THE WATCHMAN WEP&ESPAY, SEPT. 27. A. A. HUBERT - - .'...EDITOR The Charleston Board of Health report foor deaths for the twenty-four tours ending Satuiday^at noon^ and five deaths fofv tl^'^iafli^?bar hours ending on Sunday ; General Hampton'? We print, with much pleasure, Geo HAMPTON'S letter, addressed to Gen. D. H. HILL, and especially so, since the views exprosed ia .??gard 4p the part the South stould take io the approach ine integrity are without question, 3*be?e gentleman have do e m proof Kare-umist* gnd h?ri?ig e kiogs' sons. Paris w mold overflow, sod Fifth Avenue, New pork, woald ruo around the earth. We hould all be waotiog the same things, f? erhsps, sod oar wishes woald become jj? 9 tbiek io the air that they could not t( jove, and woald bo so mach at cross urposcs that they would counteract one nother. . On the whole, it probably is best to c cuntented with our lot and with the gi orld as it is, especially since wc can't c ave it otherwise. ts Latest dispatches say that n latter's nomination for Governor of oi lassachuxetts is impossible: tl " ss ?aera! Waste Hampton tLe tuna? slaw. bi 1 be following letter, addressed by at reo. Hampton to the editor of the " wuthtrn. Home, is published io that 10 aper in its issue of the 19th : C COLUMBIA, September 9,1871. ?? My DEAR SIR-The Southern Horne, ?< f the 5th iostst, containing your iitorial oo the Southern States io ?< terence to the next National Demo- fl retie Convention, reached me a dsy or b< iro ago, and along with it the letter in & h ich you were kiud enough lo ask my y< pinion on this qoestioo. Though I jru innot flatter myself that a y opiuioos I tay entertain can have the weight your iiriiality would induce you to attach > them, I most cheerfully comply with e request contained in your letter, .canne it ia only by consultation and b< scansion among ourselves that we ^ no hope to set judiciously and karmoo lusty. It would perhaps be sufficient to say ?at I concur folly io the views you have i: pressed, aa to the itu propriety of the j ?* nut h taking any part io the approaching onveotien ; bat, in defereoee to your de ?shes, I give briefly tbs reasons ?hieb lh ive induced this conviction io my * . . ? a? ind. 1st. The Southern Delegates in . s bl ationsl Conventioa could e*??fc4*e on ** iflueiiee ia shaping the policy, making jj' p the issn's, or selecting candidates for si ta next contest, without seriously ijurtng the prospect of a Democratic ' iuoipb. That this would io er ?ia Wy be j \\ >e case, ts prevea by the result of the j Oi >st Dom ocr? tic Contention, where the ery presence of Suatbereer* waa used to [ l0 rrjudioa- the actio? andi defea: the tl indid?tss' of uar parrf. W 2d? If the Southern Delegate* scald fi ot with -propriety exert any ioiowscf JJ I the Coo vent ion, white their mere M tteudsnre tn it might result io iafioit? *f lisehief to tbs D?mocratie par??/, it ie' .** uely the part ot wisdom tb refrein from artieipating itt the deliheratiout of the louvrotioa. Sd. The Northern-Dsrnooraey will 0 ave to hear the burl ben of the fight ta JJ fis next Hre^deuUl ioatest, atad fr fa a! oly right that they ithnrjid choose the > sid and sclent the st?odssd bearers, ?J These, io hvief, a rs thc faaatwf, fn t> Dnjcnefioo with tboae yea ha^a already of a at Iv ad fanned, rhsA have convinced ?e thai oar tnt unley ls to abarato itogtihfr from all pcKteipeiioav in tba] sj ext National Dawoera|.te Ci*ventinp. sj 1/ ooo rsa, fa pursuing this potioj; wa wi Irou? taks fara to hm nar ?adaet "? lid niu'iiraa fV.ij najJetstood hy oar ? 'orlbcra .irisais. \U s?v?ui say toils them, that weare ac?riated flpie1? bj the desire io promote the success'ofDemo? crat ic JTM ripies. ana. Democratic can. didates ; thai ve wish to leave them free to ?ct, tts the best ?nteres t of - oar party demand ; and that we pledge them ie the ooo teat all the aid we caa give, on Iv asking them to give as a good platform, sod ts ir?cept tbte candidates as they can. Whep th?-platform.ia announced, and the osodidates selected, th? Democracy of tb? Sooth ?so ratify the action of the National Conventfoo, and they cao ose every o fort t > secure tb? soccesrof the party ; ?br so hs success depends the existente (if tbe Southern States If oar people concur io this policy, arrangements should be made in each State to carry it out fully and effectually. Should ?hey not concur, we most, in any event, sot io perfect accord, and with BoHre huisony. ' Too much is al stake for as to differ imoog c nrselves, and I for coe am wil? ling to yield my own opinion for the soeces* of any plan which will teed to ?ve the Sooth from ruin. Ism tery respectfully sod truly yours, j WAD* HAMPTON. To General D. H. HILL. Tate .!?? Klnx Tr?ala at Balelgb. A tel ??gram from Haleigh, N. C., lated Friday evening, says : Tj) n prisoners convicted of Ku vluzing J. M. Justice, the Republican epreseniative io the Legislature, ic Fuly las:., were sentenced to-day io the Jn it ed States Court a? follows: R.A. ihofwell, six yeans' imprisonment and j ' 15000 fine; Adolphus Duprieat, two'j ears and $500; G. W. Holland, two;, ears and $500; Wm. McIntyre, two I, ears and $50'); Wm. Teal, three years ji nd $500 ; David Collins, four yeats and j > 600; James Moore and D. ?. Fostaio, M ix moot hs' imprisonment each, au J i Vm. Seiuggs thret years' imprison mear nd $500 fine; Amos Owens, five years nd $5000. The parties sentenced to ne aod /tard labor will be sent to Albany, V. Y Tie Colo red People and their Badlcai Friendo. We ara informed that the congr?ga? los over which Rev. Mr. Babbitt pre ides, wan broken op, eo Sunday last. Lt the sacrament table, & well known olored official attempted to take a po? ldon adjacent to a white Republican, hen tbs latter arose, and left the burch, declaring he would never eater ; igaio. Upon which, ss ac learn, ords were passed, and the congregation .at. declared disbanded. As this con? regatiaa was anderstood to be made up f Radieil members, who desired to reek doiro the social barriers between se two rices, the action of Sunday last i Tery significant.--Columbia Phot nix, -AD Indianna paper refused lately ) publish eulogies gratis, but added, We will publish the simple aon.>unce tent of the death of soy of our friends ich pleat are." - A psrsoo was boasting that be was om s high family. "Yes," said a ratender "I hare seen some of the imily so high that their feet cou:J not mch the ground." [concsiciraD.] ? 'rite Sniater^Flre Engine Company. Mf*r* Editor*: - It ii a ?oerco nf greet re et to ko< w that tb? "Sumter Fire Kunine j ampany"-- tb? pride of oar town, and an it n i ition of fruit oiefaine* i, ai the pait bal proven ?il going tlowa, fer the want, mainly, of the ipvort ?kith ii dee from the property b< ld :r* 'ear town.. Many young men arc leering it? ak?, ead nany more ?eem ii*v. A to follow, oald it se t be wiie fer oar commjuify t i ?Low OM intern", is tts welfare, and aaa'tit them tn sew their ?morgioi for a more complete organ! ktioa f It < ran ot he denied that their eervteee. bea callee ?'or, have bcee freely rendered, and ire proven of gre.; .! raine, yet etltj rh?-v bava j . juggled ageiaft assy ditScuhiu. abd bar? tiUiued their org intuition oat of .Meir ?we irate meena, bariag to pay rant for the home i which to keep thalr machine. It Merni reaaon.ible- to ?ay that the Town ooneil ?bi?oid a?ii?t them ia -cnitaining their ganiietioii. Oar eitiieaa iheald alie recognise em in tome way. They waste b nae. That >w aaed 1? eat aefieieet to enable theta te keep ?ir oopina in proper order, and it t? aaH tbat the Company he reaeiredio pey the rr nt now ?mandad, (mother yeai*4 aed.keep.op their an? ne, they eill*he obliged to let tho property >>4era maeage*it the beet they ean. t Let aa Jit allow inch en organlx'tinn logo v two. It ia toe oaoieb We n.e.! erg* ?ur >ur.g men to g<> into ui rank?, and they mutt be . jtained ia their oferta by the pr?iTTy b"'J'ra ?1 the town ISLO<;NI?0. !? SUI s lae o re Jtaelneea. We oak particular attention to ?he Mtuorieg tfinew aoticea of Baltimore bcu.-c. the adrer lemeeti of whieb are to be fnun-J ?a th? Crvt leona ef ear tnt page, preraiciug. that fruin ? nerel com nentty of intered ead ?yat pei ky, and MB tho liberal band of aaiiiteeoo extended to la our tiare of greet need, Baltimore La* claima ron ai of t?>oft tbaa ordinary ccrrt-gtb. T. J. M iGRUDER A CO-Ai wholesale?a ?lera and mansfeatarers of Buvta and St.oa, ta hoaee ?tanda foremost I? the etty. ?. J. seen nea. Eeo,., theleaeiog member of ITJO m. le ose of the leading laymen o; tito .M?t.i.. .t EpiaeapL Church Boato-a tuan of meihte, irniug aeal, ead of great inflaaere ai?d uaefnl ?e. Hta birra ?at, ac may he we* o leted upon hafa ead liberal priaeiplea. Cordial erie?y and the etfietefl integrity characterize 1 traesartHMe*. A partent confidence il frit hy I tho aenjereaa cart? men of the hosea. Wo y thia eoeaaao lt ic eminently due, a ?wi beeac tc ? weald suee ead leave an impi**?l >oj wham te tey luoea ia Bait weare, '. ell VftfbwpH* {bete, Tn it ic ?be et^maee J me^waecjm^tkh^ -..- V ; 1 r wm af-iaftaaeore.Mr.BeraeT ic a4Parmeri, Hie *ttreftiiemejiiwili tell mure ? met tvaad oe wm Uelated Uaftri the m ?t t, mM? ******* * WILSON A SELBY.-A? Catto? luton and tJommissaoa 'Merchants, waan a Baltimore bama? ia needed, we alway? ia/ Wileoa A Selby. And 'wa want to keep tie matter before oar friend* aod readersj because the/ ?aa bat ba advantaged bj dealing with them.. WM J. C. BUT.ATTY A CO.-Jlrts first class wholesale Look and Stationery establishment, are publishers of ralnablo School Uiitrriesfor tba South, wi* entire freedom from partisan prejudice and political miircprescntstion. Tbsy sro used mostly in thc private and publie School* of Missis sippijMsrylaodaad Ken tue*j.'i*p*eimens.of these books may bo had on application at the Sumter Bookstore. Meanwhile we take special pleasure 10 commorn?iog the boon* of'Dalaay A Co., to the'trade generally. "?Jr ; CHARLES P. 8TJEYE2?8.-To go through Steraa's immense Furniture EsUblishmcnt^oa Calvert street, ls "to see and to learn" much. Some idea is had of the costly and elaborate style ls which the palaces of the. wealthy, in more favored lands than these, are furnished, whilst the neat and tasty '.cottage styles" ef every grade and finish, show bow larg? a proportion of the people are content With mediocrity in Ihis con? nexion. - The whole establishment' i* a rcarvel, in its department, and its courteous and gentle? manly manager, Mr. Chas. P. Stevens; the suc? cessor of hi? father in same business,-!* stitt in bis years of youth. Ho manifacturas extensive? ly, and is decidedly the man from* whom io bay Furniture in Baltimore. * - WM. KNABE A CO.-The Plaao-esUbthft ment of this old uni eminently ?ucccsefal boase, bas grown into, mammoth proportions, and Knabe'? Plenos are household eoiafotts ana at? tractions throughout the length and breadth of the land. They have kept paee with the onward mftruh of improvements", year by year taking prises, where (bo SOM manufacturera of the coun? try were competitors. The ngeney of this concern will-be round at the Sumter n..ok Store, where elaborate pamph? let catalogue*, illustrated with exact pictures of [he various instrument*, maj -be seen. The pri?e jr any instrument will be put down at tbe lowest ?gures of the uianafitoturer, and orders promptly sxecuted. MATIN AGUE MIXTURE. -Mr. R. H. Biccun 11 the proprietor and manufacturer of this popo ar Fever and Ague mixture. Il is pleasant to ;he taste aii contains no p >i*ouous matter. At his office may be found one bottle, to be given i fray to nay indigent person suffering with the ??sense, in order that it.? merits may be totted vithoutcu-ersop, and may always be foana at rho ia bora- j ory tS S. Howard St This Toute has airca-7 btta'n cd great popularity, and* it promises to lUtstrip all of the numerous competitors before ho people. It otny bc had at Sumter at the Drug itore of Mr Isaac A. Mckagen COM 31E RC? A L? SUMTKR MARKET, SEPTEMBER 26. COTTON. Thc market has been somewhat depressed the >a*t week, prices gradually receding under ad ices from tho greal cotton markets. Sale? 330 Rales at lc? to 17* SHIPMENTS AS FOLLOWS. New York 196, Charleston 106, Baymore 28, Total 930 bales. The special rates of freight on Cotton are <-nly n force at Sanrter, Manchester sud Kingfvtlle. 3AC0S-ft- R Sides, li? 12c; Shldrs. 9|il0?. .ABD -l?c^lS* .Lorn-per bbl.$8.00(h>$ 12.6A. XH'FEK-Java, 3?f-ol0; Laguayra, 30; Rio, ?ALT-$2.2a ?UtiAR-P. R. 12J-C. IS; B. 16; A. 16?;. Crushed. 20. ?RN-$1.2nslober 26.1871, at 7 o'clock. By order of T. V. WALSH, W.\ M.'. M. C. WILLIS. Sccrvury. Jun? r>, ]*7I. ABERCROMBIE^ MORAL PHILfOPBf. IBRKCROMBIE'S MORAL PHILOSOPHY. The ]>hilosopby of the Moral Feelings. By Joan AssacaoaaiK. M. D., F.R>. With aa introductory chapter, sddi'oar, and explana lion?, t'< adapt tb? work to tb? aa? of School* and Arsdctaiss; sad sL-o analytics] question* for th? examinatioa of ?lasses, by JACOB ASSIT:, author of tb? "Young Cbr?atUo," '?Hollo Booka," Ac, Ac Revised edition, with addition*. 12mo. fries fl 13. Tnt. work, although sot as com prc bens ve a j rea: ??eau Dy mend's Moral Philosophy, is yet reit sdaptrd as a das? >>ook far schools. The addition* by' lb? Ker Mr. Abbott^ nteud?d to be such additional explanation as ha author would himself hare made, if b? bad a riow ?*lilo preparing the work, tb? parp?se td rbicb it i? new applied. LBKRCROMBIE'S INTELLECTUAL PHfLO SOPHY. Inquiries cc.noeraing the intellectual \ Pow?r? and the latestigatiaa of Trmb. By J- art ABLKcaoKsts, M. D., F.R.S. With ad? dition* and csf Janalian* by JAC*?J ABBOTT. 12a-. Puce ft 13. "lu r. ^ar j tj tba vaia* of Dr. AscKcuaasia'r I r?ati(K'," says th? editor, tba Uer. Mr. Abbott j bhoj-clfa practica! tardar of .rperieuc? sed ?kuowledgeJ merit), ? tts-* is snd lhere cao ba j ut oso opi'iioo. Its B>*ful tcadoccy i* sswst kcided, both ia msrklag a paptl aerjuaJnud nth bi* power?, and in guiding him to tb? at, fiieient and tucceasfal usa of them.'' Tb? Bf?k ia* gone through in ray editions? sad ts now cry generally u??d. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAYE THIS day focuMx] a Copartrersbtp nadar tac ? ?ni? and ?tri? of WHILDEN A JONES, for hetorpo**- of carry tog on ?iv: NAVALSTOKES, 'OTTOS. MCE AND GivNERAL COMMIS? SION BUSINESS, h*r Sortaera port. We shall be pleased to handle consignments of your cotton, and ?HI gi?? all shipments ear closest attention. . SEO. W. WILLIAMS, k CO., . Cotton Factors/ . Church Street, Charleston, S. -C. Sept 27-?si Delinquent Taxes, CONTINUED. L. M. Bronson, 1844-17 seres land. Miss S. De Loach, 187*-Hons? and Lot Mrs. M. Poole, 1870-Hcnse and Let. L. H. Diokins, 1848, 1840, 1879-64 acres Ind. Dr F. L. Oreen, 1848,184?, 1870-340 seres lead, T. Sumter We llb, 1874- 44 seres lead.. Mrs. Jana Webb, 1808, 1170, ) 844 nene Est. William Webb, 1848.1849, | lead. Elijah Pringle. 1870-Home aaa Lot. Mrs. O. P. MeRoj, ?970-2?2 Ocres land. Mrs. O P. MeRoy, 1874-214 ?eres (?ad. Heirs of Glsa I voy, 1870 - IOC acres lead. Bctse'f Rodgers, 1870-25 seres lead. Eat' ol Wiley Fort, 1843,1844, 1870-900 acres Und. F. D. Richardson, 1870-hons* sad lot L. M. MeRoj, 1870-IOC seres lead. Robert Ellerbe. 1879-244 scree land. William Sanders, 1874-74 seres lead. Mrs. Margaret Joees, 1870-76 seres land. Est. J. A. Mood/, 1874-100 aeres lead. L. M.Spann, for Jennings, 1870-120 seres hui. Est. W. W. Moye. 1870-150 acm lead. J. J. Lenoir, 1879-34 seres least Est. Charles Polk, 1848, 1849, 13?0-444 acres lead. Est Jas. Moody, 1870-148 seres lead. K. M. Clarkson. 1874-2795 acres lead* Edward L- Marrar, 1474-9*9 sera had. Jes. McKeoiie, 1S70-M sera* teed. Jos. 8. Bernard, 1848, 1H?, 1874-390 acres iaal. Stephen Floyd, 1879-33 acres la ?d' Est. Barfield, 1814-140 serte lead. Esc Joba C. Dj?, 1874-104 seres lead. A. W. Durant, Trastee. 1870-bon*e and lot ' Arther Gibbs, 1870-100 seres land. John B. Bisks, 1874-44 aeras land. W. E. Hicks, 1870-194 aeres Und. T. M. McEIeven, 1870-50 astee land. Jas. NeabU, 1970-10? sores load. . W. C. Pigats, 1874-54 seres land* Pinckcey Tels, 1874-64ates lead. Jas. Scott. 1879-69 seres had. ~ ct. Mrs. M. J. Davis, ' 370-6S seres Wed W. H. MsLeod. 1874-699 aerea lead. Marj Cheers*, 1474-24 aerea land. Est. W. Harria, 1874-144 aeres lead. Philip MeElresa, 1874-164 eeees had. En. John MoJdruw, 1879-800 acres lead. H. H. Logan, 1870-69 seres land. Mrs S. W. McDonald, 1849 1870-294 aeree Und. Mrs. 8. J. M. Sendera, 1870-84 aeres hedi, T. W. McDonald, 1448, 1899, 1979-199 aeres Mrs. Winnifred Hteael#,*I?99, T8T9-999 aerea had. T. a Richardson, 1994.1999-944 aerea lead. J. L. Dean, 1844,188?. 1974-26 seres lead. Moans T. McLeod. 1889-149acree IsasL Tao?. Nelson, 1474-27 acree lend. . W. P. Span?, 1*78- 275 actes Und. W. B. Corbett. 1874-539 aewe head. Mrs. Elisa Saith, 187?-25 oem lend. Est. W. R. Spann, 1879-775 acres lead. Mrs. E. E. Spsen, 1874-1 IS ?cres Uni Moses Williams, 1874-4 ?Mee?Md. Wan*? Wells, 1844,1809-84 seres had. Mrs. E. C. James, 147*~?94 state* had. Dan ni. D. E. 1870-549 ?ere* hod. Est Wihos Mccallum 1994,1999, 1471 tows sad lat. h. G. Potts, 1499,1999.1174-reseat lei, Albert James, 1819,1949-28 eera? had, R. J. Mck, 1944, 1899.1470-14? acres had. Mrs. Mary imita. 1449-144astea had, Reb?rt Andersen, i860-54 acres had. THOMAS J.COGHLAN, Coenry Treasenr, Saester Ceaaty. ri N?tiee is hereby given that lae ?heh of tao sever?.? pare?is, leta, sad perts of lah of real est 4, Jwwftid h taopressslag Rei, ?rae ases? theres*! as vii) be necessary te pey tao aaa is. pea?; test ead aeesseaseats ?barfed tate-, ?El be s ld by Tra? i ?rsi of Scalier Caa? ty, Sac th Cerolla?, at ass ofaee ia said Caasty, ?a Ike Ors* Keaney la Oeeeber, 1471 aalst? sadd taxes, ?itsittaaat? ead posait hs be paid Leter? tass tims ; sad seje? tah wjP be tiiahati* fret? day to day astil al} af ?aid paree?, loteejtd aarts af loa of real ?tata ?ha?te settevsdkrod aar J. N. CORBETT, Openly Aadltar. r " Batatar, Beet 27, 1471. ^ -FOE THE M aa? Wt?ter Trade, AT friends as? customers f?r* tte liberal patronage hereto? fore extended him, and at ^ the -same time.infonns...? them that having their interest, as well as hisown in view, he has pur? chased A , " ; Large Stock, suited to their wants, and well adapted to the season, which he will dispose of at TORY W>W FRICBS, and guarantees every article to please, and give satisfaction. The reputation already es? tablished for Selling Desirable t Goods LOW PE ICE?, he is determined not to lose, and asks an examination of his Stock-which is complete. Dry Goods Of every description, Blankets and Comforts, at all prices, Boots and Shoes, all styles and at very low prices. Kotions, Hosiery and Embroil | dery, in great variety. Saddlery and Harness, good quality and cheap, Full assortment of Hardware, Hollow Ware, Tubs, Pails, Tin Ware, and Crockery, very cheap, Bia Grocery Department is well supplied with every thing needful, and consists of 10 linds. Demorara and Porto Bic Sugar, SO bb& Clarified and Crushed Sugar, 40 Sacks Bio, Laguayra and Java Coffee, 8 Cheats Green- and Black Tea, 45 Bbk Molasses, 10 Hhds k boxes Bacon Sides, 2 Tierces Sugar cured Hams, S Tierces prime Leaf Lard. ??000 yds. Double Anchor Bag ging, 4,000 lbs. Cotton Ties, 100 Sacks Salt, 100 Kegs Kails, assorted sizes, 75 Boxes Soap, Starch and .Candles, 125 Bbls, Flour, various grades and {dees, Gin Belting, all widths, Good assortment of Canned Fruits, Lobsters, Sardines, Oysters, Pickles, Potted Ham, ?kc, LOW FOB CASS, AT ?. A. SOLOMONS, coassa MA ur AMP LIBERTY STS. 3?pt 27 BICE, RIC EL Tj?&SSH BSAT SICS, JO Ia TIKSXSS ead BABE ELS. Fer sale ?7 ABRIAS S VOLLSaS. SeffeSf ' - , . . .." -* DEM ABARA SUGAR? a ma Mn nr som ADS; Saitott* lee tba Retail Trad*. Tweak by ABRIAS A V?LLERS. SI " > . tf ABEL&jf & TOX?LSBS, , Fil ? Winter GOODS. AN EXTENSIVE ASSOIS^ ' MENT OF GOODS, ? IH EVEIY LIHE^ Just Received at Planters' Warenoose, And now ready for Sale. Prices as Low as any House in the place. QlYS US A TRIAL. mi e. H & co, - - ^ Seed Oafs. .? tv. BEST BLACK SEED OATS, For Fall Ptoitog. Chas. H. Moise & Co. Sept 13 > 1 mt 1%! jj 1 ? * S S ^ fa ?H Pe s O a ? fa ' S M) "-...g* ? ?.Sc ? fa ? * -S_:_ Florence Branch* Nachmail 4 Co. W?xolesak Jobbers. SBS??C7FCLLY isjforae tfarir iniftti pstnws, Md lt* MSRCBA? TS (Morally lELaratOfT H4 ? Cf Mill, ftirttaf iuw ?mkrkUn? ? ?tiNCH of Mr CWJeetM HMM .* Florence, S. G. WHIM FULL LI5ES OF FOREIGN AWB DOMESTIC STAfLfc M P??CT Bry Gooda, Voti?j&s* &e., wfB. I? foMd et sdi trotee* M raeti a/ieee M ere ixedbytt? Cterktro? Meftet, tfias easb?oc Mt Mi>4%a? )| llimi il iee v?xkrtM t?oeds AM 9ltbim tp* iMMH tm? ?seem?. aJ** 4> trip ts> OiiiiiHisu tr Korti ere fcB st)Msl ?sjttfalsj? as? tn MI, WAL?: Pry??oo?i?| & _JL-o_- ?*?* ?sp ? BY LATS A R RIV'?L OUR ST?? a ?t semi j FDry Good**> Dress (fa jt? * . . . . f. ?osicr^otions,^' ?^"COMPLETE IX ALL DEPARTIS J??JJ <. Maan? Oar Good? tr? nnrke-1 al 3e/?S ^RTCES THAT WILSUM VifS?sSrttt jLjT? OF THEM BJ ALL P?$fcnASSfc; 2?f ^mmmksr- -car fe^d^^Og STAPLE i bj A iMfc^g^t^ GROCERIES, ???J tfRptfrjl??t oll -tiiaea, CODM>?j? aifH WATUSI! * {?* } . ' " ;_sensfrf . ' V' ? fiat? * ?wi Wepar taeBTGnKST CASH l'i;lCEt**PW"?l her afi COTTON, OR SCrP AND HOLD tfaTHao DB&?ED, saakie CASH ADVANCES ON Sil "Sj eiethed GREEN, WALSH & Cfl^ Thia Ia MERCHANTS. tarated A Fall Sappi, of J? G ADD TO m? _ Book, atom, a f-WE ARE TBESOLB AGENTS IN ?TI ?fcl> CLARENDON For. The Celebrated **1 GUE EX, WALSH k G A XU LL LINE OF PATENf POPLI.l?*Ce* TUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT fr" DRESS GOODS I\ T0TJi*x$j At GREEN, WALSH 1 c40*0*" Heese, e ~~---?hat vs ALL WOOL MERINOS. DELUXE. EMPRESS CLOTHS. Tee 8K?MB Men's* Boy's flottera *? yet oe .ft OF EVERY SIZE AND y C A LUI, ed jaway? PRICES TO SLIT ALL LA DI E'S LINEN Waeel _.._ea saeta diafeeitk Bargains, in Long Clo?M'?*^ Sue* ?a -u-.""an A Large and Varied A.Mortaci:* vfc?ja ^ laale,?C?fl6andCor'-*'. - ALPACAS-aH kinds, eok-rrasd qed Wise t -^--ta? a%fai Poplies, Seotch Plaid* and Faoey ^?.?W, _ _J sa tar's /oates, ss 8-4 Black India Bai*-** Sad iles and BndTtr* t? snit eren . .ar aext* Large Assortment of Ha? ^ " COME AND SEE IT. Isptistps _-we eeJil Crockery, Glassware and ft, ware, at retail & Wholest^.5^ At GUE KN, WALSH'S *C _- Oahkr Another Lot of those New Sty!? D*"**^* . * oeipueast -And aa Accidents freventi^-*; TBS* asan BT PURCHASING THE NON W'hmt to av KEROSINE LAMPS. TO BF. HAl>^WriesJ At GREEN, WALSH *?**?MM _f his pm China and Glass Wat?. ' H Crockery sf ? "~-~?-- siesatjr^i Foll Stock of Cora, Bacon, Lari K???< AND BUTTER, COFFE*, ^1 .od SOGAR, f???j At GREEN, WALSH *^shael af infrie Calf Ski?, Sees sae Lecieg I^Sw riots Rather Ballia*. Ijnenx,! Roar, Salt, *HBH AND MESS P0E*3BS At GREE5, WALSIA?^M Fefed?leeit Beat* aad Ss** 4?'??0 ~ *sos3Hhl NEW LOT Of JarS^ WHITE GOODS, . atfSUtRT aaa DRE** ^3?*, ita* ieee*?, at arteeiskief* - Afc GREEK, WALtf *MHfe .a. ETa r-f -_