The Thieve*' Trial* Commenced. j Cardozo, the most honest mnn among llie lladir . cal Thieves, hns been 011 trial for bis great honesty, in Columbia the past week, and the followis a small specimen of his peculiar transactions while Treasurer of this State. If such evidence can be brought againt the "most honest"' man ' of the party, what may we not expect when the transactions of Chamberlain, i'atterson, Carpenter, Corbin and other notorious thtft-ncteft arq *?- investigated before a Court of Justice ? Columbia, S. -C., Nov. 3.?The testimony in tho Cardozo trial was finished late this evening. The defendant was rigidly cross examined this morning, and among other things testified that Hard/ Solomon had offered him a bribe of five thousand dollars, when visiting his privute office, about the fraudulent claims, amounting to $20,000 dollars. Solomon contradicted this statement and nllcdged that he had given Cardozo three or four thousand dollars, us part of the fraudulent jlaiins,?substituted in the transaction. Solomon's casTiicr, ?Zealy, testified, that when he presented the claims, Cardozo's, to clerk and dctnauded pay, Cardozo told the clerk to pay the demand, it was none of his business.? Zealy is a respectable Democrat, and his evidence on this point is damaging to the^ufen dant. ?Coirtisel for defendant subscquerMy admitted the substitution of frauduleut claims.? Argument of counsel will be givon Monday.? The jury is kept together and guarded every night. Cut This Out. It May Save Your Lire.' ?There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Diseases, toughs. Colds 01* Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that Would cure them. Dk. A. Hose hub's Gkrmajj Syrup has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we say in print, cut this out and take it to your Druggists, Gibbes & Co., and get a samplo bettie for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. Regular size 7o cents. Nov. 2 43 2w. Now ani) Titk.n.?It is olily now and then mm sucn men as 11011. Aiex. 11. oicpucns, Ex-G?v. Smith nml Kx-Gov. Brown of Ga., endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they do it is pretty good evidence that the remedy must be good for the cure of coughs, colds and lung affections. They recommend tho Globe Flower. Co unit Svnur, and their testimonials are to be seen round _ tho too cent sample bettles of tho Globe Flower Syrup, fwr sale by MESSRS. GIBBES & CO. A sample bottle relieves the worst cough and will euro sore throat. Regular size bottle, fifty doses, $1. 44-2t ~ MARRIED. ~ LITTLE JOHN?S hi ITU.?Married, Oct. 30, 1877, at the residence of the bride's Mother, by Rev. G. W. Whitman, Mb. N. G. Littlfjohn, of Union, to Miss N. E. Smith, youngest daughter of Capt. A. K. Smith, of Spartanburg. GAGE?HARDEE.?Married, at the residence of Col. T. B. ltoy, in Salem, Ala., at 8 p. m. Wednesday the 24th ult., by Kov. F. Hallam, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Dr. F. F Gage and Miss Bessie, daughter of the late Gen. W. J. Hardee. OBIUARY^ PERRY?Died, Sept. 20, 1877, Miss Fanmik Pkuky, aged 21 years. ^ "Sister, thou art gone to rest; Thine is an early tomb; ? But Jesus summoned thee away? The Saviour called thee home. Wc believe thou art at rest? Thy toils and cares are o'er? And sorrow, pain and suffering now Shall ne'er distress thee more. THE COTTON SCALES. Union, S. C., Nov. 1877. To the Intendant and Wardens of (he Toirn of Union. Gentlemen :?In accordance with youy request to Examine and verify the Public Cotton Scales, used by the Weigher in the Town of Union, we beg to report: That we have compared them with the scales of four leading Merchants of the Town of Union, and find that they do not vary more than half a pound, and, as far as we are able to judge, consider them correct. The Hoard have been unable to findMerchant derives the right to deduct four pounds tare from each bale. Hy order of the Heard. D. P. DUNCAN, O. C. C. W. L. GOUDEI.OCK, J. F. HAILKY. Wm. IIili.. Clerk. Nov. 44 It AN ORDINANCE. Council Chamber, Union, S. ('., Oct 27, 1877. BE it ordained by the Town Council of Union, assembled this 27lh day of October, A. D. 1877 Sec. I. That from ami after this date each and every building to be eroctcd on the South side of Main Street, between the Union Hotel and the Haptist Church, shall be set back from ^ Main Street a distance sufficient Tor the front ot the building to be on a line with a .straight line dr.- wn from the North-east corner of the Hotel to the South-west corner of the Main building of the Baptist Church. Sue. II. That any person or persons who shall violate Section I of this Ordinance shall, upon trial and conviction, J>o required to remove the building or buildings to the line indicated in said section and, in addition, shall be fined ten ($10) for each and every day that said building or buildings, or any part thereof, shall remain beyoild the limits fixed by said section. I). A. TOWNS END. attest Intendant. It. It. II aw 1.5, .Sec'y and Treas'r. Nov. !t -11 ill The jState of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. In the Court of Probate. 11Y JOS. F. (i I ST, Judge of I'robate in Union County. VTTHEKEAS William JcfTerics, hath applied VV to me for betters of Administration on the Estato of THOMAS OWNSBY, latu of Union County, deceased. These arc therefore to cite ami admonish nil ami singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at a Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Pnion Court bouse on the nineteenth day of November 1877, tit 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. (liven under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this fifth day of November. A. I>. 1 1877. ami in the ItCnd year of American ^ Independence. w ,ios k. hist. Judge of Ptobrttc. ' Xovil 21 \ JAS.H. RODGER HAS just opened the largest mid most com plcte | STOCK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, HAHDWAIi^P, cu'tlery, WOODEN WAHE AND TIN WARE, that has becu seen iu this County for many years His Prices nro fully as low as they are in any market above Charleston, and, if anything, A LEETLE LOWER. COME AND LOOK AT MY STOCK OF STOVES ! They are not only the prettiest and most du ruble, but they are CHEAPER THAN EVER. J^havc sold to parties who hare tried tht Spartanburg and Charlotte * "tiflfWUft* because, tliey^snid, my Stoves wcic BETTER AND CHEAPER thau any they had seen in either of those places DON'T FOUGHT TO CALL. J. If. HOlHiiKK. Nov 2 43 tf AUSTIN Ac OO. Seed Wheat. A LOT of fine Seed Wheat for sale by AUSTIN & Co., Spurt an bu rg. Nov. 2 43 tf Provisions. BACON, Flour, ami Lard, for sale, cheap, bj AUSTIN & Co., Spartanburg. Nov 2 43 tf Oats, Rye and Barley. ITtOlt sale, by AUSTIN & Co., } Spartanburg. Nov 2 43 tf Groceries. GREAT Bargains in Sugar, Coffee and Salt, ai AUSTIN & Co*8., Spartanburg. Nov 2 43 if Drugs and Medicines. BUY your Drugs nnl Medicines of AUSTIN & Co., Spartanburg. _ Not 2 43 tf_ Paints and Oils. A LL kind of Paints and Oils for sale at bot j\. torn prices, at AUSTIN & Co's., Spartanburg. Not 2 43^ tf Window Glass. * ALL sizes, for sale by U AUSTIN & Co., Spartanburg. Nov 2 43 tf. Pure Liquors. PURE LIQUORS, for Medicinal purposes, foi sale by AUSTIN & Co., Spartanburg. Nov 2 43 tf NOTICE TO HUNTERS, &C., BY tlio Authority given us by law, we tlx undersigned do hereby give notice to nl persons whomsoever, (except to those to wlion special permission in writing inay be given) I ha thoy arc forbidden from entering upon ourland: or premises for the purpose of Hunting, Killing or ? atoning, any turns, itanoits, fStjuirrels, Kox os, Oppossums, or any othor kind of game, will Dogs, Guns, N^ts, Traps or any other devices 'used h>r the purpose -of Hunting, Killing, 01 Catching any such llirds, Rabbits, Foxes Oppos sums or any other kind of game; and, that auj act done in violation of this notice will be pun ished to the extent of the law in such case madt and provided. John P. McKissick, Thos. Kelly, NY. A. McCormick, James Holder, A. W. Thomson, B. H. Rice, \V. L. Paltner, Jessie T. Finc]>er, W. T. Thomson, John R. Smith, Win. Sinclair, Samuel'Ilewcll, 'J'. M. Whitesidcs, A. McNcace, Tlios. Heine, Jr. William <1. Fowler, Columbus Davis, Daniel McXence. W. J. Mcl.urc. Jefferson Davis. Oct. 'JO 1877. 42 tf NEW GOODS Lower Prices. I HAVE just received, a large and well Selec ted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE which I offer VERY LOW FOR CASH. Please call and examine Goods and prices be fore buying. Sedalio S. C., J. It. MIATElt, Oof. 26 42 ^t WIG 31IJ UOLXiKCT. OUR Notes and Accounts are in the hand* o Messrs. Sliund & Munro for Collection.? We had the misfortune to lose heavily hy th lire of June od, and must have money to coju mence business again. (M'lt FliIl'i\l>K will c^hie up prompt lv and give us a shove up the hill. fllllRKS & Co. Nov 2 43 2m J'Oli TIIE LADIKH ! WK are now prepared to furnish you will all sizes of our OKLKRRATKD T\V< BUTTONED ROCenlN. Ii three weeks time we lufve*"hinffTtert "lOl -frozen u these floods. And during the fair wo call you especial attention to this line, together with on immense stock of I>ry floods which we are nov offering at figures that defy competition. SPEARS & COLTON, Nov 2 13 tf Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! ! ^tTANDAP.D Prints frojn to H\e per yard IT Alpaccas, Poplins. Pashmoros, \c., \c., i the latest styles, at very low prices; with Fringe.'1 (lalooi)s and .v?i!!,1' In trim. i KICK, M< l.l. Ki: & < f>. Oct J2 10 If , NEW STORE. 1 NEW GOODS. ?AND? IOW PBICEtL S. W. I'ORTlClt; ' RESPECTFULLY announces lo the people . of Union County that he has opeueil ouc * of the ^ MOST COMPIjETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, AND . READY-MADE CLOTHING ??Vr urui'giii iiiiu uuuiv, uuu ucai imum to soli for the SHORTEST PROFITS ' j FOR CASH. lie is not afraid to compare quality and prices of Goods with Columbia, Augusta or eveu Spartanburg. CALL A XI) SEE FOR YOURSELVES. s. IV. PORTER, Fant's now Building, opposite the Big Oak Tree. i Not 3 43 tf CHEAP GOODS! ] HOTEL STORE, v1 WK AUK receiving a very large Stock of all kinds of Goods, which we are dttor ruined to .Sell at the 4 Lowest Prices. No store or town shall be able to say they sell cheaper than we do, and no firm keeps a better assorted Stock. OUR DRY GOODS CONSIST OF i Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, 1 Plaid Osnnburgs, Prints, Ladies' Dress Goods, ^ Domestic Ginghams, Kentucky and Columbus Mills Jeans. Fancy Cassimcres, Waier-l'i oofs, Tickings, Fiaiincls?Bed and White, t Flannels?Shaker and Opera, ( Blankets?White and Colored, Ladies Shawls and Gloves, Notions and Hosiery, SHOES AND BOOTS, in Groat Variety and Prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING, J Wool and l'ur Hats, for Men and Hoys. GBO CEBIES: ' Sugar, Coffee, Tea, : Bacou? Flour, Liard, J 3 Molasses, Salt, Mackerol, Tobacco of all Brands. IIAGGING AND TIES. Hardware, Crockeryware, 1 . * Tinware, I Woodenware, , II It IDLES, SADDLES AND SADDLE HLAXKETS. 5 SpcoiaitieH, ' Ladies' Custom-Made Shoes, Gent's lland-inadc Shoes, ' ' Star Shirts. j Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore ' extended, we guarantee satisfaction in the future. CiEEilIIlMrillCIES. * rv.i ? .% ia .i. i uci U iu * 4.1 X ; ; NOTICE! NOTICE!! NIT. TABOR STORK. I AM now fully prepared with a full and well selected Stock of ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I ?TO UK? SOLI) 1-Olt CASH, '! AT BOTTOM FIGURES. My old customers and as many new ones as will favor nie with their patronage, will find my ) prices as low as goods can bo bought for forty I miles around. Some who have spent lime and labot to go to Spartanburg to buy their supplies, after care- J l'ully examining my goods and prices, acknowl- a Atlrro tliov f.tii !il cot* it** .liflYkvouoo ? o~ MVV ,,M "",v* v"vw' >? I AM DETERMINED t XOJT 'HK> 111: (IXDEKSOLI), 1 %$Y ANY ONK. * Those indebted (o me musl make immediate payment. I will give them more for their cotton than They eau get for it in Union, Spartanburg, Chester or even Charleston, in payment of ' their accounts. ~ 3ION10Y, . As every sensible persons knows, keeps the wheels of business turning. EXAMINE MY STOCK ami you will be satisfied that I can and will do what I say. < W . A. liooitii I;AI>. Mi. Tabor. Oct 70 42 4t > NOTICE TO CREDITORS. * (" ICi: is hereby given to all persons inr firm oi Humphries c. per i t)WU bushel. r. H. Oct. 2?i 12 31 WANTED, 1000 C TO EXAMINE OUll NEW AND ATT M&LL I WINTE WE guarantee to duplicate any bill : lie habit of going or sending to other hat they shall call and examine our Sto ee to give satisfaction both as to qualit LOOK AT OTJI WE A1JE SEE] 0-4 Sheeting?a good article?from 25 1 Bleached and Brown Shirting, frc Kentucky and Georgia Jeans, f Osnaburgs-very heavyStriped Homespun a Ticking, at 12 to Linsey from ! ' ' - CALICOS DRESS GOODS T< .adies' Handkerchiefs at 5 cents. A go< and 15 cents, with Hea> RED AND WHITE FLANNELS Fit TEXT'S LIKEN ( IMltltK IIAXDUE tailed at 50 ets ) \OH SOLD 1 ] ALPACCAS AT ALL COHSETS, FROM ?(> ( WE call especial attention to our 2 VT 5()Cts., which the Ladies will findeq We have a beautiful Stock of HAMBUJ uit all. A handsome line of v* LADIES*TIES AND SILK HAKDKE1 We are chock ful BOATS' White and Black Cotton TH1 VA/F HAVF AM Fl FfiAMT CTA< - ? ? w WW m w mm W w t m l.UUVi/111 ? V I V/> 1IATS TO HUI (L LARGE STOCK OF SH( WE cull especial attention to our lian uid Gents. Every pair warranted. We arc selling Womens' pegged SHO >1 75 last season. FULL STOCK OF HARDWARE, CR G1JOCK1MES A.T PAI> Caj)t R. C. JOHNSON has removed louse, and will be glad to see his : ANT has something to say, but will \ WPEAIiS (?ct I ;;s Foster&Wilkins NE . , FAI \R1,j Now opening their Fall Stock of iroods. wliieh is comttlele in all ilc lartincnts, viz. Ladies Dress Goods. Shawls, Cloaks, Fancy floods. llosery and (lloves. YV I Goods for Men's Wear. fomplct Jeans, Cnssiniercs, Tweeds, &c. which i 13oot? and ^lioes. n Every Vnricly, and of such quality as wo passed i an Guarantee to give satisfaction for Men, IVonen and Children. Oct 5 READY MADE CLOTHING. 'lie largest and most complete stock that we , inve ever brought to this market. C?J HATS AM) CAPS OF ALL STYLES. Cotton HARDWARE, WOODWARE. IOPE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS &c. J* We feel confident that we can please all atrties in want of goods, both in quality i,ctwecii ltd prices. and all Wo keep (lood (ii)ODS and are willing o^sell thein, for ('ash, as low as they can ?vXK t >e bought in any of the surrounding uiar- en as. ;ets. Sent : Oct 5 tf ' TO THE LADIES! A " ivr. bf 4 mm i 9IjuIIp cialil y. GRAND OPENING! OF FALIi AND WINTER EI1Y . A 11 J-\. CO WILL take place next Monday. 11 cr Stock ncxt. is very large ami Handsome, and caine : i,llo jj,c Vom first class cstublishiuets in Baltimore, New respect fork and Charleston. , t HER Pltl i:s g ARE CHEAPER QM0, THAN EVER BEFORE, | ^ ?? % ? ^ ... She invites t'ie I.adies of Union to call and [ ^ ? examine for themselves, as she is determined to 1 J liclp, in her line, the good cause of LOW I*K1< *K8, j sow becoming the rule of all business people. \ Ladies living in the country should call and I ^ ut ?oc the beautiful and tasty Mats that arc now ! __ _ he fashton. I tjttcjt Oct l'.t II tf jBU&1 SKV K suit d/|A Bushel* Seed Wheat for Sale. vVV .1. It. M'NTLU. 'and on Ocl. 2f. 12 .11 Aug USTOMERS, RACTIVE STOCK OF R GOODS. Aiul to those who are in markets, we simply ask ck and Prices, as we gnarany and Price of Goods. > TDTDT/^TJIO I D X IVl^JUU ! LING ;o 37 1-2 cents. >m 6 to 12 1-2 cents, rom 15 to 75 cents. -from 12 to 5 cents. 111 cents. 25 cents. 15 to 25 cents. IS, at 6 1-4 to 8*1-3 cents. 3 SUIT ALL od Liifen Handkerchief at 10 ty Border. OM 25 TO 50 CENTS. :i ten I F.F.N (Formerly res'oat A IKS I.I. AH. , PRICES, TO #1 Jirt. BUTTON KID GLOVES ual to Ridlcys, if not better. LtG EDGINGS at prices to AT 2?>0TtS. - N?? ? 1 of Notions lEADat 85 cts. per Dozen 3K OF CLOTHING. T ALL. )ES AND BOOTS. d Made Goods, both Ladies ES at $1 25 that brought^ OCKERYWARE, AND iic PRICES! his Headquarters to our many friends. JOIINNIE vait until you call on him. uru in iiiiuriinii^ mu puoic that \vc arc now receiving a very e Stock of Generul Merchandize, to tve invito examination, assuring those or us with a cull that wo will muko an of stylo ami prices that cannot be surn nny neighboring Market. RICE, McLURE&CO. 89 1 in i:STAMflNII*:i> 1871. BO. It. KDWAKD8. and General Commission Merchant,. CHARLESTON, So. Ca. ll'T attention given to sale of Cotton, ii, l'eas, Itice ami produce of all kinds, landiso bought free oft'oinmission. Agent est on for State Line of Ocean Steamships Now York, Glasgow, Liverpool, London parts of Europe. k ki'kreivcks: IP CHAR f.KSTOJI, J AS. AIIC.KK A CO., t. lowntiks a co., Charleston, S. C. 21 37 3ra Boots and Shoes. lIIGK and well selected stock, to which invite a comparison of prices, s' and Gent's Custom-made shoes a speEvery pair warranted. KICK McLUKE & CO. 2 40 tf FIXAL NOTICE. persons indebted to us by note or ac tint, must settle by the 1st of January After that dato we will put our claims i bands of an Attorney to collect without to persons. J. T. IIII.L & CO. 9 41 tf omething Really Good. tED BEEF TONGUES, truly fine, just lived and for sale hy B. P. RAWLS k Co., v .< $o. J, East Union. .39 tf Heady-Made Clothing. ILL line, in which we are able to offer tractions. RICE, McLUKE & CO. 2 40 tf NESS LOTS FOR SALE. IRA I. very desirable Lots on Main Street, able for business stands, FOR SAI.E CIIE.\I\ reasonable Tcinis. T. MrNALLY. .31 ,31 If