The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, September 20, 1871, Image 4

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M? WIFK. 4?S ?. . This beautiful poem was written by^ Joseph ] Brennan, an Irish poet, who died it|.Near Or? leans a number of jeers age. - He' bad.been, eat a short time io this country, aod bis wife waa | ?till at their old bene rc the Emerald Isle. Come to me dearest-I'm lonely without thee-" . . - / Day tim? and eight time Pm thinking aboe> thee. - Night time aod day time -Tm thinking about ?kee, Unwelcome joy wakings whipb ceases to fel? thee; Come to me, darline, my-sorrows to lighten, Come io thy bean ty, to bless ami to brighten. Come in thy womanhood, meekly and lowly, Come in thy lovingness, qaetnly and bolyT Swallows will flit round the desolate rain; Telling of tpring and its joyous renewing j And thoughts of my lore and its manifold treasure, Ara circling ny heart with a promise .of pleasure ; Cy spring of wy bc?:t, 0, Ma? of my bosom, Shine oat on ui> soul till it bourgeon and blossom ; Thc waste of my life ans a rose root within it? And thy fondness alone to the sunshine caa" win it. Figorc-?hat a oves like a sons through the even; Features-lit up by a reOexof Hearen , Eyes-Hke the skies of poo; Erin, oar mother, Where, sunshine and shadow are chasing each other ; Smiles coming seldom, but childlike and simpled And opening their eyes from the heart of. inj dimple ; 0, thanks to the Saviour, that even by seeming, Is left to the ex !o the brightness ofdre&misg. Toa bare been glad trbeo yon knew I was gladdened ; Dear, are > ou" s:id' now. to bear I .nm saddened ? Our hearts ever :w*wer in .?une..sud in ti-je,love, Asociare to oct..veawl 'tyu*e noto rhyme,lort; , I cannot weep bm your tears "?ll he nVwinjr. Yon cannot't; bal my cheek;: trill be ?'owing; I would not die uithout von at ni? M?<\ love. You will not : in ver ?jen I will bare died, lore. Come to oe, dear, ere I cte <>{%y for, ow, Rise on mr ghiom like tue san of to morrow. Strong, swill and fond as the words which I spc."k, lave, With a fong at yocr lip, and a smile on your * cheek, lore, Com', for roy heart in yoar absence is weary, for my heart i? sic!:ened and dren ry ; Come to rho arms which alone should caress theo.. ... Cometo the heart which ? throbbing to press thee. A NO:: : ti Ixhi SfiSLLC ! A of the Sew York Il?rald, writing from Long Branch, thus describes a Northern Belle. Heaven eave thc South from ?-'ich belles * IQ conclusion Jet me give voa another incident of the lile of a Long Branch belle. 1 vras stroliug through the bar room of the Continental Hotel last eve ning, when a horse galloped up to the door, aud a young lady sprang from the saddle unaided. She was dressed iu full riding habit, and when her groom came up, she give him directions as to what fare the horse should get for all the world like a turfmaster who had been brought ap among horses??li his lifetiuae. 'the groom bad no sooner gone than she deliberately walked np to the bar, in company with a gentleman, who met her at the door, aud called for a of bottled ale, and what is more, she stood at thc counter until she had drained the last drop out, aud until the gentleman, who diu'i drink, had paid for it.. This youo1?. lady belongs to one ofthebest paying p.nruYs stopping st thc Brauen, und is u lady, iu the ordinary acceptance of the term, in the face of her bar room feat, what becomes of the beauties who, they say, horrified a foreigner here the other day by drink? ing punches out on thc lawu? Are we not living io an age of progress? , LOOKING FOB LOST SHEEP. A preacher ot the Methodist chureh .s travel?og in one of the back *ettlcments, and mopped at a cabin, where an old lady received him very kiudly. After se< tiug provisions before him, she began to question him : "Stranger where mought you be from V ".Mudara, I reside in Shelby conoty, Kentucky." '.Wal, stranger, hope no offence, bat what inougltt yoe be a duiu' away up here ?" "Madam, I am searching for the long lost .?-heep o the tribe of Iftreal." "Jyiiii, Jehu," shouted the old lady, "come rife here this mioit; herc's a stranger rII rho way from Shelby county, Keutticky, a bunting stock, and I'll just bet wy lite that tangled-hatred old black ram tb. t's lin in our lot&ull last, week is <. ..'? of /' .".I. The ^rc;it objection to thc compulsory | ? education law iu Texas ?6 that urauy o? thc ladies iu that St;-le uiarry young, and I ^ ;.s the :<ct compels al! between the ages of tia :'>id eighteen tu attend school a large number of youthful married women are Kiisiously iu<ju?r?ng what is to become of - thc babies willie the mothers are being educated. An exception clause for their beuefit is ur^cn'Iy demanded, but as (he law goes ?oro effect before the LetrUla " ..... ? lure lucers again, thc situation is an en barraging one for wires, husband tad babies. ATVt&U.iKD Agrien:! ' nv .1 I?:?^!emo?its. STEEL CAST IKON lp P LO \7'J. _ I* L O WS. ^ MOM?S ( 'KLEHRA TED VI,0 W'S. j CAST i::OX, WROUGHT IKON AND A STEEL PLOWS, of every descripti. n. - ll CORN SBSLLSr.S for hand or horse power I C?.?T<e?i4 0r?.ii M lil.. | ? Straw u-A ?luSk Cattai*, t?ralo Cradles,- j Horse Power?. Thragin*; Machioes, " iv Sngar M ?:-. CeRtrater*, !{.>>* Hoe/,'... fl Corn i'la:.! -ni, C.;rt/, Wagoo*, Wheelbarrows-}." Oin'f;e?r, Plo? C.-strog?, " *""/. ' \*l Qfatton ?-.?ii store Trueke. Cottys ?oraperie? -~ Tfatwi 8wcfps sr.<7 Bali Tongues. _ U -. M Ox S >?fip!.. i burna, Cottoo Press?s, A? V GUANO, ??'?N'K l>r.-T ?Dd bth?r Furtinzert. > at rory fan rr??,s. JOH V at DORK, 1 ... aug 2< -SJBV ?9S Frr.M St.. New York, j EU^0?XU^3T& cai-; 3tAN*CFACTrit?RS \si> iMPuK?ER8 j * !*??n>rtS?. COLLARS AC. \? FINS > ifcPLERT SXf&?tiffl&?J t* HARDWARE ^ ??W YOBK. ? C fej.tC . -w J' Doubla Au?~&tn^Smnl/fngt, Bre?ebto?diDg ?od Jtf.oxsJ^loadsng- G-osvs of.EDglish, Fr^iK^>c4-.Gf?OTan njsJM^M*.,. AT ALL pjtttcMfef m Singla ?ooV a? **3J% V*Me\ **.*?. $12.00 tc$2?. eaeh, .Doable t? un? froja $U>0 t? ???h.-"~ v '* * *H ' 1 '-*-<v_? ". Smith A^W?a?oo, Colt'?, rAUg'-?, -Shatp.'*,;>.nd ail tbepopoJar ?nd ?pprore*?!^^^;^' Sportsm?n's Gk^ of Gr?5at .Variety. BEST Q?AUTY ANO AT IQvVEST PRICES, Country Merchants and .Sport-men srs incited to call and examine our" large -and well ?elected stoekofthe ?bor? Good?, which we impart dlreet ?nd 'raj from th? nuinafactarera.' 'Ve" guarantee quality equal to, ?nd pri?es w loir as any responsible bon?eio this cou?try. Ordert; by maj! filled promptly, and sent by express, C. 0. D. \ J .-J?QTJLIxNTJ>r,?BIMBL5 &,?<>;, r **? * V^iw W. Baltimore Stree*, _An|j>t^m^ : ? BALTIMORE, MD. - . - .PERSONAL..- ) j ; NOAH WAIJKER ?CO. || THE . ' J Celebrated dothiere BALTIMORE, MD. ? Announce tba introduction of a clan of ordering CLOTHS AM UNDERWEAR : Li ? ' BT - LETTE lt, to which they call yonr special a (ten Hon. They will sand on application their i inproved ind accurate HULES FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT, ind a full li?e of yamplc? frp-t?'Jl-Jr "tjj?rarive lock of CLOTHS, CASb/Jtzn;:s, COAT U?GS,8B?i'SJZG?? ?c., A-> ?i<4?*oahli?j i.-.rties ia any i>*rt of ?lie country 'to or?kr their Jlothing nud Shins dirt ct from- them', n ih the certainty of rct:ir}3gg.uuv-ati of 77?: Very Latest $j/7c Anti Most P<r/retFU attainable. ttooJf ordered will be sent by Express to any ?art of thc eountry. A?? isdell known throughout the Southern Utes tLcy larc fcr F01LTY-TIIREB YEAHS . EXCELLED . n tdtdyprrtmentf of their barine?*, whrriris a ?Hst tx tiri guarantee aa te the character of'the Jood.: fb-y will teni! ort. A large ?nd w.Il-s,-. orfd .?tock of 1 BE.\DY.-;.LtDE CLOTHING f . always on bund, togrthcr with a foll line af FURNISHING GOODS ic".cuing all the latert Novelties in Design, and at FOPCLAR PKICES. When 6oods nw seit per Express COB., here will be no collection ch:.rge on aaionnts of 28 and orer ! Rates for Self-Maarurcmcnt, S .mpJcj of foo??* nnd Price List sent//*-* on applitstion. ( T'>e m;:n IJD of the Trade is invi.ed to oar VHOLESALE D?PARTE.YT *iioh b al ays kepi up to thte highiet standard. KOAH WALKER A CO. lanuTorturers and Dr i'er: in McnV and Boys' Clothing and runii.-l??ng<?o<>dv,ei!hcrrcady^ ~m :iic or tu.'lc to or,dcc? " t j 1C5 and: 7 Cilllmore street, ? BALTIMORE, MD. ; April 5. - ly. 1 TO Planters and 3Icrchants. DUNDEE EAGG!> G, TIES, BACON, FLOUR, For sale by WILSOU & SELBY, Cotton Tactors, - COMMISSION; MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN ? ls A IV TERSV SUPPLIES,' Of ECCTH Description. o. 17 LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, Md. IBERKL ADVANCES uad* on Consignments. KD CIS recd re faithful and prompt a.?cotton. SCXTSK BLFBftCXCla. . f. TV' w, * Kennedy k Holman, . A. GHbcrt, Dr. J. ii. Pitts. N. Graham. Joly 19 Sm ] Kinsman & Howell> ^actors and Commission Merchants. Liberal Advances made on lot ton and Naval Stores. Charleston^ S. G* Sept ft a ^U^^t?lOLLVA entrai 2a? Hoad Co* w^m-^r^y^ix^r-^-^ mr. CHABLEfrfoN. S C., Anj 15, 187!. \UT. TWELFTH INSTALMENT OT T?S DOLLARS PER SHARE, will he payahb 19:h Sept.. proximo. ' _ ?J CbarlMion-at tho OSoe of'the Company, So 10 Brom! i treat. "' . * Jl -, Ron ,er-To S^ajor JOSEPR JOHN??N. , Clarcadon-Te Dr.ALLEN BtWtM?. '. ; If H; H. PS?%^A?L,Ta3?a#?. logtart Jfl ; -? ? 1 lom af CDi?m Heaa,- Pa ?uitfrthrjf. ?hp<fr$t PMnttf, against P* lohn JljLvxi ?rud?rjfr GcrJ?nJiratl> of ^y. A*a& }IutT9!l &r<*lkyt $amu'l pri bra<lfyK Henry x litHfhtM .^radlejj. ?Pl J"bn N. Frktrsofc afcl Eduard Mx leam, D^?nvU.,'?'' - \ ar?B?ntro ??'Order ot the Conrt in rbi? co??, ? ie at May Tom. IS71, the Ottd^laf?les?nal H" icaUle?.. 4oo?aaed, ta* tailor ia tb? ejareej?rf -ai t, sod that In iafaale ?f their eoteing-tn ^ tet|tSt!jwr% ?!T^?-p^??tn??fc A likUJSrW. KBAKDON, oit - u*ik?i Ui? C-urtw? lUfttfk. : Wa k-rii OSoe, Fumier,' l??j ?l?i, UH. - ja? 7 tL 1 I^oeo?*iUV.?d>n*>t? of the'A nc teat History " - of Ur*Ea*Wto?^Cema>er?meiito{tbo HWku W?riiJV*l?r*Tol........ Tha. "Bob**! Tra*fd?:oT.jtDoctoraf ^byfle, S??of,h>*urifyjifloij&?k9T~ .??....1. BWU^ ff anJOptfmisyby* John Wm. Kaye, ; J?" ftk S -wea**** .H.oir??**?*"*?''?*1. Light und Electricity, bj Jim. "lyndell.1.25 Gestational Monaroby in France^- by Kr.r J - Hand-Book of the" AdmialsTratrons of lb?. Uaitea States, .i*.....-.......,, .l^.^....?..."..?fi The Life and Letter* ofilagh Miller, by-' Piter.Bajne, M. A. 2 rois..............4.00 Frienci in"Council, a Series of Readings and. : Discoune - ihereon, by Arthur Helps, a n< w edition,'complete in 2 rolr-.^. ...4.00 By the sane anther-Bealmah, a Story.2.30 C?fc?im .r Marens?nd a Novel MM?..?..M..U..100 Compsoione of my Solitude...1.50 Etsayn- Written in tbejntenralsef Business., 1.50 Brevii .SMo'rt Sways and Aphorisms.L50 The W itness of History to Christ, being tho Holsen? Leotare for lSTpjb/Bee./. Wi) f, - ; Kirrar .................... ..,..?1.50 S*3f-BennncialjoJj, from the French, with an * Ltfroduotmnby Ber. T. T. Carter, M.. c * 'A .H.,?.rtM),UI..HM(.WM?M.<~?'<..;...?5.00 ?iemo?rs of the Life and Writings of Thom sui Chalmer?, D.'D., LL. 1>., hy bis Sen- . ir. Law, Ber. Wm. ' Hnn'na, LL. D., the English Edition,4 vols. Sro.7.50 lie P iyard ?cries, Choice BuoJu, comprising ia' Mosaic, by BaHantyne ; Saint Louw. Kiag of PTajiee, oy De l>lnvrfTe,v Religio Mcdcci ; Uro, Ac , by Sir - ? Thema* Browne; The King and the Com- j n.uo.<; Cavalier and Pariian Scmgr Let- . tori. Sentence* and Maxims, by Lord . . . Cbc-ter?dd; with s* Critical Essay by ' * ? tinte Ba ave: Baasems, by Doctor Jo"3? son;?eally bound in flex-cloth, gilt; prite -pcr : roi ;........^ .1.25 Common Place Book.*, embracing Book of . Authors; Law and Lawyers;- Invention ?nd Discovery} Art and Artiste; Clergy ne-n Doo or?; Omers and Superstitions; i richly bound, cloth and' gold; price of ? <ach vol...............M.-1.00 Carlyle's' Werk')?, "Peoples Edition, suinll <rown,8vo. Sinon Be saetas._..90 The ifrchefi Bevolation, voLl.......9?'?0>f of CUarle* Mayne Yoojig Trago tlian witfi extracts from his souV Jour " nal, bj Julhto Chn.-lCi Young, A- .M, hector of li'oiagton, with portraits.2-25 Cornis?n Seme in the HousehoULn Mnuunl of Practical. fljiucwi.cry, by .Marion Periand^.Vi'.iM ??' mVi.>?' -.1 The Yi'un-,* IL.UMwife's Councilor and Friend Including the DM: ic- of Wife and Mother, by Mr.?. MaryM;t<nn.....2.0O The Religion of the Pre cot nod of the Pa? ler*, Sermon? Prejchcd C??eSy at Yule College, by Theodor j D. Wooley ...-...2.00 Ihe Life of John Millos, K.uxated in Con? nection with the Pol tiwi. Ucelcmstieal and Lilcary Hlstfry of hi* time, by David Mus:on, ??. A. LL. D., voL 2. JOJS-I??-_.?L50 Wonders of Eurfipeau Art, by Louie Tiardot. :i!a?:ra?ed.............. ...?.,..1.50 3n a Fre?h Beviaipa of the Eagti?h New Testament, ' v J. B. Lightfoot....2.00 rhe Parcha* CJgme?t, ? Letter of Ac? knowledgement to the Hight Honorable Slr J. T. Celeria3e, hy H. P. Liddon, D.D. D. C. L., together with a Letter to the Writer by Dr.Pi-scy.........25 Evidences of Natara! and Revealed Theolo? gy; bj Charles E. Loni.....................3-50 lari'diction and Minion of the An ?! ?ern Episcopate, by. the Per. T. J. Bailey B. A._.1.00 K Nj'w Volume of Eundny Echoes ir. W.-ck . <h?f; Hours, a Tale Hluitraliva of (he * Journeying* of tho Children of Irreal, by Mw. Carey Broek_.-1.50 FAMILY AND POCK KT BICLF.S. iV.K HAVi: RECENTLY MADE LARGE ?.EDITIONS to our ?tock of BIBi,E.S. The >ric--i aro greatly reduced. Wo ere now oET:rin^ in unusual larjre variety of EXtJI.ISH AND IM1.KICAN FAMILY BIBLES, POCKET EI ?LLS, and tr.e EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK, itcxtrtmely iow price*. jj.?"?* P. i sons residing in the ennntry will ilea*? bear in mind that by rending their orders o us for any boohs published in America, they rill be charged only the price of the book. We tay for the Per tage or express. Address BARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY No. 280 KINO STREET, (IN THE BEND), CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. April 5 ?_? - m\mi m v/imiNGTOh i Composed of thc Firtt CboS Lucille \ \ \ ; WP REBECCA CLYDE. SaSing from BALTIMORE every SAT?R?'AT FTI?RAOON. st 4 o'cl?ck. Arriving at WlL ilNOTON TUESDAY UORNIXG. Sailing from WITiMINCTON ercry FRIDAY FTHRNOON or SA1UR0AY WDRN?.VO. BROUGH BILLS OF LADING iven to all points on the W. C. A A. S. Road, jcraw A Darlington R. E. a^d their caanec ons. J > * i^ii rance by ibis IJn?. !?? ;>n CU Rutes Guaranteed as lon as bj atty . o?itr Route. All Losses promptly paid. A. D. CAZ AUX, Agt. Wilmington, N. C. NDttEWS A Co, Agents, 73, Smiths Wharf, Bart haere. April 12_ I00RS, SASSES, K?M^&a ft P.Toa ley, Al anufactiirsr and Dealer. ?. Bf ilayaa Street ead Heribesty WWrtf B CBARLBSTOB?S. ? ~ ^BF^TW* H ila Urjeetsnd atsst complete n aterj- ofthehiad la the Soatiwra State.?;^*nd 1 aaftaas ieai*~Hfce~e*>be femi?d?ed by i?r. ? P. T D.u.t at ariew ihaf defy eereeetKioo. m aj?IiA^,i?lra^^W W pheatl'jo ia . - - ' ^ . sw B^r^^eJ'f . FIN J asaoetment oi^TBC&SSL fetKDOW " L S)i ADE8. whieS^U mi^U^ exeel '4 ot??Pf?Ptf. ?M? .> t?e^SnmtoT^aVniinTel ? ^ MILLER'S BALTIMORE M?DE SAFE tia*.^ now lkji#*#um*Mm ?rom ru.?t, dampness OT away*. 5 Safes, , WELDED STEEL AND IRON . . .. . . . : v . a.. Burglar - Proof Baak ^ late; ' ' f ? .. . ? '' r. " .. . - A W-t ? FIR5T CLASS r Key and Combination Lock. Bank Vaults aad B?ors. Sales Boon 265 Ealtiaor? Sf. r> .* *? flt **. VJ ' -* *". vi V , ;.- . yA i--' ? ? . j-.: F.l C TO R Y-~Sqwre Vouwled hy Ilcnriefi?, Claret, Fremont p and Warner Streets. SEND .FOR ILL?TBATED. CATALOG U?*. OVER 12,000 TN USE. TESJED Iii 200 FIRES. NEAR REFENCtfS: Fraser, Haynsworths A Cooper, Hoyt ? FoLom, ?.. . * ? Sumter, S. C. Worth k W^rtb, Wilmington, Np, Ca. John Ague sr-A So?, Colombia, S'. C. National Bank or Chester, S. C. Smith A Melton, Chester, S. C. 900 IR ?ALTI&ORE. OVER 12,000 SAFES ? US?;, TESTED /.V 200 FIRES. FIRST CLASS GOODS, \T LOW PRICE?. Joly 2o . , . ._. ly TH G JACOBI AXE! Gearaatced toezcelall others in shape and m>(cn.u. Be t ure to n?k far 'w THE J A Q"Q.B I AXE , AND ACti:;>T NO OTHER. Every Axa. W?rraaMl * Fer-wle ai NATH'L JACOBTS Hard?ere Depot, ^o, ? .Marke?. St., Wito^gt?? NVC. And Deafear TUrou^Uoot l?a Stats). stars-. J' * ? ? ? i ". *? " ?? " " * .. 11 r ACuaipleie aisortiaent *f Pk?ra,, now ia bio?k, and Tor sale iow at N. JACOBI'S. ' ' ? _Nn. 9 Market j? . Abr^e n.?d-u?U" r-'ortcd itork #f Spade?, bborcl-, For KS, Holland all AgrkuliuraT i'ool?, and a fall supply of tba saaat approved j .tykcof .Mero ttilri* Tools, House and -General Hardware, Paint*, Oil*, Glass Ar., fer sale at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. I Market St. Saddle?, Harnes?. Vi'hip?, Sole Lewfker, Bao aess Lcatiier, kt. Fer ?ale ff "' *" NATH'L JACOBI'S _Hardware Depot, 9 Market St. a?.*'*. PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, POW* der Pbsk^G?r?e B -gi, Shot Beits, Cart i?gct, keH a complete a?rort?nen?. Fer -ale at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 tarka* St. _Ai?l tl j. . . ?aj .. j ?? ; FA LL USD W??a' teP??TATlflN S? - _ I I . J, RIBBONS. ?illirery and Straw Goods. ft aa s^-roo i?f? MTfto iv f>n rypatfiej? /oxBo?er Borner. Trimming and Vciret Rfbbeps, ?.enc* S^Tt?, latins anAWraU, BtaaJ*. Kcts^'Cwp^Ttfjajiti^:" r - i ITowers. ytarBxrs.Oiaas^unyv^ Straw Bennets isaeV Lealcr* flats-Trim ^.aai^ittlDntrhi.BHJ, A . Shaker flood*. *V. . _l ?v^ L. V? > W and J^l?XT&^^?fi?r, ? Otar ?he largest ?reek lot* jeafry, andwaeaBal irapaees, ?oaiprkit>g [(iee. v ,.T< - 0^t?*Jettad a^ prompt aJ^tioa.siTe*. rs H A LE INST ITUTE. l'BARLQTW, N. V. i\ KV. R. BURDELL. ? e.1-f PBS, Mts AfXiHAt SHSSIOSi-aT L ou-the' 2nd Oefobcr nott, and" Sol? A^t^^gj?t ^ffi^ ^ ' geU'.ng.the Earliest und apa* P-soDSc Pe?- ^fCTftl^;"^-/?^^???^:"fl' -".dr.*? er? wiro hare planted them. . J. ]^^a^)St^^L^3^lRST^^r^' GBNB^AL ^F?rt!FE FACIFTC'FIB?^ GERMANIA EIRE INSURANCE CO? of New York, Atsett?. ..i...... 4,006,000. . SECURITY FIRE IN?CRA?fCE "O* of Sew York, AmtU-_'.,'2Z.L'^\,9t4jtiL PHONIX-FIRR INSURANCE CtWnf?w Yc*k>/Aae*tt*....jM..^.^ l^ifcOOO. RIO HXOSB BAShlSW A S 0 INSURANCE C0" of Rici mond ? Vi^ Asscu*.25 e,flTK>. CI "ORO IA HOME FIRE INS?RANCE CO., c* Colamba?; ?eurghi ~?~^~<. 475,000. PARTICIPATING POLICIES issnedloa Dwellings, Mewing *n Anana! redatiion on the pren ?OT? a/about 10 per-oant.' . ;. *r-^J^t! .' - - '-' . . *J-?rT?-. -? SO U TH K R N- LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atlanta, Gco4 ?cn. J. B. GOROON President. The oldest and larger* t Sotithern Life Company. ' l?Q?ITABLS UFE A?i60RANOS SOCIETY, of Now York., Ic .-eotirt,'ef New Business, the Laheit Life Company itji the world. ' \. . ' * , -j jifaiAilk**t*6n THE POLICY' HOLDER'S I^fr?WT?MlSE ASSURANCE SOCIETY* OP THE SOUTH. of Charterten."^. C. * ~ . V. . . These Companies in Strength, Keliability and Fair pealing are J&fcond to none in the World... . ^_Angurt 1 j . _, ' . "* . fr i?rB IB. . . i/JI K^SBKl " f/ 'm LVSi^nBHLn^ftkV TEE AB0?E PRESS IS SO CONSTRUCTED, AND OF SUCH IMMENSE POWER, THAT WITI? ? SINGLE UTeUatd^lOV CAS prewa bal? of Cotton weighing 500 lix., era ^r^e can be hitched to thj epooelte ,Hc and press n bale of the ?mn nil? - IN ONE MINUT3TS TIME . Tho Pre?; ww exhibited at the Faint throngbont the South last Fall, and tank tba Pren*inesertrrr where. At Assuita, Qa., a S?rer Pitcher worth $50 was awarded this Prnstv'At the Fair held st Charlcatoa, last November, wa took th? Prenrnn ead iola the Preal ?mibe 'Cfit tn ?mHm of?hs A:.?ecbtiorjforth*fc?l prias. $185. , ^ ^-.wswwi Wa ?a mntee this THE BEST PRESS IN EXISTENCE atWPBJBSENT TIME and will TAKE BA UH ANY -PRESS not a. repreerntcd, and KEf USD Ttl BOOSEY, i Frke $ IT Agents Wanted for every Cotinty itfthe Stat?}. w. p. RUSSEL ar co., p. ^My^^ a c. W. A.1kT.'J?IPPt D. ?; ?^ratr?kat and Preiasw ?ntal and ?oral Salent *>AVIs\ DBjK?AB:r " A.. Bf ? Frnfinier AsiiStUagaagra aad Bflaratnre. REV. WHiTuS>0RD BVITH, P. D., Pri4raser Be^Hsh laetntate. WARREN D?PRB, A. M, ProfessorSatnyarSclstfye. ' .. .. Tba F^cpisjator/ Sebaal, nader the imm?diate stperrjijaa ef me laenitj; JS0? V" 8HIF.F> A. Br?faitjSchanl-Bar.'A- M.SSIP?rI).D.; Bav.Sf|f^^> SMITH, CD.,- Bar. A.H L TbIEFrr?t'- 8eVtk>a nf tba' Etgbteenth f lilli ll? I'Y?OBKMO 'B^'WiirtiJ N ff ll 1 ll * ? 1S7L Tin fi II ail lin 'mi lilias Ililli Flu! llipnstajl tMWjtairj. IqmX . Thaconraa of bodice a?A^ sB^B^pfjilfiUltt ^ admit irregular students OT tbeee ?K talpBt^i?iWasli MaW' * ^ Vi -?he Sthoote ale* open attiaiaaaaj^M^ ^^pJ??^?^ ^tfjRr'^ ?W~? DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tl sato o> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tl sato o> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Hfifi CTO WTWTOIli.-IM?-t)j? p tji?. ?n?a: ?re fr?o> JJW.*?:?*> ?ri-Ft^ waj?o?t t?ouijtt tltf>.?y?oU'roi ?ii4-bailiff ii? rh?.lokal/ .-fa^wndj^ {aw?o?o\-rfr? rtad?l.v tah so. y - Ot . ?*<-?".-"?." .Tf?Att?&AS'Sr CON'uTv, KXf..M?A?C4 jQvtf/Nl?KK-A ?pJr^iU r-ireciiv? *nd ex itp?-telj)a?rT*rffiTt io Colic*. Cr?myt, and orri* un ry. irrest htrities of tl? fM?eW .T>$A5T%^iA> H?UI FY l?G EXT/KA*'. -Vy'./A utedietoe j..r.?ic.u.'e fbif <rjs"*M?r? ririsii^ JroV??M?pW>tt# pTika bU??. Tin* mtitk. t?i?^>err%r?e^j~toe" in*>?? " wonderful cures an?t ?? iJi?,h^ttir4.?r:c?taruf?rabo purpo>e. ? N'Dl A X~PUT,.\rOX A RY. PAL 4a ' 'Extenan ely o?*d tf* irU iHjterttfmry ewuplaints, ^?iii(t>ortJ^"ngei?ll?s. unlike mui-i praparationa-fW Cuugbr, CoW?, ??e., dyt.? n< i ewitip?te t*r leave .any unpWa*ant after, offeci, but nlwuy^flord? ?peedy jre|?f> . /-^TtE?^?-S DYSPEPSIA RK?lEDY.-A \jr tafe, Jure ?nd t peed j cure of ?bat moat ?i*rrea*?ng of complots "Draj>Krxia,n . put op irv? aa originar recipe'of lin., For; V?UeyrGa*by wiora lt baa le?atea ?tad with .to?darlaUaceen. ^ii^rvsirt?BVE vAsjr BOSS LJ3I XT"-|n?^-'*^e'l>** ei^rnaliewdy. for-maa or beast. A oertai? car? for -, Reeumatwev Cronsps, >prii?D8, Braises, S welting, Week. Li Jibs and pain a of all kind*. . ^ PARKER^ ?OMP?^Bn.Ul?XEXTRACT BUCHU.-Tho pore**hast ia ?.<*. A ?orv reliefer alt dueaa? af tha Bladder abd R3dney?.-?a?r for no vttwr,-Physiciaas rt commend ft. HHIETT, SEAVER & WRBANlf, 149 ??ajnSer? and 131 Heade Streets, / Septa-. ._ly Ayers For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing winch is tt ono? agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded, or groy hair is soon restored to ?ts original color, with the gloss omi freshness of youth. Thin hah? is thick? ened, falling hair checked, and bald? ness often, though not always, cored by its rae. Nothing can restore tho hair where th? follicle* are destroyed, or ti? glands atrophied and decayed. Bot soon as remain caa be saved for raefofciess br this application. Instead of fooling ie hair with a pasty sedi? ment, it w3] keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional rae will prevent tbs bair from turning gray or falling off, arid consequently prevent baldness. Trie from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and mjuriora to tba bair, ibo Vigor can erny benefit bot not ham it. If wanted merely fora HAIR DRESSING* nothing eba can be found so desirable. Containing neither o? nor dye, it does sot soil w?te cambric, and Vet lasts beg oo tha bair, giviag it a noa, glossy lustre sad a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J, C, Ayer&Co,, PRACTICAL AHJ> ANALYTICAL Qjaatjwtt, JX)WIXJL, MASS. PSXC3B $1.00. Da. A* J." CHISTA, Agent at Swater. S. C. DARBY'S PR?PBT? X BlSlaVtjaaata Family Medicine, for porifj ina. ti?sa?1if,taBW?riac bad odor? in all kioda ??j**j^ff?j_^r^Wma. aowy w^M?ad^jr?ng?j totJEryair^rheoaat?in, and alfrkin dUeaae,, fogaatarrb, trna mouth, lora threat, dietheria : for catie, diarrhea, cholera ; aa ? warb to loftca >ad baaatlfy th? >kin .- tb rea,nr? ink ,pot?, mildew. Trait ?taina; taken internally aa wall 5nj^g_ha2iaaedJt-U for lal? by all Draggiatt aad Cooatrf Hmhants, nd may ha ordered .Vastly ?f ta?. I>AXBV PUOPHYI^CTIC CO., Ul W?aaa8treet>&?; _ ' ~ fr Confederate Photographs. - - . if* .'< '' Sf * pSOTOaiAPBS ?? CTC?BRAL LEE AT XT TB! GRAVE OF ST02J KW ALL JACsT BOK : Ia meaMHaai afetegratth af th? CaeJad. ?rat? Fl??, aadeaafedcrate l?aaeer, and Bani? ?W- T,?a?yrtat?T??ara heaatlfaliy ?alored, and ara deairablo xKtaeat??? o? ibo iLaat MN ? easts' ?aal, ot the *** ^???f?*kwiwatte, af eeata ea eh, or ihraeforllefl. JU?ad, peat paid, ea rteelpi of '- Ml iTnm*m?\mB* ut><t !tKllUM.I??..M^^.r. luimooi). BOW ?OSTe .HOW sBrtoaiib. aw^ai^tatedleiaa; af ^aaaTeawTer ? MaJSHoa ta Marrtafj, ?^- alio, Cen??vm?a. ?i???'.s?a^^ ' * 2*^?V"^t*a*>*e* . . ' ""Ipapl VINEGAR BITTER; ' J. Warn, Proprietor. IL H. KcBvfu.? * c0 . ? Ca?. Aptk. ian rtmdfeo. OtU, md M Coniiwrr. i.r^ -. ? PAILLIONS Bete Testimony te s?, < Wonderfal Curative Effecte, ' Theran not aTile Faecy Drink, ?adecf}^ '< Sase. WhJekay, Proof Spirits and R? ' Lieners doctorod, spiced and sweetened to pim * tseU,oaDed "Tonics," "Appetiten," "Eestcrev? ' thatleod the tippler onto drantocioaa?drsii^ atna Medicina,:nade tram the Kathre Boots aai\ ' ", cf Ca&Icrnia, firs? from nil Alcoholic Soi I ante* They k* the GREAT BLOOD Pr? FISK and Ar LIFE GIVING PK 15CI?, a perfect qsy^tot and Inrigotator ot tas ie, 53 lu I imlliil?aalIfl m Bo person oant^tkaty^ tees ssxo?rtooireotlons and remafci lcc?sn>5 proTided their Donas are not deetroyel by ah?? poisonor other means,and UM rita! wgamsj'.;^ . beyond tho point of repair. x Thor ?re a Gentle Parsratdweae wea?, . Te alo, possessing, also, the peculiar m r? et? ? aa a powerful agent in refends* Cot>eam'cB?hv*i na?onof thej^-rar, and all ?? Visceral OTJTOI . * VOB FEMALE COMPLAINTS, injr^y. cid, married or tinifle, at tn? dawn of womacVa;. Ute tern of Ufo, theso Tonic Bitters hare co est* ' - For Iaflaanuatorr and Chronic Eke? tien wad Gows, Br sexpot a. er Iudlga*. ? Billions, Remittent and Intensities*; wera, Btaoaoaa mt the Blood, Liver, t aera and Bladder, these Bitten hare See: . anoceasfol SnchDtaeaees are ceased byTlox af Blood? which U generally produced by denna* ot the Digestir? Orara sa. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, a ? ache, Pain is the Shoulders, Coughs, TJghuaa t* Chest, Dfanuness, Sour Eructations of the Sae W Bad Taste ht the Month. Billons Attack*. t***^ ?j the Heart, Tnlammatlon of the Langi, Pata afc ? -. trions cf the Kidneys, cad a hundred other psnaiaJ*? tome, are the offsprings ot Dyspepsia. They meliorate tbe Stomach and stimul?t? usa Lteer and Bowels, which render them of raeat csatacr in cleansing the blood of all lmnarm^ ^ " - . parthia new life and rigor to the whole trites. FOB SK IK DISEASES, feuptfonaTsnai . Bbenm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustule* aa? banales, Ring-W-anna. ?cald Head. Sore tm. ?_ ri las. ltch.8cnrt?. Discoloration* of the akin, fl^2 vj ??sesees of the Ukin, of whalrrrr BUM oraST. ? Itterallr dug up and carried out of thr tnten1ST? ?, ^ time by the use ot these Bfrters. One boW?hr'-'l caaes will convince the mest incredulous of taara ' ' Ure effects. Cleasee the Vitiated Blood wheaerer yoe h*? parinee buntlac through the asia m PhajUit tiona or Sores; eleaaae it when you fiad i: ota* ?. tart sluggish ia the rema : eleaaae It whee a st -f.; and roar feelings will Uli you when. Iieiaii:'4*-. pare, and the health of the erstem win folio?. Pla, Tape, and ether Woran, hrrfctr oralem ef so many thotneads. an enectosjjyeja J? thenTseanW^a* IsdirMuajT wc^thihall? earth whoso hedy ht exempt hom th? ? ? wP trormc. It Is not upon the healthy t?mSSBM Imo? that woree exist, but msec the daessahwfl and a^desoetta that bjreeJSese rMarnaaeSM (Haass? No Syriern of Medicine, so rcraoea ryrth tim ?ntica wfB free the system from fess theae Bitters. ' jj*. J. WALDE, Proprietor. E. H. McDO?AU t>'fi JiiaaiaU and Aren. Agents, SaafrasdsmCtle 4S and ?ead M Commerce Street, Nsw lea J uraoLD BY. ALL DRUGGISTS ASD sm M .viaj iu Ii? li* Ii? Eadway's Ready Ee$| CURJiS THE WORST PAINS |1| Ia from One to Twenty Sisa ... MOT ONE HOI K ?j^i artet reading this adeertiseiaent iire-lsnswra SUFFER WITH I'AIS. ' RAD WAY'S HEADY KBLIKt ISACrt&*3H EVERY PAIN. It ens the fit it and :'. JCS THE' OMA' PALS ra: tl tUat instantly ?tops the nn'."t cx<Taciati?r>-? >S ?Jlays i?Hae;attona, and cures ^i>sr^.^l .>h?ther of ike Lnns/. i*t..n..?-:h, Eowti.?..? glands or organs, br <>i c applicatiea. IN T OMONK To 1 ? rIXTY .MIXuI.^ rjo matter how ri?lei t ? r r\cn;. ?.?ting Bi the RHEUMATIC. Bed ri ii R, infiro.Mjja Nerroo?, N'ctml?re, er pro?-r*t?J aluUi^H may eaffcr. Thoapnlicalion of thc RSA DY F.ELT ?j tao part or parts wuerc thc rainer ti exists will afford ca>e and omf?rt Twenty dn^>s in balf a tuir.'olrr r.f ?sw in a few moments cere t.'RA^ I'.-. -? .-OUR STOMACH. HEARTBURN. (IRAD.U.'Ii?, DIARRHEA. DTSlTi - . COLIC, WIND IN TM h ?O?VEL< ' TERNAL PAINS. Travelers should ?;* .< .T.-J s ? ?3g RAD WA Y'S READY RELIEF w.:h ti? few drops in water wit! pre rent ?'?kretivr -??rn from change of water. It is better du?h j Brandy or Litten at a stimulant. FEVER A XI) AGUE PE VER AND A?; CE c.? ! ?-r ?.7 ** Then 1* not a rcn:cdi.. ag>: ..;>??/.. will caro Fever and Ague, an.: ?H :! ir sV 'jS one, Billious, Scarlet, Tvph.-id. Yci o?.?' , Feeers (aided by KABWAV'S I'IbLS! 9 as RADWAY'S READY Kiai?E *'*r* j fer hollie. v 4 HEALTH ! HE AUW' I Strong and Pare Rich Blood-Incita* ?1 ?j -and weight-Clear skia an.i beaatifil plaxion secured to all. DR. RAD WAT " SARS?PARiLLIAN ' RESOLVB fias made the roost astonish:rg rete*: * .tm Raatd are the Changas tbe ii ly W6 3 andar the influence of thia? truly .> I Medicino that ?f 9 Eriary Day an Inca'q^niE -| andWei^itisSee?andF' & THE GREAT BLOOD PUHlf I JKtery dnpoflhoSAliSAPAlllLUAS 3 80LVRNT eosamnnieatcs tomaga tu .^a Sweat, Urine, ?nd oth>r fields and idea** .'S syttirm the rigor of Rio, for it repair* de > ^ of lbw body wita new and ?.>uad Serofata, Syphfiia, Coasampiion, tis* .5? disease, Ulcera ia the throat, .Voutk, '. -"JH Nodee in the file ede and other parts of * bm, Sore Eyee, St ra aso rous di-char^s s< ' Kan, and the worst form? of skin ej aVepflons. Farer Sores, Scald Hea l. R^T ?J? Seit Rhenm, Erysipelas, Arne, B'uck * "3| Wo/mt in the Flesh, Tumor*, Caecen1 *-.3 ?tente, ?ad ad wcakeaingaad p?iof?i'Heh .a Nigh*Sweats, Less of Sperm and ??.?*".'-3| the tffh principia, an within the c J ras*'"'?-'<.? af thia wonder of Modern Chemistry, sn? M ?ajri ace e/?H prora tu any per jt a>i?P JR Kkher of these fhn?a of disease lt? eetrsl.f.^H to cnn them, ' / ? 4 ..Jrot only does the* j*a raaa excel alt .?Moan rented!*! if?V ? ton of Chronic, Serofoloo?, Con. ti'stw* 5Xia dUeaset ; hot it is the only po.'*? Kat aver * Madrier Co**$? Urinary, and ?fe*h dWa. cs. Grat?, P* Jg Dropsy: Seopp^geef Water, Inee?***-JM Urine, Bright's Biseato, Alhoainnna, am when then sn brich bn.i dt^^ _ X pater ts tWebf, ejoedy, arixed? whh tehT;jM ike the whim of aa Cg;, or ??rcjl? Ki? iilk,e?t1a*?eBaatoroed, d^rk, b;!?**-^ flat? 1? a prVsfctht. h?tn?nj tecf^,s^B ?e**te* water, ead peria io the *m*ll sfd?*^M md arong the Lolas. * J . H fsraeer ft% aVas-r? ejrewth feet-^M jsfl U **m.'j>* pr?el??|?fc*^? ?jlSBSa?S'WI S? (ata? aeree, regwiale, pun y, .h*?i^H ?naftaea. - Bad way's Pill*, for '^J^^H lk>ore%sVt>i fitasajeh, Lircr, Jietrelt,?"? ??ddar, garree? Biseles, ?9a^fJ3B? ara, Feasiy VepHahU, Metabiof ?ffS ?eees af BABWAY>8 frota aQ tad thee? M oed i far Be?. *OBB^ , BEAD ""FAiSB AKD TlUat" tetar (tamp te RAD WAY> CO., .[ dose, Hew York. Iafonlatioa werta 1 ruthe sast yea? Joly Lt