THE WATCHMAN WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20. A. A. GILBERT - - -.- - - ?OITQR Tne Cotton Pr>?p??t-Tue Du ty of Pla a- ; tera. I Tbe Colon-bus (Ga,) Sm says, the ( latter part of July we gave a review of j the condition of the cotton plant, and the probable yield ar that time,, ia til the cotton growing States, founded opon ^ information obtained from a numerous exchange' with the press in all these States, au ? from disinterested coTesp?n? j dents. We then gave it as on opinion that the yield wauld reach 2.700,000 ^ bales, la that review we conceded that ? in Texas, thc crop, on thc area planted * (which we put down at au eight to a fourth less than the previous year>) would give au average yield, as com- J pared with the previous crop; Our advices from that State at this time do ~ i cot sustain the estimate then given. The drouth which bas prevailed succ?s- . sively for over two months, in more than I two thirds of the State, has played havoc I with the fofuis andyouog^bolb, and re- ? suited in thc entire destruction of the ( top crop. The universal estimate now c in-thal State is, that the area planted ? will fail more than a third short of last r year's yield. ^ We also estimated that the crop of Q North and Scuth Uaxlina, and Florida, a would make an equal yield in thc area n planted, with that of last year. From * all of these Staten tho reports are that a great change hat taken place within a, the last six weeks. Front all of M?*m ai not more than thrcc-fourtbs of a crop is p expected to be gathered. j Thc crop io many partions of Arkansas, w also, is reported to have sufJ*ped heavily y( from drouth, causing the loss of the top cl fi crop. _ g Our information from Georgia, Ala bama, M ississippi, Louisiana and Tenues- c? see* does not change our views then ex? oe pressed of the condition of the crop and rt the prospect ot yield in tho*e States. With this evidence of change in the tj, situation, we now put the yield of the j* crop of 1?71-2, at not over 2,500,000 b< bales at the outside. Taking this to be * thc true status of the situation, what is 0 ea the dury of thc planter to himself and ^ his section ? It is wei! known that what rn is termed a "Cottou Ring,'' exists in New th York, composed both of manufacturers j and moneyed speculators. This ring, I ^ which has grown rich off the losses of {j, our plautets, has been busily engaged ea thc entire summer in writing up the fir growing crop to a large yield, in despite co of glaring facts to the contrary; and bave t jj^ not g:veu up the effort. They yet per- wi sist in au estimate of three and a half to ch . four millions. This is done to delude Liverpool and enable them to secure the _ 1 sei bulk ci the crop at a low figure. They wj act, too, upon thc supposition that cn planten are indebted to the merchant f0) class lor supplies and advances to the ?^ errent of two-thirds of the crop, and j,0 that this much of it, of necessity, will be ai thrown oo the market as fatt as ginned tb and packed. This latter feature has *^ been taught them from past experieoce. ^ Then, we repeat, what is the doty of w the planter? It is piain. Such as are ic? in debt for supplies or advances should thi bring forward their cotton and make the wi best arrangement possible with their'j -rediiore, even to selling, if necessary. v? 10 ibis emergency, the merchant has a wi duty to perform also, in extending all re< the leniency 's his power when a cotton jf^ eollatcrai has been placed in his hands Qf by the planter debtor. These two Bo classes are mutually dependent on each bei other. Thc merchant, if agriculture is cramped and fleeced, cannot prosper. If what wo have stated as the probable yield of thc crop be true, and wc believe . we are correct, .bea every pound of cot- "jj ton Xi le Ls worth thirty cent?. Less w than twenty five curs will not remo-Jj** vc tte the planter for the makio" of the \f present short crop. The proper effort at'W? accommodation between tho indebtedf hei planter and bis merchant, with adisposi 110 1 lion on the part of the unembarrassed lthfl planters to bold for twenty fit\j cents, *?J wi!] iwn aarch prices io thc interior re' marketa up to thar figure, ano. save mil- eT? lions....!!,:? lo be expended at home, ? n,D which, with a d:!i r*nt policy, willgo'0? 11 to th:- pucket* ?i the manufacturers 'dra ::?:.! spccoaiois of New York au-i Liver-j-^ pool. * Obj Word* I'll:y *poke*i. - lar; The New York Oumiuerc?! AJurtiter]^ (Kepabiicauj baa thtr fullowing frank ~:tl[ auf just remark* opvo^tbe proposed j ~*Tl * i?, carat iou of martial law in Sooth J^f Carolina : ! rea '.Th it 1 here ?hoold be any necessity [doe fur martial law i?i South OaroHua ts a bili iai#?t tell rig coodeiasnatioa of :thc policy ; ?< ? fi' Ked'/: al interference in tito internal ! If I r* '.! (hat Sute, sod of the maiig i mo H :?t influence of carpet bag govemmout. ; to i *.*. evidence is needed to ?how|?r<< :!. !- i.:e ;? ?? ' "? ??p:>o tbe pe ?plc by hoi vivi : iee ir chicanery are a- iucoinpetei... *o j B4 tliey are Currupr. .-'outn Carolina i- be ..* much ondtr 'he heel of political ! .i- ? use : Yei bsyou-:'.*, iLat their1 .pointe sbu?ld be bor l-trrri'l aga?0*1 the scoundrels ?ho hare loo prVtuecd thu Mata of affnf?, OB J not i fret thirst :he p-pic jji'pcod up: o it, oft th* mar* of the people are rif;ht-it U Dit the piuuder??? poiiteiao* ou.ljr *he are can wrot j; " We asa permitted fitp???nv??lov? ? titler cf -xe?e?vftom-lltoi* dis t DgcisKoo* traveller; (says tfcii.Sootajera ?V??*,) not. now ffo?P^'?atom? Afnea, butTfroar the polar region*, lt ? ill be seen that thea?; pe&r regions sxeite his enthusiasm quite" as -maca as the tropics of Afrioa has done. 'If he.? Permitted to reach Iiis adopted hom?? ' lafety, he willfrobeb?y hat? as mitch nteresting-information ter gire about toese northern regions aa.he baa already jivea about the interior "?f. Arrieai fjbildren, particularly, mey anticipate a 5 rich feast whet he comes to spread . ?efore them the rich treasures thai he is lathering for their instruction and ; mtertainmeot GJ-ESOSR, July 22d, 1871, About 71? north latitude. < 4T DRAR DR. * * j Your friend has jual returned from ; iortb Cape, which is situated about ten niles north of the place mentioned at he head of my letter, abd which ia the nest northerly settlement in Europe. feel quite tired by the great exertion had to make to reach the Cape. We j iad no road to guide us over the rocky aountains, through the snow, and aerase he little stream ; and we bad such limbing in many places that I did not are to look behind me. At last I was 1 ewarded by standing on the perpco- * ?euler cliff overlooking. the Arctic )cean, nine hundred feet above the level ( fthe water. What a chasm land what k n expanse of water at my feet I I can? ot now think Of it without shuddering. 8 before me was the blue ocean ; behind all c ?urope and Africa ; to my left America ; a Dd to my right Asia. The mountains * od the plateau* were covered with j ones and boulders (carried there ? oobably by the glaciers); not a bird, * ot a human habitation was in sight. c be scene was impressive and filled me ith awe. I could not stand the sight S ery long. The immense perpendicular c ifs around me bewildered my mind. I v .lt depressed, and kneeling on tiiat great ? ortb Cape 1 prayed devoutly to Him hose band bad lor ?ned those mighty ifs. I would bave left at once, but I had ?tue to look at tbe midoight eon. I bad ti lacheo the place at two o'clock p. m., and id to wait therefore tea hours. It was T dd, though tbe sun was shining, and ie sky waa of a pale blue, so pale that appeared almost white near the jnzon. The san also appeared almost bite. I waited patiently until 10 clock, when clouds from the south st and southwest began a gather. r i 11 the sun be covered? I asked _ yaelf involuntarily. It was clear in ? e north and west, and the sun was. adaally taking its downward course j d at precisely 12 o'clock midnight it is directly north, and theo for some me it Kerned to follow the horizon stward, rising very slowly and *" adually. Sometime? clouds would vcr it, and thea again it would he rfectly clear. It seemed as if that one ot had been kept clear for my comfort, lilst all the rest of the sky was luded over, and it soon began to rain, ie midoight gan I had seen every day ice the 25th of June, but I waoted to e it from that high and mighty cliff tb wbieb God bas been pleased to ?VB Northers Europe. I shall never rget the scene. I have a photograph the North Cape. How bleak are ese northern regions, how impressive, w grand ! bot I long for warm aum? in. I did not return from my trip to e hospitable roof which bas given me .Uer for a Bamber of days until 5 .'ock a. m* 1 had been twenty one ors without sleep ; beeidet I was wat, ' ld, sod chilly, and my feet were like ?. I weat to bea shivering. A Drougb wetting here is different from t same thing io tropical Africa, with lieh you a. d I are perfectly familiar. ;ot up at 12 o'clock to day n*ot feeling ry well aud desperately homesick, and ?bed myself in America. I feel the iction of the effort to get to the Cape, -morrow evening, 1 sail for the foden Island, anda little to the sooth it I will oross over the Golf of th nia. Kind regards to ail the mern rs of the family. Your adopted and loving to?, Pjg. DucflALLLU. rbis looks tempting at first sight: ? young lady io Philadelphia ad* - rtisea that she will give SS?.OuO to any pcctable young man who will marry >." But by the wisdom teeth of T muon, what sort of a gill can it be 0 is unable to seeurea husband with - $30,009, without having to throw 1 dollar or so more of inducement in " shape of advertising? BelQ?t, if ', "respectable" yoting* mawSn to J y weak at to be taken la by her,- ?. ry body would at once cease to respect i. and then where weald-?he bc? tbe whole, she bad better send aa A ft for the amouot. We eau anawar - its being bestowed oe a worthy ect. Look at un !-Exchange. - If ao editor omits anything, he is p f. If be speaks of things as they are, * pie ?re mad. If he gloase.i over >oth* down the rough poin.s-be ia tied. If he call? thing? Ly their per names, be ia unfit for the position BO editor, if be does not fuuiah hit ders with jokes, ba is a mollet. If he a, he it a rattlehead-lacking ata? ty. If be condemu* tho wrong, he i good fellow ; bot lacks discretion. - ie lets wrong? and inj ur tea go un * ut toned, ht it a coward. If ht fail? lt uphold a public maa, be does it to tit y spite-it a tool of a eliqut,~or ongs to the "outs." If ht indulges jr >orsooaluiet, be ia a blackguard ; If V does not, hit paper it dill nod ipid. -~- ] Ca M ulfa* J Um ls Ia-faq, V. oegro io Jamaica ittyirtly killed a _ , roasted hit lipa, oed drank hit ^ od. We ?tippo*? ht at? fha lips, and lei cannibalism wat in drinking the 9fi. od. The eat* U barbarous enough. ~ t rte man mutt have been either rm a ia Jamaica or have lived thew for je y ears. He hi? hod ihr btoelt of 1 iota for maoy years, tod futherttorc, ^ li? govern neut ef oae -ai the ftwt y low* io the world. Y?t he lt oaly a QM n i tal. He hat bews tr-ed io H\og- JJ \t ooo rioted, aodae??eu<>ed to death. ?#a*?a*??>*?? v MAI _ ^ _ terme Church, at Seater. S". C* en-?n??*?7, 6tbr3ept*m*er, Wis* CARRIE D. BLANDISG to TH OMA S T. TJPSITCR,, Jr. " On theH(b test., ax tb? BrSfee Fatbert, by Ree, H. OnJie*, Hr. % 5. 8CABEOROUGH tejaTMBftjglTAB^^ -, COM MfcRCIAL* er*** Tbe market bes frees, steady' nntil to-day, ?battit wenkeneA??nMra^tonder late tebgrams. Sales SSI Bales at ISjtolOcts. SBIPHB?rTS AS FOLLOWS* Sets???S?*fat???, BaltfmereS8~l?l4 . The ?pedal rates af freight on estien are cary b?>r?eat Saint?/isbester and Klngseille. BA COS-C. R Sides, ll@12c; SHdx*. 9918e. LABIU-16@16?. FLOUR-per bbL SS.O*?*12-03 DO FFEE-JaTa, 35^40; Lagonyre, 80; Bio? SALT-$2.25 5UG AR-P. R. IS i ; C. lb; B. 16; A. Crashed, SO. JOSHES BU?TEI.-25?40. 3AGGI2?G-Varies o Brands, 2?>@27. riES-8@19, LIVR-POOL.-Conos, ?id. KEW YORK.-CoTToif, SO}. Gold, 114*. B?LTIMORS.-Ct>ttos, 20*. CHARLESTON^-Cxrrrcjt, 19]-. WILMINGTON.-CoTToirs 19^ ... BOOKS, BOOKS. -AND ttisceU&aeous Articles -AT SUMTER BOOK STORE. icott's Bible, and aa assortment of Bibles, and Hymn Books, for all denominations. Ibamber?* Encyclopedia, f acasly'f History of England? "reade's History of England, lutne's Historf of England/ 'reseotfr Complete Works, iregg's History of tb? old Chere ws, Lddiaen's Works, cepheus' War Betwetn the Slates, eoke's Wearing of tba Gray, containing Portraits, ca?es and Adrent?tM? of the Confederate War, lilton's, Campbells, WoodrworthV, Cowper's, rabbe's Pope's, and ether poetioal Works, Waverly Kurtis, tiresomely booad, bar?es Bickens' Works, ulcer's Sorel-, and th? popular Korels of the day. SCHOOL BOOKS* Tn this Department, will He found alweVs, all of ia beek? need by Sob mis rn the Connty. MISCELLANEOUS. cy Books, fer Children, Writing Paper, Ink. and Ink Stande, Blank Books. Slates, Gold Pens, Stael Fens. Writing Desk*. Diane? for 1873, Photograph Alterns, Backgammon Boards, Dominoes and ethargaraes. Book Clamps, for Meering dabool Rook*, Pocket Books. Toilet Soaj*, Tobacco. Cijrarr, Pipes. Metebee, and a eariety of ote fal artic'**, all of which will he v ld at reasonable price?, at tba Sumter Book litote. Sept 30- *_ tf tood Writing Paper ' AT SUMTER BOOK STORE, 30 CENTS PER QUIRE. Sept SO a Sk wm *0 % -5 g fm m Q ts ?? S 1J- ? ?s & ? "** y obtaining tb? en!/ radical ear? st once. It OOJOTC3 all disoaso from tbe system ead leaves ho bleed pore end healthy. Dr EICHAUS Golden Balsam fifo. 1 Jure* Sypnffit ?od ali cutaneous eruption in primary ead ?ce -ndary stage.?, ?nea aa Old Ulcer', Ulcerated ?ore SkWh and Threat, Sere Eyes. Skin Eraf tiona. Soreness of the Scalp, Copper Colored Blotches, dc, de , Eradicating Mercury nod Diocese radi? cally. DR. RIC fi AC'S Golden Balsam Ho. 2. Lets in fneera, de., tame ai Ko. 1 ; will care Vtiary Hereditary Syphilis, er Scrofula In iu ront t rms, e kenleas caree effected hy tease remedia*.. PA icnte eat and drink what they like, ind require ? out ward application. Thwaeands suffer from y phill tlc and Mereariei Bbeomatbm .arno ur* ot aware of it; tod I defy . se ch to obtain a". rare without the aid of thee? medieir.e*. u beneficial ?feet? arc felt at eoe*; I: has raUed ?tient* fr-jBt hospita! bes}', ia One week, who' ave Uta tbere Ut ye???, ander th? host prac itioneredn tb? City; ead is the onJy ra H^I' ?re Tar tbe Worst dleea- keora. Sypbi?i?, yeail?r> and Meretrriel le tba meet ?in'el iVrm ofjfau disease. Pariantejfl^BsVy insiaoro* ere confined to ?eir bede rlP?Vtn-?>? tai rc*n?,,lo-dtfngappetite, tiling ?wa; (a fach titi rHeeadte ?MSW Atl? ast, patiently awaiting tbe enrira! of death to siter? ?Lea vf th?ir judir?ogs ; te eoeb I would | ?y?e?y Solden Balsam No. 2 fill ?a?w joor llb, flee yea. itrrogth, restore eur appetite, redact swelling, and make a radi? ally wtll car. of you io a ?bort space of time; .>?? imm?diats relief ?ad effects a rad ia? I care B all eajor of Rheumatism, either acut?, ehroase j r ?ula ia atar y, whether fro? tb? shore c?ete or | ay other. Price of either Xe, I er So. 2 Ooldea laUem: ti.? par bottle, ar two bottles for lt.**. Hot Spring, Arkansas, May 7, ??3. >r. RICHARDS, 22b Varick Street, Sew York. Dca* Sta: I Cn J that after all ehe medical treatment ( now any thing aWot, Met >'pr?ug? included, ail te core SynbiiU ; year B t?A? wit) and has adW'Nr cored iba worst ?>f '.Kern. Tkm?01 dr Ame b.-c frota ait part? er?ry tee ecu, and if jrep rill eaMbiiah rn? as A (mit, .latta sell' iarew ' iMB?tiee efyoat Mw!Woe, for I ?? tatirSoe bat lt witt ie alf yon liaise fer lt. Vety tody, youF^akc, *e, U. d. ssV--r-, M. H. * Any o aa w'thlng te enquire ?X Dr. tfbA- it | ?gard }? this Medjsatfejtba k**e addmt ia fall ry wiitlawvaae. I lake pJ?aj?ce InV.rtlfytBir ?har ir ???HA?TS BALSAM Na. 2 la^ etf ireietBly eased a "*^^?^^ Syphilis Der oaTiRgcapeodediftra^xwadred Do?btrs Sat sed,iced aimndaoea. -The ?nta^rW to, at tho ia?? of Maiiaeooteg the aaa *f Hr. RIC JUD 15 Um*d!a*. -xe? er?twss| Jw sj^j?rf? alerr? ac ?tb hand? ?ad ?teil, day -ea? desatine (kt>, ho??er whtblag furthei. p?rfi?oJ?rv ea? bola-i armad hy rrfKingeo . . .. . *t hL ??. ?tTOtflfl, DtaWMOCV, Sr* ft P? . -v .... --iwfi.- .. v~v*"-- .Sj* ' .. ? ty'-] / .<-s?f? Aa&oi&r T?OS. CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. Incorporated ty Act of AumMy 1?70-*7?, ? ? ?y ? an? jfc**mm,m a* ff*** m ? ***** AT ITO. 147 MEETfNG STREET, CHARL.ESTOJ?, S. C., AT ONE O'CLOCK Pr M., Iff P?BUC. . m. Emm ? " . ' 0 . : ii . ; ; ? ? Full Cert?Ecate Shares, $5; juives, $2,50; Qrarte?,-41.25. ? or? ien Thousand Humbars ?nly2 FOUR HUNDRED AWARDS of Doit?* Stat** flatt Bond? (New IBM) to. hi diatribe ted he:*e diate-lj ape? ta* Rcfle fiakra*; place. SCHEDULE OF AWARDS. QM Award of $13,00? in Q?M B?d*t to,.. _? ,;.V/. +-,-l?fl.OW OM Award of 12,500 in Gold Bondi, riT^.gtfft^i?????? ?htiimmm?it?i,. S 0*0 Qa* Award of BS,?M tn Geld Bond?, !*???.?.? ai ?.. r.n?M?~??? ....?? ?,.?.~? ,,w?>i???????? ? 2,000 OM Award of Ol.000 ia Gold Bond?, T...... ...?????.???..?' ?n.m?.m ? 1.000 Ooo Award nf 0*0? Ia GnM Bond?, to.....? ?,?.U&w? ? -~~. ..........." ? MO OM Award cf $506 ta ?Sold Bonds, . Sb .. ~. ?"......... mm m?...... ~...~>. ?gi 5W Ont Award of $5*9 in Gold Bond?? to~~..~...^.??' M. ...^..?.^ .M? OM Award ef |2M to w^M Benda, ie.~. *...... ?0 Ona Award af $2M tn Gold Banda, .- -....,.~..,,..,..?. SM On* Award nf ?SM to Gola Bend*, i?_.........- i ? ^M^?*???? - BM OoeAws-doftSM tn Gold Bend*. ?-<--_BM One A wa rt af BM ia Gold Bood*. s*-.^..?^..^.r.. BM On? A wart *f $2**) ia Sold .tewan, toj,f,.r M. ." "YiT'nfS, ViiQtffg_^,_ SM On* Award of $200 ia Gold Bond*, 'r li'^jrT y . ^.i /r*V: .... Mt On? Award nf flt* In Bouda, i'..-MM?,;.,?.jt.?m.~.? tWwwaaBl^ ?B|in> nra ato? pintad o? ***nwm *Hn* of jx?r?r.and ?toa Lt M>fi?tottt*> tnM,n*4.ataWarB^^ito< to wa*r%m ?^?aaylitj?aT^ ?ailed GM j Award Cylinder. TM ey I radar. ar?toM*>i?**lra4 nada natatoria tafea from toa eeUadar of nata ber? ay a nwi J*nd ibtoed, rad ene nf toa award* a totea faa? the A ?ard Cylinder by a j Uiawiae bliad fol?ad, Vac* o/wWe* ato eg^toitod to toa rpwel^oxt, and nae? aaatoer wiR fe ??titW^t?tMaripa|ilid ajjtg MO nnnrber? aw tosen from toa NaaUr C,linder ?ad MO awardVfrew* toa Award C/linder to Mea na?W TM Coataiatioaer? will enter down and*) *MM?to*r aa toetr bea?* aa taken frews ton ettiatdar naa?to*? sad Aa Award* to ?ac? ? Unen ?FMI tH? Avard Cjltadar. ^v-".... . 7 ?~ ' Thn Rafle will take pisan oa toe da j and at tea bacr Baasad. Tiara will bane po*i paaasaaa' nb alar er, and all the Awards ssatiM diatriaataA. ' .- . * .^. ? . , . . .;-->. "?"' " <-'*'rn: CTOIB?CATBS fOB nALB AT ALL TBE AGBNCIH Of TZE ABSOOIATIOX. ' COMMIS. jr; ? . . .. . .7 ?. ^. . . --t * 7-- _ ^ r1.- . - ? t ? BIO?KBB-rijrS PICK A9?JAMW8ILi?LA3!). Fo? ?r?eii Addreas, J. W. DAB?AK, Somier, a C. DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tl sato o> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tl sato o> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Dailey, Hy in an & Co., ; 142 PBARi> STRJS?TT, ?FEW YORK. gest and most i&sny Adjusted Gr . Tie ii thev Marbi I 5?* 'tt.So?rt?r % '?BEEN, WAIiSH 4 CO. .sj: Sept 6Y - i Wk E. TAILOR, HAS REMOVED HI? OFFICE TO - \ Z 7VJ$ WRING'S STORR. He b vrqim? te ?ntie LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on COTTON ; consigned Ibrocgb bi* either to CHARLESTON erKRW YORK. WBl hold COTTON ^nt ron j M desired. Wheo yon ??nt - . Peruv?rn Gtsan? or -Carot' Tert?3i&r, H? ic lb? ?*w to boy frn?n >-ea yon hart ?OTTON TO CONSIGN, Onr? HIM A/CAit. . A Cheap lot of. . Bagging aad Hes, , 'FOB SALE? ALSO ..SOUTH CAE OLD? A MADE BROOMS, ata io* prie?. FeoU . . Tfee Subscriber AVT50 rcmoreiLBis office to Capt. L. P. _ Loria?'? Store, will at all times ha glad to ire a call from hit friend*;. . ^ THE WAfrDQ WIS ba farnabed to Pianters ai asnal. ELISHA CARSON. Aaf 8B^it_ MONEY ADVANCED Ootton, THE CITIZEN'S SAVIEZ BANK WILL AJ>VASCB 'TWaa?dioas drs?? faaghfaea, abd, nanit?t i tsnthnlMtngsv .'. Fer ternsapf ly sa Wawbmaa OKkse. Or te Seaa ?~tm ETJOBM1 L. B*OWN. 600 BUSHELS Bed Oats For Sale, - -, . v ' mfa* UNDERSIGNED HAS SIX ?TN X OBED BUSHELS BER/ OATS Fer HU - They ?rar raat: TerauflJ* fer beaba), de Rseredat Baaai. RP-tK Rar. P>. f. Erar?an. - . ROBT. W. MAJOR, BjB4jB??at? : - Raw M arnot, B. C. Cotton Ties and Bagging. jp* ?? AOEMTI FOR MA **jrn%^iW.: - ^ A^BROWNR. " & B, coom. rj AagBSw-it "Notice. MY STORE WILL BE Ct J . . *? .'" ' * ON Monday, 25th Septet. ' "J It being a HolioV 2 A. A. SOLOMO)^ CORKS* MAIN AND LIBERT! ?, Sept 13 * i ? ?S. ---1---.UK DR. E. H. GREEK? IK CHARGE OF TOE ERA?CB^? OF ; m ?V. JKwe'a Philadelphia B?m -'A 'stuk and Cancer Infirmar}.! 9 CHARLOTTE, 5. C. ??Ib? M WthuBftoo. S. C., Purcell IlnvN. 9? Somier. S. C.. PHnHp?I Hotel. OM ** Cot??*ia, 3. C., Nick?r^o'? IbttU B for tba acer minoration of th"*? iki n to ?oR.?ui: Bim. without a tint tc Chm fy reference to CANCER anp!j ilern-e!?** ?fei* . in ewr Ht?? wittx-ut ths etpe??? ?.* j ntaflca of a trrp to Char-Moo. * 1 tMrwota. ? The Rail Road IStetHrte? af Fl-w ?Mjj tWre Braftcb aa iapartawi eaa^idcrMi" .. prraiie that ni.thine wi!! lt wit ni* * .tir aitM? with ?ell *olr -fe I art<.n *?-\ eocaeaodaie tba Count** MarebaaU wi?*f9t? J- aaprreu'ad. |M( Tbwabfal for part patronage otaJis^ nara. P*r< FLORESCtiW Stpt f_ cooa Griffin, Green sfc* rrivj Successor? to CHARLES L. HUGER*^ Merchandise tboj AND GENERAL JOUC C?xnmis?ion Mew? NO. 122 PEARL STR?*"* tort P. O. Brxttft '.?i W. H f? riOn, of Va. ) ootl 3 a Oreo?, of S C. } j. V. P. Card, ol J?. Y. ) jg* ^U&OKoea Made *? t'ofl* TS o "??w? an m Sta* & _?"S1 g35 r-1-^Tftd Iwportar* an. Wbdt?kB-*^|) Barthrare, Cattery, W| AND HEAVY 0009* J 85 Chambers SUQ 67 READE STRtfjS X*AJL BROADWAY, 5etT? ras "WALLIS" g DIPLOMAS FOR B?T ?fl* -"t'Av- > ?aarr*? ar ^ '."Jil SAULT A59 aiTOtT im of tw -bor? ms ?*J3H BrUkbbark M. S. Saw?, fro? ?j*^iH .ale at tb? low?* ?ark?t rjte^-y^^ ?oa. M Saat Bay ? I kt ?j??: