MAE TI AX LAW! St:SPKS$I notified to proceed to South Caro? lina, and have matters organized for thc acts pf persecution to be committed under the authority of this proclamation, and he has been in constant correspon? dence with the officials herc since bis arrival in South Carolina. This proc lamation.was not issued until near 10 o'tieck last night, and was then rnshed out hastily from the Department of State, after the receipt of a telegraphic rep'Tt ? om Akerman, advising that it be issued ajt once. The following is the text of the A PROCLAMATION. Whrrcas, By an act of Congress en? titled an act to enforce the provisions of thc fourteenth Amendment to the Con? stitution of the United States, and for . other purposes, approved the twentieth day ol April, A. I)., one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, power is gives the President of the United States, when, in his judgment, the ptblic safety shall require it, to suspend the privilege of tho writ of habeas cor pns in any State or part of any State, v ion combinations and conspiracies exist in such State or part of such State, for the purpose ol depriving any portion or class of the people of such State of the rights, privileges, immunities and pr-'tLction named in the Constitution of the United States, and secured by the act of Congress aforesaid, and whenever such combinations and conspiracies do so obstruct or hinder the execution of thc laws of any such State of the United States, as to deprive the people afore? said of the rights, privileges, immunities and protection aforesaid, and to oppose and obstruct the laws of she United States and their due execution, and impede and obstruct the due oourse of justice under the same, and whenever such combinations shall be organized and armed, acd so numerous and power fui as to be able, by violence, either to overthrow or set at defiance the consti? tuted authorities of said State or of the United States, within sa":d State, and M h en ever, by reason of said causes, con .vic ion of such offenders and the preser? va, ion of thc public peace shall become in such State, or part of a State, im? practicable ; and whereas, such unlawful combinations and conspiracies for the purposes aforesaid, are declared by the act of Congres aforesaid to bc rebellious against the government of the United States; and whereas, by said act of Congress it is provided that before the President shall suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, he shall first have made a proclamation commanding such insurgents to disperse ; and where? as, on the 12th day of the present month of October, the President of the United States did issue his proclama? tion, reciting therein, among other thing;?, that such combinations and con? spiracies did them exist in the Counties < iii me by the Constitution of the United State*1 and the act of Congress i.!uie?aid, do hcrebj declare that, in my judgment, the public gaiety capeoially requires th tit the privilege of the writ bf finteas corpa* be suspended, to the eua that such rebellion may be over thrown, and do hereby snspend the privilege of the writ of Tmhetut coqtus wiriiiu 'he Counties of Sp?rtaub'utg, Y iik, .-ia1 ion. Chester, Laurens, New bet ryj Fairfield, Lancaster and Chester* field, in ?aid State'of South Carolina, ?ti respect lo ali persons arrested by the inarsual bf the United Sales for the : district of South Carolina, or by any *t 1??? deputies,.or by any mintary offiotj os the United States, or by soy soidiofc or citizen acting under the ?.'??I.-;s"?patd marshal, deputy or such miii'&ry^fljp-.r, within any one of said t itsati?s, charged with any violation of th;) acts ofubogreia aforesaid, during tire continuance ot such rebellion, in wittie-?*; wtaitof I have hereunto sei t?;y band, and paused the seal of the Un t.-.] Statei tu ba affixed, ?tono at the City it Washington, this seventeenth day of Coober, in the ' year o>oni WU .uno thousand-tight haired aud evveuSJ one, and ut the f^^k??ci-A'b ol the Uimed States of , Anwies the uiuety silt h. (Signed) tf/S.'?BAjr*. Bo sot sorry that 'rn eu do not Ira ft?, you, bat bo why tBSt jrou oro igu?o*C or--**.- r ? WEDNESDAY, -OCT. 35?- i \ A, A, QH.BERT - - - - . . - *^ - ^.?fTf?l COVE TS. oNVKNTION Attractive aftd meritortoo? ?rfa?nei j Wrltlet?. Our first page, to-day, ia filled with; an c-rigioal story of decided merit, writ? ten expressly" for oar coton? S7 The j author fe one of the moat; gifted young j writers of the Stale, and the incident? he narrates belong to that period of oar late terrible struggle for independence, which esost tried the nerve and faith; of j onr braye sod devoted men iud women Young and old, .married and tingle, '. will read it through to the last Hoe with unflagging interest. We shall thus, from time t? time, lend additional charm and attraction to our j colemos, in order tba: the old Sumter Watchman maj in no wise fall behind j thal standard wh?oh it set op for itself twenty one years ago, and bas endeavor? ed to maintain through aU the interven? ing time. Despite every effort to; undermine and supplant it, thanks to a generous, indul? gent and intelligent people, under the blessing of God, it has continued to prosper, andjteadily to gain in strength Independent and fearless ia ita enun? ciations, aiming ever at the truth and the good oi dear old Carolina, we shall strive at the same time to present, frons week to week, that compendium ol'news, general information, and solid food for t hough t,.as well as miscellaneous matter, which reader a paper attractifs and instructive at the fireside. Tate Reign orTerror. The Columbia P/ioaiix, of the 22nd inst., has information from Spartanburg and York to the effect that a feeling of great insecurity and excitement prevails in those Counties. On Saturday, at Yorkville, there had been forty four persona arrested and placed ic. jail. Pire or six hundred persons had left their farms-leaving their crops exposed to depredation. ? reign of terror prevails. Citizens of high character, and usefulness, and of untarnished reputation, in numbers, are being dragged from their homes, hy the arbitary military power of the Gov? ernment-without any of the means of protection and defense known to. the civil laws of thailand. A Washington telegram to the Savan? nah Sews says that since the attempt of a certain South Carolina clique to effect the removal of U. S. Marshal Johnson, that'rndividual has been endeavoring to ingratiate himself at the White House by wholesale arresta of Ku Klux. The most petty cases of assault are hy thia truly loyal official magnified into organ? ised combinations- to compass the over? throw of "the best government the world ever saw." Another correspondent informs us that a strict surveillance is observed, by me ins of secret spies and government detectives'over the movements of every man of any prominence in .either of the counties named ia Grant's proclamation. If any of these attempt togo any dis? tance from their homes they are at onee arrested by the military OB the hare suspicion of attempting to escape from the officers of tbe law. ?arttal law, io its worst form, cannot be more severe than thissystem of espi? onage and arrest. The community are virtually all prisoners. One gentleman at Spartanburg Gru?? House wan arrest? ed while on hil way to transact some business just outside the corporate limits of the town with a person/ living there, and was lodged in the County jail. In" consequence of these- wholesale arresta large numbers of persons are Hying from both the Coontie* named to avoid arrest and imprisonment in loathsome dun? geons without the shadow of a charge against them. They do not leave from auy scute of guilt, but the arrest of per? sons unsuspected like themselves de? termines them to escape while there is time. Reports state, too, that the soldiers, in tusking these arrests, behave fre? quently in a very unsold ?er-like and in? human manner, so that outrages are being perpetrated nuder cover of th? ~ery law talents to suppress theta. It is intimated thatseveral prominent men afe to bo arrested, including the son ol an Ex Governor of the State* In November thVUnitM State* Court is to ait at Columbia, and SCOTT wilLno doubt exerois^'ium?elf'ta' make good bis threat thai this sbouid long br remembered as-a oiiruorable occasion io South-Caroline. With the fierce partisan JudgoBoxlx on the Beneh^jufies soch as will be pro? vided for the occasion, aided and abetted .nd pushed op by Sch wer hw ring, the victima who h?ve fallen into their han'ds need expect oo such boMmg of the seules io ajbiel justice is tempted with" merry, or double, are reBoJtt?on ibo side of ih? tct?iu?. . This tyranny pf .party, thn^J^ power of tba Government, may scoom plish its design-controlof the elections by forae-^buk 'ifa&t?-?t??fr&ii? the riswaswT^ - . ' f tir*'*' ;. Y f --TTe^iae^^.w^^ fr??? :jr^?^t^:lae-Columb^M^?: We sent * -donation to tbeSrl SUSOTO^ Iweibren of Chicago, ?nd" that that j *p?per calta, upo* ??i eftiaeoa. who are ie ; ?rnutnattae?H to do so, coctr#nte*f| their means tb tiki r^^i^^hcwelasa j and penni less of the same place. AJlttding?o the. etroumstaruees in? volved and connected, aa Columbians, concerned, the tykft?ft be .??tte towfcbhoid, but.lim^otf ii? forgiveand Thm istratb, and, on such an Occasion as-this. especi? ally, we say lettes "aa muon : as ia ns j lieth," s?bd^eand pat ?way the forawrr and practice the latter. - We hid intended to call npoo the people, cf Sumter, in ow la?t/ieette,.-foT eontrib?tions for this purpose. We de so now. A li?t for ib{? purpose will be found at the Watchman ofece. caught tu rn? arty. The Radical Governor and U. 8. Senator elect of Arkansas, Fowell Clayton by name, is now on trial in the U. ff." Conrt of that State under the Ku. Klux law. Tba allegations are that bc intimidated voters, and gave a false cer? tificate of ?lection to Edwards, ?6 mem. ber of Congress. Compliment Well BeaiowedU We learn, with much pleasure, that at the late 47th Annual Session of the Lutheran Synod of Sooth Carolina/and adjacent Stales, held at Frog Level, S. C., Maj. J. H. M?RHEl,L,ofthe Charles? ton Courier, was unanimously elected a Trustee of Newberry College,a Literary Institution of high reputation and great usefulness, now Jooated at the health; and fast growing mountain town of Wal? halla. . The Napoleonic Dynasty. The London Times, of Oct. 23, states that Napoleon has declared that the recent reports from France of a Bona partist conspiracy, and intended descent upon the coast of France, are entirely without foundation. Thc Jmperor claiming that he is the only legitimate sovereign of France, advocates no violent measure for- restoration of his dynasty bot believes his partisans should urge taking the will of the French people [upon the settlement of the Government by means of a plebisoit. Address From the Colored Convention. We Eave received au officia 1 or cert!, fied copy of an address from the Cos. veotion of Colored People now io I aession at Columbia to the People of the United State?, to which we will give a ! place in our columns next week. t&- The Annual Meeting of the Survivor's Association will bc held at Columbia, on Thursday, Nov. 9. at 10 o'clock, A. M. There has been a religious riot I at Scranton, - Penn., caused by the j attempt- of ar? anti-Popery Lecturer to speek\ Jc^The Drawing of tho South Carolina Land and Immigration Society, ?as will bc seen from the. advertisement of Messrs Butler, Chadwick, Gary & Co. has been postponed to January 8,1872. CUcaap Pl rc Item?. Fivehnndred bodies of persona burned to.death arc reported as having been -recovered from the ruins of tba great Chicago fire, and buried by the' city authorities. The Mayor and Common Council of Cincinnati visited' Cbioago soon after the fire, with $250,000 in money and a'plenfifolswpply of provisions, clothing, blankets, &o. . The Bayer-anda committee of Boston also visited the desolated city with 8250,000 io mousy , ind authority to draw for $400,000, sod representing thc expectation of Bostonians to main? tain charity throughout tbe winter. The city of Chicago loses about five millions of dollars io puhlio buildings, bridgea, damage to water works, de? struction of fire engines, &c A moog the heaviest individual loses, are C rr as H. MoCommiofc, three m ri? ?os . William B.. QgdeWj: Jwo and a half aillions, besides immense losses in the'Wlseonsin fires; Potter Palmer, two millions*-; Field, Lester & Co., two mil? lions; Je bu V. Farwell, a million and a half. - John T. Scram mon,, Bowen, Hunt & Winslow, and Tate of Ira Couch, and Tal? of Frank Sherman, and H. T. Dickey, one millson each Fifty icdivid cal? and firms loss between fire hundred thonsandrand a million. The entire loases is put down at over two hundred and fifty millions, i Thptmo?s otjuco ara already at work claaricg away .the debris and pu Hi ag up. win wgrk-^nda probable employas?*. ^ ?t?oWU&mto& ?ki?? )he ^j>aeX^!^?*^? ^?r?eato*. tia* ,tj? flrtaiy-fea? boure ending on the 23d iii?*." ,?> ;*;?Sr> ifni- exhibition et theGeorgia) Sute Fair,' DOW being held ai Macon, ia] d>e~l*rgest erer witnessed in the Sooth* -Tbo-^Kj isjnroflge? Jabots. .sSST biBtBtrorjs-fir?i ?re now rafewgj io Mernrcet Orleans, Niagara, Geneisee, ttrajoe -and Sen?^-? the wind blowing ? gale. The smoke -iras M great'? ia to compel th? jase of Umps at Rochester cn the 23rd inst. : A Tao? PR*>H act kind Sooth of Baltimore. CO 31 MERCI AL? SUMTER MARKET, OCTOBER 24. COTTON. Since ocr last report -ear market bal been gradually declining. Unfavorable telegrams from abroad hare had the usual effect. Sales 303 Bales at 16? to 17? 18. SHIPMENTS AS FOLLOWS? New York 215, Charleston 110, Ealtimor* 75. ?ToUl ?00 balea. . ? This is a decrease of 35 bales from previous weeks shipments. The special ratea of fraigbt os Carton art Mdy in force al S OR ter, Manchester Sad Kiogtvill*. BACON-C.B. Sides, 12@0uc; Bbldtf. 1?@00 LARD-15@16|. . FLOUR-per bbl. $S.00 @ $12.00. COFFER-JaTS; 40@-io ; Laguayra, 35; Rio, ?tase. SALT-$2.25 SUGAR-P. B. 12|; C. 25) B. 16; A. 161; Crushed; 20. CORN-$1-20@$1.25 GOSHES BUTTER-25@40. BAGGING-Varions Brands, 25@27. TIES-8@16. LIVER P00L^-CoTTo5, $d|. SEW TORE.-Corroa, 18*. Gold, 112|. BALTIMORE-Corroa, 18J(S00. CHARLESTON.-Corrow, 17f. WILMINGTON-Corroa, 18i@o0-Sprarrs Tcapxxnira-Sales of 60 casks et 63 cents $ gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN-Sales of 460 bbls at $3 35 fer Strain? ed, $5 Q0($$5 25 fer No. 1, and $6 50@$7 60 for Pale. CRU nc TnnroirrrxB-Small safes medea*. $3,50 for Hard, $6 25 for Yellow Dip and $4 $6 for Virgin. . , rt IHK REGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICA jL TION OF CLARE*OST LODGE, NO64, A.*. E.*. M.'. will be beldon Thursday evening, October 26, 1871, at 7 o'clock. By'orderof ? T. V. WALSH, WV. M.-. M. C. WILLIS. Seeretary. June ft 1871._ Oysters ! 8. H. HARRINGTON, Will.bave during this Kisea FINE FRESH SUFFOLK OYSTERS,. Fer ?ale, at J. N. SPANN'S STORE. Oct 25 . lm For Sale, AVALUABLE COTTON AND PROVISION PLANTATION, together with Stock and Profitions sufficient to toaks a considerable farm. Fer further information apply at ike Sumter ?Waleiman office. Oct 25 Isa Large and Positive Sale Wagon*, Buggif?, .Carriages, Cart*, Ex? pr?s* Wagons, Seasoned Lumber oj Oak, Ask, Bidcory, Cy fr***, Poplar, Pine, and Walnut. Alto, Barnes*, Cutting Knives, Tool*, te. -AT The Wagoo tod Carriage Shops tt Ger. Liberty & Sumter Sta., Seater, S. C. On MONDAY, November 6, at ll o'clock, A. M. -Br? il h, BARR, Auctioneer. Trana.-Sons under $160, eask ; ever that amount, twelve month* for appro.-?sd easViraed notes, bearing interest at 12 per cent, per soe am. Pet 25_ 2t FR0PESSOR OLMSTED'S f?SKIES. OLMSTED'S RUDIMENTS. OLMSTED'S RUXMEXTS. Pediments of Nat? ural Philosophy sod Astronomy, designed for tho younger classes in Academias, and for Common Schools. By D. OLUSTETJ, Professor of Naturel Philosophy ead Astronomy ks Yale College. Illustrated wi fa numerous engrav iogj. Refiled and improved edition. larg? ]tmo. Price $1 06. Nb author of tsxt-books ia oar eoaafr? bea been mere saeeesrfui tba? Pr ftsebf OunrtD. His College Philosophy and CoBege Astronomy* are vecf an, class booka la a majority of ft? collages and -higher se mit aries ta the United Slate*, and te some extent la foriegn cousin?*-; while bis School Philosophy ?nd School Astronomy occupy a similar place in the aeademio* ?nd high schools. . Bot, ia tbs opinion of many excellent jedges, Akts small work, comprising aa ou ilia* of both Nstaral Philosophy and Astronomy adapted to tee younger pupils of the grammer sebe?is, er tba mure advanced pupils of common schools, ts tb* m ssl successful of all "the author's efforts, comprehending, as lt does, a eboies selection of the -most practical truths ef tb sss great sciences, aniorded to tb? learner m a style so clear and ?mpk, as te bc pa tectly intellfgjhle te toots who kare received no moro pravwnx preparation ?ban may be fonnd in ike coaman ?kooli of the Utter das?. ; Tiri* exrsllcatjnanaal ^s-wised sad ?alar . ged by tho sotapr shortly .befqr*- bis. rWceas*. SnbJ*ia?d .? one of tke amny ttwtUt notices rewired. . # ' . - From sf&^i^nTwal^^ msfri I ft tw^ TO TBE PUBLIC. fthBB UHDB?SIGSED H AIN G ENLARGED X bis'WareBOOB. ?ad' having lately p?T ofcised a Urge stock of DESI RABLE FURNITURE} would tarit*Bk friend? ?sd catto Ber? te pay bim a risit, and se? what he eeo do t? tbe way of roppljiag theta with tech er?eU? aa oom io hi? ho?. He aa? now oa head a large ?apply of rarioas style?.of Foraitare. . ' -ri ma tit ii i-' Window Smiles, Picinre Fr&Bes, Looking Glasses, Ac.; ?ed ie constantly receiriogadditioa? to his stocks Wi?! order aaythlag which may not he ea bead to so i t the usu or taste of hie cestoaaers. I H? eon ti cu?? to ?aaa o fact er? any kinds of Furniture ordered. All repairing doa? at short notice, and will Re-Caa? Chain Of all kind* ia thereat manser. Special ?tteo?oa giren te all order? fo Uphol? stering ?nd hf at tras? Making aa apaeialirin el his easiness. UNDERTAKING, Coffee of al) kind? kept on head, aad preta pt personal attention gi Tra'to orders for Fanoral?. In all his business transactions he WBl.adh?ce ?ti icily to the rule of "S aa ail profit?, for Caah," and hopes by his aitenu'on and prompts?*? to receirc a ?bare of pabKe patronage. Persons needing anything in nU U?e o f bari mn, will do well to call and ?xaeain? for them selrvs beforo purchasing elsewhere. J? D. CRAIG? Corner Main and Canal Streets, Next above Clark's Hofcei. October ta _ FOLSOM* DeLOBMFS fe the place to get Pretty Things, . MCE THINGS, Cheap Things! Tlx ? Ladles can find almost EVERY THING they wish, at pur Store. We strive to'please them Especially A Nice Line of Zephyi always on hand. Une and Pitta Candies PRESERVES, FRUITS, NUTS, ?c., Cronstantly kept Oct a_ EXECUTORS* SALE F XJ JSL 1ST ?D. THE UNDERSIGNED, Bxeeoters of thc hui Will and Testament of N. S. Pao cb, doeeas ed, and ky authority thereof, ?HU. ea the nf? Monday ia November next, at the Coart floaaa ia the Town of Sumter, ret? at public aoctioo, i pared of Und beUagteg te the ??tat* af said de eeseed, co staining Oo? Hundred aad Thirlj-fife Aar?, ?itaat&d la the County of Somier, ?boat aim miUs ?'rom said towa, ea the east ?Me of th? rood from ravi town te BUbopertU, hoing tba part of th? Mienau tract directed by ?aid Will h be sold, ?ndboaaded by lands of T. B. Fraser ead by Ueds der ?sed by ?aid Wilt tv Mrs. H. S Punch, to Jim Vaagban, and to W. **. B. Bara? worth Tresta*. TERMS :-One third cash- baUer* ia one as< two year?, i? eaaal installments, with inter?? from day of ?al?, parable annually tilt the wbob be paid ??eared by-hoad end ?tortgag? of th< lani ?old. Purchaser to pty for papara ant W. F. B. HAINSWORTH, ?WW? MCE, Pet a>-3t _ Eaecator*. CITIZENS SAVmCS_BANK South Carolina,. DEPOSITS Or ONS DOLLAR ?BJ> tP WARDS RECEIVED. . "> Intsrcet allowed attber?t?of Sersa per ??nt per aaaam ea CertificaUs of Deposit, aad Bia per coot ea 5AVING? ACCOUNTS. COMPOUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS. cyne tit. WM. MARTIN. Preddeat JOHN % PALMER, 1 vW*W?Uara. JOHN f. Tt?OMAS, J Tmrl . ti. BB ENIZER, Cashier. . JOHN C-B. SMITH, A ??lata**. Cashier. J." VT. DARGAN, Amis tani Cashier at Sam tar Loral Finance Cv&ifl'.ce al Sumter. J. T. SOLOMONS, &8. RICHARDSON L. G. PAT* ? /ff. B. J Thu?* a Home Ineiltarion patronage ?f the peepU of saae tim? a safe ?lace to i "* watch can be withdrawn Geaer.1'Benara*; Seid. OW Bani BOU, sim jfrm 9 o't?f?. A, Jf to $ P ^^He? Site^vft* \ ^^? 4 ti 7 tt?ocis M : Via? ll..- . ?? ' nr OONSSQUBSCB ot TH? wfBX E* c?aBis?TOH, S cv : $500,000! "To "?? Given Away I gpatB* S?U'FH CAROtif?fA m 'nm M^fli AlifflOl?, inmiBR, CHADWICK, GARY* (X>., Agents, ?NDBR TBS AUSPICIES ?&?HE "SOUTH CAROLINA STATE! AG? RICULTURAL AND MECHANIC^ SOCIETY," will gi?* ? SERIES OF CONCERTS, at tbaAeadeaa*?? Meeta, Oaarleetea, 8. Commencing JsBaarj *>,W* " . ... ... Rose? U eil ?? Biabara, 3rc?en, aa? prominent geotlemea of ihe-Countrj, berth Hort* aaa Seco. 150,000 SEASQN Tl^f^ OF ADMISSION, AT $5 EACH. Ifyaah*T? ?ot nrarired a Cireala^^ajred br oner giving fen" part?ala?. AH oriaraalriatly eeaBdeatkl.' * *" 2*405-Gifts, Amounting in all to $500,000. Tb? Drawiogj?^.s?Great Southern Enterprise will be conducted under tbe superriajon ot the fono?inf wrilSrS^ f^D?eraaa" : _ , - General A. X^WfBTGHT, of Georgia. I Colonel B. H. BUTLEDGE, or* Soetb ! General BitAnil/f T. JOHNSON, of Virginia. J Hon. RODGER A. PRYOR, of NeW York. Money fer TKrl?tt? caa ba ?eat eithar by Express or Peato&ce Order, and UM Tickets will be BUTLEE, CHADWICK GABY & co., Pracipal Office, Charleston, S. G. ! (taara! If. 0. B?TLEB^_?J0H?CHADWICK ._._General M. W; GARY. Tickets can be procured of CHAS. H. MOISE, Agent at Sumter. Oat? ' J, ' ~ ' " t?tbjAB. $20,000 TO Bfi DISTRIBUTED TO TI CK ET-HO Lt D E RS, lil the Columbia Co-operative Building Association. Tba frat prise it (be Temperaste Rall, BOW occupied oe tbe first floor bj Meura. Wick A Low ranee, lae lot ie 26 feet front on Main Street, bj 263 feat deep. Tba building lt 160 feet kag and two ?tories high, lt is now leased for three j oars fer $1,400 per annum, payable monthly ra adraooe? rained *? "ffiiT .ft. ?? ??Vr.i.i'- Vi.i.^ o/. ,.,v,n, ~.M_.$15.000 Second Prize-Lot ??j?iciug R?ese'? Hotel, 44 feet front, 203 fiat dean? rained st...... 1,060 Third Prise-Lot adjacent to ?bore, 25J leet front, 20S feet deep, rained ?t.w......... 1,100 lCasfa Pris? .......w....^.. ._._._............?00 2 Cash Prises, $100 each_..._._."_ MO 4 Cash Prises, at jH(T?*ch.n.. -?J-_,-.._?. ?0 110 Cash Prises, at ^?O" eaeh..^._..._1,100 .w?*?p .?..*... ?*-..*-..*???.. ..^M?^>-$20,000 IM Prixei. 2,M Tickets, at/$10 taeb......^._??i_....^$20,000 The following, awtlemen hare consented to superintend tbe drawing: J. C. B. Smith, A. G. Breniser and Henry 'S. Scott, ia ooc nae tien with a committee of tb rea selected bj the licke t-hold? ers on the day of drawing. As the nama* of tb? '.ticket-holders will be registered in a book which shall be tn possession of the Trustees on tb? day ot"drawing, parties may feel assured that no more than 3,000- Tickets wHl be i saned. : j . ? ? i RxrtRCTCES.-E. J. Scoft, Son A Co.'? Bank ; Cel. J. B. Palmer, President Ceo tra I National Baak; Citisens'Sariwg Bank ; Son th Carolina Bank sad Trust Combanj. and W. B. Galick, Ca.?bier Carolina Nxdoaaj Bank. . ! for further information/address ,? DR. E. W. WHEELER, . J. Box 88, Colombia, S. C. ' ??!* Tickets bad oa application te J. W. DARGAN, Agent, -gf* ?j^j?^^l^Xrji-_-^-^^^r^?-M t_h<>'Jgftpk> 8n?tar, S. C. Dancy, Hyman &Co., COTTON Henni mm mmm 142 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. AND GENERAL AGENTS FOR The <: Goocji " Cotton Tie. The Strongest and most Easily Anj usted Cotton Tie incite Market For Sale fa Sumter by GREEN, WALSH & CO. Sept ? . , . 6m Mrs, Jarnos P. Brennan, : Liberty/Srtreet. RESPECTFULLY informs ker- friend* ?nd customers that ah? haa received ?ad open? ed a fall ?ad Caaapiete Steak af DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, CROCK?&y, TIN WARE, AC. And a general, assortment of Mercbsndise, far Camile aaa. 1 She ?ol leite tho patronage of the publie? feeling aeaared that aha OM offer ber Stock air Good? at rory low pri?e? for cash. , Ber stock waa purchased la the North sra Markau, at REDUCED PRIORS", * And those trading ether MtebHshmea? aili hwy Cheap Gooda, and ha fairly dealt wita. Oct ll- - Sra ATTBE ^ 11 Photograph Gallery, SUMTER. Photograghs, Ferrotypes, lyorytypee, Ambrotjpes. Poicela? Et?ures or Mezzotint Photographs. ALSO *U? Si** and Cabinet Portraits, Mrored ia 4 Water, OH, or Worked in "Ink. . . Special attention, too, ia given te copying old Likenesses, and satisfaction guaranteed ta erery J. D. WILDER, Pet ll- tf BOOKS, BOOKS. -AND |J^3cdiaaeoxis dirtieles -AT SUMTER BOOK STORE. { ' " -r feotes Bible, sad aa assortment it Biblaa, aad Byrne Books, for ?11 denominations, i Chambers' sreeyerassedu, - Maeealy'a Baster.*of Eesiaad, Freadrt MnKoryof Eartondr cy 0t?S?a?e?S^ K DRESS-MAKING. <*,.*.-'..< .t.J?r-JJ.' ' ' COLUMBIA, Si C ARE ??w prepared to reeclr? order? for D RESSEMA KING, ??4 her? tb? NM doa? with despatch ?ad in the Tip of the FasMoiL Teer har* stcared th? ??nie?? ?nd raperin tewd?ace. of S?ss Annie Wittvogel, ....-". ASSISTED BY kt?&MOimLE CAEN, One year fr?ta Parla, ?ad ?apk>y BOB? bat the beat hands. W? guarantee OTerything we do to aatwfy. Bridal Trousseaus Gotten ap at. short notice. Order? solicited. B. C. S. & CO., dealers in Millinery and Dry Goods, Foots and Shoes, Furs, Carpets, Hat?, and au. endless line of other ^Merchandise. R. C. SHIVER, DAVID JONES. own _*Q GROCERIES. Lard, Flour, Molasses, Abd ali Family aad Ebatatio* Supplies. JCtT REC El VED. Bologna Sausage, Beef Tongued, Paney Groceries Candia?. Kau, Raisins, Ci tr oe, Carnets, ? Jenm^PMh^Cana*! Goods, ?TOATA eVBj, a?, Aa. I %m $IS& SfiGABSiw tarte -imtaieat of till?* aaa TttBttJ, Z&'m ? ? !--'?si.?. . -.? . - : Caan?! t?f!?e^*ad ?att fa Abate Gerta?* Nuisances vitktn the Corporate d?smttS af the Town of Sumter: ~ frsS IT OKBAIN^? BT THE INTENDANT SD AND WARDENS of tb? Tova of Sumter, ia Council sssembied; ?od by th? authority of tb? ?ame : .??P. *. Thst ftuea aad after the passage of" tais Ordinance lt ab?!! be snttstfd for ?ny per. i**? or perseas within tb? Corpora ta Limits of tb? Tinta of Sumter te keep their privies exposed to Ifae access of swine, or ia ?neb a manner as otb. tloek p. m. and 3 o'clock, I.B. And ua failure to abwto sorb nuisance to be lia. biet? suob fio?, not < ;?se?!ing Tea Dollars, for each offense, ns lue Council may see Et to ia. pose. ft KC." ?"t XT abell bo tba dot; of the Clerk and Treatarer to wera eli persous .;?F*udi??c against thia Or-i'manee to appear before th? Council to answer charges against th ?m. SEC. UL That it shall he unlawful for any person or person* to erect privies leas tbs? twen? ty feet from *oy street within tb? Corporate Limits of the Town. AU Ordinance? i cen si ?tent with this Ordi? nance are hereby rf pealed Ratified ia Council, this 16th day of [L. b,] October, ia the year of oar Lord, one thousand eight bowdred and seventy oae. 6?I6NARD RICHARDSON, Intendant, JOH* F. ?ATHiwoaTR, Clerk and Treasurer. Oct. 25_3t SHERIFF'S SALES. BT virtue of sundry Executions to me directed, will be sold at Sumter Court House, oa the first Monday and day following in November next within legal bonrs of sale, to the highest bidder, for rash, the following property, situated in Sum? ter County. Fardasen to pay for title; and stamps. Oae Tract of ?CO Acres of Land more or less ia* Sumter County, near Bradford Springs, bounded by landa of B. Kaughcoan, Dani. Weldon. Est. of Allen, now B>. L. Heriot, Jr. known aa tb? Brit coo Tract, levied upon as the property of Robert H erie*?-at the separate sates of E. M. Colclough, Adams-A Frost, O. W. Williams, A. J. Moses, Adams, Frost ? Cv-, and Green, Watson and Walsh, against said Rob rt L. Heriot. One Tract of 1800 Aerea of Laad, more or lest io Snmter County, adjoining land? of S. P. Gail, lard. Dr. J. J. Bossard, Mrs. M. Stafford and L. R. Jeaningj, levied ?poa as the property of Esrateef Hasten Jennioga-ander the Fi Fa ef Franklin .Moses. Sr.. ve- Janes M. Jennings, adm'r of H. Jennings. One Tract of 825 Acree of Lead, moro or less, ia Sumter County, 1 to 5 miles from the town of Sumter, on the road to Camden, adjoining lands of Mrs. Art's, L. R.Jennings, L. M. Spann, ff. Bradford, J. F. Bradford, levk-d upon si tbe property of Est. of Jos. B. White at tbe suit of Frankl'U J. Moses, vs. Matia H. Whit*,. Execu? trix of Jos. B. White. One Traetefil? Acree of Land, more or less, ia Sumter County, bounded North E?.?t sad North by tbe Poad from Town of Sumter te PlewdenS Mill, East by land John China, Seeth by laud of M. Moran and M ?age. West hy Wm. Chandler and other lands of Wm. Lewis, and contains by Re-sarrey Two Hundred ad Treaty, five Aeres. ALSO, One Tract af 125 Acres of Land more er less, oa Alligator Branch waters of Black River, bounded North by land of A. G.Reames. East by land of Estate of Wm. Pringle, South by land of F. S. Reames, West by laud of .Mary S. Reames. These two tracts of Land levied npon ss th? property of Wm. Lewis, ander the Fi Fa of Jakes Notion, and to be resold at the risk of the for? mer .purchaser. ALSO, Oae Tract Eighty Acres of Land, more orien, adjoining laud? of Mrs. Jase Webb, W. C. Dan can, and other landa of Est cf Wm Lewis, knows as Mrs. E. T. Lewis' B >tnestead. levied op?n as the property of Wa. Lewis, under fbe Ft Fa sf J abes Norton. No. I.-One Let in Town of Sumter (ealleJ Lot No. 9.) containing 2 1-10 Aerea ?f Land, a?V joining lands of Dr. Witherspoon, Kiss Mary Clark and bounded North by Caldwell street. Bant by Harris street, Weet by Maia street, levied upon as tb? property of Montgomery Mores, st tb? separate suite nf Julia F. Friersoo, Plaintiff, vt, Montgomery Mooee and Bernard O'Neill, Plain tiff, vs. M. Moeee, D. J. Winn and George Loe, and ether Ex ec tie**, va. Moot* goonery Moses. No. 1-One Lot in town of Sumter, fronting 50 feet 9-12 on Main Street, North by Dogan street 220 feet. South by lot of J. T. Bronson* 220 feet West by lot of L. P. Locke, 60 9-12 l-feeC ' No. 3.-One Tract of 6 Aerea af Laad more er less about one mi?? from the Town of Sumter bounded South by lands formerly of Mrs. C. Bee' sard and A. J. M ?ess. Bast by lands of Mrs. C. Bossard sad W. Hajaawortb, Nertb ey Sands ef T. J. Ceeghlsn and J. I? Bexrragton, Weat bj lands of Mrs. C. Bnoexrd. Ne. 4.- One Lot of Lasel ia tbs Sown ef Sees? ter, situation ss Mais-street, bounded North by let of T. B. sad L. L. Fraser, Sooth by lot ef F. J. Moses, Bast by lot of A. A. Solomons, Wast by Mais street. Ne. '5.-One Lot ia To wa of Sumter, bonnded West by Washington-streel, South by Repab liesa .street. North by land formerly owned by Perry Moeee, Bast hy land* ot A. J. Moses. No. 6.-One Lot in tbs Tows of Sumter, sounded North by lot sow occupied by A. W. ?uder. South by Republican street, East by let new occupied bj Alberry Sisgletcn, West by Snmter. ?tree t No. 7.-One Tract ar parcel af Lund, con Urn? ing Eleves Acree, more of tees, situated in the County of Sumter, on or sear tbs pubhe road, ka ding from the Tows of Sumter to Manchester -Bast of and asar tb? MJB Poad os Shot Poach Bras ak. _ No. g.-4n ate DesVedante (Montgomery Mssusliatmaat Usssdts sgtvset sr parcel sf Load betag pertef tb? Doaald sand, ia tbs County of Semper, eeota?aisg Sixty-three and oae half Acree saore oe lees, being Section Ne. I on ?Plat of the Donald land, made bv S. M. Boykiu. 54ted Maj, JSS?, bounded North by Section Ne. ? cf said Plat/East by Est of S. Durast, South by Seet'rao No. 4 of said Plat, West by ? tessy Rm?. No. 9.-One Lei cf Lend hs tie TJWT of Sum? ter, eoe lefties; One half Aere, bounded North by 1? belonging to F. J? Meses, Seat by Baptist Cb arch lot, Seeth bj liberty street. West by Harri? stress, > AH the aboreieTied open as tba property ef Mc?tam?asrj Meses, at tbs separate sai's of Julia |Sf?e5 Mwtgosasry Messe and Bernard 0^ ve. Mse^gWy Meses, D. J. Wis. aad Georg?W.I^asdo4bor l^esatioes vs. XesV flestery Mases. On? Tract ?f 7ft Aerea cf Laad, 8smt?r Cou?ty, ea waters of Woeer? Mill Bay Swan?, Mr*inJng l*?deef W. E. McE! veca. Ed. Oces nua, Tass. McBlreea J. ?L MeBlveea ?nd othert, .????.? the property of Estate Abedeege Locklter, at snit of WilHsea Byrnes, against ?. fjjgg? R- f Wale?, Adsaieuirttori ef ?A tod Mg Cf LocstHsr. One tractof ilC acres of lang, more or less, *? Sumter County, on heard waters of Brack River, adfelaiag lands ef Col. Erssdirsg, Sa by Young, J 8. hiebarnVon, Ben. Gai bard and homestead of J D. Redding, levied se as tas property of Mrs. {?2?- Bedding, at ta s?pante ssiU of Beaj. Mosdeeai sad fa H. Cbsffbe. ? J. COGHLAN, foncier* - *~ *~* ULM ft ORDE? OFTHE COURT. Tn ?asset wrMtisa Tbs store sod lol nee Ipttmtew it I*-Sw!'Wwiir'f 4????^^ of Blae^Rhrersf