Appearance of th? JPresidcn? of the - United States in fte-. Middle of the [?rVcm.the Rew YorkSe?.] Straw?ridiog-w 'joii^sp?rt. Straw- ; tidies used to be a leading- feature ? of .the jollifications ^toVvJ?ay ; toral,ragkros t*at saoeeededithe ga ch? eri ng>Hhe goldi's . ha?#e?i?z tad the fal! threshing. Tc this day ear Jersey friends retain the ojd-time ctisicin. and with * boga Jptnlw^wa^pfi it&aj#_ ? 8i^?at;w?th a box ~weH flHerT^withj bright clean straw, aar] the lids and issses tombled in promiscuously together,' ; the more the merrrier, behind fieet horses, e/Joy a night's frolic as only the : innooV?: toilers of the harrest field can enjoy a little diversion of that sort. Straw rides form a.feature of the- 1 later fall sports at Long Branch, Vod ere greatly enjoyed by'some even who are not used to toil and labor. They b id such an event a couple of weeks ago. It was on tire Monday eveningihat ' preceded the departure of the President aird bis family on their Western-pilgrim age. T! e party was a yery select one, made up of the beaux and belles of the West End exclusively. Mist Murphy, daughter of the collector of this port, was one of the ladies. '' Miss Brown, a duughter of the proprietor of^Brown's Park, was another. It so happened that on the evening ot this grand affair Mis* Nellie Grant, daughter of the President of the United Stacee, and Miss 'Dent, ber consto, dined at the residence of the Hou. Thomas Murphy, and vere still enjoying the collector's hospitality and the agreeable companionship of Iiis family wheo the immense farmer's wagon engaged for the straw riding party called for Miss Murphy .?Ob, dear," sighed >;is??Nellie Grant, "I wish I could go too!" - "So do I," chimed io Miss DeDt. '.Well, theo, cou* -along," replied Miss Murpfcy. '.Bat we are not invited," suggested Miss Nellie Graat. "That will not made the slightest dif? ference io the world," returned Mist Murphy. "The geutletneo will only be too happy to have you along. And be? sides, the addition cf two to the com? pany will only fill the wagon more close? ly and make it all the mer; jolly." "I have a good mind to go/' said Miss Nellie, half persuaded. "Bat what would papa say ?" "You ought not to go without, your father's permission," suggested the pro deDt wife of the collector. "Oj), pshaw !" said the Hon. Tltomas Morphy, "If Nellie wants io go, let ber go by all meaos ; there's nc harm ia it." "But papa might net like it," replied M ivs Nellie, still hesitating. "Don't give yourself any uneasiness on that score," responded the collector; "1 will see your father and make it a*! right with bim. Go alojg and enjoy yourself. , And so Miss Nellie and ber cousin joined thc happy party, and were soon tucked away in the huge lumber wagon, half buried in straw and blankets, and packed as closely with thc rest of the company as red beringa ina box. It was a very jolly party, full of music and anecdote ; and as the great lumbering wagoo rolled along up aud dewa the aveoue on the bluff their merry voices started the fish-hawks on their lofty . perches, and weut rolling far ont to sea. The party started out about 8 o'clock. They had traversed the length of the bluff road two or three times, and were re? tuning toward the West End about midui^ht, when, directly in front of the Presidential cottage, they were batiked by an apparition carrying a lantern, and crying : "Stop that wagon, yon miserable yelpers!" It vas the voice of the President of the United States. "Is my daughter in there !" angrily demanded the aforesaid President, at the same time approaching the wagon with his lantern. ..Yes, papa, i am here," dotily res? ponded Miss Nellie. I "Get out this minute and come ioto the house, you buzzy," shouted the j President, at the same time grasping ? his daui?htet by the shoulder and drag? ging ber tyxt of the wagon. "Aiu'tyou ashamed of yourself, cutting up in this ^ manner and keeping one up herc tilt ( this time of night waiting for you. wheo you know 1 have been kept up the past ? two nights and have got to be up at j daylight to morruw moruiog to go t away !" And he gave his fuir daughter a rude push toward the gate of th? Presidential ' enclosure, crying, "Go into the house f with you!" Miss Nellie burst ont crying, partly from the pain inflicted by ber father's g rough treatment, and partly from morti 1 ficaiion. In the meantime,. Mit* Deni v was assisted from the wagon by the gentlemen of the party, a*id approach- ^ iog the President began expostulating with him. "Mr. Grant, while ? am ?your guest you might at least treat roe respectfully.-' Tho rest ol Uer words were lost as abo moved away toward tho house with the (D President and his daughter. But the, * party in the wagon could distinctly hear & their voioes ia angry altercation ? u way up the lawn and uotil they had *' entered the cottage. 0 H?l^ ~PJ?Oj?LK'e KT SICK, - ,- Eating too mueh and. too fast and , .Wallowing imperfeojJy-mTri^sted food. By taking too much fluidajyiag meals. 01 Drinking poisouous whiskey and other 01 intoxicating drinks. Keeping late hours f* at night and sleeping too late in the el . morning. Wearing olotb'mg too tight s? Tl S3 to relax circula' ion Wearing thin ?boes. Neglecting to take sufficient exercise ta keep their bands sud feet warm- Neglect i og to wash Che body Sufficiently to keep the pure* of the W skin open. hxolia??ing the warm e othiag iroro ia a wurm room daring ss the day for light costumes and exposure, ^ ineideot to evening parties. Starving M the stomach to gratify s vain ?od foolish tlx passioD for dreeii. Keeping up a eon- ^ slant excitement, freu i "g the mind witb jat borrowed troubles. Emptying ehesp doctorsand sweJlnw'mg quack nostrums ( for every in.???nary Ul. laking ?tala at Sir itt9gfatMUY*u\. v 1 t in to> jubilate". tbt;t thejte?der triKs of .^^tnroWt?eT gsB-^tbtit bi rd-ntmg j ceases. . r' ' . jt We^awjasidi ihe^<;'?v^ii^^*crj!r j baektbVajlrattewy; opefr/tjre^wH?fc?WsJ md lean across ihe-easct?eot.- loto.. the } How ?rieat it ? ! And yet th? Sf?enoe,.! as weleac and' listen, quickens vi tb raice*bose ebb ind fi?* made; -oNOE the tow dorons ot our life io bad and blossom aj> the rose : make ?OTLI^ ind wiU-make forever the Alpha and Omega o? lojrys sweetest o^tealitf ' The mc oa light lays its binda of silver j across tbe loosen ?ss of oar bair, and ap on our tero pres, bartbeoed ?iib Vferer throbs o? iaucy-overwrought, the fingers j of the witd are pressing, as the inc ib er'8 lips, ' through a night -of J? long ?go. Th? wingcovers th* cityy as the wings of bird ber brood ; but -the lights of heaven Sinus through, ilium to iog cathedral spire and cloister-wail the high halls of the rich and the low j roofc of the poer; and, over all, is the banner of-God's love j His protecting j care, and the beaven of His holiness. The -^otoelese night" grows voice ful. . A soond breaking from wine red Hps, | floats from thc sw?et soul of Ute.past to I the foantaios in the still aisles of our being, ind low ! a shower of glittering drops over the blooms so dark with dost j of dreary days, and a song through' ail j the stillness Irks the singing of the sea. An odor of violets from tbs wet ways of sa old, old woodland ts folded un der the plumage ol the night, and the calm leaves of life's first lilies seem rustling j to the bode,' storm-shaken, bat happily ! spared for tbe sweetening of latter j days. One! One voice above all othear from ont the sepulchre of the past ! One hand fairer.than all others-reaching across the aro whose very rim is ander . tbe j ashes of a burnt-out hope! One face with its frame of carven locks, sod lips like palest primrose-its' delicate cheeks, and lids with fringe of j amber-its brows where no red blood is, ! and Hs temples with no purple of] living! One day discrowned and desolate, the lH? of all its hours face to face with the death of al li ts dreams, and something sweeping through its stillness like sound of ships going down to the black heart of the sea*, and sound of wares. closely ap above and sealed with seal of j thunder. One faith, fair and fruitful, that not the laboring of years, nor men, nor gods, nor doom, nor death can alter ! Oat gleam of the far off silver of repose over al! the waters of waiting. It is enough ! We close the window and its shat ?era, rearrange th? damask and the lace, pot back the stand with its basin and ladder, of ivy, and just as the clock is telling the passing of souther, boor, go silently to the sweetheart of your slumber, and to a sacred dream of-Ooe 2 GRAINS, - Yon cannot escape from anxiety and labor; it is the destiny of humanity. - Trials being sanctified, increase faith, and faith being increased is again pat to the trial. - Happiness grows st oar own fire? sides and is cot to be picked ap in the stranger's garden. - Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please. - If sin is terned oat of oar hearts Dy grace, it will be turned ont of oar bouses too. - The only way to avoid evil, ia to ill up every passing -hour to the glory )fGod. ' * - Sense shines with a doable lustre ./hen it is set in humility. An able and ret bumble man is a je wei worth a king lum. - A loving heirt and a pleasant countenance are commodities which a uan should never fail to take home with tim. . - . - Shenstone, an artist in landscape ;ardeniog. said he knew the turo in bi? ife wbicb led to unhappiness-it Watt rben be made pleasure his aim, .- With love, che heart becomes a ?ir and fei tile garden, with sui shine nd warm, hues, and exhaling sweet . dors ; without it, a bleak desert overed with ashes. - The ooly way for e man to escape aing found ont is to ps * for what he is. 'he only way to maintain a good bareet er is to deserve it. , It is easier ) correct oar faults* than to conceal . ieo. " -" P , ?any ? ??aft, at random seat. indi aMilt tba araher little meant ! nd mi ay a rord at raedura ?po ken, av lootbe, or wound, a beart'? ;b?tbrofcaa. _ j - Our impulses, our enthusiasms, : ar aspirations require tao*t of our cit luutantiel life to drop away, before ley can be tros enough, ?cd' refiesd -? lough" to do their grandest ?> ie ma??lve^?d tba* nt?<> sewering -prat ti? t ???are - ? Oft Wa it? Um tioga. latr?a** of oar daJJj Mr?V Tbaeoatuon (blnj* #carei?urtt retail, .- <- *' bem*raoriity?Ujt??MrrIv??, . * - - 6 Ibas? an tba tc?:wrprin?i after*H. -** : -" 5?*5>^^ ?rrlrfe SCLOTHES end ?UEL ^Ebf-1?ASB[?C SOAP AGENTS WAN TE?. Wilson, Loef?H?t?y Everett & Co.? ' SI MCBB?* ?T., New. York. Sol* Agent? for.rb? States"ef Virginie, Kr-rtb and South Ca'prlma, lOy-rgia and Florifta. ??' .' ; . "... ..dr.. . - . -.. _ -v Sa flia g- fron? B ALII MORE crery SATURDAY^ AFTERNOON ?t i o'clock, Arriving at WIL? MINGTON TUESDAY-MORNING: -SaWfcfrofc Vffil?ri^t^eW ^FRIDAY j AF? ERNOe&ot S* TU B$A? M0S5JK ! mOUGH BIL?? OP LAP?T? 0rTWt^al^otr*rf ?hVW.' C.?? Ai ?L B??4> Cheraw A Darlington R.B. *a? their, coaaecr i don?. - ?' .^.'^ insurance by this Linc, 1-2 ?er Ifc - Rat?i (htc&h?^+s: Iowas ty other Route. 4 All Losseg'^TQinptiy .paid. '? - ' JU D. CAZAUX? Agt. r vU?o!o?tw?;?: c. AITOBJJWBAC?:, Ag?nt? Ta, Smith? Wharf, Bal ti ic ore. Apr" 12:" . " Cottril Ties. ' rs*, v -- . ^-:T" - ir- - >-?-V WE AKE- ASENTS FOR TJXE MAN?FAC -. TtiRERS FOR" - -; " . ' ?Wf, Arrow, Anchor, and Butler Tief,\ A?SO OP TOB PATENT LO Ci*. TJE, Juet landing 4,000- B3I?? of the "EUREKA" and LOCK TIES. Ko Tic can surpass the "EUREKA" for siop'icity and durability, and wa offer it as a Tie that ii unexcelled. Tba ARROW it also well kn.o?D. We a?k your orders/ guaranteeing as loa prices as tbe j caa be purchased at in any Southern parti We shall bo pleased ta handle consignment" of your cotton, and will gire all shipments .oar closest attention. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, & CO., Cotton Factors, Church "treat, Charleston, S. C. Sept 27-2ra ' WM. O. WHILDEN, Ag't H alenes, Jewelry, Silver and Hated Ware, Clocks, FINE CUT .AND ENGRAVED GLASS. TABLE 'CUTLERY. CHINA AND WHITE GRANITE GOODS, VASES, TOILET SETS, FANCY ARTICLES, - . ' Orders froso thc Country carefully filled and satisfaction guaranteed. 255 KING STREET, CORNER BEA?FAIN, Key Bax 621, Ca.\r.i.ESTus, S. C. Ang IS 3m DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &C. P. P. Toa le , Manufacturer and Dealer. No. 20 Ilayne Street aud Horlbcek'g Wharf, CHARLESTON. S. C. ??jr* Thi? is the largest and inn Sept 6 4o -April 5 PAVILION tfOZUL, BOARD,'??R DAY, f3.00. "- ? hi .OM. ?LS litan, ?atv a. L. auiTekritU},.-..' ' Snpcrirjt9fdent. Oat i Proprietress MANHOOD*^ J ?OW LUST, HOW RESTORER ? Just published, anew editha of Dr. CULVERS ^ rELL^CELEnRATED ESSAY ?rr (a ifhout medicine) of SpxnMaToavacea or* ' itniaal Weal neat, Involuntary Seam, ai Loeset irmaxcT, -Mental and ?bysJaal IarapaeHy,*Im, -, edJaen? :Uerri*ge,?tc^ airo, Cossi/J?fTios. J ;paa>^, and Fm, tndiwed by ielfciodtUg??ee r?**n^extl?ra??*ce, . . .. ? ? Msr^rjiet, ta-? aea^e'nreio?e, OfAy-M&ft* '-3 Tb? ectehratctf eefcef, 1a thia idmiraW? e*?>, | .arly 4mioMt^l^??B^ a tbh^jrjreare-Voe- * Agriealtur^ latest 6^^^ eral ?Morttn??t'of Field aad ?nrde? ^1?^ ^^S^P^^W " Growersnd Importer otFm'd endGardan SeedV '-'J^S'Sf?St\^??^?t Sole AgeaiJoVili^^ - . tttfj rjexterfSeeff-ftra^ttrf?e. ^itrlbrestad J ^J^fiKleK all tb. io tbo-gruwing of Poaa fat market, should , -"r?I^?Vj?^^ -j "? order aarlj to aa to not^ disappointed ia lj^?t^'^ii^m^et?i ??3* o/"?rm.: getting tb* Earliest and moat Proline Tea *^,^*n&1&e^^ Sept? I n fe u r d n ? e A-ge n t SUMT?U* S. C. ."./. -, V .'LIYERF^?UAfc?Liy^ ?? >NEW YO^ Casita! and B?serrad,_$21,000,000,00. jAfii?ji^ Invest?! in the United SJat?*,.....,. 3,100,009,00. [. ?nniml ?Igso?a?.^..? ?~o,W0,000,80. ?.ANDES CTRCLVC?NNATI, OHIO," ' of Charleston, S. C. Cath Cai^'Ul pftid up..................$l,W?O,000^?' . Pres denvWs. MeBURNEY. Capital und Profit* lit July 187l.r 1,500,000,00. . A ??and and reliable home Cornily. : '. Rates for Fire and Life Insurance, as ?otc a* tn any. First, das* Company til, umm i laiaaiiiiiaiaiaaaaaiiawaaiKaaaiijtujjiiiiL jjuasiW- ?? ????????i iituiit tani GEN ERAL FI BB AN? L.I PE jiaiattJa^ ^.StOirt. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, - - - $35,000,000. PACIFIC F RE INSURANCE CO:, of Snn Francis?), Aisrtts^^..-$20,000.MO Gold, i GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Assettt-4^00,000. . SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., of N?w Y?*.. PARTICIPATING POLICIES issued OB Dwellings, seeming vu Annual reduction ontbe prem lum of about 25 per cent. " -1". . SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atiesta,Gee, Gen. J. B. GORDON President. Tbe oldeat and largest- Southern Life Company? EQUITABLE LIFE .A-SUfUXCE SOCIETY, of Nee York. In amount of Kew Business, t?e . Ingest LM. Company to ^ SrectaL AGSKT ?a TnE POLICY HOLDER'S LIFE AND TONTINE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE SOUTH, j of Charleston, S. C. These Companies m Strength, Reliability and Fair Dealing are , . Second to-rione. in the ^TTor?d. ? Angust? " ly THE ABOVE PRESS IS SO CONSTRUCTED, AND OF SUCH IMMENSE POWER, THAT WITH A SINGLE LEVER ONE-MAN CAN preos a bate of Cotton weighing 500 lb*., or a horse can be hitched to the opposite side and press a bale of the jaine s?e TN ONE MINUTE'S TIME , ? The Pres waa exhibited at the Fairs' th rougboo t the Sooth last Fall, and look the Premium ere ry where. At Au-u.-U. Ga., a Silver Pitcher worth $50 W2s awarded this Press. Al the Fair Vid at Charlatan, la sr November, we took tbe P rem um and seid the Piras on ihe spot te the President .if thc A.'?oemtiun for the fall price. $185. We G y J ra n tee this THE BEST PRESS IN EXISTENCE at the PRESENT TIME, and wilt TAKE BACK ANY PRESS not aa represented, and REFUND THE 3. ON BY. Pri?e $?85. Agents Wanted for every County, in the State. W. P. R?SSEL ? CO., P. O. Box 457, Cnarleston, a C. AuffUSt i ~~ SPARYANBUEG C. H., SO. CA I. V..'. m. jT?f?j? FACULTY. REV. A. M. ?HIPP, D. D., President and Professor Meeta! sad Moral Science. DAVID DUNCAN, A. M , Proicssor Ancient Leafages ind Literature. KEV. WHITEFOORD SMITH, D. D., Professor English Literatare. WARREN DU PRE, A. M., Professor Natural Science, . JAS. ii. CARLISLE, A. M., Professor Mathematics. REV. A. H. LESTER, A. M., Professor History and Biblieal Literaten?. - The Preparatory School, andar the tmmedtate'SapervUioa. cf toe Faculty, JNO. W. SHIPP; A. M., PrincipaL -* . '-71*-; ? Divinity SebooVBsT. A. M. SHIPP, D. D.; Ber. WHITEFOIID SMITH, D. D. ; Ber. A. H LESTER, A. M. - The First Session of the Eigbteetith Collegiate. Year begtaa on the first Monday ia October, 167T. Tho 8oeond Session begins on the First JJoodty ia Jaaaary, WA. Tb. cc-urae of studies end the standard of soholarsbrp remain eeehiJ>ged, hst the Faculty now admit irregular Staden ts or those who wish to pursue par dewier studies roly. The School* ultu opea at the same time. TUITION per year, ia Col tige Classas, ineAadin* eon tineen t fte, $84. fa Carree ey. . TUITION per yeer, is Preparatory School, including ewrtiajuct fee, $44, in Currency, ' -Bills payable ene half In ad ranee. * " . " Board, per month, from $lf to $1$ ta earreaey. For ?jitther partlowiars address,_ Joly .12,1872. A. If. SHIP P. prftident. Cl?arlestoH BrepBi Factory ? J. P. BRO Y7XE, Agent. ?LSOAt?SNX. FOB NONEXPLOSIVE. KB?dSEN? LAMPJ3 ib?c4n(eTy nf? b.thJh?B. Breaking ?n<* ExpV ^^^^^^^^^ SrMEB'S MEW FAMILY SE WI JIG itt ACHIN E 'MM. ? - ' ' * m Sift? fron WorW JQ?fc. ;.?j>*J?e?t*'?*,it? u*?%-waivaot?lfrc*. i??.m ruai, dampness or d?eay. ,.. ; . '- *' ' " " . ? " .. . " ' -7* "' Fire-ProofM?reia?its' Safes, . WELDED STEEL AND IRON , Burglar - ]?roof Bank . L. * FIRST CLASS Key and Combination Xpcfc Bank Vaults and Doors. > ... ' . - / ?? . Sales Room 255 Baltimore St. F AC 7' ? RT- Square hounded by Henrietta, Claret, Fremont and Warner Streets SEND FOR ILL?TRATED CATALOGUE. OVER 12,0O^AV USE.. TESTED IS 200 FIRES. NEAR REFENCES I Fraser, Haynsworths A Cooper, Hoyt A FuLoia, Sumter, S. C. Worth A Worth, Wilmington. No. Ca? John Agnew A Son, Colombia, S. C. National Bank of Chesr?r, S. C. Smuh A Melton, Chester, S. C. ' ; 900 IN BALTIMORE. OVER 12,000 SAFES IN USE. TESTED fig 260 FIRES. FIRST CLASS GOODS, AT LOW PRICKS. Jntr2o IT Ayeres Cherry Pectoral, Year Plaeaaaa of tba Throat and Longa, .?Mah aa Cough*, Coi da, Wliooping Qoo?h? Bronchitis, s?**^, said Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of Andichte, baa any thing won to widely and so deeply ?poa the co nil dence of joaakind, aa thia excellent remedy fer puhoonary complaints. Through a tong s?rica of yea?, aid among moat of the races of men it hos ri>?n hierher and higher faa their eat laaaf Inn, aa it has become better known. Ita entfern? character ead power to core the va. rkraa atibetions of the longa and throat hara sada at known aa a reliable protector against ncaa. WhOe adapted to milder forms of disease sad to voting children, it is at fie same tfane the most effectual remedy that c*n be given for incip? ient eoasamptkm, end the dangerous affeetiona of the throat and lungs. As a provision against ewrhVn attachs of Croup, it should be kept on hand ka every family, and ?deed as til are some* times subject tc colds and coughs, all should bf provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Cew?wm?ft?? ia thought nv enrabie, still great numbera of cases 'where the totease aromad settled, hare bee? completely eured, and the patient restored to rand hearth by th? Cherry rectoral. 80 completa fa sta mastery orer the disorders of the Longa amt Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to ti When nothing else could reach then, under tba Cherry PecSeral they subside and disappear. Blm?on sot* Public ?pemkert and great ? jj, UlvtOCuOD I"-IP FL, ^bWAtasa la always relieved and often wholly co?*?d by it? BnmehifU is generally eared bj- taking tba Oas i at Fmf?rmt ta email and frequent doses. 80 generally are ita Tirtnee known, that we need wot pwblbh me certiflcatet of mew here, or do meta maa assura tba pahflo that ita qaa?tiee aaa ?fly marat?ined < Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Acut), Intermittent Farer, Chm ?OT-CT, Se missent JTerrnr, DcmJ) Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Aa, end indeed sui the alTecttons which arlee front xoalariccts, marah, 0 aiiTetame wliataier, lt m nowise Injures any pa? tient The number and importance of its cum in tb? aguo districts, are bterally beyond account, andwebeBovewithout a parallel In the history o'Ague medicine. Our pride is graiifled by the achnowiedgmeuU we receive of the ndical eurea envied tn obstinate cateo, and where other rsm edle? had wholly railed. Pw aaamw alert ^aroona, either reaVteat ia, or travelling through mlaswratie locantes, protectedby (airingthe AQVE cmiE daily. Foi- Kaw CoMBtetate, arising from torpid, tty of me liver, it ls aa excellent remedy, stunts* hating me Liver toto healthy activity. For BiUooa Disorders aad Liver Complaint?, it is as exceOeat remedy, producing many truly remarkable earea, where ether medicines aaa by DB. 3. C Am A Co., Practical .Weal Cl tad sta, Lowell, Maes, aaa anttaUrooad the world. PS1?E, $.140 PiJJOmj, Da. A* J. CsitXA. Agr t ?< bwaatv^-d. C. DARBY'S 1 "HIS lornas ble ?t ttflv itedietne. f^ ptrifr f&fis?m*^ fe '***"' ^aee^tiagaj arl i? JJ B j? W?T *? A ai ti ? 7 A Wwi ?mini'.lill J.-?.nu, r??>rW>r. E. a SfcDw.L* * Cg . Di^rj?, , ^taJj^W?.St^rtnd^C*!^??* M Como-?? ?mt. s. f. r MULLIONS Bear Testimony to their . . Wonderrfal Cu?-atlre Effect?, > They ?se- net a r??? Fancy B riais, Made of Pe?, . RUTE, Whiskey, Pro?.' Spirit? ans tief??, Li?, nara doctored, spiced and sweetened lo pics* ^ -t???osise?:i^^ *Ap*t?natS ?^asiaterC?*, ^jjaatleaAtlievajji^er o*t??rTOita?u?e?ia^i^b?jt$?t ' atrtreH?dtoe.nad?frra ci (Jornia, Creo frosa adi Alcoholic St lars.. Uata. They swthe-GRE AT BLOOD PL m. FiT?'wd A I a Geaste Pwj^r4re SM well ai a Tassie, po??c**Tttg;-?lao, the pecBjs; merit of acm*, aa a powerful ???ct in relieving ?sseat?ca or Inaa f?xt?on of theldrar. aadsJl thejfaxal Ofrans. FOR. FEMALE COKFlsBMTs?; toywagoc dd, married err ?ii ?lev st th? da?? stottanhood erst Ure ton of life. ? ieee Tonk BitfJWhare no equal For IaSaratr atory and Chronic Rn ena t flossi n?? t??nu Drsn>ereefa? 9* l??ige*tl?n. Billons, Remittent and Intereaitteat Fe? Von, Disease a of the Blood, Liver, Kid. - Ber? aad Bl a opt?ons,Tetter. 8*5 Rheum, Blotches, 8pots, Piaai?es. Pustules, Boils, Car bandes, Ring-Worm*. Scald Head. Sore Kyee, Rrrsip*. ? ls*. Itch. Scarfs, Dscoloxx? iona of the Stria, fi arnon ?at StscsaMS of the Skin, of whats r;r ssssao or nat cw, ar? lrteraOr daenpsj-d carded oat of th ny st ?rm in ash ort time by th? nsw ?I these Bitter*, (saw bottle In saci eases will convince th? most incredaJou* of their asv ? tiveeffecta. Cleans* the Vit.atad Blood whenever you find its ia ferities barnine threughtbe skin fat Pimples, Erep. tiens or Sores ; c enase it when roo And it obstruct*! and sluggish ta tao reins'; desase H when it is fed, ?ad roar feelings wiO tall rou when. Keep th? blood peer?, and th? health of the erstem wiiT Mo?. Ff m. Tape, aad other Wem?, larkin*; ia th* system ?f a? assay thousands, are tst?ttu?ny destrond ' sad removed. Says ? a d^afins^Msbd phrsiolcnt, thon is scarcely aa individoal anon the face of th* .acth whew body fat excita* from the pro ??ace of aortas. It ia pot asea the healthy situants of tbs body that worms ?Tirt, bat npon thedUrseed buraort sad alisar deposita that 4Ve?dth?avinr monster! of disease. Ko STSOWI of Msnidaa, aa vermintes, as anthelminties wal Urs? tho system from worms usa theae Bitters. J. WALKER, PfoaiJtoi. ER. MCDONALD * CO, Bl ??I ht* aad Gen. Arrota. Sha Prandsco. California, - ?nd JS aal M Commerce Street, Nee Ye rt fOrWOUt Bl Aid. SsWOSHSTS AND BsULXU ? ny itt_ R. ft. K? Eadway's Beady Belie CURES THE WORST PAINS Ia froai oinlty .-xi.? ts will ?i2brd ea?? and comfort. Twenty dr?p?ir. half a tumbler cf aa'er wit! in a fsa moui-nts care CitiCMPS. SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH. BE/. HT KU RN. SICK tIKADACUE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, < OI.IC. WIN!> TN THE DOWELS, and all IX TEKNAL PA?NS. - Travelers should alway* carry a bottle of Ii A DWAY'S READY RELIEF with tbem. A lew dr<>ps ia water will prevent sickness ur pain? from change ol' water. It is better thuo French Urandy or biner? as a stlamlxnt. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVEli AN I Ati UF oared f<>r fifty cents. Tb er? ii not a remedial as/ent ia this world that will care Fever aad Asuc. and all other Malari ?as. Biittnes. Scarlet. Trpb >id. Yellow, and other Fever? (aided hy RA DW A T'S PILLS) PO qoiek as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cecil per bottle. HEALTH I BEAUTY ? ! Strong aad Par?Bleb Blood- Increase of Fiest aaS w?yrbt- Clear stria aad beautiful Coea p lex ion socorcd to all. DR RADWAY'S S?RSAPARILLl?fi RESOLVENT Has mad? the most aaftaisbing eur rc ; so qciek so Rapid sro th? Changos the Body Undergoes, under tba influence of this truly woaderfsl Medicino that Eyery Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tb? S??fW; Stc^?agOaX Waiar,, Iaeeatini-nc* cf Urin?, Bricht'? D?asas?, Albcmiaaria, ?cd? ?A ?9** wfa?r? Ibero si? brteaXbost ?woos!?. ? *. sater is th ?ck peinad*/, msixtd ?sith sobstaaess ito tho wbi'O.of aa ogg, or *br?ad# Maa wkit* Uk, or there ls a morb.dy dark, b^??a appear- I *ce, and white bousj-aasi e>rpe*s?j, abd whsi ber? ?a, aeiokinf. baniOf? ?psoffoo wtot latafflE water, aad pgin it tb^-emaH of the Baot KHFECT fmmm PILS erfeoHj ^stereos, ?Jts^ipljV,o?col ,{"5^ ^'BSaS'sf^**' ji ^w?iI^r%otty]^ Krau?/? K^.^c^ta.isa.a, Hoadae, o. Cow* ^sf^ "^of*