The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, November 22, 1871, Image 4

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THE SUMTER WATCHMAN. \% EDXESDA V, NOVK.TIBEK 22. m VVJRK NEATLY AND PhDMPTLY EXECUTED. ??r Obituaries and Tributes of Respect ex? ceeding foar lines will be charged for as adver ri>e:uetits. J"?T* All communications of a personal nature wi which subserve private interest, must be ?aid for. Marriage notice? inser? ed free. A MOISE WHERE .Tl EN SEVEH LAUGH. flow Jo joa think you would like to live, fearing every moment to be blown up ; not daring to speak loud, toyar any thing, for fear of starting an explosion mat would send you iu ?SD in saut to the oilier world ? You don't think it would be very pleasant? Well, it isn't; yet hundreds ol tuen live in just that state, work, re? ceive pay, and live, year after year, in the very sight of deith, as it were; all, that rhe world may have gunpowder. You can easily g less that those men go about very quietly, and never laugh. You know that gunpowder is very dangerous in a gun. or near a fire, but perhaps you don't know that ?tis equal? ly dan-croi? all through the process of aiikiug. A powder mil! is a fearful place to? vi-ir, and strangers are very seldom al? lowed to go into or.e. They sre built far from any town, in the woods, and each branch of the woik is dene io a separate suilding These houses are quite a dis? tance from each other, so that if one blows np, it wou't blow up the rest - Then the lower parts of the building are ?ade very strong, while the roofs are vtry lightly set on. So that if it ex? plodes, ou!y the roof will suffer. B-t in spite of every care, sometimes a whole settlement of the powder mills will go off almost iu an instant, and every vestige of the work o! years will be swept away in a few seconds. But though you feel like holding your breath to took at it, it is really a very interesting process to see. It is made, perhaps you kuow, "f charcoal saltpeter, tui J brimstone. Ka ch of these articles is prepared in a house by itself; but the house where they are mixed is the first terrible one. In this building is an im mense millstone, rolling round and round iu an iron bed. In this bed, and under the stone, are put the three fearlul in? gredients of gunpowder. There they aie thoroughly mixed and ground to? gether. This is a very dan serous operation, be? cause if the stone comes in contact with its iron bed, it is very apt to strike fire, and the merest suspieon of a.?park would set off the whole. The materials are spread three or four inches thick io the bed ; the wheel, which goes by wa? ter power, is started, and every man leaves the place. The door is shu:, and , the machinery left to do its terrible work . alone. When it has ruu long euough, the mill is stopped, and the men come back. This operation leaves the powder in hard lumps, o. cakes. The next h-use is where these cakes are broken up into grains.and of course is quite as dangerous as the last one - But the men can't go away from this, they are obliged to a'tend to it every moment ; and you may be sure no laugh or joke is ever heard within its walis. livery one who goes in has to take off his toots, and pu? on rubbers, because one grain of the dangerous powder, crushed by the boot, would explode the whole in an instant. The floor of this house is covered with leather, and is made perfectly black by the dust of the gunpowder. It contains a set of sieves, each one smaller than the last, through the powder is sifted. Aud an ?mine?se groaning and laboring mill, where it is ground up, while men shovel it in with wooden shovels. The machinery makes a great deal of noise, bv.t the men are silent, as in the other houses. The reckless crashing of the machinery even seems to give greater horror, and oue is very glad tu get out of that house. The glaziug h .use comes next Glaz? ing is d- ne by mixing black lead with the po*der, to give it a bLck and shining look. The powder is put into barrels), which revolve for several hours That polishes the grains by their rub? bing together. Then black lead is put with th.-tn, and they revolve several hours more. Of course the dust flies from all these operation!*, and the work men. .??lent, like the rest, look like very black negroes, working in the blackest of powder, io a room whose walls and \ floors are blacker than the rest, if possible. It bas a very singular look to a stranger, and, added to the horrible j sib nee, makes one feel that the whole world has gone into mourning. Often, lise gunpowder, revolving so rapidly in th- barrels, gets very hot ; so . tis too is a dangerous "pera* ion. Ttie stoving boo?? is the next on the list, and there the gunpowder is heated j in wooden trays. If is very hot, and no i Woi knien stay there. From there it goes to tlx* packing house, and is put up in barrels, kegs, and canisters. Safely through ali these houses, it ; goes at last to the store house. One j feels ?ike drawing a long brc-tth, to see 1 the feat ful stuff sa?fely packed away, out of the bauds of U.CJ iu this curious bouse. You've heard of things being dry asa j, powJer house, but you wouldn't think I | this house very dry. It is all most ?rn- I, bedded in water. The roof is one big | tank, kept fuli of w:-ter. J ?id you ever ? | hear of a water roof belore ? Instead of i steps to g* in, there are shallow tau ks . of water, through which every one must ; i walk to the door. In none o? these powder houses is any light ever allowed except sunlight. The wag?-?? ute good, and the day's work is {.hort, ending always at three or four j t o'clock But tb? asea have a serious look, that makes one think every mo? ment ut the danger, and ghi 1 to gel away. Though curiosity may t: ke 8 mau once to visit a powder mill, he has no desire ro go the second time; and he feels all the rest ul his life, that fur once he has been very near death. A DICKEM.? Ol' A BO.tlATfCE. An ingenious romance reader has concocted the following Dickeosy item: ..Oliver Twist," who had ?.onie "Hard Times" in the "Battle of Life," and having been saved from the "Wreck of the G ?Iden Mary" by "Our Mutual Friend," ".N?chula/iN?ckleby," had just J Bl P tt St i U finished readiog "A Tale cf Two Cities" to "Martin Cha?sle?it,M during which iime "The Cricket or the Hearth" had been chirping right rt*>rrily; w?nle '.The Chimes" from the adjacent ch arch were beard, whew "Seten Poof Ti?vel eis" commenced to sing 1 "Christmas Carol," "Barnaby Kndge/'thea arrived from the ' Old Curiosity Shop" with some "Pictures from Italy" and "Sketches by Boz" to ?how "Little Dorrit," who was busy with the ' Pick? wick Papers f when ''David Copper field," who had been taking '-American Notes," entered and iuformed the company that the "Great Expectations" of "Dombey & Son." regardiog ''MM. Lirriper's Legacy" had not seen realized, and that be had seen "Boots at the HoHytree Inn" taking "Somebody's Luggage" to "Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings," in a street that has "No Thoroughfare," opposite "Bleak Ujuse," where the '.Haunted Man," who had just given one of "Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions' to an "Uncommercial Traveler," wa? brooding over "The Mystery of Edwin Drood." HOW NEW JERSEY GOT OUT OF THE UNITED STATES. The origin of the alhsions to New Jersey as a foreign country is said to be as follows: After the downfall of the first Napoleon, his brother Joseph, who had been King of Spain, and his ne? phew, Prince Murat, son of the King of Italy, sought refuge io this country, and brought much wealth with them. Joseph Bonaparte wished to build a palatial residence here, but did not de? sire to become a citizen, as he hoped to return to Europe. To enable him asan alien to hold real estate required a special act of the L'gNhture. He tried to get one passed for his benefit in sev? eral States, but failed. He was mach chagrined, especially because Penn.^yl vauia refuged After this he applied to the New Jersey Legislature, which body granted both him and Murat the privi? lege of purchasing laud. They bought ! a tract at Bordcatown. and built tnagni ' ficent dwellings, and fitted them up i;. the most costly manner. Rare paintings, statuary, &c , were profuse, and selected with care, and the grounds laid out with exquisite taste. Juseph Bonaparte's residence was, perhaps the finest in America, 'lhou sands of people visited it from all parts of the country, and were treated cour? teously. He was profuse with his money, and gave a great impetus to business in the little towo. The Philadelphia!!*, finding that he had apparently no end nf money, and that he used it to benefit business generally, regretted, when it was too late, that they had refused t> let him locate among themselves j and, to keep up their mortification, would al? ways taunt Jerseyaien with having a King-with importing the King of Spaio to rule over them-they were called Spaniards and foreigners on this account. But these ta no ts harmed no one, as the Jerseymen lost nothing by their alluring him to settle among them, and the term "foreigner," jokingappiied to Jersey meo, has come down to us long after its origin has been forgotten, except by a few men of the past genera? tion. Many years ago-during thc reign of Louis Phillippe, we believe-bofh Bonaparte and Murat found they could >.i eiy return to Europe, so they sold out and returned.-Artcark Courier. ~ QUEEN* VICTOBIA7~ Some singular stories are told about Queen Victoria, and it is hardly sur? prising that the sober and rather stupid English people should regard ber as insane. She has, it appears, a firm conviction that Prince Albert is never away from her, and that she can hold communion with him A chair i>- placed for him oppsite her'? in the library ; his favorite books are on the table, and it is an ordinary practice with her to address him cloud, as if he were really present. At dinner a knife and fork arc laid for bim, aod the servants are directed to eveu go through tn? form? ality of helping him. Every morning a pair of boots are cleaned and set down before the door of the chamber he occu pied, and at breakfast she not un frequently waits a considerable time for his imaginary coming It is said that she derives a great dcai of comfort and consolation from this belief. Entertain? ing, as she doe?, these sentiments, it is no wonder that Buckingham Palace is clo*ed, and that royal fetes are only a memory aud a tradition in England. >PK(ML NOTICES. EL VISO CATALINA. Tbc announcement tba! Imf been io generally heralik-J throughout tho country that aa Aneri can c^rapxny has again co.oiuenred importing titi? celebrated Wine Toni" N a matter of DO small import mee, and will be hailed with joy by all those seeking a pure and invigorating tonic also. t!io?e who need a pure, pleasant and re freshing stimulant will fin! io the Kl Vino Cat? alina, or Brown's Ca'aliua Wine Tonic, what they want. It will bc remembered tba: impor? tations were made in 1S66 of this noted brand, but in consequence of the high duty tbeti de? manded by this government, the enterprise ceas? ed, to the regret of thousands who bad learned its value. Il is the oldest tonic io tba w;.rld, and doubtless the most invigorating, the purest and best, and if importation contienes at tbe rates now ?tarted, it will take its place in every frail? ly in this as well ns io the old Countries. Its merits will make it a bousebold article, and we *ope that every one who hos ever used any Dit ers or common p i tent tonic, wi): at least try one tattle of the Caldina, and then ?ecide for them ?elves whether they will use this tonic, prepared rom the pure juice of the Catalina grape, with [nlisaya and thc spices of Ceylon, or a bitters nade of common whukey and bitter field herbs, [his is an invaluable preparation for weakness md debility; it relieves morning languor and ?ives frcc'bness and appetite, not followed by an inplensant reaction. Ii cures Dyspepsia, Ind.gestion, Costiveness, Silicas Derangements, Cramp Colie, Flatulence, Jiarrhoe-i. Dysentery Nausea, Vomiting, Morn og Sickness, Chills and Fever*, Headache, Her oas Irritability, Anemia, Heart Disesse, Di eases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Diseases of he Skin, and all Eruptions, ?ither caused b y ther diseases or impurity of the Blood. As a 'ouic In Consumption, it bal no superior of hub thousands believe themselves to have been ured-by its use. We do not d juna ".that ?twill ire Consumption, bot we are iure that it will r?vent it if taktn in time. For sale by I. A. MCKAGE*, D-oa^glst, St.?. r S. C., J, M. M. Co*JUD A Co., 19 Light reet. Baltimore, Md . General Ageets for tbe . S. Office of the Company, 48 S. Howard reet. Baltimore, Md. Sept. 6-ly SPECIAL W?TICKS. Be entded by iFfeal yon Knew. _ There iaan old proverb which says, "Expe? rience is the safest goids." To this guide the sick and ailing naturally turn when cast ?ag about for the means of r ?lief. They raquim what a medicine ba? done for others, before they sdopt it themselves. Of all t!ie remedies and preven? tives in ase, Hosteller's Stomach Bittern meets the test most triumpban l.r, and hence its immense popularity and rast sales. The sufferer from indigestion is sore to fi id some one among hts friends who has beso cured of that ailment bj the famous vegetable st machie. The ric tim of fever and ague, liver complaints, constipation, nerroas prostration, or ?;er.cral debility, bas only to make inquiry in the neighborhood where he resides in order to discover what thi.- standard restorative has elected in cases similar to bis own. In the published testimony to its merits \be will find a volume of proofs of its sanitary 'properties, which it is inpossible for bis common sense to resist. Ile tri<w it,-and the effect it produces on bis system ados another to thc bost of witnesses io its favor Thus, its reputation, founded on facts, not assertions, continually grows and spreads. Charlatans and impostors, some of tbem mere local tricksters, and others who take a somewhat wider range, attempt to thrust into the bands at d down the tb ru* ts of invalids, their haphatard concoctions, as Sub? stitutes for the tonic which for so many years bas been a medicinal staple throughout the United States, Spanish America, 'Jasada, ard the West j Indies, but only succeed to a very limited extent. Io this reasoning age, tbs people, having aseer tainea what is really d?serving of their cou fidenee. decline ..nrnnir g after strange g di." 31 OTHERS ! MOTHERS! I MOT H IC RS! 11 DONT FAIL TO PH.OCUKE MRS WINS? LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FUR CHIL? DREN TEETHING. This valuable preparation has been used with NEV KR FAILING SUCCESS IN IHOU SANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels. C'-rrerti acidity, and gives tone aid energy to the whole system. It will also iustinjjy relieve Griping in the bo weis and H ind Colic j We believe itthe'BEST and SUREST REM- j EDY IN THE WORLD, in nil esses of Disco I tery and "Diarrhoea in Ch il Iren, whether arising from teething or any otbtir cause. F?ll di ectionsfor using will accompany each ' bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile ?f CLRTIS A PERKINS, New York, is on the j outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. orner.? : 215 FULTON STREET. NE.V YORK. 4930 HARD ST. LONDON. ENGLAND. 441 St. PAUL Sr. MONTREAL, CANADA. Sept 20 ly IMPAIRED VITALI1Y-When you feel as ii thc vital powers were giving away; strength gone, spirits depressed, tntniory failing, appetite j lost, exhaustion stealing over every sense and paralyzing every enerby, then is the time to 1 re.-ort to that powerful ally of nature. Dit WALK? ER'S VEGETAILE VlSEGAI. BITTERS. The proper tie* they embody Soon work a glorious renova? tion in the debilitated sys :eui and the clou ted mind. THE ATMOSPHERE OF LOVE.-Is a pure sweet breath. This desideratum is one of the results of u.-ing Sozodont ?hieh not only invigo? rates and preserves the teeth, but renders thc innu'h as fragrant ns a rose. CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 5t) TTS. -Every es?? of Croup can he cured when flrst taken, by Dr. Tobins' Venetian Liniment, war? rante! for 24 years, and never ? botile returned. It also cures Diarrhoea, Dys< otery. Colic, Sore Ti.roat. Cuts, Burns and exten al Pains. Sold by the Druggists, Depot I'J Park Place, New York. THE BEST COSMETIC-Burne't'a Knllisr n produces a fresh complexion, removes tan and .Teckles. and imparts a velvety ?oltness to the skin. Results attending t xposure to our chan ge .ble climate upon the skin, may be entirely ob- I vialed by ?ts u.-e. For.?aie ty all druggists. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL.-Not the Cheapest but sale.- and Best Illuminating Oil for family use ever &a<le. Burns in 'he ordinary kerosene [a jip. Does not take fire, nor explode if the lamp is upset and broken. Setil for Circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1770, New Votk. RISLEY'S LINIMENT.-Of Arnica. Hors, Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure ill, acting on the nerves connected with the skin It promptly relieves Neuralgia Pains, Cleanses md cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wounds, (?urns, brui<e?. sprains, A:. Sold everywhere at iO cents. Morgan A Risley, Wholesale Drug 5??ts. New York. General Aeents. L? IRDS' BLOOM OF YOUTH.-A n>o,t de? lightful toilet preparation for beautifying the .kio. has been established ov?-rten \ ears : during that time over one million ladies have used it; o every instance it has given entire satisfaction : it removes all tin perfect ?or.?, tan*, freckles and 'unhurns. giving the skin .i youthful appearance. Sold at all Druggists ari?! Kaney Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street. New Y?rk THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVERY of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, the hearts of nany parent? hare b i Minde ^lad by witnessing he beneficial effects, which this remedy never ails to produce during t .e critical period of teething. CARBOLIC SALVE-Nothing like it?rer mown before. Cures cuts, bums, gores, wottnds. kc, like n ngic. Physicians speak of it in term* >f the highest praise. Price "5 cents per box. lohn F Henry, Sole Proprietor, 6 College Place, S'ew York. PHYSICIANS whe hart- prescribed Syapnia >r Purified Opium use no o ber form of Opium in ? heir practice. CRISTA DORO'S HAIR DYE.-If all hi? hair? vere lives. Othello said, "II y great revenge hntb D?rnach for them al!." But hair that's grey or andy, white or red. the h.ln-s have no stomach or at all. Use Cbristadon's Dye and the evil is coiedied. Manufactory, 6i Maiden Lane, S'ew York. THE PUREST and Swetfrst Cod Liver Oil 'II the world is Hazard A Taswell'* andr on the ??.shore, from fresh, selered liver?, by Cn?we?!. lazitrd ? C". New York. It i* absolutely pure md sweet. Patients wbohavo onre takm it pre er it to all other*. Physi -ian* barr decided it upcrior to any of the other oils in tbr narket. J'?I'VIN'S Inodorous Kid Clov* Cleaner e*tore* soiled ?love? equal lo new. For sal by ? ?roggist* and Fancy Good? Tenters. I'ri.-e 25 etits per bottle. F. C. Wells i Co.. New York. FOUND AT LAST. iN ANTIDOTE FOR FEVER AND AGUE [T IS WARRANTED ENTIRELY VEGE L TABLE. It contait.s no arsenic or poisonous ingredient? j rany kind-nothing in Ute least degree injurious i tne system under any cirruustance*-and ay be administered with perfect safety to as j fan!, j It never fails to core the most obstinate case, . hen taken as directed. It cures immediately. Tn no case wi!! the itient br ve more than oae chill after the first ise, and in the majority of cases not eren at. It aeeomplishes the work by dartroying the use of disease, which no ?ber remedy pre? nds to do. It is an effectual preventiva, ricatralizing the ?larious poisoo in the system, and thus averting i consequences. CBAPPELL'S DEPOT, S. C., September I, 1371. eters. L/uicie. Hitit* & Dnri.i : USMTS.--We have sold ont .I.-Z*D of MOISE'S .IVER AND AGUE PILLS with s guarantee. I d not a single eall bas bee i made for a return j tba money paid ; bat on the contrary, they I re general satisfaction, an i rares in er err j itance. Forward two doten es soon ss posai-; i. as we are entirely out of them, and have 1 ls daily. Yours truly, i A. J. HALTIVfABNER A CO. 1 AN ORDINANCE To Provide for issuing' Town Stock, under the 31st Section of the Act oj the General Assembly, ajpprotSed March die 9th, 1S71, for the purpose of erecting a Market and 'Iowa Hall. BE IT ORDAINED bj tb? Intendant and Wardens of ibo Town of Sumter in Council assembled, and bj (fae authority of the same SECTION I.-That tberc sbal! be ?saned Town Stock to the amount of ten thousand dollars/ if : so mueb be necessary, bearing an interest of i eight per cent, per annum, payable on tbe first I day of January and July of each year ensuing j the date thereof, and redeemable in seven years i from date. Said stock io be issued nuder tbr ! yeal of tho corporation, signed by thc Clerk and j Treasurer, an*! countersigned by the Intendant, I in conformity with an Act of the General As? sembly, approved March the 9th, 1871, providing for the building of a Market and Public Hall. SECTION II.-That no part of said stock shall be issued for any sum los than twentv fivc dollars, or for any fractional part of a dollar. SECTION III.-That any penon holding such stock sball bare the privilege of discount? ing sucb interest as shall aecrue thereon or any part thereof, against taxes due by them to the town of Sumter on the 6rrt day of January aud July of each year ensuing the date thereof. Ratified in Council assembled, this ?Otb TLS.] da* of October. 1871. GUItiNARD RICHARDSON. Intendant. Jon* F. HATSSWORTH, Clerk and Treasurer. November 8 St The State of Smith Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Jonas D Samson, diaries II. Mayer. J<.hn C. Coulter, Jubn Tracey, et. al. vs. John J. Hennegan, John Purcell snd James Barrett. 1 } Summons for Relief. I TO THE DEFENDANTS. John J.ncnnegan, John Purcell and James Barrett YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and re? quired to answer the complaint in this action which is fled in tbe of the Clerk of Com? mon Plc**, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the ?ub.eriber at hi? office, in the Town of Sum? ter. County of Sumter ?nd State of South Caro, lina, within twenty dav.? after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if yoo fail to answer the complaint within thc time aforesaid, thc plaintiff* in this action will apply to the.Court for tba relief demanded in tbe com plaint. E. V7. MOISE, Complainants' Attorney. Dated November 1st, 1871. TO THE DEFENDANT-JOHN PURCELL. TAKE NOTICE that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, and also thc Complaint thereunder, were filed in thc office of thc Clerk of the Court af Comm m Plens for the County of Sumter and Stat.-of South Carolina on the 4th lay of November. 1871. EDWIN IT. MOISE. Nor 8-fit Complainant*' Attorney. L. HT Miller. Miller's Safe and Iron Works, ESTABLISHED IN 1857. MILLER'S BALTIMORE MADE SAFE the heft now in usc-wat ranted free (rom rust, dampness or decay. Fire-Proof Merchants' Safes, WELDED STEEL AND IRON Burglar-Proof Bank Safes. FIRST CLA6S Key and Combination Lock. Bank Vaults and Doors. Sales Room. 265 Baltimore SI. FACTOR Y-Sq narr, bounded by Henrietta* Claret, Fremont and Warner Streets. -END FOR ILLUTRATED CATALOGUE. OVER 12,000 LV USE. FESTED IN 200 FIRES. NEAR REFENCES: fraser, Haynsworths A Cooper, Hoyt A Folsom, Sumter, S. C. Vorth A Worth, Wilmington. No. Ca. 'ohr> Agnew A Son, Columbia, S. C. tational Bunk of Chester, S. C. [saith A Melton, Chester, S. C. 900 IN BALTIMORE. )VER 12,000 SAFES IN USE. TESTED IX 200 FIRES IRST CLASS GOODS, AT LOW PRICES. July 26 ly fSTEEUfc m ' April 5 >AVIL IOU HOTBL, CHARLESTON. g. C. BOARD. PER* DAY, ?8.00. ?.r. H AMILT0X, ?M. ar. ?. MmwiL?, Superintendent. Proprietress Oct ? THE ABOVE FBESS IS SO CONSTRUCTED, AND OF SUCH IMMENSE POWER, THAT WITH A SINGLE LEVER ONE MAN CAN press . bale of Cotton weighing 580 lbs., ora horse can be hitched to the opposite side and press a bale of the saree ?ixe IN ONE MINUTE'S TIME The Press was exhibited at tbe Fairs throughout the South last Fall, and took the Premium every where. At Augusta, Ga., n Silver Pitcher worth $50 was awarded this Press. At the Fair brid at Charleston, last November, we took the Prem um aud sold thc Press un tbe spot to the President of the Association for the fnll price. $185. We Guarantee this THE BEST PRESS* IN EXISTENCE at the PRESENT TIME, and will TAKE BACK ANY PRESS not as represented, aod REFUND TUE A. ON EY. Price $.65. Agents Wanted for every County in the State. W. P. RUSSEL k CO., P. 0. Box 457, Charleston, S. C. August 2 RICHARD CROMWELL, Implement, Seed and Horsey Establishment, 51 LIGHT ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Manufacturer of aod Dealer io Proprietor of the Agricultural Implements, of all the latest im- j PATAPSCO NURSURIES. proved patterns, Tia : Grower of Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Shrno? bery. Vines. Ac., Plows, Harrows Cultivators. Reapers, and Mow- 0ffer, for nU for the Pal, of ers, Hor..e Powers Thrashers with a gener- 20 "o0 Apples Trees, eral Assortment of field and Garden Tools. 5" Oou 1Vj).h 7ret9f Grower and Importer of Fie d and Garden Seeds. Su dard Pear Trees, r 2o,U00 Dwarf Pear Trees, -i ? . r .u i ," , ,_. . -, . 10.000 Ctierrv Tree.?, Sole Agent for the sale of the Celebrated Extra cn nun ts. " " v_" .j ?te. o i t? n .. . . .i 50.000 drape v mes, assorted. Early Dexter seed Pea. Partie? interned -po? ther with a general assortment of all the >n the growing of Peas for roarke!, should ? ,. var>.jM of g^,, pf?|tfc order early so a* to not be disappointed IM J -, , __ .__ ._, , . r ?/-?,-. . . J* ,.e _ Also a Urse and well selected stock of Ever getting the Earliest and most Prolific Pea " "??B,efor Ornamenting and Beautifying known, pronounced so by hundreds of truck- d Ccme,er?" Asparages Roots, Roses, ?ept fi Sra FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED aii Cattle Foi to ThU preparation, long inc favorably ^knowe, Will thoroughly re-invigorate broken down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is a sore preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such as LUNG TE V ER. GLANDERS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS? TEMPER, FEVERS. FOO" DER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ax. IU use improves the wind, increase* th.? appetite girea asmooth and glossy skin-and transforms the miserable skeleton. Into a foe-looking and spirited horse. ?. To keepers of Cows this prepara? tion is invaluable. It ls a sure pre? ventive against Rinderpest, Hollow Horn, etc It has been proven bj actual experiment to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty 1 per cent and Bake the butter finn and sweet. In fattening catt]*, it gives them aa appetite, loosens their tide, and mikes them tari ve much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs, Liver, kc this article acts as a specific. By putting from one half a paper to a paper In a barrel of I swill the above diseases will he eradi? cated or entirely prevented. Ii given in time, a certain preventive and cora for the Hog Cholera. DAVID E. FGTTZ, Proprietor. BALTIMORE, Md. Tor tale by Druggists aad Storekeepers throughout the United States, Caaadas and South America. T" Dr? A J. China, ?gent, SUMTER, S. C. Sept 13_ly A SURE CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER. Dealer's Fever and Ague Pills. AN INFALLIBLE CURE ! The above is no new Remedv. bat one that bas stood the test of TWENTY YEARS' USE. and is a "household word in probably more families in those sections of the country where Chills and Fever are most prevalent, than any other medi? cine of its class. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And by the Proprietors, FRASER & LEE, Successors to HA RR AL, RISLEY & KITCHEN, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Xo. 20 Birfoiian Street, New York. Sept 20 _8tn DARBY'S PROPBFIiACTIC T X HIS invaluable Family Medicine, for purify ing. cleansing, removing bad odors in all kinds of sickness; for burns, sores, wounds, stings; for Erysipelas,rheumatism,and all/kin dne-ises, for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptberia ; for colic, diarrhoea* cl-olera ; as a wash to soften a nd beautify the skin ; ta remove ink spots, tuibtrw. fruit slums ; taken internal!) as well as applied externally ; SO highly recommended by all who have used ii-is for sale by all Druggists ead Country .Merchants, and may be ordered direetlv of the DAXBY PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Street, N.T. Feb 1 ly MANHOOD* flow LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVER, kV ELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical ??rt (a i thou t medicine) of SPSKHATOBRKSA or seminal Weal ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses ?pe ir.*cr. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im, >ediicents to Marriage, etc.; also, CoaauMPTiog. EpiLErsr, and Firs, induced by self-indulgence >r sexual extravagance. JV Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, < dearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sue restful practice, that the alarming consequences , if self abuse may oo radically cared without the langerons ns? of internal medicina or the appli :atio i of i he knifo; pointing out a mode i! cure ! it one? simple, certain, and effectual, by maana j if which ever/ saferer, no matter what bis eon- . I ii ion may be, may cara himself cheaply, private- j y, and radically. *auTbia Lecture should ba ia tba hands of , ?very youth aad ?vary saan ia tb? land. , gent, under ?eal, ia a plain envelope, to any ( leMreet, postpaid, ?a reaetpt siz cants or two ? lort ?taan?. . Ala?, Or. Coi ver well,a 'Marriage Gnide,"prie* cents. i Address the Publisher*, CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., . 127 Bowery Kew York, Post-Otce Box 4M6 Sept 27-Jm ' Ricfiau's Golden REMEDIES. 1,000 DOLLARS REWARD FOR ANY CASE WHICH Dr. Richart's Golden Remedies FAIL TO CURE. DR. R?f HAG'S GOLDEN BALSAM j Is the greatest Alterative, Renovator and BI", d i Purifier io the World: radically cures Srr-HlLts 1 nnd SCBopcLi in a I itsforta?. ?*ave your money br obtaining ibe only radical cure at once. It removes all disease from the system aod leaves the blood pure and healthy. Dr RICH?ITS Golden Balsam Na. 1 Cures Syphilis and all cutaneous eruptions in primary and see-ndary stages, such as Old Ulcers, Ucerated Sore Mouth and Throat, Sore Eyes, Skia Eruptions. Soreness of the Scalp, Copper Colored Blotches, Ac, Ac , Eradicating Mercury and Disease radi? cally. DR. RICH AU'S Golden Balsam No. 2. Acts in ricers, Ac., same as No. 1 ; will core Tertiary Hereditary Syphilis, or Scrofula in its worst f rms, after all other treatment fails. I bave thousands nf certificates certifying to mi? raculous cures effected by these remedies. Pa? tients eat and drink what they like, and require no outward application. Thousands suffer om Syphilitic and Mercurial Rheumatism wb are not aware of it; and I defy such to obt na radicai cure without the aid of these medicines. Its beneficial effects arc felt at once , it hus raised patients from hospital beds, in one week, who have lain there for years, under the best prac? titioners in tbe City; and is t!.e only radical cure for the worst disease known. Syphilis, Syphilitic and Mercurial Rheumatism is the most painful form of this disease. Patients in many instances are confined to their beds for months and years, loosing appetite, falling away io flesh till reduced to mere skele? tons, patiently awaiting the arrival of death to relieve them of their sufferings; to such I would say, my Golden Balsam No. 2 Will save your life, give yon strength, restore your appetite, reduce swelling, and make a radi? cally well ease of you in a short space of time; gives immediate relief and effects a radical care in all cases of Rheumatism, either acute, chronic or iuflatnotory, whether from the above eause or any other. Price ol either No. 1 or No. 2 Ooldea Balsam: $ j JO per bottle, or two bottles for $9.00. Hm Springs. Arkansas, May 7,18(IS. Dr. RICHARDS. 228 Variek Street, New York DEAR SIB: I fini that after all the medical treatment I know any thing about, Hot Springs included, fail te eure Syphilis ; your BaiJM^r, will and has radically cured (he worst of them.. Thousands come here from all parts every season, and if yon will establish me as Ageot, I eao sell large quantities of your Medicine, for I am satisfied that it will do all you claim for it. Very truly, y oura, dre, Ac-, 0. J. B.-, M. D. Any one wishing to enquire of Dr. H - ?a regard to ibis Medicine can have address in full by writing to me. I take pleasure ia certifying that Dr. RICH AU'S BALSAM No. 2 has com-, etely eared a ease of Tertiary Syphilis of Eight Years standing, contracted in the army, after having expended Five Hundred Dollars for medical attendance. The ease re fe red to, at the time of commencing the ase of Dr. RICH AU'S Remedies, was confined ta bed, with ulcers on both heads and arms. Any oae doubting the above or wishing farther particulars, can be in formed by refering to M. R. HUGHES, Daueairr. May 26, 1809 Newburgh, Cuvshogo Co..Ohio. SOLE PROPRIETOR DR. D* B. RICHARDS, 228 VARICK ST.. NE W FORK 8*pt 20 lj PANCREAT1ZED COD LIVER OLI. We desire te eall tba attention of tee Mediea Profession to this preparation of Cod Liver OH For tba lollowiag reasops : It will agree with the Dost debilitated stomach. It is deeidedly more pleasant te administer. It ie leas expensive to )rescribe. It will not nauseate, aa thc Paaeraa :ine assists ia perfectly digesting oil. It io more palatable, as tbe combination forms aa emulsion, ind we are therefore able to disguise i' offen liveasee. It is Ieee expensi-e, as a small laaatity of Cod Liver perfectly digested will pro. lae? tar more beneficial results thea Ive Trans th a juantity imperfectly digested. This preparation s meeting with tba greatest favor among Payai ??aaa ?a Diseases of tbe Langs, and ia rapidly akiog th? pla?? or tb? plain ott. Price Lista and Dose Books will ba freely famished ?pea appli ion.. Manufactured by REED, CARNRICK A ANDRUS, 198 Faitea St, H. T. Sold by Drag fists generally. Sept M ly. WILL POSITIVELY CURB Chills and Fever. It does not matter if the case ??e chronic, .MATIS AGLK. MIXTCKK" ?ill eradi.aie it en? tirely ln?m the system. We can refer to thoo* so<i.< io Baltimore, who bare been relived by ?Satin Ague RSixture NANTES, FRANCE, Dec. 28, IS70. Mr. R. H. Bigger. Baltimore, Md : My Dear Sir-I bare the honor of ac? knowledging the receipt of the 10th ultimo, con taining order for filieeu thousand francs upon Messrs. Taillander A Co.. in compliance with our contractor 15th October bat, and it is wiib pleasure I constitue yu S?le Agent of the United States. Central and South America, for tba sale of Motin Ague Mixture, wbirb has al ready accomplished so much goad iu our own country and Spain. Tliis roixtorr contains no qm'uiuc. and m>th- , ISM Kh'iieeer thal cu iujui ? ric geuemi he-lth : \ nor is it disagreeable to the taste. I parelu??*?: j tbe prescription of the celebrated Spanish Pbysi cian. Dr. Piedra Gonzales, after his retiretnen ( from bis profession, who gate ?we the twit ev?- j cl ?ii cepruaf? and neemmueee (A?f he hail utm j the prescription iu ?ie practice nf fort<j (40) yean uiith?nl itt hating foiled im a tingle iuttuuee. M?t-u Ague Mixture is chiefly e?ropo?ed ?I the very bert and oldent wine, and the patient need not cbanjre hi? eui otuary mode ?f living whi:st taking tho remedy. Indeed, it is a ;>/>?. ant runic, and i?' taken in small quantities befo c breakfast each day. ?'r H7<7 Preveut Chille aud Freer in localities where miatuta prevail*. The patient will find that the Motin Ague Mixture excite* >>u appetite, and that instead of injuring, it improee* the jtucid health. I warrant the Mutin Ague Mixture to effect enre in -il rate: Yours, verv Trulv, GUSTAVE DURANTE. Dr. Wm. Frederick Stewart'* Certificate: Baltimore, May 1, 1871. Having ana'ysed the Matiu Ague Mixture, \ do not hesitate tc recommend it as an excellent remedy for Chilis and Fev*r. lt retains noth iog which can injure the general health. WM. F. STEWART, M. D., Resident Physician Maryland Hospital. Dr. J. B. William*' Cerfificaie : Baltimore. April 19.1871. I hereby certify that I have made a careful analysis of tbe "Jfatin Agne Mixture" and ih?' it docs not contain a partirle of quinine, I '>e lieve it to be a most efficient remedy for Chill aud Peter. JNO. B. WILLIAMS, M. D . If Mans AGCE MiXTCRR?ails- it never iails money will be returned to purchaser. FOR SALE BY By L A. McKAG KN, Druggist. Sumter, S. C. R. H. BIGGER, Proprietor, and Grocer, suc? cessor to C. M. and D. W. MYER. No. 12 WEST BALTIMORE Street Baltimore, and all druggist*. Sept 6- 3m Household Medicines, BOARDMAN*S COD LIVER OIL.-This Oii is put up with great care Ip'tn perfect!) treeb Livers and is, without doubt the finest pro duced. BOARDMirN'S FRENCH WORM CONFEC TIONS.-invaluable ss a cure for Wurms, uuti being in ike form of a candy lozenge are readily taken. BOARDMAN'S CONCD EXT. JAMAICA GINGER-A splendid corrective and ex cevdingly useful ir. Colics. Cramps, aud ordiuary irregularities of the Bowels. BRANTS INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRAC. A medicine long in use for disorders arising from an impure state of the blood. This article has performed soase mott wonderful cures and is tbe best article extant for tbe purpose. BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BAL SAM.- Extensively used for nil pulmonary complaints, being purely vegetable, unlike most preparations f?r Couifbs. C?I<ls. etc., do? s not eoestipafe ?r Ivave any unpleasant atler effect, but always afford.- speedy relief. GREENE'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY.-A safe, sure and speedy core ofthat most distressing of compl tint? "DTaprunA," put up from an original recipe nf Du. GRRRXK. Fort ' Valley. Ga. by ?lioui ii Los long been u.-cd with . wonderful success. PARKER'S NERVE AND BONE LINI? MENT.-The best external remedy for man or beast. A certain cure for Rheumatism. Cramps, .?prains. Bruises, Sweiliug, Week Limbs and pains of all kinds. PARKER'S COM POUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU.-The purest and best in use. A ?ure relief for all diseases of tbe Bladder abd Kidneys.-n.-k fur no vther,- Physicians re? commend it. HALLE1Tj SHAVER & BURBANK, 149 Chambers and 131 Reade Streets, 8 NEW YORK. Sept?- Jj Established 1848. Tu the FARMERS and PLANTERS of Mary land and the Sooth Generally. HORNER'S Maryland Super-Phosphate. (We court tbe Chemist's inquiry.) .After 23 years experience io the Fertilising business, an 1 after establishing a wide reputation for tbe purity and excellence of bis Bone Dust, the subscriber bas been induced to prepare a Phosphate suitable to the requirements and every way worthy the attention of the Southern Farmer. Tbe "MARYLAND" is a rejtivenalor and permanent improver of tbe soil. It stimolates equal to Peruvian Guano, and sustains equal to Bone, being composed almost entirely ot these ingredients, witb a very liberal percentage of ??> Potash in the residuum. There is no adulterated , nor inferior article used-every particle oj the' ' Phosphate being of essential benefit to ihe land, j 1 Neither pains nor expence have been spared to I its preparation, and we claim for it the greatest ' S benefit io the fa-mer from the smallest ?uilay. j S For Cotton. Wheat and Corn, and as a ge-cral j si Stimulant and alimet.t for worn and impoverished land there can be nothing superior. It ia war . anted to run as high in Ammonia and higher in Bone Phosphate than any other fertilizer in the market. Price $60 per ton, in new bags. No charge i E for delivery. JOSHUA HORNER, Ja. ' Manufacturer and Genreal Commission Mer? chant. Office sad Warehouse. 54 S. Gay St. General Warehouse, Cor. Chew and StirlingSts , Baltimore, Md. ] li Bone Dost $45, ?5 i 847. our own manufacture, in new ?ag- ; Eastern eil and Western Dost $35. Peruvian 0-no to delivered from Peruvian Government Warehouse at lowest rates. * o charge for deli very. v, JOSHUA HORNER, Ja. e" g*Pl 6_lj si SCHOOL HISTORIES For FalTl S71 K Blackburn & McDonald's !>; B RAM M AR SCHOOL H IS T 0 R Y, U. S, j **' -40 pp. CLOTH, $1 25. lui ILLUSTRATED WITH 8 COLORED MAPS.! j? "The great desideratum in School Books for ! th? Southern Children is freedom from partisan pre- ' pa ndiee and political misrepresentations This in eork gives a jost account of ibo late war. Ic ' Tl ?eeords facts, nnd withholds opinions. It tells ! the tnub, and fosters no bitterness. The style ! a s good ; tbe sentence? are brief and perspica- ! o *rr*?8WBeB,? ??W ??<1 ATTRCATtTR * -Baltimore Epiteopnl et hod i?t May 17. rHB NEW 8CH00L HISTORY OP THE D. 8. twi (Formerly known as Jae Southerner.) ?* ?IO pp. CLOTH $1 W. J ILLUSTR?T*? wrra EIGHT COLORID arara. ' jjjj One or both af these books have been adopted ? pat ry many of the hast Western and Southern I Bil Meat* Schools, aad hy the Public Schools of: Bo Iiesissippi, Maryland and Louisville, Ky. I tar On receipt of $2 we rriU amati a copy af bath ! eon or examination. m\ Foa 8axa ar AU Boenaixsaa. J WM. J. C. DULA NY A CO., Pabliskera, *?? S?pi *-*a? BAXTUeOEK, MP. ! QI Job Work iJ a .featly executed at this Office. ?? VINEGAR BITTERS J WALK?. Pmpr:?tnc. R. H.> * Cn lin;,...* ? Sn, ?mtt.Su Fnu?cb>v?.C?<<l at f-.^,..^. ",._, v ^ MILLION'S Bear Testimony ts Ut sir Wonderful Curative Effects. Toorare not a Tile Fancy DH ak. Made of PMr RSM, Whiskey, Proof Splrite aa? Refuse Liquors doctored, rpiced and sweetened to plew? thg taste, call ed "T?nica," "Appetiser*," "Beetorert."??, that lead the tippler cn to dre akenness and rein,bot ant a trae Medicine, made from the Xatrre Boots sad Beroi o? California, free from all Alcoholic Stimm? santa. They are the GREAT BLOOD Pl'RI. FIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect BenOTSior and Divisor*tor ot tba Sr ?eta, eanjtag off all poisoaoaa matter and restoring theblooa to a healthy condition. Ko penen can take theta Bit. tera according to di-ectkmi aid remain long ar.??a, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the Titel organs wastes beyond tbe point of repair. They are a Gentle Paran tire sus well aa a Tonic, possessing, alto, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent in relieving CuOffrstioa or In&aa atation of the liver, ard all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in yering tc etd, married or ?ingie, at tba onana of wotnaahood octft the torn of life, ihese Tonic Bitters hare no equal. Fer Inflam notary and Chronic Rh?nan.* tleaa and Goat, Dyspepsia er Iadiareotiee, Bilious, Remittent and Iateraaittent Fo? rero, Di s?ants of the Bleed, Lirer, Kid? aere and Bladder, these B Utera have been most rcccesaful finch Dleemaes aie cantad by Titlated Blood, which s gtnmllj proc uced by deraogtaeel Of the Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR I*DIGESTION, Bead ache. Pain la the Shoulders, Cottrbs, Tightness of the Chest. Disait: eta. Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Bed Taste in the Mooth. Bilious Attacks. Palpitation et the Beast. Inflammation of the Langt? Pam faa the rt* glosa ef the BJdoeys. and a hand red other painful arms tosas, are toe offsprings of Dyspepsia. They inTigorate toe Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liter and Bowels, which renoir them of anec aillai efficacy in cleansing the blood of ait imparities, sad tri? parti ag new life and rigor to the whole system. FOR SK IN DISEASES, ?rosti?os.Tetter. Salt Bi eura. Blotches, Spots. Pimples. Postales, Boils.Car* bonder. Riot-Worm*. Scald Head. Sore Byes, Cmise ias. Itcb.ecurta. Di ?co lo ra tic ni of the Skin. Semen ?5 Disease*- of the Skin, of whatever name or oatare sro literaltv da? ap and carried out of the system in a short time by the ate ot these Bitters. One bottle in tack eases wilt convince the most incredulous of their car* tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon Sod its Ls . parities bursting th roach the skin in Pimples. Erap. tiona or Sores ; desase it when you Bod it obstructed and slaggith in the veins : deans? it when it it bat, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the Noed pore, and tbe health of the irrten will follow. Pin, Tone, and ether W?rme, Itrrtingtatlts system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished pbynolcrist. there is scarcely an individual aeon the mee adit earth whose body is exempt from th? presence of wc rms. It ia sot upon tbe healthy elements of th? body that worm? et i rt. bot noon the di teased hanwrt and slimy deposits that breed these living mocsttn of disease. No System cf Medicine, no verm ?fares, ea aatbelmlotks will tte? th? system from worm? Uk* those Bitten. J. WALXBB, Proprietor. B. R MCDONALD * CO, Dr legists sud Gen. Asm ts. Ssa francisco. CahtofTus, and TI and M Commerce Street. New Tort. sarao LD BY ALL DRUOOISTS AND DULXXI .1 . o R? K* R? iadway's Ready Belie CURLS THE WORST PAINS Ia lrom oie to Twenty .V itu tes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading ibis advertisement need any oe? SU FF KR WITH PAIN. IADWAY'S READY kELIEK It A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is THE OS LY PAL\ REMEDY at instantly .-top? the oj??*i excruciatingpatas, Hays Inflainations, and cures Congest ODS, he .her of the Lunjs. Stomach. Bowels, or other lands or organs, hv m e application. INF OM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, <> emiter U.?w violet.t <>r excruciating the pain ne RHEUM Ai IC. lWd ridden, infirm. Crippled, ittrruvs, Neara ??ie, ?r prostrated with disease HIT suffer. The application of the READY RELIEF to lie part or parts wi.ere the pain or difficulty xista will afford ease and c*>mfnrt Twenty dr?ps in half a tumbler of water will i a few m-.tnent? cure .'RAMPS. SPASMS. OUR STOMACH. HEARTBURN. SICK IEADACHK. DIARRHEA. DYSENTERY, OLIO, WIND IN TUE BuWELS, and ali IN ERNAL PAINS. Travelers shoo d alwars ?rrr a bottle of ?ADWAY'S READY RELIEF with them. A sw Jr??ps in water will prevent sickness . r pains rom change of water. It is better than French 'randy or Fitters as a stimulant. FEVER AXD AGUE. FEVER AND A li I E cured fur fifty cents, 'here is not a remedial aget t in this world that ill cure Fever and Ague, and all .?ther Mtlari us. Billion*, Scarlet, T.vph.?d, Y'ellow. and other evers (aided by RADWAY'S PILLS) s? qoiek s RA DWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents cr bottle. ?EALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! rong and Pure Rich Blood-It.crease of F.<?h and weight-Clear .?kin and beautiful Com? plexion secured to nil. DR. R?DWAY'S SARSAPARILLA RESOLVENT ?as made tbe most ai t< i??hing cares : SM quick so Rapid are the Changes thc Body Undergoes, under tba influence of this truly won<lsr tl Medicine that 2very Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt 'HE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER Every drop of ihr SARSAPARILLAS Rh OLVENT communicate? through the Bl'~id. weat. Urine, and ?th r fluid* .m.i juices ?>f '.>. stem the vigor of life, for it repair? the wastei r the bo,iv with cew and sound mater;*!, ?rotula. Syphilis, Consumption, Glands!** seas?. Ulcers ir. the throat. Mouth. Tunx'rs, odes in th? Glands and other parts of theijs* a. Sore Eyes. Strumorous discharges fr ee '>-* ars. and the frorst forms ?f Skin diseases, rnptions. Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring tV'.ra tit Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne. Bleak Spot', orme in the Fleth, Tumors, Cancers io tbs dmb. and ell weakening and painful discharftt. ?gat Sweat*. Loss of Sperm sod ell aast? ?'? e Hf? principle, are within th?- curative rssr* this wonder of Mod. rn Chemistry, mad s fe* iys ese will prov? to any person ?sing it for ther of these lornas of disease its potent po*' cure them.' Not only docs the SARSAPARILLIA* Risot? ear excel all known remedial agents in tb? re of Chronie, Scrofulous. Constitutional, sad ;in diseases ; but it is the only positive cort r ld ney dc Rta ?Mer Complaints -inary. and Womb diseases. Gravel. Dial?etes. ??pty; Stoppage of Water, Incontinence ef ine. Bright*? Disease, Albuminuria, ard in all les where there are i-rick hu?t deposits, or tbs ter is tbiek, cloudy, mixed with s ?h.? ts ntl e the white of an egg. or threads like waits k, <>r there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ce, and white boae-dust d? posit?, and whs* ire ii? pricking, borniog secsati<>n ssing water, and pain in the small of th- Back d along the Loins. ina sr of 1% Years* Crotch Cared hf S?dw?y*e Renoir ?nt. )R. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PIUS, ?feetly tasteless, elegantly coated with '**** ? ? parge, reg?late, purify, cleanse, sad engiben. Radway's Pills, for the enrsefsu ordorso' the Stomech. Lirer. Rowels, Eidsej'1 idaVrr. Ne rv ons Diseases, Headae a. Cost* Ilea, Costiveness, Indigos'?on, Dyspessa? iontmess. Bilious Fever, Intasastien of de wela, Pilee, and ail Derangements of the I> nel Viscera. Warranted to effect e a**'*" .a, Purely Vegetable, eoauiaing BO eseretrj. Den is, or deieterion* drags. I ww doeee of RADWAY'S PILLS will ?. i tjrtra frota all the ?bot? nsmed dltwr** e?. lS?MUp?rB?x. 60DD BT DB0* ST?. IK AD "FALSE AND TRUR." Se*?*1 lar suata to RADWAY 1 CO., Ne. ?7 se. New York. Information worth thous*** 1 ba seat yea. inly 12 1>