The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, June 20, 1879, Image 3

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For the Times. From Brown's Store. Mn. Eimtou :?Americans as n people, are too prone to go to extremes, und the couitnou exprcssion "it is all the rage," is accepted as an thority for adopting any course of conductor style of language that the most vulgar or illiterate may attempt to force upon society. Your other correspondent "Occasional," 1 fear is about to run into one of these extremes, in accusing me of being "fast," merely because my article on the picnic happened to be received by you first, which happening consigned his to the waste basket. His idea of my object being matrimony, makes me laugh. Why, my friend, I've been working in the matrimonial harness several years. You've not got "Dick Dumlns, ' yet. You are bad at guessing. Friend "Occasional, remember what Josh Hillings said about "big words," and don't try to choke the readers of the Timta with them. Matrimonial and cotinuhialistic ! Whew?this hot weather. Josh says that words with more than three syllables were made especially to tell fibs with?don't use Oicui, my friend. Well, Mr. Editor, we've had an awful fight up t ?..., n 1 ii..? Aitft old Hoc has fairly whipped the General out mid the farmers arc crowing over him like game chickens. The what crop is the best we have 4 had for many years. Oats arc also fino. Health good ; but the "pill peddlers," are looking hopefully towards the green apple and watermelon season. "OLD" DICK DUNDA8. ? "* * A Sad Event.?Georgetown, Juno 12.?Our community was painfully shocked, nnd suddenly thrown in a state of bereavement to-day by the announcement of the untimely death of Mr. It. Lovat Eraser, the only son of our intendnnt and banker, the lion, ltobcrt E. Eraser.? The mournful and dreadful event occurred about 11 o'clock A. M., at his father's residence, where ho lived, by shooting himself with a pistol, the ball entering his left breast and passing through the heart, causing death within a half hour. S. T. Atkinson, trial justice, empanelled a jury, with George It. Congdon, foreman, and the following verdict was rendered: "That the deceased, It. Lovat Erasei, came to his death by a nistol-shnt wound, inflicted bv himself, nnd. in the jury's opinion, while in a stute of mental aberration.'' The generous and kind nature of our deceased friend, and his congenial manners, had collected for himself in this community a host of warm /J friends, lie is highly thought, of where he is known. Not long sine" he was connected with the Georgetown Tunex us one of its editors. In that cap icily he discharged, his duties manfully ami fearlessly, thereby gaining admiration from all. lie leaves a young and devoted wife and two lovely little children to mourn their loss. He departed this life at the youthful age of about twenty-eight years. ? Cor .Wewx ami Courier. ? A Accident.?Mr. E. Frank Lylcs, while returning from a hunt on Thursday, was killed by the accidental discharge of his shotgun. It seems that upon arriving within about two hundred vurds of the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. A. Martin, living noar Monticcllo, Mr. Lyles stopped to rest on a fence, where lie was seen sitting by sonic negroes working a short distance away, lie had been (hero but a few moments when the discharge of a gun was heard, pud the negroes saw him fall. Upon arriving at the fence, diey foAud him dead, the contents of the gun having entered his head near the eye and passed out at the back. Mr. Lyles was about 19 years of age, and tlie son of the late Captain E. F. Lyles, of this county. He had been some timo in W'innsboro, attending school, but was compelled to go home on account of sickness, lie was preparing to return when the fatal accident happened. Mr. Lyles was a promising young man, and had made warm fiiunds by his genial disposition. The news of his death caused gcneral'ond profound sorrow.? Winnsboro New a and Iferahl, June 14, l)n. Darky's Ft's bk At..?The fttncrnl of Dr. Darby took place yesterday afternoon at 0 o'clock at Trinity Church. It was attended by a large concourse of people. All the services had been perfumed iit New York except lliose nt tlie grave. Itev. Dr. JShand officiated and read the impressive service cf tlie Kpiscopal Church. The fol|owing gentlemen acted as paUbcarers: Dr. II. W. Taylor, Dr. A. N. Talley, Dr. II. 1$. Turnipsced, Dr. 1*. K. Griltin, Dr. A. A. Sylvcs tor. Dr. George Howe, dr.. Dr. John l.ynch, .1 udgc A. ('. Haskell, t'ol. John C. Haskell, Maj. AV. II. Oibbes, Dr. D. It. Miller, Judge Andrew Crawford, Dr. II. 1). Ileinitsli, ('apt. John T. Khctt, Dr. Frank (ireen.?Col. Rty inter. A remarkable breach of promise caso has been tried in London. Mr. Jackson contracted to marry Miss Paris. Subsequently he became insane, whereupon Miss Paris sued him for not marrying her. and has actually recovered ?_">(>. The Lord Chief Itaron ruled that the defendant's lunacy did not make a bit of dilferencc. It was argued that so far front being incapacitated for marriage by his lunacy, he all the more needed a wife to take care of him. The thing was settled on purely abstract principles. It was rio'hing that poor Mr. Jackson couldn't be mnriiod ; that no clergymen would marry a maniac. It was shown that Mr. Jackson was rapidly recovering, and when restored to his senses might marry Miss Paris, but that didn't fhango (Jie verdict. Miss Paris got her ?2o0. * - - isoi tmkiin t aiimkii s .montiii.y.? ne arc in receipt of the June number of that excellent magazine, the Southern Filmier's Monthly. It is brighter if possible than its predecessors, ami Contains a new feature, an illustrated Fashion />epartment, which will make it still more welcome, especially to farmers' wives. This number is replete with interesting and valuable agricultural ami miscellaneous reading, comprising just such articles as are suitable for a farmer's paper. It should be in every farmer's house in our county, and we trust that at no distant day it will be. l'rice, 0 months, $1.00; 12 months, $2.00. Sample copies will be sent on receipt of 3-ccnt stamp. Address, J. II. Kstill, Savannah. o* ? . Threo hundred dollars is a good deal lo pay fbr one postal card, especially as they are retailed for a cent each. Vet this is what a Rochester man must fork over, lie is a music dealer, and he wrote on a postal card lo a clergyman in New York as follows; ' Von still owe me $20 on a piano you stilo away from here, and should turn over a new leaf and pay me the balance; for example to your children, be honest and send it." Mr. Schmidt, the clergyman, sued hitn for $10,000, and has just received $:lO0 and costs, which the Rochester man must pay. besides the cent he originally expended for the card. Several patches of wheat in Anderson have heen threshed during the past week, some of which ma<le very fine yields ; among them are the following : I'r, S M Holland's, I { acres, "? bushels ; Mr R, W. Uyrnm s, 1 [ acres, titt} hnshels : Mrs. V. Ilurress", 1} acres, :i | bushels; Mr. IV Spellinan's, 1'. acres, t'?:',J bushels.?.-Inil'-r.ion In'fiUi'i'nfr. * T:ir. l'r.f.-Dr.K Ktvtat. ? f'hcrnw, May ill.? Tlie I'ee Dee is lower than at any lime during this year. It stand* on'v two feel rjhotA Mtv-waier mark. , IUo Account from the North West.?Cleveland, June Id.? Reports published in the Leader to-day from nearly all parts of Northern Ohio, and some in Western Pennsylvania, show that there will be about two-thirds of the usual crop of wheat, and that the corn crop will be a failure in consequence of the drought. Oats are belter than corn, but there will not be over twothirds of the usual crop of liny, and fruit will be very light; potatoes fair. obituaryT" JOLLY?Died, on the 15th inst., of l'leuro Pneumonia, Mr. John 1*. Jolly, in his 70th year. He whs a christian gentleman and highly esteemed by all who knew him. lie will be sadly missed by his friends aud family. "An ,i?a ?.a-b- of " A. E. F. Sunday School Convention OF UNION COUNTY, The Union County Sunday School Convention will meet in the Methodist Church at Union July *2:5(1 187'J, at 10 o clock. Every Sunday School in the county is requested to send three delegates also a statistical report, showing number of teachers and scholars, llooks of instruction used, &c., &c. A freo discussion of the following subjects will be held: 1st. The aims of Sunday School Conventions; to be opened by Kev. A. A. James and J. E. Coficld. 2d. The best modes of conducting recitations in classes of different grades ; To be opened by Kev. K. I). Smart and J. K. Jetlcrics. The public arc most cordially invited to attend. lly order yf Executive Committee. B. G. CL1FFOKD, Ch'n. June 20 'Jo 4t TIMETABLE OF THE Spartanburg & Asheville R. R. AND S.U. it c. RMI<IlOAl>. To go into Effect, Monday, Juno 2, 1870. DOWN TK AIN. | UP TRAIN. Arlvc. J Leave. j STATIONS. Arivo. Leave. Cuonm llcndcsonville. 0 20 r? in I Flat Kock. 6 05 ft 25 ColeuilillS 5 45 *(? 40 a in <i 55 'Saluda 5 30 7 10 I Melrose 5 15 7 10 |Tryon Oily 4 45 7 ."> ? ' Lamlruim 4 HO 8 10 [< 'ani|MbclIa 4 11! j 8 31 i in man 4 oo 8 40 ]<'aiiiptnn 3 50pm I 'J 00 I Air-Line Junc'n 3 30 a I 9 30 am Spartanburg 3 10 10 03 I'ainbt I 2 45 10 21 .loncsvillo I 2 30 10 50 111 no Union 2 03 | 2 05 11 27 Sail I lie 1 40 111 47 Fish Dam 1 25 12 05 iSbi'llon 1 10 12 15 ! Lyles Ford 1 (HI 12 30 12 47 Stmtliers 12 45 p m 12 41! fl 30 'Alston H2 1Upin * Breakfast. f Dinner Trains on S. A A. lb>ad will bo run by A. L. Time JAS. ANDERSON, Superintendent^ Road to be Opened. NOT1GK is iicrcliy given tlint a Public Hood leading from Snnford Grogory's, on tlie Gross Keys and Gross Anchor llonds, to Ynrborough's Mill on F.norec lliver, will bo opened by tlie 1st day of October 1879, unless good nnd sufficient reason is shown wliy tho same should not be done. l$y Order of 11. C. C. W. L. GOUDF.I.OCK, Wm. IIiu., f'lcrk. Ghnirinnn. June 10 1879. 24 It SPEARS & COLTONS ONE PRICE, 5C. COUNTER. OWING, to tlie scarcity of money we have opened a rivi; ckxts couvter, to which we cordially invite all wlio arc in search of bargains. On I lie Counter you will find, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, and Stationery, together with a lot of useful 110 USE IIOL1) A11TJ CIj ES, which housekeepers would do well to examine. Every thing on this Counter is so remarkably cheap that we are forced to say that while ire hotii/hl the goods it does seem that the man from whom we got them must have stolen them. SPEAKS & CO ETON. June 0 lill If Keeps' Shirts. KEEPS' Complete Shirts for SI 00, are the . cheapest shirts ever offered to the public. Perfect fitting and the best material. For sale by the Agents. RICE & MCLUKE. June 0 23 tf Ke?ps Umbrellas. KEEPS' Umbrellas, Silk and Gingham, are very superior, anil muelt cheaper than (lie same style of Umbrellas can bo pureliase?l of any other manufacture. RICE & MCI.URE. June 0 2d tf LUBRICATINQ CASTOR OIB. FOR GREASING CAUItlAGFS, 1IIJGGIEN, Ac. For Sale by B. F. BAWLS No. 1, East Union. May 28 21 tf Stock of Notions. IIIAYEjnst receivcil the largest, the pretti- J , est, most varicA ami cheapest stock of No- j lions ever seen in Union. Uoinc an'l spo for yourself. . s. W. PORTER. i May II l!l if KuaiiliTiil DrcMM ! ; rniiE largest assortment, the prettiest Patterns j | l. and cheapest priced Dress Goods to be found at any market above Charleston, can be seen at lilt'E & Mcl.UBE'S. May 2 IS If Xfw siticii of SfiocNi r ii ivt' i ?,.i, ..( ?n I 1. and qualities <>f Ladies' and Mom's Shoos, ; from iho finest dross shoe to the coarsest brogan. and I intend to soil them foit tfoirn for Push. S. W. PORTER. May 2 18 tf C jrroooriow. F HAVE a now supply of all kinds of GroeeI rios, and those wanting Cheap Goods in Mint ! lino should oall on inc. S. \V. PORTER. I May 2 18 if Hosiery. Til! IE cheapest and host, at I S. W. PORTER'S Cheap Ploro. May 0 WHERE TO BUY YOUR SPRING GOODS. fosterI'Ihm HAVE just received from New York a Complete Assortment of Goods in each of their various departments, consisting, iu part, of Foreign and Domestic Goods, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, COT TO XA D E S , FANCY ?001>S, Ac., Ac., Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES,^ Including Zicglcr's Hand mid Machine Shoes for Ladies, Gents nnd Children. LADIES' AND GENT'S HATS I.V CRHAT VARIETIES, A complete nnd well selected stock of CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, From the best Manufacturers in the Conntry H a 1* el w are! Our stock of Hardware is undoubtedly the most complete of uny in the upper part of the State, and in it can tie found EVERY TOOL WANTED ?BY THE? FAltHERS AM) MECIIAXICS. Wc haTc bought a largo an<l carefully assorted stock, embracing everything heretofore kept by us, with many new and improved articles never brought to this market before. We purchased FOR CASH, and intend to sell as low as the same qualities of goods can be bought in this or any NEIGHBORING MARKET. COME AND TRY US. We take pleasure in showing enr goods, and only ask you to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. FOSTER & W1LKINS. May 2 18 tf Itl ilTIIT L THINGS AT JAMES ALLAN'S, 3 O 7 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. RICH JEWELRY of Now and Elegant Designs, and exquisite Workmanship. FINE WATCHES, American and Swiss, of I lie Liilcst Styles. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS, As well as loss costly Sets, in (iron! Variety. STERLIXG SIR VER WA RE In Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, especially adapted for wed uing rresoniB. SILVKIl-PLATKD WAllR. Tea Sets, Waiters, Ice Pitchers, Putter Dishes, Clips, Goblets, kc. CHOICE FANCY GOODS. French Clocks, Hronzex, Fine Tiltle Culler?/, (Ijtcrti Glasses, Fine, Glassirarr, \c. Tin: BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PR ICES. THE PLACE ! ,J A 31 ES ALLAN, .107 Kin ^ Nil root? CHARLESTON. May 0 10 _ 8m 'lax Notice. IN accordance with an act of the General Asscinb'y of South Carolina, approved .March '22, I87S, every person required by law to return properly for taxation must do so annually between lhe lirst ility of JiliM'. and tho twcnlioih tiny of July. Parties fail mg 10 ni.'iKU a lax reiuni to llio ooimly Auditor within the time above mentioned subject themselves to a penally of fifty per cent., lo bo added to their return of the previous fiscal year. TAX A IMjK IMlOrilltTV. All real estate and improvements thereon, nil personal pr. perly thnt may have any vnluo, except wearing apparel for self and family, and articles provided for present subsistence, the latter not to exceed in value $100. All male citizens between the ages of 21 anil 00 arc liable to Poll Tax, except those exempt by law. I). JOHNSON, Auditor Union County. May S3 21 4t__ Notice of Dissolution. rnilK Firm of A. Irwin & Co., was this day _L dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to said firm will please settle at oneo with Arthur Irwin, who will continue the business, and is alone authorized to eloso the business, of the firm. June 1st, lHT.r. A. IRWIN, K. W. TINSl.F.Y. June G 23 1m Ready-Made Clothing AT prices astonishine!* low, at ricf A Mri.rnp'fl,. Moy 2 tf ill for the Citizens? NEW SPRING SI AT LOW 1J J. T HTL ARE receiving a handsome Stock of Spring and Su they invite their Customers ami the public genen havo any intention of purchasing or not. THEIR LINE OF 1 IS COMPLETE, CO> A. T. STEWA I >Tt 10SS X?^TrJ n i- j* ? xrencu urganaies, French Lawns. India Lawns, Printed and Sti India SilL Musi :o:? THEIR 8T< PRINTS, WHITE GOODS Will compare with tliosc purchased for larger mni LADIES' wmcn they offer at rem a . :o:? THEIR STOCK OF GE A ATT A T?TTT> ATTCi U I ' JL' KJ .1 ill JLkJ 1 I never bet for, in style nnd quality, or cheaper. Ju A 1 > IES J ALSO, A LARGE LOT 0 BOOTS AN! TIlEIll SUPPLY OF GOODS IN TIIE FOLLOWING Hardware, W oodcnwnro, C'roukory^ rJYU AND THEY WOULD CALL SPECIAL A OIL AND 1 _A_TV1> SADDLES. All of tlie above poods were brought here to SELL chance before purchasing elsewhere and we will conv T. T A pril 23 .17 IN SPITE OF THE GRAND SPI ATP TV/T ( jLX JL X . -LVJL . v POPULAR DRY G Crrows More :o:I HAVE just returned from the Northern Marl DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IlatH, TVotions, <*ro Those floods were bought at the very lowest j FOlt CASH, as will astonish everybody. CALL AND SEE F( :o:? 10,000 Yards Calico? fast Colors,?nt f> cents. r? > .>,000 Yards 4 1-4 Shirtinpr, at 7.1 cents? Never before sold for less than from 10 to 121 p cents. A (Jrcat Dnrgniu. 200 Corsets, all sizes, nt 25 cents?Cheap at j oo ovikm. atoc A good Stock of COTTON A DCS, from 10 cents and upward. A The finest lot of LADIES TFF.S, ever seen here, fiom o cents and upward. I 000 Boxes Caper ami Envelopes?say 2 ?! quires ot rnper aim iwo uozen r.nveiopee? rtS|, at f? and 10 cents a llox. f Good I'ilis, 3 pnjiers for 5 conts. ! |0rt American and French Cassiincrcs, a hcnutiful Stock. ! Ill LADIES' AND GENT'S SHOES. , My Stock of shoes is larpc and complolc find i H?u prices low down. To give you an idea of what pari I propose to do in this line, 1 will sell you a nice PAIR OF CONGRESS GAITERS if j FOR 75 CFVr*. the These Gaiters were never before sold for less | than $1.60. I A New Goods Arrived. MY Spring and Summer Stock of I?ry Goods, "1^ Xotiuiis, Clothing, (icis now open for in- V speclion ami sale. and Prices lower than ever. S. W. rOhTF.ll. May 2 H if II A Y FO R N A L E I p j A / jAA roi XltS Timothy, Clover and 1^ Ilerils <irnss--tlic finest ever o lie red in ( nion. At No. 1 Fast Union, adjoining the ^ l'o8? Office. I'riro reduced. Tertlia UiihIi. 1. It: V. H \ W I.S tKi f heap Ci??h Plarfc.. May 2-1 21 if / A .1 JL.. 1 , if Union County. [JMMER GOODS, RICES. L & CO initner goods of nil tho latest novelties, nn?l illy to call ami inspect them, whether they 3RESS GOODS ,'SISTING OF m o_ /N J Ol xvr cc kju. a CER.NS OF riped Piques, ins and Poplins, Suitings, Mummy Cloths, &*c. l>CIi OF AND DOMESTICS rkcts. They have a largo assortment Of HATS [hKAHLK LOW PHICKS. NT'S CLOTHING ING GOODS, They have a fine lot of T. MILKS & SON S ?* IX Jl<J ? . IF ALL KINDS OF ) SHOES. LINKS IS LARGE AND VERY CHEAP: ivnro, iwhi-? itiitl Groceries. TTENTIOX TO T1IEI11 STOCK CF GARNISH, Nil nmiiLES. nn<l wo nrc determined to do it. Give us a inco >'ou I hut we mean what we sa>. . I HUj Ac t 'O. if. THE FROST ilNG OPENING COHEN'S rOODS HOUSE, raotiyo H )ji ily. tots with a large and complete Stock of BOOTS AND S1IOKS, prices, and will bo sold at such prices, )R YOURSELF. ENT'S FURNISHING GOODSF ;EADY MADE CLOTHING! # ihtm )iu& t)? ? jf?lllj mitl p< /wto ?/* HtJ :k has never been equalled in litis market. COAT and PANTS FOR $1.00 f you want a whole suit or any single garit, don't luiy before you examine my stock, ich is larger I ban ever, and my prices will inisli you. You can get a (Vat and 1'antft ONE DOLLAR I A ibing never known bo in Union. I0CERIESAND HARDWARE! filwujs keep large Slocks of Groceries nn?l ilwnre and never allow anyone in I lie upper t of I lie Statu to undersell inc. CAI.L ON MM EARI.Y. ron wish to gel the pick of my slock nn'l best bargains call on inc at once. 1?. V, COIIIX' pril 11 1"> tf Men and Boys of Union I [T E hftvo llic cheapest rind best Oassimeres, V Twecils, Linens nnd Cottonnde* for n?cu boys' wear you ever saw. RICE k McLl'RE. fay 3 18 If Parasols. IROM a Calico to ibe finest Silk, nt the Tory lowest prices, nt S. W. PORTER'S Cheap Store. lay 0 19 tf prwm'iic nl ??V CciiIm a (Jit I Ion, t.i pruAns A rm.rnvfe.1 CftTi i 14 tf