The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, November 22, 1871, Image 3

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The Sumter Watchman. W KPN ESPA V, NOV? 23? WT^PAXT0N^T-^?SI?ES^~^(^G E R f?f AMI Transient Advertisements, and all Job Work mast be p*id for in cash. This will be observed without distinction. Subscriptions ? are also payable in advene?.. af? Applications for J< b \v*ork will be made, at the office1, to THOS. E. FLUWKRS. The WATCHMAN books are in the keeping of W. ?*. PASTO*, who will receipt for.monies due and attend to all matters connected with the Adver? tising or Subscription dep.-tfthients. ggf Our Adverting friends nfc req?csted to send in their favors not lat':r than Monday. Alt Persons Indebted to the Sumter Watchman tire now.called upon, in earnest, io make paju)<'ot,?tL*.R$rer indulgence cannot be !ri*???' Subscriptions are due in-ad? vance We beg our friends to remember this. AfeSy* Photograph Albums frota thirty cents to seven, dellars, at thc Sumter Book S:ore. Protracted sickuess in thejamily of the editor, will, he trust, be some excuse for any deficiencies io his depart? ment of thc Watchman, al present, and. fur some weeks past. The United States Court, for the trial ot the Ku Klus prisoucrs, con veces at Columbia ou thc -7th inst. ?t. is sup? posed that the occasion will bring, from time to time, a Jar5e attendance of persons from all parts of the State. Barn Burnt. Wc learn that tua barn and con? tents, of Mr. W. W. BRADFORD, a few miies below this place, were rec cnfly destroyed by fire. S-ipposed to be the work of an 'incendiary. ?. ? F. J A.-,. t? ullman. The advertisement of this accom? plished workman 'will fee found in our columns to day. He has removed lo the store lately occjpicd by Mr. HOYT, and isprepated^to "jTianniaeture Boots and Shoes from the best material. Aeelieatal.Flre* We rcgrefto learn, that on Sabbath morning I.ut, the larje two story dwell? ing of ??ur young friend, W. H. STEINMTER, near tho lit ad lord Springs, in 'his county, was entirely consumed b) fire, wi;h all his furniture and a pur tion of the clothing of himself and family. The fire originated from a spark < n the roof. Insurance of S1000, in Mr. A. Wu m/s Agency, of North British and Mercan? tile Iosuraoc^C'vtupauy of London and Kd in burg. Grand .TJ(laical and Theatrical linter* ?tainiRrut Thc Snm-cr Independen? Rra*s Band have tendered to .luir skill! .1 teacher, Mr. Koi'FF, ii;?- proceeds of a Conceit and Theatrical performance to take plac?* at thc Court House on Thursday evening thc 23rd instant 'j he y?>un? gentlemen connected with the band, a> an cviitviicc ul their re-pecl fir hi> mu?, ra! talents, and anxious to afford hui. ?um?; Mib.-.antial aid. Iiave reoU?st? ud h 'ii ;<i accept t?.is comphmctitary ben. fi] \.< ' a- ?how <ur appreciation ol our Suinter Band ano tin ir teacher, by at tt-iniin^ in laige uuiubcrs, cn Tlmrsday evening next, and secure to Professor K"PFF a liberal benefit. irjf A eard in thc l'/totrix of Satur daj last, over the signatures nf ?SBURY CuWAltD and Joii.N 1* THOMAS, an? nounces the abandonment by gentlemen ol' their proposed association io the conduct vf the King's Mouutaiu Military school, at Yorkville, "io con? s?quence of -he blow inflicted upon the educctiun-tl and industrial interest* of the State by Presiden! Grant's Military proceed tugs." The school will be con? tinu? d as heretofore by Col. ? o WARD. [CoMMI MOATED J MJ.MTKII. S C. Nov 20. 1871. A. A GILBERT, E>qr.-Dear Sir: At the recent sessions of the Synod ol South Carolina, in this place, the follow ing Resolution was adopted with a heany unanimity. -Va? we ask the privilege of communicating the same through the columns ol your paper? Also a resolution of thanks jo the various Bail Road Companies which have afforded lucilities to the members ol S)nod in attendance on the sessions ol I the Body. Very respectfully, yours, Wm. BANKS, Stated Clerk. Rrsolccd, That the thanks of this Synod be tendered to the families oftbe Presbyterian Church, aud to the com? munity of Sumter for the kind, gener? ous, and Christian hospitality which has been extended to the members during the sessions ol the Body ; and that the Pastor of this congregation be directed to express the same in whatever man? ner he may deem best. Also to the Kail Road companies which have ..conveyed the members of Synod at reduced rates, and that the j stated clerk be instructed to commuui |Cate this resolution to them. Hundreds wbohave vi?ited Hot Springs, Ark fur seasons in succession, spending thousands of dollars in medical treatment without deriving any benefit are radically cared yearly by use of j I>r. Eichaus* Golden Remedies, (see bis card). I?*- short trial will convince the most skeptical. The Dadeville (Ala.) Banner says of Darby's iPropby lactic Fluid.* "It is almost indispensable trade mecum with the planters." Oar awn ?ix rience confirms this opiiaon. Tr/ it, ls oar rice to ali. The Synod ol South Carolina. This body convened in thc Preab riah ehrlich of thii; town, on the ei tug of the 15th inst., at 7i o'clock, was opened witli a sermon by the I Dr. Plumer, the r-tiring Moderatoi This venerable servant of God st like some old prophet in the mids his brethren, delivering the couosel heaven in tones of deep solemnity ia words of glowing zeal. His succe? in the Moderator's Chair was the R FI. R. Dickson, of Yorkville, who 1 called to that scat of honor and resp? fiibility by the unanimous voice of brethren ; and right well did he acq himself by his urbanity of manner, i promptness in deciding points of ore He is comparatively a yoong man. It would be impossible, in the sh space allowed us, to give more thai meagre outline of what wc saw, he; and felt, during the progress of t convocation of (be servants of God, the prosecution of their work, to th final adjournment about 3a o'clock, M , Saturday. The preaching genern was of a very high order. Dr. Gir deau delivered a discourse under t order of Synod, on ''.ministerial Con oration." We can scarcely find ter io express our admiration of this d course-so scriptural-so timely. ? we understand it will soon bc publish -a resolution to that effect, havi been adopted by the Synod. We, in common with all who hea them, were particularly interested the discourses of the Revs. Fri< son, Lindsay and Bracket. Workm they are who need not be ashamed. And tilca, those touching tributes departed worth, read before the Syn by the venerable Dr. Howe, of ti Theological ? First, of I colleague for so many years in thc wo of Theological Education-Rev. A. T Leland, D. D.-and then of the Re G. W. Roggs, for years a missionary India. These papers foo, will be pu lished, under the order of Synod. Ar the missionary trecting, of Fridi night. Who can ever forget that ? Tl sermon upon thc subject of misiious w: delivered by thc Ri v. il. C. DuBoae, youngman who expects shortly lo sa for Cliina, the chosen field of li is labor Ile presented thc v.-ork of missions in a its broad sciiptural proportions with zeal and force rarely equalled. An then followed Dr. G. Leighton Wilsot who>e eye rests upon the whole fiel and whose labors in every departaicc of christian enterprise, know no respite Ile is eminently a vci>e n-an. just suite to the exigencia of the times. Th large and deeply interested Cotigrcg:! tion in attendance responded to th appeal? made to them, in behalf of thi great christian duty, far beyond wha ruiirh] have been anticipated, from th impoverished condition of thc co II mr*, Rut thc Sahhat h-thc great day The sermon hy Ur. Girardeau-the ad ministration of thc Lord's Supper hy Di Adirer-thc va?t a seoibly iu s,uleuai ? hundreds who partook o this most touching ordinance ol' God' house-who Can iver forget that occa sion ? Ru', ?re musr close. Djy aftei d?y, night after night, the house o (incl was crowded with deeply infercstet listeners. And thea the fraternal af f.dinti of other denominations-thei hospitality-. their temporary forgetful ness uf denominational linos-thesi were features not thc least impressive Thc Synod was not out in force ol numbers, owing to the disturbed condi tion of thc upper portion of the State J?!*eT' Among the features of novelty and attraction of the Agricultural Fail held at Wilting on last week, was ac Indian foot race around the track. The red men were of the Pawpaw trihe, wh( arc said tn have the speed almost of "thi antlered s?ag." Iflaiturat-lurlDg Enterprise lu Chane** lou. Charleston ir fa?' bec ming a manufacturing ai well HII n commercial city. Tin l.-irgcst'tnanufuc tory of doors, i?a?!ies, blind?. Ac., in the South? ern Stater- i- that of Mr. P. P. TOALE, on Horli<eck'a Wharf in that city, sales room al No. 20 H ay nc street, Mr. To ALE'S advertir? ment appears in another column. Tbe Governmental instructor. THE GOVERNMENTAL I STRUCTOR.-A britf and comprehensive view of the Govern? ment of th?- railed State!?, aDd of tho State Governments. IteM^ncd for the use of Schools. By J. B. Sut KTLrrr. Third Revised edition, by DAVID N. CAHP. 12rao. Price 75 cents. The book gives briefly the extent, discovery, the conquest, th%se:tiements of our country; tbe origin of the Revolution, our Congress, and cur laws ; defines thc purposes and powers of our Government, and the Houses of Congress; and, in short, comprebetds that information of the government of tbe country <JO Decenary for cverj American citizen. . It was very well received on ?ts publication ?nd adopted as a test Look in roary schools. Hon. A. G. Cn Tl* at that time Superintendent ff Education of J'enosylvania. wrote lo the author : "I considirit a clear and well digested exposition of the machinery and fundamental principles of our republican form of government; and am persuaded that it must spredly work its way into public fa for, os a publication of practi? cal merit and permanent value. All citizen* young men especia ly-who wish to understand the g-nernl character and scope of tbe govern? ment unker which wc live, will find this a hook of interest and importance, a safe guide and a reliable monitor. As a Reading Book ia tba Common Seb<xAs, Tor papila of sufficiently ma? tare age to comprehend and profit by its teach? ings, it would be invaluable, and I bave no hesitation in indorsing its availability and useful ness." This edition bai been revised by Hon. DAVID N. CASP, (late Superintendent of Common Schools of ConBoeticut). ?bo writes from New Britain, Joly Id, 1871 : "The 'Governmental Instructor' which y.?u j laced in my hands I have carefully revised, bringing the data dowp eor reet to the presea); thne. In its revised form it will be foBDd ? valua-ble aid in school teatree tion. It conlaian a large amount of important inform .sn ea unbjeeta badispensable to the oath of our country." e ?sw-. ; . / .'?,?. V ' - . : ' "* ' '- ' ' ""j i O THE PLASTER k THOSE PARTIES WHO ARE DUE US ARE NO HUED tbut GEORC E. TAYLOR, is au tborizcd to receive their payments. He can bo found at Capt. L. P. LORING"S STORE. We are prepared to make LIBERAL CA>H ADVANCES ON Cotton. and b?Id aa long as may be desired (with proper margin) in NewTork or Charleston. GaO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. NOT 1_ 4m B. R. NASH. P. N. DULIN. XASH & DULIN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . Manufactured Tobacco, AND SEGARS. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, of different grades. SUMTER, S. C. ALSO* KEEP A GooD SUPPLY OP North Carolina Rye and Corn Whiskies. AND PEACH AND APPLE BRANDIES. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c. Tobacco at ? h?Iesale furnished at Manufac? turer's prices. Country Merchants will de well to call and examine our ?tock. All orders promptly executed wheo accompanied with the cash. Thc custom of my old friends, ?bom I bare furnished by wagon for several years, is respect? fully solicited. Nor 1 6m Mrs. ?Tames F. Brennan, Liberty Street. RESPECTFULLY informs ber friends and customers that she has received and open? ed a full and Complete Stock of I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, &C. And a general assortment of Merchandise, for farailv use. She solicits the patronage of the public, feeling assured that she can offer her Stock of Goods at very low prices for cash. Her stock was purchased in the Northern Markets, at REDUCED PRICES, And those trailing nt her establishment, will bay Cheap Goods, and be fairly dealt with Octll- 6m Notice of Sale by As? signee in Bankruptcy. In Rr Richard ll. Anderson. Bank? rupt. IN obedience to an order rando by bis Honor, Judge George S. Bryan, Judge of the District C?urt of thc United Stale?, for the District of South Carolina, sitting in Bankruptcy. I will sell, m front of (lie Court House, in thc town of Suinter, in the County of Sumter, ?ind State aforesaid, on Salesday in December next, ut thc usual hour of sale, ali the right, title, interest arni edale of the Bankrupt, Richard H. Ander? son, in "all that Plantation situate in thc village of Suteburc;. County of Sumter, arid State of Sou'h Cnrolinn, known as the Homestead, con? taining One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or Uss, bounded North by lund.? of Estate of Wil? liam El lipon. Entt by Stnte Road from Ca tb . ?n to Charleston, Sorj'h by Innis of Jnn;r.< M. Caldwell and Wci-t by land of Samuel J. Bradley. ALSO All the rijrht. title, interest and estate of the said It icliar I H. Anderson. Bankrupt, of anti in ali that Traet of Lauri, known as the Pinritati<>n of Dr. W. W. Anderron, deceased, onllcd River? side; containing Two Tliousnnd Five Hundred Acre?, more or le.<s. und bounded North by Raf. tin Crrek. East by lands of Richard M. Moore ni:d of I. N. Lenoir, South by lands of William Si .il?-, Hnd West by Watcree River. The term* <>f *-?lo to be as follows, to wit: One half cash, and the lial.mce on n urcdit of ono y ?-ar. to he secured bv Rond of the Purchaser and a mort gage of the premises soldi ario. Thc life Ku.itc of the Bankrupt in a Planta? tion known as ..Hiwassoe," which was devised to him for lite, under tho will of E. M. Anderson, deceased, ou the same terms. Thc Bonds, Votes and other choses in action belonging to the said Bankrupt, a list of which maj be s-cn on application to thc Assignee, f-r cash. Purchaser to pity fur papers and ?tamps, D. J. WINN. Nov. S 4t. Assignee. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER, COURT OF PROBATE. Darius Elmore, ] and othets, vs John Boyce, Summons Mary E. Boyce, } for A n not te Boyce, Partition. Edmund B<-yce, Samuel Boyce, C. H. Boyce. J TO THE DEPENDANT, John Boyce, You are hereby summoned to answer the Com plaint in this action, filed in the office of the Judge of Probate for said County, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers, at their office, in thc town nf Sumter, within twenty days after the service hereof, and if you fail so to answer, the Plaintiffs wilt then apply to the said Court for the relief demaoded in the Com plaint. BLANDiNG A RICHARDSON, Plaintiff's Altcrncvs. Nov. 15 at. O 3P ^3 NIIVG -OF Millinery a?d Fancy Goods. MISS E. D. BRITTON. Respectfully invites ber friends and the com? munity at large to call and examine ber Rcuutiful Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods -FOR FALL AND Hf INT ? li. Having personally selected bar fonds ??tb ears, and tb? stock being larger than ever before, she can not fail to please those ?ho ?ill give bera call. She designs having a SpeoialDay ON WHICH TO DISPLAY THE FASHIONS, The Ladies particularly are in vile J to attend the Opeiiing, Commencing 11th Oct. when lb? Goods wd Fashions will ba displayed to advantage. Having supplied herself with Patterns from Batteriek, of Ne? York, dresses ?ill be made or eat and fitted to order as persons may desire. Also Patterns ?ill be kept on band for sal?, such as BASQUE, OVER 8KIRT8, GORED SKIRTS, OR Ox HER PATTERNS. Pet 4-_gm Town Tax Notice, THE BOOKS for tbe Collection of Rea) Estate Taxes for 1S71. ?ill ha opened oa the 1st day of November, and ?ill remain open for 30 days, at the expiration of ?hieb time executions ?ill he issued against all delinquents. JOHN F. HAYNSWORTH, Noa 1-3t . Xlerk aadTreaa. Job Work y executed at this Office. GROCERIES! -AT Tbos. T. i?ps?iur's Store. -COHNER-* MAIN& R EPH BL TVA NJ> TREE 2'S ~ S?MTEII, s. c. r?B UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces to the public, that be bas in ?tore, aod will be constantly receiving, a large and varied assortment of GROCERIES, Suitahte for. Plantation and Family use. IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PLANTERS, BY TBS HUNDRED WEIGHT, or upwards. BACON-C. R. S. Smoked, Ile. Un smoked IC}. Shoulders, tj. - LARD-1CJ ' FLOUR-per bbl. $7@$lt. COFFEE-Java, 35. Laguayra, 30. Rio, 20. SALT-per sack, $2.25. SUGAR-Brown, 101@?6. Crushed, 17. CORN-(Baltimore) $1.25. Hume raised, $1.00. GOSHEN BUTTER-Best 35c. BAGGING-2J lbs to the yard, 25c. TIES-7?: ts. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT will be allowed Merchants, and they are specially invited to cn lt and exarrine bis Stock, nnd they will find that his business facilities enable bim to supply them with goods AS.CH EAP AS Til EY CAN BUY THEM in any Northern or Southern Market. Cotna and see for yourselves, un ocular demonstration is tho best. Highest Jff?rket Price paid for Cotton AND THREE FOURTHS OF THE VALUE CA.Sn. will be advanced, on nil Cotton Shipped to the House in Baltimore 'or whi<*h he is npent, and it ?ill be held over if desired. Ho Mill ruukc a speciality of Corn; Bacon and Flour, which he is prepared to furnish in any quantity ?3F Customers and ?P.nnilies purchasing their supples nt my establishment, can Lave them delivered free of charge, nt their re-idenccs within the limits of thc town. BAGGING AND TIES, AT LOW RATES. jr?T" Country Produce taken in exchange Respectfully, THOS. T. UPSU'JR, JR. Feb 22__ SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT! WE ARE RECEIVING OUR IF^ll iStOOlS. -OF B00TS&SH0ES, ?nd invite the special attention of BUYERS, to our large and well-selected assortment of HEAVY BROGANS. Single Sole Brogans. Women's Shoes. Ha I niora I?. Kine Calf Dress Bools. Heavy Kip Hoots. Win ter < 'ait' Gaitera. Laches Hijtb Cut Hoots. .Morocco, Kui and Cloth, both But too cd and Laced, Congress Gaiters SLIPPERS (Kid and Morocco) Ht-d room nod Tai lor Slippers. Old i'aahiourd Prunella and Morocco. BUSKINS, Tlie liatcat Styles of Ladies Boots and Slippers, for Weddings and Partien I Children and I niants Shoes atad Slippers al! Cuts and Colors. Boys' Boots, Shoes and <?rttfcrs. India K?hner Over Shoes and Sandals! Heavy Sole Leather! French Calf Skins and Findings nf every de?ciiptiou, all ol a; h ?eh w<r offer for LOW P31CES Af WHOLESALE AS? RETAIL. Wc pay sp?cial attention to Retail Or? ders by .vail, accompanied by the CmJi or City Refer? ure ! DUDLEY & ELLIS, Successors to ?j. & C Bra Hey, SIGN OP THE Bill BOOT! No. 41, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Oct 4-3m GROCERIES. ?aeon, Lard, Flour, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Aod al) Family and Plantation Supplies. JUST RIX HIVED. Bologna Sausage, Beef Tongues. Fancy Groceries Candie*. Nuts, Raisins. Citron, Currants? Jellies. Pickles, Canned Goods, 6 L'A Y A Jillj. Ac, Ac. 5,000 FINE SEGARS ! Urge assortment of LAMPS and FIXINGS, Burners, Chimneys, Snfety Tttltcs, <fcc Ca&'t fail to please and snit yon. -ALSO KEROSENE OIL. FAMILY WEEKLY SUPPLIES, d-livered io ?ny p?rt of town F lt li K oF CU A KG E. COTTON Pl'RCHASED AT li Ki U EST MARKET PRICE. OR SHIPPED AND j CASH TALUS ADVANCED. DONT FORCE! TO CALL IN. J. Ni STUSHi AGENT, Oct 4_ Oysters ! S. H. HARRI S G TOy , will hare daring Ibis season FINE FRESH SUFFOLK OYSTERS, For sale, at J. N. SPANN S STORE. Oct 23_lo_ HIDES. h POUNDS ftOOD DRY HIDES 9 WANTIfD, For which the II iahest, Cash Market prices will be poid, by NA9I? & D?LIN, LIBERTY STREET, S PM'?ER, S. C. Ker 1 6m 10,1 TO THE PUBLIC. rpilB UNUBRSIGNED HAING ENLARGED I bis Ware Room, cud Luvicg lately por* chased a large Mt>ek of DESIRABLE FURNITURE, would respectfully invite bis friend, and custo? mers to pay bim a visit, and see what he can do in tho way of supplying tbein wiib such articles as come in bis line.' He bas now ort band a large supply of various styles of Furniture. -ALSO Window Shades, Pie.ure Frames, booking Glasses, tte., and is constantly receiving additions to bis stock. Wi'I order anything which n ay not be on band to suit the wants or taste of bis customers. He continues to mnnufacture any kinds o Furniture ordered. All repairing done at short notice, ?nd will Re Cane Chairs of ill kinds in tho best manner. Special attention given to all orders in UphoL stering and Mattrass Making as specialities of bis bus?h??S. UNDERTAKING, Coffins of ?II kinds kept on bnnd. and prompt personal attention giveo to orders l'or Fanerais. In all bis business transactions tn: will adhere stiietly to thc rule of "Small prout? for Cash," und hopes by bis attention and promptness to re?oive a share nf public patronage. Persons needing anything in his line of busi? ness, will do well to c.-tll and examine for thea selves before purchasing elsewhere. J. D. CRAIG, Corner Main and Canal Streets, Next above Clark's lietel. October 25 _ STYLISH DRESS-MAKING. I C. SHIVER I CO., COLUMBIA, S. C., ARE now prepared to receive orders for DRESS-MAKING, and have the same done with despatch ?ud in tho Tip of the Fashion. They bare secured tho services and superin? tendence of Miss Annie Wittvogel. ASSISTED BY MADEMOISELLE CAEN, One ycarfp'Ui Paris, and employ none but the best bauds. Wp guarantee everything we do to satisfy. Bridal Trousseaus Gotten up at short notico. Orders solicited. Il C. S. & CO., dealers in Millinery and Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Furs, Carpets, Hats. and an endless line of other Merchandise. R. C. SHIVER. DAVID JONES Oct 11 t fj sro. 3 GROCERIES. THE ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House IN TOWN rp H E UNDERSIGNED, begs leave to X eall tho attention of bis friends and tbe public generally to bis NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Heavy and Fancy Groceries Which be offers low for CASH ONLY. v?i? All articles warranted as recommended 7&" Pure Modiviaal Liquors kept constantly on bund. J. H. EliEK HART. 13 tf Preserve Your Sight ! THE CELEBRATED Schaffhausen Spectacles. annfttctured at Sci'iff^tunem, Sicitterluud. Thc superiority of these Cr*ut Eye Preservers>!s in tho ear-fil Mjtlieinntiral Accuracy in the ci nstrueti'in <<f . lie Lenses, b-inj; manu? factura! of the Uvsi White Finn <? ?uss. ?he exact Shape of the Eye, thu? .??.viattng all t?immerinj; sad ?Varering of :ho S i ; h r. DiisincS*. nn-l all the other 'fruin of Evils produced by the use of i;iferi<.r spectacles. Every our wli-we si<ht is f il'tig understands its value. By ' uying imperfect spectacles you help to destroy it. JJ rr TUE DESI ! Ruy the Schiff Jw u?? Spectacle* and pref rn thc Eye*-tc h ir h are priceless. FOR ."ALL BY O T. M ASON, Jone 2* walviimolter A Jeweler. TO THK LADIES. Fall and Winter Opening. Misses J. & R. HcElhose, Have recently rveiv^d sad open? ed, their new Styles nf FAIL AM) WlTiTER MILLINERY, Selected la Nc? York, and cm b???r?^j?rt thc' NOVELTIES OF TUB SEASC N. Their Stock will bc found ana qualcd in choice and variety, ?nd will bc offered ct priors (hat can mri fail t<> give satisfaction RIBBON'S, ?fall Shades, ?nd everything that can ho found in a f rsl class Millinery Establish? ment. -LACE SETS, and ocery artie?? ia this Una. CHIGNONS, Ac. A selected asaortmsnt. Cell carlT and examine f?r yourselves. . . ' J. A E. M^ILilOSB, Sumter, S. C. jt#> A Harder* fr-m thc ab un try avail receive pr^tnltontioa. ^ ?l iUID VIII Wt ii WAL 7 Would ask the attention of their numerous Friends and Customers to their FALL ITO NOW IX, AND EMBRACING EVERY THING IN THE DIFFERENT LINKS OF DRY mm?9imtmm$9 nrnmrnm HARNESS, BOOTS & SH0EB, DSj?LG-G-xaarci- ?T?DES ?S? NOTior?s, Of AX*!.. 3K.XIC33S. THESE GOODS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT WITH CARE, IN A LOW MARKET, AXD WILL BE SOLD F* O FL O Jk. SJ TEY US. , OB Nm MO CASH ADMIS mm GREEN, WALSH & CO., CORNER MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS. Oct 4 J.E.SU?RES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Room? THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS * Friends and Customers tbst b? bas returned from the North, where he hus made arrangements ??tb the best Manufactories, to supply him with which will facilitate him to pire each advanta? ges as vcr before offered in quality and pri?es. My stock embraces every article ia the Furni? ture Line. In addition will be found at my es Ublisbment, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Children's Carriages, Looking Glasses, Mattresses-Moss and Cotton, Mouldings for picture frames, which wa make to order. Also Picture Cord and Tutela. My stock ts large and well assorted and it is my ?Mention to keep it always in thia condition. Goods emrefully pscked for shipping and no extra charge. Just received a large assortment of LADIES' TRAVELLING TRUNKS. J. E. S?ARES, Main Street, next to C. T- Mason's Wateb and Jewelry Store. WARE ROOMS UP STAIRS. Oet ll M?NEY CANNOT BUY !?\ FOR ?luUT IS PRICELESS M THE DIAMOND GLASSES, msnofartored by J. E. SPENCER A CO., New York, which are n?w offered tn the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians of tbe world to be the most Porfect. Natural Artificial bely to tbe human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name. "Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. Tbe scientific principle on which they are con? structed brings the core or centre ot the leos di? rectly in frnat of tbe eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the healthy sight, aa<l preventing all unpleasant sensations, serb as glimmering and wavering of sight, disaiaees, Ac., peculiar I?, all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner in frame* of the best quality, of ?ll materials use?! for tb?t nurpose. Their finish and darabtlity Cann?! be ?ri rp n ??ed. Carrion_None genuine anlese bearing tLtir trade mark stamped on every fr.imv. HOYT k FOLSOM", WATCHMAKERS ?CJCWEIER1 . SUMTER, S. C. December 'J AT TH E Photograph Gallery, SUMTE ? OU may now get, io fine ex*eutiurf, Photographs, Ferrotypes, Ivorytypes, Ambrotypes. Po celain Pictures or Mezzotint Photographs. ALSO Life She and Cabinet Portraits, colored in H'ater. Oil, or Worked '? Ink. Specie! attention, too. is given to cot jw? aid Likenesses, and satisfaction guaranteed ta every case. J. fl. WILDER. Oct TI-__tf_ RICE, KICE. FRESH BEAT KICK. Ia TIERCE8 and BARKS'*. Fur sala by ADRIAN A V?LLERS. Sept. 10_tf Court of Probate, T??X COURT CF PROBATE Ul SUMTER COUNTV. will bold its Sessions nn the first Monday in each mm th, from 9 o'cl. ck. A. M , till 4 o'olock. P. M.. in the . ffl>e of the Court of Probate, io basement o? the Coan H?? ?. at Sumter, and tontiaa? its session thereafter so long as the business assy require- , C. J?. U?K&t. Oct If-la Ja ge of P?atett. IS.1AC L M'KiGEN. FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES. CUEMIL.1CS. PERFUMERY kc. &e. AL WA YS ON HAND. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUr DEO WITH CARE AT ALL HUURS. March 8 DR? A. CHINA, Druggist and Apothecary, SUMTER, S. C. INVITES ATTENTION TO HIS LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICALS, Proprietary Preparations, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Varnishes, Paints, Oils', Dye Stuffs, Glass Ware, etc, etc. PRICES JIODtlllTE FOU CASH. The Prescription Department RECEIVES ESPECIAL ATThXTWX. CARR AND ACCURACY GUARANTEED. J?lr ?8 Hf v.9rA? 8LOOD PURIFIER ruaaaailnfpowerfml iaTigor&ui^ These Bittere exe poeiuvdr iaTalaabtoia ?bey purify ti? ayeUm, ?no wul cara Htmittra* and IfitcrmitU&t reren, + amvfl*MP?eaMap?je^*9?MW?la>*vvas*e)aMWaaef'a ead are e prero&taTO of Chilla and rerer. AB yield to their po wilful ?r?caey. Ai? aa antidote toaaergeot Wa?craad. LML So the wast sd finune, and correct all TCU ?are ?art of tufcriaff to the ska, aad lyepeedpaaaeaefq* ?1 tte iib ol Ma, Tte Stiiiart jCKmmi raaaaOat ead aaee 11Y OH! I0T7U. Nor t Pine S?fars& Totac^ At Sumter Book Store. HOYT & FOLSOM, WA TCHVMKE A SD JEWELERS, MAIS STREET, S CM TER, S. C WE. the nn ier't^ri'-d. baTin?* f> tened a co? partnership. <n ide f>:h Just*. I ?? I, undi .* the name ?nd styie ofll?'Y I A : . I.>OM. w..ul?l respectfully announce th- public of Seater, aad the adjoining muni irs. fh;.t we ure ri"W pr< pared to ext cute ull work entrwr-tcd to us wi:h promptness, and in a workmanlike mann-r. OUR STOCK wi!I embrace the '.atv;t st vies of JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c. LADIES* AND GENTLEMEN'S WATCTTES. All of which will bo sold at the lon cst cash prices. OUTER HOYT, F. H. FtM.SOM. Al Bart's OM Stand .V?in Street. /SIT* The genuine DIAMOND SPECTACLES, manufactured hy J. E SPENCER A CO., New York, aiwavs on hand. GL OT ?T?G~, CLOTHS, &C, Fall and Winier Stock. D. J. WON, A?eni, Now bas in Store a l.arjre art.} C?r<-ful Ij selected Stock of Fall and Winter Goods? WHICH HE GUARANTEES AS REPRE? SENTED. SUCH AS CLOTHING-F BC, .I.-'?aiu ?r..! O'.-moa Cloths and Ca?s:mcres, F?ao L t Tweed?, Shirts. Draw? e., I. ndervejf*. Glove*) and 'V.r.;-?, Suspenders, Cdmrs; S-M-iC:*, Hankerehiets, ."tc.. whi< !. bc pledges I. ii - i !? *> :'. r cash ?>? *. SUMTER MARBLE YARD 'I^ !lE nnacrsi^nrd having j?-t received a CV) X. '"t ot 6 PREP*.KFD TO FURNISH vi ai! v .i? ia s suss: -r i-i .* c-'Ui? ?r.? .? ' .?'. -' *? . o> w..rk in bi,, :?:.t. Ii*?? ? ? i'. -> ..'!? ...< i l>?ur--n*.?c T. : :? t.. . ..>.??<, t ? . ? ; *h" aia> be -aa ?J ?-V* 'b-r.' 'rn 'ri - . . r* ?i\?? i.i'-, .i .. He dr-gr- .. .] '.;..!.."! :? t.'?-.... ia?*" I* ??*?.?!? a? w -? dkltave? ? ."'ore .III. it p;;i ?e. w. v. SM.T:!. I Ju: e U - SI MTKR COUNTY Py C" *4 Iw.t. r*Q.: r... Pr -rvi'. fu ! , VI Thereat. h*\m ? W IW.L rise b--', ty t*".5e -if f. su?. ?..? gean: ???ai loiter- .?f Adsnieutrat' -a. of the belate a<. . -.'. <- - "f WltluMa M i".-i.vTU> .. vt-- .....-c.! TU'.-ie iee lt .-u;"'-r?: l? .. :?..? .'.?li eT?d lioyjtj'v tr?.' '.;i.;dr?-d :t'"t <>. (til 1rs -. fl.. Wu, > D-*. r*x>. .!o.c b t .> . 1 - :.-.? . t t><i>- Uv.-f.- --) 'ii. ?.? t?a *'. ?rt EV? .1 ' ? t?-li al .S^Jif-?* C ll.. ?>* tb" '.. .?.i? . : '. oer. iast. a of i ?Vnr*?t,?n i ? r.-. f .it I it 'be forec?"'- t? 'hoHr -.U . i' ?. \ f! ev ti.\i. why tte ??il A 4o?:ni>"r:i ? i"ti rti-1 ?M.I I?? entntet. Utrea 'tr. I. r rrtv 'ii.d, tM?'Olli ?Jay of K. T. A..ii? I? SHII ? J I. f. M j;ri'-p. NOT 15 - 2' J., c* 'il.-. ' ..i I*.. bete?