i r -^r^rVr i iiii Death of Mro. Jan* Tweedy Batler. This distinguished and venerated matron died oa^tinday, 11th inst., at the resilience of her on-iivtim, Charles ("arson, in Greenvillecounty. ' She had b?en urostrnied for several months from age anAa^erjHp'initio*. Mrs. Hutler was the whlow^^Hfl^^Ririn Hutler, oldest son of Gen- J of revolutionary fuiuc. brother aTjjpaBvckcns Hutler and QovcW Pierce as the youngest daughter of Co^Hm^^GHHB)tgher Raymond Perry, of the and the of Commodore Oliv^^^^W^^, of lake Erie memory, and of Commodore Calbreth Perry, of the United States navy. She woe the mother of our own South Carolina Confederate General, M. Calbreth Dutlor, and of Colonrf'Wm. Hutler and < Captain O. N. Hutler; who distinguished (themselves in the late war, and of Dr. P. P. Hutler, a much respected Physician of Union County. Mrs. Hutler was a remarkable woman in many respects. She was not only connected by blood and marriage with the chivalric Hit tiers of faanlins Kllf ulin \V!\H llUn (I (1 ill! IT h t l?P ftf t a family of Rhode Island, renowned for its heroic name, that will ever live imperishable in the history of the United States. She was borr in Newport, Rhode Island, in December, 1791. In July, lSl'J, she married Dr. William Duller, of this Stute, then a surgeon in the United States navy, at Drooklyn, New York. From the marriage was born sixteen children, (nost of whom lived to grow to maturity. Fire sons and four daughters survive her, whose grief is now shared by many sympathising friends. Mrs. Dutler in her more youthful days was remarkable also for her hcaflty, and she Was a Mne looking lady to thetasi* She possessed An* intelligence, and was always sprightly, pleasant nud entertaining in the socioty of her friends. As a wife and mother, she was unexcelled in devotion to her duties. 8ho possessed the energetic and heroic spirit that certainly distinguished her family. A characteristic anecdote about her is familiar to the people of Greenville. When the yankee raid, after the surrender, swooped down on Greenville, some of the soldiers robbed her of a horse. She called on the commanding officer for redress, and was introduced as Mrs. Butler, sister of the distinguished Commodore Oliver H. Perry. She refused to curry favor on that ground, and immediately said, "I had much rather l?e known as the mother of General Calbreth Butler." The officer, however, was magnanimous enough to order restitution. Mrs. Butler was a resident of Greenville for -i * * ??- e-? ...HI. A Confidence Game.?It is believed that there are imposters in Northern markets buying goods under assumed names of reliable North Carolina merchants. It is thought the device used to commit the swindle is to represent thch^Urchascs to be for a "branch store," and thus avoid shipment to the regular address of reliablo merchants. It will bo well foyNorthern wholesale merchants \o keep a sharp lookout. Facts have been developed showing that parties have been using the names of responsible business men in Raleigh and in Oxford, and buying goods both in Now York an4 Trenton. N. J. . Spanish Battles.?Madrid, July 12.?An r' official dispatch says that General Delatre has W flriVAn Dnprfltfftrnv fram fliivra/illU ? oi ? - . . wn?viiia, huuril, oiw K ta anil Boltana. The Carlists resisted the Al^^^^phonsists stoutly, and lost many men in killed, H^^Hrounded and prisoners. They retreated to the ^^^^^klley of Aran, in tho Pyrenncs. General DclH9j^^aais still pursuing them, and General MartiHHj^^BTaiupos is making forced marches to join in |HpPPF pu rsuit. After Leslie & Co.?The Kxccutivc Conuuttec of the Barnwell County Tax Union, Wn meeting held on Monday, resolved to indict C. P. Leslie, the notorious ex-Land Commissioner. From the Barnwell Sentinel, we .learn that Col. T. J. Counts, the President of the Union, was requested to make the necessary affidavit. This he did, and the papers on which to issue the fvarrant were placed in the hands of Trinl Justice Patterson. lUiLROAn Blockade?Water .Spout.?.St. ' Loots, July 11.?A dispatch from Kansas City savs an immense iw.ilon annul ,loo..?n.l?/l -- > track of tho Kansas Pacific railroad, near Kit Carson, ou Saturday, and washed away 200 feci of the road. Tho blockade on the North Missouri and Hannibal and St. Joe road continue.", and no trains have been through for several dnvs. I - . Under a writ of luihrus rorpux pending application for hail, J. P. K. Camp was carried to Newberry, via (Ircenvillc, on Sunday night, to appear before Judge Moses. Wo. have not heard the result, hut suppose that it will he all right. I as the.Solicitor manages both sides of tlie case, < and "it is whispered" the Judge too.?Sport an. A 4 ? >/ " ^ 0 'iii - tin j i "i ? - a MAItHIKD. CHOICE? LATSHAW.?Married, on the Otla "] inst.. by Kcv. J. l>. McCollough, at the resi- J lence of the bride's father in Uniou County, f L'opt. William Choice and Miss M. K. Latshaxv. f IjfcoBITirAltY MOOD.?Died, in Anderson, S. C , on tlie 2nd t of July. 1875, after a short illness, Clarence n Gregory, infant son of Kcv. Wui. W. and M. t Eugenia Mood, of the S. C. Conference. Aged j one year and six days. ^ ALLEN.?Died. May 28tli, in this town, ? Florence Gertrude, youngest daughter, of C. L. f and L. Allen, aged 2 years 4 mon*h?- and 20 J days. ALLEN.?Died, June 10th, in this town, William Wallace, youngest child of 0. I?. and L. c Allen, aged 1 year, 2 months and 11 days. 1 Tho Mut'kotH.' 1 UjMOff 8. <". July 10i?Sales of cotton during the week 10 bales ; inferior 10 ; Ordinary " 12j@?; Strict Good Ordinary 121 @?; c Middling 14J(?} 15. t 1IAHLB8TON, duly I-*?i oiwi mm ; receipis 4'.? bales; sales 25; Middling 141; low mid- ? dling 141. * Nkw Voiik, July 14?Cotton quiet; sales 1,406; uplands 15} ; Orleans 15}. Livkrvoui., July 14-?-Cotton dull and depressed ; middling uplands 7J ; middling Orleans 7 5-10; sales 1(4000; speculation and export 2,(HK); basis middling Orleans, notliing below low middling, deliverable July, or August, 7} ; basis inidd/ituagj^nds, notliing be/ow low middling, deliverab/e Jil/y or Augtiat, 7. SABBATH DIRECTORY. Grace Church, M. E. S. .Services every Sabbath morning fit 11 o'clock, nnd ?.\ 1*. M.? j Rev. A. H. Lester Pastor. J Church of the Nativity. Rev. J. D. McCul- J iough holds divine services the 2d and 4th Sun- j day of each month. Morning service commencing at 11 o'clock ; evening service 41 o'clock.? Lay Heading every other Sunday. Baptist Church. Services First and Third 1 Sabbaths in each month. Rev. C. T. Scaife, i Pastor. Morning services will begin promptly < at 11 o'clock. Afternoon service exactly at } to 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at 0} o'clock. Prayer nnd Choir meetiug every "Wednesday night. , The public ^(J|lJ?e gladly welcomed. Presbyterian Church. No Pastor. . Sunday School at 9 A. M. SPECIAL NOTICES. Money Saved, is Money Made?It Is no longer neevs- , miry to pay two aud three profits. Messrs. Furchgott, Benedict A Co. beg to draw attention to their immense closing out sale of fflOOpiOO worth of Dry (ioods, Carpets, Furs, etc., wjiieh takes place nnuually between January : it, and February 15th, prior to purchasing their Spring Stock, at 27 King Street. Charleston, S. C. 54 White If all Street, Atlanta, Ga., and Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla". Samples sent on applieutiou. lteiuit per Express or Post Office Order, or goods will Ik? sent C. O.D. All retail or- , ders over 810 will tie sent from the Charleston Branch . free of charge. ! NoTlintu is murk I ady i.iKEthan tlie use of line note paper and a neat fashionable envelope. So tliink the 1 e.?r .....i. Tl.n of a charming sentence U -endured more delicious, If conveyed on a delicate tinted sheet of Trice's Note Paper. It is had taste in a gentleman writing to a lady on inferior stationery. If you wish to lie |>osted on the lat- I est novelties, the fashion in these matters, enclose n stamp to Walker, Evans & Cogswell, for one of their littlo fashion books "Card Etiquette," or send an order for a recherche lot of paper and qpvelopes of the latest style. Do not forget at the same time to order a monogram. Best Kerosine Oil Reduced to 30 cts. per Gallon. AT GIBBS & GO'S. Drug Store. July 1G 28_ tf BARBECUE. milEUK will bo ft GK/CNL) BARBECUE given J nt William Savage's milea^ Jelow Union 0. II. on ?U? Krld?T Wth ofy this have flcen made tp have nu ,n r 'The best kind of MeatV Barlieoued In the best July in " served. ^ Business. mO suit the hard times, and make room for a J_ FA I. /.STOCK, we will sell FURNITURE for the next'60 days AT COST. Parties in need of goods in our line will save inonev by calling. 11. F. DAVIDSON & SON, Spartanburg, S. C. July 16 28 4t Sub-Commissioners of Roads ARE directed to work their roads by the 20th of August. In working the roads you arc required to properly drain them. All places known to be bad in winter must be causewayed. The Commissioners notify the sub-Commissioners that they will demand that the above order be strictly obeyed. By order of the Board, W. Hill, Clerk. W. JEFFERIES, Ch'n. July lti 28 tf Meeting at Murphy's Mill. rv HERE will be a public Meeting at Muroliv's I A OKI Mill place, on Saturday, the 17th inst., 9 o'clock, A. M., to consult about rebuilding I Tlie bridge at that place which was washed away ' by the Freshet last Spring. i On the same day, at 2 o'clock P. M., a meet- < ing will be held at Gregory's Store for the same purpose. One of the County Commissioners will be at each meeting to consult with the people on the same subject. July lt? 28 2t Pomona Grange. Til K subordinate Granges of Union County are hereby notified that POMONA GltANGK meets at Union C. II. the Saturday before the first Sunday of every month. Punctual attendance of the Delegates is very necessary. July 9 27 If Carolina MiHtirry Institute, CIIAllLOTTE, IV. C. o? Next Term begins Sept. 15th, 1875. miUS Institute is now fully equipped with JL apparatus for instruction and with arms for military drill. The Superintendent and Proprietor is assisted by an able and experienced corps of Instructors. Fon Cihculab, address, Col. J. P. THOMAS, Superintendent. W* 9 27_ ?_ _ Orist and Saw Mill, For Sale or Lease. ON Saturday the 7th of August nexf\ I will i nffV.r for unr > !"- - ? .vr. w/imi., iv iiiv ui^iicot iinmiT, my j Grist awl Saw Mill and Cotton Gin, at ? Skull Shoals. If it is not sold, on the saino day I will i.f.ask it to the highest bidder. The Mill is in fine condition, located in a fine healthy section and docs a good business ? Terms made known on lay of sale. G. W. QARXKR, Jr. .Tilly 0 27 8t_ David Johnson, Jr., t Attorney and Solicit cr, * 1 Union. N. (!. J pcrinl attention to Collections. May 21 20 .1ms. IHIKSS MOODS, Sl'lllNG I'll I NTS, Lawns, and other styles, for Ladies dresses, are to lie seen and sold sheap at HPEAR8 \ COLTON'S. April lu 17 :f SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of Sundry Executions to me di- j rected, as Sheriff, I will sell before Union I lourt House door, in the Town of Union, on the irst Monday in August next, within the legal lours of Sheriff's Sales, for cash, the following | lescribed property, to wit: All the life Kattif# of Thomas J. Gault in the < ract of land whereon lie now lives, containing ! .bout 300 acres, more or less, located in Union "ounty, bounded by lands of Joseph Kelly, i ammerson Kelly, G. W. Gault, Mrs. Sophia! Vright, Wiley Wood, David Gallman and James * Smith & Co. Levied on, and to be sold, ns the iroperty of Thomas J. Gault, at the Suits of 'ohn 11. Little C. D. llobo and others. ALSO, Ono tract of land, located in Union County, lontaining U2 acres, more or IfSfc 'l being of Z. L Robinson's land after setlx^'off his llomctead, bounded by lands of B. 11. Rice, Z. 11. lobinson, James R. Steedinan and lands of iViilinm MoNeace. Levied on, and to be sold, is the property of Z. 11. Robinson, at tlie Suit if 11. F. Walke^ against Z. R. Robinson. SHaft" If the terms of sale are not complied vith in five days after the day of sale, the projj-( srty will be advertised for sale on the following hileday, at the risk of the former purchaser. R. MACBETH, S. U. C. July 8th, 1875. 27 4t Sheriff's Sale. Adin'r of J. N. G. Murphy, 1'la in tiff, x... Kx'ors of Samuki. B*att, l)ctciida&M. ' BY virtucjof ,an ordqr from gomory Moses, Judge of District of Soutli Carolina, 1 wiiroSfflUlMh Union Court House door, on the first August next, within the legal hours of SheflpK tales, nil the land belonging to the KeUttd of Samuel Beaty, deceased, re oameaded by the Commissioners appointed to dMde said lends UP rour different tracts to wit: The Home Tract, iVhercon Mrs. Sallie Beaty now lives, contain ng 348 neres, ns represented on l'lat" made hy llcnn D. Peak, D. S. Tract No. 2, >r Skclton Tract, containing 809 acres, more or ,css. Tinker Creek Tract, No. 1, containing 249 acres, more or less. Tinker Creek ?raot, S'c 2, containing 26A acros more or leee. All nt said tracts will-be sold by the different Plats of snid??Ms, now.lodged in my ofBoe, titd can be sc?j?by persons who wish tQ examnt them i . i .rtf;tho day of sale. Cash -iitiiciiMit to pay the costs of Htrs'e proceedings. Onc-th'ltra ptlt: if balnwB of pnferj :hasc money to be waid OWthe ffret?*':djljyfy^^ejjjj :ember next, tbc b^S^oe 4jjj8F*|ip two years, with interest f SSHBrPurchasers to give! Boad^B|n^HwjKe|HP^v Mid a .Mortgage of tj|e pretnia^H|R^^^ Should tue termer of BolirSfllWoe complied with in fiTe>days, tltM^^HtiMtangill be advertised for sale on the nq^HKBSflBug Salesday, the risk of the _ a j . "-iu oat rfti; ' ivuw B AUJUBIHW JBRtue units. PBIBOXB desirous orNiarin^ good, smwiceable and substantial Gat*, would do well to call on us and examine the Adjustable Brace Gate. It will uot swag, drag or get out of order, and can be adjusted to suit any position required. It is also a strong and cheap (late. Wc will sell Farm Rights for Union Township, or make (Sates to order. TUjfK K.V & HOKJIkV", I srfl J'~'" w n* hi | J'',j!,WoorCarding.viuii|iJ WE,S ?hj' for this purpose. D K. CONVERSE k CO. WM.1'THOMAS. CAunr.u. -SL Hivinpftvillc, S. C., June 1875 20 lai 3 Stray Sorrel Colts^ I rill IK subscriber . U requested to state that 1 iln r, iiuo Sorrel (Colts, with biased faces, and while on their feet have been straying a*bont the ('mini v -ince May last. One is 3 rtorsold and ii].ward : the others are about Is months Tits owner or owners can hoar whertf they are by r.ppthe office 'of the "(Jbirn Tinu's' and paying ffyr this advertisement. ALL persons haripg^^fmflBlydaii'ii^^ tate of AquHla^eiitl^^j^gasecrr Spartanburg! we offer for .sale 1,500 Bushels (lorn. 200 Bales of Hay. ' R00 Sacks Flour. 10,000 lbs. Bacon. 20 bbls. Molasses. 20 " Bugar. 20 Sacks Coffee. 10,000 lbs.^J\f!igon and Plow Iron. ' . 50 Cooking and Heating Stoves. Also a full line of tlENKRAL MKRp HAN DISK. Orders Solicited. ^ LKE & CARPENTER. Valuable Business Stand for Sale at Union C. H. IMF. subscriber offers ftsr sale the Store building and l.ot on Main Street, in which Spears v Colton arc now doing business. The Store is t()x 12'?, and suitable for transacting a large General Merchan Iising business. TheLotis 20*150, villi alley in lbs rear, and is located in the nost business part of the Street. Possession given about the let of October next. TERMS MADE EASY. \pply on the premises A. 1). SPEARS. May 21 20 tf T 1. m juuuk. up your xreasures. YOU hfivc often heard and read of Wed-locks, dead-locks, Hoary-locks and various other cinds of locks, but if you want to see as handtome a display of Pad-locks, Stock-locks, Rimoeks Chest-looks, Trunk-locks, Till-locks, ('upjourd-locks, Store Door locks, &c., as ever you law in an up-country store. Just come to FOSTER & W ILK INS'. June 4 '22 If BITTER*, iOSTKTTKlt'S, Host and all other approved Bitters, for sale at 11, F. It AWLS ? CO S. ' No. 1 Store. May 21 20 tf # JL. ?ILL 'JUL. 1 I ' 11. - Jl W. W. CROSBY, T SUKliTOX. S. C. 1 :o:o:o: ril 11K Subscriber respectfully informs the good JL people around Shelf on that he has received at his Store apPkiii Sheltou Depot, a complete Stock of ? Gej^ral Merchandise, which h*0i Hous to dispose of at the most His Stock consists of ladies' Dress Goods, of nil kinds, ^ BOCEKl^, Itncon.^Hlip^BW, 1-ard, Sugar, CofTce, Ten, MolasscflHnfl^Kc. I Oh ^01)S. in all the lines in which thoy *denl. A careful examination of,o.?F Afok end prices i* requested before ?ntkirg purty^JM elgewherc. Wc think we can give eetiifiinM In Goods niul prices. He su?-c j alld call Ifffekt you decide where to purchase. j FOSTKU & W II.KINS. MayJT^ ' P llroRunH, PLOW SHOES, and Calf Skin Shoes, at C ,, -J ' FOSTER & WILKINS'. May 21 ' JHJ tf Wren's C alf Mkiii, ^NO^Kip f X JLUt A KULI. line of Hardware, at FOSTEll & WILKINS'. May 21 20 ?f_ LjmHom1 licit*. __ LAD IKS' SILK and LEATHER jjfc. Im ^ at ^ ^ f ,'i ^ 1 1 milKSE goads are itnsurpns^SSI^^^M roJL ccntly aerc not known in our town, call and exaniiu^ litem at SPEARS & COLTOX'S. April 80 i 17 tf ^ Cassimeres, Linen and Cottonades. b " a; RICE, McLUHK & CO. 4L J!L . . ?_ Bg. gout hcrwO rain Cradles, Six Fingers. RICE, McLURK & CO. T PMny 28 21 tf Crass Scythes and Snaths. RICE, McLURE & CO. _ May 28 21 tf Sugar, Coffee and Tea, ,? RICE, McLURE & CO. May 28 21 tf, ? A New Supply of Flour. it ICE, McfL'RE & CO. May 28 21 if j|( l Harawnrr, * Plantation and Carpenters' Tools. . RICK, MoI.UUK & CO. May 28 _2J_ tf Hats, Hats, Hats, is r sale cl.eap, by ?? gH - J|PEARS& COLTON. ?" Gunpowder Tea, S O bo hadlK? J. y.SlOOKK & CO.S. aJDrug Store. . May 14 19 tf J Superior Oolong Tea, y< J,toil sale at J. N. MOO HE k CO'S. ' Drug Store. ? May 14 """**> ^ Ut tf The Best Imperial Tea, IjlOR Bale at - J. N. MOORE k CO S. C Drugstore. May 14 '"W * " A Centennial Fruit. CASTAL1A and ether Fancy Candies. ft. K. HAW US k CO. _ May 20 tf Confectionery and Canned floods, , of tho very best qualities, at ^ B. F. HAWJUS & CO'S. No. 1 Store. May 21_ 20 tf_ ' Croeericti 1 OF all kinds and best qualities always to be found at B. F. HAW US & CO S. No. 1 Store. May 21 20 tf Bacon, Ijftrd, and Kerosene Of lliv heat 4|nalltl?H. / H. F. RAW 1*8 & CO S. V No. 1 Ston, May 21 ,m 20 * ff I IEFORM IN -.0:0:0: BUY CHEAP FOR CASH! w^mam P. M. #O HEN'S CEMPLEOP PASHIOKT.^p AM just receiving one of the largest, tng^vAricd and complete StockaMjP&pring and Htt?Tnfr Goods ever brought to Union, and 1 to offer greater inducements to purchaser# than er before by strictly adhering to the ruWMjL Spiling Chitop for CASH. My Stock cannot be fttfly enumerated, but the following will give a slight insight to it, and I vitc all to call on me and make a personal examination : The Ladies should call and see the NEW NTYJLK8 DUENH GOODS, They are the prettiest ever seen in Union. LADIES' AND'MISSES 'SHOES, Fypm the celebrated Hast New York Shoe Factory, such as the Pebbly Ooat ?aiid Morocco Shoes, vTTilch are truly Wtperior Articles. --Or. r e e 11 i 11 e M a d e Slioos For Men and tVomcn. LADIES AND GENT'S HATS. H 1 a k Ij a c o S It a w Is, Which will be sold very Cheap. Beautiful Lace Curtains, OIL CLQTJIIS, CARPETING AND MATTING GREAT BARGAINS PAN RE HAD IN THESE ARTICLES. ^ School Books and Stationery. CIENT'S UEAl)\r-MAI)E CLOTHING And Furnishing Goods. wlnNM, C'rofltcry, Wood and Tin Wore,* ('list Iron Pot w Ovoiij*, Ac., A<>. This is no Humbug. CASH W U Y E R S CAN OBTAIN GREAT BARGAINS AT P. M. COHEN S TEMPLE OF FASHION. April 2:1 16 If *A. % 11. MULL IG AN 7" K* -COTTON FACTOK, |^V Tt JK ? T O'TV , ?. C. ? : ' ""^ADVANCE LIBERALLY on cotton ? Rppe.1 to the, anil will, when necessary, hold it for higher prices. ^ Dee. 22d, 1874. A. K. MULLIGAN. Bti"" I have discontinued my Agency at Union 0. II. My friends yill please ship Ircet to me in their own nnuies. % Dec. 25, 1874. 52 tf. RICE, McLURE & CO., SPRING AND A HE now receiving a large Stock of general m m ? merchandise, recently purchased in New XIITY1 YYI I Aa Ap| O ork for cash, AT VERY LOW FIGURES, em- LjII I I I Illtj1 ITIIIfll fftT DllTGOODS, ? iatsot" ""