ALL. SORTS. -The poormaD's story-the garret. -A doctor's motto is supposed to be 'patients aud loog suffering.' -The womau question-how much is she worth ? -A new name for the Grecian bend is tue -'back stoop." - Love reposes at the bottom of pure souls like a drop of dew in the chalice of a fiVrer. - Why are birds melancholy in the morning-Because their little bills are all over dew. -Why are young ladies so partial to sunset and twilight-Because they are daughters of Jive. -What is the difference between an oyster aud a chicken ? One is best right out of the shell, and the other isn't. -Gttting in debt is like a mouse gettiug into a trap-very easygoing in, but extremely difficult getting out. - Hold on to your tongue when you are ready to swear, lie or speak harshly. -An old lady Irom one of the rural districts astonished a clerk io oue ofthe stores, a few days ago, by inquiring it he hud any "yaller developments sich as they did up letters iu." - A client remarked to his solicitor, ''You are writing my bill on very rough paper, sir." ".Never miud," was the reply ot the latter, "It bas to be filed bet?re it comes iuto court. -As golden pillars do shine upon the socket* of silver; so doth a fair face with a virtuous mind. -"A young lady at Long Branch is reported as4 clothed iu laughing eyes and bewitching smiles.' " -The young meo at the watering places have discarded vt hite vests. The young ladies use so much oil on their hair that a vest it) only good for one evening ou the piazza. -A widower was recently rejected hy a diujsel who didn't want affections that had beeu "warmed ovor." A Boston physician says that four young giris, full of intelligence and pro iniee Lave beeu killed outright by the severity of the tasks imposed upou them iu a :ngh seoul iu that vicinity. - An old gentleman being asked what he wauted for dinner, replied: "An appetite, good company, something to cac, aud cleau napkins." - Au Irishman said be did not come to thia couutry for want. He had abundance of that at borne. - A .Delaware lady, whose jaw be? came immovab'e irom an injury, bas bad it sawed off aud uew hinges put in and now noue ofthe rest ot the tamily eau get a word iu edgewise. -The custom of wearing cadet buttons has been given up by the indignant belles at West Point, siuce Cadet ?mah presented some of bis to a lady ol color. -A (ll). Stamp is a clerk iu the posiuffice, Mr. Plant buries folks, Mr. J'lugg sells tobacco, aud Bacchus dispenses beer. All in Washington. And a .Mr. Mugg sells lager iu Brooklyn FIFTEEN G it K A I' MISTAKES. I: is a great mistake to set up our own standard ot thu right aud wrong and judge people accordingly. It is a great mistake to measure the enjoyment ol olheis by our owu j to expect unifor? mity uf opinion iu thia world ; to look lor judguieut and experience iu youth; lo endeavor to mould all dispositions alike; not to yield in i tu material trifles; to ?out lor pei lection iu our owu actious; io worry uuiseives and others with what cannot be remedied ; uot to alle? viate ail thal ueeds alleviation, as far as lie? in our power; not to make allow? ance for the infirmities of others; to founder everything impossible which we cannot ptriorui; to believe* only ?bat our unite mind* eau grasp ; to expect to be able to understand every? thing. The greatest ul all mistakes is to live only tor time, when any moment may launch us imo eternity. AIU TUE BEDS. Will the ladie.-* notice thal the desire ol an energetic housekeeper lo have Work completed at au tally hour in lb? moi liing, canaca her to leave one of the important iiems of neatness undone. The most effectual purifying of bed; aij'i bed, clot lies Cannot taite place it nu time H allowed tor the free circulation < t pure au* to it m.-ve ali humuu impurities winch Lave collected during lin- hours ot slumber. At least two or three honra sh ou : be allowed for the complete removal of atoms ot invisible }" i?j,iratiou which are absorbed by the bed LAW CA KU. JOSEPH G ALL?CH A T, ATTORNEY AT LAW A Nl> SOLICITO it IX EQUITY. sr MT KI:, s. c. OnV-eta the OM Il..ul 1 uil.liug. nest to the CuMit Jiotiso. fr-mt tooee, ?eviri'l .'.?ry. direct Iv over the Hardware St..te of L'njvt. L. p. Luring, fut'.mee fruin Mein Street, Jun.- 2S Agricultural Implements. rTW.l f AST IKON' I* LOWS. _ PLOWS. M uW .K'S I 'Kl. KURA TED r/,o W'S. CAST ii'.OX, WKOl'?UT IROS AND STEEL PLOWS, of avery de*0viptl?o, COKS KIIKLLKli* lor hand ot borre power, V- ff?e and Urain u Uh. Straw and Stalk Cutters. Ur.lo Oradlos, Mo/so Power?. Tlireshii?ore '?We*. Ceti?? drapers. ll'U^ird Swoop* and bull T'-ague?, tix Bhureh. t burn?, CUISUH P<*.-?e*, 4?. ttPAXO. ? OX ki DUST ?u? ?thor FeMt||r.r?. ? nty Um|*ieea. JOH* *????HK4 U?? .?t-?wJ ito Fr*oi St.. Kev Yuri. AfiWUlllT. FLOCM SACKS. PAPEIf BAU* and WfiAPPDlU PAP lt. At EhVAKD PKttttx"*. Il* Mertiasj-.trcet. wp^iu Charle?is lMel. .Ai j? te BALTIMORE ANO WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP Composed of the First Class Steamships Tjuoille AND REBECCA CLYDE, Sailing from BALTIMORE every 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON, et 4 o'clock. Arriving at WlL ! MIN OTON TUESDAY MORNING. Sailing f ora WILMINGTON erery FRIDAY AFTERNOON or SATURDAY MORNING. THROUGH BILLS Of LADING Giren to all points on the W. C. A A. _. Rod*, Cheraw A Darlington R. R< and their connec? tions. Insurance by this Une. 1-tftrCU Rates Gtiaranteed os low as by atty other Route. All Losses promptly paid, A. D. CAZA?X, Agt. Wilmington, N. C. [ ANDREWS A Co., Agents, 73, Smiths Wharf. Baltimore. April 12_ CLEAVELAND Mineral Springs* (FORMERLY WILSONS,) 55 miles Mst of'Cliarlotte, N. 0. The sabseribers, haring associated themselves in the management of these Springs, wookL_D. nuunce to (heir friends and the publie that the Hoii?e will be opened on the 1st day of JUDO for the reception of visitors To those who hove tested the rirtnes of theie extraordinary wa'ers lt is deemed unnecessary to say anything hy way of commendation, but to others thej confidently assure satisfaction if they will make trial of the healing properties of this water for ooly a short time. We pledge ourselves to spare neither pains nor expense in order to render all who may favor us with a call as comfortable as possible. Tn prospect of nn abundance of supplies we har? adopted tbs following scale of REDUCED CHARGES: If over 10 days at ... $1.50 per day Ifnotover 10 durs, - - 1.75 " .Single day. .... 2.50 Children between the ages of 2 and 8 years, and culorei servants, at half rates. Wwhine on reasonable terms It is exjacted that the Western Division of j the Wil-Cb&r. A Ruth. Railroad will be com ploted to within a mile or two of the Springs at an early di jr. J. J. BLACKWOOD. K. ?. OATES. May 24. 787' -2m._ SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS., Formerly called THE CAROLINA WHITE SULPHUR, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This highly popular watering place will be open for visitors on WEDNESDAY, June 13th. The Mineral Waters of these Springs are, the White and Blue Sulphur, and Cbalyebeate, (he medicinal properties of which are not excelled, aud a beahhitr and more delightful watering place not to be found. The Spring.? will be under the management of | JAS. M. BI.AU:, formerly of Yarborough House, Raleigh, N. C., nn experienced hotel keeper, together with Mrs WKBN?, and visitors may rely upon'good fore and good attention. Plenty of Ice. good Band of Music and good Phyririan in attendance, Ac. Leave Baltimore or W??hington City in the morning via Arqnia Creek, Richmond and Dan? ville II. K.: to Salisbury, wbere you take tbe We-tern and Morganton Road, and reach Hick? ory Station (the Springs Depot) by half-past nine o'cl' ck the next morning. Leave Augusta, Ga., at nicht, and take the Charlotte and Statesville Road at Charlotte you reach the Springs early the next morning. Charleston in the morning, snd be at the Springs the next morning. A good 'oar horse Omnibus win ran in con. neetion with the trains to the Springs over a beautiful road only six miles. * BOARD. Per month, (or four weeks.).?. MO.&e I'er wee*.~. 15 00 Per Day. 2 50 Children and eolored servants half price. No charge for iofonts under 2 years of age. J. GOLDEN WYATT. June 21 1m April 5 COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA, ? C. THIS new and Kl?2_itry FurnUhed Belab 11 ?ti ment, >?u>atcd in ike liuMne?? midst of South Carolina'? Capitol. e*?<-rds the batt and most plea/ant accommodations io the <*tty. WM. GORMAN, FropHfor. J. D. Brnos, Cashier. May IO * ty Charleston Broom Factory, | J. P. BROWNE, Ageot. ALSO AGENT FOR Safety Lamp. PERKIN? A HOUSES' .VOX EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE LAMP IS absolutely >"fe both from Breaking sod Explo sion. (Jives Striae as much light aa ordinary Lamp?.and u?as SB per eeut, lass Oil. ?ire* off no ot, No. 9 Market St. Saddles, Ifarnea?. Wbip*. S-.te Leather, Uar. oess LeatUcr. Ac. For sale at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware I'epot. y Market St. GUNS. PISTOLS. POWDER. SHOT, POW der Flaaks. Game Bags. Shot Belts, Cart ridge?, hf., a c?mplela assortment. For ?ale at NA f H'L J \ CO BI'S Hardware Depot, Nu. * Market St. _April 12_ STEREOSCOPES. VIE 8, ALBUMS, CE ROMOS, RAMES ANTHONY* CO-, ?91 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite tho attention of tbs Trade to their exten? sivo assortment of ibo above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation, otto PHOTO LANTERN, SUJsRS, aad ORAPHOSOOPES. NEW VIEWS OF Y0E8MITI. . f. * H. T. ABTHGNY A CO., .ttl Broadway, Now York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Impartan sad Manafaetaros of PHOTOGRAPH?0 MATERIAL March ll PAVIL ION HOTEL, CB4BIESTOW 8s ?. BOARD, ?SR GAY, flOO. aetr. ax??UTOS. ?M. tv v. ewwariau, Bonorin ttrdotu ftenrieJroM Ott * XVJL JL JULJ t-V J?f?AD (7/1 a Kr u ?ii? X ? j Ague and Fever. The only preventive known for Chills and Fever is the ase of .Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps, Is good for Dyspepsia. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Is a preventive of Chills aod Fever. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Is good for all Kidney and bladder complaints. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps* Is used all orer the world by physicians in their practice. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps, Is good for Goat Wolfe s Schiedam Schnapps. Is good for all Urinary complaints. Wolfe's Schiedam Scenapps. Is recommended by all the MedicaJ Faculty. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Is good for Colic and pain in the Stomach. Wolfe's Schiedam. Schnapps. Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers Will have to use caution ia purchasing. ? beg' leave to cai! the attention of the reader to testimonial? in favor of the Schnapps: I feel bound to s?iy that I regar dyour Schnapps ?s being in every respect pre eminently pore an Oj^a^S^toroaer^u^ TBS BEHI-WEEEXY 8TJH? Ptve cootes, caa year, a is ai asirr^asdt Tea cootes, one roar, seoanterv addi eased (and aaexuaoopy vs totter ap of dut>), SEED YOUS HOKEY to^wt_pmoo orders.ekeeks. er ?rom oa ?ea Tor*.wbereTer ??saratana If not, tua racuta tko letters oosteluinc uioaey. Addron May 17 3m 1871, 8P8IS6 TUBE. JfiJ, CROQUET. Complet?) KU from $3 to t-Q per Kt? BASE BALLS. AU tao different klods at redoeed prises. FISHING TACKLE Of ertry dnseriplioo. TRAVELING BAGS. For ladies and gentleman. FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, GUN8 AND PISTOLS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, AMMUNITION. SPOBTMBN'S GOODS, Goods shipped to any part af tao sea a try par express. The sante oarofal attoatioa givoa ta ordtn hy mail at to pateena! poroaatoj. ftim for oar goad? botad aa gold at par. POULTNifiY, TRIMBLE & CO., SOC W. Baltimore Street, Mtiftb 22- BALTJMQ11?, MO, KE AD IT IS WELL KNOWN TO DOCTORS AND to Ladies, that Women ar? ?abject to numer? ous diseases peculiar to their tex, ?neb as suppres? sion of tbe Mcraes, Whites, Painfdil Monthly "Periods" Rheomatism of the Back and Womb, Irregular Menstruation, Hemorrhage, or Excel .ive "Flow* ind ?rola*i?i*?teE or filing of the"WojfBfc,e * f* *WP\ Ir' These diseases nnve seldom been treated sae ces? fui I?. The profession bas sought diligent? ly for some remedy that would enable them to treat these diseases with success. At last, that remedy har been discovered bj one of the most skillful physicians io the Stats of Georgia. That remedy is BRABFIELD'S FEMALE REGUIATOfl. It is purely vegetable, and is pot op in Atlanta Georgia, by BRADFIELD A CO. It will purify the blood and at system, relieve irritation of the tidn? perfect sptei?c for all the above eertaio o cure as Quiui?o ia In Fever** For a history of diseases, and certificates of. its wonderlui cures, the reader is referred to the. wrapper around the bottle. Etery b ttle warant ed to give satisfaction or rooney refunded. LAGRANGE, GA.. March 23, 1870. Bradfield A Co., Atlanta, Ga. :- Dear Sirs.-I take pleasure in stating thnt I have used for tho last twenty years, the medicine you ara patting op, known as DR. J. BRADFIRLD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, and consider it the best combi? nation erer gotten toge tb er for tho diseases, for which it is recommended. I har? been familiar with the prescription beth as a practitioner of medicine and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering ferunles, and can but hope that every lady io oar whole land, who miy bc suffering in any way peculiar to their sex. may be able to procure a bottle, that th ir sufferings may not only be re? lieved, but that they may bo restored to health and .?trength. With my kindest regards, lam. respectfully, -W. B. FERREL, M. D. We, the undersigned Druggists, Uko pleasure in commending to tb? trade Dr. J. Bradfield'* Female Regulator-believing it to bo a good ano reliable remedy for the disease for which ho recommends it. .WA. LANSDELL, Atlanta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON TAYLOR A CO. Atlanta, Georgia. REDWINE A FOX. Atlanta. Georgia. W. C. L A U S ?I K, Atlanta, Georgia, W. ROOT A SON, Harrietts, Georgia^ DR. PROPIIITTS fei eb- a ted Liver Medicine. It is purely vegetable, ann will aet upon tbe Lirer and Kidneys as promptly as Calom*l and Borhu' Without any danger of salivation or des? truction of the bones. Parties taking this medicine need not fear getting wet, or aoj other reasonable exposure. Symptoms of Liver Disease: Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sou: Stomach, Sick or Nervous Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bitter Taste io the Mouth, the skin ba atbiek, rough feeling and is darker than usu-,. Costiveness, Melan? choly Feelings, Cramps, Cold Feet, Colie, Dysen? tery or Diarrhoea, Chills and Fever, aod Piles.. In fact, where the Liver ts out of order, you aro liable to every disease that is not contagious. Prophitt's Liver Medicine, if taken properly, will prevent and cure any disease, resulting from a deranged liver. It will regulato its functions and thus eure all diseases eaosed^by the faitare cf its healthy action. It has been used for ?great number of jean, and bnsgivea universal satisfaction. There rs wo brother or son claiming to bare the original recipe. It is pot up ia both Powder and Fl aid form. FA?RB?RN, GA., Sept. 4.1808. Dr. 0. S. PROI?HITT : 8ir :-My wife basteen an invalid for fifteen years. Doctors all agreed she bad "Liver Disease." ' Io connection with their practic she used varions and noted remedial, none of which seemed todo any good. Sometime ago I procured a bof Ie of y oar "Liver Medicine," of your agent here, C. A. Harvey, wbieh being given according to directions, bas effected a complete cure. Respectfully, Ae. GEO- Ir. THOMPSON. CHARLOTTE, N. C., Sept. 24. 1898. I have used Dr. O S. Prophitt's Livor Medicine as a tonie, and found it t? be powerful ead ef fieacious. It is excellent fur functiooal .terang** ment of th* Liver or eoattipatiou of the bowell; in mosteases superseding tho necessity of? rogo tar courte of medicine. K.J. MEYXARDIE. A. M. Pastor Tryon St. Church. DR. PROPHITT'S DYSSNTRRY CORDIAL Is one of the most valuable compounds now put up for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum or Cholera Morbus. This medicine ha* been io OM for years, aod gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child maj take it wita im? punity. COVINGTON. G. A.. Nov. t, 1887. DR. PROPBITT:-Having a very sever* attack of Dysentery daring the past sommer, 1 was induced to usc your Dysentery Cordial, aod derived therefrom immediate and permanent relief. It give* rn? pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who may be so attacked, believing that, should the directions b* followed, relief woald aureij be obtained. Truly, ?tc. O*S. PORTER. CUSSETA, TEXAS, 18??. Da. Paorarrr; Dear Sir,-Yoor Liver Medi? cine and Pain KUI It ia a complete sueeees. J. L. WHITTLE. WEST POINT. GA., Aog. 11,1M9. This is to certify that f have ssed Dr. 0. 8. Prophet's Liver Medicine myself aod io my family, for twelve mooth* or moro, aod I aa heaitatiagly say that I believe it ooo of tho boat Fami'y Medicines io use. M. T. WALKER. PRUPHITT8 PAIN KILL IT. This is tho celebrated medicine thai roo Perry Davis' Pain Killer out of tar market* whatever ft was sold. Dart* toado Propbitt ebange tho Bin* rrom Pain KlMer to PAIN KILL IT For Rhuum at it m, Neuralgia, or pais of any kind it bas no equal. P<>r Ca**. Bruit*?, Bara*, er etd So rea, it ?a the beat thing yon ear? nae ?a a dreiriog. For SNAKE BITES or STINGS of POISON? OUS INSECTS, it ia a per feet ANTIDOTE. It is good for Colie, Colds, Ce?gb*, Bowel Compl?t?t. lu o atoe indic?la* ita Datase fully. It is truly DEATH to polo. MaoBfaetaied ord seid by BRADFIELD A CO., Atlanta, Qa, and for salo by al Druggist*. DOOLY COUNTY, GA., April, issy. This is lo certify that I was confined to tho house and mott of th* timo to my hod, ead suf feriog th* greatest agony imaginable wita Rheumatism, for Ivo ?oath?, and after trying .vary available remedy, with ao relief, I waa cured with two betti** of Dr. O. t. Prophitt's Anodyne Pain KUI Itt ooo? coati o g ?fly eeoti oaiy. It relieved at* almost instantly. ? thora, foro rscommoad Uta ibo highest degree to others suffering from similar di?o?*o. I oas ny that it ii one of thelnast family anclohug BOW oat, certain. Yoor* traly, W. A. FOREHAND. DOOLY COUNTY. GA., Oct. 2T, 1147. Da. O. S. Paar arm I boro, daring tho loot ..gbtowac -Booths, ?ar? yoor Pata kilt It, aod I ?ow?brtt ******li. hy aoytbbr for pata ta th* head, breast, bock or akiej a**t for aol ic nothing rivas relief hatf M qoiofc as yoor ABO dyao Pain KUI It, It ia defog Wast good h tho ooosaaaatty la other families a* wella* my o wa. Yours, Ae. D. T. FOREHAND. STATE OF GEORGIA,) Know efl ?oa by FOMOX CotrgTT. j theos prosoofs, That I kare this day, tor ralo* rooerfod. >a!d aad trow farrod to BRADFIELD ? CO? tb* ?ak right te manufacture aod s?U my Far y Medir?a**, and hov* ferais?*, thoa wkh tt tall raeorpo*, aad bo?* MUhoriaod tho ?aid E^DfIELD*ea to print, or have prta?d, aaytkiog they may ?ea proper eaawratag ?tey aad ali of show aa??? Mediatas?, Thisl&a doy af Java, taft (Sis^d) li. PEOPHIFY. Ia I.of Thtaaao-9. Joaos, aad Robert (Orford, Srtary Pttbbo. fl?. 8.) M**ohot?T*d aad ibr sale by RR A DPI ELD A Pf-flaggy ***** ****** tad ?v|ala by all Dragfttts. " - . . | ?.7 In. KIXLIOXS B?u> TMOWI7 t- Skate . Woodos/fal Caractro Meeta. ' -brr sro n<*?Y?kF?*cT?>riab,H?d.3?Poer Barn, Wei***/, Preef Sofrita aad Refaeo SJeaeco JaoSara 1, spica! aa! sotemirttopteoo tho terta toma, ara the o&spriars cf Dmqa, Tber tsnicerate tte Hf iss i iN ?ad ???tels tba Hn?i Idrer aad Sovel?, whlefc mtier tassa ot eaosvafled efcacr te domine tb? blood of all tortri?aa. ax! im psrtlacaevlim^rirortottewholeayrlam. FOR SKI* DISEASES, Sraatfoaa, Tetttr, fait Bhema, motetes, ?toto. Fiasses. Pastelea, SeOy fjsj? Cleanse tb? Vitiated Blood whenever yeo find tts is . ??ritt? barat?a* throuchtae ?ka ia Pimplas, ?me? ttons or Boras; cleanse lt when rou find ii obstructed ?ajjsBtiat ia tba raba: atemos it when it ?stool, ami roar f?stissnvm taQ roa waaav Eos* tts blood ?cea, sad tba hesita of tao erstem wUl to?ow. Fla, Tapo, aad other Worn*, tan* ia tho; ?ratea of to aaec fhnaasarts, ara ?B?tsaVVtearorad sad slimy deposits that breodtheae Irvine nx?t?rt?s ef La. KoBystem of MoEeta*, aa raiman; rae. no SKteintka wOl&es tba ?ratea from voca? Uk? these Bitters. J. WAXJLEB, Proyrietcz. RR, KoDOXALD A 00, Oraccteaaad Gen. A**ata. SiaPraocJaec, California, sada sad M Commerce Street, New Yori WmTWOt* ST ALL DSUOOim ABD OSALSBS, May IC_ Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Us nfttiiral Yft?llty and Golof* ?A dressing which iii at ono? agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tbs' bair. Faded or gray hair it ?OOM restored ta itt original color i ariel the cha and freshness of youth. Thin bair if thick* ??si Ming hair checked, and bald nee? often, -bough not always, cured by itt os?. Netting om restore the seit where the fbDicles are destroyed/ or the glands atrophied and decayed. But soon as remain eas be saved for ajfjfaHwr by this itppEcatkro. Instead of fouling tte hair via s patty sedi? ment, it wfll keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional ns? trill prevent the hair from turrung gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those dfdeterkas ?erst????? which Bake some preparations dangerous, and injurious to toe bair, the Vigor can edy benefit but not barm is. If wanted merely fora HAIR DRESSING? not&nf ?ta eas Vt found so desirable. (Watting ne?ber oil nor dye, it does sot aofl white cantine, and yet lasts long on the hair, erring it s rieb, glossy hutre and a grateful perfume? Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., PlAOnOAL ASO AltALTSOAL CHDCJTS, nun SLOG. De. A- J. CHIN\. A?abt at Samtcr, ?. C. DARBY'S PROPeiLACTIC Fluid. 1 HIS inrc?acbU Taa.ily Madieioe. fur parify in g. eleansicf, raaioria], bsd odors ia ?ll hinds of^strtaaaa^w^orai^ far ZrjdpaJu, rho??a?sm, aad all^kiu alateiaa, for catarrh, ?ore monti*, sor? throat, diptberia ; for colic, diarrheu. eh o lara ; ea ? ?ask to to ft en scd^beaa^f^aia^kk^J^ mjWew^fnjit^stain^ af pl iod ex lera?! ly ; H> ?ir>l; rae^iss^oded by cad C???try Moroaaota, -d may ba ordered directly of ibo PAXBT PBOPdYLACTIC CO., lilt WBSam Streat V. T. >?l_ly TELS BOUS SOUSE, PAJLXER 4 POID, hreffMarg, W 8, avatsd and rajairad, is sow tba stott e^^aadiBaerbae tstsMietoeat Seedi A Hearty Old 7 irglni? Welcome AWAITS HOB AI MEWI?TS GLOBE HOTEL, '"."??**> a a *?? ; . J aa I Insurance Agent, SUMTER?, S. C. FI BK. "LIVERPOOL A? D LONDON AND GLOBE," Capital and Barred.$21.000.000,0?. Iaeeated ia the Ui. ted State*. 3,100,000,00. "ANDES OF CINCINNATI, OHIO," Caah Capital paid up-.$1,000.000.00 Capita] and Profita let July 1S71... 1,500,000,00. LIFE. "NEW YORK LIFE." Asscti,.I'Mto.Nt Annnal Income. 6,000,0?,. ?POLICY HOLDERS' LIFE AND TONTHj of Charleston, S. C. President, Wa. McB?R5|j A sound and reliable home Compacy. Rates for Fire and Life Insurance, as low as in any First Class Compa A aga st 2_ tf GENERAL FIRE AND LlF] INSURANCE AGENCY. Antliony Agent CAPITAL REPRESENTED, - - - $35,000,? PACIFIC F RB INSUBANCE CO., of San Francisco. Assetts.....^.$20,000 Coot GKKMANIA FIKE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Assetts. 4.000 OOO .-ECURITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, As.-ttts. ] 964 Mt" PHO5N1X URE INSURANCE CO.. of New York, A.-setts._ ] 86S O0I* RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., of Richmond. Va, Assetts... 350 W GEORGIA HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Columbus, Georgia_ 475,00?. PARTICIPATING POLICIES issued on Dwellings, securing un Annual reduction on thia lam of about 25 per cenL SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atlanta, Geo., Gen. J. B. GORDON Pro* The oldest and largest Southern Life Company. EQUITABLB LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, of New York. In amount of New Buiis*. Largest Lite Company in the world. Sr ECU c. AGENT FOR THE POLICY HOLDER'S LIFE AND TON I INE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE Sor of Charlesf n, S. C. These Companies in Strength, Reliability and Fair Dealing! Second to none in the World. Ay?t 2 ?_ _ lt --j ?lm^J^_ 1 ?m* J^/tWnSjF*. I ^^pii?nS j?!?. I ? MM f H? Ki!TCTiCTr?X? ,T_ I \\ MM **Bsl iffisSfcH I VS'. P. RUSSCUUACO. I MM JW /iTlS^Sr^l fl ch?rt?toft. So. <~?- a. M 11 _B fl-? B 9^^"SSSVH I "SW -& THE ABOVE PRESS IS SO CONSTRUCT! " AND OF SUCH IMMENSE POWER, THAT WITH A SINGLE LEVER ONE MU press a bale of Cotton weighing 500 lbs, ora horse ran be hitched to the opposite side wit bad? of tho samo siso N ONE MIN UTE'S Tl M E Tho Press was exhibited at tho Fairs throughout the South last Pall, and took the Prsaia CO: where. At Augusta. Ga., a Sileer Pitcher worth $50 was awarded this Pre*.?. At tbs fe? at Charleston, (art November, we took the Pren um aod sold tho Press on the spot to tatra . of ibo Association for the full price. $185. We Guarantee this THE BEST PRESS IN EXISTENCE at the PRESENT TISfi, s I TAKE BACK ANY PRESS not as represented, and REFUND TH E VON EY. Price $J? t Agents Wanted for every County in the State. * W, P. RUSSEL k CO., P. 0. Box 457, Charleston, 8. [ ?jj AoKO,ta - -dot WOFFORD C?IiLBOl ? SPARTANBURG C. H., So. CA. th? hay Mgg&B noni joke ???mmM.msmmsBm^BsmBmm?msmmmmmHm cone FACULTY. ?jg REV. A. M. SniPP. D. D., President and Profe.ojor Mental and ?are! Sf* fi-y DAVID DUNCAN, A. M , Proteasor Ancient UoRuajce? and I.itersiare. in REV. WHITKF'WrUBf s%II?H, D. D.. Pr. fervor Eogfisb Li*eraf*r*. , *? WARREN DU PRK, A. M., Profesor Natural Science. rh ?tl JAS. Ii. CARLISLE. A. .M., Profesor Mathematics, jsj tb REV. A. H. LESTER. A. M., Professor History and Bildieal Lucratifs. The Preparatory School, under the immediate supervision of lae Faculty, JNO. t*. Si I M., Principal. purrs Dirinity School-Re?. A. M. SHIPP, D. D.: Rc?. WHITEFORD SMITH, D. ?.r?? for** LESTER, A. M. ^ftj Tho First Session of tho Eighteenth Collegiate Year begins on the firstMosisya' 1871. Tho Second Sosston begras oa the First Monday in January. 1872. AlwaJ The eon rsc of stadias and the standard of scholarship remain unchanged. beilbsFai M??t admit irregular students or these who t?ish to ponte particular nadies only, anti? Tho Schuuls also upen at the same time. TUITION par year, io College Classes, tnelodin- contingent fee, $51. isC?r? *?* TUITION per year, in Preparatory School, including contingent fte, $44,?C* IHM?, J Bills payable ono half tn advance. ber?, 1 Board, per mooth, from $10 t? $>5 in currency. OOeOT _ . For fort her particulars address, _ .. afe^^a/j July 12, 1872. A. M. ?H?PP. ?sBwsajassjsaasasssaMsaBBsaasssjsaaawossBsaa^ 8?W*? 1 S 20,000 TO BB BISTRIBUTB? TICKET-HOLDERS, Sil IN THE COLUMBIA CO-OPERATIVE BUlUc**a ASSOCIA. ION. \*t?k _ vt??w?> v,v^PSIS^&? pw???! I^WB^ -_- - - --- ^^SB^B% M^ 'V*?aa^t!la^a^sfi :zr^^^m ?tnntn * fi r 1 ''T''^*g'f30MlM^^ aJI "tn". iL j"[M^?1^T|| Ether w;???9?& Wf mm f* * BEM ii ? Jv I lg tiOsTto o B *: MUF. m s ? Pattie. S? '' H-i wSs vas BO - IS^M?*MSMJy?2- 3 vc^ce? ) \ ~i Bf polisbet n|B|^^^^^ in hts s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ?Ma