 10 I'atiipoliella I 4 10 j s ai 'Ionian j i oo i s i<> [ramiiioii i a sopio 1 ! imi I Air-I.ille .Tiim 'nj a 50 I ! 50 a in Spartan Inir^ a 10 III 05 j I'aenlet I 'J 15 jio 21 '.InooKvillo i I :?) 10 50 II on jl'iiiiin 2 05 i 2 05 II 27 {Sail(lie I I 40 'II 17 ' l-'isli l>ani | I 25 ; r_* "> mii-iii.n | ! l in |rj I ". I Kyles l"?ir.1 | ; Mui l'J ;ln ' 12 17 [StrutIters IJ |."> pin rj -id it :i<> - I Albion . rj in |> iii * lil'CUUfilSt. f 1 >i 11 nor. i)i;- Trains ??n S. A A. f'niul will li- run l?y A. I.. Time JAS. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Keeps' Shirts. KIWI'S- Complete Shirts fur ."?! 00, are tlie . cli en pest shirts ever offered In I lie public. Perfect lining and I lie best material. For sale by the Agents. RICK & MCI.I.'UK. June <5 2-". If Men and Boys of Union ! \\7"K liavo tbe cheapest ami best Cassimeres, ty 'I'weeds, l.ineiis and Collonailcs for men and boys' wear you ever saw. KICK & Mi I.I KK. May 18 If New Goods Arrived. \ I ^ Spring and Summer Stock of Dry floods, 1* 1 Notions, Clothing, ?S:c., is now open for inspection and sale. Prices lower than ever. S. W, POIiTKK. May '.1 18 tf II A A 1 O It S A 3. I'. ! j A AAA POFNOS Timothy, Clover and "tI 'y '/'/'/ Herds <irass--ihc finest ever offered in I'nioii. At No. I Kasl t'nion, adjoining tbe Post (Ulicc. Price reduced. 'IVl'llls t'iisll. 11. F. KAWLS' Cheap Cash Store. > > *ii .<* .*1.1 \ - ? ^I II o\v Slock of Shoos. I II A VIC ju?t receive"! a new stock of all jgycls I :iii<1 qualities of l.a<lies' ami Men's Shoes, from lite finest dress shoe to I he coarsest hrogan. ami I intend to sell tlicm /<><< ?/"? // for Cash. S. W. 1'tHJTKK. May 1! IX I". A. T"?\VNS|;NI?. S. S. M'llKIS. TOWNSEND & S'i'OKES, ATTOUIM-'VS AT f.AW, IJ N I (IN. S . <*. Will practice in the State and I'niled States < 'onrls. January 1st, IX7'.?, 1 tf I IIAVICa new supply of all kinds of (Irocc* 1 ries, and those wanting Cheap floods in tlint line should call on mc. S. W. I'OICTKIJ. May'J IX if Gloves, Vl.l, sixes, all colors arid all qualities, at tho lowest prices, at S. tV. I't iKTKK'H i neap .^luri'. May 0 10 ?f HATS. /^IIMAT bargains in lints. New styles in \ M straw goods for men nn?l hovs. I.tulies' Trimined Hats. HICK \ McM/ltK. May 2 18 If Parasols. Iill'iOM a Calico to the finest Silk, at the very ' lowest prices, nt S. TV. I'OKTKICS Cheap Store. May 0 10 If Keeps Umbrellas. Kl'.l I' I into elln ?, ilk an.I (iinifhaiii, are very nf1 ? ?*, an I lunch cheaper than the *aiue stylo el I n la Has call he | 111 alia-cl of an? Atlifr i>n?oifa"?Mr? f:"T \ *.it i.rni* ' Jnnt o -"I If ' James H. Rodger ?DEALKR IN? GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. MA A"UFA CTURtSR OF TIX WAltE, STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IKON PANS* ROOFING, GUTTERING AND REPAIRING im\i: at shout notii^* I HAVE just received a large lot of Groceries . COllSIStillg of Sugars, Coffee, Tea, Molasses and Syrups, Haeon, Lard and Salt, Flour, ltice and Grists. Cheese and Canned Goods. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. II W 111) W A It It] . In this line 1 have everything yon may want, from a Cambric Needle to a liroad Axe. Cooking and Heating Stoves. NEVER SO CHEAP BEFORE. 1 invite an examination of my Stock, knowing that I cati please in quality, quantity ami price. Do You Want Tin Ware? I manufacture my own Tin Ware, Stove Pipe nnd Slioct Iron Pans, which I warrant to b? of Ilia very best quality, KOOFINU, (,'UTTERING and REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY AND WELL. Castings for Stoves furnished at the Shortest Notice. DOX'T XKGLECT TO CALL OX j. ii. noi>c;]':it. Nov 29 4H If Laclics' and Gent's Shoes. VLL the leading styles. An unusually good line of Ladies' Philadelphia made fine shoes. Ladies' Kid Slippers and Newport* in large variety. KICK & MoLUllK. May 2 18 If Greenville and Columbia R. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Im m T'assengcr Trains run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting wit It Night Trains on Sunlit I'nrtdina Kailroad tip ami down. On and alter MONDAY, May 211th, lite following will be Ibc schedule: i;r. l.cavc Columbia al ?.4A a tit Leave Alston 11.150 a m Leave Newberry 10.00 a in Leave Cokcsbtiry 2.17 pin Leave Dcllon 1.00 pm Arrive at Greenville o.ilo p in MOWN. Leave Greenville al 8.0"? a in Leave Helton H.;V> a in Leave Cokesbnry 11.15U a in Leave Newberry 2.-10 p nt Leave Alston 4.20 p re. Arrive al Columbia ft.oA p ni ANDEHSON HHANCI1 AND I'.Ll'B HIDC.15 DIVISION, intwx. rr. Leave Walhalla. ...II. 1"? a nt Arrive 7.L1 p m Leave I'erryville...7.00 a in Arrive 11.40 p nt Leave l'endlelon...7.;">0 a in Arrive 0.00 p nt Leave Anderson...8..10 a nt Arrive 0.00 p nt Arrive al Helton...0.10 a nt Leave 4.00 p in Tim\i \? inm t \i i' AI? General Superintendent. .1 \i:i:z Nouton, .In., General Ticket Agent. .1 inn: '.i, I *7(1. tf Pioneer Vjijut Manufacttiring Company. ]\ ' AN UP At Tl'llKKS of Hook, News ami 1>T wrapping PAPKIt, ^ Joint IV Agent, Alliens, Gu For sample of News, see this slieet. Nuv 'JJ 4.i If J. C. WALLACE, ATTOIt\i;V IT I.I IV AND TRIAL JUSTICE, UNION C'. II , So. Cti. \V I I.I. practice in nil Courts of this Slate.? Prompt attention to business. Trial Justice business transacted without delay. Oflico opposite Hotel, in II. !<. Goss' new building. April IS 1ft flm SAMUEL S. STOKES, I li I \ li .1 IJS I I <J K, l llioil ( , II., S. (!. All liiisinc.'iK in the jurisdiction of n Trial Justier attended to with promptness. Ollioo over St roil mini & Knwls' low office. .Inn :! 1 If LUBRICATING CASTOR OIL. FOll GKKAS1K0 < \ icici iti GGins, Ac* For Sole l.y 15 F. IIAWI..S No. 1, Fust I'nion. ' May -o -J I tf Hosiery. rilllF. cheapest nn<! best. at 1 S. W. roilTKIt'S t 'hr:ip More May '? 10 tf lirrOMi'iie )<l 4 Vllls ;i l.iilloji. '? f-TnlM Si roi.ToN'.^. A [ til 1 II tf