Heavy Storm is Charleston-.?The intense licat Hint has prevailed in the city for the past two or three days culminated yesterday, sliortl) before two o'clock, in a tivst class cyclone thunder storm and hail storm combined. For over an hour the ruin fell in torrents, and the streets were unnnvigable except by means of boats. In tho lower portion of tho city, the rain storm was preceded by a shower of liaii stones, which fell in large quantities, breaking window glasses and pelting the pedeslvians who had not yet reached home. In the piazza of a house on ^^Iteeting street, the ImMHUls sbwdsVd up by the , some of the stoues being about us large ns a hazel nut. " The Flood. The rainfall was enormous. Ten minutes after the rain commenced, the streets were completely Hooded, the wuter in some places being over three feet in depth. In one in* stance, a gentleman residing on Meeting street, placed a bucket in the yard, and in exactly fifteen minutes the water which fell iu it tueas urfd seven incites in uepin. That uelcclali'c portion of the city known as "Rottenhnro" was entirely under water, the inhabitams being for several hours blockaded. In King street, a bum her of the plunks with which t lie roitdw y is covered were washed down Hudson street to n distance of several hundred yards.?Jour, of V none ret. C " Charlotte Democrat : It is said that a laughable scene ocoured during the sitting of the Convention, caused by sonic one setting off a pack of fire-crackers in the passage under the Court Rvnti, where a largo crowd was also collected and engaged in quarrelling. When the crackers began tonoD many thought thai pistols were * slmtoft itm,?SWrthis crowd in the passage way struck a bee-line for the streets and the adjacent corn fields, while those above came rushing down heels over head, pell-mell, to see what was the matter.or get out of supposed danger. One man is reported as being seen four miles from town, still running, pt^clajnting that six men bad been killed and tlie fight still goiijgon. One fellow lost the seat of bis pants, another his shirt and hat, while two or three got black c^cs or were scratched about the neck and face. Tub SocTiti'.us Christian Advocate, heretofore published in Macon, Geo., by J. W. llurke & Co., has been suspended by the withdrawal of 8011th Carolina from its putronngc in Georgia, and will hereafter be published by Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Clijydeston, S. The first number will be issued 0T1 I lie Glli of August next. I ltcv. F. M. Kennedy. D. I)., will be continued ' as lid it or in eluirge, but on account of illness, the Kev. S. A. Weber will be connected with him as associate editor. Mr. Weber is one of J the most graceful writers in the State, and wit 1} [ the hearty patronage of the church, we have no | doubt the paper will be equal to the best that is published North or South.?Comcayboro Tele]>hone. Dk.vth or Jamf.s M. Ai.i.kn.?Wcnoticca four line paragraph in an exchange, announcing the death of Joules M. Allen, so well and unfavorably known in this county. It appears that lie died sonto weeks ago, and was buried at sea oft' the coast of Florida, lieforc the war Allen was a stone-cutter, anil followed that vocation here, nnd was respected ; but his violent abuse of his former friends, his baso political life nnd final defalcation as county treasurer, left him ouly those of like propensities to say a word in his behalf. At one lime he misrepresented this county in the Senate.? Greenville News. Disbanding tiib Uaidkbs.?Columbia, July it.?It is reported here to-night that the revenue force which has been so long engaged in hnrrassing the ttppct counties of this State have been disbanded, and its members sent to their homes. 1 cannot now ascertain the truth of the rumor,' but it is confirmed by some of the revenue officers. The cause of this action is not known, but I am informed that tlie department at Washington has ordered an investigation of their alleged misconduct, and it is probable that operations have been suspended pending its result. ?C. .McK.?in News tin'I Courier. A Ccttino Akbay.?On Monday afternoon Mr. Patrick Hastings was severely stabbed over the left lung by Mr. William Morgan, a tenant. It is reported that Mr. Hastings was in the act of taking away a mule that Morgan had been ploughing, when the latter drew a knife from a scabbard and stabbed at him three times, only the first blow taking oft'ecl. The wound is in the left chest over (be lung, and is quite painful. It is not known whether the wound will terminate fatally. Mr. Morgan lias been bound over. ? H'unisboro' News. Important to Assignees.?The Attorney General of ihe United States, savs the Ifraintrr fin* isvucd instructions to prosecute all connected with (iic administration of the bankrupt, law who do not utake reports to the Clerk of the District Court during the month of July. Assignees in bankruptcy will do well to make a note of this information. Tub Human Facb.?In a sermon preached in New York by Itev. Dr. Alger on "The Chronic Miracles in Human Life," the human face was particularly specified as the miracle of inira.eles. "Made up of but few features, yet the 1 ,'200,000,000 faces 011 the globe were every one so different that any person could readily distinguish any one from any other." Mattf.ks in Mexico.?Havana, July 7.?Cily of Mexico advices to the JlOth ult., represent the cimntry as ripe for revolution. Gen. NegrctcTias resigned, and is regarded us the coming revolutionary chief. Other generals are ^M^dlssouiinatiog revolutionary ideas among the lower officers of the arm?,-. Mejia has returned ^ -to Mexico, and Diaz has united with lmn in an ' cffoni-to'prcvcnt a disturbance. Tub Code or IIo.Non.?Wcnre indebted to some unknown friend for a copy of a pamphlet entitled "The Code of Honor, its Rationale and Uses." Who the author of this publication is we do act know ; but whoever lie may be, we would advise him to devote his pen to something more useful. This kind of literature belongs to a past generation ? it has "played out*"?Greenville .Yens. Oskvi.s M1 i.ls, G.\., April 1K78. Dn. T. S. Hit M'Uk.i.d: Sir?My wife was sttf"n; fet ing severely from u rising brenst. The llalm 1 got from you did till that medicine could do in giving relief. She was entirely cured in three days, besides being relieved from pain in a few hours after the first application. Kcspcct fully, J. Y. HaKkiitraw. Prepared and for Sale by A. IRWIN & CO. May 17 lit - - ? #- "Eukkka" is the sentiment of countless sufCforcrs who find the balm of relief, and the fountain of their health and strength, in Ayku's S vn. s a 1* a ft 11.1 v. It is the most potent of all the alteratives to purify the system and cleanse the blood. It possesses invigorating qualities, so that it stimulates the faded vitalities and purges out the Corruptions which mingle with (lie Mood, I promoting derangement and decay. Wc arc assured by many intelligent physicians that this medicino elites beyond all others of its kind, and wc can fortify this statement by our own CKpci iencc. ?A l/iol 1 '/tr I'hnj. Pro9crvo Your Fruit. ^ Uico ,t McIjlll'O I live jliaf POCoivC'l ft lot of il e \0+j kin'l cf I'iooi ving f try. * T)?E BROWN E ver ? III .1 Front View with Self-Feeding Attachment. TUesi' machine* li:ivo been liefore (he public so hin^ r.n n *J'l c '?( ?fli"V are, (ihou^li ^roiflly reducd i itYi-Aini ri.xi:. MAI'K OK '1111" HKST M A'j'KItl A 1>. and W. iii tliisuud eve.i other respect, (lie equal of auv < is FA It AlitLVD OK ALL OTHKIUs IN't LKAN1NO.Till ltt'NNlN'l. ltW-Klvr.n tiik prkmiim at hie Ckoiccia StatuVair and other Slate mill County Fairs. ? I ted need l'rite List of Cotton tiins, Fcders and j l'riet of Gins I'rici Sires, jl'iicc of Gins.'with Self-Feed- ing t * 1 jing Attachments. 30 Saw... S To'.OO I S t>7 60 35 " ...1 87AH) 1 113 75 40 "" ...1 100.00 130 00 45 ..J 110.00 141 75 50 ? ...1 120.00 152 60 r,0 ...1 130.00 1GG 00 70 '? ...1 140 (H) 182 00 80 ' -J lOO.(H) 1 208 00 A * specimen Gin can be scon at Spears July 12 As Undf.niAttt.K Tuutii.?You deserve to suffer, nnd if- yah lcadjt miserable, mjfulisfuctiirv life in this beautiful worTiT, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, ? y0Hr unreasonable prejudice nnd skepticism, \vhk|h.hos killed thousands. Personal knowledge ami common sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver (Tdmplaiut, or Dyspepsia, with all its giiaernblc elfects, such as sick headache, palpi tarlodr ?f the heart, sour stomach, habitual costivcncss, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, kc. Its sales now reach every town on t to Western Continent and not a Druggist hut will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Snmplc Ilottle for 10 cents.? Three looses will relievo you. < For sale by all druggists and by GIBBKS & CO. 29-2 tr. . ? A Vicftv Goon Reason.?The reason why only one sample bottle of Mkiirkli.'s IIkpatine for thc?iver will be sold to the same person, for (cn cents, by our Druggists, GIBBKS & CO., is because of the enormous expense of importing the HcpatiuS into this country; but ns there arc fifty doses in llio large size bottle, it seems two -cents per dose is cheap enough after all for a me^gg^pe that cures dyspepsia and liver complaint. All who have not had a sample bottle arc entitled to one for ten cents at GIBBKS & CO.'S Drugstore. Three doses relieves any case of dispepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver comulniut. in the world. Roorular size bottles fifty doses. SI.00. teiy" 10 Cents Sample Bottles Mcrrell's Ht-pa- I tine for tlie Liver, and Globe Flower Cough Sy- | rnp for the throat and Lungs, at GIB11KS & j CO. 17, Relief at Last!?From Cholera-Infantum ] and Summer complaints. Dn. Moffett's ; Tketiiixa ( Teething l'owdera) Regulates the Bowels and makes Teething easy, Heals Eruptions and Sores, Uqfiovcs and Prevents the formation of Worms in Children. No Mother should he without it. A. IRWIN & CO., and all Druggists keep it. May 17. 28 2\v. ? . *. Athens, Ga., December 8, 1877. A few nights since, 1 gave my son one dose of Worm Oil, and the next day lie passed 10 large worms. At the same time I gave one dose to my little girl, four years old, and she passed 80 worms, from 4 to lo inches long. I W. F. Phillips. For Sale by A. IRWIN & CO. May 17. 28 2t IN 1> I 1) A T K S For Hie liegiMluturc. Mn. Editor :?We aunouncc JOHN HOD(JKit as a suitable person to represent Union County in the Legislature. MANY VOTERS. For Probate Judge. Mn. Editor : ? We would suggest to the nominating Convention as a suitable Candidate for Probate Ju.lgo, OAI'T. .1. W. Me I. H UK. nt the next election. We believe him to be fully competent to till the ollicc, and we know no man in the County more worthy the suffrages of the people. CITIZENS. * The many friends of DAVIl) JOHNSON, Jr., recognizing in hint a man of storliug worth and in every respect well qualified,*hei eby sugI gest liiiii to the nominating Convention as a candidate for the Ollicc of Probate Judge. FISH DAM. * For School Commissioner. Mil. Editor :?We are anxious that the nominating Convention shall select the best men for the various ollices, and knowing that most of "the best men" of our County will not put themselves fotward for ollicc, we think it is the I duty of the citizens to bring such men to Hie notice of the people as well as ilie convention. We. tliereforo, place the name of MAJ. .1. A. FA NT before the convention for the oflice of School Commissioner. No man is better quali- j tied and no man lias a purer character or more true friends than Mr. i'ant. MANY CITIZENS. * i For Cllll iii v <'niiuniuutA>i?f> The friends of DAMKI. II. SHELDON suggest liim as a candidate for tlie otlice of County Commissioner. Mr. Sheldon requires no recommendation to pnrties who know him. His fine business qualities and purity of character eminently qualify him for the office. This nomination is made subject to the action of Iho Nominating Convention. MANY FIUKNDS. * A Barbecue near Cross Keys. I WII.I. furnish a Hampton barbecue at my . residence on Friday the 'JGth instant. Public speaking expected. D. T. BISHOP. July 10 20 It* Repair Your Furniture. IF you want to have your old Sofas, Wardrobes, Washstnnds, Chairs, Tables, &c., look like new and last as long, take them to W. It. Porter's store, opposite B. F. Bawls' Grocery Store. For a small stun 1 can fix them up so that you would not know them. Try me. W. 15. PORTEB. Next to Railroad July 10 20 tf COTTON < J I > RjarView, Sbo-viii^ Lie.ao.lol Delivery il have iiiol with such favorable reception, thai il in only II ric J), ?U I It a NT. Kl> TO iii: a KKFHtt MACHINE IN KVKlllnl l?il >triH t. d IN a til ntol'lill, wokkm anuki: MxNNKK, in ill the market, wlilia the tart is ur.riuostioucd limt il CiSI-.lil), TAST OINMSO, ANO Ut.HT AN1> SMOOTH , Centknniae, Texas State Kaiii, at Houston, May, 1S77 ? oiuloiis rs | jjoxe,j ready for shipment and 8 with sell-reel- delivered nt factory. 5 pur ctsnt. \ttnchinciils an< ^ fOP cash with the order. We Condensers. ,|tjp goods under special con.?l'20 00 met, and get very low rates.? .. 140 00 Liberal terms to good parties. .. 100 00 'irculars, testimonials and full .. 173 25 information as to cost tdM'ieiiihf, ,. 185 0t?c!ylftt .. 202 00 exceed $10,) nnd other parlicu.. 231 00 liars on application. .. 250 00 J Address, A TA O T>TTI A n O xx. xv. ox i'i n flip, & Co's Grocery store, Union C. II. 23 Cm [ CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. CO I,. J O II N 1?. T II O MAS, S UPERWTENDENT\ Assisted by a Corps of Experienced Teachers. Ample provision for instruction in Preparatory and Collegiate Departments. ? Health of the Place unsiirpirasod Fou CllUTI.AU, AI'I'l.V TO SrPRRIXTEJtDEi*^, Next Session Regius September 1.1th 1S78; July 19 29 1 in NEW FLOUR FOR SALE AT the Union Steam Mill, at the lowest Cash price. T. M. WHITES IDES & CO. July 12 28 1 m. Sheriffs Sales. I> V virtue of Sundry Executions lo inc ilirccted, X I will sell, before Union Court House door, on tlie first Monday in August next, within the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, the following property, to. wit : One tract of land, located in Goshen Hill Township, Union County, containing five hundred ami fifty acres, more or less, hounded by lands of Finchcr Ncrman, James Aught ry, Silas Tygart, L. F. llunter and others ; Levied on ami to ho sold as the property of Alfred H. Aught ry, at the suits of \V. I). Humphries, Administrator of J. 11. Dogan, deceased, against W. \V. Sines. A^L.Ailfchtry atul .Silas Tygovt; William Hollingsworth against A. K. Auglitrv; James T. Porter and Lorick & Lowrancc against A. R, Aughtry. It. MACBETH, S. U. C. July 11th 1878. 28 dt Notice To Sub-Commissioners. i -? - u i,vj.?miosiu.>kks or itoads, arc hereby ^ ordered to placo their sections in good order | by the 1st day of September next. The Hoard of Commissioncis hereby calls (lie attention of the Sub-Commissioners to the extension of the time for working Public Roads, the same having been changed from 0 days to 12 days. Sub-Commissioners will be required to causeway all places in the Public Roads that are usually very bad in Winter. Sub-Commissioners will see that guards are placed in all cases rendered dangerous by large gullies along the Public highways. WM. IIii.I., D. P. DUNCAN. C. C. C. Clerk. W. I.. OOUDF.LOCK, J. F. RAll.KV. June 12 _L>8__ 8t' ' KEEPS' SHIltTS ARE undoubtedly the best and cheapest made. They arc not only manufactured of the best material,?best Wainsutta muslin, with three-ply nil l.inen bosoms?but they are guari-ui.ioo.l i,, tii. We sell both the complete and iiartly-ni^o. O for 3>o. a ..# i buttons with each box of the fartly iifhRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. ^ c i. o rr FROM Tin: COMMONKSTTO THE BEST ENGLISH WORSTED. , \ CASSIMERES, . VIltGlMA AND NOHTIIFHN. M PRICES DOWN. STAR SHIRTS, I Made In llio Host Manner and of CHOICEST MATERIAL. LADIES' AND GENT'S T TXTTnXT rt/-kT T K A *tt>. v^UXjLiilikO AINU UUD'i'S. J ' A LARGE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENT'S ) . Silk Tics and Kiii Gloves^ Hamburg Edgings, Exhibition Rufllings, ] A NEW AND FULL STOCK OF fo Ladies', Genl's and Children's Hose. Corded and figured Piques, IN GREAT VARIETY. Linen Handkerchiefs. Parasols, latest styles and colors. Hardware, p0 Woodenware, ke Tinware. - "s BRIDLES AND SADDLES. SADDLE BLANKETS. TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. Our Stock of Hand made and Custom-made shoes, i.< CAN'T BE BEAT.?. * W Every Pair Warranted. ! <; li OC ERl KS, , Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. t Rico, Grist, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Corn and Corn Meal. We arc determined to seH. Call and examine I our goods and compare our prices. ^ GLE A IIItEl'lIHIKS. April 19 10 If cjj RICE & MC'LURE ARE flfr REOEIPT OF THEIR USUAL, J ?SUPPLIES OF? SPRING and SUN? HER GOODS, YTTHICII they corrmcnd to the attention of VV r>iirrtin?i>,-? Tlw.i. I K S ' t DRESS GOODS, Embracing the latest Novelties, at marvelously low prices. Together with everything in FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS < Usually found in a general Stock. CALL AND SEE 8C OUR BARGAINS. No objection to showing Goods, if we don't Sell. j .1IAM It U It G E M It It 0 I D K It I E S , Hosiery in great variety, Indies' arid Gent's Silk Ties. Linen Cuff's and Collars. ca Kid and Lisle Gloves, AN ELEGANT 2 BUTTON KID GLOVE FOR 15 CENTS, c W'tli manV other tilings useful nnd ornamental. April 20 17 tf FOSTER & WILKINS * ARE RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OF to 5rn i N u AND SUMMER g <> o n s, AMiicli have been selected with great cure ami _ bought on the most FAVORABLE TERMS, \ AND WILL 1JK SOLD AT J REASONABLE PRICES! c< Tlicy invite all in want ot goods to call and kr examine t*>| QUALITIES AND PRICES, BEFORE mtCHASISQ ELSEWHERE. SATISFACTION GUARAXTEED May ?, 18 If WEST SPRINGS, ? Wild, be open for visitors July 1st, 1878.? I The finest water in the 8011th, not ex- * , celled in America. It is adapted to the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, Brigkt's diseases of the Kidneys, d< Fcuialc diMenses, Dropsy, Nervous Prostration, w Overworked systems and Broken down Constitutions and Dysentery. A cure is guaranteed in case of simplo dysen- ~~ tcry. V V ? A ? *? - w - * Ill 0 ( Take I luck at Spartanburg or Union. I Address, GEO. .S. ANDERSON, Proprietor. , .Tnly ft 20 ?JT_ [ Vinegar. SPECIALLY Adapted to Pickling, nt / RICE & MrLUIUi'9 V July 12 28 2m A LARGE STOCK OF SEW GOODS' JUST RECEIVED AT [.T.HILL & Co's. TIE hnve just received n very largo* Mr Stock of the latest Styles, nnd *htt?TTIEST PATTERNS ?OF? ADIES DRESS GOODS, nil kimls of Material, which we offer for sale the VERY LOWEST PRICES. TORETIIER WITH Fashionable Trimmings, Lmlies' nnd Gent's Hose, Linen Handkerchiefs, Longcloths of all Brands, A fine Stock of Notions, LADIES* AND GENTS BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARUE STOCK OF rIAR T> WARE, r Mechanic's Domestic nnd Plantation use. GROCERIES: Sugar, CofToe, Tea, Molasses and Rice, Bacon, Flour and Lard, Salt, Spices of all kinds, &c., &c. Our slock is new nnd complete, nnd we prose to offer every advantage to purchaser.', by epitig a lull supply of goods and by selling cheap as can bo bought in any store in the unty. We invite all to call and sec for themselves. J. T IIILL A CO. March 22 12 tf NEW ARRIVALS^ CHEAP CASH STORE. :0: _ t HAVE just returned from Market where I purchased a heavy stock of all kinds of Goods the very lowest prices, and 1 intend to give y customers the benefits of my low-priced puruses. MY STOCK CONSISTS OF SPRING AND SUMMER 3RY OOODS OF THE LATEST STYLES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF NOTION, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LADIES AND GENTS' IONNETS AND HATS. A FULL STOCK OF HOSIERY, lie Host Make ami Latent Style* BOOTH AND HHOEH, Ribbons, Laces, Neck Ties. :o: GROCERIES! In Groceries I have ?? fine a stock as can be cp in Town. HARDWARE! For Plantation, Garden and Household Use. In fact I have got almost anything you^ can 11 for, and I am determined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. ALL BEFORE YO U BUY ELSE WHERE. U. W. lHlllTEH. .March 2d 18 tf Dft.^.^^MMONS' OIUUINAL AND GENUINE j I V 10 It 31 EDICINE. Trinl Packages, with dircctiolfh, for gratuius distribution. It costs yon nothing, it may save, your life. Apply to DK. II. F. ItAWLS, . Druggist, No 1, Fast Union. Juno 28 20 tf ^ Caution to Purchasers. TTK are informed that parties arc travelling /V through Union County selling rights to e Davenport's Preserving Fluid. We have irehnsed the right to sell thnt Fluid in Union )unty, and shall prosecute any one whom we iow to he using it, unless they purchase the ght from us. We give this notice as a caution. 1IILL & DAW KINS, Spartanburg. July 6 27 81 UA It II IOC U 10 ? AT? initfli A Kollcy'H Nlcam Mill. WILL give a Itarbecue at Smith & Kelly's . Steam Mill on Saturday, the 27th inst. It. W. Shand, I. 0. McKissick, Win. Munro id other speakers will be there, and a good imocrntic time generally will bo had. A hearty elcomcwill bo extended to alt. II. T. (1ALLMAN. July 5 27 3t Jfe BURN HAM'S lion . jgfggfKl WARRANTED BEST A. CHEAPEST. imssssm, Also, MILLING MACHINERY. PRICES REDUCED APR. 20, '78. l'araphleUfrc?. Orricx, Yom*, Ta. June 14 24 6m. ?j New Home-Madc Bagging, ""1HBAP, nnd for nil. J Appljr to D. IX. RICE. Juae 2d fB ?f n.