The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, July 13, 1877, Image 3
For the Times.
Chaui.kston July 4 1877.
"The whirligig of Time" has once more s
brought around the once glorious 4th.?"the <
birthday of American Independence" ? which i
used to be ushered in with the booming of artil- t
lery, the sound of martial musio nnd the rhetor#
ical tlourUhcs.of iwUliuul bul^thc |
whirligig of Time brings about its revenges," (
too. We have lived long enough to find out that
lessons of the past may be forgotten?that "J/?/yna
C/mrtu is but littlo more than a blank paper
w'ten impious men bear sway." (
Here, in the old city by the set, where oft 1
-auld Piuckney, Ilaync, Hamilton, (jrnyson were
wont to electrify tlio people by their patriotic
eRusions, the day is given up to tho "noo" Amer- I
icau citizen, who turns out,armed und equipped 1
in gay uniform, to celebrate a day which neither 1
gavo him his freedom, socially or politically.? ^
Rut "what's Hecuba to liiin or he to Hecuba?"
lie is bout upon having a good lime of it, and
appropriates a day as quietly as lie would any
other personality. But it is all very well?the
glorious associations of tho old -1th are embalmed r
in the past?wo have begun a "1100" epoch? t
Olet its celebration bo committed to those who ^
may see ill it any semblance of deliverance ami ^
liberty, _"llail Columbia, Happy Luud 1" is
played out.
You have doubloss noticed that the Chamber
of Commerce has accepted the invitation of the |
Cincinnatti Chamber of Commerce to visit that ^
city, and lest the'quality of .lint sore-headed v
Cincinnattiau who complained that he had not j
been treated with civility by the Chariest on ians |
?had not been, forsooth, introduced to the ladies
and made a lion of. That gontlcmun will
have a chance now of walking out the CincinOnatti
Belles. It is unfortunate that the Charleston
delegation contains so few beaux on its list.
The Chamber of Commerce has a very complacent
way of removing obstacles. The Committee s
appointed by it to do the Lcgislatureon the usury
law, reports "that the further consideration of ^
the question was naturally influenced by the ^
representations of the opinion of the Chamber
of Cominsrce." It is worth noting, moreover,
that the Committee appointed by the Chamber
Jt* to report on the cause of a decline in the jobbing
trade of the city, ask leave to report that (
he subject matter is so extended and the difficulty ^
of obtaining facts so great, as will demand much j]
time and labor, report progress, and ask for furs'
thcr time?and that will be the end of it. .>
Whenever you run against the S. C. llailroad j
in Charleston, you will find yourself running ^
roumi'M a circle, and soon ending where you ^
& began. But there is a better day coming. The
U. IS. Supreme Court has made another decision e
iu favor of the Grangers, and public opinion j
will not bo pooh-poohed down much longer on j
a subject of such vital importance to the work- j
ing classes. The burden?whether it be taxes, M
discrimination, or what not?ultimately falls uj>on
the farmer. .
The New York Journal of Commerce, in com- ^
1114*111 i 11(4 u|?*u uvjt Until O "BOn 1 o trrj jj
sensible suggestions. A western paper charges
to the regulating Railroad freights the loss .
of $7"?,tK)D,000 in the depreciation of Railroad
stocks ami bonds in Iowa. Rut, says the Jourmil
of Commerce, in other States, where there is
no regulation of Railroads, the decline in the (
face value of securities representing that kind j
of property, has been at least as bad, and in some
instances even worse. The trouble in the rail- ^
roads in Iowa, is not caused by legislation, but
by the overbuilding of lines, by corrupt or weak
managements, and ty the universal depression
of business.
If the Railroad Companies, instead of com- ,
plaining of the State law, pnssc l for the protection
of the public against their rapacity, would (
?ut down their working expenses and practice .
IIC SU1IIU CVOUIMIIJ iniu tit, tit. 9VOU11VU III 3111.?
cessful private business, they would have less *
reason to complain of sunken values.
There is a vast deal of good sense in (his and
more Railroad than the Iowa ones could be benefited
by its observance.
? ? -
i'lttCKs or Cotton. ?H clow is
the price of upland cotton at New York for each
cotton year from 1810 to 1861, inclusive, with (
accompanying figures showing the Ainciican c
crop for each year. In comparing present <iuotations
for upland cotton with those of untc-war
times, it must he remembered that recant chan- (
ges in grades have made the present middling
to correspond to the "low middling" of 1800:
Cents. Hales.
181 0 8.92 2,178,835
181 1 9.50 1,634,945
1812 7.75 1,685,574
184.1 7.25 2,378,845 o
1814 7.73 2,040,400 l
1846 5.03 2,384,503 <
- 1810 7.87 2,1(H),538
HlSir it m i,tt?,ooi v
184 8 8.03 2,348,034 i
184 9 7.55 2,090,000 l
185 0 12.34 2,090,705 t
185 1 12.14 2,355,257 i
185 2 9.50 3,015,020 i
185 3 11.02 3,262,822 <
1854 10.97 2,9 50,027
185 5 10.39 3,817,867
CI 856 10.30 3,527,845 \
1857 13.61 2,939,589
' 1858 12.23 3,103,962
1859 13.08 3,051,481
1800 11.00 4,075,770
1861 13.01 3,655,086
Caholina'h Crkixt.?New York, July 7.? J
Governor Wade Hampton of South Carolina left
for home to-day. One of the principal objects
of his visit to this city was to obtain atcmnorarv a
limn of ?100,000, nml before bis il?>)>m*lni*?? iio I
iv'is authorized by two bankers liere to draw t
upon I hem for that amount at 7 per cent, inter- o
est, payable ou collection of the taxes oral cotitvcnicncc
of the State. No security was given <
the money was loaned simply on the credit Q
the dilate.
A personal friend of Jefferson I>;ivis, who has c
lately arrived in Washington, says that Mr. j g
Davis is busily engaged in the completion of his j li
work on the war. It will he pt t to press in the j e
fall. Mr. Davis will criticise very severely the J c
policy and plans of flen Joseph I! Johnston as I t
? IMnfedcralo chieftain, and will idi irgc on him
the full responsibility for the pursuit of ilie I.
Fedora! forces into Washington "" '' ion
of the lirst battle ot Dull l!un in Inly. Ivd
For the Times.
Wheat against Cotton.
Mb. Editor :?The following is my promised
statement of the yield from thirty-two acres, in
Sutton last year, aud in wheat this year; also
in estimate of the cost of producing each, aud
t comparison of lictt profits :
32 acitks in cotton' in 1870. ,
fiUUTfir* 11 ti t, Sold at' 10 Jc't^ff. $
100 bush. Cotton seed 75 00
Total receipts $1,083 00
cost of production.
j uano $150 00
[Mowing, including prcpara- i
tion of land, distributing
Guano 100 00
Hoeing 01 00
I'iclting Ill 00 ;
'hinting 10 f\)
faluc of seed l'lauted 8 00 542 00
Nctl 1'rofit O 541 00
tdk sams i.n whkat in 1877
700 bushels good wheat, well threshed out.?
L'hc wheat was well cleaned but damp, aud 1 ,
leduct 10 per cent, for shrinkage, calling the i
ioO bushels of wheal, worth ?1,-00 00
Manuring with 000 bushels
Cotton seed ? 75 00
Jistribuliug Cotton seed 112 00
faluc of seed wheat 04 00
lowing same 0 00
Mowing 52 00
Inrvesting 40 00 240 00 j
Profit of Wheat crop ? Oil 00 '
Profit of Cotton in 1870 511 00
Profits of Wheat over Cotton ? 570 00 '
I have omitted 15 or 20 tons of wheat straw,
i llicit, if properly utilized, would be worth coniderablc.
It is valuable as mulching, more val- t
able when used as provender and as an absorent
in stalls and lots. Kvcry planter will aprcciato
the difference in condition of land after
otton and wheat.
If 1 have erred in my estimates it is on the
ide ot cotton.
Figures, or rather estimates, arc very dcccpive,
when applied to profits from cotton?csiccially
so iu the remuneration of labor. Aud
ust here is the pitfall to many cotton planters
-1 mean excessive or exclusive cotton planters, i
'hey seem to forget or uudcr-csiinmtc the cost. 1
Ivory planter knows that it takes twelve months '
iard and constant toil to produce and market a |
lenvy cotton crop.
Candor require* thut I give the result of an
xpcrimcut 1 made last year: In December 1
875, 1 resolved on a big thing in cotton forl876. (
sowed a smaller area than usual in wheal, reneed
the area in corn, sowed no oats; in a
i'ord 1 prepared for "the big cotton crop." 1 <
ucccedcd to my satisfaction in cotton?made a *
ig crop.' The small area in corn with the June 1
roslu l _ . .iru.wa. w - --??- - ? ,
avc had to buy?and Oh; how hard to trot and ,
ay for. One bushel made at home is worth i
wo abroad. I
1 saw my down grade start in December last,
> 1 put on binkes by sowing more wheat, oats
nd clover, and planting more corn and less coton.
This one experiment will be :t life-long
csson to me. i
Mr. A. F. Kendrick threshed, 1800*bushels '
irhent last week within 1A miles of me; set the mahine
11 times. He runs a "Vibrator" thresher
?captiously called the Elephant. It is an clediaut
in a good sense. Mr. J. 11. Gall man is
n the field with a Farquhar machine doing good
Mir IviHTitiT If tliiq rAniiniitiiptilinit ho vvrtrlli
he publishing, give it an insertion. Should it
urn a simrlc cotton man from the error of his
v ays, i will he gratified, Certain ruin will
ivertake us without a prompt change.
Groat Merit in Female Diseases.
Statu or Gkoiicia, Troup Co.
This is to certify that 1 have examined tic
cccipt of Dr. Josnth licdjitld, and, as a medical
nan, pronounce it to be a combination of medicines
of great merit in the treatment of all diseases
of females for which lie recommends it.
W.U. 1\ JJEA8LEY, M. D.
This December 21, 18t?8.
For sale by all druggists, and by A. IRWIN &
'o.t Union.
June 2'J 2"> 1 in
Sheriff's Sales.
13V virtue of an Execution to me directed.
3 I will sell, before Union Court House door,
hi the lirst Monday in August next, within the
cgut hours of Sheriff's sales, the following property,
to wit:
Une tract of land located in Union Countv
vmfi-mit-nenjatnin r. HiPbop now lives, t'ontainng
(;!<?(>) Three hundred acres, more or less,
tounded hy lands of Jesse Graham, Win. Wilson,
drs. Ilrowniug, Koss Alexander and others : ?
.ovicd on and to he sold as the property of the
Istatc of John Bishop, at the suit of Kcubin S.
'hick, as trustee, against John Bishop.
July IB IS77 '27 ?t
? \xi>?
W I Ij Ij I A .11 SAW in K
PROPOSES to l?cl]? the cause hy giving his
t his residence, six inilcs below Union, on the
Uilrnad, on the '27th of this month. To make
lie occasion interesting lie will get upn number
bini/ivc.n nisruii-.S,
'ut a number of Watermelons, and have rnany
llier amusements.
This llnrbecuo is got ton up for the special
encfit of those who patronize it. Kvery man is
xpecled to coinc to the I'arhccue hungry and !
o away satisfied. If lie don't it is his own !
milt, for (here will he plenty of the best JJarbe- I
ued Shoat, Kid, Mutton ami Jtccf. besides good,
lean, well seasoned hash, with the other tixins !
In-own in to till up.
The mail ihnt eats must gels a pri-"- ilni-ast
eater will In e tnonev.
W. HAV.Atii:.
.lull : .'7 '_'t
ll ??
or tiii:
Merchants' & Planters'
At Union, in the State of South Curolina'at
the close of basinets, I June, 187^. .
Loans and discounts S 684021 14
Overdrafts Uo'J #G ^
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation... 00,000 #0
L)uo from approved reserve agents 7,38'J 87 j
Duo from other National Hanks 080 40 u*
Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures- 7,543 OO sc
Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1,010 4'.'
Premiums paid 5,0tK) 00 ^
Hills of other Hanks 775 00 l?
Fractional currency (including nick- 81
els) 00 02
Specie (including gold Treasury certiticatcs)
200 80
F,cgal-lcndcr notes 10,025 00 *,v
Kcdeinptiou fund with U. S. Treasurer
(5 pr. ct. of circulation) 2,700 (K) cc
Totai $101,240 41
Capital slock paid in IS 00,<HK) <m>
Surplus fund 0,075 00 7'
Undivided profits 7,338 It)
National Hank notes outstanding... 50,305,00 ,
Dividends unpaid .1 HOwfMl (j
Individual deposits snhject to check 20,0il 01 j,
Time certificates of deposit 14,300 Q0 j
Tutai $101,240 n J'j
statu UK Sut I I! C M'.ot.lNA, )
Ciii ntv ok Union, ss : |
1, K. It. Wallace, Cashier of the above-named
Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. E. It. WALLACE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to 1 eforc mc this 7th
lay of July, 1877. S\
f ^ I U. W. SI I AND, H
i skat. J Notary rublic. ?'
Jo ii it kit?Attest: c'
F. M. FA Hit, ) '}
A II FOSTER. J- Directors. '
June 27 10 It
The State of South Carolina,
envy TV OF isiox, 11
In the Court of Probate.
Sarah Booty r.t. S. M. Bice.
BY virtue of tin order from the Hon. Joseph
F. (list, Probate Judge of Union County to
ne directed, I will sell before Union Court Mouse f
loor, on the first Monday in August next, within
he legal Hours of Sheriff's sales, the two tracts T
>f land describe.I in the pleadings in this action, oi
o wit: (
One tract of land located in Goshen Hill
township in the County of Union, containing
ibout three hundred and sixty acres, bounded
jy lands of Dr. W. W. Siuis, A. K. Aughtryand
ithcrs, known as the
llliick ISock Pltico.
One other tract of land. Containing about
)nc hundred and eighty and 8-lOtt acres, boundid
by lands of Jonathan Lee, S. M. Iticc and
it hers and known as the
U'illiiuu I.i?o IMaco.
the two tracts of land, m akin " ' i
i*lve iiunureu uiiu lony and o-llK( acres, anil
vill be sold in one entire tract, to pay andsaiisy
the Hoiver of Sarah Meaty in said lands.
Terms ol' Snl<% Cash. 5
It. MACBETH, S. U. C. ?
July 11. 27 di &?'
_ .'j
Till F 1A1ILL OF Tin: H
Spartanburg & Asheville R. R., 1
AMI* 4
_ _
tt.ll.4Vt'. KA1LIIWAII.
In Kfl'oet 11:30 A. M., Monday, duly 0, '77,
IM >\V N \V AUD. |_ Ul'WAin>7~
; r" i I i I
STATIONS. j?j Arrive. Leave. : Arrive. | I.oavc. |
I* I (
Txviiit fUiv. I 9.00 a.Ill " .! ?
Lnnu ruins. 5 9.17 a im 9.20 " 5.:m . >.35- '
I 'ampuliello. 5 9.38 " 9.40 ' .1.12 .3.1:1
In num. 5 9.57 " 10.00 " 2.50 2.51
A. L. June'ion. 10 10.25 " .10 20 " 2.25 2.20
Sparlanliurt;. | 2 1|0.:$5 " 10.50 " 2.10 2.20
I'aeolel. 11 ,11.28 " ! 11.33 " 1.55 | 1.40
lonesvllle. | 0 ! 11.55 " J12.00 " 1.10 | 1.15
Ulliull. 4 ! 10 112.50 ) in, 12.45 |iill 12.10 |iii 12.55
Sanlue. I 9 1.12 " 1.20 " 11.55 ill.10
Kisli 1 >:ini. I 0 ! 1.40 " 1.42 " ill.Ill ill.II
Sliellnn. 0 2.05 " 2.10 " j 10.45 ,10.5(1 i
LylrV Kuril. 3 j 2.25 " 2.50 " !|0.:i0 lo.55
Slrolliors. 5. 2.50 " 2.55 " '10.10
Alston. 12 ! 3.55 " [ [ 9.20
-Din nor.
Superintendent, S. U. &C. R. R.
July 13 27 if.
The State of South Carolina, ^
In the Court of IVnlnih*
15V JOS. F. GIST, Judge of Probate in Union
WIIUKAS It. M. Itohinson lintliapplied to hic
for Letters of Administration on tlie KsUl.
.i* JOU. UOlllNllri.'f 1.1|<: ?Jl t.'IItoil < Ollll/ y.,
These arc tliorvl'ore to cite and admonish all (
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to be and appear before nie at a
Court of I'robutc for the said County, to be holden
at Union < 'ourl House on the twenty-fifth day
of July 1X77, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause,
if any, why the said Administration should not 'j
be granted.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the
Court, this seventh day of July, A. !>.,
1X77. and in the 101st year of American
Judge of l'robatc.
July Id 27 2t
111 A VK just received anew Assortment of ?
Dry (aoods, Tl
11 jits mi<l Shoos, \
Willi a general Assorlinont of sucli Goods ao
\re wanted by all classes of our citizens. And
I propose to sell
Very Low For Cash.
W. W. t'ltossnv
July -7 _'(>
'IViis J Teas ! !
IAIN I' ldn-1 I Green Tea for sale *il
1 IIMVIN \ Co.*A. ,
I tf |
The State of South Carolina?
In the Court of Common Pleas.
illliam 11. Lipscomb 1*1*rt" ") Copy summons for
vs. I money demand.?
>hu M. Goudelock, Defen- | Complaint not
dant. J Served.
jJOUX M. GOCD12LOCK, P'/ciute'.( in (hix
action :
l7?U arc licreby suuiiuoucd and required to
L answer tlie complaint in .his action which
is been tiled in the ollice of the Clerk oftheCourt
' Coinmon l'lcas for the said County, and to
rve a copy of your answer on'thc subscribers
their office, in rear of the Court House at
nion, South Carolina, within twenty days afr
tlie service of this summons on you, exclave
of the day of service, at UniouCourt House.
If you fail to answer litis complaint within
te time aforesaid, the plaintitf will apply to the
lurt for judgment against you for the sum of
to hundred and fifty seven dollars and tliirlyur
cents, with interest at the rate of seven per
nit. per annum from tlie seventh day of .latin y
1801, payable annually, and costs.
Plaintiff's Attorneys,
Cu.vitLKs IIoi.t, Clerk,
ated Juno 18th, 1877.
O (he I)cl'cllllan(. John 1/ (Intnl.-hwh
Take notice that tin- Summons in this action,
f which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in
ic OHicc of tlie Clerk of the Court of Common
leas for Union County, in the County of Union
i the State of South Carolina on the duj
f June one tliousatul eight hittulre.l ami seven
r-sercn. WALLACE & .McKISSICK,
I'laintifl's Att'ys.
July G lit? (it
Wheat and Corn Grinding.
Thomson Mills.
I MI 10 subscriber, having charge of the
tiuio-hoiiured aud popular Thomson
tills near Dowel's Ferry, would inform the pubc
that the Mills have lately been repaired by n
.impotent Millwright who has put things in
apple pie'' order. A good Eureka Suiut Mautie
and Corn Screen are attached. Ferriage
eu to all mill custom. For sons detained lot
io night will be accommodated with good Sta
les lot* their teams.
I.ovcrs of good Hour ufc invited to bring tlicit
licai. Tliose preferring the crisp johnny-cake,
ivoel "dodger' or good hominy, can have then
they will bring corn.
Ski ll Skoals, June Jo.
j. e. srears.
June J'J 'Jo 'Jut
Notice to Tax Payers.
11AX Payers are required to make Hot urns o
. their properly lo the ( ounty Auditor foi
a-.Kion, between July 1st, and August IfOt 1
r each year. Notice is hereby given that tin
ounty Auditor's otlicc will he open to reccivi
lid Returns troin July 1st to August JOth 1S7'
County Auditor.
June J'J Jo :Jt
11KAI.IUtS in
l>ry Cxoodm,
xvn now receiving fheir sup
r\ plies of
it which they invite the attention of purchasers
'hose goods were bought upon the most .17'
\'AXT.U;/:orS TKHMS, and are offered a
cry Low Fl'lcos.
E * K I rJ" S ,
bust stan da iii) 1* u1 nts, sac. cash.
embracing a variety of FAIHtIC, STYLE ait
Jl'ALITY, from 1 '-'Ac. per yar<l, ami upwards.
USI/I r> s.
white an1) colored mi's un's, and
piques, vekv cheap.
Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Silk and
Lace Ties, Ladies' 2-Button Kid
Gloves, at $1 per Pair.
from 5 to 75c. per yard.
I j I > E TV S .
['a1h.e linen, napkin's, doylies, mar
seilees OCI I TS, Ac.
Uottonades, Linen Drills, Cassi
meres, &c.
he latest styles, and in great va
Vo kcU Lolli LADIES' an<l GENT'S SHOES
which we warrant.
in great variety of Style and Trices.
Kvcrybody areinvite<l to call and examine on
itock before purchasing elsewhere, as we ar
(UUfietl wc can please you, both in tioods urn
rices. Call early and secure bargains.
April '27 1?> tf
1> . A. TOW1NW IS TS 1>
Attorney at Law,
.. i x i o x <\ iis.
\^ii reh 'J H li
< >I?I I'uporH Cor
I ,v tjcrui: ?' ti.i
Prices to Suit the Times.
? .
WE have just opened a complete assort men t
of floods, such as wo usually keep, consisting
for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear,
nrwiTfi AMI\ fiunw.G
II W X U iV \-T kJll V/ ij L'j
of the best quality.
Houtl.V' 31 title Clot lii ujx*
Gent's and Ladies' Ilats,
Wooden-Ware, &e., &c.
All of which have hctn carefully selected, and
1 purchased upon tlie most favorable terms, ami
1 at the
Lowcmt Prices,
ami w.5 propose to meet any fair competition with
(iivc us a call ami examine our (Sootis ami test
our prices before buying elsewhere.
April '21 1<? tf
Paints and Oils.
rnili: Cheapest ami Rest White Lead in tlie
_l. market.
i Warranted to look better after live years expo
sure than any other Lead after two years. For
sale very cheap, by It. F. ItAWl?S& CO.,
v<* i ir?:?n
April ( 13 tf
Choloo CaiHlieH.
DFLltMITFUL Ice Cream Candy, Ccntontia),
Fruit, I'oconmit, Chocolate, Pea Nut, and nil
other Fancy Candies.
It. F. 11 AW LS & CO.,
No 1, F.asl Union.
April <> 13 tf
, Eggs Without Eggs.
VGHFAT preparation for making Cakes Pmldiii^s.
Fritters, Hatter Cakes, Mullins and
' any other l'astry without Fggs
0 ' It. F. HAW US k CO.
No 1, Fast Union.
' April (I 13 tf
Canned Goods.
] Alt CITS of all kinds. Tomatoes, Oysters Sal*
: nion, Pickles, Jellies, &c., at
It. F. 11AWIJS&CO.,
No 1. Fast Union.
April C. 13 tf
\roust Fon tloiN, Sou l'oam.
-L at H- F (jftton.
^Linseed Oil.
nol'I.F Itoilcd Linseed Oil. Tanners and
Harness Oil. Kerosene oil and Turpentine
' at It. F. IIAWLS, & CO.
No I, Fast Union.
April 0 13 tf
New Goods Arriving.
OUK new Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Ready-made Clothing, lints, Notions, &c.,
is coming in rapidly. Cull ilnily and examine.
Every day brings something new" to our
April 'JO 1ft If
Star SliirlM and C ollars.
d > EST grades of Star Shirts and Collars. Will
IJ take special orders, with measures, for the
Mny 1 17 tf
text l.ilM'ol' \otiOIIM
WE have ever handled, at
May 1 17 tf
Hosiery and ChIovom
* I.1ROM the commonest Lisle Thread to the host
I. Silk. Prices to suit the neonle.
UKK &' HUM I'll K1KS.
May I 17 if
IlliUlO C'lol IIIi?if.
(SKK& II b'.M I'll K1HS.
' May 4 17 tf
Ha'*, Hals.
A FINK Slock of Wats, from the commonest
Straw to the best hand-made Fur. Styles
ami prices up with the day.
GKK & II U.W I'll It IKS.
May I 17 if
Fancy <'n*xtmcrcM.
VFKKSII supply of Fancy Cassimeres, from
the celebrated f hnrlottsville Woolen
Mills. (IKK & I1UMI'llK1KS.
May I 17 tf
Xch Slylc Prints, Ac.
IyniNTS, I'laid Osnnburgs, Domcstio Ginghums,
Cottunades, Cuban Tweeds. All of
which arc for sale cheap for Cash.
C1KK & II I'M I'll 11 IKS.
May 1 17 tf
lii Short,
, \\TK propose to meet the prices of all honest
\> competition. GKK & HUM I'll HIKS.
May 1 17 tf
j Sewing Machine
\TT|||( ir, for elegance of finish,
Ease of operation and Range of Work, has
- no equal. Is now offered for sale at greatly RE*
Rl'CED PRICES?from up, according to
style of Machine.
The "Vertical Feed"
is a peculiarity which pertains to the HAVIM
/ lift/. Address,
W I.. RI'I'S, Agent
At Ail-tin ,\; Co.* Hrug Store.
Spot Ionian g, s C.
.1 line S