The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, May 10, 1878, Image 3

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For the Tloics. Primary Elections. Friini) Stokks : I did think I would not say a word in tlio campaign of 1878, but I have noticed the programme of the State and County Executive Committees and am impelled to gi\a you one of my objections to it. By it all the s voters in the Primary elections, if that is agreed upoa, imwtkl^anrolledfinembersof a Deo^cratio Club, and none others "arc jptrwdfro rot* at * ' "'said elMOSirf. -iTow,' you Ww1 wish to I give a fair election, must let each Township devote, if, at the election thoy SaUVWat they are democrats. In this Towhship I believe that not more than one-half the democrats will enrol themselves as members of a club, although they are as good and true democrats as can be found in the State. Heretofore the clubs have pnssed resolution upon resolution, but scarce'y ever stuck to them, except in the vote. I know the answer to this will be, that is all wc want ; but don't you Itirtiv m.n lulin aftkml llltntl an nnfllllv JIVOWPll Expression, nnd if such bo the programme tbcrc "" """* Will not be more than half the (lcmocratio voters bf Union County represented in the clubs? Is the programme, iu this respect, just and equit- " able? Lot us bo represented by delegates according io the Hampton vote in each precinct, in 187G. If that standard for voting is adopted, you will itek. see a full and fair democratic vote at the Primary elections and also at the polls next Fall, while peace and harmony would prevail all along the line. Mr. Kditor, if we would insure success to the coming campaign, we must harmonize, equalize and systematize in every possible way. I know it will be said that the plan laid down by the Committees will be as fair for one section as another ; but there may be some discord in one section nnd none in many others, and that is one of the reasons for my suggesting that each Township make its own standard for voting at Primary elections. I am fearful the restriction to enrolled members of Clubs wjll drive many good men from our ranks, or at least cause much dissatisfaction, if the nominations do not plcnse thorn. I expect logo into the full organization, but I know the feelings of the people in my township, CITIZEN. John Morrisscy, the noted gugilist and politician, died in New York, <n the 1st May. The deceased was a remarkable man, and from the Influence he wielded, nnd the honors conft?rrt?rl nnnn liim whilo livimr hv liia . -r? o' * v,,v" v,v izens, anil tbo respect paid to his memory, we are bound to believe, (hut be had some good qualities and traits of character, which served to diminish, in public esteem, the vices which shadowed his life. His last words, if correctly reported, are characteristic of his ruling passion : "My chance is that of a $5 horse in a ?1,000 pool." A Vkby Qooi) Reason.?The reason why oniy one sample bottle of Mkrrkll's IIepatink for theCiver will be sold to the sumo person, for ten cents, by our Druggists, GUIDES & CO., is because of the enormous expense of importing the llcpatine into this country ; but as there are fifty doses in the large size bottle, it seems two cents per dose is cheap enough after all for a medicine that cures dyspepsia and liver complaint. All who havo not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for teu cents at GUIDES & CO.'S Drug store. Tlireo doses relieves any case of dispepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver complaint, in the world. Regular size bottles, fifty doses. ?1.00. ?e?r 10 CentsSample llottles Merrell's Hepntinc for the Liver, and Globe Flower Cough Syt rup for the throat and Lungs, at GIRDES & CO. 17 Liver is Kino.?The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls tlio life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments nre the natural result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, arc all immediately connected with the workings of the liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in curing all persons ntllicted with Dispepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from nu uuliei ltliy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents, l'ossitivcly sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. For sale by all druggists, and by GUIDES & CO. 18-2w. Settled Beyond a Donir.?No one questions the fact thnt more cases of supprcssad and irregular niense and uterine obstructions, of every kind, nre being daily cured, by Dr. J. Dradtield's Female Regulator, than by all other remedies combined. Its success in Georgia and other Safntno in liovnml Ytrnnntlnn(a in tlm nnuolo aC 0 ~ - " physic. Thousands of certificates from women everywhere pour in upon the proprietor. The nttcntion of prominent medical men is aroused in behalf of this wonderful compound, and the most successful practitioners use it. If women suffer hereafter it will be their own fault. Female Regulator is prepared and sold ty L. II. Kradfield, Druggist, Atlnnta, (in., and may he bought for $1.60 per bottle at any respectable Drug Store in the Union. For sale by all druggists and by A. IRWIN & Co., Union. May 10 19 ____ 4t List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Union, S. 0., for the month ending April 30th, 1878. Mrs Mattic Arten, Samuel W. Alston, Miss Mary Kirby, Mrs. Silby Wallace. JAMES H. GOSS, T. M. Grain Cradles. | T HAVE just received a lot of Grain Cradles, . which I will sell at VERY REDUCED PRICES. B. F. RAWI.S, No. 1, East Union. .May 10 10 tf Attention Union Democratic Club. THE momhors of the Democratic Club of Union Township nrq.j-cqiicstcd to meet in the Court House, on Saturday the 11th inst., at * 4'o'clock I'. M., fi>r^^mir|?yciof reorganizing the Club, in accurJaWe^vith instructions from the Stale Executive Commiitc. V. M. FARE, Chairman Club of 1870. May 8 18 '21 Pioneer Paper .MaiinfaHurin?r Company. Manufacturers of rook, news ana wrapping PAPER. John W IVIoliolwon, Agent, Alliens, Ga. For sample #f News, see this sheot. Nor 21 45 if MRS. RICHARDS' New Millinery. I WOULD respectfully inform the Ladies of Union that I shall continue to receive month- ( ly the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMflfc HATS, (at Prices from 25 Cents up,) and will continue to keep a full Stock of all M 1 1 1 1 n o r y G oods, and will be pleased to have all my old Customers, and as many new ones as will favor ine with their patronage, to call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. As I have always sold everything in my line AS CHEAP OR CHEAPER Than any one in this place, I shall continue bnsiness on that line all Summer It affords me pleasure to show my goods, whether you purclinsc or not. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. "Remember, my store is the first door above Rice I & McLurc's establishment. E. RICHARDS. May 10 1? tf 1^ T. OW KN, CARRIAGE PAINTER AND TRIMMER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, WOULD respectfully inform the public that ' he lias rented Mr. W. A. Nicholson's i Warehouse, in which he has opened a shop for the purpose of carrying on the above business, where he will always be found, ready to do any kind of Painting, from a Walking Stick to a Eocomo'ivc. 1 Having served an apprenticeship in one of the best Coach Shops in the State, 1 feel assured that I can give you as good a job of Carriage Painting or Trimming as you can get anywhere. < Old Buggies Renovated, aud made to look as good as new. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or no charge. 1 TRY ME AND GIVE A GOOD WORK- J MAN A CHANCE. 1 May 10 19 tf TIME TAHLE OF THE Spartanburg & Asheville R. R. I A KM H.V. A C. RAILROAD. To go into Effect, MondAy, May G, 1878. 1 ~ DOWN TRAIN. _ | IT TRAIN. Arivo. j Leave. STATIONS. | Arive. Ix'ave. 7 10 a ID Tryon city G 50am J 7 'J.'t Land rums G 28 7 40 Cain|M>helta G 08 8 00 In man 5 50 8 10 Capijiton _ 5 88 I* .-vi Air-Liino .nmc'n | ft 20 9 10 Spartanburg 1 6 09pnt 3 OOatn 9 54 I'acolot 5 25 . 110 1:1 .loncsvillo I 5 05 J 10 4-5 |10 50 Union 4 19 4 50 111 20 Snntuc 3 49 11 38 111 10 l'ish Dam 3 29 12 00 Shi'llon 3 00 p mj 3 05 , 12 12 LylcsFonl 2 4S '12 30 Strothcrs ' 2 28 1 l?pnt| Alston | |+1 40 pm * lireakfust. -j- Dinner JAS. ANDERSON, Superintendent. May 10 10 tf FOSTER & WILKINS ' ARE RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER , ^ GOODS, Which have been selected with great earc and bought on the most FAVORABLE TERMS, A N I) WILL B K SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES! They invite all in want ot goods to call and examine QUALITIES AND PRICES, BEFOllE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED May 18 ;f MRS. GRANTS New Millinery. I WOUI.l) respectfully inform the Ladies of Union County that 1 have just returned from j Market with the fullest and finest Stock of SPRING AND S II M M K It (4 0;<> I) S I ever brought to this County, nnd am able to sell much /1TI1N A rv X1TA mr* ? oiii<ii\rJ?iIt I'll A IN V-Kii. In My Stock, nill lie Found Pattern Itonnets and Hats, Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats, Flowers and Ribbons, , Trimming NilliH, II sit OriinmontM, REAL HAIR SWITCHE8, TUCKING COMBS, BRACELETS, LA DTK.S ANI) MISSES LISLE Til HE A I) GLOVES, Ladies and Misses Corsets, LADIES AND MISSES Ready-Made Under-Clothing, FANS, CHAINS, Ac, SHADE HATS OF ALL SHAPES, FROM 40 0ENT3 UP. An examination of my slock nn<l prices is requested. May it IS If RICE & MC'LURE ARB IN RECEIPT OF THEIR USUAL ?SUPPLIES OF? SPRING and 6U9T MEI1 GOODS, "1TTHICH they commend to the attention VV purchasers. They are enabled to display & full line of OOTTONADES. LINENS, TWEEDS AND CASSIMCRES, FOlt MEN AND BOYS' WB^tK. Also an unusually large and aitraAive assortment of iff* W LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Embracing tho latest Novelties, ai marvelously low prices. Together with everything iu FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS Usually found in a general Stock. CALL AND SEE J OUR B A Rh AINS. No objection to showing Goods, if wo don't Sell. T II A 31II URG E 31 B R 0 11) E KIE S , Hosiery in great variety, Ladies' and Gent's Silk Ties. Linen Cuffs and Collars. f Kid and Lislo Gloves, - j ' AN ELEGANT 2 BUTTON KI1> OLOYE FOR 45 CE3PTS, with many other things useful and ornamental, it the CHEAP STORE of RICE & McLURE. April 2G 17 tf T. C. NELSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, ES prepared to do nil kinds of work in his line according to rHELATEST FASHION, >n the shortest Notice, and at the lowest possi>le prices. Cutting Done in the best Style. SUPPORT YOUR 0 1PA' MECHANICS, io that you may sleep well under the satisfacion of having done something for a worthy ax-paying neighbor. May 3 18 tf HARD-FAN REACHED! MEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! WE are now receiving a well selected Stock of SPRING GOODS nt prices to suit the imcs, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. ????? ? CLOTHING, FROM. THE COMMONEST TO THJ& BEST ENGLISH WORSTED. C ASSIMERES, IIItGIXIA AND XOllTIIEllN. PRICKS DOWN. S?AR SHIRTS, Made iu the Best Manner and of CHOICEST MATKltlAL. LADIES' AND GENT'S L.INEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. A LARGE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENT'S Silk lies and Kid Gloves, Hamburg Edgings, Exhibition ILi filings, A NEW AND FULL STOCK OF Ladies', Gent's and Children's Hose. Corded and figured l'iquos, IN GREAT VARIETY. Linen Hanilkercliicfe. Parasols, lutcst styles aiul colors. A ????% ?? Hardware, Woodenware, Tinware. BRIDLES AND SADDLES. SADDLE BLANKETS. TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. Our Stock of Hand-made and Custom-made ihoes, CAN'T HE BEAT. Every Pair Warranted. ... r 1_ > df f A 1,1 W ? * C? ?. * _? m- ^ ^ Jli< M Jt\* ^^9 Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Kicc, Grist, llacon, Flour, Salt, Corn nml Corn Meal. We are determined to sell. Call and examine our goods and compare our prices. UEK A lli niMlltll S. April 19 10 tf Fair fVitrnitig, AI,L parties arc hereby fiiirly warned not to . liire or interfere with tho hands in my employ, I have written contrails with tliem all, properly witnessed and filed in*t he Clerk's Office. Those violating this notice will*be dcaltwitli according to ihe law prohibiting such, Mount Talior, 8. C., .\pril 4th, 1878. IV. A. MOORIIKAD. April 12 15 2ms. H. SCHOPPAUL RESPECTFULLY informs Ilia Citizen* of Union that lie is prepared, with a good team of Horses, Wngon, Plows, &c., to do all kinds of Hauling Plowing, or any other work hy which lie can obtain an honest living. * TERMS CASH. May 3 IS t(. , TAXES. IWlLL be at the following places, at the time named, for the purpose of collecting the Taxes ef Union County, for the fiscal year commencing November the 1st, 1877. From Wednesday, May 1st, to Saturday, May 4th, inclusive, at Union C. H. Monday, May Gth Goings' Tuesday, 44 7th Uoudeysville. Wednesday, 44 8th Timber l'udge. ' Thursday, ' Vth Jooesvillc. Friday, . " jfth^Urtm', ? Saturday, 44 fljMi90njKcys. * ; * Monday and Tuesday, May lmh and 14th, Union. Thursday, May lGth Goshen Ilill. Friday, " 17th Fish Dam. Saturday, " 18th Sanluc, Then at Union, until the end of IhoTnonth. The tax Levy being : 4J Mills for State purposes. 8 44 44 Ordinary County parposes. 8 44 44 l'ast ladcbtednes 44 Of " itailroad " 2 44 44 School 44 ' Ami $1.00 on each Toll between the ages of twenty-one aud sixty years. JOHN P. THOMAS, Treasurer, U. C. . April 20 17 6t_ The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Common Pleas. Mary A. Faucett, Thos. IV. Hogg, Leonora Leitncr, W. J. Hawkins, Rebecca J. Dellency, Sarah E. Trapp, Elizabeth Dawkins anl \V. " 0eig"' s? against. S. Morgan Dawkins, as Exec- | P utor of the last will and or testament of William Dawkins, deceased, 3. M. Daw- ? ,. f kins, Mary Martin, J. T. 1 Dawkins, Sarah Bradford, Elizabeth Bradford, Wil- . . . liatn T. Dawkins, Martha ^plaint J. Dawkins, Lula E. Dawkins, Cora E. Dawkins, . Willie 11. Dawkins, Rebecca Henry, Susan Connor, Mary Dawkins, Coralie Cromer, Ophelia Dawkins, Illicit Geiger, Edward Gciger and Ida Geiger, Joseph M. Dawkins, Peter Dawkins, Elijah W. Dnwkins, Defendants. To the Defendants above named. YOU are hereby Summoned and required to answer the Petition in (his action, which has been filed in the office of the Judgo of Probate, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to (hp said petition on the subscribers at their office, No. .'5 Law Range, Union, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive ef the day of service ; and if you fail to answer the petition within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to tho Court for the relief demauded in tho petition. Dated, lfflh April, A. I). 1878. S1IAND & MUNRO, Pluiutill's Attorneys. JOS. F. GIST, Judge of Probate. To the Defendants, Peter Dawkins, Willian T. Dawkins, Martha J. Dawkins, Joseph M. Dawkins, LnJa.E. Dawkins, Cora E. Dawkins, ' Elijah TV. Dawkins, Willie R. Dawkins, Rebecca Henry, Elicit, Geigcr, Edward Gciger, | Ida Geiger, Sarah Bradford and Elizabeth Bradford. Take notice that, the Summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Judge of Probate for Union County, in the Stat* of South Carolina, on the 17th day of April, 187S. Union, S. C., April 17th 187H. SH AND k MUNRO. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. April 10 16 (it ______ _____ S. W. PORTER'S CHEAP CASH STORE. :o: I HAVE just returned from Market where I purchased a henry stock of all kinds of Goods at the very lowest prices, and 1 intend to give my customers the benefits of my low-priced purchases. * MY STOCK CONSISTS OF SPRING AND SUMMER l> Ii V O C> X> N OF THE LATEST STYLES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, t LA DIGS AN J) GKSTS' BONNETS AND HATS. A FULL STOCK OF HOSIERY. Tlic Kent Make and l.atewt Styles BOOTS AND SHOES, Ribbons, Laces, Neck Ties. (iR OCERIES! In Groceries I have as fine a stock as can be seen in Town. HARDWARE! For Plantation, Garden and Household lae. In fact I have got almost anything you can call for, and I am determined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. CALL HEFORE YOU BUY ELSE WHERE. M. W. POUTER. March 20 IS tf 30-H0RSE POWER ENGINE FOB HALE. I HAVE a good thirty-horse, second hand, stationary Engine which I will sell low. L For particulars address ine nf Alston, 8. C. | M. CI1A1MN. I Apfn 19, 187? m H ff IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS AND MECHANICS**0' ?> ' THOSK in Want of Threshers, Engines, Reapcis and Mowers are informed that thoy can ' SAVE MONEY by calling on us, as wo sell the boat of everything in this line and cheaper than ?ny other house in the County, We offer cheap, to close out a consignment, iviiiWCH Price, 1 SIX*HORSE CLIPPER STEAM EKGINF, Price, $oOO, <?n mm; Terms. 6 CARD WELL' THRE8HZR8 and SEPARATORS, Pricob $840?ia S *aay Payments. 0-BEFORE VOU PURCHASE YOUR .. ' . GRAIN CRADLES,CALL ON US FOR rRICKS. Show us "Daddy's Dollars" and we will' dance to your music. Those indebted to us for Long's Chemicals * . will please call at tho Captain's Ottics and settle by Note. GII1UES AC00 Agricultural Dealers and Druggists. April 10 IG 2m READ, AND " "Govern Yourselves Accordingly." ??? WE have recently received a beautiful stock of SPUING GOODS, CONSISTING, IN PART, OF Calicoes, Muslins, Linens, Piquets, Cottonadew, BLEACllED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS, which ws offer at prices that dofy competition. VIRGINIA CASSIMERES! For ficnUomnri** I'anlt nnit ??? ? >I,?m I. ing prettier or moro durable made. i VIRGINIA SHOES! We ore Agents for the Winchester, Va.t Shoes, manufactured expressly for L4DIE8 AX1) CniLUKEN. For style, comfort and durability, these shoes can't be excelled. Notions, Hosierv and Gloves! EXAMINE OUR 2 button SO cciitu Kid Gloves. Our slock is complete in all the FASHIONABLE SHADES. Sec our beautiful assortment of LADLES B1UC. HANDKERCHIEFS AN13 TIES. WE A HE SELLING ELEGANT SILK BUTTONS lOcts per dozen WE CAN SHOW A NICE Stock of Guffs and Collars, Ladies' Hose lOcts. per pair, Pins, By the Single Paper, 5 Cents. We will not, at this time, endeavor to enumerate the many bargains which can be obtained at our establishment. Our s'ock, in every department, is full, and our mstto is, QUICK SALES AND SHOUT PROFITS! SPEAKS Ac COLTON. March 29 13 tf A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J.T.HILL & Co's. :o: ? WE have just received a very larj.0 Stock of the latest Styles, and 1?K m i EHT PATTERNS ?OF? LADIES DRESS GOODS, of nil kinds of Material, wliicli wo offer for sale ' nt (he VERY LOWEST PRICES.TOGETHER WITH Fashionable Trimmings, Ladies' and Gent's Hose, Linen Handkerchiefs, , Longcloths of all Hrands, A fine Stock of Notions, LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARUE STOCK Of-'' HARDWARE, for Mechanic's Domestic and Plantation use. GROCERIES: Sugar, Coffee, Ted, Molasses and Rico, Bacon, Flour and Lard, Bait, Sfclces of all kinds, &c., &c. Our slock is new and complete, and we proposoto offer every advantage t? purchasers, by keeping a full aupply of goods and by selling as cheap as con bo bought in any store in the t'ounty. We invite all to call and see for themselves. J. T HILL <* (O. March 22 12 . tf