Tilkf.n Wili. Not Do.?To recount Mr. Tildcn's acts of omission nn<l commission would be too tedious ami long, but well <lo we remember when South Carolina was sweltering in the last agonies of misgovcrmncut and oppression how he foamed and swore when she, in the depths of her trouble, called Wade Hampton to deliver her. Fresh and green to our minds is the manner in which we were treated by him when against great and heavy odds we were fighting for life and his elevation. His cold hand wns uct(e?rcachcd tp_ assist us, ant\ i|j_ thc>d<yibtful battle'rV^rord "of cheer ever came from his ftigid lips to move us 011. Yes, enough of Mr. iixicn. no wish no more 10 near oi loni i'eiton and his mysterious dispatches. Let the curtain drop, and let it there remain forever as far as he und his promising nephew arc concerned. Not so with the gifted statesman, Mr. llayard?a long-tried and true friend of the South. A pure patriot ; a statesman without spot or blemish. One who loves, as lie docs the apple of his eye, the Constitution of his country, and who is steadfast and tiue in every emergency. He trims no sail to meet each passing breeze, but from the lofty tower of statesmanship ho makes a calm and diguificd survey, lie is our man.?Camden Journal. A Dkmocratic Discovkry.?The five border Si lit OS nf \l firvlfinil. \V osf. Yr5r?rtnif? Itmthinbv Tennessee and Missouri, that are universally thrown into hotch-potch as part anil parcel of the "solid South," and as thoroughly "rebel," actually supplied the national government with a larger number of soldiers to tight for the Union and to suppress tlio rebellion than five New England States. Here are the official figures of the war department: Maine 72,114 Connecticut 57,359 New Hampshire 30,620 Vermont 55,202 llhudc Island 23,099 Total 225,003 West Virginia 32,003 Maryland. 50,310 Kentucky 79,025 Tennessee 31,092 Missouri 109,114 Total 301.010 So it appears that five "rebel" States actually sent 301,610 soldiers into the Union army to suppress the rebellion, or 70,547 more than five New England States.?St. Louis Post-Dispatch. TlIK GltKKNVII.LV: AND Coi.UMItlA llAII.KOA I).? Col. Titos Dodanicad, who has served the Greenville and Columbia Railroad in the capacity of supctintcndcnt for several years past, has re signed that position and will bo succeeded on ilie nrst 01 August by Uol. It. n. Temple, ol Richmond, Va. Col. Teuiplc is an etlicient and experienced railroad man. lie was Major of artillery in the Confederate army under den. linger, and after the war was superintendent of the York Uiver Railroad of Virginia, and more recently chief eugincer of tlio Richniaud and Alleghany Railroad. Maj. F. K. llugcr has been appointed general freight agent of the road, and Col. Jas. F* Meredith, an old otliccr of the .South Carolina Railroad, has been appointed master of transportation. All the new appointees will assume the duties of their otlico on the first of August. ? C/mr. Xtwt ami Courier. Wiies tiiic Cbntai. System Goes Into Effect. ?The trade committee of the New York Produce Exchnngc have issued a circular to all the commercial organizations in the country, notifying them that tho board of managers have named October 1, next, as a suitable time for the cental system to take ctfcct. The committee say : "As this movement is solely in the interest of trade, to the end that there may be greater simplicity and uniformity in our commercial transactions, we respectfully but earnestly ask that you will give the influence of your organization to this much needed reform, and unite with us in endeavoring to carry it into full and etfeetive operation at tho time designated." Tiie Kxont's.?Kx-Congrcssmrin Haralson, of Alabama, himself a negro, furnishes some inter esting evidence about the negro exodus, lie says that the movement is going to set in this fall with a sweep that notiody now dreams of. From his own district, lie thinks, as many as fifteen thousand will go, which would be at the ratn of a hundred thousand for the whole State, lie reports the darkies simply infatuated with the idea, and says it is as useless to argue with them about it as to debate with the cast wind. Mr. Haralson proposes not to be much of an exodus man himself, but if his race arc bound to ami grate, he opposes any more of tlicin going to Kansas. and favors their scattering through the southern parts of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Wiiitf. ani> Hlack at Communion.?A curious scene was witnessed at the Presbyterian Church in Decatur, On., Sunday. A negro woman applied for admission to (lie church. She was called to the altar and underwent examination. This was satisfactorily concluded, and she was then regularly received into the church. As i'. was communion .Sunday, site was invited to partake of the service and did so. Senator John 15. Cordon and Congressman Candler were among the members who took communion with her.? The affair created some talk, but was generally approved. Sake in tiik Penitentiary.?Columbia, July 117.?The negro who committed the revolting outrage upon the little Humphries child, in Union County several days ago, was brought down to this city last evening and lodged in the Penitentiary for safekeeping. He is a villanoiis-looking little wretch, and his bringing here was timely, as it was known that men bent upon his destruction would make way with him. - . Tin: I)anokr of Huass Kf.tti.es.?Petersburg, Va., July 117.?Saturday evening Capt. Hudson, auditor of the Petersburg Railroad Company, bis wife, five daughters, t wo grand-children and the cook, were mado seriously ill by eating ice cream, tbc custard of which had been boiled iu n brass kettle. Neighbors to whom sonic of the cream had been scut were also taken ill after eating it. List of Lottnrs Remaining in the l*n?t Office nt Union, S. Saturday, July 20, 1879. Miss I.uvlna Burns, Mrs. Melia Byas, Mis# Corcass Mayos, Mrs. Charlotte Melts. Bcv. James Monilmlml, Pan). J. (Jrorn, Farrai Foster, Mrs. Martha Richards, Miss .linnic Thomson. JAM. II. GOSH, I'. M. Consigneos por Express at Union, S. C. July 30th 1879. Wm. Monro, Bice & McUuro, J. J. Kinard, S. I), (inudclock, B. IV. Shand, Miss Carrie Boyd, Rev. Julius Steele. F. II. COUNTS, Ag't. DISSOLUTION. \Tlt. .lames Monro having liccn appointed 1? L Clerk of the Court, the partnership herel il'ore existing under iho lino name fit" Sharul .vi Monro was By operation of law di--solved on .Inly 8, IS7'J. Mr. It. W. HlnnJ will CJhfinuo the prartice of law at Union, 8. C. Augnl 1 :Vl ."I P R 0 C L A M A T10 N. Statu of South Carolina, ) Exkcutitk Dkfautmkxt. > Columbia. Julv. 1K79. k WHEREAS, information lias been receivcil nt (his Department that an atrocious niunlcr was committed in Union County, on or about the UGth day of May, A, D. 1879, upon the body of John Sanders by John Edwards, alias Murph and that the said John Edwards, alias Murph, has lied from justice : Now, Therefore, I, \V. D. SIMl'SON, Governor of the Stale of South Carolina, in order that justice may be done and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of One Hundred and IIfly Dollars for the apprehension and delivery in any jnil of this Stale of the said John Edwards alias Murph. Said John Edwards, alias Murph, is about 5 feet G inches high, blue eyes, dark hair, a small scnr over one eye ami in one eye a small wliite spot; weighs about 1351hs. In Testimony Whereof I lmvo hereunto set {#?'* 1 my hand and caused the Great skal V Seal of tho State to be nflixod, at ' j Columbia, this 18th day of July, A. D. 1870. and in the one hundred and fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America. W. D. SIMrSON, Governor. By the Governor: It. M. Sims, Sec. of State. BfaF" Carolina Spartan Copy 3 times. August I 31 3t The State of South Carolina, COUNTY or UNION. In the Court of Probate. BY DAVID JOHNSON, Jr., Judge of 1'robate in Union County. WHEREAS, James Munro, Clerk of the Court for said County, has made suit to mc to grant him letters of administration of the Estate and effects of G. S. NOLAND, deceased. These arc, there tore, to cite and admonish all anil singular I lie kindred and Creditors of the said O. S. NOLAND, deceased, tliat they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Union Court House, on the l'Jth day of September 1ST;), next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in I he forenoon, to shew causa, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 31st day of July, Anno Domini 1S79. DAVID JOHNSON JR., Judge of Probate. Aug 1 31 (it SELECT MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT ?iiv TUBUNION SINGING- SOCIETY, ASSISTED BY SOME OF THE REST SIXUEKS IN TOWN, Prof. Gonzalez Musical Director, MONDAY. AUGUST ATM IN TIIK COURT HOUSE milE residents of Union will find it to their _L advantage to give nil the encouragement they possibly can to this offering hy Home Tnlciltj as the Programme selected will please as well as benefit all interested in the welfare of this young Society. In order to make the occasion inorc attractive, a beautiful Organ, suitable for church or l'arlor use, will be presented to some one of those taking part in the Programme, provided the audience be such as the offering justly deserves?a good attendance. July 25 30 2t 10,0001bs. Dry Hides Wanted, }7AOIt which the highest market price will be ' paid, by J. II. RODGER. July 25 30 tf TO FARMKltS I Tlie Macarthy Horse Power. I HAVE purchased the C. E. Macarlhy's Horse Power for this County and will ^bc pleased to sell to any one the right. I can say ^)th a great degree of confidence that it excels any other horse power 1 have ever used to gin cotton with. Any one who liatf old gearing run down can attach the Macarthy Horse Power with very little expense. I will state that I can giti as much with three mules with this Power as can be done with four on any of the cogs or trundle heads. The inventor claims a greater power than this. Mr LEMASTEK will he my Agent. S. M. I1ICE, Union C. H., S. C. uiuy ,? > .)U !m ROBERTSON, TAYLOR & CO., ?SUCCESSORS TO? GEO. W. U IIXIAMS ?fc CO., COTTON F A C T 0 R S?W H O L E S A L E (i U 0 C E It S ?AND? General Commission Merchants, 1 AND :l HAYNE STREET, CIIAHT.EHTOX, S. C. .July 1g 'JO Om Sheriff's Sales. I) V virtue of Sundry fixecutionstomodireclcd, ) I will sell, before Union Court 11ou.;o door, on the first Monday in August next, within the legal hours of .SheritF's sales, the following property, to wit : One tract of land locatcil in cross Keys Township, Union County, containing one hundred and ninety neres. more or less, bounded by lands of \V. S. tlregory, l?. II. Sheldon, W. 11. Ooro j and others l?*vii-?I > n and to be sold as the prop- i erij of Stephen II Turner, at the suit of \Y. S. I OroTTnrr. ! r, M.(cr.ETii, s. u. <* '. .fuly 12 jo di The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Common Pleas. John 11. llenwick, l'laintiff. p i i n .... I Sununous? Robert II. Lyons as Adnnnis- | t rat or of the goods, Clial- | j. tics and credits of James j Rogers, deceased, Robert | .. . R. Lyons, Nancy II. Rogers ( John R. Lyons, Joseph J. f r, . . , Lyons. Ann K tW- Wil. I Con,plaint liam K. Lyons, Jolin W. N. j , Heard, JSallie It. Heard, | Mary E. Douglass, .lamos | ,fM.V(>1i E. Hen wick, and A. Q. Clark, Defendants. J To the Defendants above named : YOU arc lieteby suiimioucd and required to answer tlie complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their ottice, No. 2, Law Kange, Union, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service of this summous on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to nuswer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintitr in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, Union, S. C., 8th July, 1870. MUNRO k MUNRO, 1'laintijf's Attorneys. C <? Jamks Munuo, i seal v Clerk of Court. V J To the Defendants, John R. Lyons, Joseph J Lyons, Ann E. Clark, A. Q. Clark, anil William E. Lyons Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common l'leas, for Union County, at Union Court House, in the State of South Carolina, on the eighth tiny of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Dated, 8th July, 1870. MUNRO & MUN 110, Plaintiff 'a Attorneys. No. 2 Law Range, Union, South Carolina. July 11 28 Oi The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Probate. John R. Ren wick nnd James E. Ren wick, Plaintiff.?. summons against, Robert lb Lyons, as Administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of James Rogers, deceased, Nancy f 11. Rogers, John 11. Lyons, Joseph J. Lyons, Ann EClark, A. Q. Clark, William E. Lyons, John W. V. Heard. Sallio 11. Hear*. < _ .. - Mary K. Douglass aid * ltobert D. Lyons, Defendants. J To the Defendants, above named: YOU arc hereby summoned and required to answer the petition in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a opy of your answer to the said petition on the subscribers, at their office, No. 2 Law Range, Union, South Carolina,? within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the ?aid petition within the lime aforesaid, the plaintifTs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the petition. Dated, Union, S. C., 28th dune, 1870. MUNltO & MUNRO. IMaintilTs' Attorneys. | . "i David Johnson, Jr., -j seal > Judge of Probate. 1 To the Defendants, John R. Lyons, Joseph J. I.yons, Ann E. Clark, A. Q.Clark and William E. Lyons: Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Probate Judge for Union County, at Union Court House, in the State of South Carolina, on the Drtrtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Dated, 80th June, 1879. i MU.NRO & MUNRO, Plaintiffs' Attorneys, No. 2 Law Range, Union, South Caaolina. July 4 27 Gt The State of South Carolina. COUNTY or UNION. In the Court of Probate. James Munro, Clerk of Court"] of Common Pleas, as Administrator of Margaret Ivy, deceased, Plaintiff, against. (Icorcro Ivv. Jeremiah Tvv I John Ivy, Sr., Martha Ivy, (widow of Henry, Ivy) John Ivy, Jr., Elizabeth Ivy, (widow of Richard Summons Ivy,) Margaret Bailey, X. ('. Bailey, Smith Ivy, Eliza- For belli Jane Morris, William j Morris, Christopher Ivy, | Belief Ambrose H. Ivy, Mary Ivy, ](widow of Robert Ivy,) Complaint Elizabeth Ivy, Charles Ivy, Mary Jane Ivy, Franklin not Ivy, Beaty Ivy, Angelina Ivy, Martha Ivy, (widow Served, of Wiley Ivy,) William Ilenry Ivy, Nancy I. Brakefield, | James Brakelield, Thadeus Ivy, Louis Ivy, Margaret Burgess, John Burgess, Sarah Bently, William Rcntly, Mary Ivy, Tobitha Ivy, James llancy and James Ivy, Defendants. J To the Defendants above named : A/"OU are hereby summoned and required to X answer the petition in this action, which will be filed in the ollicu of tlu Judge of l'robate, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their otlicc, at Union, South Carolinn, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the petition within the limeaforcsafd. the plaintiff in this action will nnnlv to * - - "I I V -- ! I lie Court for I lie relief demanded in the petition. Dated July 21, A. 1>. 1870. TOWNS END k STOKES, Plaintiff's AttorneysTV; fhr Df/fmlanl*, Jeremiah Ivy, John Ivy, Sr., and James Ivy : Tako notice that the summons herein, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the ofiice of the Judge of l'rohntc for Union County, in the Si- te of South Carolina, on the 24III day of JlllVt IS"tt. July 24, I<<70. TOW WARD & STOKF.S, I'lurintifTs Attorney^! July 2't 30 Ot ill for tbe Ci NEW SPRIN' AT T. J. T E AUK receiving a handsome Slock they invite their Customers ami have any intention of purchasing or THEIR LIN IS COM A. T. STI BKESS French Organdies, French Lawns India Lai Prir THEI PRINTS, WHITI Will compare with those purchase A 1> which tiiei" o:< THEIR STOC AND FUR never belter, in style and qunlit I^AI>I ALSO, A LAR( BOOTS TUEIR 8Ul'l'I.Y OF GOODS IN Til Ilartlwaro, Wootlcn\ C AXI) THEY WOULD CAIA OIL 1 > SADDI All of the above poods were brougl chance before purchasing elsewhere i April 25 The State of South Cai COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Commoi William Lawson, Plaintiff", } against Si Berry Lawson, Sion lAirstn, fa Nancy Finclicr, It. M. Fin-' Cc cher, Frances Lawson. Ito- no sail Lnwson, Defendants. To the. Defendants, Berry I.nwson, son, Nancy Finclicr, It. M. Finclic Lawson and Rosalie Lawson : YOU are hereby Summoned and i answer the complaint in this acl will be filed in the Otlice of the Ch Court of Common Pleas, County of Union Court House, South Carolin serve a copy of your answer to the plaint on the subscribers, at their Union Court House, South Caroli: twenty days after the service of thi on you, exclusive of the day of su and if you fail to answer the said within the time aforesaid, the Plainl action will apply to the Court for demanded in the complaint. Union, S. C-, duly '2, 1879. T0WNSBN1) ft ST( Plaintiff's At I,-*-,-) Ciiari.f.8 IlnoT, skai, V Clerk of Court. To the Defendant, Sion Lawson : Take notice that the summons in thi which tho foregoing is a copy, was ti office of the Clerk of the Court of Com for Union County, on the second da1 1879. Union, S. C. July 1879. TOW A8UM) fSH Plaintiff's Al July 4 _27 FEMALE SEMIN A: MISS C. M. Ki:il>, PRIXi rnilK exercises of this School will 1 X on Monday, Aug. 18th, in the hit to ('apt. Farr's residcucc. The scholastic year will bo dividct sessions of 'JO weeks each. TERMS PEIl SESSION OF JO WEI 4th Class Hd ?? 2d " 1st " Music French Instruction in Calisthenics giver charge. HoyM under 10 Yearn Keeeived, A discount of lO per cent, will he tuition, to any parly sending two pu Jijne 27 20 Ready-Made Clothi AT prices astonishingly low, at IUCE k Mel May 2 18 leant i fill Drews IjIooi rpIIF largest assortment, Ihcprettic i. and cheapest priced Dress (?< ^foiwd ill any market abate Chariest setfh Hi ItffT, k Mr Mfty 1 1* tizens of Unit 8 ISUMME r< > W PRIC1 :o: f T T T JP, L JL _LJ JLi iX of Spring ami Summer goods of* I the public gcuernlly to call and ' not. ? OF DRESS iPLKTE, CONSISTING < 3WART <5 PATTERN > wns, ited and Striped Piqu India Silks, Muslins and P Suitings, Mun :o: R STOCK ii ftnnnc a-wt* t\ < ' WI v V J-r U XX XI XJ U ' il for larger markets. They lia IKS' II^rJ 'FEll AT REMAhKABLE LO :o: K OF GENT S CL NISHING y, or cheaper. They have a fine E 8 SHOl 5E LOT OF ALL ] AND SH K FOLLOWING LIN1S IS LAI vnro, /ro<'korv ware, tinware tint! r, SPECIAL A TTEXTIOX TO JSTD VARNI ^ES AND II lit here to SELL and we aro detei und we will convince you that we .T. T. H1L 17 olina, Cheap! Chea 1 Pleas. NEW tmnions ir rolicf. iniplaint t served. SPRING t equired to -w ra lion, which -M~ irk of the Union at ITTK Jnv-|tc tho W^urNewSto office, nt na, within SPRING and s summons ich service; complaint which have been seh tiff in this the relief quirements of our C? pose to sell at prices 'orneys, SYMPATHY V As usual, our stori demanded fcy (he wa try, from llic most s notion, of __ . _ led in (he ELEGAI inon l'lcas, i of .luly, for i,ftdies' and Ocnt )KEg PMXTATI torncys. ^ t all and see our gooi Rice & tie resumed April V, tiding next ? 1 into two TO ROAD YOU are hereby < sections of Hoi ?10 00 15,h of August, 187 ... lf? 00 Those failing too 20 00 cceded against in ac >-. nit All persons betwe t-j (j() except those special! Kj ble to perform road * , By order of the ' frco of sioners, of ApjO Wm. Ifili., Clerk. July 11 t mado for - piis. GINS *m- riHIE attention of t n~ J_ ty is called to t ? .Magnolia or (Jullett gin sold in the marl LURE'S. ccut a pound to the tf it. r* Wo also sell the * which has given sue st Patterns County. ?ods to he* We can supply Co on, cn? be wt'uH and examine sa LURE* 1 J tf ! juif n la County. ;r goods, ; COall the latest novelties, and inspect them, whether they 5 GOODS >F fc co. s S OF es, oplins, imy Cloths, OF 3ME STICS ivo a largo assortment o-r r H W PRICKS. OTHING GOODS, lot of T. MILES & SONSE KINDS OF OES. tGE AJID VERY CIIRAJV' 1 GrocorioH. T1IEIR STOCK CF SH, RIDLES. rmined to do it. Givo us a mean what we say. Tu Ac CO. tr per! I Cheapest!!I GOODS, )R THE? ind SUMMER 1879. attention of buyers to ck of SUMMER GOODS ectcl with a view to the reistomcrs and which we pro fn VITH THE TIMES. e is filled with every thing nts and tastes of the Coun*T FABRICS lemon's wear, to OX NIJI?I?I.IF?S. is and hear our prices, McLure. _ 17 _ t f T I C XQ ovkrsi:i;ks. irdered (o put your several ads in good order by the 0. bey this order will be proeordance with the law. en the ages of 18 and 50, y exempted by law, are liadnty. Hoard of County Oommis W. L. GOUDKLQCK. Chairman. 28 41 ! GINS !! he planters of Union Counhe improved Light draft, Gin. It is superior to any cct and adds one quarter price of cotton ginned on well kaown Winship Gin, li general satisfaction in our ndensors and Feeders also, ntples. P. M. FAKU ft tt* '28 tf