The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, November 15, 1871, Image 2

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.<3 ? titj THE OT COUNlWm .SORB A Ii RES TS. 2 J/ore than titree ffvndred Con/em York-Brutality of the soldier at Union. The Yorkville Enquirer of the has the following: The Kti-klnx Prteonere. It is DOW three weeks since the ted States authorities commenced king arrests of alleged ku kJux io* county, and as yet there are no, in lion* that the accused will be gran preliminary bearing before the ; Commissioner previous to the aitti the District Court at Columbia, o fourth Monday of this month, delay is mainly attributable to the a< we learn, that the time of the cials is preoccupied in receiving vt tnry co?terions of members of th? klux organization, for whose arre orders have been issued The 1 quarters ol Col. Merrill are const: besieged by men of this class, of v. more than three buudrcd have i confessions of their membership, quite a number are yet awaiting ai portunity to do likewise. We I these confessions develop nothing d iog in character from the contest alluded to laut week. Since our last report the folio' pcrsous have been arrested and im] oued. The first ten had been arre and bound to appear for trial pre? to the President's proclamation; some doubts haring arisen as to force of the.r bond, they were rearre .last week, and allowed the privileg giving new bonds. As will beeeei but two of them renewed their bail were released lr?>ui confinement. W. D. Lessie; * S. E. Good, Elias Donald, D. J. Good, J. R. Faulki J. B Good, C. C. Benrosuard* I Byers, IV. C. Thomas * T. M. Gt J. C Watson,* Samuel Mitchell,* L. Wood,* J T. Howe, T. H, Lead J. M Simms, J. N Thomas,* M. Mendcuhall.* O. J Beamguard, W Byers, A lieu Bertis, H. E. McFad A B. Osborne, D. A. Gordon* <] Parker, Wu?. Alcorn.f A. J. Mai Robert Stewnrt,f W. A. Martin, D Thotnassnn.f T. G. Martin, Jacob St art.f H. R. Houser, S. A. Fergu John II Houser, James Pursiey Ai Archer. M. S. Carroll. John ?. Ch hers, James Jamison,* W. B. Le Coarles W. Foster. . . .. *lWe??e-l ea bond. fNoirbei, confined the gu :r\l h>use. Of the nanes heretofore publidc J. C. Chambers, J. N. McDill, aod M. Stewart, have been released fr confinement in prison. The total ot ber of arrests made since the ll ultimo is 145. of whom 707 are now prison ; 97 white men and 1 negro 1 ing confined ru the jail, and ten negri in the guard hcuse. The j iil building is, of course, vt much crowded with this number of m closely coufioed within its rooms; t we believe every possible means adopted to ensure the sanatory eoodtti of :he prisoners, and to render thi situation as. comfortable as circum.sta ces will permit. Captain Ogden, oTt Eighteenth infantry, who has char of the prison, i> assiduous io his effoi io attain this object ; and he and tl ai' i: under bi* command arc polite ai courteous tovaid thc numerous perso constantly applying for permission visit those iu coflfiuemeut. From the Chester Rrportcx ol tl 10th, we take the following io ?ege*d the outrages- of Grants soldiers Union county : Outrage In l uton County. Several days agu a series of outragi were perpetrated, upon some of the mo respectable citizens ol Union, by tl troops stationed at that point. A number of the business men wei placed it '"durance vile" on the charj of being members ol'the Ku Klux. Aftcr locking them up, aud tbreatenin them with death on the morrow, the captors thou proceeded to the homes < their prisoners aud under the plea < searching for the identical men th? were already incarcerated, they the entered the most private apartuterus o the ladies making sad hara among fine dresses and toilet articles. Of course theft was committed, insult uno indecent language pre rai led. Af ter volunteering to the ladies the iofot mat iou, that, "in thc morning their re latives would suffer death," they depart ed One of the ladies lost a 6oe gol? warrh and chain This bas not ye been recovered. On the morning following the nigh nf meir arrest, the commandant of thi {..'st dismissed the prisoners, as then was no charge brought against then theo. While these arrest? were bein? made, the troops ^a rutted S ates Marsh al WJS in the company) made threat: frequently, that it resistance were made they would lay the towu iu ashes. Now comes the strange part of thc transaction. After thc release of th* prisoners, the authorities stated that it was "only a drunken toree." A notice was sent to the publisher of the Union ville Tii?>*, to the effect, jhat.if he dared publish anything in regard to the affair, they would fire the town aud swill?! him to a post. We understand that the town counsel have since taken the affair in hand - An investigation has been gone into, and the evidence, (duly sworu to.) printed in pamphlet f?ru?. We also learu that tupies A this pamphlet have been for wird-d to Attorney Ornerai A kerman an I I?i>trior Attorney I). T Corbin. We conceive it to be the doty of the pres? to keep the public well informed of all poising event*. We be ieve this to hf H hutrible truth, aa the source from which we r.Ltained o?ir iuforneatiou i? reliable, and when -peaking of it knew nothing of our coon action with thepress lt hts been corroborated by another gentleman who was iu Union st the tim* of the setioo. Will the Attorney Gmersl exercise the same vigilance in bringing tbese truly "night riders" to justice, that he has exhibited in crashing Ku Kir.x ism ? Or will be and h's assistant Dis trier Attorney Corbin, lightly pass it over and eon-ign rhe aforesaid printed pam? phlets to the waste basket ? If the ?enera! gov-riHuent inJeed de? sires peace aud tranquility tor ali its eititeod, this wat ter viii rec?vedue it? tcntiou ; but, ir the^^jr^iwV"^?.iti-^' cal capital, (as we believe they do,) tbis| will be hashed. If some of tbe RadH cal journals, so Quill tojgwpy. anything; concerning Ku^Klutwa^Srani tr^?cmi , here ia-one. v \ \. \ y. The work of arbitrary arrests io Spartoebarg? oreeMiooad> ie aha? tel? j - io the lasA isaac of the Spartan : I J/ 1 - ' TStortt Arrests. ' On Saturday^ e"v?T>T?^^^?"?efic1? opeiating.,.iawthi*. s. County returned to town, bringing with them eleven captured citizens from the . Thickety sectior^ of thia Countr.^jOu J Sunday e"venTng"?njoOier detachment re \ turned vrtth twenty boo citizens from the ( Buck Creek section. AU these JHMK were- captured at their -?ha^ea, wilie 1 peacefully engaged iii theil! dailf- fl?r- 1 suits, OT taken froar their b?ed*.at:njA!;. | From our knowledge of.these io sec- j tions above named? apd tbefr popaieuion < we would suppose that,the woran \ad | children only hore eseap'ed arrj? ThBe 1 persons are those wb^havexena^jaj^rat home, many of who? perhaps from their \ age and a rorj^ip^ei^ffithew aampo- ( cence felt them/elres, exempt avoj^the ^ terrorism which is rioting over.the mili? tary district of the State. Bot the-fury * of Grant's rc-nom'Dating army is leveled < against the best and oldest citizens- { men unable, if they were willing, to } com mit outrages. We know nothing of the charges against these mao, bat it 1 looks like a sweeping, wholesale arrest < of all the people in that sect yat:??/the i County. Ii our whole Count/is tenn- , dergo this treatment, it will o^opffete it completely, and the crops in^e-j|j|ds will be lett to rot or ?6 be stolen by the thieres who will.: feel- that, thia cao 1 plunder with impunity., ' .The wit of this terrorism will prove-mostAWBUC tlvet?'?Verjr bra?c'b of rffdos?^ iC?we 1 County, sad e^ecially-to the farming interest, both for this and the next-year. .Merchants and tasines* of all daises are suffering from its effects, p) No one is making atty calculations forihe future Since !be abore was put io type, NZ other arrests bare been made "soi fife prisoners brought to town. Kerosene Explosion. _ ! * " A kerosene oil lamp exp! evening, about half.psst 9 o' the house oi!31?%. Jam es-Burke, Jo ? near' Calhoun street^"~very we**13ely burning his wife and daughter. At a hke hour the Utter was thought'lo be Dey^.rectfverj, 5 w?tat pen?os were burnt on fKe h?nd" ;n ?nde?v?ribg to-j tear/tie: olot her from, .th.?r--irnf?rUHiate sufferer.- Charleslok f?urier. . The daughter has since died. THE WATCHMAN WEDNESDAY, XOVt 15. A. A. AILBERT - - i - - .'i.? ? -^ '-^ITOfL ?sag ? fit. state, aWTte?Va 'Motilaie?*, a ; An interesting re union of ,.old com? rades io arms was experienced at Col? umbia, last week, in thc meeting of the State Survivor's Association. Tbe following officers were- elfcted : President, General Wade Hampton; Vice-Presidenta. General K. ll Auder sou, General J. B. Kershaw, General 8. McGowan, .Major T. 0- Barker, General .M. C. 1'oiler, and General Arthur M -. Mauigauh. Secretary, Qoija?f ?- C. Haskell. Treasurer, Captain W. K, Bacbmao. 1 Executive Board-Colonel Edward j .McCrady, Genera j J ison WpjftfcQ?.!. ergil James Conuor, Cojkmgl; JulW - McCutcben, Cokaei W. H. Wallace, \ Colonel J. H. Rion, Colonel C. Irvine Walker, " w 1 During the session of the Association, ' Geo. J. B. Kershaw submitted i 1 resolution referring it to a committee ol one from each delegation present to report some expression and action io regard to tho Ku Klux. This resolution was adopted, and the mover, with Gen. Wade Hampton, Geo eocral James J*. Connor, Gdnsra! J/ohijf son Hagood, Colane! 4 J). Beading, Colonel J. W. Harrington, Colonel Cad. Jones, Leroy- IfimnaaM,. Captain Darb Trezcvant, Captain J. A. Wilson, D. B. DeSaessure, Thomas S. Moorman, Captain Samuel B Clowoey, Wa. H. Bmw ley, Lieut. Pei ry tod H. W. Rice, (from various portions of the State) were constituted said commitfee. Tbe following, subsequently reported by the Committee) was unanimously adopted by the Association : The couimittee to whom were referred certain resolut roo* inquiring into the ex pedi en ey of cert ai u' sit too itfreganffi the >o-caI!ed Ku Ktux Klan's, respect- , tully report, that the anbjeet matter of thc resolution* being foreiga io the ob ?. jed* of rbis association, which are all expressed without qualiBcation or reser- | vaiion in our printed constitutions, the committee deem any action of this body on the subject inexpedient aud improper But, inasmuch as it has been charged upou us that we hare participated in or couuteuaoct-d the organizations referred : to. the committee recommend tbe re? moval of suob aspersion* by tho adoption of the lui lowing resolution : Itt&Jtnul, That ct no time., hat tir? association given countenance dr ea . cooragciueiit to any organizations or combinations Lr the purpose'of viola ti?g the established lawsof the .bind, or ; the right!-of a?y 'pyrWo* Hb^rwooder, mid hereby earnestly iud' solemnly de- ? clare their dixapproval of alf such or- ' gaiiiutioHM, it any there be, existing in this State. Respectfully submitted. Resolutivos ""re riopted favoring the establishment of a high school for the education \i otpbana oi coofederate i soldiers, aad ia favor of assisting tho Cuufedere'e. Homo at Charleston, by sending one female pepi} to the Hoaae , for ?ducation them, the entire expense, ' per aunu f, being $.'00. Tue addrtzs-ei Geoeral Jobai A. I re^ lution? oompl'Hoeetary^ and request. ? ?ng copy for publication aod preserva- ! t i m ie permaaeD? foro were paaa?d. 11 Cw?tSbi Am?ctm, frompte bSfeinnjag ?l^el>mi^|i j A wrlJJ occj?ie4%y. Re?. F: MI- W XKHNIDI, fir. ' MYERS, (for seventeen yeti's the ebie ina* acceptable editor) havil?g^o?e? c?T?' sd again to tba Presidency hf thjr. f?tj ] \$WlJ*!W??JQd\$&i~ I -...-~ Wo trust this cb a age may, aa i?doubt ess" wi?^p?o veTjralneDt?y fi'l!SjL J?^T HrErareUjt?^ , fliege, DOW jin ita advaneipg prosper^., ?y, with added jqprs -of usefulness and TpmVrrrwjpi^|[jj jfaigawwBPT-r with his ?ulpit po^etar?Mp^d by bis ailment of be throat,^^jinli^??^? permitted to bring ;he iaflneoefr,rf??l^?nctif?ed learning 0 bear anon.large%4agreased numbera. Speaking from la local sta?chpeint, too, SobfiCjfoljfc M|tgd?nr>ni&tTjeef ; 1 closing up of the links which bind it ,o tbe Advocou.... Mr. KENNXD?1. ia ?ose ? /mos* fgiffcd) a^d: .admired pf be me^a^^f ^e^pijtb^?a?o^na Con-; ierenee. A qatire Carolinian (closely sonnected to the family of tba tame lame inSamter/and the\wottSy ;eon of i father wbotie name etil I.... elna tera in precious memory' aroa od hundreds of karolina J&Verides) jrith bis youth and > ?naohood.ofjrizi.tiul ministerial aerrice ill rendered within our limit*, the Ad Mu, anda?Qfj*''??nlfi?i most -eonae boms to asquith a freshness ?nd newness of iirterest, ii Has- not! hitherto brought. Vre extend ta bim our most cordial gratu lat ions-. - " 7 r .rm fm. . . . , . . f i Ciareudou ?nd Sumter at Ike Fair.. From ^he-Prenrium.jtisi^f.tb?jSouth Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Society, awarded at the Fair, held at Columbia last week, we cull the fol Clarendon aed-Sumter ; . . CLARENDON. - Tatting Collar-Mrs: E. Manning, ag'ed "sev?btj-?o-ur years. Two ?peoi mets edge Utting, edge and insertion, Miss 3\ F. Brai lsford. , ... "T . . j, SUMTER. ' . Saddle Pony-Master J. S. Moore. CbHdVFancy mss^Mfo 'K: May rant.:.' " ' "', 'j .'. . ?:<?!I Crib-Quilt-Mrs E.-E. Spears. y ' .'. yt.. . y*j ".. -jj ' ?'IT : . ? V tTHE BACK.. '. [ After the,' award of, pc?i?sj (be Fair seems to bare closed with horse rack? I with a great crcrwd - iff ? attendance,.tj grand stand being filled with f?ni?r /'Hinder a prirate purse of tlfiOO', ? . yrJCF)ud^ entered ,-BeJle ,ofTbl" Jg?rt? X A: Crawford's "Kendrick'' half mile dash. Mr. Fludd'a hor won the race io fiTtj-tbree secondai 4 \ two full lengths, midst great Mr. Fluid also entered a gray taddM boree, w;jb. i?agpod'a ^eDj^rAnnie"j and a bay horse'of "Boyce &'Cb. Thi j race waa giren to: "Gentle Annie/j though.the gray^semf, to have pa?se betti''horses tiefere''geing ? under th r' atriirg. a On Monday tbe great single mil " &nt?i,c<wi ?u&t?i?&^st* - Bf conj r "Qifkof My J^MM ?A kVthe ?r??t .afrached' to* tfctrfe?Y gV??o* "Belle". Y?iitfi? ?baie a good I start-the :kGirr': leading ^until the last quarter, when "Belle" closed up, and got ahead on the home stretch-winning by haif a neek. ' t mm ? Baila ?nt Counsel Ea*ase?? .We learu, saya the Phaitiz, of the 14th ?out., chas the ec United Stat Ai(c%iey; Gen eral,' Mr. Stwnibury Oliio, and tbe Hon. Heverdy Johnso of Baltimore, have been ec gaged to d f eoxfVwe4tv> xl b?> friedender" the Klux Act of Congress, al lae approaob lag section cf the United-?Wa to be held in Columbia. Judge Bond and Judge Brya 9 will, be on ibo benehmt thejjextaeg^ic of ?e United 8tatea' *<&ur*,;to bar awl [n at Columbia. An Ou traje. % On Friday morning 4ei, aaya the Sentinel, ? little boy, twelve years of age, wis put in prison in Yvrkville, S. C., Under the uci lawful Kn Klux Act of Congress. Hia lather bad bea? in pria?' on fur several day?. The. little.feU^w't recyje*t to be pot in the tame room with bis father was denied. So comment could put tbis outiags io a darker right. . i Tboaa k<Fow &xcap?Joaa> The President having taken posses? sion of the State of South Carolina, deposed the loeal au thor iii ea. au*pended tbe habem corpus, abolished thai by jury, ^wartered bis dragoon* on defence-, Ie&s eitiieos, filled the jail with Ameri? can freemen by arrest witboat warrant, {woes bis proclam?tien* for s general thanksgiving, and informa tn that "?be process of the aeaaona bus esra oled the j husbandman to garner the frutia of j *uoce?! ul tuil," and thai "wa ar? at peace with ali nation?, and traixjaiHiry, tc Uh few exoptiuHt, pre ?ails ai hume." Waihi*yt** Patrm*L f- . ? Tbe Klb?feca . Should be tko lightest, airiest, tad sun? niest room in the hoat e. Cookery in rbe dark is a^borreat ;oali ?ir ideas of oleealinees and purit). lt ta worth a L?tiak??aafo in bajldia^ja kouae for b?e'f cWn^ttft, ^aVrangn tbat^tbt kitchen ahonl'd be on ? 1er?) with the ground, or, botter stott one er two easy itepiabove it, and akodideWeki sooth M dlrettiy asr>c#?ble,:wtbaUfeecbeery lighting, drying, bea ote?os suAskin? f bould stream into ita large windows tod doon ail ?by losg. >' \ il the Charleston! v btipiork|jfeTl2, says: Deon solemnly agreed opon by a canons of colored legislators, held io this etty, uiasiilsri orar hy TtaTsrly fresh, thr otarra lenatPC iront-. pa^JRW^ J produced no effect. ,?1)7-..n:ir.r/) ri. ^??A eeeret ?eTcaeatfr ^cee^wdricef l^Xe^De^cKtis h arropea tiatte;, ? iii dp HU-, , ?. "r'\ 'J" m -.^ Sash-.and WipV^^ijmtor ? colored Radieafc, aie kabwir?o be io .' favor of wiping ont the whole debt and beginning afresh, it ? tajircsnmed thst the eaqcos, abore referred td? deter ?ined to adtneatfrep^ debt of the S*tit? we|^:1i%%o?i j MARRIED. OB IkvTtS N?^MrW.iStt,S> tilter; 8. J. Hill, Mr. VT. ^KfBifrsao?iiirA Jona?* M ici AD. At th* sam? rfaO/-tS? i??* elwfymaa, Mr. M. J. MICBAO ta Mila Jci9o* Aaseswa, SUMTER MARKET; KOYIMBtfc I* Ta kare aa change to report in prices., lia Waa ka? been st?eiy\ | fT fl ; | U?Sh t ? SaW24"B.le, at !5,to Ul " SHIPMENTS - AS FOLLOWS AjCa?Tark:ier, Charleston 141, Ballimore 51. WilmingtoB 34. Total 324 bales. . ?bis ?eatao number bsUaeaexM-f kippe? pre? vious week. * Tba special rates af freight ea' Cottee are calj? ie force at Sumter, Manchester ead Kingsville. BACON-C. K Sid??, 12@00c; Shldrs. 10@00 LARDrpUAIM. ... I :' ' FLO?1?-per bbl, $8.00@$! J.M. " COFFEE-Java, 40/3)45 ; Laguerre, Si; Rio, .30,. jj,- .,, SALT-$2l5@250. - r :.?-/. SUOAR-P. R. 12i; C, l*j B. ie; A. 16j; Crushed, 26. . CORN-$i.20@*T.25 GOSHEN BUTTER-256^)40. KAGffINO-Tarions Brands. 55e@27. V> TfES-8?l?.: fTT f -V "j ~ - * LIVERPOOL-COT?OS, ?5@?id. V? NEW YORK.-COTTOK, )8J. Gold, 1I1|. BALTIMORE-Corne, 18Jf$18?. . CHARLESTON.-COTTO?, I7|. WILMINGTON.-Corr?, *7V' " "? ' SPIRITS TtJrtPXSTiSE-Sale*, of 45 casks selec? ted at 65. 49 at 64} and 12$ af M cents $ gallofe for foathttajachaga? ?rr fY ry ' ' Rosis-?aies of 1 .?6 ?als at fd for Strained, $4.50 for No. 2, $8 50 for Low Pale. $.7 IO,? V "50 tot Pele and $8 for Extra/ Pat?. . ' Caere Tcarxsrrsc- Sties of 410 bbls at $3,50 tor Hard, $5 25 for Yellow Dip and $5 35 for virgjar.MT ;...:><??! i /MT.MI ^ ? : 'MASONIC.5; THE REGULAR MONTO uV COMMUN ICA YlON i OF "CLAREMONT LODGE, N0?4,j i.A.*. M.-. wilt be bald on Tasteday ;?feaiag, November 23,1871, at 7 o'clock. By order of ?. V. WALSH, W.\ M.*. M. C. WILLIS. Secretary. Kev J, TTS WARRANTED ENTIRELY VEGE? TABLE. It contains no arsenic or poisonous ingredient? 'any kiod-nothing in tbe least degree injurious the erstem under any circumstances-and ay be administered wiib perfect safety to an fa nt. It never fails to cure the most obstinate ease, hen taken as directed. It rares immediately. In no ease will the ittent have more then one chill after tbe first ?se, end in tbs majority vf cases not ?ven at It accomplishes tie work by destroying the use of disease, which ne other remedy pre? nds to do. It is an effectual preventive, neutralizing tbe i lar ?nus poi.-oii in th? system, and thus averting i consequences. CHArrcLt'sDrror, S. C., September I, IS71. 'rttr,. ?Wi r, 'Hutt & Oneil i UKSTS .- - We have sold une d<xen of MOISE'S EVER AND AGUE PILLS with a guarantee, id not a single call bas bcetamade fur a retara the money paid ; bat on the contrary, they ve general satisfaction, and cures in every el?nee. Forward two daeea as soon as poasi e. as we arc entirely out of them, and have Us daily. Yours truly, A. J. UALTIWARKER A CO. CITIZENS' CAVINGS BANK -OF louth Carolina, EPOS17S OF OSE DOLLAR AND UP? WARDS RECEIVED. terest allowed at tba rate of Seven per cent, per annum on Certificates Deposit, and Six per eent. ea SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. COMPOUNDED EYE KY SIX MONTUS. OFF IC EES. WM. MARTIN President. JOHN B. PALM BB. I v. JOHN P. THOMAS. J ?iee FreMdraU. .G. BR ENIZKft. Cashier. JOHN CB SMITH, Assistant Cashier. J. W. DARGAN, Assistant Cashier at Sumter. Local Finance numil tee at Sumter. T. SOLOMONS, ( J 8. RICHARDSON G. PATE, i T. B. FRASER, This Is a lloma lastitatiee and merits tb? cranage of tl.? people of the St-te-at the ne time a safe piare t< deposite their money, rich ean be witbJrawa wbeweve needed. mara] Banking Business don?. Home ead Foreign Cheeks Bought ead ld. Old Beak Bills. Dilapidated Currency ead Sold purchased. Revenue Sumps for Sale, I ] in of " fo ?? To: sn mi ap In em aa dT ilkina Hour* from 9 o'clock, A. li? to 3 P M., an t wry Saturday after, .oom,/rum. 5 to 7 o'clock Ian 18 Kinsman {?f Howe//, ^actors and Commission Merchants.. .HISTLJfcfim^EBw TUST ARRIVED, ni tb? SuWea ?ear lae HO BS ES AND jnUBK ELUS A GKAH7J? ..... 'S Cl? mon amnnn insistingo? every t?Wg, fcept in , ?aw 1 i?? *. 1 ' ! . fl { l : -?.(??Itt : ;.? ? } I |.0i .t li'tMOMa ? second ti^jtp'v?fe^^T^fe ..."j .. .i. ..'.>.;./:,. , v( nf? : . ; : ?_". purchased a second supply, which has been ?eW ..?. .*i . ; : ?...<:... ><: :?:i ? ., . ; :.. ... .: i. ,:. j! /.-???? V? - . . . . . . . I . - : Just Received, vii* at very Low Figures. He }s * : I itt . i.? * :. ? - ? * il /"? ' now r?j^re^;to,?lTei; to his customers the best assortmen t of goods ever offered in this mark? et, and at prices which All that he asks is an. examina? tion of hicf stock before buying elsewhere, and he feels satisfied .! li-f.- ... ... T .'? ? <.. '-ilir,.;, of being able' io ? good suppjy of *- -1 ' .: 1 ..<? j,?: : Corn Shell ers ' . . ; . . . : :*.r I-'?;.? on hand. The celebrated Kew Style (all Iron) Com Sheller, For sale cheap.' Apply to A. A? SOLOMONS. ?... I.. COBBI* MAITS AIP LIBIRTY SYS. Nor 15 ' ________ The Stats of South Carolina, COUNTY OP SUMTER, COURT OF PROBATE. Dari ox Bator*, acd others, ?. Joba Boree, J. . Soi Mary E. Boyeo, \ .... .tor Annette Boyeo, j Partition. ; Edmond Buyce> . ,\r . . t .< r - Sa tc oe] Boyeo, . * . CH. Bo Tree. M u. I TO THE DE*XSDANT, Joan Boy**, Toa aro hereby, tass atoned to aa serer taoCoar- j plaint 1n this aatfOrr, fired is th? odke of the Jodfo of Probate for said Coenty, aad ferre a eopy of yr>aranstr*r on the ssbseribers, at their oflee, ia Ibo towt of Soesttr, within taran ty days .ftortho serrito MrfhC and rf yo? fail so to answer, th? Ptarnrfjs wili thea apply bs th? said Coortfer th? rafref demanded ia tho Coos, plaint. BLAKftUTO ? RIC H ARDSOS, Plaintif"! Attcraey?. Ho?, is _ mr The State of South Carolin-, SUMTER COUNTY. Cy Cha?. M. Basai, Faqoire, Probate Jodge. Whereat, -Job? ?. W... Pwtaraa* hath ??ad* sait ta to frtnt him Letters ?fl Administration, ai the Bate**, aad *fsj*t* of j William M. De Lora*, dos Thea* are therefor* to di* ?od adsaoaiah ?II sad tricolor tao ktwdrod and Creditors af the said Waa. M. DeLeemo, daecsed, that they b* ?sd appear, balbra aa*, li thu Oaenrt sa? Probate, to bo bel* at Swatter C. &;*. tb? 1 st day '?f Doe* ai bor. Inst, arter smhlseatlea a?roo? at 11 Velten la the foreaow. ta aha?* ea***, , tr any tit?j bava, why tba said Administration ibewJd act ba CRMB nader tay hand, thia lath day of Vor. Anno Bash i UTI. C M. stVBST, Ker 15-Jt J*df* ?f th* Coari o? Prohat*. . j u So H? HARRINGTON, 7ISI VBJBH SUFFOLK OIBTXBB, ?wptk^y '"lal <TIFUL LACE N \J CUIJ?JAU? 17/ .sin ;j/"f.4;TO :;? >? /:t ra/ ?r#\ ^tatMltl38r?i ?ffi,l,l ,,?T tj'v .-tv.'mV/ n?^:I?/. [".?.;.? ?t'.:-.* /. th, rr??.? juM Aafft] jhrtfatt ?sfisgoi tOOilOt? . ? '?r! .VPt .. ?.til /Hr? 3?cdc HHPRiif? IN' ,vi?:i?r??l? "}:.. 1?-';.'! *?'>? ' . *1 ne P? ur 'r -?- -i-^ Ait" - ; : " .yr j ' j? .: -il ..iiiiT i;- ; Ji?^ni? batana vzw z FOLSOM & DeLOBM?'S . v FANQY STORR ?A -:. /?;,.. -.-i'.iij rtffttfc hs7*>?qnr rr- trr *>cij ?:r.rd rai -. ??i?P ST ? -ir? \ . ROT, li. ..^ n r : .. ?. '.-I'O-'-TBE'JIIEAS^I?S^-. I . >'"?ii! tatrrc*1 Lng ,vi ^ ?>;?'? .; ' ' ?l?e$$ ?i ?ai horised to ^belre-their payments! Beean M found at Ca ph L. 'P. LO MN a 'S 8TORBJ i "'? ' ': * vWa^rn'i?^nnirnd;^^? ' LIBERAL C?^H ADVANCES ON Cottony ". and sold na long at m?y bei desired (vita propel margin) in Hew York or Citarlas ton. :, GEO. fe;?t##^?rf ?C KOT,!-, ., , ,, T, ...^ ..dy,. m?KS^moKs. ?iscellaaeoas Article? r i^TB ?itfj fT?r ^57^.' ;n ;j...?7, SUMTER BC OK STORE. tl iO'l. -1.1 ?. . 4 ?. , . Scott's" Bible, and an assortmen r ?r Bibles,1 and *?. H j mn Bouka, for ail denominations. ., Chambers' EoCjclopscdia, Macaely 't History af England,, TroudVsHiVt'ory of England; ' . ",;'.' ' Heine's History ?fEngland;- >i? U-.\.,iu*+<> Prescott's Completa VrtfctW. w|j ,?v" Or??I Bi<(?ry af tba old Chert rs,. . AdaUon's Works, >! ' " ,rf! - ' . 1 Stephsas'War Between rh?:8ttte?, . M Oeeke> W?ar??tieC M* Cjfa*? ?>nUj**f Seen? aS?dr?'nfoiVS?f ?? Cb'of?Jertre'War, Milton's.' Cafcpbell-s, W<ieitet<me>V'Cewper,e, l^aib^Pwpe^nijd-atAee^.tieA! VatJtJ,.. , " , ? -??. Bulwer'? Norel , and the prefer1'He re ls of the ??.^deyv. ? ? sr ? ?ic*C li InlH .fui i M SCHOOXi BOOKS? .Ja tho Department? willbefquod ala-ayjj aJLol the books osfd by School j in tee County. Tey Bo^'forS?u&?V^^ Ink. and Ink Sunds. Blank:Bb?ki,;Slates. Oold Pens, Steel Pees, Writing Delkyj Diariee for 1872, Photograph .Albums. Backgammon Boards, Dominoes and oThergam?s. Boos CUmps. for see ur Iwg Sci old > Booka. Pocket Books, Toilet So#p?, Tobaeee. Cigar?, Pipes. Jtfatches, and a varjefr of utefal artie'es, all of which wilf be tofd ?1 reaionabl? prices, at tbeSotnUrgooVSfore. ? . ?.-?> .?ii" Notice ?? ?aiie bj'J ls: fn Xv Richard JI. Ba?k> IN obedieaee to a=r order made ty hts Hoa.r, Judge GeorgwS. Bryna, Judge of the Dtarriet Court of th? United Stales, for lb? .District af South Caroline, titting, le Bankruptcy. I wjU sell, in front of the Court Hons?, in th? town bi Sumter, ia the Coan ty ?f SwtMar, etd Steel afsevcuid, on tfssjsaday la Dentabas next* a* tee asnal boar of sade, all. the right, title, interest ead estate of the Baakrwpt. Richard H. Adder, son, ia SH that Plantation shasta To the Tillage cf Statoborg. Coen ty of Seatter. edd State wi is>o'h Cerolina, known ?4 the .Homestead, con .ain^ig One ?nidred an* P?Try Aeres, more ?1 faet, baooaed Vorth ky bandi of Brtat. nf ?ii. finta, gl?aan?Jtaa? Im Slate, Reed frota Cmadee Ct?fi?n an?Wert ?fl?h? of^nfcaei ??rSley' i. . . Mtlr.'jusioiir ij?j .? POtrllT tv AU te? right, tiik, f%>reai and ?atare .rt??^ti< Richard H. Aederaon, Baakruot, pf aad -in. *U that Tract af Laad, k?ow'o at tb? Plantst?oe ol Dr. W. W. An?eoba, st transad, called- Ri ter etd?; tentahuog Two ?beunaed Fire Qaakiatd Aeree, atare er less, tad boan dad North ky Raf. tin C???k, East by lands of R?ehard ?. Moon aad of 1.9. LeeeV, Roeta by lands ef WflHaai Seale, and Weet by Valaree liter. 7be ts rmi af cale io be as follows, te wit: Oae kn sf tate, ead tee balance on e credit of on? yea/, te hs. ?Cured by 'Eoad of th? Purehaatr and a mort gag? el th? preeaatea auld. . ' - . f?f* 'Uti .-ania. 3 . . ? Mt Estate nf. teer Beakrept ie ? Pia a/a Moe known at ''Bjwessew,'' whick wet der ?sed tr Bim for lifo, under tee will'of E. M. Aadertbal dece?ted, ca th? tnm?^?rmt. .. ^?t**" '? ??'?> ? ne Bends, "Rotet aid other emeaec H eetlee kaiesjgkg loikw stjd tsawskiaet, a east ef weich abe teen on appHeeiion la tee Atasgsee, foi Purchaser te pay fer papers ana stamps, . '. ' ?? .' DlfrWRfV,' Ker, ?dt. gagg ?; tj i Ateegaae. Mrs. James P. Brenrian, Lifter ty Street. RBSPECTFCLLT informe wer fritad* and eutneeera that she hat received and open, ed a fall and Complete Stock of DRY GOODS, ORPCERI^S, 8HOE8, QR??Kt?t m WAKE^ &?. Atti a gee et at iniilataL ef llert?asdite, for ^She'solSitt tba pe?rmegeof the pebHe. fosJing ass a red fha t the 'eea eaat b?r* Stock ?fi ^tWeda iii ?art lew priait ?rau?. let Her ?teak wat peretmeed I? th? lUtfJbaja Merkatt, ? . . Aaa) thoa? tradieg at kee establishment, will kary rai_*m J*- . m w3r 1_gv . M . _ w' _ ?Jer * v???f moa*. UW"0? xairiy OMR TTUU OetH^y- j .?en HIJiBtfe 10 00ft 100101 ft00Ik DHT lSam j?or wh.c?. the . Higwdiwv Cad? fers* ? t-t^Wwi rita Wiptije, JfUic ; NASH * ??LIN, JIZZ Jo f -L-L u.. ---un,-- ... 4j (. :4y0 ... * -V PersoDsJle their : m^m^W%i?m^ -rn shipped and beidj can make !??3ffc 'MOISE ' &; GO, rlanters' Warehouse .?^alfejrl^,. ' ;S ' '*.";. '? j.r.; .. .: ? ' ,- .. SAFE INSURANCE. S - !jt-?j tv?? ; :. ts 7iiu3 .. ! .? ..m- " ? " '' ? ..i -.1 ? . ,. ;.<.?-! .; , ' . ? . ' - 0-^- :> * T' HE ^LIVEBPt?t , AND LONDON AND GLOBE IN3U. RANGE COMPANY^ has incT?&?rJ Its bjusi ness ?n th) XJii?te? Sutes, so .?irgely?8?0?? th? Cnic?^ ?re^jthat tfoe'?tirj Aj? "neill ?e ma?{ vp in premiums in ??y?mhtry alon?, Or-one'year j fearing; ita ?rortepse capital BD? all ils earnings ID Ecrope aninrpaired. ' Persons who desire an abtehctely certain security, a.c iurited to give nie a call "Nov'lft ' : 1 . i AGENT FOU S; MT KR I^ES7? B^?~F I R E A N D XI h\E Antiiony "V^lii^e, ?^ent. ?^T?L REPB^EpEpI; . - - - . .1*3^000,00^. NO RT tf ERITIS S ii ME RCA NTltB IN. C?'., of '??adna ? EJiobarg. ?tnt s ) 1O.flO ?.OCe G ?M. GERMANIA :HfS. CO?. Ne? York, - ' ?. '. FjCTpIf! INS." CO.. ?. gio PAwisVa" PAOZXiX IMS. CO? of Crookljn. . , .. . . OEORWIA HOUE ?NS.TJO, **C*M?U*. Ott. RICH M OSO BANKtNG ?od. INS. CO, o f. Tx POLICY H OLPERS AX I* TON Ti LIFI ?f SOUTHERN* LIFE I Xi. CO.', of Mrophls. . Ch.rlatoc. EQUITABLE LIFE, of ?. ?L "NOT 8 " ' . . . ' _. ."...*" tf DRAWING P0STP0I?ED Triam October Isis ?71* io January 8 1872, ? ??: i i.IS C0??8EQ?BNCE OF TUE FEfER IN CHARLESTON, S. C. TotoeOiveiiAway! >TJB-E., SO CAROLINA ,: i R?TL?Rj v C H AD WICK, GARY A CO., Agents, IT N DER, T H IC ,AjJ? W?IK*? OR tHK ''SOUTH. .CAUUU2?A STATE. AG? U RTCULT?RAX AND ?r?rfiANlCAL'SOCIETY/'will jire a SERIES OF COSCIBTSr?l the AriJtmj ef Jdt??ie, Cbarfetton.'8. C., cemweueinf J.mua-jr Sib, 1S72. Heron te all Ibo Banker*, Broker?, ?ad prosipeat (eatlertae* vf th* Cooatry, borib Nortb tal Spwh.. ? T-' i .i , .. : . : '? :?..-;-; : . , J^?^O? SKASO-V ?X^KETS-OF ADMISSIOX, AT 95 EACH. irjov%a?W *M *?Maie?4 a Clrealar, tea* ft* oao, ?irtat' toll panieatarx All order? atrietli eoafideatial. .? ". ' :* 2,406 GHfts, Amounting# f?::^?I to $600,000. Tb? Drawing of th ii ? rea t .ceatb Enterpriae will, be eoodneied jandar tba ?oporrUioa ?f 4? m?ell kUkwii j errtfetaew : ' ; :!K L i- WRII? UT. of 0cardia. | CdoriaT B. H. ftOTEBD*a. of Sotrtb C^reKaa Qeaerrf BRAl*LY T. JOHNSON, of Viipaia. j H?nj:RQDUSR A. PRY .R, of New Yack. " Sjioaej for Ticket? fan be ?cn? eiiher bj Expr?s? or PwioaKe Orear, aa? ?M T'wkei? probiptl3rf?.r?aTV!ed.' ? " ,Dhect,a? letters to r . , , . ' B??TLEEi RHABWICK GA? Y & CO., . .. ' ?i*incip?l ( ?fficej'Charleston ?S. - C. iHnil M. C. BUTLER-... JOHN CHADWICK ..........._"Geaera! M. IT. GARY. Tickets can t^ J?wured of CHAS. H. MOISE, Agent at Sumter. Dane j, My m an & Co., .X i42 ,PKAR% STREET, KEW YORK. AND 6SN2SAJ. AGENTS" FOR i; Gooch " Cotton Tie. The Scrojige&t ana most msaj Afljasted Cotton Tia in the Market ^or Sale in Sumter by GREBN^ WATCH A CO. 1 . . . g?pi fr. .;. . . -,:[; Z?? .?.w.: ;?,-.>: ? 6PL. Griffi Da Green & * *? 200 HOD?. CC?A^OLASSJtt, Soeecssors to* ?? "..M"."" ? .,;,T:- :.T' *r f?tU t 10? BBLS. ** * CHARLES L. HUGER k Co. c? iwaaia ww . Kerch^idize Brokera, ? ^t ^?fcfels r . i^"'^.,- Mullets! Mallets! Commission Merc?an?^ forwU,y HO: 122 PEARL STHKEt/ '^"f?^t"" W?.H.Gri?ln,ofV?. ) . ?jpiMIIIWWPw K a Green, of S C. V N?* York. iUU BO?8 Ci?ttSX " m J.V.D.Ct^oiN.Y. y . ? , ..y l m? ^.iri?H^^?^ . Aerwanon aaacfe on OoUm, JVa?et? frw? : ? ^V. ^. ^ICtTNIB. ?Sbres, -<?e: - 0*??~_ ' . -. Com, Pork an4Ba*m ^.far^aUa^'^?.W ?0? S&lO,,