* \ffi i ? '* L*'
9m^SSSSSSSm ***01* JoMfewr$oKtiqs, and th<{ (fiirrrnt ^Trirr, of fht ?mj. *
vol.. X.? Nkw Series. UNION C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 1, 1S7D. NUMBER 31.
Oil tho morning of tlio 2dd of May, a bitter
trial w ti in store for the proud spirit?a
trial severer probably, than has ever in modern
times been inflicted upon any who had
enjoyed such eminence. This morning Jefferson
Davis was shackled.
It was while all tho swarming cauips of
the armies of the Potomac, the Tennessee
and Georgia?over two hundred thousand
bronzed and laureled veterans?were preparing
for the grand revkw of the next
morning, in which, passing in endless succession
before the uiausiou of tho President,
tho conijuoriug military power of the nation
was to lay down its arms at the feet of
the civil authority, that the following scene
was euactcd at Fort Monroe :
uapc. Jerome iv J. mow, ol the third
Pennsylvania Artillery, entered the prisoner's
cell, followed by the blacksmith of the
fort and his assistant, the latter carrying in
his hands some heavy and harshly rattiiug
shackles. As they entered, Mr. Davis was
reclining on his bed, feverish and weary,
after a sleepless night, the food placed near
him the preceding day untouched on his
tin plate near his bedside.
Well? said Mr. Davis, as they entered,
slightly raisiug his head.
I have an unpleasant duty to perform,
sir, said (Japtaiu Titlow : and as he spoke
theseuior blacksmith took the shackles from
liis assistant.
Davis leaped instantly from his recumbent
attitude, a flush passing over his face
lor a moment, and then his countenance
growing as livid aud rigid as death.
lie gasped for breath, clutchiug his
throat with the thin lingors of his right
hand, and then recovering himself slowly,
while his wasted figure towered up to its
full height?now appearing to swell with
indignation aud then to shrink with terror,
as he glanced from the Captains face to the
shackles?he said slowly and with a labor
1. -i .
ing cncsi :
My God ! You cannot have been sent
to iron me ?
Such are my orders, sir, replied the officer,
beckoning the blacksmith to approach,
Mho stepped forward, unlocking the padlock
and preparing the fetters to do their office.
'These fetters were of heavy iron, probably
five eights of an inch in thickness, and connected
together by a chain of liko weight.
L believe they aro now in the possession of
Major General Miles, and will form an interesting
This is too monstrous, groaned the prisoner,
glaring hurriedly round the room, as
if for some weapon, or means of self des
struction. I dc.j.uud, Captain, that you let
4iio see the commanding officer. Can he
protend that such shackles are required to
secure the sale custody of a weak old man,
so guarded and in such a fort as this'/'
It would serve to no purpose, replied
Captain Titlow; his orders are from Washington,
as mine arc from him.
Hut he can telegraph, interposed Mr.
Davis, eagerly; there must he some mistake.
No such outrage as you threaten tnc with
is on record in the history of nations. Hog
him to telegraph, and delay until he receives
an answer.
My orders are peremptory, said the officer,
and admit of no delay. For your own
sake, let me advise you to submit with patience.
As a soldier, Mr. Davis, you know
I must execute orders.
These are not orders for a soldier, shouted
the prisoner, losing all control of himself.
They are orders tor a jailor?for a hang
man, which 110 soldier wearing a sword
should accept ! I tell you the world will
ring with this disgrace. The war is over;
the South is conquered . I have no longer
any country hut America, and it i< for the '
honor of America, as for my own honor
and life, that I plead again-.t this degradation.
Kill me ! kill 1110 ! he cried passionately,
throwing nis arms wide open and
exposing nis breast, rather than illictou me
and my people through me this insult,
worse than death.
Do your duty, blacksmith, said the officer
walking toward the embrasure as if not caring
to witness the performance. It o.ily
gives increased pain on all sides to protract
this interview.
At these words the blacksmith advanced
with tlio shackles, and seeing that the prisoner
had one foot npoti the chair near his
bedside, his right hand resting on the back
of it, the brawny niechansic made an attempt
to slip ono of the chackles over tlie
ankle so raised ; but as if the vehemence
and power which frenzy alone can impart,
even to the weakest individual, Mr. Davis
suddenly seized his assailant and hurled
him halfway across the room.
On this Captain 'J'itlow turned, and seeing
that Davis had hacked against the wall
for further resistance, began to remonstrate,
pointing out in brief, clear language that
this course was madness, and that the order
must ho enforced at any cost. Why compel
mo, he added, to add the further indignity
of personal violence to the necessity
of your being ironed (
I am a prisoner of war, fiercely retorted
Mr. Davis; I have been a soldier in the
armies of \inoriea, and know h<>w t<< !
di-v Only kill mo, and my last, breath
shall ho a l.|i ->io ' on your head. I?nt
while I have !ih .nil slreiivth to ie-i r, I'mmyself
and I ;r my p-?ple. 11?i-? thing "hall
r.b: d;no.
Hereupon Captain Titlow culled in a
Sergeant and lilo of soldiers l'roui the next
room, and the Sergeant advanced to seize
the prisoner. Immediately Mr. Davis flew
on him and seized his musket and attempted
to wrench it form his grasp.
Of course such a scene could have but
one Dsue. There was a short, passionate
scuffle. Jn a moment Davis was flung
upou his bed, and before his four powerful
assailants removed their hands from hiui
the blacksmith and his assistant had done
their work?one securing the rivet on the
right ankle while the other turned the key
in the padlock 011 the left.
This done, Mr. Davis lay for "u moment
?iu W;.. .. 'IM 1 1- 1
? mi ( oivwiy raising millself
anil turning round, he dropped his
shackled feet to the floor.
The harsh clank of the striking chain
sccuis first to have recalled him to his situation,
apd dropping his face into his hands,
ho burst into a passionate flood of sobbing,
rocking to and fro, and muttering at brief
intervals: Oh, the shame! the shame!
It may here be stated, though out of its
dud order?that we may get rid in haste of
an unplcasaut subject?Mr. Davis some
months later, when frequent visits had
made him more free to converse, gavo a
curious explanation of the last feature iu
this incident.
lie had been speaking of suicide, and
denounced it as the worst form of cowardice
and folly. Life is not like a commission
that ,vo can resign when disgusted with
the service. Taking it by your own hand
is a confession of judgment to all that your
worst enemies can allege. It has often
/i l l
liasucu against me as a tempting remedy
lor neuralgic torture; but, tliauk Hod, 1
never sought my own death but once, and
then when completely frenzied, and not
master of tuy actions. When they came to
iron mo that day, as a 1 st resource of desperation,
1 seized a soldier's musket and
attempted to wrench it from his hands,
hoping that in the scuffle and surprise
some of his cotnrads would shoot or bayonet
--- **
Tub "Indut.of.nce" of Pistols.?Failing
all other means of accounting for the
death of Mr. Seymour, of New 1'ork, who
was found killed by a pistol shot iu the
grounds of the Theological Seminary, publie
opinion in that city is now settling
down to the belief that lie was killed by a
stray shot from some one celebrating in
this reckless way the Fourth of July.?
Among others a boy student is said to
have been indulging in such shooting, and
may have caused the disastci unknowingly.
1.. , i
ai<nu itiiViiuj JJCtll |iUUIIMIl'U 111
the wounding or killing of many persons
by the indiscriminate firing of guns and
pistols on that day, and the marvel is that
there were not more of these accidents.
Since the introduction of toy pistols a now
and every day danger has been added, for
what arc called "cat and rat" pistols may
be included in the list. For men to carry
pistols is a reflection upon the civilization
of the age, but to find them in possession
of small boys, and even girls in some instances,
is a public scandal. "During the
Fourth of July," as we learn from Philadelphia
papers, there were captured there
quite " au armory of revolvers and pistols
of other patterns from persons (mainly
small boys) firing them in the park." The
Lnfijrr, alter describing these cheap and
dangerous weapons, adds :
"The assortment of pistols just captured
in the park from boys shows there is no
difficulty whatever in the way of children
getting a large supply of them, if they have
pocket-money enough. That the manufacturers
and venders of such weapons understand
right well the scandalous character
of the trade is manifest from the fact that
only one of the whole lot has the maker's
nam3 upon it. All the rest are anonymous,
as if ashamed of themselves and the makers
and venders, too."
lint the blame attaches ijuite as much to
the parents of the children as to the manufacturers
and venders of these "cheap
and rickety and disjointed things." One
of the great defects of social life at the
present day is the decline of parental authority,
resulting in many cases from the
indifference of the parents themselves.?
Children are often permitted a larger dc
grcc of liberty than is good for them, and
instead of engaging in childish sports and
pastimes, they aspire to what Shakspcare
calls "niannisliness," to copy what are supposed
to be manly ways, and to carry manly
weapons. In Furopean countries it is
rare, indeed, for even men to own pistols,
and rarer still to wear them habitually,
l'ublic opinon is so emphatically opposed
?l .!- il ? < - - * I - ' * l '
io inc practice mat lew, imiccu, iiiiiik oi
flying in tliu face of it. The custom of
wearing swords went out of favor threequarters
of a century ago. 1 >ut those who
indulged in it wore them openly. With
us the pistol is concealed, and is more dangerous,
for the possession of it is, in hot
blood, a provocation to use it. In populous
cities, where law and order rule, for a man
to plead that he carries a pistol for selfdefence
is, as is truly said, "the flimsiest of
pretexts." For hoys t > have them is even
! wor.se. Tie v are din_'orou a toy:; ihey
are intolerable in childish hands a*- w< ip i?
and the u-e <>f lliein should I? prohibited
hy all possible penalties.? liahhn^f Sun.
Tho Chattanooga Times, in an article on
Northern immigration to Tennessee and
the Southern States, says, the fact is that
real and valuable immigration to the Southern
States from the North has just fairly
beguu. True, we have had. here and there,
a colony of foreigners and occasionally one
of Northerners planted during the last
twelve years in different States of the South.
A considerable amount of Northern aud
European capital nave found their way to
Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia and
North Carolina. Hut there has been no
system or combination in it all. Tho whole
of it has been desultory, scattering aud. not
as intelligent as would have been best for
those who couie. The Swiss colony nt
Cullman, Ala., and tho one hi Grundy
County, this St >te, have hcon decidedly
successful, and one or two of foreign coinposition
in Virginia aud North Carolina
have done and are doing well
. Tho more general and systematic movement
of immigrants in this direction from i
New England, New York, Pennsylvania (
ami other of the old Northern and Eastern i
States, has only taken .shape during the last j
few mouths. There is now here a gentle- j
man from Portland, Maine, who will prob- i
ably buy some 110,000 acres of land on i
which to locate a colony of several families i
at once, with n prorpoet of many more fbl- I
lowing in the coming autumn and next <
spring. The persons composing this in i
choatc colony are men and women of culture, '
made up of first-class business men, mechan- ]
its, farmers, manufacturers, etc., who will (
bring their all with them when they come, (
l T_:n L
uiiu win u? an ac<|uisuion any chuic may
be prornl to get.
The same tiling may bo said of a large
colony l'rom Lowell, Massachusetts,* who
are preparing to settle 011 a largo tract in
Coffee County, near Manchester. Col. Killcbrcw
is now in New England, working
up and putting in shape the movement of
New Englandors southward. The secretary
of the Massachusetts Colonization Association
Mr. Stearns, of Boston, spent several
days in this city last week, and went over
to Middle Tennessee to look at lands near
Scwanoc. lie is commissioned to purchase
00.000 acres for one colony, and may purchase
more than oue 6itc for other colonists
b fore he returns.
This looks like business. It shows that
the purely American element in our Eastern
towns and cities arc taking to the fine
climate, healthful and productive land'.t of
the tsouth. :is they have been for years ]
swarming on to the prairies of Illinois, Iowa, i
Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, leaving the |
factories and shops to the Swiss, Irish, j
English and Herman laborers and incchan- i
ics. So numerous has this exodus been (
that some of the New England States, nota- i
hiv Connecticut and Maine, are literally i
drained of their best native young blood, :
and foreigners hold the balance of p wer t
at the ballot-box and everywhere else, and j
still the hegira goes on. One of these j
colonies will bo lire mother of twenty oth- r
ers, and ere long tin middle an i more <
northern bell of the Southern section will t
not only divide the "human spoil" with the \
Northwest, but wo shall certainly get the j
lion's sharg.?Macon Tchyrajih and Men- c
snojrr. t
. s,
A Kin<;in<! I<ki'TKit.?Tin lollowing c
production is well worthy its eminent and <
patriotic author. Here the whole matter c;
is stated with all possible force and concise- e
ness. This letter deserves to he read by i
every man on the continent : a
Unitf.d States Senate Ciiamiikr. ) '
li /1 T.. 1 ? r I ?
?i .?o111 .> 11111.> , i /. vj,t ?j u ly o, l O l i? J 1
Dear Sir :?The extra session is at an :|
end. In my judgment, no session of (Jon- '
gross has ever done more lor the vindication
of the ]>riiioi|tics of American liberty.
Wo have successfully maintained the priii- x
eiple that the bavomt shall not control the I
ballot-box ; wo have repealed the infamous 1
jurors test-oath ; we have provided h>r itn- '
partial juries in tiic Federal courts, North
and South, ami ire hare maintained llir r
principle thai the / ' Jcral e/overnment shall
not interfere in the election of officers of (
the States. A greater declaration in favor !
of popular liberty has not been made since '
the adoption of .Magna Charter. ' 1
Yours truly. A. (r. ThhkMAN. f
I fan ./. 11' Kylar, West, Union Ohio. *
South kitn ('omfktition with North- 1
f.rn Mll.l.s.? Sill's Mills, Pennsylvania
July lb.?As pertinent to the cotton spinners'
strike in Fall Kivcr, I contribute a 1
fact within my own knowledge, hfcuiug 1
the past winter some time a member of a 1
livoloio imoi-o til-m ?ni<l itm.r \i-r.iil.l
O - J ""u,u
have to stop spinning cotton ami buy yarn
in the South, as they could buy cheaper
than they coubl spin. And they were bred
to the business and themselves manage t icir j
Factories. In March and April last 1 was i
in (icorgia and Alabama, and then came to 1
the conclusion that the mills there could I
e irtainly spin yarn and make coarse cloth i
much cheaper than those North could. The
South lias line mills, low taxes, buys cotton
from the wairom*, has water power and cheap
labor. The people, in Kail Kivcfaro ill fact j
in minding competition with the darkev. I
who works am) boards himself for nine dol
Ilars the month ? (' rrrxjU'iiffi #?/ .
phia Times. I
Wantkd?Onk IIunduko Mai.kGuaduatks.?lhipcrs
North, South, East and
West have iiinuuiorable accounts of commencements,
and able and manly graduates
stepping from the college rostrum to the
stage of actual life. These young uieu go
forth with sheep skins in hand, aspiring to
a comfortable and distinguished place at the
top, wherever that may be, for they have
often been assured that there is plenty of
room up there, and they have nothing to
do but take a few upward steps and land at
the nforcsaid topNow
there is room bore in Spartanburg
County for at least cue hundred of these
nut in law,- uor modieino, nor
politics, but on tiie farms of the county,
\vlli?rt? f linrrt iu nlonl w aP ?' >* 4
.? ?MVI V JUVIHJ vi 1 Will IlUb UI1IJ1 ill I
the top, but everywhere else in the line of
ascent from I ho very bottom. If we hud
more of these young graduates, with their
habits of study and investigation and
reading, in charge of some of the good
lands of our county, they might help
to bring thisoccupation into even higher
repute than it now enjoys. There
arc a hundred questions that come up
in daily farm life that need the applied
force of trained and vigorous minds. Take
the one that is now attracting some attention
in the Sjmrfan, the best way to economize
rain in dry weather, and you ^ill find
thai DOOR-learuing, combined with nhtuul
jxperinieiit, would in a few throw
much light on that very important subject,
l'he growth and habits of plants, the improvement
in farm stock, labor-saving uia.diiuery,
diversified crops, a higher home
)dneat ion for fanners and their families,
rotter and more stylish houses, are qucsions
worthy of the best minds. Then let
many ot the graduates go to the farms; there
hey arc needed, and there they may do
much good.? (-tirolinn Sjntrtun.
,vill perhaps be surprised when I tell you
hat the ablest lawyer of this or any other
rar, when lie is for the first time appointed
i judge, has to learn his trade, as much as
he mechanics annrentie.fi. Of conrsn I <1..
I & ' * ""
?ot mean by this that- lie lias to learn the
aw, for I aui supposing him to be learned
n the law. llut what the apprenticed mechanic
learns of his master is not the scisucq
of mechanical forces, at least not
nuinly that. What he does acquire in that
ipprenticcship is skill in the use of his
,oolfl< This is precisely what I am saying
>f a new judge. Let mo illustrate this
from my own experience, for it is closely
related to training in a lawyer. It is in
fact the same thing. I am very sure that
t does not take me half the time now that
t did at first to eliminate from a complex
vise presented to me for decision what is
rrelevantor iinma'ferial, and to ascertain the
mint of conllict nee s.sary to he decided.?
\nd this is equally true whether the conest
be one of law or fact, or both. ]{y
iracticc and attention I can listen to a lawrcr
read a document offer d in evidence,
>ass with him lightly over the formal parts
>1 the instrument, and when he comes to
he vital matter, the few words, perhaps,
vhich alone touch the issue, I cateli their
irceisc meaning, and if I do not get that
dearly I stop him there until I do. It is rare
hat L need go over that instrument again.
h> I have acquired, I hardly know, how ex:cpt
by practice?by training?the faculty
?f taking an iuiiucnsc record of live hum
Ircil or one thousand pages, and turning at
nice to the material parts, whether of pleadng,
of evidence, or whatever it may be,
nd in one-third the time it took me when
first went 011 the bench, I gather the maerials
for my judgment without digesting
i mass of useless chuff.?Justice At ille r beore
the Iowa liar Association.
About the best specimens of ready wit
ve have met with in a long time arc ro>ortcd
in a Virginia paper. Tlmy arc good
uougli to go tlio rounds and be rcinemlered.
I lore they are :
' When Gen. Getsy, coininander of the
rarrison of Fortress Monroe, received Capt.
A'inc and the Uichmond Blues with a band
if music at Old Point, the other day, as
50011 as the music struck up it frightened
lie team of a countryman, consisting of a
ruiG nP n hull Inf t r\ o otw?L* noet
i i v vt i* ?/? 11 n v i?vv? vv it cm ix viii 1 ) iw
lucli an extent that ho ran into and demorili/.cd
the entire command. When order
had been somewhat restored, ('apt. Wise
wittily remarked to (Ion. Getty :
" Another Bull Hun, General.
'"Yes, replied the General; 'a regular
rout; hut I promise you when I get inside
the tort you shall fate better at (Irtty's
"And they did, too
Thk Tkxas FkvKit Oyino Out.?The
Texas papers admit that the rush of immigrants
to their State is over, and say they
ire not sorry. The glowing pictures drawn
by railroad agents of the certain wealth
that awaited every comer attracted thousands
id* shiftless people, who, of course,
have found that it was necessary to work
for a living in Texas, as well as in other
parts of the country. Kvcn the railroad
companies now see that iminmrants of this
sort. aro. worse than useless, and there is a
general disposition to stick a little more
e|..scly to ill - I'. t-< in immigration circular*
and get bettor people if lower of them.
Sa-Lutinu tiik iiitiDK.?There was o
marriage at the upper cntl of the Detroit,
Lansing ami Northern road the other day.
A great big chap, almost able to throw a
car load of lumber off the truck, fell in love
with a widow who was cooking for tho
hands at a saw-milt, and after a week's acquaintance
they were married. The boys
around the mill lent William three calico
shirts, a dress coat, and a pair of whito
pants, and chipped in a purse of about %?20,
and the couple started for Detroit on a bridal
tour within an hour after being married.
This era lady, explained William, as the
conductor came along for tickets, arc my
brido. Just spliood fifty-six uiinits ago.
Cost S2, but durn the cost ! She's a lily
of the valley, Mary is, and I'm tho right
bower in a n :w pack of keerds. Conductor,
sa lute the bride !
Tho rnmliii'liir linvit'ilml Tl.,>
? _ v..- . *. ?iv? n iuuw
had freckles ami wrinkles ami a turucd-up
nose, and kissing the bride was 110 gratilication.
Conductor, sa lute the bride or look oub
for tornadoes, continued William, as lie rose '
up and shed his coat.
The conduct >r sa-lutcd. It was (he Lest
thing lie could do just then.
1 never diil try to put ou style before,
muttered William, but I 111 bound to sou
this thing through, if 1 have to fight all
Michigan. These ere passengers has got
to wuic up to the chalk, they has.
The car was I tin. ttiiii.iui u.nxca nu>...
the aisle, waved his hand to command attention,
and said :
"I ve just been married, over tliar sots
the hrido. Anybody who wants to sa-luto
t'ac bride kin now do so. Anybody who
don t want to will licv cause to believe that
a tree fell on him !
One by one the men walked up ami
kissed the widow, until ouly one was left,
lie was asleep. William reached over and
lifted him into sitting position at one movement
and commanded :
'(Aryegoin to dust over tliar au kiss
the bride ?
"lllast your bride, and you, too!?
growled the passenger.
William drew him over the back of tho
sent, laid him down in the aisle, tied his
legs in a knot and was making a bundle of
hitu just of a size to go through the window,
when the man caved and went over
and sa-lutcd.
"Now, then, said William, as he put on
his coat, "this bridle tower will be resumed
- -
Why a iiiiiDAh Tim* Was not Taken'.
?Quite a sensation occurred in Crawford
County, not far front Fort Valley, la3t week.
A young gentleman was to have been married
to a very estimable young lady. Tho
invited iruests had assemhloil tin*
n - ? -- >
man was present, ready to perform his part;
the table was prepared with the usual dainties
which so pleasantly assist in making
merry such occasions; the bride was adorned
for her husband in all her blushing beauty
and angelic loveliness, with a throbbing
heart, anxiously awaiting the arrival of
her betrothed. At a tardy hour he arrived.
His appearance told too well that ho had
broben his pledge, so sacredly given, to
drink no more. Tlio resolute young maid
rose to her feet and with a determination that
spoke in words too plnin to he misunderstood,
sa d ' I will never marry you, sir."
l'riends interceded and earnestly besought
the young heroine to retract her words ;
the bridegroom pleaded with all the vcliomcuce
and eloquence of a lover, but still
tlio maid would have her will, and said
nay. Shu boarded the train in a day or
two for southwest (Jcorgia, and took her
bridal tour without the would be bridegroom.
? - Tiik
South Kit n Life Inkijnance Company.?Time
lias passed on. Dull, heavy,
long years have rolled by. J'ovcrty has
invaded the sanctity of many a widow's
home, and not yet one single word from
this fallen giant. What does it mean?
Why is it so? Why all this silence ? Why
this kid glove handling of this defunct concern
'( \Vc mean no reflections upon its
former distinguished head or of its cfliccrs,
but facts arc stubborn things, and as wc are
in darkness, r.nd as our people have suffered
so much, we call for light, more light, upon
this yet hidden and obscure mutter. Let
us have a clean breast of it. As public servants,
wo would bo recreant to onr trust
if we did otherwise, and as wc tender our
thanks to "II. W. A ," of Edgefield, for
opening the hall, we call upon our content
pur.tries r<> Keep it roiling. 11 is Uy thcso
means, ami these alone, that we bring just
such institutions to a proper appreciation
of their duties and obligations; and it is
but a matter of justice to all .veil managed
companies of the kind. Lite insurance in
itself is good, hut a counterfeit is not worth
a penny.? Camden Journal.
A Husinkss Akkaik.?The following
curious advertisement appears in the columns
of a (icrinaii medical journal:?
Through the death of the late proprietor,
a good practice (surgery) in a wealthy part
r>( the country is to bo disposed of either
by sale or lease. The present owner, daughter
of the deceased, is young and single,
ami would not object to marry with the
buyer or tenant, if suitable arrangement*
were ntftdo. Address, hi.