ie Sumter Waiduaait WEDNESDAY, jOCT. 25. iTyyp?XTOW - '- WSffitSS MANA6E? Bemlt Tromptiy i : ; Oar Business Manager I? tf&tr send jg accountp, throng- the ?ail, to |9: ersoos indebted to the Watch man. Th ? rocedure exhibits a mass of Meht?d ess, accumulated throngh continued ] idulgcnce. The time has com? when . wius? coffee*, and we ask prompt re? mittance, that we may be spared .the j tessity of further action. I^We cootin?e "to publie, the j berifTs Sales gratuitoasly. jar Oyster lovers-examine our ad ?rtising colomos. Fresh stock is received constant at the Sumter Book Store. fe?* Attf-ntion is direeted to the {vertised sale of Wagons^Buggies, images, Carts, Lumber, &c, by H. L. tr. Auctioneer, on Monday, Nov. 6 foy Don't forget to contribute pro-1 siens, &c, to the Ladies' Monumental waar, to be held during Fair Week I boxes and contributions to be sent Mrs. F. T. DARBY or Miss L D [ARTIN, Columbia, S. C. JEST We arc glad to announce that A. WI?ITE has just received the ppointmcnt of Agent for the North iritis and Mercantile Fire Insurance ^ompany of London and Edinhejg, sets 810,000,000. This Company paid entire Chicago loss with funds dravo )tn Kngland, and made a liberal sub pription to the sufferers beside. The enticing spread of viands, by ie zealous ladies of the Episcopal 11 phurch, commenced on Monday evening ;t. wc are pleased to learn, under ivorable auspices. They will have lunch to day, from ll 3 o'clock, and close with an omnium ititi mm of good things to night for ipper. Let there be flowing numbers [od a generous response to their labors 'iore. ' . - -- !C CI> ireh Benevolence. ? j S v \ i We learn with much pleasure, that ie excellent ladies ofMizpah Church, Privateer, will hold an entertainment, the Church, on Thursday, Nov. 9* in iid uf the Church. We commend them o thc helping hand of our christian ommunity. Sunday School C?l?bration. We loam that the Sunday School of Ka?tary Church, Clarendon, ander the Intelligint and excellent management pSujierinteudaut Tindal, will hold the iDoual Celebration, to-morrow, Thurs? day. There will be sweet sacred song, precession, addresses, and no doubt a large assemblage ; and much accomplish* td, we trust, in behalf of the great and rood cause involved. IQaeonle. Thc time has now come fot thc mys? ie brotherhood to be called from re reshtnent to labor. The season of lelaxation (tho summer months) has last, and the Regular Communications )i Claremont Lodge No. 64, A.: F.: M.: till be resumed on Thursday Eve, 20th st. It is desirable that there be a genera) ?tendance of the members, and of all ndidates for degrees. And let DO member in arrears forget tis dues. ( Interesting Lecture. Rev. J. B. HARTWELL, a. China Missionary, entertained a large and* in? telligent congregation at thc Baptist Church, on Sunday evening last, for an pour or more. His sketch of Chinese character, worship, faith, forma, ceremo [?ies, &c, was deeply interesting, and lis familiarity with these, and with the general Literature of the teeming Celes? tial Empire, teemed a sustaining proof of hi? assumption that the Ch;aese are SD ignorant and illiterate people. Io this respect. Mr. HARTWELL expressed astonishment at the statements from time to time made in the religions and secular press of thia country. Quarterly meeline ??? Sunday School ' Celebration at SU Pe-Ps, ?lae Beerte a. These interesting religions exercise? begin at St. Pauls, Friday next, 27th inst., at 10 o'clock, ?to Oft cootkued until the close of the Sahhath/ and longer, probably, if circumstances ?ar? rant. Kev. W. H. Fleming, Presiding Kider, and Rev. ?. A. C. Walker, of Sumter Station; and Rev. A firm, of Manning, are expected to be present. This, Santee Circuit, has been aerved zealously and faithfully the preseu? jear by Re v.. J. L. SIPLY, who will ?hw take part in tba services. Petera Mae-eel Mo a tia If. The number for November j* a gem io ?Baie. K^f_? Darling," (tang and ehorus);" *Qmmii her,Bngbt _Upfc" "Wande** Willie f ?Hewtte^ef "The Btt& bm *& Short ?. BW ?i?g f frrj?j? Uta Sfera A Mor_/' ?mm: fy**. m*U*\ tte ^t^mmmt^m: ' .tcp ;" ut less Bj for wit ?j thf Jpiiwrtcr &ok *T3fgn? pf acr?r . - 'Zf*?$ i ". .' " - Hain Stroei was ?pnaoed -6 few days Ugo by & vetitstde *t ? tfwuatives wen BO: astonishes", s wen? be? of them went out to sew it. Nobody can DOW visit Sumter's boBja es thorough fare ?nd ngt become acquainted wich ile fact tbair Fouwai L DKLOHMI keep a Cash' Store. And .their advertisement in our columns will tell everybody" something about the variety ol pretty,] abd cheap and desirai le things to ba j their bad. _ ? Mr. J. D. CRAIG JJB? eomeoui io new \ and flying colors. His TVarerooms have j been enlarged and filled with a large j stock of new and desirable Furniture including Window Shades, Picture Frames, Looking G hisses &c. As au un? dertaker his arrangements are complete. He also continues to manufacture; Furn iture, and to re cane chairs. * All j in all, be bas evidently made a new j {tart, as wilt be seen from his advertise neut, to which wa di?es particular Mentios. A lot of elegant Prayer Booka, >f various sises, are being sold below the | isual prices, at tba Sumter Book Store, j "Wood's Household Magazine" or November bas been received, with ts interesting variety for the family and ires Ide. I&. Mr. FRANK E. TATLOR, of j Charleston, took the premium of $100 j br tbe third best bale of cotton from louth Carolina, exhibited at the great j ?air recently held at St. Loom. Belecatea to the Slate Fair. By direction of Col. John B. Moore, 'resident of the Sumter Agricultural nd Mechanical Society, the following ters?os are appointed and ct as delegates from said Society to toe ?tat* Agricultura} Society, which meets n Columbia OB the 5th November aod otrt.inues until th? lOib November, in* lust ve. To wit. Jaimes D. McFaddia, Dr. John M. forman,. Thos. B.. Fraser, Geo. W. looper, .Wm. F. Deschampa, Ervin J. ?haw, W. J. Pringle, W. J. Muldrow, Vu?. Sanders, Thos. O. Sanders, Geo. V. McCutchen, Jobo W. 8tuckey, id rx ond Stuckey, Wm. A. James, John ). Durant, G. W.Bradford, Semi- J. ?radford, William .Nettles, F. M. Mel sh, K. B. Cain, Jae. M. Pitts, Wm. T. ?eales, Joshua Myers, D. A. Foxworth, Vm. E. Mills, H. E. L. Peebles, G.L. Varreo. By order of the President. * < J. S KICHA-KDSON, 8ecty.* J >rocee ., - DR. A. J. CHINA, Druggist and Apothecary, Svirii't'& C. tHTTTES ATTEHTIOH TO HIS LABOE ABD WILL A8S01TED STOCK OF DE??G8, CHEHCAU, PHARMACEUTICALS, Proprietary Preparations, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Varinshes, Paints. Oils; Dye Steffi, Glass Ware, etc., etc Tte RBCBITB8 ?&VQIAt AJTSS?IOM. \ CABS AED A?tO?ACT O?ABAHTEE?. _ is .no* in every toig desirable for the Fall & Winter *'*".'* : r; *;> r ?? ? \- y V "-*,'?."< ~ tl.' :+. . .- .? The attention of the Ladies is called lo my stock of Dress Goods, which in quality and style is UNSURPASSED. NOTIONS, &G, la Great Variety. JEANS, rWEEDS, 1 . ..?.:.*.:. KERSEYS, SATINETS AND CASSIMEEES, - r -, * at all prices, SHEETINGS, LONG CLOTHS, DAMASKS, TOEING, Afc, ' " ; . ? " ' - tV _ ? J? _ ' j at very low prices, A Large and Full Stock of - ,V.?>:_. rs M^AJ^?? ?~ ? :*V?o'T ? . - iv' if ^irn^^s. .-cut'.'.' ". . vd 'pr j ! -' . .'"?. * ..-.'5 which will be disposed of ?OW FOB CASE, AT ? * ; ? ? ?fe "'" /V' '. i' ? A. A. SOLOMONS, .V'"' the pabilo, that he ass atora, anti wfll be eowunjly raseirinfe a lari?-] aa? eari^aiortaeai af ' : Suitable/or Placation and Fanxi?y w, A ?B CHA Ii "DISCOUNT . wiH be allowed Merehaots^end tbay are spssisUr invited to call and exaartae bis Stock, and that will find that bia boaintes facilities enable him to. supply thea arith goods - > AS CS EAP AS IBM T QAJT BUT TBlU\ in any Northern or Southern Market. Coat and see .br joorselres, aa ocular demonstration is Higliest llarket Price paid for Cotton. ABD TUB EB FOURTHS Of THE YA LUE CASE, will beadraheed, on all Cotton Shipped to tb? floaee ia Baltimore ?oe wkiei be it agent, anditwiUbeboldoTeri/deiired. BewWtnaks a speciality of Cern, Bacon and Monr,^ wk kb ba ia prepared ta furnish, ia aay qoan ti ty jf?sT- Co lt om ors and Familia? purchasing their,suppli?e at my establishment, ctn bare' thea delivered fr?e of charge, at thtir reiideaces within the limits of the town. BAGGING ABD HES, . AT LOW RATES. THE COTTON FOOD FERTILIZES, gnana - teed to prodace as much at Pera risa Gija??, py of year answer ea tb? rahecribcr at" hie office, Sumter, 8eath Carolina, wilina tw*aty days after th* rerrice of this tam mea* ea yo?, ex ehssir? of tb? day of s?rrie?. If yea falito answer thu enmpleint within [ ?ha tatt* irate se?, ehe piaiaifaT will taha ?u-ig k against yea for th? earn of Fifteen Han? drad Bollara, mth mt?r?st at the rato of 7 per i pac anama, fre% rae 13th day of Febm j ?ry. oa? sheaaea* eight handred and s*renty i Pamiflajamaiai fri, WI. B. W. MOISE, . Plaintiff's Attorney. TP BBB IT M. DaLBOX-Befeadsn t ; TA KB NOTICE that the Sarnmeaa, of wkfoh tBefortgttragitaeopy.aadalio tao Coarplalat, ia tala actio? were defy filed ht the effie? of the Clerk af th* Coart of Common Pleas, for tho CooDty of Seater, aad taste of Sewth Carolina, es the Sad cay of September. 1871. E. W. MOISS, Plaintiff's Attorney. Sort 6-._?w__ The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Franklin J. Meeea, tit? joanger of th? nam?. Plain liff. TO ?X5BT H. DaLBON, Def?adan t n fha Copy Se TOUaavta^txrjsrmeaedaad repaired io aar*?* the eemplatat fa ahm a*tj?a, wbiah ia Afod rata* effie* cf ta* Clerk of th? Coart of Qoasac tmon itt st? ?ahfl C??eiy. ecd ta ?ere* * oopy ?fyear aa* wer na the ?ab?cri ber at bis *fte*> femur, Soegh ^aeaiiea. within tweatj ???* ikeserrro*et-?* ?Btamoa? on yov ' i af ta? day eAanrtee. faftla s**wtr th}? ?eaapisdat within the ?amldv th? ajalerhet will t??V judgmeai jaoaAst yea tor th* sao? cl* OD? Tb*o*?nU, ? is j ttaaarai ?3 fifty Derart, wfir* ?atarea) at rb? iaf fr^eewtaa pet annum fr?4? ihr 3r?t Uar aVW.BrOlSli Atr***ey. v which aha eomplaiar, tb*-o?e* of 'th* fiemtaew plea* for th* - amf JLaeaewaV" I*** ? tTea ^1 iJVtmlat VmlVlrwlt| um ? * V efWV *~ ^lati?tl Atjarney. Ai\ ORDINANCE To License Persons vito are or may hr. engaged as Agents far the Parchase of Product, uko do vol hold a Lease of a Store a year or l?nger, within inc Corporate limits of ffie TOKH of Sumter. BI It Ordained by tb? Intendant and Warders of the Town of Sunter tn Council assembled, .SECTION 1.-Ihat each and every person* resident of the Town of Somter, not holding a tease a year or longer of a ?Store in the town, wbe shall carry on any Se*jlty. nrefeseien, OSMTH pation or employment or who ?hall otter to pw cha*e any geed*, wares er me rr h?ndige, produc? or otrer commodity," on.?oto?.ii-iion, or as agent far another, ehsll before ?r.t'?cg upon snob occupation-make spplicvi ?n ta th? Clerk and Treasurer, ami ob iain. License for such purpose. SUCTION H.-?nd for su^h License, each per??? or persons shall be required to pay in advance the ?um of Five Dollars for each month, oreny part thereof. SECTION UL-And in case any such person or persons shall refuse, or neglect to comply i with the requirements of this Ordinance, they f sha? be liable to arrest and-fis? of Twenty ! Dollars. ... I . SECTION IV.-And the Intendant is hereby authorised to employ any of the Town Officers to assist in enforcing tbs provisions of this Ordinance. Ratified Io Town Council, this the tStb , [L. ?.} day of September. A. D-, one thousand eight hundred sod seventy-one. eUIGNABD RICHARDSON, Intendant. ! JOBS F. HATSS WOSTH, Clerk ac J Ireesnrer. Oct ll- _ St AN ORDINANCE Under thc 2*ltK Secl?n nf thr- Act ap? proved March thc 9th, 187L authoriz? ing the Intendant and Wardens lo appoint one or more PnUie Wei/fa BE it ordained br the Inirridantana Wardens of the Town of Suester in Council ar: ru? bied, abd by thc authority of the same : SECTION I.-That or? cr m?re Publie Weigh? ers ?ball beelc-te? by the intendant and War? dens or a majority ?ftrem to hold office during the pleaser* of the said Town CownciL SECTION II-That each Publie feigner, so appointed, before entering up .n tbs fat TI a of bis outee, shall enter into bond in thc perjet ?mr ? fie*hundred dollar? with (woorman r?ppousible freeholders* resUonU of the *t"\n. aa scr?ties thereto, renditioned for fte faithful : rf ?r :.-,?ily s"*ear for aCrra] th .t I wpl well and faithfully -efJeeharge th- duties of th* ?dire oWoblio; Weigher of rte u ?wn I Sern IOT,. without favor, prejudice cr ? anio! i v. So . help'Tfre (j od. SECTION ITT. -Ths? nsM PcMic W- igher or Weighers shalt hive eb.?rge-of ihe ; obiie >r weights, Ac, and shnli be responsible far the aera*. It sh*!! lc hi* ?.r their duty te cate ?sid public skates at such tri?e? ot places . the Town Council shall dire> t, ard to wei beti Cat ? ton. Knt or seed (packed or unpacked) brecht ta market for salo, for which he or tury sl a'l eoileet lOcentson e">ch bah?, or p ? weighed, the same to be pai l bj thc edler foi as* ef th* town. 8ECTI0N . IV.-H-tho- ?ball farrah a certificat* *t all Cotton ?o *mgb?d, giving tho number, mark? and weights nfeich tile, t ig* or parcel, and shall keep a ?arjjcatc .-: tl,o -..nv- in a book tn be profited fer th si p^rp.*.. at i shall rweeiv* es ecmpwistion for turb *;n the eua ot S cents per bale, bagoor pa rei-1 so hergbwd, to be paid by tb* CUrk ?a l Trexjf?rer. SECTION V.-It ?b:?lt bs bis dn'y to rer.lir older ?Mb a rep rt the Clerk ?cd i r.-a-uie* on Monday mornig cf'eoeo week, oj c>i: - Waich tisse he shaHanj?y ataei.: if ?fr, tte ?v" seale boas*. SECTION TiJ.-3afTat f>r-rt a< et'dntj ea the part of tsr??-Pu: fie Weigher, b??balJbc subject to be removed f ?ta ?ffici or am ', ri ,?- sa thc Town C tuaeil tn*y vrfffk* n??t ti*> edswg I'fly dollar? for iach . "^.?'JaJWrw*^ jSBCTlON Vf? -Tca?Jer'. or Lrtng-ng Coton lint <>r seed. fpsc!*ewV*r ca?*,. .:. to thi? Barket tor ?il?, sKliltbeJ^ .'r-A t* hare thc rneiewetgbed by th-; ;nitRc wo:?hrT,Wv?t'.re suel. ssje is elected--and for .eery ?. :-rlj;-...n cf rbi Section. shaf?,. lip-ia toftrji-yyeri r.ef-re tho T*?wUi QaajifU.M *ibj>.ct tu A.Jkfe ofbat !. -s tbaa $1? ?od not n*i-re than SiO-rVr e.ic?r>sVcc. ' SECTION ! abed] be ufd??fat tor ?ny p*r?e?6-er'per*or.? t.? j crches* Catien afwnj kind freit sty parson *r porsi-ns with ir. t?e r p?nt? Hafts'cfthe town $f ?c?nL"r. krJ?sf the saRer U ?^?*id>switt a C^rt^iV?te of.jb - i^i'-hij weigher. ?hi?>rng ts.a ?v- ? t? ufeeeh ard ^rer/ ba.1*, bag or pe reel >?"?r??;.:?f for <.:??. . That foe e#wj' ti?tirt?o*^tha%?iv v?..ionaj|?f't'i,!? & cth>e, th? p^rebet ?o oUea-lxag ?*i?K -d^o enviceiou tbeeeoC beigebe Cn-eif. b faed in ti sa? ojTgf^SB jhaa $IC-upr uer? than $-J > Ur PVj?k^li?t?t^f^ TO tete ei?e?t-etf rind after rh? kd^yofOVurber, 1$M>?' ,eUitfiedfn Conaeil, this^TVT ?f ? S.} September, ie fl?-.- yeor -iv f,..r.r. '..r.e tf?ttswrteh^*0^"ndwd .iwrj > .-:.u 6?IONARD-UTCHAKl S?.N. i&fa t. [- JOUH F. ?AtswwcilTe, ?-re?*rti4M?jreEr T. Oetoberll &QO& Jnk AT ' . ??3^1^ ' WOK ST(>??v ..Sefct SSL i