pyjawq j. , i? . ?,i ^t3 A Iliu Stkal.?Full ltivcr, Muss., April 25.? The Border City Mills are closed, and the Sagamore Mills will shut down to-night. George T. Hathaway, the defaulting treasurer, was in consultation with his counsel during the most of last night, and to-day he was waited upon by a committee of the directors, but they could obtain no satisfaction as to what disposition lie had made of the stoleu funds, it is acknowledged that till the directors are ruined, with the exception of Chales I*. Slickney. and lie loses $150,000 of his investment of $180,000 in the corporation, Jatnes E. Cunneu, a hard working and honest man, who was Superintendent of the Border City mills, loses $15,000, the savings of thirtyfive years toil. He begun life as a mill boy, and lias worked his way up. George T. Hathaway, Ijie defaulting treasurer, was nrrested to-night, and taken to the jail at Taunton. J. Angicr Chace, whose recent defalcation of a half million dollars in connection with the TTn;?n \i;iio to Coo.i. .i.? i ..... phaticnlly (ionics Ilnthaway's slalciaent llmt they were in collusion, nnd says Hint Hathaway is trying to throw the blame for his crime on liiin. From nil that can be ascertained, there can be no doubt that this defalcation will reach $000,000. The city is terribly excited and full of floating funiors about the soundness of other corporations, but there is no foundation, as far as is known, for any of these stories. A Veiiy Goon Reason.?The reason why oniy tine sainplo bottle of Mehhkli.'s 11ki>atink for tho Liver will bo sold to the saino person, for ten cents, by our Druggists, GIRBKS & CO., is because of the enormous expense of importing the llcpatine into this country ; but as there are fifty doses in the large si/.o bottle, it seems two cents per dose is cheap enough after nil for n medicine that cures dyspepsia and liver complaint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents nt G1BBFS & CO.'S Drug store. Three doses relieves any case of dispepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver complaint, in the world. Regular size bottles, fifty doses. $1.00. fitsfif" 10 CentsSample Botlle3 Mcrrell's Ilepntinc for the Liver, and Globe Flower Cough Syrup for the throat nnd Lungs, at G1I1I1MS & CO. 17-2w r - .. iT'.Z iji > r;u IS ix i Mi. ? me jjlYcr IS i 111-nil Jicriiii organ of the whole hutnnn system, as it controls the life, henltli and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are nil imuicilintely oonnsolaJ willi tliu workings of the liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dispcpsia or Livtr Goinplnint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhei llhy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottle i to try, 10 cents, l'ossitivcly sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. For sale by all druggists, and by GIBBES & CO. 18-'2w. H- scHOPPATJL Respectfully informs the citizens of Union that lie is p/epared, with a good team of Horses, Wagon, Plows, &c., to do all kinds of Hauling Plowing, or any other work by which ho can obtain an honest living. TERMS CASH. May 3 18 tf Attention Union Democratic THE members of the Dei^^Pn^^^^o^of Union Township are requested to meet in tliQ Court House, on Saturday the 11th inst., at '4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of reorganizing the Club, in accordance with instructions from the State Executive Committe. f. m. faur. Chairman Club of 1870. May 3 IS 2t T. O. NET^SOIV,. MEHCHANT TAILOR, prepnred io do oil kinds ot work in it is X line according to THE LATEST FASHION, on the shortest Notice, and at the lowest possible prices. Cutting Done in the best Style. SUPPORT YOUR OWi\r M ECII AX ICS, so that you ?ioy sleep well under the satisfaction of having done something for a worthy tax-paying neighbor. May 3 18 tf FOSTER & WILKINS ARE RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER G 1> <> I> S , Which have been selected with great care and bought on the most FAVORABLE ^ERMS, AND WILL BE SOLD AT * ' * ? ^ REASONABLE PRICES! fhey invite all iu want ot goods to call and ''examine QUALITIES AND PRICES, BEFORE riTKCrrASrXC, elsewhere. SATISFACTION (IVARAXTEED May .'i 18 ?f ' TIAIi: TAKLi; OF Tin: Spartanburg & Aslievillc K. It. S.I*. A V. RAlIJtOAD. To pr7 G 12 a ill G 17 LnnilriiniN G i t G 43 p in it 32 Cninpobi-lla G .'.t G ljn It M liinimi ? * G OH 7 0-7 <'amnion 3 39 7 I I Air-Line Jtinc'ii 3 30 *J 30 8 (Mt [Spartanburg 1 3 03 3 :t0 s 33 ? 10 I'.n nb t l :? it 03 j h :t to jo :ti ' io :o? Soniif :i oi 110 3G I' isli I Mm | 2 IG 2 48 111 17 slnlion ; j 20pm; 2 22 II 20 ll.yb-s I'nrd i 2 08 II 30 I SI i o| hern I i I 48 12 40pm! |Ahton | |fl oo * llrenkfasl. Dinner. JA8. ANDERSON. SnpfcrintoiMonti May 3 18 r If MRS. GRANT'S New Millinery, I WOULD respectfully inform the Ladies of Union County thnt 1 hare just returned from Market with the fullest nud finest Stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOiODS I ever brought to this County, and am able to sell much CHEAPER THAN EVER. In My Stock will be' Foiiml Pattern Bonnets and Hats, T Unfa juauiuo , luioouo auu vyuuuivu o iiauo, Flowers and Ribbons, Trimming Nilks, Hat Ornaments, REAL HAIR SWITCHES, TUCKING COMBS, BRACELETS, LADIES ANI) MISSES LISLE THREAD GLOVES, Ladies and Misses Corsets, LADIES AND MISSES Ready-Made TJnder-Clotliing, FANS, CHAINS, Ac, SHADE HATS OF ALL SHAPES, FIIOM 40 CENTS UP. An examination of my stock and pi-ices is requested. May 3 18 If T AXES. I WILL be at the following places, nt the time named, for the purpose of collecting the Tn**s of Union County, for the fiscal year commencing November the 1st, 1877. From Wednesday, May 1st, to Saturday, May 4lh, inclusive, at Union C. II. Momlay, May 0th Goings' Tuesday, ? 7th Goudeysville. Wednesday, " 8th Timber Itidge. Thursday, * ? nth Jonesvllle.-^""**"^ Friday, " 10th Gibbs'. Saturday, " 11th Cross Keys. Monday and Tuesday, May 13th and 14th, Union. Thursday, May 16th Goshen Ilill. Friday, ? 17th Fish Dam. Saturday, " 18th Santuc, Then at Union, until the eud of the month. The tax Levy being : 4J Mills for Slate purposes. i K n i.. j VIUIIIUIJ vsuuuijr |??r|iosc?. }J " " Past Indcbtcdnes " " Railroad " 2 " " School " Anu ?1.00 on each Toll between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years. JOHN P. THOMAS, Treasurer, U. C. April 20 17 Ot 11XOE MOLU XI13 A JlBOfilXPT^FTHBIH UBUAL ?SUPPLIES OF? BPItlXU and SIX' MEK GOODS, TTTHK'H they commend to the nttcntion of VV juircbnsers. Tliey are enabled to display a full line of COTTONADES, LINENS, TWEEDS AND CASSIMERES, FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Also an unusually large and attractive assortment of L A 1> I K H ' DRESS GOODS, Embracing tho latest Novelties, at marvelously low prices. Together with everything in FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS Usually found in a general Stock. CALL AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. No objection to showing Goods, if we don't JScll. II A M RU K U E 31 KKOI I> ERIES, Hosiery in great variety, Ladies' and Gent's .Silk Ties. Lincn Cutrs and Collars. Kid and Lisle Gloves, AN ELEGANT 2 BUTTON 1411> GLOVE FOR 45 ( EM'S, with ninny other things useful ami ornamental, at the CHEAP STOKE of RICE & Me EE RE. April 20 17 tf W II Y IV O T GIVE ME A FAIR TRIAL? P. T. LEMASTER, CARPENTER and BUILDER, UNION, S. C. 171ST1M.ATKS given on any kind of work at J any time. My inot'o in, Lowest Price ! llcst Work ! Shortest Time ! TRY M K! I?. T. LEMASTER, is agent for a'l kinds of Pictures and Picture frames anil cord, &c. Parties can save 100 per cent by giving their orders to me. TRY ME . P. T. LEM ASTEIl, Agent, for Japanese Paper Carpeting. It is handsomer, cheaper and better than Oil Cloth. T 11 Y I T ! I?. T. LEMASTIJl, A pent for Patent Paper Hoofing. The fact that there is 25.0(H) feet in use in litis town ami vicinity is a suflicivnt recommendation t'ov it. I am prepared to roof houses of any size and warrant the same. Estimates given on application. You can save S'2.'2"> per square l?y using it. TRY IT. April 5 14 If HARD-PAN REACHED! NEW GOODS! NEW ^QODSH V\TE arc now receiving A well Kim id Slock V V of Sl'KlNU OOODS at priolf W suit the times, - |?u> CONSISTING OF % DRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. CLOTHIN G, FROM THE COMMONEST TO THE BEST ENGLISH WORSTED. CASSIMERES, VI KG IMA ANI> NOKT|IERN. riUCKS DOWN. * STAR SHIRT s\ maue ui ino uosi .naiiucr ana 2ms. 30-HORSE POWER i<; iv a i in ro it sale. I HAVE n good thirty-horse, second hand, stationary Engine which 1 will sell low. For particulars adArcss me at Alston, S. C. M. ITIAIMN. April in, 107a lfc ?r. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of Sundry Kvcculions to u>o directed, I will sell, before Union Court House door, 011 tho first Moudny in May next, within the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, the following property, to wit : ! One tract of land located in Uuion County, containing one hundred Mil 6.* Mm, ' ing'to the estate of Miriam Goings, and bounded by lands of 1). L>. Goings A. G. liently, \fm. Sprouse, H. R. Fowler and 0. Lawson; levied oh nild to be Sold as the property of the estate of Miriam Ooings, at the suit of K. E. N. Fowler nnd Julius Fowler, by their guardian, against Charles Bolt as Administrator of Minium Going, deceased; and one bay Horse as the property ot' the same party, at the suit of the same parties. AISO. */iic ir;fci en mnu, lociuea in union county, i containing ono hundred ni?d thirteen ncres, more or less, bonuded by lands of Asa Smith and the Gold Minn tract worked by Utly, and one bay Mare, as the properly of Cyprian Druitt, at | the suit of William A. Lancaster. ALSO. All the interest that Eliza K. Moofo has in three different tracts of land, located in Union County, in llognnsville Township, to wit: One tract of land known as theNott Mine tract, containing about one hundred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Dr. 11. A. Cates, l)r. John H. Little, W, F. Eison and Dr. A. \V. Thomson. One tract known as the llutlcdgc tract, containing (84) thirty-four acres, nioreorless, bounded by lands of Dr. John R. Little, James Hyatt, the Not Gold Mine, Dr. A. W. Thomson and others ; And one tract, containing nine acres, more or less, bounded by lands of H. A. Cates, Deter West and the Nott Gold Mine tract; levied on and to be sold for the interest that Eliza K. Moore has in said lands, at the suit of Alexander Williford, against It. 11. Moore and Eliza E. Moore. ALSO. I will sell on Tuesday, the seventh day of May next, at the residence of 1*. D. Hamilton, within the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, one lot of corn, supposed to be twenty or twenty- |ve bushels, and one lot of cotton seed, suppocd to be twenty-five bushels, more or less ; levied on and fo be sold as the property of Wiley Jeter, under a lien execution of Gee A Humphries, against Wiley Jeter and Silas Gist. ALSO I will sell, on Tuesday the Seventh day of May next, nt the Kesidence of Drury D. Going, within the legal hours of Sheriffs Sales, one bureau, Oftc. lAqu^hsst. ltyo Fi^^w Bed* and lurniturc, one "WnrfWraTia, one smnn BorJ' one Side Saddle and one Dot; nil lsvied on and to be sold as the property of the Estate of Miriam Going, at the suit of K K. N. Fowler and Julius Fowler, by their Guardian, against Charles Dolt as Administrator of the Estate of Miriam Going. K. MACBETH, S. U. C. April 11, 1878 15 3t IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS A N I) MEC II AK IC S! milOSE in Want of Threshers, Engines, UoapJL crs and Mowers nrc informed that the} can NAVE MONEY by calling on us, as wo sell the best of everything in this line and cheaper than any other house in (he County. Wc offer cheap, to close out a consignment, TVALLEY CHIEF REAPER MM!MOWER, Price, $185, nl 4 Months. 1 SIX-HORSE CLIPPER STEAM ENGINE, Price, $500, on easy Terms. 6 CARD WELL* THRESHERS and SEPARATORS, Prioe, $245?in 3 easy Payments. HE Ft) UK YOU PURCHASE YOUll GltAIN C R A I> E S , CALL OX US FOR I'RICRS. Show us "Daddy's Dollars" and wo will dance to your music. Those indebted to us for Long's Chemicals will please call at the Captain's Ollice and sjttle by Note. GI1IBKN & CO., Agricultural Dealers and Druggists. April 1'J IC 2tn NEW AREIVALS S. W. PORTER'S CHEAP CASH STORE. Ill AVI* just returned from Market wliero I purchased a heavy slock of all kinds of floods at the very lowest prices, nnd I intend to givo my enstomers the benefits of ray low-priced pnrchases. MY STOCK CONSISTS OK SPRING AND SUMMER DRY ao ODS OF THE LATEST STYLES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LAD IKS A SI) GENTS' BONNETS AND HATS. A FULL STOCK OF 1I0SIKKY, Tlic I*e.*t Make and I.uleM Stylo* HOOTS ATM) SHOES, Ribbons, Laces, Nock Ties. :o: OR OCERIES! In Groceries I have as fine a stock as can he , seen in Town, HARDWARE! For Plantation, <*nrdcn and Iloimeliold Uw. In fact I have got almost any tiling you can call for, and I am determined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. CALL BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. H. W, I'ORTKR. March 29 1? tf urnaaeage -i. i few - -1, gagfaa READ, AND "Govern Yourselves Accordingly." ~1T7K have recently received a' Beautiful Yx^gskjoL mm MMfl SPRING GOODS , CONSISTING, IN PART, OF Culiooes, HuMinn, Lifacft*; PlqvctHv CotloniMloM? BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS, which we offer at prices that defy competition. VIRGINIA CASSIMERES! For Gentlemen's Pants and uns there is noth ing prettier or wore durable made. VIRGINIA SHOES! We are Agents for the Winchester, Va., Shoe/, manufactured expressly for 1.AI>1I:K AM) ClIILDItEN. For style, comfort and durability, these shoes can't, be excelled. r? " Notions, Hosiery and Gloves ! EXAMINE OUlt 3 button 30 ccitta Kid Cilbvea. Our stock is complete in all the FASHION' ABLE SHADES. See our beautiful assortment of LADIES SILK HANDKERCHIEFS* AND TIES. WE ARE SELLING ELEGANT SILK BUTTONS lOcts per dozen WE CAN SHOW A NICE Stock of Guffs and Collars, Ladies' Hose lOcts. per p^ir* Fins, By tl)^. Single Paper, We will not, at this time, endeavor to rate the many bargains which can be obtained at our establishment. Our s'ock, in every department, is full, and our motto it, QUICK SALES irtf SHOUT PROFITS! 8PEA11S A COLTON. March 2'J 13 tf J. T M T\ /N "n A laA&Xin S1UUA UJt NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J.T.HILL & Co's. WE have just received a very lar^e Stoek of the latest Styles, and ' PUETTHHT PATTERSN ?OP? LADIES DRESS GOODS, of nil kinds of Material, which wo offer for snlo at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. TOGETHEH WITH Fashionablo Trimmings, Ladies' and Gent's Hose, Linen Handkerchiefs, Longcloths of all Brands, A fine Stock of Notions, LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS AND SHOE S< A LARUE STOCK OP H A ? D WAKE , for Mechanic's Domestic and Plantation use. GROCERIES: Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses and Rico, Bacon, Flour and Lard, Bait, Spices of all kinds, &c., &c'. Our ?lock is new and complete, and we propose to offer overy advantage to purchasers, by? keeping a full supply of goods and by Bcllintf, as cheap as can be bought in any store in the County. We invite all to call and see for themselves. J. T HILL eft: CO. March 22 12 If AS OIUIIYAYCK. CouKcif. Chamber, f 22d April, 1878. / An Ordinance to raise supplies for the fiscal) year commencing September, 1878. lie it ordained, by the Town Council of Union, in the State of South Carolina, now met and sL(a ting, and by the authority of the same : Section L That a tax of one mill upon every dollar of the value of all Ileal Estate and Stock in trndo in the Town of Union be and the same is hereby levied, te meet the ordinary expcncc* of the municipal government of said Town-, for the fiscal ymr commencing September, 1877. Sec. 11. That the sum of One Dollar and a half is fixed ns a commutation for street or road duty, and the said sum is hereby required to be paid by each and every able bodied male person between the nges of eighteen and fifty-five years, who resides within the corporate limits of sai