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NEWS FROM THE WAB. Gaily the paper man Touched his guitar, While he was reading the News from the war ; Singing: "You bet yeur boots Now herc'll be fun ; Wo don't care who it shoots, War has begun." He sang as how he knew, Six months before, ?Therc'd have to be a EuRopean war. Now ho was glad cuougli That it had come. And his heart laughed at the Roll of the drum. Hut when the Czar at last, Arming his youth, Sent l'etrovlnrsichravst Over to Pruth; When Ibraimrustchukus Met Stcliobielefstt, Siirhcd the newspaper man. "Give us iv rest." No rest; for Khalifat, Irtackuskcamos, Dsripstefoalinat, IMirsichigolns, >Ict in the licM where Guigucrvenogorin. AYaUahnoskwapchtincrcl'rstcli, etc. A Legislative Directory.?Columbia, Juno 2.?Mr. Videttc : In your descriptions of souic of the members of the House wo would be pleased if you would state who is the youngest, next, etc.; the oldest members; who ore bachelors, widowers. &c. Many are anxious to kuow.? Very respectfully, A Reader of tiie J. of C. In reply to the above note, which was received on Saturday, I would state that there are many young, handsome and eligible members of the lower house. It is of course iumossible iust now to nrcscat as complete a classification of the members as ' A Reader" would desire, but I will endeavor to give the best information attainaable. To begin with, Mr. R. R. Hemphill is the plainest member of the House, and lie is married, so he must be ruled out at once. Messrs. Sheppard, J. J. Hemphill, Youmans, Austin and Orr, arc all young, innocent, promising and eligible, aud 1 would recomuicud this quintcllc as the first batch to be chosen from. There are a good many crusty old bachelors and widowers iu the House, but they are evidently not so from choice, and I would, under no circumstances, rccouinicud them. It will take some time to classify the members, but as soon as it cau be done a carefully prepared directo ry will be published for the benefit of the fair sex.?Viuettk in Jour. of Commerce. A ijTrnrm nrr;t\ mn ATEftAn*.?The Darlington Ar<-?rs furnishes the following story : "Where affairs arc managed so reek lessly as to allow lunatics to sit on the jury, it is not to be wondered at if crime goes unpunished. Such was the case with the Court here last week, though not discovered until Saturday, when the jury was being empanelled for the last case?State against J. It. Wadford for murder, when a certain c.J. orcd man, who had set on the jury uud heard several important cases during the week, was called to be sworn, the counsel for tho defcuco objected to him on the ground that he was insane. The judge ruled that the fact would have to be proven before he could be objected to on that ground, when the counsel proceeded to question him as fullows : "Thouias, how about the war debt ?" Juror?"I paid it." Counsel?"Arc you engaged to Queeu Victoria ?" Juror?"Yes ; we arc gwine to be married in a short time." CYunsel?How much arc you worth, Torn ?" Juror?"My papers say four miilious." This convinced the Court that the inau was insane. Later in the day the same man walked into the Court-house with a carpot-bag suspended on his shoulder and took a seat beside the judge." Positions op tub Eastern Armies.? If those who take an interest in the "war in the East" will remember that there are two Russian armies and two Turkish armies in the fieid ; that the Russian army which is now preparing to cross the Danube is commanded by the Grand Duke Constantino; that the Turkish army which is defending the line of the Panubo is commanded by Abdul Kcrim; that tl\p scene of hostilities in Asia is more than a thousand miles dis taut from the scene of hostilities in Europe; lhat the Russian army which is threatening Kars and Erzcrourn is commanded by Grand Duke Michael; that the Turkish army which is defending these places is commanded by Muhktar Pasha, and that the news which comes from St. Petersburg is more reliable than that which comes from Constantinople, they will, by a careful reading of the press despatches from day to day, be able to keep the run of the campaign. ?Baltimore American. ?.?. "f think my dear," said the President is he took his night shirt from under the pillow, "that wo will give a dinner, by-nnd-by, and have .Sherry"?"Rutherford!" said Mrs. ! lay03. "?have Sheri-dan and some of the army people," concluded the cominandcr-iiichief, as ho adroitly slipped into tied and left Mr.- Tfayv.i to tuck up the baby and turn down li.e o,.i . -(iomnurt ial Bulletin. SOMETHING NEW UNDER rJ^H^S'(p)N. [ NEW STORE AT.r?t?E OLD STAND. JAMES H. RODGER HAVING purchased the en'' c interest of his lather, Mr. JOHN RODGER, in his Grocery Store, respectfully announces to the old Friends and Customers of the former owner that he wpl continue the GROCERY BUSINESS At tlie Old l^tand. and will always keep a full stock of all kinds of Groceries, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Table and other Cutlery, Plows and Pl{>w Steel, Canned Fruits, Meats, Oysters, &c., WOODEK WARE. ALL BRANDS OF TOBACCO, & c&c., which he will sell at \ PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. I respectfully invite the old friends and customers of the house and any number of new ones, to A T T A AT' 'i t? m TA AT AT 1? u iv IJ 1J A I> I; i ii i m IJ. You will find two "Live young men," standing ready at all tftnei to wait on you, and what we cannot show and sell you is not wortl 4 asking for or having. Call at tlie Rodger Old Stand If you want good bargains, polite attention, and perfect satisfac tion. JAMES H. RODGER. TC THOSE INUEKTED. HAVING sold out my entire interest in the Grocery Business, to my son, I ni anxious to settle up all outstanding indebtedness. 1^ therefore, call upog those i any way indebted to 1110 to come forward* amTlnnkc settlements immediately. My Books aud Accounts arc still at the Ftore. and if I am not present my sou, Ml T:>mns II ltf>il?rr>r i? nninntr^rml In livil-d cnlllnmnnlc s JQIIN RODGER. March 2 8 tf ATTENTION COTTON PLANTERS! You can save TIMIi!, TROUBLE AND MONEY, By using the Celebrated "FARMERS' FRIEND WEST'S GUANO DISTRIBUTOR, BALE NTINE'^C COTON PLANTER , Itlauufaclurcd by GOWEK, COX A MAKKLEY, Greenville, H. C W. A. NICHOLSON, Agent, Union C. H. March 10, 10 3m* AN ELECTIONEERING DODGE , THE .T. ?\ HAKT. Gl,ee,,viUo Hotel ?:o:? GREENVILLE, S. C. Q0MKTH1NG may bo gained lo all who desire rp]|E UNDERSIGNED having leased this proi p to buy good ami cheap Groceries for Casl,, took g8ion ou fhursdtty thP9 8 by calling at my store, ono (loor west of Itice, J9 McLurc & Co., whoro you will get the TIIE GREENVILLE HOTEL is complete i Worth of Your Money all its appointments, and has many advantage -vv a /ia\t r a wrv frtp Ifiiliuu nnil nlitl/1 pan !n Sia AAmA\iUnkl? ? Ill J> \l U ^ Jj'\1VLJ "" ,"l"vw """ VH.'M'VM *11 nowiHiuimuic ruoujl 7 A ' * or'i l A Tf l rnifPiM' large verandahs and shade trees, an<l its conn dUIjAIv anil tUl' h n;ence (0 the beautiful grounds of Furman Un TEA anil CHEESE, vorsity. FLOUR, M EAL, SPICE, I am prepared to promise to the patrons of th GINGER and PEPPER Greenville Hotel new and neatly furnished room and a table not surpassed in the up-country. Knowing ?BIOH Sny The house will be under tho direct managi that I keen the best mcnl of tUo undersigned and his family an OREAM, LEMON and SODA CRAO=- ^ ?pul.u.1, in n.i,? d.p?, ERS, NIO-NACS and GINGER i'e invites the patronage of his friends an . . the public generally. A. M. SPEIGHTS. SNAPS, in town. Greenville, 8. C., March 23d, 1877. v\_ L.MO, March 23 11 tf FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ENCOURAGE HOME PEOPLI All kinds of CANNED GOODS. and Best Plain and French 11 ? m ? r 1? ? To all who desire a pleasant sinoke or pleas* .JJEHmKAk chew, just try some ot my choice I IMBm. PAINTS AND OILS. l,ln?ced Oil. Ran and Boiled. GEORGE S. HACKER & SON'i Machine Oil, * A. C T O XIY ? Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, ... . Obadaeton, B. CL Colors in Oil, # TMl#'' on'y I'oor, Sash And Blind Factor; VnrniftlieK, ' tmncd ft"d managed by a Carolinian in Ihi Window d iss Pnttv City. ALL WOitK GUARANTEED. Window Uluss, I iltly, ..... Always on hand a.largo Stock of Doors, Sash Sand Paper and (Hazier s | rtlnts. Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Scroll nnd Turnci For Side by A. I It WIN A CO- j Work of every description. March 2 8 tf Glaea, White Lewis, and Builders' Iliyrdware ? --- --- - afrManufiicluiera' Prices. iiaiid'.Uatic l.ooiH NiioCM, (j j[ x. Flooring Boards, and dressed Lumbc Gentlemen, Ladies nnd t hildrcn, war- of every description. delivered at Union at th ranted. Lit i? Mi : LI,A I.'t. fasces' O'/i/rcjt, Oct. 16 -II tf March 8, 187C. 0 ly 8TRAIGHT0TJTISM ? TRIUMPHANT. S S( ? t Wade Hampton IS I Our Governor! i j . A Democratic Congress AND A Democratic Legislature; AMD TUB UNION TIMES c >T1I.L 01VK s 1 A Weekly Syuopsis of tb? Proceeding* of BOTH THESE BODIES. it 11J v ' - N r IM o\v i? Hie Time - TO SUBSCRIBE. f. >9 )% Now is the Time TO ADVERTISE. > h n 18 ?> A NEW ERA HAS DAWNED UPON THE i STATE AND NATION! >d d THE NEWS WILL 1IE STIRRING 3 ANI) INTERESTING TO ALL CLASSES OF THE PEOPLE. ' A*.# _ / ? i ok rz in ulubs, You will Keep Posted a Whole Year. I r omgie suDscnoers, tz.dU. i r c I'AY WHAT YOC OWE and RENEW m freenville and Columbia R. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. iayrtyiwrtai Passenger Trains run daily, Sundays except* 1, connecting with Night Trains on South Carlina Railroad up and down. On and after [ONDAY, May'29th, the following will be the /UWUUIO . UP.? cave Columbia at....;..."... ,...v 7.4ft a m cave Alston '. 9.30 a m eave Newberry 10.60 am t eavc Cokesbury ..." .t..... 2.17 p m . reave Bolton 4.00 p m < rrivo at Greenville .... 6.36 p m DOWN. .cave Greenville at 8.06 a m eave Helton 0.66 a m .cave Cokesbury 11.33 a m .cave Newberry 2.40 p m cave Alston 4.20 p m Lrrivo at Columbia 6.65 p m ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGB DIVISION. down. dp. cavo Walballa....G.15 a in Arrive 7.16 p m .eave Pcrryville...7.00 a m Arrive 6.40 p m .eave Pendleton...7.60 a m Arrive G.00 p m .eave Anderson...8.50 a m Arrive 6.00 p m lrrive at Belton...9.-10 a ni Leave 4.00 p m THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. Jabf.z Nobton, Jk., -Gencrnl Ticket Agent. June 9, 1870. 23 tf PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS. \ Which may be done with one-fourth the usual expense, bv using our PATENT SLATE PAINT (Piftcsu Years Established.) MIXED READY FOR USE. Fire-Proof, Wat or-Proof, Durable, Economical and. Ornamental. One-third the Cost of Bo-Shingling. IT STOPS EVERY LEAK, EXTREMELY CHEAP. No Tar is used in thio Composition, CHOCOLATE COLOR, TIN ROOFS BRICK WALLS Our only colors are Chocolatb, Rbu, Bright' Red, and Ouanoe. NEW YORK QABH-TOIOE LIST. 1 Gallon, can and i>ox.;;3jt|Nltt $ 1 502 " ? ...I7;J..r. 2 86 6 " " 5 50 10 " keg 9 60 20 ? half barrel 10 00 40 " one barrel 80 0C 10 lbs., cement for bad leaks 1 26 1000 Bbls Slato Flour per bbl. ?3 00 1000 " Soapstone Flour " " 3 00 1000 " Grafton Mineral " " 3 00 1000 " Metalic Paint, dry * " 8 00 Special prices per toil or car-load lots. N. Y. SLATE PAINT COMPANY. 102 & 104 Maidf.n Lane, New York. Feb 2 4 3ms. HAMPTONHOUiBE. MAIN STREET, SPARTANBURG, So. On. fr* r;niontiT (Formerly of Palmetto House,-) Proprietor. HOUSE WELL VENTILATED, ROOMS NEWLY FURN1SHKD AND CARPETED?TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE RF.ST IN MARKET?ATTENTIVE SERVANTS?OMNIBUS TO ALL TRAINS. TERMS *.2.0? PER RAY. Jan. 12. 1877 1 tf VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE A BEAUTIFUL Quarterly Journal, finely il*. lustrated, and containing an elcgaut col-. ored Floiter Plate with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the ycur. The first No. for 1877 just issued in German and English. Vick'* Flower 4" Vegetable Garden, iu paper 50 cents; with elegant cloth corerr, $1.00. Vick'e Catalogue?800 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 1, 1876 48 tf Vi OK'S Illustrated Priced Catalogue, FIFTY PAGES?800 Illustrations, with Descriptions of thousands of the best Flowers anl Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them?all for n Two Cknt postago stamp Printed in German and English. Vick't Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25cents ayear. Vick't Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper; in elegant cloth covers, $1.00. Address, JAMES VICK, ltocheater, N. Y. _DecJ 1876 48 tf_ Vick's Flower and Vegetab'e Garden^ IS the most beautiful work of tbe kind in thM^J world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of flne illustrations, and six Chromo Plate* of Flowert, beautifully drown nnd colorod from nature. WU* ? ?) in paper covers; $1.00 in elegant cloth. Printed in German and English. Vick't FloraCGuidt, Quarterly, 25centsa year Catalogue?300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 1, 1870 48 if_ Application fox* Charter. NOTICE is hereby given that application will ^ be made sixty days from date, to Charles Bolt, Clerk of the Court of Union County; for a ^ Charter to organize a Charitable Association, under tho name of the "Green Yonng Men's Trno Society." May 4 17 Ct Uent'a Hand Made Rbtxv. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT just rcceirod,. at GBR & IftJM I'll HIES' Hotel Store. April 21. 70 10 _ tf REMOVAL* A fi F.N.FAKR AOO., j. HAVE removed their Steok of Groceries to the Store opposite B. ?. Rawls & Co., alongside the Railroad, where they will always bo pleased to meet their customers. j A full Stock of Groceries and Plantation sup- J plies will always be kept for sale at the lowest ] luiirftoi pncw. 1 Fah 2 4 tf M Ten iK i Tea* i! 9 ]7lfKB BlncV nnd 'Jroon T?\a for M 1# si i M 1 A. IRWIN & CO.'?. ~ ' Fc'o 0 j "* ( 9 I 9