The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, September 27, 1871, Image 4

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TSE TRUE POBTBA?T OFBITLE] We. forgive the New,. York; Tribu for many of its wrongs toward ns for t following oap?Ul^Portr?it of Butler, is enough to kill him. We look forwi hopefully to his political death tip? toe painting of this truthful portrait. Great " humbugs die of unexpect causes. ? trifling oe cu rr eu oe some ti m ends a mania that bas crazed i nht people. Even great men .wilt sod iii below the line ot public favor DJT stogie-remark. "A hasty plate of son] killed General Winfield (not Wingfield Scott, and the morns multicaulis fer was cured by a boll breaking into Pennsylvania mu-iicaufis field and ca ingupfive hundred dollars' worth trees in one night. A local editor #1 announced the event said that *he bu would begin to spin in a few days. Bi ? people put no faith in it. They sai there was no use in pursuing such delusion. If a bull could eat up fiv hundred dollars' worth qf multicaulis i one eight, there was an end to it fe them ; and, indeed, that event marke the bursting rf the multicaulis bobbi? Now, the Tribune bull has broke into Butler's field, and bas eaten up th buds of his bursting and blowing facie and of coarse he perishes radically-b is uprooted. See the following capita pictai'c of the "Great American Got bier :" "The tuikcy gobllsr is an instructiv study. He is an animal of the moa . diverse qualities. Magnificent as he i ic ?ifs, he is only useful after death - lie seems tobe made for war, but b has a chicken heart, io appearance when he spreads his tail, ruffles bi feathers, and iuflamcs his wattles, thor . is no animal so ficrcv ;' his aspect i grandly martial ; but at the first pricl lie collapses like a bladder; a shot wil make hi a drop his tai! and sneak a wa; with blanched visage. He is cruel ao< overbearing; he has been known to kil his young, and he attacks the weak witl rapacity ; hr? delight* to pursue timk women and little children ; but he is at arrant cowud, and instantly abates hil swelling pomposity at the sight of I stick in the bands of a resolute mao-? until he is out of the reach ot it. (>n< of the n>o.-t characteristic en's of th< gobbler is bis peculiar strut up ace down the pUiiorm, swelling up aoc lifting his legs in a sort of jerkin?: consoaaaee wi:.h the pride within, whet he? has attracted the attention of spceta tors by an uncommon gobble. At soc! momeu's he is simply magnificent. Hi is the mo?t courageous bird living, whet there is no danger If we could imagine bim going to war, he wonld'lead a regi ment \rith the must striking pompositj and martial bearing, until be heard i gun, wheo he would instantly tnrn tail and sctk his camp, where his follower! would find him vaporing before hif tent, as large as ever, during t'ic enero;; tonc?me on. Physical courage u oo\ prominent io tbe gobbler, notwitbstaod ing his warliko aspect. For these reasous, and because b* is the mosl ludicrous of the feathered tribe, we ar? . thankfj] ?hat t' wvnity did rtr? edopi Frank !.u's sop.'.-'-'-.n a: d maka ll\4 gobbler orr Datioad ecibsV?j. It trodd be as ridiculous *& it would to bar? thc face of B-iujimfh Franklin Butler on our escutcheon aud coin." I hp-- introducing thc gobbler, the ri,-r< <.<. proceeds to discuss bim more . particularly. Ho is ambitious to become Governor of Massachusetts. The people of that State have a right to take bim if they will. He baa, according to bia own 5'atement,^all the qualities of "in? tegrity, modesty, courage, truthfulness, honor.". "If," says the Tribune, "Mas? sachusetts therefore take? Lita at his woid, they will have both a swelling aiiu a martial lead'-r, who displays all their virtues iu his owa person.'' This ia cruel. The critic proceeds to consider the claims of Butler. II? ..aspires to be thought great rather (baa good." Next he is "a martyr." Then, as a "dema? gogue," he wants? he nomination. "He i the \ r-J', her of t be laborer;*' "he is the dry, bogoin friend ol the total absti? nence mau ;'* "be i? more nearly a W' i!?an than thc female suffragist*, them sc >.-.?. ' ile is thc friend ot the negro, for be sav> : "Ii I am not sustained io more cabins by the prayers of the colored mcu than any other conimander in the army, I will never appear in public a;taiu." -Yet the raddest pari" of all this, says the fr&ttwe, '-is the people see General Butler behind ali these pro ft^iotn.." ''Fri' odsbin to the oolored mau ts it good t n'y if - li the cLarges of the 0< nerti's enemies," which point th? Tribune illus'rates tbu3 : "Here's y r nice roast cbick'n," cried an aged colored mau, a* the t^r* ?tapped at a Virginia railwaystation, [Ashland") "Here's yer roast ehiok'u, 's taters, ali nice and hot," holding his piata aloft nod walking thep'.atloTtu. "Where did yon get that chicken. Cocfe?" asks a passenger. IJn-rlo luokn at the intruder sharply, and rh<-?. turo? away, crying. "Here's yer nice roast ehick'n pcntl'm'n. ol! hot ; ne Ad ni >'? in d? house for dut." "Where d d yu jret that ehick'n?" repeats tb* passenger. '.Look i vcr," say* Uoeie. speaking privately, "is ?tr*, (rx** do nor!'?'' "Yes" "Is yon a friend ot il? ou i i od wan ?" ' I hope lam " "i?*y c' v't you i.??bct ask oe wbaT I gut d*r ?.?)*". k'a. Floe's yer nice roast ehick'n *!? but*" Fiuaily, concludes?it* -??rOMI.*, if the people ol Massachusetts don't take him, lt wi'-! bj their fault ; "twit," it'-sugpeats, "cold weather ia a ppr oa? h i Bj;, and if u they do*take him, they should reflect - " hew it will be possible to enjoy a real ? thanksgiving and not kill oil their j " turkey g?brfors " . i ~? . ?.?.??>. - -, - A e'M-rt-3 >n Iftit a-ks iavk'hen&tir 1 sWfr*, the lui: ivs in? ridij.'Wira ti.- tho 4?&e*oL?? bafac^a :he sf?pf?f tor ehig; nans ana a St?rifl at Ou* j* a main, aud; thu -, ' h CTM^^*^ utan ia COURT Q$ptm&W&& ; F-at>kii? XX&S2ij&& ' ' : 1 tb? vcangarcfvtbt nama. .4 ' ; 4?SS^r. *w i j Perry M. DeLeon, Defendant. ' TO PEERY M. D.LZON, Defendant in' this aetbia. ... " - J YOU ara hereby summoned and' required ta j ans'irar Uta complaint in tata. action, which ia < filed in the office of the Clark of tko Court of 1 Con taon Pies? for the said County, and to serr?; 1 a cosy of your answer on the subscriber at bit ? offiai, 8amter, Sooth Csroliut, within twos ty < dayf after the serripe of tha?*jj|mmont on yea?. * ezel istre of the day ofaat?i?^r'??v I 1 If yon fail to aa? wea- tale wtOfdedat within the "j tim? aforesaid; the piain tiff win 1*k?ug adgnnnt agains?you"fo7 tba tass of "Ono -Ike asa nd, ? ix - Hundred and Fifty Dollars, with iUawat ar th? rs? of 7per centum per auaca fros* tb??rst dsjf- . of Jtmuary, one thousand eight hundred sevea?y one md costs. ' Dtited September Sad, 1871. j E. W. MOISE, li Plaintiff's Attorney " TO PEERY V. DxLEOK-Defendant: MS NOTICE that the Summons, ofvhch the f iregoicg it a copy, and also the compiaiat, ia th is action, were daly filed ia the oftco of the Clerl; afthe Coart of Ootamen .Pleas fer the Cont ty of Sumter and State of South Carolina, ?. ea til? 2nd day of September, 1671. E. W. MOISE, . Scat 8- 6w Plaintiff's Attorney, j ? Th 5 State of South Carolina . COUNTY 0? SUMTES. COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. Franklin J.:'Mosee, 1 the younger of the name, | Plaintiff, 1 Cepy Against I Summons. Perry AI. DeLeos, I Defendant, j TO PERRY M. DELEON. Defendant in this acti.n YOU are horerty summorred aad^ reqnire'l to answer the complaint in this action, wbiob is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Coart of Common Pleas for the ssid County, and to terre a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his office. Sumter, Sooth Carolina, within twenty days after the service of this sammont on yon, ex? clusive of the day of sorries. If roa fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, th? plaintiff will take judg? ment against yoa for th? sum of Fifteen Hun? dred Dollars, with internst at the rate of 7 per centum per annum, from the 2Sth day of Feoru ary, on? thousand eight hundred and seventy and costs. Dated Sap (ember 2nd, 1871. E. W. MOISE, Plaintiff's Attorney. TO PERRY M. DiLEON-Dafcnaaat ? TASE NOTICE that tb? Smimoas, of which the foregoing is a copy, and also the Complaint, in this action were daly filed ia the offic* of th? Clerk of the Court of Common Picas, far the County of Sumter, and State of South Carolina,, on tho 2nd day of S--.:--mber. 1871. E. W. MOISE, Plaintiff's Attorney. Sept 8- ow The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF SUMTER. COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. Thomas M. Delorae, Plaintiff, TS. Cheri ts DcLorae, Henry B. DoLorme, Charles K. De Lorine, William M. Dt Lo nae, Samuel J. Brown and Horten--' C. Brown, bil wife, James H. Bracey and Elizabeth M. Bracer, hit wife. Judith H. De Lor ma, Minni? Swin? ton DeLorme, Carrie Budd DeLorme. James F-. De Lernte and Jcha F. W. DeLorme, Dcfeadaata. TO THE DEFENDANTS, Charles DeLorme, Henry B. DeLorme, Charles H. DeLorme, Wil? liam M. DeLorme, Samuel J. Brota and Hor? tense C Browa, bis wife, James H. Bracey and Elizabeth M. Bracer, bis wife. Judith -H. De Lo rm?, Minni? Swiotoa DeLorme, Carrie Budd DeLorme, James E. DeLorme and John F. W. DeLorme. YOC ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and re? quired to aoawor the complaint in this action, which ii filed ia tb? office of tb? Clerk of ita Court of Common PJoss.for the said County, ?nd to sarre espy of your answer to th? said eossplaiat on tb? ; ??bsevtber? ai their ?Bec. la tba To wa ef Som- ? ] ter in tue County and State aforesaid, within I ] twenty dayl a/t?r U>* torie* berW, ?rclduv? ot ' U>t day of auch servie* ; aa I if you fail te an? swer tao complaint within tb? tim? aforesaid, tba plaintiff ia this tatton will apply to tb? Coart for tb* ratio/ detsandod in tb* complaint. FRASER, HAYNSWOBTHS A COOPER, Plaintifs Attorneys Dated August14,187 L Tb? complaint ia Ibis action wat duly filad in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for ta? County . cf Sumter in the St*ts aforesaid, on the Uta dav nf August, A. D. 1871. FRASER,. HAYSSWORTH* A "COOPER. Plaintiff's Attorneys. BALTIMORE ANO WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP Compasad*/tl? fiat Class Steamships Liuollle ARB REBECCA CLYDE, Sailing from BALTIMORE avery SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at ? o'clock. Arriving at WIL? MINGTON TUESDAY MORNING. Ssilingfrom WILMINOTON ?very FRIDAY AFTERNOON or SATURDAY MORNING. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Wi cen to all points on the W. C. A A. H. Road, Chcraw A Darlington R. B. and their connec? tions. Insurance bj Ibis Une. 1*9 per Ct* Hule* Guaranteed aa iota ot ly any other Rouit. All Losses promptly paid. A. D. CAZ AUX, .A gt. Wi'.alington, N. C. ANDREWS A Co., Agents, Tl, Ballas Wharf, Jedi tauts. April 12 MONEY CA**fOT BUY 3T, FOR SIGHT IS.FJilCELPor i ! . < THY DIAMOND GLASSES, manafaaturad by J. li. SPENCER ?rCO., Few York, which sro now offered to tb?pnbUe, sra prjriounewd by al! th? Mlebratod Opticians of Ike world to ba. lbs mott Perfect, Nar ural ArUSelal kal/ to the hannan ?ye ever known. TLoy are gmepdaader their own supervision, ^ from min?te Crystal Pebbles, mellad together, ?ad dst ive tkair Batu?. "Diera", ?," on acocan* ?f theil l-n rd nets and brlTlfsacy. Th* i .alon tifie prit??iotf> ?a wferlajfc flay asa ona* t'ruv*,; bri*gs tb? ?ore or ?autre ol tbe'icni di? rectly la iront of th? ey?, prodvsiug * clear and , Jistinc'. vision, aa to tba aalarsl, b*?Hhy sight, rP Hid ]w?seaik??aU aopliifaar?a?a?l>Miis, aa?? cs {Iitowerlag and wavering of ?i?mt,4*saine?a, Ac, Milkia; u. ail others la usa. They are ?ni?at?aTra ft? statt emanar ia ram?? >f the bMt'?uaji'ty,of ail estar?ais asad :or (bal purpoaa, taWfr^sh and durability winnot Je foras/ssd.' ^ ,1 r,d* sstTk stomp*? ?a? wry fntac. 9 . ?OYT k m&w,,;? M .Daoaubet - <tf bi -PCISOTtOTJr^OXXJl >0WBRFtJL DEQ9?BIXER ANJO DISIN PECT A ST. BNTf&.ElY HARMLESS AND S AK. ' Ar^I8K:AXDPBEVmS CONTAGION. VCt?<ttn pnr?*o (.wettings; b?tele, restaurants, sa^*^oo??,<jotprtal*, insane asy latins, dis ?a8arie^>Ds,V"j??B*?p?oT^hon?cs, ?a ship*,! li?am-b?aU/and ia t'snement-bou&es,' markets, or wtter-elofets, urinals, sinks, sewers, coes joole, stables, Ac. . . ,. - A specific io all contagios* and, pestilential liseasoe, as cholera, typhoid fever, ship fever, rm*U-pox, scarlet fever, measles, diseases cf Ani? ??is, Ac. Prepared on ly by FILM* db CO.? 176 William St.,?.N. V. Sold by all drnggtsy._ ~~7 i SEW B8? I? LABOR, TI "a?, CLOTHES and FUEL SAVE? . ar toa CSE or WA Bf lELD'S COLD WATER SBtP-WISHIXa ' aPl ?EXD for CIR GULAR and PRICK L?ST ACI.NTS WASTED. Wilson, lockwood, Everett & Co., SI nCaUIAT ST., Nervr York. - ?ole Agents for the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florid*. TREES. Fruit and Ornamental, k'OB. AUTUMN OF 1871 Wo invite the attention of Planters and dealers o oar lafge and complete stock of Standard snd Dwarf Fruit Trocs. G rape. Tine? and Small Fruit. Oraaavmtal Treat, Shrub? and Plants. Kew sud Rare Fruit A Ornemoniai Trees. ? Bulbous Flower Roots. Descriptive and Illustrated priced Catalogne: ent prepaid on receipt of stamps, as falleras : Ko. 1-Fruits, 10?. No. Trees, Bc No. Ji-Grecn-boa*e, 10c. No. 4-Wholesale, rea. Ko. 5-Bulbs, fro?. Address ELLWANG ER Sc BA It RV, Established 1840. Rochester, N. Y. lTrlr:rON,SJOURNAL^rT" 'ersons not now subicriW* to ArfLKToits' IOUBKAL can, as a trial subscription, obtain the ismalning issues for the current year-from Sept. :d-FOR ONE DOLLAR. This large reduction is offered to new sub- cri- - ?rs to enable those not new acquainted witt thc Tournai ti fully test its merits. Remhmncci mast >e mallee: direct to the publishers. ArPbEi'ox's JoxtHAL it published weekly, and tonsiste of thirty-two pages quarto, ?neb nu:-.her irtractively illustrated. Prioe 10c. per N . ; ragn? ar subscription price Ti per annum, in adi ?nee. ). APPLETON A CO., Publishers. .New York. PTJTTJ? voa osa y OM til o sur. A r. EJXIU.U row ir; 75c. to Jan.. *72. $1.6?) to Faly, 72 ; $2.50 to Jan , 7S, THE M ETD 01? I ST. Svery w?:k a Lectura Room Talk by Beecher ; sermon or artiel? by Talmage, (second tv beecher ii) popularity), Mm. Willing'* gre?, .-r- lal itary exposing secret worktn-* of Konmiiiui m Imerica, and mach other good reading. G. Joisted, 114 Nassau st., New York. CrnijrSJI Try samnles of cur great 8-r-age, K AAJCALA $1.00 illu-trated weekly-Z9 years istabluhed. Fine steel engraving! free to ?ub ?ribers. Agents make $6n Jay. Send for ? inter? lay Gasette. Hallowell, Me._ BAND ?or something ititera-tirij;. seed your adere?* lo iEORGE W. GATES, Frankfort N. V._ LIQUORS, BAY RUM, SITTELS, nod SYRUPS of ai kind* can ??e ea>i:y cane br le** tiian half the uiu il rite?, by m-jt * ol I ICH LEE* Receipts. Price $2. ii* i .v- d by nail. Pr-'of Sheet* and Indas *>nt ir.-e t.v F. A. SICHLER, WO N. Sd Pt., Phils Icipfais. Y-. TH t! C ? RTA 1 V li ?I S K U~ dow it if done, and who does it. J be ilea* Zsok, IT.' p?go*> g^>rgeou?!i illustrated with :uta, posit iOBSt Ac. >?t?t by WIA?, : wuroiy >< .. !. ?r ?*"tv eenti'. Crud, fr< e. A iiiir*c STEPHEN WEST. _139 BROADWAY, New V-tk S30. We wm Pay Igoai. iZQ per week ?o se li our ?r.a. sad > ibis diiooverie*. If you w%Nt pertain."::, hjoor tlie sad pleasant work, applv fer eJn'.-a.^ri addrcj* DYER A CO., Jackson?. .Milgan ^G?2NTS WANTED FOITYH'? j TRAXSMISSIOX OF LIFE. . Counsels on tb* Nature and Hygiene of the j Masculine Function. By Dr. Kapueys, author >f "Tk? h'katical Life af Woman." lt n,'.*;> ? ja ike mali Ml ; is full cf now fac?? ; delk-ate bul ratspokea, pr*ct*ai ard populai ; highly en ion cd; avlis rapidly. Sold by sob?crtp4i<*a ?ly. Exclusive territory. T?.rtos lierai_ Price $2. Addres* for soatonts, Ac, J. li. FER 3?S A CO, PubiUhors, Philaik.pbu, Pa. THE JACOBI AXE! Guaranteed to excel all others ia shape and arterial. Be sure to ask for r H E JACOBI AXE, Alf? ACCbinr NO OTIIEH. Eveiy Axe Warranted I Foi sal? at NATfi'L JACOBI'S Hardware Dc.*t, Na. V M.-.rttet St? Wstsaitigton N. C. tod Dvw lear Tbro nsrt* o ot the acate* A Complete a*i..rtmct:t of Plows, BOW in ?X stock, sad fur sale .ow at N. JACOBI'S, hu. ?? Market ?U A large at.d well s**orte4 t'ock of Spade?, CX, Shovel*, Fork*, Ho*s, an 1 alt A^ri"ulror.ti 'cols, and ? fall ?apply of tba mast a< proved;, ty)?* of Mechanics' iooli , House ac ) Oeatrrr.i lardwar?, I sin ts, Oils, Ola*?, kc] fr>r ?ale st MATH'L JACOBI'.S _Hardware Depot, No. 9 .U?rk?t St. 5addle*. Harness. Whips, Sol? LeTl??er, 'Har 5 net* LeMber, Ac. for tal? at NAT II 'L JACOBI'S _Hard warr j Market Sw UNS, P;sT0L?, POWD?tt, ?HOT, i'OW JT aar Piaaas, G seat Big*. Shot Stitt, Cart idgss, A?., a ?amp?ese aueorHaent, JorsaieaC KATH'L JACOBI'S Hardaara Deriat?No. t M?rk?t-8t. . April M..__J _^ . Ctai?'^':.0i?in^ Pleas. COUNTY OFSUMTK?t. ^Vtabeik N. Bradley, P?oijf?fi\ ujcn'n<? John McLeod Bradley. Gurdon J!rad* Tey, Alapy Murray Bradly, Samuel ?radley, fjeury Ilnyiu* Bradley. John ?. I'riertem and Edgard ?. Evanr, Defenianti. Pursuant tc an Order pf tb? Co?rt io lhi3 ?as?, atti tttsay Ttamjin,ta?Crcdii./r* afAmueJ Bradley; de seated, thtyetUiwr in ti.? carno, arr ?eby aot?8t4 u coma ia^bc1oi*:oe r;od pture oir debts, turor befara Um in day of D4a*iho?f island AbatJaM?mii-rt tb?ir e;a??ar ?? tc ?vaiba?t ?Watt Wita 0?e shay - WW Lc i t ad?at th? benefit af Hr? deem modo In tbf?MC OHO. W. lt BA RD ON, Clerk af tba Court sud a?r*t*t. . OM^^atsW Sweats.aazt to tb? Sumter Mk Store. Aa? mm > -SKJ ? v. ; - -' : ? '?? .. '.. T) ATTLTN80?TS MANUAL OF.AflClENT JLV H1ST0KY, ir?na th? Earliest Times la the F*U vf tb? Westorn Empire-.,..^^. $2.0Q LetJQ?naot'* Mmiail ol the An?ient Ilittorr'. of tl? Bait, io the^ta4PD???eattf'uw^ ?c?i?o-*r'itri,\? reis. ?R~y.......*..???>> KTb?. -Book rf-?rarelsjrf s Isoitor.of?gr?lo, * containing bii/obscrTctions made ie eus . tain portion; of the (wo Con linea ts.2.00 ThoojhU for ?S? Yo*u*g_AUo of Aaaerieerby. L. U. Beerie, St. Loois, Mo..,-.1.50 Spring CosMaedies, by Lady Barker, "..-... 1.50 Ess*ya of an Optimist, by John.T7ia. Ear?, E B.? ........ .............--T.50 Ligbtaud Electricity,by Jna. Tynoelf.1.25 Constitution*! Monarchy ia France, by Sr - noel Renan.? ..... ......... MM.?..?.75 rHaxd booi of the A eta mis trat teni of tb? United State*-...,??>. ......... .M-*M1.50 Tho Life ar i, Latter* of HugV. -.-Miller, by Peter Bn^e. AUA. 2 rn>.v-..?..4.00 Fricada io Cocncil, . Series Of Readicgs afe? Discoors? thereon, by Arthur talpa, a nea edition, complete in 2 rois...........4.0G By the same aa thor-Rea! mah, a Story.2.10 Casimir Maremond a Novel m,.?.+..?,.u... ,2.0it Co inp? nie nt of my Solitude....... >?????... *? 1.50 ' Essays ^Yjitten ia' th? 1 aterr?is of Business-1.50 ; Bravia, Short Essays Mad*. Apbori?os.?. 1.50 [ lao WSteess of Histor* ta Christ, being tbs ! Hirlseao Lecture for 1870, by BOT. f. YT. Farrar ........?..?...__?....M. ?.?.1.50 Self-KeoaociatioD, from tb : French, with aa Introduction by Rev. X. T. Carter, M. A. ................. M<MI.??*?...M .3.60 Memoirs of tb? Life aod Writings of Thum as Chalasen, D. I)., LB. B\, by his SOB. ia Law, Jtef. Wm. Hanna, LU D., th?' - English La?ion.4 rois. 8?0...?.?.....?..7.5O Th? Ha vard?crie?, Choir? B-ok t, coa.prl?iax Enjoys in Mosaic, by Butla^lynef^Saiot Loois, Ki'.p of Franco,-by Be Joinviile; Religio Menee i ; Ufa Curia!, Ae , by Sic Thema? Browne; The King and tao Com>- ' mon*; Cavalier and Puritan ?at?: Let? ters, Sentences one! Maxims, b;- Lord Chesterfield; with a Critical Essay by Sair.te 15:.ure; IIa???]??, by J>ocior Jobo son; neatly )?>uud in flex cloth, gilt; price ; tr Vol;....?...?.?.??..1.25 Contax-D Place Books, embracing Book of Ambers,-Law nnd Law vers; Ir.Tention ? and. Discovery: Arl and Ai tistr:Clergy ?en Dw or?; Omens sud .'u^craiitiur:*: richie Wand, ?loth and gojd; price :?f each'vo!..'.._.M. 1.00 Car'o Io's Works, People* "?'di'ivi:, malt* crjtin. five Simon Resastus.?..?.?..,.80 The French Ro*cintt?n, vol. 1.90 A Memoir of c'hp rle . Mayne Yoong Trage? dian witii cslr.-u-.s from Bis son'.? J ver? nal, !>y Julian Chur'es Tau og,-A* M? Rector of Ilurngfon. with pi>rii;iits.._-.2.25 Ci nmon ce^e io r'ne ll.iusehol'l.n Manual o? Praclical Hautewi' -j, by Marion Harland_._-?..1.75 Tho Yotinjr Housewife's Counsellor and Friend Including, tue Duties of Wife and Mather, by Mrs. Marj- Ma?.?a ............2.00 Tho Religion of t'je Prc.ert ar i rf tb? Po? tare, Sermon? Preached ClikJ^y at Tale College, by The-.lure 1?. Woolscy.2.00 The Life of Jobo Milton, Narrated in Con? nection with the Political, EVrlcniustical and Literary History vf his time, bj judd Masson, M. A. LL. B? vof 2. 1C3S.-lrM3.-.4.50 ^7ooti< rs of European Art. by Louie Viardot, illustrated_.?....??......J.5Q On a Fresu Revision of the Eoglish New TtHr.cicnr. by J. E. Lightfoot.2 00 The P'irchss Judgment, . Letter of Ac know leils>oent to Hie Right Honoraclo Sir J. T. Coleridge, ty H. P. Liddon, I). 1). D. C lu. together with a Lettef to the Writer by I>r. Pusey.?...25 Kvi'ler.ces of Xataral anl Reveoli d Theolo? gy, by Cnarles E. Loni. .3.50 Jurisdiction r.r.i' Mi>?iun of tba AnzHcaa : Eniseop.-U?, hr th? Her. T. J. Bailer B. A..?.-.?..1.60 A .?Jw Volon-? of tonJ^y f>boe? ia Week day Honrs, a Tal? Illcrtratire of the Jour ney: rig; of the Cbildreo oflsrcal, by Mrs. ."urey Brock... ?. 1-50 FA Xi 11 Y ANO POCKKT * I BLES. r\'E HAYE RECL'HTLY MADE LARGE AL'DITTOS':; to cur itoclt of BIBLES. Tbs I rices ur* greatly re Ij'cd. '.Ve* re r.ow offering ancno>?al ?-.-ce c f KJitiL-'tSH :/SD tM?:RrCAX PAM!Li B?BLEs?. P'.>?TCET BI-' BL KS, 2-j.l th? BPiS'tOPAL PttATPH KOOK, ?it er. i .-.nv-ly I- ?. pri'es. ~ Persons rr??d;r?<j ?.. t!:-* ri-antry wil! plej?.- hr-si in lilli .'. |1??I .-e..ding their orders to ur foi -inv - ;'.l>-' bed i.i Americ*, tli^y vi ! I J tb a rc ed utily tlie ptiee of lu? bov,lt. We pay fer tl;? P%*t*ge ?t cxpree*. AJdr.-% FOG VH?l?'S HOOK DKiJO.SlTORY Ko. 250 Ki NO STREET, (Ul THIcLEM)), CHARLBSTON, >Ol iii CtROLl.VA. Ai-rii 5_ DOORS, SAcU.ES, BLINDS, &C. P. P. T o ale Manufacturer and Dealer. Ko. 20 Hsyns Street ar.d Harbeck'* Whirf, \ CHA P. LESTO.\. 8. C. ^^"T'uis is tb? largest and mort compl?te Ftrtory ct th? kind in the Soa:bera f^tatsa, ?nj J ?\\ artieles ic h:s TB? can t* fitrnisb??i by Mr. P. P. T?*i.? at price* that .iofy eootpatitlon.' ?-iT A pamphlet, with full and derailed Hst of ?ll th..? . f l?'?.ry. 8<?nv> an?! Blinds, aod tits prices <?( eerft. will b? ??nt freeaed post paid, ea applteatiSfl to P. P. TOA LE? - cn*ARLE*Toy, s, c. Joly I?-_ly Kinsman ?f Howell\ Factors and Commission Merchants* Liberal Advances made 09ft Cotton and 'Naval Stores. Charleston. S.C. Sept 6 dat AorilS ly tUAIMdSa?OS, 8. C. BOARD. PER DAY, J3.O0. I BO?, aatratoa, ^ aaa. a. u. aertraana^, . . SapariotendstTt. / ^lf9^0f* **v - i..-_& - . RUBERT BIBUHJNy afsptioalje?i/' WAI ?t??ad te aey. besieess se- ' ?rasled.l?bi?j*abaec???y?d \\ ' THSer. to PO BS OR P&rR?>S. , > ^.Jareas, a^X>,j^aaeaa||^^.- J " a .. rV ' - - ? .j. . . .* ? . ,C - V <A Manufacturer of arra" <DeaLcr ia Agricultural Implements, of all tbe latost im pro?ed patterns, ria : - Mtfg * & Plows, Harrows, Cul tira tors, Reaper^.endMow ere. Horsepowers, Tb rashers with i f oral. Assortaient of Field ?od ~ Oro wer and'.Ttaporter of Fie'd and Garden Seed*. Sole ?gWc fer tbe eal? cf -tbe Celebrated Saint Sri jr Dexter SeeiPe?. Partie? fetewpgad tbe growing 'af. Pea* 'Tor market, ahoeld of der earl J so aa' to wot be disappointed in getting, the Earliest and moaL Prolifio Foo ' ' koowa, pronounc?d oe bj bundreds bf track era' who bare pl?med (bom. - * RICHARD .CROMJ?BSLL>: Pfepriejar of tbe ??5 - - P?TAPSCO fi NURSUBJTjEi. Grower of Fr??t, ead Ornament*, Tree?, SbxeS* T S " ? w ' 'berj^- waaaa?*ajT ^e?feeeiJeeCVi& W/tOO Applet Trees, - yJA<HriSkea>lti>>*J * * ' '. . ?,0? Stertaj?FearTreea, 25.?ihV Dwarf-Fear Trcee, |?^Cke?ij TawaV^T*-. -s-i f*v^ .V 50,M0,4rap?4paet, (retorted, > ^ fcWtaee-wjte: tv^asseefcaeeeeluaemt of a? tbe leodfemVa?'.iee?fSetell Frsite.?-> -? green* ealtaWtbr Ornamenting and Beautifying Yatdf en* Cemet<rie? Aiptrag? Root?, 8o#e*> Ae. Price 1^^?**^ , ? ' * RICHARD CR03?BRELL. ? ' V. . ' Sm In ii tm . SUMTER, 8**0. - - '^IVERPOf^ AND^?NDOZ?^ Capital and. Rcserred.$?I,000,OCO,O?. rereeted ia tko United State*,. 3,100,000,00. "ANDES OF CINCINNATI, OHIO," Cub Capital paid wp...,,. _$1,060.000,00 Capital ead Profit? lat July 1671...~1,SW>Q9,00. ^ LIFE. ?NEW; XORK, LTT>E." Aaeeei locoae...... ? v. 6,000,000,50. ?POW?Y HOLERS' LIFE AND TONTINB* bf Caarlesion, 5. C. - President, Wa, KcBURNEY. A aonnd and reliable home Company. Hates far Fire and Life Insurance, as low as in any First Class Company' GENERA E F I R E AND Xl F E INSURANCE AGENCY. Antlaony ^73^t^ CAPITAL REPRESENTED, - - - . $35;000,000. PACIFIC FrRB rNS?B?NCE C?.; ?fSanFranei*^^ Gold. GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE CCs ot New York, Ascetic .....-1 c.OOB.eOe. SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE CO, of N?W Tort, As*Us_1.884,540. PH CEN IN URE INSURANCE CO.. of New York, T*e?*tt*...?,..?.. - 1,S?5,e00. RICHMOND BACKING AND,INSURANCE CO^MtJra?ewd, Ye-, Aewtte... K GSORaiA'BlOME FIRE INSURANCE (ML, of Colantbe?, t?eergte - 475,000. PARTICIPATING POLICIES inned on Dwellings, securing ?a Annual redaction on tbe press lum vf about.25 per cent: SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atlanta, Geo., Gen. J. B. GURDON' President. The oldest aud largest Sont bern Lifo Company. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, of Jew York. Io amount of New Business, tbe Largest Life Company le J?.0 world. ' SPKCTUL ACRRT ma THE POLICY HOLDER'S 7.IFB AND TONIISE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OP THE SOUTH: .of Charleado, 6. C. - . . These .Companies ia Strength, Reliability, and Fair Dealing are ?Second to none- in the World. Angust? . ... ~>\ _' :.' j ?* < ly THE ABOVE PRESS 18 SO CONSTRUCTED, AND OF SUCH IMMENSE POWER, THAT WITH A SING?E LITER ONE WAN CAN pm . a bale *f Cottee weighing 5ff lbs., or a hom eaa be bi teaed ie lae opposite ?ide ead prom a bale of the eased six? . IN ONE MINUTE'S TIME . The Preta wat exhibited at the Fairs throughout the Sooth met Fall, ead took the Premiare ?*>ry where. At Angeera, Ga., a 8l!*er Pitcher worth $6* waa awarded this Prase. At tb? Fair kv Fd at Charlestos, loot November, we took the Prem'nm ead cold tbs Press ea the spot te tao Prasfdeat of the As juciatiou for the f?R price. % 185. ' . TV? Gu.ra?tee thia TRI BEST PRESS IN EXISTENCE at the PRISENT TIMI, soi will TAKE BACK ANY PRISE Bot as seprMsated, sad REFUND TUE MONEY Price 11 Si. Agents Wanted for every County in the Stats). W. P, RUSSEL & CO., P. 0. Box i67r Charleston, a C. AoeectS ... \^ - . w WO SPASTANBOB? X}. H., So? CA Ik FACULTY. RIV. A. V. SHIPP. D. Tk. Preslseae ead Profbtsaf Moe tal tai Moral Science. DAVID DUNCAN, A. M , Pto?caaor Aacioet Usgaagee ead Litoratere. Utsratwro. The Preparu?i<nr SckckoL'unuVrr the Immediate asperriaion *f tbe Fatally, JNO. W. SU I PP, A. M , PneespaL Divinity School-ROT. A.M. SHIPP, D. D.; Rev. WHTTEFORD AtlTH, lev. A. H LESTER, A. M. ' ' - .? Tbs First Ssttloa of the Eighteenth Oollewieto Teat bef?ac oa th? int atoodafte October, UTI TheSec*ad Keacloe hegtiu sa th? Flm Moeeay ia Jewesrr. ?sTZ. Ibo couria of .todies mai Ute ?tendard of uhelarabip reetete' wacSaaged, bat rho FacwTty ?ow admit irregular at odette or thees who with to pwsaaoffitlsmfrf atejtlat eoay. Ibo Schoo!? aleo o pee. st nt? sesee tame; -?v TUITION per year, la Coll ega ?tatet, inclodieg teeHafewt fte, He? ie Carr ency. s?^b'^i^w^rBT'.^M:*c-OT'1' Charleston B room Factory j Safety Laaap,t %. P * * KI TS 8 lr'HO 0-8 BB* . 4- ' NOR EXPLOSIV* KBB03U1 ULXhVS ?Worwly ?.fe hotb from B?tW?? twx) sUjri?. ?M. , 6 ivs? twie? ?? ta och Iisjk. su coitos* -Lass^s^^ '^fl?yB 136 :JS^^^^^^^ sSfeer ~ *m*;??i**.?-, ;,^? tt??\ r*? DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tl sato o> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. on Work3, MILLER? BALTIMORE M *D'? .?AFE . tin .bent now in u?a-W^T-??:*-- {?:?* ?R":' ruse, dampness or decay. Fire-Proof Ifcjrchaats'' Safes, ELDED 8TEBL AND IRON Burglar ? Proof Bank Safes. FIRST CLASS Key and Combination Lock Bank Vaults and Doors. Sales Haas "255 Da'tiis'ire Si. F AC TO i? 7- ?.; .<./r ; fotac&i % Henrietta, C'?.tt y-ttnxoul a?J Warner Sif**t*. SEND FOX ILirrr.ATED CATALOGUE . OVER 12,000 ?V; (7S?. TESTED IN 200 FIR Hf?. NEAR REFEiN'CES: Fraser, Hayaeworthe ? Cooper, EoytA Foleoic, Swater, S. C. .Worth A Worth, Wilmington, 8?o? Ca. JabrKAgnerr A Cw, Conimbia, S. C. Nations! Bank o? Oester, S. C. Saith di Melton, Cackler, S? C .900 IN BALTIMORE. [OVER 12,000 SAFES IS TTSE. . TESTED IX 2C9 F/JT-J I FIRBT CLASS GOODS, AT LOW PRICES. Jol>.2? ly Ay er's Cherry Pectoral, For Pieeeeas of feo Throat and Lanes, ?Mb as Coogna, Colds, Whooping Cough, BWMwiMHas ?sAt?uua, u&d Omminijilor ! Probabiy narrar bato* ia thc wbc4e history of tao dictai, aa* any toing won so widely and aa deeply upon,the confidence of msnkrnd, as this ta totrcatoatot, aa lt han baoaaae hotter known. Us uniform character and power to cure the va? rious affections of th* lungs and throat, hare rttHf lt tooan aa a rehaore protector *gr'nrt team. While adapted to milder forma Of roscas* and to young children, ft ls at tbs ssa? time the ascot e?tetusi remedy that can be giren for tncip tent consronptkm, and the dangerous affections af th* throat and lungs. As a provision against sadden attacks of Croup, it shock! ha kept oss hand ia every ttaaflr, and indeed es all aie some? toe* subject to solde and coag?e, ail should ho provided wtta this antidote for them. Although settled Con***t?pHon ls thought fa eatable, sjdB great numbers of case? where the . disease scened settled, have boen completely eared, and ta* patient restored to sound health hy to Osa if JrVoeoro*. So ccea pesto ls ita rotatory over to disorden cf the Langi end Throat, that tho moot obstinat* of them yield to ft. When ao?rfag^ehse ccul^rr^^ra^uirder tee ^LtfAswa to always re?eved and often wholly mtmuMU? i? geaora?y cored hy taking the sTasswa Pseasrwrta saaaa ead ft*ija*at dose*. So g sa sss T]y are te virtues kn crana, that wa need ace pehlU the certificate* of theos bera, oe *? atora ?aa svoare to-mote that ha onaUtia* Ayer's Ague Gare* Jtejg4 ISfceSjHS? SES nu awe LI, nen i mem aa voe, a/tirno or As tts naas* hapBee, ttdoea <t7w*?, and doesjae* fUL Ccetalnfagaet?ier Arsenic, Quinine, Bi*. Bath, Eine, nor any other mineral or poisonous ?batane* whatever, lt faa nowise tajare* any pa* tort. The number and faapeetaace af tts oar** ta to ageedtotriets, are literally beyond acrobat, artwebsttevewtthoet a pegaBeiba to history of Aga* atedktoe. Oar pridu ia gratifled by the acknowledgment* w? receive of the radical carse atotodto Qbsttoatocaseo, and where other ma OhaecihBatoa paraoaa, either resident in, ce traeetog aroogVraris?n?? toeallt?e?. trS be pretoetod by takngthe ^e?7V CUMM daily. tattag to lint baie healthy ajtfvity" .For Baioos Pb<mlers and I,her fcanplaiass, h s* aa ?mettent remedy, peodssetag maary truly ffiC A^J. MUSA. Agoft at Sumter, S. C. DARBY'S ?liekumi^Jtmtyi sera*,, w?aaiefc. jttag?; j far aaahrth, tare ?0?rb, sra thrdac, dipth^tJ fer eoBs. d?arfhoia, ct olera : ss a ?gash te safran r , le .i J. ?nut, Proprietor, k. H. VcDo?.t.. * <\> ?7 W, . Ge? Ag*nU,8aa Frt.ncI?eo.C?;.. m..i u O. ..rt.'?J ; BULLIONS Beac Testimony ?; . Wonderful Cnratlre Effect?, >S They?? not arlie Faser Drink, Msde 5 1 Kan, Whisker, Proof Spirit? an?fe'* Lie? ora doctored, spiced and sreeteneato^ y, taste.caned "Tonlos,** "Appeanara,* "Betten ? taatj?adthet?pp.^oatodinnkeDn?saBdTsaj. . atrae Ke<ktn?,c>ad? from tho autre Boo?^ af CalifomU, free frmb all Alcoholic?,? laate. They are tbs GREAT BLOOD M FI EB and A LIFE GIVING PRnfQtjB a perfoct Beooeeter ?ad lariteratoT ai thi^j ??rrjmaT0C?flpc4ieefleatn?rt?rir?1 ustuHnrb: io a healthy condition. He parean cen tatet* ^ ?an aeoordl??>>dlT?Ottoaa and remain kar^j prewttsd their hoeee aa not ooarorwi t* J| poison? other ricans, ?ad tao rital arpa t J ? beyond the point of repair, v TkeyaroaOaatlo Pahrat?Teeiat? - ? T?ale? tewahe. ala^tbapoca?ar merit fr i aa a uoaatful agict In rcMertag Cocgettlacg^J mationof Ute Liter, aaa ali the Tlaoersl Orgs* ' FOB FEXALB COMPLAINTS, fa? ? old, married or alacie, at tba dawn of eaaaaadS the tara of Om, the- Tonic Bitter? hare BB -I?3 Fer Inflaaansatory ead Chronic R%?^s ' titas ead Goat, Dyspepsia or Indira; Bllioas, Remittent and Intsraltxta fl wen, Disease? of the Blood, Lifer,i?j?? -Boya ?ad Bladder, the?? Bitters hm ?ar? ?aeeaaaad Ba<;h Diseases are eaawdby Bleed, which ii generally produced by oaajfl of th? Dleeatiro Orean*. "a DYSPEPSIA OR IKDIGESTIOEi^ ; .abe,Tatala ths8honlders,Coa*ha, TSittosir^ Ch ut Pfartness, Boar Eructations of tis? bi ". ; Bad Tastern the Mo-tx Bill?n? Attaeti, PiOst '? lbs Heart, Inflammation of the Loan, Pak a: 1 cicas of the Eidntrrs, ind a bondini otter jtafe "i soma, are tte ofispriajs cf Dyspepsia. They tariforr *? the Stomach and stilt alstsfc "J I tirer sad Bowels, wbioh rendar them oi sss^S .moser la atananag the blood of all tapertnae jj partie new life sad T??OT to the wfceisrrSea. '1 FOR SKIN DISEASES, feapttora,ts? li \ Bh?wm, Blotch??, Spots, Pimples, Pests!??, J* J [ fe^fo' OsFSfmii?^-fe*ik*^*^aW ! ttsasses ot tba ? what?m riane ora? ? UteraUr dor np and carried oat of the srst?sT.<9 Um? br th? ase ot these Birten. One DOSI ? 13 ?eses winoonTtace the most lacrsdalasi off* sr? effects. desase th? Titiatad Blood ebenerer rwbJt3Q perlt?os bnxstue threesrhthe ska tn BaSB ttoncer Sons; cleanse it when ron findtt*?TvB ?ndj|?aslsh ta th? wins: eieaase Uvaaist 3 ?ad ycor* feeliace will tall yon when. Sees ft '5 par*, ?ad th? health of the rrstem wtil k/Ust, ' *? Fia, Tape, ?ad ether Wortes, brisa -3 ijstsai of so man/ thonsands, sr? cflsctmarts M ?ad renewed. Beys s distfatnUhed fr* eher? is *?rc?lr aa Indrriduil epos tot ii S earth whose body ls exempt from tb? jrat?l - worms. It ls not spca tb? health? 'mm? M body that worm? exist, bat upon the diaawii. m sad etttardepoeitj that tWth*. Urb*0? :B Soase. Xr. ?ystan of M ods eic?, no twasMftna1 aatholralatics wlil trew the system mn ?sr Jm these Blt isis. J. WALKER, Proprietor. X. R McDOXlls^H Drees!?*jjnd Gea. Ascots, Banftacdsea Ctt J ?ad a and M Commerce Street, Kee ?e> f tOTtOU) BT ALL DBWKtteTS AftD Mt jj R. R. R. || Radway's Ready &9 CURES TFIE WOKsT I'AISS 3 lu from Oise to Twenty 7L? "fl NOT OTti: ?un a alUr r?ti:ru j'nis a:?c. i ..:r. -lt? SUFFER WITU PA?>*. RA DW ATS READY RPM FF 7- ' EVERY PAIS. It was tte r.ret ?ni ii _ TUE OS I. Y /V/.\ A'"7 g Un run. f?." h-iw iMt.J . ...-r; ' "fM iii? Kl?.-'.(.'MAI Lvt ...!..> il Nerroo*. Neuritic. i.r ^".?r.ifirSi Ab may .-icr. The apptieatHn of '\i W. . tfl :?.e part or p?*U w i - ; <; ? ; - ?? M exists will afforii : . . i ..? r Twenty r .j * iu i>ali ;? . . ? ?< t.t- fo, in a ?ew D*"t? - '.' . .<OUR STOMA -rn MEAD tc!;E. ^RKI? . 9 COLI?', v.*INI? IN . - TERN AL PAlSS. TrsTrl.:rs shouM -- .'ry I s- ? Z RADWAV'S READY RELIEF u- v| (tim Jr?pi In w.-ittr will pr? > ' frwei obiiijpe of ? I: . i-:t?rtia; f Bready cr Lister? ?a a st:nails I FEVKR A\ :> m'y* i Tuero i r- t s remedia! -.. ?.. ?-"' ii?l care Fever ...A A . ; . . . ?, Billi c- Scirlct. T.- . ? " . - .jj Pcv-ri (aided Kv P. \'>.>?' ' 1" * S a?>\?AY*S*RLA4>Y II . ?* -9 per hattie. <4? HEALTH ! " ???:AH J Strottf *B.? Pare K h ! ? . g and ?KIU ; Katt* ptcxiva sec UT id to all. DH. K.4ii?V.4i I SAfiSAPAfilLLIAN ml 1 Has Btade >Le too?: as: >T.i- ..i . . ?o Rap dare she Ch.u.??.- ? I- -''*, j an 1er lt?? vfthii * ?j Medioine . * ? Every Day an Increased .J and Weight is Seen an: ^% THE GREAT BLOOD P*^>J| lifer* dn?p of the SAC - i' ?tl.L^ T3 SOLVENT communi-?:,-- ihr- -.jr. *m Sweat, Urine, and otb r Ba ?-ts ?n-i a-* J ?Urn th* ?i?;< T of iifc, for i' np*-.'?'? 'jl of the bod? with acw *<A ?.as? aTAj Scrofula. SyphUia, Comomptino, *|^H lisease. Ulcers ta the thrnef. Movtk jJSl N'.^es rn rho ?UnJ, ?nd ?.tber parts tem. Sere Kyes, Strassorves .?.<iutrja?H Kars, snd the w>>r*t ?ornts ?.f .ckie OB Rruptione, Fer?r Sore?. Seald H<^-1, Salt Rhewea, Erysipelas. A' ne, Bltd Worms ta the Flesh. Tnasers. Ca?*f*Jj Woosb. ?ad all weakeningd pniaW*?'3 Night Sweats. 1^ 3* of >^erm ar. li1 ?| fte Kfe principle, ?re within t(V et?*"* ^^jjj .?X this wonder of Vod*rn Chemistry, *jH days ese ?rifl prose to ?ny ptwi "^-Sj ??ber of these forms of disease its P**9flJ to carr teem. JMI Sot oaly does (he SARSAFtniuta1 r^m fwjtrr exeel all k>own remed?*! ape^^jP ?sar? of Caroeie, ScrofnI<tci, Co?t^(Ffl^| Skin diseases ; hot lt U the on!j P^H ILktteer dc Bladder [ Urinary, ead Womb di ?asas, Grard? Dr?p?7; Stoppajtv o? Waicr, t?*9*; ^B] Uriee, Bright's Dietas?, AlhonrisawBII eases -vrketw there arc eti-'k bert **r*^^H water H thick, ?toady, mixed with dike the white of aa ?ire;, or threads eQJr, or there ir a morbid, dark, kUssj^BJ 'seo*, and while boae-dort ^P^^fH -thor? 1? a frisking, barnie?; *^*?fH soaring watar, ?od pata in the *^ *MB Tsatfx^fS??pe? v -W. ^* ateatwar*? aleeois??* ? gae*, '.^j^^*^ p ?T*^' aa^N?^ ntiaerahver-^?i??s rasas drwr*- [Us A.1e?de#eso< BADWArS PrioeT? eec?" *B?* *^SS)?^B Lea^^Tm*. IkAraia?? ^gm