The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, January 31, 1879, Image 3

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m IL l * ' h t - * REPORT OP THE CONDITION or tiik Merchants' & Planters' i NATIONAL II A IN Iv 1 OF UNION, ' At Union, in the Stale of South Carolina, at J the close of business, 1st day of Jan. 1870. .RESOURCES. j ? Ttoafis anil discounts ?5G,919 19 t Overdrafts 1,405 53 ' U. S. Bonds to secure circulation... GO.tXK) 00 i Due from approved reserved agents 2,459 83 i Due from other National Banks 13,053 G2 i Ileal estate, furniture, and fixtures. 5,570 74 t Bills of other Banks 2,905 00 1 Specie (including gold Trensury ccr- 1 tificatcs) 1.GG2 49 Legal-tender notes 13,400 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urcr (5 pr. ct. of circulation) 2,700 00 | Total $100,100 40 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 00,000 00 Surplus fund 0,400 00 Undivided profits 103 12 National Bank notes outstanding... 04,000 00 Dividends unpaid 8,525 00 Individual deposits subject to check 30,018 53 Time certificates of deposit 5,420 75 Total $100,100 40 State or South Carolina, "? County of Union, ss : / I, E. R. Wallace, Cashier of the above-named 1 T3ank, do solemnly swear that the above state- t incut is true to the best of my knowledge and ? belief. E. It. WALLACE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before inc this 27th f day of Jan., 1879. ] f 1 JOHN L. YOUNG, f | J Notary l'ublic. 1 Correct?Attest : S. M. RICE. 1 B. 1). CULP. I Directors. , WILLIAM MUNRO. J Jan 31 1 It J The State of South Carolina ! COUNTY OF UNION. Iii the Court of Probate. x BY DAVID JOHNSON, Jr., Judge of Probate in f Union County. 1 WHEREAS, A. D. Spears, hath mnde t suit to mc to grant him Letters of Admin- V strati on tie boms non on the Estate and effects of f JEDITIIAM PORTER, deceased. c Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all i and singular the kindred and Creditors of tl?e said JEDITI1M PORTER,deceased, that they be and appear before mc, in the Court of Probate, j to be held at Union Court House on the fif- c teenth day of February next after publication t hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew t cause, if any they have, why the said Adminis- t tration should not be granted. > Given under my hand, this thirty-first day of l January, Anno Domini 1870. DAVID JOHNSON, Jr., Judge of Probate. a Jan 31 H 2t s The State ^of South Carolina, 1 CO UNTY OF UNION. 1 In the Court of Probate. BY DAVID JOHNSON, Jr., Judge of Probate x in Union County. f WHEREAS, Charles Bolt, Clerk of the Court I of Common Pleas hath made suit to mc i to grant him Letters of Administration of the t Estate and effects of MARTHA IVY, deceased. I These arc therefore to cite and admonish all I ami singular the kindred and creditors of tlie t said [MAPTIIA IVY, deceased, thut they .1 'he and appear before me, in the Court of t Probate to bo held at Union Court House on t the fifteenth day of February 1870, next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 30th day of January, Anno Domini 1870. DAVID JOHNSON JR. Judge of l'robate. 1 Jan 31 6 2t* GUANO! GUANO!! WF. arc Agents for the following reliable brands of Guano, which we will sell cheap for cash or make reasonable contracts, for middling Cotton in payment, delivered by ; November 15tli, 1870. 1 .Korrvinnii'H Ainmoiiiated His- s NttlVt'tl liOllt'H, <l Wilts Ill's 15 HH Hones, ' /ell's Aiiinionialed .Super l*lios- f pliaie, , Kliwan Dissolved Hones, r Ktiwaii Cuano, s Star Hrand Guano, li. A It. Aimiioiiiated Soluble ' I'liospliate. F.ureka Ciiiauo, j Carolina Fertilizer, l*almetto Aeiil, li. A 15. Acid. i Hand in vour orders soon as wo <t? nni Voon v much Stock on hand. J F. M. FA11R & CO., Agents. t Jan 24 4 tf c No More Lamp Explosions. WK have been appointed Agents for the County of Union, for the sale of Wether ill's l'atont Safety Valve, which has been thoroughly testcl and found a certain security f against the bursting of Kerosene Oil Lamps, , ami we confidently offer the?o Lamp burners to , nil who use Kerosene Oil Lamps. I These burners are made t j tit all the Lamps , now in use, ami l>y calling at our Drug Store any person can be satisfied that they are a sure , preventive of bursting of Lamps, l'ricc per | IJurncr only '2~> cents. 1 IRWIN & CO. Jan 24 4 tf AtliiiiiiiMl rulor'H Police. ALT. persons having claims against the estate of James It. Peake, deceased, are reijuested to present them to inc, properly proven, at once. All persons indebted to James P,. Peako, do- < ceased, or to tho firm of Thompson .St l'cnkc must make iniincdiate payments. JOHN ItOPfll'U, Adm'r I'st. J. It. Peako. Jan 21 I 4t Notice to Overseers tif Public Roads. "TA OA D Overseers are hereby notified to put their Sections in good order by Monday, he ITtli day of I'ohrnary, IST'J. W. I. OMI DI'LOCK, o m. IIii.i., t'lcrk. t'h n. II. C. ('. Jan 17 > M ? ?1^?! immrnm Sheriif s Sales. BY virtue of Sundry Executions to inedircclod, I will sell, before Union Court House door, >n the first .Monday in February next, within , :he legal hours of Sheriff's sales, the following ] property, to wit : 1 One tract of land, located in Union County, j containing eighty-two acres, more or less, , sounded by lands of J. C. Bogan, Asa Smith, | James Lancaster and Samuel West ; levied 011 | ind to be sold as the property of Joel Lancaster,! ( it the suit of the Executrix of J. W. Bobo.? rhis land was sold by me as Sheriff on Salesday u January, I87'J, and bid off by J. A. Lancas- , or, but he failing to comply with his hid it ! a ill be resold at his risk. The party bidding off taid land when resold, and failing to comply with ] lis bid, the land will be resold again in one louraftcr at his risk. ' | ALSO By virtue of an execution of S, M. Wood, 1 igainst Frances llowcll, and an order from the < lion. S. II. Hudson, setting aside the Home- 1 ueau 01 airs, rranees uoweti, 011 mutts 111 mis < lotion, so far as effects the claim of the Plain- i iff herein, that the Sheriff of Union County, t proceed to soil saiil laml under levy made l?y lini, I will sell before Union Court llouso door, Lvithin the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, on the 1 irst Monday in February next, one hundred tnd fifty acres of lnud, whereon Mrs. Frances Howell now lives, bounded by lands of Gus < iVood, J. E. Meng, Dr. D. F. McMnhan, W. C. L)unn aud C. S. Farrar : levied on and to be sold 1 is the property of Frances Howell, to satisfy 1 Plaintiff's judgment in this case. ALSO One Bay Marc and two Muly Cotvs ; levied on tnd to be ffd as the property of William C. j Harrison, at the suit of John W. Lylcs, as guarlian, against Thomas 0. Ilutchersou, as trustee, | lud others. ALSO One black Horse, named Henry ; levied on ind to be sold as the property of Joseph W. Hughes, at the suit of William A. Nicholson igainst J. W. Hughes and W. G. Hughes nul \ tnd Dr. W. P. Thomson and Dr. F. M. E. Fant, igainst Joseph Hughes. ALSO I will sell 011 Tuesday, the fourth day of February next, at the residence of John II. Minter, .vithin the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, four tales lint Cotton ; levied on and to be sold as the iroperty of J. liarison Sartor, at the suit of Surah Jones, under a lien exccutiou. A I.SO I will sell on Tuesday the fourth day of February next, within the legal hours of Sheriff's lales on the plantation of Robert V. Harris and 1'. J. Harris, whereon William Little lived durhe year, 1878, supposed to be one hundred mshels corn and about eight hundred bundles odder; levied on and to be sold as the property ;f William Little at the suit of John K. Minter, tndera lieu execution. ALSO I will sell 011 Tuesday the 4th day of Februa y next, wiunn me tcgni iiours 01 Micrill's sales, in tlie plantation of J. Nathaniel JoH'erics, about liirty bushels corn i ml about one hutulrcil I tusliels cotton seel ; lcvic<l 011 ami to soM as lie property of .Simpson Sanders and Henry 1 hinders, nl the suit of J. N. JclFcrics, under u t icn execution. i A < 1 will sell on Tuesday the 1th day of Febru- 1 iry next, within the legal hours of Shcrilf's < ales at the Gin House of W. 11. Hughes, about I ,.ri(IO pounds seed cotton, one bale lint cotton ; evied on and to be sold as the property of J. A. .owry. at the suit of N. 11. F.isuu & Co., uuder . lieu execution. ALSO Hy virtue of an execution, to mc directed, 1 vill sell before Union Court House door, on the irst Monday in February next, within the legal lours of Sheriff's sales, one tract of land, located 11 Dogansvillc Township, Union County, connining eighteen hundred acres, more or less, lounded by lands of Coleman I.awson, Glenn b l'cakc, Holland Sumner, Caleb 1'. Ilrown, < he estate of Samuel Mct.'ravy and .lames and ( lohn McCravy, and Tyger Hivcr : levied on and 1 o be sold as the property of John Winsmith, at < lie suit of L. l.riggs, against John Winsmith. H. MACBETH, S. U. C. , Jan 17 :! .It Sheriff's Sale. j The State of South Carolina, COCNTY OF uxrox. , L11 the Court of Common Pleas. ' t Arthur & Stecdman d c 1 ( Sale for Mary K." Wilson: j Dillon. RY virtue of an order from the lion. W. 11. Wallace, to me directed, 1 will sell before Jni tn Court House door, on the first Monday 11 February next, within the legal hours of thcrilf's Sales, the land whereon William Wil011, late of Union County, died, containing mc hundred and sixty two acres, more or less, lounded by lands of Jesse Graham, John It. ilinlcr, J?. !). Culp, antl Sallic Wilburn. Sold or partition among the heirs at law of Mrs. dnry K. Wilson. The said land is sold at the isk of J. Harrison Sartor, he] having bid oil' < aid land on salcsday in January, 1S70, and ( ailed to comply with the terms of sale. When i esold again and the purchaser fails to comply | villi the terms of sale, the land will be resold n one hour after IIrst sale, at the risk of the nirchasor. Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid n cash, the balance on a citdit of one and two 'Cnr? will. Interest, from tlio ilnv of sale the mrchascrs to give u buna and u morign^v ho premises to secure tho balance of the purhasc money and pay Shcritr for titles. It. MACBETH, S. U. C. 1 Jan 17 8 8t ; Guardian's Final Notice. I~)Y perinission of lion. David Johnson, Jr., 3 Judge of Probate fortl'nion County, I will, ' in Monday, the IMtli day of February, 1K70, ' nako my linal return and seitlenicnt, as (Junrlian of John F. Browning, and at the same inic apply for letters dismissmy, as such (iuarlian. All persons having demands against the raid lohn 1''. browning, previous to his hc-coiuiug of nil age, will present them for payment on or icfore the time above specified. b. ii. sinanoN, (iuarilian. Jon 24 I 4t* Notice of Dissolution. \S we intend dissolving the firm of II. McKissick & Co., we will oiler our entire ^tock of Merchandise at cost?strictlv for I'ASII. Notice is hereby given to nil indebted to us to call and settle iinmcdi itely, or we sliail employ an olficer to collect for us. Take due Notice and Govern yourselves accordingly. J. H. McK188If K & CO. Jan 17 8 ltx Spring Oats for Sale, Olk/t Ill'sII l-M S of Spring Oats, jn>t received OUU and f--i ii.- by k. m r.\rr f. co. Jan 17 It Notice under tlie FenCfc Law. UNDER t lie provisions of an Act or the Leglature entitled "An act to protect the lands mil crops of tlio citizens of Abbeville, Union; Newberry and Laurens Counties from trespass t>y Stock, "Approved December 14, 1878," it is made the duty of the County Commissioners of Union County to build a fentie upon the line which divides the Couuty<4)fJp|M%kf?oin the County of Spartanburg, from nr3H K?Ver to Enoreo River, to erect gates upon all the public roads, and to build water racks upon all the streams, crossing said line; such fence, gates and racks to be completed by the 4th day of March next. Under the provisions of said Act, bids will be received nt this oflice until Tuesday, Februarj* 4th, nt 11 A. M. for the building of the entire line of fence, with gates and racks; and also for any portion of said line, with gates and racks, or without gates and racks, and for the erection of said gates, or for one or more of I hem : and for the construction of so id racks, ar for one or more of them : the Hoard reserving the right of rejecting any or nil of the bids submitted. Bidders will particularly specify the Section which their bid covers, stating its estimated length, and the number and locality of the gates and racks. Under the fourth section of the 9f\iil net, owners of land on the line, may make arrangements with the County Commissioners, or with contractors, by which their lands on any portion thereof, may be thrown inside or outside of the proposed line fences. Tho gate posts must bo of post oak, twelve inches square, not less than thirty inches in the ground and twelve feet above ground, with cross beams, 011 top ; the gates must be nine feet wide, and five feet high, of yellow poplar or heart pine, well hung and with substantial latches. For further information apply to cither of the County Commissioners or to the Clerk of the Board. By order of the Board. W. L. GOUDELOCK, Chairman. Wm. Hill, Clerk. Jan. 17 3 3t The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Common Pleas. Alexander Willi ford, ^ l'laintiff. Adalinc Rutland, Charlotte Complaint M. K. Button, L. Martha v K. Rutland, Charlotte A. Tottcn, Julia M. Sandifcr, ? .... Mary L. Walker, Maria L. Tart,t,on Grasty, Marion M. Rutland, r ? . P. English Rutland, a 01 1%enl minoi, and A. S. Douglas, Executor of J. M. Rut- Estate, land, deceased. Jiefendantt. J 7*> the Defendant, F. English Rutland : f|lAKK notice that unless you procure the ap1 point mcnt of a Guardian ml litem to appear mil defend said action in your behalf within wenty days trout the service of the summons in said cause, and of this notice, tho Plaint ill' tvill apply tolhc Court for an order appointing i Guardian ad litem for you, authorizing and jmnowering hint to appear ami defend said nc:ion in your behalf. Yorkvillo, S. C., January 4th, 1870. JAMES b. WILSON, l'lainlilf's Attorney. -fsF.AI. 1 ClfARI.KS Tloi.T, ( ?w I Clerk of Court. Jan 17 o Gt NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS, HUNTERS, &C. BY the authority given us by law, we the undersigned do hereby give notico to all person whomsoever, (except those to whom special permission in writing may he given) that l hey are forbidden from entering upon our lands ur premises as foot travellers, on horseback, by vehicle, for cutting timber, or for the put pose rtf Hunting, Killing, or Catching, any liirds, Rabbits, Squirrels, Foxes, Oppossunis, or any Jthcr kind of game, with Uogs, Guns, Nets, Traps or any other devices used for Hunting, Killing, or Catching any such liirds, Rabbits, Foxes, Oppossunis or any other kind of game ; mil, that any act done in violation of this notice will be punished to the extent of the law in ntclt case made and provided. MRS. SARAH NOR HIS, F. W. BISON, T. L. IIA MRS, N. 11. BISON. Til OS. 11 A.MBS. Jan 10 2 4t The Shite of South Carolina, CO V STY OF US I OS. Iii the Court of Probate. llx parte Bllen Jetl'cries. N'OTICK is hereby given that .Mrs. Bllen Jcfforics has this day tiled her petition in the 'ourl of I'robato, praying that a homestead cxnnption in the Real an I Personal Estate of Iter ale husband, Hamlet .(cileries, may be set oil" o her and the children of the said Hamlet (cileries. Union, S. C. January, 10th 1870. DAV1I) JOHNSON, Jr.. Judge of l'rohate. Jan 17 ft -it Guardian's Final Notice. * v pnrmumnil Ol I I OH. 1/ilVIU .1 Oil tmOU , J V., Judge of Probate for Union County, 1 will, >n Monday, the 10th day of February, 1879, make my final return and settlement, as (JuarJian of \V. MeSwain Page,and atthesaine time ipply for letters dismissary, as such Guardian. All persons having demands against the said IV. MeSwain Page, previous to his becoming of lull age, will present them for payment on or before the time above specified. L. J.OAULT. Jan 10 2 It* AN EARNEST ( AF,L7 ALL persons indebted to the late firm of . Graham & Graham arc hereby notified that the business of the firm must be settled up nt once, and unless payments arc made shortly, all notes and accounts will be nlaccd in the hands of an officer for collection. 1 also urgently request those persons indebted to me individually, in any way, to make payments at onee, The fact is, 1 make col/relimif, and while I shall regret very much being compelled to use harsh measures, I shall certainly do so, if this notice is not suKhpiefit. W. T. (1UAIIAM. Jan 10 2 4t Miss Reid's School. Ml! 1K exercises of Miss 0. M. Reid's school 1 wiil he resumed on Monday .Ian. fith 1K7'.', in the building occupied last year by Maj. Townsend, as a School Mouse, next door to Copt, F. M. Farr's residence. '1 lie course of study will embrace all the branches of a thorough I'.nglish education. Instruction in Calisthenics given. Tortus, ?iii i ill pi ici Cm 1 ft a?*mtm?? i * . t lui.' .. . . i T. H. CAM I WHOLESALE AND E Boots, Shoes, Lea HATS AND SPAllTANI DOWN TH TO close out our large Stock o this day mark tlicni down TO A1 MUS'r AND WILL BE SOLI T. H. < ONE PRICE SHOE SPA1 Oct 11 4 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. Iii the Court of Common Pleas. Alexander Williford, \ l'laintiff, vs. Summons Adalinn Rutland, Charlotte M. E. Rutton, L. Martha for Relief? E. Rutland, Charlotte A. Totten, Julia M. Sandilcr, }- Complaint Mary L. Walker, Maria L. Cirnsty, Marion M. ltut- not land, F. English Rutland, a minor, and A S. Douglas, 6crvcd. Executor of tJ. M. Rutland, deceased. Defendants. j To the Defendants : YOU arc hereby summoned ami required to answer the complaint in this action, which was tiled in the Oflice of the Clerk of Common Pleas for the said County on the 10th day of January, 1870, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said Complaint on the subscriber at his oflice at Yorkville, .South Carolina, within twenty days nfter the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; ami if you fail to answer the complaint within the the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated, Vorkvillc, S. C., January 4th, 1870. JAMliS I.. WILSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. (SKAI. > ClIAItLt'.S BUI.T, wv?< j Clerk of Court. To the Defendants, Charlotte A Totter, Julia M. Sandifer, Maria L. (Jrnsly, Marion M. ltutland and F. linglish l'.utlaud : Take notice, that you aro served with a copy of the above summons by publication thereof. Vorkvillc, S. C., January 4th, 187'.k J AM liS L. WILSON. Plaintiff's Attorney. Jan 17 3 l'?t X. 1*. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, NEXT DOOR ABOVE THE BANK, IJMON, Wo, On. I AM prepared to make Boots and Shoes, fully . as cheap, if not a little cheaper than the same quality can be bought from the Stores. I AM ALSO AGENT FOR fflf Patent Metallic i Si STIFFENERS Py l Boots and Shoes From Running over, WjMl^taiDg off on the Side 1.1/Aj A A1) TUT ME. J. P. MUI.LINAX. Dee fi 1*1 ;hns nn n i:i:k w w w N N N ] : W WW \v V V V l. i' w tt'tf \ir N NX K wwww n NX K?:E w w ?;<;<; ooo ooo ddi> ss, o <i o <> (> o d i? ? * a o o o o D i? ^ss,. o <' o o o o d 1) .. s ooo ooo ooo odd '?iS ?AT? Lowest Prices! HONEST WEIGHTS i "RT n urn i rtTT-nnni AM 11 BEA5UKE5! - Highest Prices FOR COTTON! CAIJi OIN FOSTER & W1LKIRS. yii<t ^7 so tr sTQN & CO., jetail dealers in .tlier and Trunks, CLOTHING, luro, s. o. o: EY COME! f heavy Boots and Clothing, we STD BELOW COST. ) IN THE NEXT GO DAYS. CANNON & CO'S., AND CLORHING HOUSE, tTANBURG, S. C. 1 Gui* James H. Rodger ?DEALER IN? GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURER OF TIN WARE, STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON PANS. ROOFING, GUTTERING AND REPAIRING BONA: AT SHOUT NOTICE. :o: I IIAVI'just received a large lot of Groceries, consisting of Sugars, Coffee, Tea, Uclasses and Syrups, Bacon, Lard uud Salt, I'lour, lticc and Grists. Liivt'su ami v.uum;a uuous. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. II AltDW AltE. In this line 1 liave everything you may want, from a Cninbrio Needle to a Broad Axo. Cooking and Heating Stoves. NEVER SO CHEAP BEFORE. I invite an examination of my Stock, knowing that I can please in quality, quantity ami price. Do You Want Tin Ware? I manufacture my o\rn Tin Ware, Stove Pipo ami Sheet Iron Pans, which 1 warrant to be of thu very best quality, llOOFINU, (JUTTKRIXfi aim! REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY AND WELL. Castings for Stoves furnished at the Shortest Aouce. DON'T NEGLECT TO CALL ON J. IK. HODUKlt. Nov 20 48 If S. W. Porter's NEW_ST_OOK! TX>W PRICES, i AV () OlICK SAL i: H . I OR CASH ONLY. THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GENT S HATS, READY-MADE CLOTHINGt, BOOTS AND SHOES. HAIlDWAIiE ?AND? GROCERRIES, Can be had at K. W. Porter's Cheap Store,?for CASH ONLY. 1 Please don't ask for crctlii,| as it is very pleasant In refuse it : hut 1 sell too cheap to allow n lay s oedit to my host friends. S. H. 1'OKTER. fc'ept 27 3'J tf