The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, July 25, 1879, Image 3

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Startling and True. a dumb man bl'eaks ?a deaf man listens to ml'sic?tiik wii.liamstox wonoeu. Ma. Editou. :?Allow me to inform your readers of a strange event whieh has recently taken * plaee near our village. On the night of the lid ii^tant tho gift of speech was suddenly bestowed ? ? youth, twenty-three years of age^ *r"^^^yi^?ll'hi?life been known as a deaf mutb by all citizens. Your Oak Lawn readers will remember Marcus, a deaf mute boy,* asluvoof Col. T. E. Wuro, deceased, who wus employed after the war by Col. Ware's son-in-law, Mr. Arnold, as a hand about the house and farm. His services were quite valuable, as he was an active, obedient, intelligent buy. lie frequently oauie over to Williaiuston as a teamster, and thus became well kuowu in our community. Eight years ago Mr. Arnold removed to Mississippi. Just before his departure, Marcus disappeared. No one knew whither he had gone, (lis mother tried in vain to get information of his whereabouts. No tidings of him reached his friends at home until tlie last day of I....n I. nC I.In ......In Edward Jones, was as unexpected as his mysterious departure years before. In llio mean time lie had learned to converse in writing, so that he found no troublo iu communicating his history during his long abscuce from home. Nothing uotcworthy occurred from Monday jLo Thursday the Jrd instant. On that afternoon 'lie hccauto extrotncly nervous and restless, "heating dreadful, loud noises, and seeming as if his head would hurst with pain." This condition continued till after nightfall. He then fainted ; his extremities became cold and his body was convulssd with violent paroxysms.? After something more than an hour, these symptoms relaxed, and lie broke his life-long silence by asking quite audibly, but not very distinctly, lor a drink of water. At intervals of about fiftecu minutes during the night, he continued to speak, saying almost anything he wished, but feeling fatigued alter every effort. Ou the 4th, ho spoke as occasion required, with increasing ease, freedom ami clearness. On iSa'.urday the 5th, with several other gentlemen, 1 visited him, and conversed with him for about an hour and a half, lie had no difficulty in heariug all we said ; and we noticed considerable improvement in his articulation during interview. At first, he declined trying to jpronounce the word "Wiltiauislou," because 'no said he cculd not pronounce it right; but, at the /dose of the interview, he inadvertently pronounced it very well. The extent of his vocabulary, clearness of his articulation, the correctness of his vowel sounds, the accuracy of his accentuation, and the general propriety of his language, were matters of great astonishment to us all. .Sunday afternoon, he heard his first music, lie attended service at the colored Methodist ( Huron, una (lie singing, wtucli was rtgiu vigorous, overpowered him. He could not realize the distinctions of (lie sounds ; but it nil seemed io him "like n loud noise blown through n straight horn." After service, lie heard a young lady play some sacred pieces on the reed-organ; and though fie enjoyed it a little, it still "had uo turn." On Monday, while listening to the piano, lie r.ccnicd greatly interested, and professed to enjoy it very much; hut it scetncd to me, as 1 watched him, that lie was more impressed with the quick movements of the hammers than with ' the tones of the instrument. For the statement in connection with his * strange attack on Thursday afternoon, 1 am indebted to Marcus himself and his uncle, ivlniond Jones, whose character for veracity is unusually fair in our community. As to the other points in the above narrative, there is no room for doubt. He was a deaf mute from his birth till ho left here eight years ago. lie seemed to he in the same condition when he returned last Monday week, lie can hear and spenk now as well as the majority of our people. How the wonderful change was brought about, remains to be explained. With your permission, I will send you for your next issue, his account of his history during his absence, which may throw some light on the mysterious question.?Hnv, 8. Land Kit, i'a Greenville News. - A Story With a Moral.? I he following story is so far different from ordinary ones Hint we give it our hearty endorsement and commend ii to the thoughtful perusal of all our patrons : ? It was a calm, still evo in enrly spring, and the god of day was slowly descending in his chariot of ilamc, &c., when two young men, twins, 'aged twenty-five years, respectively," might Jiave been seen in the act of going into a copartnership in a wholesale business, with the details of which both were equally well acquainted.? One of them insisted that they should spend $0,000 in advertising in the newspapers the first year and $'>,000 the next. The other insisted that (hoy shouldn't. As they couldn't agree, they dissolved copartnership at the outset, each going into the business by himself, and not three hundred yards from the other. The one advertised in the newspapers, the other didn't. You can easily guess the result, or, if you can't, other people can. At the end of the second year, the one, with the help of printer's ink, had cleared some $27,000, while the other, without the help of printer's ink, had cleared out with another man's wife, and was found by his creditors to have cleared nothing else from the start.?Hulcijh Observer. Tin: Hr.vot.irrioN in IIayti.?New York, July 10.?iluii. Stephen Preston, minister of IIayti t0 this country, has received a cable dispatch from Por,'-an-Prince as late ns the 16th instant, {informing him of the condition of political all'uirs jn the llnyticu republic. Quiet had already 'been restored at Port-au-1'j'inco, but at liic cost of a considerable number of lives on both sides. ti... 11...1 ,.\i? i.,?i?.i r.,1-ivj I . I.v l.fc.II. ...... .. ... was curric1 on in I lie streets ami from house lo house. A fire that broke out destroyed seventy houses, but the commercial portion of the city was not injured. Among (lie killed were Minister of War Francois and ex-Minister of War Mnntas, Colonel August IJa/ehiis id' I lie militia, ludge (Jeorge Itazelais of the .Supreme Court, II. ISazetais Kphanl II. l'rice and other prominent politicians. Three members front I'orl-au-l'rincc took refuge at (lie foreign consulates. On the north side of the republic lighting was still going on between the towns of Gionaircs and St. Mari. . A HottnoR of tiik Iti nsoN.?Albany, N. V., .Inly III- -An explosion took place on the steamer. Itrew last night while on her way from New York to this city. Several cans of powder had been placed in a stateroom and a fitsee attached to each. The stateroom was shattered and the woodwork in the vicinity of the explosion badly damaged, but fortunately no one was injured.? Tin. li.rliu ? .ill >* I i noilislie.l and I hern was llio wihlcst excitement for a few moments. A man, who give his name as Henry Kvans, was arrested on h>nrl this morning on suspicion of being thc|crson who cause.I the explosion. Consignooa por Union, S. C. July ,1. W. Hunter l>. Joiinson, Jr., A. It. lthyne, r. ('. Young, I). A. Townsend, A. A. Snrrntt, W. A. Moorchuud, II. J. Thomson, It. W. Harris, Mi"s Josephine Jennings, Wallace A Itaivls, J. P MttHinax, Speor? ft Cnlton. IV If. roi'NTf, \gf. SX2LEO X MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT ?DY THE? UNION SINGING SOCIETY, , ASSISTED HY SOME OF THE ] BEST SINGERS IN TOWN, Prof. Gonzalez Musical Director, MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH, IN THE COURT HOUSE THE residents of Union will find it to their t advantage to give all the encouragement i they possibly can to this offering by Ilomc Taloilt, as tho Programme solectcu will please as well as benefit all interested in the welfare of this young Society. In order to make the occasion more attractive, a beautiful Organ, suitable for church or Parlor use, will be presented to someone of those taking part in the Programme, provided the audience be such as the ottering justly deserves?a good attendance. July 25 30 2t 10,00Olbs. Dry Hides Wanted, IriOR which the highest market price will be 1 paid, by J. II. RODGER. July 25 30 tf TO FAH3IERS! The Macarthy Horse Power. : I HAVE purchased the C. E. Macarthy's Horse Power for this County and will *bo plensed to sell to nny one the right. I can say with a great degree of confidence that it ex- . eels any other horse power 1 have ever used to i gin cotton with. Any one who has old gearing : run down can attach the Macarthy Horse Power wiih -very little expense. 1 will state that I s can gin as liiucn wn.n nirec muics witu tins rower as can be done with four on any of the cogs or trundle beads. The inventor claims a greater power than this. Mr LEMASTER will he my Agent. S. M. RICE, Union C. 11., S. C. .Inly 55 30 1 to The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION. j Iii the Court of Probate. James Munro, Clerk of Court "] of Common Picas, as Ad- I ministrator of Margaret Ivy, deceased, Plaintiff, George Ivy, Jeremiah Ivy, John Ivy, Sr., Martha Ivy, (widow of Henry, Ivy) John Ivy, Jr., Elizabeth Ivy, (widow of Richard Summons Ivy,) Margaret Bailey, N. C. Bailey, Smith Ivy, Eliza- For belli Jane Morris, William | Morris. Christopher Ivy. Relief 'i Ambrose It. Ivy, Mary Ivy, (wi<low of Robert Ivy,) Complaint Klizabeth Ivy, Charles Ivy, n Mary Jane Ivy, Franklin not 8 Ivy, Rcaty Ivy, Angelina 0 Ivy, Martha Ivy, (widow Served. I of Wiley Ivy,) William lien- I ry Ivy, Nancy I. Rrakcftcld, c James llrakefield, Thadeus ^ Ivy, Louis Ivy, Margaret , Rurgcss, John llurgess,Sa- i rah Rently, William Rently, Mary Ivy, Tobiiha Ivy, James llaney and James | Ivy, Defendants. J To the Defend tuts above named : "\7*OU arc hereby summoned and required to X answer the petition in this action, which will be filed in the otliee of the Judge of Probate, for the said County, and to serve a copy of ' your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their odicc, at Union, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the dav of ancli service and if von n fail to answer the petition within tlie time afore- u safil, the plaintiff in this action will apply to a the Court for the relief demanded in the pcti- t lion. t Dated July 21, A. D. 1870. TOWNS EN D & STOKES, lMniutilf'a Attorneys* To the Di'ffmlauta, Jeremiah Ivy, John Ivy, Sr., and James Ivy : Take notice that the summons herein, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the ^ oft ice of the Judge of Probate for Union County, 1 in the St: to of South Carolina, on the 2-ltli day f of .1 uly, 1870. July 21, 187'J. I TOWNSEND & STOKES, Phaintitl's Attorneys: s July 25 oO 'it ROBERTSON, TAYLOR & CO., ?SUCCESSORS TO? ?EO. W. WILLIAMS it CO., COTTON F A CT 0 It S?W II O L F. S A L E c 0 H O C E It S ] ?AND? General Commission Merchants, ' 1 AND HAYNE STREET, OIIAltLESTOX, S. <'. July 1$ 29 Om Sheriff's Sales. 1>v virtue of Sundry Execut ions to me directed, c ) 1 will sell, heforu Union Court- House door, on the first .Monday in August next, within r the legal hours of She rift" 8 sales, the following 1 properly, to wit : One tract of landdocalcd in cross Keys Town- s ship. Union County, containing one hundred and ninety acres, more or loss hounded by lauds of W. S. (in-gory, I). II. Sheldon, \V. (?. (Sore and others ; levied on and to he sold as the property of Stephen If. Purser, at the suit of \V. S. Gregory. 11 MACHRTII, S. U. f\ .Tilly 12 'J'.t ".i < GINS! GINS!! rniiF. attention <if ilie planters of 1'iiion fmin- j I .1. ty in called lo (lie improved l.ight draft, Magnolia or <!ullolt Gin. ll is superior l<> any gin sold in the market and adds one quarter cent a pound to the price of cotton ginned on i it. We also selI tlio well known Winsliip Gin, ' which has given such general satisfaction in our f ! t'ouniy. We can supply Gundeusors and Feeders also. ! I fall und examine -ainples. F. M. FGin ft I'O. I .tii'v 11 2? tf # * The State of South Carolina^V COUNTY OF UNION. i In the Qpurt of Common Pleas. Fohn 11. llenwick, Plaintiff, "j r? k ? n .aaa,"*t . , , , Summons? Robert II. Lyons as Adminia- | trator of the goods, Chat- | j ties and credits of James j f Rogers, deceased, Robert | mii-r / B. Lyons, Nancy 11. Rogers ! f' John R Lyons Joseph J t Complajnt Lyons, Ann E. Clark, Wil- r liam E. Lyons, John \V. N. , ? Beard, Sullio U. Beard, Mary E. Douglass, James BPrved E. lteuwick, aud A. Q. scr*t.<j. Clark, Defendants. To the Defendants above nametl: YOU arc hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this notf of vhich a copy is herewith served upon bf ind o serve a copy of your answer to the s^M> Jomdaint on tho subscribers, at their ofliccStid. 2, <aw Range, Union, South Carolina, rithin wcnty days after the service, of this svmmons in you, exclusive of tho day of such service; tnd if you fail to answer tho said complaint vithin the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this iction will apply to the Court for the relief deuanded in the complaint. Dated, Union, 8. G\, 8th July,187C^ . MUNKOa Mf/NUO, Viamiff's Attorneys. (.? ?. "j Jam km Muxbo, seal > Clerk of Court. To the Defendants, John K. Lyons,. Joseph J Lyons, Ann E. Clark, A. tf. Clark, and William E. Lyons : Take notice that the summons in this action, if which the foregoing is a copy, was tiled in in.,.,, ?r i,,, i 'i....L ,.r ti... ,.r i\ 'leas, for Union County, nt Union Court House, 11 the State of South Carolina, on the eighth lay of July, one thousand eight hundred and cventy-nine. Dated, 8th July, 187'J. MUNRO & MUXIIO, Plaintiff'? Attorneys. No. 2 Law Range, Union, South Carolina. July 11 28 lit The State of South Carolina, CO USTY OF IfXIO A* In the Court of Probate. lohn 11. Rcnwiok and James ~| E. Ken wick, Plaintiffs. c, , " Summons against, Robert 1). Lyons, as Admin- ! istralor of the goods, chattels and credits of James Rogers, deceased, Nancy ! f II. Rogers, John R. Lyons, ! Joseph J. Lyons, Ann K. Clark, A. Q. Clark, William E. Lyons, John W. N. Reard, Sallie R. Heard, ? .. M. V iu.w.1... Relief. ......J Robert 1$. Lyons, Defendants, j ro the Defendants, above named: YOU sre hereby summoned and required to answer the petition in this action, of which i copy is herewith served upon you, and to crve n c >py of your answer to the stLi petition in the subscribers, at their office, No. 2 Law tange, Union, South Carolina, within tweny days after the service of this summons >n you, exclusive of the day of such serrice; and if you fail to answer the said petiion within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs n this action will apply to tlie Court for the reicf demanded in tiic petition. Dated, Union, S. t'., 2Htli June, 1870. MUX HO & MUX KO, Plaintiffs' Attorneys, j "1 david johnson, Jr., -J skai. v Judge of Probate. ro the Defendants, John r. Lyons. Joseph J. Lyons, Ann E. Clark, A. Q.Clark and William E. Lyons: Take notice that the summons in this action, f which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the flicc of the Probate Judge for Union County, t Union Court House, in the Stale of South 'nrolinn, on the thirtieth day cf June, one housnnd eight hundred and seventy-nine. Dated, 80th June, 1870. MUX RO MUX 110, Plaintiffs' Attorneys, No. 2 Law Range, Union, South Caaolina. July 4 27 Ot FEMALE SEMINARY, HISS C. M. Pill.\C'I PAL. 'IIIIK exercises of this School will he resumed JL on Monday, Aug. 18th, in tlie building next o Cnpt. Farr's residence. # The scholastic year will be divided into two essions of 20 weeks each. TK.IIMS I'KIl SKSSIOS OK 20 WKKKS I 1th Class $10 00 ?xl ?? ir, CH? 2d '? 20 00 1st " 2"? 00 Music io 00 French 10 00 Instruction in Calisthenics given, free of hnrge. Hoy* under 10 Yours of Age ICoooivod, A discount of 10 per cent, will ho made for uition, to anv parly sending two pupils. June 27 * 20 2m. in <> rr i <? K to koai) ovi:rsi:kks. \TOU nrc hereby ordered to put your several . sections of Itnnds in good order by the |."ith of August, 1870. Those failing to obey this order will be pro ceded against in accordance with the law. All persons between the ages of IK and 00, xcept lhose specially exempted by law, arc lia>le to perforin road duty, l'y order of the Hoard of County Cornmisilnnnrs \V tit 11 i II !*' 1.1II Mi Chairman. Wm. 11m.i,, Clerk. July II 41 Administrator's Notice. VI.l. person? having claims against llie es. of#.Mrs. Sally Floyd, deceased, are reqiiescil lo hand tliein to me, properly attested, i in nediutely. All persons indebted to said estate must make payment to me nt once. .1. W. VINSON, Ailm'r. June 57 '20 It 1iM> ,\c\l C'uiltily l air. VMFKTINO of the Stockholders of tlie Union t'oiiniy Fair Association will lie held U HI o'clock, on Saturday the 'J'ith of July.? As arrangements will then he made for the next Fair a full attendance is earnestly requested. A. W. THOMSON. President. D. P. Prvcti. Secretary. Jnlv 11 31 i All fur tlie Citizens j^EW spring AT LOW J. T HTI ARE receiving a Immlsomc Stock of Spring ant they invite their Customers and the public ge havo any intention of purchasing or not. TTTPTP T T "NTT? H 17 A JU A AV Ai A A1 Al V A IS COMPLETE, C A. T. STEW DRESS PAT French Organdies, French Lawns. India Lawns, Printed and India S Mi THEIll t*r\ PRINTS, WHITE GOOD Will compare with those purchased for larger Tu A X> IKS which 77//;r offer at re THEIR STOCK OF G AND FURNISI never better, in style and quality, or cheaper A 1 > IKS ALSO, A LARGE LOT BOOTS AN THEIR SUPPLY OF GOODS IN TIIF. FOLLOWIN 1 IniMlwnre, Woodcmvnrc, CrockeiM T AX J) TIIEY WOULD CALL SPECIAL OIL AND AH of tlie above goods were brought here (o SE! chance before purchasing elsewhere and we will ce *T. rJ April 2"> 17 The State of South Carolina, COUXTY OF USlOX. In the Court of Common Pleas. ^ William Lawson, Plaintiff, I ar/ainxt Summons Berry Lawson, Sion I.awson, ( for relief. "| Nancy Finchcr, It. >1. Fin- j Complaint ; chcr, Frances Lawson, lto- | not served. I sail Lawson, Defendants.J To the. Defendant*, Berry Lawson, Sion Lawson, Nancy Finchcr, It. M. Finchcr, Frances J Lawson and itosalic Lawson : YOIJ are hereby Summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which j will be filed in tlie Ofiice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. County of Union, at Union Court House, South Carolina, ami to serve a copy of your answer to I lie said complaint on the subscribers, at their office, at Union Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service of this snmm:n.s r on you, exclusive of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the I'lainlitf in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. * Union, ! >. C., July 2, 1870. TOWNS UN I) Si STOKES Plaintiff's Attorneys. E ?'?. A ClIAIU.F.S l?OI.T, ska 1.1 Clerk of Court, Tu the Defendant, Sion Lawflon : Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, for Union County, on the second day of July, 1879. Union, P. C. July 2. 1870. TOWNS UNO & STOKES, Plaintiff's Attorneys. July 1 '-'7 6t -1 The St a to oi' South Carolina f co uxtv or uxrox. In the Court of Prohatc. * IIV DAVI I) JOll NSON, Jr., Jndgo of Prohatc in Union County. WIIKHK\S, Wesley II. Clifton has made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of MILS. n ELIZA P. McCHACKIN, deceased. g These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of tho said I',LIZ V F. Mct'll At'KIN deceased, that they he ami appear before me, in the Court of Prohatc, to bo )iet<l at. Union Court House on ilie twenty-eighth 'lay "f .Tnly next after publication | hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to shew I cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. (liven under my hand, this eleventh day of " July, Anno Domini 1K79, " DAVID JOHNSON, Jr., ll Judge of 1'mbate. '' July II 28 21* Two Snfns For Solo. Ill A VI! two excel lent Kire-proof Sales which I will sell at very reduced prioee. One has a combination Lock, the oilier has a Key Kock. They are in good order and equal J lo new. They will he sold for Cash, or Nolo with ap ' prore-1 flrenrlly. 1 W A. NTrnOT.RON. of Union Connty. SUMMER GOODS, PRICES. 7l & c o I Summer goods of nil the lntosl novelties, anil: iiHi'ttllv #? ivill mill Itwnnrf flinm ivliollii^r tlmv DRESS GOODS JONSISTINO OF ^RT & CO.'S TERNS OF Striped Piques, ilks, islins and Poplins, Suitings, Mummy Cloths, &c. POCK OF S AND DOMESTICS markets. Tlicy have a large assortment of 9 IIATS .If .'lit A/I li /. fy JjU 11 inivt.S. ENT'S CLOTHING IING GOODS, . They have a fine lot of T. MILKS & SONS I X O 13 s. OF ALL KINDS OF D SHOES. G LINKS IS LARGE AND VERY CHEAP, rwaro, intvurc iiikI GrocOricM. ATTENTION TO THEIR STOCK CF VARNISH, BRinLES. ,T, an<l we arc determined to do it. Give u? a invince you that we mean what we say. 17. 113 i.i. & (x). it WHERE TO BUY STOTJR SPRING GOODS. f0STEB & WILKINS a AVE just received from New York a Complete Assortment of Goods in each of ihcir arious departments, consisting, in part, of foreign and Domestic Goods, DKKSS GOODS, w ii i t e goods, jloths and cassimeres, C 0 T T O N A 1) JJ S , MXCY GOODS, Ac., Ac., Ac. IOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES, Including /.icgler's lland and Machine Shoes >r Ladies, Gents and Children. .ADIES' AND GENT'S HATS IxV Gin:AT VARIETIES, l complete and well selected stock of JLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, ' rom the best Mann fact are rs in the Country 11 i* <1 >v a i* <? ! Our stock of Hardware is undoubtedly tlio i<>st complete of any in tlic upper part of tlio trite, and in it can be found EVERY TOOL WANTED ?IVY THE? A It Mi: ICS AMI M KCIIAMCS. We have bought a large and carefully assorted tuck, embracing everything heretofore kept by s, with many new and improved articles never rouglit to this market before. We purchased 'tilt CASH, and intend to sell as low as tho nnie icm 01 goutis can i??* nought in tins or i.y NKIUHUOIUNd MARKKT. COMIO AND T1IY TTH. Wc lake pleasure in allowing ctir goods, and nly nnk you to examine them lieforo purchnsng elsewhere. POSTER & W ILK INS. 0 19 If